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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12431834 No.12431834 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ please help

There's a Touhoucon going on Sept 20/21 that's within 3 minutes walking distance from my house

But I'm too scared to go outside

>> No.12431841


>> No.12431844

Go look in the mirror.
It'll just be that x1000
You don't want that. Nobody does.

>> No.12431845

Kill them anon, kill them all

>> No.12431850
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Being MA is suffering.

>> No.12431851

>But I'm too scared to go outside
So don't go?
What do you need help with, exactly?

>> No.12431855

Get a cardboard box and pretend it's a moving fortress.

Extra: Buy a pair of shoes with wheels in them and skate to Touhoucon. Remember they can't rape you if they can't catch you!

>> No.12431859

Man up and just go, dude.

You might end up fucking someone cosplaying as your favorite 2hu.

Sure, the bitch might rob you after, you at least you got pegged. What could be better than that?

>> No.12431955

Your better off not going.

>> No.12431957
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I know where you live

>> No.12431974

How the fuck do you know, spergmongler.

The guy might actually enjoy it.

>> No.12432038

Touhoucon shills pls go

>> No.12432046

Fine sorry, calm down. In my opinion it would be terrible but as you say it might still be something he would like.

>> No.12432060
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You can do it Anon!

>> No.12432060,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the monster girl thread

>> No.12432060,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12432060,3 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the ultimate post-post-neo/jp/ thread?

>> No.12432143

Go, anonymous.

Go, and regale your friends at /jp/ with tales of how many horrible normies were there.

>> No.12432143,1 [INTERNAL] 

When's the warosu meetup? The last one was a trainwreck. I'm thinking we should try to rope Big Trev into attending, among other infamous personalities.

>> No.12432143,2 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off Trevor, piece of shit.

>> No.12432192

Western cons are for normalfags and haven't been necessary for truotaku in over a decade.

I hope you enjoy seeing fat skanks wallow around in the same poorly done cosplay with their beta "I don't know what any of this shit is but I'll play along because I'm such a nerd lmao" boyfriends and poorly made overpriced merchandise.

>> No.12432232
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I will do it for you /jp/. If I die, I'll leave you guys my fumo collection through the will I write

How overpriced is the merchandise at cons? I usually just buy custom canvas/mousepads/ect online to get my 2hu fix. If I want a hoodie or some piece of clothing, I just ask my childhood friend who owns a clothing line.

Hopefully there aren't too many cosplayers, I don't want my fantasy girls defiled

I want to make friends

>> No.12432232,1 [INTERNAL] 

It must be the monster girl thread now

>> No.12432249 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.12432249,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to get your post deleted.

>> No.12432257

Well since you're a normie you'll probably have a great time.
Try to find an after-con orgy to attend.

>> No.12432249,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12432264
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You won't make friends at a con, you stupid fuck.

Also, the merchandise is overpriced on the same value as it's sold in stupid comic shops, that's the price you pay for easier accessibility; though not like any retard doesn't know how to fucking order shit on-line.

The best you're in for is seeing stupid people acting stupid and slutty with bad cosplaying suits and thinking they're the shieeet.

If I were you, I'd take my fucking Nexus 4, grab a few shots of the ones that look more slutty, grab a feel when I get into a shot with them, buy a Reisen wall scroll and make a pass towards some bitch dressed up like Patchouli or Ran, Patchou or Ran cosplaying bitches always want to fuck after the cons.

This is what you can hope for and get in a best case scenario. A best case scenario that totally depends on you and the attitude your deciding to take when you go to this event.

Now take a lesson, dork master, I don't live forever.

>> No.12432271

I'll be your friend for two days.

>> No.12432271,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do you want me to post that instead.

>> No.12432278

wow thanks, you're like that really cool older kid in the neighborhood

>> No.12432280

I was thinking about going, but I'm worried it'll be a bunch of weirdo's and secondaries based on that little I seen on the facebook page

>> No.12432288
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Damn straight, son.

>> No.12432288,1 [INTERNAL] 

I might catch an amtrak down to this...

>> No.12432288,2 [INTERNAL] 

Get the fuck off of warosu and go back to /a/ gayboy.

>> No.12432288,3 [INTERNAL] 

is milg going?

>> No.12432295

I was at an independent record store the other day, and I ended up buying a Legend of the Overfiend shirt.

The old dude at the counter said "nice shirt." Not sure if he know what it was or not.

>> No.12432300

He knew. The guy was truOTAKU.

>> No.12432304

Fuck me sideways, I just posted this in the wrong thread.

I beg for forgiveness.

>> No.12432316

Strangely enough, it fitted the threads topic.

>> No.12432323



>> No.12432327

Took you long enough.

>> No.12432335

Patience is key, grasshopper.

>> No.12432335,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're mean. I just want to fuck cosplay and get drunk.

>> No.12432335,2 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.12432429

>If I were you, I'd take my fucking Nexus 4, grab a few shots of the ones that look more slutty, grab a feel when I get into a shot with them, buy a Reisen wall scroll and make a pass towards some bitch dressed up like Patchouli or Ran, Patchou or Ran cosplaying bitches always want to fuck after the cons.

Oh please, that's what we all fantasize about but who the fuck has actually gotten some at a con?

>> No.12432488

Are there actualy any attractive women at Touhou and anime events? I have no social life or job so I don't want to hang around normal women who would judge me.

>> No.12432498

anime events are full of people with no social life or job

>> No.12432502

I know, but are any of those attractive women?

>> No.12432513

women are either unattractive, insane or both. Would you stick your dick in crazy?

>> No.12432519

Yes, I find crazy to be interesting.

>> No.12432529

I don't think I have enough life experience to make a judgement on what having a relationship with a crazy person is like. I had a crush on an ugly girl before though.

>> No.12432534

>You won't make friends at a con, you stupid fuck.
Where do you make friends?

>> No.12432535

>Would you stick your dick in crazy?


>> No.12432538
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Well, here's a qt loli I got a picture of at this year's Con in Calgary.

It was nice to see someone cosplaying something that's not super popular.

>> No.12432540

>making friends
How is that /jp/ related?


>> No.12432542

she should be arrested for public indecency

>> No.12432543

And, as always, I dunno why it's sideways. It'sd fine on my PC.

>> No.12432544

félerino when no yandere gf

>> No.12432548
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>or job
Then how do pay to get there and/or play for the passes?

>> No.12432549

belly looks P punchable 7.5/10

>> No.12432554



>> No.12432560
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Everyone needs friends, Anon-kun.

>> No.12432561

yeah but sometimes people don't have friends

>> No.12432563

Unemployment benifits.

Her parents should be ashamed for leting her go out in public like that.

>> No.12432572

Those people needs friends even more!

>> No.12432583
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>> No.12432590

/a/ is just as friendless as /jp/, why are you linking to there

>> No.12432590,1 [INTERNAL] 

100% yes

>> No.12432604

/a/ is filled with turbonorms

>> No.12432605
File: 111 KB, 540x720, 1407565092308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go. Get pass or ticket to there immediately so you feel obliged when the day comes.

If you don't go you will regret it sooner or later.

>> No.12432609

I think I may have to stay away, it seems there is too much black magic.

>> No.12432615
File: 362 KB, 625x615, 2hu48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, are you one of those fabled "Pussy Wizards" I hear about sometimes?
Rumors have it you're attracting females like a rapidly rotating neutron star attracts matter!

>> No.12432617

hahaha, that wheelchair guy

>> No.12432620

don't laugh it's rude

>> No.12432622

That's "love nucleus" you are talking about. When afflicted by that, you tend to wander in parallel worlds with alien and giant robots, though.

>> No.12432628

Are you a biology otaku?
Didn't get the reference either, I'm sorry.

>> No.12432630
File: 326 KB, 1098x765, 1weeklater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Muv-Luv otaku in fact.
>tfw no ML con ever.

>> No.12432634

3 minuttes? I envy you, closest one to me is thousands of miles away ;_; go there and enjoy it friend!

>> No.12432642
File: 273 KB, 654x850, Remilia Scarlet89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see.
I haven't played/read anything of that yet, as I've heard it's full of suffering and despair, and I can't take either very well.
Thank you for not shouting at me, too.

>> No.12432653

This is a no bully zone anon, don't worry.

>> No.12432897

Apparently it is, but the first part that everyone tells you to read first to "get to know the character" or whatever is so godawful I never got to the suffering.

Probably for the best, really.

>> No.12433527

All these normreplies encouraging him to go to a western convention... /jp/ is truly dead...

>> No.12433531

>that's what we all fantasize about
So it has come to this...

>> No.12433671
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Los Angeles Master Race

>> No.12433690
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Japanese people think I'm creepy IRL, or maybe it's just because I'm black?

>> No.12433690,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking pathetic.

>> No.12433690,2 [INTERNAL] 

...pardon, what did you call me...?

>> No.12433690,3 [INTERNAL] 

` ` Fucking pathetic "
Its right there

>> No.12433690,4 [INTERNAL] 

What's the difference between Touhou fans and furries?

>> No.12433690,5 [INTERNAL] 

Furries are attracted to animals like your mom

>> No.12433690,6 [INTERNAL] 

>` `

>> No.12434343

i'd do it

>> No.12434406

Oh god what happened there?

>> No.12434416

Is, is he ok?

>> No.12434425

no, he died

>> No.12434431

I watched the anime of that and it was okay.
Is the anime and the VN standalone things?

>> No.12434432


>> No.12434492


your right, it's hilarious, looks like he has one good leg tucked under his stump

>> No.12434516

Japs are xenophobic

>> No.12438978

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