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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12338292 No.12338292 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored

Ask a japanese anon anything.

>> No.12338294

wch 2hu wd u fq?

>> No.12338295

why is japan such a god forsaken shithole?

>> No.12338298
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>> No.12338299

If I feed you marijuana will you die?

>> No.12338300

It's not that bad. I like it better than America

>> No.12338302



>> No.12338305

If you had to fuck one member of Arashi, who would it be?

>> No.12338308

I don't know sign language
I dunno, Jun?

>> No.12338309

What's the strangest thing you've ever seen in your country?

>> No.12338310

Those pantsu vending machines

>> No.12338313

But, don't you just want to fuck Ninomiya's cute face?

>> No.12338314
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Why are you guys so racist?

>> No.12338320

what are you doing here?

>> No.12338321


Age? Sex? Location?

>> No.12338326

currently in california

moving back to japan in around a yearish maybe

>> No.12338333

Are you willing to dress cute and let me fug you? How big is your dick? County?

>> No.12338334

how much can you bench?

>> No.12338335
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why not
not really
I'm not racist

>> No.12338337


Where? SoCal?

>> No.12338339

What the fuck. I'll do it if you can guess where i live in 3 guesses. Hint I live in southern cali
I don't know, I'm weak

>> No.12338340

What's the most generic question I could ask?

>> No.12338342

Why don't you apologize for World War 2?

>> No.12338344
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Which do you like better? /a/ or /jp/?

>> No.12338345

How many cowboy outfits do you own?

>> No.12338346

Because I wasn't part of it

That's like asking every single German in the world to apologize for Hitler

>> No.12338347

There's nothing to apologize for either.

>> No.12338348

/a/ is awful

I like jp better, but it seems like most threads are about touhou or Kantai collection. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I never played kancolle

>> No.12338351

The city or county? Lets see Los Angeles county has Asians but they're Chinese some Japanese so there maybe. Riverside county has more Chinese and other Asians and so does Orange County. Maybe Ventura.

Ok my first guess is Ventura county.

>> No.12338356


oh, and even if you get it right ill dress up as a girl but i wont fuck.

>> No.12338359

Who is the strongest touhou? Why has no one asked zun yet?

>> No.12338361

More hints? Will you post pictures here or send via email?

>> No.12338365

Is there any easy way to remember kanji? I only know a few and it's why I have trouble learning Japanese.

Why are Japanese sites so strict on allowing only Japan IPs to post things?

>> No.12338367

Just use a vpn dude. 2chan lets you post using a US ip btw, I do it all the time

>> No.12338368
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I'll give you two hints
>The highschool is top tier
>70% chinese

>> No.12338369

>a US ip


>> No.12338370

It's gonna take awhile. Just practice.

>> No.12338372
File: 275 KB, 1106x1078, 1406000408845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/a/ is awful
>who am i quoting

Fuck you! I didn't crossboard to hear this shit!

>> No.12338373

What's the biggest/popular electrinic brand in Japan? Is it Sony?

>> No.12338376

San Diego county? It's tough because there's a lot of places with a ton of Chinese.

>> No.12338377

>high school

>> No.12338380

>Waifu threads
>Best key girl
>Best girl
>IF you have a different opinion or like a certain anime you are automatically labeled as a faggot
>Implying /a/ is good

Okay fine maybe it's not awful, but it's pretty much /v/ tier.
I think it's Sony.

>> No.12338385


The highschool in the place I live is considered high class. I wasn't trying to say that I'm currently in one.

>> No.12338388

Which do you prefer?
Boatsluts or 2husluts?

>> No.12338390

Oh shit nigger I want to say the obvious answer Los Angeles but no high class high schools there have a large Chinese population. Maybe riverside or Orange County.

Orange County? I know that place has a couple high end cities with large amount of Chinese

>> No.12338391

why'd you get interested in learning english? most japbros i know stop learning it because its boring or they cant be bothered

>> No.12338392

>Okay fine maybe it's not awful, but it's pretty much /v/ tier.

All those green makes you look like an exp/a/t

>> No.12338404

I know it, so any other big electronic brand there? Also what's Kantai Collection's influence in everyday life there? Do you know?

Seems like he's studying abroad.

>> No.12338405
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That was 3 tries. You were sort of close.
I learned them both at the same time.

>> No.12338409


>> No.12338412

I bet it was some shit like imperial or San Bernardino. Fuck I'm literally going to cry now. Can I still see your ass in a skirt and panties?

>> No.12338415

Do you like pizza and Italian food in general? One day I would like to come to Japan and open a restaurant. Do you think it'll be hard to realize this dream?

>> No.12338416

Being gay is bad, gaylord. Repent now while you still can.

>> No.12338418

>Can I see you ass in a shirt
m-maybe next time
Yea I do. It won't be hard but you must know japanese very well.

>> No.12338421

Damn I should've said la
>next time
Lets be realistic, there won't be next time

>> No.12338424


Well anyway, there are always loads of touhou threads here and i was wondering...

Do most of them actually play the games or do they just like the girls

>> No.12338427

Cross boarders just like the girls. Majority of /jp/ does play the games but there's probably people here for the idol threads or other otaku related things.

>> No.12338437

Most of them don't even play the games, they just join the fandom for the memes/doujinshi/videos or music.
But the majority of /jp/ probably played the game at least a couple of times.

>> No.12338440

What do you like about Japan?

>> No.12338444

You mean minority

>> No.12338445

Are Japanese people racist towards whites/do they ostracize or think less of them? I'm Irish and I'm planning to go over there to live short term and some stage. I'm not a massive weaboo and I'm an expert at keeping my power level hidden.

>> No.12338446

Did you like Boku No Pico?

>> No.12338448

Whereabouts in Japan are you from?

I lived in Tohoku for five years; pretty great since I like snow, but even that far north the summers just about killed me.

>> No.12338451

You're part of the problem, Anon.

>> No.12338452

video games are for children lmao

>> No.12338458
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Depends on the person
It was okay

deleting my history and stuff made me lose my trip code and i forgot it. ;_;

>> No.12338461
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Oh wait never mind i guess i remembered it correct

>> No.12338462

What cartoon is this?

>> No.12338463

You don't have to hide your tears, dude.

>> No.12338464

In that case, how can I be the person who isn't ostracized?

>> No.12338470

Would you regard yourself as a westaboo?

>> No.12338471

I have no idea

>> No.12338475


>> No.12338482

did you use it?

>> No.12338490

Don't wear a backpack in public.

>> No.12338491

Would you rather date a stereotypical average white American or a stereotypical average Japanese girl (or guy)?

>> No.12338494

>I'm not racist

what's your opinion on chinese?

post your scores

>> No.12338504

I like the chinese

....not a fan of some of their food though.


>> No.12338510

How come your English is so good, I though you said you have only been here for a year?

>> No.12338511

It's been 24 years since Japan's last fields medal. Is anime making the Japanese dumber?

>> No.12338516

I said I learned japanese and englsh at the same time. My dad was better in english while my mom didn't know it at all. And I've lived in America longer. I just jumped around countries mostly, but I'm gonna permanently live there in a year or so.

there isn't much to do in america

>> No.12338518

How relevant are the Nihon Shoki and the Kojiki nowadays?
I mean, do they play a large part in socialization? Are the stories taught to children in school/told by their parents, or has most of the mythological stuff just been copied to popular culture?
Also, if you can, is there a version of both in contemporary Japanese that you could recommend?

>> No.12338529

Most young people don't give a shit about mythological stories or history anymore. Some of them you learn at school but other than that some people either had their parents tell them or read about it on their own. Religion is dead over there too, not sure if that's a good thing or not, but most do believe in god. It's just that they don't particularly follow a certain religion.

So yea, Nihon shoki and kojiki are basically deader than dead

>> No.12338532

>there isn't much to do in america
I can show you things if you're into graff and are willing to go places you'd be scared to be at during any time of day but we'll be there like 2-3am.

>> No.12338534

I've hear the birth rate is awful, is that true?

>> No.12338538

How popular is otaku culture over there especially for the youth. They produce so much of it so i imagine its the main/most popular hobby of the young.

>> No.12338544

What's Shinto religion about actually? Just like believe in gods, so similar to Taoism/Confucius?

>> No.12338546
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It's popular but it's not really something everyone appreciates.

Most of the population has nothing against anime. You know how you'll see alot of those anime girls on ads and stuff? Those are normal and people don't mind them at all. It's just that if you're an otaku like literally all you do is watch anime, play games and wear those otaku clothing then.....yea

people will think you're a loser. So Basically it's okay if your hobbies are anime, videogames, whatever. Just don't act like a hikikomori otaku and you will be fine

>> No.12338549

I don't know crap about shinto sorry.

Other than the Izanagi/Izanami thing.

>> No.12338552


Why do young men like to shoulder check people in crowded areas? It's obvious they do it on purpose, and I've had everything from 20ish military guys to middle-aged women tell me the same thing.

Is it some passive-aggressive


Also, do you expect to have problems because you're haffu? One of my Japanese teachers lived in Tokyo with her French husband, and had to pull their kids out of Japanese schools because of the bullying of haffus. Wonder if it's the same in the workplace.

>> No.12338553

Okay, so what the Japanese pray in temple? Is it Shinto gods, Buddhist gods or anything else?

>> No.12338554

Your grammar is great, but how is your pronunciation? Can you record a short sentence for us?

>> No.12338556

Iirc it's akin to pantheism.
You pray to kami on a quid-pro-quo basis, or rather used to; the main reason people do it nowadays is because the people before them did it, too.
Or so I've read.

>> No.12338558


There are plenty of good books on Shintoism. Temples are for the foreign Buddhist gods, Shrines are for the indigenous Japanese gods. There are temples within shrines, and shrines within temples.

There are also Catholic and Episcopalian churches, Jewish temples, and Mosques. There are even born-againers speaking in tongues in Shinjuku, and if you're a foreigner during Christmastime people come up and give you flyers to attend their services.

Every Japanese assumes Americans are Christian.

Christianity also has a fun history in Japan too, but that's a little off topic.

>> No.12338559

Some have problems with halves...but that if they are korean or chinese. For some reason some japanese dislike them. White's usually don't have that problem.

not idea about the shoulder check...I never encountered anything like that.
They just say kami-sama.
most young people just go on new years
i don't have a mike and im too sleepy. I should go to sleep in like 10 mins

>> No.12338565


Jesus is this a job interview? He was basically raised in the United States and went to American schools. I'll bet he can pronounce "election."

>> No.12338567

I don't know man. My Korean friend has lived her for almost 15 years and still sounds a bit chingy. He never puts much effort into correcting it though

>> No.12338568

Did they say something to you after that?
I've read that some Japanese do that especially to foreigners to show off the mad English skills they acquired in afternoon classes.
The source I got that from was considerably frustrated at both the people and their culture, so that might just be exaggeration.

>> No.12338569
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I'm also a Japanon

>> No.12338572

Explains Shintoism.

It's pretty much the deification of things/everything has a god in it.

Though I doubt modern japs know much about this aside from nerds like ZUN.

>> No.12338580
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Suika master race reporting in.

>> No.12338581

I love my Icoca. My grill bought it for me almost a year ago, saved me so much time at the stations.

What the fuck is the difference between the major cards anyway?

>> No.12338584

Suica is for JR
You cant use it outside of tokyo if they arent run by JR.
Pasmo is also tokyo only if I am not wrong.
Hokkaido and Kansai have their own system if I am not wrong. Icoca is for down south isnt it?

>> No.12338586

That would make sense, I use it when I'm in Osaka and Fuk.

>> No.12338597

Why the sudden interest in Shintoism? It's basically Catholicism except the patron saints are ante-upped to gods.

>> No.12338598

I don't understand.

I just know that Temple and Shrine are two different things. You learn a new thing everyday.

>> No.12338600

but Catholic Christianity is supposed to be monotheist, ala one God.

Shintoism has many gods.

>> No.12338611

Saints don't have divine powers, they just were cool guys while alive that got a lightspot in the coolguys book.

>> No.12338614

Well, everything has a god in it.

So treat your tool well or the god in it will get angry/sad.

That's the tl;dr version.

>> No.12338623

Haha, that's pretty cute.

>> No.12338625
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Who ibaraki here.

>> No.12338627

uhh read my post again?


>> No.12338634
File: 25 KB, 450x308, waseda-bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mixed up the replies gomen

>> No.12338638

Point still stands.

Saints aren't gods.

There are actually saints in Shintoism as well, and these guys aren't gods.

>> No.12338639

Why did you go to America when there are so many other choices?
I can't remember one good thing that came out of america, except they advance technology with their stupid, self-centered wars.

The population is exclusively self-centered, ignorant and acts high and mighty. No exception.

>> No.12338642

Good gun laws.

>> No.12338644

Still saints aren't god-tier, they don't have powers, they just were cool guys. Patron saints are the same, at least here in Italy every city has his own coolguy who just was a normal person. That's why Luther went butthurt, because people started treating saints like some magical beings while they just were coolguys (and for the same reason during the dark ages rich potents would pay the Church to become coolguys after their death)

>> No.12338648

You don't understand! It's self-defense!

>> No.12338656
File: 196 KB, 1000x800, アメリカの巫女.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you pinko

>> No.12338665

Do they function like the catholic saints too?
Not to come off as offensive, this is a legit question.
That's why I said It's like Catholicism EXCEPT the patron saints are promoted to gods, not that saints are actually gods.

>> No.12338666 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 1024x1024, 1407416735490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, whats a Pinko?

>> No.12338672

They are prayed to and revered, but they are called differently than gods.

Supposedly Miko/Shotoku Taishi is a saint.

And no, in Catholicism, patron saints are not promoted to gods, there's only one God in Catholicism.

>> No.12338689

Shintoism is also pretty big in idolatry (worshiping of images, symbols) and magic, which Catholicism shuns.

>> No.12338714

Can you find idol/actress photobooks in regular bookshops? I'm here visiting a friend but I'm kinda unsure about asking for his help for finding some things.

>> No.12338717

This guy too is a saint/demigod.

>> No.12338718

If it's one god, why do they call him a trinity?

>> No.12338726

It's one god but he has 3 parts. It's a little not confusing to understand because it is a bit contradictory but yeah.

>> No.12338730

I meant a little bit, not a little not

>> No.12338732

>And no, in Catholicism, patron saints are not promoted to gods, there's only one God in Catholicism.

I mean in Shintoism, they're like Catholicism's patron saints in the sense that they're like "divine representations" of particular objects they represent, unless Shinto saints also functions the same way.

>> No.12338734

Christians rationalize that God is like smooth like water/air/ice, he just has 3 states of existence, the Father, the Son and the Spirit.

I used to discuss these issues with /pol/ in protestant vs catholic thread, where I pretend to be a protestant, eventually, I got out-argued by a catholic and pretty much was forced to stop looking at graven images ala the computer in order to be consistent with the 10 commandments.

>> No.12338736

No, in Shintoism, those are straight out gods you can pray to, not saints (saints are usually based on real persons, this is like catholicism).

In catholicism, praying to objects, animals, symbols, even kneeling before them is idolatry and is shunned upon for He's one jealous God.

>> No.12338749

>God is smooth like water/air/ice
Sorry for da typo*

>> No.12338753

You're going to lose that argument since the bible is extremely indecisive in that topic. Every other page there's something about how Jesus is God or that there is only one God.

>> No.12338754

Is it bad that the death of Japanese native religious culture is making me angry? I'm American, yet I hate that everything is becoming even more Americanized.

>> No.12338757

I wasn't saying that they are literally the same as patron saints I'm comparing them by how they function Christ d00d you're taking me into cul-de-sac here

>> No.12338758

Basically, God can be anything and know everything, so he can be Jesus and the One God at the same time.

>> No.12338765

Alright, I got it, here's what I'm trying to say: Technically, you do not worship Catholic patron saints, you can only revere them in Christianity and by praying to them, you tell them to pray for you so God can get your wish done.

So they do not function the same way as Shinto gods, in Shintoism, you worship the gods and the gods will bless you.

>> No.12338772

It's not dying.

People do not understand it much more anymore (unless you seriously care for it like ZUN), but the traditions are still being followed, even if mechanically.

>> No.12338774

There was a ZUN commentary (I think in the Maribel Renko story) about shrines and power spots, it was pretty sad.

>> No.12338775

That's the Symposium as well, Kanako commented on it.

>> No.12338781

Study Hegel, then change Thesis, antithesis and synthesis with the trinity.

>> No.12338783

>no proof
I thought you knew better than this, /jp/

>> No.12338794

Okay I understand, I might have used the word "function" wrong since what I meant by "function" is that they're both divine representations of what they're representing.

Also patron saints are based in ancient Roman belief similar with Shintoism

>> No.12338804

Die hard christians will deny that.

Saints aren't supposed to be divine at all, that's the whole case of the Break between protestant vs catholic, and even now catholic don't admit that Virgin Mary and Saint George are divinity to be worshiped.

I have no objection that pantheism system like the Greco-roman pantheon and Celtic Druidism and Nordic mythology are similar to Shintoism, they are much simpler systems, there are different gods representing different things, and you worship them directly to get what you want.

>> No.12338805

uhh isn't this supposed to be all about social conflict or something? how does his dialectic relate with the trinity besides that it correspond to the fact that they're both three concepts
