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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 666x1000, 147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12314747 No.12314747 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread >>12285849

I finished the concept of level 1 of one of my video games

>> No.12314821

I just tried to google "anorexic girls" to learn anatomy. Big mistake. These 3D pig disgusting attention-whores look like holocaust survivors. My eyes have been burned. I'm going back to drawing my Japanese kid cartoons.

>> No.12314839

I glimpsed through htat FPS and it looks pretty generic. I don't even see a gimmick or selling point. Perhaps I'm missing something.

>> No.12315037
File: 34 KB, 850x801, bordlice bordatorid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another thread, another bord

>> No.12315042

You googled skeletons to learn about skeletons and got spooked?

>> No.12315046

very nice vulturehu

>> No.12315161 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 1120x851, 1406854213001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Yuyuko be so fat if she's dead?

>> No.12315172

I was composing this but I realized it's such an unsalvageable piece of shit that there was no point in finishing it. Counterpoint is hard as heck; I wish I were like Bach. Well, at least I learned a lot. Sorry for the fucked up dynamics at the end.

I want to make my music more /jp/ related, so recommend to me a /jp/ related theme.

>> No.12315177

Being a coward.

>> No.12315199

What do you mean?

>> No.12315206

its a /jp/ related theme

>> No.12315214

Oh, sorry for not being clear. I meant something along the lines of this:

>> No.12315241

Make something Touhou sounding based around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddbxFi3-UO4

Also I can't load or play that site with your music. How 2 work it?

>> No.12315260

Alright, I will. It shouldn't be too hard.
>Also I can't load or play that site with your music. How 2 work it?
I guess I'll use vocaroo instead.

>> No.12315284
File: 1.65 MB, 1767x1005, kokuus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the background.

>> No.12315305


>> No.12315384
File: 1.15 MB, 600x4468, young girl 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315385
File: 1.10 MB, 600x4457, young girl 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315420

I like the facial expressions

>> No.12315566
File: 3 KB, 80x105, kyouko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it look alright /jp/? (animooted etc.)

>> No.12315797

Left ear could move up and down
hair is too stiff, don't move each clump slightly, think of a wavy motion of wind

>> No.12315863

That's a good floor, how do you do that?

>> No.12315915

Why do westerners have some sort of disease where they have to draw characters making the most exaggerated expressions possible at all times? All those 3d trash movies do that too.

>> No.12315922
File: 79 KB, 500x500, eientei-superiority-remove-cow-from-premise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made a (not) cute song. Please enjoy warmly~

The mix might be too quiet, but with my inexperience, I couldn't say for sure.

>> No.12315924

Not sure if this is bait or not, but they do that a lot in manga too. Perhaps you've a disease that prevents you from enjoying exaggerated expressions.

>> No.12315937

They don't do it for every single thing. I think it's the looney tunes and spongebob influence.

>> No.12316034
File: 296 KB, 1000x1000, 20140722b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /jp

I made you a burger

but I dropped it

>> No.12316071 [DELETED] 

NICE burgirl

>> No.12316106 [DELETED] 

>but I dropped it
is that a self portrait then? i always knew you were a cute grill, ham

>> No.12316494


>> No.12316505

Batman will save the patty?

>> No.12316768

Post your composition. I want to play that on all my real instruments.

>> No.12317168
File: 210 KB, 700x500, 073014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12317183
File: 289 KB, 1120x851, md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this to celebrate cyclops day, but I just discovered that opiliones actually have two eyes.

>> No.12317339

Disgusting! But except the hairy legs, cute!

>> No.12317459
File: 14 KB, 344x457, 080114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cyclops day?

>> No.12317978

I think its roots go deeper than that, but yeah I agree. I've noticed that as well.

>> No.12318015

I think it's that american cartoons aren't powerpoint presentations where only the mouth moves.

>> No.12318222

Yeah, they're flash animations where the characters blink in addition to their mouth moving.

>> No.12318238

Yup, every first of the month is mono eye day.

>> No.12318506 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 500x500, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will celebrate mono eye day

>> No.12318769

making that dumb touhou punk rock
for once I put the source tune in the vocal melody though so you'll be disappointed for sure, sorry.

>> No.12318824

Also, someone give me a source tune (if they want) because I need a new arrangement for December. The 未知の花 魅知の旅 arrangement I did was no good.

This is good. Having denshuto tutor you was a good idea

>> No.12318932

The more serious I take my art the further what few online friends I have drift away from me. I guess I'm going to have to eventually accept this is what life is going to be like as an artist from now on.

>> No.12318949
File: 92 KB, 356x444, 38675385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12319004

If you're in a circlejerky group of amateur artists who have no will to improve, maybe it's for the best.
You may make some new friends on the way.

>> No.12319093

Would fug

>> No.12319095

No, none of my friends are actually artists. It's more accurate to say any and all artists I've ever tried to get to know are nothing more than acquaintances, because its impossible to bond with them anyway.

>> No.12319096

Hey, I'm an unpopular jay pee drawfag too and I just ended a friendship recently due to their secret clubhouse bullshit. Don't feel bad.

>> No.12319101

You have us
Post your art here

>> No.12319102

I do post it here, whenever I think of it. No offense, but this isn't the best place to make friends.

>> No.12319115

Forget friendship
Enjoy the company of anons and draw your heart away

>> No.12319409

Why is art so hard
Why is everything so hard
Why is life so hard

>> No.12319639
File: 368 KB, 700x990, pure_cyclops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a cyclops.

I also want to take art seriously.. maybe we can be draw-friends c:
I'm really bad at replying though..

>> No.12319794
File: 781 B, 86x94, 08-02_Hipster-Cyclops-girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy belated Cyclops day!

>> No.12319845

one day you'll start appreciating the fact your life is shit. people with dull, easy lives will only grow inside the boundaries someone else estabilished for them.
if you suffer you're in a privileged category.
you're given the chance of understanding the hows and whys of humanity, with the enormous power that comes with them

>> No.12320159 [DELETED] 

You can tell this piece is very artistic by the giant black gash across the drawing. Only the artist elite will be able to appreciate and understand its intrinsic artistic value.

>> No.12320243


If art was easy everyone would be doing it. If programming was so easy everyone would be doing it. If running the track was easy everyone would be doing it. Etc.

>> No.12320250 [DELETED] 
File: 840 B, 96x112, 08-02_Hipster-Cyclops-girl_animated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back and animated it.
Thank you!

>> No.12320253

the only easy thing to do is getting drunk and taking drugs.

that's why all the rejects who can't do anything do it, because that's one thing they can.

>> No.12320255
File: 3 KB, 96x112, 08-02_Hipster-Cyclops-girl_animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back and animated it.
Thank you!

>> No.12320329
File: 17 KB, 504x500, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly. Maybe it's a photo of a girl they once loved, but they ripped it in half for some reason...
Really cool.

>> No.12320717 [DELETED] 

The fact that you actually thought something of it as more than just a big meaningless gash makes you an artist elite. Congratulations.

>> No.12320721

Thanks, dude.

>> No.12320937

If it's so easy to take drugs, why aren't I having amazing LSD adventures right now?

>> No.12321014

because you're an apathetic neet who doesn't go outside his house to find a dealer and buy some.

>> No.12321075

So you admit it's hard. You gotta socialize, you gotta research to make sure you can trust the person or even find them, you gotta travel there. Alcohol is the only easy thing.

>> No.12321082

I dont know what it is about alcohol that does it but it actually makes me draw better most of the time. As long as I don't get shitfaced/dehydrated, that is.

>> No.12321193

you missed by an inch. getting drunk helps drawing better because it improves your mood and make you have fun whatever you're doing. I realized this last time I drank my ass out.
now for some reason drawing is really easier.

>> No.12321194
File: 7 KB, 500x500, 147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12321526

If you want to draw one-eyed girls, crustaceans are pretty good for this sort of thing. Copepods (and especially the genus Cyclops), barnacles, ostracods and cladocerans frequently retain the single, median eye of their nauplius larva, or else have the compound eyes of their adult stage fuse over. More advanced crustaceans usually develop two distinct eyes, though the one exception still has one of the weirdest single eyes among any animal: Having lost its compound eyes in the dark hydrothermal environment that it inhabits, the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata instead develops a gigantic, heat-seeking eye within its carapace - taking up to 0.5% of the animal's body volume (scaled to a human, that's about the size of two tennis balls embedded in your back, so it isn't that huge) and packed with the visual pigment rhodopsin, this single, dorsal eye allows the shrimp to "see" the temperature around it and distinguish the boiling-hot hydrothermal vent from the more benign waters in its periphery.

Rotifers, mites, lancelets, tunicate larvae and the nematode worm Mermis (which makes up for its lack of depth perception by rearing its head and moving its body from side to side, effectively "scanning" its surroundings) are other animals that may have single eyes or eyespots. As for harvestmen, while they aren't single-eyed, the genus Caddo has some really cute eyes. You should definitely check them out, they look like tiny squid with spindly legs instead of tentacles.

Happy belated cyclops day indeed. It's great to see so many talented folks drawing monster girls.

>> No.12321632
File: 399 B, 32x32, amoeba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12321635


ham you trying some weird new perspective shit recently?

>> No.12321659

I like abstract art so I'm used to putting meaning into those gashes and what not.
Your posts give me a lot of inspiration.

>> No.12321661
File: 315 KB, 1280x906, 1280px-Cryptocellus_goodnighti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew some crustaceans had single eyes, but I'm not very knowledgeable about aquatic life so I tried with something I know in person. later I discovered the order ricinulei, that have no eyes (except of light sensitive tissue) but as pic related shows, the marking on the cephalothorax area of that species seems kinda an eye, so I settled with calling her ricinoididae. its super stretched but eh...
those are very interesting things though, I had no idea nematodes and lancelets had eyes at all.
Amoeba moe

>> No.12321697
File: 211 KB, 1997x1290, Shanghai-giro-del-mondo-in-80-giorni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12321799

I find it very cute that their cephalothorax and abdomens conceal the genital openings and are locked together, so they have to detach their prosoma from the opisthosoma in order to mate (the male even assists in "unlocking" the female during mating). A ricinuleid girl would be so pure that she wouldn't have any idea what sex is, since her genitalia would be outside her reach and locked within her body.

They also cover their mouthparts with their characteristic hood when not in use, so they really seem like the sort of sheltered lady who covers her mouth with a fan while speaking and becomes flustered at the very mention of sex.

I always imagined them with glasses rather than a single eye, though. But to each their own - just seeing them receive the attention they deserve is nice enough.

>> No.12321827 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 657x648, 1398203585112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are one sick hentai

>> No.12321830

Could you please?

>> No.12322085

/jp/ I give up

>> No.12322161
File: 3 KB, 64x32, conch2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make a horse conch but I don't think it went so well. Pixel art is difficult.

>> No.12322416
File: 3 KB, 64x32, conch2_edit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A suggestion for the horn. Also that's a very nice animation of the lower part thing, don't know what it's called. I find non pixel art more difficult.
Interesting stuff. Have this picture I took on some tiny jumping spider for your troubles. Was really cute, when she was walking over my window she would occasionally look up to me while I was shooting fotos. And don't destroy my fantasy and say it's a he.

>> No.12322421

Entomologist Anon! You're still here!
Your posts are always a pleasure to read
Please stay in /jp/

>> No.12322425

I believe in you
Go to bed for tonight and awake tomorrow with even the slightest additional sliver of hope
That's what I do. Just do things one step at a time, actually doing things is in fact the hardest, sticking with things one of the second hardest.

I give up too many times, but eventually I manage to try again and fail. But that failure is better than not doing anything at all. I enjoy my failure almost!

>> No.12322471
File: 1 KB, 32x36, jelly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have trouble making things feel as though they should move a certain way when doing animations this small.

>> No.12322918
File: 1007 KB, 1024x1499, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coloring is fun

>> No.12322941 [DELETED] 

okuu does not wear bonemail around her arms

>> No.12322965

Looking at shoulders, orb between boobs and arms gives the impression of a sideway stance while her boobs look like she's standing parallel to the viewer.

>> No.12322997
File: 36 KB, 822x751, bone mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12323009
File: 500 KB, 1892x1445, 模写.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we play a game with something like "telephone" only with drawings? like, someone starts with a word he has to draw, someone other tries to guess the word from the drawn picture and then the guessed word now must be drawn by a new guy and so on

>> No.12323034

I really like the movement in this.
Sounds kind of like doodle or die or whatever that thing was called.

>> No.12323039
File: 34 KB, 1012x691, super riddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too stupid to understand that game but reading your post made me think of this

>> No.12323053

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll see if I can fix it.

>> No.12323067


>> No.12323072
File: 20 KB, 822x751, Background removal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12323083


>> No.12323095

"boner delivered"?

>> No.12323137

"background removed"

>> No.12323439

I want to learn to draw the human figure but when I practice with porn my ochinchin feels funny.

>> No.12323460

That's a sign you are doing something right.

>> No.12323465

"Okay but lets give it a funny name since now have reaction image potential"

>> No.12323494

Please vote and do your part to help the community.

>> No.12323543

If I vote no, you will be cropped away from my life togheter with the background?

>> No.12323798

When did this background meme start

>> No.12323819


>> No.12323847


I thought for a moment that the image said "norifu"

>> No.12323848

Please can someone draw demons

>> No.12323897
File: 208 KB, 666x1000, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12323900

Which semen demon?

>> No.12323980

Keep the semen for yourself you cumslut, I just want demons

>> No.12324723
File: 140 KB, 1510x943, nite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /jp/

>> No.12324909

Sleep tite. I'm having a real hard time sleeping.

>> No.12324932

Vampire Rapunzel?

>> No.12325220
File: 214 KB, 806x823, 20140801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being cyclops is suffering

>> No.12325282
File: 11 KB, 240x300, wind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something like this?

>> No.12325339
File: 3 KB, 64x64, girlrun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how to make running animations so small look good.

>> No.12325462

That looks like powerwalking. While running people generally make small "jumps". I'm horrible at explaining it but I hope that it will be enough.
I already hate it. That's a new record!

>> No.12325477
File: 777 KB, 1389x1070, Okuu's-Treasure_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12325481

Backgrounds are so hard

>> No.12325517
File: 67 KB, 1201x793, z1z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I git gud

>> No.12325521

Yeah, that is definitely powerwalking, not running. While running, there has to be a point where the the person is not touching the ground, or else it's just powerwalking.

>> No.12325545

You can start by not liking shitty series and gaining some good tastes.

>> No.12325547
File: 95 KB, 624x879, ss+(2014-08-04+at+12.17.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it look okay?

>> No.12325548

Copy images of real people and think of the underlying form when drawing and shading, repeat and eventually you won't be shit.

>> No.12325554

Very cute, nice and clean linework, I'm not sure about the colours though

>> No.12325568


>> No.12325604


>> No.12325671
File: 3 KB, 80x105, kyouk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried your suggestion. Ignore the bottom of the vest, I'll fix it later. Does it look OK-ish now?

>> No.12325890

That's exactly what happened with my
it looks anywhere near okay but somehow I like it

>> No.12326203
File: 127 KB, 725x1000, maris ani3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once I tried to do animations too but it was too complcated...
maybe you should change the way the feet hit the ground or something

>> No.12327194

One day I'll contribute to one of these threads.
but not today

>> No.12327215

so, do you collect insects?
which ones you like most?

>> No.12327258
File: 31 KB, 129x136, fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not really /jp/ related, but i made this some time ago.

>> No.12327261
File: 50 KB, 129x136, 11100105430835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, posted the wrong version

>> No.12327318

sincerely I don't know how to deal with this

>> No.12327368

OC thread...I've always loved you.
You're the only reason why I keep coming to /jp/, day after day...

>> No.12327376

You're the sun of my days and the dark of my nights anon. I love you too.

>> No.12327477

Which 2hu is this

>> No.12327480

Was this for a game or something?

>> No.12327513

What the hell is this?

>> No.12327650

This turned out quite background-ish, but the mood change might make it unfit for that purpose.
Maybe this is the right kind of music to put a vocal track over?


>> No.12327676


I have the legs on a separate layer so I can change that.

>> No.12327688

Do that if you want it to look like running. I know myself that this pseudo side view is wierd to work with but the face turns too wierdly. Maybe try to put the features a bit to the left depending on the frames and look if that looks better. I'm too lazy right now to check it for myself.

Also didn't you want to make that game 3D? Or is it just some sort of fan art? Or am I mixing things up?

>> No.12327701

funny, check
cute, check
now draw a vampire too you

>> No.12327712


This is a small project I am doing with someone else. I haven't ever done anything with another person before so I thought I would try.

>> No.12327722 [DELETED] 

>Maybe this is the right kind of music to put a vocal track over?
It sounds just like a piano accompaniment. It can't stand for itself, but that's ideal if you want put a lead melody over it.
Personally I think it sounds too hollow, mainly for the voicing of the chords. The perfect fifth happens to have that hollow kind of sound.

>> No.12327784
File: 2 KB, 64x64, girlrun2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I removed two of the frames because I thought they were making it too slow.

>> No.12327794 [DELETED] 

Now it looks like she's running, but it looks worse.

>> No.12327834

It's not fluent enough anymore. Either add the frames back (you can try with just one more, of course) or edit the images in the frames itself. Also I think it could have more up and down movement. I think the arm movement is too extreme, too. But if you add more up and down movement it might be fitting. I don't know. I'm too tired to analize it any better. Hope that it still helps somewhat but take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.12327852

And since it's for a project it might be wise to not focus too much on that and focus on other things first. Only you can judge that. While that's pretty basic advice it also seems that many forget that in the heat of development.

>> No.12327855

Thank you.
I will keep you, all of you, in my thoughts as I drift off into some odd, hazy, cold future.

>> No.12327863

>It's not fluent enough anymore.

Ay dios mio!

>> No.12327873

Start makes me think of surrender by billy talent

>> No.12327875

>I think the arm movement is too extreme
This is, to a certain extent, the point. Rigid, exaggerated movements are quite cute; depending on the context in which this character exists (assuming there even is an explicit one), it may be optimal to have something like this.

>> No.12327968

Someone please give me feedback ;_;

>> No.12327971

Add more frames, still very stiff and every clump of hair moves the same way at the same speed

>> No.12327978

its p good lol

but i do'nt like the specific movements of certain hairs for reasons I cannot even begin to comprehend or identify

>> No.12328017

Mind redlining which hairs annoy you? Are they still too stiff like >>12327971 said?

>> No.12328022

>>12327978 was meant to satirize >>12327971 and >>12327834. Sorry, I don't really believe conventions or technical merit have any relevance in the value of art.

>> No.12328040

You pretty much confirmed it for me, yes. I don't personally mind the lack of a distinct chord, as it leaves a little more to the rest of the piece - or even the listener - to interpret it in different ways.

I checked and you're right, it's the same chord. Might have to do with this originally being written on the guitar.
I don't think it's a problem though, the rest is pretty different.

Thank you for the input to the both of you, I'll see if I get around to adding a third part (second? The baseline is purposely minimalistic, I don't think I should count it...).
I usually don't like writing up something that can't be played. Let's see.

I'm not an animator by any means, so feel free to disregard my opinion, but what bothers me with this is that the wind tucks on each strand simultaneously.
I really like the look of the "waves" you sometimes get in cornfields on a windy day - I'm aware that an accurate depiction of that would cause the number of frames needed to skyrocket, but as I said. I don't really have an idea.

>> No.12328049

I don't have much experience with animation but it looks like someone (or something) is yanking her hair back and forth. I feel like the wind should push her hair to the side and then it naturally falls back in place.

>> No.12328429

I wanted to draw something music related, but I realized I have no idea how to propely draw someone playing an instrument. copying a photo feels weird , because I don't know what sound corresponds to that movement.
its kinda funny considering that my brother plays Bach on guitar, and I'm who introduced him to music years ago.
sorry for the blog moment

>> No.12328510
File: 772 KB, 1600x1200, momiji draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12329555

why is dog in washing machine

>> No.12330002
File: 908 KB, 1500x1502, 1163813 tutfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to git gud. thought i'd share. i try to participate in drawthreads.

>> No.12330070

Lineart seems much better than colored ones

>> No.12330170

Looks like that anime Muslim girl that used to get posted around 4chan.

>> No.12330175
File: 155 KB, 1028x1028, smug_fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, this is the guy new to drawing tablets from a week or two ago

I've made another line-art of the same character like last time, how does it look?

I sadly didn't get to improve the last one though... since I had all of it on one layer, I couldn't be assed to redo it

>> No.12330208

I'm pretty sure this is a question that has been asked to death; but when did you start learning to draw, /jp/?

Did you copy any particular styles you liked? Did you take classes?

>> No.12330229

It misses wings
also check your brush settings, lines seems kinda too soft

>> No.12330237

Wings are intentionally left out yet, I avoid using black lines for them!

Also, the brush settings? I've intentionally made it much softer than before, as well as doubled the canvas size and increased the brush width to 8 pixels, since I figured it would give the pic less of an MSPaint feel to it.

Does it look this strange?

>> No.12330330
File: 64 KB, 542x600, lineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, may as well just get over with it and post my last work's line-art, just to have a contrast.

To the anon who drew my fairy being greeted by Daiyousei, again, thank you very much (●´∀`●)

>> No.12330440
File: 906 KB, 1012x691, new emotions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanart tag got deleted
I know its just what I deserve, but still...

>> No.12330446
File: 101 KB, 458x900, 0733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12330452

King Meidorah?

>> No.12330491

Look at walk cycles, it'll probably help the most. If she's running her upper body isn't showing it, she shouldn't be so upright and she should probably bob up and down more.
The art's very clean so the noise filter doesn't add anything to the picture.
It looks a lot more lively.
Blurry lines make it harder to focus on it, and generally lineart is done with sharp lines.
On pixiv or something?
The breats look lopsided and her feet too small. Your colouring is very nice though.

>> No.12330518

Haha, you can clearly tell I'm not an expert, right? Do you happen to know how you can edit brush size afterwards in SAI? I heard there was a way without having to retrace anything, but I can't figure it out by myself or perhaps I'll just go google it

>> No.12330570

Yes, the tag referring to that particular thing disappeared, so probably the original author edited it out

>> No.12330673

Sorry for taking so long to reply, here it is if you're still here. I hope GP is fine for you, if not, just tell me and I'll try not to take a week to respond. The fingering is pretty crappy, sorry.


...but what are you going to do with it? I don't think this song is any fun to play...

You'll add vocals to this, right? This song feels rather incomplete without it.

>Having denshuto tutor you was a good idea
I-I don't think borrowing someone's amp settings count as tutoring, but thanks!

If you're looking for a tune, try and give DDC's stage 5 theme a shot.

I agree with >>12327722, fuller chords would certainly make the piece better, I think. It's too sterile and it lacks excitement, texturally, which seems odd when you also consider that there's the mood change there.

>> No.12330715
File: 128 KB, 1028x1028, smug_fairy_plaincolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I hardened the strokes now! And as you see I gave her a plain paintjob. Part of me wants to take it one step further and try some shading though... thoughts? Any tips?

>> No.12330756
File: 226 KB, 1028x1028, 1407251916672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. add two cubes of Cirno for maximum refreshment

>> No.12330760

I think this only applies when using a lineart layer, since that has a bunch of tools for editing the vector lines.
Cel-shading will be easier to start with. It doesn't hurt to try anyways.

>> No.12330809 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 291x291, 1393476398142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I see the porn writing itself

Thanks man, this got a real chuckle out of me! You guys never cease to amaze me.

Cel-shading? I have an idea of what you mean, though I am not exactly sure how it works different from the regular shading... I will read up on it in any case, thanks!

>> No.12330816
File: 24 KB, 467x413, 1396566997686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I see the porn writing itself

Thanks man, this got a real chuckle out of me! You guys never cease to amaze me.

Cel-shading? I have an idea of what you mean, though I am not exactly sure how it works different from the regular shading... I will read up on it in any case, thanks!

>> No.12330820

cel shading's pretty much just simpler shading. 2-3 hues, sharp edges, no blurred edges etc.

the picture you posted has something like that.

regular shading's the one with blurry shading that fades seamlessly between hues.

>> No.12330833

Ahhh, I wasn't quite familiar with the right terminology - this kind of shading was what I thought of doing at first.

Thanks for clearing that up!

>> No.12331060 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 682x737, 9cfcc73e975f1491708d9bafb2a4d85e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self portrait.

if i was a cute hikki girl

>> No.12331101

You didn't do that.

>> No.12331169 [DELETED] 

huh??? what do you mean

>> No.12331176

I'm going to fug your self insert hikki girl

>> No.12331234
File: 279 KB, 1028x1150, scheming_fairy_with_half-assed_shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shading looks kinda off, but... This is much better than the first drawing I had posted here.

I decided to add in a little more litle things, and even though I feel there are still some parts that don't quite feel right, I'm pretty happy with what I got so far!

I'm having lots of fun experimenting in SAI for the time I've been experimenting with it!

System, this post is not spam, go home

>> No.12331247

I love dirty hikki girls

>> No.12331319 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 559x889, 65393efe56907634ff8156739846eb70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of ideas.
was originally supposed to be a weeby vampire, but ended up being a weeby imp in the end I think.

or maybe a devil? who knows anymore....

>> No.12331333

lotte ripoff

>> No.12331355 [DELETED] 

stop trying, your art sucks. no one wants you to post here anymore.

it's not original, this is /jp/'s ORIGINAL content thread. just stop posting and kill yourself.

>> No.12331367

If I could draw something like this, I would be so happy.

>> No.12331369

I like his art though. don't speak for me. fuck you. are you a girl?

>> No.12331398

calm down

>> No.12331401 [DELETED] 

stop giving him a reason to post here.

>are you a girl?
what is that even supposed to mean. just because I don't like his "art" means that I'm a girl?

>> No.12331408

you are very mean and only girls are that mean

are you a girl because you didn't confirm

>> No.12331420 [DELETED] 

i'm not.

>> No.12331449

>stop giving him a reason to post here.
What did he do?

>> No.12331482

Why does this have a danbooru file name but isnt on danbooru?

>> No.12331483
File: 25 KB, 800x800, mg121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girls.

>> No.12331494

Danbooru didn't invent md5 hash

>> No.12331551

She's very cute. Please continue drawing.

>> No.12331563

the guy's just bitter and angry he can't draw, so he takes it out on everyone else.

>> No.12331597

Fucking cute dude.

>> No.12331601
File: 24 KB, 800x800, mg22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster girls.

>> No.12331625

Hey now, that's just a horse wearing a blow-up doll.

All he wanted was to keep his neck warm. Please don't sexualize him.

>> No.12331831 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 637x825, 5165d389e91737cba79c0d6c707ea5b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to try drawing her.

Oh. I actually was thinking Rachel Alucard when drawing this but I guess it could be Lotte rip-off.

Oh.... Well than. Not sure how to reply to this... But not really sure what I did wrong here.

Why are you so mad?

I just take screen caps of my drawings with gyazo and save them because I am too lazy to save my own files.

thanks atleast someone likes it.... that makes me happy

>> No.12331874

girls please leave

>> No.12331895 [DELETED] 

Can you remove the background?

>> No.12331902 [DELETED] 

Why? I deleted my file already....... Sorry...

>> No.12331967 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 637x825, NoBG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the picture from here and deleted the bg. not sure why you want it but... here you go

>> No.12331972 [DELETED] 

Well j think it would look great transparent. Can you save that one in your post?

>> No.12332035 [DELETED] 

Looks great! Thank you!

>> No.12332050
File: 387 KB, 961x565, 1401571967382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citrus-slice wings end up sticking with people
>they were not intended as anything remotely fruity

I didn't quite expect this, but I do like how I had at least two people here draw her just because they seem to like her looks... or maybe just because her exploitable wing shape?

While I've had thought up a reasoning for this particular shape, and could never get them right because I can't figure out how to properly draw their surface, I think I am going to spare you the long winded details and will just enjoy the juicy results for now. Having yet another giggle here.

Either way, good work on that picture, anon! I wish I could get on your level sometime soon.

>> No.12332163

Are you... Mugen... trying to reintegrate... into /jp/... ?

>> No.12332420 [DELETED] 

His art is too cute to be Mugen.

>> No.12332587

Cute. having hair is nice...
you seem pretty good at choosing tones already
Now draw a cute vampire.
I kinda want to see an harpy made like that
no wait, draw pegasus coming out from medusa blood. you're free to interpret it as you want
Cute, now draw a vampire

>> No.12333190 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 700x500, marisa 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry this looks nothing like marisa

>> No.12333201
File: 29 KB, 429x500, marisa 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry this looks nothing like marisa

>> No.12333301

It's fine, but why the binary brush?

>> No.12333330

Her mouth is too far to her left and also not sucking on the mushroom.

>> No.12333393

I kind of want /co/ to leave.

>> No.12333418

I bet you're the same person who always hates on my art. And you know what if that's all you're going to do on this thread is bully then get out of /jp/. I've been on /jp/ for over 4 years now and you know nothing of taking it easy.
I bet you thought that was my new drawing.
Guess what? Stop trying no one wants you to post here anymore . Take your own advice i'm tired of this hate being in this thread. >>12331060
Almost looks a bit like Tomoko pretty cute dude.

>> No.12333469
File: 25 KB, 429x500, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very comfortable with it for some reason.
I fixed it for you

>> No.12333536

Who the hell do you think you are giving off orders like that, you bald NEET loser?

>> No.12333548

Hey simloli guy, are you still alive?

>> No.12333835
File: 30 KB, 640x480, thing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thing.

and nsfw things for those interested.

>> No.12333971
File: 1.11 MB, 600x4457, young girl 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12334130

I enjoyed that.

>> No.12334434

You're kinda like a shittier Josh L.

>> No.12334459

Nice colours and tiles

>> No.12334469 [DELETED] 

Can someone draw me a monster girl? Thanks.

>> No.12334471

I remember you. You posted this on 10ch a long time ago.

>> No.12334477

Please tell me you are making a trap ryouna game.

>> No.12334526


>A fetish genre of (usually drawn) pornography which depicts a character physically hurt either in a sensual way, or in a sexual situation.


I think it will be more like Ice climber.

Thanks I was worried about it not looking very good.

>> No.12334534

If your character gets hurt and dies it will be called a ryona game. It's a genre founded by people who jack off to Tomb Raider and Resident Evil deaths.

>> No.12334538

Awful, simply awful.

>> No.12334570

you're referring to the use of the letter u, of course?

>> No.12334612

Why are you not okay with ryona but you're okay with hardcore shota buttrape?

>> No.12334617


I actually didn't know games like parasite in city had a genre of their own.

I was more perplexed at the hope my game would be one.

>> No.12334810

I find this extremely erotic
...okay now a little less
I don't like the way you end comics. now draw a proper final page for this you goddamn cunt, holy fucking shit
is that a brush that she's holding?

>> No.12334833
File: 173 KB, 850x850, 1407193463677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I fainted last night...
>you seem pretty good at choosing tones already

Hey, thanks! I wasn't putting too much thought into it yet, I just made sure that for the shading I selected a tone darker by a value of about 30-40 or so on the brightness scale. Is that how you usually do it?

I may draw something else next, though I am not sure what... either another OC of mine for this thread, or a Touhou (can you post fanart too, or is this meant to be strictly OC?)

>> No.12334838

Just try to avoid posting pics you didn't made yourself and draw whatever you want

>> No.12334847

Got that then!

>> No.12335167
File: 488 KB, 700x500, 080514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, but I can't figure out how I made pictures before and what made them interesting.
Shifting the hue of the shadow make it look more realistic/alive.
I still don't know how my pictures could be attractive but thank you.
Will you be making this into a game? I really like the colours. The only thing that bothers me is the barrels look like their perspective is off.

>> No.12335190


Ouch. Damn, this made more of an impact on me than it should have, I have never liked how sloppy his lines are and it's painful to hear that I'm like him. I need to fix this..

It's not the end don't worry, plenty of pages to go..

>> No.12335589

dont be discouraged. keep going.
Improving can be a fun challenge

>> No.12335657

I want to masturbate to traps now.

>> No.12335784

Of course.

>> No.12336132

I meant plot-wise, not art wise.

>> No.12336634
File: 87 KB, 522x810, lineart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this guy look?

I'm trying not to make a fairy this time

>> No.12336706

Too many hair
men are more handsome without hair

>> No.12336750
File: 104 KB, 522x810, 1407365351593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty slick. I like his hair.

>> No.12336752

You should draw the full figure. You're a bit too obsessed with lips (they are nice), but the hand and eyes say a lot about your understanding of anatomy.

>> No.12336769

>Will you be making this into a game? I really like the colours

Yes. Someone is helping me with it too so I only have to worry about front end stuff so it's going by fast.

You draw faces really well. I gotta learn how to do that.

so long as they're not real. 3DPD still applies.

a wand.

>> No.12336793

Anon, you manage to crack me up every time, thanks for the laugh

Well, I figured some hair would be nice... I didn't exactly want to make him manly or anything, really

>> No.12336796

his anatomy is fine it's his style

>> No.12336980

Those are the things I find erotic in his drawings.
wait, they really are? actually I think not.
maybe the lines? shit, I don't understand myself anymore

>> No.12337001

Oh oh ohhhhh. Hahaha, I'm so relieved.

I'll practice with stories more too then.

>> No.12337591

What a horrible night to draw a curse...

>> No.12337703

Your posts are annoying to read.

>> No.12337716
File: 59 KB, 479x371, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed at life and I'll never be able to bully again.

>> No.12337734

bullying girls is just like bullying a bike

you can do it

>> No.12337738

fuck off dan kim

>> No.12337757

You have a chance

Make a bully cate game and release it at C86
Bully one of the japs into letting you use their table
You can show the world who's the real bully

>> No.12337780
File: 641 KB, 1200x1800, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized this girl looked kind of slow after I drew her.

>> No.12337780,1 [INTERNAL] 

why were these all deleted? same person banned and all posts by ip deleted?

>> No.12337864

Saying you "drew" her might be a bit of an embellishment. It's more like you arranged some squiggles into roughly her shape.

>> No.12337888
File: 14 KB, 371x386, kuhouin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do commissions 500 dollars a pop
keep in mind my art is postmodernist ironic commentary and if you think you don't like it you need to just need to consider it more from different angles of thought

>> No.12337937
File: 11 KB, 432x432, wandering-son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anon, both you and me knows that when it comes to drawing, not everything will look like a final product. You can easily get getsure and shape out of that.

>> No.12337940

Saitama, shou-shouldn't you be working on the Prject?

>> No.12337953


>draw: verb \ˈdrȯ\
>to make by making lines

he made it by making lines. you're not even really complaining about his image - you're just complaining about the words he used. has the oc thread always been this retarded or did I just never notice it?

>> No.12338017
File: 201 KB, 750x1000, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I am lazy!

Thank you nice anons.

I think you have the wrong person.

>> No.12338023

Oh, I'm so- you're sure? Because your style looks like Saitama. Oh well, I love it!

>> No.12338039

Oh thank you, do you mind posting or linking something by him? Sounds interesting.

>> No.12338045

Your roughs looks like his a lot


>> No.12338077
File: 128 KB, 500x667, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh I see! Very cool, I like his art style. If you don't mind I would be interested in seeing what project he's working on.

>> No.12338174

unevenly, non-symmetrically slanted/positioned eyes are hardly a style.

>> No.12338185

It's a style. I don't know if you noticed but he wasn't trying to make a photorealistic trace of a photo like you autists over at >>>/ic/ do. Speaking of which, go back there.

>> No.12338204

unless he's going for complete abstraction and cubism, making a skull have one eye socket above the other is an anatomical error.

you don't have to be from /ic/ to know that, but you have to be an amateur who doesn't understand anything, along with having deviantart-like apologist attitude, which your post reeks of, not to know that.

>> No.12338209

You're the one who's the amateur with your worthless tryhard anatomy worshiping opinion.

>> No.12338225

spoken like a true deviantart user. how about you drop your white knight attitude and let the artist reply?

people like you are what holds artists back, when instead of trying to fix any potential problems and getting better they're smothered with "style" apologisms and get complacent, never striving to improve, forever stagnating.

you're just as bad as the "your picture sucks, kill yourself. i won't tell you why it sucks though" nerds, whose sole purpose is to bully an artist and troll them into a deviantart like "it's my style, i can't hear you lalalala" attitude which stops improvement as well.

>> No.12338235

I'm 100% sure that all you do when you look at drawings of anime girls is you examine their anatomy under a microscope trying to nitpick insignificant minor faults (and describing them as "awkward", no less) so you look like you know what you're talking about for ``artist cred'' because you can't draw or paint for shit. You don't understand anything beyond "correct anatomy" so that's all you ever try to look for. Art is more than correct anatomy but since you're so closed minded and amateur as fuck you refuse to see. I bet your grasp on anatomy isn't even that good. I bet my fucking life you're either a plain bad artist or one that's been stuck in a rut for years with barely any improvement.

"muh anatomy" - What most wannabe amateur anime artists assume is their big obstacle to making good looking drawings. Try learning other fundamentals of art and stop jerking off all over your individual muscle fibers. It's pointless to argue with someone at your low level, you'll just have to discover it the hard way.

>> No.12338239


>> No.12338241

>get called the fuck out
>i-i-its bait guys he-hehe-heh...

Go back to copying medical textbooks, retard.

>> No.12338244

so i was right. you're one of the faggots who bullies artists into stopping any improvement, your last comment proved it beyond any shadow of a doubt.

your opinion is invalid. kill yourself out of here, your kind is not welcome around these parts.

he wasn't me, nerd. i can't speak jap.

>> No.12338246

not bad you all past, got to the thread late but expect severe critique next time, can't let your head swell too much

>> No.12338248

It's the /a/nimation project

>> No.12338252

Take yourself to /ic/, there are many a drawing that haven't been replied to yet. This is the /jp/ OC thread where people can post their original content for others to enjoy.

The only time you are allowed to critique is if they specifically ask for it. I don't know why you people have this god-given mission to rip apart every doodle with the motto of "IT'S FOR THEIR OWN GOOD". You're worse than religious fanatics.

>> No.12338330

The worst about /ic/ is that's beyond obvious most people hanging there castrates themselves in order to pursue this ideal of "success with hard work", wich may be true for many things but I doubt will bring to some result if the most important part is missing, aka enjoying what you're making. so boring, forgettable drawings are produced in industrial quantity.
I can say without shame of being proven wrong that /jp/, /v/ and /i/ are the most diverse and creative boards when it comes to drawings.

>> No.12338341

He's pretty good

>> No.12338393

Its not him, the drawings are too defined

>> No.12338426
File: 297 KB, 900x1100, aoxotoehoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12338468
File: 154 KB, 507x806, flats_and_fireballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the Pokeball idea was cool, I was thinking of something else!

I've been following a small fire tutorial, and tried to make a fireball. How hot is it?

>> No.12338484

It's pretty good. It isn't burning though. It's just a ball of "fire material". If it was fire, there should be some sparks and fire there

>> No.12338492
File: 34 KB, 640x480, testi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what else would be needed. I was thinking timed platforms of some kind that would force speed in some areas. I think I may try to make an enemy that shoots projects of some kind

>> No.12338591
File: 93 KB, 689x914, actual_fireball_and_flats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds fair enough. Here's a second attempt, slightly larger, too!

I'm planning to shade the image like the last one as well, but this time I may even attempt giving lighter shades, since I have a lightsource right there.

>> No.12338711

>I think I may try to make an enemy that shoots projects of some kind
Wait, there's a game that has star shaped enemies that DON'T shoot shit in all directions?

>> No.12338809

I really should, but it's hard to build up the motivation. I've gotten so lazy.
Don't pull this shit seriously.
I still can't figure out what exactly you like about it.

I feel very bad that it turned into an argument over 'my style'. It's not, I understand I'm bad and have left my self stagnating, to see people try to argue it's somehow good is very upsetting. I like seeing actual criticism and not only comments of "it's good" or "it's bad".

>> No.12338817

>I feel very bad that it turned into an argument over 'my style'
No, it is, and you should be pretty happy about it. when backed by an at least decent tech skills, which you have, "style" is much more important than any stupid crap art nazis can pull out of their enourmous folders of motivators and references. just look at professionals and tell me if its technical skills the first thing people consider when they hit the bookmark button. no, paying companies don't care about technique either.
your stagnation is due to not following a precise theme, so your right brain ended up biting its own tail. try taking a break and doing something new. outside internet I mean
now draw me something with NICE amounts of pitch black blackness.

>> No.12339830
File: 61 KB, 500x700, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd give the whole porn thing a try again.
Now I just feel bad. Sorry, Rumia. I'll stay with cute/pure from now on.

NSFW - http://i.imgur.com/0JQeCUD.jpg

>> No.12339833

cute not pedo

>> No.12339853

Jesus Christ in his golden heaven throne, what the heck happened to his legs?!

>> No.12339865


>that guy's body

>> No.12339868

that's because instead of drawing a normal looking guy, you drew a disgusting fatass.

you're only hurting yourself by drawing degenerate porn like that, with fat people. that's why you feel bad.

draw a trap next time.

>> No.12339884

Well said, from one degeneration to the other degeneration.
he should draw girls loving eachother. clearly its the only way out of this blaspheme stygian swamp

>> No.12339888

fuck off back to /u/, gaylord

>> No.12339895

I don't exactly specialize in disgustingly obese man anatomy. Sorry about that.

I wanted to give it a try at least once. Trap stuff is even worse in my opinion. It's the one fetish I will never understand, but I respect your freedom to like it.

>> No.12339903

There are multiple dicksuckers cesspools where you can choose to dive back and disappear in the shit that generated you
I respect his freedom of being a faggot too.

>> No.12339921

traps are basically kinda like futa, but without boobs and with balls. certainly much more pleasing to the eye than a fat pig.

if a girly guy makes you question your sexuality, draw a normal man, with normal, slender body, not a sack of gross fat.

>> No.12339928

more lewd Rumia, please

>> No.12339935

or hell, just draw a futa reimu/marisa/cirno/yuka/etc fucking rumia next time if drawing a man is a problem.

>> No.12339940

wow, rude, fat men are the preferred loli rapists. If I wanted my lolis raped I'd pick a bald fat man too.

>> No.12339942

you're the one who hates straight sex and wants to spread homosexuality in /jp/
fuck off literal faggot

>> No.12339945

but fat men are the virgins. the losers.

they can't score because they're fat so girls find them repulsive, and since they're fat, they're weak so even a loli could beat him up and bully him.

because he's fat.

>> No.12339947

I was hoping I wouldn't be drawing any men in the near future anyway.
By the way, please feel free to comment about the other person in the picture as well. That's what I'm more interested in.

>> No.12339962

Force = mass x (velocity / time)
Since fat men have a huge mass, they have the strength to subdue lolis and rape them easily.
Also being repulsive is important to keep the rape going. You don't want those lolis to enjoy it and transform a rape in consensual shit for normies.

>> No.12339967

I love the way you have drawn Rumia, anon

I like her thin like that, with her ribs showing a little

Oh, by the way, any comment on the fire in >>12338591 please? I tried to make it look more like fire and less than a ball, but I am not entirely sure whether it's accurate enough

>> No.12339979

this guy knows what he's talking about

>> No.12339999

fat is opposite to amount of exercise, which is directly proportional to muscle mass which equals force.

the less you exercise, the more fat you have, while having less muscle. the less muscle you have, the less force you can use, and your grip will weaken much faster.

without muscles you can't hold anyone down, because most likely she'll have bigger muscles than you, and can probably bench press more than you, which means she can wrestle herself out of your lard hands with ease.

so it'll end with the loli holding the fatass down, then raping his fat ass with a spiked dildo or a rusty rake.


>> No.12340000

Looks quite fiery to me.

>> No.12340018

I think your post gave me a new fetish. Seeing fat people getting humiliated by the pray they tried to rape.
I like you.

>> No.12340201
File: 24 KB, 470x493, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be better technically so I don't get what you're trying to push. What companies are you even talking about?
>NICE amounts of pitch black blackness.
What do you mean by this?

>> No.12340223

High fived!

>> No.12340266
File: 48 KB, 498x330, aiwass-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be quiet jay pee

>> No.12340272

But I'm too excited!
Super cute!

>> No.12340283


>> No.12340469

except that's completely wrong
you could have huge muscles but be fat, because you just eat more than you spend

>> No.12340494

His post have more words, therefore he's right. checkfriend

>> No.12340732


I was thinking of that and I may change them to be that way.

>> No.12340768
File: 93 KB, 500x650, lighter_shades_ahhhitburns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried my hands at filling in the lighter shades, with the fireball as the lightsource.

I'm... not really sure, the hair doesn't look right with it, but other than that, thoughts?

>> No.12341557

Please do not sexualize little Rumia.

>> No.12341722

Two words when it comes to lighting:


also, you should post on /ic/ for critique

>> No.12341744

He might be too chickenshit for /ic/. They'll just tell him to fuck off and grind some fundamentals, which he should, but wouldn't accept.

>> No.12341780

yeah, his form and sillouhette is really weak.

>> No.12341823

since the light source is the fire, the lightened parts should show that in their color. It would probably be better if you add colored (red/orange + base color) highlights. I'm too lazy to think too much about that right now and not good enough myself to determine how's the best way to make it on just a whim so experiment with it.

>> No.12342288

I may need to pay them a visit sometime... Though yeah, I would be pretty much accept what >>12341744 implied, minus not accepting the part about the fundamentals - I'm aware that these look far from good, I have barely started out two weeks or so ago, and it's probably obvious from the linework and everything, too.

Haven't really thought of using an orange hue just yet, I had only considered toggling the brightness a bit for most of the colors - I'll try it next time and see how it looks, thanks for pointing that out!

>> No.12343260


I like this, good job.

>> No.12343272


oh wait, my monitor was set to theater mode and so It made the colors look better than it is....still it's cool.

>> No.12343560

To make the flame look brighter (presuming there isn't another light source), make the shadows darker on the figure. Also try making the shadows a "cool" colour (like a blue hint for example) since you have a "warm" coloured light source.

>> No.12343750

Today's the day, /jp/, I can feel it...

today's the day I do something I can contribute to the drawthread! Haha, yes!

>> No.12343781

You don't have to contribute today, but some day.

>> No.12343783


>> No.12344081
File: 331 KB, 943x564, thescariest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's the day for me, too.
Even though it's sketchy as fuck, but I don't know how to do better. At best I could tweak the wings and add eyebrows.

>> No.12344297 [SPOILER] 
File: 271 KB, 884x1010, 1407523710223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparky4 would be proud

>> No.12345575

Where are the musicians and programmers
It's always drawings

>> No.12345721

>>>/prog/ or >>>/g/

primary otaku passion is drawing, secondary is music and programming is a distant third.

>> No.12345954


>> No.12346104

I went outside with pen and paper, but sadly I couldn't write anything because of depression. Instead I ate bad food and lurked /jp/ for 8 hours.

I also forgot that this isn't a DRAWthread, but an original content thread. Maybe someday I will write more than a page before deleting.

Next day, though...next day for sure...!

>> No.12346119

If I write about being a depressed NEET, will /jp/ castrate me for being too meta?
