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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 377x297, 2014-08-08 17.40.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12345712 No.12345712 [Reply] [Original]

Went with something standard for my first onahole. Got Finish and Sleep lube with it only to find out it comes with lube. Anyone know how many ml the Finish and Sleep one is? Doesn't say on the page.

Where the hell is the previous Onahole thread? I can't find it in archives

>> No.12345722

At least post the pastebin

>> No.12345727

Oops. Newfag and forgot there was a pastebin.

>> No.12345731

Oh shit actually I never knew about this one. I only knew about the one linked in the Buyfag guide.

>> No.12345773

What are recommended dilution ratios for Pepee/Peace's? I've heard 1:2 and 1:3 before.

>> No.12345824

I'm trying to decide between the Roa and the Rina. Anyone have experience with them both?

>> No.12345844
File: 26 KB, 576x191, lilith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do alright? First purchase.

Also, I'd hate to continue this from last thread, but

>dude, you just pick transfer funds -> instant transfer, choose bank and then it's just standard transaction stuff

Problem is I get this shit. They want a copy of my photo ID, my SSN and a copy of a document that proves my SSN, and a utility bill or some other form of proof of residency. Fuck them.

I have a bro who was able to cover me with a transfer from his own paypal, but I shouldn't have to put up with this shit so I can get a rubber fuckhole.

>> No.12345899

>no pastebin

this will be a quality onahole thread, I guarantee it

>> No.12345900

Good, I was wondering where a thread was.
What exactly is the difference between the AGMv2 ALICE IN THE HEAVEN and Alice in First Stage?
The one in all caps is double the price but it doesn't look much different other than the outside shape.

And do people really microwave lube?

>> No.12345914

capital letters ain't cheap

>> No.12345965

I got Rina because she has a basic straight structure and, what I wanted,the womb. I almost got Roa because the vulva was so nice. I'm OP so as I said, first ona. I know nothing about the structure. All those bumps and weird patterns look uncomfortable, but the one that looks the most uncomfortable to me is when it the structure leads down then up. That's the main reason I didn't get Roa. I don't see the use. It looks almost unpleasant/painful.

>> No.12345973

I don't know how I fuck that up so often and never notice it. I'd delete this and remake it if I could. At least the OP has onahole so it'll come up in search.

>> No.12345983
File: 420 KB, 1071x1500, 91+xLKSjf9L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the Magic Eyes Sujiman Kupa Roa Hard Edition. A much better feeling than the original soft version. Warm it up and oh man, it feels outstanding.

>> No.12346065

Although I don't feel it, I've never been so excited to masturbate. It's more of a mental excitement.

>> No.12346069

Whats an onahole that has the most appealing looking vulva

i noticed a lot of them kind of just look not so appealing cause the focus more on the insides.

any decent recommendations of onaholes that would look good when the hole is spread or if creampied?
The insides are important sure, but im one for visual esthetics

>> No.12346085

The Meiki 005 has a nice exterior and interior

>> No.12346100
File: 2.51 MB, 3451x2448, touhou marisa lewd legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience of more advanced automatic / blowjob masturbators? Basically I'd like something like the Venus 2000 only not so comically expensive. The nearest I've found so far is http://www.toydemon.com/rends-r-1-attachment-a10-piston-masturbator which seems to have mixed reviews at best.

>> No.12346140

I've always hated the look of vaginas. I'm one for loli if anything so I'd say


http://en-nls.com/pict1-4828?c2=12000000 (questionable)




>> No.12346185

This also looks good when spread.

>> No.12346257

Good lord, this looks like the one for me.

The only issue i have is that it looks like it might be too soft, Id like a firmness or tight feeling.

This is my first time that im considering getting one.
Im in the US, in a red-state and spooked about customs.
The explanation of shipping options on NLS is kind of confusing, are packages coming via UPS or are they putting them through standard postal service? I dont trust my local mail since they poke through my christmas gifts.

>> No.12346304

You're in the U.S. so embrace the freedoms us Canadians don't have. You'll be fine. I realize the U.S. Is one of those (I forgot the technical term) country's whose laws vary greatly from state to state, but I think you'll be okay.

These are really cheap so not much of am investment. I thought they would be the one you choose. They use DHL or EMS or e-packet so I think it's only circumstantial that they will send through USPS. I'm also full of shit so don't take my word on it.

>> No.12346309
File: 52 KB, 625x626, this is lewd bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions please? I would have thought that /jp/ spends enough time masturbating that labour-saving devices would be popular ... self-saging.

>> No.12346315

What's a red-state?

>> No.12346316

The ones with these advanced automatic / blowjob masturbators must be too busy using them to give you their opinion.

>> No.12346344

oh shit Anne is discontinued, shes such a cutie.
Sara is fine too though, but i would have rather had anne since she has that curvy part.

out of DHL, EMS or e-packet, which do you recommend? Do you really have to tell them to remove the box? I kind of dont want to.

I really cant risk them sending it via national postal service, they open my mail, (nosy cunts).
Ahh but i want it so bad.
I dont want to risk getting crucified by my small town.

>> No.12346355
File: 139 KB, 657x999, cirno cute stockings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps, but they should have at least one hand free ...

This area is a minefield of obvious / possible shill review products and "buy" links that go somewhere else entirely. The Mastamatic looks interesting and there are various products on en-nls.com, but they seem to focus on rotary or fucking action. I just want the internet to sell me a device that does a reasonable job of sucking my cock and won't break after a week, this shouldn't be so difficult ;_;

>> No.12346423

I always go EMS. I just purchased my first ona but I have experience with buyfagging. On the site, it says DHL is 3 days amd EMS is 10 and e packet is 14. I don't know if it's different for them but I trusted them and took DHL though I might regret it. Speaking from what I know, DHL is shit and very careless with packages and more expensive while EMS is just as fast, cheaper and they handle your packages with lots of care. There are next to no problems with EMS that I've heard and I've heard a lot of shit about DHL problems. Epacket is cheapest but slowest. You don't need to tell them to remove the packaging. That's only if you live somewhere you can get arrested for having loli which is not the U.S. you seem to be a bit young? How old are you?

>> No.12346429

Forget about the stockings. Dat hair!

>> No.12346441

Thanks for the advice, I'll go with EMS, the other options sound shitty.
Young? Not really, Im 21. Why do you ask?

>> No.12346450
File: 291 KB, 999x1477, cirno black dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, dat everything really when she's drawn that way. But legs / stockings / ZR are my primary fetish.

>> No.12346464

You seem to...I don't know, not know a lot about stuff that's common to someone growing up in the same country.

>> No.12346474

I don't give a fuck weeb

>> No.12346494

Would you mind keeping me updated as to when your comes after you order? I want to know if I fucked up by ordering DHL. I don't see why EMS would change its time to deliver just based on the store. If your package comes in 3 days after Sunday, then NLS is a fucking liar.

>> No.12346511

Dont forget you are on /jp/
Im a NEET, Sad to say Ive been taking it easy at home most off my life instead of being a decent human being and learning normal things.

Im probably not going to order these right away so you'll probably get yours before i even order mine.

>> No.12346530

Ah well that makes more sense. Well, I'll be in these threads so at least mention that you ordered with EMS and how long it took to arrive not including weekends.

>> No.12346542

I'm considering buying a Shimetan from NLS, but I just read that not all of them are created equally, so some have a thin left wall at the end. Should I go ahead with the order and pray that I'll get a good one or find another hole?

>> No.12346792

>so many onaholes
>i must buy them all
but honestly I've spent $300 in the past week

>> No.12346812 [DELETED] 

West Coast Canadians are fine. Must be the huge asian population.

>> No.12346881 [DELETED] 

If I use japanshoppingservice proxy, what will they write on the customs slip if it has onaholes inside?

>> No.12347243

You did alright!

>> No.12347266

Well, they currently have three toys, Dayo(hip), heaven(humanoid shape), first stage(tunnel shape), each with different texture.
First stage in AGM1/2 is actually the longest, so it lasts a good while. Heaven felt better, but broke quickly because it's shallow.
But if you have the space, you should just go with the hip. Dayo is the best thing ever. It's not that expensive by itself, but shipping will cost quite a bit.
(and in case you don't know, AGM1 is softest, then ABS(normal) then AGMv2. AGM1 is most durable. With AGM they also made each toy slightly larger.

>> No.12347288

Buying a single hole seems expensive for what it is plus shipping. better buy two or three and some lube. Then you're set.

>> No.12347585

This makes me mad. I want two onaholes, Asagi, and Princess Knight Catue. Asagi is on Toydemon, but not NLS. And Catue is on NLS but not Toydemon, so I have to make two separate purchases. how annoying!

>> No.12347638

I´ll get first stage then, I can´t order too often from overseas so better durability is better.
Can´t get a hip because of the price but more because I´m not living by myself
Thanks for all the input, but is heaven really that much more fragile than first time? If it isn't too much of a difference I might get it anyway.

>> No.12347731

How often does Alice Stage restock their inventory?

Amiami has both but they're on back-order.


>> No.12347868

So I got the Rina and found it to be too soft and unstimulating for me. What else is a good starter hole that stimulates more?

>> No.12348033
File: 48 KB, 640x426, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck.. ;_;

>> No.12348067

try putting it in that hole

>> No.12348141
File: 996 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teeth were annoying so I took it out. Noticed a small hole on the back of the mouth of truth when I first used it, not much of a problem as nothing really comes out except water when I'm cleaning it. Don't mind the rips, there were there before but have gotten slightly worst. The one on the right is the rina. I'm using Peace lube and I prefer it over pepe. I've had both for a couple of months now.

>> No.12348150

I've also been thinking of getting the Puni Hole DX but kinda hesitant. Not exactly sure if it would go through customs. I'm in Canada if anyone can provide some info.

>> No.12348152

Best ways to jacking off with a hole?

Putting it between the mattresses of your bed and just using pelvic thrusts to get off. Feels good and cumming is amazing

>> No.12348209

It actually feels pretty good when your dick pops out through it. It's still a bit messed up tho.

>> No.12348232

New user here.
What does /jp/ think about Glycerin + Xanthan gum + water lube?

>> No.12348237

My puni would like to have a word with you.

>> No.12348432

How the fuck did you take that picture?

>> No.12348462

>What is a self-timer?

>> No.12348480

With his penis. What, your penis can't hold things for you anon?

>> No.12348503


I went with DHL. I ordered on Wednesday and it arrived Friday morning. Since I am back home for a couple weeks and wanted to avoid any questions from my parents, I submitted a form to pick up the box in person from the delivery hub. They were really fast and efficient. I was worried the box would say something about its contents when I went to get it, but it was completely nondescript. NLS did an amazing job at packaging everything.

For any who are interested, the customs form listed my onaholes as "Rubber Toys," my warmer as "USB connection cable," and my lube as "Lotion." I live in the US and got my products with boxes intact. Hope that dispels some of the fears other first-timers had.

>> No.12348555

Unless your penis is on the smaller side I can't recommend it. You'll have to be careful in using it for sure.

You can ask NLS to make a special order for any of the manufacturers they sell items of, they can just order one for you then.

Rina was understimulating for me too. Lolinco was a lot better, if you're looking at humanoid the Tsupetta Cadet is great, or the You're My Idol. Or the "Hug Me". All by Out Vision/ExE.

Nearly ever Mouth of Truth on /jp/ had that defect it seems. What's bad about it, is that it ruins vacuum a fair bit. And that's what's great about mouth holes: vacuum.

>> No.12348614

>Rubber Toys

They already know you're jerking off into imaginary vaginas.

>> No.12348630

Yes, but the customs forms were inside an enclosed envelope on the box, not clearly visible to anyone who was handling it. I don't care if some customs official a thousand miles away knows, just as long as nobody I have to deal with in person knows.

>> No.12348662

I keep seeing people who say that they took the teeth out. Are they uncomfortably tight or something? Or maybe you don't use it the right way?
I don't have it myself, but from what I've seen you aren't supposed to be using it like a normal hole for stroking. It looks like it's designed for very slow stroking, or keeping just the head in and playing with the tongue, or putting it all the way in and simulating gag reflex or something.

>> No.12348690

Two quick questions

Puni or Lolinco are good for first-time onahole?

Also, why do you guys (the american guys atleast) afraid of your packages being checked?

>> No.12348706
File: 53 KB, 155x182, 1404948767959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my Puni DX yesterday

Tried playing it on my dick while browsing computer for porn, too difficult.

Tried plowing it on my desk while watching porn on computer. Angle not good.

Put it on my bed and fucked the everliving shit out of it and came in like 2 minutes.

Best purchase so far but very perplexing. It's great to use but because of the build and fuckability, can't look at porn easily. Though, don't really want to look at porn because it's more fun to just fuck it on my bed. But then I cum in like 1 minute and I have to sneak this huge pussy and ass combo into the bathroom to clean and hope nobody sees.

Definitely not convenient but very good.

>> No.12348867

Americans don't have to be worried

Canadians and Europeans can have their packages rejected at customs or worse though

>> No.12348877

Why`?? Is it illegale to fuck a piece of silicon?

>> No.12348878

Is there any sort of liquid cleaner I could get to put into my holes after using them that would deter bacterial/fungal growth? I'm having a really hard time getting deep into some of these holes to dry, and it's a bit worrying.

>> No.12348902

The rubber vaginas are fine
Artwork of 2D underage girls doing lewd things is illegal in some parts of the world though

>> No.12348922

>Europeans can have their packages rejected at customs or worse though
I never had problems with Finland's customs.

>> No.12349280

Update from last thread:

The Ju-C is really loose at first, but once you push the air out and let the vacuum form it feels quite good. Then when it's time to clean it's really easy to reach inside and dry.

The Fluffy Meiki is my favorite. It's extremely soft, so you can go at it for a while. That might sound like a bad thing, but it feels good the entire time so it's really more about the entire duration of the session, instead of just the last few seconds. It's also a bit longer and heavier than some of the other holes, so you can g-g-go deep. It's so soft and stretchy that cleaning/drying is not too difficult.

As for the Lolinco, I can see why people hype it. It's very tight, but not to the point that it's going to fly off your dick if you let go. It has a really good texture inside, and the "virgin" feature that it boasts is probably the best feeling part. The downside is that it's quite tight/long, so getting in deep to clean/dry it is a bit of a problem. I'd like to use this one more, but the cleaning difficulty will probably keep me using other holes for the most part (unless I find a better cleaning method).

Teacher Hina, Hina Sensei, whatever. It's a good, small hole. It's very tight and getting into it can be a challenge at times, but the texture inside is good and the tightness makes it more likely to be a short session. The transparency makes it a bit different from other holes, and can make it more erotic if you like watching your dick go at it. Not a bad hole for $12.

As for the Guchomon pockets. The penetrated 8 is very different from all of the others, as you can go completely through to the other side. This makes it very easy to clean it, but does present some issues when it's time to cum. The Omega is extremely tight, to the point that it wants to fly off when you let go of it, but it's not an uncomfortable tightness. Both of these holes are small. The smallest of the group. But cheap, and good for a quick fap due to the ease of cleaning.

>> No.12349404

I ordered Alice dayo because I knew that it'd be easier to hide and more versatile than Puni. Too bad it has no navel.
Did the back hole cause any problems during fugging?

>> No.12349484

Really? Well then I guess I'll go that route.

>> No.12349592


>> No.12349599

How about no?

>> No.12349600

Lmao what a fucking rip off.

Just go to any pharmacy and ask for rubbing alcohol. You can use that shit to clean your computer peripherals too.

>> No.12349608

He asked and I delivered.

>> No.12349660
File: 73 KB, 177x319, 2014-08-09 13_41_49-Berman ToyCleaner 6.28 oz - ToyDemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this image doesn't look quite right.

>> No.12349665

You delivered shit. No better than recommending a Tenga to a newcomer, faggot.

>> No.12349695

People seem to recommend alcohol a lot, but I'm not convinced if it really doesn't affect the onahole itself in the long run (it can dissolve oil after all).
Maybe you should give colloidal silver a shot. I've never used anything like this though.

>> No.12349730

Look, buddy boy, rubbing alcohol is like 70% alcohol. You're not going to get much dissolution when you're just rinsing the insides of an onahole for just a few seconds. I've been using it for years and even official onahole guides recommend using it.

>> No.12349751

What I fear, dude, is that the material slowly becomes harder without you even noticing and possibly makes it more prone to tearing.

>> No.12349789

If the material becomes harder, then it's probably not worth keeping anyways.

>> No.12349819

I meant that because of the alcohol, the material in the tunnel becomes drier and consequently harder.

>> No.12349964

What are the toys that are basically just a tube with openings on each end that you slip on over your penis called? Are there any quality ones of those?

>> No.12349978


>> No.12350019

I think he's talking about the generic see-through onahole frequently used in nukige and eromanga

>> No.12350029

No I don't mean something that fully encloses your penis. I'm talking about those mini ring-like tubes where you can pass your penis through past the other end of the toy and you masturbate like that

>> No.12350101
File: 247 KB, 975x1400, c32_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their simply called ona holes.

>> No.12350122

holy wat

>> No.12350153

What you're talking about is an entire type of onahole. Most of the ones discussed are Non-Penetrated, so your dick goes in and hits a back wall. Penetrated, what you're talking about, has a hole on both ends, so your dick goes all the way through and comes back out.

You can probably find what you want if you search through the "Penetrated Type" onaholes on NLS or wherever.

>> No.12350161

there was one anon asking about a bunch of onaholes in the last thread. He was asking about a seven as well, one of the onahole he was looking at was the penetrative type, looked pretty good, think it was called sara or something.

>> No.12350353

Could anyone answer the first question?

>> No.12350431

>Europeans can have their packages rejected at customs or worse though
Any Brits have experience with this
I made my second order a few days ago and am now kinda worried since I didn't asked for packaging to be removed

>> No.12350463
File: 256 KB, 841x1200, Domina no Do! v01 c01 - 033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of Domina no Do
Seriously how was their 7 volumes of that shit

>> No.12350555

The penetration tab on nls only shows hip holes and only one that's fully penetrated (this one: http://en-nls.com/pict1-27441?c2=12001210 ), but idk, I was sort of looking for something smaller than that. Something that's handheld and you can quickly fap with so your dick actually pokes out the other end.
To visualize the size, I was thinking something about the size of this: http://en-nls.com/pict1-14823?c2=9999

>> No.12350582

Hm, yeah, there's not much listed there. Weird. The Hachi/8/Eight Guchomon Pocket is a penetrated hole. It's only $10, so easy to add to an order. It's also pretty small.


>> No.12350597


>> No.12350602

Which is better Puni DX or Open My Pussy?

>> No.12350610

neither, get this instead

>> No.12350623

On a scale of 1 (being your hand) and 10 (being a real pussy), where do onaholes stand? I've never tried one before

>> No.12350639 [SPOILER] 
File: 875 KB, 250x231, 1407625249453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried a pussy, wanna switch?

>> No.12350642


>> No.12350653

>rubber toys
Yep. The guide told me they would do that which is why I asked them to change it. That's incredibly obvious. EMS and e packet list them as "figures" which is far better.

>> No.12350662

>I was worried the box would say something about its contents
Why they would do that?

>> No.12350682

ok, it is far more expensive and bitchy tho
negative 5?

>> No.12350747

Is there ANY chance at all with bothering to ask NLS to add an order to my shipment they havent shipped it yet.

>> No.12350749

the ladies at my post office like to peek into my mail.
lets hope they use UPS

>> No.12350751

You got the Ju-C 1, right? Is the inside really hard or moderately soft? Also would you say it is worth the price?

>> No.12350791

I've been curious about some of these young onaholes like virgin age admission and age series 7

Does anyone have recommendations for one of those?
Can one get immersed in the fantasy with those?

>> No.12350849

The better question: what do stand to lose by asking?

>> No.12350875

I said the same thing after I posted that then went and sent them an email. Their hours are over for the day so I can only hope that they start tomorrow and allow me to add an order. I think I'll add the girly stick and lolinco since everyone keeps saying it's so tight amd nice.

>> No.12350928

Im getting the girly stick but would like to go ahead and get another while im at it. either virgin age or lolinco, worried virgin age might be too small, cant decide. Has anyone actually used the virgin age admission?

>> No.12351320

Julia + or ZXY?

>> No.12351332

I REALLY want this.
Womb fucking is my fetish but I think it would be hard as all fuck to try and clean

>> No.12351388

>tfw no tentacle penis ;-;

>> No.12351401
File: 135 KB, 716x720, 1316670987066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk me out of it before I buy something I regret, jaypee

>> No.12351448

well for starters that looks gross and painful

>> No.12351481

is there ANY way you can get the packages delivered via UPS?

this is really important.

>> No.12351490

didnt mean to link to your post.

>> No.12351664

u really hurt my feelings by doing that

>> No.12351681

well if you know, please tell me.
Im sorry for hurting you.

>> No.12351700

i dont know but why must it be UPS?

>> No.12351723

Don't spend 24 dollars plus shipping on a gross uncomfortable hole you're never going to use. There are kids in Africa with no onaholes at all.

>> No.12351739

because the postal office in my small town opens my mail, I cant prove they do it, its pretty much impossible.
Several of my neighbors have had things stolen from their mail. They've even opened my christmas gifts. Sure i can use discrete shipping but it really doesnt matter what the item is labeled as, they'll try and peek.

The last thing id want is them to open my box of sextoys and tell everyone in town. So you can see why im worried.

if i lived in the city i wouldnt care as much about some jerk looking but my own has a tiny population and word would get out immediately.

>> No.12351784

Fedex is fine too.

>> No.12351913
File: 38 KB, 566x431, 1263854832954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post office workers are going to look into my package and deliberately ruin my reputation for absolutely no reason

>> No.12351923

In small towns nobody has anything better to do than spy on their neighbors.

>> No.12351930


I would probably recommend lolinco simply because it would be cheaper and easier to manage, I find it hard to justify recommending such a pricey hole to a first-timer. Some people just aren't into onaholes or learn they have specific tastes after trying a few, and those tastes may not be what a puni provides.

You're better off starting with something simple and working your way up when you know what you want out of them. That's certainly not to say you'll be disappointed with a puni, not at all. All the same I wouldn't recommend a Ferrari for a person's first car when you have literally not a clue of what their tastes may be.

Honestly, jokes aside, has anyone actually tried that? I mean the entrance is nondescript so it's not like it's obvious it's meant to be a gay hole. Texture doesn't look bad either.

>> No.12351935

You can bet your ass tampering with someone's mail is a felony.

>> No.12351939

everyone knows everyone anon.
Its not like its anything personal more like a "anon bought some spit lube, what a creep"
They just want something to gossip about and they'll do it, believe me.

>> No.12351947

theres no real way to prove it when its an international package that goes through different stations. Cops come and ask and the PO will just say "it was like that when it came in"

>> No.12351952

Well, that leads to one of two things.

Either they're tampering with your mail, which is illegal, or they're spreading baseless rumors about you, which is also illegal.

Or maybe, just maybe, you're a noided little creep who needs to just take the plunge and buy it without giving a shit.

>> No.12351954

For this round I plan on purchasing a harem of holes under 10 dollars instead of one >$50 Hole.

Are they usually durable? that's my biggest concern

>> No.12351960

Then if they talk about it, you can ask how they'd know it.

In which case, they'd either be

A) Making shit up, which is slander, and illegal
B) They must have looked through your mail, which is illegal

>> No.12351964

I do 90 on the highway and download felony-class material over the internet. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean anybody's going to stop me.

Maybe you have no idea what you're talking about because you grew up in the burbs.

>> No.12351972

Well, he could get a lawyer and prosecute his mailman for felony mail tampering, or he could pay a few extra dollars for UPS. I don't understand what world you live in in which suing for defamation is preferable than using discreet shipping.

>> No.12351976

Only difference is, downloading shit, and driving fast doesn't harm anyone.

Mail tampering is a felony with a minimum of 5 years.

Slander would entitle you to monetary damages, especially if it's in a small town and causes ostracization and loss of job/reputation.

Hopefully enough money to get you to a different, less shitty, town.

>> No.12351991

He's just being a whiny baby who'd rather bitch about how "Life is hard and unfair" rather than even coming up with ANY solutions.

Yeah, discreet shipping is a better option, but this nigga is coming up with zero options.

>> No.12351992

>Mail tampering is a felony with a minimum of 5 years.
I'm beginning to think you don't know shit about the law or anything else.

>> No.12352004

I bought a loli onahole and i live in Norway, loli also happens to be illegal in Norway. i used DHL and it went straight through custom. It seems this happen everytime i use DHL. Though that might just be me

>> No.12352005

He already had a fucking solution, which was to order via UPS. It was perfectly fine solution that was infinitely superior to suing the shit out of people you know and skipping town and you're just yelling at him because you're somehow offended that he's not a lawsuit-happy American.

>> No.12352016

You dont seem to understand.

My original question is how do i get NLS to use UPS or FEDEX in their shipping since i dont trust the postal service.

I WANT to use USP, thats the whole point of what i was talking about. Cant find the option on NLS

>> No.12352020

I've heard several people say this. Isn't this extremely federally illegal? Unless you're not in the US, in which case nevermind, but I've had a neighbor steal a package of mine before and was facing massive fines with a very real possibility of jail time even after he returned it. I don't think workers are exempt from this.

Follow these directions. I'm fairly sure workers are not exempt from this. I had proof of my incident and they were on that shit with federal officers two days later banging on his door. If it's USPS workers or something doing this, I would find it hard to believe they won't do something regardless of it being a small town.


>> No.12352022

It's more like we're confused and concerned for the guy living in the year 1930 who's worried that he's gonna get lynched or someshit because his neighbors won't tolerate anime pussy.

>> No.12352030

>It's more like we're confused
Yes, because you grew up in the suburbs or the city, and not a socially oppressive-small town environment.

>> No.12352037

I should probably add that I didn't do the form shit, I called it in. Told them I have video proof (I have CCTV thanks to dumbass kids that live nearby) and they were at my place same day. Two after and federal officers were at his door.

Anon, I don't think you realize that some places in the US are actually still in the fucking 1930s.

>> No.12352054

Any ideas on hiding a Puni Hole? I just have Open My Pussy Roa right now so it's not a problem to just stick it in a lock box I have (although it has begun to melt because I live in a hot place), unfortunately I can't trust someone to not search through my room occasionally and I really want a puni hole but I can't imagine where I would hide it.

>> No.12352067

having video proof is one thing, but hearsay is another.

If the cops stop by the postal office none of the people will admit to it, and they have no way of proving it was them or a customs officer or someone from the main postal hub.

hearsay, it wont lead anywhere when you're package has been cut open or a peephole stuck into the corner.

>> No.12352176

No offense anon, but I don't think your speculation is very accurate judging by what others have told me who've experienced the same. While I obviously can't prove (or know for certain myself) that it's true, I spoke to one person who had it happen regularly. The fuckers did a whole op with dummy packages and officers spectating in an unmarked car.

If it were as serious as an entire office helping themselves to whatever came through, I can't expect any less than something along the lines of a sting operation justified by the testimony of others who claim tampered/missing packages in the same area.

One thing I learned doing research, is if you steal ANYTHING from somebody, for fucks sake do not steal their mail. USPS will rape you hard if they catch you. And they will very much try.

Get creative. I used to have to hide shit in my room all the time thanks to both a nosy mother and an older brother. A large speakerbox can definitely accommodate a Puni. If you've got a bed with a box spring, gently remove a corner (preferably the one against a wall, better if your bed's against two walls and you use the inaccessible corner) and stuff it up top, then use something like a nail to make sure you can "hook" the cloth back on so it's not conspicuous unless you're looking for it.

There's a million places to hide shit in plain sight. Trust me.

>> No.12352222

So should i go ahead and order it?

Is there even an option to do UPS on NLS, when i do EMS shipping will UPS handle it or USPS?
id really prefer ups

>> No.12352261

EMS is always handled by the USPS. Can't you use DHL instead?

>> No.12352265

archive, "virgin age". plz no lazy

>> No.12352279

DHL is handled by UPS?
Id like to if its handled by UPS but didnt it say that you cant rewrite the package description on DHL boxes? its always labeled as "rubber toy" etc?

>> No.12352287

I'm in Sweden. Sort of paranoid of feminist moralists attacking me or getting put on some sort of watchlist.

>> No.12352293

jante strong

>> No.12352295

Ride's CQ Roll had better reviews in Japan, for what it's worth.

From what I read about it it's actually pretty good feeling. Get it if you want.

>>12351739 >>12352016 >>12352222
Dude calm down. Japan will ship through e-Packet or EMS, which go through USPS once in your country. The ONLY other option is DHL. DHL is separate from USPS, so that should be what you'll want to use.

Some dude once said he bought Takuya here. Said he liked it.

Sounds risky, I'd personally thrash the packaging.

>> No.12352300

It'll say Rubber Toy etc, but it'll be handled at a DHL center far away from you. You really should be able to live with that.

>> No.12352308

>Ride's CQ Roll
I'm not sure what this is.
I'm googling but I'm not getting shit

>> No.12352386

>DHL is separate from USPS

great thanks, finally a straight answer.
So the package will say "rubber toy" and be delivered by UPS?
I'll just try not to make eye-contact with the UPS guy, lets hope i dont have to sign for it or else ill drop my spaghetti

>> No.12352424

Nevermind. I'm retarded.
I might try that out but I don't really dig clear holes.
An odd preference I'm sure, but it's mine

>> No.12352587


Have you ever worked as a cashier? If you have, it's the same damn thing. If not, just know s/he does not give a single shit, and will forget your existence before they're even back in their truck.

>> No.12352720

so whats some decent lube?

>> No.12352733

>Waiting for your first onahole

Sucks that I had to order it on Friday otherwise I wouldn't be bitching.

Has anybody used DHL and EMS when shipping from NLS? Does EMS actually take longer?

>> No.12352769

I have literally never seen a single DHL truck in my entire life.
Im from the US.
I dont know if DHL send stuff to the UPS or the USPS

EMS goes through USPS from what ive heard. DHL is supposed to be fast but their wiki says that they are small and seem to have a lot of failures.

>> No.12352799

DHL will be delivered by DHL. They are a private courier service just like UPS and Fedex.

Check out their website if you want to know more.

>> No.12352882

I only started noticing DHL trucks after I found out about them. I feel like they're really common. I hear they're more common in the US too though.

>> No.12352916

Yes, my masculine manjuice shot out the back.

>> No.12353085

Where do I get an Alice onahole? I can't find it on NLS and Google search only brings up numerous /jp/ threads. I remember being on an Alice site a really long fucking time ago but it was in Moon/

>> No.12353156

DHL and EMS are similarly fast. If DHL is only slightly more expensive than EMS, use that. Otherwise I'd use EMS. Or the more economic SAL/e-Packet if you don't care about speed.

http://alice-stage.com/ (you'll need a proxy, like japanshoppingservice)

>> No.12353189

If anyone wants the aryune before awakening, price tracker shows that it's currently at its cheapest price on amazon jp. It's not talked about much but if any anon who has it wants to chime in and give their opinion that would be nice.

>> No.12353304

I have it untouched in my drawer, haven't used it yet (using the others I have for now). I have really high hopes for it though.

>> No.12353348


You say that like its a bad thing. Think of it this way, you can impregnate 2 onaholes at once.

>> No.12353637

>and driving fast doesn't harm anyone.
do you even have the mental capability to fuck an onahole?

>> No.12353788

Did you have any problems with lube? Like, did you push it out of the hole or into the other canal with your schlong?

>> No.12354110

>Some dude once said he bought Takuya here. Said he liked it.

It's actually tempting just because I don't have a mouth yet and the texture seems fun. If I'm going to get from nls though I feel like a Mouth of Truth is a far better investment at the same price. Hell, even a Give me your milk! seems more fun, and it's cheaper. It's just outclassed.

Is the new succubus out yet? I was stuck between that and a Lilith uterus for my first, but succubus being discontinued for a new release kinda made that decision for me. I'm kind of still tempted to get one though just to try it out. If it's out, has anyone gotten one yet? Thoughts on it?

>> No.12354315

New succubus is due late August, so no. No one has it yet. It should most definitely be good though, but honestly I see it as a slightly cheaper Venus from Tomax or Meiki from NPG,
with the first having the perk of varying firmness models, and the latter being the most expensive due to branding. The Lilith line is just superb for the price. Pretty much can't beat it.
I had one of their Lilith Spirals in very soft since I like soft materials and loved the shit out of it (literally, until it died in little under a year's time).
I had a Lilith Uterus in Normal a long time ago, and really didn't like it. In soft, from what I gather, it's a soft, gentle stimulating. You know, taking your time to pound that uterus in the back.
In normal though, it's a dull, boring experience. Trashed it at the time. And as you may know, "Hard" materials shouldn't be considered under normal circumstances. They're not as enjoyable/pleasuring.

Now mouth holes, I had a Mouth of Truth and I didn't like the teeth. Without the teeth it was better, but due to a defect at the back I never really got to like the toy. Since many people had the same defect, I cannot recommend it.
Good mouth holes: TamaToys has some surprisingly (High School Blowjob). The hotpower ones are all excellent (realistic replica, young(suction) and mature(stimulating) models). The Give Me Your Milk! ES is a great onahole I heard,
but apparently it doesn't feel much like a mouth, but rather something "tentacle-like". Anyway, to get an idea just check out the Mouth-hole section at NLS, it's pretty comprehensive.

>> No.12354525

I'm >>12345844 so the order's already done. I had thought about a spiral, but figured it might be better to go with uterus since it's far easier to find people gushing about it in the archive. Plus it's a bit less abstract. Being my first onahole I didn't want anything too fancy. That doesn't mean a spiral is off the table, if it's different enough I may still get one. I just don't have the funds to buy holes that I don't even have any experience in yet.

As for the mouth holes, I'll certainly research all of those before I buy. I'm still waiting on my uterus (missed the shipping window on friday) and I'm leaving mid next week until the end of the weekend for a hiking/camping trip, so I'm a bit angry I won't get much if any time with her. Once I do though I'll be able to judge a bit better before I buy.

>> No.12354550
File: 155 KB, 610x1569, 079b4a63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys need help with drying onaholes.

>> No.12354582

Also, I hate to inconvenience you, but can you link those mouths from hotpowers? I know I'm on /jp/, but I don't moon. Really hard to work the site.

>> No.12354610


>> No.12354709

>try to pull out the paper
>it rips apart, leaving little pieces sticking to the inside of the hole
no thanks

>> No.12354737

use a kitchen towel or a small piece of microfiber, my little /jp/sie can't be this baka right?

>> No.12354817

Yes, the lube also was leaking out the back. I need to find a plug.

>> No.12354849

(they're also on NLS, brand>hotpowers)

>> No.12354885


I really like the length and vacuum. I did get the Ju-C 1, and I'm starting to think it might be just a bit too hard. At least for me. I might get the Ju-C 2 at some point. I don't regret the purchase, so I guess it's worth the price. The only thing that really makes it special is the strong vacuum, so if that's not important to you I'd get something else.

>> No.12355178

Nice trick! I'll try this with a microfibre cloth. The only thing that bothers me is that you have to hold it with your mouth, it doesn't seem very hygienic. Maybe I can set it up so that the cloth is hanging off of something instead. We'll see.

>> No.12355190

What's he doing in the last panel? How can he squeeze it out like that?

>> No.12355211

Won't doing so make her fart/queef every time you jam it in?

>> No.12355238


>> No.12356181

for fuck's sake... I tried it, it didn't work out at all. The cloth sort of started unraveling at the other end and I wasn't able to open the onahole enough to get it in without using excessive force, so I gave up and just went back to my normal method (which works fine enough anyway, I don't feel the need to change or improve it)

>> No.12356222

What happens when you don't clean your onahole after using it a lot?

>> No.12356239

your onahole becomes an ebola breeding ground.

>> No.12356241

so is the Venus Clone in Soft still the best on the market in terms of durability and feeling?

I love the fuck out of mine, but want to try another hole for a change.

I don't like overly tight shit (I can barely fit in a tenga black, but it isn't confortable). I like easily penetrable, but not vice grippy shit.

Any recommendations?

>> No.12356252

>best on the market

Not this shit again

>> No.12356402

This sort of thing happens.

>> No.12356506

You know the worst thing is some anons would look at that and still fuck it

>> No.12356571

Why the fuck is the venus clone in soft so easy to clean, but literally impossible to dry.

Microfiber cloth literally sticsk to the side of it and you can't spread or flip it enough to get most other products in there.

Do you have to be autistic about drying if you use and wash them every 3 days?

>> No.12356606

Where can I purchase the TOMAX products if I don't live in the USA?

>> No.12356614

I live in Canada and bought my Clone from Queen Cat.

Cost me $30 to ship though.

>> No.12356648

They can't ship to my country, its stated on their FAW and I just gave it a try by placing an order but it won't let me get past selecting shipping location.

>> No.12356658

I'm from Canada. QC told me they couldn't ship to Canada? What the fuck.

>> No.12356670

You have to email them it is by special request.

I don't know if they ship to Quebec, they did ship to BC (for $31).

>> No.12356674

I said QC as in Queen Cat, not Quebec lol. I'm in Ontario.

>> No.12356690

"Hi, thank you for contacting us. Yes, we can ship Venus Clone to Canada but the shipping fee is very expensive. We only use USPS International Priority and the shipping fee is $31. We feel it's not worth it, but if you are still interested, please let us know. We will email you an invoice through our Paypal account and you can pay by either credit card or Paypal. Thank you. Queen Cat"

copy of my email.

>> No.12356706

What did you order when contacting them? If I have to pay 50 usd + 31 shipping for a onahole I might as well just use that money and buy several from from NLS but I really want to try the Venus lineup.

>> No.12356738

Venus clone in Soft.

I didn't get charged duties/taxes though.

>> No.12356742

I work at a post office. When I come across one of these I sometimes take it to my lunch break and stick a needle in the hole.

>> No.12356748

I also don't get charged taxes here but that seems like too much just to ship from somewhere really close to my home.

>> No.12357083

I hope you're lying. Tampering with people's mail is really low, it doesn't matter if it's onaholes or mundane stuff, it's lame as fuck. If you're not lying then I hope you lose your job soon

>> No.12357589

Venus is still up there yeah. Maybe try a Real (or even a Cross), in Soft or Very Soft. Alternative, try the Succubus mentioned in the thread, or something by alice-stage (AGM1 material).

>> No.12357628

This won't happen if I clean it out with hot water after every use right? I guess I'll use hand soap to be safe...

>> No.12357962

rubbing alcohol

>> No.12358138
File: 675 KB, 2000x2000, 3スペック.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to let you normie know, there's some relevant shit that got/is getting released, pic related and link.


>so is the Venus Clone in Soft still the best on the market in terms of durability and feeling?
No it's not you cockface, the top onahole suddenly changed for no reason at all every week for the past 2 months, and nobody talked about it in the onahole thread. That are all in the fucking archive. Too fucking bad for you heh?

I hope you eat shit every day for the rest of your life

>> No.12358154

50/50? Or just dump a little in there, shake and dry?

>> No.12358167

Isn't that a little overkill with the spirals and stuff. Buy one and tell us how it feels. Also I don't get the hip, is it a hip which can fit another onahole that can fit the rings? Or is it already inbuilt.

>> No.12358367

I haven't used it yet myself, but I am planning to wash as normal with just water and then dilute the alcohol a bit and do a final flush with it. Then if I fail to dry it completely, the alcohol should help prevent growth and perhaps facilitate air drying.

>> No.12358434

Spirals? It's a wavy vagina-type, anal hole looks pretty standard. Then there's the tightening rings (only in front hole), which I'm curious about. The 'Hot Gimmick' didn't seem particularly good, so I'm not too sure it'll be any better in a hip.

>> No.12358440

It says it uses the melt material, but the original melt and the gimmick differed a lot in firmness. It better not be too firm ..

>> No.12358501

I was talking about the hotpowers hole.

>> No.12358781

My bad. I thought hotpowers linked to pic related.

>> No.12358787

I'm not buying anything until the temperature gets under 25℃ in both departure and destination countries, I just came here to take a dump in this thread since it seemed like the most appropriate place.

Then you're fucking blind because it has no fucking spirals.
There's a fucking link, there's fucking pictures, there's even a fucking video taken with a dildo camera. Post like yours are the exact reason threads became diarrhea stained.
I'm begining to wonder wether you ever seen a motherfucking spiral in your entire life.

>> No.12358861

i got it. it was great for the first 2 or 3 uses (super tight) but it has loosened now (my dick aint even that big). it's easy to clean and dry though

>> No.12358862

I understand your frustration, but please don't use such hurtful language. You could really upset someone and leave them feeling bad for a long time, especially on /jp/ where there's probably more sensitive people than on any boards.
I didn't mean to offend you with this post. Sorry if I bothered you.

>> No.12358869

I bought a new bottle of baby powder for my holes. The one I previously used was pretty much pure talcum, this one has a mix of talcum and potato starch.
Is it safe to use? I sometimes don't use my holes for up to 2 weeks, so I'm not sure if covering them in carbohydrates is a good idea.

>> No.12358872

Whoops, I meant to type "on other boards". Sorry. I'm on my phone so typing is awkward.

>> No.12358880
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>> No.12359137
File: 105 KB, 452x348, sprialmang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm begining to wonder wether you ever seen a motherfucking spiral in your entire life.

>> No.12359213

So now that I'm halfway through my lube I was considering ordering some more along with another onahole.

So far I have Super Tight Declaration and Bubble Shake.
What I'm tempted to get is either Virgin Age Admission, Open My Pussy Lolinco, or Virgin Loop.

Which one would you guys recommend? Something else not listed? Also is the USB warmer worth getting, and what's the better lube for the money?

>> No.12359226

Just use tampons. That's what I do.

>> No.12359282

are ones with hips to hold better than ones you hold in your hand?

I kind of feel like it would be better but theyre really expensive

>> No.12359447

Anyone know why JSS is on holiday from the 13th to the 20th? Is it because of C86?

>> No.12359511

Obon, I guess.

>> No.12359589
File: 55 KB, 400x300, 1_1407302905_m_EjXnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucktits, I need this in my life. Putting the order in now.

Can't believe I didn't know it existed sooner.

This is exactly my fetish.

>> No.12359599
File: 21 KB, 400x300, 1_1407303269_m_bGVz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tit Milk

Giving it a shot

>> No.12359628

Virgin loop is solid pick if you like soft, slow build-up to epic orgasm. Dunno about other two.

>> No.12359639 [DELETED] 

Is "Seven" any good or is it mostly for the visual appeal of the outside looking so sexually immature and thinking you're fucking a seven year old?

Because it's pretty cheap. I've been eyeing it for a while and it's a popular item.

>> No.12359675

I'm new as fuck to /jp/ so I don't know what people here are like. Is this dude serious?

Please get it and tell me how it is. I wanted it so damn badly but people here seem to say it's not all that great and cheap. I ended up not getting it because it can only fit like five inches so if you are okay with that, then please get it and let us know how it is.

>> No.12359686

I just removed it from my order, it's too cheap and I don't know what they intend with those insides.

I'd be surprised if there is no mention of someone who owns it in the archive though

>> No.12359790

/jp/ inherited /prog/ style irony but isn't nearly obscure enough that the irony could stay in its purest form

>> No.12359799
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my first onahole called "as long as theres love, it doesnt matter if hes my brother! Suguha edition" how good is it? Also picrelated is my hiding spot(i live with 2 sisters). I basically hollowed out and combined my wow and sc2 boxes.

>> No.12359807

Tips on using the tenga flip?

>> No.12359813

why do you need an onahole then

>> No.12359818
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. I like incest but i dont like 3DPD incest.

>> No.12359820

Ask for a refund I guess

>> No.12359825


>> No.12359835

>as long as theres love, it doesnt matter if hes my brother! Suguha edition
Can you post a link or something? Can't find anything related to that.

>> No.12359842

I know... Dont buy from j.. Anyways heres the link.

>> No.12359852

Good job, Suguha is the only non-shit SAO girl. Purest and most best and beautiful girl.

>> No.12359871

I second that.

Why would you just buy some overpriced knockoff of a girl from some anime? It has nothing to do with the hole itself. It doesn't even show you any pictures of the hole. How do you know what you're getting?

>> No.12359875

Thats the mobile site my bad.
Heres the desktop site. It shows the hole

>> No.12359890

Alright. There seems to be a hard version too. I don't really know how much of a difference they are, do you feel it needed to be

>> No.12359893

Well...as long as you're happy with it.

>> No.12359898

Its my first.. So i hope so. I considered getting the 6 dollar "my little sister cant be this tight"

>> No.12359922

Maybe you should have taken more time with it. I just ordered my first ona on Friday. It should be here soon since they don't ship on weekends. I read through two different pastebins and looked at a lot before getting it. I almost jumped in and ordered four different kinds. I'm into loli more than I am incest, although I'm a pretty big fan of incest. I went with Rina. I think I'm going to actually go through with getting a few others. I'm planning on the Girly Stick and Lolinco.

The one you got doesn't seem to be worth twenty dollars is somewhat part of my point. You could probably get better value.

>> No.12359939
File: 96 KB, 247x231, 1397536837673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ordering holes I don't need and miscellaneous junk just to hit the maximum for that EMS weight bracket
Every fucking time

>> No.12360039

Any tips on storing things in a way that they won't melt? It gets hot here especially during the summer, obviously I have a/c and all but for some reason my last hole still managed to melt quite a bit. I ordered a new one so I'm looking for a way that this won't happen again.

>> No.12360182

Put them in the fridge.

>> No.12360207

It uses RIDE's material, and tamatoys marketing. Add jlist inflated price and facepalms ensue. I actually considered that hole long ago, but it's pretty small. There's much better for same price.

I had the bangee shake in hard. I dunno, I like their soft versions. Hard is cool to try once or for variation, but definitely doesn't add much or is a real improvement unless you don't like soft ones. Especially for something like the Virgin loop, firmer will probably mean too much stimulation.

>> No.12360210

I'm going to hide my holes in the middle box of the stack of figure boxes I have. No one will ever know. I too live with two sisters.

>> No.12360217

Disregard onaholes, fuck sisters.

>> No.12360308
File: 38 KB, 600x350, 1-1317h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempted by the design of the texture inside, I bought this one www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00B979GK8/
Unforunately, it's pretty bad. It reminds me of the LO Kupa. Not an enjoyable experience. Do not recommend.

>> No.12360319

Are there any Canadian vendors?

>> No.12360397

Doubt it since these are basically illegal in Canada.

>> No.12360599

Unfortunately thats not really an option. I was thinking something more along the lines of putting powder on it like I've read is good for preserving a onahole longer, would powder prevent it from melting so easily, and what type of powder even is it, baby powder?

>> No.12360622

You kid. Maybe the art on the loli ones.

>> No.12360654

as it should be.

>> No.12360664

Does all the sites listed in the pastebin have deliveries (I don't remember all the names, UPS, DHL and so on) deliver on the door? I would like to have it sent to the post office (it's really close to me) instead.

>> No.12360671

and then when they receive it, it weights more than expected

>> No.12360674

USPS will deliver to your door unless you tell them not to.

>> No.12360687

I live in northern europe, so I'm not sure if they even have UPS here. is there anyone that is cheaper than others?

>> No.12360890

Post back with pictures / feeling.

>> No.12360892

whats the best onahole

>> No.12360897

I buy many anime figures, so I have too many places to hide my holes as I live in a family of five and sleep in the same room as my brother, I might post pics of my spots if I get motivated.

>> No.12360919

dunno about best, but:
* low cost
* good durability
* easy to clean/dry
* good stimulation

>> No.12360922

Yeah, that sounds interesting. Post pictures.

>> No.12360944

My postal service guy actually pulls into the driveway and honks and waits maybe 4 minutes for me to run out and get the package, hes too lazy to leave his truck.

america, go figure.

>> No.12361037
File: 3.06 MB, 800x6666, hideout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your regular TV box which no one bothers to touch but when you look inside...

There's at least half of my small figure boxes inside

After removing the Mikasa figma you find a Taiko machine, or is it?

It can fit 3 onaholes and a lube, or two if they're too thick.

Now some hardware box which can keep 10+- doujin, also a modded keyboard box which can hold up to 15.

After removing those boxes I still have much more space to store stuff which no one ever bothers to move. The TV box is tightly closed and everyone know I throw "trash" into it.

>> No.12361040

>and everyone knows*

>> No.12361059

I wonder if I'd have problems with customs if I ordered an onahole, I live in a "muslim" country.
I heard stories of people getting fucked by the police for stuff like this in places like Canada, I think it could be worse here.

>> No.12361070

Why do you put quotes are Muslim? And yes, I would assume you would get in big trouble because masturbation is forbidden in Islam. Although they're not supposed or allowed to, the "Caliph" might give you a punishment like lashes.

>> No.12361129

Hey what's up, this is me again, Dr. Big C0ck.

Nice method. I'm doing something similar - I have a large cardboard shipping box that's been sitting on top of my computer tower since 2007. It was empty until I started hiding my onahole boxes in it.

But I don't do anything special to hide my onaholes and lube bottles - I just keep them in my desk drawers, wrapped in microfibre cloths.

When I first started using onaholes, I was really paranoid about my family finding them, and I hid them in a smallish metal lockable box that I've got. But after a few months, I stopped being so bothered about getting caught - it's my personal business, and someone would need to intrude and poke around my private stuff in order to find them. If that did happen, it'd be more their fault than mine.
These days I've got too many holes to fit in that locked box, anyway.

>> No.12361138

I put it in quotes because the country is supposed to be secular.

There are sex shops and stuff but I never visited one and from what I hear they probably mostly sell overpriced dildos, condoms etc.
Actually I don't think there would be any problems if it was ordering dildos or some generic sex toy.
I heard rumors of people working in customs open and look inside boxes because they thought the items looked overpriced or weird.
Now imagine what stuff like >>12360919 >>12346140 would look like to them.

>> No.12361142

My postal guy won't even bother to do that. She just pulls up to my mailbox and puts the "WE MISSED YOU" slip in and drives away.

>> No.12361150

I know it might look a little paranoid but I have to be this careful after what happened some time ago. I went to sleep after fapping and left the onahole in the kitchen's table.

>> No.12361162

haha oh shit, what happened? did someone find it? was there any kind of reaction, did you get in trouble or something?

>> No.12361165

What country is this if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.12361187

Turkey, our infamous dictator PM became president like 2 days ago.

>> No.12361197

Never mind. I don't think Turkey is a country where you would receive much punishment for something like that. You'll be fine.

>> No.12361210

>Wake up earlier because someone overhear my parents talking
>Suddenly remember I fapped yesterday
>Onahole is not in the hidden spot
>Rush downstaris, mom holding the thing on her hand
>Mom peeked inside of it because it had an obvious image on the outside
>"Anon, what's this supposed to be"
(It was a cup hole, don't worry, I only get the "good" ones now)
>My little brother thought it was a candy box so he didn't touch it because he knew I could get mad.
>Face turns extremely red, I felt like I almost get a fever
>Grab the fuck out of that hole and rush like I've never done to my room and shut myself
(I never drop the spaghetti but this time I couldn't hold it)
>Go away mom!, i-its nothing!
>That's gross mom obviously I wouldn't borrow something like that! (I notice I just spit out the truth and stop talking)

I didn't go out of my room for 2 days, I even let my brother sleep on a couch for the weekend. After that I think my mom started giving me weird looks and my dad started giving me a disappointed look which lasted at least 2 years, This happened like 2 1/2 years ago but I still can't make direct contact with my parents whenever I remember this. Sorry for blogging.

>> No.12361226

I know my mother has used sextoys in the past.

also im in my twenties, so if she gets mad at me id remind her how ridiculous and hypocritical shes being.

>> No.12361237

Better be safe even if there would be no punishment I don't want to deal with the police, my family could get involved.
I checked a sex shop site from my city and looks like it's pretty shitty as expected.

>> No.12361242

Its not that, my parents are very deserved when it come to education; I mean, my mom didn't knew what a sex toy was until she found that out. I think the worst part is when they don't punish you and only give you a disappointed look.

>> No.12361244

>are very reserved*

>> No.12361266

What positions do you use to get good leverage when using your hips to fuck a hip or something in a mount?

>> No.12361305

>I think the worst part is when they don't punish you and only give you a disappointed look.
Why would you even feel better if they were to punish you? Their response means that they have vaguely negative feelings about sex and masturbation, but rationally, they understand they don't have any reason to punish you and that tolerance is the right choice. It's a disappointment that they aren't progressive enough to have a positive attitude about their tolerance, but I don't know why you'd think to prefer thoughtless puritanical rejection as an alternative.

>> No.12361342

I'm noy sure but I think they already suspect I'll die a kissles virgin.

>> No.12361347

>my mom didn't knew what a sex toy was until she found that out


>> No.12361504

This is probably America we're talking about. Sexual education is/was so bad here you've got a 50/50 chance a women is unaware she doesn't piss out her vagina.

Not knowing what a sex toy is doesn't seem farfetched, let alone that they make ones for men

>> No.12361840


Nekokko Mi-Nyan is my absolute favorite. I got it because it was recommended in one of the archives. It's easy to flip and clean and very durable. I definitely second it as a good hole for a first-timer.

It's got a kind of firmness to it that I'm realizing I find more enjoyable than the soft/very soft holes.

On a related note, can anyone recommend a good firm/hard hole?

>> No.12362020
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I cant believe thread is still up. Anyways just an idea for you guys on how it works. My sisters hate games in general so its going to work out fine.

>> No.12362063

remember that guy who made a Cirnonahole?

>> No.12362140

You shouldve put it in the spore box no one would ever look there

>> No.12362174

what if his sister wanted to make a creature with twenty foot long cocks that can cum chocolate forever to fuck her in her sick depraved fantasies?

>> No.12362176

so stick your dick in a cup of water and then climb into the freezer?

>> No.12362192

I think I recall seeing an archived thread where someone ran their onahole under running water and put it in the freezer to simulate "Cirno's hymen."

>> No.12362278

>EAR-POP doujin
good taste, Anon.

>> No.12362554


This I think?

>> No.12362665

Why? These threads usually go up for this long don't they?

I'm not saying you won't be discovered, but that's way too risky. It looms like you got the idea out of some western cartoon. That thing is so prone to failure by chance. Lets say someone scrapes by it, or hits your cabinet, or it falls. They will notice that they're all stuck together because they moved as one. Hiding spots are are really easy. You could just hide it in something as obvious as in between clothes in your drawer, or inside your closet inside clothes, or behind a a piece of furniture. Just a place that no one accesess and isn't prone to get accidently caught.

>> No.12362862
File: 117 KB, 500x2251, sponge-bob-fleshlight-diy-sextoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried for fun and giggles. Was shit.

>> No.12362880

Yeah my little cousin told me about this. He said it was the most amazing orgasm he's had. Talking about full body orfasm, saying he was dead tired after etc.. I've never used a masturbator. I tried it and couldn't come. It was horrible. I used a wide jar and soft sponges since my dick wouldn't originally fit. All I felt were tge ripples of the glove and it was unbelievably uncomfortable. The sounds were unnecessarily lewd and I kept popping out the glove because the glove and sponge wouldn't fit properly. Fucking garbage.

>> No.12362881

Yes, I used lube.

>> No.12362921

It looks like amazon JP is having a summer sale, along with JSS's new discount promo, anyone getting any holes?

>> No.12362937

This is uncannily familiar to my experience. What are the onaholes that you enjoyed afterward?

>> No.12362944

please delete your picture then go shoot your family and yourself.

>> No.12362949

I'm supposed to receive my first one today. I'm OP so the OP will tell you what I got. I can't wait. I have heard some complaints about her though which upset me.

>> No.12363181

How would you rate your onahole fap sessions on a scale of 1-10? Just trying to gauge whether or not it's worth it to get one of these things, since my hand has been working for me just fine up until now.

Also is it recommended to get one that's longer or shorter than your dick,? And by how much?

>> No.12363244

>longer or shorter
Why would you ever want it to be shorter? Do you just want to ram your cock into something that won't let you go further and doesn't wrap around you whole dick?

>> No.12363254

I don't know, man. That's why I'm asking.

>> No.12363264

Do you honestly think this doesn't look suspicious?
There's clearly something wrong with the vanilla WoW box, anyone will attempt to grab it as soon as they see it.
You should've used the Diablo 3 box instead, nobody would want to touch it no matter how wrong it looked.

>> No.12363341

Why don't you hide it in something you can lock? And why aren't you asking your parents to get your own room? I guess they think a 15 year old shouldn't have a room for himself.

>> No.12363463

Question: If you run out of lube, is there anything you can use that will destroy neither your hole and dick?

I have the Virgin Cafe hole by Toy's Heart, if that helps.

>> No.12363472


>> No.12363853

Don't use anything that can spoil like foodstuffs, or react with silicone, like oils. Terrible idea. Shampoo/Condition is horrible idea as well, the have heavy cleaning chemicals which you don't want on your dick.
Honestly, go buy some. Or get some shipped. I personally used one of my first toys, a meiki, without lube. Came within minutes with precum alone since I was still unused to it all, but the the insides were a little damaged and my dick suffered a lot of hard friction.

So no. Use your hand until you fix the situation.

>> No.12363855

On that note, how is the Virgin Café? Standard ribbed hole it looks like, it any good?

>> No.12363858

I've heard of at least one person that said he could use his fela-type onahole with spit alone though. But those kind of toys don't need as much of lubrication, especially if you take it slow and have spit+precum to help.

>> No.12364333
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I'm a first time user, so I can't quite speak from experience.

It's the standard ribs, yes. I have used it about four times now, the last time with a minimal amount of lube (that's when I ran out) and I came the hardest that time.

I may have gotten a different hole, but it was the best and most affordable one I could find on Amazon in my country. I was too afraid to import anything from outside, because of chances of customs offices wanting to see my package from Japanland.

>> No.12364535


>> No.12364641

Are there any Japanese onahole style strokers (mini handheld holes that are penetrated http://www.spencersonline.com/adult_mens-pleasure_strokers/ )

>> No.12364827
File: 266 KB, 563x1000, 20140812_164528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it got here. I must say, I'm disappointed in the world of masturbators, but I'm not surprised. I just feel like I got the same/better feeling using other means/hand

I don't have much to say but to begin with, I don't know how big my dick is but I was certain this would be able to fit it. I even tried looking for a bigger hole. Not only was it too short, but it was too narrow. I don't by any meanshave an overly sized dick, but it couldn't penetrate to, what I assume is, the womb. So whenever I'd bring it down, the top chunk of the onahole would move to the side instead of on my dick. The insides felt okay.

I assume this is due to the quality, but it wasn't as tight and the vacuum wasn't as strong as I thought they would be. The insides felt average and the material didn't feel any better than my hand.

>> No.12364836

The lube wasn't fantastic. I felt that I needed to use a lot more than I should have to be able to smoothly move it up and down and it wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be. Although, it was very easy to get off and didn't get all over the place which I really appreciate but I guess that's what I get in exchange for the smooth silky feeling.

Well, on the bright side, at least I know what I want in an onahole now. Something big, hard material quality and crazy insides like spiral or some shit. Sounds like Tomax Venus is perfect for me. I guess I did have a lot to say after all.

>> No.12364964

Well that lube is shit. Most lube on NLS is meh, diluted pepe/peaces is like the best you can get there.
Rina is hit or miss, most like it, some don't. It's small because it isn't that expensive. Just try not fapping for days and then cum inside ona (use lots of lube), that might make it a lot better.

>> No.12365020

>starting with a loli hole
Bad choice man. Get a proper size hole! On the cheaper side, the Super Tight Declaration -Shimetan- is fantastic.

>that lube
Worse choice!

How much vacuum do you expect from a hole with no backing vacuum creation space? Even ones that sell their vacuum effect it's pretty mild... it's mostly just so it doesn't zoom off ya dick like a soap bar out of your feminine hands.

>> No.12365088

These seriously look like the best things ever and I'm thinking pretty hard about getting a couple. Any kiwifags out there who can tell me what to expect from customs? And is the lube on NLS any good or would I be better off getting that locally?

>> No.12365109

So is that a Rina? I saw you in the buyfag thread

>> No.12365121


>> No.12365153

Onaholes don't play well with certain types of lube.

Safest to get the lubes from NLS (Peace's)
Some onaholes come with a bit of lube too.

I live in Australia. I've ordered and received
Shimetan (asked for packing removed)
Puni DX (asked for packaging removed)
Meiki 005
17 Bordeaux (regret this one... not good)
HEPS (regret this one, tore up real fast...)

>> No.12365161

There's good ways to do it. I used the same method, but mine was far more inconspicuous looking. The trick is to cut and leave about a 1cm lip left on the smaller face, and match the larger face to it. Then staple the lips together on the inside. From the outside, it's impossible to tell they're one piece.

You also have to insure it's in a place where even if someone wants to grab it, it's inconvenient for them to bother. My bed was in a corner, and I had two suspended shelves above in the corner where I put decorative shit. That's where my boxes went (coincidentally WoW boxes as well) and even if you wanted to look, nobody's going to be rude and climb and then stand on my bed to see.

It's flawless if you do it right. Certainly more than hiding it in your clean laundry, which is the stereotypical "mother finding hidden things" spot.

You never know what someone's situation's like. Maybe a house with that many bedrooms was too expensive where they are?

>> No.12365569

How can I find images for any of the alice pieces, and how do I order?

I understand http://alice-stage.com is where to go, but I cant get any images and I have no idea what I'm about to get myself into

>> No.12365776

Anyone bought the newer meikis? Specifically 006 or later. I'm thinking of getting the ZXY since I've heard only good things about it, but it seems NPG has come up with a few more other models from the last time I checked..

>> No.12365880

Hiding Places for Just About Anything


Take your frozen food of choice. Defrost. Place valuables inside, covered with food. Re-freeze.

Don't Want Mom To Know

protip: she already does, but. . . .

Steal a textbook. Hollow out area like Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. Place onahole in area.


Get jell pillow for your bad neck. Follow similar hollow out procedure.

None of this will stop a very thorough search, but will keep the curious out.

>> No.12365894

Am is supposed to explode the second I stick my dick into my onahole?

>> No.12365978

Yes, yes I know it's from J-list, but I was wondering if anyone knew about anything similar to this: http://www.jlist.com/product/OMO388

I believe there used to be something similar, although those sprays were supposed to just smell like a girl would normally. Otherwise I don't know of anything similar, and would like some suggestions.

>> No.12365987


But it's okay to last only a few minutes at first~

>> No.12365994

No not even close. I wish people would be more honest and actually answer. They act like it's their product they're advertising and don't want to lose customers. Maybe they just want to suck others into their hobby.

I've only had one onahole but I plan to get more variety to see if any actually feel like something I've never felt before. I haven't used any other sex toy and I've never gotten laid so I shouldn't be asking for much.

>> No.12366003

>I wish people would be more honest and actually answer
The reason no one answered is likely that no one knows how sensitive that guy is.

>> No.12366011

People should be able to infer that he's actually asking if onaholes feel amazing or not.

>> No.12366023

I dunno man, that post is really specific in that it talks about that poster's experience and his comically short session.

>> No.12366039
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Or maybe I was just commenting on my pathetic endurance?

>> No.12366111

Bump for some pathetic virgin FA to answer.

>> No.12366260


>> No.12366329

I'm not sure if anyone is familiar enough with DHL to know something like this, but assuming my package is going to be delivered tomorrow, and I sent a request at 7pm today for it to be delivered on the day after tomorrow with no signature required, is it likely they will actually get my request in time? Or tomorrow its pretty much already going to be on a truck ready to delivered and no one will read that in time. I was hoping to have it arrive when no one was around so I didn't have to explain why I received a box that I needed to sign for that says "Rubber Toy"

>> No.12366339

Even if someone reads it, it won't get to the deliverer. It doesn't work like that. It's just a guy driving a truck around with a bunch of packages delivering them. They wont be able to pull yours out even if they get it while it's in the office.

And I don't think you should worry about it. When I got my package, I actually had to look for a while to see where it's written because the writing was so small . But fuck DHL for not being able to change it.

Anyways,it essentially depends on how much your parents respect your privacy. If they just get it and scan over it, they probably won't see. If they actually take time to read, they will. Tell them it's a figure If they find out. If you also ordered lube then you're fucked.

>> No.12366390

Well the reason I thought there might be hope is because I emailed support earlier during the day about wanting it delivered on the 14th of possible, then I got a reply back within a few hours saying it was scheduled for delivery tomorrow, but they gave me a link to schedule it at a specific time, for some reason the email disappeared but after looking on my phone for a while I managed to find it
I can't find how to access this page from the normal website. But anyways it says the requests will be processed on the next business day so I'm not sure if I was too late or not. I'm probably just being overly paranoid right now but I sure hope it gets through in time.

>> No.12366406

So in regards to Reeces Pieces lube, I see some people talking about dilution. I just use it on its own and I kind of thought that it dried out too fast and I used way too much (compared to what my onahole came with) too quickly. How do you guys mix it? In the whole bottle, or in containers or what?

>> No.12366521

>I was going to get Peace lube because it was the best selling
>Didn't see mention of it on /jp/ (lurk more)
>See the picture of how thick and gloppy it is
>Fuck that.jpg
>Get Finish and Sleep because it seems thin and low viscosity
>It's shit
>Everyone says Peace is best
Oh woe is me. Next onahole, I'm getting it.

What do you guys think about Venus vs Lilith? And what kind of insides? Assuming they're both hard material. Is Succubus worth mentioning?

>> No.12366628

I didn't know i could do that at the time

>> No.12366802

What lube have you used that's better than Pepe/Peace's?

I was under the impression that Peace's is top tier

>> No.12367021

that lube is shit, try a peace or pepe the only good thing about the sleep and finish is how good is for your dick skin, but is too sticky and creamy, not very slippery

>> No.12367031

I dilute on a small bottle, 1/3 and 1/2 water seems best, but some people preffer not diluting

also regular pepe and peace are pretty much the same for me

>> No.12367069

>1/3 and 1/2 water
mean 1/3 OR 1/2

>> No.12367080

So is the onahole warmer worth it or should I just get a cheap onahole to that price?

If so, what kind do you recommend?

>> No.12367133

I got the warmer. Used it once and shelved it. If you care about your hole being warm you're probably better off running it under the hot tap for a minute before using it.

>> No.12367166


I got the warmer as well and don't bother using it. It takes like 20-30 minutes to really warm the hole, and that's too much time to bother with.

>> No.12367177

Alright cool. I have about 10 dollars to spare, know of something I can buy instead?

>> No.12367223

Ubujiru is probably the most popular quality lube, there's a few others that are mentioned every now and then as well.

Why not just save it for your next order?

>> No.12367255

Your cock is your warmer, save the money.

>> No.12367301

I'm no onahole expert, but $10 isn't much. Maybe you could just take it as an opportunity to buy an extra bottle of lube or something.

>> No.12367438

Pour water into onahole, add lube, squeeze a couple of times, done.
water 3:2 peaces is probably the best.
