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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1244693 No.1244693 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, this I don't understand. Are the Japanese really such a bunch of servile little toadies that they obsess over this little girl just because she happened to be spat out into the imperial family?

Honestly, is there no anti-imperial discourse at all in Japan? Maybe it's just my foreign brain's misunderstanding, but the imperial family just seems to me to be a huge, wasteful cock in the puckered, receptive anus of the Japanese public. Revolt, you morons! What the hell has this tax-sucking family ever really done for you (bat-shit superstitions aside)?

Video that inspired this tirade:

>> No.1244699


You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.1244703

Wouldn't the same go for every royal family?

>> No.1244705

It would, but OP is an idiot.

>> No.1244706

Yeah, it does.

>> No.1244714

Hitler was asian? Hes aged horribly.

>> No.1244715


>> No.1244720

Explain. Putting my exaggerated conclusion of revolution aside, I think I'm spot on.

>> No.1244725
File: 276 KB, 900x700, 1220459911097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's moe~

>> No.1244732

I like masturbating to the princess. A world where I can't masturbate to a princess is a world where I don't want to live.

>> No.1244733

OP here. It does apply to all royal families. I dislike and believe in the wastefulness of them all. I'm just pissed off at the Japanese one at the moment.

What did you expect, a foot-note explaining that?

>> No.1244737

Japanese mentality, for untold generations they were taught to revere the emperor and that his family can trace back to the sun goddess. Think it like this: At least it's better than WWII and pre WWII era, when the emperor was a living god.

>> No.1244738


>> No.1244740

Taxes are wasted on a lot of stuff. A pathetically tiny percentage goes to supporting a royal family.

>> No.1244747

This I know. Hence the "bat-shit superstition" reference in the OP.

But anyone with five minutes of time, a little open mindedness and some basic introspection would realise that the sun-god stuff is BS.

They're just people. People who are very, very rich for no good reason and are somehow admired for it.

>> No.1244748


>> No.1244757

Check out that fucking hair. What a magnificent shade of white.

>> No.1244759

> a bunch of servile little toadies

hmm, perhaps because the imperial family is still considered divine? or at least one generation removed from that belief?

>> No.1244760

Those try (or at the very least, feign) to assist the public. These fuckers don't help. At all.

Sure, lots of tax money goes to waste but at the very least helping the public is in their raison d'être. Whereas the royal families claim to cash is "lol we're fuckin magic money plz".

>> No.1244761

The Imperial family is just a symbol like any other constitutional monarchy. They give the Japanese their year names, a holiday, and it keeps the people (including the right-wingers) slightly happy. For the obsessing, that stuff happens always happens with celebrities.

Again, they're a symbol so you can't put the superstition aside.

>> No.1244762

princess mako is moe~. op is a faggot. ALL HAIL PRINCESS MAKO

>> No.1244764

How is that different from the numerous people born into rich families?

>> No.1244765

What's more pathetic is that they were freaking out about the lack of male heir.

>> No.1244767
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>> No.1244770


>> No.1244771

Well, they're an outdated symbol. Spurious claims of divinity are the only leg the royal family has to stand on, and we all know it's BS.

So wtf are they still doing there, aside from keeping the vocal minority of Japanese neo-feudalists happy?

>> No.1244773

Because telling royal families to piss off would cause more damage than to keep on funding them with tax money.

They already do nothing in most countries. They're just a living symbol of the country. What's wrong with having symbols? Do you bitch every time governments waste money on monuments and statues?

>> No.1244774

Being rich. Hurf durf

>> No.1244775

It's not, really. But do you honestly like the likes of Paris Hilton?

I don't think you do. I have more respect for you than that, man.

>> No.1244780

They're also a symbol for Japan. And they're not only keeping the vocal minority happy. The Japanese people are happy as well. When Hirohito died, a shit ton of people went to his funeral to mourn.

It's probably a pride thing. I know that if my country had a king (even constitutional and useless), I'd still be "we have a king, bitches."

>> No.1244781

Unlike the rest of the world, where people waged wars and raised rebellions to be the new king, emperor or whatever, Japan never had a real revolution (I could be wrong, please correct me) as in regime change, the imperial family was always there. When they had wars they weren't challenging the emperor nor his divine right, they were fighting to be the shogun or some position like that. Yes, they held all the power but they still were a "servant" of the emperor.

Do that for a few centuries and the people won't dare challenge the emperor. Not even the badass general with a million soldiers tries to challenge his power, so why would a shit poor farmer doubt his divine right?

>> No.1244779

Quit your yapping. At least japans monachy didn't have their own reality TV show in the sixties.

>> No.1244784

>I know that if my country had a king (even constitutional and useless), I'd still be "we have a king, bitches."

Can I just ask...


I just don't get it, at all.

>> No.1244786

Let's stop doing the Pledge of Allegiance in America too. It's traditional bullshit that no one truly believes in anyway. No one should complain about that, amirite?

>> No.1244789


It's like a living flag that buys fancy cars


>> No.1244790
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If other countries realized how moe Mako is, there would be no war.

I also wonder if she knows or cares about all of the art of her and her loli sister.

>> No.1244792

Let's tear down some monuments too. Fucking useless eyesores are taking up space that could be used by office buildings.

>> No.1244793

People have the right to not say the pledge. However you can't say "I don't support the emperor, I will not fund him" in Japan.

>> No.1244794

It's a title that you can't get easily. Anyone with good charisma and enough bullshitting can become a president, but royalty is a thing you're born with. It's a romantic idea like not that different from waging wars for justice.

>> No.1244795


Unfortunately you can't really do that anywhere.

>> No.1244796

You can't say "I don't support the president, I will not fund him" either because not paying your taxes is fucking illegal. It has nothing to do with the president or emperor.

>> No.1244797
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>> No.1244798

If you go down south enough I'm sure the locals would love to hear about why you don't swear the pledge.

>> No.1244801

The president has actual power, and is elected. The royal family is just a bunch of unelected scroungers.

>> No.1244802

Most modern families are not 'leaches', they often have their interests invested in business, the rental of their property normally do a lot for charity.

The hyper-wealthy american leader class are bigger leaches.

>> No.1244803

Are there any hentais of Mako, or is that blasphemous?

>> No.1244805

You can't say "I don't support the overly expensive maintenance of the White House, I won't fund it" in America either. And why do we need the Air Force One? Why can't the president fly first class in commercial airlines?

Just the cost of a few flights on the Air Force One would pay for the Japanese royal family's expenses for a large amount of time.

Countries have all sort of expenses in bullshit you wouldn't even imagine. To fixate yourself on something as petty as royal families is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1244806

Being able to beat me up =/= being right.

It's CLOSE, but not quite there.

>> No.1244807

Why the fuck is the fucking Statue of Liberty still fucking standing? Useless, rusty piece of shit relic from the past. Srsly, why the fuck do people waste money maintaining that shit?

>> No.1244808
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Alright, this I don't understand. Are the Americans really such a bunch of servile little toadies that they obsess over this stupid man just because he happened to be spat out into the white house?

Honestly, is there no anti-presidency discourse at all in USA? Maybe it's just my foreign brain's misunderstanding, but the white house just seems to me to be a huge, wasteful cock in the puckered, receptive anus of the American public. Revolt, you morons! What the hell has this tax-sucking building ever really done for you (bat-shit superstitions aside)?

>> No.1244810
File: 30 KB, 450x350, 1220461677264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is currently waging war on Japan. Must be working.

>> No.1244812

Ok, enough with the faggotry. I need princess doujins now.

>> No.1244815

My point wasn't that people should be allowed not to fund him, my point was that unlike the symbolic pledge you cannot wave the existance of the royal family.

In Democratic instituitions even the now often symbolised position of president serves a function. Royal families serve no function.

>> No.1244819

'Cause it's a good statue. A really fucking good statue.

Emperors are faggots, who do faggy things for no good reason. Statues rock. Leave statues fucking alone.

>> No.1244820

Statues? What the fuck do statues do? I can masturbate to a princess. I can't masturbate to a fucking statue.

>> No.1244822

Have a kid website: http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/imperial/q1.html

>> No.1244824

All leaders are a waste of tax. Leaders are supposed to serve people, not live a wealthy life. The only difference is that the so called "Democratic" nations we live, feed us with the illusion that all of our money are used for the good of the country.

>> No.1244826

Museums, monuments and statues also serve no purpose. Let's get rid of them, they're expensive to maintain and many of them are taking prime land that could be sold at high prices.

We should demolish the White House and move the president and his staff to a bunch of apartments in NY. After all, a president doesn't need that sort of luxury to get his job done.

You're an idiot who has a linear view of the concept "useful for the society." You sound like the kind of retard that argues that "LIGHT WAS RIGHT!!"

>> No.1244828

He was (apparently) elected. The people decided.

Or at least that's how it should be, except his rich daddy got him into politics really. He sucks too.

Even if representative government sucks as well, doesn't make imperialism any better.

>> No.1244834

There are some very nice statues out there, but the statue of liberty is just plain awful. French products are inferior.

>> No.1244833

I think you don't understand what it's like to be a country founded on honor and passion.
Killing a few thousand Koreans, mascaraing countless people, becoming the face of pure evil, and then still after losing keep yourself alive and in absolute power?
You can't touch the imperial family of Japan.

>> No.1244838

Duke of edinbourough award scheme?
serving wars in iraq and afghanistan?
Dianna foundation?
9000+ charity work?

>> No.1244843

Light was right ;.;
He was doing it by force.

>> No.1244847

I LIKE Democratic symbols.

I also LIKE history and heritage, I don't like it when it gives someone unfair advantage over the rest of society for no good reason. At least representative democracies affect to being chosen by the people, royal families are not decided on the good qualities of those populating them but purely on blood. That's not right.

>> No.1244848

Absolute power? For the rest, the generals did it.

>> No.1244852

Yeah, but you don't NEED to be a royal to do that. An elected official could have done the same.

>> No.1244855

What's the last name of the current president of the United States?

Yeah, thought so.

>> No.1244857
File: 21 KB, 300x370, 1220462578468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut's going on in this thread, gais?

>> No.1244861

Nothing's stopping the Japanese from removing the royal family.

>> No.1244862

is it rude to misspell her name as 真子?

>> No.1244864

Not many elected officials can carry charisma the way royals do.

>> No.1244865

ITT: Middle school kid who just learned about the Boston Tea Party and believes kings do nothing but receive tax money.

>> No.1244867


To win an election, you must become a thief and a liar. The royals are raised to be public servants as well as heads of state. I'd much rather have the queen hold my wallet than a politician.

>> No.1244870

Yes, that's bad too. Stop throwing red herrings into the mix. Representative government is easily manipulated by ambitious scum fucks. I KNOW.

But that doesn't change my views on imperialism. Why would it?

>> No.1244873


>> No.1244872
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 1220462766956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is stupid.

>> No.1244876

>At least representative democracies affect to being chosen by the people
You are delusional. And if you are American you're even more. USA is a country where two political parties offer you one person each. So you get to "choose" who you want to have the absolute power (and not the crippled royal power) among 2 people. And you called THAT democracy? Poland is far more democratic than the states.

>> No.1244879

In this era, a royal family is like a monument. It adds to the culture of a nation-state, and is a source of national pride. You can go up to other countries and say "oh yeah, that's cool, your queen and our queen can do lunch. what's that? don't have a queen? ha ha, oh wow. fine, send us your shitty prime minister then. faggot."

>> No.1244881

Exactly. Emperor has no power. The current government can very very easily dissolve the royal family with the power it has already.

And of course, according to OP's logic, the Japanese people would just jump in celebration over that. What country needs iconic figures that have existed ever since their founding?

>> No.1244887

...and USA is not? Oh yeah, different input in the dictionary means different things. Right.

>> No.1244892

post moar pictures of the princess lolis, plz. real pictures, not fanart

>> No.1244893
File: 273 KB, 346x311, 1220463099676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Я считаю эту резьбу неуместно

>> No.1244900

If the concept of royalty actually worked, I would rather put my faith in a superior family bred for ruling, than some filthy liar who couldn't cut it selling shoes or car insurance.

>> No.1244902


>> No.1244899

Yes, yes, yes. I KNOW. That's why I said "at least" and "affect", as in "to put on a show". I never said I thought representative democracy was good, or worked or truly provided what the people want. Why is everyone getting that impression? But imperialism doesn't work either. Imagine your leader being decided by pure accident, rather than by election.

Politicians are liars and cheats, and royals have no real right to the high position in society they enjoy. THEY BOTH SUCK. I'm just pissed off at one over the other at the moment.

(Also, I'm NOT American.)

>> No.1244906

>the Japanese people would just jump in celebration over that

No they wouldn't. Don't you remember my OP? I called them "servile toadies". They love the fuckers.

They SHOULDN'T, but they do.

>> No.1244907


>> No.1244909

I blame the royal children. Their heightened sense of entitlement does nothing for the people. If only kings and queens could teach their children better.

>> No.1244910

WHY shouldn't they? You've failed to say anything besides, "BUT THE TAXES!"

>> No.1244913


>> No.1244914

Aussiefag then?

>> No.1244915

so, how much fanart of mako is there?

>> No.1244919


>> No.1244922

This. Fast. Please.

>> No.1244924
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So the Brits are servile toadies, too?

>> No.1244927

Because I have no ideological sympathy for government or privilege based on hereditary titles.

It's wrong. People should be judged on their character, not the lineage of their parents. It's just wrong, in my view.

>> No.1244930

Pornography of her Imperial Highness will lead to secret execution by the Agency.

>> No.1244933


>> No.1244935
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She looks like a Touhou character

>> No.1244937

Yes. Totally.

>> No.1244941

Even you admit that the Japanese are willing to spend their tax money because they love the royal family. Srsly then, wtf is your problem then if you aren't Japanese and aren't spending your own tax money?

>> No.1244949
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>> No.1244952


>> No.1244953


>> No.1244955


>> No.1244961

Hahaha, peasant. Feeling you can take the emperor by being a citizen rather than a slave? You must be insane.

>> No.1244960

If the Imperial family was of bad character, the people can easily remove them. Too bad that the family is full of nice people and a moe princess.

>> No.1244964

>Because I have no ideological sympathy for government or privilege based on hereditary titles.
>I have
Here is your problem. People don't have your likes and dislikes. If the Japanese people, the English people etc have no problem with that, your points are then void. Also where are YOU from?

>> No.1244965
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Too bad Prince William is going to be bald soon.

>> No.1244973

Look, my point from square one is that this little girl is being worshipped because she just so happened to fall into a position of SOCIAL privilege.

Not all rich kids are worshipped. They're fine. They got lucky. But we aren't expected to love them for it. Why should we? But this little princess is ADORED in Japan. Why? No real reason at all.

She's just shit and mince-meat like the rest of us.

>> No.1244975

OP is a communist.

>> No.1244976

Does Mako have a blog of some sort? I kind of want to follow her moe day-to-day imperial life.

>> No.1244978

Does anyone know the name of that cute princess from a muslim country? The one that supposedly inspired the Marina character from Gundam 00?

>> No.1244977
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Bitch doesn't have anything on Beatrix.

>> No.1244985

Where's that picture of all the world's young female royalty when you need it?

>> No.1244991

>You sound like the kind of retard that argues that "LIGHT WAS RIGHT!!"

Light was right, he just went about it the wrong way.

>> No.1244997

I believe what I believe because I believe it's right. Why would I believe it otherwise? So, I think the English and Japanese are being stupid.

Also, Swiss.

>> No.1245000
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OP should just build his own country on the ocean floor.

>> No.1245002

I don't see your point. "I don't find anything appealing about a princess"
It's like you care nothing of history. Fuck, at least look at the muscles on her legs in the OP. You know she's had her ass worked off to be presentable to the public. She is a symbol of the country, and in turn she has an enormous amount of pressure put onto her.
She is one of the last few remaining princesses. Other than Europe, piratically every royal family has been faded into history.
You find yourself hating rather than being impressed by a member of the royal family simply because the citizens.. OF THAT COUNTRY, worship their own princess? Are you retarded?

>> No.1245004



>> No.1245006


You keep believing that anonymous. Don't make anyone try to convince you otherwise.

>> No.1245007

Enjoy your "neutral" country.

>> No.1245014

Your country had nothing remarkable ever happen in it's history ever. Your point is invalid.

>> No.1245016

>I believe what I believe because I believe it's right.
Oh sorry, I had some hopes that you were over 18 till now.

>> No.1245019

Hey, they have the Swiss guard which defends the papacy. That has to count for something.

>> No.1245020

You do realize that, while the President is the symbol of the US government, he does not hold near as much power as you're thinking.

Congress is there, and so is the Supreme Court, both of which have powers the president can't touch.

It's just easier to place one person in the symbolic "leader" slot then it is to place around 600 other people.

>> No.1245022

>>1244997 I believe what I believe because I believe it's right.

Not all opinions are created equal. Your opinion are worthless because they're not based on facts.

Many governments happily pay for the royal family's expenses because they're a source of national pride. It's the same reason that USA spend billions of tax payer on sports programs and stadiums.

>> No.1245026

Oh yeah... cause the Pope is NOT like a royal right? Why dear OP haven't you revolt against THAT?

>> No.1245030

Yet honestly nobody is impressed.

>> No.1245028

Also, we need moar moe princess.

>> No.1245035

Why do we even have governing bodies? It's like they believe their people can't rule themselves. What's up with that bullshit?

>> No.1245036

The Pope is based on random things and smoke color. Smoke color, Anon. Think of the smoke color.

>> No.1245041

Yeah, it's tough on her too. Not a good way to be raised. Unnatural and self-destructive. She'll never know a normal life, or know what it's like to be judged for who you are rather than on your parentage. That sucks for her.

I don't have any personal problems with her. But she's not, beyond her blood, special either. She's just a little girl. She doesn't deserve to be worshipped.

Also, many fascisms are now lost to history. Do we mourn their loss? Fuck no.

>> No.1245043

We need to elect our own leader. With sperm color. Sperm.

>> No.1245049

>She doesn't deserve to be worshipped.
Neither the Pope. Why you permit your country to send him guards?

>> No.1245050

She's not worshiped, just adored. Are you taking the people's right to adore things? Are you some sort of fascist?

>> No.1245055

As the leader of one of the largest religons in the world, I think he should be protected.

>> No.1245053

Papacy sucks as well. Papacy is, like the royal family of Japan, relying on spurious support from a certain deity.

>> No.1245058

Same goes with the royal family of Japan.

>> No.1245062

Catholics are deities now?

>> No.1245063

What does the Pope has then? Is he an actor, writer or artist?

>> No.1245060

She doesn't deserve to be adored either. Is she a great artist, writer or actor? Does she have any distinguishing talents aside from being born to a particular woman?

None that I know of. The Japanese are just drunk on celebrity.

>> No.1245065

I think he's talking about the Judeo-Christian God.

>> No.1245066

ITT: Communist faggotry

>> No.1245067


>> No.1245069

So your problem is that they are worshiping a kid because of an accident of birth rather then any earned merit? Well I have good news for you OP, its blindingly obvious that they aren't worshiping a person, they are worshiping an office and a title. That the office is held by a person rather then a deity, an event, or an ideal is irrelevant.

Bitching that its not fair that royals exist is as meaningless as weeboos crying themselves to sleep for not being born Japanese.

>> No.1245064

As a britfag, I know how much people love and respect their royal family here. Some dicks even stand up to the national anthem.

>> No.1245070


Same could be said about alot of people.

>> No.1245071

No, he's a dick. Doesn't deserve support either.

Did I ever say he did?

>> No.1245072

>She doesn't deserve to be worshipped.
Your point is invalid, yet you still continue to use it after finding yourself being the only country that thinks like that.
Never understand what it's like being a soldier if you've never been through training, never know what it's like being rich if you're always been poor, never know what it's like having honor when you live in normality.
I feel bad for you. Living a perfectly normal life. I hope you find a nice middle wage job, get a car, wife, pool, house, boat, and after struggling and finally finishing up the payments when you're around 45... Realize how boring you've lived.
American by the way, moved to a third world country to study Japanese. After moving to Japan and teaching for about 5-10 years, I'll travel to either China or Europe to study local history.

>> No.1245073

God doesn't walk up to you and give support; people do that.

>> No.1245075
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I know what you mean. She's gotta earn her celebrity respect.

>> No.1245077

Then why you don't revolt? Show the Japanese people how it's done.

>> No.1245079

Hey I'm just going by what he said.

>> No.1245080

You do know that the majority of people in Britain think the Royal family is a waste of time, right?

>> No.1245081

Actually, anti-monarchial democratic republican faggotry.

>> No.1245086

But he is Swiss

>> No.1245087

When did I ever say I like Paris Hilton?


In fact, when have I ever said I like anything in this thread except the statue of liberty!?

>> No.1245088


The brits love complaining about their monarchs. But nobody actually wants them to go away.

>> No.1245090

Men are not equal. Luck is a talent. Results >>>>> Means.

Learn the truth, live outside your neighborhood.

>> No.1245092

You are a fucking moron who forgets that he posts under anonymous. Or your points are void.

>> No.1245094

ITT: lonely weeaboo faggots who are jealous of people with a higher social standing since they themselves happened to be born into a middleclass family.

>> No.1245098

You are a fucking moron who forgets that he posts under anonymous. All your points are void.

>> No.1245101


>> No.1245102

>ITT: lonely weeaboo faggot who is jealous of people with a higher social standing since he himself happened to be born into a middleclass family.

>> No.1245104

Actually, there's only one. The OP. And he's Swiss. And underage. And a faggot.

>> No.1245106

No, actually, if I were born into a monarchy I'd say "this is fucking stupid" and get a damn job. Maybe I could set an example.

>> No.1245108

Start by your own country then first.

>> No.1245109

Thread about real life Japan?

This belongs in /trv/.

>> No.1245111

No you wouldn't. Stop being an ideological faggot. You understand your own world, and nothing else.
your attempts to prove your point only prove you ignorant.

>> No.1245113

That would damage the country's reputation.

>> No.1245114

We have touhou here too. There have been 2 posted.

>> No.1245115

Hint: The members of the royal families do have real jobs along with their royal duties.

>> No.1245116

Well, RAITO was right and it did decrease crime.
I would just be scared that he would eventually become greedy and make everyone his servants or something.

>> No.1245117

And underage.

>> No.1245121


>> No.1245122
File: 53 KB, 400x620, 1220466051036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think royalties do with their spare time? Many of them do charity work or join the military.

>> No.1245123

Start with the Pope then.

>> No.1245125

For example, the current Emperor is a respected Marine Biologist.

>> No.1245126
File: 10 KB, 150x152, 1220466077991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I never expected /jp/ to be such a bunch of lackeys. Do you guys have any balls at all? If you need some, I can lend you parts of mine. My balls are so big there's plenty to go around! :D

Man alive, I fucking ROCK!

>> No.1245128

Come on, ZUN, now you're stretching it.

>> No.1245130
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A Marine Biologist?

>> No.1245132

>it did decrease crime
I know it's a troll, but the rage... It's overwhelming...

>> No.1245136

Yeah, where they're a complete liability because of their station in society.

Also, you don't NEED to be a royal to do charity work. That's them basically trying to make excuses for their existence.

>> No.1245140

Yeah, you know.

A scientist. That specializes in the study of the biology of sea creatures.

>> No.1245142

I guess no one's made the argument about a royal family being a symbol of national continuity that democratic republics don't really have? Also

>> No.1245143

Oh man! I can't believe you guys! Because I'm wrong and can't prove my own point I say I have big balls! I am fucking awesome!

>> No.1245144

There have been a dozen of viable points against OP and OP keeps avoiding them. This isn't productive at all. I revolt against this thread and leave.

>> No.1245145

Being adored is not something you earn by doing something. SHE IS ADORED BECAUSE SHE IS ADORABLE.

>> No.1245146

That's not how you revolt.

>> No.1245148

It's almost on auto-sage anyways so it doesn't matter.

>> No.1245149

What's wrong, too weeaboo for you?
The manga and anime did state that crime decreased and for all analytical purposes, that's definitely good.
If there was a 100% chance he didn't turn into a crazy dictator, I would support light too.

>> No.1245150

Please make them into bullet points. I'm willing to give you a fair hearing.

Really, I'm awesome like that...

>> No.1245151

...and by leave I mean I'm taking the next flight to Swiss and RIP AND TEAR OP's guts.

>> No.1245152

I wish I had a moe princess. ;_;

>> No.1245154

Fuck, I am going to switch sides just so there is a reasonable arguement.

>> No.1245156


Pretty sure you missed the point entirely

>> No.1245157

That's how you revolt.

>> No.1245158

Awesome. Welcome to the team.

>> No.1245159

You need someone to hold your hand when you pee too?
Or do you not care enough to go through and actually read the points? If you can't do anything but read your own, then stop bothering to post your retardation. It's like trying to teach a dog to not shit in the corner at night.
It took fucking two years to do that. Do I have to teach you to not shit in the corner?

>> No.1245162

What was your argument again? The princess has fans because she's a princess instead of something else?

>> No.1245163

Less hate moar Mako pics!

>> No.1245164

So true. Where else would Fathers for Justice protest?

>> No.1245169

All I've heard is "people like them". That's the only point with any substance.

>> No.1245170

Yeah, pretty much. She's damn average otherwise.

>> No.1245177

you cant revolt to livng gods, asshole

>> No.1245175

Until they say "fuck you" to the people giving them extra protection due to their role in society, and proceed to do what they where trained for in the first place. Case in point: The Falkland Island war.

>> No.1245183

Let me phrase it so you can actually understand.
Swiss doesn't have landmarks. Swiss has a weak culture.
Ebonia doesn't have landmarks. Ebonia has a weak culture.
Ebonians will never understand why white people put an olive on top of a sandwich.

>> No.1245187

Just to get this over and done with...
Mako doesn't like you.
Mako probably despises people like you
Mako is also probably creeped out by people like you.
Mako could be a bitch IRL, even if she wasn't then the previous statements still apply.

>> No.1245189

- It's a status symbol for people to praise, like flags and imprints on money.

- Why not just destroy everything that's not increasing a country's GDP? Why do we learn about history in school? Why do we have statues and parks and social services to help people who don't make us wealthier?

- Why is the Princess horrible just because she was born into the royal family? Rich kids are the same.
- What does it take to become praised by their society? I'd rather have a well raised proper girl to worship than a stuck up whore.

OP. The truth is, there's much more to society than just money. We, as human beings, need something to keep us human. We need something to believe in, something to make us proud to be ourselves, something that keep ourselves together in times of war and other disasters.
This is why USA got so fucked up in the last 8 years. The country was divided on war. The president (One of our sources of pride) was the laughing stock of the whole world. With internet booming, news travels at the speed of (All people in world with internet * speed of light).

>> No.1245193

How do you define a "weak" culture? Is it the same thing as a "weak" race?

Are you a fucking nazi or what?

>> No.1245194

- It's a status symbol for people to praise, like flags and imprints on money.

- Why not just destroy everything that's not increasing a country's GDP? Why do we learn about history in school? Why do we have statues and parks and social services to help people who don't make us wealthier?

- Why is the Princess horrible just because she was born into the royal family? Rich kids are the same.
- What does it take to become praised by their society? I'd rather have a well raised proper girl to worship than a stuck up whore.

OP. The truth is, there's much more to society than just money. We, as human beings, need something to keep us human. We need something to believe in, something to make us proud to be ourselves, something that keep ourselves together in times of war and other disasters.
This is why USA got so fucked up in the last 8 years. The country was divided on war. The president (One of our sources of pride) was the laughing stock of the whole world. With internet booming, news travels at the speed of (All people in world with internet * speed of light).

Also, you can fap to her. She boosts moral.

>> No.1245195

She's a pure-breed Japanese.

>> No.1245197

>white people put an olive on top of a sandwich.

>> No.1245206

>Mako doesn't like you.
Wow. You must be ignorant. I've spent this entire thread explaining why ... I don't like Mako EITHER.

>Mako probably despises people like you
In a world gone mad, sane men are hated.

>Mako is also probably creeped out by people like you.
I'm equally creeped out by her repressed, ivory tower lifestyle.

If this thread establishes nothing else let it be this; me and Mako don't get along.

>> No.1245211

Well, okay, she's a biological curiosity then.

>> No.1245212

silent anonymous applause
Now go back to the shit-hole bridge you came from OP
Also, lots of people forgetting to sage.

>> No.1245214


And since you'll never actually meet, it works out for both of you. Really, what was the point of all this? You seem to be pushing a utilitarian world where everything has a concrete material use and everything else is thrown in the gutter. That's not how life works.

>> No.1245215

Where do you live in the UK? I don't know anyone like that, and I live on the outskirts of London.

>> No.1245221

I'm all for symbols. I just believe in Democratic symbols, not imperial or monarchial ones.

People need to come together as a community in times of conflict, not huddle in the shadow of their perceived superiors.

>> No.1245224

Then name the shining achievement of the swiss people. Have they even done anything scientifically or mathematically significant? No. All you have is a story of a little boy who stuck his finger in the dyke. And wooden shoes, I may be confusing you with holland because both of your countries are peasant countries. And yes, you're a weak race. Equality is a weak ideal, peace is an illusion.
Your arguments are for equality, and hence a weak argument. There are rich people, and poor people. People praised for doing nothing are rare. ANY. ONE. THING. can cause people to worship another. You find it strange that she's royality and have her people adore her strange?
You've never looked back on your countries history and felt pride to be swiss? Honor, romance. Has anything you've used lately even made you feel proud to be in your own country?
Fuck, I'm a cosmopolitan and still feel that respecting authority is important. Why are you so anarchist? Do you feel that communism was right?

>> No.1245228

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. CERTAIN things should be discarded, like public hangings, witch-burnings and monarchs.

>> No.1245234

I didn't vote on the Washington monument. Tear that fucking shit down.

>> No.1245235

And religion leaders. Like the Pope. And you STILL haven't said why YOU don't revolt against YOUR country who supports THE POPE.

>> No.1245236

Democratic symbol? It's like you're ignoring everything and sticking your dick between the pages of the Arabic Bible while praising the King James Bible.
"My symbol is good, your symbol is bad" "Because it's different"
Your argument is dumb.

>> No.1245237

>- What does it take to become praised by their society? I'd rather have a well raised proper girl to worship than a stuck up whore.

A well raised proper girl that hasn't done anything for her country? Seriously, if she did some charity work or something then it would make up for the shitton of money the Imperial family get from the taxpayer (preferably, they should all do it)

>> No.1245241

How the fuck do you confuse Holland and Switzerland? The one is a landlocked country surrounded by FUCKING MOUNTAINS. The other is surrounded by fucking water and dykes everywhere.

>> No.1245245

She's a little girl, fuckwit. She hasn't done anything? She is Japan, motherfucker. She has fans. Get over it.

>> No.1245250

Because nobody cares.

>> No.1245252

>Democratic symbols
Like pop idols, amiright?

>> No.1245258

I have pride in my country's direct democracy and largely peaceful history. I believe in the (if you want to call it that) romantic pursuit of liberty and the destruction of false authority. I believe in brotherhood, I believe in my fellow man.

Do I believe in communism? No. It was one man's best shot at fixing things, and it all got fucked up. By who? False authority. People rallied behind leaders, instead of allowing their own morality and reason dictate their actions. Something often done with monarchs.

>> No.1245259

Your entire argument is invalid. She is the daughter of an emperor. She is an idol from being the daughter.
She is an idol. Idols don't have to do shit.

>> No.1245260

>I'm not a complete idiot! I DON'T CARE!

>> No.1245268

If you believe in brotherhood. Then why are you stereotyping the Japanese imperial family? You say one thing, then do the other. You are forcing fault when there is none. Even if monarchy is misguided, that gives you no reason to find fault in the innocent. She was born into it, she has no choice. You are blaming her for what other people do. You're blaming the victim because she was there to be violated. If it's wrong she has fans, then it's the fan's fault. Not hers.

>> No.1245277

Yet you find fault with being ignorant of other beliefs when someone doesn't know geography. What.

>> No.1245285


Okay, great. So why dump on the Japanese (or the British, Spanish, etc.) for their constitutional monarchies? If they wanted to get rid of them, they'd get rid of them. So let it be.

>> No.1245286

I've never said anything too terrible about her. The most I've said is that I don't like her (do I have any reason to like her?) and that she's the same as everyone else.

How is that bad? I could say the same about strangers who pass me in the street.

>> No.1245287

Thus the OP gives up because he realizes he's wrong.

>> No.1245294

Stop ignoring the point faggot. You're blaming her for her fans. You are wrong.

>> No.1245297

'Cause I don't think they're being smart. I often get annoyed at my brother for doing stupid things, why wouldn't I get annoyed at nations for doing stupid things too?

>> No.1245308

No. I said: She's normal. Her fans are stupid toadies.

That's all.

>> No.1245313

You insult other cultures because of their way of doing things. You don't understand why they do it, so you think it is wrong. The way your country does something is right.
Biggot. Xenophobic.

>> No.1245318

She looks normal to you. Your opinion is not worth the same as a group. Unfortunately by your own beliefs you are wrong. Majority is more important than the individual. The majority is against your ideal. You are thus wrong.

>> No.1245328
File: 7 KB, 150x152, 150px-718smiley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I'm not allowed to criticise the way other countries do things? Ever?

Geez. There's two extremes in this argument, isn't there? One is Chris Crocker: "LEAVE MAKO/JAPAN ALOOOONE!" the other is "nu-uh, it is in fact YOU who are the faggot".

>> No.1245326

Do I have to keep going? Or are you done yet? All you have to say is "I am wrong, I am sorry".

>> No.1245333

I'm curious, as well... if there's so much art of the Royals, is there hentai?

>> No.1245338

Yes, OP here. In the spirit of peace and brotherhood I'm willing to accept that we've come to an impasse and that we should accept our differences.

Thus, I recommend the remainder of this thread be reserved to licentious pornographic imagery of the imperial family. Fap forth, disgruntled brothers, our conflict is at an end.

>> No.1245340

If you believe in democracy. No you're not. If you find it just to be in a republican state then you agree that all people are equal. They all have freedom to make their own choices. If the Japanese people choose to worship the imperial princess of Japan, then all you're allowed to do is acknowledge it's existence. Political respect. It implies that non-hostile parties are not targets for slander or remarks that could offend them. if you believe in brotherhood then you're insulting the decisions of your fellow man.
If you are democratic, you can't do that. If you are using democracy as a shield, then know how democracy works. The political system isn't the only aspect of the engine.

>> No.1245342

Hear, hear! Now... Can it has been Mako pr0n tiem nao?

>> No.1245345

Impasse? You're wrong. You can't admit you're wrong. If you can't argue with the statements that are against your own, then you lose. If you can't retort, then you are admitting you are wrong. If you are wrong apologize for being wrong.

>> No.1245348

same person.

>> No.1245351

Can't hear you, bro', I'm too busy lubing up for the soon-to-come Mako porno flood. :D

>> No.1245355

fail. Me and you are the only fucking people in the thread faggot. It's like you didn't realize that 30 minutes ago.
Enjoy being wrong faggot.

>> No.1245356

I've declared peace, now, brother. It's over. I was right. Accept that.

Now, where's that porno? It's time for us to "break bread" in the only way people on 4chan can.

>> No.1245365

Peace? Surrender? So you lost. Thank god, now I can leave after proving you wrong.

>> No.1245366

Sorry. I was too busy being right to notice.

>> No.1245370

Right about what?

>> No.1245372

Nah. I'm just bored of this. I just realised "hey, I'm right! Why am I wasting time debating people who are wrong?"

So, yeah. Porno time.

>> No.1245379

I'm sorry Switzerland. Nobody will believe you.

>> No.1245389

WHAT THE FUCK. You are still arguing
Haha oh shit the OP gave up
