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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.12418464

Plus sized? They look pretty normal to me.

>> No.12418477

Look at their legs and the close ups of their faces.
I doubt they'll be "plus sized" for long. All of that singing an dancing will wear them down.

>> No.12418478

in japanese media they're fat as fuck

>> No.12418478,1 [INTERNAL] 

The thighs don't tell lies.

They're pretty plus sized.

>> No.12418485

I'm guessing you are American.

>> No.12418485,1 [INTERNAL] 

Any media, really, supermodels are routinely starved around the globe.

>> No.12418637

I imagine part of their training will be being forced to eat donuts under an ex american policeman trainer

>> No.12418800

That would be kind of hot.
I'd download the BDs.

>> No.12419319
File: 70 KB, 642x489, smug anime gril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also push diet and exercise products at a mail order site called “ChubbiMart”

>buying dieting products endorsed by chubbos

>> No.12419845

Jap idols are ugly compared to K-Pop singers.

>> No.12419856
File: 876 KB, 416x410, 1402702115890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this madness stop?

No, they look pretty normal, i.e. not starving.

>> No.12419858 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1200x1704, fuwafuwadiet_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donut idols

>> No.12420616

There are some girls there with thighs thinner than my forearms, how can they be called "chubby" if they look like they'd placed under a normal BMI?

>> No.12420621
File: 426 KB, 838x468, look at that whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these girls would be called anorexic in America. This girl here is an example of someone in a perfectly healthy weight (therefore, setting an example as to how skewed the idol industry really is).

>> No.12420630
File: 186 KB, 550x830, Super Pochako Bunny Ver FREEing 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these girls look chubby to me... And no, I'm not American.

>> No.12420632

Now, THAT is what I call chubby. Not that idol travesty they call Chubbiness.

(Still needs a bit of chin, though.)

>> No.12420639
File: 112 KB, 640x427, chubbies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are your favorite doughnut idols?
Dark blue, light blue, pink.

>> No.12420642
File: 72 KB, 786x429, TXjLLga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is considered FAT in Japan.

>> No.12420644

Using 2D for comparison is pretty stupid.
Japanese people can rarely draw larger ladies.
They are chubby, just not western chubby.

>> No.12420647
File: 669 KB, 700x963, Pochako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about chin?

>> No.12420648

third from left obviously

>> No.12420651

third right to left is the only one i can see as being a fatty (she managed to be fatter than me, a miracle)

>> No.12420653

A girl without a bit of fat under the chin can't be considered truly fat.

It's a figurine, so it's technically 3D. Even though it's based off of 2D.

>> No.12420659

>A girl without a bit of fat under the chin can't be considered truly fat.
It's 2D dude. Even fat 2D girls often drawn with small, round face.

>> No.12420662

3D > 2D
I can't get off to no double chin

>> No.12420663
File: 203 KB, 900x780, fat_toho_girls_by_nerizo-d4dic5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot example

>> No.12420664
File: 41 KB, 425x600, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double chin
Something like this?

>> No.12420669

2ton 2hus!

>> No.12420680

It's hard to type with only one hand, be right back

>> No.12420704 [DELETED] 



>> No.12420781 [DELETED] 


>> No.12420947
File: 2.08 MB, 3203x4386, what a fucking fatass holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the idol industry. You couldn't go five minutes in Amagami without someone reminding Rihoko of how fat she is and how she needs to stick to her diet. In any darker game she'd be seen as a bullying victim.

>> No.12421070

Their legs are really fat but that's only because Asians are midget-tier. If they grew just a few inches taller, they would probably be not so bad.

>> No.12421149

I bet you've never even played River City Ransom, you casual gamer.

>> No.12421183

Seriously, dude?

>> No.12421192 [DELETED] 

The article isn't going to be particularly different on any other site

>> No.12421251

It is?

>> No.12421257

A person with fat under the chin is already obese since the fat is starting to don't know where to go anymore

>> No.12421410

They're well within an acceptable weight range, but the agenda is not.

Celebrating being larger than average is as destructive as celebrating being underweight, as average is not static, and if the average is influenced to increase, "above average" will inevitably enter the range of fatness and no longer being human shaped.

I doubt such a thing could have an real influence there, so it is probably just a gimmick, not an early sign of societal change.

>> No.12421499

>tfw no qt3.14 plus sized Japanese idol gf

>> No.12421511

What happened to that Kpop group that pitched the same idea, Piggy Dolls?

>> No.12421536

>tfw you will never grab flabby piggy idol belly while you fuck them from behind
(I had an image to go along with this I think with kanako from cinderalla girls who is very chubby and cute but I can't find it)

>> No.12421538

They were eaten like anything with a bit of meat by their other subhuman compatriots

>> No.12421540

Had with liposuction and plastic surgery like all Coreans had.

Coreans cannot accept natural.

>> No.12421569

Having no musculature and a few extra unneeded pounds isn't "perfectly healthy". Perfect =/= normal.

There is literally no need for excess fat in modern first world society where you are never in danger of starving.

>> No.12421574

there's no need for adult girls to weigh 100 pounds either

>> No.12421577

adult women*

>> No.12421578
File: 328 KB, 858x573, NicchokuOshigoto_ENG_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this one instead.

>> No.12421579

women is such an uncute dumb word, call them girls please

>> No.12421581

so do you guys only enjoy 2D fatties or are you into actual fat girls as well? I ask this because there are plenty of chubby weeaboo girls out there who would love to watch anime with you and play with your penis if you are actually into chubby 3D

>> No.12421584

actual fatties are gross

>> No.12421585

pls friend no 3d in /jp/ pls

>> No.12421589

Simply SUPERB /a/ post.

Literally in denial of your own sexuality. Worse than a gaymo in the closet.

>> No.12421593

why thank you. i have arriven from /a/ a few days ago. this is my first post today.

>> No.12421599

if more gays stayed in the closet they wouldn't bother the rest of us

>> No.12421609

how are they bothering you exactly? by having the audacity to be gay in public and not be ashamed about it? what a horrible tragedy for you, oppressed straight male.

>> No.12421611

you forgot to mention my white privilege

>> No.12421612

they inspire people to be social justice warriors on the internet such as yourself

this is a safe space for racist straight males, please don't bully

>> No.12421615

>gays inspire people to not be assholes and that makes me mad

>> No.12421616

What the hell are you talkinh about?
3d fat girla are disgusting and usually smell bad too (like greasy milk), take you fat acceptance somewhere else please.

>> No.12421621

social justice warring is all about being assholes to people you don't like; it's the fundamental premise of everything

>> No.12421622

I don't like fat 3d girls but that's not what he said. He literally didn't mention fat.

>> No.12421626

there are appropriate contexts to discuss 3D japanese girls in, and "do you like 3D girls or just 2D" discussions are, being universally shit, not one of them

>> No.12421628

Why would they promote unhealthy eating habits, especially in Japan?

I bet the Jews are behind this.

>> No.12421630

it's even worse than jews

it's females

>> No.12421631
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, tor_708513547_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12421634 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 720x945, BoSYeU5CAAAGcYt.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems to be talking about western consluts anyway.

>> No.12421640 [DELETED] 

>meet chubby otaku girl online
>go to her house
>she's sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette in a dinosaur kigurumi
>looks about 12 despite being 19
>we watch about 15 minutes of Mind Game before we start to make out
>go to her room to fuck and it's just as bad as some of those awful rooms you see in /jp/ room threads
>food garbage and cat hair everywhere
>cigarette butts and drink bottles strewn about with unidentifiable liquid in them
>the room smells like sweat and despair
>her body doesn't smell any better
>she has a bunk bed and inbetween the bars and the mattress of the top bunk she's shoved some chicken bones that have now hardened and crusted up
>when she's taking her clothes off she finds a chip under her boob and eats it
>her vagina is an unshaven and unwashed jungle of horror
>fuck her anyway because I'm desperate and pathetic
>leave feeling regretful and ashamed because I know I'll be back to do it all over again

>> No.12421644 [DELETED] 

i thought this thread was reaching the bottom of the barrel but /jp/ never ceases to explore new depths

>> No.12421651 [DELETED] 

but he's probably not a /jp/ and just some /soc/ normie pretending

>> No.12421652 [DELETED] 

/jp/ has a bottomless bag of masks to shitpost with

you can never be too careful

>> No.12421653 [DELETED] 

having sex doesn't make me not /jp/

you are literally one fuck away from being me

>> No.12421656 [DELETED] 

whether or not you were /jp/ before, posting greentext stories about fucking a girl makes you not /jp/

>> No.12421659 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone want to go through this just to get off?

>> No.12421663 [DELETED] 

greentext stories became /jp/ acceptable with assumed irony after the work of innovators like zun!bar

>> No.12421666 [DELETED] 

i presume you only fucked the girl ironically too

>> No.12421671 [DELETED] 

I live irony

>> No.12421677 [DELETED] 

For the sake of comedy on the internet.

That story was very very true.

>> No.12421724 [DELETED] 

It belongs on /r9k/, not here. In fact, lots more people will believe it there because their true stories are even more ridiculous.

>> No.12422042

I'm completely okay with this. Also please learn what plus size means. Plus size applies to anyone bigger than the average size.

>> No.12422105

Actually, I have. Even got a free smile and everything.

>> No.12423976
File: 79 KB, 635x349, the jews fear the samurai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12423990 [DELETED] 

>Chubby in Japan is skinny in America.

3rd from right is obese.
The line between meaty and lardass is a thin one.

Would knead.

>> No.12424051
File: 209 KB, 1360x1020, Would raspberry lower row.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chubby in Japan is skinny in America.

3rd from right is obese.
The line between meaty and lardass is a thin one.

Would knead.

>> No.12424069

How come your posts got deleted?

>> No.12424097
File: 69 KB, 640x427, marshmallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these 'marshmallow girls'.

>> No.12424120

I would FUCK 80%

>> No.12424161

It is just me or does she look like Ai Shinozaki?

>> No.12424170

Anyone but vomit shade of green.

>> No.12424285

Because they do it for free. ( • ̀ω•́ )
