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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 10 KB, 418x254, tgijo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12372718 No.12372718 [Reply] [Original]

So what the FUCK is the point of this? Why do so many japanese software, especially VNs and such, block the rest of the world from using their software? I can't think of a single advantage to doing this. I'd understand it if they simply didn't want to support or sell the game abroad, but actually spending time (=money) and effort to deliberately block them? Seriously, what the flying fuck. Why?!

>> No.12372723

How do they detect that? Japanese locale? Japanese OS install?

In any case, I wish they did it for everything. Anime too.

>> No.12372728

Don't worry, it will all be over in 2020.

>> No.12372734

OS install I believe. It does not help to change locale.

>> No.12372736

Doesn't changing your format to Japanese work? It would make sense.

>> No.12372741

What do you mean "format"?

>> No.12372743

Because "Japs" rhymes with "Fags"

>> No.12372746 [DELETED] 

Shitty gaijin will play the game and then make it into a news story because it offends women or Jews.

>> No.12372748

Don't US software only allow sale and distribution within their own country or at most limited to just the Anglosphere? Besides, not like the majority of Westerners understand moonrunes so you're just crying out as part of the downtrodden minority OP.

>> No.12372750
File: 108 KB, 500x500, baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Revenge for when moot blocked every Jap ip.

>> No.12372751

I think it's more of a problem getting it working in English that they just can't be bothered to fix

>> No.12372752

Nope, it doesn't chink.

>> No.12372754

Because Japan is behind at least 25 years when it comes to PC tech. Good stuff like Unicode and Xinput is still alien to them.

>> No.12372755


What? Are you retarded?

>> No.12372756


>> No.12372757


Nips get it.

>> No.12372758

They don't have to get it working in english. It's more work to block every country than to just not give a shit and let gaijins download broken versions if they want (like we do).

>> No.12372760

Or maybe they just have the sense not to fix what ain't broken and implement every unstable and untested thing that comes out of Silicon Valley's asshole.

>> No.12372761

Your shitpost-fu is weak

>> No.12372769

I'm not the one calling out Japan as some tech challenged country. Apply yourself better.

>> No.12372774


japan is a tech-challenged country afraid of change

only a dumb weab of the sort that japan itself depsises would contest this fact

>> No.12372784

I suppose if we ignore their robotics, light and heavy manufacturing or even fucking toilet industries and then some we could label it as such.

Tech isn't just about cellphones and web design, moron.

>> No.12372786


pedals aren't meant to go this fast in reverse

>> No.12372792

the west blows Japan out of the water in every category there.
America specifically is technologically superior in every single way.
You are a tremendous weeb and its pathetic to read your posts.

>> No.12372794

only tokyo has some kind of tech.

other cities, especially smaller ones are afraid to even use computers to store data, and still keep everything in huge storages on paper.

atms? forget it.

the idea that japan is a technological paradise is a myth.

>> No.12372795


but I love anime and cute little girl pics...

>> No.12372802

Yeah, America where everywhere outside the big cities where infrastructure is still stuck in the 70's

I'm just calling it out as it is, no need to call me a weeab just because it's so cool to hate on Japan and criticize it to the point of absurdity on the internet.

See above. The US and Europe has had plenty of innovation, but that doesn't mean it's spread out evenly in their whole territory. Japan is in the same boat.

>> No.12372803

So far the only PC game that i played that came out of Japan that was not unoptimised piece of shit strung together with spaghetti coding is Metal Gear Rising.
Pull your head out of your ass weeb. Japan always sucked on the PC platform.

>> No.12372810

southern america is technologically superior. all those tractors.

obviously. in japan a pc is seen as a toy for nerds, like a game console is for kids. they still didn't understand that a pc is a powerful tool that will replace most of their current ones in the coming years.

i blame old people and their fear of change.

>> No.12372838

I don't see much old folks round here using the computer to write code or software. Just simple apps like e-mail even then it's a crapshoot for them. Anyways, the 70's and 80's were the tech renaissance of Japan with a bunch of quirky and neat things coming out of it. It's cooled down since, but equating the country to some third world shithole in that department isn't giving credit where it's due. Also, JP companies aren't clueless when it comes to Western software what with the Line chat app using HBase from Google of all things.

>> No.12372840

This is, as far as I'm aware, because of the reaction to Rapelay when American feminist groups tried to push for legislation in Japan to make all rape games illegal. Since then I've noticed many software companies resorting to Japan only to prevent anything similar from happening again.

>> No.12372843


>Also, JP companies aren't clueless when it comes to Western software what with the Line chat app using HBase from Google of all things.

lol'd irl

>> No.12372849

This. As soon as feminists and UNICEF can easily get these on their computers shit will hit the fan hard and people like Anita will ruin everything.

>> No.12372858

Because retard normalfags can gain access to them, complain, reach other, more well connected normalfucks, which then complain on national news, which reaches all the way back to Japan, digging their image even deeper.

>> No.12372861

Wow, that's quite a steep slope, m8s.

>> No.12372877

It happened before, and we don't have a well-heeled network of super-rich international Jewry drilling "never again" into everyone's heads. There's really no reason to think it couldn't happen again.

>> No.12372882

I can't wait to see the feminist's reaction on the news about euphoria's translation.

>> No.12372890

In any case, whether through ignorance or inaction, we're partly to blame for not even trying to protect it.

Not that I would, anyway. I'd rather miss a few games than spend the rest of my life as a cumdumpster in prison.

>> No.12372901

It speaks volumes of our society if we can't even speak out and defend our desires just because it's a social taboo in the mainstream's eyes.

>> No.12372904

Hm? What volumes? You basically summed up everything with that sentence. It's social taboo. Duh.

>> No.12372927

Yeah, but when we live under a society that supposedly under the principle of "individual freedom" and "choice," it's a bit jarring having double standards such as these become accepted practices.

>> No.12372936

inb4 the 2020 Olympics makes it happen again.

>> No.12372950

Well then you should really realize by now that it's merely a play on semantics - an illusion. What you actually have is a tyranny of the majority what heavily frowns upon anything unusual or unexpected, whether or not, when given calm, rational scrutiny, it turns out that the supposed taboo thing is either a non-issue or may possibly be beneficial.

You're currently living in a parody of freedom. Not a real one. But take heart. At the very least, you're probably living in the best possible place be in. It just doesn't get better than that, and yo need to accept it.

>> No.12372953


This gimmick is getting old dude

>> No.12372986

PSO2 and FFXIV can run fucking well on my shitty toaster.

>> No.12372992

>6 core, 2.99 Ghz
Do you even lift?

>> No.12373011

i agree, it should be a lot harder to gain access to these materials so we can safeguard it from normies.

>> No.12373014


runs well on toaster doesn't mean well coded

dark souls 2 will run well on the shitty pcs but it has some of the worst programming of any commercially-produced game

>> No.12373020

I hope they raged hard, and Japanese media starts getting banned in the west, and every localization company dies. That would be awesome.

>> No.12373026

And yet nobody (but you, apparently) cared.

>> No.12373028



>> No.12373033

I would be all over that shit. I might as well send my collection of hentai to known feminist organizations.

>> No.12373040

>runs well on toaster doesn't mean well coded
This is what a pretentious teenager that just learned what programming is yesterday afternoon believes.

>> No.12373041

Going underground means the further implosion of the economy there as a result. They're not willing to let go of their status as a soft power anytime soon.

>> No.12373044


you should explain about how using 8-bit integer for many important numbers like poise and item discovery (thus make them overflow and overwrite memory, not only breaking them but breaking your game) is mistake that only a 'pretentious teenager' could see

i won't bother trying to 'prove' myself personally to you, but you should tell enb he's a pretentious teenager also as well


Dark Souls 2 mod development is stopped, whatever you think, it's very low quality game, from coding side, usability and almost all other sides. I'm unable to push myself test this without using cheat software and without portable save games, may be players can eat this more or less, but not when you trying to test and debug. Use Durante mod, SweetFX or the latest version of ENBSeries (probably i'll update it silently to test version which posted on the forum). And for godsake stop annoy me with your own opinion about the game, game will not become any better from that, i rather play Blade of Darkness or some other old cool fantasy with proper mechanics.

>> No.12373050

Anyway, I believe the basis of the demand (and I guess also the supply) is a primal one, so I think whatever happens, we will always have new stuff to enjoy. And I think that's a good thing, don't you agree?

>> No.12373052

Eroge contributes nothing compared to other media in the first place, nothing will change.

>> No.12373053

I can't mess with the game so It's poorly coded.

>> No.12373055

That may have been true two decades ago, but the industry is starting to treat the gaijin market as a legitimate one to invest and gain money from it. Suddenly closing off that revenue would make all that kaput.

The subject at hand was "Japanese Media" in general. We already know eroge's situation overseas.

>> No.12373062


good job ignoring my entire post to go with your stupid weaboo opinion

>> No.12373067

>appeal to authority
How many cocks have you sucked today?

>> No.12373068

And I bet you're under the impression that Western games are the paragon of good coding when shit like Elder Scrolls need mods to make them function, you Westaboo.

>> No.12373069

Aren't you guys both retards in the end for mincing over 'well-coded' vs. 'well-optimized'? If you can cause an overflow in game by stacking poise yeah that's a pretty big oversight. Though plenty of games now-a-days have errors like that. The real DS2 crimes were graphical, not it's inability to be modified(who cares about that really).

>> No.12373076


tes games are well coded yes, minus some dev only scripting for gamebryo games

dark souls 2 you still haven't told me about number overflows are professional-level programming but i think you know nothing about coding so it isn't a surprise

>> No.12373078


only he minced well coded with well optimized, go read my post about 'plays well on toaster doesn't mean well coded'

and not only poise and item discovery are 8 bit, also many other important values the player won't realize are

>> No.12373080

who cares, nerd.

>> No.12373089

this thread smells more like /v/ than the Jay

>> No.12373091

>also many other important values the player won't realize are
Isn't it fine then?

Also the person he's replying to was talking about optimization, you're the one who brought up fucking coding because you're mad you can't be a 12 year old girl in DS2. I'm upset as well but it's no reason to make shitty posts.

>> No.12373092

f/a/g 発見

>> No.12373094


haha this ignorance

please don't try to talk with me about this if you say 'isn't it fine then' when i tell you that

and if you think i am talking about modding.. yes you can't mod dark souls 2, but it's a symptom of the illness of bad coding. what i complain about is the illness and not the symptom

>> No.12373100

What? If the player will never run into the overflow it's not a problem. Maybe you need to look up the word "problem" in your Greek/English dictionary.

It's just some random ESL big time game modder.

>> No.12373103

>and Xinput
Fuck xinput, then I can't use my generic 5$ gamepads that work totally fine

>> No.12373106


>If the player will never run into the overflow it's not a problem

i just told you don't talk to me about this when you have no idea what you're saying even on elementary school coding level

>> No.12373114

It's hard to call it talking. How much of this conversation are you putting into google translate?

I mean why do you have to be so fucking vague? You're dancing around this little factoid and want me to be upset, but then you can't even come out and tell me whether poise would actually overflow during the course of typical play. You're just a fucking faggot. Take this garbage back to tigsource.de or where ever the hell you're from.

>> No.12373134

You might want to do some reading instead of getting angry.

keep up the good work:)

>> No.12373154

Why do people pretending to be experts in a subject never use capital letters? Be it in drawing threads, video games or whatever, most of the times when someone with good knowledge on the subject arrives, he never uses capital letters.

>> No.12373156
File: 134 KB, 953x988, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Unicode
> unstable and untested

Aw man u so wack bro

>> No.12373167

Howaiito piggu go home

Japan only

>> No.12373179

Oh okay. I wonder how much easier this would have been if Dimitri could have just mentioned that in his original post.

He's still a faggot for acting like optimization wasn't part of the conversation the was responding to and forcing the conversation to be about a PC port of a console game.

>> No.12373184


You mean that game where the servers got dDos'd and now you cant access the game or its website from outside Japan?

>> No.12373185


capitals don't give less ambiguity except in rare scenarios so it's a pointless and pretentious waste of time to use them outside those rare scenarios

>> No.12373187


You know the console versions get overflows too right, not that that's even a fraction of the problems of DS2's code

>> No.12373197

Calling capital letters pretentious is amazingly pretentious.
Yeah man wait until Japan gets the DDOS proof MMO coding from us.
Honestly I don't and don't care. I feel like having to lean on DS2 so heavily is just self defeating. Japs just don't give a shit about PCs for non-ero gaming.

I wonder if there's a alternate timeline argument on 2ch where some guy is stating the west has bad ero games because we're genetically/socially unable to make good ones, holding up Katawa Shoujo all the while.

>> No.12373198


hate to tell you that mmo doesn't get ddosed, server does, and you can protect from ddos

>> No.12373199

>I wonder if there's a alternate timeline argument on 2ch where some guy is stating the west has bad ero games because we're genetically/socially unable to make good ones

Which is true, just like it's true that Japan is technologically inhibited and terrified of change.

>> No.12373210

Well sure you can't, but they just don't give a shit. Tons of games were getting the shit DDOSed out of them awhile ago.

I feel like Dark Souls 2, PSO2 being DDOSed, and whatever shitty Capcom ports you're about to throw out are poor evidence of that, but whatever.

>> No.12373211

*sure you can

>> No.12373219 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 355x342, 64651654531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the aps not giving a shit about pc gaming outside porn games makes it all right for them to write shitty code.

cool story bro. i wonder if in an alternate timeline where gaben was japanese and the west only wrote poorly coded porn games you wont be talking shit about the west's pc coding skills.

>> No.12373228

The faggot crying about 8-bit integers being used has no idea what he's fucking talking about. This isn't a fucking payroll app that will be used a hundred years by now by slants to divy up their precious remaining whale blubber. It's a fucking attribute in a video game. Using double-precision floats for dexterity or whatever is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of and he'd be shitcanned the first day if that's the slop he found from StackOverflow and used.

>> No.12373239

So how do I get over this protection?

>> No.12373242

Virtual PC.

>> No.12373256

Easy enough then.

>> No.12373263

OP here, for the very game this screenshot is from, I needed to use a cracked exe that removes the restriction. SiglusEngine-gaijinhack.exe

>> No.12373343

Remember, if you don't pretend to hate japan, you're a weeb.

>> No.12373424

You could probably just crack it real quick in olly, these fucks don't know fuck about their compiler's fuckholes.

>> No.12373592


XIV 2.0 is actually extremely well optimized. I mean I still got bored, but the game looked really damn good and ran perfectly during most dungeons (sans Hawke Manor HM). Considering my PC is ancient and a weak factory-made piece of shit, that's a feat.

>> No.12373690

which game(s) is this?

>> No.12374123

That was like 10 years ago dude.

>> No.12374127
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 34567577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when japanese flip phones were regarded as ultra powerful devices? gooks wouldn't sell them outside of japan and the western made smartphones in response
fucking gooks shat themselves afterwards

>> No.12374150

I still want one of those though. I got my first smartphone last year, but recently I've been missing the small size of dumbphones.

>> No.12374182

And pearl harbor was 72 years ago but does that mean we should furgive them japs?

>> No.12374199 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 800x540, 1385595451500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well.. yes!

>> No.12374213


No, you don't have to do a new OS install.

To get pass that, all you have to do is change the language/format, locale, and display settings to Japanese, and set the timezone to Tokyo time. You could always change those back when you want to

>> No.12374214
File: 5 KB, 363x170, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Konbuni, even ntleas didn't help.

>> No.12374217

Why aren't you using GNU+Loonix?

>> No.12374225


>> No.12374227

People have been removing shit like that from programs for years, get with the times and remove it yourself.

>> No.12374233


>> No.12374324

the same way white people would like to block the reft of the world from their things.

fuck off hypocrite

>> No.12374369

Why aren't you maiking SEX GAMES for *NIX?

>> No.12374433

Just how the fuck would they even know what country you're in? This some online thing? No?

Then they don't.

Think, McFly. Think.

>> No.12374467

I use a virtual machine with japanese settings just for VNs and other non-normie games

>> No.12374475

I miss flip phones.

They did try to sell those Japanese iMode phones here back in the day. It did not cought on.

>> No.12374495


>> No.12374510

>America specifically is technologically superior in every single way
Only because they stole German scientists.

>> No.12374514

no racism in /jp/ pls

>> No.12374528

Language settings
Keyboard input type
NTP servers

>> No.12374529

>Yeah, America where everywhere outside the big cities where infrastructure is still stuck in the 70's
Not even murrican, but you should tell us how it is outside of Tokyo.

>> No.12374552
File: 119 KB, 800x800, fe3dff5be937c143da4f8a1ae60fd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany threw out their best scientists and sent them packing because they weren't "german" enough for their state cult. They lost my ancestors even before that, too, and for basically the same reasons.

Anyway Japan's doing pretty good considering it's not being artificially kept afloat from abroad just to prevent it from turning into a socialist hellhole.

>> No.12374566

Jews aren't German, no matter how ``white'' they look.

>> No.12374944

Okay, let's just say that Japan can't into software, then.

>> No.12374946

>dark souls 2 will run well on the shitty pcs but it has some of the worst programming of any commercially-produced game
How would you know this? It ran well, what other way to measure would you have in a closed source game?

>> No.12374953


Vistalizator is your friend.

>> No.12374959

Einstein wasn't even their greatest scientist, though.

>> No.12374975

Just get a VM for these games and set all settings to Japanese to save you the trouble next time.

>> No.12375021 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 896x716, 1c62b1388fd3c870246873b75b378925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I even bring him up, though? Hmm?

WW2 Germany went on an intellectual purge of any ideas that weren't "german," and scientific personnel who weren't "german" enough either (and hadn't already left for their own health) got fired and told to go shut up.

There's been this odd idea of nationalism over there, as though somebody at some point took over and decided "whatever I like is what we'll say is German, whatever I don't like can be excluded." I guess before the in WW2, there was a purge of other Christian sects, which sent a lot of people across the Atlantic.

>> No.12375032
File: 244 KB, 896x716, 1c62b1388fd3c870246873b75b378925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I even bring him up, though? Hmm?

WW2 Germany went on an intellectual purge of any ideas that weren't "german," and scientific personnel who weren't "german" enough either (and hadn't already left for their own health) got fired and told to go shut up.

There's been this odd idea of nationalism over there, as though somebody at some point took over and decided "whatever I like is what we'll say is German, whatever I don't like can be excluded." I guess before the crap in WW2, there was a purge of other Christian sects, which sent a lot of people across the Atlantic.

>> No.12375035 [DELETED] 

Einstein is not german either ways.

He's a kike.

>> No.12377154

Intentional or not, you've filled my amusement quota for the day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_s

>> No.12377311

I mean why are we continuing an argument that was made by a guy who think the slants don't program to design consoles, console games, robots, and whatever else.

This whole protracted troll limping along because some stupid greek is mad that he couldn't mod Dark Souls 2 or something.

>> No.12377354

That's a PITA though

>> No.12380013

probably because dirty gaijins don't pay for their games

>> No.12380315
File: 15 KB, 300x225, Sharp Softbank 007SH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even use cell phones, but I want it.

>> No.12380500

>supposedly under the principle of "individual freedom"
Never forget that the liberal's definition of personal freedom includes the individual's right to interfere with another individual's personal freedom.

>> No.12380948

Those phones are beautiful. I want one

>> No.12381040

Gook gayms take priority over freedom for these fags
