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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1242758 No.1242758 [Reply] [Original]

I just scrolled through all 10 pages and didn't find a single ronery thread.

What happened to you, /jp/?

It's like I don't know who you are anymore.

>> No.1242766

We all found internet girlfriends and are kind of internet dating now.

>> No.1242767

That looks dangerous.

>> No.1242769

We're all e-dating Meru, if you want to know.

>> No.1242770

We're just having a dry spell right now, come back later and there should be a new thread discussing our crippling loneliness and social anxiety.

>> No.1242775
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so ronery

>> No.1242779
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looks pretty safe to me

>> No.1242780

Why do I have serious doubts about that?

>> No.1242787

Anon could at least get an internet date.

>> No.1242795
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Well, who the hell do you think I am?

>> No.1242799

You look like sakuya

>> No.1242801

Very funny.

>> No.1242806

A retarded kid who actually likes GL, and a tripfag.

Now go kill yourself before I expose more of your pitiful life story.

>> No.1242817

I haven't left my room in a week and I have classes.

I told myself I wouldn't do this, but then I stay up until 8am and end up too tired to go to class.


>> No.1242823
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Well, it's a little stranger than that...

>> No.1242824

I've given up on all human companionship and communication of both 3D and 2D.

>> No.1242829

Then what are you doing here?

>> No.1242834


I've never done this, but sometimes I have dreams in which I'll have missed two or three months of class because of it, and then I'm about to fail and get kicked out.

Those dreams really piss me off for some reason.

>> No.1242844

Being cynical and hating the all of you for being naive, stupid, and having hope..

>> No.1242846

I've reached the point where I don't care anymore. I'll probably be single for the rest of my life, and I'm fairly satisfied with that. Hell, even my libido's decreased significantly.

>> No.1242851


>> No.1242854

I never even tried or even had a sex drive.

>> No.1242859

The thought of getting it on with an anime characters makes me fucking horny as hell.

>> No.1242860

Sad you view sex like that.

>> No.1242878

As if I might have sex IRL anytime soon?

>> No.1242880

Judge how you will, Anonymous. Any sort of shame is lost over the internet.

>> No.1242888
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I might go to sleep early tonight just so that I can get back to my elaborate fantasy world

>> No.1242892

I would totally buy jarred Anonymous to decorate my room.

>> No.1242901

No, I'm not saying it's pathetic because it's an anime character; it's pathetic because he is view sex as something that's overly wanted and over the concept romance.

>> No.1242910

I don't even have a fantasy world anymore. ;_;

>> No.1242940

Make one? Thats what I've been doing for the past couple years. My own little world where I insert 2d characters and create my own story. No lucid dreaming or anything (wish I could do that though)

>> No.1242952

I sincerely want to learn to draw so I can make my own trash at home. I don't even care to sell it or anything.

>> No.1242957

lucid dreaming would be great, what would you do if you could lucid dream?

>> No.1242958

There's nothing that I want or anything I enjoy. ;_;

>> No.1242970


I'm not saying I don't have certain beatoff fantasies, but nothing as elaborate as that.

And you know, I'm sure Anon can get a girl. Maybe a really domineering girl who likes submissive guys to make her feel powerful, but a girl nonetheless.

>> No.1242978

Why would one want that?

>> No.1242980

I'm extremely submissive...

>> No.1242991

I think a lot of us are, but we're still not necessarily interested in having a dominating girl.

>> No.1242992


They can be fun if you don't mind wearing the skirt in the relationship. If you do mind, though, it's just humiliating.

>> No.1242999


I lost my girlfriend of 6+ years a while ago. Shit sux.

Then 3 months later I found a shy japanese girl at work who I started seeing.

Later I found she is a HUGE comic book nerd and loves collecting toys

Lesson: Ronery can turn into WIN very vest. Don't give up!

>> No.1243003

What is this. Why are you posting.

>> No.1243009

Just how submissive are you? Submissive enough to allow a girl to put makeup on you and dress you up?

>> No.1243011

Isn't this a post-your-fantasies thread?

>> No.1243012


She's ugly huh.

>> No.1243013

Go away. You don't belong here.

>> No.1243014
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Anon = Viral?

>> No.1243017
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Nothing? Try self inserting yourself into an anime /manga etc series you like alot, while rebuilding the plot to make sure you fit properly. Or inserting yourself into an episode of a show you like. I've been doing this for so long that I don't even have sex in my fantasies anymore. Most of the time it's just me enjoying the company of characters I like

>> No.1243021

I could ronery since I don't have a girlfriend, but I'm just not feeling it tonight.

>> No.1243023

I would actually like that.

Nay, love that, but I'd probably hate the way I look because it can't be what I imagine it to be.

>> No.1243029


You know... as long as we seemed reasonably normal in public, I wouldn't mind that too much. Only I'd make a lousy trap.

>> No.1243030
File: 107 KB, 500x331, 1220422843421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, listening to the OST/op/ed of the show related to the characters you like helps too.

>> No.1243031

Hah! Done that for years. Though it's usually just one story every once in a while, rather than focusing on the same one for more than... well, usually a year at most.

Though I expect that matches your case anyway.

>> No.1243033

I used to do that (especially when I was a child), but I can't do that anymore. ;_;

>> No.1243036

meh, i would not mind that much.

>> No.1243038

Lucid dreaming? Haven't done that one in a while. Mostly it was just flying and raping for me. I'm not sure I could get a real animu dream going even if I tried.

>> No.1243042

Sometimes I can't tell if you guys are being serious or not.

>> No.1243046

this ronery shit has nothing to do with /jp/

>> No.1243048



>> No.1243049

I don't do that. I'd actually prefer watching stuff unfold from a distance rather than be right in there.

>> No.1243050

We are.

We are a sad bunch (in terms of society)

>> No.1243052

Actually it has everything to do with /jp/. Everyone knows that Japanese men are ronery and hikkis are a part of their pitiful culture.

>> No.1243053


I know what you mean, but that one is believable.

>> No.1243055

Homeschooling and lack of friends/social contact made it possible for me

>> No.1243058




Wasn't even past the fifth fucking page.

>> No.1243064

clone, virginity, etcetera

RE: dominant girls
That's my mother you're talking about.

>> No.1243082


>> No.1243084
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Nobody cares what moot says. This board screams ronery and there's no point in denying it.

>> No.1243088


What else could I do that would help?

>> No.1243093

The first couple weeks of school are always the worst. ;_;

>> No.1243098


Print a few pictures from danbooru and build a little shrine in the corner. Like an icon, only instead of Jesus it's Rika or whoever.

>> No.1243108

Fuck off; you are the worst type.

>> No.1243111

I would really want to make myself do this, but I just have no desire or imagination anymore. ;_;

>> No.1243114

Fuck yeah I'm going back to college in a couple of weeks. I'm going to work my ass off and avoid any contact whatsoever with other students since I'm just a weird silent guy anyway. Whatever.

>> No.1243118
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I believe you know what I'm insinuating by this.

>> No.1243119

I've dropped-out.

>> No.1243120


You are not missing anything. I may do the same this year. Hopefully old friends will still want to keep in touch to invite me to parties for free beer, though. That's really the only reason to talk to the boring mundane sheep that are college normalfags -- to mooch off them.

>> No.1243121

How do you go about doing this? Dreams? Or do you just sit back/lay down and immerse yourself in your imagination?

>> No.1243122


Mega fail

>> No.1243124

Worst type of what?

>> No.1243127
File: 78.00 MB, 320x240, 1220424136000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try after watching an episode of the show with the character(s) you like? That way the whole episode is fresh in your mind and it becomes easier to work with.

Manga/eroge etc works too

>> No.1243130

What are you talking about? College isn't that bad at all, since you can just shut up for the whole time and no one will give a damn.

>> No.1243138

Not when you share a room/apartment with someone.

>> No.1243140


I have a two-room apartment but my roommate is the hiki.

>> No.1243144
File: 48 KB, 864x480, 1220424380476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sit/lie down, close my eyes with the related music and just use my imagination.

>> No.1243145

I have absolutely no clue as to what I want to do and really don't know what to do with my life.

Also, I mainly dropped for social reason and being unable to be around people.

>> No.1243153


I'm a huge anti-social faggot, but I didn't have much of a problem with it at college. Now I'm forced to go back to school because I can barely wipe my ass with my Bachelor's in terms of pay, but that's another matter altogether.

>> No.1243154

You sound like my roommate, but I'm pretty sure he has no idea what a hikki is.

>> No.1243156

I'm not sure what to do with my life either. I've always considered being an editor, but I don't know how to go along doing that.

>> No.1243158

All right, thanks. I suppose I'll give this a try.

>> No.1243162

I really can't take being in classes or having to speak to someone or a group.

Plus, I really don't know what a degree would do me anyway; it's not like i really could go out into the world and get a career.

>> No.1243183
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Good luck. Just remember that it is supposed to be fun

>> No.1243194

I kind of envy you... ;_;

>> No.1243198

Get a business degree and go into stocks. If you're lucky you might make some decent money and never have to leave your computer.
