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File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, 雪小路 詩綾.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12306973 No.12306973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12298000

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12307000


It's very well written so I'm taking my time with it. I've been on a blast from the past kind of streak lately. Private Nurse is the next VN I have on backlog ready to start.

>> No.12307025
File: 1005 KB, 1061x710, top01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12307084
File: 685 KB, 1366x768, capture_014_29072014_124805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol Shoujo Chiru Chiru Michiru's trial was extremely short. Seems it only covered the first "episode" and if the other 12 episodes are the same length there's expecting only few hours of reading out of the full game.

Anyone here who read Fate/Hollow Ataraxia? I just finished watching the first season of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya and the last episode's stinger apparently showed Bazett which reminded me of the game's existence. It's been years since I read F/SN when still an EOP and I was wondering if F/HA is worth reading. Coincidentally there seems to be a Vita port in the works so might as well make it the first VN I actually buy.

>> No.12307097

It's good, the plot is actually quite great but it really takes a while to even get to it and then it's over quite fast too. The comedy is not bad but not particularly good either, that said, the romance scenes with Sakura are quite well done.

>> No.12307107


My guess is it will bomb because all-ages. Either that or they will include H in the later episodes.

>> No.12307151

Pretty excited for this one. I like the virtual reality game thing, and I also liked Majikoi and Tsujidou. The heroines seem pretty interesting(specially the seitokaichou, imouto and chinese mafia chick), other than the "genius programmer"(her design is nice so I'll still fap to her though).

>> No.12307565
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x600, primalhearts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12307575


>> No.12307589

Isn't that last screenshot on Hoshiori's VNDB page kinda spoilery?

>> No.12307596

Only NFSW ones get spoilered apparently

>> No.12307643

I know that. But CGs with actual spoilers obviously shouldn't be in the screenshot section for everyone to see. So what I'm asking is if it is a spoiler.

>> No.12307652

You can delete it if you want.

>> No.12307653

Not really a spoiler when the highest ranked tag is "marriage ending", and if bothers you so much why not just remove said screenshot?

>> No.12307660

How is it a spoiler? It's the fucking selling point.

>> No.12307663

The highest ranked tag is 'Marriage Ending' ONLY when your spoiler scope is set at 'spoil me!'. So not by default.

All I wanted to know is that IF it is a spoiler, it should be deleted. I haven't even played the game yet myself.

>> No.12307665

I love blindfolds and arms chained above heads.

>> No.12307673 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 975x188, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The highest ranked tag is 'Marriage Ending' ONLY when your spoiler scope is set at 'spoil me!'. So not by default.

No, it's by default. Check the screenshot and yes it a spoiler by the terms your thinking of

>> No.12307676

Never mind me shooting myself in the head. Yes it a spoiler by the terms your thinking of

>> No.12307724

Recommend me the best vn dealing with pregnancy fetish to the best of your vast knowledge.

>> No.12307742


I have yet to find a game which really hits the nail, but ぜったい遵守, ままん教室 and the Tanuki games are good. The guys over at the nukige thread might know more though.

>> No.12307803

純潔★女神さまっ! Has a lot of it. A lot.

and although there isn't pregnancy until the endings 受胎島's plot is centered around impregnation. Also has a good mix of characters and fetishes as well.

>> No.12307913

The only thing that makes me harder is dismemberment.

>> No.12307995
File: 149 KB, 1022x640, astralair menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this is an incredibly non-ominous way to say the last route has been unlocked.

>> No.12308003

So how is the game so far?
Are all the routes as long as Ochiba

>> No.12308010

Not him, but Ichika's route seems pretty long, too. Still not done with it yet.

>> No.12308015

Wonder how big this game is.
Definitely bigger than 3mb

>> No.12308016

The only route as long as Ochiba so far has been Korona's, but still somewhat shorter, Ichika's is the shortest with Rinne's and they are both a couple of hours shorter than Ochiba's, which I honestly enjoyed quite a lot.
Honestly, aside from Kotori's middle of her route which is incredibly irritating to go through, I've liked it a lot so far. Korona's route was particularly great, by ranking I'd go
Rinne's is short but builds on what Ochiba's route introduces right off the bat. Ichika and Kotori are largely irrelevant but they nail the endings and the drama makes sense, for the most part.

>> No.12308023

Ochiba's route had a few things that annoyed me and the writing tends to feel a bit weak during the serious moments but the plot and setting are pretty cool.
I guess I'll do the rest. Looking forward to Korona's route, best character.

>> No.12308034

She really is a great girl, has the best ending of the bunch too.
Ochiba's route did have some iffy moments here and there but I liked it thematically since I thought it did the whole meaning of family thing quite well through Hazuki and makes you understand the MC since he rarely displays a more noticeable personality.
That said, don't expect much plot or setting from Ichika and Kotori, they mention some stuff but it's mostly Rinne and especially Korona (you should really finish with her) the ones who deal with the plot, even if it basically starts with it the moment you think the route has finished.

>> No.12308045

About the thematic of family, honestly it feels like they are recycling it between arcs.
It's one of the problem I have with the writing in general

>> No.12308049

It's a theme through the game, so you are getting family stuff for them all, some tone it down, others don't, but they all have issues with their families.

>> No.12308053

Yeah I get that and I don't have a problem with the thematic itself, just the way they push it tends to feel the same between arcs, that's why I wrote "recycling"
Well other routes could be different

>> No.12308069

I seem to be almost done with Ichika's route, the first I'm going through, and was planning on going for Kotori's next. Kotori's route being irrelevant is a bit unexpected. I was expecting her to have at least some degree of plot relevance considering she's a knowledgeable Elfin and seems to have a Troubled Past™.

I'm slightly miffed because Corona has been, by far, the character I like the least. Seems like I might be in the minority, though. Maybe she's much better during her route.

Soundtrack is pretty good. Favorite sure delivered on that front.

>> No.12308078

That's what I thought too about Kotori, but nope, her route adds a couple of things about runes and introduces a character that you'll see more in Rinne's route, but that's about it for her.
Korona is really... interesting to say the least, there's more to her than genki robot girl.

>> No.12308088

I'm neither of the two guys above, but Corona is my favorite so far as well. Rinne is cool, but something about her voice bothers me slightly. Kotori probably my least favorite, but I haven't done her route yet, so we'll see.

The presentation in general is great. Seems some people aren't a fan of the coloring, but I like it a lot, and the backgrounds are really nice as well. Some really good tracks in the OST, too.

>> No.12308092

So do you guys think this is worth it in the end? I'm almost downloading it here.

>> No.12308097

>so we'll see.
Imagine a tsundere, except she doesn't go dere till 10 minutes before the ending scroll, that's Kotori.
Production values are great in general, favorite's engine works really well for their stuff and backgrounds are incredibly well done in general, only wish it was 720p.

>> No.12308101

It's not bad.
Just remember that it's more plot focused you'd think at first glance.
And that it's long, really long

>> No.12308104

If you played and liked Hoshimemo, it's absolutely worth it as IMO it's much better so far. Definitely a lot more plot heavy.

>> No.12308105

Definitely worth it, way more consistent than their latest games too in general.

>> No.12308112

It's not THAT long, I mean, it's not like it's clannad.

>> No.12308116

I like the passing references to hoshimemo here and there, considering they share a 'setting'.

>> No.12308118

It's probably longer than Clannad overall though.
It's not like Clannad is that long either

>> No.12308123

Guess that's one thing to look forward to. The route itself should be fun, at least. Thanks for the commentary.

Yeah, the presentation has been quite good. It does a great job a building a snowy atmosphere.

Based on the comments in this thread and my experience so far with it, I think it's definitely worth giving a shot, especially if you want a nice snowy/Winter-like setting. It will have to mess up really, really bad on the final route to ruin the entire thing.

>> No.12308124

Astralair is probably around 35-40 tops, you'd probably have just unlocked After story by that point.

>> No.12308134

Clannad's lenght is overestimated, it's like 3.2mb.
Which is pretty long sure but not really among the longest.
Hoshimemo is like 2.5mb and Astralair is definitely a lot longer than that.

>> No.12308139

I think Clannad seems longer than it actually is because there's a lot of skipping around involved, especially if you want to see all the bonus scenes, of which there are a ton.

>> No.12308144

The building for her route is nice, it basically pulls what hoshimemo did with **** during the common route when you completed routes, just better and longer.

>> No.12308268

>Battle Status on character pages

So can we expect another battle system?

>> No.12308707

Just finished Comyu. It's pretty epic, and does a lot of stuff right. At least, I was never bored, which is saying something considering this is a 30+ hour VN.

Does anyone else think that having a partially forced route order like Comyu or Rewrite can do wonders for storytelling? You can do a tremendous amount of worldbuilding through multiple mutually exclusive routes, yet still tie everything up with a "true" end.

>> No.12308750

>Comyu or Rewrite
That's kind of an odd combination.

>> No.12308754

Based on timing and the examples you gave, I'm going to assume you read Ixrec's version. In which case, you didn't really read Comyu.

>> No.12308756

By any chance, are you reading the translated version Anon?

>> No.12308758

He's most likely severely limited by translations.

>> No.12308760

He is an EOP. Nothing to be surprised about.

>> No.12308767

Being an EOP is suffering...

>> No.12308768


>> No.12308986
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, lovely x cation 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone kindly tell me what this means? If anyone's happened to play Lovely x Cation 2, what does difficulty change anyway? I am assuming the text explains it, but I can't figure out how to hook it

>> No.12308992

This isn't the japanese learning thread. Sorry.

>> No.12308998


What the hell is happening with your screenshot there.

Also it says "Actually try to learn Japanese instead of relying on a text hooker for everything".

>> No.12309020

If you can't even read that without a text hooker, then perhaps you shouldn't be trying to read VNs in Japanese yet.

>> No.12309025

90% of it is written in kana and you can't read it?

>> No.12309035


I can't read any. I can understand a lot of it if spoken though, which is why I can get through some VNs, sometimes even without a hooker. Never formally studied though so there are times when I need help.

>> No.12309039

>I can't read any

You can't read kana? What are you doing with your texthooker, feeding some machine translator? Learn that shit. No one is going to help you anyway.

>> No.12309046

Holy shit. This is one of the very few times I agree with the "learn japanese" anon. Learn japanese.

>> No.12309051

> can't read kana
> can understand if spoken
Suuuure, dude. You somehow magically learned thousands of words and, moreover, grammar, but have no idea how even basics of Japanese work.
How the fuck you would distinguish verb conjugations if you don't know kana?

>> No.12309054


My knowledge of the grammar is poor, but my vocabulary is decent. I can figure out what sentences mean if I have any context for them.


What else are you going to do with a text hooker?

>> No.12309058

You're using Atlas aren't you?

>> No.12309063


No, Atlas' translations are usually garbled.

>> No.12309071

Quick summary
Easy: Recommend for someone who play this only for the heroine
Normal: Recommended for someone who also want to experience the "gameplay"

You're welcome and learn fucking japanese.

>> No.12309079

Why would you do this?

>> No.12309084

>What else are you going to do with a text hooker?

It's pretty sad that everything which comes to your mind is machine translation when you think of texthookers. They're actually quite potent learning tools if used correctly.

>> No.12309085

Don't listen to this guy, if you pick Normal mode you're going to have to solve kanji puzzles half way though the game. Go with easy, you illiterate.

>> No.12309087

To anger you.

>> No.12309089

>You're welcome and learn fucking japanese.

Why should he if you spoonfeed him?

>> No.12309100

The nerd doesn't even know kana. I highly doubt he is using anything as a learning tool.

>> No.12309135

Jesus, just direct him to /vg/ and move on. It's not like this is the first time someone uses machine TL in this thread.

>> No.12309194

But then I can't show off how good I am at Japanese!

>> No.12309224

Translate Albatross if you want to show off.
Translating game difficulty description is not something you'd brag about.

>> No.12309310

So you would think, but clearly the people who spoonfeed in these threads think otherwise.

>> No.12309560
File: 784 KB, 1840x2605, kurogane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12309564


God damn it

>> No.12309565

Too bad it's Vita only.

>> No.12309569

i have a vita so i might get it but is there no chance whatsoever of them making a pc version with ero in it?

>> No.12309582

It's by an eroge writer (the Hikoukigumo and Tsujidou guy) and according to magazine info the VA are using their porn names for some reason, I'd say it's not that unlikely.

・大包 平 CV:黒木太陽
・和泉天国 CV:久慈茜
・村雨伏姫 CV:澤田なつ
・石上虎徹 CV:遥そら
・船坂玉鋼 CV:橘桜

>> No.12309591

Why would you need text hooker? If you see word which you don't know, type it and look it up.

>> No.12309595

Absolute waste of time, especially if you don't know the kanji and have to search by radicals.

>> No.12309606

youre going to remember those kanji you had to closely look at and think of all the radicals that comprise it much better than just scrolling over it in a text hooker tho

>> No.12309613

Starting Tone Work's new title. This better not be as shitty as their last one...I'll keep my finger on the CTRL key just in case.

>> No.12309615 [DELETED] 

Then it is truly to learn Japanese.

>> No.12309632

I was thinking of reading Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi. Then I heard that there are voice only parts. are there many of these parts? Will I miss something big if I didn't get them?

>> No.12309650

You didn't answer the question. Why would anyone need text hooker as a "learning tool "?

>> No.12309813

>VA are using their porn names
I've always wondered but why do voice actors use bunch of different names in the first place? I know 車の人 and maybe some others do it for joke value but wouldn't it be better to stick to one name for easier recognition and advertising that they have some well known VA in their game?

>> No.12309815

Because when doing all ages stuff people like to think the voice actors don't do lewd things. I mean Chihaya's voice actor (idolmaster) does eroge, but most anime fans and stuff don't actually realise it. It's all about image.

>> No.12309838

Yeah that's what I thought too but there also seems to be some cases of VAs using different names even in eroge. F.ex. yesterday I noticed that Kaneda Mahiru who voices Chachamaru in Muramasa uses VA name Andou Ryuu in Make Me Lover.

>> No.12309853

Speaking of Isami she was replaced by other voice actress in Gangata fandisc because of 体調不良, hope she will still continue working on eroge. On the other hand looks like this fandisc turned out to be 地雷 so maybe it's for the best.

>> No.12309860

People seem to be calling it worse than juukishi, really short and adds basically nothing in the art department.

>> No.12310231
File: 78 KB, 1020x634, yukiyuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel dirty right now, she was too innocent and pure for sex.

>> No.12310240

I tried reading the English version of Ever17 long ago. I tried multiple times, and dropped it each time after putter ~5 hours into it. I'd like to think it was because of the awkward translation, but I honestly don't remember.

Now that my Japanese has gotten pretty good, should I try playing it again in Japanese?

>> No.12310245

Yeah, the translation is quite infamous around people who know japanese. Just make sure you go for the PSP or 360 version.

>> No.12310246

I found it boring, regardless, it's basically all build up and foreshadowing for the true route with a ton of inane SoL.

>> No.12310249

I'm about to start Clover Day's, what should I expect?

>> No.12310250

Ever17's translation was bad, but that's got nothing to do with its pacing, which was worse. The first few routes are sleep-inducing. Only by the end does it really start moving.
So unless you're willing to trudge through long boring sections for the final payoff, don't try it.

>> No.12310253

What does the psp version have over others?

Tsubame being a moe goddess.

>> No.12310263

Thank you for your opinions. I guess I'll play it when I'm in the mood for slow-paced slice of life with a surprise at the end.

>> No.12310283

An anon posted a list with the changes a long time ago, but I think they're quite spoilery. If you still want to know, search through the archives. It should be around there.

>> No.12310293

Weren't the changes made for the xbox version?
I thought the psp was just a port of basically every other version.

>> No.12310309

Oh, that's true. My bad.

>> No.12310314

Could some kind anon seed http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=201721 ?
There are no seeds, and all other links I found are dead.

>> No.12310376

Isn't that supposed to be only first part of a series and the company went bankrupt after releasing it?

>> No.12310385

I think so. I don't really know because I didn't read up on it, but it is really short. I don't mind either way because I really like ABHAR's art-style.

>> No.12310388

Any good release this month with hetare man as main character? I really want to read more eroge featuring hetare, it is best type in my opinion.

>> No.12310404


Whoever seeded it, thank you very much.

>> No.12310444

So you can self-insert yourself?

>> No.12310448

All of them.

>> No.12310464

he said good, anon

>> No.12310471


>> No.12310479


No so I can see more hetare character actions, they always make best main character. There is a thing very inspiring about watching a hetare man do his thing in an eroge. A feeling not easily done by other non hetare feature games.


This is not true, you need to find out what hetare actually mean before making comment. It maybe do you some good to study what hetare is, its best character type in eroge in my opinion. I wish every game was more focused on hetare man main character.


What your problem with hetare?

>> No.12310484

This post is VIP quality.

>> No.12310490


And you need to find out how to write posts without looking like a total fool.

>> No.12310500

By hetare you mean how he improve himself to become decent human or he keep being useless piece of shit until the end?

>> No.12310503

Are you perhaps this retard?


>> No.12310509


My post fine, you are literally only one who have problem. Why people who dislike hetare are so rude?


I want him to remain "useless" as you say, watching a man be hetare for the duration of game is best.


No. I dont know what "Ixrec" even mean.

>> No.12310510

lol those screenshots

>> No.12310516

>My post fine
>one who have problem
>Why people who

So, you are him. Good to know.

>> No.12310527
File: 204 KB, 402x344, hee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want him to remain "useless" as you say, watching a man be hetare for the duration of game is best.

Are you serious anon?

>> No.12310537

is there any well written fight scenes or is it usually just the he punched to the right but i dodged and then blah blah blah

>> No.12310549

I enjoyed the fighting scenes in 刃鳴散らす but that's it. I can't get into chuuni power level fighting and mostly stay away from it.

>> No.12310553

I sincerely doubt he's not, and I'm impressed by the amount of people who can't tell.

>> No.12310556


That thread seem to be about english translation of visual novel. I am easily read Japanese why I care about that or post in there?


Yes, any game like this been released in the recent days? Clover Days was also very nice game with cute girls, main character was just not hetare enough for my taste


Dies Irae had very good fight scene in my opinion and any game made by company "light" too.

>> No.12310561


>> No.12310578

School days probably will be/is your favorite vn anon.

>> No.12310585


He not be of hetare he just nasty person who hurt girls. Me not like

>> No.12310600

Can you give me one example of protagonist that fits your hetare criteria

>> No.12310619

I find it amusing that you guys will criticize opinions you don't agree with as "shitposting", yet you're feeding this guy more than /a/ would feed a Naruto spammer.

>> No.12310736

Because most of Jp users are pretty kind at their heart, but just dont show it and act like cool. Even EOPs getting answers here while we are saying go away vg go away thing and we are spoonfeeding almost every question.

>> No.12310782
File: 94 KB, 1020x640, route when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Astral Air, Yuuki's route was simply great, especially starting with the second half up till the ending.
Really strong themes, emotional scenes (even if sappy, I dig that a lot), character development both built from what you know from the character routes and more exposure for the secondary cast and a plot/scenario that actually delivers in what's important. Yuuki was a trulty great heroine in it too, I honestly thought they'd make the mysterious girl the main heroine instead and basically pull a hoshimemo, but nope.
The route in itself was long as fuck, easily a couple of hours longer than Ochiba if not more, but once it gets going in romance/plot I found it truly great, the ending particularly delivers in what I wanted from the game at that point, especially the the arrange of Yuki no Elfin Lied it uses.

Also I want a fandisk with a route for Hinata, whose design works surprisingly better in her only CG, and Yuki too, she's a great onee-chan and deserves a good fuck after Yuuki's route.

>> No.12311130

The poster in the translation thread is obviously milf autist, the one in this thread is obviously not.

>> No.12311160

Milf autist might have had a terrible command of the English language, but this is a whole new level. It's an entirely new creature.

>> No.12311281

Hetare protagonists are better than edgy cunts.

>> No.12311283

Are you autistic fucks really upset about someones command of the English language in a thread where pasty weebs play Japanese text games with auto-translation tools?

>> No.12311289


>> No.12311294

You sound pretty upset yourself.

>> No.12311343


Yes because the hetare is of great inspiritation.

>> No.12311463

Does anyone else have a problem where astralair just crashes after starting it? This is on Vista btw

>> No.12311476

Set your date format to Japanese. Same as all Favorite games.

>> No.12311674

whats even the point of region protection like that

>> No.12311700

To stop gaijins playing their games, or at least piss them off a little.

>> No.12311707


Seriously, though, it's probably just shitty coding.

>> No.12311808

oh, thanks

>> No.12311817
File: 196 KB, 1026x578, ss+(2014-07-30+at+06.31.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12311822


>> No.12311825

oh... i am just very lost....

>> No.12311905

whoa finished the first route in hello lady

that went quicker than i expected

>> No.12312186

Try the translated VNs thread in /vg/.

>> No.12312514 [DELETED] 
File: 356 KB, 487x633, vn general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread in nutshell.

>> No.12312528 [DELETED] 


Can you give me the h-code for the stuff on the bottom? I can't seem to get it to hook.

>> No.12312555

At this point I honestly probably prefer hetare over the other major protagonist archetype that seems to be popular these days: the 2cool superman. At least with hetare there's the possibility for character growth and it's not just wish-fulfillment.

>> No.12312566 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I know Japanese but I haven't learned kana yet.

>> No.12312571

No need to blatantly shitpost, we already have enough crap in these threads

>> No.12312587 [DELETED] 

i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

>> No.12312671

I don't think my body can take this /jp/.

W-w-what do I do?

>> No.12312674
File: 850 KB, 1920x1200, 785657434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot image

>> No.12312696 [DELETED] 

What is she saying?

>> No.12312701

She's saying "ur a faget"

>> No.12312703


>> No.12312706


>> No.12312713


>> No.12312715

I can't take it too, the hands are too big. I bet it's a dude.

>> No.12312722

Fuck, can't unsee.

>> No.12312743
File: 915 KB, 1919x1200, 785657435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I seriously can't take this. I need to take breaks every couple of lines of dialog.

>> No.12312749

Sounds like that isn't your type of game.

>> No.12312754 [DELETED] 

Why are you reading kusoge? Just curious.

>> No.12312757

It isn't. But my backlog is getting smaller and smaller and this game was next.

Is it really? I heard good things about it when it released.

>> No.12312778

everyge is kusoge

>> No.12312781

Nice font dude

>> No.12312796 [DELETED] 


>> No.12312824

I generally despise such games, but this is seriously 微笑ましい

>> No.12312971 [DELETED] 

please write Japanese. jparser does not work when with American aplhabet.

>> No.12313124

向日葵の教会, PC or PSP?
Can anyone tell me if Tsukiko's route is fairy good or not or should I just stick with PC?

>> No.12313134

I liked it, but definitely go with the pc version for the main game, psp resolution quite bad as you can possibly imagine and read Tsukiko's if you like her character, as the common route has minimal branching and all the routes starts at the same point.

>> No.12313236


How about you just leave if this thread makes you this angry?

>> No.12313262

I hope someone can help me with this. I'm trying to use ITH with senshinkan but it doesn't get the text. I read that it works if you change the font but it always changes back to the default font as soon as I run the game. I tried changing other options such as default fullscreen with regedit and it works, dunno why the font option doesn't. I even downloaded that bloated piece of shit called "visual novel reader" (seriously, there are emoticons like "T.T" in the fucking options of the program. Who the fuck coded this shit?) and it gets the text but it freezes after a few sentences. I tried older versions but no luck.
I don't want it to use machine translations. I just want to be able to look up words I don't know easily.
Any ideas?

>> No.12313265

Finished Make Me Lover, but still seem to be missing a lot of scenes. No idea how to get them either. I built everything and there were barely any decision spots. Also not sure what the kuro route is. Unless that's just what it calls it if you make a non-loli type heroine.

>> No.12313273

Did you even try googling?

>> No.12313281

I was going to after I made that post, but thanks for saving me the trouble.

>> No.12313287

Btw, black route includes shitton of new content, including different gameplay, so I'd strongly advice not omitting it.

>> No.12313295

>Any ideas?
Time to learn Japanese

>> No.12313321
File: 159 KB, 816x639, はなひら.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Amane is one stupid fucking bitch.

>> No.12313344

I liked it less and less the more I read. If I were you I'd just read the blonde imouto route and finish it. Blue imouto is also ok but the others are just plain bad.

>> No.12313368

Looking at kanji/words the "hard" way will make learning them much easier.
Just decompose them by radicals and shit, you'll even learn why they are composed that way in the process making the learning much more fun.

But seriously if you still has to use a hooking tool while playing Senshinkan there is something wrong with you, I can understand using a tool for your first few eroge but Senshinkan shouldn't be one of them.

>> No.12313378

>Looking at kanji/words the "hard" way will make learning them much easier.
This is not the case for everyone. It can get way too tedious for some people. I'm one of them, so I know.

>But seriously if you still has to use a hooking tool while playing Senshinkan there is something wrong with you, I can understand using a tool for your first few eroge but Senshinkan shouldn't be one of them.
But this I fully agree with. Senshinkan is not the kind of thing to start reading while you still need a text hooker.

>> No.12313380

>Looking at kanji/words the "hard" way will make learning them much easier.

Eh, looking up and learning them are pretty much the same thing after a certain time. It's the same thing as seeing uncommon English words which will also stick in your mind without repeating them again and again. There is no need for a "hard way" if you are at that stage.

>But seriously if you still has to use a hooking tool while playing Senshinkan there is something wrong with you

This, however, is true. Don't do it, it will just destroy your immersion.

>> No.12313969
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Same here. I dropped it when I got to the white haired twins route, the game was also absurdly fucking long. I really liked Tsubame/Anzu route but the rest were mediocre. Tsubame's route was fantastic in my opinion, though.

>> No.12314082
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>> No.12314122

Started with hoshiori, why companies make the trial saves not compatible with the full versions is something I'll never understand.

>> No.12314216


Aren't trials often different from the game in terms of chronology? I think it would be pretty difficult to make them compatible in that case.

>> No.12314234

Most of the time they just get the firs few hours of the game and there aren't really changes to the engine or anything. Hell, hoshiori's reads the data, it just can't load it without crashing.

>> No.12314281

Tsubame's first part was really fun. Second part felt really forced and kind of ruined the whole route for me though.

>> No.12314345
File: 180 KB, 910x1024, 622320-20tagme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always see discussions about h scenes and how a lot of people don't care for them... "oh i always skip them as fast as possible"

like wtf man. maybe they are sexually frustrated or tired of wanking iduno, but i enjoy them, it's part of character developement and helps you the reader become more attached to that character. sometimes they seem to be thrown in there but i don't mind, its just like any medium really when they throw random sexy scenes.

iduno i am just venting, like if u reading a vn deep down inside you're thinking "damn i hope she gets naked soon"
how can people not like the sex scenes?

>> No.12314357

Sex is for くず塵, I have long since ascended from taking interest in such base pleasures.

>> No.12314371

I do see that attitude with some people in this medium/thread, where they seek some sort of literary enlightenment in a medium designed for escapism, instead of accepting the pain of being a nerd wanking to Japanese powerpoint presentations.

I just think the ones that complain about it are the more vocal bunch though, I like to think the rest are busy enough fapping to their eroge to post about it. I certainly don't post much about it either.

>> No.12314380
File: 144 KB, 470x600, 1403053666036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partially asexual and a lot of it just seems to be poorly done without any excuse.

Honestly though I prefer plot and porn to be separated. A lot of American TV nowadays just has sex scenes without any reason except to increase viewership. The same with VNs.

>> No.12314386

I use nukige for fapping, normal VN sex scenes tend to be really poorly written and I can't fap to them, or at least feel satisfied fapping to them.
There are some exceptions, but that's about it.

>> No.12314392

Sex is icky. I want my porn games to be clean and family friendly!

No, but seriously, I don't understand those people either. Just read a book, you'll be better off compared to cheesy romance stories written for lonely nerds.

I'm not going to pretend it's about ``character development'' though, I just want to have an occasional fap to the cute 2D girls I'm reading about.

>> No.12314422

When you read enough VNs, it just becomes more of the same old and fails to be arousing. I used to fap to every H-scene in every VN I read, even pure love games and moege, but they don't do it for me anymore. I usually read nukige to fap, because the average H-scene is pretty boring unless it's a heroine I'm really really attached to.

>it's part of character developement and helps you the reader become more attached to that character
Most of the times the heroine completely loses any personality she had and defaults to "iya hazukashi even if it hurts i'll endure it for you" shit or a semen demon. Not very good character development in my opinion.

>> No.12314426

>I just want to have an occasional fap to the cute 2D girls I'm reading about.
This is the reason why I mostly tend to get annoyed on the anime trend of showing sexually frustrated characters disguised as characterization, in a romcom held together by black or white beams of light or "creative" censorship options to entice their most ardent fans to invest on the BluRay/DVD releases. At least eroge is honest with its urge to show cute girls in lewd events.

>> No.12314427

in terms of character developemnet i meant like seeing another side to a character, the slutty side, lol so yeah that's just what satisfies me

>> No.12314437

>I'm partially asexual
How does that work? You're not attracted to 95% of people as opposed to 50%?

>> No.12314449

>sexually attracted to 50% of the people you meet
jesus christ, are you really that horny?

>> No.12314458

I only skip h-scenes in moege (and those of characters I don't care about, of course), because they tend to be dreadfully boring. You can only endure squeaky moeblobs being sickeningly and implausibly lolsopure so many times.

Also what >>12314422 described, watching a heroine I like lose her personality and devolve into a badly-written stereotype is revolting. H-scenes which avert that are rare, but excellent.

>> No.12314465

it's only natural to be horny. it's a basic human function.

>> No.12314466

Recently, i never really attracted to any 3d girl anon and it's been more than 2 years the last time i open 3d porn.

What does that make me /jp/?

>> No.12314474

A mage in training to wizardhood.

>> No.12314476


>> No.12314478

A true /jp/sie.

>> No.12314491

A loser virgin

>> No.12314493


My another case, i also can't fap to nukige. I just get the feeling it's no different with 3d porn since bitch fuck MC with no reason at all.

>> No.12314537

Just ctrl skip it, the route start right after the opening. What featured in the trial is the whole common route. I'm disappointed.

>> No.12314710

While Visual novels don't general have too much for that, a number of nukige do.

High pregnancy content titles(75% of heroine routes or more):

Mamankyoushitsu by Swaneye+
Junketsu Megami-Sama by Lune
HaraKami by CONCEPT
Ninchi Shinasai by HighRunning
TsunXBote by Norn
Elf Tsuma by Norn
HaraMarraige by Cyc No-Nos
Ringetsu Onsen by Momo-Fero

Medium pregnancy content titles (1/3rd of heroine route or more):

Oyako Ninjutsu Kunoichi PonPon!! by FLAP
Kozukuri Onsen by HighRunning
NuruPuri by Black Package
HaraPara by Swan
The AneImo series by Boot-Up
Most Norn titles
Most Miel titles
Most SwanMania titles
Most Swaneye titles
Every CONCEPT title

Bootup, CONCEPT, and Swaneye titles seem to attempt to be more than purely nukige though whether that's a good thing or bad thing is up to you.

>> No.12314752


It's uploaded?

>> No.12314757

One of us.

>> No.12314868


Not that I've seen, but it is released, so...soon? Unlike the new Swaneye game, which has been delayed. Current release date: "Summer 2014"

>> No.12314878

Yeah but swaneye is shit. I can't believe they haven't gone bankrupt yet

>> No.12314892


On their main page, they have an urgent recruitment post for a scenario writer and programmer. Personally, I liked old Swaneye's scenario's well enough for most of the characters, and the progression and character portraits were swell enough, but that's all changed. Now, the current artist seems to have no idea for proper proportions, even by VN standards. Everything just looks... awkward. Ho hum.

>> No.12314894

It's still much better than Norn, which does quite well considering they release 10 games per year.

>> No.12314902


I'd like Norn better if they released more kemonomimi stuff, but I guess some people protested animal girl heroine, and they caved? Something about their portrayal girls as animals being like treating women like pets (even though that never actually happens) or something weird like that.

>> No.12314937

Anri is the only good thing about that game.

>> No.12315201

my friend has a psycho bitch fetish, and i got me wondering which vn's have good psycho bitch plots?
i liked some of the endings on school days when shit got crazy.
similar stuff

>> No.12315215

There is a VNDB tag called "yandere". Look it up.

>> No.12315235

Norn also releases low price titles though, and it's not like their stuff is exactly high budget.

>> No.12315396

why doesnt he just get a real gf lmao

>> No.12315522

You don't belong here.

>> No.12315547

Should I read through the Sona-Nyl dictionary entries, or will most of the stuff covered there be explained throughout the game? Even if the latter, would there be any entries I should at least take a look at?

>> No.12315749

How do you know they're a milf?

>> No.12315776

Dude, are you so dense that you can't see the masterful blend of humor the shitposting? Don't even bother replying, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.12316039

Books can get pretty explicit when it comes to sex though, including some of the best literature, so these prudes would be in trouble there too.

And character development obviously isn't the main point of the sex scenes, but the sex scenes are definitely a part of character/relationship development.

What kind of eroge are you guys reading? I rarely see heroines break character in the sex scenes. Then again I don't play the chuuni and moege that seem to be the two mainstays of this thread.

>> No.12316090
File: 623 KB, 1024x600, capture_001_01082014_185238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anonymous worth playing? It's been pretty boring so far. And the ears, man. Also, the protagonist killed the cat, right?

>> No.12316375

Does that use the same engine as Muv Luv Alternative?

>> No.12316400
File: 1.65 MB, 1337x900, teaser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12316406

Screenshots like that remind me why I'm learning Japanese. Bitch-tits in the middle, fuckable pink on the left, jesus christ.

>> No.12316412 [DELETED] 

It's rUGP and it's awful. Crashed so often for me.

>> No.12316415

aw yes more motherfucking watanabe

>> No.12316461

Haha, there's some funny articles regarding rUGP.

>> No.12316497

Is Watanabe the artist? What other works has he contributed to?

>> No.12316503

no you illiterate, he's the writer

>> No.12316574
File: 78 KB, 796x597, itsusora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to re read itsusora since I found a good ps2 version download. Didn't remember how much of an innocent troll Futami was.

>> No.12316625

So black route in KISS new game is actually NTR, sexual training minigame is done to main heroine by random demon, while protag is far away.
Feels weird to break her after her happy ending.

>> No.12316654

I remember when reading hoshizora no memoria, an important part got revealed in the second sex scene with the red head.
Rarely completely skip them since then.

>> No.12316672

What on Earth is that? I skipped all H-scenes in the original Hoshimemo, but the story made sense (as much sense as that last route makes, anyway) enough.
What was revealed during her sex scene?

>> No.12316717

Do you refer to "メイクMeラバー"? http://vndb.org/v13060? If so, how is the CG/art?

>> No.12316720

Yes, there's no other KISS new games.
Art is pretty decent, and they did impressive job to make CGs change according to customizations of heroine. There's tons of options and every single detail is properly reflected in every CG.

It was just a bit surprising how much black route is disconnected from the rest of routes (white, osananajimi, teacher, maid)

>> No.12316721

The Miko doesn't have a route?

>> No.12316723

Thanks, I will give it a download. Seems right up my alley.

Also, it's more natural to say "new Kiss games".

>> No.12316727

No. But there's one scene with her in evil route.

>> No.12316728

The art isn't even that good.

>> No.12316732

EOPs think that Sakura Peasants game has great art. What do you expect.

>> No.12316733

I can see beauty in homely village wives from medieval European times.
I'm far enough in Japanese that I can read untranslated games. Also, Sakura Spirits has awful art.

>> No.12316738

Your first KISS game or something? They always have NTR.

>> No.12316745

Well, as I said, it just was really unexpected after other routes. There's light fantasy, pure renai story with happy end, and then this route, which is like entirely different game. I'm near its end and protag went batshit insane.
First he sells to brothel his other heroines in order to rescue his loli heroine (customizable one), but when he kills entire demon town and rescues her, he himself sells her to brothel too, in order to get more power to kill every existing demon.

>> No.12316749

It's mirage, of course it does.

>> No.12316883
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, snap0010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished black route of the KISS game.
Its refreshing to see "good" protag switching to genociding his enemies, but he also gave up on all heroines, and whole "being nice to girls for half of game, then brutally abuse them and throw away" shit is really not my thing.
Its total waste that they made 調教 minigame only available for non-protag and before he rescues the heroine, it had good variety of training methods and different reactions depending on heroine status.

Many sub-heroines didn't get any h-scenes, but considering sheer amount of scenes for main (customizable) heroine, I guess its reasonable.

>> No.12316895

>different reactions depending on heroine status.
could you elaborate on that? Different appearances in the same positions? Or different reactions/text based on "whore" "slut" level.

>> No.12316907

>different reactions/text based on "whore" "slut" level
There's 3 parameters — lust, 悦虐 and 奉媚, and as they grow she turns from "resisting" to "willing" for each scene. There's 3 variations for each training scene depending on numbers.

>> No.12316914

That is literally my fetish. Thank you for responding, downloading now.

>> No.12316978
File: 400 KB, 1024x600, oh, so now she wants it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KISS' training games in general have that kind of stuff from the get-go unlike Make Me Lover which apparently requires playing through the RTS parts and getting to the evil route first. F.ex. Custom Reido V has different heroine reactions for the same actions depending on how trained she is in the specific skill, how broken you've gotten her so far and also some variations depending on several purchasable traits.

>> No.12317210

she told him the name of tenboudai no kanojo.

Nothing big but I was paranoid that something else would be revealed after.

>> No.12317214

But she also gives him the tanzaki with her name later on, it's not like it's a critical plot element.

>> No.12317260
File: 141 KB, 800x600, Meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just finished reading G-Senjou no Maou. Pretty thrilling, although the ending was sort of dumb.

Heavy spoilers I really thought that the MC had dissociative identity disorder, but I guess it turned out that it was Kyouhei all along (at least for the true route, I guess?)

>> No.12317336
File: 780 KB, 800x600, 1366851685176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished all of God of Death's routes.
Pretty good.

Does anyone know anything similar to that type of VNs?
I've read all of the VNs by Tsurumiku and just recently finished reading Euphoria. But now I have no idea what is similar.

I honestly don't know where to look anymore where a protagonist slightly mind breaks a girl and makes her his slave. Preferably without any tentacle shit though.

I was told to check Black Cyc but that seems to have a ridiculous amount of tentacles. Lilith might be decent but it'd rather stay away from them.
Any ideas?

>> No.12317340

Are you that guy who was stuck somewhere in that game a long time ago?

>> No.12317354

haha that little girl is pretty cute

>> No.12317362

The original premise was much more interesting than durr, it was all my brother.

>> No.12317364

Yeah, stupid game bug, fucking stupid.
When something forces you a bad end even though you did the required action, I call bullshit.

Also, do you have good memory or is /jp/ just that small?

>> No.12317388

>I honestly don't know where to look anymore where a protagonist slightly mind breaks a girl and makes her his slave.
Try looking for 調教? There's a shitload of that.

>> No.12317398

Not him, but I also remember you, so I'd say the latter.

>> No.12317408

People should really know what kind of ass-pulls they have to expect when playing Looseboy games.

>> No.12317430

It's exactly what I'm looking for but I've already checked most VNs on vndb (because I don't know where to check), and most are not what I'm looking for or just shit.

Tsurumiku and God of Death are pretty much the only thing that were decent and what I was looking for with decent production values and not made a decade ago.

>> No.12317431

G-Sen's is definitely the worst of the lot though. It's practically the evil twin cliche of terrible twists.

>> No.12317437

Use erogamescape not vndb. I don't know if they have a specific 調教 tag but if there aren't any related tags you can just do a google site search.

>> No.12317438

>vndb (because I don't know where to check)
Why don't you use the EGS tags? If you can't access it, you can ask the site's owner or something via twitter to white-list your IP.

>> No.12317451

>If you can't access it, you can ask the site's owner or something via twitter to white-list your IP.
I'm the other guy but can you say how can I contact him? Looks like I've been banned or something recently (can only access the site using proxy which is somewhat tiring) even though I had added quite a lot of stuff (or more like, staff).

>> No.12317506

Twitter (hiro_in)
I seem to have gotten blacklisted again after like 7 months so I have to do it too.

>> No.12317682

I feel bad whenever I masturbate to a girl before her first sex scene, but the artists make the ecchi CG so lewd I can't help it!
Help me /jp/!!

>> No.12317777
File: 133 KB, 800x600, 61496161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I kept seeing this candy in eroges and I finally decided to go buy some...

And it tastes like sugar. Just plain sugar. Why is this shit so popular again?

>> No.12317786

>Why is this shit so popular again?

Because it taste like sugar.

>> No.12317788

'Cuz it's cute, I guess.

>> No.12317790

I like it, it's like eating sugar which obvioulsy tastes good.

>> No.12317798

I just cannot get over the eye placement on characters from AXL's older games. Makes me laugh every time.

>> No.12317799

What a weird face.

>> No.12317890

Konpeito is cutified sugar, but like most Japanese confectionary they make it so aesthetically pleasing even just a plain lump of sugar can have appeal. I'm honestly surprised how this isn't as popular as Pocky for weeaboos.

>> No.12317969

Is there a Japanese tag for mind-break? Making someone a slut through rape, doesn't have to be training.

>> No.12318018

Are there any femdom VNs?

>> No.12318024

That is literally what 調教 is, I don't know why you asked when the answer is in the post you replied to

>> No.12318026

Not even a single one.

>> No.12318028

Literally none.

>> No.12318030

No, there are absolutely none at all.

>> No.12318034

I imagined 調教 was for training minigames only.

>> No.12318039

It's used for both.

>> No.12318050

Thanks for the info.

>> No.12318058

Everyfucking Favorite game.

>> No.12318065

And too glowing.

>> No.12318067

is altered fable TL'd yet

>> No.12318068

If snow lolis being fucked on a snow field don't glow, there's something wrong with the world.

>> No.12318070

Why are you asking us?

>> No.12318073

because I figured someone here might know and theres no muvluv thread on /a/

>> No.12318077

But there's a VN thread on /vg/. People here are oblivious of the current translation scene.

>> No.12318091

So because there wasn't a thread that shouldn't be on /a/ you decided to make a post that shouldn't be in this thread.


>> No.12318095

Thank you I wasn't aware, sorry.

>> No.12318183

So, yet another Walkure Romance FD?
Is it going to be new Shuffle?

>> No.12318218

More like the new Majikoi. They're likely gonna go the A's route and have a game for 2-3 girls each.

>> No.12318227

I would be okay with this if it had Fiona just because but I'm not sure I understand the point of featuring one of the original girls and one that was in the last fan disk.

>> No.12318255

Gotta fuck 'em all.

>> No.12318351

The fandisc only covers heroines that already have routes, so it's more like a collection of afterstories

>> No.12318415

Anon who said Death March wouldn't be complete shit, where are you now? Enjoying your cheese?

>> No.12318439

During the h-scene? Then how come he didn't know the name until >>12317214 happened?

>> No.12318574

堕ちる is also commonly used.

>> No.12318597

Thanks, even the word is giving me an erection.

>> No.12318616

ち has such a great ass.

>> No.12318963

The sex scenes are fapworthy so I don't mind.

They could always try with another new series, but so far the 2 that they released are only good for the art.

>> No.12319469
File: 747 KB, 1137x576, header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also this next Comiket.


>> No.12319534

Wonder if they'll put it on DLsite or something. I'd pay 500 yen for some Watanabe Fucking Ryouichi.

>> No.12319959

not a critical point for sure.
It was the first time in the game that he was told the name though.
He got the name in different ways in the other routes.

>> No.12320028

How do you feel about PSP editions of visual novels? Do you miss the sex scenes?

Also, are there any decent vns that are PSP exclusive?

>> No.12320035

The way I see it, if it's something that can exist without the h-scenes, they're usually not that interesting. Exceptions may exist, but I haven't seen them.

>> No.12320036

Do you read only nukige or something?

>> No.12320054

Do you read only moege or something?

>> No.12320080


>> No.12320085

The way some people overreact to the slightest comment with nonsensical displays of autism (like >>12320036) is indeed epic.

>> No.12320092

You must be the one who posted >>12320035 , if you think the reply is what's nonsensical.

>> No.12320100

You're about to start an argument with the guy that's been picking fights for the last few weeks. He'll just keep calling you autistic and insisting you're upset. Just so you know.

>> No.12320105

You must be the one who posted >>12320036, if you think it doesn't state the exact opposite of what you tried to say.

>> No.12320109

Why are you so butthurt?

>> No.12320110

I think janny should send him on a much needed vacation!

>> No.12320116

Elaborate. "lol u mad" isn't getting you anywhere.

Just when I was speaking of overreacting.

>> No.12320291

You've never seen a good sex scene in a non-nukige? (I'm assuming that's what you mean by your standard of "can exist without.")
What qualifies a sex scene as "interesting" for you?

>> No.12320313

An h-scene is judged by two things, fapworthiness and character development. With very few exceptions, if the game is non-nuki enough to function without them, the former is severely lacking, and the latter can be compensated for.

>> No.12320317

>and character development.
After three sex scenes, I doubt you can get much character development out of them.

>> No.12320334

Even if there's no character development in them, romance in any media just feels weird without sex, which is why I dislike most romance anime.

>> No.12320338

What a fucking faggot.

>> No.12320340

Shut the fuck up

>> No.12320342

Because most series focus on building up the romance and the confesssion while the relationship itself is an afterthought, unless it's shoujo where the DRAMA that comes from the relationship is the focus.

>> No.12320343

Make me, faggot.

>> No.12320344

>the latter can be compensated for
But it doesn't have to be.
When it comes to character development (to some extent plot too but I digress) most single scenes, ero or otherwise, can be cut without ruining the overall picture. That doesn't mean they need to be cut, especially since the more you cut the less development there is, and if you cut enough there isn't any.

I agree with this too.
Romance anime seems way too sanitized and limited. It also often has the problem of not having any actual romance.

>> No.12320347

Your mother was a whore and your taste in visual novels is disgusting.

>> No.12320348

>visual novels

>> No.12320349

Beats fuking five minutes after the confession, really, half of the time I can't even remember if the characters have kissed before the heroines goes and sucks dick.

>> No.12320350

>But it doesn't have to be.
But it can, and the point of the question was how we feel when it is.

>> No.12320355

>I can't even remember if the characters have kissed before the heroines goes and sucks dick.
This always bothered me. Makes everything seem so cheap, and also makes the heroine seem like a slut.

>> No.12320356

So far, I like ChuSingura 46+1 pretty much. Was the game only trashed for the last 2 chapters? Surely they can't be that bad, right?

>> No.12320358

Would also be solved if the MCs were super pure guys, not hetare, just pure.

>> No.12320363

You know what really makes a heroine seem like a slut? Having her sex scene happening in a public place, especially in the place where the confession happened. I lose my respect for them at that point.

>> No.12320364

You mean yasashii.

>> No.12320367

Oh no. Super-pure girls are boring enough, if the guys were like that it would be dreadful.

>> No.12320368

Should probably stay away from otome.

>> No.12320369

I thought otome tended to usually have sexually aggressive males in them?

>> No.12320370

Otome is the only genre that makes me like the modern tsundere childhood friend.

>> No.12320375

That's the male version of tsundere. There is usually also a shota that barely knows what sex is.

>> No.12320376

I do. Is it as divided between super-pure adult children and violent super-assholes as I've been led to think?

>> No.12320380

Fair enough.
I get the sense that people would be up in arms if other scenes that "could be cut" were randomly cut from eroge though. Like if all kiss scenes were removed, would people just shrug them off as unnecessary?

>confession on the school roof
>within minutes he's fucking her from behind with her tits smashed against the fence

Somehow I get the feeling I've seen that exact scene more than once.

>> No.12320381

Kiss scenes don't need to be cut, because they're not 18+. Who are you quoting, by the way?

>> No.12320383

The later is way more common because the self inserts tend to have literally no sex drive.
Also otome features slutty boys/playboys, you don't really see the female counterpart in standard eroge.

>> No.12320391

>Kiss scenes don't need to be cut, because they're not 18+.
It was a hypothetical scenario, anon.

>> No.12320394

I've never seen an overly pure guy in otome. They're usually virgins yeah, but sex scenes happen soon after the couple gets together and the guys never hesitate about jamming it in.

>> No.12320397

That polarization is ridiculous, it's either lolpure or slut. Japan needs to be notified that actual characters are somewhere in between.

And one so farfetched and improbable that it would definitely be protested against, simply because of its sheer silliness (unless they were trying to market their games to preteens). Hence not a good example.

>> No.12320401

It's even worse when it happens in moege or pure love games, since it's like a bait and switch. They build up the heroine to being a person with some morals, and then she goes and sucks dick in the school library or gets fucked in a dressing room or some shit.

>> No.12320405

It's whit the guy she loves so it's okay though.

>> No.12320418

I guess people would find it boring if the girl got fucked in the same two-three (counting bathroom) locations the whole game?

>> No.12320557


Why hetare can't be a good character in game too? I think it maybe make game better if MC was hetare.

>> No.12320580

Because it carries out and is w.

>> No.12320594

>1. 超昂天使エスカレイヤー・リブート (ALICESOFT)
>2. アストラエアの白き永遠(とわ) (FAVORITE)
>3. 星織ユメミライ (tone work’s)
>4. ちぇ~んじ! ~あの娘になってクンクンペロペロ~ (May-Be SOFT)
>5. この大空に、翼をひろげて SNOW PRESENTS (PULLTOP)
>6. 新世黙示録 -Death March- (ザウス【本醸造】)
>7. G.I.B.(ガールズ・イン・ブラック) 初回特装版 (Whirlpool)
>8. 恋愛(らぶ)リベンジ (DE@R)
>9. クロスクオリアセット (10mile)
>10. 彼女はエッチで淫らなヘンタイ (ensemble SWEET)
>11. フラテルニテ (CLOCKUP)

I guess Alice Soft won this time. Also lol @ 6th place.

>> No.12320605

>4. ちぇ~んじ! ~あの娘になってクンクンペロペロ~ (May-Be SOFT)
Anyone played this? How was it?

>> No.12320607

Interesting that Qualia is in the top 10.

>> No.12320608
File: 604 KB, 1040x806, 2014-07-26 10_55_22-ちぇ~んじ!~あの娘になってクンクンペロペロ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's very good. Could use some more out of routes events and some of the routes aren't as good as others but it's a fun read and it's pretty much my fetish.

>> No.12320613

IIRC the protagonist had sex with guys while genderbended so it was criticized here

>> No.12320615

Obviously meant for

>> No.12320621

That's one of my fetishes, so I'll take a look then.

>> No.12320632
File: 670 KB, 1040x806, 2014-07-26 10_47_17-ちぇ~んじ!~あの娘になってクンクンペロペロ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong actually. Despite the huge potential here, the only dick you'll see is the protagonist's. It does a whole bunch of stuff really good though.

I still prefer X-change though.

>> No.12320640

It was criticized for being the opposite, it was too vanilla. The protagonist DIDNT had sex with guys while genderbended.

>> No.12320651
File: 337 KB, 1280x720, fashion sistas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it strange that I really like the fact the girls are wearing colorful, fashionable clothing? Usually it's variations of horrifyingly overdetailed uniforms or else really bland sailor suits.

>> No.12320653

What point is there in a gender-bending game if you can't turn the protagonist into a huge slut?
That Change game sounds pretty bad

>> No.12320657

It's really cheap, and I'm pretty sure liked Katahane, so I'm not sure if it's that farfetched. Then again, it doesn't say anything about the actual numbers, and I would also assume that most people didn't really care as much about anything other than what was in the top three.

>> No.12320661
File: 698 KB, 1040x806, 2014-07-29 16_50_08-ちぇ~んじ!~あの娘になってクンクンペロペロ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean, it's really fun how there's all kind of outfits. In the cosplayer route you try out different outfits all the time.

Well, it makes some nice usages of the change system. Plus at some point he can switch body parts and then it gets more creative. Still, way too vanilla for a game like this.

There wasn't even a rape bus.

>> No.12320664

I found it pretty bland, I mean, it's funny, but I fapped to it once and that's it, the MC was just too much of a guy.

>> No.12320667

Man, that has been in my backlog forever.

>> No.12320674

So the complaint is that it wasn't gay enough for them?
Damned homos.

>> No.12320677

What's the point of gender-bender if you can't see the MC being fucked nonstop?

>> No.12320679

No, the point of a gender bender game is the MC getting fucked, not yuri or in this case 'linking sensations and using girls as fucktoys'.

>> No.12320688

What's wrong with using girls as fucktoys?

>> No.12320689

I agree completely. I was excited for it, but once I actually downloaded it and saw what it was like I lost all interest.

>> No.12320692

Absolutely nothing, but it's just disappointing in genderbender games when the mc could just get into an orgie or the girl in his body raping him.

>> No.12320693

Would you fap to a scene where the MC fucks a blow up doll?

>> No.12320768

If it was for the sake of humiliation, probably.

>> No.12320999

Does anyone know of a program that can be used to record the time you have spent playing something?
I remember a while ago someone answered a question like this, but I can't remember what the program was.

>> No.12321022

A clock? Not a program, I know, but it tends to do the trick.

>> No.12321031

Okay, I'll do it manually then.

>> No.12321034

Add it on steam?

>> No.12321066

That doesn't always work perfectly even for actual Steam games.

>> No.12321153
File: 61 KB, 708x613, 91DPMR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use WhatPulse to record miscellaneous stats on most of the things in my computer, it also records how much focused time in the program you have. Might be a little too intrusive but you can set how much it records.

>> No.12321774

Now THAT is an example of ironic humor.

>> No.12321776
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 糞スレb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12321787

It says futaba on that image. Does this imageboard look like futaba to you?

>> No.12321897
File: 152 KB, 1360x768, ChuSingura46+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite surprised how well the game handles the whole bushi hypocrisy. Would be a good read for all those samurai dweebs.

>> No.12321917

He's EOP, he doesn't know what it says.

>> No.12321954

You know, I like the content here more than the stuff on vg, but all this EOP shit is getting really frustrating.

>> No.12321960

How did you get your text hooker to work with images? Mine isn't picking anything up.

>> No.12321992

Nah, the guy's running rampant the last few threads because someone dared to use a text hooker near him. Must be his 日本語マスター pride or something.

>> No.12322152
File: 301 KB, 1276x716, 星織ユメミライ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing 星織ユメミライ, camera route. Enjoying it so far; OST's pretty good too.

>> No.12322256

New thread:
