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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12439095 No.12439095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Touhou coming to PS4!
Touhou coming to PS4!

Just announced at SCEJA 2014 Press Conference.

>> No.12439099
File: 68 KB, 365x318, 1345012702593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touhou on ps4
what does this even mean? zun you.. I.. what?

>> No.12439102

The art is ugly

>> No.12439103

Well, it might also be on Vita.

>> No.12439104

...like, an actual, official game?

>> No.12439105

>These art

You gotta be kidding

>> No.12439107

How is that surprising? PS4 makes it easy for doujin games to enter the market.

>> No.12439108

They look like habbos.

>> No.12439109
File: 73 KB, 945x945, 1380852679530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN sold out. It's over, guys. Touhou is dead.

>> No.12439110

Aw yeah.

>> No.12439111

Yes. ZUN music included.

>> No.12439112


They've shown a shoot'em'up game and a sidescrolling game with nornal 2D art.

>> No.12439113

Are you serious? In my opinion this is increible, but which kind of games can be on ps4? Fighters?

>> No.12439114

ZUN owns Touhou.
It's not like anyone can just make their Touhou game and publish it on PS4.
Then why never consider the possibility of releasing shit on Steam?

>> No.12439116

It was inevitable once he got a wife.

>> No.12439117

I saw nothing of an actual shmups. Just popular fangames.

Also does ZUN not condone?

>> No.12439118

But muh ZUN art

I was happy but fuck this, muh ZUN art, where is muh ZUN art?

>> No.12439119

The only thing the PS4 does is make pretty graphics. ZUN, don't act like you can handle that.

>> No.12439120


>> No.12439122

So this is how 2hu fights off the emerging Kancolle shit?

So this is how it all ends?

Hey /jp/, I'm hungry. Go make me a sandwich.

>> No.12439123 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 640x360, 45068433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else watching this series on nicovid? Plot somewhat based on Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.


>> No.12439125

don't make guesses like that, you'll give the other EOPs bad misconceptions

>> No.12439126

2hu is kill

>> No.12439127

where were u wen 2hu was kill

>> No.12439128

Doesn't even matter. Fans don't even buy his games to start off.

>> No.12439130


>> No.12439132

I want my ZUN art dammit

>> No.12439133



>> No.12439136
File: 75 KB, 517x700, 1328130545014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not putting it on Steam or a PC digital distributor
>But I'll put it on a mainstream console
ZUN why....

>> No.12439137

So what happens now that 2hu becomes mainstream?

>> No.12439138

RIP Touhou.

>> No.12439139

Goddamn this will invite even more crossies

>> No.12439140

More like he's too fucking lazy to get people to translate shit for him and release on Steam.
It's not like these PS4 games will ever get translated.

>> No.12439142
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>> No.12439144

the mysticism is dead

>> No.12439146
File: 35 KB, 327x348, 1397332986419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ says hi

>> No.12439147

You can watch the reveal here at 1:38:00 time.


>> No.12439148

It was mainstream ages ago
And now it's dead

>> No.12439149


touhou is already mainstream, I mean I'm here

>> No.12439150

These designs look even more generic than Tasogare Frontier version.

Why even bother?

>> No.12439152

What i really dont get: Why touhou on thefucking PS4 before steam? I cant even come up witha number big enought to describe the higher amount of people begging ZUN for steam releases.

>> No.12439154

>western fans don't buy

>> No.12439155

Maybe this is his response to Kancolle. Being dethroned from the last Comiket must have been a wake-up call for him.

>> No.12439157

Oh well, secondary here, at least there will still be fangames right?

>> No.12439158

Grab me a meron soda while you're at it dude.

>> No.12439159

How many people will buy PS4, tho?

>> No.12439163

What does Reisen look like?

Those designs look like moeshit.

>> No.12439165
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>> No.12439166


Fuck Valve that's why.

>> No.12439168

Everybody buys all the touhou crap but the games. Everyone knows this

>> No.12439171

So what does this actually mean?

>> No.12439172 [DELETED] 

who /sp/ here?

>> No.12439173

The pc games sale like 10k.

It's not really big.

>> No.12439177

Eastern fans don't buy either

>> No.12439178

On the other hand, this could mean that we will get localizations for the game that release on PS4.

i-it's something, r-right

>> No.12439180

I see Genius of Saphherios and Sky Arena.

>> No.12439181

So which game is it? An official one or somehow an unofficial, non-SHMUP half-canon game?

>> No.12439182

It also played a track from Concealed the Conclusion.

>> No.12439183

I haven't touched a console since whatever generation the original Xbox was part of.

>> No.12439186
File: 25 KB, 221x221, 1332625610659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


retweeted on ZUN's twitter

>> No.12439187

So that strawberry bose game coming to NA PS4 shop anytime soon?

>> No.12439188

It seems like a bunch of derivative Touhou games rather than the real ZUN-made ones, based on what I've seen. So basically taking the Soku way of just giving it his stamp of approval.

>> No.12439189



>> No.12439190

>this could mean that we will get localizations for the game that release on PS4.
I literally just said we won't ever get those games localized.

If it was on Steam, sure.
It'd sell a lot.

But on the PS4? No way in hell they'll localize them.

>> No.12439191

So it is just fangames getting a PS4 release for some reason?

>> No.12439192


>> No.12439194

>Getting localized

Don't even expect fan translation either.

>> No.12439195


See >>12439133

>> No.12439196


Said this in the other threads but Well at least Touhou won't be reclining.

Imagine all the creative and imaginative material and input that the new generation of fans will bring because of this.

>> No.12439197

Doujin no more

>> No.12439198

If future games are on PS4 I'm officially abandoning Touhou.

Fuck 2014.

>> No.12439199

fuck, this is making me recline
like what the hell

>> No.12439200

Will we get more yukkuri abuse?

>> No.12439201


When did this happen? I thought they were still on 3

>> No.12439203

I bought 4 touhou games and would buy more if they were actualyl available for a reasonable price.

>> No.12439206

Consoles nowadays are really pushing western indie games.

Makes sense they'd try the same in Japan.

>> No.12439208

I'd rather it reclines then turning into console exclusive shit to be honest

>> No.12439209

ZUN just wasn't making enough money anymore with the doujin shit.

>> No.12439211


Good question.

>> No.12439212

PS4 came out in November 2013 in US and EU and in February 2014 in Japan.

Doesn't really have many games worth playing yet.

>> No.12439215

Doesn't he, like, own Reitaisai? Which is an entire convention that gets held in Japan's biggest convention center?

>> No.12439216

I highly doubt every single future Touhou game will be PS4 exclusive. It's probably more of a "multiplatform" deal, or maybe some derived games.

>> No.12439217

Who the fuck still buys consoles in 2014?

>> No.12439218



Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.12439219

You don't have to pretend to be retarded just because the thread is filled with retards.

>> No.12439223

>This will never be translated. Ever.

>> No.12439224

Touhou fans.

>> No.12439227

who are u quot?

>> No.12439229

ZUN has it great compared to 99% of the other doujin work makers

>> No.12439230
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Until VRMMOs roll around they're not worth it and even then it's better to use a computer.

>> No.12439231

What's the next step? Will Touhou get a Anime?

Kancolle has a Anime..

>> No.12439232

People who like Japanese games.

>> No.12439234

touhou already has an anime

>> No.12439235

>Atlus localizes Touhou

What then?

>> No.12439236

Dem fighting words

>> No.12439239

I want to fuck a cute /jp/sie in the ass while he plays 2hu on a shitty console

>> No.12439238

Is this that bad? They'll still be the same sort of games, just on a different platform, right?

>> No.12439240
File: 110 KB, 600x450, 863650268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you this was a bad sign
Selling all the games in a collection super cheap meant something was going to happen

>> No.12439243

Atlus doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.12439244

you mean those fanmade things?

>> No.12439246

I just want ZUN to make a new shootan game for PC with HIS arts

have some spin-offs by whatever, but goddamn I love his fucking art

>> No.12439247

>wanting your Touhou behind a DRM wall the size of china

NO this is not the way of ZUN

>> No.12439249

Doujin games huge success is due to how easily accessible it is. Everyone who have a computer can play it.

Now putting it on PS4 will just kill the whole scene.
RIP in pieces 2hu. Where were you when 2hu is killed?
Time to jump to the boatwagon.

>> No.12439250

This means ZUN is not a free spirit anymore

He joins the corporate masters now.

>> No.12439252


The fuck happened to them?

>> No.12439254

But it's obviously true if ZUN foresees enough sales to warrant being a filthy sellout.

>> No.12439255

The only good Japanese games are on PC or in the arcades.

>> No.12439256
File: 696 KB, 944x534, 1409558500419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I jumped the sinking boat that is 2hu
>tfw Kancolle is more popular than ever
>tfw 2hu finally sells out and loses all the little respect it still had
>tfw who I quote

>> No.12439257

where were you when touhou was kill?

>> No.12439258

He's being bought by Sony.

>> No.12439259

Is it some spinoff thing he's doing, or is this Touhou 15? This is important.

>> No.12439260

So because their success is down to how accessible they are, they'll be killed by making them even more accessible?

>> No.12439261

Parent company died
SEGA bought them

SEGA doesn't even localize shit like puyo puyo

>> No.12439262


neptunia is a very good game

>> No.12439263

Maybe Sony will make money again? That would be nice..

>> No.12439264

PS4 is a dead system

>> No.12439265

on the jay drinking the brain juice

>> No.12439266

Neptunia is like a moege with bad writing and painful gameplay

>> No.12439267

Atlus USA still exists and localizes games. But don't expect them to localize something as niche as Touhou, that's more up Aksys or XSEED's alley.

>> No.12439269
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>> No.12439270


putting 2hou on the ps4 doesnt excluse it from still being on pc

>> No.12439273

I saw footage of Sky Arena and what looked like a Rance-style game.

I think it's just whatever games they want.

So really, the doujin circles are making bank off of this before ZUN himself is.

The second Golden Age of IOSYS is coming, friends.

>> No.12439274

It's a new game, likely to be PS4 and maybe PC.

It makes a lot of sense when you consider that the PC market in Japan is dwindling compared to everything else. It's not like the western world where Steam has become a large force in revitalizing PC sales, so it makes sense to throw your weight behind a console or else you'll be forced into the Mobile market.

>> No.12439275

googles touhou ps4 past hour

>> No.12439276

>To live a good afterlife. To steer away from falling down to hell. To do so, you'll want to contribute to society and make other people happy. To do that, you'll want to make a fun game, and reveal this kind of game to people in such a world. That's why you want to finish this game by a certain date... and so forth, you'll produce a chain of goals.
>If this chain starts during your project, you might end up making a game that is hurtful to others, or contain immoral elements. You may end up making games for the sake of earning money. That would not be a good thing to happen.
>What are you making games for? Why do you want to make a fun game?
>You shouldn't simply laugh the question off. Others will realize you don't have an ultimate goal.
>When someone asks you that question, answer like this.
>"Well, to live a bright and enjoyable afterlife."


What happened? I feel fucking betrayed.

>> No.12439278

that's just what you hope for

>> No.12439280

Never mind, the wife happened.

>> No.12439281

I guess I should give touhou a try now.

I've waited to the last possible second now.

>> No.12439282

>wahhhhh I don't get to download games that one guy put tons of work into for free anymore

You let this happen.

>> No.12439284
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A new age of walfas is upon us!

>> No.12439285

> Atlus USA still exists
In the same way Atari still exists

>> No.12439287

If its just the fan touhou games I don't mind

>> No.12439288

in my heart?

>> No.12439289

>console exclusive
>no ZUN art
>likely never any localization (because seriously, all efforts of 2hu are by fans for fans)
Yes, I'm greentexting

Who gives a fuck anymore, shit's grim yo.

>> No.12439291

No, they just exist like they always have. We're still getting Persona 4 Ultimax Marie Edition and Persona Q-Bert localized by them, not Sega or whatever. The only people who thought Sega buying Atlus meant anything were retarded /v/irgins.

>> No.12439292

Of course it is. ZUN can't draw like that.

>> No.12439293

Right, got that, but that's not what I meant.

Didn't need to ask anyway, actually. Pretty clear from the OP that it's some side-game or offshoot thing, with some older games being ported to PS4. ZUN testing the waters.

>> No.12439294

Zun is on his knees right now.
All these years he had been an upstanding man, but that was because there was no other fandom even near Touhou there was Miku but that wasn't a game. Suddenly a year or so back Kankole comes out and blows everything the fuck away. Suddenly Comiket is full of it's doujins and not Touhou. Suddenly Pixiv is Kancole teritory not touhou. Niconico douga videos on Kancole.

And then zun goes fuck. All these years I was too comfortable, I didn't wanna sell out. But with this kind of opposition. I guess I'll have to.

So Touhou comes to PS4 and Touhou anime gets made and Touhou gets milked by figure and marketing companies.

>> No.12439296

>dead system
>outselling Xbone 3 to 1....WiiU isn't next gen

thankyou top market corporate man for telling me PS4 is kill I would've almost thought otherwise with all the other press

>> No.12439297

So some circles got ZUN's permission to publish their fan-games on PSN. So what?

>> No.12439298

ZUN's wife made him capitalize on Touhou to get money for having babies.

>> No.12439301

There are drm free games on steam. It is not just drm but also a shop and download service.

>> No.12439302
File: 199 KB, 600x600, Touhou.Sky.Arena.full.1071084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down. it's just fangames.


Does this mean we'll get an update for Sky Arena?

>> No.12439303

A shame because Kancolle is absolute garbage.

>> No.12439304
File: 37 KB, 160x180, Avatar Crotaku [2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Persona 5
>Dead or Alive
>Senran Kagura
>God Eater 2
>Yakuza 0 and Ishiin
>Resident Evil Revelations 2
>Disgaea 5
>Virtual Reality Waifu
>EDF 4.1
>Bloodborne is coming Feb. 5

I wish I was this dead.

>> No.12439306

And now 2hu will bring the consoleniggers from /v/ anymore.

I can't take it easy anymore, /jp/ will be a shitload more active but the contents will be bad.

>> No.12439307

>that's more up Aksys or XSEED's alley.

Well don't just stand there bring this to their attention before NIS America gets it and fucks it up in ways we cant even begin to imagine.

>> No.12439308

I am more upset about Kasen's long-awaited first in-game appearance being on this weird PS4 shit instead of a real game than any supposed sellout bullshit.

>> No.12439309

in a landfill?

>> No.12439311

DDC was in the stream though. And the version of G Free that played was the original, not the CTC remix.

>> No.12439313

Feels good to own PS4.

>> No.12439315

Can tuhu into /v/ now?

>> No.12439317

Sony has no money though.

>> No.12439318

in a few years, /jp/ will have worse post quality than /x/

>> No.12439319

It's just skinner's box shit like every other.

Why was it so fucking popular again? Because MUH military mecha grill?

>> No.12439321

>Suddenly Comiket is full of it's doujins and not Touhou.
Comiket is still almost half Touhou.

>> No.12439323

/v/ is a western board for western games made by western companies for western gamers

in other words no weebshit

>> No.12439324

The only system that the nips care about is the one with mario kart and monster hunter.

>> No.12439325

It's just to show what these fangames are based on.

>> No.12439326

Apparently, ZUN's lazy ass is bought out by them.

His ass and other doujin makers.

>> No.12439328


Come on ZUN just put Touhou on Steam and be done with it.

Why is this so hard?

>> No.12439329


>> No.12439330

>only one game that's new, good and an actual exclusive at the same time

>> No.12439331

>[citation needed]

>> No.12439332

But Vita gets all the niwaka games.

>> No.12439334

>no weebshit
>that hype for P5

>> No.12439335

m-muh moe ship girls, m-muh fanservice

Suddenly it almost outdoes Touhou.

>> No.12439337

DDC looked like a little aside. If an official game was getting ported I think it'd get more attention then all the fangames.

>> No.12439339

Which is why all of them are geting BTFO by 3DS

>> No.12439340

There's already decently active netplay threads there all the time.

>> No.12439341

Here it begins, console war on the Jay

>> No.12439342

But Kancolle is coming to Vita.

>> No.12439344

If that were the case, it would have been more clearly presented, rather than tucks away under layers of shit.

>> No.12439345

Years of PC loyalty abandoned just like that

for shame ZUN

>> No.12439346

Yeah but if you plan on going in there, filter juaydevoid

>> No.12439347

Otaku love the nationalism and reading up on all the history shit about their favorite boatslut.
There is no need for lore when the whole fucking ww2 history is out there.

>> No.12439348
File: 62 KB, 600x450, 859630570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whatever came of this?


>By the way, the work of the download version is going comparatively

>> No.12439349

All right, if it's just fangames, that's fine, no big deal. They can do what they want, though it does open up interesting future possibilities.
Everything is fine.

>> No.12439350

Yeah, in 2020.

>> No.12439351

I don't even give a shit anymore.
Fuck it fuck it hell

>> No.12439352

You download it off PSN store silly anon. Better get your sony account up son.

>> No.12439353

he just said it's by a different team.

>> No.12439355

That'd be great if it meant getting terrible threads like this out of here.

>> No.12439356

Doujin games have no fucking point in consoles in the first place.

No hack
No fan translation
No pirate

What sort of doujin games are this?

>> No.12439357

>New project start-up of PlayStation "Touhou Project" fan series, and ZUN | Conference! East creative game appeared one after another in the PS4 ™! # PlayStation 0901

>"Touhou Project" fan series

>> No.12439358

Don't joke around like that
/x/ died one of the worst deaths on 4chan

>> No.12439359
File: 369 KB, 858x967, ss+(2014-09-01+at+10.24.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's barely 1/3 Touhou this year.

Just go to niconico and see how touhou content has literally declined over the past 5 years or so. People just aren't as interested anymore.

Remember when it was like oh look it's yukkuries oh look it's a funny sketch show about touhous and so on...

I mean I had pixiv since the start. Now I usually just favorited a lot of touhou artists. But when I look at the following tab now I have like 554 artist followed. Scrolling down a bit I see less and less of touhou. More of other things. Some of these people used to do exclusively only touhou fanart.

>> No.12439360
File: 161 KB, 600x800, 1336119457738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCK, I'm going to buy a PS4 just for this game. Don't hate.

>> No.12439361

>that feel when you can't afford to buy a machine that only plays games
guess I'll still have my trusty PC and all the other touhou games

>> No.12439363

I have a PS2 and PS3 and I went all for PC last, last year.

Fuck consoles.

>> No.12439364

bbbut muh tulpas, blurry pictures, succubus summoning rituals, and ayy lmao responses

>> No.12439365

how can you not afford a wiiu?

>> No.12439371

You can never go home.

>> No.12439372

For people who want fast jay, this thread is the fastest but it's also the shittiest, this is a very confusing time

>> No.12439373

He didn't say anything about wanting a doorstop.

>> No.12439374

There's only a huge fucking ocean of touhou pictures that I haven't fapped to. Even if they stopped making touhou pictures, I would still never get bored

>> No.12439375

>console wars
Fuck off back to gamefaqs

>> No.12439376

Oh well.
As long as ZUN wants to make more games the series will continue on. If not, there's still a shit load of games he made. And I haven't bothered clearing stuff like Alice on Extra so it'll love on even after it's gone.

>> No.12439377

I was too panicked to read that

>> No.12439379

>Then why never consider the possibility of releasing shit on Steam?
Steam is not Japanese.

>> No.12439380

Yukkuries are almost dead too.

>> No.12439381

Hey now. It's at least got Wonderful 101.

>> No.12439383

please don't use yuyuko to post console war bullshit

>> No.12439384

I did get bored, I was this guy. Now I don't even come here anymore at all. I just came because I hear OH MY GOD PS4 TOUHOU.

>> No.12439385
File: 461 KB, 666x932, a675f59fce034e69921482e7ee063a41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bomber grape and most of the touhou artists have already switched.
This should be pinned to the lack of new interesting 2hus. TD, Hopeless Masquerade and DDC have been absolutely underwhelming.

>> No.12439386
File: 154 KB, 1389x800, farmer guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuri's dead long ago.

It's a good thing.

>> No.12439388

Japanese games are doing really well on it, the Sora no Kiseki games are getting a second chance in the US thanks to being released on Steam.

>> No.12439389


"PC gaming" as the west knows it is nonexistent in Japan, you know.
So the whole "PC master race" thing is meaningless over there.

>> No.12439390

Steam or consoles, either ways you are going to hell.

Why can't ZUN just do it like before?

>> No.12439391

Who the fuck actually plays the official touhou games?

>> No.12439392

TD was okay to an extent, but HM and DDC were absolutely abysmal.

>> No.12439393

If the games do not get released for PC as well, I will be pissed.

The whole idea of console gaming is a scam. Even the newer consoles are just standard computer hardware in a fancy case running some god awful FreeBSD spin.

Why can't I just play this game on any FreeBSD computer? Why do I need to a buy a dedicated machine for playing games?

Also, what if the PS4 is region locked?

Say bye to English support, translations, and modifications. Say hello to having to spend hundreds of dollars so you can play the latest Touhou game.

>> No.12439396

PC gaming in Japan are doujin games and eroge/VNs, and those kind of games (at least all ages versions) are coming to consoles too because everyone want "indie" games on their console now.

So sad.

>> No.12439397

The millions of people playing a browser games on their PC say otherwise. Console is also doing just as bad as PC. Mobile is king.
Mobile gaming > PC gaming > portable console gaming > console gaming
Console gaming is dead last if we are talking about penetration.

>> No.12439398


>> No.12439399

He'll keep releasing his own titles on PC.

The console ones are just some of the Touhou fan games.

>> No.12439400

>Also, what if the PS4 is region locked?

PS4 isn't region locked.

>> No.12439401
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, touhou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12439402


Luckily, Vita is dead.

>> No.12439403

>Also, what if the PS4 is region locked?
it's not region locked

>> No.12439404

Ever though that ZUN maybe hates Americans? Outside America, a lot of people hate America.

>The whole idea of console gaming is a scam.

>> No.12439405

Browser games are barely games.

Gaming is dead.

>> No.12439408

>It's barely 1/3 Touhou this year.
1/3 of comiket is still massive, Quit your bitching. Just because your precious 2hu isn't on top anymore doesn't mean it's dead. Just be content with moderate success. There are tons of series out there better than touhou with a fraction of the popularity that survive on dedicated fans.

People like you ranting that the ship is sinking before it's even hit the iceberg are what's really killing touhou.

>> No.12439409


>> No.12439414

If ZUN hated Americans, he wouldn't have come to America last year.

>> No.12439416
File: 744 KB, 245x300, business.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12439417

Oh shit, Futo. I didn't even see her there.

>> No.12439418

Care to tell us how it is not a scam? Because I can give you dozens of reasons why it is.

>> No.12439419
File: 64 KB, 640x480, HNI_0033_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took it easy forever.

>> No.12439421

We need to have a confirmation

is it just fan games or 2hu 15?

The former is okay because they are fan games and most of them are already on PC, so not much loss

The latter is ZUN selling out, no doubt about it.

>> No.12439422

keep your enemies close little john

>> No.12439423


Dude calm down. If anything sales won't be super great because those games have been out for ages on PC (and as such already torrented to hell and back). Even better , see the second game on the lineup, Genius of Sappheiros ? Fully fantranslated in english already. It's gonna be a one off thing.

>> No.12439426

Looks like it's all fangames from the vid, to be honest.

>> No.12439427

Is that Reisen? Did she get a haircut?

>> No.12439428

Because I'm not entitled to play video games, it's choice I make. You can choose not to play video games if it displeases you so. You need to grow up and stop acting so entitled.

>> No.12439429

They're fan games not the official ones. Just read ZUN's twitter.

>> No.12439430


This is what annoyed me when I first saw it

>> No.12439431

Japan is so damn fascinating when it comes to technology.

Develop the most advanced mobile phones, the most advanced hardware, have the fastest internet in the world, tons and tons of new innovations...

PC gaming non-existent on the fastest most stable internet in the world.
The main website and is Yahoo.
Japanese phones get stomped to shit by Apple and Google for OS and a few years later LG and Samsung come and take like all the market share. Sony and others literally trying to catch up and failing.
Literally no PC for anything. They use consoles and fucking handhelds.
After fucking YEARS of western manga piracy Japan finally decides to put manga on the internet in readable form and thats only because of mobile hones really.
Arcades still popular in 2014.

How did the top 1 dog for all things computer fail so hard?
Why did Korea go the opposite way where Consoles are regarded as trash and all gaming is done exclusively on PC an in PC game cafes.

>> No.12439432

it's the other reisen

>> No.12439433

Futo, Reisen II, Reimu, Kokoro, Satori, Kasen


>> No.12439438

it's Reisen II

>> No.12439440

which one?

>> No.12439441

Then it's not bad as I thought.

Still bad tho.

>> No.12439442

Because playing games is about fun, not muh graphics, not muh leet computer building skills.

You play games to play games.

>> No.12439443

Then why wasn't Appreggio of Blue Steel as popular?

I'm pretty sure its existence preceded Kancolle.

>> No.12439444

>stop acting so entitled.
What are you even talking about?

I was comparing console gaming to PC gaming.

>> No.12439446

>Why did Korea go the opposite way where Consoles are regarded as trash and all gaming is done exclusively on PC an in PC game cafes.

Because Koreans hate Japan and everything Japanese, and Japan just so happens to make consoles and console games.

>> No.12439447
File: 81 KB, 600x450, mootandzun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hating Americans

What's that, I can't hear you over the sound of him coming all the way to America.

>> No.12439448

Terrible quality.
What is your source? I will make a better one.

>> No.12439449

I know it's a fan game and all, but damn Reisen 2 in a game without Reisen 1

What a world

>> No.12439450

Wait, aren't those art from Fushigi no Gensokyo series?

>> No.12439454
File: 5 KB, 170x170, 25481110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because me who contributes 0% to it and lives in fucking Croatia is bitching about Touhou on a American 2chan clone Touhou is dying. YEP THAT MUST BE IT.

>> No.12439455

Why is doujin games allowed to get imported to PS4?
Is it going to be no different than PC?

>> No.12439456

This. Thank you Anon.

>> No.12439458

No you weren't, you were calling consoles a scam, parroting /v/ better than a parrot could ever.

You're acting entitled because you're demanding that games be released exclusively for PC because that's your prefered choice and wish consoles would die, regardless if anyone actually likes consoles. Entitled.

>> No.12439460

"Indie support" is one of those next-gen things.

>> No.12439461

Because ZUN is okay with it, duh

>> No.12439463

Your mental model of Japan is outdated by about 25 years. The West, America specifically, is technologically superior in every single way.

>> No.12439464

Well my problem is all the highly competitive e-sports stuff is on the PC except fighters.

And you literally never see Japanese people in Dota, LoL, Starcraft, Quake, Counter Strike and so on... you don't even see them in competitive WoW or any other MMO really. I remember back in the day Rangarok Online had like Singaporean and Korean teams.

>> No.12439465

Touhou Arena wasn't made by ZUN. You know that right?

>> No.12439466

You think any Japanese is allowed to openly hate America without people calling for more nukes?

>> No.12439467

>Appreggio of Blue Steel
It sold fucking well for a 3DCG trash. But you can't really compare them this way. Kancolle is a very easily accessible game where everyone with a PC browser can just play it. Being easily accessible helps in getting the words out.

>> No.12439470


Are for faggots.

>> No.12439471

Think that Anon got it from >>12439147

>> No.12439473

Yeah I know. It's about the fact that they were TOP DAWG for years. Even in 2000 Japanese phones beat the shit out of all the western phones. And then in 2006 or whatever came Apple and the game changed 180° and really everything changed.

Japan got Twitter and started using Google and all these American and South Korean brands.

>> No.12439474

There's plenty of Japanese people playing LoL and stuff like World of Tanks. They don't give a shit about esports because everyone knows it's dumb.

>> No.12439475

What's your point?

>> No.12439476


Fushigi no Gensoukyou 3 is among the games to be released for PS4 as you can see here >>12439165

>> No.12439477


>> No.12439478

>Dota, LoL, Starcraft, Quake, Counter Strike
Because they're shit.

Seriously, are you stupid? different people have different preferences, different nations have different national characters. Are you American? that would explain your idiocy.

>> No.12439481

>No you weren't, you were calling consoles a scam, parroting /v/ better than a parrot could ever.
In all my years of 4chan, I have only gone on /v/ once.
>You're acting entitled because you're demanding that games be released exclusively for PC
No, I am not. I want it released for both platforms.
>regardless if anyone actually likes consoles.
Never have I met anyone who prefers consoles over PC.

>> No.12439482
File: 9 KB, 279x66, ss+(2014-08-12+at+07.08.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes eye am

Pretty sure it's played mostly on Mobile.

>> No.12439484

It's only for fangames and people already shitting their pants

fucking /jp/sies

>> No.12439485

Yeah, why wasn't Arpeggio popular in the west? It was pretty cool and Nano sung the OP.

>> No.12439486

Another Arena game from the same company is actually coming on Steam translated. Touhou Arena will never be translated into english on PS4. That's the difference.

>> No.12439487

That WebM was 1080, the YouTube source is 720.

>> No.12439489


Consider how actual Japanese athletes are treated in China or Korea. They are booed, jeered, harassed, and basically treated like shit because muh historical reasons.

I don't blame them for avoiding any contact with 'those people', and this extends naturally to online games.

>> No.12439488

The history of Japanese ships is pitiful though, except maybe anything from the Russo-Japanese war
I never understood why the Japanese idolize the Yamato when its war record is absolutely pathetic and it never saw a real battle

>> No.12439491

Blame ZUN for showing his face and make it look like he's making a game for PS4.

>> No.12439492

Cause of shit CG and a bad ending.

>> No.12439494

And yet the Japanese will tear your ass a new one on skill based single player games. The arcades have produced a freakish number of human metronomes and TASbots over the years.

>> No.12439495

No I'm Croatian.

And Japan gives a lot of shit about e-sports A HUGE fighting scene and tons of manga literally dedicated to fighters and the competitive aspect of it. Not to mention they're casually mention in really every other anime or manga out there. When you go to arcades you go there to play fighters.

Just because you people think e-sports is gay for whatever reason, it's getting hugely popular in genreal. I mean it's already like super huge in China and Korea. And it's getting bigger and bigger in the Western word + Russia too.

See High Score Girl and such.

>> No.12439497

I'm pretty sure it's just /v/. They don't understand the concept of fan made games and that ZUN mostly doesn't care about them.

>> No.12439498

Fangames being able to get on PS4 is fine.
The official touhou too, if that permits me playing it with an even better resolution. But I fucking want my ZUN art.

>> No.12439499

>In all my years of 4chan, I have only gone on /v/ once.
Sure buddy.

>No, I am not. I want it released for both platforms.
You called consoles a scam, quit changing your tune.

>Never have I met anyone who prefers consoles over PC.
Because you don't care even if they existed, you'd just call them idiots or whatever.

You're so entitled you're blinded by it. You think you're right right now.

>> No.12439501

Blame yourself for being a retard and not recognizing Touhou Battle Arena.

>> No.12439502

Because there was an anime that happened to use that giant ship and it became a cult classic.

>> No.12439503
File: 7 KB, 216x195, 1409467994779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnng, I feel the feel of conflicting loyalties building up in my stomach...

>> No.12439504

>allow fangames to be created on other system
>still makes the original series to be released on pc only
>fangames in consoles net all the new 2hu fanboys
>rack in all the money he get as the original creator

Never doubt Kannushi's wisdom.

>> No.12439505

Did you watch it. It would have been like 500 times better if it didn't have FUCKING CG. Jesus christ every anime with CG ever made is pretty much shit.

>> No.12439506

The 3DCG's weren't bad though.

>> No.12439507

Well nigga I don't know. That's the only video posted here with the Sony conference.

>> No.12439508
File: 109 KB, 640x394, 6d6f1247e405242610f45ea8c584b7411328379005_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over guys! ZUN is a sell out!

>> No.12439509

Don't forget those fangames will never EVER be released in the west on the PS4, so I don't see the hype about it.

>> No.12439510

The only thing i see is the logo mark from the USA PSN for "Playstation loves indie" now for the Japanese PSN.
It's just sony porting indie games for the PSN, this happens all the time here in the west. Look in the trailer, even Croixleur Sigma is getting ported.

>> No.12439511

To be fair, some official games's footages are also shown.

>> No.12439512

China and Korea isn't Japan.

Japanese people are superior to Chinese and Koreans people.

>> No.12439513

It's actually pretty clever, if I recall correctly PS4's online system also shoves a free doujin game to you each month.

>> No.12439514

Good Smile owned the rights to the nendos.

>> No.12439515

In a collective society, being a sellout isn't a real thing.

>> No.12439516

That's just nendoroid.

>> No.12439517

I watched it, but didn't finish it. The ship battles were cool and I didn't have a problem with the animation style. The CG isn't that bad compared to something like RWBY.

>> No.12439518

Yes but what was announced was one of the Touhou Battle Arena game. It's a pretty meh game too and it's never going to be translated.

>> No.12439519

For the ships, it was good.
For the characters, it was meh.
I like the series myself, but in the west at least that kind of animation isn't appealing.

>> No.12439520

>Pretty sure it's played mostly on Mobile.
It's actually a bannable offense to play Kancolle on a mobile platform

>> No.12439521

Is there any reason why it's only 2hu doujin game showed? I hope it actually means that PS4 allow doujin/indie games in general to be ported.

>> No.12439522

Nobody gives a shit about fighting games anywhere in the world. Sales for all of those games on consoles should tell you. If they gave a shit about them then arcades in Japan wouldn't be dying out.

>> No.12439523

If arcades are dying out what the fuck are the Japanese teens and young adults playing?


>> No.12439524

>Comparing to RWBY

RWBY was made by some western faggots.

This is produced by professional Anime studio.

>> No.12439525

Well, as said, the problem isn't big if it's just ported fan games.

It means ZUN still has some dignity left and is just showing his face because of the 2hu brand.

>> No.12439526

Because touhou is not coming on the PS4.

>> No.12439527

B-but muh EVO....

>> No.12439528


ZUN is giving his greenlight for fangames because if it fails, it doesn't mean the main series die with them. Just placing his bets carefully.

>> No.12439529


You get various free games each month, yeah. Doesn't even have to be indie, sometimes it's older AAA titles.

You just have to pay 5 bucks a month. It was voluntary for PS3, but is mandatory for PS4 if you want to play online.

>> No.12439530

RoosterTeeth are professional as well, which makes things all the more funny.

>> No.12439531

was meant for this>>12439518

>> No.12439532

On paper, Yamato was supposed to be baddest Battleship during WW2. On its final voyage it literally got bombed to oblivion and sunk.

Do you about this show called Space Battleship Yamato?
It also depict Yamato going on her final voyage to end the war up against terrible odds and a huge fleet of alien fleets. Other famous ships like Yukikaze also made it appearances in the show.
I am sure you get what I am implying.

>> No.12439535

I'm not sure what to think about this.

I guess we have to wait until the dust settles down and more info shows up. In the meantime, you can keep on shitposting, /v/-tachi.

The big news is, ZUN is letting them do it.

>> No.12439536

They're among the most popular, games made for just shits and giggles probably won't make it because porting to a console still costs budget.

I wouldn't be surprised if only AQUASTYLE, Tasofro and another 2~3 companies' Touhou games will make it.

>> No.12439537

Hoping it fails.

Doujin games, no games, should stay on PC first and foremost.

>> No.12439539

PS4 is chock full of Western indie titles. So is Wii U and Xbox One.

After seeing indie games selling so much on Steam, Sony, MS and Nintendo jumped on beard.

>> No.12439540

Everything else at home. The only fighting game with players online in Japan is Ultra SFIV. Basically every other game's online scene dies out after a month.

>> No.12439541

>Well, as said, the problem isn't big if it's just ported fan games.
So what if main touhou is on console? Do you have something against people playing games?

>> No.12439542

Puzzle and dragon

>> No.12439543

That's nice, but I'll still wait a year or two for the PS4, since I can't read moonrunes and for now it has no games I'm interested on.

>> No.12439544

>Hoping it fails.
You're honestly hoping people hate games? you're honestly hoping devs make shit games?

>> No.12439545

Calm down nerd, nobody would get doujin games ported on consoles if they weren't popular first on PCs anyway.

>> No.12439546

I have problem against console exclusive that is unhackable/cannot be fan translated yes.

A PC doujin game is way more free.

>> No.12439547

It's funny because at first Nintendo allowed them to damage control the WiiU sales, but they're actually doing really good.

>> No.12439548

I was considering PS4 for MGS5, but that's coming to PC now.

>> No.12439550 [DELETED] 

PC masterrace XD

>> No.12439551

I'm hoping people won't pay for games that can be pirated for free on PC for a long long time.

>> No.12439553
File: 188 KB, 1920x1200, Capture2014-08-30-14_49_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should buy their localized game on PC so they understand PC is the superior platform anon.

>> No.12439555


I said thay earlier , we already have those. And Genius of Sappheiros in english. Let's just watch the mediocre sales.

>> No.12439557
File: 1.08 MB, 900x900, 1351426442231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you fuckers just refer to Reisen as Reisen and Reisen Udongein as Udongein?

>> No.12439559

>A PC doujin game is way more free

>I'm hoping people won't pay for games that can be pirated for free on PC for a long long time.

Wow, you'd call him a sellout if you couldn't steal his stuff?

>> No.12439560

Inferior retarded rabbit go away

>> No.12439561

I guess the competitive feeling Japanese people just go play Fighters or do time runs or something.

I know I played competitive FPS on Clanbase starting with Counter Strike,Call of Duty 1 and 2 it sort of died out by 4. Then I moved to Starcraft 2 because it was the only big competitive thing with a lot of people and it had an awesome machmaking system.

I was a rabid anti dota person because I had guys in class in highschool play it and talk only about it. But then after SC2 died and just before TI 2 started a old friend told me here have a Dota 2 key let's try this. So we did and 3k hours later it's still awesome. I just can't play vs AI in singe player games it's so damn boring.

I wonder if theres any Japanese people that feel like that.

>> No.12439562

Because fuck you mochi pounding peasant rabbit only getting the name because the watatsuki sisters want to save your ass.

Reisen 1 is the true soldier rabbit.

>> No.12439564

Because Reisen doesn't like to be called Udongein by anyone but Eirin.

>> No.12439566

Yes, since if I can steal his stuff, it means his stuff doesn't have DRM or any other anti-consumer shit.

I don't like buying stuff that breaches consumer's right.

>> No.12439568

>call him a sellout if you couldn't steal his stuff
Welcome to PC gaming.

>> No.12439570


Yep. She has three names really : Reisen as her original, Udongein was how Eirin renamed her once on Earth, and Inaba is how Kaguya call rabbits.

>> No.12439573
File: 244 KB, 994x671, operator reisen 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard it's really pronounced "You don't gain"

>> No.12439576

Stealing isn't being a consumer.

>I don't like buying stuff that breaches consumer's right.
You're breaching their rights to start and run a company by stealing. Stealing is against the law, your stupid version of 'consumer rights' isn't a real law.

>> No.12439577

It's pronounced 優曇華院

>> No.12439578


There's an "e-sports" arcade in Akihabara where they play dota, lol, hearthstone, world of tanks, and all that stuff.
Not as popular as regular arcades, but it exists.

>> No.12439579
File: 216 KB, 800x1000, 1396635525223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized that the A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ Alien Ship idea in Kancolle isn't even original

>> No.12439580

Because Reisen is her name. Why the hell should she give it up to some pointless ripoff that doesn't even have a name of her own?

>> No.12439586

In it's defense, planes just beat battleships. That's how it works.

>> No.12439587

Nothing in Kancolle is original. Not even the concept.

>> No.12439588

I have no excuse, and I'd like to say with or without DRM, I'd pirate the first game before doing any purchase.

The idea of stupidly buying a game first without trying it out is not for me, after all, buying is about goodwill, wanting to support good games, not about how many walls and barriers are put to prevent people from trying out the game.

>> No.12439589


Hey I just realized something.

If we don't hype those PS4 games ut means it will either stay in Japan or fade out. It's like imaginary monsters, don't look, annnnd it's gone.

>> No.12439591

Touhou fans are the worst.

>> No.12439593

The same thought crossed my mind.
Which is very sad.

>> No.12439594

The naming difference is obvious in Japanese but not in English
So Reisen II works better

>> No.12439597

Was meant for >>12439591

>> No.12439599


Ain't that true. I sometimes feel I'm too sane for Touhou.

>> No.12439600

There's a reason why their localized game on Steam is using 100% original characters. Copyrights.

>> No.12439604
File: 186 KB, 902x1300, silent_sinner_ch07_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the watatsuki sisters want to save your ass.

Save is not the word.

>> No.12439605

I could be wrong, but isn't Reisen just a name given to all of the moon rabbits or was it just a name given to the Moon bitches special rabbits?

>> No.12439607


I mostly meant to quote this because it talked about support but you're right.

>> No.12439608

No, they named Reisen II "Reisen" in memory of the original Reisen (Udongein)

>> No.12439613

Read Cage in Lunatic Runagate.

Reisen II would have been killed for escaping to Earth if not for Eirin purposely sending her to deliver the quantum letter to the watatsuki sisters, and then the watatsuki sisters adopting her into the lunarian force.

Of course, she's just a worker rabbit after all so she never comes close to the first Reisen in talent and combat.

>> No.12439616


>> No.12439618

>exercising a lot with my new pet

>> No.12439619

You do realise how entitled you sound, right?

You are NOT entitled by any human right to play video games. People ARE entitled by human rights to start a company. And how they have the right to do their business the way they want so long as it does not breach any other laws.

Playing games is a choice, you have no right to steal; you are in the wrong.
You DO have the right to start your own company and run it how you see fit, make as many demo's, give out as many free games as you like and see how long it lasts though.

>> No.12439620

That was a joke connected with her previous remark.
Can you even joke? Do you talk with other people aside from the ones in your head?

>> No.12439624

are you retarded

>> No.12439625

that's as bad as Sonic fans buying the Sega Genesis Sonic ports for PC to show their dislike of the new Sonic games

>mfw this actually happened and greatly boosted Sega's sales figures

>> No.12439629

I might sound entitled but consumers are god. It's as simple as that.

>> No.12439631

Read a few pages before that specific page.
Fucking dolt.

>> No.12439632

that isn't canon is it?

>> No.12439635

you completely missed >>12439604's joke

yeah it is

>> No.12439638
File: 153 KB, 917x518, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is this?

>> No.12439640

>that's as bad as [people supporting a game they like and not supporting a game they don't like]

>> No.12439643

>buying localizations
Are you retarded? The PS4 game is NEVER getting localized.

>> No.12439645

>but consumers are god
God must be an idiot, that can only explain Apple's products selling like hot cakes.

Good Lord, next you'll say the free-market will fix it. Fuck, if you say that, I'll know I'm wasting my time talking to basically a sixteen year-old Communist.

>> No.12439646


Supposedly DDC to show what games the ones on PS4 come from.

>> No.12439651

Trust me I study tohology

>> No.12439652

Sisters confirmed sluts then

>> No.12439656

Power to the people! Bolshevism now!

>> No.12439659

>touhou is now not comiket material

>> No.12439660

Free market won't fix shit, there wouldn't likely be a free market, this is why illegal practices and black market exist.

With all that said, I will remain a pirate who buys out of goodwill, not because I have to. You are wasting your time, really.

And a lot consumers are idiots, just don't be an idiotic one.

>> No.12439661

That free market faggotry is the territory of the dumbfuck Libertarians, not the dumbfuck Communists.

>> No.12439664

>Genius of Saphaeros on PS4
>PC version has English language patch
>PS4 will never have that privilege.

PC Master Race triumphs again.

>> No.12439669

Same shit. Both rely on the utmost goodwill of the people. If that were possible, Adam wouldn't have eaten the apple from the tree of knowledge.

>I will remain a pirate who buys out of goodwill
You are breaking the law; you are not Robin Hood stealing from the rich, don't delude yourself.

>> No.12439672

>master race
>can't read Japanese
pick one

>> No.12439674

>You are breaking the law; you are not Robin Hood stealing from the rich, don't delude yourself.
People are breaking the laws all the times, I'm comfortable with breaking this law.

>> No.12439677

Being able to read or not, the game is available on PC ages ago, fully pirateable and everything.

This is just Sony picking up some scraps.

>> No.12439680

File sharing is not breaking any law

If you're going to moralfag it up get your facts straight

>> No.12439681

>I'm comfortable with breaking this law
Because you've deluded yourself into thinking that you aren't doing anything bad.

You are not entitled to play video games, just buy the ones you are sure you like. Then take risks for games that look promising. And don't play games that are shit.

It's that simple, you do not have to steal.

>> No.12439685

Zun's wife is Nitori

>> No.12439687

Why take risks when I don't have to?

I don't have to steal, but I like to, and there's nothing stopping me.

>> No.12439688

>File sharing is not breaking any law
Except it does. Every game has a states IP notice that unlicensed distribution of their product is not allowed.

>> No.12439691

That's breach of contract, a civil violation. Breach of a contract which is not valid in all countries.

>> No.12439693

lol, you've gone from saying its a consumers right to saying you just want free games.

I've done my job. Have a nice day, criminal scum.

>> No.12439697


If the laws are bad and unenforced, you break them. Buying/voting should be from goodwill, not risking and coercion.

>> No.12439698

Do you guys have a self esteem that low? Nobody is discussing about which system is superior but you mustard race, and no, I don't even like Sony since I don't care about their exclusives and mostly use the PC for games since I have a 3DS for EO and other stuff.

>> No.12439699

That and the touhou games are shit compared to their original games like Magical Academy.

>> No.12439703

What's wrong with Udonge?

>> No.12439708

Really? I'm playing GoS-W (still trying to beat the vanilla boss), and I think it's a good Jay RPG.

>> No.12439710

uhh you clearly said any law

>> No.12439712

Talking about Touhou Arena.

>> No.12439713

>vanilla final boss*

>> No.12439716

Never mind then, sorry.

>> No.12439720
File: 3.84 MB, 2046x1446, 304ecd9ba213f1d5cda4fe6efbc574af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the fighter games, I guess.

>> No.12439727

2hu fighters are actually canon. ZUN writes for them.

GoS, Sky Arena are secondary materials, not having anything to do with ZUN aside from using his characters and setting.

>> No.12439729
File: 14 KB, 328x246, shop_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. The touhou fangame is pretty much the same as every other games they made. Except with no loli.

>> No.12439732

>U Don't gain
Brings back good memory.

>> No.12439733
File: 64 KB, 787x575, elementalacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better screenshot. This game has clothes customization (unlockable) unlike the touhou fangame.

>> No.12439741

We got it, nobody really likes that fighting game here anyway.

>> No.12439743

This probably means that we're going to get the anime 2015 or 2016

>> No.12439748


>> No.12439749

I'm pretty sure this is just older touhou doujinsoft allowed to be ported to the PS4 by ZUN.
Allowing a new game with touhou on it to be on the PS4 would completely destroy the point of doujinsoft.
He'd never do that.

>> No.12439752
File: 168 KB, 1200x849, 201309091132864_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is Reisen 1 as well, just before the promo ends. She's on right side above Sanae.

>> No.12439761

You are aware that this is the so-called 'touhou game' coming on PS4 right? That's what this whole thread is about.

>> No.12439762
File: 511 KB, 1000x1000, 1341183252529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12439770

To be fair, I thought by that they mean a real 2hu game made by ZUN.

>> No.12439771

I still can't believe the thread went for so many posts without anyone mentioning it was a fangame and not a actual touhou game.

>> No.12439773

No, it's one of them, but there's other stuff like AQUASTYLE's ones.

>> No.12439779

This is all a ploy, Sony intentionally make it that confusing to generate hype.

Most people wouldn't be hyped knowing it's just some new fan games, and a bunch of old and widely available fan games being ported and ZUN approving of it.

>> No.12439787

Pirating isn't stealing, you dummy.

>> No.12439797

He isn't. Go be a moralfag elsewhere.

>> No.12439816

It's not if you buy the game afterwards. But you guys just use it as a shitty excuse anyway and say "I didn't like it anyway, not worth my money!" too.
Also you guys already get mad when other people use your shitty memes/OCs, I'd want to see your face when you'd get your game pirated in case you'd ever make one.

>> No.12439818

To be freaking honest, if I ever make a game, I wouldn't mind if it got pirated, cuz that means more people got to play it.

But I don't plan to make any games soon.

>> No.12439821

There is nothing to hype. All those games exist on PC. The funniest part is that the game mentioned on OP is not a 'toaster-tier' game.
You need a good graphic card to actually hit 60fps. PS4 version is confirmed for running at 30fps. A fucking indie game, capped a 30fps.

>> No.12439825

Well, it's just a console after all.

>> No.12439828

Where am I? back in high-school?

>> No.12439829

Fine, "because".

>> No.12439832

Not really, I have a poor normie tier toaster and can run it normally.
Touhou indie games have retarded requirements for some reason, just read the new Touhoumon's one for example. It's mostly due to Japanese spaghetti coding than graphics,

>> No.12439855

60fps and all with maxed settings? I heard people say they couldn't get maxed fps during combats. On idle it's much easier to get good frap rates.

>> No.12439859

Why are FANGAMES allowed to be ported on a mainstream console? I mean, some of them are pretty good and they might look nice on a PS4, but wouldn't it confuse people? They might think those are the actual Touhou games and take everything that happens in them as canon.

>> No.12439862

oy vey

>> No.12439887


Ahahah, doesn't that happen already?
That's why I've never cared about Kanc taking over, 80% of our fanbase are secondaries that think Touhou is some anime based on IOSYS songs. Do you think they even care about canon at this point?

>> No.12439893

The sad truth.

>> No.12439922

Desperate attempt to get some mainstream attention?

>> No.12439926
File: 779 KB, 1027x765, SHUT UP WRINKLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YOU. USELESS RABBIT #1 is a better name for that shitter.

>> No.12439931
File: 97 KB, 336x461, 224c4b419011390f01128f13e4374a59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only useless rabbit here is you.

>> No.12439932

Zun knows if he puts the games on consoles the game would get destroyed by the competition.

>> No.12440095

I agree with what this guy is saying >>12439859

You know, there are some people that aren't really bothering too much with what they like.
For example, I know someone who said that she likes Vocaloid, but she only know about Miku, Rin, & Len. She doesn't know about any vocaloid besides them.

If these fangames come out at PS4, there are people that think these fangames are the only 2hu games, they don't know about official shmup games....
What I'm afraid, there will be new generations of secondaries worse than before

>> No.12440105

ZUN doesn't care about canonity at all.

He even references 2hu soccer in SoPM, but yeah, I assume most people who play 2hu soccer/2hu fangames to have decent knowledge regarding 2hu already.

>> No.12440132

Awesome Reisen art, anon.

She looks real tired of this shit.

>> No.12440161

Ultimate Dream, wasn't it?

>> No.12440396


>> No.12440410

>this is what /v/ actually believes!

>> No.12440436

the head of this touhou fangame on PS project thing is actually one of ZUN's buddies who's helped him before on the business side of things with the tasfro fighter collaborations

>> No.12441301

Okay somebody fucking set this straight
Is it an official touhou game (14.5, 15, etc) or just a fangame?

>> No.12441316

How is any of this considered selling out? He's still going to make good games the same way he always has. He's just trying to expand the audience by permitting fan games to appear on other platforms.

Protip: If you want fans to be more involved in content creation, making it easier to contribute is a great way to start.

>> No.12441527

Who cares, no sane person should willingly want to go on that shithole

>> No.12441626

>How is any of this considered selling out?
Elitism. Fuck, ZUN isn't even abandoning PC and more than half of /jp/ is already shitting on him.

As for me, I don't give a damn about the complains (which are "I don't want my mainstream series to be more mainstream" kind of retarded). I'm happy to see Touhou "officially" touching consoles, this was something I was expecting since more than 5 years ago, and hell, this will be good.

>> No.12441748

It's a publishing program with D.N.A. Software for Touhou doujin game circles to get their games onto PS4. This is not official games being ported to PS4, and ZUN's role in this is a fairly minor one.

>> No.12443609

Are the mods still redirecting /a/ and /v/ to /jp/? Because this thread sure reeks of /v/.

>> No.12445085

/jp/ is long dead, dude.
