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12352362 No.12352362 [Reply] [Original]

Is namasensai not even worth watching?
I've only been learning Japanese and his shit isn't consistent at all. He writes everything wrong

>> No.12352459

he is good for motivation

>> No.12352499

He's entertaining. And yeah, it's good motivation. But if you actually give a shit, go read Genki and grind some kanji.

>> No.12352616

i watched him when i was just starting out, learning hiragana and katakana
it's pretty good because learning kana is fucking boring and he makes it at least somewhat enjoyable

>> No.12352640

No, he's awful.

His te form video, however, is fucking golden. And everyone should watch it.

>> No.12352648

But, you guys, he's funny and epic

>> No.12352652 [DELETED] 
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Great teacher for talking like motherfucking donkey kong.

>> No.12352671

No, and who the fuck needs motivation to learn Kana? Use flashcards, you should have that shit down in 2 weeks, at the most.

>> No.12352896

I've been watching is Homeless in Denton videos because I'm from there :3

>> No.12352905 [DELETED] 


Holy fucking shit, just use "realkana.com" you'll learn it in 2 days...

>> No.12352929
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And then people here wonder why some complain about learning japanese and how they haven't learned much even after years...
And that's why they need heroes like you.

>> No.12352947

It took me 3 days...

>> No.12353019

It's not a race, dude. Calm down.

>> No.12353084
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While it isn't, learning kana shouldn't take weeks, a few days should suffice.
It's like learning the Greek alphabet for the first time, should take a few days at most.
Otherwise you're too lazy, the method is crap and/or your too dumb/retarded.

>> No.12353124

It took me months.
Time to kill myself.

>> No.12353125

Spending a week or two on kana can actually save time because you will be more comfortable with the characters. Blast through them in two days and something like "あなたはとてもばかなひとだなぁ" would result in a lot of time spent remembering the characters.

>> No.12354052

There's always some faggot doing impossible shit bragging about its normal

>> No.12354101

Is Kana hirakana?
I'm new sorry

>> No.12354105

How about you just google "kana"?

>> No.12354148


It doesn't just "take a few days" to learn kana. That is a load of crap.

I guarantee no matter how well you think you memorized kana in those few days, if you took out a sheet of paper and tried to write all of the hiragana and katakana down a month later you would not be able to do even half of them.

>> No.12354154

Same shit as flashcards. You should also say the character out loud, and write the whole 'alphabet' every once in a while.

>> No.12354185

two days, come on dude....
it's gonna take like 2 weeks to actually drive them in unless your some golden child with a beautiful memory

>> No.12354340

>tfw spent a grand total of two hours learning Japanese
>i can already understand the letters some of them in bravely default

I'm on my way to being a sikk kunt

>> No.12354405

Not write, but I could read them all after about 3 days of flash cards. The main thing that helped was creating my own little images for what the characters looked like. Like "na" looks like a snake that's gonna bite something and if I saw a scary snake I'd be like "nahhhh man".

>> No.12354407

I hope you're still working on your Kana, Anon.

>> No.12354416

Is this dude trying to advertise his channel? I feel sorry for anybody thinking his lessons are any good.

>> No.12354428

I tried to watch this guy, I really did, but he wasn't manly enough for me.

>> No.12354441
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>> No.12354501

Bitch detected

>> No.12354941

his te form isn't good either, you can learn it from Tae Kim in 10 minutes

>> No.12355708

Namasensei, who is a total fucking bro by the way, hasn't made a Jap lesson in a few years. Why would He advertise for something He's not even doing anymore?

>> No.12355732

His cooking videos are funny as fuck.

>> No.12355792

You can memorize them in two days, but you have to follow it up with regular writing practice. That's what I did and had both all kana down 200% in about a week. That being said, it's been a few months since I last bothered with Japanese and I probably couldn't write them all down off the top of my head.

>> No.12355877

Whoa man did you go to a parallel universe where there are 2 times more kana?

>> No.12355974

when people say it took them 2 days to learn katakana do them mean 30 minutes one day and 30 minutes the other? it's only like 50 items to remember. I managed that much reading video game manuals in the car when I was 8 years old.

>> No.12356186

Do you need katakana? Fifty items isn't much

>> No.12356209
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Just because some people take a bit longer doesn't mean they're lazy. Rote memorization is entirely dependent on, naturally, how good your memory is. It'd be shitty and unfair to assume that people who take a bit longer are just being "lazy".

>> No.12356218

Rote memorization speed, I should have said.

>> No.12356223

True. I can't concentrate on rote memorization for more than maybe 5 minutes at a time, but then again I suspect I might have ADD.

>> No.12356255

For kana? Yeah you do need to study often to make sure you cement it when you're still new but you can drill them in pretty easily.

>> No.12356331

if you can learn the names of 50 2hus you can learn 50 moon runes

>> No.12356371

>implying I remember any names and don't just connect visuals and characteristics

>> No.12356380 [DELETED] 

What are "strobe of indicators" and "HUD safe area"?

>> No.12356390 [DELETED] 

>learning kana in 3 days

if by learning u mean spending 5 second to read 2/3 characters. yeah u actually can learn it in less than 3 days. but if u mean reading kana fluently and being able to write down the characters, it's almost impossible unless u have terminal autism

- Steve

>> No.12356518

I never said you couldn't. I just said it might take some people longer than others.

>> No.12358548

There's more like 100 kana.

>> No.12358705

Put it in your mouth,

it's big and hard.

Put it in your mouth,

it's fried in lard.

Put it in your mouth,

not up your ass.

Put it in your mouth

we're in Japan that's why we can't smoke grass~

I wish I had some marijuana~

I wish I had some marijuana~~~

Truly a great series. Its a same there was some falling out with Sam when they did the second series -- switching up the cast made it not quite as funny.

>> No.12358798


Namasensei's Fucking Japanese Lessons are fantastic. I learned hiragana and katakana from him. I should have stuck with the Daily Dump but I didn't. Will give you more practical Japanese than that Genki textbook ever will.

Watch it, you BITCH

>> No.12358866

What'd you do after learning those?

>> No.12358888

It's a shame what happened with Sam ResPISS. Basically ran off with the kickstarter money that was supposed to pay for his stay in LA to make the new episodes. One of Jeremy's other friends said something about him getting violent and threatening him and his wife with violence. He also mentioned something about a drug addiction which would explain his behavior. Jeremy sent me a private video with some footage from that night because I had commented on some video and it shows Sam acting crazy as fuck and refusing to leave. Sam also posted a video from that night, both have been taken down now.

>> No.12358922
File: 524 KB, 675x714, 1377783366840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, do you know if I can still watch the PIIYM video's somewhere? Hell, I'll even buy them if I have to.

>> No.12359148

>Is namasensai not even worth watching?

Now delete this thread.

>> No.12364897


I just looked on jewtube and they're still there.

>> No.12364902


Drink beer. That's what you're supposed to do.

No, I tried a few things and have basically given up. I can be a good fan of my chosen anime without reading it in its original.

Hell I liked some Russian literature too that doesn't mean that I ever wanted to learn Russian. And my all time favorite when I was a kid, Sword in the Stone, was written in French. Fucking French. Not enough reason for me to want to learn it.

I'll stick with being a typical American, and only knowing English and Spanish.

>> No.12364905


nice quads

That's a damned shame. This is the second kickstarter gone bad I've heard about (the kid with the lock picks was first) and it either boils down to fraud and mismanagement.

>> No.12364933

what should the process be like?
Learn to speak words -> grammar and sentences -> writing kana, hira, and then kanji?

>> No.12364937

Not the old ones.
