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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12304492 No.12304492 [Reply] [Original]

I love you /jp/

>> No.12304496

Japanese bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.12304538
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That's a cruel thing to say to someone you don't know.
Even more cruel is the fact that I'll never know whether or not you really mean it.

>> No.12304560

I mean it, Anon, I love you to the extent that I can love some random Anon over the internet. And that extent is pretty damn strong.

>> No.12304565

Please refrain from playing with /jp/'s sensible heart.

>> No.12304577

I'm not sure what you mean? I'm not pretending like I'm going to live together in the /jp/ neet mansion with Anon as his cute trap lover or anything. I've only told him that there's someone here in the wide wide sea of the internet that cares about him, for no reason other than because he's looking at the same message board as I am right now. I think that's something that's comforting to know, no?

>> No.12304583

You'll be happier if you don't love me though.

>> No.12304586

I believe you mean "sensitive", not "sensible".

>> No.12304592

Not really, I don't know anything about you. Thus, it's just as likely to me that you're actually a really great person who's only misunderstood in real life, who makes witty and amusing posts here on /jp/. There's no reason for me to dislike you.

>> No.12304598

No that's not the case. Allow me to explain :

What you love here isn't that anon but the fact that you're expressing your love. Why did do decide to make such a claim now, out of nowhere? Probably because you're feeling happy for whatever reason, and you just want to express your happiness at this instant.

But your happiness is not someone's else happiness. In fact, you rubbing your happiness at the face of someone that is probably sad isn't helpful or kind, like he said it's just extremely cruel. Not to mention that you're probably one of those guy that we won't hear about anymore in 1 or 2 weeks.

>> No.12304601


You don't have to dislike me either, I can just be kinda there. But what if you care about someone? You might worry something bad is happening to them. Worrying is bad.

>> No.12304605

I love you too, Anonymous. Don't worry.

>> No.12304614

I love you too, Anon.
> living in the /jp/ neet mansion with Anon as his cute trap lover

I would do this. Where do I move?

>> No.12304618

I don't know how to love.

>> No.12304620

I don't know, I feel like expressing happiness out of nowhere is not such a bad thing. If I see someone else expressing their love for a community that I'm a part of, then I feel pretty happy, because I know that something I've contributed to in some way has made someone else happy. Yeah, maybe I wouldn't be posting such a positive post if I wasn't feeling all that great, but maybe I wouldn't be feeling that good if /jp/ wasn't a fun board.

>> No.12304634
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I love you too, anon.
I wish we could hug.
Not like a gay hug or anything.
It wouldn't be awkward if we won't make it that way!

>> No.12304655

I love /jp/ too. I love you guys because you're from /jp/
It's hard to explain. But if I can make someone here happy then I want to do it. Even if I don't know who they are because we're all anonymous I still feel we're connected because we're both from /jp/

>> No.12304686

I'm also on /jp/

>> No.12304691
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>> No.12305859

>still being a filthy ban evading Indonesian
Fuck off, shitlord.

>> No.12305912

I hate this fucktard.

>> No.12306039
File: 220 KB, 600x480, cri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too, I love your company, /jp/. Please never leave me.

>> No.12306051

I always feel like the people that make these threads are literal subhumans.

>> No.12306071

They are but >>12304496 is the worst there.

>> No.12306074

Isn't the OP sparkgay? I'd say that's far worse.

>> No.12306649

Both are pathetic and deserve to be shot in the head.

>> No.12306693

Thank you.

>> No.12306703

I love myself too

>> No.12310335

/jp/ - Insecure teenagers and borderline personality disorders

>> No.12310364

I'm sorry. I really just want to be loved and accepted. Or at least not hated.

>> No.12310473

Remember, /jp/. I will love each and every one of you forever. Even shitposter-kun.

>> No.12310843

I'm sure many of us had a bad childhood

>> No.12313900

>Even shitposter-kun
Don't say that or it might trouble me and I would become embarrassed alone in front of my computer.

>> No.12315051

I-I love you too anon-kun.

>> No.12315080


Why don't you two nerds get a room, nerd.
