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File: 282 KB, 1024x576, capture_001_15082014_162626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12375214 No.12375214 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12345212

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12375280

This is the link for the first december of harvest, tell me if it works and I'll upload a rar with spring, summer and final together. I don't have fall so if anyone can upload it, thanks.
It's preinstalled so with running the exe is enough, the install I think it just deletes it all iirc.

>> No.12375311

It's working just fine!

>> No.12375318

Okay, the other three will finish in like 3-4 hours tops.

>> No.12375337

Alright, thank you!

>> No.12375665

Waiting impatiently for Chiruchiru

>> No.12375739

Any news from comiket yet?

>> No.12375756
File: 288 KB, 600x850, tsuki2_le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TsuriOtsu 2 limited edition comes with an after after story (yes, that's an after story for an after story) for Luna.

It also comes with the content from this year's april fools videos, including the scenes from the choices that were not picked in the video.

>> No.12375765
File: 16 KB, 575x110, comiket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like the keroq/makura booth was fun.

>> No.12375854

Even Nishimata's designs can improve somewhat, god.

>> No.12375872

Still suffers from pretty bad same-face though.

>> No.12375892
File: 58 KB, 338x390, ss+(2014-08-10+at+09.29.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't hande Anzu's cuteness

>> No.12375895

But at least the same face doesn't look as bad anymore, she made it thiner and the hair looks like it's attatched more to the head.

>> No.12375907

Poor Jackson

>> No.12375927
File: 849 KB, 1000x727, nup69718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12375971

Okay, here you have the rest of december of harvest / 収穫の十二月 (barring fall).

>> No.12376016

Downloading now. Thanks again.

>> No.12376051


So... no one has fall?

>> No.12376078

That's Nishimata's? Colored me impressed.

>> No.12376079

Anyone planning on picking up the Hanpamania game tomorrow?

>> No.12376083

Well for a last resort it's like 2 bucks in google play

>> No.12376087

She's left grey and brown/orange.

>> No.12376151

Their facial structure changed too.

Also they seems to be a lot shinier. Guess she's been taking lessons from that FAVORITE artist.

>> No.12376165

BLINDING ART is the future of eroge.

>> No.12376176

Nishimata doesn't do the coloring. And I think the reason her characters are looking better is because she's trying to follow Suzuhira's style.

>> No.12376185

>she's trying to follow Suzuhira's style.
He has as much of a sameface as her though.

>> No.12376209

sameface is fine if the face is actually cute

>> No.12376218

I'm just bothered that all his girls have the exact same face structure the moment they aren't looking that the front.

>> No.12376261

I can't find the motivation to continue the fabled kamige Baldr Sky, been putting it off for over a week now.
I'm around chapter 11 of the first route and I don't remember ever seeing such a terrible balance between ADV and action parts in a gameplay eroge, then again the game system is pretty damn repetitive and monotonous so the relative rarity of it coming up so far might be for the best.

The main cast are a bunch of insufferable, prototypical nice guys and the antagonists are simple caricatures from what I've seen so far.

I already spent 20 or so hours on this, when does it finally get good?

>> No.12376268

How have you spent 20 hours on Rain's route alone?

>> No.12376290

Yeah, being the slowest reader on earth is going to make plenty of good things a miserable experience.

>> No.12376317

You're supposed to be halfway through the game in 20 hours. The first route is just a small intro for the whole game and everything is built up in the later segments.

>> No.12376361


>20 hours in Rain's route

While it certainly doesn't help that Rain's route is really meh up until the last couple of chapters, it might be a good idea to put it down and come back later. Your language skills just may not be up to par. No offense.

I was in your exact same position with the game when I picked it up way too early, I think I spent around 25 hours on Rain's route stumbling through before I got so frustrated with it I just dropped it. When I came back to it after some other easier titles and had done some more studying, I had a far, far easier time. Baldr is one of my favorite titles of all time, now that I've finished it.

To answer your question, the game got good in the second route for me. Then it goes full retard in the third. Then you have Dive 2 which is superb all the way through.

>> No.12376371
File: 2.83 MB, 640x360, gameplay video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then again the game system is pretty damn repetitive
I'm not really sure what you're talking about. I agree that ranged weapons are quite simplistic, but leveling up and unlocking melee ones really pays off as they can be used easily to perform some really creative combos. Much more fun to play that way.

>the antagonists are simple caricatures from what I've seen so far.
Yeah, Gilbert, the mayor and Gregory are all pretty much chaotic evil fuckers with no redeeming values whatsoever but the later routes feature more interesting and somewhat morally grey characters.

As the other anon said Rain's route is more of an introduction and the game really picked up for me during Nanoha's, which actually ended up being my favorite part of both games.

>> No.12376379
File: 42 KB, 600x450, vrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12376515

Now that I think about it, it should be considerably less than 20 hours of actual playing time, since I would leave the game running while going off to the bathroom or some other place for a while. I also have this tendency to doze off when sitting in front of the computer and indulge in day dreams for minutes.

Well, repetitive meant more that it's all just battles with trash mobs really, though I couldn't say how you could change things up. A level structure probably wouldn't suit the system, though it does feel silly to see the cast execute daring escape manoeuvres while the player only sits and watches on.

>> No.12376535

You'll get to play much more in the other routes. At one point you may even think "there are too many battles, wow".

>> No.12376767

Best customization game? I'm currently playing xxな彼女つくりかた 2 and it's fun, but I feel the customization aspect could be more sophisticated. Any recommendations?

>> No.12376791

Have you tried the other kiss games? Like メイクMeラバー and such.

>> No.12376825


It's in my backlog together with Custom Raido 4. Are they better?

>> No.12376870 [SPOILER] 
File: 165 KB, 1276x717, 1408137436864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear hoshiori redefines the concept of route guilt for me despite having perfectly adjusted normal girls. Doesn't help Marika's after story had everything I wanted and expected from the game, I'm usually not that big on deredere childhood friends but I may like her the best after her route, the whole timeskip concept just makes the routes feel more complete and adds a lot to the heroines, seeing them in a proper, long-term relationship, with Marika especially since they get married halfway through and the rest is married life, hopefully her route isn't the only to do this.

>> No.12376936

Sadly none of the KISS games seem to have much customization options save for CM3D or CMO, but those two aren't really VNs and the non-H heroine interactions in them are very minimal. Out of their regular 2D stuff that I've tried Kanotsuku 2 was my personal favorite, but that's probably because it's the first that type of game I played. The novelty kinda wore off after that.

>> No.12377185

So is there any news about baseson? I'm still waiting for a Sengoku koihime +18 version and 2-3 months ago everyone told me that I should wait for comiket in this thread, since all of their releases are announced on august and released on december, or something like that, I dont remember exactly.

>> No.12377280

If you don't like the main cast just drop it.

Personally I thought it was fun the whole way through, and even the slice of life was entertaining. Kuu and Makoto were cute as fuck.

The bad guys are simplistic as you said, but you have to just be in it for the fun. If you want something deep, read something else that isn't a VN

>> No.12377305

Do you ever space out while reading then look in the backlog to find you didn't actually read the last few lines?

Or you get stuck on one line and just stare blankly at the screen for a minute or something?

>> No.12377306

That's usually when I quit the game and go to bed.

>> No.12377312

What if it's the middle of the day?

>> No.12377315

It happens, sometimes I just read while thinking of other stuff so I just can't remember the lines.

>> No.12377316

Then I get up, close my blinds, and then go to bed.

>> No.12377361 [DELETED] 

Which VN are you spoiling?

>> No.12377364

The one where all the heroines die.

>> No.12377408 [DELETED] 

Sounds epik enough to misuse the spoiler function for.

>> No.12377780

CR4 with all the expansions has the most sophisticated customization of the lot. (Obviously barring 3D games like CM3D & CMO)

>> No.12377920

Is it better to play the remake of White Album, or the original?

>> No.12377932


Just fired this up myself. Right off the bat, the art is really, really impressive. I'll probably go through this one in full after I finish AstralAir.

>> No.12377948
File: 33 KB, 472x224, ---.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

このメッセージは Ctrl+C でコピーできます

Why would they bother to add that in?

>> No.12377950

For text hooker peasants like me to know, maybe?

>> No.12377959


I just saw the same thing and found it pretty weird myself, I have never run across that before installing any other eroge.


You couldn't read the message anyways so that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12377961

I was just joking. They obviously wouldn't bother for such a reason.
Maybe it's so that people know they can copy paste the error messages when contacting tech support or something?

>> No.12377964

That's actually normal. Most dialog boxes have that function. It's so people can Google error messages or whatever. Whoever coded the installer was simply nice enough to let you know, since not everyone is aware you can do that.

Not that there's much point for that particular dialog box, obviously.

>> No.12377973

Oh i know you can do that with most system messages, i just found it weird for it to appear in a place like that. I guess it's nice that they informed people that function exists

>> No.12378083
File: 764 KB, 602x168, tumblr_n52n9pnBL21ta4wd7o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some deep, involving VNs that either do not have sex scenes or have the option to disable them? Preferably in English but I can muddle my way through raw if necessary.

>> No.12378090

Just ignore it.

>> No.12378092

Nice timing, just was about to submit reply. Well, yes, I guess you are right.

>> No.12378098

Symphonic Rain.

>> No.12378100


What the fuck?

>> No.12378231

I asked a few threads ago and no one replied. From the archive I saw someone said the PC port of the PS3 remake is buggy and not worth playing unless you like seiyuu or something . I've decided to play the original so I'll start when I get around to it.

>> No.12378284


>> No.12378359

The Grisaia anime trailer seems pretty bad. Not like anyone cares about anime adaptations here.

I wish Nitroplus did something, anything to celebrate Muramasa's anniversary on Comiket, but alas, they went for Saya instead.

Oh, and Chaos;Child comes out on November 27th, still XBone exclusive.

>> No.12378373

I don't understand why Japanese people would even want to buy XbOnes.

>> No.12378377

Okay, I tried running the original White Album on 64bit Windows and it doesn't work so I'm going to play the remake.

>> No.12378380

All route are like this.

>> No.12378560

Why wouldn't they?

I'm still surprised how well 360 did in Japan.

>> No.12378567

>still XBone exclusive.
Not for long knowing 5pb. I expect a Vita port within two years.

>> No.12378569

It's sad because even SONY has abandoned it.

>> No.12378581

Yeah, that much is obvious. And I wouldn't mind a Vita port, actually.

>> No.12378617

The latest word on Sakura no Uta at Comiket, courtesy #tlwiki:

It'd be nice to have a full transcript of the panel.

>> No.12378630

The whole situation is just kind of fucked up.

>> No.12378639

Um, that wasn't tlwiki.

>> No.12378656

That pastebin was posted in #tlwiki by Moogy. I dunno what the other channel is.

>> No.12379210

The hell? I was typing a response and thinking, how are more people not complaining? Now I know.

>> No.12379223

To be honest I wouldn't really mind playing the original even if it meant using a Windows XP VM. I just don't which one is worth my time. I've had someone tell me in another place that the new version was just a completely different thing altogether.

>> No.12379454

Only in the west.

>> No.12379500
File: 62 KB, 1024x576, 3672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The title for August's new game was decided.
「千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫」 (せんのはとう、つきそめのこうき)

>> No.12379514

Oh, sounds like another plot-centric game.

>> No.12379518

I'm actually interested due to the designs.

>> No.12379640

That's a pretty cool title.

>> No.12379645

Chuuni as fuck.

>> No.12379726


The title seems to hint plot-centred stuff but the character art don't feel like that at all.

>MFW August won't try another Eustia-esque experiment

>> No.12379731

>but the character art don't feel like that at all.
You talk like Eustia's felt like it when the main heroine was wearing what was basically a typical uniform.

>> No.12379732

Eustia's characters didn't look any special either.

>> No.12379744

From the thumbnail I thought its a WW2 game about submarines.

>> No.12379758

>>12379731 >>12379732

Except two of the heroines comes with a crown, one comes with a sword, one is forgettable school uniform and the other one, well, fairly open given what her past occupation. Caim himself comes with a sword too.

>> No.12379766

>comes with a crown
Wow, so unique.
>one comes with a sword
Disciplinary comittees have been doing so since forever.
> fairly open given what her past occupation
Still wears a standard dress.

>> No.12379781
File: 107 KB, 1000x725, BvHvEv5CQAA7Dly.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the title itself, the names of the characters and the two kinds of outfits they are wearing, it seems to hint something like Eustia again in a Japanese-style setting, or at least something involving either:

a)Parallel worlds/Alternate dimensions with alternate versions of the original characters
b)Time travel
c)Mythology and legends
d)A school play

Probably d). Or none of the above.


>> No.12379783 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12379793

>a)Parallel worlds/Alternate dimensions with alternate versions of the original characters
>b)Time travel
Oh, man, I hope not. I hate this shit.

>> No.12379844

>MC voiced during H-scene
Stop doing that

>> No.12379853

Turn it off if it bothers you, but it's just unnatural if he's voiced throughout an he suddenly becomes mute or desn't even talk or groan during sex.

>> No.12379858
File: 335 KB, 1024x768, capture_001_16082014_102413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like h-scenes where the girl isn't voice, but the mc is. They should make more of those.

>> No.12379859
File: 311 KB, 1068x757, e00062804-1408207412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more images since there's discussion for it.

>> No.12379866
File: 320 KB, 1068x758, e00062805-1408207412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12379871 [DELETED] 


>> No.12379873
File: 141 KB, 535x754, e00062806-1408207412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12379878

These aren't generic at all. (Other than the usual Augustface.)

See? There's a heroine with a crown in this too.

>> No.12379904

Looks like best girl.

>> No.12379913

Yeah, Kana is the best girl.

>> No.12379917


>> No.12379923


For me it's not about uniquenes, it's about intention they want to convey. It's why say, chuuni story comes with attires hints that (flashy cape, hats, funny gloves, emblems etc), or a generic school romcom comes with another.

>>Still wears a standard dress.
Actually no, if you look at the characters, only those that are involve in prostitution wears open clothing, most of them are quite covered from neck down. Check http://vndb.org/v3770/chars#chars if you want to. It's a pretty conscious design decision to go along with its atmosphere. Oh, feel free to mention the August face if you want. It's just a curse of professional artists.

I don't have a bone with August's new stuff, hell would be more than happy to eat my words about the art released so far not hinting plot-centred stuff. Especially consider I rate both Eustia and daitoshokan very highly on quality of writing (high degree of clarity, few wordy baggage) but not the same necessary quality on story/scenario (I don't rate yoakena nor fortune arterial high at all so whatver).

>a)Parallel worlds/Alternate dimensions with alternate versions of the original characters
>b)Time travel

Not sure if want, but for the writers of August, will this be new ground, consider their last few didn't involve this setting? I know this is just guessing...

>> No.12379946

>>12379859 >>12379866 >>12379873


I am placing a bet on assassination plot, as one heroine is already an agent. I want political intrigue though but what's the chance these heroines will pull it off?

>> No.12379986

I wish there were more girls with male speech patterns. I developed an antipathy for characters with strong female speech patterns. Especially the overuse of わ grinds my gears.

Maybe I'm getting too nitpicky.

>> No.12380020

That pretty much my life so I don't need game for that.

>> No.12380028

How do you become such a homo?

>> No.12380104

The new August game feels like a mix between Eustia's seriousness and Daitoshokan's lightheartedness. I really liked them both, so I'm excited for it.

By liking to have sex with men while being one yourself.

>> No.12380149

Eustia was a bit too serious for my taste, so I'm hoping you're right.

>> No.12380328

Suzuhira is a woman.

>> No.12380362

The worst sameface.

>> No.12380413

If you spent some time actually looking at the character designs instead of just parroting, you'd notice that there are two different artists this time. And when the differences are enough that you can tell them apart, I'd say that isn't sameface.

>> No.12380835
File: 131 KB, 800x599, natsuyume_ayumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Natsuyume Nagisa... I think. It feels like there should be something more after this CG though (like saying goodbye to the other girls,) but all the walkthrough I saw pegged this as the end.

It was really bittersweet. I think I'm gonna try Niijima Yuu's works in the future, starting with Hatsuyuki and Majokoi.

>> No.12380865


Where can one find the game, anyway? I've seen english screens, but...

>> No.12380873


You can find this and many other games with www.google.com

>> No.12380922

Yes that was the end and it was downright depressing.

>> No.12380952

Damn right it was. Though I think it's also kinda sweet to have someone loves you so much that she would throw a huge "fuck you" to the real world and creates her own little world.

>> No.12381333

What was the oldest VN you've read?

>> No.12381395

Tsukihime. Also the first I ever read.

>> No.12381470

L no Kisetsu

>> No.12381490

Divi-dead, first one i read

>> No.12381507

Original Rance.

>> No.12381540

Yu-no, I guess. At some point I'd like to go through some other mid-'90s games like Kizuato, Shizuku, etc.

>> No.12382027

Doukyuusei probably.

>> No.12382282

Muv-Luv! Very nostalgic.

>> No.12382284

Also YU-NO.

>> No.12382286
File: 418 KB, 800x600, dame beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12382316

I actually feel guilty sexualizing anzu, but i did it anyway.

Daibanchou . It's also my first vn.

>> No.12382366

Tokimeki Memorial

>> No.12382391

I dropped 好き好き大好き! if that counts.

>> No.12382722

True Love

>> No.12382834


My first (and oldest) was Either True Love or Nocturnal Illusions (夢幻夜想曲).

>> No.12382851

Koihate Yuno, I guess.

>> No.12383146
File: 1.51 MB, 2560x1920, 20140817_211056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos; Child voice actors. Nice to see Uesaka getting more job offers.

>> No.12383154

>Mimori Suzuko
Is the XBone region locked?

>> No.12383176

I don't think so, but it's an expensive paperweigh.

>> No.12383208


>> No.12383219
File: 1.30 MB, 2560x1920, 20140817_214013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-swords are back, and they're more stupid than ever.

>> No.12383242


Continuing the form over function... well they did say it's a manifestion of their mind or something, didn't they?

So it's xbone only?

>> No.12383258

>So it's xbone only?
if it's popular it'll probably get ports with the eventual anime announcement.

>> No.12383259

For now, yeah. Don't expect a port before next year.

>> No.12383270

Why? Don't tell me Nips actually liked the huge genre shift in Chaos;Head.

>> No.12383275

They'll probably try to fix it somewhat for chaos child, the side routes in noah were actually pretty good and still used them. The genre shift wasn't particularly related to the swords.

>> No.12383282

Well, I admit it's been a long time since I read it and I blocked out most of the latter half of the game. It had some potential in the beginning so I was disappointed with how it turned out. At least the delusion triggers were pretty cool.

>> No.12383411 [DELETED] 

This may not be the proper place to ask, but does anyone know where one should look for the original Japanese versions of PS1-2 games?

>> No.12383454

try emuparadise

>> No.12383470


>> No.12383677

Rutracker is good for PS1

This for PS2

>> No.12384125
File: 106 KB, 1277x717, pizza moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this makes Kyo's route canon from hatsukoi 1/1, MC only worked in her shop to come up with the curry pizza in her route.

>> No.12384213

Blackcats or pleasuredome should have almost-full sets.

>> No.12384930
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, バニラ自己紹介~ネコぱら.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the E-mote cat ears. The best use of E-mote that I've seen so far.

>> No.12384938 [DELETED] 

Many thanks, sasuga /vn/. I've wanted to revisit some PS1 era games and see what they were really saying.

>> No.12384961

This isn't /vn/ though

>> No.12384965

Is it out yet?

>> No.12384977 [DELETED] 

If you mean /vg/, that one's /tvn/.

>> No.12385206
File: 78 KB, 794x596, fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to finish the download for december of harvest / 収穫の十二月 and uploaded the fall that I was missing. I was thinking uploading the iso itself, but it's basically just one incredibly, incredibly slow set up you need to extract, so again it's just the folder itself.

>> No.12385224

Awesome, thank you! You're a cool person.

>> No.12385261

Thank you.
I guess I know what I'll read next

>> No.12385336

It's pretty great, I like mythology/religion and people in general and clicked really well in that regard.

>> No.12385411


Thanks for the input, but I just found the download function. Fuck customization. I think I'll be busy for quite some time.

>> No.12385574

Has anyone here played 夢見師? I'm feeling hipsterish right now and want to try something obscure, and I would be interested in hearing your opinion.

>> No.12385774

Haven't been to beautyplanets in months and now I see that there are no updates past Sept/Oct last year.
Are there no other sites who keep an extensive record of seiyuu? There's EGS but that doesn't take into account different names for same seiyuu.

>> No.12385814

Someone has the japanese version of higurashi? I can only find english ones. Damn.

>> No.12385827

Wait until Hou gets uploaded, it contains the original SN along with Kai and Rei.

>> No.12385851

I had the same problem a few months ago and I ended up buying the first half from getchu. But I'm just going to wait for Hou which I just found out about from >>12385827

>> No.12385883

The PS2 version is up on nyaa. If you're looking for the originals, I recently got them off Share.

【同人ゲーム】 [07th Expansion] ひぐらしのなく頃に4 (C66)(img+rr3).rar 417,886,928 e481ac0faba5e042c45ffe5a1bb72e5fd099138f
[同人][060813(C70)][07th Expansion] ひぐらしのなく頃に解 目明し~祭囃し編 (bin+cue rr3%).rar RECCSvqaGgmHi0y 457,485,837 f69e59f4d1e567e008e4c4eec5813ab680b9e220
【同人ゲーム】(C71)[07th Expansion] ひぐらしのなく頃に礼 (img+cue+rr3%)(CD画像有v2).rar 445,217,103 013d3c835981e7bc772f5a12b6a22b0ccfee0c8f

>> No.12386031

Some kind soul should really consolidate the different versions of Higurashi to make a super version. Like, voices, graphics, PS2 soundtrack for Question arcs and Kai soundtrack unchanged.

>> No.12386039

Comes out this winter.

>> No.12386126

Can you share? I never got Share to work.

>> No.12386185

I've set a VM for the first time to play the original so once I've finished what I'm playing I'll start that but that by take a month or two.

>> No.12386228


I was thinking they need to be uploaded anyway, so here.

>> No.12386236

Sweet, thanks.

>> No.12386259

finally finished iroseka/irohika. that was nice, though the true route in irohika was dragged like hell. I just don't get the deal with ハク (the original one, not the one in merchant town). She hated her son, regretted it, and reincarnated to many people? Why did she even do that in the first place?

>> No.12386378

Where do you guys get your eroge news? All the blogs I read died.

>> No.12386470

Damn, when I ask, completely ignored. But when someone else asks it gets handed to them. Thanks anyway.

>> No.12386573

This thread, magazines when I care to buy them/have enough money to spare, and the homepages of the brands I care about.

>> No.12386580

This thread mostly, and some Twitter.
Once in a while I check http://pcgameconquest.blog.fc2.com/

>> No.12386582

From Moogy-dono

>> No.12386585


They do a round up of all the eroges releasing every month, with summarys and links to the OP. Good stuff.

>> No.12386653

Just got Owaru Sekai to Birthday installed and running. About to start it soon

>Checking the capture charts
Well, this is more complex than the usual.

>> No.12386682

>capture charts
Just say walkthroughs you fucking weeb scum

>> No.12386688


Looks like a chart to me.

>> No.12386738

When did I say it wasn't? Are you really this fucking dense? We don't "capture" games in English, shit-for-brains.

>> No.12386753

Calm down. Maybe he doesn't know English well.

>> No.12386792

This capture guide is really good.

Bite me, faggot.

>> No.12386835

Keeps me surprised how autists here blow up at every little thing.

>> No.12386875

one thinks you would have stopped being surprised about things like that several years ago

>> No.12386917

I believe Getchu lists daily eroge news on their front page but I'm not sure how comprehensive it is since I never actually read it.

>> No.12386936

http://www35.atwiki.jp/seiyuumatome/more informative but people here are limited only to those who also work in anime industry.

>> No.12386941

* http://www35.atwiki.jp/seiyuumatome/

>> No.12386965


whoa thats a pretty wild looking kanji

also finished another route in hello lady! its so fucking refreshing to see drama that is the result for conflicting character motivations instead of external factors that seem to mostly be the case for most of this kind of stuff

good shit

>> No.12386975

So this information isn't accurate, then?
>Will sold at Comiket 86.

>> No.12386985

It technically isn't a kanji. It's sort of like ゟ or 〼.

>> No.12387043

if i remember correctly, Mirror Moon's translation of Tsukihime has a no-ero option. if you haven't played through yet, it's a good way to sink a couple hours.

>> No.12387239

The chart may seem complicated but it's actually fairly straightforward. The common route branches off into those individual routes. You'll know when it happens, the choices are obvious and there's only one of each.

>> No.12387255 [DELETED] 

Who are you memearrowing, /v/?

>> No.12387262 [DELETED] 


>> No.12387281 [DELETED] 

Sounds epic, but you may want to keep it on /v/.

>> No.12387285 [DELETED] 

Autists are sperging over irrelevant crap once again, I see.

>> No.12387293 [DELETED] 

you may want to keep your retarded self out of /jp/

>> No.12387294 [DELETED] 

How many hours have you spent on /jp/, son?
That's how we respond to le epik greentextan.

>> No.12387296 [DELETED] 

>le epik greentextan
I don't think you have even the slightest grasp of what this means.

>> No.12387298 [DELETED] 

sixteen hours a day for four years

>That's how we respond to le epik greentextan.
please just get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.12387300 [DELETED] 

"NO U" is not an answer. Take it to /v/.

>> No.12387303 [DELETED] 

>"NO U"
whoa there, who are you quoting

>> No.12387307 [DELETED] 

>"NO U" is not an answer.
Good thing I didn't say that, then.

>> No.12387311 [DELETED] 

Follow the meme arrow and you'll see. Also punctuation, or do they eschew that in /v/?

Keep telling yourself that. Coming up with a real answer is hard.

>> No.12387315 [DELETED] 

>Coming up with a real answer is hard.
That must be why you can't do anything other than scream /V/! /V/!! at everything.

>> No.12387320 [DELETED] 

literally nobody in this thread said "NO U"

you are a poster infinitely shittier than the person you are trying to call out and that is why you are getting shit for it because at least he was posting on-topic and not throwing a shitfit about something completely irrelevant

>> No.12387325 [DELETED] 

>throwing a shitfit about something completely irrelevant
That's what this guy has been doing in this thread for like a whole month now. Maybe even more. Best to ignore him.

>> No.12387328 [DELETED] 

And the thread was going so well, only if the janitor would save us.

>> No.12387330 [DELETED] 

Technically, >>12387300 did say it, so you're literally wrong.

>> No.12387335 [DELETED] 

>at everything
At le epik meme arrows. And angry shitposting, like what you're doing right now.

Maintaining quality on /jp/ by not taking posters like you and your /v/-level syntax seriously is quite relevant. I am "getting shit" because you're an angry kid who got called out on not belonging here.

Nice try, but no. It's the opposite, the last 5-6 threads were filled with shitposting, and I noticed you abruptly stopped calling out meme arrows and surprise boxes. A sign of decline.

>> No.12387339 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1364x768, mpc-hc 2014-08-17 23-15-48-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And angry shitposting, like what you're doing right now.
Oh, the irony.

>> No.12387341 [DELETED] 

you are getting shit because you are a newcomer to /jp/ who thinks that acting elitist over irrelevant stupid shit is a sign of quality

you're also getting shit because you're flaming people who have been here far longer than you have for allegedly being new to the board

>A sign of decline.
it was a sign that the retards infesting /jp/ had finally left, but then you came back and ruined it for everyone

>> No.12387344 [DELETED] 

So someone uses greentext to describe something related to an actual visual novel, for the purpose of on-topic discussion, and you screaming MEME-ARROWS! is how you cancel out the "decline"?

>> No.12387349 [DELETED] 

Thank you for proving me right by posting an /a/ reaction image.

I take it you've never heard of "who are you quoting" before. Should I give you a link to the archive site so you can look it up?

Welcome to /jp/, that's how it's done here. You're not obligated to stay.

>> No.12387357 [DELETED] 

>he thinks he is the boss of "quality"

>> No.12387364 [DELETED] 

"who are you quoting" is a shitty forced meme that jewnes got his retarded circlejerking IRC friends to propagate in /jp/ and whose net result was to full /jp/ with retards throwing "ellitist" tantrums over retarded, irrelevant shit like you

it was the kind of patently retarded attitude that caused /jp/ to go directly into the shitter shortly thereafter and it's still retarded behavior today

you are the one who is new, and you are the one who should fuck off

>> No.12387402

I find it looks more like a kanji than 凹.

>> No.12387543

Are there VN's with similar time travel to MLA? I mean first you go through events once and then main char goes back in time and knows events in advance and use that knowledge. I like the idea of timelooping.

>> No.12387575

Too many.

>> No.12387578


>> No.12387772

A few eroge matome blogs, such as http://erogematomeblog.hatenablog.com/ , and so on. There's a few twitter bots for news but they make a bunch of updates I couldn't care less about. I still take a look at them once in a while though.

>> No.12387965
File: 73 KB, 516x368, 9f97323c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it wasn't posted yet.

Here's a teaser for 帝都飛天大作戦.


>> No.12387978


This. The MC is almost a second Takeru.

>> No.12387995

It's a good thing liar soft rarely delays things, I want to read it by christmas.

>> No.12388081

Reading Itsusora. Such a pity that Shumon had to shove in this good-for-nothing protag in it, along with this even more retarded "heroine's female jealous follower". Completely ruined game for me.

>> No.12388100

Saku's personality isn't particularly shoved in, it's what you'd expect from his upbringing. If all your family is super talented and you're useless, you're bound to have shit self-esteem.

>> No.12388111

Not letting random annoying strangers to move in your house is common sense even for someone with his upbringing.

>> No.12388198
File: 125 KB, 473x617, 恋愛0キロメートル_2012-09-08_13-53-30d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how some games have exclusive PSP routes.
This game looks so bad compared to the PC version.

>> No.12388200
File: 1.17 MB, 800x2700, HP11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vndb caters to EOPs. A lot of the information is machine translated.

They gave away a CD with the opening, character introduction movies, and wallpapers.

>> No.12388209

I did the psp routes for hitoren, only decent one, despite its short length, was Hai's, the opening itself makes it worth it.

>> No.12388218
File: 1.24 MB, 960x1350, 26158383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitoren also got a PSP port? I didn't like Hitoren as much as Renai0 though.

I need to find some PSP exclusives that aren't homo.

>> No.12388222

I meant ren0, sorry.

>> No.12388228

Oh, is Hai one of the PSP characters? I was thinking of doing some of the routes I haven't done first. Currently re-reading the common route.

>> No.12389004
File: 108 KB, 377x370, wildlookingkanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12389169
File: 249 KB, 1286x725, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, someone wants the Kyoutarou-sama.

Too bad I'm in Kana route.

>> No.12389205

Best confession in the game is in Senri's route by Kana.

>> No.12389341

What's the stroke order for that one?

>> No.12389349
File: 1.14 MB, 1288x718, Naamloos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to finally dust this off in light of the anime adaptation.

Interesting take on time travel, considering it's not really the protagonist that does most of the time travel. Other than that, fairly boring and I didn't find the ending all that satisfactory.

At least it looked pretty.

>> No.12389357

It's really painful being on a Linux, few visual novels are available for my OS, and even fewer are easily attainable, anyone else here in my seat but without the problem of finding good VNs? If so, tell me some, I am considering how well wine would run them, but most of what I have tested doesn't even start, and if it does it doesn't get past the main menu without screwing over.

>> No.12389365

Just dualboot? If, unlike mine, your cpu isn't ancient you could also consider using virtualbox.

>> No.12389369

Just use Windows XP/7 in VirtualBox. Or skip the middleman and dump Linux for Windows 7.

>> No.12389378

What VNs can we agree upon that we like? Is it possible that we can agree to like even one translated?

>> No.12389382

>cpu isn't ancient
Well, it isn't ancient, but it doesn't like virtualbox that much, I could just dualboot, but I don't have the money for a windows, I could pirate it, but I.. I just can't be arsed, at least last time I checked it was a huge pain in the ass, considering I don't read much VNs, and I don't really need windows for anything else.

>> No.12389389

This isn't /vn/. There are titles here that the majority agrees to be at least worth a check. It's just that no one really bothered to do something of the sort, at least recently.

>> No.12389395

Windows is one of the easiest things to pirate. You just install it normally and run, uh, I think it's called 7loader, and it takes care of the activation.

Anyway, there are prepackaged torrents on TPB that do all the work for you.

>> No.12389421

Fair enough, hope it turns out well in the end for me, I can end up with the dumbest results when I do the simplest of things.

>> No.12389439
File: 201 KB, 1239x712, OSImportantPoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dual-boot. If you really want to enjoy eroge, get over it.

>> No.12389558

Just get orbit30's release, you don't need that loader shit.

>> No.12389562
File: 583 KB, 1280x960, i can't take any more chicken sandwiches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I unlock the final route in Remember11?

>> No.12389570

By travelling to a parallel world where it exists.

>> No.12390425

Anyone playing Astral Air? It's the best Favorite title ever.

>> No.12390455

I'm about to start playing it. Tbh, I've not much idea what to expect - it's been a long time since I've played Favourite titles.

>> No.12390457

Not a terribly high bar to clear, but yes, I agree.

>> No.12390543

I am playing Mirror Moon's translation of Tsukihime. I am a complete retard, please help, how do I save?

>> No.12390575

Reading it just now, on Ochiba's route. It was been decent - although I feel I've still got to get to any point where things start getting big. I'm probably still on more of an introduction part, though. Also, Marimo is great.

Is there any recommended route order for it?

>> No.12390886
File: 340 KB, 1296x758, kurano futago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, shots fired. The other sisters aren't going to stand for this declaration.

>> No.12390891
File: 347 KB, 1296x758, tomoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe, cute.

>> No.12390940

Didn't they hired a new artist? Why do everyone still look sameface.

>> No.12390946

Is there any place to get Snow ~Standard Edition~ ? All links are dead or not seeded.

>> No.12390953


I can also confirm that Chushingura is basically MLA: Samurai Edition.

>> No.12390960

>Didn't they hired a new artist?

Source on this?

>> No.12390962

I had enough MLA: Samurai Edition in MLA itself.

>> No.12390965

Except that Chusingura is only good for three chapters

>> No.12390970

As opposed to Muv Luv being good for zero chapters?

>> No.12391047

Oh man, the hell I went through to find this a couple of years ago. Then I forgot about it and never played it.

>> No.12391059

Thanks! I was about to give up, specific versions of some older vns are really hard to find...

>> No.12391290

Remember to keep the iso to mount it, voices don't work otherwise.

>> No.12391376
File: 186 KB, 775x500, 009_6345def4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12391416

Oh, thanks for heads up, I always keep ISOs anyway, but I don't keep them mounted. It would have been a major headache to find the reason why the voices don't work

>> No.12391435

Fucker doesn't even copy them to the folder, though I guess it's better considering how terrible reallive/siglus engine is always when installing since it's always individual separate files.

>> No.12391456

it's fucking august

>> No.12391533

So when does she grow wings?

>> No.12391549


May she will just wave a magic wand and conjure up an army.

>> No.12391594

All the works of Ryukishi07 are available under Linux. It's all the VN you will likely ever need, and the best too. Why trying inferior VN?

>> No.12392376

Are there any differences between the normal version of Tsuyokiss and the Full Edition, except for the fact that the FE includes the Minikiss fan disc?

>> No.12392386

I think it comes with the added content from the ps2 release.

>> No.12392401

Cool, in that case I'll delete the normal version.

>> No.12392409

I tried reading Ruitomo and I couldn't understand shit even with a hooker.
Iam in despair now, I feel I lost all my faith in my japanese. I was even looking forward to reading this ;_;

>> No.12392426

That applies to almost everything Kurehito has ever been involved in.

>> No.12392432

>almost everything
What's the exception?

>> No.12392438

When it comes to virtualbox, what matters the most is ram, not cpu.

If game requires you to kill your linux uptime, it isn't wort of playing.

>> No.12392444

Just read every days and one day you'll magically be able to read everything, even something from Mareni.
If you follow the eroge every day routine it won't even take long

>> No.12392479

Ruitomo is the kind of game where you enjoy the writing, not the plot. No point in bothering if you're not fluent.

>> No.12392540

Well, reading eroge with a hooker would be a bit distracting if you know what I mean :^)

>> No.12392673


I'm actually more interested why there is no full edition for 2gakki while there is one for the original and 3gakki.

>> No.12392677

Lack of popularity is my guess.

>> No.12392801
File: 504 KB, 885x1200, 1408440665643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PUSH!! magazine

>> No.12392806
File: 105 KB, 640x480, f7aLe42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the rest of the character designs in colour.

>> No.12392812
File: 746 KB, 1000x731, 5263966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392817
File: 195 KB, 775x500, 003_e12d1c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392818

Bottom row is perfect.

>> No.12392824

Just a small question: is there any site you go for to upload these pictures, or you do you buy PUSH!!/TECHGIAN yourself?

>> No.12392827
File: 664 KB, 1100x686, nup69794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


According to the text in that box, it seems that it really is おるごぅる writing this game. No idea why he decided to change his name to おぅんごぅる.

>> No.12392834
File: 809 KB, 1100x746, nup69795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392858
File: 139 KB, 788x500, 001_ec4ff6b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Images are from 2ch. Mostly from these threads:

I will post the cleaner scans too when they get uploaded.

>> No.12392874


>> No.12392899

That milf is looking fine, she will have a route?

>> No.12392905

Whats a artist for a vn that draws big round asses and big tits, the girls can be healthy looking, but why don't more Japanese artists draw big asses? is it because the Japanese are use to there women having only tits? the art always has sexy women with flat asses when they can have big round ones. like >>12392858 would look better with a bigger ass i feel.

>> No.12392911
File: 772 KB, 1100x706, 5264005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392915
File: 694 KB, 1100x706, 5264009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392917

Because big asses aren't cute.

>> No.12392962

Go away milf autist, you can't read Japanese anyway.

>> No.12392967

yes they are and im sure >>12392858 this milf/sexy women is meant to be sexy, shes hot but she would be hotter with a nice round ass. I cant even get off without a big ass in hentai. Im guessing most nukige is where all the women have asses? or is there some vns where the artists like drawing ass? Any good artists like that?

>> No.12392980

Asses are lewd not cute dude.

>Any good artists like that?

>> No.12392986

It didn't need a final route to be the best vn they did, it was a masterpiece that made you have to look at everything from the beginning to end like crazy. Also it had a really good artist that should of did I/0. Why didn't he become popular? he had a good art style for the genre.

>> No.12392990

Oh good grief, just leave. Don't you have a VNTS thread to shit up?

>> No.12392991

but she is meant to be the sexy older girl from what i can tell, im just saying if more artists gave their girls bigger asses to the women that need it , it would be hotter. flat man asses aren't cute ethier

>> No.12393009

What you don't think it was the best thing they wrote? its pacing,characters,and mystery was the best they did and i read every vn from never 7 to I/0. never 7 had they great unique characters and setting and ever 17 had the mystery and scifi but remember 11 combined them both and perfected it. I/0.. was really good but super depressing and could of been done better. it was somewhere above or at the same level as ever 17 but x10 depression and convoluted .

>> No.12393097

Surprise, surprise, Giga being boring again

>> No.12393244

When will Giga produce something worthy of playing again?

>> No.12393258
File: 136 KB, 640x480, 1408466843944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her route first.

>> No.12393299

All of them look pretty good except top right

>> No.12393305

She's look good if she was flat, really, not that I dislike big tits, but her design screams DFC.

>> No.12393308


Only gameplay related, unless they hire maruto for their non-gameplay ones.

>> No.12393346
File: 126 KB, 1277x719, rikka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with hoshiori, god I've spent a whole game with the game, not that I didn't like it, because I found it really great and enjoyed it a ton throughout even if it's fucking long.
My only regret is not having kept Rikka's route for last, I really liked most of the other routes (misa's was quite meh, and for having the biggest tits she had the least H-scenes) but I found Rikka to be the best by some margin, despite not really liking her in the common route. I greatly enjoyed Touko's route which is the once I finished with and was probably the second best in the game, but Rikka's is a couple of notches above it so I had this feeling of disappointment because of it.
Great game anyway, I'll praise its effort with the backgrounds too, really good looking and varied with every school festival. Talking about those, I don't want to touch anything related to school festivals or tanabata in a few months, six fucking routes worth of it which roughly amounted to 30 hours of festival preparations stuff.

>> No.12393384

How is the protagonist this time? The one from the previous tone works game ranged from OK to pretty bad.

>> No.12393418

mah nigga

>> No.12393577
File: 403 KB, 1280x720, 星織ユメミライ_04082014_132430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's better than Narita Shinri if you want to self-insert.

I did her route first, the only one I finished so far too, now I'm halfway through Natsuki and I've to say that both were better than I expected. I picked Piano-chan because I thought it was going to be the most boring and Natsuki because her would lose her charm outside of her forte, the group antics, but I was wrong, It's been very entertaining so far.

The only flaw, in my opinion, is that they spend too much time about they passion/hobby (i.e camera, piano) and the devs took too little risks outsides those areas, so there's that feel that if you take away this from them they would become "flat" characters., I wish they were more polyvalent in this aspect before the after stories were they were pretty much settled as long lasting companions.

>> No.12394061


Actually, it starts being really interesting after chapter 2. Chapter 3 was too much bushi wanking for my taste.

>> No.12394066

>it stops being really interesting

Just a happy little accident.

>> No.12394501

I really like the aesthetic for ココロ@ファンクション! Is it any good?

>> No.12394520

Desire is the oldest for me but I just finish it recently.

>> No.12394657

Yeah Rikka was kinda like the "True" end in the game to me. Touko is my second best just because I love the icaicha in it.

>> No.12394807

Are there titles with heroines actually hate each other and carrying out their hatred instead of being totally buddy-buddy?
I guess what I'm looking for are games with really good 修羅場 scenes.

>> No.12394820

Seems like Eroge! was successful for them.

>> No.12394823

Yandere tier hatred or just constant catfighting?

Not that surprising, it got 4(?) hentai episode releases

>> No.12394828

>Yandere tier hatred or just constant catfighting?

Must it always be these two extreme?

>> No.12394832

Something a bit realistic would be ideal, but I don't mind yandere fight either.

>> No.12394838

The character design looks too plain.

>> No.12394878
File: 694 KB, 2367x1632, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12394880



>> No.12394881

Her facial structure design stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.12394882

Too bad. Although the latter was obvious from the school uniforms.

>> No.12394920

I feel like I've seen these characters before

>> No.12395139

3 good outfits, one normal high schooler and one normal miko, I don't get it how they interact with the whole rebuilding country thing compared to the other

>> No.12395813

I've been wondering this for a while but am I the only one who gets really bothered by popular heroines? It just somehow grinds my gears when other characters say stuff like "oh, many people have already confessed to her but she always turns them down".

>> No.12395816

So when can we expect this new august game to come out?

>> No.12395830



>> No.12395854

Would you prefer them accepting the confessions and have romantic experiences?

>> No.12395902
File: 228 KB, 1024x768, リア充爆発しろ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know why but 高嶺の花 types just feel weird, especially if the protagonist is a relatively regular guy and dating someone "out of his league" while the whole school is still wanting to dick her. It's hard to explain, but I prefer the regular not-so-popular or even outright ostracised heroines more because of that.

>> No.12395910


MC usually scores the beauty for convenient reasons, and the lazy way to put the heroine up is having her being some sort of school idol/popular character. You can lay the blame on the writer writing for its intended audience. Good thing usually there are multiple girls, right?

>> No.12395918

God you are so right, but I mainly don't like it because it makes me feel like I am the centre of attention all of the sudden(assuming I self-insert as the MC).

>> No.12395919

It's the best way to stablish who is the canonically prettiest heroine, also I like them if the route is well written and the MC must pull some crazy stunts to get her, takes more effort than just making them dere.
Guess they work better in galge since you actually have to get better stats like crazy for them so the feeling of accomplishment is bigger.

>> No.12395922

>better stats like crazy for them

Fucking 160 plant

>> No.12395924

Poor 男子生徒.

>> No.12396144

Well that makes it an instant play for me.

おるごぅる is actually a woman.

>> No.12396160

You're completely crazy, popular type, in fact, any type at all is better than imouto type.

>> No.12396174

Nee Summer 2

Man, seems like everyone hates imoutos these days. What happened?

>> No.12396196

>Man, seems like everyone hates imoutos these days. What happened?


>> No.12396234

They are like Childhood Friend mk2.

>> No.12396246

That makes sense.

It sucks when it's pretty much not even incest. What's the point then.

>> No.12396423 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 800x600, 6879[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally convinced myself to drop Baldr sky dive after completing more than 4 routes.

This is just venting so don't take it too seriously.

The combat is very fun but that's pretty much all that the game has going for it.

All the heroines want 正義の味方s dick from the start of the game. No matter how serious they start up as, they quickly become MC's powerless fuck toy by the end of their route.

If that's not bad enough you are forced to read over multiple parts over and over again because a new line of text appears in a different route.

And even after all of this after the 4th route you are required to complete Reminiscence which is text that you already read 4 times but with a shitty robot configuration which makes no sense.

I dropped the game at some point in 真琴 route.

I have no idea how this game got so many positive reviews on EGS and VNDB.

Are people just ctrl skipping everything but the battles?
Are you supposed to play half an hour a day so you forget what happened in the beginning or something?

If that's not bad enough you are forced to read over multiple parts over and over again because a new line of text appears in a different route.

And even after all of this after the 4th route you are required to complete Reminiscence which is text that you already read 4 times but with a shitty robot configuration which makes no sense.

>> No.12396438

Finally convinced myself to drop Baldr sky dive after completing more than 4 routes.

This is just venting so don't take it too seriously.

The combat is very fun but that's pretty much all that the game has going for it.

All the heroines want 正義の味方s dick from the start of the game. No matter how serious they start up as, they quickly become MC's powerless fuck toy by the end of their route.

If that's not bad enough you are forced to read over multiple parts over and over again because a new line of text appears in a different route.

And even after all of this after the 4th route you are required to complete Reminiscence which is text that you already read 4 times but with a shitty robot configuration which makes no sense.

I dropped the game at some point in 真琴 route.

I have no idea how this game got so many positive reviews on EGS and VNDB.

Are people just ctrl skipping everything but the battles?
Are you supposed to play half an hour a day so you forget what happened in the beginning or something?

>> No.12396628

For you guys who have read previous August titles, how do you think this one will be?

>> No.12396715

People liked the story, believe it or not.
Accept it and move on to another thing

>> No.12396734

A standard lighthearted game for the most part, with a few doses of politics and serious business spread throughout the common route. The world will be well developed in some routes and, likely, a True route. It will probably bear a few similarities to YoakeMae, but instead of Earth and Moon it's Country X and Country Y.

The characters will be likable and the banter between them fun. The art will be pretty and have nice production values that give them an edge over the average title. The story will focus on girls being cute and on the cultural differences between different people. It should be a solid, but unexceptional game.

Reactions will vary between "Cool, I guess", "Where's Eustia 2?", "haha the sameface", "Wasted setting", "This is extremely cute", "Elza is mai waifu" and "Everyge is kusoge".

>> No.12396807

>Reactions will vary between "Cool, I guess", "Where's Eustia 2?", "haha the sameface", "Wasted setting", "This is extremely cute", "Elza is mai waifu" and "Everyge is kusoge".

I take all of the above! Not that I want Eustia 2 but it's very much experimental when you consider August's usual stuff.

>> No.12397214
File: 37 KB, 256x361, 5182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played this? Thoughts?

>> No.12397285

Doujin or commercial version?

>> No.12397339
File: 277 KB, 1260x835, sumikkonewtitle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed. I am so happy right now.

>> No.12397362

FINALLY, I had been waiting for it. Year long love story sounds good even if the game is 100% sure not about that.

>> No.12397411

I think the characters are less cute than usual, and a bit too much boobs for my taste. But I liked their previous games so much so I don't even care. I have high hopes.

Yeah, it is probably not an ordinary, one-year love story if I know Sumikko right.

>> No.12397424

I find them cuter than harukuru at least, wasn't a fan of the artstyle for the character designs
>and a bit too much boobs for my taste.
This is because natsukumo didn't do well and 3 heroines were flat-chested and all of them lolis.

>> No.12397440

Speaking of Watanabe, did his C86 game get uploaded?

>> No.12397446

Damn. I loved the character design in Natukumo. So cute.

>> No.12397451

The huge tits don't match the rest of the art style. They look too top heavy and it bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.12397559

How can they do a year long story when they've only covered spring and summer so far?

>> No.12397622

Maybe the game starts in fall, all of the events happen in fall, then it skips time to a year later in fall again to reach the end of the love story.

>> No.12397627

I hope there'll be a fall one. There's way too many summer-focused stories and not enough fall ones. It's like moonland doesn't even appreciate leaves changing color, stylish scarf-wearing heroines, and the quiet melancholy of approaching winter.

>> No.12397644

>There's way too many summer-focused stories
And spring-focused stories because of their sakura-boner.
And winter-focused stories because the aforementioned approaches.
Honestly it's just lacking in fall-themed stories.

>> No.12397661

I blame the beach episode.

>> No.12397663

That's because fall is pretty much the worst season.

I, for one, can't wait for their winter-themed one.

>> No.12397675

>is pretty much the worst season.
It's the prettiest season as it gets some actual color variety in nature. Worst would be summer, only good things from it are pool and beaches, otherwise it's just hot and annoying and not even TV is good if you stay at home.

>> No.12397682

I'd have to say summer is the worst. It always being hot and humid makes it even more of a chore to go outside.

>> No.12397688

It's the best season to be indoors and comfy and sometimes go for chilly walks to the store.

>> No.12397973

Same thing. Except the doujin games have one chapter per game.

>> No.12398055
File: 79 KB, 799x599, 忘れものと落とし物.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to play 忘れものと落とし物 and getting this. Anyone know of a way to fix this? I've never had this happen with other games.

>> No.12398059


Change your time format to Japanese.

>> No.12398077

Thanks, that did it.

>> No.12398387
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x768, 86483889176345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a good time with Hinata's route in LxC2. Lots of great ichaicha moments and no real drama at all. I'll probably try Hime's route after I go through Hinata's append life scenarios.

>> No.12398425 [DELETED] 

I have starter Asuka, her stats are shit (2100 ATK and DEF) but I upgraded her skill to +30% ATK for all American forces. My entire deck is American, will the extra 30% be worth it?

>> No.12398430


>> No.12398713

Another Frushernite?

>> No.12398723

Ummm, no? Pretty obvious its entirely different thing, being successor to Eroge!.

>> No.12398752

Just completed Futami route in Itsusora.
Did I miss something or it was never explained in her route why Futami doesn't remember Saku from the time he visited town?
I've thought its because girl he played with was actually Kono, but considering Saku's role and that he remembers house head's face behind wheelchair, it doesn't seem to be the case.

>> No.12398784

I mean, they have little time left for production again and it might be rushed and underdeveloped like Fraternite was. Scenario and pacing wise, since they have four graphic artists.

>> No.12398899

That's a different team.

>> No.12398925

And Fraternite had six writers. Are you sure it was rushed and not just a mediocre game to begin with?

>> No.12398988

>since they have four graphic artists
I think there's more like 4 designers since it has 4 characters. The main is Mario anyway.

>> No.12399133

Is it that hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that you may not share the same tastes as everyone else? I don't understand why you would even force yourself to read through 4/5 routes when clearly you didn't even like anything about the game besides the gameplay.

>> No.12399166

So I can shittalk about it on jaypee.

>> No.12399465

That's in other routes, Futami's is basically introductory and San and Konome expand on most things.

>> No.12399834

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