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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1240167 No.1240167 [Reply] [Original]

Why are MILFS so common in Japan?

>> No.1240177

Japanese women look 17 until their late forties.

>> No.1240179

Japanese women are thinner.

Japanese women are encouraged to get married and have kids before 25.

Japanese women are sluts and have them at 15.

Japanese women look like loli until age 50, after which point, they melt.

>> No.1240187


>> No.1240189

I don't know about Japanese milfs but I but I would fuck the shit out of my mother if I could.

>> No.1240197
File: 378 KB, 1426x2016, 1220388326675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because MILfs are awesome.

Also MILF is FILM spelled backwards.

>> No.1240198

How did he just magic up that cake? Thats an awesome power.

>> No.1240200

You're one of those guys who translate incest manga and make it 40 pages of MOM MOM MOMMY FILL YOUR MOTHERLY MOTHER WITH INCEST JUICE, aren't you?

>> No.1240204

You're such a baka, onii-san.

>> No.1240209

His mom gave it to him.

>> No.1240238

How come all older japanese women are nice? When I used to go to japan on business, i'd run into alot of bitches in there thirtys, who acted like your average western woman, but a women in there 40's were much kinder on average, and, as these were the women usually in charge, I was somewhat surprised compared to my bosses back at home. (My boss lady was a bit of a bitch, somewhat similar to the other women I met. She was in her early 60s, and had built the company from the ground up, but that's not important) Ah. I still remember it, The plane I was to take to go home got canceled due to heavy rain, and the woman i'd been doing business with had come to see me off. She couldn't of been older than 44, atleast, and that nice woman offered to let me stay with her family for the night untill tomorrow when the storms where over.
If she hadn't been married, i'd of done my damnedest to make her mine. Such a nice, and rather beautiful woman.

>> No.1240245
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>> No.1240256
File: 232 KB, 977x1400, ohdearohdearohdear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy, brah.

>> No.1240262

Sugoku itsuwa, aniki.

>> No.1240268

Sugoi itsuwa, aniki.

>> No.1240307
File: 277 KB, 838x1200, 1220389386778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously am I the only person that would fuck my mother?

>> No.1240308


are those balls

>> No.1240328

No, just an unclosed scrotal sack.

>> No.1240332


Juice filled pussy.

>> No.1240341

sauce this shit

>> No.1240348

Yes. Also your mom better be a model. Not was, be currently.

>> No.1240476

Osana Mama.

>> No.1240701
File: 197 KB, 828x1200, 1220393491867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1240703

That's like saying "Why are superheroes so common in America"


>> No.1240713

"Why are superheroes so common in America"
It is because we have all these police people and firedudes saving us from deaths.

>> No.1240737

>>It is because we have all these police people and firedudes beating niggers with flashlights, overstepping their legal bounds and arresting us on trumped up charges.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.1240741
File: 69 KB, 960x720, 1220393861034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but those are things most people just don't want to know about.

Mother's especially.

>> No.1240800

I'd never had thought of...well...oh fuck you /jp/

>> No.1240804

Don't blame us for being born black.

>> No.1240836

I fucking love that car.

>> No.1240841

I didn't even notice it was the QUALITY van until you pointed the picture out. In after dolphin, in during shark.

>> No.1240843
File: 422 KB, 321x240, 1220394965743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I think making a car chase of this QUALITY is some kind of advertising scheme.

>> No.1240842

Or was it the shark first, and the dolphin next?

>> No.1240856

My mother was ugly and an incredible idiot. I hate the sight of her.

>> No.1240858

Are there any non-incestuous MILF doujin?

>> No.1240871

Well, she gave you birth, so be grateful to her or just die.

>> No.1240876

Check out the Hana's Holiday series. Basically the sexual adventures of a salary woman.
Oh, and the Akiko-san to Issho Kanon doujins are highly recommended.

>> No.1240883

Oh wait, I guess the Kanon ones are incest too. Just not the Mother-Son kind.

>> No.1240927

Once you go mom, you can't go back.

>> No.1240929

I only wish there weren't so many rewrites.

>> No.1240937

I vaguely remember a doujin where some guy is doing his friend's mom being his back, but I don't remember the name. Sorry.

>> No.1240939

Shark, then Dolphin.

>> No.1240946

This. Rewrites are usually terrible, although there are the few times where they pretty much guessed what the story/dialogue was.

>> No.1240950
File: 548 KB, 1120x1600, 1220396135287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty, but since all my hentai is in a massive .rar I can't give you names. Some of Juan Gotoh's work classifies, just check notfourchan's /ss/ if you're into that sort of thing.

Ninja edit: Prefectural Centre For Sexual Guidance is FUCKWIN, also check out stuff by Hyji.

>> No.1240958

because japan draws incredible amount of things that they CANNOT have in real-life.

90% of all japanese women are ugly and have bad teeth.

Truth hurts doesnt it?

>> No.1240991
File: 102 KB, 500x328, 1220396520368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not one massive generalization, it's another.

PROTIP: Japan has a lot of attractive woman. They also have a lot of ugly woman. Just like the United States, Canada, Russia, China, Spain, Egypt, etc.

Not every nation can be as beautiful and perfect as Scandinavia.

>> No.1241026
File: 210 KB, 715x1000, 1220397025156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1241036

It came out a while ago.

>> No.1241033

>not every nation can be as beautiful and perfect as 2Dland.


>> No.1241040

>Not every nation can be as beautiful and perfect as Brazil


>> No.1241051

>Translations where?

>> No.1241055

>>If it's not one massive generalization, it's another.

>>PROTIP: Japan has a lot of attractive woman. They also have a lot of ugly woman.

Your post is full of irony.

>> No.1241075

Sauce on OP?

>> No.1241107

Brazillian shemales are the ugliest shemales.

>> No.1241122

What's the name of the OP?

>> No.1241142

I'm trying to remember the name of this odear comic, anyone know?

>> No.1241150

Making generalisations based on Anime/Manga/Doujins/Hentai.

We've discussed this before, Anonymous...

>> No.1241172


Anti aging mother, I think.

>> No.1241190


>>Not every nation can be as beautiful and perfect as Scandinavia.

Scandinavia is not a country, you dick-weed...

>> No.1241376

>>1240197 Also MILF is FILM spelled backwards.

no, i think MILF backwards is FLIM

>> No.1241380


I did not realize this, thank you.

>> No.1241957

Well, my mom is hot.

>> No.1241987

Does anyone have the sauce of the one hentai where the mom can't get out of her jeans so her son has to cut them?

>> No.1242031


Be glad that I just happened to be browsing my doujin folder.

>> No.1242043

would someone post the whole set of OP's pic?

>> No.1242350

how about that lactating mom that needs the son to suck em off everyday?

And then they ended up fucking and squeezing milk of course

>> No.1242382

>Why are MILFS so common in the minds of lonely Japanese artists?

>> No.1242610

sauce if you please?

>> No.1242613


He fucks her at school too. What a man.

>> No.1242630

I think it's Mother's Milk.
