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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1241628 No.1241628 [Reply] [Original]

If given the chance, you would not have consensual sex with a little girl.

...I'd like to think that. You guys aren't that bad, right?

>> No.1241634

/jp/ is that bad

>> No.1241635

Is the little girl in question Rika?

>> No.1241637

Depends on the girl
That one, yes

>> No.1241643

Depends on the girl guy, age and if she is delicious or not.

>> No.1241649

>If given the chance, you would not have consensual sex with a little girl.

...I'd like to think that.

You're right. It wouldn't be consensual.

>> No.1241652
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/jp/ - just pedos

>> No.1241650

I wouldn't have sex with a real little girl, shit's gross and probably missing teeth.

>> No.1241653


>> No.1241660

is she 2d?

>> No.1241670
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No. I'm partial to boobs and butts.
Also, developed hips.

>> No.1241680

No. I'm not even attracted to real little girls anyway, I just pretend I'm pedo because it's cool to be one on the internet.

>> No.1241682


>> No.1241684

I'd her kero.

>> No.1241708

>>consensual sex
>>little girl
Not possible.

>> No.1241712


>> No.1241742


They won't necessarily regret it later.

It's always fine and happy in Comic LO.

>> No.1241737

The lack of lolis on 4chan disterb me.

>> No.1241750
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Healthy > flat

>> No.1241754

A bit of oral sex won't kill her.

>> No.1241761

I don't think you read the same Comic LO as everyone else.

>> No.1241764

Just because it's more doesn't mean it's better. There is strength in simplicity. Less is more.

>> No.1241765

Oral sex with a man or a woman?

>> No.1241768

This is Anonymous. We are talking about. A man.

>> No.1241779

But not all anonymous are men!?!

>> No.1241786


Yeah, some of you little dicks are still boys. Become men, Anonymous! Make me proud!

>> No.1241789

No girls on the internet.

>> No.1241805

No, real little girls are infirior to their 2D counterparts.

>> No.1241812

>EVERYTHING is inferior to its 2D counterpart.

>> No.1241951
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If it was 2D and looked anything like either Rika or Hanyuu, than fuck yeah!

>> No.1241982

*sigh* I feel like I'm gonna be arrested for this, but I'll be perfectly honest because the most edifying things I've read about serious pedos has been when they too are honest.

Consentual, I would. (>12) HOWEVER...
- I'd have to guarantee perpetual consent. Grown (>20) girls are usually even capricious. All it would take is an accusation to ruin your life, so she'd better not ever ever ever get mad at you.

- Physical attraction != overall attraction. Kids are not sexy. So very not sexy.

- Regardless, around real kids I don't even engage sexual functions of my brain. I have that close a grip on my thoughts - I can deny erections... hell, I can cloud my own recollection willfully if needed. I can silence my mind to the point that no words enter it. But no fears fellow anon, I'm actually an uncommonly good guy by intention and action. As gays will readily explain, you don't choose the philias you're born with.

But in a magical fantasy world where only appearance counts, yes. Sure I would. I don't live in one of those, so I don't. Also if anything I'm far less likely than a random other hetero male to rape ANYONE ever since it damn near takes the perfect ideal woman to generate genuine interest in me beyond fleeing fancy.

>> No.1241985

not all the time. resentiment is a pretty good portrayal of real life

>> No.1241986

Also, it is not a preference, just an "also." I have a vast array of sexual attractions, so... it's nothing targeted.

>> No.1241991

>As gays will readily explain, you don't choose the philias you're born with.

Sometimes you do. And sometimes it's your own damn fault that you turned up that way, and you just don't know it.

Not saying any of that applies to you, however.

>> No.1242065
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>>1241951 either Rika or Hanyuu

>> No.1242081

No,children are annoying and I hate them.

>> No.1242082

Consensual? Hmm...depends on what EXACTLY you mean by "given the chance."

>> No.1242086

That applies to adults, too.

>> No.1242088

>But in a magical fantasy world where only appearance counts.

I don't know if you know this but we already live in such a world.

>> No.1242096

For me it's all relative to my own proportions. I think I'm highly attracted to not just little girls but girls my age just as much, who are very slender and or short. This is because I am quite short for a male and have a very young appearance for my age. Sadly this has not netted me any loli pussy.
If you think about how most men prefer a smaller woman they can cuddle in their big arms and protect and then, fully dominate when they want to, I'm just like everyone else. Just am the way I am because I come in a smaller package.

>> No.1242114
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In 3D I am 100% with you on that...
but FUUUUUUCK if I ever saw a little girl look like this...

>> No.1242118

I personally wouldn't do it. Lifetime jail or a one night stand, not that hard of a decision.

>> No.1242166

'1982 here.
That doesn't work for me...
One thing that attracts me to doujinshi over other porn (o btw, I am) is that I know who the characters are and some of what they've gone through. If the mind isn't there, I'm uninterested. (To me, this makes hookers ultimately unappealing...) Also largely for that reason, I could never have a child as a partner. While I'm perhaps far less condescending to them than most (actually, because I swore to myself as a child I wouldn't forget what it was like being one) I still can't imagine a scenario where I'd see one as a peer. Physical attraction. Psychological repulsion. But being open to any concept that presents itself I've noticed these opposing forces since I'd accept either...

>> No.1242173

The only time I'd have sex with a little girl is if I could ascertain that she would not hate me later. She'd hold the perfect blackmail to ruin my life. Also, I wouldn't go for vaginal sex unless the girl were a bit older (like 10 or 11 at the very least) because it'd just be painful for her, and there's no fun in that for me. Even 11 is pushing it, but I'm a little... below average, so I figure I could have sex with a girl who's a little "below average" in size as well. Until then, though, oral sex would be fine.

>> No.1242181

>lifetime jail
Since when was statutory rape that severe a crime?

>> No.1242192

It isn't actually, but you'll certainly be a criminal for the rest of your life. And whenever someone finds out exactly what your crime was, enjoy not ever being able to associate with them again.

>> No.1242201

So you will be unable to make friends or get a job. I guess that explains why they are so many NEETs and hikkis on /jp/.

>> No.1242215

Ever since finding Pedos became the 21st century version of Witch hunts.

>> No.1242228


Witches didn't rape your children.

>> No.1242246

No, they just ate them instead.

>> No.1242261

I don't think I could really screw a real 3d girl. There's some kind of mental line between 2d and 3d girls beyond just looks. I think it's because 2d girls have a pre-developed personality. I have no qualms about Satoko, Rin, or any other loli. Whereas with a 3d girl...I just can't see myself doing someone like that.

>> No.1242262

But some of them probably did.

>> No.1242278

much like witches 90% of them do no harm to society

>> No.1242294

1982 again. What a fun thread...
I also have 2D preference. IMO it's because they're composed completely of fantasy. We've seen what real girls are like and it's pretty unsexy sometimes. Looking at all the people getting burned in bad relationships or played just for cash or other selfish purposes, who the hell would WANT to get into that stuff?

However there can be love without "playing the game." Shit, I'm giving too much personal info - I loathe bars and clubs - I'm not going to go there to pick up a girl, that's a disaster. However if you make yourself available to meet real girls in social situations that fit you, you meet ones closer to your same interests and feelings. And I find if you meet a girl you can be truly open and unguarded with, the 2D ones will hit the benches for a while.

>> No.1242351

Personally, I just don't find little girls sexy. That would be enough by itself, but I also don't think most people under 20 have a real sense of what they're risking when they have sex.

I'm 27, single, and have no kids. When I'm not at work, I can pretty much do anything I feel like doing, and nobody is able to make demands on my spare time. 10 years ago, I didn't know how awesome this would be. Maybe at some point I'll give it all up and go 3D, but for now I'm totally unrepentant.

>> No.1242354

If given the chance to have sex in with a little girl without legal consequences hell I would do it.
Consensual or not.

>> No.1242358
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I love cute lolis.

>> No.1242362


"Pic unrelated."

>> No.1242369

I'd give it a shot, even though they'll have the personality matching their age (which sucks). In a "free from, repercussions" sense, of course. But in that context, I'd do just about anything.

>> No.1242383

>I can silence my mind to the point that no words enter it.

My mind is always like that, I can't really recall ever 'thinking' as I'd assume most people do from the way they describe it.

I do everything perfectly, however, so I don't really care.

>> No.1242385


>> No.1242397

>I do everything perfectly, however, so I don't really care.

A dash or period should have been used instead of a comma after the word "that" in your first sentence.

>> No.1242400

Sounds like you're born with perfect zen then. I only happened to find it because I wouldn't rule out the idea as a kid that some people might read minds. Sounds silly now, but it provided years of meditation practice, ahaha... serendipity.

>> No.1242404
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Whoops, meant to use a period.

