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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 500x668, 20130322_n07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12335143 No.12335143 [Reply] [Original]

I saved up 5 months of salary and I'm about to hit the pay button

this is yoru last chance talk me out of it /jp/

>> No.12335145

Make me faggot

>> No.12335146

But.. why?

>> No.12335150

Is that a doll?

>> No.12335154

does she talk?
i imagine that washing her will be annoying, but you get the same thing with a real one

>> No.12335157

> but you get the same thing with a real one

is your girlfriend a paraplegic?

>> No.12335161

no, i just like making sure that she is clean
so i was her myself after we have intercourse because i do not trust her

>> No.12335165
File: 157 KB, 949x356, Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 7.09.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I will wash her before using don't worry about that

>> No.12335172

Only 500?
Please review when it arrives.
I wouldn't mind having a permanent party of 5 hanging out in my backyard or front porch

>> No.12335179

Just fuck your mom. Its more real, more cushion for the pushin, and it has been reviewed highly by many people

>> No.12335182

that's the bulk price

individually they're around $800

>> No.12335184
File: 991 KB, 500x340, 1382696648126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying used sex dolls

>> No.12335185
File: 7 KB, 195x259, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are jap dolls so much more attractive than western dolls?

Are their marketing and design so stupid they can't realize that people don't want rubberized versions of common street whores with too much makeup?

can't they realize we want delicate features?

>> No.12335189

>$4000 for new one

It's a heck of a deal and any fears that it might contain STD's is just nonsense and has no basis in reality

You can lick your toilet bowl without getting sick if you disinfect it properly

>> No.12335261

I think the idea of used sex dolls is really hot especially since I love NTR.

>> No.12335270

Good deal man, I would probably buy just to have it around.

>> No.12335308

Why must most western women paint their faces to the point they look like that image? Why? It looks absolutely awful.

>> No.12335310

This thread has the potential to reach some pretty good levels of epic. Please keep us updated.

>> No.12335346

Where can you buy a loli one?

>> No.12335352


>> No.12335355
File: 617 KB, 1600x1067, 1317225208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talkin shit about my waifu?

>> No.12335359

Thanks anon but I can't seem to find the buy page.
Can you please help?

>> No.12335371

How are you going to hide it from your mom?

>> No.12335388

Most likely a scam, iirc that's rather common.

>> No.12335425

Get a dollfie, dude, fuck your dick. An onahole would feel better if that's what you want.

>> No.12335435



>> No.12335438

540 bucks down the toilet.

>> No.12335462

What the frig you buying used for you crazy or what? That's like buying a used condom but "don't worry I clean it for you."

>> No.12335489

If I could buy a used loli real doll for $500 I'd do it.

>> No.12335511

I would even clean it myself.

>> No.12335610


>> No.12335723
File: 18 KB, 468x311, 32588__468x_sex_doll_dutch_wife_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12335750




>> No.12335752

Probably a combination of insecurity and men with shit taste encourage the makeup.

>> No.12335777

it's much cheaper and you can wash it

>> No.12335782

It's the principle dude.

>> No.12335800

No joke about used goods?

>> No.12335801

It's not a joke, she IS used goods.

>> No.12335809

Most real girls are used too, I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.12335811

I was talking about living beings.

>> No.12335815

Some chinese shutin probably ate nachos out of the doll.

>> No.12335826

Jesus Christ, the guys on far left and right.

>> No.12335867

Do they make boy versions of these?

>> No.12335871

She's ugly. Find another one

>> No.12335887

what's the big deal about used sex dolls
99.99% of women are used anyway

>> No.12335888

Where is this from? It looks like some kind of documentary.

>> No.12335904

>guys with $5000 waifus and guys with $5 waifus

I wonder why class warfare hasn't broken out yet

>> No.12335907
File: 81 KB, 340x500, first14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12335915
File: 254 KB, 400x690, 01-xl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn

how do you even get the nano through customs



>> No.12335920

/jp/ i'm scared. These are actually kind of cute to me.

>> No.12335921

Get a loli one faggot.

>> No.12335929

You better also buy her qt clothing to wear.

I demand you post pictures of the ensuing tea parties you will have.

>> No.12335933
File: 73 KB, 280x420, koyukiange_27_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12335937
File: 105 KB, 720x370, design04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir we found these in his basement, forensics team said they appear to belong to a young girl between 11 and 13 years of age

>My god, lock this monster away

>> No.12335939

These dolls are giving me a diamond boner for some reason. Maybe because I'm too used to looking at real life porn, don't know

>> No.12335944

>5 months of salary
I think you're being cheated.

>> No.12335947

I want one but dude
>5 months salary
Even on minimum wage this isn't 5 month's salary unless you're either a lying NEET or don't know what "5 months salary" is saying.

>> No.12335951

For some reason the idea of a fat sweaty neet carefully dressing his doll in a yukata is not appealing.

>> No.12335955

what about with shipping?

>> No.12335956

>5 months of salery

Nigga what?

I'm sure even a McJob can get you one of those in one paycheck

>> No.12335958

Bills, man. Must be nice still living with mom.

>> No.12335960

Does anyone on the /jp/ actually have something like this or know someone who does?

I've never even seen one irl before. I wonder if they look as good in person as in these pictures.

>> No.12335962

Not him, but as a CS major I earn 5k a month and live comfortably. I will never be rich, but that's enough.

>> No.12335963

do you get paid bi weekly?
even full time minimum wage, it would take 2 weeks paychecks for me to get that, assuming no bills, or were you lucky enough to have liberals asking for a $15 minimum wage, if so, nice

>> No.12335968

i never went past an associates degree and get paid 60k to sit at a desk all day. sometimes i just sit at home instead. they're shipping me off to australia to do the same thing. yippee

>> No.12335969

will your salary stay the same or will they adjust it for australia's cost of living?

>> No.12335971

even if it was $100, no

>> No.12335977

they are adjusting but i told them i didn't care since the us is booorrrring and i'd take what i could get.

>> No.12335979


He might have meant that he has been saving for 5 months.

>> No.12335981

Good luck getting arrested just for ordering these in Australia.

>> No.12336010

are these compatible with onaholes? Can you like, install one without too much modification or would you have to cut a bitch up

>> No.12336014

Do they feel good?

>> No.12336016


>> No.12336020

If you're ready and want to purchase one, why do you want a bunch of strangers to try and tell you not to? You're going to do it anyways.

>> No.12336022

I wouldn't buy a used one dude....

>> No.12336025

I've been convinced out of things before by making a thread about it

>> No.12336026

buying one is easy... getting rid of it once its rotten, damaged... unusable is however a big problem...

>> No.12336056

Throw it away. How is that a problem?

>> No.12336068

Torch it

>> No.12336073

could you put it in a recycling plant, i'm sure they don't care, you might be the joke of the day, but it's not like you're sticking around. you could probably chop it up to make it look like an unidentifiable hunk of rubber/silicone

>> No.12336081

Sounds like a murder plan

>> No.12336084

just cut it into pieces and throw it away one piece at a time

>> No.12336207

What? What manner of police state is your nation, anon? It's just a doll, not a fucking corpse.

>> No.12336208

They share them.

>> No.12336349

>100$ shipping.
It costs me 60€ to ship with EMS if it's 5kg.

>> No.12336376

You won't have enough money to buy her cute clothes Anon.

What's the point if you can't dress her up as your shipfu or your favorite 2hu? wait two more months.

>> No.12336378

it's australia, they made porn with flat chested women illegal

>> No.12336390

I would buy one if someone made a doll out of an AKB48 member's likeness ...

>> No.12336418

Holy Crap!

>> No.12336533

I think it has got to be a couple of kilos. After all you can buy just hips that weigh about 3 kg as onaholes.

>> No.12337424
File: 7 KB, 187x166, mic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second row on the right: this is what brown kryptonite does to superman

>> No.12337578

I am sure these people are doing this ironically.

>> No.12337581


>> No.12337615

>how do you even get the nano through customs
a good middleman
