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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 514x519, 139655927706b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12330961 No.12330961 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the most socially acceptable Otaku Culture hobby?

>> No.12330963

your mom

>> No.12330964


Why are you asking if there is already a graph there?

>> No.12330965

You just posted a graph with your answer. Anon, are you ok? You don't usually do silly things like this. Me and your mother are worried about you.

>> No.12330968


>> No.12330974

すみません... おとさん

>> No.12330983
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, blufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO-Catching otakus are probably fun people!

>> No.12330984


>> No.12331030
File: 24 KB, 514x519, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a thread where we circle the hobbies that we're into or have been into at some point in our lifetimes?

>> No.12331037


That's a good idea.

Perhaps you can expand that by using different colors to indicate current and past hobbies as well as how strong your interest in said hobbies are.

>> No.12331038

it can be.

you creepy idol otaku

>> No.12331203
File: 35 KB, 514x519, blah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. Green is stuff I'm currently into, red is stuff I used to be into, yellow is stuff I'm kind of into but not obsessively.

Some of these rankings are pretty weird, though. Porn is less normal than hard drugs?

>> No.12331522 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12331546

Any poop holding otakus here?

>> No.12331627
File: 33 KB, 514x519, 1407257990592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully

>> No.12331659
File: 24 KB, 514x519, 3526263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming 'Models' refers to plamo and not the fashion kind?

>> No.12331680


I'm not so much a poop desperation ota, but more a perfect poop ota.

So I'm sure you know that when you take a poop your end product is dependent on what you have eaten and how long it has been stored in your butt.

If you keep it in too long it will be very hard and it will be unpleasant to poop, although this could be a good thing for others.

If you poop at first notice it will be very soft and there will be a lot of poop around your butthole and possibly on your cheeks if it spattered a little.

But if you time it just perfectly it will be solid enough that it will barely leave a trace of poop, meaning you will only have to wipe a little, so there is few discomfort from toilet paper and so much less poop stench that will linger after you have pooped. At the same time it won't be so hard that it will be uncomfortable and there will no chance of hemorrhoids either.

It takes practice and also you will have to remember what you have eaten that day to eventually be able to take the perfect poops.

The highlight of my day is now eating foods I have not eaten before and learning the perfect hardening time for my poop.

>> No.12331709
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>> No.12331725
File: 1.94 MB, 158x246, 1404754086934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay is more normal than touhou

I'm quoting the chart.

>> No.12331759

I thought train otaku were a bit crazy though?

>> No.12331768

>electric guitars more harmful than politics
>sewing and stamp collecting is less normal than lolicon
>Japanese TV is more harmful than (presumably) American TV

What the fuck.

>> No.12331800

Electric guitars will make you listen to bad music and you will become a druggie and die from your vomit.

Not sure about sewing but only virgins in their 40s/50s collect stamps.

Watching Japanese TV means you are a extreme weeaboo (if you're not Japanese)

Very harmful stuff.

>> No.12331829

What a retarded chart, obviously written by a conservative shut-in weeaboo who's scared of the world. Also why is Alcohol not included in hard drugs?

>> No.12331847 [DELETED] 
File: 1.41 MB, 766x765, big J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw driving otaku but it sucks because it's expensive and the people that are into it are all hypernorms so you'll never have drive buddies

>> No.12331867

no, anon, you are the hypernorms

>> No.12331872

Because you can enjoy it without permanently damaging your body and mind. Even a straight lace guy like me knows that.

>> No.12331916

that's not true at all though

smoking is also worse than most "hard" drugs

>> No.12331917
File: 117 KB, 1024x733, most_harmful_drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because you can enjoy it without permanently damaging your body and mind
Was that supposed to be a joke

>> No.12331921

idols are worse than lolicon or eroge?

>> No.12331937

Yeah, it sucks. I've basically had to mothball my project car because I don't have the money to finish it, and gas is too expensive to justify taking my DD on pleasure drives very often on a NEET budget.

>> No.12331938


yeah, what the H-E-double-hockey-stick OP

>> No.12331944

It is though, and I say that as an heterosexual Touhou fan.

>> No.12331962
File: 24 KB, 514x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones in purple are hobbies I want to get into. One of these days I'll move into a house with a nice garden and kitchen! Just wait and see!

>> No.12331979

As in a glass or two, or to accompany your meal. Or put in a cake or turkey for flavor.

You guys are retarded.

>> No.12331988

and a line of cocaine or a pill of mdma will be as equally harmless

you are retarded

>> No.12332012

Not who you're talking to, but I thought having a glass of wine with your dinner actually had a lot of health benefits?

>> No.12332026

mainly advertising propaganda, it's only a very weak anti oxidant

>> No.12332029

Not really.

>> No.12332034

>and a line of cocaine or a pill of mdma will be as equally harmless
In your life? Sure.
Daily? I don't think so.

>> No.12332043

That applies to other drugs too though. If you seriously think taking a small dose of heroine or morphine will immediately put you in vegetative state you should educate yourself. But that's an extreme example. Other much more harmless drugs like psychedelics which are considered "hard" by the general public have no known dose necessary to overdose because literally no one has ever been able to overdose on them.

Just to give an example, psychedelics have very important mental health benefits, which are much more beneficial than the negligible anti-oxidant effects of alcohol, which also in turn comes with drawbacks like fucking up your liver in the process.

>> No.12332073

Oh, I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.12332100

A daily pill of MDMA won't damage you at all, you'll just get tired of it and won't want any more (because it's a very exhausting experience) or I think due to tolerance it won't have any effect any more until you wait some time in-between before taking a pill again.

Cocaine on the hand sure could be more dangerous, I don't know about that one.

>> No.12332113

Cacoine damages your nostrils something fierce, which leads to infections.

But at least it is not crack. Or worse, crocodile.

>> No.12332176
File: 425 KB, 447x378, laughing alligators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a drug otaku. What does this mean?

>> No.12332204

It's spelled krokodil, it's popular in russia because it's a really cheap heroin "alternative"

That's in quotes because it literally eats your skin away and kills you fast as fuck, the average user only surviving 6 months after first use (somewhere around there)

Google it if you're brave

>> No.12332213 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 537x403, 1407274864213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desomorphine, or Krokodil, in russian. It got its name because of its tendency of making your flesh rot and fall off as if you were attacked by a crocodile. Poor people use it as a substitute of heroine because it is extremely cheap to create.

>> No.12332244

As a fun fact, the stupid thing is now being used in the eastern coast and mexico.

>> No.12332245

Now _that's_ a hard drug, right here.

>> No.12332271

Isn't it? When your drug of choice becomes this stuff, I think it is time to find the Lord.

>> No.12332494

How are idols crazy and harmful?

>> No.12332500

A long time ago it was explained that the harmful-harmless axis was actually there to measure how much of a nuisance you are to society.

>> No.12332580

Because people heavily into idols usually stalk them and try to cum handshake them

>> No.12332797

Shouldn't this be tôsatsu?

>> No.12333171

Until you see schools lobbying to promote the acceptance of NEETS and people who like Tuhu then being gay will be more normal than touhou.

theres gays on TV, plenty of positive gay propaganda, if you go into a room full of liberal types and exclaim your affection for tuhu you'd probably garner faar more strange looks than acting gay.

The chart is correct. Gay is normal, but also moderately dangerous.

>> No.12333193

Trains is included, but not elevators? What the fuck.

>> No.12333219
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>> No.12333255
File: 27 KB, 514x519, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we all drug otaku now? where is chugging cough syrup?

>> No.12333297

mega normie

>> No.12333297,1 [INTERNAL] 

Man, 4chan is full of stupids. Really dense, dense stupids.

Are they trying to cater to these assholes on purpose for some reason? Or do they just think assholes are the only people they'll be popular with?

>> No.12333297,2 [INTERNAL] 

Who taught this guy how to make an axis?

>> No.12333348
File: 26 KB, 514x519, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black = Things I'm into
Green = Things I'd like to get into
Also I'd swap loli for shota because I mostly fap to traps nowadays. I still like lolis, though.

>> No.12333362

Sounds right. Porn is a normal thing. Obsessing over fake celebrity personalities isn't.

>> No.12333367

What's so harmful about technology?
Do you think it will lead to staking out in the bushes of a catholic girl's school?

>> No.12333378

What are phone otaku?
Like phone phreaking or people that just talk on the phone?

>> No.12333385

Photography, not technology.

>> No.12333398

How on earth are motorcycles crazy? Far more normal people ride then Otakus

>> No.12333404

I'm guessing harmful because of the money you will spend.

>> No.12333413

People get fanatical about motorcycles, some even become violent over it.

>> No.12333415

It's not about idols but idol otakus. Those are harmful. Stalkers.

>> No.12333419
File: 109 KB, 400x400, 1372450441307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

driving is scary though

>> No.12333424

You have to be crazy to drive one.
They are very dangerous.

>> No.12333431 [DELETED] 

I feel you. Driving alone is just as comfy as sitting in front of your PC alone.

>> No.12333438
File: 97 KB, 514x519, 35da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't accuse me of things.

>> No.12333447

Why isn't feminism crazy and harmful?

>> No.12333449

Why is military in the harmful category?

What kind of retard made this graph? Military otakus are much less harmful than pretty much anything else on that graph. Even cooking. Especially cooking.

Maybe a bit more than books, but not by much.

>> No.12333450

>imageboards more normal than anime + manga

>> No.12333456

i never knew dating was a hobby

>> No.12333459

Because it isn't. Stop taking tumblr armchair SJWs as a reference for feminism.


>> No.12333470
File: 28 KB, 535x526, ota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gentle, /jp/.

>> No.12333473

Please get out of /jp/

>> No.12333475

Don't be a bully.

>> No.12333477

Same to you nerd

>> No.12333483
File: 30 KB, 514x519, 1407257990592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru/jp/sie reporting in

>> No.12333486

Sup milk?

>> No.12333490 [DELETED] 


>> No.12333494

Top 5 favorite eroge, now

>> No.12333498
File: 24 KB, 514x515, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master race coming through
feelio when no reading or literature on list though
also, shouldn't hard drugs be on the end of the harmful spectrum?

>> No.12333502

You can't even spell "buttfrustrated" right. Please go.

>> No.12333503
File: 52 KB, 600x604, brain damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shouldn't hard drugs be on the end of the harmful spectrum?
But they are on the end of the harmful spectrum.

>> No.12333504

I've been known to mlk a little, indeed.

>> No.12333504,1 [INTERNAL] 

He's only saying that because I didn't circle the obvious shit.

>> No.12333506

meant crazy, sorry
pls no bully

>> No.12333507

had to add one meself

>> No.12333516
File: 48 KB, 988x519, 1407257990592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics is basically a real life RTS game once you strip away all of the feelings and issues

It belongs in the "politics" category
Please see my amended chart

>> No.12333520

Why aren't all sports just grouped into one?

>> No.12333528

Yeah, suck my cock.

>> No.12333529

Military otaku tend to be easily offended and are prone to flaming random strangers on internet message boards for perceived slights against them

They also tend to be pushy nationalists, who on 2ch are just as prone to starting flame wars

Note that it has been pointed out that "harmful" is better interpreted as "how annoying you are to others"

>> No.12333534

I think you're a little too angry for /jp/.
Maybe you should take a break.

>> No.12333538
File: 36 KB, 514x519, interests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red is current, green is former
braced for anger

>> No.12333540

chart made by norms?

>> No.12333542

>"harmful" is better interpreted as "how annoying you are to others"
Not the guy you replied to, but if this is the case, then why are onahole otaku on the far left? Onahole threads seem to be very peaceful and non-intrusive.

>> No.12333545

Gunfags are always going to be crazy as shit.

>> No.12333546

Doesn't make sense, dude.
Patriots are crazy as fuck.
Nationalists and patriots fall into conservative, Anarchists into liberals.

>> No.12333547

You're a moron. Please learn to read a simple chart before posting.

>> No.12333550

Dunno. I guess you'd have to go to 2ch to find out, since I believe that this is a translation of a chart that came from there.

>> No.12333551

Sorry, it's getting late and I can't think straight.

>> No.12333553

The chart is designed by a retard.
Why he didn't just use quadrants like a civilized person I will never know.

>> No.12333557

Sure it was made by some netouyo.

>> No.12333559
File: 13 KB, 514x519, trujp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that things like idols and kigurumi are outside the tru/jp/zone because they are neo/jp/ activities.

>> No.12333564

Video games, depending on the genre, can be as much of a tru/jp/zone than the stuff inside.

>> No.12333565

What's so crazy about sowing?

>> No.12333559,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12333568

Mostly girls sow and girls are crazy dawg

>> No.12333570

But most video games cannot be included, so it had to be left out.

>> No.12333572
File: 32 KB, 514x519, chart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I have hobbies you don't like, what am I going to do. Oh my god.

>> No.12333573

That Nazi scientist liked to sow people together.
That's pretty crazy.

>> No.12333576

Most image boards are not tru/jp/ but it still is included.

>> No.12333577

The running interpretation of "crazy" seems to translate, for this thread anyway, to "normal."

Patriots, in this sense, are your average flag-waving proud citizens, the people who exercise their freedom of speech through bumper stickers.

Nationalists are your Nazis, Fascists, right-wing authoritarians, and others who generally uphold the nation (and its titular nationality) above all else

Anarchists (mutualist or not) have issues with the existence of any kind of state power. Liberals have no such problem

>> No.12333578

Hopefully overdose.

>> No.12333581

Imageboard culture is a tru/jp/ interest.

Tokusatsu however was left in only because it was in an awkward position.

>> No.12333583

I don't do drugs that you can overdose on. Tough luck.

>> No.12333585

>sow: to plant seeds in an area of ground
>sew: to make or repair something (such as a piece of clothing) by using a needle and thread

>> No.12333587

You could have made the same point without the green.

>> No.12333591

But they weren't my own words. I was quoting Merriam-Webster.

>> No.12333595

I believe that military otaku tend to enjoy all kinds of military hardware fascinating; this interest is usually extended to military hierarchies, historical and current engagements, uniforms, and so forth. Small arms is just one facet to pay attention to.

>> No.12333596 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12333599

Nice man, is this from cheezburger?
I didn't see it on the front page.

>> No.12333607

It's from /jp/, actually.

>> No.12333609
File: 35 KB, 514x519, crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12333613

red is want.
green is what I am.

>> No.12333618 [DELETED] 

Fuck off queer.

>> No.12333621

>lolita cosplay
>martial arts
are you a cute g..

damn. guess you're not

>> No.12333622

What's with all the people that watch anime? Has the /a/ takeover already begun?

>> No.12333627

Girls can be pedophiles too, anon.

>> No.12333631

Not according to society.

>> No.12333636

What does that have to do with the truth, or /jp/?

>> No.12333643
File: 30 KB, 514x519, myresume pt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am

>> No.12333644

Nothing. Just like this thread.

>> No.12333647
File: 104 KB, 514x519, wqdsqwdqwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im with this guy

>> No.12333649
File: 25 KB, 514x519, sefesf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who occult otaku here?
Where would you put esotericism on this chart?

>> No.12333650

/jp/ - look-at-me culture

>> No.12333652

UFO catchers.

>> No.12333655

Probably somewhere in the Sonic/Furry/Pony range.

>> No.12333659

*tips fedora*

>> No.12333662

You've been spending too much time on other boards.

>> No.12333668

But there's so many dangers when driving anon.

>> No.12333670
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>> No.12333671

I NTR /jp/ with /x/ regularly.

>> No.12333672
File: 46 KB, 462x238, 1372023718764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard drugs

you're a cool guy

>> No.12333677

Holy fuck, take it easy. Who the fuck cares about what other posters do.

>> No.12333679

I'm not afraid. Both activities are very similar; you're in a small enclosed space, sitting relaxed on a comfy chair, concentrated on one simple task.

>> No.12333686
File: 221 KB, 700x700, 1406184058285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But dude, what about other drivers? It feels like the other drivers would be criticizing you all the time.

I can't take that kind of abuse.

>> No.12333690

I don't see drivers; I just see cars. They aren't people.

>> No.12333691

Have you ever thought he lives in an actually civilized place where most people don't really care about driving fast and take it easy? I guess not, you probably live in a subhuman country where by just turning on your TV you see traffic accidents.

>> No.12333697
File: 39 KB, 514x519, hobbies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is nice to have a lots of hobbies.
Most of you 2hufags should try to branch out more before 2hu died out.

>> No.12333702
File: 33 KB, 514x519, 1407257990592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is marital arts and fitness so high up on the norm-o-meter? Fighting is fun dudes!

>> No.12333705

Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live
In cars ~♪

Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days
In cars ~♪

Here in my car
Where the image breaks down
Will you visit me please
If I open my door
In cars ~♪

Here in my car
I know I've started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right
In cars ~♪

>> No.12333711

Why isn't Martial Arts Movies listed?

>> No.12333714

There aren't enough martial arts movie otakus in Japan for it to matter.

>> No.12333715

Hey man you know I'm really okay
The gun in my hand will tell you the same
But when I'm in my car
Don't give me no crap
Cause the slightest thing and I just might snap
When I go driving I stay in my lane
But getting cut off makes me insane
I open the glove box
Reach inside
I'm gonna wreck this fucker's ride
I guess I got a bad habit
And it ain't goin' away Yeah
Well they say the road's a dangerous place
If you flip me off I'm the danger you'll face
You drive on my ass
You're foot's on the gas
And your next breath is your last
Drivers are rude
Such attitudes
But when I show my piece
Complaints cease
Something's odd
I feel like I'm God
You stupid dumbshit goddam motherfucker
I open the glove box
Reach inside
I'm gonna wreck this fucker's ride

>> No.12333719
File: 271 KB, 600x450, zucchini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds rude and scary.

>> No.12333761 [DELETED] 

>closer to crazy than feminism

>> No.12333765

this is why this is bullshit

>> No.12333785
File: 84 KB, 626x348, 1407021016447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this really get deleted by the Janny?

>> No.12333790

It got deleted so fast I didn't even get to see it, had to check ghost.

I bet its poster (you?) deleted it just to try to cause a ruckus.

>> No.12333795


>> No.12333808
File: 44 KB, 297x472, 1272997321004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder why occult threads are so shit on 4chin
stop asking about succubus and chaos magick pls mr pleb

>> No.12333824
File: 26 KB, 514x519, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green = Current interests
Orange = Interests, but not participating, mostly just reading/learning about them at the moment
Blue = Would like to eventually learn more about

>> No.12333834

pls be in london

>> No.12333845

Not sure if this is the /fit/ london or if you're actually curious. But no, I'm on in london. Pacific North West master race.

>> No.12333888



/jp/ is not a place for hook-ups or spoilers that contain nothing worth not spoiling.

Please do not shit up this thread about otaku culture.

>> No.12333913
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>> No.12333930
File: 58 KB, 335x332, 1400547975040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and how many ppl hav YOU pwned with magick, gay n00b?? and those suckabuss whores arent worth my time at all

>> No.12333946

>being this new

>> No.12333957
File: 22 KB, 236x313, 1272996861505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you unenlightened neophyte? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Invisible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on dark wizards, and I have over 300 confirmed curses. I am trained in 7th dimsension hexing and I’m the top Invoker in the entire Ordo Mysterium. You are nothing to me but just another illusionist. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of magicians across the Astral Realm and your Existential Signature is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking hexed, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my weekend spellbook. Not only am I extensively trained in psychokinetic combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Ordo Templi Orientis and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will summon demons all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.12333969

Im pretty sure I'm dying from all the shit I do

>> No.12333976
File: 138 KB, 365x349, 1400732593558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck faggot, I am enclosed within seven magick circles lined with salt and protection sigils

>> No.12333997
File: 28 KB, 514x519, boring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12334005

do something with yourself anon
dont be a NEET pleb like r9k, be a NEET patrician

>> No.12334010
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>> No.12334023

I'm not a NEET though, sorry to disappoint.

>> No.12334031

I feel ashamed whenever I see retards like you.

But it really is the fault of stupid romanization systems.
Kana spelling should be used for all romanization of Japanese.
And maybe all native english speakers should just kill themselves.

>> No.12334046

nobody gives a shit

>> No.12334050

jeez bro, at least try to hide your newness

>> No.12334053
File: 40 KB, 184x184, 1372023938143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a nice hobby to take up jp?

>> No.12334061

Gardening. It can be very relaxing.

>> No.12334065

honking on the horn

>> No.12334075

Choose the right plants and you can do two of the hobbies on the chart at once!

>> No.12334084

Most of the gardening I've done has digging up oxalis and convolvulus which isn't very fun.

But planting things, seeing them grow and flower feels good.

>> No.12334090

Then wither and die.

>> No.12334098

What if it's really really hot where I live?

>> No.12334102

Do you like rock gardens or cacti?

>> No.12334105
File: 85 KB, 500x500, fbefb7a8511cd524b64ee690714d5f9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martial arts. I want to fight a /jp/sie.

>> No.12334114

How would you get into the military hobby if you don't want to join the army?

>> No.12334178

A single good punch is enough to make me almost cry. Please don't bully.

>> No.12334193
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x854, 47246d41ddfd58f056d945bdd4dc11d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brazilian Jujutsu then, you'll adapt, and it's fun.

>> No.12334203
File: 33 KB, 514x519, hob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green is current, I'm interested in red. I used to do karate quite a while ago but I never continued with it. I ended up at blue belt.

Am I boring, /jp/?

>> No.12334532

But motorcycles aren't dangerous. With the right precautions and gear, you are just as safe as anything else.

>> No.12334574

Which martial arts do you study? I started Judo last year but I haven't been able to do it for most of this year due to elbow surgery and other illnesses. I don't know very much yet but I'm gonna get better and keep at it!

>> No.12334627

Been training under my Tae Kwon Do sensei for many years, but he's crazy and teaches a ton of other martial arts, and encourages his students to learn many others. So we do a shit ton of things, Kyokushin Karate, Jujutsu, Brazillian Jujutsu, Kali, Judo, some Kempo and Muay Thai.

We're pretty intense though, every weekend we go to a garage and just do full contact sparring.

>> No.12334639

Sounds neat! It's always refreshing to see another /jp/sie who enjoys this kind of thing. Best of luck with your training.

>> No.12334650

I always had a bad time whenever I sparred. Being hit is painful. ;_;

>> No.12334659

It only hurts at first, then it feels good.
Unless you're a BITCH dude.

>> No.12334662

are you a masochist

>> No.12334666

Not him, but I've never had a problem with it myself. Getting hit is painful, but it doesn't bother me. I suppose it just depends on the person.

Oh, and don't listen to >>12334659 . You can cuddle with me if it hurts too much.

>> No.12334670
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>> No.12334674

You just don't understand man... the feeling... the pump...
Cuddling is OK after the round though. A deep embrace after hours of sparring is usually pretty common.

>> No.12334689
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My sad state of affairs right here. Very little gets me out of bed anymore.

>right precautions
You're right that motorcycles aren't dangerous, but driving them always is. Unlike any other motorized land vehicle, your body is 100% likely to be ejected from the vehicle in the event of a crash. The only right precaution is to not get on the bike in the first place.
No amount of gear will save you from a sufficiently unfortunate crash, the circumstances of which may well be entirely beyond your control.

>> No.12334694

I have a small body type, so I might break if you cuddle too hard. pls be gentle

>> No.12334695

Why does it feel so good? What about it makes me feel so... alive? The thing is, I'm not even a violent person and I sure as hell don't like S&M. Why, anon? I don't understand why it's so fun.

That being said, I also want to cuddle with a cute /jp/sie, so maybe I'm just slightly off in the head.

>> No.12334698

What instrument did you play Anon?

>> No.12334703

I'll be gentle. I'm used to handling small things.

>> No.12334706


I used to be able to play the moonlight sonata by heart, and now I barely know how to play itsy bitsy spider.

>> No.12334709
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like ur penis?

>> No.12334714

Indeed, that was the joke.

>> No.12334716

Being able to hit someone as hard as you can while they hit you as hard as they can, while still trying to avoid injury... It's just fun. You can watch yourself get better at fighting and feel it hurting less and less. I can't explain it other than that. You just have to try it, and stick with it, dude.

>> No.12334724
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We should have our micropenises collide sometime.

>> No.12334728

It's never too late to get back into it, it's all about building that muscle memory back up. I play piano/guitar and I find nothing relaxes me more than spending my idle time creating music. Join a group, play music with other people; it will give you something to look forward to.

>> No.12334740

I get that as I do martial arts myself. The question was more about what part of my mind makes that activity fun. Enjoying hitting people and having them hit you is strange, is it not? Nonetheless it is something many people enjoy. I'm sorry if my question was poorly worded and the wrong message came across.

>> No.12334749

But mine isn't actually small. I'd say it's on the bigger side of average. I assume that's still fine with you?

>> No.12334751

>Join a group, play music with other people
Is this what being a normie is like? Believing things like this are worth pursuing? I've been there and done that plenty; never again.
>it will give you something to look forward to
I sincerely doubt that. All that clears my daily hangover is junk food, masturbation, internet and lots of cold water. Occasionally a shower.

>> No.12334756

>what part of my mind makes that activity fun
Not sure what you mean by "mind", but in terms of the brain, that would probably be the cerebellum.

>> No.12334759
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Since mine is on the average side of average, I'm good to go.

Mutual irrumatio is ok with you?

>> No.12334765

I don't know which part of my brain tells me that its fun, but we're on /jp/ so you can't really say that just because something is strange it isn't fun.
I mean, I play eroge where you ultimately end up fucking little anime girls everyday.
It's just fun.

>> No.12334791

My apologies once again. I was trying to say that I don't understand why it's something I enjoy. I wasn't trying to make a big deal out of it, I was simply trying to convey that it seems odd to me. Same with music. I love music and have played the violin for most of my life but it still seems odd to me that people like music. It doesn't seem to serve a utilitarian purpose, but is grand nonetheless.

>> No.12334797

Couldn't be better. It's actually one of my fetishes.

>> No.12334841

>Not wanting a 2hu itasha.

>> No.12334881

Airsoft is a very otaku related hobby in Japan.

>> No.12334884

Many of those things are not hobbies. I also abhor the notion of a hobby, but that's probably enough contrarianism for a single post.

Fuck you, post-neo-/jp/

>> No.12334887

Being catapulted out of the motor vehicle can be advantageous. No glass necklaces, etc. Any crash that will kill you in gear will kill you in a car.

>> No.12334907
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>> No.12334931

If believing that makes you sleep at night, sure, stay deluded. A 30 mph crash wearing a seatbelt in a car is almost inevitably going to be less harmful than being catapulted off a bike moving 30 mph. I'd much rather suffer a 30 mph seatbelted whiplash than a 30 mph freefalling neck injury.

>> No.12334941

I've been t-boned by a car at 60. I picked myself up, got his insurance details and took myself to hospital. I've also gone over a guard rail on a motorway entrance, where I rode myself to hospital as well. The only times I fear an accident is going under the wheels of a truck, at which point, you'd die in a car as well.

>> No.12334969

Poor motor skills is a trait associated with asperger's. Are you a literal sperg?

>> No.12334975

No, I don't have poor motor skills. I was not the at-fault driver.

>> No.12334986

Nah, I suspect you may be mildly autistic. It's a spectrum disorder you know - that means your symptoms and prognosis can range in severity and scale of debilitation.

>> No.12334990

Your suspicions are baseless. I suspect you have asperger's however based on your fixation on mental disorders.

>> No.12334991


And I'm quoting the table, see.

>> No.12335003

Oh, a rude autist. I certainly wasn't anticipating that.

Your condition can be manageable with the right combination of psychotropic medications and therapy. It's selfish for you to carelessly endanger the world in your clumsy, misguided aspergean whims.

>> No.12335007

3/10 for effort. You've got a while to go yet.

>> No.12335081

Why is theater so high on the harmful scale? Is there something about live performances that I'm missing.

>> No.12335095

Maybe they think it'll make you into a pretentious stoner.

>> No.12336086

But I don't want to go outside or interact with people.

>> No.12338455


>> No.12338457

Maybe they're thinking of the stalker fans of Takarazuka and stuff.

Also, theatre is statistically higher than normal in concentrations of gay.

>> No.12338797

i like how gay is less harmful and more normal than regular dating.

>> No.12338797,1 [INTERNAL] 

banned 2 days later...
guess janny is back from vacation
every otaku except Drive otaku are allowed because janny is poor

>> No.12338797,2 [INTERNAL] 

who heroin otaku here?

>> No.12338797,3 [INTERNAL] 

I don't really like IV or insufflation of anything, so heroin isn't really something for me. I'm familiar with the effects of weaker opiates and I don't think I'd really like anything stronger anyway.

>> No.12341052
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blue is current,
green is wannabe

there are no former since whenever I start I don't give up on a hobby.

>> No.12341076

Why is sonic even halfway harmful?

>> No.12341097

Just like gay is somehow more normal than cooking and video games.

>> No.12341174
File: 420 KB, 400x600, 1405020495072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you

>> No.12341176

Tea is crazier than hard drugs according to this

>> No.12341178

How does data analysis fall under politics?

>> No.12341192

I like guns, knives, eroge, doujinshi, and sometimes video games and anime.

What sort of otaku am I?

>> No.12341195 [DELETED] 

Want to sex?

>> No.12341203

I also like the military, so I guess I belong to military otaku.

>> No.12341203,1 [INTERNAL] 

im looking all over but i dont see Driving or jannyblasting... are you sure this thing is right??

>> No.12341203,2 [INTERNAL] 

smoking weed and drinking soju

>> No.12341203,3 [INTERNAL] 

Stop posting like anytime newfriend

>> No.12341473
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am i a winner

>> No.12341479
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>> No.12341489
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>> No.12341526

why are electric guitars more harmful than musical instruments

>> No.12341572

Electric guitars are almost as bad a steel stringed guitars. Sounds like shit, plays like shit. Awful fucking guitars.

>> No.12341573

Or a gun, it would probably be a less horrific way to go.

>> No.12341573,1 [INTERNAL] 

Driving,Jannyblasting,smoking crack(VIPER),making nerds feel bad,niggy posting,bullying tripfags, and weed smoking

>> No.12341615

but electric guitars are steel-stringed guitars :^)

>> No.12341636

Banjos are worse.

>> No.12342086
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>> No.12342101

When I was in the military (normal, moderately harmful) my roommate would walk out of the bathroom and tell me how his shit went on a scale from 0 to 10. We agreed that a perfect 10 would be one continuous log that just slid out with no need to wipe afterward: probably an unattainable ideal.

I've had several 9s since then, but never a 10.

>> No.12342997

Photography is normalfag as fuck, why is it so far to the left?

>> No.12343030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12343134

Okay so, >>12331847 got deleted for no reason.
A reply to it, >>12333431 also got deleted and the poster banned.
But a similar reply, >>12331937 still exists ITT.

What's going on? I thought 4chan had grown beyond arbitrary bans.

>> No.12346746

No. Stop believing that immediately. For the record, I would've deleted those posts as well.

>> No.12346828

But 4chan certainly has grown.
At least in size, if not maturity.

I'm not worried about the deletions, but the ban was odd. I guess they made janny a mod.

>> No.12349906

Are you a girl?

>> No.12350032

yes, no youre not cute so dont bother

>> No.12350155
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data mining thread?

>> No.12350163
File: 22 KB, 514x519, worstjpever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm basically everything that's wrong with /jp/ and 4chan

feels good

>> No.12350218

I wish the normies would leave

>> No.12350224

i was here first

>> No.12350239

Sure, fag. If you started browsing 4chan in 2007 it means you're a pleb

>> No.12350456

I think taking it easy is the most socially acceptable otaku-habit.

>> No.12350469

Wait, what? What's so crazy about sewing?

>> No.12350917

is baseball really that harmful?

>> No.12350990

It seems there are people more diverse and interesting than you. That's your problem, and it seems you can't drag them down to where you are.

>> No.12351068
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Green is current, gray is what I want to get more into

>> No.12351094

So you're an offboarder and this is your first post, got it. You could have been less obvious about it.

>> No.12351115

Not my first post, although there is some weight behind the off boarder comment.

I don't really use 4chan as much as I used to, and I sometimes come to /jp/ but I mostly lurk. So what's it matter if I'm an offboarder as long a I lurk?

>> No.12351125

Don't post as an obvious offboarder. This thread is an offboarder gather thread so I don't blame you for posting here. But whatever you do don't go making your own threads like "How do I get into touhou?" etc

>> No.12351138

I believe this is my 5th or so post since I started lurking /jp/ on and off a couple of years ago so there's no reason to worry about me.

As for what specifics I post, I tend to keep my bad posts for bad threads (including this one) and I don't enjoy making threads.

>> No.12351195

Feminism isn't exactly interesting or diverse. Nowadays it's basically a bunch of white middle class suburban teenagers and twenty-something women bitching about how they can't get dick, and most of them go about the wrong way promoting ``women's rights" by wailing on the internet about their bogeymen (including griping about rich successful females).

>> No.12351454

I'm anything but normal ya mook

>> No.12356514
File: 342 KB, 408x480, Quali-chie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are books more harmful than figurines?

>> No.12356542

Most people who like figurines aren't exactly very sociable so they don't pose a threat to society; books, on the other hand, may fuck up your life forever.

>> No.12356568
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>> No.12356603
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How come seiyuu is so high up in crazy and harmful?

>> No.12356613


Books have the potential to radicalize the moderates

>> No.12356657
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With a couple adjustments.

>> No.12356659
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Pink is the present
Orange, some day...

>> No.12356786
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we chinese gold farmers now

>> No.12356833

>crazy harmless
Yep, that's me, all right.

>> No.12357003

I don't know why you would think that someone who isn't into touhou is an offboarder. I've been visiting the jay for years and I pretty much never got into touhou. I know pretty much all the characters at this point and I've played a game or two but I pretty much just come to /jp/ for Visual Novels and other interesting threads about Japan in general.

>> No.12357162
File: 24 KB, 514x519, everyone posts nobody replies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green is present blue is past.

>> No.12357209

Seems like you regressed.

>> No.12357223

Touhou is pretty normie though.

>> No.12357226

That's not how it works in Japan.

>> No.12357274

hitler read some books and misunderstood them

>> No.12357285
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green is someday

>> No.12357291
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Well filling this out looked fun so here we go.

Black = Current
Blue = Past

>> No.12357378

Catcher in the Rye made some edgy teens into killers.

>> No.12357429
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There is no "pretend hacking", which I would put red, or "suicide", which I would put green

>> No.12357470
File: 24 KB, 536x532, crazyandharmful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had enough money to justify cosplaying more.

>> No.12358391

will you let me read your diary?

>> No.12358580

Drugs are gross. Anyone who disagrees please frick off.

>> No.12360166


>> No.12360198

Go to heck!

>> No.12360201

Buzz off, jerk

>> No.12360227

Go to bed, grandpa.

>> No.12360233
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>> No.12361325

/jp/ is my diary!

>> No.12363129
File: 284 KB, 514x519, whatever man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a lot of things. There's a few things on here I have a passing interest in, but don't dabble in enough to call it a hobby. There's also a few things I used to be into when I was younger, but don't care for anymore either.

>> No.12363451

strike witches

>> No.12364469


t-trains are crazier than porn and retro vidya?

You just pulled this out of your ass, didn't you?

inb4 welcome to the interwebs

>> No.12364816
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>> No.12364896 [SPOILER] 
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>hard drugs

>> No.12364896,1 [INTERNAL] 


anon, there are millions of idols fans and maybe just 5 lunatics made the news; the real danger of idols is spending money to support them, like buying 10 copies of the same CD
