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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12409639 No.12409639 [Reply] [Original]

Clannad is comming to steam.


So let me ask the question that everyone already has in their heads.

whens baldr sky?

>> No.12409658

>whens baldr sky?

Do not misuse the spoiler function.
It will come eventually, it's not that hard to translate.

>> No.12409701
File: 388 KB, 885x627, fa378ba946192343f73f7ddc82b72568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about this. It feels like we'll get an influx of new people on /jp/ if steam gets more officially translated VN games.

>> No.12409769

I think the real question are they using the translation in its current shitty state, and if so how is key allowing this?

>> No.12409787

New people is a good thing as long as they get assimilated. This means more friends; the more the merrier.

>> No.12409820
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What are you worried about? They would most likely post on /vg/ anyway.

>> No.12409825

We'll you're here, so shitters are ending up on the jay as well.

>> No.12409826
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Hell, the ones we have right now don't even know how to use the catalog. I really dread the day when SJWs find out about VNs.

>> No.12409856

They can't be worse than the monsterfags.

>> No.12409961
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Nice. Can't wait to get those 'chievments.

>> No.12409972

>>New people is a good thing as long as they get assimilated.
Have you not watched the decline over the past years? Newfags refuse to assimilate, that's why /a/ and /jp/ are absolute shitholes.

/jp/ simply held out for a bit longer, but we're full of newfags now.

>> No.12410004
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Yeah I've seen that. It doesn't help that sage is dead as well.

So there's nothing we can do? We can't change or adapt? Do we just watch as everything burns?

>> No.12410009

Most newfags do their best to assimilate, it's just that over the course of the past few years we slowly accumulated a bunch of completely incorrigible attention whoring retards.

Thankfully they're quieter than they used to be.

>> No.12410048

Are they ever going to work on anything that hasn't already been translated for them?

>> No.12410313

Who cares.

>> No.12410313,1 [INTERNAL] 

Great, another reason for this /jp/ and that series to attain secondaries.

Come home to /bun/, /jp/ man.

>> No.12410688

/jp/ is for untranslated vns.

>> No.12410790

Baldr sky has porn so never

>> No.12410824

>Do we just watch as everything burns?
Look around you, everything is already burning.

>> No.12410879

Nobody here uses steam
Nobody here reads translated stuff

Try /vg/ or something

>> No.12410881 [DELETED] 


>> No.12410901

/jp/, like Japan, should take a strong anti-immigration stance.

>> No.12410902

Various bioware games have sex scenes, Witcher is full of titties and sex as well.

Wonder if they're really making some sort of distinction.

>> No.12410937

It's really easy to remove Baldr Sky's porn without having any prejudice in the story. Maybe that beach scene in the last route would be a bit of a bother but it would be pretty easy to fix. Regardless of it, Giga hates money so enjoy waiting for futsuu eternally

>> No.12410942

Regarding the assimilation process, I think the best way to do these things is to actually point out where newfags are fucking up and show them the right way to do things. I'm not saying we should spoonfeed sauce requests or anything, but maybe recommendation charts or something (of which we already have a few very nice ones, like the Touhou music chart) that can be liberally thrown around so that lurking newfags can read them and not ask stupid questions. Sometimes they want to hear from /jp/ about certain things rather than Google since they can't discern whether the source of a google search is any good.

I don't know, maybe I'm being too accommodating here, but I'm just trying to exercise the "teach a man to fish" idea.

>> No.12410961

So, do the exact thing that ruined /a/?
What happened to making good posts while ignoring and reporting bad ones?

>> No.12410972

So will it be getting a retranslation since the current one is a mess of various translators and an even worse translation than what they did for WA2?

Or will they just slap the text from that and make a new patch for steam and call it a day?

>> No.12410974

Is this a real life?

>> No.12410975

That's a good policy, but bad posts often don't get deleted quickly enough for newfags to realize their mistake. I guess it's the best we have though.

>> No.12410992

From my experience before I stopped browsing that board they were extremely hostile to newcomers and frowned deeply on "spoonfeeding".

One of the many reasons the board was a total cesspit.

>> No.12411035

They got more and more friendly to newcomers, almost every source request was answered correctly.

Generals are also cancer.

>> No.12411038

No, it's shit now because they've abandoned the no spoonfeeding policy.

And if you didn't know, /a/ and /jp/ were the same. I don't need to spell it out for you, do I?

>> No.12411137

clannad's true ending unlocked
welp there goes 200hrs of my life

>> No.12411154

I want a Dango TF2 hat for that.

>> No.12411365

I personally feel that VN culture will be threatened by spreading in the west. To many extreme religious folk and shitty parents causing trouble.

>> No.12411594


I'll buy it again, just on principal.

>> No.12411745

Based XSEED.

>> No.12411770


>> No.12411770,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Clannad is comming to steam.

More like janny is on a steam LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

>> No.12411770,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12411990

Why do you post shit like this that you know isn't true?

>> No.12412035

That's why you gotta tear them apart when they make a mistake.

Bully them, hurt their feelings, make them feel unwanted, etc. eventually they will either adapt or leave. Or may be they'll just keep being stupid i guess.

>> No.12412052

This is 4chan not high school, dude.

>> No.12412093


That's why we should do that, dude.

>> No.12412471

I never got around to play Clannad. I assume standard version had some porn in it?

I never need porn in my VNs, but I also do not like games that have content cut out so I feel like I'll miss something.

>> No.12412503

I'd do that but you just get banned for telling people what's wrong.

>> No.12412506

Clannad has no h scenes at all.

>> No.12412633

Call me when umineko does.

>> No.12413834

What happened to KEY/Visual Art's asking for a million dollars for the license to Kanon?

>> No.12414293

Oh, they sure adapt. They learn that being rude to others is the way to go.

They never make a mistake of making a honest post anymore. First, they just start attacking others for actual mistakes. Then, when nobody stops them because "you gotta make newfags feel unwanted", for straying from the norm. Then for making any post at all.

And then non-retarded people decide they're unwanted and leave. Welcome to modern 4chan.

>> No.12419077

Nah, everyone who wanted to play it already played.
Steam release will only attract normalfags who use MAL, Gaia and other normalfag sites, 4chan is spooky place with racists and pedos for them

>> No.12419323 [DELETED] 

When will you realize that when normalfags hear about a "spooky place with racists and pedos" they only pretend to be repulsed. They're actually thinking "finally, a place for me".

>> No.12421305

>I really dread the day when SJWs find out about VNs.
At this point, I don't think anyone will ever take those SJW seriously, especially after the last case where most of them turned out to be corrupt hypocrites.

>> No.12425696

But there is a H version iirc

>> No.12425736

You recall incorrectly. There's Tomoyo After though, that has porn but is just a spin-off.

>> No.12425743

Ah, sorry then. I just did a quick google search to confirm myself and you're absolutely correct. I'm just retarded
