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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 800x841, 35649457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12274309 No.12274309 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread : >>12261519
Touhou dating sim project thread : >>12261596

So far we have :
- One game :
webplayer >https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20419269/fty_web/fty_web.html

- One story revolving around Hatate being spanked by Renko :

Game in the making :
- A game about taking it easy

Need confirmation :
- An anon decided to make Touhou Moon on GameMaker ?
- Another game in the making ?

Reposting a collection of 2hu images and sprites suggested :
>RPGMaker faces :
>Some sprites (some of them may need edit to be used elsewhere) :
>Different sprites and faces :

>> No.12274317
File: 1.13 MB, 512x320, alice minigame devtest12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice minigame is almost finished.

Still looking for some character-theme minigame ideas for Marisa, Tenshi, Suwako and Nitori.

>> No.12274513
File: 10 KB, 205x281, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, since I can, I'm working on creating character sprites for the rest of the characters, including the missing all-important Reymoo. I can't really guarantee quality because I can't copy the original fakecap to a T, but I really want to see this happen so I'm doing some things.

Have a hatless Marisa winking.

>> No.12274518

>Reposting a collection of 2hu images and sprites suggested
You forgot the Pixiv guy who does VN sprites:

Ask him before using his sprites, okay? He has a Pixiv account, under the name of Kaoru.

>> No.12274520
File: 9 KB, 602x640, Screenshot from 2014-07-17 21:41:03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now has enemies and lives.
Do you want help with sprites?

>> No.12274522

I can't really call myself the best sprite artist in the world. If you can, that'd be great.
I also might not be here for a bit in the following days because >muh life, so got a Skype or anything?

>> No.12274524

That's great !

As long as you can make the overall design of a character that's fine, don't stress yourself out on the details.
Also just post the original size with a transparent or apparent background color (like the good 'ol pink), it'll make things easier.

Forgot that, sorry. I'll post it for the next thread.

>> No.12274530

Alright, I'll make them transparent since I don't trust myself to choose a color that might overlap another.

By the way do you have anything I can contact you with either

>> No.12274532

I am not great either but I will try some new characters and direction facing and post them if they look okay. Sorry, I don't have skype but will be around.

>> No.12274534

00ff00 is a good one. It's the one used in professional SFX.

>> No.12274537

Oh, I forgot to ask: why don't you make a git repo?

>> No.12274539
File: 216 KB, 338x400, 1402953689490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I know what that is

>> No.12274541
File: 10 KB, 545x474, 140478752694106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I find it easier to work with something like ff33ff or ff66ff. The 00ff00 just hurts my eyes.

>> No.12274543
File: 35 KB, 1366x768, WEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally prefer it over that ugly pink.

>> No.12274546
File: 32 KB, 1366x768, SMILING FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ff0000 is okay too.

>> No.12274551

>ugly pink.
Huh.. Guess it's just a matter of preferences. I love that pink.

>> No.12274554

Why would a man "love" pink?

>> No.12274573

When it comes to working with it, geez. Anyway.

>> No.12274576
File: 67 KB, 600x415, Goblin shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know only one guy who loved working with pink.
He floated in water, and was extremely inflammable.

Which reminds me, I need to make a real game with Yorihime instead of just fakeshots.

>> No.12274585

Well, I know that most people would rather think of some mechanisms and put graphics after but I usually do the opposite.
Fakeshots are great for motivation and ideas, I think. Now, the problem is that they never had at last enough base materials to start a game or even a prototype, or sometimes they're just inconsistent and would need too much work to make them actually game-usable.

>> No.12274619
File: 22 KB, 397x402, 1309701012245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want /vg/ with its awful "make a stupid general"-policy to leave /jp/

>> No.12274626

Just to make sure. Anyone knows what happened to the Paper Cirno game? I think it was Paper Tenko or something.
I've been going through all the series of Paper Cirno fakeshots and I still have a hard time believing that the artist didn't have at least any chance to team up with people and make this game.

I'd theorize that it's because it's probably better for him to keep the fakeshot popularity at a high level but maybe I'm missing something here.

So you'd rather have one thread per game in the making? Or you just don't want people to have fun?

>> No.12274647
File: 326 KB, 785x590, LoveYorihime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno. I mostly find them frustrating. Making a fakeshot is basically saying "I CAN make this happen. But I won't."
Because that guy with his Paper Cirno games, he could easily make usable sprites and put them on a server.

Go away Kaguya. Or Rika. Or an abomination mixing them both.

>> No.12274654
File: 8 KB, 135x264, 1310399330541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know you're new and all, but if you wanna make OC - post in the OC thread, if you wanna plan with other people your video game projects - make a conference/forum on a proper platform
not to mention that no one is ever nonironically play your 3rd class RPGMaker/GameMaker games filled with "shrinemaiden.org"-tier secondary dialogues

>> No.12274658

Holy shit, you're a moron on top of being a condescending ass. There's no rules against OC in /jp/.

>> No.12274661

Whoever made find the yukkuri, make another one. That game was perfect.

>> No.12274664

>he could easily make usable sprites and put them on a server.
Well, even though it'd please a lot of people I can understand why he's not doing it.
Putting that in a public server is almost like telling that he's giving away his work which is already an issue, not to mention that there's a high risk that some people would just use them, make a shitty game and claim everything as their own without even noticing or thanking the guy.

Since you're using the "new" as an insult and all, I'll guess that you're supposed to be an older user, right?
For the sake or arguing, let me remind you that the OC thread literally throw away all kind of fangame talks when we had actually some motivated people. And I don't see why you're so angry at some games with touhou while posting a touhou reaction image in the first place.

>> No.12274667
File: 298 KB, 795x596, Renpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you people be interested in a very short demo featuring placeholders sprites?
Or should I wait a bit longer until I have decent art and a better writing?

Because I could use some more help with the writing, I'm the one in charge of that and I don't have any experience in it.

>> No.12274669
File: 439 KB, 1280x544, vlcsnap-2014-07-16-20h02m03s251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a high risk that some people would just use them, make a shitty game and claim everything as their own without even noticing or thanking the guy
You're sadly and excrutiatingly, painfully right. I saw that quite often, and not only with bad games.

>> No.12274674

What is a "shrinemaiden.org-tier secondary" dialogue?

>> No.12274678

Probably something like that :
>"Hello, I am Sakuya, and-"

>> No.12274682

Why would do make a demo of a VN? Don't rush it and take your time.

>> No.12274684

Because a VN relies a lot on the text to be good, and since I don't have any experience, if I don't get someone to help me with that, it'll suck.

And also I need to keep myself busy while waiting for the drawfag to deliver.

>> No.12274696

I want /a/v/ with their irrational general hate to leave /jp/.

>> No.12274698

I'm not really a VN guy so I can't really help on that. /jp/ is a slow board so if you really want a good feedback on that you might have better chances in an actual real VN board?

I don't know if there's a place specifically related to the Touhou franchise with people making games or writing stories. Though the drawback of such a place would probably be something like to have to deal with drama and favoritism common in normal boards.

>> No.12274707

The problem is that it's about Hatate getting spanked, so I can't really post that outside of 4chan.

And joining a forum is... urgh.

>> No.12274718

Well, can't say that much more. You have to realize that even if we finish the games we'll probably have 5~8 /jp/sies playing it in the end so you shouldn't rely that much on getting feedback.

So you either have to improvise and wait or unfortunately deal with other places if you really want feedback.

>> No.12274722

Oh I forgot to mention, in the worst case you can try the actual gamedev generals in /v/ or /vg/, but be prepared to deal with what you know, but at least it's still in 4chan.

>> No.12274732
File: 20 KB, 478x355, führertouhou_faust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's is a good reason to not let a board being contaminated by generals. Just look for example at the 3D-idol generals. They're just building their own subboards on /jp/ and are totally isolated from all other /jp/sies.
/jp/topia need a better migration policy to integrate the new people into /jp/'s soul and not let the board being divided into thousand subboard who end up hating and shitposting each others.

>> No.12274734
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, e1895bf1fc0e7beef346bd966981d3c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Paper Cirno game
If there is any fan game that I want to be play, it's this one. Just looking at his stuff makes me mad knowing that it's faked. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44591303

He has so many screenshots that if somebody offers to actually program the game he might be willing to work with you. Come on /jp/ let's make this one.

>> No.12274737

>we'll probably have 5~8 /jp/sies playing it in the end so you shouldn't rely that much on getting feedback
True. Bah, I'll just do my best.

>> No.12274745

>He has so many screenshots
That is precisely why I'm puzzled.

This has been going for years now, I just can't believe that the guy never actually found a studio to help him on that considering how he apparently fleshed out the gameplay.
I mean, look at the fakeshots, there's literally everything from the menu to the battle system. In terms of coding, I'm looking at that again an it doesn't sound that hard to make if there's already that much materials around. That's strange.

I can change the name and use something else if "general" bothers you that much. Then go ahead and think of a better name.

>> No.12274748

Exactly. That's also why I'm fairly certain that he's asking for a coder to meet him.
It's too elaborated to be a "I wish we had a game like that".

>> No.12274757

Also, lots of people are telling that it doesn't exist because it's just a touhou rippof of paper mario but I don't buy it.
Just look at Super Marisa Land and all the other games, they were released fine and weren't shut down by Nintendo or something.

It's saddening me but I think that the underline issue is just a money one. I'm really, really thinking that he jus doesn't want it to become a real game because its current state as a fakegame is probably better and safer for its popularity.
... or he's really, really unlucky at finding a programmer for whatever reason.

>> No.12274762

I've always assumed that he just likes making fake screenshots, and isn't interested in even trying to make a game.

>> No.12274763

Maybe we could figure out the real deal by checking the descriptions. But Google Translate's a shit.

Fuck, if you can't make a game because you're afraid it'll ruin your popularity, it means there's a problem somwhere.

Inb4 someone says "but you made fake screenshots too"

>> No.12274779

Probably, considering that the guy has been working on something else recently, Cirno Cross.

Now I'm really curious about this. I'll try to track if there was an interview or some questions, I'd like to read his stand about this.

>> No.12274782

The Pixivs description will probably do.

>> No.12274818

Can you try checking out his Twitter too? A friend of mine said that around Feb/Mar he started making posts saying that the game was going to become real and was in development. Then on April Fools made a post saying it was all a ruse. I don't know enough Japanese to confirm myself.

>> No.12274820

Integrating yourself includes not bringing your shitty gimmicks from /a/v/ along.

And people aren't closing themselves off the rest of the board. They're closing themselves off the shitposting. (Idols were the first to do that because of the anti-3D sentiment back in 2008, the rest followed suit when the board as a whole became uninhabitable.) If you want them to open up to each other, stop shitposting.

>> No.12274861

You can clearly see that it's faked here. He's piecing everything together in After Effects.

But then here he posts control schemes. Could just be fake as well though.

Also notable is the fact that he is following unity_japan.

>> No.12274873

So he's a nationalist?

>> No.12274887

Unity is also a game engine. Like RPGMaker.

>> No.12274939

By the way, any good place or repository where I can find 2hu musics, canons and fanons? I need to work a bit on the GUI and overall ambiance.

>> No.12274951

If by canon music, you mean the game's OST, google "Drake's Projects". I am not going to link that, this guy is a little too arrogant for me.
For the rest, well, this is illegal, so I advise you DON'T go to nyaatorrents, DON'T type whatever CD you want in the search field, DON'T download the torrent.

>> No.12274958

Actually I was mainly thinking of maybe a Japanese version of newgrounds, kinda a good place to find and listen to free music. Though using them doesn't sound like a good idea either.. oh well, never mind.

>> No.12274962

The only group that I know who releases music for free is White Falls.
And they don't have an english website.
Sorry, that's all I can do to help

>> No.12274976

For fanon music, you can use the (ILLEGAL!!! omg) tlmc.eu
If you don't feel like downloading all of it (it's pretty big) though there are some websites based on it where you can listen without spending lots of time downloading: otokei-douj.in and touhou.kuukunen.net

>> No.12275041

Try checking the readme for some Japanese fangames. Labyrinth of Touhou originally used all freely available music, and I'm pretty sure he credits them with URLs where you can find similar stuff.

>> No.12275070

>Labyrinth of Touhou originally used all freely available music
Gonna need some source, there are a couple of tracks I wanted to use.
Same with that game called Yocchan Quest.

>> No.12275107

Dont know about lot but from what I read in the readmes of the rpgs that vgperson translated you gonna need to ask the author of the free maerial. Just because they granted it to someone other doesnt mean they will allow you to do it.

>> No.12275154

Makes sense. If you were to learn that someone used your songs in a tentacle porn game, you wouldn't be happy.

>> No.12275165

Reminds me of that Vampire Night game.

>> No.12275195

Shit, I'd like to make a VN, but :
>no story
>no background
>no music

>> No.12275222

>Vampirish Night

shit, I dunno. Thought there was a readme. Maybe it was just on the end credits.

Have some from a different game.
(fucking spam filter)

>> No.12275250
File: 181 KB, 750x750, 1351808937966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is the /jp/ music collection 2 being released????

>> No.12275261

It more or less was already released

>> No.12275298

Way late, but It's basically an online place to dump your source code and maintain old versions in case you want them back, as well as allow other people to take a look at your code. Here's a tutorial to set it up

>> No.12275307

If only ZUN used this because he lost the sourcecode to the older games.

>> No.12275312

Ah, people talked a lot about the musics.

Not him but thanks, I'll take a loot too.

Maybe it's just me but I'm really not attracted at all to that git thing for such small projects, I just don't understand the hype.

>> No.12275416

>he lost the sourcecode to the older games
Which ones?
Did he not keep any backups at all?

>> No.12275641

Partially because it's a good backup against all the lost projects from crashed computers, and partially because it lets other people continue work on dead projects/spin off their own, like that FFTA version from last thread

>> No.12275764

Let's start making /jp/ music project vol 3

>> No.12276343

Where's volume 2?

>> No.12276469

Alright, looks interesting, I'll go take a look.

>> No.12276804


>> No.12276848

But the quote link is dead.

>> No.12276857

>Finished Projects:

- Album projects: /jp/ music projects 1 & 2 are complete! You can download them in the following links:

Project 1:
the public dropbox:

Project 2:
the public dropbox:

The public dropboxes contain some additional songs form the artists, so be sure to check them out!

Existing Projects:

- Marisa Platformer: An anon started working on a 2D sidescrolling platformer in Unity. You can check out the latest version here:

-Mahjong: Another anon has mentioned work of an single player/online mahjong game.

Discussion of any potential other projects is, of course, also welcome.

>> No.12277065
File: 133 KB, 1028x640, 140478752694117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to think of a HUD but really have zero inspiration, really don't like working on anything that has connection with arts.

Should I keep the big panel in top or go with the small one at the bottom?

>> No.12277071

Use an archive of your trust.
Most popular ones are

>> No.12277074

What is it for? Will the game continue while it's open? If the game pauses and there's no reason to look around while on pause than take the big one but center it. It would be annoying looking at the middle of the screen while playing and than looking at a corner for menu pop-up. If not than it really depends on the game play and importance relating of what happens on screen compared to the importance of the window. If it's always open I would go for upper left corner but I'm unsure about what size I would pick.

>> No.12277079
File: 17 KB, 134x180, n-no thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12277095

>Will the game continue while it's open?
That's actually a good question, didn't think of it enough.

Initially I was planning to just have a setup phase and the game would start only when you select the start command, but then again you'll probably want to place more dolls as the game progresses.
I was looking a bit at FFAdv and AdvWars menus, since I'm aiming for a more active one maybe I'll probably keep the game running, at least after the first set up.

Hum. You're right, I should think a bit more about the gameplay, how I should adjust the menu will probably come naturally after.

... also, we don't have that many people trying to make a game in the end. That thread feels a bit lonely.

>> No.12277097

I'm (that one sprite anon) still here, just stuck for ideas. Haven't really done anything but draw something and then erase it.
I'll post anything I make here. When I do..

>> No.12277101

Don't press it. Actually you should still wait until I have something more solid before starting to sprite, I think.

>> No.12277103

ah, alright then.
I'll still try do Reimu, though.

>> No.12277122

That's why there's a link to both, warosu and foolz. Of course you can just go wherever else. But you of course had to sprout your epic meme.
As long as the placement and size does make sense and isn't in the way from gameplay, no body is probably going to care.
>... also, we don't have that many people trying to make a game in the end.
I'm cheering for everyone who does, through.

>> No.12277203

Cheers me then.
Despite having a shitload of ressources and being able to use several simple engines, I still haven't made anything worthwhile.

>> No.12277661

I have been making a game for the past 3 days, though it is my first unity game and I'm not following any video guides so it is original. I have not posted about it because I have no Internet on my computer. My wireless card should arrive in a few days. Posting from phone. Don't expect much. This thread won't feel lonely forever!

>> No.12277672

Waiting warmly.

>> No.12278764
File: 1 KB, 25x39, reymoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt. Tell me if anything is wrong with it heh because I'm not too confident.

>> No.12278773

Try flipping the ribbon so the "larger" half is on the left, since that fits the angle. Maybe add some hair highlights, other than that it's good.

>> No.12278804
File: 1 KB, 27x39, reymoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This any better?
I'm not too sure what you mean by highlights. If you mean the white line that goes through the hair, I'm not too sure I can pull that off.

>> No.12278816 [DELETED] 

The Japanese 2hu Fan Game, as usual, is Superior: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22239389

Gaijin, are you even trying?

>> No.12278842

are you sure that's the right video m8

>> No.12278863

Looks like a pretty good Japanese 2hu Fan Game to me.

>> No.12278881

I think he means you should add some browner streaks in her hair.

>> No.12279157

Taking the orientation of Reimu into consideration, the ribbon should be more to the left and not centered.
And highlights mean the most lightened part. Right now the hair is a big brown blob, it could use some contrast. But I would rather darken the shading and correct it rather than adding highlights. Other than that it's pretty good and definetely captures the style.

>> No.12279223
File: 1 KB, 40x39, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done the best I can, I think.
Waiting on the Anon making the game.

>> No.12279255
File: 985 B, 40x39, edit raimoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty to make a small edit of your Reimu.
One of the advantages of pixel art is the low gradient, sharp detail look it can create. I hope it's more clear what I meant with the hair after seeing my edit. I've also tryed a bit with the ribbon but I'm still not really satisfied with my it in my edit.
Don't know if this feedback is wanted. If you're interested in pixel art technique and feedback from people that know a thing or two about what they're talking about (not like dA), lurk pixeljoint and pixelation (wayofthepixel).

>> No.12279300
File: 1.13 MB, 512x320, reimu has entered the game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah. By the time I edited the 2nd Reimu (mainly some colors and pixel heights) and put her in the game you guys already posted 2 new ones.

Anyway she's in. I did again a bit of code refactoring (and add pooling for those who knows what that means) so there's nothing really new to show but have a webm, think I got a good idea of GUI this time though.

Thank you >>12278764 for the initiative of making Reimu and thank you >>12279255 for bringing some more knowledge on the subject.

>> No.12279301
File: 16 KB, 284x256, 1396325201771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now I see, thanks Anon.
I most likely suck so much because I've never done this, so I'll go read up. Or stuff.

Looks better and better, nice job.

>> No.12279310

Please do not to be abusing the spoiler function and not to be forcing yourself to post images without one that fits.

>> No.12279824
File: 85 KB, 800x1000, 5df6ee52e757fb688cfc742510e8a604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people know where I can find Touhou arranges that I can use in a fangames without hurting someone's ego or breaking some rules?

>> No.12279834

>without hurting someone's ego or breaking some rules?
Impossible. You'll always hurt someone's ego and you're already breaking some rules by using a Touhou arrange that you didn't make yourself. Just use it or lose it.

>> No.12279841

Well, f*ck.

>> No.12279858

Or just ask. Don't delete their reply in case it's one of those fragile assholes that decide they don't want you to use their music in the middle or after completing the project. Worst thing is that they say fuck off but there're people who're cool with letting others use their music. Depending on what kind of fangame it is, it may be more difficult, through.

>> No.12279881

>they say fuck off
>but there're people who're cool
I wonder about that? It doesn't sound like a good idea to use musics from those people.

>> No.12279892

I don't understand you post.
Let me slightly rephrase my post in case you haven't understood me:
Worst thing that SOME people say is fuck off
BUT there're OTHER people that are ok with it.
You'll only know who's what kind after you ask.

>> No.12279897

My bad, thought they were the same.

>> No.12279935

Be sure not to steal some from newgrounds

>> No.12279949
File: 35 KB, 640x480, takeiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12279956

Is this real?

>> No.12279981

Maybe he's >>12277661 ? A description on top of the picture would have been helpful though.

>> No.12279982

shit gotta erase them all

>> No.12279990


>> No.12280015

Nope, not me, my game doesn't look nearly that cute. Because I don't have Internet all my graphics are programmer graphics.

>> No.12280018

Don't be afraid to use 2hu sprites? I mean, I made that thread purposely for this. Unless you plan to sell the game or something.

>> No.12280026
File: 24 KB, 256x256, CirnoComplete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably will switch to other graphics, once I start a new project or something, but my wireless card still isn't here and wont be for a while. Mostly using this as a means to get good. Posting by phone, look at my poorly drawn/traced Cirno.

>> No.12280029

9/10 would bang

>> No.12280038

Looks fine for me.

>> No.12280081
File: 534 KB, 640x480, takeiteasy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12280086

Where does the sprite come from?

>> No.12280123

He's probably not going to answer. But guess that makes another game to add for the next thread.

>> No.12280139

>Because I don't have Internet


>> No.12280166

The advantages of having obtained wizardhood. When will you come into our ranks of wise sages?

>> No.12280176

Probably meant that even if he can post from his phone, it's probably impossible for him to look for sprites from there. Probably has something to do with limited data download on IPhone subscription.

>> No.12280185

I fell off the face of the earth and now live in a town of 4,000. Router too far away. Need wireless card.

>> No.12280237

If you found it by the links in OP, I'd like to be credited as "That wonderful Guy who made everything possible, may the Holy Flying Spaghetti bless him forever and beyond".

>> No.12280259

Who the HELL are you supposed to be and why are you referencing that normie atheist shitfest in the Jay?

>> No.12280271

Because I have less jokes about the Invisible Pink Unicorn and kebab will be mad if I talk about Allah.

>> No.12280294

I've accepted David Hasselhof as my lord and saviour. Get on my level, nerds!

>> No.12280360

When did people start using "nerd" as an insult? I though that fad died fifteen years ago.

>> No.12280372


Get a load of this turbonerd!

>> No.12280380

I always though the only people using that term were girls jealous of some guy's mad skills with computers.

>> No.12280382


You thought right. I'm a girl btw

>> No.12280383

Great. So you can get the fuck out of 4chan and go make me a sandwich or go play with a Barbie.

>> No.12280385

Why don't you fuck off to your tumblr and write about male oppression instead of being a special snowflake on 4chan?

>> No.12280599
File: 588 KB, 640x480, take-it-easy-with-friends.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12280913



>> No.12281067


>> No.12281101

I had already making a RPGM fangame for 2hu with Suikoden system, I'll post some screenshot if anyone interested

>> No.12281195

I want to punch you in the dick for that.

>> No.12281366
File: 639 KB, 640x480, taking-it-easy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12281374

Thank you for your hard work

>> No.12281382

Expect some sort of release tomorrow, but don't expect there to be much to do. I'm not entirely sure what there would be to do. Or what to have the touhous say.

>> No.12281392

Wow, that's amazing

>> No.12281395

Who said something about insults? Don't project your bully mindset into my posts!

>> No.12281422
File: 15 KB, 932x242, what-if-logo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Persona but with Touhou

>> No.12281477
File: 250 KB, 1024x768, Kanako_persona_stat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like Social Links with 2hus.

Or 2hus as Personas

>> No.12281482

we just want to take it easy

>> No.12281484

metroid 2hu

with reimu as ridley and marisa as kraid

>> No.12281712

I want a vn where, instead of being spanked by everyone, Hatate spanks everyone in Gensokyo.

>> No.12281837
File: 71 KB, 843x562, 85a7c56de79b5e2ba836496a4c271ba8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12282123
File: 30 KB, 576x512, 16471335_p0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are sprites for almost every Touhou up to UFO:

>> No.12282155
File: 2 KB, 274x130, 140478752694118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I finally have a firm idea of how the tower defense minigame is going to run. I want to know, at a first glance do you understand how the stats in here are working or not?

Are they from an existing game or? I don't mind the sprites from danbooru but I think we should be careful with the ones coming from pixiv.

>> No.12282202

>I don't mind the sprites from danbooru but I think we should be careful with the ones coming from pixiv.
You do know that some pictures on Danbooru come from Pixiv?

>> No.12282213

It really doesn't matter if they come from an existing game or not, this is just a small game you are making on /jp/. Do you think the author of some super small doujinshi game will come and force you to take down your super small /jp/ game?

>> No.12282227

I was just suggesting since I'm aware of all the drama constantly happening in places like Deviant Art. Don't really know how it goes with Danbooru or Pixiv.

>will come and force you to take down your super small /jp/ game?
Companies, probably not. Individuals, all the time. But then again, maybe that's just me being pessimistic so forget it.

>> No.12282279

Anyone still has the link for that thread on newgrounds where a guy complain his music got stolen?

>> No.12282282

If I remember correctly the music guy wasn't so bad. It was his fans or whatever you may call them that where acting like totall idiots.
Things like that would make me scared to post my music, if I would do some.

>> No.12282283

So the problem comes from the fan, hu?
Why am I not surprised?

At any rate, it's always better to ask. Maybe we can have a translator coming up with a "Can I use your music in me game" kind of sentence.

>> No.12282293

This is based on my very vague memory. I don't know if the music creator was pissed or not at first that he hasn't been asked but later wrote something that he would find it cool but would like it better if the game creator used one of his better pieces.
But I'm pretty sure most of the idiotic behavior came from his fans or maybe just people from newsground churning in.

>> No.12282297

If I remember right, he was just annoyed that he wasn't credited, but I don't know if there was a misunderstanding due to the language barrier, or if the other party was an asshole, or if fans butted in, but it ended up with the game being cancelled.

>> No.12282552

The game was Vampirish Night

THe music creator was upset that it was used without being credited and that he wasn't asked. This was for both Vampirish Night and Scarlet Gensokyo, a game by the same guy that was actually released (horizontal shmup, Remi+Saku pair). He later found out that he WAS credited, just only in the ending.

Basically, it boiled down to "Hey guys, someone is using my music without permission. How do I contact him?"
"FUCK THAT GUY! Let's spam the fuck out of him and all his youtube videos"

The guy himself wasn't too bad, it was the newsground people ruining everything.

>> No.12282608

Now that's really sad.

>> No.12282628

>force you to take down your super small /jp/ game
It's not like some anonymous guy from /jp/ who will already have uploaded the game will have the means and/or will give a fuck about those complains if there are any, anyway.

>> No.12282655

The creator guy was chill and even offered to make music for the game creator, but he cancelled it anyway because "muh japanese honor".
But the spammers were also at fault for accused him for not giving credit and called him "thief" for a music at the FUCKING TRAILER. Yeah, it revealed that he was credited in the game, after all, but thanks for that the game cancelled and they didn't try convince him further and just went away with it.

Still, I wonder why he didn't just use 2hu music from certain circle/individual he can easily contact with instead of original music made by unknown westerners. It's a 2hu game for fuck sake.

Also, isn't that Suwako game for Oculust Rift made by him, too? If that's true at least he released a game instead of killed himself.

>> No.12282661
File: 1.40 MB, 640x480, touhou-crossing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finished with Touhou Crossing. It was meant to be a game jam for myself for this weekend, which is why I'm stopping here. If anyone else wants to continue from it, I've included the source in the download. Have fun and take it easy!

Same WebM with sound: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3877425/touhou-crossing-sound.webm
Download link (with source): https://www.mediafire.com/?rs64j9gul6yh7c2

>> No.12282680

Thank you so much, Anon. I love you. Take it easy eternally.

>> No.12282682

>Take it easy eternally
That fucking sound like a pre-execution line.

>> No.12282685

It will be if I'm not satisfied with the game.

>> No.12282689

[girly scream]

>> No.12283006
File: 481 KB, 850x650, 2d7d41b346ec26d47216c0af5007c84b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for Persona 2hu.

Well, more specifically, kaneko styled touhou.

>> No.12283076

You mean Kanako. A Bakaneko is something else.

>> No.12283086
File: 510 KB, 1576x2492, NebirosSMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazuma Kaneko

>> No.12283087

My bad.

>> No.12283095
File: 279 KB, 507x700, ffdd065dcc3105261f670d931c9a51bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, probably should've said his full name to avoid confusion. That or used anything other than a Kaneko styled Kanako.

>> No.12283099

I really liked that set.

But yeah, the Kanako picture confused me.
That, and Japanese names are hard to remember.

>> No.12283123
File: 319 KB, 625x850, 3ed550d23e63500118834b065224d478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I'll be sure to not make a mistake like that to avoid confusion.

Also yeah Mazeran did a really good job copying the style, this one being a favorite. But to go back on the topic on hand, come to think of it I'm pretty sure that some of the art in this set was used as bosses in a touhou RPG maker game, for what it's worth. Though it plays more like a typical RPG rather than how Persona is played with Social links and a schedule.

>> No.12283140

What was this made in?

>> No.12283159

It's apparently made in Game Maker, I'm going through the .gmz file. Doesn't look too hard to add more characters.

>> No.12283181

It'd be better if they said more...

>> No.12283216

Why don't YOU do it then? :^)

I wouldn't, I don't touch Game Maker.

>> No.12283230

>Why don't YOU do it then?
Because I'm not creative.

>> No.12283312

Adding characters isn't hard, just tedious. All the sprites came from >>12280599 so feel free to add more. You could also use >>12282123 but you'd need to get rid of 45 degree movement.

Adding dialogue isn't hard. I'm just not very creative.

Your loss

>> No.12283352

I had a cool idea for this game, so I am going to write about it for fun. It would be cool if you only started out with like three villagers who were nothing special, but they would occasionally shake trees and bells would fall out. You could then use those bells to buy more villagers and these villagers would all do special things. Like suwako could grow trees. Maybe even some villagers could be obtained by different means. Like when a UFO would fly by in animal crossing you could shoot it down or something. Maybe you could build structures like ponds and by fishing you could get that mermaid girl. I don't really know who would go fishing though.

>> No.12283636

>buy more villagers
Is this some sort of Touhou slavery ring?

>> No.12283725

>you could get that mermaid girl
She has a name, you know?

>> No.12284136

What's the best support to make a creepy touhou game? Text-only adventure, VN, or RPG?

>> No.12284151

That's a very hard and tricky question. The quality of the art and text plays a huge factor. If your writing ability is good but you only can make crappy art it's definetely the text-only. But if your artisitc ability is good but your writing is crap, it would be the worst choice.
And it also depends on what kind of horror it is but I guess you ask in a more general way and would only think about gameplay and details after figuring it out.
Otherwise, you should go with what your type of horror fits best.

>> No.12284161

Forgot my trip, sorry.

Assuming my writing ability sucks but that I use decent sprites, can I expect a "good" result?

>> No.12284198

Would probably be easier the other way around. Are the sprites at least all in similiar style and with fitting tileset and such? You could go for a more surreal and/or creepy setting. Horror is a genre I haven't actively explored myself but I'm planning to do so.
But anyway, I think doing and failing is better than to never try and never know. At least with this kind of stuff. Make sure you enjoy the process and don't get discouraged, regardless of if it sucks. Any failure now is a failure less in your next project.

>> No.12284209

True. But at the same time, it wouldn't be the first time I start a project only to give up.

>> No.12284264

I'm not that anon but I'd be willing to help and offer suggestions should you need them. I like to think I'm something of a horror fan so feel free to bounce ideas off me.

>> No.12284299

Then do some small, easy mini game first. That way you build up your skills and way of thinking and it's additional motivation to have proof that you can finish things. But don't let yourself get distracted, let it be as simple as possible. Maybe even an artificial deadline, to make sure you stay on your way and don't stray off polishing unimportant things.

>> No.12284837
File: 145 KB, 461x506, _l_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a game with Kokoro, she's adorable.

>> No.12284848
File: 119 KB, 626x304, _l_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kokoro is so cute, even Seiga can't help but find her adorable.

>> No.12284859

That's fine and all but do you have sprites for her?

>> No.12284865
File: 555 KB, 800x1200, こころ_哀(姥).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.12284880

Are they usable for a game? Do you even have a walk animation?

>> No.12284883
File: 3 KB, 96x128, kokoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are VN sprites.
If you want a moving sprite, there's this one.

>> No.12284903

And what would Kokoro be doing? Just walking around like in >>12282661 or do you have any more ideas?
Don't forget that those ideas shouldn't go too far away from what you've got currently.

>> No.12284914
File: 202 KB, 450x600, ê╦òP_Å╬éó.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I'm just posting ressources. I don't even like Kokoro, I prefer Yorihime.

>> No.12284925

Ah, thought you were >>12284837.

Lots of people just throwing ideas recently.

>> No.12284933

That's why I use a trip. Except posting ressources and whining that I can't make a game while everyone around me is doing so, I don't do much.

>> No.12284941

>Except posting ressources
>I don't do much
You have no idea how much this is from a programmer's point of view.

>> No.12284945

Meh. Sprites and things like that are basic stuff. All I'm doing is sparing you a google research.

>> No.12284988

I want a game where I play as an outsider trying to start a human uprising in Gensokyo.
The twist would be that you're powerless due to being an outsider, while the villagers can, unlike you, kick youkai asses.

So when you're alone, you have to rely on stealth and diplomacy, and once you start being famous, human start following you, and it escalates into a war.

Also Keine, Kanako and Yukari will try to assassinate you to maintain status quo.

>> No.12284993

And the final twist would be that you're a half-beast yourself, which explains why you can save.
The game ends as you kill yourself, as you are the last youkai in Gensokyo.

>> No.12285004

A fanfic isn't a game.

>> No.12285026
File: 376 KB, 790x578, Joke1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "game".

>> No.12285044

A game is by it's game play, which is how the user interacts and plays within a defined set of rules. A VN is not a game.

>> No.12285072

Decission making and working towards a goal are part of a VN and are generally more used as defining what a game is and is not than your vague description. Also a VN has game play and the user has to interact within its defined set of rules.
>A visual novel (ビジュアルノベル bijuaru noberu?) is an interactive fiction game, [...]

>> No.12286600

That's only for VN allowing decisions.

>> No.12286646

Decisions are pretty stock standard. Not only that, but it's not uncommon for a VN to feature some kind of mini game or other game play.

>> No.12287064

>Touhou dating sim project thread : >>12261596
>dead link
As I feared, we'll never get that Miko VN.

>> No.12287070

Have some faith. Besides, even if the original project stopped, someone could pick up the reigns.

>> No.12287072

can't wait for someone to finish cirno racing

>> No.12287074

What is it like? I'm assuming it's 2D.

>> No.12287076

3D kart racer long before your time

>> No.12287079

No offense, but touhous are shit in 3D.

>> No.12287080

i am seriously offended that someone with such incredible shit taste as you is shitting on cirno racing

>> No.12287081

Wait 3D as in models or 3D as in mode seven F-Zero 3D.

>> No.12287082

That's the truth. Touhous are made to be 2D.

>> No.12287085

it's a fucking kart racing game

i sincerely hope you kill yourself

>> No.12287086

An emotive answer. Your reaction only proves that I'm right.

>> No.12287088

it honestly offends me that you are shitting on a time-honored piece of /jp/ heritage that was beloved by all and sundry before /jp/ went down the rabbit hole into incredible shit land based on something as astoundingly fucking stupid as your personal graphical preference

>> No.12287091

And yet I see no counter-arguments.
Which means I'm right and that you're wrong.

>> No.12287093

there is literally nothing for me to argue against

it's like trying to seriously engage someone in an argument about whether or not your mother sucks dicks

>> No.12287095

Does someone have a picture of the Cirno kart racer?

Also,>>12287085 stop being a prick. The original mario kart was in that snes pseudo 3D style. Kart racers have been made in both and I wanted to know if someone had re-purposed sprites or used models. It just strikes me as strange that a fan game would have models and I have no way of telling since I don't have an image of the game.

>> No.12287096 [DELETED] 

And more emotives answers. You're only giving me more proofs that I'm right and that you're wrong.
Thanks :)

>> No.12287097

the only thing you've proven is that you are a shitposting retard who is only out to score internet points and doesn't actually give a shit about any of this

>> No.12287100 [DELETED] 

Sure, whatever helps you feel better about yourself :)
After all, everyone knows mario kart was in 3D :)

>> No.12287103

if it wasn't evident to everyone in /jp/ that you were a goddamn fucking awful poster the moment you took the "prove me wrong" and "u mad" lines is it snow

the only strange thing is that you actually seemed to be masquerading as a non-shitposter for a little while

>> No.12287105

Oh, now you are "everyone in /jp/"? You're really pathetic ;)

>> No.12287108

no, actually, /jp/ has more than two posters

the more you know

>> No.12287110

Therefore, "not everyone in /jp/" care about you being a moron, so you can stop making yourself a fool.

You're a pro at shooting yourself.

>> No.12287115

well, most of /jp/ doesn't give a shit about the fact that you happen to be a shitposting retard, as they're a dime a dozen, but anybody masochistic enough to read this thread and watch how you went straight from "prove me wrong" to "u mad :) :) :)" can tell that you are in fact a shitposting retard

>> No.12287121 [DELETED] 

Sure, whatever helps you justify your stupidity :)

When did I ever say "u mad", by the way?
Oh, what was that? "Nowhere"? No way, you mean you were bullshitting? What a twist!

>> No.12287126

you claimed that i was "emotive" and therefore that you won the argument, which is just the "u mad" shit written slightly more verbosely, but fails to fool anybody with a functioning brain

typical retarded new /jp/ shitposter capable only of shitposting and paying attentiong to style over substance

>> No.12287134

>you claimed that i was "emotive" and therefore that you won the argument, which is just the "u mad" shit written slightly more verbosely
So it's not a "u mad". Interesting to see you admit that your reasoning is flawed, and yet you insist you're still in the right, even through >>12287095 already rekked you.

You're so pathetic you're actually entertaining, please keep being a moron ;)

>> No.12287146

>So it's not a "u mad".
it is precisely the same in content, just dressed up a bit, used by exactly the same kinds of retards (ie, people such as you) who are uninterested in anything other than scoring internet points

also >>12287095 should learn to use the fucking search function

>> No.12287153

>it is precisely the same in content, just dressed up a bit
>just dressed up a bit
But it's still not a "u mad". Just because you're butthurt doesn't make it a meme ;)

Maybe you should google it and see how it really is, which pictures are usually posted with it, so that you don't embarass yourself again.

>> No.12287157

>But it's still not a "u mad". Just because you're butthurt doesn't make it a meme ;)
the problem with it is not that "it is a meme," the problem is that is a fucking retarded line of attack to take that should never be used by anyone with any actual interest in not-shitposting

rewriting a retarded shitty meme so that it falls slightly outside the template of the original meme does not actually make it any better

>> No.12287162

>rewriting a retarded shitty meme so that it falls slightly outside the template of the original meme does not actually make it any better
Except it's not a meme. As I already explained (do you have brain damage?), being butthurt about something doesn't make it a meme.
Thanks for the entertainement, through, you're hilarious.

>> No.12287164

i did not say it was a meme, i said it was shit, because it had the same intellectual content as the meme (none whatsoever) and was used by the same kinds of retarded people who used the meme (such as yourself)

please learn some reading comprehension

>> No.12287165

What happened to this thread?

>> No.12287167

>original meme
>>12287157 confirmed for being a moron.
A meme is not original, that's the point.

>> No.12287170

Some moron decided that 3D touhou weren't awful and that his opinion was the good opinion. Now he's butthurt.

>please learn some reading comprehension
How ironic to be told that by the guy who keeps seeing memes everywhere. Please keep on, you make a laugh with your stupidity ;)

>> No.12287172

do you think ZUN would agree with you if you asked him whether all 3D Touhou Project derivative work ever was shit

even if he weren't a polite japanese man who didn't want ot start shit

the first person to talk about memes was literally you

>> No.12287178

>the first person to talk about memes was literally you
Yeah, sure.
>"u mad"

And since when do we care about ZUN's opinion? Do you ask for his opinion when you read a rape doujin? Double standard much?

>> No.12287188

you were the one who brought up memes and you're now the one who refuses to shut the fuck up about them

>and since when do we care about ZUN's opinions
the moment you said that Touhou was "made to be 2D" you implicitly invoked the purpose of the maker

>> No.12287190

>you were the one who brought up memes
Yeah, sure ;)
Whatever helps you not feel like a complete moron. If it works, of course.

>the moment you said that Touhou was "made to be 2D" you implicitly invoked the purpose of the maker
Now you're officially retarded. Or sociopath.

>> No.12287192

Can you guys take it easy? ;_;

>> No.12287194

I am taking it easy. That moron makes me laugh.

>> No.12287196

you already know that i don't respect your opinion because i think you're a retard so you're probably just posting to hear the sound of your own voice

>Now you're officially retarded. Or sociopath.
so wen you said that touhou was "made to be 2D" you were actually expressing your own personal opinion that nobody gives a shit about and not making a universal statement about how Touhou Project was actually made

i'm glad we were able to come to this conclusion

>> No.12287199

>you were actually expressing your own personal opinion that nobody gives a shit about
I'm going to burst your bubbles here, mate : nobody care about your opinion either.
You think 3D touhous are okay? I'm very happy for you, but that's YOUR stupid and uneducated opinion. And you're the only one thinking so, just check the guy making the Alice game. He's using 2D sprites too.

Therefore, I'm right and you're wrong.
As usual ;)

>> No.12287200

yes, there are only three people in the world - me, you, and alice game maker

your logic is as sound as your mind

>> No.12287201

Haaa, more personal attacks. Thanks for your emotive answer, it doesn't hide your lack of counter-arguments, but it's a nice try.

>> No.12287204

No. We have to argue over nothing because of an innocent question.

>> No.12287208

If there's a plot written, I can probably make it a VN.
Assuming someone here volunteers to kick my ass and make sure I don't start procrastinating.

4chan in a nutshell.

>> No.12287210

as i said a long time ago and am now repeating because it hasn't gotten through your thick skull, there is literally nothing for me to make counterarguments against because you haven't bothered to back up your opinion with anything other than your opinion

there isn't even a point in me pointing out the number of doujin circles which have created well-received 3D PVs, or various wildly popular MMD series, or the fact that ZUN probably wouldn't agree with you, because you'll just accuse all of these people and all the people who surround them of having shit taste and ZUN of being irrelevant (which you did)

that is a conversation that cannot possibly fucking go anywhere so i don't even know why you're interseted in having it

>> No.12287213

Yeah, because "wildly MMD series" (no source) ,"well-received 3D PVs" (no source either), or "ZUN probably wouldn't agree with you" (still no source) are totally reliable arguments.

You sure rekt me with your hot arguments that came out of your own delusions, especially in a game thread ;)

>> No.12287217

Wow, you REALLY are a moron. Not in that way, but still a moron.
You're being rused you fucking dumbass.

>> No.12287221

>you haven't bothered to back up your opinion
But since it's an opinion and not an argument, he doesn't need anything.

I mean, right? You need to back up your arguments, but not your opinions, right?

>> No.12287223

Going by the link the anon gave, I don't think it got off the ground. Anyways, do you know how the other projects that featured earlier in the thread are going? Some of those looked awesome.

>> No.12287224

so now it's just you demanding i provide huge lists of concrete sources to disprove a claim that you've backed with... nothing? gee i sure wonder why i didn't want to get into this retarded argument

PVs - bad apple? highest fastest shutter girl? sweets time?
MMD series - 2easy? aya series with the yukkuri voice? sakuya reacts to SA/UFO/DDC?

ZUN is my inference because I assume he's not a pretentious fuck and also he owns some 3D representations of Touhou Project characters

>> No.12287231
File: 53 KB, 600x586, 35943867_big_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I mostly dump ressources, so I don't know. I'd like to make a game, but without someone to back me, I end up procrastinating and playing Team Fortress 2.
The Alice game seems to be going well, and there's a Crossing World minigame going on after being abandoned by its original coder.

There was also a Hatate game, but it was mentionned once and it seems dead.

>call an argument retarded
>started said argument by telling someone to go die
>still keeps the argument alive

>> No.12287235

i am honestly baffled by what the fuck he expected because on some level he seemed to actually believe in what he said as opposed to just picking some fucking random position exclusively to generate a shitstorm with

>> No.12287239
File: 74 KB, 600x668, 35943867_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am honestly baffled by your aggressive behaviour. I don't really like 3D touhous either (mostly because I think 2D makes danmaku games way funnier), but telling someone to die because of his opinion doesn't seem righteous.

>> No.12287241

I could try and help you make a game. I don't have any actual relevant skills, but I could offer moral support and testing.

>> No.12287244
File: 905 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2014-03-17-03h09m11s100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that makes you too easy to "get round" you. And I'd rather help on someone else's project than starting my own.

I doubt anyone else like Yorihime as much as I do, anyway.

>> No.12287246

if you're going to class an entire category of stuff as shit without even so much as looking at it or knowing the first thing about it then you deserve whatever you get

now, to be fair, i made an unfair assumption there - i assumed that he was just stirring shit with an uneducated opinion, as opposed to a certified touhou expert who HAD actually looked at a representative sample of the best 3D touhou project derivative work out there (any number of circle PVs, top MMD series, MMD cup winners, Sky Arena, that one Youmu game, so many other fucking fangames) and decided, based on his wide-ranging survey, that it was all shit

but i'm actually feeling like it was a pretty safe assumption

>> No.12287251

What's the story behind that image?

>> No.12287253

That's fine but if you ever change your mind there'll be anons to help you. I'm pretty hyped about this stuff and I'm sure others are too.

>> No.12287263
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2014-03-17-03h08m39s33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever your opinion is, as deep as I look, it's still like that :

>Touhous are made to be 2D.
>i sincerely hope you kill yourself

So, IN MY OPINION, you're still the one at fault. If I tried to tell people who disagreed with me to kill themselves, I would be hated on many websites.

Guy in love with the girl got attacked by the local raging lesbian. Also someone put glue on the table. Standard boring highschool anime with nosebleeds and fanservice.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

>> No.12287272

you quoted the wrong post. the one you linked explicitly says "touhous are shit in 3D".

which means he's just classed an entire category of stuff as shit without even so much as looking at it or knowing the first thing about it

if he had bothered saying anything to make me think that he had the first idea what he was talking about i'd just accept it as his informed opinion and moved on

but i have no need to respect a completely uninformed opinion

>> No.12287285
File: 43 KB, 720x479, THE FLOOR IS LAVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you quoted the wrong post
Ooops, right.
>which means he's just classed an entire category of stuff as shit without even so much as looking at it or knowing the first thing about it
Hu, hang on, you saw his post and decided he didn't know a single thing about 3D?
Dunno, maybe he saw a few shitty pictures on Deviantart or something. I once suggested a guy to read Twilight. After that, I suggested him to read Dracula. Well, would you believe it, but he refused, and said he was done with vampires. He also tried to burn the book and failed, but that's another story.
>but i have no need to respect a completely uninformed opinion
Given how that thread went, I disagree with you.

>> No.12287292

I suppose 4chan isn't called 'the internet hate machine' for no reason, huh?

Also, where's that Alice anon at? That game looks interesting but he hasn't posted in a while. Come back anon, not all of us are angry.

And another thing, there should be a mecha-Alice game. Her name's Margatroid, the perfect name for something robotic

>> No.12287314

>you saw his post and decided he didn't know a single thing about 3D?
it was an impression that i had had from the beginning but it was not confirmed in my mind until he had responded two or three times without even making an offhand comment about how all MMD is soulless garbage or something

>I once suggested a guy to read Twilight.
he should have staked you through the heart

>Given how that thread went, I disagree with you.
thread is still alive and kicking, people will get over it

>> No.12287319

Tell us the story of 'The Book That Would Not Burn', it intrigues me.

>> No.12287334
File: 19 KB, 172x210, 93a0e8d7b731d1d028575ea65cc7b122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he should have staked you through the heart

Simply put, you don't throw a book in a fire. Unless the fire is strong, it won't do anything : the pages stick together and smother the flames.

If you really want to totally and utterly burn a book, you need to cut the cover (or section, not sure how you call it), in order to unbind the pages.
And even with that done, you can still fail : the hot air generated by the fire can send the pages away and causes them to fall randomly around the place. You need to crumble them one by one and throw them in the fire.

Throwing a book in a domestic fire is like throwing a brick : you need a bigger fire or it probably won't burn as planned.

>> No.12287347

Couldn't you just soak the book in vodka for a while? I imagine that'd work. Besides, why'd you recommend twilight anyway? Do you actually like it or were you being a troll?

>> No.12287356
File: 640 KB, 1200x1742, a1dba6893036ec0765ee6f0120b1e37e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldn't you just soak the book in vodka for a while?
Why the hell would you waste alcohol?
>Besides, why'd you recommend twilight anyway? Do you actually like it or were you being a troll?
It's quite complicated, but to be short, I doubted him when he said he was a "huge nerd like you that liked reading books".
I tried to ruse him again with Fifty Shades of Grey by telling him it was a fantasy story in a monochrome world, but this time he checked before.

>> No.12287362

Oh, I see. Good job anon. Sounds like he wasn't quite the nerd he said he was, eh?

>> No.12287372 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 800x700, She's too lucky for anything else.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If having glasses and knowing the keyboard by heart was enough to be a nerd...

Dumbass didn't even know Dune or I am a legend.

Anyway, that's off-topic. Alice guy going to update soon?

>> No.12287385

I wish that 14 hour long Dune movie had been made. H.R. Geiger did the designs for house Harkonnen and Orson Welles was in it.

On-topic, I think the Alice guy is sleeping, fapping, at work etc.

>> No.12287394 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 1600x900, 1386722506975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H.R. Geiger did the designs for house Harkonnen
Holy cock.
>Orson Welles was in it
Holy batman breast.

Not that I don't like Lynch's movie, but making all the Harkonnens ginger?

>> No.12287411

There's a party-pooper in this thread. Can you identify it?

>> No.12287413

Is it you?

>> No.12287419 [DELETED] 

Hint : he has a hateboner for fun milked from moron.

>> No.12287421

The documentary that was made about that film. The fact that it had all these highly respected artists and actors like Dali working on it is baffling, especially considering that Mick Jagger was also supposed to be in it.

Why were the Harkonnens ginger anywaoy? It should have been called redhead and made into a sequel.

Is it >>12287079 ?

>> No.12287422

I can't believe you're still trying to win the argument.

>> No.12287425

>"It was a great undertaking to do the script," Jodorosky says in the film. "It's very, it's like Proust, I compare it to great literature."

>> No.12287428 [DELETED] 

Went to grab some popcorn, and the moron left. Couldn't you faggots keep it warm for me to enjoy his tears?

>> No.12287434

If you want something done you gotta do it yourself.

>> No.12287435

This ain't /a/ anon. People on /jp/ generally try to take it easy (joke not intended).

A pretty pretentious statement isn't it? I still think that the film would have been great.

>> No.12287437
File: 324 KB, 500x750, kokoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recapt time, we're getting near autosage :

Touhou Crossing (with source): https://www.mediafire.com/?rs64j9gul6yh7c2

Sprites for almost every Touhou up to UFO:

Where the Tohuou Crossing sprites come from :

Some finished projects from >>12276857:

>Project 1:
the public dropbox:

>Project 2:
the public dropbox:

>The public dropboxes contain some additional songs form the artists, so be sure to check them out!

>Existing Projects:

>- Marisa Platformer: An anon started working on a 2D sidescrolling platformer in Unity. You can check out the latest version here:

And Kaoru's website (VN sprites) :

It should be added to OP.

>> No.12287441

You came back, and the moron came back too. Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.12287448

Are the links for the Marissa platformer not working for anyone else?

>> No.12287452

Doesn't work for me either. It was probably updated.

>> No.12287455

Would it be in the archives?

>> No.12287646

I dunno.

>> No.12287705

Huh, I remember this from like over a year ago, are you serious? back then only the off-boarder music compilations got finished too and Marisa Platformer was under development ... I hope one of the games actually gets finished this time...

>> No.12287715

I merely repost what was said earlier in the thread so that it makes the next OP easier.

>> No.12287729

yeah, this is the first one
and this is the last one

>> No.12287783

Reminds me why there was that hate between the /jp/ project and the OC thread.

>> No.12289839

New thread where?

>> No.12290129

Here :
