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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 224 KB, 500x500, Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12379524 No.12379524 [Reply] [Original]

C86 Music Uploads:

This album is quite good.

>> No.12379719

I didn't find anything amazing about it, but it's ok. Same with RD-Sounds. Some nice piano but nothing standout.

>> No.12379801

It was okay, nothing worldbreaking.
Might also be the reason why they didn't release a crossover other than that generic Goldrop

>> No.12379867

Didn't expect hatsunetsumiko's and FELT this early. Still waiting for a lossless rip, but 320k will be enough until then.

>> No.12379909

FELT is hit and miss with me. I like their chill trance stuff, but like everyone else is saying, the rest is just okay.

>> No.12379918

yeah, always a couple great tracks and the rest are meh. i really enjoyed the first 4 on this album though. above average imo.

>> No.12379973

Ooo it is way too early for anything I want apparently

>> No.12380294

i like track 5

>> No.12380299



>> No.12380513

I liked the first track.

>> No.12380548

God bless DS, I don't want to mess with spreadsheets anymore.

>> No.12380635

I read these threads often and they are always so full of disappointment. Why do you still listen to this stuff if it's always so "meh" all the time? I liked the whole album a lot myself

>> No.12380868

>summer fever

>> No.12381141

Based Vivienne.

>> No.12381155

>Unitone releasing three albums this summer, one of them for free

>> No.12381229

You idiots, talk and thank in the discussion thread

>> No.12381238

Theres like four threads up I don't even know what the fuck is what.
Also nobody is even posting uploads, its all going into the spreadsheet.

>> No.12381254

That's new.

>> No.12381302

I know, right? Times are changing, its weird. I don't really like it.

>> No.12381371

pizuya's cell where

>> No.12381722

Obizen where?

>> No.12381793

1. Catalog
2. Add threads to Thread Watcher
3. ????
4. Stop being clueless

>> No.12381870
File: 27 KB, 139x301, Comiket threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a chance to post this image before I begin uploading

>> No.12382916

Where's all the Kancolle music?

>> No.12382928

Still waiting for Dai.

>> No.12384371

You mean the composer of Higurashi OST?

>> No.12384375

A-One where

>> No.12384382

what game ost are they arranging now?

>> No.12384485

I'll try my best not to be grateful, thanks!

Also do make an actual upload thread while you're at it. This thread doesn't have upload in the title and does have some opinion in the bodypost, although it's fine being there as a music discussion thread while >>12379403 would be more general, I guess

>> No.12384701


>> No.12385299

I guess it all came in last day and will start appearing soon.

>> No.12387528

East New Sound albums when?

>> No.12387552

東方紅輝心 OST by Hachimitsu Lemon when?
Finished Sakuya's route, wonderful soundtrack.

>> No.12388055


>> No.12388144
File: 145 KB, 538x563, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of Yuuhei Satellite's new albums are pretty damn good, though I thought the wub-wub was a bit unexpected and weirdly placed in the remix of 濡れた髪に触れられた時.

>> No.12388231

You are doing Gods work anon. Thank you.

>> No.12388232

So they're still using the wubwubwub? God damn it.

>> No.12388257

I wasn't the one who uploaded it if that's what you mean.

>> No.12388437

Is Syrufit and Poplica even alive anymore? I have no idea how long have I not heard anything from them.

>> No.12388635

how many times are you gonna post about this.

>> No.12388662


RIP Mohican Sandbag

>> No.12389315

Would Jinx's stuff finally showing up be possible or is it just a pipedream?

>> No.12389340


>> No.12389810

Still no new Zytokine album. Ah well. Hope someone gets it up before too long.

>> No.12391062

This is the first time I've posted about it.

>> No.12391316

Is it another 2hu vocals?

>> No.12391593

Where's Hardcore syndrome 8

>> No.12391596

It's in the spreadsheet m8.

>> No.12391597

Yes. 今宵インデックス has an instrumental version of the song with the same title.

>> No.12391716

in my opinion Yuuhei Satellite albums are getting worse year by year. Too bad, because their music is amazing.

>> No.12391841

akatsuki records where

>> No.12392184

en;Dolphin Records where

>> No.12392210

Someone on doujinstyle bought it, dunno if they'll rip it though.

>> No.12392212

Yuuhei Satellite is a hit and miss for me, but this time their album sounded pretty bland and forgettable

>> No.12392226


>> No.12392352


>> No.12392521


>> No.12392533

But anon, this is not an upload thread. You can thank here.

>> No.12392551

B-but you didn't upload...
It's like "Thank you for letting me know"

>> No.12392642

Oh well when does Comiket end and when should I start batch downloading things

>> No.12392672

It ended a while ago slowpoke.

>> No.12392716

So then that must means every music that has been sold has also been uploaded?

>> No.12392720

no? why the hell would that be? even today there's still new uploads from old comikets.

>> No.12392729

fucking HELL, i dont wanna download music only for there to be a new entry added which i have no idea since i''d go down the list

>> No.12392741

just have the doujinstyle download thread up and check once per day or so.

>> No.12392803

why are you complaining about getting free music? why are you complaining when people go through the trouble of going to the event, ripping the CD and uploading it on a public website so you can listen to it without paying a cent?

>> No.12392816
File: 253 KB, 633x814, 1405611509478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12392981
File: 1.81 MB, 3105x4592, b87090cf755de67b5fa84627d496c63b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realize comiket is better than christmas in every way
>inb4 poorfags whining about not getting presents

39 uploaders

>> No.12393132

KanColle CDs where?

>> No.12393182
File: 78 KB, 832x584, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12393215

If anyone wants a non mojibake version of [シロクマの嫁] 立体音響ボイスCD it's free dl http://www.melonbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=IT0000173572

>> No.12393221

Just fucking deal with it, not like you can read kanji anyways

>> No.12393256

Yes, yes we can you fucking EOP

>> No.12393337

end of phile?

>> No.12393341

Executive Office of the President

>> No.12393383

Into the...?

>> No.12396814
File: 131 KB, 400x395, 1400213_detailImage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when guys, WHEN!?!

>> No.12396906

More importantly where the fuck is the rest of the non-tohou stuff

>> No.12397103

Still waiting for HYPErwave ;_;

>> No.12397104

C-CLAYS' Tenrai is up.

>> No.12397117
File: 365 KB, 640x480, 1404499988017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12397242

>>no dai
>>no higurashi hoe
>> no sound sepher cradle: reboot
>>all those fucking mp3 rips in 2014
what the fuck is going on
I understand that gooks wont upload shit but where my chinese bros at?

>> No.12397262
File: 2.25 MB, 3537x2758, Image0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, so far the best album was Flashligh from Alstroemeria Records and Soul Flower from Tamonsen period.

>> No.12397409
File: 181 KB, 512x384, man crying.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of the albums I was looking forward to has been uploaded, and it wasn't even that good.

>> No.12397429

yaju senpai..................

>> No.12397693

So no Shibayan this time? Damn.

>> No.12398684

that fucking ポヤッチオ album man

best puchi rhythm since Go!

>> No.12398740

this was the worst alstroemeria in a long time imo so that sounds like a pretty grim comiket to me

>> No.12398840
File: 38 KB, 560x420, 1371956571781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izumi Kouki (和泉幸奇) is great.

Is he taking part in any release this Comiket besides Casket?

>> No.12399041


>> No.12399111
File: 42 KB, 500x500, artworks-000087943849-ie65s4-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for Unitone's releases. I hope they'll be uploaded!

>> No.12399143
File: 182 KB, 390x370, 1393766958537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sudden Shower still not uploaded

I need my Camellia wub fix. I expected the person that uploaded Versus! would've bought Sudden Shower as well because they were both sold at his booth. Guess I'm mistaken.

>> No.12400047

i dont have pp

>> No.12400099

What other names do Machikado-Mapoze go by? I remember seeing them called "fox" something and I named a few folders after it, any help is appreciated!

>> No.12401327
File: 101 KB, 500x500, artworks-000087676934-ju2pcc-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12402288
File: 192 KB, 716x723, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not so sure about that, you should check less popular circles, I didn't expect so cool stuff here:
[Monochrome-coat] VIA https://mega.co.nz/#!aUo0CSYC!hDswP1x8aG8upqlJpGlgUpwcjSn2TggicPeOTVJRtuQ

Not a fan at all of these guys. Amazing album.

>> No.12402300
File: 2.63 MB, 3524x2779, Image0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I think we just got the BEST Tamonsen album ever. I can't listen to it non stop (as usual with Tamonsen stuff), but in this one... they arranged a lot of tracks and styles and it came up awesome by pure luck or they did some serious work in the album.

>> No.12402301

You should try downloading and listening to everything, as an actual person would.

>> No.12402304

Welp, I meant "I can listen to it non stop"

>> No.12402310

I have been doing that non stop since yesterday, commenting about every album and raking it subjectively along my google+ circles.

>> No.12402395

why am i enjoying this zytokine album so much

>> No.12402474
File: 1.88 MB, 288x288, 1362897164527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dancing phantasmagoria

>> No.12402611

But it's shit?

>> No.12402614

fucking fight me

>> No.12402658
File: 40 KB, 854x480, GoldFish 8-ottoクロスフェードデモ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting.

>> No.12403087

Guys, is there an IRC channel for this?

4chan is not hyped enough this time around.

>> No.12403091

Hype is the mind-killer.

>> No.12403093


Why don't you make one?

>> No.12403094

Uploads do seem kind slow, but who am I to complain, not like I'm paying anything.

>> No.12403111
File: 556 KB, 860x1100, 1408489238644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good DDC arrangements? Yes I'm being a lazy asshat.

>> No.12403115

I'm 2pleb2host.

>> No.12403120

#comiket on rizon.
Honor us with your awesome existence.

>> No.12403131


You don't have to host anything. Just /join #c86 or something on one of the numerous networks and later register the channel if you care enough. You can later +o other users if you don't want to manage the channel yourself.

>> No.12403136

I actually did this, but before registering I tried #comiket and it worked, I'll lurk it a bit.

Thanks, onii-chan.

>> No.12403306

Where's the CROWS CLAW WHERE and the SOCKS WHERE guy?

>> No.12403353 [DELETED] 


socks guy must be dead.

>> No.12403620
File: 26 KB, 300x297, main_26407_300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone upload this yet?

>> No.12403656

No shit, 大輪の魂 feat. AO、司芭扶 is the fucking best track in the entire album. The rest are nice too but this one takes the cake

>> No.12403680

I smell a strong samefag in this thread, it's the same extremely cringe-worthy style of posting over and over that's never seen on /jp/ before.

>> No.12403694

They're probably just crossboarders, they come out during comiket.

>> No.12403741

That track was definitely great, but I thought the rest of the album was a small step down from their previous ones.

Not that it was bad. Tamaonsen is a great circle.

>> No.12403749

Which one?

>> No.12403759

I'm still waiting for the appendix album though, no-one's got any word on it so far

>> No.12403772
File: 46 KB, 331x473, 1383004985045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hardcore syndrome 8

Still as good as ever

>> No.12403787


>> No.12403795

Eh, I dunno. I feel that the longer the series has gone, the more I feel they're just making songs because people are expecting a new album. Going through the same throws of happy hardcore into hardstyle into dark hardcore. Oh look, Massive New Crew made a song that sounds like every other song he makes all the time. t+pazolite made another song that sounds too silly to be taken seriously. Same old shit every album.

>> No.12403843

No one even tries to ask who's quoting who in comiket threads. They are crossboarders, they're painful to read but they're not one.

>> No.12404013

motherfucking [sound sepher] Cradle Re:BOOT - 東方幻樂祀典 is out. It's been 10 years. Happy birthday!

>> No.12404038

I agree, I can't say that the last few albums are bad but there's not a lot of songs that I can call amazing.

HYPER WAVE seems pretty neat though.

>> No.12404065
File: 60 KB, 600x593, BtYv3hOCAAAqCYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is ネメシスの銃口 so good

>> No.12404084

But "who are you quoting" is the shittiest /jp/ meme anyway.

>> No.12404133


I'd kind of agree for the most part, but syndrome 8 seems to be a much better album than the past few. But it also feels like they went back to an older style of hardcore than they were trying before.
At least there are more than just 2-3 songs from the entire album that are actually good(which was sort of the trend for a while).

Though speaking of t+pazolite, where the hell is Cutie & Headshaking Sounds. Or half the albums that would normally be up almost instantly.
Even Hyper Wave!! and EPM2 aren't "publicly" up yet, despite popping up on animedb the other day.

>> No.12404135

er, *animebytes, not animedb.

>> No.12404138

I know right? Releases haven't been this slow for a Comiket in ages. Wonder what's going on?

>> No.12404149

Download and re-up it.

I don't get this "don't pirate our piracy!" politic.

>> No.12404178

>never seen on /jp/ before

>> No.12404193
File: 90 KB, 400x400, Massive New Krew - Hyper Wave!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FLAC of Hyper Wave!!


Don't have EPM2 uploaded, might find the time to upload it later.

>> No.12404199

Oh wow, good stuff anon. Looking forward to EPM2. Need to hear the full version of that song by void.

>> No.12404200


>> No.12404214

Can anyone view anything on the doujin music forum on astost? They suddenly locked the entire thing down.

>> No.12404268

Yes, please, and thanks.

>> No.12404270

>I don't get this "don't pirate our piracy!" politic.
There is no such politic.

>> No.12404285

Well that's stupid, stuff popping out on animebytes before the rest of the web? That's not even a music private tracker, there's a lot of weird shit going on with releases this comiket around. Apparently I don't have an account because inactivity, please up the other one.

Could be a reference to that Chinese thing

>> No.12404318
File: 250 KB, 470x470, electro planet - EPM 2 -electro planet music 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also if anyone didn't know
Yooh-Eutopia and BlackY MAXXXBurning is in Dojin.co as MP3.

>> No.12404322

Thank you very much.

>> No.12404357

It would be nice if Mega just worked all the time instead of just working when it feels like it. Right now is not one of those times.

>> No.12404359

Thank you

>> No.12404360
File: 13 KB, 730x206, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, I thought it was just my connection that went full blown Australian.

>> No.12404365

Just import it then download.
It's what i always do.
I never trust it in that page.

>> No.12404384

Good stuff, nice tip, thanks.

>> No.12404450
File: 61 KB, 500x500, Z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it not uploaded yet?
I want to hear xi's Trance orz

>> No.12404457

While I don't know if it applies to this situation people are usually afraid too much exposure will attract unwanted attention and get things taken down usually.

>> No.12404491

I like the vocal bits, 2:00-3:00 is kinda eh for me.

>> No.12404524

Still no Amateras huh. At least they made a satisfying appearance in a disappointing Alstroemeria album.

AdamKadmon and monochrome-coat are both enjoyable as well, I'm liking their albums more than Sally's "Less."

No problems with Zytokine's >>>>. Even better than their previous album if you were to ask me.

It seems as if the booklet scans for everything other than Alst are later than usual this time around, or is it just me? I'm killing for lyrics.

>> No.12404545

Could you upload Old Heaven by aran and the Via factory album ? Thanks

>> No.12404579

Massive New Krew's song was a bit samey, yeah, though the rest of the songs were pretty damn good. Noriken and Myosuke are at the top of their game here.

>> No.12404587

There in ASTOST.
I don't have an account for that website.
You'll just have to wait for another anon to be kind enough to make a new link for the rest of us.

>> No.12404604

Getting a file deleted.

>> No.12404626

They're all up on DS now anyways.

>> No.12404643

I'm the one sharing the album at DS.
So it's deleted? damn.

>> No.12404645

Well, the link on DS still works

>> No.12404646

oh wait, Hakkin already uploaded the other link.

>> No.12405316

Anyone have problems with the Assaultdoor track 10 in lossless? It's as if the last minute or so is corrupt or something.

>> No.12405332

Sounds fine to be besides the audio clipping, which isn't a file problem.

>> No.12405338

It stops playing at around ~23 seconds left and foobar throws an error saying the file is corrupt.

>> No.12405347
File: 52 KB, 606x449, ss+(2014-08-22+at+06.41.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redownload it?

>> No.12405362
File: 20 KB, 605x449, ss+(2014-08-22+at+03.53.13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mind uploading your track 10 somewhere? Redownloaded it twice with the exact same result.

>> No.12405391

Weird, redownloaded it and it does seem like it's corrupted now.
Here's the track 10 I have:

>> No.12405424

Thanks, working great now.

>> No.12405584
File: 568 KB, 350x396, 1334848931160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feelio no sudden shower

>> No.12405712
File: 331 KB, 400x573, jyake_mero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting... along with the other Strawberry Bose OSTs that never got uploaded. One day, I hope. One day.

>> No.12405813

Diverse Direct has it. I'll consider buying it.

>> No.12405870
File: 81 KB, 500x500, artworks-000087677956-t5gnmx-t500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most impressive XFD so far. Breddy good.
Haven't listened to any full album yet, the spreadsheet keeps getting bigger!

>> No.12405909

What's with this Sound Holic CD?

It's full of random mixed styles, a pain in the ass listening to all this stuff for just a couple of good songs.

>> No.12405965

those faces are CRAZY

>> No.12406033

I know right? I need my Camellia fix damn it and I can only listen to Feelin' Sky from Starry Orange so many times.

>> No.12406055

Could you also consider getting 四荒八極エントロピア?

>> No.12406057

That was also on my interest list. I'll consider it. (I'm currently broke and it's gonna cost more than $50 to send these CDs here)

>> No.12406085

I'm just asking because it doesn't seem anyone has gotten it yet. The whole album is full of killer songs.

>> No.12406092
File: 42 KB, 320x320, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I dont know what to think of the sound holic

I like a few songs like 月下美人, but others are just really fucking miss

like all of them

>> No.12406105

I agree. I'll gather the money first and decide if I should buy the albums. Getting the money is gonna take at least two weeks so I guess we can just hope they come out soonish.

>> No.12406111

Just like I said on >>12405909. They mashed a bunch of unrelated stuff and we have to bear with the shit to get the good ones.

I mean, jazz, pop and eurobeat together isn't quite what I'd expect from any CD.

>> No.12406116

Those kanji'ed Sound Holic albums have always been a mess of like 10 different genres.

>> No.12406140

nonvocal electronic stuff still going strong, but I want syrufit back.

>> No.12406190
File: 188 KB, 600x600, 14138923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12406223

Wow, there's blood.

>> No.12406229

So anything of notable worth come out yet?

>> No.12406248

what do you mean by come out yet?
everything has already been released a week ago

>> No.12406253

too bad its been years and you should have supported that artist while they were active, to motivate them to keep on producing

>> No.12406257

I couldn't support myself, let alone others
I still can't ;_;

>> No.12406451

Just posting these as they aren't in the spreadsheet yet.


>> No.12406541
File: 56 KB, 968x747, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, very slow paced touhoumon standalone.

>> No.12406627
File: 2.75 MB, 1146x2214, 45434199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I thought 幽玄風靡, Invisible Cage, Missing Link, Countdown Diamonds and ミコミコテンセイ were pretty good.

That 709sec. album sounded lackluster from the crossfade though

>> No.12406774

It's posted on DS as a melonbooks DL for 1500ish Yen.

>> No.12406775

what the fuck are you complaining about? it's just like every other SOUND HOLIC album besides 709shit and 幻想★あ・ら・もーど. if you're a faggot that doesn't like specific genres, you can figure out what genre a song is by skipping through it in about 5 seconds.

sometimes they have great eurobeat, rock/metal, and often pop songs. overall this album was a bit subpar compared to previous ones, imo.

>> No.12406783

The quality is probably really bad, judging on the filesize.

>> No.12406790

That's true. It's also pretty expensive.

>> No.12406807

Diverse System is great like always. AD:HOUSE 3 is nice (although I much prefer the AD:TRANCE series), and works.tigerlily is pretty awesome too. I swear, I've yet to dislike any album released by them.

>> No.12406851

DS's quality is pretty tight. I especially love their album cover arts. Really artistic.

Looking forward to the next AD: Drum'n Bass.

>> No.12406866


>> No.12406875

I think you're mistaking "released" for "uploaded".

>> No.12406915
File: 470 KB, 1536x864, xNLU38x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.12406938

Please anon

>> No.12407182

>skipping songs
I either give a listen through or don't download it, so let me at least complain of unappealing generic music.

>> No.12407307

touhou music itself is unappealing generic music

>> No.12407315
File: 66 KB, 1024x600, 1408486385590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12407538
File: 564 KB, 2221x1561, travel_sound_sandwitchs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting

>> No.12407599

>AD: Drum'n Bass

After the trainwreck of the first one, I hope they don't continue this particular line. It's my own fault really, I had far too high expectations of them for it now that I look back on it.

AD Trance and AD House are always pretty good. AD Electronic Dance and AD Dubstep are always terrible.

>> No.12408127
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1402505185025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will fucking end you, Anon

>> No.12408215
File: 336 KB, 988x720, 1387488772023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12408247

Waiting warmly for Infect Paranoia, t+pazolite and
Psycho Filth.

>> No.12408269

Infect Paranoia is up at YouTube

>> No.12408279
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So, uh...
Any news about this?

>> No.12408822

anon please

>> No.12409355
File: 80 KB, 250x250, Colorful_wonder_note.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon. Kind of.

>> No.12409671
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Any news on this? :OOOOO

>> No.12409839
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I'm late, I know, but xi-on's new album was... different. I can't say I dislike it, and I think it was better than most of the recent, post-東方志奏 stuff. Good to see there will be no stagnation, I guess.

>> No.12409886

Anything about Shinigiwa Satellite's BREATHLESS EP?

>> No.12410029

I really don't want to resort to actually buying Sudden Shower and Entropia from the Diverse Direct store. I want these two albums really badly and not a peep about anyone uploading them.

>> No.12410117

Actually I wish they'd remix things that are less "mainstream", like say PC98 songs. Look at A-One, they did just that and damn that album is stellar.

SHDC did a great job with their PoDD album, but their MoF and PCB albums are crappy and generic. This one is quite close being lumped together with the latter two but then again it's saving grace are the few catchy songs inside

>> No.12410159

I'm still waiting for that Jinx LLS and MS album and there's no way they're gonna show up I feel...

>> No.12410243

what is he releasing?

>> No.12410482

Still no Higurashi Hoe? i don't want to listen to the OST just yet before reading it.

>> No.12410523

It's not the OST for Hou just the Opening with Arranged tracks.
It even says so in the title.
I guess the OST is the same as in Kai.

>> No.12410542

Oh, I thought those arranged tracks were going to be used in the new arcs. My mistake then.

>> No.12410751

Original Sound Version =/= OP, this album is the OP with a bunch of new shit and a few arranged tracks towards the end, whether or not any of these are used in the game is another story though since very often some tracks on these albums were never used.

>> No.12410845

If any of you guys could give me a site to download Japanese books that isn't manga/LN (and invite if it's a private tracker) then I'll email the DL link

I can also upload Dai's cd for that

>> No.12410938 [DELETED] 

Isn't the new dai album already on the spreadsheet?

>> No.12410950

It is, people are talking about the game. It's not worth trying to stop it, by the way, pretty much all the games sucked this year and probably won't get uploaded anyway so this might as well be an all in one thread anyway.

>> No.12410999

>If any of you guys could give me a site to download Japanese books that isn't manga/LN (and invite if it's a private tracker) then I'll email the DL link

Or we can tell you to go suck a dick.

>> No.12411001

Because mothy

>> No.12411004

Fuck off

>> No.12411016

>extorting people in exchange for promising an upload
you must be new here.

>> No.12411021


>> No.12411030
File: 321 KB, 492x499, No title+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked this up from Amazon, if there's no upload by the time it gets to me I'll upload it.

>> No.12411034

It's already been uploaded. Check the spreadsheet.

I don't understand why you'd brag about owning the CDs, then proceed to extort us just so we can get the uploads. That's pretty low.

>> No.12411041

Got mp3 already but I would appreciate a lossless rip.

>> No.12411049

>Actually I wish they'd remix things that are less "mainstream"
they JUST did a GFC/CoSD album for C85 dude, and they also did a PC98 album for Reitaisai 9.

>Look at A-One, they did just that
i hate all of A-One's albums, personally.

>their MoF and PCB albums are crappy and generic
you talking about YOUMU or AYAKASHI? YOUMU is probably my favorite album from them, bar none. i haven't listened to all the old ones though. SOUND HOLIC is not super high-ranked on my favorites list, but there are plenty of gems to make their albums worth downloading.

>> No.12411052

>i hate all of A-One's albums, personally.

Muh Stebbins!

>> No.12411138


>> No.12411176

it and - are up, both are pretty good

>> No.12411196

Yes I just said they did a PoDD album

And I was actually referring to YOUMU, which was quite recent. I only liked Snow Whisper and Sakura Dreams from that album, the rest sounded pretty forgettable

>> No.12411639
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that's very low of you dude

>> No.12411666
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>ESQUARIA uploaded

now just need Camellia and >>12408279

>> No.12412009
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feelio when no t+pazolite upload

>> No.12412105


That cat is cute. Post more of her.

>> No.12412148
File: 69 KB, 500x669, sexy cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12412169


Not the same cat, but I'll take her. Post more.

>> No.12412178


>> No.12412276

ESQUARIA was mediocre this year.

>> No.12412375
File: 88 KB, 500x428, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drivi'n greedy - Nhato Remix -

>> No.12412598

Looking at the spreadsheet. There is not a single kancolle album, what happened? Did they really only produce porn?

>> No.12412610

just be happy about it, faggot

>> No.12412683

[キネマ106] - 銃 is KanColle. It isn't half bad either.

>> No.12413168

Nobody wants to shit up the spreadsheet with garbage, I'd assume.

>> No.12413178

Yeah I like it quite a bit

>> No.12413195

Why are ENS, Cytokine, Alstro and more on the spreadsheet then.

>> No.12413272

Because trash isn't allowed to edit the godly spreadsheet willy-nilly?

>> No.12413756

kancolle is shit

>> No.12413825

Isn't that an original image album instead of an arrange album?

>> No.12414023

Maybe kancolle albums are just that shit. There's a limit to how much you can rehash the soundtrack, and that alone appears to be pretty desperate move

>> No.12414043

I have no idea. All I know is that I listened to the crossfade and enjoyed what I heard.

>> No.12414056

I'll be getting an influx of money soon (100ish) and will be buying albums off Diverse Direct.

I plan to get:
Raize Blaze in Fiction,
異聞伝承アラカルト (the new C.H.S album),
sudden shower (out of stock temporarily for some reason),
and 四荒八極エントロピア (Binzokomegane Girls Union).

This will happen hopefully within two weeks, and hopefully sudden shower will be available by then. (I will not be buying any albums which happen to get uploaded during this time frame.)

>> No.12414277

For that so many people went about that touhou will be blown out by kancolle it really turned to being fucking nothing.
What were all those kancolle circles doing?

>> No.12414323

Well when the source material is that limited, there's only this much you can do. Imo, artists who are doing kancolle arrangements are simply bandwagoning, at this point it's an "obligation" rather than a labour of love like most touhou circles.

Now I remember there was this thing with Iosys doing kancolle arrangements but quickly went back to touhou because that kancolle album didn't sell well

>> No.12414331

goto dojin.co

>> No.12414360

>>12414331 has sudden shower. Heads up.


>> No.12414372

Looks like I'm not buying anything.

>> No.12414435

I like some of the kancolle BGMs, but in total they are still few and I have heard nearly no good arrangements. I kinda thought that this comiket we would finally get a decent amount of good ones, but nothing. That extra colorcode on the spreadsheet is wasted.

>> No.12414536

This has to be the worst comiket ever musc wise

I only downloaded three albums and only one of them was good.

>> No.12414561

no surprise that comiket's always garbage, its all about M3 and RTS

>> No.12414567

It's slow as fuck too. I'm still waiting for Amateras and Halozy

>> No.12414626

Please do, remember there's always at least one person that'll enjoy a lossless rip when none are available on the free web

>> No.12414636

I've read 3 of your posts and deduced you were the worst thing ever, posting wise

>> No.12414725

I was convinced of that last comiket, now there's too little albums uploaded for me not to think something's up with the uploaders.

>> No.12414939

Is Perfect Dark still alive?
I can't find any of the albums there either that have not yet been uploaded to mega or some other web host.

>> No.12415022

>Raize Blaze in Fiction,
>異聞伝承アラカルト (the new C.H.S album),
>sudden shower

All of these are now on DS. Save your money.

>> No.12415033

There's only like, 2 albums on PD. Most of the uploads are leaks from private Chinese forums or private torrent sites.

>> No.12415167

Sally's new album is a little underwhelming. Not bad, but doesn't blow me away like their older stuff.

Diao ye zong is same as usual, I think, one or two memorable tracks. If nothing else, it's always interesting to hear Merami in this circle, because she gets to spread her wings a little when singing, it's different.

>> No.12415232

Sudden Shower is a real good sequel to [diffraction]. Worthy of the lineage. 四荒八極エントロピア is also killer as well. The week wait for them was worth it.

>> No.12415291

Is piracy dead yet?

>> No.12415319

its futschibutchi

>> No.12415437

I cannot interpret this comiket any other way.

>> No.12415442
File: 67 KB, 512x384, content man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of the albums I was looking forward to remains to be uploaded

>> No.12415462

Or maybe they're laying low to avoid rousing the copyright faggots? They've already fucked jewtube channels over, they could fuck download sites up next

>> No.12415572

Anyone have a dojin.co invite?

>> No.12415584

Mei-getsu k2 sound when

I know its r11 not c86

>> No.12415656

Registration is open with a key posted on their twitter.

>> No.12415775

>The collection is for MP3′s only

when will these fags join the lossless master race?
What a garbage website.

>> No.12415837

I want /mu/ to leave.

>> No.12415856

>having FLACebo

>> No.12415947

>not having a good pair of 300€ headphones to listen to all your chinese music in lossless quality

>> No.12416082

If you cared about appreciating you'd be learning music theory and learning to listen your music properly, not spending a shitload in a wee bit of spectral gain.

>> No.12416086

Hearing the difference now isn’t the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is ‘lossy’. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA, it’s about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don’t want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.12416095
File: 48 KB, 770x545, 264863-barack-obama-wizards-fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this meme.

>> No.12416101

Rotational velocidensity. I could never get the name right.

>> No.12416313

Lost in the Abyss was good too. That and summer fever are easily my favorite tracks from the album.

>> No.12416920
File: 833 KB, 750x803, d4732554e8d6581768c17ee878da914e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is the best song i've ever heard.
not sure if it has to do with being my favorite theme remixed by my favorite artist with my favorite vocalist.

Camellia's was excellent as usual. the BGU album was definitely a good listen, but not as great as i had hoped it would be.

still a few more albums i'd like to see pop up.

>> No.12417154

>music theory


>> No.12417156

>private Chinese forums or private torrent sites.

Such as? Links?

>> No.12417161

>Rotational velocidensity

What is that exactly?

>> No.12417168


They are really milking this honeyworks thing aren't they?

Seems to be a new trend where various songs in the series tells a (shitty) love story.

>> No.12417173


Is. Is that a waffle sandwiich? O.o

>> No.12417186

A litmus to determine whether a given person is clinically retarded.

You failed.

>> No.12417393

[Jerico's Law] Insane Habituation
(flac) https://mega.co.nz/#!gs9RhLaQ!jOnkMLf59MlxZ11FKn1lCQLKWb1lacpr616wbZ72HJk
(v0) https://mega.co.nz/#!Ap0gjLaR!Jxd8NwYGh5jgNpe2faJLtjWsuaAi23j7XgFYx-n72W4

[C.H.S] 異聞伝承アラカルト
(flac) https://mega.co.nz/#!NhsBlTQT!3DuSAC_0V6cOMV5lkgwZ6qT5MuOMnMfyOfTOmE9TXnw

>> No.12417451

this is probably my favorite pasta

>> No.12417829

Summer Fever is catchy as fuck, based FELT

>> No.12417842

I really liked goldrop personally, along with those two.

>> No.12418393

Is Shibayan kill?

>> No.12418398


Better for them to release one great album per year than two half-assed if you ask me

>> No.12418978
File: 45 KB, 600x409, 1393578370459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

>mfw Alstroemeria put a Bad Apple remix on the album

>> No.12419058

is it even a remix? i don't understand why he keeps sticking the same song on every other album. it's not going to make his mediocre music sound any better.

>> No.12419166

Try the Hanatan version, at least the vocalist is different. But yeah, there's no fucking difference and if he really wants a "revamped" version, there's always the animelo version in Pop Culture.

Also, this thread has hit bump limit, should we create another one?

>> No.12419375

It sucks because his remixes usually sound worse than the original.

>> No.12419379

Most people only know them because Bad Apple went viral on nico. Of course they are trying to milk it as much as possible.

>> No.12419521

It is not as if he makes bank making touhou shit.

>> No.12420039


So much this.

>> No.12420481

at least they were good more than 3 years ago
its been downhill since the dancehalls

>> No.12421307

>its been downhill since the dancehalls
I will fight you, m8

Anyway should there be a new thread already? This one's dying and we've yet to get good shit like WAVE and Space Electro

>> No.12421327

Don't you feel like it's way more exciting when the thread is about to die? All the mystery! All the tension!

>> No.12421418
File: 88 KB, 400x518, 20140811_1236781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never appear anywhere. Goddamn comiket exclusives.

Awesome job with the spreadsheet.

>> No.12421479

is REDALiCE kill? serious question, is it normal for him to not release anything for a comiket?
