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File: 8 KB, 150x250, Or is Jungle Jims just a shithole that cant store things properly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12309069 No.12309069 [Reply] [Original]

Is sake suppose to taste like rubbing alcohol?

Jesus Christ.

>> No.12309077 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 500x464, MeijerRubbingAlcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's essentially the same thing except repackaged and more expensive. Just get some rubbing alcohol from a local pharmacy.

>> No.12309083

It's cheaper too.

>> No.12309093

Please don't lie to me. I'm an impressionable teenager and I will try this

>> No.12309094

Drink Scotch.

>> No.12309105 [DELETED] 

It's serious. The taste takes some getting used to but the end result is the same.

>> No.12309114
File: 23 KB, 582x509, youve got to be shitting me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally, my prefered drink is pic related or some Leinenkugel's, Hoegaarden, or Vodka mix drink. I decided to try sake for the first time tonight and I can only be disappointed right now.

I'm almost convinced I did something wrong or something happened to the drink itself during transport. It tastes (and smells) just like rubbing alcohol.

I don't see the appeal.

>> No.12309119
File: 6 KB, 190x266, Buffalo_Bills_Orange_Blossom_Cream_Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking moot

>> No.12309126 [DELETED] 

I just drank half a bottle of bourbon and >I am legitimately drinl for yhe first time in, like, 10 yeats.

>> No.12309130

you can't drink tape

>> No.12309141


I don't recognize that brand of sake, but the sake I drink are aromatic and somewhat tasty. One is somewhat harsh on the first sip, but your taste buds warm up to it once you're primed.

Also, drink Glenlivet.

>> No.12309151 [DELETED] 

you can't drink tape

>> No.12309152

>Also, drink Glenlivet.

Godamnit, I had it in my hand before I decided to go cheaper. Serves me right.

I imagine it's sweeter and not as dry?

>> No.12309190


It's a mild and smooth Scotch. It's not fruity, at least to me, like some others can be. A very calm warming taste on your first sip. After that, it's very fine. You can very easily sip your way through an entire bottle without noticing, because it's like drinking something flavorful, instead of something like bourbon, which has a kick with every taste. Not to talk bad about bourbon. I love me some bourbon every once in a while.

If you're asking about the sake, I prefer unfiltered dry, but I drink a variety of them, mostly just being what I can afford at the time.

Unlike my whiskeys, my taste in sake is completely amateur. I pretty much drink sake because it's a distinctly different taste than everything else I've burnt myself out on. You'll have to ask a resident sake connoisseur.

>> No.12309191

Drink absinthe and sambuca.

>> No.12309222

I drink absinthe on occasion, I wanted to branch out tonight and try something new. Sambuca would have been a better choice tonight to experiment with, perhaps I can with the next paycheck.

I'll give it a go sometime. The only scotch I have experience with is Jim Beam and Old Crow (at the suggestion of a friend). I don't chew my drink very often, hence the preference for beers.

>> No.12309276

>buy whatever vodka is closest to the store's door
>fill half a glass with it, other half with some sugary drink
>down it
>not really you don't profit at all but it's great

>> No.12309288

Funny, I won't drink a beer unless I have to chew it. The darker, the better. Doppelbocks are good.

>Jim Beam and Old Crow

It's not Scotch unless it's made in Scotland, by Scots, the right way. Those you listed are Kentucky whiskeys. Two completely different beasts as far as taste goes. I'm not a snob, but don't ever let anyone hear you calling an American whiskey a Scotch. They'll laugh at you, or if the guy is of Scottish ancestry and proud of it, potentially throw fists.

>> No.12309291

drugs are bad for you

>> No.12309296


so is /jp/

>> No.12309301

I'm a /jp/olic.

>> No.12309309

Living next to Kentucky causes you to call many things by the wrong name, I should have known better.

I really have to be in the mood to drink something dark, and most of the time I add ice anyway. Do you have any preferences for whiskey?

>> No.12309351

Scotch and bourbon. Johnnie Walker Red Label, Glenlivet, Glenfiddich. Maker's Mark, Woodford Reserve. Irish whiskey is pretty good, too. Jamesson has a good taste.

Some I cut with a splash of water. Others on the rocks. Some straight.

>> No.12309946

>Johnnie Walker Red Label, Glenlivet, Glenfiddich.
>Mentioning drink blend, actually alright scotch and the cheapest single malt in the same sentence
Jesus Christ

>> No.12309990
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You boys don't know how to live it up

>> No.12310013

Your problem is that you're a weeaboo.

What you want is Gin. Tasty stuff.

>> No.12310026

What are you? And old British woman?

>> No.12310035

that's irrelevant innit? just trust me on this

>> No.12310084


What, no The Balvenie? Lame. I usually have a bottle of 17 year old peated cask on hand at all times.

>> No.12310266

this is without a doubt the worst shit in the world and the only beer i have ever poured down the drain

>> No.12310334

I like blended Scotch, too. It's not all single malts. And sometimes I don't have money, which means drinking something cheaper. We can't all afford what we truly want to drink. He asked what were some alright Scotches to drink, so I gave him some options. There's no reason to get all frustrated about it.

That's not a bad one, either.

If you have suggestions, you're always welcome to offer them to him. I'm not here to defend my taste in drinks, just offer opinions.

>> No.12310702

Leave it on the shelf next time, because it's limited where I am. More for me and less for you, a fair trade.

>> No.12310746
File: 153 KB, 540x720, 70d13daaf1a272741e932fd5d4fb238e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any alcohol other than beer or vodka just does taste like shit. Often it's simply vodka that's been flavored with what amounts to garbage.
And scotch whisky sometimes actually does have (bird) shit in it, too. Just so you know.

>> No.12310752

Lay off the alcohol. I care about you and want you to live longer.

>> No.12310779

And then there's the matter of growing inedible crops on good land and wasting good corn, rice, etc., which people need to be cheap crops, spoiling it on purpose just for the fermentation byproduct. And then selling that together with with mystery ingredients at an astonishing markup.

No, man, we'll stick with our beer, TYVM. Ask ZUN.

>> No.12310804

I... I have to hope that you know that beer is made via fermentation. That liquor is just more fermented and refined grain crops, usually with a few additives for taste purposes. And that beer also has additives put in to give it a particular taste.

Also, the production of liquor and beer uses very little crop, in comparison to the crop that is wasted by not being eaten, fed to animals, or used to make ethanol.

Alcohol has been made for millennia without purposefully impacting food supplies. It's a good way of storing calories, too, since grain goes bad, while alcohol will last a lot longer.

>> No.12310812

Dude, shut it.

>> No.12310839

So very sorry you don't know how beer is made.

>> No.12310854

Reading comprehension, guy, pick up some.

And get ready to take a remedial writing course should you ever attend university.

>> No.12310860

Oh, look, you're pretending to be educated. Will you quote some Nietzsche for us, to really kill the imitation?

And again: so very sorry you don't know how beer is made.

>> No.12313655
File: 16 KB, 217x227, 1406662120577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist: OP actually bought rubbing alcohol because he can't read Japanese.

>> No.12313692

What the hell is wrong with your post? Your forgot to inteject some random ellipses for a convincing "I...I'm so confused by your post even my typing is confused by how confusing it was" effect.

>> No.12313706

Sake is in fact awful. Only reason to drink it is being a weeb

>> No.12314110
File: 151 KB, 640x480, 1c773de3c361538fb4db97e592bb021b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also strong and tends not to be hangover fuel, unlike grape wines, but you're right. It ain't tasty.

>> No.12315652

I wish, I might have gotten some real use out of it after-the-fact.

>> No.12315654 [DELETED] 



>> No.12315670

They make topical ointments for your variety of posterior pain.

And again: so sorry you don't know how beer is made.

>> No.12315798

>If you have suggestions, you're always welcome to offer them to him. I'm not here to defend my taste in drinks, just offer opinions.

No worries bro. It's a bit on the pricy side, but I'd recommend you both try it. It's the best scotch I've ever had, and I've had quite a few different brands.

>> No.12315974

I mean kinda, more so if you get something cheap. There are different varieties though and some are fairly sweet. For awhile I was even getting this fruit-flavored sake, which was pretty low quality but tasted alright.
Also temperature affects the flavor. A lot of sake is actually best served chilled.

>> No.12316006

Only weeb subhumans like that piss.

>> No.12316016


It will make you blind

>> No.12316325
File: 45 KB, 300x225, cromartie-high-school-separated-at-birth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid 10 dolars a glass at a nice place and it burnt so bad that I had welts in my throat for days while in Japan.

Then I went to the hospital to find out that I was alergic to rice.

Consintraited rice in liquid form is bad for you when you're alergic to rice.

>> No.12316328 [DELETED] 

The only thing that turns me off about sake is the smell. Usually Japanese restaurants will serve it warm and it helps with the taste.

>> No.12316474

It seemed to work fine for Betty Ford.

>> No.12316477 [DELETED] 

You'll never be a true Japanese if you're allergic to rice.

>> No.12316540
File: 42 KB, 130x200, shinjirou_hayashida__46182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had a problem with rice until Japa.n I'm not sure if it was the overall better ingrediants in the Japanese rice or maybe it was my entire diet being flippedupside down soly based on rice.

I'm alergic to the gluton in bread/weat, so I should have taken the time to ask for a serious gerocery store to eat at.

>> No.12318492

Sorry to hear that, if it makes you feel any better I'm mostly Irish in descent and I'm allergic to potatoes.

>> No.12318502 [DELETED] 

Are you in Japan? Moat export Sake is garbage. I just go to bars and point at a bottle and my experience has been positive. Harder alcohol is more my preference though

>> No.12318531


>> No.12318562
File: 47 KB, 438x1050, kokken01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try drinking some sake that isn't terrible.

>> No.12318691

Why the fuck is it brown?

>> No.12318709 [DELETED] 


Colored glass. All sake tastes bad. Most alcohol tastes bad. I only drink gin and tonics.

>> No.12318712

Oh hey, I'm full blood Irish, huh. 3 generations back both sides come from Ireland. Even come from royalty.

Have a good drink and good night

>> No.12318718

I forgot my trip

>> No.12321504
File: 333 KB, 900x720, 91d6895c175a8a4e378e7951c5b5a7d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even replying to the same poster as before, Mr. whisky salesman.

Just FYI.

>> No.12321509 [DELETED] 

There is some guy pretending to be me by telling others that someone is pretending to be me being really rude to posters on /jp/ demanding they remove the background. I don't want people to get hurt because of this bully and he doesn't even appreciate the jobs they do! This is just a notice so I will not be blamed for his wrong doings. Thank you for reading have a good day.

>> No.12321572
File: 119 KB, 338x318, 10e71bde69972d561c84e9bda6919e68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until we find out >>12318712 is a descendant of Potema, and she sneaks into his bed every night to demonically possess him. All night long.

>> No.12321894

Is this your first time drinking alcohol? Everything tastes lake shit unless flavoured. Anyone who says otherwise just want to be "cool and mature"

>> No.12321971

Beer tastes fine. I got a taste of some beer when I was a little kid, and was actually pissed when somebody told me I couldn't have the rest.

It's the crap made from stuff other than what you make normal bread out of, the stuff made out of corn or potato, that needs to be distilled or pretreated some way other than just to wipe the gunk off the top, that tastes like the devil's butthole.

>> No.12321981 [DELETED] 

I only drink Absinthe.

>> No.12322053

what's good about clear spirits? they don't have flavors like malt or oak barrel so it's just like drinking water that burns. it seems like a waste of money to me.

>> No.12322064

You're only drinking something "unflavored" if it's straight grain alcohol. All other alcohols have something in them that are designed to add distinctive taste and enhance the nature of the spirit.

Whiskey tastes perfectly good as is if you're getting one that agrees with your palate. If you think people don't like the taste of liquor, and are just "trying to be cool," it's just you trying to be edgy.

>Most alcohol tastes bad. I only drink gin

You say other alcohols taste bad, yet you drink gin? Are you fucking dumb? Or do you just not know what you're talking about?

Sake tastes good, depending on what sake it is and what sort of taste you want. Try something better than what you can get at your local super market.

>> No.12322082

Tends to go well mixed with something. There's a reason vodka goes in anything. It's ethanol and water, for the most part, and whatever they throw in there to give it its particular flavor for the brand. If it's just a filtered vodka, then it's going to taste like burning water, and for a reason. Because it pretty much is.

Throw it in some cranberry juice, or whatever you feel like drinking, and relax.

>> No.12322456

What are you referring to exactly?

>> No.12322501
File: 35 KB, 225x350, 1385288740021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is Otaku in here.

>> No.12322665

I put the O in Otaku.

>> No.12323561
File: 248 KB, 800x640, 6e027080a2d16c2250cc3e4079b898e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabled evil ghost of a dead queen. Had a habit of keeping zombies as servants.

>> No.12324644
File: 109 KB, 375x500, It still smells like rubbing alchohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

No, it's my first time trying sake though. The pic is what I tried, it was a brand of draft sake. It was so bad I poured the remaining 1/4 of it down the drain.

I am having a (pic related) right now though, and it's not as bad. For the same price it definitely isn't as bad. I'm having some supermarket sushi with it as well, so that might be helping the taste.

>> No.12328167

As other people have said, do you regularly drink alcohol? Alcoholic beverages vary widely, but the very barrier of getting over the taste of the alcohol itself and learning to appreciate the subtleties of the spirit you are drinking.

A good place start is beer. The best selling beers are domestics (Miller, Budweiser, and other low end PBR/keystone/rolling rock) simply because they are cheap. These have very cheap ingredients which is reflected in their lack of body and flavor.

I recommend anybody interested in drinking alcohol to start with imports. These beers are of higher quality than domestics and have more distinct flavors. Also, they are readily available at most bars, so having a favorite import you like is always a good go-to drink. I recommend trying Newcastle Brown Ale, Guinness Draught, Stella Artois, and Blue Moon (well not an import but still a good general example of Belgian style beer). I guarantee you will like one out of these. If you do, then you can try different beers made in similar ways. This opens you up to the varieties of beer: stouts, porters, pale ales, amber ales, pilsners, et cetera.

This leads us to craft beer. There are now hundreds of breweries across the United States (some the size of a small house, some part of national distribution networts) creating every kind of beer imaginable. These beers range in price from on par with that of imports to hundreds of dollars for a single aged 22oz bottle. These breweries use high quality ingredients and put different spins on traditional beer styles. I personally prefer beers that are very heavy in body with either strong malt flavors (as in an imperial stout or porter) or an upfront hoppiness and bitterness (found in some India Pale Ales [IPAs]). You don't have to get snobby about it, but if you are into food the world of beer is an interesting area in which to expand your tasting horizons.

I'm at the character limit, to be continued

>> No.12328211

Wine is the next step for anybody interested in beverages. I personally do not drink much wine. Why? Well, a good craft 4 pack that is 8 or 9% alcohol by volume has 8-9 drinks (servings of alcohol) in it and will run me between $10 and $15. You don't get many decent bottles of wine until you are paying about $10 or more per bottle, and a bottle only has 4-5 drinks in it. Beer is just a better buy for me, and I love it (by that standard I should be drinking bargain shelf vodka. I have standards to my nigger rich liquor buying).

Still, wine-making and wine-drinking are very old arts. Wine is even more varied and subtle than beer. There are two basic types of wine: white wine and red wine. White grapes make white wine, and red grapes make red wine. Within those two catergories, you have what are called varietals. These are the main types of wine: chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, pinot grigio, shiraz, et cetera. The varietal is the type of grape used to make the wine. Then you also have to factor in climate, soil, what type of wood the wine was aged in, and all sorts of other factors. These subtleties are why some bottles of wine can run for hundreds of thousands of dollars, or why sometimes a particular year of wine is sought after.

In between beer/wine and hard spirits is a nebulous area of fortified wines and liqueurs into which I am not going to delve.

Finally you get to the good stuff: spirits. Spirits, in their basic form, are distillations of a fermented substance. The substance and process by which it is fermented determine what type of spirit it is. Also, the method in which it is aged can greatly affect a spirit's quality. In general, if you are approaching spirits from the perspective of a connoiseur, I recommend getting into whisky (bourbon or scotch), tequila, or cognac/brandy. When it comes to straight sipping, these have the greatest depth of flavor and subtlety.

Too long will be continued

>> No.12328217

I'll never understand why people drink wine.

>> No.12328223

Guinness tastes like an ashtray smells. Where are you copying this from?

>> No.12328237

Did you try heating it up? Sake has a different taste and consistency when you do.

>> No.12328270

Some sake has distilled alcohol added to it, that's probably what gives it the rubbing alcohol flavor.

>> No.12328293

What's /jp/ol?

>> No.12328297

Vodka, gin, and rum seem to have lower ceiling for complexity given the nature of their manufacture. I will qualify this by saying that there are ultra-premium vodkas, small-batch aged rums, and boutique gins of very high quality. Still, when it comes to premium spirits, whiskey, tequila, and brandy/cognac have the most variety. To be honest, this is where my experience begins to break down. High quality spirits are very expensive. Plus, when I buy bottles of liquor I tend to drink too much. As with wine, it is an area I am interested in but can't really afford to indulge in. You can get some very good bourbons for pretty reasonable prices, but for scotch, cognac, and tequila you have to shell out a bit more.

That brings us to sake. Sake is a very old beverage, and it has different varieties, mainly based on how it is made. Maybe another anon with a lot of sake drinking experience can step in an explain how to get started on it? I'm very curious.

My opinion is that developing a wide appreciation for alcohol will help you better enjoy sake. As for as alcoholic beverages go, it is rather off-putting at first, especially for someone not used to drinking. I personally love Japanese whisky. I picked up a 1 shot bottle of pic related in Kyoto and deeply regret not buying a 750ml bottle there (for around 3,000 yen. The same bottle was 5,500 yen in Tokyo). It was absolutely delicious. Very very smooth as well.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading that and take into consideration what I talked about next time you step into a liquor store. Or just go to your local japanese market, avoid all the naruto headband wearing losers, and pick up a few bottles of very different sake. This might expose you to something you like. In truth, this adventurous method might be the best.

Source: polish alcoholic genes and experience working in bars

>> No.12328311

forgot my pic

It's "sophisticated."

>Guinness tastes like an ashtray smells. Where are you copying this from?

I literally spent the past 50 minutes typing this all up from my own knowledge. And that's a matter of opinion. I love how creamy and smooth a fresh Guinness pour is.

>> No.12328316
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, Yamazaki_Single_Malt_12-Year_Whisky_1170879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic again...oh well

>> No.12330266

>Any alcohol other than beer or vodka just does taste like shit.
wine, Jagermeister

>> No.12330275

You can buy Yamazaki for $50 in the US

>> No.12333857

Good to know.

Can I rub sake on my burns to treat it?

>> No.12334145

itt: amateur whiskey "connoisseurs"

>> No.12334233

The 18 year is really good, if you can afford it.

>> No.12340925

I like it.

>> No.12340995

why is lager so fucking gross bros?

>> No.12341259

Because it still has twigs and leaves in it, and we all know that can only mean it tastes like mud.

>> No.12341295

Does not.

>> No.12341358

Is there such any alcohol that doesn't taste like piss?

>> No.12341380
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x831, touhou_party_barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alcohol tastes like piss
"We know, because we piss in it!

And that's not all!"

>> No.12341387

Atsukan was my favorite beverage during my 2 month stint in Japan

It's much better than their shitty beer.

>> No.12341389

kahlua and cream or カルアミルク, depending on where you are.

It tastes like chocolate milk :3

>> No.12341394

Can you explain to me why Belgian yeast makes every Belgian beer taste like soap and banana?

>> No.12341561

I really like the flavor of pickle juice,what alcohol can you recommend me?

>> No.12341568

Just go suck off some AIDs ridden homosexual, that'll probably be what you're looking for.

>> No.12341575

That's not taking it easy,stick to your monstergirl containment threads.

>> No.12341579

Epic ;)

>> No.12341625

What the fuck

Anyways try mixing vodka and pickle juice

>> No.12341968

>I recommend anybody interested in drinking alcohol to start with imports.
There is no logic to this. Every country has some shit beer and some good beer; the fact that a beer doesn't come from your own country is not inherently a good thing. (This is particularly true for those of us who aren't American.)
Generally speaking you can expect to buy decent beer from your own country cheaper than decent imported beer, due to the fact that it obviously costs money to import stuff.

>White grapes make white wine, and red grapes make red wine.
Red grapes can make red or white wine.

>> No.12342398

I only drink Belgian white beer and wine coolers because I'm a lite weight. I've never actually gotten drunk before.

>> No.12342443

Being drunk is only fun in the first few moments. Its all over hyped

>> No.12342503

Being drunk with people is fun, being drunk alone is kind of boring. If you're in a good mood It's pretty comfy though. That period where you're laying in bed before you fall asleep while drunk is the best though, It's hard to describe.

>> No.12342536

It's in a brown bottle so it doesn't skunk.

Clear bottles means the alchohol goes bad faster.

>> No.12347866

I had a skunked rolling rock once. Never again.
