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12485312 No.12485312 [Reply] [Original]

I have a crush on a 2D gal. What is the best way to stop this? Sorry for making this thread, but other places I have asked were unable to help me.

>> No.12485322

You don't stop it anon, you have a dream and propose to her there.

>> No.12485331
File: 322 KB, 640x400, 1408506794024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late

>> No.12485353

Join the normie brigade against the evil forces of abnormality

>> No.12485354

I don't know what you mean, "dream and purpose to her there".

>> No.12485367
File: 50 KB, 499x492, 1410452910054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop? This is just the first step anon, may that 2D grill make you understand how beautiful and pure the 2D world is. You only need 2D to be happy.

>> No.12485386

I was happy and realized that before.

>> No.12485395

For starters you fall asleep and then, if you're worthy, the 2D girl will approach you and you can propose to marry her there.

>> No.12485414

Depends, is it THAT 2D gal?

>> No.12485421

I want to fuck Yayoi.

>> No.12485425

She would be a wonderful person to be married to, but I don't want to continue feeling this.
Why? Does it make a difference who it is?

>> No.12485430

Do you want to break her 2D heart, anon?

>> No.12485439

Of course not. But do you really think this would do that to her?

>> No.12485447
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1409846296388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand a lady's desires, anon

>> No.12485457

I'm asking you if you genuinely believe what you're telling me.

>> No.12485460

If you have fallen for her she will know it and if you don't express your feelings to her before you take action then she may feel you dislike her

>> No.12485469

If you have to ask the Internet for advice, kill yourself. You're just a repressed normalshit who's dying to get some smelly 3D pussy and hang out with the dudebros. If you like it that much and are so insecure about your own fucking feelings, go suck a few dicks until you become yet another neurotypical nigger.

>> No.12485477

I don't care about relationships.

>> No.12485481

Is there something special about THIS 2D gal?

>> No.12485494

Then why do you care so much about this? Thinking this is a bad thing only means you care about what others think of you. If you didn't truly care, you wouldn't even be asking this question.

I've heard they have some epic social advice forums on Reddit, you might want to fuck off there.

>> No.12485502

No, but if it IS that 2D gal, try to keep it to yourself. Otherwise people in the public will label you as a "Pedo"

>> No.12485510

Get out of the basement. Simples.

>> No.12485522

I don't think it's a bad thing. It's just that this is not for me. This is causing me lots of distress. I do not think would be very good for her because of this as well.

>> No.12485533

How would someone do that?

>> No.12485539

the problem is not that it's 'abnormal' or something, it's that she can never reciprocate my love for her.

Unrequited love is painful anon.

If there was a way to create an AI connected to an Onahole, that could feel when I touched it, then I would definitely want to date a 2D, but until then, it is just too painful.

>> No.12485543

This guy isn't me.

>> No.12485546

"Waifu, I love you but I don't think we should be together"

>> No.12485548

yes it is.

We are all one here.

>> No.12485569

I know the whole "just get up and do it brah" stuff. I have tried but it didn't have any effect. I think it has made me feel even more intensely towards her and I think about her more often too.

>> No.12485592

Why contain it?

It's cool.

>> No.12485620

>I have a crush on a 2D gal
No, you don't.

>> No.12485625

create her in AA2
and then you hump

>> No.12485629

Let it spill over into every aspect of your life, let the figma, posters, and body pillows pile up in your house. In the end, you'll wonder why you even didn't want to have waifu in the first place.

>> No.12485634

Why do you think I don't? I don't like to use terms like "waifu", it makes it feel like a joke.

>> No.12485697

Yayoi doesn't look that young normally.

>> No.12485932

Does that mean I can insert my penis in you?

>> No.12486036

legalize 2D love

>> No.12486088

i am pedo 2d is all i have I just want be happy.


>> No.12486123

try drugs

>> No.12486145

sound like a bad idea

>> No.12486193

You can't make it happen if you cling to the "she's not real, she will never love you" belief. Having a love interest in a 2D begins first with extreme obsession and not the "shes mah faves" type of obsession. It's only then that the sense of being loved will emerge but it's doubtful that a normal person could achieve this.

>> No.12486229

I don't think you can force this away. No way I'm aware of at least.

>> No.12486242

hey you're the one that said you were a pedo and wanted to be happy, i just thought i'd let you know what works for me

>> No.12486299

Why do you think someone is a failed normie if they don't want to feel strong feelings toward someone or something?

>> No.12486357

Only normies treat love like a disease.

>> No.12486460

I am the op. I know this can be great and beautiful for most people, but I am not one of them. I do not think this is how it's supposed to feel. I feel apprehensive all the time because of her, and I can no longer enjoy my favorite franchise. I admire her so much it makes me go mad. I would love if I could think of her normally but I can't. I don't know how to put it into words very well but what I feel isn't "good" when I know it should be. it feels like what I'm feeling is not what I'm supposed to feel, and I think this feels awful for both her and I.

>> No.12486508

I have some pretty wonderful dreams aboutmy husbando. It just takes time and a lot of exposure. It's wonderful, I have no idea why op would want to get rid of that feeling.

>> No.12486519

It makes me feel very anxious all the time.

>> No.12486606
File: 76 KB, 760x522, Dante_and_beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what Dante did and transform her into your paragon of goodness.

>> No.12487692

35 year old Italian NEET dreams of opening a portal to the afterlife, goes through hell and climbs mount purgatory and shit to arrive in heaven with his waifu Beatrice.

>> No.12487745

But it seems fake.

>> No.12487759

Dante acknowledges his own prideful sin of thinking that he could reach bliss with intellect only. Virgil can not follow Dante into paradise, and so from then most what remains of the role of the guide is taken by Beatrice herself.

>> No.12487882

well what's your plan for being not fake happy then, if you wouldn't mind sharing?

>> No.12487886

Beatrice was Dante's poetic muse and part of his conception of Beauty and Love. She was part of his faith and his image of the Divine. That not the direction I want to go.

>> No.12487907

Beatrice was not necessarily Dante's muse, she was his first love that enabled him to understand the redemptive, selfless, and virtuous nature of love. Dante doesn't call upon Beatrice as a muse to inspire his writing in the Divine Comedy, first he calls on the actual muses themselves (connecting his work with the ancient epics), and then later on he calls on God Himself to give him inspiration.

Waifu isn't a muse in the original sense of the word. Whether or not a waifu could be a "muse" in the sense of something that inspires you depends entirely on the person in question. When you stop to think about it, Dante’s relationship to Beatrice was pretty much the same as that of a neckbear who gets a smile from that cute girl in one of his video games or Japanese cartoons.

>> No.12488086

>If there was a way to create an AI connected to an Onahole, that could feel when I touched it, then I would definitely want to date a 2D, but until then, it is just too painful.
It's coming anon, slowly but surely. If you struggle long enough, you'll be among the first and last men who can say "I waited to see you for so long" in your holodeck. It will be bliss, and no other men will ever feel that. Think about it.

>> No.12488154

If science fiction has taught us anything, it's that holodecks are bad news. Sooner or later you will be abducted by aliens who make the holodeck real and force you to fight the one you love in ridiculously contrived situations designed to test whether man is good or evil. Happens every time.

>> No.12488247

Move to thailand

>> No.12488325

That's been around for a few years now. Including Rift support.

>> No.12488452

Not advanced enough. We need haptic suits for full body sensation.

>> No.12488481

Also already exists. What have you been doing all this time? Facebook?

>> No.12488536

What the? For real? Show me this, I am saving my money right now.

Don't deceive me anon. If you can't feel your waifu fingers through your body without having to use 5 separated USB devices, it's still not advanced enough.

>> No.12488543

Dante's Divine Comedy may be a well written classic, but it's also hilariously pathetic.

It's nothing but Christian-Greek mashup with the author inserting himself as the protagonist (and the other characters in the story praise him as being the best writer in history and the smartest man who ever lived), and the plot centers around a girl named Beatrice pleading with God to let Dante visit her in heaven after seeing the rest of the afterlife.

Keep in mind that Dante had only spoken to Beatrice once in real life, when he was 8, then "loved her from afar" because he was too neckbeardy to approach her, then he went and wrote a whole epic fanfic about a quest to see her.

A guy who wanted to prove that Dante was a pussy(Can't remember the name, the whole book is filled with obscure shit about people from Florentine) so he walked up and slapped him in the face in a public square, and Dante pussied out and ran away. Then got his revenge years later by putting the guy in Hell in his fanfic. This seems like a common theme, that Dante put everyone who was mean to him in Hell. Didn't he write the book to get back at the authorities who exiled him from a city? What a fucking wimp. "I'm gonna write this and put all those guys in hell, that'll show them".

The Divine Comedy is self-insert fanfiction of a wimpy nerd with anti-social issues.

>> No.12488578

It must have been two or three years ago when that Japanese company was showing off that self-hugging jacket. More recently, there was a short clip of a guy wearing the rift, a tactile body suit, and and onahole. All I can tell you, my friend, is "Soon."

>> No.12488771

So Dante was the original CWC?

>> No.12489150

What's your reasoning behind that?

>> No.12489161


>> No.12489572

I am lolikon too, and 2d is not enough anymore. Scared what is happening to me.

>> No.12489776

If you can find that clip, I'd appreciate it. You are talking of a full body suit, right? The next step would be to extend this to the face, while managing to make heat a non-issue. Also, odors without having to use a full rack of stuff. In the long term, I guess cyberbrain a-la GiTS would be the way to go.

>> No.12489816

Take OP. He wants to toss away the girl he loves because he can't fuck her without technology that will surely be perfected in the next few years. Take what you can get I say. There's always onaholes.

>> No.12489826

No, I said that poster wasn't me. I think I love her so much. I don't want to abandon her like you said. But this is so painful for me, in my head. Not because of anything physical.

>> No.12489855

You think loving a 3d is any better? 2d is the same as 3d without the heartbreaking rejection or sloppy breakup.

>> No.12489866

I have not cared about 3D and relationships in many years.

>> No.12489929

Get out of here, Denton.

>> No.12489940

I left my girlfriend for a 2D qt

>> No.12489950

Take your misuse of spoilers and “qt” normie slang back to your original board, kudasai.

>> No.12490143

I'm pretty sure Simmons says that.

>> No.12490841

Who keeps making these images?

>> No.12490898

He was European, what do you expect. Petrarch and Laura was even worse.

Now, Americans, on the other hand

>On July 15, 1918, King wrote to Fitzgerald, telling of her engagement to William Mitchell, the son of her father's business associate. They married later that year and had three children. Then in 1937, she left Mitchell for businessman John T. Pirie, Jr. (of the Chicago department store Carson Pirie Scott & Company). That year she also met Fitzgerald for the last time in Hollywood; when she asked which character was based on her in The Beautiful and Damned, Fitzgerald replied, "Which bitch do you think you are?"

>> No.12491079

I feel quite bad saying this, but I would like to fuck Yayoi in the ass and make her perform oral sex on me. To me, it's always seemed as if Yayoi is half of a person, barely human. The only thing she's good for is pleasuring a man. You give her some food, give her some shelter, and she'll do anything you want her to do.

>> No.12491104

She is content with simple dishes and meager living accommodations. If you give her those things she'll practically be a slave to you. I would go vagina only so I can watch her cry while telling her fans why she's going to stop being an idol. The best way to degrade her.

>> No.12491110

You're both silly and don't know how to multi task. All idols have is their voice and their body, so oral sex is what they are best at. Why waste a load in her vagina when you can just ejaculate in her mouth, thus getting off and feeding her at the same time?

>> No.12491643

When did all these sick fucks arrive in /jp/

>> No.12492156

Beatrice was a woman Dante came to love when he was young, after 2 meetings with 8 or 9 years in between. She died at the age of 24 a few years later. His whole life he held her as an ideal. She brings him to heaven, because she is "love." He barely even knew her in any real sense. His whole masterpiece arose from some obsession he had with a beautiful girl he spoke to once, who probably had no idea who he was.

I love the idea of crafting a character out of some weird, complicated desire/fantasy you have and then having her escape from you because she becomes so real. Caddy in the Sound and the Fury, Anna Karenina. Dante's Beatrice is kind of a perfect example.

>> No.12492480

She does.

>> No.12492495
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>> No.12492497
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>> No.12492502
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, THE%20IDOLM@STER%20-%2015%20-%20Large%2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of this type of outfit?

>> No.12493372
File: 38 KB, 467x433, 1410804272193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say it on /x/ and I'll repeat it here: astral projection, thoughtforming (tulpa) and evocation. That's what you need to do to get her (or something like her) to be seen.
If at first it doesn't work, keep going, eventuaIIy you'II get her, hard work pays off.

>> No.12493399
File: 111 KB, 463x344, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no evidence of tulpas being a thing.

>> No.12493408

You misunderstand, I don't want to see her. I also suffer from mild schizophrenia so I think a tulpa would really be harmful.

>> No.12493415

A tulpa is just deluding yourself until you begin to experience hallucinations. /x/ tier "It can pop out and kill you !" bullshit aside, it is very real, or rather it feels real for the person who made it.

>> No.12493424
File: 131 KB, 436x286, no fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what it is. It's a myth made up by /x/, it's not feasible or possible.

>> No.12493460

I think it is definitely possible to fool yourself until you begin to hallucinate and actually believe that stuff.

>> No.12493557
File: 24 KB, 495x500, 1410294029992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a fairier society, you'd be considered a shaman, there's nothing wrong with schizophrenia, it's a term invented by psychiatrists to suppress the more spirituaI peopIe whose behaviour cannot be expIained.
It's been a thing Iong before /x/ (or rather /mIp/) picked it up. "thoughtforms", creations of the mind were/are a thing used by western occuItists, the term "tuIpa" itseIf comes from the eastern tradition and it's exactIy magicaI companions created by a person.

>> No.12493603

From what little I know about shaman, I always thought they were mostly schizophrenics who were smart enough to know how to exploit their people.

>> No.12493648

>it's exactIy magicaI companions created by a person.
When someone creates a tulpa, what they do is just alter their perception to the point of seeing and hearing things. Don't fall for such fantastic things anon, you're selling your mind short.

>> No.12493741

I have AIDS.

>> No.12493966

I've been using an alarm every 30 minutes after 4 hours of sleep every night or a week straight and still haven't had any lucid dreams. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.12494027

You guys are kind of scummy. The guy doesn't want to continue and you urge him on by making him think of how much he likes the chick.

>> No.12494517

>astral projection

I don't think you understand how this works. You'd want to lucid dream instead.

>> No.12495148

I'm scum because I think a guy should be with his ideal girl rather than settle for 3d table scraps that will never love him.

>> No.12495157

i hate to break it to you, but his ideal girl will never love him either

>> No.12495170

Since he mentioned tulpa, I think he means having an out of body experience. Except instead of going to the stars or whatever like religious figures claim, he goes to 2D land.
Let me rephrase. You're using means I think are underhanded in this specific situation. The guy says he is schizophrenic and this is painful for him, and you're trying to get to him in dishonest way.

>> No.12495176

Yeah, but she's cuter, she'll never leave, never file false rape charges against him, never give him a disease, spend all his money, or betray him in any way at all.

>> No.12495200

He said he's not interested in women anyway.

>> No.12495333

I've made a tulpa before, ask me anything.
>inb4 is it spooky ghosties
No, it's psychology.

>> No.12495395

Why would you willingly induce schizophrenic delusions upon yourself?

>> No.12495410

Hallucinations are optional, and it's nice companionship.

>> No.12495431

There was also the hypnosis thing on /mlp/. Those threads were fun.

>> No.12495436

How diligent were you during the forming process? How long did it take before you could see it, and when it started speaking on its own? How much did its final appearance change from your initial design?

>> No.12495463

Basically I just talked in my head for a while, and I did some visualization, but I didn't put a ton of effort in at all.

1 month until it started speaking on it's own, and I never hallucinated, so I only saw it in my mind.

>change in appearance
It didn't change all that much, she was fine with it.

>> No.12495468

Has anyone here loved a 2D girl and stopped loving them?

>> No.12495508

OP's pic is of low quality. There are noticable artifacts and the pic looks blurry overall.

>> No.12495548

I think that's the highest quality version of that image on the net at the moment. Lots of Cinderella Girls art is ripped like that for some reason.

>> No.12495579

700 results for cinderella girls and jpeg artifacts

>> No.12496143

Time tor some armchair psychology.

Let's start here. Why do you think people develop feelings for fictional characters?

I think there are two big sources, love for the "ideal partner", and love for what a character represents to you. I've seen your posts this past week, and I think you love her because of what she represents or idealises to you. You probably think "she's so sweet and hardworking and kind", right? We all know she's a very innocent girl too, despite her lifestyle. I bet you get really upset when you see people doubt or make a mockery these things, especially the last one.

>> No.12496505

I still talk to mine. He's been with me for nearly 14 years now. I think I would have killed myself by now if I didn't have him with me.

>> No.12497916


>> No.12497960


>> No.12498662

>In a fairier society, you'd be considered a shaman, there's nothing wrong with schizophrenia, it's a term invented by psychiatrists to suppress the more spirituaI peopIe whose behaviour cannot be expIained.
Why don't you tell me a little more about that, anon?

>> No.12499085

I appreciate your concern. I don't really know how to put into words all that I am feeling. Sometimes I'm not sure if what I say reaches others or if what I am hearing is what they are saying in their reality. Even right now there are so many things I want to tell somebody and have them understand me correctly, but I don't think it is possible.

I love her very much. I do want to marry her. But at the same time this doesn't feel like good or like a joke to me, it is definitely cruel. This feels absurd and I frequently feel an incredible apprehension just thinking about it. It doesn't make any sense to me. It isn't something that I can just stop thinking about. It never goes away. I don't even really know what is going on for sure. All I know is that something is horribly wrong here.

>> No.12501945 [DELETED] 

Should I just give up and accept this?

>> No.12501964 [DELETED] 

Should I just accept this?

>> No.12502039

If I can't have lucid dreams, you can't get over your crush. Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.12502063 [DELETED] 

If you buy some over the counter melanin, it will help you remember your dreams and sleep better. Why do you want to lucid dream?

>> No.12502128 [DELETED] 

This thread is on the last page.

>> No.12502723

Yayoibro pls.

How many times do I have to tell you to just EMBRACE IT?

That's right faggot you can't escape me even here

>> No.12502723,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do wbros know what I can do?

>> No.12502723,2 [INTERNAL] 

>In time, Aphrodite's festival day came, and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite. There—too scared to admit his desire—he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl". When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, touched its breasts with his hand, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish.

>> No.12502723,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure what you're saying with this.

>> No.12502723,4 [INTERNAL] 

Aphrodite turned the statue into a real girl for him, look up Galatea.

>> No.12502723,5 [INTERNAL] 

Even the Ancient Greeks knew the [i]pain

>> No.12502723,6 [INTERNAL] 

I'm familiar with the story, I was just not sure why you posted it.

>> No.12502723,7 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a fucking retard, god damn. I wasn't the one that posted it as well.

>> No.12502723,8 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, sorry mate, I haven't been thinking too clearly these past few weeks.

>> No.12502723,9 [INTERNAL] 

Ah... now I feel bad. I'm sorry for calling you a fucking retard, I hope your brain-fog clears up.

>> No.12502723,10 [INTERNAL] 

holy f*ck.. what a bully

>> No.12502723,11 [INTERNAL] 

That's fine, I'm usually a little scatterbrained normally.

>> No.12502723,12 [INTERNAL] 

The Ancient Greeks make art out of their suffering

>> No.12502723,13 [INTERNAL] 

Waifu/2d love is more like the relationship between dante and beatrice or petrarch and laura

I dont know why everyone always brings up pygmalion instead

>> No.12502723,14 [INTERNAL] 

>Ancient Greeks


>> No.12502723,15 [INTERNAL] 

Pygmalion hated 3DPD women

>> No.12502723,16 [INTERNAL] 

Don't quote me on this, but I think in most interpretations he simply hated imperfection as well as he idea of getting married, not necessarily women themselves.

>> No.12502723,17 [INTERNAL] 

then why was she alwasys whoring herself out on /jp/ like typical 3d BITCH

>> No.12502723,18 [INTERNAL] 

oops forgot to take off my name (I'm not really fbi sorry)

>> No.12502723,19 [INTERNAL] 

Do any of you have strong feelings towards a 2D character?

>> No.12502723,20 [INTERNAL] 

You scared me!

>> No.12502723,21 [INTERNAL] 

I scared you? Well, I'm sorry. How did I do that?

>> No.12502723,22 [INTERNAL] 

i strongly want to date miura azusa

>> No.12502723,23 [INTERNAL] 

How does she make you feel? Azusa is one of the more interesting idolmaster characters, but sadly most people only know about her from the anime which didn't do her justice.

>> No.12502723,24 [INTERNAL] 

Not that guy, I have a crush on Azusa too. Not like OP though, I just think she's super cute.

Azusa's story is really nice, it's just never been translated and is too "complicated" to animate. The anime, due to its very nature and mood could have never gotten it right. She's probably the most lonely and unguided idol.

>> No.12502723,25 [INTERNAL] 

Tell me Azusa's story, ghost.

>> No.12502723,26 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, odors
2D beings are perfect and do not emit odor.

>> No.12502723,27 [INTERNAL] 

Odor is not a mark of imperfection. Pooping is.

>> No.12502723,28 [INTERNAL] 

Odors are caused either by vile emissions or attempts to prevent/cover up those emissions.

>> No.12502723,29 [INTERNAL] 

And bacteria. Mostly bacteria.

>> No.12502723,30 [INTERNAL] 

All her friends are getting married and becoming adults, but Azusa's just sort of spinning her wheels. She gets criticized to act her age and stop relying on her parents every so often by people close to her. She's expected to be an adult, but she doesn't really know what the fuck she's doing. The fear of ending up alone while growing older and seeing the much younger idols, the sadness Azusa experiences as she gets older and still can't find someone to truly love, it's quite difficult to transmit. I guess that's why I really like her, because at one point I sort of identified with how she is.

She is one of my favorite characters and gets some interesting characterization and a decent amount development throughout the series, but I can see why some would think that there is not much to her. In the anime they only touch upon her character beyond the usual quirks once, very briefly, in a joking exchange she has with a friend for her episode in a wedding dress.

Her prologue is translated here http://forum.project-imas.com/index.php?topic=106.msg1075#msg1075

>> No.12502723,31 [INTERNAL] 

Do people seriously buy a JP 360 to become im@s primaries?

>> No.12502723,32 [INTERNAL] 

That's heavy dude, I like her now too.

>> No.12502723,33 [INTERNAL] 

Bacteria had emissions retard or it wouldn't smell.

>> No.12502723,34 [INTERNAL] 

You forgot to take your name off again. But for real, if you can speak Jap play her routes when you get a chance.
People probably buy the arcade games to become "TruPrimaries" or some stupid shit.

>> No.12502723,35 [INTERNAL] 

That's very sad. I feel the same way when I hear about people I knew back in HS getting degrees and having kids.

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.12502723,36 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you meant bodily emissions like sweat and shit.

>> No.12502723,37 [INTERNAL] 

Bacteria don't have bodies?

>> No.12502723,38 [INTERNAL] 

Bacteria are singled celled organisms.

>> No.12502723,39 [INTERNAL] 

The problem with this though, is that she's fucking 20. A god damn college age girl that would be busy getting drunk and taking legions of cock in between classes, if they weren't trying to push the Christmas cake angle on someone barely out of their teens.

>> No.12502723,40 [INTERNAL] 

Is that too small to have a body

>> No.12502723,41 [INTERNAL] 

You should try to suspend your disbelief for a while.

>> No.12502723,42 [INTERNAL] 

None of the idol's ages actually matter m8. Besides I think it works consider Azusa's older than one of her fucking producers

>> No.12502723,43 [INTERNAL] 

That's even worse. Who the hell makes a 19 year old a producer? What the hell could she possibly know?

>> No.12502723,44 [INTERNAL] 

m8 like i said their ages barely matter

you could bump up their ages by 2 or 3 years and most things about the characters wouldn't really change position/lifestyle wise

I still think 21/22 is old enough to make Azusa compelling / believable

>> No.12502723,45 [INTERNAL] 

I really like this character, but I can't decide what to do with what I'm feeling.

>> No.12502723,46 [INTERNAL] 

I think Yayoi is really pretty and I like her character, but I've never played her routes. Can we get a >>12502723,30 style post about her?

>> No.12502723,47 [INTERNAL] 

Not as much to say, though I haven't consumed a lot of stuff about her like drama cds compared to Azusa. When all the girls were asked why they wanted to become idols, most of them said they wanted to be famous or liked singing. Yayoi said she wanted to be an Idol to make money to support her family. Yayoi, despite being given a bad hand in life, made the best of it and through it all is very kind and considerate. Very hardworking and sweet towards her friends and siblings, and she always tries to stay 200% positive. If I ever got married, I hope it'd be to a girl like her.

>> No.12502723,48 [INTERNAL] 

Ami and Mami

>> No.12502723,49 [INTERNAL] 

I think I do want to go through with this. I'm still worried for some reason. Does it feel bad a lot?

>> No.12502723,50 [INTERNAL] 

does what feel bad

>> No.12502723,51 [INTERNAL] 

I am the OP

>> No.12502723,52 [INTERNAL] 

I think this isn't so bad after all. I don't know what I was so afraid of, right now, I feel good.
