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12268682 No.12268682 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on jaypee playing? Anyone on brynhildr?

>> No.12268693

I'm actually playing right now. I'm about to do my roulettes.

>> No.12268699

implying i have money to play this

>> No.12268702

On Odin , no /Jp/ company , sad

>> No.12268707

Looking for /jp/ company on brynhildr since i left my old one..

>> No.12268711

There is no /jp/ company on any server.

>> No.12268713


>> No.12268720

We can make one , decide a server , and then let it die after one week since there will be like 4 people , 2 there only for One or two hours et the other 2 doing their own thing

>> No.12268722


>> No.12268723

/jp/ company would be good. I'd even resub if there was one.

>> No.12268726

paying monthly for a shit grindfest...

>> No.12268730

if you are playing alone i could agree , if you're doing it with people , it's great , which lead us to /jp/ company

>> No.12268743

PLEASE someone be on Ragnarok

fuck you I was on Odin back in March and nobody else was there

>> No.12268751

no bully pls ;_; we will make the /jp/ company there so you can forgive me ;_;

>> No.12268753

but if i have people to play with there are plenty of other games that are free or cheaper in the long run i can play with.

>> No.12268758

can someone pay for my account i don't have the cash to spare

>> No.12268762

of course but this one was enjoyable aswell , if you have other taste it's fine aswell you know , suit yourself , i found things i enjoy in ffxiv that i didn't elsewhere

>> No.12268765


fuck that. I am rich, have full myth for 2 classes + soldiery for my main and I am NOT paying for a server transfer

a /jp/ guild will never work for this garbage game because there's too many servers most of which are dead as fuck so everyone is spread out.

>> No.12268770

was a joke m8 , i don't know for other people but i would be able to create a char from 0 , if this was really a thing i guess we would see who is wiling to start over or transfert , see who isn't , then look at where those people are and if we have a majority somewhere we would go there , but there like 10 people who will see this so it's not like it's going to happen

>> No.12268785
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, ffxiv_07072014_213134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll just give up and not sub again. The community sucks and there's never ever going to be a /jp/ FC on any server

>> No.12268788

Doesn't every mmo come down to being a grindfest? I would rather pay $15 a month than play a f2p pay2win mmo. Especially since ffxiv has been getting plenty of updates.

I play alone and it's fine.

>> No.12268799

i bought the game but quit after my free month
i just get so bored in mmo's without friends.
if we had something all figured out, i'd for sure get in there.

>> No.12268808

Say i was right on Gil and decided to rmt with those chinese farmers. Could i get banned? Or is if just the sellers?

>> No.12268813

Of course you can get banned if you get caught. Lots of the RMT have disappeared since the last update so it would be risky.

>> No.12268819

Well yeah , then let's say , for fun , Who here is willing to create a new char/ transfer somewhere ?

Also other problem , i guess we are from america and europe , so , where do we go ?
I know this board is Jp but going on japanese server to make everyone happy will be troublesome for other things , so do we choose by from a server where people are not willing to leave ? then those have to speak now aswell

If you're considering to resub for the jp company , when will you able to do it ?
So we dont build up something that will last 4 days hoping for people to finaly come

And so on and so on , we can make it but we need informations

>> No.12268823

go ragnarok

>> No.12268826


Phoenix or bust.

>> No.12268827

ill play if somebody buys the game for me. If I enjoy it alot and we keep playing I can pay for it myself but I don't want to make the commitment alone.

>> No.12268828


Nobody gives a shit you poorfag cunt

>> No.12268833
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No I just don't want to get the game and then have wishy washy people quit on me. Serious people would put money out because they are looking for people to play with.

>> No.12268834

So we have 2 servers and someone not willing to buy the game for the 3 starter , this is already a problem , we can consider we only have 1 since it's either one server or the other , and i don't think anyone will buy a game for someone else , i'm okay with starting a new char so we have two people i guess regardless of the server decision , i guess we should decide on a minimum number to start the thing aswell , i guess 10 would be good , 8 is enough for raid but i believe there will be problems sometimes or people not intersted at all in that aspect of the game or whatever

>> No.12268841

i dont think so , i understand you don't want to pay for nothing but saying serious people would put money to buy your game just because they want people to play with ? No i m sorry , if you were a close friend it's fine , but a stranger , no way , so i guess we dont count you in

>> No.12268843

lol why would anyone just keep 25k gathering dust in the bank

invest that shit you poorfag

>> No.12268844


Just give in, it's not going to happen. The game is nearly a year old and we have never been able to start an FC. If I didn't have so much shit on character I would reroll but the grind to get to this point was too much and I couldn't face it again

>> No.12268845

Can you stream the game later tonight? I want to know if its worth buying or not.

>> No.12268846

for the people who /are/ interested, we could set up some sort of chat room to try and figure it out. just an idea

>> No.12268857

Pay me to play with you guys too

>> No.12268864

Pretty much this. The people that want to play are already playing and established somewhere. The people thinking about playing/looking for an excuse to play will probably quit after a month.

>> No.12268872

My apologies but i'm not able to , but if you have something particular in mind i can help you , if not i think there are streams on twitch even if the viewer count is low

>> No.12269078

everyone join jenova!

>> No.12269093

Why would you pick jenova? It's has the lowest population of all the na/eu servers.

>> No.12269109

I'm on behemoth but I don't play that much now, I only log on to reach soldiery cap and see if I can use DF to clear ex titan or t5 yet.

>> No.12269110

new server!

>> No.12269202

I'm playing on Moogle
Add Byakuren Hijiri so we can do cute things in mor dhona

>> No.12269222

Eww, you actually named your character after a tohou? That's almost as bad as the kids who name their character naruto or sasuke.

>> No.12269307

i play on ultros but don't have much time on weekdays

>> No.12269459

I only play good games

>> No.12269485

What bothers me most is when people name their characters after someother character and they're just generic cat # 345673245 with no resemblance whatsoever to their source name.
That really causes my autism to flare up.

>> No.12269492
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I honestly derived a fair bit enjoyment of the game from finding these people and taking screenshots of them while I was playing.

>> No.12269532

Anyone on Hyperion?

>> No.12269668
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I got to the point where I was only logging in for the beastmen dailies (fucking why) and roulette. I got all my crafts to 50, got WHM and SCH to 50, was in a FC that got a house and never even bothered with Coil. I forced myself through the main scenario and by the end I just wanted it to end, fuck. I usually actually pay close attention to the stories in games, but somewhere after the Titan story arc I just started skipping them all because I knew it was just going to be a series of item/person fetching.

I even tried leveling up Lancer so I could get Blood for Blood (so I could play Bard or Monk or whatever) and I didn't make it past 30, rotations are so fucking boring. I don't know how people do it, at least healing is reactive. Scripted encounters also got very old very quickly.

Maybe I'm just permanently burned out on MMOs, after playing XI from NA PC launch to shortly after Adoulin launch. I sincerely hope you guys have more fun than I did, I think the potential is there at least.

>> No.12269863

I'm on Moogle.

>> No.12269897

Moogle aswell , so we are 3 there?

>> No.12269912


I've seen a fair number of Touhou named faggots running around so maybe there's more.

>> No.12269951
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Balmung cat here.
But I don't play much with others.
Syrcus Tower is fun. I'm going to do it every week.


I actually really enjoyed FFXIV's story, the primals are really enjoyable. I'm also satisfied as a fan with the recent revelation of the Omega Weapon. I'm a total sucker for callbacks to earlier FFs.

>> No.12269976
File: 127 KB, 702x365, loli trio - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing for a couple weeks on Famfrit. I have some friends that are playing with me. We're a trio of lolis!

>> No.12270042

XIV is a total failure compared to XI, but the golden age is behind us sadly. I wonder if anything like that will come around again, though somehow I feel the quality of today's players wouldn't be up for it..

>> No.12270043

eh ... i want a full lalafell company ...

>> No.12270048

This game is really bad, but I'd probably pick it up again if there was a /jp/ guild. Are there any MMOs /jp/ still plays together?

>> No.12270054

Ehh, XIV 1.0 was a total failure but ARR is a huge success. At least from a financial standpoint.

I see plenty of people saying XIV is too hard or even grindy. No way the people today would enjoy XI's style.

>> No.12270055
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, ffxiv_14072014_025249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am on Moogle too
ign : Alice Margatroid ;_;

>> No.12270071

Yeah, I realize it's financially successful I meant in terms of not being a shit game that panders to casuals. Basically all of the elements that made XI interesting are gone: the overworld content sucks, the crafts are meaningless, instancing with randoms totally ruined any other communal aspect that was left. Basically all the interesting mechanics FFXI had that necessitated forging relationships with other people and thereby create an interesting world have been smashed. Thinking about it suddenly makes me feel sentimental, like I'm the member of some indigenous tribe who has realized his culture died.

>> No.12270079

The overworld cotent is pretty fun and engaging later on. How are the crafts meaningless when they provide you a means of supplying yourself and others with equipment, or food? and there is still a communal aspect if you actually go out looking for it. I've had no problem making firends with people on there and having light and full parties for instance content without randoms. I think you are just being an old salty dog and living in the past too much. Yes times have changed the MMO market to what you're seeing now but less complex doesn't mean it's inherently worse or any less fun.

>> No.12270088


You have to realise that FFXI and FFXIV are two completely different games designed for two completely different periods of time. Just because the FFXI formula worked and everyone loved it (myself included) does not mean it'd be successful today, especially when they had already fucked up the first release of FFXIV and all hopes lied on a successful reboot. A lot of players these days (or 'casuals' as you so put) don't want to spend 5 hours a day LFG to get an exp party nor do they want to sit around camping NMs for days on end just for the chance of a drop.

Crafting has its use and each patch brings in more stuff for endgame crafters to get their hands on.There's hunts in the overworld now. There's a party finder which most people use since the DF for English servers is terrible. SCOB cannot be done via DF and has you either seeking a static or a FC. There's plenty of chances for you to team up and meet people on your server, you just don't have to wait around for days to get a fucking group to level anymore.


See? You faggots are everywhere.

>> No.12270200

I'm over at Odin, what FC are you in?

>> No.12270201

Those are midgets not lolis

>> No.12270255

Anyone on gilgamesh? I'm new to this game but it has been good so far. I can be the fisherman monk I always wanted to be.

>> No.12270315

>panders to casuals.

I played FFXI for years ago and it was great. It is a fact that I'm now not a student and don't have the time to play 8-12 hours a day anymore so I'm now effectively a "casual", but there is still no way I'd spend now precious free time on a shitty rehash of WoW with an FF skin. (I would gladly spend an hour a day on a spiritual successor to XI though)

So please, don't insult casuals. What this game panders to is retards (just look at the generals on /vg/), teenagers and Japanese people who've never experienced WoW or its spawn.

>> No.12270371

I don't think FFXI formula worked at all. I played it 10 years, but that was mainly due to having made friends in the game. Any MMO would have lead to the same thing.

>> No.12270405

So much this. I see people trying to compare FFXIV to FFXI all the time. Don't they realize it's a different game, a different, time, and even a different generation of players?

Most of the guys trying to compare the two are so blinded by nostalgia that they can't see past the "good old days". Like >>12270071 I bet he hasn't enjoyed any mmo after FFXI because he always compares them.

>> No.12270472

I'm the same way with how I'd rather spend my time if I'm going to play an MMO. There were plenty of older players in XI too who chose to play that game in short bursts even over WoW when that eventually came out. I even had one of them come back shortly after WoW's launch and say they didn't like how shallow it was; it just felt cheap to them.

I left ARR even though I had an absolute blast in chat with the people I met. The game was just so terrible that I couldn't stomach logging in and doing another round of roulette and dailies on the six days out of the week we weren't farming coil and EX primals.

>> No.12270473
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Will Final Fantasy every be good again?

>> No.12270485
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For me it felt like there was zero sense of urgency in the story. I mean nobody seemed to mind that the primals were being summoned, they just wanted me to get their cat out of a tree over and over.

I think the biggest issue in the story was repetition. Go to a place for the story, do a million favors for the locals until you *finally* gain their trust, and hours later you may or may not be rewarded with a new dungeon or primal fight. Fuck Ala Mhigans, fuck the company of heroes, fuck Sylphs and fuck those witch-hunting faggots living in Coerthas.

I honestly hope Levi drowns the entire damn world.

Another thing I miss was that the races in XI felt very distinct. In XIV, everyone talks the same and the world is very homogenized, which I guess is what they were going for. It just felt the same wherever I went in the game, and while Limsa is beautiful, I ended up regretting starting in Gridania. It's so damn plain. I'm in no way saying XIV has to be XI 2.0, but I miss my rhyming midgets, you know?

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I won't lie, I had fun for a while too. I started the game with three other friends, and we played the entire game together.

>> No.12270489

>How are the crafts meaningless when they provide you a means of supplying yourself and others with equipment, or food?

Basically all crafted equipment is inferior to what can be more easily attained questing and food is too weak to not be a waste of time. Basically anything resembling a economy between players in the game has been gutted.

> I've had no problem making firends with people on there and having light and full parties for instance content without randoms.

Notice how the only thing to do with other people is instance content. It's barely even an MMO, since everything outside instances is bullshit. You can make friends in any online game; what was supposed to set mmos apart was having a world in the background that facilitated large scale exchange relations and cooperation beyond small groups of friends. And that's exactly what's missing. You can literally play xiv as if there's no one else in the world and it wouldn't make a significant difference.

>> No.12270504
File: 273 KB, 1000x705, The Magic of XI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both the race writing and the art direction were fantastic in XI. I've really never been a fan of Yoshida's art and was pretty upset when they announced he'd be doing XIV because I don't think he's cut out to do MMOs; his take on the XI races was just disappointing. Meanwhile, Aiba's stuff is still magical.

>> No.12270572

What kind of nerd plays mmo's for the story? You should be skipping all dialogue and cutscenes.

>> No.12270576

Believe it or not, but there was a time when actual effort was put into the writing of mmo lore.

>> No.12270592

>his take on the XI races was just disappointing.
But his take is the exact same as Tanaka's (i.e. the guy who was in charge of XI initially) was from when XIV first launched.

>> No.12270598

Akihiko Yoshida was the lead artist for XIV.

>> No.12270610


FFXIV's problem is that the story starts out slow and has you doing a lot of pointless shit when you really shouldn't. The whole thing with Titan and having to run around doing shit for a bunch of people before actually going to fight him was really annoying... but you can't deny that your first time through CM/Prae wasn't stupidly fun and genuinely exciting. Seeing Ultima with that music playing for the first time still gets pumped to this day.


This is all down to the localisation team and honestly each race has their own quirks. Most Miqote are walking balls of innuendo, a lot of Lalafell have a thing for being top tier jews, that kind of thing. It's not quite as in your face as what XI had it but it's still there. Oh, you can change your Grand Company too so it's not like you're stuck with Gridania.


>Basically all crafted equipment is inferior to what can be more easily attained questing and food is too weak to not be a waste of time. Basically anything resembling a economy between players in the game has been gutted.

i90 crafted equipment with correct melds is fantastic and saves you blowing sol on gear. Crafted gear for people levelling is also great for a few reasons: It can be broken down into materia (which sells for quite a chunk of money if you get lucky with what materia type you get) and it does not rely on drops whatsoever.

Any FC/static worth a damn will also be using food for end game content because that shit becomes a decent boost to your character for 30 minutes which also persists through death. Accuracy is a very important stat and food supplements that quite significantly. It also boosts your other stats a fair amount too so a tank will be getting an extra few hundred health on top of extra parry, a healer will be getting extra det for bigger heals on top of more health etc.

>> No.12270655


>> No.12270669

>tfw you reach end game and all there is to do is log in to get your CT2 piece, hit sol cap and log out


>> No.12270671

Get novus.

>> No.12270707 [DELETED] 

fuck that, unweathered 110 for life
you don't even have to be good at the game anymore to do this so unless you're addicted to perfect minmaxing fuck it

>> No.12270717 [DELETED] 

>and saves you blowing sol on gear
as opposed to what
soldiery are worthless and easy as fuck to get, i've bought shitloads of sol gear including weapons for multiple jobs and i'm still fucking drowning in the trash

that said i90 crafted accessories are p cool

>> No.12270751


Other armour slots that aren't filled with decent crafted stuff? Weapons? Other classes? It's pretty hard not to find a use for sol and when you're capped to 450 a week it's nice to have the choice of not having to buy some stuff here and there.


Unweathered is 100.

>> No.12270810

I'm currently on Phoenix, I doubt anyone's around though. If anyone wants to meet up and stuff we could do expert roulettes together!

I think I remember you when I was on Moogle! I even took a pic of you since I'm a big Alice fan, but I can't find it, a shame

>> No.12270947

No. Weathered Weapons are i100.
Unweathered after you mash them together with a sand are i110.

>> No.12270980


What's your character name?

>> No.12270983


Yeah, I realised my mistake the second I hit post. I'm far too tired, sorry. ;_;

>> No.12271002

Sirspliffalot Haimon
dnt jdge

>> No.12271360

DFing T5 because you're both a friendless casual and a procrastinator sure is painful.

>> No.12271369

I want to play but I'm procrastinating about upgrading my PC / buying a PS4.

>> No.12271625

What's with all of you euros on /jp/? Nobody cares about Phoenix (especially not a non-wipe server) or Moogle.

>> No.12271701

Surely FFXV won't be terrible.


>> No.12271710
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Im on EU server

>> No.12272299
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Touch Fluffy Tail was fun on Siren when it was still active. It's pretty dead now. ;__;

>> No.12272370

I really wanna play DQX

>> No.12272400
File: 62 KB, 300x100, Laughing whores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing themepark MMORPGs

>> No.12272403

nowadays every mmorpg is like that.

>> No.12272417

FFXI was an amazing game and yet it's still p2p.

Why is SE so shitty and clueless...best thing they've done MMO related is Million Arthur and that's just VC lite.

>> No.12272418

I be on Hyperion

>> No.12272776

Yours first!

>> No.12272824
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>> No.12272845

I'm on hyperion

>> No.12272951

>450 a week cap
>"i'm drowning in sol"

yeah nah

>> No.12272954


the FUCK does an /a/ guild have to do with us? don't try and claim it's /jp/ related you f*cking crossie

>> No.12273134

we're on like the 17th week of soldiery or something like that.... that is so much soldiery. and it's always been super easy to cap.

>> No.12273196

>MGQ isn't /jp/. Oh you.

>> No.12273221

so much myth since 2.3... literally no point playing anymore if I can't make a static with my /jp/ bros and finally conquer the ex primals. I guess I'll resub when the next content patch comes in

exposed as the crossie scum you are. expect AoC to permaban your ass off the /jp/ for good

>> No.12273240

>You're posting on topic so I'm indirectly saying I'm reporting you and to enjoy your ban.

You sure are hostile. Shame on me for posting about FFXIV.

>> No.12273252


>> No.12273377

I might have enough money to try this game around the beginning of August!
Expect me, /jp/!

>> No.12273416

Theres a Free Company on Siren thats run by and played by a bunch of people from 4chan(not /vg/ though) It's pretty chill.

>> No.12273420

They're giving out keys to ArcheAge on MMOHunts

>> No.12273426

To make an account to get a key if you don't already

>> No.12273564

>(not /vg/ though)
Which is a good thing.
I don't know why anyone, their own selfsame scum aside, would want to play with them.

>> No.12273950

I'm on cactuar.

>> No.12273970

I found this game extremely boring. Especially the main quest.

The dungeons were cool but I'd rather fight more than 4 mobs at once. I liked TERA where you can pull like 200 mobs at once and still beat them because every class has a lot of aoe.

I also never grasped the aggro mechanics. You can flash and provoke all you want but if a monster decides to stick on your healer then there is nothing you can do about it.

This game is only good for erp

>> No.12274020

The game gets harder at endgame.

3-4 mobs per pull is normal. At level 50 speed runs pull half the dungeon and aoe's them down. That's only if you're overgeared, though.

Git gud. The game even gives you an aggro bar to show everybodys aggro. Also, provoke doesn't build any aggro, it just puts at the top of the list.

ERP is what /vg/ does.

>> No.12274040

You cant argue against me dude. Please make it stop.

>> No.12274076
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Castrum and Prae were lame for me, because by that point I wanted it all to end. The amount of cut scenes in those dungeons was pretty ridiculous, too. I actually got to heal for Pharos before it got nerfed, and that was easily my favorite dungeon. Too bad it was impossible to get people to do it, but I guess people want their tokens.

As far as the different races, it's just very, very weak in XIV. They took the easy way out and basically made the Sun Seekers the hookers of the game and there are barely any Moon Keepers at all. I know their home was glassed by the Garleans but jesus. Compared to the Mithra, especially in WotG (worst expansion ever content wise, but the story was very good, and it's fun to see the good and bad parts of every race), the Mi'qote are so boring. Hell, everyone is boring. I get that Hyurs have weak immune systems so they're more susceptible to chigoes, for example, but it's like they write these things and throw them away, never to be used again.

And yeah, our FC GC was Maelstrom, but my personal GC was Twin Adder because it felt the most fitting from my character's perspective. I spent a lot of time in all of the cities, doing all the quests, maxing my crafts and doing the GC supply missions.

>> No.12274085
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Is your healer using Regen wrong? It's very different aggro-wise from XI, and I've seen a ton of healers eat dirt because of when they decided to cast it. It builds enmity with every tick now, so if your healer is casting it right before a pull, well...

>> No.12274137
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 2014-03-27_00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Overhealing also causes more enmity I believe so there's that to consider too. That and there's provoke, stuns and cover for situations like that..


We could have gained about 7000 at this point, minus (at the very least) 2600 for your 'multiple weapons' which leaves 4400. 825 body/legs, 495 every other slot, 375 accessories, it takes well over a few thousand to gear ONE job give or take a few hundred depending on if you get unwanted loot from SCOB or use the mog necklace and/or the Ramuh ring. If you're gearing multiple jobs, which I assume you are since you purchased multiple weapons, I don't see how you're "drowning in the trash".

>> No.12274967
File: 576 KB, 1920x1080, 168165848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a novus weapon yet

>> No.12275012

What sort of FCs are people on /jp/ a part of?
Most communities seem too normie friendly.

>> No.12275026

I've been subscribed for 300 days and I have never been in an FC or a LS....and I have zero people on my friend list ;_;

>> No.12275061

Can we make moogle the official unofficial (european) /jp/ server?

We don't have to make a company right now or anything.

Since it seems everyone is quite scattered and already settled, we could decide that just for the future, we can direct new players in future threads to moogle and if you decide reroll you can do it on moogle.

That way we'll slowly congregate /jp/ on one server and maybe in the future we can start something? It'll be easier to play together, too, even if there's no company.

It's just an idea.

I picked moogle 'cause I started playing today and ended up on that server, I don't know if maybe there's better alternatives or if there is much difference between the worlds.

>> No.12275083

Just so you guys know. Both the NA and EU servers are located in the same place (Canada). So the only reason to choose an NA or EU server is because of your preferred time zone.

>> No.12275507

Moogle sucks

>> No.12275548

I'm on Moogle , i m with you on this

>> No.12275739

I'm okay with that.
I just picked the game up again after the diappointment that was WildStar, so I'm fine with migrating to a new server.

>> No.12275997

Issue with Moogle is there are a shit-tonne of Frenchies there. Language barrier can be a pain in the ass at times, hence why I prefer Odin, had far less issues with language barrier there.

>> No.12276010

Another thing I found with early-game instances is that gladiators kind of suck with enmity generation vs level synced party members.

Though easiest way most say to counter that is to literally flash about 2 or 3 times, then rotate flashes with the Fast blade->Riot blade combo. Though this is less of an issue with Rage of Halone at 26.

>> No.12276138

I have a Shou Toramaru Sun Mi'qote lancer with fluffy blonde hair and black flecks. With Sawashiro's voice, of couse. (Ragnarok)

>> No.12276146

I should add that the character just sits there with the name at level 12, taking up the slot so no one else can use it. I've run across a Patchouli Knowledge, while playing on my hyur midlander main, that didn't have properly colored hair, though she was a scholar.

>> No.12277252

What's the best EU server, /jp/?

>> No.12277280


You're on Ragnarok? If so do you want to be friends?

Odin is the best. Phoenix/Moogle/Ragnarok are full of French

>> No.12277295

if you want to awkwardly meet /jp/sies, I guess.

Eh bien, voulez-vous café avec moi?

>> No.12277302


No go away frenchie

>> No.12277313

C'est le choc! J'étais un Allemande toutes les temps!

>> No.12277326

That's a pretty valid complain really. Let us just pick Odin then? Nothing really has to happen right now other then deciding.

>> No.12277334

I sometimes run into French people in dufty finder on NA servers. I learned that they suck at the game. Almost as bad as bad as the Mexicans.

>> No.12277338

I'm going to buy it this month guys! I'm really excited!

>> No.12277356

Average French player's logic

1. I need to run this instance and fast, I better tick J E D F for a quick queue time even though I only speak French but who cares
2. I don't know what to do but I'm sure I will get carried by the rest of the team
3. OMFG these noobs aren't carrying me I'm going to give them a piece of my mind "putain noooob nooob baguette"
4. Repeat until you get carried through the instance of choice or find other Frogs who will explain things for you

You can always tell who the French players are in CT and ex Primals because the only word they know is "noob"

>> No.12277533
File: 3.63 MB, 1920x1080, If you know what I mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moogle isn't as bad as you guys are making it out to be. The french are there, sure, but there's plenty of Spanish etc. too, it is a European server after all. Overall I'd say most players speak English and I've personally had no issues playing on Moogle from day one. Expecting a European server to be 100% ONLY English is just plain stupid.

>> No.12277554

Our points focused more on the attitudes of those non-English speakers.

It's a pain in the ass to have players who can't co-operate because of a language barrier in instances where team-work and knowing the play-style is key.

If they search DF with JEDF, they are a pain. I for one had that issue a lot on Moogle, whereas on Odin I have faced that about 2 times since I made the switch many months ago.

>> No.12277567

Does anyone on /jp/ play on Japanese servers? If so, which one?

>> No.12277595

pls moogle

>> No.12277622
File: 90 KB, 289x375, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I wanted to create a character

>> No.12277737

Just keep trying, I forget the update times. But to say the least, trying at night will be the best bet!

>> No.12277767

People should post their name and their server so people who are interested in trying to build something know who is avalaible in X or Y server.

So we have for now:
Moogle :

Phoenix :

Didn't include people who didn't give their name , that's why there's so few ,
Might include mine later if i see more people from moogle.

>> No.12277779

In that case:

Odin: Chihiro Hiro

>> No.12277824

I play on Durandal like the Legacy Master Race that I am.

>> No.12277846

How are you able to communicate with the nips?

>> No.12277890

By not being an EOP.
And it's not like there isn't a fairly significant number of English speaking players who didn't transfer off from 1.2x.

>> No.12277991
File: 1.79 MB, 1670x975, ffxiv_08262013_222945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second character is on a JP server (Masamune) from when the NA ones were crapping themselves during beta and it really is a complete non-issue whether you speak Japanese on the more international popular ones, particularly with the way duty finder works. During NA hours the chat was mostly English.

Think the game has some sort of cross-language communication feature built in as well.

>> No.12278255

Just to let some of you guys know, SE is doing a welcome back campaign thing. Those of you who used to play but are currently unsubscribed can log in for free this weekend.

Again, this only applies to people who have bought the game before.

>> No.12278740

So are we doing this?

I want to join you guys,but I have it on PS3

>> No.12278925

Is there any /jp/ on Gilgamesh?

>> No.12278946

started a gladiator/conjurer there a while back

>> No.12278954

Yah'shena Ikebet

>> No.12279304


Yama Naraka

>> No.12279412

I'm >>12275061
my IGN is Alice Lynn and I'm on moogle of course.

I'm not sure if I want to play with frenchies, but there seem to be a small majority on moogle anyway? it's maybe more democratic to just go with moogle

>> No.12279576

I'm very tempted to make a Lalafell archer because of how cute they are, even though the elves have better stats.

>> No.12279638

I'm so sorry. I said Ragnarok but that was my XI server for 10 years. I forgot (because I haven't really played in a couple a months) that my friends joined Excalibur in XIV. I wanted to continue playing on Ragnarok.

>> No.12280311

Racial stats make basically zero difference.
At endgame you have 500 in your main stat easily, compared to the 6 point difference between the best race for a given stat and the worst one.

>> No.12280336
File: 20 KB, 333x25, wat the fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone translate this? Posted it on /vg/ too, it's driving me crazy. I haven't played since a few days after ARR and I'm on ridill, no idea why I chose it.

>> No.12280359

The pleasure of Subligar inside.

>> No.12280362


real answer anyone? pls ;_;

>> No.12280389


Moogle :

Byakuren Hijiri
Alice Margatroid
Yah'shena Ikebet
Alice Lynn

Adding mine since people are giving their name :

Elise Chantclair (Not french btw)

Phoenix :

Sirspliffalot Haimon

Odin :

Chihiro Hiro

Ragnarok :

Yama Naraka

>> No.12280395

shit moogle's winning

>> No.12280416


>> No.12280425

I'm on Moogle, too. Mostly playing Frontlines right now for the PVP glamours, but I have a lot more fun levelling jobs and taking it easy with fishing and stuff.

ign: Katia Managan

>> No.12280440

All the moogle shitters are from /vg/. Don't go to Moogle unless you want French people and crossboarders

>> No.12280504

Man, trying to do the extreme fights through duty finder is just depressing. Party finder groups aren't much better either.

Why is this game so hard ;_;

>> No.12280522

Because all the competent people did them months ago when they were relevant.

>> No.12280527
File: 522 KB, 1066x820, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phoenix here.
>Solid Eckhart.

I'm normally not outside much other than the usual hunts and then i'll afk in my room, feel free to ask if anything.
All that glow.

Are you guys enjoying the hunts?

>> No.12280533


Pretty much. All that's left now are the dregs that will never ever beat anything harder than story primals and complain that dungeons are too hard and need nerfing resulting in the gay as fuck no mechanics theme park shite that was 2.3 "hard" mode dungeons... and the people who bought the game too late to get through with the non-shitters.

The only hope for getting through garu/titan/ifrit now is either getting 7 friends to do it with you or hoping they add an ex primal roulette and nerf the 1 shot mechanics.

>> No.12280555

Hunts are a mess. It's just using 3rd party apps to find the targets and then waiting for half the server to show up so it can die in 10 seconds. Plus all the lag from having 100 people gathered around one monster.

I wish they didn't adds sands of time as a reward. Hunts might actually be fun if they weren't being zerged all the time.

>> No.12280560

My tip for hunts are basically.
>Patience, you'll need it.
>Hunting in groups.
>Joining the right Linkshells for calls.
>Early morning and late night hunts = Best.

Only meet up for S ranks if theyre spawned else hunt in the morning time and late night times, you'll have it much better at that point.

>> No.12280570

Tonberry best server.

>> No.12280594

I know. The only way to do hunts efficiently is with a group.

On my server there are about 5 major hunt LS's and I was surprised that even at 4am there were still a lot of people doing hunts.

I just hate what hunts turned into and it's not worth the effort to me. Hunts are basically:
>"[Name] is up at [location]!"
>"Okay wait for us, we're on our way"
>everyone starts gathering (it seems like half the server sometimes)
>10 minutes later
>"Okay pull at :55"
>:55 hits and 50+ people jump on one monster
>Oh god, I can't tell what's going on. Am I hitting it? I think I'm hitting it
>5-10 seconds later it's dead

And god forbid someone pulls before everyone has gathered. The rage in chat is hilarious and scary at the same time.
>"why didn't you wait?"
>"IT WAS [person] BLACKLIST HIM<<<<<

>> No.12280601

>and the people who bought the game too late to get through with the non-shitters.
Don't forget the procrastinators who didn't want to do Garuda and Ifrit Rehashes Mark 6.

>> No.12281335

Pretty predictable considering how horrid Northern Thanalan was.

>> No.12281473

Are we going to make a FC?

>> No.12281559
File: 765 KB, 1920x1080, ffxiv_07202014_002747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transferred to Excalibur at launch solely because of saybar. I am that much of a faggot.

>> No.12281572

I'm not going to play with some smelly newshit, go beg the /vg/ guild to play with you, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to so long as you're willing to show them just how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.12281589

TFT was full of awful memespouters and roleplayers. I'm glad it's dead.

>> No.12281647

Anyone on Zalera? I bought the game on sale and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

>> No.12281705

I'm in your FC

>> No.12282210


Moogle :

Byakuren Hijiri
Alice Margatroid
Yah'shena Ikebet
Alice Lynn
Elise Chantclair
Katia Managan

Phoenix :

Sirspliffalot Haimon
Solid Eckhart

Odin :

Chihiro Hiro

Ragnarok :

Yama Naraka

I guess if people would like to make an fc moogle is most likely the place to be ( don't be afraid about the people saying it's full of french and whatever , it's not.)

>> No.12282220

Might want to make a linkshell at least to already have those people , if someone is willing to create it

>> No.12282226

Anyone in Asia who is going to roll on a JP server, come to Asura and join SHIOK FC.

>> No.12282241

Moogle :

Byakuren Hijiri
Alice Margatroid
Yah'shena Ikebet
Alice Lynn
Elise Chantclair
Katia Managan

Phoenix :

Sirspliffalot Haimon
Solid Eckhart

Odin :

Chihiro Hiro

Ragnarok :

Yama Naraka

Asura :

Ako Akiba
Thatkid Chris
Slaymonte Imbertain

>> No.12282450

>don't be afraid about the people saying it's full of french and whatever , it's not

Nice propaganda /vg/ crossie

>> No.12282788

I always end up spending at least 2-3 hours trying to come up with a character name for these games, and by the end of it I have a massive headache and end up throwing something together on a whim to get it over with.

How do other people come up with their names so easily?

>> No.12282921

I type in random letters that and try to make it look like an actual name. After that people will ask me how to pronounce my name and I won't be able to tell them.

>> No.12283150

This game has a random name generator, so I cycle through that for like ten minutes, then piece together my favorite first and last name.

>> No.12283315


>> No.12283364
File: 54 KB, 500x393, castlevania sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that Square seeks to outdo itself with graphics every game. If they put so much emphasis to the visuals, they tend to disregard the rest. The same happened to Konami and the Castlevania series.

>> No.12283618

I like the SMT series more than the FF series, but I'm always a bit interested in MMOs. Should I still try this out even though I don't like FF that much?

>> No.12284001

There are trial accounts. Try it and make your mind. I classify it as "Not bad, not the best, but enjoyable". Better than WoW nowadays, if that serves as a reference. Has an alive feel to it. Pretty, with a FF type story.

>> No.12284236

The default names for this game all sound fucking retarded. Especially the lalafell, holy shit.

>> No.12284733

Mimiwa Miwa was a cute one I got.

>> No.12284791

There is no trial for FFXIV at the moment. But I think it just got announced that it was coming soon.

>> No.12285503

I'm on Asura, name is Kiraku Kuro

I'm only level 10 because games are hard...

>> No.12285533 [DELETED] 
File: 776 KB, 500x551, tumblr_mx49jzBACC1qfwzzoo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont even have an atma because i don't like wasting months of my life for a couple extra secondary stats when i'll get a t9 weapon eventually neway

>> No.12285625
File: 175 KB, 600x449, 44681658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on a server that is incredibly incompetent when it comes to downing Second Coil and REX. Too cheap to switch worlds. Them's the breaks.

>> No.12285656

Horrible grammar and a tumblr gif. I want /vg/ to leave.

>> No.12285679


Nilli Mittermeyer, on Phoenix.

>> No.12285724

I feel like I made a mistake staying in Leviathan. It was one of the biggest during beta phase and right now has seen better days.

Name: Agrias Oakes

>> No.12286052 [DELETED] 

tbh i probably got it from twitter
ive typed this way my whole internet career and i promise you ive been posting on imageboards for longer than you have and fuck /v/ and whatever the hell /vg/ is you wanna dickwag this out lets dickwag this out

>> No.12286190

I play on Fenrir (JP server). I'm surprised other people here who play on JP servers say they've run into English speakers often - I always queue for CF with both J and E checked, but I've only gotten a party with English speakers once, ever, out of hundreds of CF runs (some low level dungeon). And I do a lot of CF at 4-5 AM Japan time too.

>> No.12286333

What is CF?

>> No.12286341

Contents Finder

The LFG tool

>> No.12286376

Oh, it' called DF or duty finder for NA. I've never seen it called cf before, it must be a jap thing.

>> No.12286389

Lots of the names for things are changed between client languages, it seems. Like 'guildhests' are just called 'guild orders', Paladins are 'Knights'. Spell names are sometimes different too. Who knows why.

>> No.12286411

Not only that, but if you switched the audio to Japanese it's less, how should I say, flowery in language and tone compared to the English text and voice.

>> No.12286482
File: 448 KB, 496x279, 1363048231046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadcroft was 2spooky. I want my Final Fantasy fanservice game, not to feel bad.

>> No.12286527

the english ADR is fucking awful. Changed it pretty fast.

>> No.12286545

Still have no clue what any of the unvoiced cutscenes and NPC dialogues were before they cheesed them up though.

>> No.12286551
File: 1.43 MB, 1024x576, screaming purple chaika.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw balmung

>> No.12286561 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 519x596, josh4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw josh XD

>> No.12287148


It's kind of funny, some guy did a comparison of a 2.3 cutscene with that crazy guy in Dragonhead. In Japanese he sounds batshit crazy and your character is like "the fuck?" with zoom ins on his face in the cutscene etc but in English he sounds completely dull and your character just starts making faces at him for no reason while the camera just stands still.

English - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVlPvBW0UJ8

Japanese - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb716z1_8fk

>> No.12287303

>Spell names are sometimes different too.
You mean like how spells are Fire, Fire II, Fire III in English instead of Fire, Fira, and Firaga because the localization team thought players would be too retarded to understand them if they went with the traditional FF naming scheme?

>> No.12287755

Everything about XIV is geared to cater to the lowest common denominator. This game is the epitome of casting a wide net to try and capture the most fish, and bafflingly enough it kind of worked.

>> No.12287808

If it followed the traditional naming scheme Firaga and the -ga would be reserved for aoe spells, and Fire 1-4 would be single target spells(and I guess Fira too). It's kind of weird that they went that way for the japanese version. They should have just called Fire 2 Firaga. It might get weird when they eventually start adding new spells.

>> No.12288053

I'll make a character wherever a ls/fc is made, though I'd prefer to be on Asura. I played before on both American and Japanese servers and the Japanese were remarkably better; my guess is it's the same in comparison to the European server. Also it would provide more opportunities to practice Japanese, for those into that.

>> No.12288059

I've play for a small amount of time and fell short of level capping, but is the Japanese server worth playing on?

>> No.12288083

You definitely waste less time on the duty finder because the players are generally competent, but finding people to play with otherwise is more difficult because of the language barrier. So personally I'd prefer playing wherever /jp/sies play, but that's just my preference.

>> No.12288089

Understandable. Been trying to find a half decent mmo to play, since Pso2 had it's fuck up.
Sadly I'm to terrified to venture on to /v for advice .

>> No.12288118

Now that you mention it, I've leveled two classes to 50 and done all the CF content and not once has a group ever had anyone leave, or failed to complete the content. Nobody ever got mad at anything either.

That kind of luck would be unthinkable on an English server.

>> No.12288154

Japanese tend to care more about not inconveniencing others so they usually do their best in duty finder while people on the NA server don't give a fuck.

That said, at endgame, communication is pretty important in fights. The language barrier would be a pretty big problem and from my experience with FFXI, the Japanese tend to see us english speakers the same way we see BR's/spanish/russians/french/whatever speakers. In other words as annoying, rude, and unskilled. Of course not all of them are like that but you get the idea.

Also, I would worry about the lag to Japanese servers since latency is also important in endgame fights. Just a couple of things to consider if you're going to put time into playing on a Japanese server.

>> No.12288236

has anyone made an ls yet?

>> No.12288314

The difference in latency is like a 10th of a second, it doesn't matter as much as you would think.

>> No.12288332

Actually I just tested it with this and it's even less:

>> No.12288333

Moogle :

Byakuren Hijiri
Alice Margatroid
Yah'shena Ikebet
Alice Lynn
Elise Chantclair
Katia Managan

Phoenix :

Sirspliffalot Haimon
Solid Eckhart
Nilli Mittermeyer

Odin :

Chihiro Hiro

Ragnarok :

Yama Naraka

Asura :

Ako Akiba
Thatkid Chris
Slaymonte Imbertain
Kiraku Kuro

Leviathan :

Agrias Oakes

>> No.12288355

I can say that from Western Europe it's not really playable, i got like 300 ping. Can't really heal like that

It's probably fine from west coast us

>> No.12288359

That article is over a year old. Go to http://www.arrstatus.com/ and it will show you the IP of each server. I usually get around 70ms ping to my server and around 170ms to JP servers. Not that bad, but you have to worry about packet loss and all that.

I wouldn't want to do something like Titan with lag that's for sure.

>> No.12288839

I leveled Bard to 50 on a JP server and had no problem avoiding all the mechanics in Hard (not Extreme, didn't try those yet) Titan or any other fights. But I live in California so my lag situation may be better than others. I'm leveling Black Mage at the moment and not noticing any spellcasting lag either.

>> No.12289083

i wish i had friends to run coil with

>> No.12289111

I wish I had /jp/ friends to run coil with. Then again they would probably suck and we wouldn't make it past T5.

>> No.12289117

I do suck.

>> No.12289317

Turn five is fucking suffering trying to clear it with randoms now.
"Herp derp can't stand in place for a fireball and trapped all the DPS in a conflag better fucking leave on the attempt the group gets to divebombs by a miracle despite me nearly fucking it over rather than try and get better."

>> No.12289329 [DELETED] 

:( wish it were easier to do content cross servers because it's actually really easy to carry 1 or 2 people through T5 these days

>> No.12289997

> :(
Wish you would kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.12290002 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1600x1292, c1e90ee2169ac92dcf3c252bd8860b46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish u would kill yourself out of sucking at video games haha suck on that

>> No.12290742

A thread about the Moogle server from the FFXIV forums if you feel like reading it.

tl;dr: It's the unofficial French server.

>> No.12290851

Asura is now the official /jp/ endorsed server.

>> No.12291168

Adding to Asura list:

Ako Akiba
Thatkid Chris
Slaymonte Imbertain
Kiraku Kuro
Homura Chan

>> No.12291805

Adding to Asura:

Ako Akiba
Thatkid Chris
Slaymonte Imbertain
Kiraku Kuro
Homura Chan
Lilly Piper

>> No.12291884
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1401083405265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read the posts regarding it in this thread. It being "the unofficial French server" means very little when the vast majority of the player base speaks and uses English not to mention that the vast majority of the top linkshells on the server are English (along with a handful of other languages like Spanish). You're on a European server. You're going to get European languages. Absolutely shocking, I know.

>> No.12292582

☒ Reaction image
☒ Butthurt
☒ Denial of the truth

Looks like we got a Frenchie on our hands. Probably in the /vg/ guild too.

>> No.12292751

/jp/ is too dead these days to stat their own guild. Back in like 2009-2011 there were almost 3 million posts a year, then 2 million in 2012, 1.5 million in 2013 (even after the moot says /jp/ is best raid) and only 1 million posts in the last year, the lowest it has ever been ... maybe old /jp/ migrated to boards like /vg/ then?

>> No.12293044

More like they drowned in the constant deluge of shitposting.

>> No.12293508

garu ex, levi ex = down
moggle ex = down to 0% but his wipe hit first so it didn't count

today was a good day

>> No.12293561

Please remember to kill yourself out of /jp/ if you play a cat.

>> No.12293941

Wow, I had no idea the /jp/ population dropped that much. Maybe we can recruit on /jp/ spin-offs?

>> No.12294115


>> No.12294121

Did you do them using duty finder or do you have...f-friends?

>> No.12294136
File: 83 KB, 653x490, 1406103869887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish.... It was DF and PF. Just got lucky and had no retards or french.

>> No.12294286

You could try /ota/ or #hotglue, I think they're the most active, maybe tohno-chan, but all the spin offs aren't exactly thriving either. Besides then people here will tell you to go back to those sites

As for the population it might be a few things, like the touhou boom is subsiding too, other boards were made to cater to various interests, changes in moderation, people got bored of the same old threads and autism, or they just grew up and moved on.

>> No.12294296

I'd rather cats than asshole midgets and seawolves. They're also generally inept players as well.

>> No.12294393

/vg/ really does take a big chunk out of what used to be /jp/ territory. Like this thread. Kind of.

Plus you have stuff that should technically be on /jp/ but has been shitposted so hard nobody wants to associate with it here anymore. Actually also kind of like this thread.

>> No.12294494

Just talked to Ako Akiba, he doesn't post here.

>> No.12295711


Balmung here too. I don't roleplay though so I'm not really sure why...

>> No.12295807

>Plus you have stuff that should technically be on /jp/ but has been shitposted so hard nobody wants to associate with it here anymore. Actually also kind of like this thread.
This. /jp/ mmo players just dealt with it and moved to /vg/. /jp/'s population nowadays are warosu shitposters who want to ruin the board, idol/kig/av faggots, and those people who keep posting the same touhou and idolm@ster threads without any sort of actual discussion.

Actually a third thing is that a lot of stuff found acceptance after people saw how much /jp/ liked it. /v/ stopped hating on VNs and doujin games as much, /a/ talks about idolm@ster and stuff again, so really it's kind of merging back into the rest of the boards.

That's due to moderation actually being effective enough to rid the shitposters constantly flooding the boards with stupid images of saten and shit in those times.

Also hotglue's kind of stigmatized /jp/ playing things together because of it becoming a circlejerk clan over time instead of being a name for /jp/ mmo group.

>> No.12295877

Ako Akiba
Thatkid Chris
Slaymonte Imbertain
Kiraku Kuro
Homura Chan
Lilly Piper
Xiao Tou

Reminder to join SHIOK FC.

>> No.12295908

Who are you in game?

>> No.12296205

I doubt that 2/3 of all posts on /jp/ ever were just trolls and now they're all quality posters ... I think it's more like there are a lot of angry autists here that throw tantrums if they don't get their way ... A lot of topics became banable and migrated to other boards, and on the new boards that now get more posts than /jp/ there are people that advocate splitting it up even more

Just skimming over the catalogue and it looks like over half of /jp/ is just character worship and waifu general... Kinda sad really but if people just come here to post about their waifus now that means not enough people to do fun things

>> No.12296956

Lilly Piper

>> No.12296964

titan down second attempt
ifrit down to 10% first attempt

they need to add brutal coil to the DF while I'm on my ownage streak

>> No.12296970

Unless you play a tank or healer you're just getting carried.

>> No.12296973


I'm a tank. Don't hate on me because I'm a fast learner

>> No.12296975

Can't wait when you reach Ramuh EX and actually communicate with people rather than just memorizing a scripted fight.

>> No.12296978


are you mad or...?

>> No.12297068

Ramuh EX is actually easy for tanks once you get the rhythm of picking up orbs and swapping down, you just keep doing the same thing until the fight is over.

As for the rest of the jobs, that's a different story.

>> No.12297078

That's the thing. DPS and healers are very much taxed on this fight like in Mog EX and from past experience, the former's mental capacities are incapable of picking up unneeded orbs while dodging bolts and killing adds.

When you're in a pug with 7 other strangers, it tends to be a crapshoot.
