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File: 349 KB, 1000x1000, 7bc48ef7483c933ff325e75314d952c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12293906 No.12293906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you get fit if 2hus were there to work out with you?

>> No.12293908

No. "Fitness" is a huge scam.

>> No.12293910

I'd work out if anyone was there with me.

>> No.12293913

I just signed up for my third marathon. I think I'm pretty fit. And 2hus are there to work out with me. I have the Ten Desires and Perfect Cherry Blossom BGMs on my iPod. I also have a bunch of arrangements.

>> No.12293919
File: 661 KB, 1024x768, 4a5b676e2a11094a0fa7cb0ea650a3fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tewi is already my workout buddy.

>> No.12293928

Gyms are scary.

>> No.12293946

Yes. Yes I would.

>> No.12293949

I dislike people who spend any amount of time exercising.

>> No.12293951

Are you fat friend?

>> No.12293953

FatNEETs confirmed.

>> No.12293956

No. I have a really hard time gaining any sort of weight.

>> No.12293967
File: 521 KB, 1200x1600, 3afeafef5224062d37a2dae64bdc42d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyms were really scary for me too at first. I still don't feel completely comfortable going in alone. I'm pretty fat and I was scared of people seeing me there. I went in at a time when nobody was there so I didn't have to feel embarrassed about people seeing me mess up, and I could learn how to use the machines and do exercises without feeling any pressure. Eventually I worked up the nerve to go at a more convenient time, and now I just go in and focus on the exercise instead of worrying about people looking at me. Just try your best, Anon! I believe in you!

>> No.12293971
File: 450 KB, 1000x1000, 1403222889464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already work out but I'm fat because I like to eat and sit around when I'm not working out.
2hus wouldn't change that.
I don't even leave the house to work out.

>> No.12293973

what kind of work out can you do as a hikki?

>> No.12293975

Gyms are honestly a scam. Why do you need to even go to a building just to "work out"?

>> No.12293992
File: 787 KB, 1000x750, 40702618_big_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just big boned

>> No.12293994
File: 1.11 MB, 1074x1253, b541e88793d1ec27655c4563b58b82f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. I'm working out but it's really hard to change my diet. Maybe if 2hus were here to support me and eat healthy with me I could do it.

>> No.12293999

How much do you eat? I survive on sweets and I limit any physical tasks and I'm not fat. Far from it.

>> No.12294006

you'll realize it if you grow older

>> No.12294009

I'm 28

>> No.12294018

I'm not even old, just a fat loser.
American-sized portions of meat, mostly.
Maybe an entire frozen pizza every now and then.
Also diet coke every hour.

>> No.12294030
File: 6 KB, 75x75, 1405898995454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an entire frozen pizza every now and then
>diet coke every hour
found the problem

>> No.12294034

Is diet Coke really that bad? I'm not the other guy, but I drink diet Coke about as often.

>> No.12294052

it has aspartame dude

>> No.12294059

What's that?

>> No.12294063

I hate the idea of diet pop so much. If you want something with no calories, why not drink water or tea or coffee?

>> No.12294065

I also chug black coffee, too.
Sometimes I drink diet coke and coffee.
I don't know.

>> No.12294068

I already work out for Okuu. She is a great source of encouragement.

>> No.12294069

I found this.

>> No.12294075

It helps the Illuminati brainwash you easier.

>> No.12294087

While you're at it, please make sure to mention the fluoride in the US water supply that's mean to pacify the population.

Make sure to filter your own water, /jp/! Filter it properly, too!

>> No.12294094
File: 200 KB, 600x849, 1380118354031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I want Meiling to run me from the terrible shape I'm in to apprentice-modo. I too wish to sleep in front of iron-wrought gates.

I'm actually going to start running again sometime... but not today.

>> No.12294148

I can do some pushups now without collapsing.

>> No.12294316
File: 101 KB, 550x1084, 1406082855592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/izen crossie here.
This is why I work out.

>> No.12294325

That doesn't concern me since I'll die at 30 anyways.

>> No.12294329

what are those anyway?

>> No.12294330

I've always believed that ones body should reflect their lifestyle. For that reason I belive that nobody who spends any considerable amount of time on /jp/ will be "fit".

Besides, the human body is not meant to be physically strong. No reason in going against nature.

>> No.12294331

testicles maybe.

>> No.12294334

theyre obviously butts

>> No.12294372

I wanna live as long as possible so I'll be alive when VR eroge are invented, but it's kinda hard to get motivated just from that. I need more immediate motivation, like Meiling encouraging me to start jogging with her, or Yuugi threatening to beat me up if I don't go lifting with her.

>> No.12294424
File: 166 KB, 501x800, 30872547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12294461

>aspartame is danger
you best be joking

like, seriously, you're joking right

>> No.12294465

I grabbed a random link I found.

>> No.12294481 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 600x800, 1406254637686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always try tulpas.

>> No.12294487
File: 230 KB, 850x675, 1339399726442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes lift while watching animus. I also prefer Patchy soft, so I'd rather she encourage me while eating ice cream.

>> No.12294489

I would get fit if I had a /jp/sie to work out with.

>> No.12294496

We should start a /jp/ workout group. We'd all get each other worked up and motivated with our fiery hot NEET spirit.

>> No.12294505

And then we would accidentally trip and fall onto each other until we're in a big pile, hot and sweaty!

>> No.12294553

Lewd and sweaty?

>> No.12294867

You eating ice cream or Patchy eating ice cream while you lift?

>> No.12294936

typical fatty trying to justify his poor diet choices

>> No.12295266

It has far FAR less calories so at least there's that.

I don't think it's very healthy though because of everything else that's in it. So maybe it doesn't get you fat but it sure does get you every other downside of soda.

>> No.12295291

Only if they paid for my food too.

>> No.12295347


Any snacks will do, really.

>> No.12295362

Even if you aren't you should exercise. Even a little will go a long way. Go running for 15 mins a day. Not an impossible task but even that will benefit you.

>> No.12296460


>> No.12296482
File: 565 KB, 980x1260, 1406000289313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do about 30 wide grip pullups everyday, no cardio or anything else. I know that's probably not enough but I don't really care because I'm a fatneet.

I do pullups because I have a phobia of falling from high places, and if I'm hanging on a ledge or rail I want to be able to pull myself up.

>> No.12296499

>that image
It's a shame that meaty2D is always cuter than meaty3D. Both physically and mentally.

>> No.12296505
File: 57 KB, 640x448, 1406002675511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a healthy2D too, dude.

>> No.12296508

I want to cuddle her...

>> No.12296517
File: 349 KB, 700x933, 1406006079036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a very high cuddling level. You better be ready for some serious soft, warm, comfortable, sweet smelling cuddling!

>> No.12296521

I want to cuddle and nuzzle her so much, she's so beautiful.

>> No.12296523

I'm actually going to the gym right now. Bye /jp/!

>> No.12296538

It's ok anon, I'm a fatty bum bum too.

>> No.12296561

strength training is lame, but cardio is and always will feel great

I like being able to run fast for a long time

>> No.12296571
File: 298 KB, 800x1000, Letty - Betty - Belly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I workout every other day.

I usually do about 60-75 pull ups using different grips, 150 push ups, 200 squats and mix them with other exercises between them, everything divided in 3 sets.

It's nothing too exhausting, but it helps greatly, as those are my only moments of physical activity. Also, if you can, order one of those "door gym" things, you won't even need to leave your room (only for pull ups, the other exercises are a joke) and they're cheap as HELL.

This guy has the right mindset.
Girls must soft. I must hard.

>> No.12296581 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 273x377, 1406250418405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a girl I wouldn't have to work out.

>> No.12296583

>I workout every other day.

>> No.12296602
File: 41 KB, 240x270, kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you say nigga

>> No.12296631 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, 1406010858072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the fat girls at? Enough this steroid testosterone jerkoff.

>> No.12296637

I like her better with a toned tummy.

>> No.12296639

After finishing my service time I used to workout a lot, but everyday i lost motivation to do it so in the end I stopped.

Since then I don't have the motivation to do it, just lazing around.

>> No.12296644

You can get one at /cgl/ if that's your thing. They might even cosplay to you.

>> No.12296657
File: 403 KB, 724x1000, e9a2fd208706970990a75db45935a16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these pictures of cute chubby girls makes me feel like maybe being fat isn't so bad, but then I remember that I'm 3D and 3D chub is gross. Stop sabotaging me, /jp/. I don't want to be fat anymore.

>> No.12296665
File: 437 KB, 989x1400, 1384347619653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even understand why I sometimes fap to stuff like Fatchouli. Everything works in 2D...

A little chubby in 3D is cute, but fat in 3D is definitely not.

>> No.12296681 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 555x900, 1405204446449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask for pigs, I asked for cute fat girls!

>> No.12296683
File: 95 KB, 600x600, 758335d8e4f02b57085d87fc5fe4410a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half a day's calories in one page


>> No.12296689

I want to eat Mcdonalds with Madoka!

>> No.12296694

Fatchouli Rises

>> No.12296700 [DELETED] 

Kanako is the tubby idol.

>> No.12296704

How does it feel to tease your chubby gf when she's eating her special parfait that she's going to put on some weight while gently poking her cheeks and belly?

>> No.12296709

I don't know because I don't have a girlfriend and the time I had sex with a hooker she didn't want to eat or drink anything but water.

>> No.12296715

pls stop /jp/ I'm trying to lose weight

>> No.12296721 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 247x186, 1403014223027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madoka is mine to eat, dude.

>> No.12296726

I watched the madoka movie way late the other day and why does it LITERALLY ruin the ending by making homura epicly evil?

yurifags actually like this shi*t...

>> No.12296791

>Those calorie counts
How? Are they puny non-freedom portions? No wonder she eats so much.

>> No.12296798
File: 77 KB, 552x510, 1405950396327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I feel like I could do everything, if there was just someone who'd love me.

>> No.12296808

I love you, anon.

>> No.12296819
File: 65 KB, 600x586, 1400362369882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That startled me. I know you don't mean ill, but please don't play with my heart like that.

>> No.12296833

I only do squats if that counts, like 800-1200

I do 60 after every game of lol y lose

>> No.12296842

um... you do bodyweight squats?

>> No.12296843
File: 454 KB, 1100x1600, patchy_sleep_play_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I could stand this going on at every daily workout.

>> No.12296850

What, cute girls admiring your hot chubby NEET booty?

>> No.12296855

when I first started lifting I couldn't bench the bar which is 40lbs. literally.

that was the first and last time I went to the gym. I just got my own free weights....

now I can bench ~2 plate~

>> No.12296859
File: 431 KB, 990x703, b5b8c6c22a999af43820f39cab933c75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Situps are hard, so I do crunches instead. Is that really bad?

>> No.12296866

I want to lift but I don't have any weights or anything. I also don't have any money to buy them. What household stuff would be good for lifting?

>> No.12296869

nothing. get some weights, you big chicken

>> No.12296880

I want to be bullied by a cute devil into exercising until I'm sweating like a fat pig.

>> No.12296894

Me too.

>> No.12296905

Why is Homura such a shit?

>> No.12296906
File: 451 KB, 941x800, 1405201463858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homu isn't don't say that

homu is cute and nice

>> No.12296910

I can't into pushups so I'm doing it on my knees. Maybe some day my hands will become enough strong to handle 96 kilograms ;_;
I mainly train my arms, because they are a weakest part of my body. And wonder that cycling will help me burn some fat some day. I wish I could be even as fat as I am today, but some muscles would make me look way better.

>> No.12296917

Homu is a mentally unstable, creepy shit that can't do anything right.

>> No.12296918
File: 38 KB, 227x266, 1404645271238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your arms probably aren't that weak. It's just that you're fucking 96kg and out of shape all over. You're tall though right? One of those huge tall guys? I hope you are for your own sake.

>> No.12296920

wow can you not bully homu? thanks

>> No.12296980

Are you cute? You seem cute.

>> No.12296984

i'm 187 cm tall

>> No.12297035
File: 452 KB, 633x900, 1400368354235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a weird question to ask someone directly.
I don't know what it is that you want to hear.
Do I look cute? Absolutely not.
I'm sorry, but I don't think that talking about something like that belongs in here, either.

>> No.12297058

What kind of girls do you like?

>> No.12297059
File: 138 KB, 841x719, 1386553660508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm... that's tall enough I guess. Keep on exercising, fatboy.

>> No.12297065
File: 140 KB, 600x450, 1394213782691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel when i got excited reading this post because i thought it might have linked one of my posts and someone would have thought i was cute but after checking the posts linked i realized it wasn't talking about any of my posts

>> No.12297067

You sound really cute, though. Particularly the way you try to act defiant even though you really just want to be loved. I don't think you realize how adorable you are being right now.

>> No.12297069

Stop gaying up to that guy, dude. He likes pachouli so he's straight.

>> No.12297070


>> No.12297073

You're going to embarrass him, Anon!

>> No.12297116
File: 18 KB, 194x228, 1353458182736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides, the human body is not meant to be physically strong.


>> No.12297118

Girls who don't exercise have poor figures too.

Although they get away with it a little more (a little).

>> No.12297137

Well, the lifestyle our biology is adapted towards doesn't really involve a lot of lifting. The challenges of paleolithic life would mostly involve stamina to run long distances hunting prey, and endurance to carry food back to your tribe. There's not really a lot of situation where you'd just want raw strength.

Still, "I won't do it because it's not natural" is a really shitty argument. It's not natural to learn to read and write, so should you somehow avoid doing that? Naturalness doesn't imply anything about how morally right it is or whether it will lead to personal happiness. We just love conveniently citing it when it conforms with our preferred behavior and ignoring it when it doesn't.

>> No.12297140

Humans lack the physical strength shared with most other primates because we've evolved to have more delicate and precise control of our muscles. We are by far the weakest great ape.

>> No.12297151
File: 672 KB, 800x694, Reimu (oukatihiro).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody who spends any considerable amount of time on /jp/ will be "fit".
You do realize that there are 24 hours in a day, 16 or so of which we spend awake. If you browse /jp/ for 10 hours a day, you still have 6 hours left for exercising, which is plenty enough to stay fit.

Really though, just eating healthy, doing pushups throughout your day, and going on semi-vigorous bike rides for 30-40 minutes every day is probably enough. You'll feel better too.

Also what does "fit" mean anyway? I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean Olympic level fitness.

>> No.12297155
File: 44 KB, 555x425, Bathurst_Island_men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, the bodybuilder physique is not really the peak of human efficiency and fitness. But strength is certainly a result from being psychically fit in general.

Also humans tend to fight a lot. That would be a big part of paleolithic existence as well. Not to mention that the age old solution to conflict among tribe members would be a physical challenge. Whether for resources or women, etc.

That doesn't really mean anything. I mean I get your point, raw strength is not necessarily the "focus" (whatever that means in the context of evolution) of the human body but it's achievable and not an unnatural thing to possess.

>> No.12297162 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 800x640, fit as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah i love going to the gym

>> No.12297169

we aren't great apes anon

>> No.12297171 [DELETED] 

In what sense of "not make sense" are you trying to convey? Does the lack of human strength not make sense, or does my post not make sense?

>> No.12297177 [DELETED] 

What? All human species are considered great apes.

>> No.12297192

I didn't say your post didn't make sense I said it was irrelevant. We're weaker than other apes, sure. But it doesn't relate to the discussion at hand all that much.

>> No.12297196 [DELETED] 

You said it doesn't mean anything, which in my mind was read as "doesn't make sense". Please choose better words.

>> No.12297202

I think the error's on your end here because those two phrases have entirely different meanings.

>> No.12297206 [DELETED] 

They can share the same meanings. It's your fault for poor word choice.

>> No.12297208
File: 286 KB, 850x1157, 1405326439592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute fat girls instead of abos, please.

>> No.12297211

But they don't in this context. Something can be meaningless to the topic at hand/irrelevant and still make perfect sense, like your post.

You misread my post it's ok dude I'm here to help.

>> No.12297215 [DELETED] 

You just said they have entirely different meanings, and now you're saying that they can share the same meaning? Make up your mind. How is the reason for humans being weak not relevant to humans being weak?

>> No.12297216
File: 59 KB, 448x342, 2db453eb-fd5b-4485-b307-c344f5959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, anon. I bet you are cute too.

>> No.12297219

I could see how you could substitute one for the other is all.

Humans are weaker when compared to other apes but again, why does this mean that humans aren't meant to be strong or that it's somehow not natural? I'm not seeing the connection here unless you're viewing it as some sort of contest.

>> No.12297222 [DELETED] 

If humans were meant to be strong, they would not be weak. Obviously. Even more so, they would not lose any strength if they didn't use it, unlike apes who remain physically strong regardless of whether or not they use it.

>> No.12297230

Humans are only weak in comparison to other large animals. There are plenty of animals we're stronger than and human strength in modern times is really only relevant to other humans since we've advanced past the need to fight other animals, well, most of us anyway.

Also are you saying that an Ape that lives a sedentary lifestyle, such as in captivity, is just as strong as a wild one? Because that's not true.

To be honest I find this entire argument to be a bit bizarre since the only purpose you could really attribute to humanity is to keep reproducing. Humans aren't defying the natural order by working out.

>> No.12297233

What humans were meant to be doesn't matter. We're smart enough to make ourselves as strong as we need to be, or build something as strong as we need it to be. That's why humans are the best.

>> No.12297236
File: 79 KB, 407x484, 1388686465247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that humans can also prevent entropy! Humans are so amazing.

>> No.12297241 [DELETED] 

Where did "other large animals" come from? This conversation has always been about humans compared to other great apes. Comparing to other animals actually is irrelevant, or rather, "means nothing". What I'm saying is just what I said. An ape (who is stronger than a human) will continue to retain that same level of strength whether or not they actually use their muscles or not. Humans on the other hand lose muscle mass if they don't use their muscles.

>> No.12297247 [DELETED] 

You could even say that it's natural for humans to use and train their brains to solve problems rather than their bodies.

>> No.12297258

Apes can be large animals. This conversation was about whether or not it's natural for humans to be strong. I included "large animals" because I thought you were making a point about humans being weak in general compared to other organisms. I didn't know you only meant apes specifically.

>An ape (who is stronger than a human) will continue to retain that same level of strength whether or not they actually use their muscles or not. Humans on the other hand lose muscle mass if they don't use their muscles.

We both lose muscle mass if we don't remain active. Certain apes will remain stronger regardless but again what does that have to do with the initial topic? That is, whether or not humans should be strong.

We should abandon strength training wholesale because certain apes are stronger than us? You'll have to explain further on that because I'm really not understanding the logic.

>> No.12297264

You could say that, but it's a weird dichotomy. We've used both to solve many problems throughout human history. Like say, building a ship. It took an engineer to come up with the blueprint but you still need plenty of skilled laborers.

>> No.12297266 [DELETED] 

If I didn't mean great apes I would have mentioned it. I know what I'm posting unlike you. The fact that humans lose their strength indicates that humans should not be strong. How does it not? Stop making a fool out of yourself and simply understand and accept that humans should not be strong.

>> No.12297271

>dis fucking argument

>> No.12297272

>Stop making a fool out of yourself and simply understand and accept that humans should not be strong.

But your argument is nonsensical. ALL apes lose their strength if they do not remain active. Humans can become strong and it's not unnatural for them to do so.

>> No.12297281 [DELETED] 

>ALL apes lose their strength if they do not remain active.

Wrong again.

>> No.12297285

They do, are you denying how muscles work? They atrophy due to inactivity or malnutrition. That's universal, humans, apes, or otherwise.

>> No.12297288 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, like I said, you're wrong. An ape's body will always remain strong regardless of whether or not they use their strength. I said that a while back.

>> No.12297292

That doesn't make it true. You're wrong about this really basic biological fact.

>> No.12297294 [DELETED] 

It is true, sorry. I know it's hard for fitness otaku like yourself to swallow, but it's true. Oh well.

>> No.12297299
File: 204 KB, 705x741, 1371772859209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about just link some fucking sources instead of saying YOU'RE WRONG!!

>> No.12297304 [DELETED] 


>> No.12297307

It's muscle decay, everyone knows what it is. Apes don't have a magical body that prevents them from suffering from it.

>> No.12297314 [DELETED] 

>Apes don't have a magical body that prevents them from suffering from it.


Actually, you know what, you wouldn't understand it anyway. I don't know why I try to ever interact with /fit/ crossies. It's like you don't have common sense or something. What the fuck

>> No.12297321

Well, ok, if you feel like explaining why basic biomechanics don't apply to apes I'm all ears.

You're an absurdly stubborn pedant and I'm just as guilty for engaging you.

>> No.12297323

Probably... yea no.

>> No.12297325

honestly you just sound stubborn now

>> No.12297332 [DELETED] 

So what you're saying is that apes work out and go to the gym the same way people?

>> No.12297335 [DELETED] 

So what you're saying is that apes work out and go to the gym the same way people do?

>> No.12297336


>> No.12297340 [DELETED] 


>> No.12297343


>> No.12297344
File: 282 KB, 720x720, 1406253269840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose argument
>get mad

>> No.12297354

So who is right?

>> No.12297356


>> No.12297366

No. Only who is left.

>> No.12297366,1 [INTERNAL] 

nobody tell jan that you can see a dick in this picture

>> No.12297774

Only if it was Youmu.

>> No.12297791 [DELETED] 

Okay, I can clearly see a dick in that picture. Who walks around in a shirt like that without pants?

>> No.12298019


>> No.12298496
File: 2.93 MB, 740x416, 1403021111554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm on a diet so i have to drink lots of diet coke
>american logic
>my stifled inner laughter when

>> No.12298588
File: 269 KB, 600x720, 1386905143599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12298624

Anything for that cunny

>> No.12298627



>> No.12298681

They're both inferior to leg raises.

>> No.12298761

Man, I wanna LIFT with a fairy.

Seriously. Though I'll be pissed if Luna pranks me while I'm lifting.

>> No.12298883
File: 202 KB, 640x480, 1390991248068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dumb nerd.

>> No.12299250
File: 497 KB, 1280x960, 1404865373276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go jogging with Tewi.

>> No.12300620

I already am fit but I would love to train with Meiling.

>> No.12300654

>I already am fit
pics or it never happened

>> No.12300674

I don't have any pics of my body.

>> No.12300721

I'd do reverse preacher curls with Yuugi and Suika

corkscrew sit ups with Mokou and Meiling

and jump rope with Marisa and Okuu

>> No.12301027

No, I wanna have a disgusting fatty sweaty threesome with Pochaco and Sonico until we're 30lbs lighter and the garbage can is full to the brim with used condoms.

>> No.12301273


Jump rope with Okuu sounds fun.

>> No.12301275

It would be better to just cum inside without protection

>> No.12301292

That sounds wonderful. Please tell me more.

>> No.12301311

And also the chemtrails to depopulate. Ahhh, I love breathing arsenic!

>> No.12304256

I masturbate, flail around the apartment and tense muscles when on computer. Pretty skeleton still, but bit denser.

>> No.12304452

Athletic masturbation. Great cardio and a way to work on that upper body strength.

>> No.12307590

how do i get /jp/fit? fit for /jp/?

>> No.12307631

I don't understand. Are you asking how to get fit in a /jp/ manner, or how to get /jp/ itself fit?

>> No.12307639

I go to a martial arts school once or twice a week. There I do 100 crunches, try to do 50 pushups on my fists on a wooden ground, around 90 squats and various stretching end endurance excersises. I'm around 82kg @ 175 cm (180.4 lbs@5.74ft). I'm trying to change my eating habbits and eat a lot more healty stuff and generally not as much as I used to. I already lost 3 kilos (~6lbs)! It could be a lot better but it could also be a lot worse

>> No.12307661
File: 26 KB, 383x410, fitemeirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lift at least every other day of the week and do cardio on my offdays, which is usually running ~5 miles or swimming 100 laps at my local pool.

I may be an anime-watching virgin loser but I refuse to be out of shape.

>> No.12307686

Yes, but I started getting fit for my waifu anyway.
Also, Odin doesn't like a fat slob.

>> No.12307700

Whats a good way to be fit without going outside or to a gym

I'd run but i dont want for people to see me do it

>> No.12307709

I set up a treadmill in my apartment so i can run while I program/watch anime/play games.
Also, plaeo-diets are great for weight loss.
A weight bar is nice too and requires minimal equipment.

>> No.12307715

Go at 2 am and only run through small streets and alley ways

>> No.12307720

My dad makes me go to the gym with him when he goes. My muscles feel harder and I feel slightly better mentally on some days but I feel like it's still a waste of time.

>> No.12307727

B-but I'm scared of going out at night

>> No.12307729

It's like you want to be raped by a nigger with AIDS

>> No.12307743

It's only you and the pavement bro
Everyone is sleeping at the time and I live in the city. Niggers usually smoke or drink until they pass out and they start like at 5 or earlier

>> No.12307746

Depending on where you live, that's asking to be hounded by niggers, delinquents, hooligans, and/or police.
Thankfully where I live it's just police and pedophiles, and I know all the police on the shift personally.

>> No.12307758

I used to deliver at night man, the worst of the worst, niggers, druggies, panhandlers, they were all out til 4 or 5.

>> No.12307766
File: 199 KB, 600x600, china yuo must of protect the pope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadlift 350lbs easy!

>> No.12307771

That's actually a really good plan, running from niggers with AIDS should get you into good shape really quickly.

>> No.12307772

No it's fine everywhere. I live in southern california and the neighborhood is pretty bad but everyone is sleeping at that time

>> No.12307779

I don't believe you because panhandlers are only out during rush hour

>> No.12307782

Not everywhere, it does depend on a lot. Bars here close at ~3, so the trash is out around then. 2-4 is probably the busiest time outside of rush hour.
Really do wish everyone would be sleeping at that time though.

>> No.12307791

They stick around bars and restaurants until the wee hours to beg for the tip money you worked so hard for.

>> No.12307801

If bars close at 3 you can go at 1 or two depending on how much time you want an just stay away from bars when running. Small/residential streets and alley ways bro and if a nigger tries to get you, you can just bring a rape whistle and scream and tons of people will wake up and see you outside maybe even trip and alarm car or two

>> No.12307974

how do i get fit for /jp/?

>> No.12307978

I would work out with a loli. I tried watching those gymnastics girls on youtube, but my suggestions started being full of them and I got paranoid.

>> No.12308001 [DELETED] 

Working out with a loli would be great. You'd get to hear her cute grunts and sighs and see her all sweaty with strands of hair sticking to her face. Maybe you'd even get to see her feet!

>> No.12308001,1 [INTERNAL] 

And she would smell so sweet. It's mindblowing to think about.

>> No.12308261

Loli feet are gross and covered in bunions.

>> No.12308298
File: 281 KB, 637x900, 1392697693210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I'd rather fatNEET it up with some fathous

>> No.12308316

and I found this,you faggot

>> No.12308370

it's gay as hell when people believe in the most retarded shit against all evidence

there's a community run by a crazy australian guy and they all believe that you literally can't get fat on fruit no matter how much you eat, and that the only time people gain weight from carbohydrate is when it comes with sodium, which creates water weight that can supposedly be even 100 kilos, and can only be lost through sweating via exercise

literally a cult

>> No.12308486

Why would you need to get fit for /jp/?

>> No.12308486,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12308583 [DELETED] 

Loli feet are soft and small and lightly sweaty and they feel really good to be touched by.

>> No.12308583,1 [INTERNAL] 

>actually drinking coke
It's like you want to die or something. Don't let greedy American companies ruin your health with the most harmful drink in existence.

It's painful to see normie parents giving their loli daughters Coca Cola. I would murder those retards, I swear.

>> No.12308583,2 [INTERNAL] 

I bet you would share a coke with a loli if you had the chance. The thing is, would you prefer to share a cup or a bottle, and with a straw or no straw?

>> No.12308583,3 [INTERNAL] 

I drink coke zero instead
>tfw teeth slowly dissolving from acidity

>> No.12308583,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's just carbonated water and corn syrup, relax. It doesn't even have coke in it anymore.

>> No.12308583,5 [INTERNAL] 

Your loli gf is going to hate you if you don't let her indulge every so often

>> No.12308583,6 [INTERNAL] 

Your loli gf is going to hate you eventually anyway for taking advantage of her and turning her childhood into a traumatic time.

>> No.12308583,7 [INTERNAL] 

I would never give my loli cousin that crap. It's literally posion. She will probably be an adult by the time it actually hurts her, but it still feels wrong to let her drink that garbage.

>> No.12308583,8 [INTERNAL] 

Did you know Coca Cola is the only country in the US that can import coca leaves for use in their drink production?

>> No.12308583,9 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoy your artificial sweeteners. That shit will give you cancer. Can you imagine how scary that shit will be?

>> No.12308583,10 [INTERNAL] 

>taking advantage of her and turning her childhood into a traumatic time

I can just imagine her saying that whenever I tell her to do her homework, or do her chores, or take a shower.

>> No.12308583,11 [INTERNAL] 

She is going to hate everyone except me when she realizes that society brainwashed her into thinking she should be traumatized.

Why can't normals just enjoy sex? What's the point of mixing it with morals?

>> No.12308583,12 [INTERNAL] 

As a soft-drink otaku I have to say that if I had to share any sort of cola with a loli then it would have to be Fentiman's Curiosity Cola. It's a very traditionally brewed and carbonated cola drink. Instead of carbonation being forced into the drink as with normal sodas, this drink is fermented very slightly. This gives it a very tiny amount of alcohol, but nowhere near enough to get you drunk, and nowhere near enough for it to not be illegal to sell to kids.

Still, I wonder if it'd be enough to get a loli drunk if she drunk enough. I guess characters getting drunk from drinking soda can have some truth to it.

>> No.12308583,13 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't even know Coca Cola was a separate country.

>> No.12308583,14 [INTERNAL] 

sorry i got really excited

>> No.12308583,15 [INTERNAL] 

The powerful people that control society and the media don't want to lose their dignity. Doesn't it feel weird to imagine Obama taking a shit or masturbating? It feels unreal somehow. That's why sex and nudity are still considered shameful and evil things. They want to be seen as superior.

>> No.12308583,16 [INTERNAL] 

>Why can't normals just enjoy sex? What's the point of mixing it with morals?

That's because normals really have sex, so they need morals to curb their libido and not hump everything that moves. Virgins can lust after anything they want because we will never get stick our collective penises into anything alive.

>> No.12308583,17 [INTERNAL] 

>weird to imagine Obama taking a shit or masturbating

They call that giving a speech about the affordable care act.

>> No.12308583,18 [INTERNAL] 

Why do normals think someone's life is ruined just because they had sex with someone and regretted it? Why are you scarred for life just because people saw you naked? What's the point of this fucking mentality. Why this stupid shame? It's okay to be ashamed of it, but why so fucking much, to the point of having your life ruined over it? It's like they want it to happen. They don't stop until every child who has ever done anything even remotely sexual with an adult feels like a worthless victim who was taken advantage of. They make them feel like idiots and humiliate them instead of questioning their own retarded view on sexuality.

What's the point of all this shit?

>> No.12308583,19 [INTERNAL] 

People need revenge for what is seen as a violation of trust.

>> No.12308583,20 [INTERNAL] 


(I don't know about american politics and don't get it)

>> No.12308583,21 [INTERNAL] 

Literally thinks parents molesting their children is fine.

Why are child diddlers so delusional?

>> No.12308583,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12308583,23 [INTERNAL] 

It's that wannabe universal healthcare shit.

>> No.12308583,24 [INTERNAL] 

Also, why do actual rape victims feel the need to tell EVERYONE about it to ensure that the rapist gets punished? Why not just try to forget about it? Why do they have to let everyone know that someone fucked them in the ass against their will and humiliated the shit out of them? Why would they want anyone to know about something so embarrassing? Wouldn't it be better to forget about it so that nobody knows about your terrible humiliation?

I really don't get it. It's like women are brainwashed or something. "It wasn't your fault, there's no shame in being a rape victim! You are a strong independent woman!!". Why do they keep repeating this crap? Of course it's not your fault, but there IS shame in having everyone know that a rapist dominated you, forced you to do something embarrassing, and you were powerless to stop it. That's what scars them for life.

If being raped (without impregnation) or touched by a pervert were the same as being punched in the face, nobody would be traumatized by it. It would hurt, the guy would be arrested and you would forget about it in a few days.

>> No.12308583,25 [INTERNAL] 

Is cousin anon raping kids again in here?

>> No.12308583,26 [INTERNAL] 

When I was bullied in school, I kept it to myself. It would be far more humiliating if I told my parents about how people insulted and isolated me. Only literal retards would disagree with this.

>> No.12308583,27 [INTERNAL] 

um... did you read the thread? they literally don't

>> No.12310370
File: 454 KB, 798x1110, fat yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate too much now I can barely move...
I need a touhou to show me restraint

>> No.12315059
File: 126 KB, 577x749, e537c538ce8cb73e76ca3ec427fab0e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather get fit and then hang out with fathous.
