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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12272501 No.12272501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12257626

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12272631


>> No.12272638

You're a nerd on an image board.

Don't fool yourself

>> No.12272651


And what a cute little faggot king you are.

>> No.12272655

I like how you guys go out of your way to reply to a generic post in Japanese to show you can read it. So moe.

>> No.12272657

Stop projecting, nerd.

>> No.12272665

Why did you use atashi?

>> No.12272668

He wanted to sound cute.

>> No.12272681

I'm not very good at English yet, what's a VN with the easiest English?

>> No.12272688
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 1391911542452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yosuga no Sora.

>> No.12272689

Do you people really not get the Titanic joke or was it so bad you're just pretending it didn't exist?

>> No.12272694

Depends. Can you read lowercase and uppercase?

>> No.12272696

Who the fuck watches Titanic in japanese?

>> No.12272698


I don't watch faggot movies. I'm busy here playing faggot games.

>> No.12272703

I always confuse I and l.

>> No.12272706

I haven't watched it in any language but I can still get that much.

>> No.12272720

VN's are not for faggots. They are as straight as it get (ok maybe if you're playing otome games it's gay)

>> No.12272724

What does Titanic have to do with a japanese learning thread such as this one?

>> No.12272728

Help me Jay Pee I'm in trouble!
I'm going to be going on vacation for 10 days the day after tomorrow. I knew that much, but what I didn't know was that internet there is fucking expensive!

Which VN do I take with me there? I have to pack tomorrow so I don't have all day to sit around and think about this (I'm extremely indecisive when it comes to these things). I like sad stuff, but I don't want to take anything too sad with me. There'll be other people there so I'd rather get something SFW. I'm not really into sci-fi. I've already read/watched/played Katawa Shoujo (hue), Yume Miru Kusuri and Narcissu.

>> No.12272729

Dude fuck off. Only Japanese allowed.

>> No.12272732


Ask /vg/ for recommendations in English.

>> No.12272734

k. I misinterpreted the line in the global rules. I thought it was refering to visual novels of Japanese or Western origin, that's why I went to /jp/, because I'm looking for VNs of Japanese origin, but with English translations.

Sorry to have bothered you

>> No.12272735

TECHNICALLY, they are allowed on the board, but this general is mainly for untranslated stuff or stuff translated you are reading in japanese.

>> No.12272738

The OP image?

>> No.12272740

Ah okay. I wouldn't know because I don't lurk /jp/.

>> No.12272742

Don't show your face around here anymore unless you're looking for some serious trouble.

>> No.12272746

Okay. I don't know Japanese and I don't feel like spending my entire day discussing Touhou anyways.

>> No.12272789

Many people in these threads don't know Japanese and just pretend they do.

>> No.12272802

Oh so it's just like DJT on /a/.
I see.

>> No.12272805

A few do but I think the majority is still at the level where they have to rely heavily on tools and shit to get through eroge
I don't think you can say you know japanese if you have to rely on agth or something

>> No.12272827

Well, you could say most are in the process of learning, but you know, I still use dictionaries in my native language when reading books. If I had a tool that let me look at dictionary entries in a single second, I would probably use it, because it's handy and doesn't necessarily operate as a crutch. I think the point where you switch to jp->jp dictionaries and can understand properly the entries, you can say you do know japanese, albeit not in a fluent level or something of the like.

>> No.12272828

I just set it just in case, when reading manga or novels searching for a random kanji is a major pain in the ass in comparison to a simple auto dictionary.

>> No.12272837

I'm using English dictionaries all the time for literature written in English. Does that mean I can't English?

>> No.12272844

Only if you use a English->Japanese dictionary.

>> No.12273043

One more time for new thread;

Does anyone know where can I buy those タペストリ which comes with visual novels? I'd like to buy some of them, but I cant find any place where sells only タペストリ, not games. All I can find is some anime themed タペストリ which I dont care about.

In short I'd like to buy 2-3 タペストリ but I cant give 10.000 yen just a タペストリ plus cd, so please suggest me some site which sells it cheaper, I dont care if it has been used too.

>> No.12273072


You could try looking for the tapestries on one of these sites:


>> No.12273094

Ah thank you, but I forgot most important thing, they have to be able to send europe. Can any of those send their products to europe? Buying those with proxy sites makes it too expensive, 1500-2500 service pay + tapestry price + carges almost 10.000 yen anyway.

>> No.12273121
File: 379 KB, 1264x727, nochuuninow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishe Semiramis - I will say I am disappointed - the scale is more or a less a
a moral detector rather than a sanity detector where you go extreme/overflow at either end, you get on the Bad End. It has no other real function which is a shame. Given the theme was a little more serious than the average, the meaningful Bad Ends were lacking substance (other Bad ends are just 10 lines like "she disappears, back to my normal life"). The biggest shame is despite the description, MC is just completely undriven/detached, and severely lacking in self analysis/actualization. I had expected the voice in his head would play the part of feedback/analysis to make this supposed corruption more concrete with a sustantial body. This was not to be, and there was very little both in internal dialogue (this was low too) or external with the heroines. Despite being a MC with a face, he feels more empty than the usual MC without a face! Looking at the comment in the Extra section, I can't but help theme/idea is a little too grand to execute, or the writer just lacking ability to do it (may be someone like shumon can, but that's just empty speculation on my part).

Reasonable quality CG/Art, reasonable bgm/voices; this VN lacks romance/harem fluff so there isn't anything to fall back on when the serious stuff failed. I have small regret on the hours spent - 6/10. Well you win some, lose some.

>> No.12273123

Mandarake yes, the dirty foreigner part of the site if they aren't hiding it away on the Japanese one only anyways.

Kind of frustrating when I'm missing like two out of around twenty five age FC books that were only on the Japanese side. Which reminds me I haven't looked in quite a while.

>> No.12273178

For Yahoo auctions and Amazon.jp whether or not you can get the item shipped overseas will depend on the seller.

>> No.12273224

That's disappointing, I had that one downloaded as was looking forward to it. Ah well, like you said, they can't all be winners.

>> No.12273244

Yea it's too bad. I ended up dropping it part way through. The concept sounded interesting in the beginning but didn't seem to really be utilised well.

>> No.12273967
File: 598 KB, 1000x733, nup69308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12273969
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>> No.12273973

the fuck is that super neck

>> No.12273976

Did august ever make anything good besides Eustia?

>> No.12273979

Daitoshokan was pretty good.

>> No.12273980 [DELETED] 


>> No.12273982

Daitoshokan was better

>> No.12273983

Not really.

>> No.12273984

Even Moogy, Hadler and Habluka rated it >=9.0.

>> No.12273985

Here come the hipsters.
Though Daitoshokan is pretty good anyway.

>> No.12273988

>Habluka rated it >=9.0
No I didn't.

>> No.12273992

Okay, 8.9. That 0.1 point whole world of a difference, eh?

>> No.12273993 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone care what they've rated it?

>> No.12273994

Because they are highly acclaimed eroge connoisseurs.

>> No.12273996

Fuck off moogy

>> No.12274010


Habluka doesn't even like eroge. He just sits on IRC complaining about trivial details to stir shit up.

It's beyond me why would anyone would take that guy's opinion seriously.

>> No.12274023

All stuff he rated highly which I've played myself was good, so if even he likes something, chances it would be shit are very low.

>> No.12274030

Just switch Habluka to Wahfuu and it'll be less insufferable

>> No.12274041

is there a j-j dictionary for TA i could use or are you saying to just use a web j-j dic of my choice (i do that now but it gets tedious)

>> No.12274044

I recommend suicide.

>> No.12274046

Grab ITH, make it as if to copy the text to your clipboard. Open a parallel firefox window, install rikaisama. Use the option for only opening up sanseido entries. Paste copied text to said window. Done.

>> No.12274055

Do that and use Furigana Inserter's clipboard capture for even better efficiency.

>> No.12274056
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>> No.12274057 [DELETED] 

I bet learning the language would be even more efficient.

>> No.12274059
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>> No.12274063
File: 780 KB, 802x1100, nup69316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12274067

Reading japanese texts is most efficient way to learn the language.

>> No.12274070

Its funny how they don't even bother talking about protag himself.

>> No.12274073

Anyone here play Sisters~Natsu no Saigo no hi~?

I was doing some googleing and found this:
>ソフマップ スペシャルディスク

Apparently,there was a special tokuten disc sold at Sofmap back in april 2011 when it first released.Anyone have it or know what was on it?

>> No.12274075

I hope it's a girl

>> No.12274077

Is there anything relevant detailed in the story? Or is is just too generic at the point of not even being worthy mentioning?

>> No.12274079

Just read it.
It does't say much more than the big bit on the left though.

>> No.12274084 [DELETED] 

How am I supposed to read it without a text hooker?

>> No.12274108

I think it's better suited to you.

>> No.12274118
File: 767 KB, 1100x814, 1405570623463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ジャンル:文芸部と演劇部が廃部の危機!? 協力して文化祭で劇の上演を目指す恋愛ADV

>> No.12274127

patiently waiting news of the new romeo

>> No.12274149

Where is the place that usually all these magazine scans are uploaded?

>> No.12274162
File: 275 KB, 881x1200, B00L9F4UD8.09-A25OY24VPRO075.MAIN._SY6000_SCRMZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Push!!'s cover.
So it's really "Venus Blood Hypno".

>> No.12274174

Hypno, would have prefered Hymno over it. Scans when

>> No.12274180

Venus Blood Hymnos would be coolest thing on earth

>> No.12274199

It'd be ar tonelico with tentacle rape?

>> No.12274253

Eroge of the year all the years. That would be so close to perfection for me it isn't even funny.

>> No.12274257

Ahaha. I wonder if they counted on the runes being deciphered.

The word hymnos has been around for thousands of years before AT, though.

>> No.12274267

But it'd be so cool with an AT setting.
Even if they called it hymnos I'm sure it wouldn't live up to musical expectations though.

>> No.12274281

I love AT as much as anyone, but we know it ain't happening, and it's not the first thing 'hymnos' brings to mind either.

Hypno is nice too, though. It has connotations of eternal slumber and all that.

>> No.12274286

>Hypno is nice too
Dunno, sounds like it would be one of these generic saimin games to me.

>> No.12274291

If your only exposure to the word is 'hypnosis', it gives you a certain prejudice.

>> No.12274295

Not sure what other exposure would one have.

>> No.12274303

I learned it through greek mythology when I was a kid.

>> No.12274307

It's about as versatile as the kanji 眠, which is used in more words than saimin.

>> No.12274387

This is eroge, the heroines are more important.

I'm pretty sure the shounen in the tagline is the protagonist.

>> No.12274395
File: 330 KB, 800x1800, IMG_2196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

※TECH GIAN2014年9月号より
タイトル:武想少女隊 ぶれいど☆ブライダーズ



>> No.12274402

Anon, we are the protagonist.

>> No.12274417

Why is she singing Titanic

>> No.12274434
File: 384 KB, 1024x683, 14651931846_e77b213beb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12274507

Why are you such a bully?

>> No.12274544

Spoil me 安納 塔子 route please.

>> No.12274577

Is it too late for me to play BaldrSky 1?

>> No.12274581

It's not translated yet, so no.

>> No.12274586

Yes, this game is already past its expiration date.

>> No.12274598

It's funny how they bother writing the story synopsis when everyone knows it'll be poorly executed filler everyone wants to skip just to get to the heroines' routes.

>> No.12274607
File: 138 KB, 408x500, 005_7399bc62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Liar-softの『帝都飛天大作戦』をスクープ! 原画・酔花、シナリオ・希、12月26日発売予定。

>> No.12274628
File: 250 KB, 640x480, capture_005_24062014_202906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're on a boat.

>too late
What does that even mean? Anyways if you're planning on starting Sky remember to install both Dive 1 and 2, then launch Dive 2 so it merges the games and you can play both through it.

>> No.12274802 [DELETED] 

What's the appeal of VNs? They're like picture books with music and voice acting. If I'm going to "play" something it should be an actual game.

>> No.12274806 [DELETED] 

Then go to /v/, fag!
People "read" visual novels anyway.

>> No.12274816 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate normie who asks "hurr durr why do you like this? why do you like that? What's the appeal?", how about you leave us the fuck alone?

>> No.12274832 [DELETED] 

>What's the appeal of VNs?
They're not filled with fag shit that you gay western boys have put in for starters.

>> No.12274910 [DELETED] 

>Spoil me 安納 塔子 route please.

Sure buddy, all routes suck though, IMO too short and lacking content. Touko route: this is the only route she shows she knows about cohabiting of MC and Ami. She decided to move herself away from the childhood friend status by proposing sex after Ami told Touko the the sexual relationship she is in with MC. Touko then finds out the reason why Ami is staying with MC, and to keep the friendship with Ami, she overworked for a few days gathering information. Magically this was enough to solve Ami's problem (this took less than 200 lines). It ends with Ami out to the room next door and Touko in. . I want my hours back.

>> No.12274920

>Spoil me 安納 塔子 route please.

Sure buddy, all routes suck though, IMO too short and lacking content. Touko route: this is the only route she shows she knows about cohabiting of MC and Ami. She decided to move herself away from the childhood friend status by proposing sex after Ami told Touko the the sexual relationship she is in with MC. Touko then finds out the reason why Ami is staying with MC, and to keep the friendship with Ami, she overworked for a few days gathering information. Magically this was enough to solve Ami's problem (this took less than 200 lines). It ends with Ami out to the room next door and Touko in. . I want my hours back.

>> No.12274924

Doesn't jihad play even in dive1 when you merge both? If that's the case I would recommend opening restoration through a youtube video or something until you reach the fourth route (which would be Dive2) so you don't get bored of the same OP for all six routes.

>> No.12274935


Both OP plays with the merged Div 1 + 2 install, it switches over to OP2 once you hit chapter 4. Afterward you even get a choice (unlockable for few points) for your preference opening and associated OP. At least that's what I remembered.

>> No.12274940

>Doesn't jihad play even in dive1 when you merge both?
This is one of the things that irritated me a lot. While I downloaded Dive 2, I fired up Dive 1 for a while, and instantly fell in love with Restoration. And then installed Dive 2, and boom, Jihad plays even for the Dive 1 routes. It's certainly not a big deal, and I don't think many people would even give a fuck, considering some even skip OPs, but it irked me.

No. Restoration (OP) never plays in Dive2+Dive1. The file is there, but it's never used.

>> No.12274942
File: 432 KB, 1360x933, ts-main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12275006

Looks interesting and since it's for liar soft maybe Mareni won't go too overboard.
No Sakurai for the year, I guess.

>> No.12275023

No longer satisfied with just six kanji, Mareni has made the jump to seven.

In all seriousness, though, I'm glad he keeps making games despite them not selling at all. I should probably actually buy this one.

>> No.12275035

>it switches over to OP2 once you hit chapter 4
Maybe that was changed in the patches? I played the unpatched version of Dive2+1 and only Jihad OP played for me, though you could unlock Restoration OP much, much later in the free arena mode.

Also speaking of patches make sure to download and apply them for gameplay reasons too. Apparently one of Dive 2's very final boss' abilities gets changed into a much less frustrating version. Normally when he makes the clone he himself turns invisible and is really hard to target. The patches remove the invisibility.

>> No.12275038

First time theyre using more than one artist?

>> No.12275055

The silhouettes on the far left and far right look pretty strange. But I'm interested anyways. I always enjoy their games.

>> No.12275056

It already happened in Dreaming Sheep, which had both Bekkankou and Natsuno Io doing their thing for their respective characters.

>> No.12275124

guess it's safe to say it's a new vn, maybe they'll use that design they had on their site since the beginning?

>> No.12275134

Yep, that's definitely clear. I'm glad. Majikoi can be fun and all, but they overstepped it there.

What design do you mean?

>> No.12275142
File: 298 KB, 1200x1200, main_03_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12275147

Whoa, that chick has like 0 boobies

>> No.12275150

I hope so. This looks pretty good. She kinda reminds me of Monshiro for some reason.

>> No.12275173
File: 385 KB, 800x600, IMG_1401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the girl in the center.
(Months old picture)

>> No.12275180

Please no, I don't like how she looks. What the hell is with her clothes?

>> No.12275182

Are you gay?

>> No.12275194

I agree with him, they look silly.

>> No.12275197

There have been worse outfits, Sakigate Generation for example.

>> No.12275202

Yes, that's definitely worse. But I don't want Minatosoft to become Clochette.

>> No.12275219

At least the title is easier to read this time.

>> No.12275221

I generally avoid VNs that contain incest. What are some fetishes that just don't appeal to you?

>> No.12275225

Things that have nothing to do with sex, like ahegao.

>> No.12275229

Aside from scat and guro, yuri I just find it boring as fuck and the new wave of imouto incest that boils down to childhood friend 2.0 'I have even less of a reason to love the MC', really destroys the taboo aspect that's the hot part of incest.

>> No.12275234

Pissing. It's a relatively common fetish that I've been exposed to for many years, but it does nothing for me.

>> No.12275255

Excessive moeshit and scat.

>> No.12275262


sisters~夏の最後の日~ ソフマップ スペシャルディスク」


>> No.12275267

What is excessive moeshit?

>> No.12275290

>Excessive moeshit
This. I hate how so many characters get a nice buildup, then get their personality destroyed with moe and lolsocute vulnerabilities and insecurities, so they won't intimidate the otaku.

>> No.12275296
File: 179 KB, 768x960, Tie_new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved a bit Chie's (from Higurashi) ps2 sprite, as its head looked honestly pretty bad. Also added a curry mode.

>> No.12275320

>The patches remove...

The hell, I never got this. All I got was the former original behaviour.

>fetishes that just don't appeal to you?

Scat and ballooning stomach/breasts that were done in by tentacles and so forth.

>> No.12275373

Tentacles and monsters.

>> No.12275536

What is name of this VN? Can't find it via google or iqdb

>> No.12275547

Google worked for me.

>> No.12275594
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Also while we're on topic anyone happen to know a way to extract soundtrack from the game? I absolutely love the main theme BGM, but Crass or googling haven't helped.

>> No.12275833
File: 874 KB, 796x600, こんにちは、私は外国人だです。よろしくね。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a VN about raising a daughter that is not a nukige? I tried to find some, but there doesn't seem to be one.

>> No.12275855

An eroge version of Super Robot Wars sounds pretty good.

Another sub brand? Minatosoft is really rolling in money.

>> No.12275859
File: 359 KB, 1366x768, tsujidou-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what I call chuuni as if the spelling of Enoshima wasn't enough.

>> No.12275879

>This is one of the things that irritated me a lot. While I downloaded Dive 2, I fired up Dive 1 for a while, and instantly fell in love with Restoration. And then installed Dive 2, and boom, Jihad plays even for the Dive 1 routes. It's certainly not a big deal, and I don't think many people would even give a fuck, considering some even skip OPs, but it irked me.

Both OPs are in the Movie directory, so an easy way around this is just to swap the file names. After Chinatsu's route you can swap them back.

>> No.12275904
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, MUSUME3D 2013-03-09 20-18-52-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a VN about raising a daughter that is not a nukige?
I'm also really interested if anyone has something to recommend.

いたずらっ娘 ~うちの娘にかぎって~ had surprisingly small amount of H-scenes. You can even abstain from actually fucking the twins (though there's at least one unavoidable blowjob H-scene from the other one) and get to a relationship with the neighbor lady. I originally started the game as a quick fap but found myself keep playing simply because the family slice of life was so heartwarming.

Though for the big downsides the game is in 3D and I'm not exaggerating when saying the optimization is utter fucking shit. Frame rate problems even on a relatively strong laptop, few graphical clipping issues and very long loading times between scenes. The twins route ending was also pretty lackluster (didn't play the neighbor or bad end routes so I don't know how those compare) and no one can really recommend the game for stellar writing or anything like that.

>> No.12275919


I can't help you with VN, but Usagi Drop is really nice if you haven't seen it already.

>> No.12275965

Ok thanks for telling me.I really wish I could see it.I hate Japanese practice of limited edition shit and all that.

>> No.12276279
File: 108 KB, 801x600, Scarlett - Tombstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda funny how the chapter that focused the least on spyshit and politics was the best one.

>> No.12276291
File: 69 KB, 500x341, mpzonm8RJu1s2wvoxo00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to all the character sprite rips from Fate/stay night?

>> No.12276414

Thx uninstalling now.

>> No.12276510
File: 22 KB, 306x371, 1296855129212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for some kind of cheap thrill nukige with very basic gameplay, like a generic card game or mahjong or something.

kinda like these as examples of things I liked.

thx for any suggestions.

>> No.12276518

>Boob Wars

>> No.12276530
File: 161 KB, 277x595, 1374213358387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to play Comyu since the full patch is almost done.
>authentication failed unrecognized kernel32 module. / nm
>look it up online
>Find and use the fix
>authentication failed unrecognized kernel32 module. / nm

>> No.12276537

Cool greentext, man. You could find lots of buddies there: >>>/vg/

>> No.12276551

I figured it out I actually had to delete the thing the fix was for which makes no fucking sense.

>> No.12276585

kikaijikake no eve

>> No.12276686

I went into that expecting hard sci-fi and got a game about managing a company that produces adult goods.

>> No.12276715

Huh, really? Judging from the OP and the screencaps I've seen, it always had a sci-fi vibe for me.

>> No.12276721
File: 117 KB, 500x358, 98461961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this thing. About a couple of hours in and it's not too bad...but I wish they actually made the characters jobs worthwhile, kind of like those restaurant eroges.

Right now, the resort is basically there for the MC to make his harem.

Anyone know if it improves story wise later on?

>> No.12276726

>Right now, the resort is basically there for the MC to make his harem.
Sounds like the plot of all eroge these days. Just swap out resort for something else.

>> No.12276731

It's hedgepodge of game that has little bit of everything in it. At base it can act as sci-fi scenarioge and also as nukige due to insane ammount of H it also has.

>> No.12276732

I read this a while ago so forgive me if I'm a bit hazy on remembering it, but from what I remember it doesn't really pick up plotwise ever. I think the manager's route has some reveals about the resort itself but never really went anywhere. If I'm remembering right I don't even think the resort ever opens during any of the routes either. Overall plotwise I found it not particularly bad but also not particularly good; it was just kind of there and did it's job.

That being said the art and the H scenes were pretty good.

>> No.12276748
File: 451 KB, 640x481, shoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Shoin, which I started because I was interested in the meta aspect. What a game. It actually felt like I myself was fighting against the game, to find an end. Can't really talk about the scenario without spoilers, but I loved the way it went batshit insane. Also a refreshing change from the usual love stories.
Negative points to the system, which doesn't let you save anywhere in the game freely. Combined with the hellish difficulty to clear it was one of the most annoying engines I've ever encountered. Must have played through Shoin at least 20 times before I knew for sure end 12 was locked and wasted at least a hundred playthroughs holy fucking shit. I don't regret it though.
Some questions I still have are about Misa's shadow in one of the endings or some minor points, but I couldn't care anymore after the great reveal.
Overall great read.

>> No.12276777

I still don't know who Hinata is supposed to be. Younger version of Yukari? How are the article about Akira/Misa and her journalist father connected? Why was she even presented in Yukari's meta-world in the first place?

Anyway, I love that game. Definitely worth playing a few times over just to see how everything connects.

>> No.12276798

I thought Hinata was just a nurse who was with Yukari. I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in one of the endings where she's the person behind the silhouette. I'm not sure about the father. It may be all part of the story Yukari and Hinata made up anyway, and it's why I can't get serious about piecing things together.

>> No.12276820

>kind of like those restaurant eroges
Are you talking about Chocolat, Parfait and Sucre? Or are there other similar restaurant management eroge?

>> No.12276847

Reading through 4rd Love again, I see that the ones that refer to Yukari as 先生 are the ones written/thought by HInata. It is also implied that the article about her father was decorated as the main article while the article about Akira, which she thought had much more impact, was displayed smaller. She thus wanted an apology from Akira.
Just read a review of Shoin and it says the silhouette couldn't have been Hinata. I am so confused.

>> No.12277009
File: 111 KB, 600x600, tepcowabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit faked the fuck out with the double release date feint.

>> No.12277159

There's a new trial out for Fraternite, now featuring voices, guro and homo.

>> No.12277161

What kind of homo are we talking about here?

>> No.12277205

Could someone please seed 俺と彼女がミステリーな件について it's only 1 seed on sukebei.

>> No.12277221
File: 28 KB, 240x339, Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste too fucking much time on this garbage

accident happens, childs genitals are mutilated. Genji raises the boy as a girl. Kinzo dies, then Genji gave a bunch of bombs to the batshit insane tranny with imaginary friends. Tranny then decides to kill everyone and blow up the island, becuase 3 personas love 3 different people, rather than choose (or even let them know), Yasu just opts to kill everyone. Then with a catbox, where these people apparently all exist together. Everyone is happy.

That was such a interesting premise, went straight to confusing shit after chapter 4, but even 4ep was pretty weak and full of filler.

Don't tell me that this is actually considered good here.

>> No.12277227

It's shit, and the author is retarded.

>> No.12277236

>That was such a interesting premise
Gonna have to agree with you there. It started off decent enough, but turned to complete shit in Chiru. R07 had some interesting ideas in the beginning but failed to execute them properly.

>> No.12277244


> EP5
> Erika
> Shit

Yeah, you're just retarded or following the hate train in the end. At least try to understand Yasu's reasons instead of juste saying it so that it looks like shit.

>> No.12277249

Go read Shoin if you want meta done well

>> No.12277260

Then tell me Yasu "true motive".
They said at the end of 4ep, that it is a Battler sin, that people are dying on this island.

What Battler done? Made a silly promise to Shannon/Kanon/Beatrice/Whatever but she/he/it stick to this like a deadly serious marriage proposal?
Wasn't this Natsuhi sin, for fucking pushing child from the cliff?
Wasn't this Kinzou sin for literally fucking his daughter?
And yet they said that everything is Battler fault?

Also there are plot holes on every corner, I cant accept, that George is just a beta faggot and never realised, that something is wrong with Shanon. But how Natsuhi and Krauss never realised THAT ONE OF THEY SERVANTS IS NOT EXISTING?
Well fuck, for years there was never moment when they said "hey all servants, I have instructions for all of you, please come here"? How they hired Kanon in the first place, when he is Shanon?

And characters motives are so silly inconsistent. I don't know how Battler could even accept what Yasu done and went "ah ok s-sorry for what I dont, I am perfect ok with you killing my family".
Or for example, Shannon suffered because of false hope, that Battler remember his promise.
On the other hand Battler is telling Ange, that it's better for her to live with false hope, that maybe some of family survived so she should not learn the truth.

this story is fucking mess

>> No.12277345

> Also apparently the protagonist is part of a holy empire and the 'enemy' are demons so it's like the opposite of the usual - Some guy at Hongfire

We, reverse corruption now?

>> No.12277353

Onikage did talk about something like that while back, but I doubt this would be it. I feel that there definately will be somekind of catch here. Still need the scans or site to open to see where all this stands.

>> No.12277357

>I feel that there definately will be somekind of catch here.

The catch is obviously the fact that the holy empire are evil all along or something cliche like that.

>> No.12277358

It's always the same with those, it's like holy empires can't be holy and good, barring some corruption which is inevitable.

>> No.12277363

Well yeah it's given that the holy empire is evil but I feel there is something else than that. But will have to see. Also acording to 2ch the sihoyuettes are:

>> No.12277370

I bet it would be something dumb like seigi no mikata honestly ganbarimas for empire, capturing heroines and making them "get on the good side" then some dumb shit about how empire is totally corrupt happens and protag after according emotional breakup goes fixing it. Just like every other VN with same setup.

>> No.12277377
File: 36 KB, 225x350, 12614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dualtail's MC
>Honestly anything

>> No.12277448

Wouldn't something like Masteria from IM be a good one? Sure they're the bad guys in the games, but Celica doea cause trouble whenever he goes.

>> No.12277452

Marsteria are kinda cunts regardless, if Celica was so terrible his kids should too, but somehow getting a holy maiden to have one is A-OK.

>> No.12277459

Marsterria is definitely neither good nor holy. He's just most powerful out of all gods and therefore crowned himself as "righteous".

Only actually good god there is Elyun, but she doesn't care about stuff like empires and influence.

>> No.12277470
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 1366731576228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many lolis.

>> No.12277476

All that ロリ is making me excited.

>> No.12277517

Hate train has reason.
It is coming mostly from "mystery side" fanbase, but what can you expect, when you are butchering their expectation by "TRUTH ISN'T IMPORTANT" final motto?

This was suppose to be fantasy vs mystery tale, but R07 co-worker who was mostly in charge of mystery aspects (and a big mystery fan general) died shortly after starting Chiru.

Later R07 butchered this half of the story with half assed "answers" and focused on fantasy side. Also he is a nice prick, who I think went too far with mocking his readers, because this whole

This was not even subtle, only straight annoying, especially for those who was interested in Umineko, mostly because of mystery aspects.

>> No.12277656

4位.Golden Marriage(ensemble)
5位.催眠術 Re(筆柿そふと )
7位.your diary +H(CUBE)

>> No.12277679
File: 116 KB, 960x670, finalcomplete_kokuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12277683

Friendly reminder that according to twitch mods, a guy AFK in Minecraft riding a minecart for several days is fine, while playing visual novels(namely Sakura Spirit) is bannable.

>tfw normalfags will never get it

>> No.12277685

This time it's actually porting the whole content from console releases+new stuff? Great.

>> No.12277699

...I guess I was wrong in >>12274931.

>> No.12277703

Playing Sakura Spirit should be bannable. From life.

>> No.12277710

Oh kami...

>> No.12277712

Anon addendum: kami means god

>> No.12277776


>> No.12277783

Sakigake deserves that spot.

>> No.12277786


>> No.12277791

How is VN ever going to get recognized as art form if the number one place is given to the one with the biggest tits

>> No.12277796

Thanks, hyped as fuck. I reread CC a week ago, but I'll finally be able to read the extra content after all these years.

>> No.12277803

If https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist%27s_Shit is considered art, I don't see how Sakigake wouldn't

>> No.12277810

has anyone played the hoshiori trial? how does the game deal with the heroines lines when you change the default name?

Is it just an alternate line with あなた or do they just omit it from the voice track? Obviously they don't say whatever you put in but I'm used to older games turning off voices completely if you change the default name and I'm curious how this game handles it.

>> No.12277835

I tried pretty hard to resolve the mysteries, and the goat thing didn't bother me at all, it was pretty funny and ironic actually : EVERYONE was expecting a reality mystery ending, it was pretty original to make totally the opposite. And it also let people still discuss about it quite a lot.

And people who still only tough about the mystery for the whole serie are just retards who did everything wrong.

>> No.12277839

>t was pretty original to make totally the opposite.
I can also take a picture of my shit with a funny hat and sell it, doesn't mean it will be good.
It may have been original, but doing exactly the opposite of what everyone expects you to do isn't always good and in umineko's case it just shit the bed.

>> No.12277939

I'm sure there was others, but I'm only remembering Himawari no Kyoukai's Hina√ now.

>> No.12277971

Kinda surprised Happiness made it.

>> No.12277979


Why would you want VNs to be recognized as art?

>> No.12278049


>tfw Rance is going to be an anime

>> No.12278052

I don't think that fanbase could get any worse anyways but I suppose I'll be proven wrong somehow.

>> No.12278055

Who are you quoting, crossperson?

>> No.12278204

Finished my second vn. Took me a little over 2 months which is good progress since eustia took me 3 months and was shorter in length than the one I just finished.

Just started on hello lady!. Remember people here saying it was pretty interesting so I hope it lives up to that.

>> No.12278209

it might be a bit challenging

>> No.12278227

I wouldn't go from Eustia to Hello Lady! if I were you.

>> No.12278231

Ah I figured it would be better to choose a more challenging one but I'm hoping its not super difficult.

I think someone was saying you might need to know some Shakespeare references so if they're obvious I'll probably catch them.

>> No.12278232


Hello Lady! is pretty hard. Good luck

>> No.12278250
File: 25 KB, 300x225, 090113_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really though I know nobody gives a shit about TE and this is an industry know for delays in general, but this has reached the point of a game that was announced at the very end of 2008, finally got a release date on a different platform 4 years later, and between two versions has had 7 months worth of release date postponements in ~18 months.

That's not even like at the level of incompetent anymore, that's just reached completely helpless. Throw in uncensored CGs, tracing, reusing anime art assets, and even apologizing for not delivering birthday illustrations (even if that one had a specific excuse) and I just don't even know what the hell is wrong with this company. It's like they should just give up and become a dedicated talent management agency because they seem to be much better at it than making games.

>> No.12278448

Traps and blowjobs.

>> No.12278703

> I just don't even know what the hell is wrong with this company.

TE is a very serious illness and age has basically gone to shit since they've focused on it.

>> No.12278742

They've always been shit.

>> No.12278746


What is a visual novel?

>> No.12278758

Why do every friggin retard out there think its cool to spam this thread with unrelated useless shit about plebs?

>> No.12279001

Back when console TE was released and people complained about the missing briefing screens Kouki said on twitter that if he was the director that part would have a lot more effort put into it, the game would keep getting delayed and they would be in the red again.
I guess he's directing the PC port.

>> No.12279142

The PC version doesn't seem like it makes a hell of a lot of financial sense to start with considering the list of VAs.

>> No.12279204 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 1268x708, 1405760383460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished Grisaia no Meikyuu
starting Grisana no Rakuen now

>> No.12279435 [DELETED] 


Why can't Japanese visual novels look as promising as this one? This literally looks better and more original than anything Japan has produced in the past 10 years. Funny how the only thing you need to do to beat the japs at their own game is not to include any moe cliches and stupid power level wanking. I hope Japan stops making VNs altogether so competent western people can finally bring this medium to a respectable level of quality and spark interest among serious writers and critics. Japanese VN industry really needs to go so that people forget their terrible moe games and rape simulators ever existed. This medium has a lot of potential that only a white man seems to be aware of and be able to fully utilize.

>> No.12279437 [DELETED] 

We can report this for advertising, right?

>> No.12279450 [DELETED] 

It's a violation of the no original English VNs rule so that's a more clear-cut grounds to report it.

>> No.12279453 [SPOILER] 
File: 805 KB, 1024x576, 1405773669122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Muramasa while ago and there were two things which keep bothering me. I am worried my missed something because have been doing Japanese VNs just for a year.

Yuuhi Nitta
Why didn't curse of Muramasa kill him instantly after killing the teacher in chapter one? How was it possible to have such long chat with him?

Ootori's servant Sayo
Was it ever explained what was this form of young female she turned during 復習編 and one bad end in 魔王編?

>> No.12279456

Kageaki probably tried his hardest to restrain Muramasa before killing him
She was Erzebeth Bathory, I think. Her gloves were called like that.

>> No.12279493

May I ask you what is the name of your second novel?

>> No.12279524


Huh... Clockup just updated the staff info on the website and now there are 5 more artists and 3 more writers, what the fuck happened?

>> No.12279539
File: 274 KB, 1302x794, chusingura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still playing Chusingura46+1

>> No.12279633
File: 85 KB, 1392x461, UnbO2Uw4bGEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where muh scan at? The wait is killing me.

On side note, I'm glad they drop the other two artists for main characters.
The amount QUALITY in Mary's CG were ridiculous.

>> No.12279683

『VenusBlood -HYPNO-』

Neither the people that got the mag early and those that bought it when it got released today bothered to post pictures so you can probably give up on getting more info until the website opens on the 22.

>> No.12279695



>> No.12279705

Check the on egs.

>> No.12279725
File: 55 KB, 640x637, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can probably give up on getting more info until the website opens on the 22.


>> No.12279767
File: 115 KB, 700x712, 13448092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend me a decent edgy grim dark as my soul VN? I just rewatched Shiki and am in the mood for more, but there aren't really any anime I could watch.
Untranslated, obviously.
If possible something with a good soundtrack.

>> No.12279769


>> No.12279777

Have it in my backlog, but it's really fucking long, I'd prefer something shorter.

>> No.12279815
File: 223 KB, 800x600, best girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soukou Akki Muramasa
Saya no Uta
euphoria has actually a pretty good story if you don't mind the overload of fucked up shit and H-scenes
I guess SubaHibi also counts, though only the middle chapters are truly grimdark

>> No.12279816

Not the only one.

The SD art ppl.

I find it weird that Akumekko isn't credited for the scenario, he must started already working on the next Nine-tail game, I wonder when we will get info about it.

>> No.12279822

>The SD art ppl.
Never saw them credited in 原画 section.

So they really did drop other artists altogether?

>> No.12279830

Oh wait those weren't their usual SD artist, although they usually do get credited too, might not be this case though. Well they do have habit of hiring outside help for the less important charas, so they probably just dropped the old ones and got new ones.

>> No.12279843

Anything less known? I already know most popular ones.
And euphoria is disgusting.

>> No.12279860

I found Cartagra pretty dark, well at least I'd call it "gory".

>> No.12279872

IG is always like that, but I find their gore aesthetically pleasant compared to other stuff.

>> No.12279873

Extravaganza and Mugen Kairou/Renkan?

>> No.12279874

>And euphoria is disgusting.
Yeah, I myself was pretty much constantly torn between "Jesus Christ why the fuck am I still reading this?" and "I need to know what the fuck is going on". Can't wait to experience the same with Fraternite.

Also remembered Innocent Grey's murder mystery titles, though I guess those are also pretty popular. Only read Cartagra and Caucasus and at least the former was pretty decent. Can't really recommend Caucasus because of the flag hell.

>> No.12279895

Honestly, it shouldn't matter. If you want to drop anything early and consider it ended then so be it. Paying attention to how long something is instead of just going with it will only ever bring frustration, especially if it's something you're enjoying.

>> No.12279904

Izuna Zanshinken deals with some pretty dark themes, and doesn't shy away from showing some repulsive details. (It's also really good, IMO.)

>> No.12279919

Maybe Hamashima tapped out? She seems pretty committed to her craftwork though. I don't think she'd be one to give up, unless she got overwhelmed.

>> No.12279928

woah, too heavy

Thanks, is in my notepad of things to check out.

Yeah, I think I'll just finally start muramasa.
I hope it will hook me until the end so I don't lose interest and just stop reading it 50 hours in or so.

>> No.12279940

Can't decide should I play Ruitomo or Damekoi next. Please give me something to which could motive me to decide.

>> No.12279948

Thank you.

>> No.12280001

flip a coin

>> No.12280084

Roll d6.
1-2: Ruitomo
3-4: Damekoi
5-6: roll again

>> No.12280172
File: 130 KB, 350x500, 351561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about games where the protagonist already likes someone at the start of the game?

I just feel bad when it comes time to choose a heroine...Poor MC...

>> No.12280178

Makes for interesting drama. Though if the protag has an unrequited love and is a hetare, then that's just pure masochism.

>> No.12280180
File: 34 KB, 455x341, 3b997baf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when MC clearly loves a girl but can't be with her because reasons, especially if they share a past together.
Pic related for example or Asahi from period, hilarious how the main heroine was a childhood friend who didn't have the slightlest romantic interest in the MC most of her route and instead MC kept trying to get her to love him.

>> No.12280194

Oh yeah I should really read this.

>> No.12280197

I don't hate that per se, but I hate the fact that it's usually the main heroine, who is (with very few exceptions) the most boring character.

>> No.12280207

She might be committing to more yaoi now with the success of the last game she was working on.

>> No.12280223

I'm actually playing it now. It's pretty good. But like >>12280197 said, it kind of sucks that she's basically just your template imouto (unless something changes in her route?).

>> No.12280229

I was under the impression that the red haired classmate was the main heroine, at least all the reviews I've seen state this

>> No.12280238

I don't know about that particular one, I mean games with that element in general, as >>12280172 asked.

>> No.12280754
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, 1389191860594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Though if the protag has an unrequited love and is a hetare, then that's just pure masochism.

Indeed. Then I love it as much as I hate it.

>> No.12281210

Yeah, but this game protagonist is the red-haired girl.

>> No.12281560

You mean main heroin

>> No.12281575

No, I mean the protagonist, everybody revolves around her actions and she's the one who come up with most of stuff that happens in the vn, just like semiramis,.

>> No.12281580

The game itself keeps saying it's Eiri's story, not Kouji's. It just happens to be told from Kouji's perspective.

>> No.12281691
File: 45 KB, 1287x767, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12281702

Error message is very obvious.

>> No.12281710

It's time to upgrade your toaster.

>> No.12281717
File: 64 KB, 555x414, pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My toaster.

>> No.12281742

Look, either you're lying or the eroge is lying.
I trust eroge far more than I trust you.

>> No.12281748

I had similar problems with games that decided to use the integrated Intel video card instead of the GeForce one.

>> No.12281772

That's an odd one. Never encountered that error on mine. Are you in japanese format as well as locale? If not make sure you are then try a clean uninstall and reinstall.

>> No.12281795

Still nothing.

>> No.12281807
File: 364 KB, 1292x776, Works fine for me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12281818

Even after a reinstall? Strange. I do remember having this issue with aku no onna which is another Lune title. Although that one I believe was solved by using another exe provided with the files by girlcelly or doing a reinstall. It's a grey area with Junketsu Megami considering I had no issues with this title's start up.

I'm not sure if this might help or not, but maybe try running the title once with the iso mounted. With Bishop titles you'll get a BSXX error of sorts where the title won't run unless you've run with the iso mounted atleast once after you've installed. Anytime afterwards the error won't pop up. Generally speaking that's an isolated issue with Bishop titles, but I'm curious if that might be a solution to this error or not too.

>> No.12281819

Those are generally fixed by simply creating a settings profile for the game to run with in the graphics drivers.
If that's it, then worst case scenario should be simply uninstalling drivers for integrated. Or maybe disabling it entirely in the BIOS. Given you don't need it for extra monitor support.

>> No.12281823

>I believe was solved by using another exe provided with the files by girlcelly

girlcelly never provide shit.

>> No.12281831

You shut your mouth. Girlcelly is my waifu.

>> No.12281832

You go to the anime-sharing site always linked in the torrent and you can usually find a direct download for the cracks. Beats what 2D.G.F. does with cracks uploaded to fucking ddl sites.

>> No.12281838

Still nothing... and I install the official fix patch

>> No.12281844

Well it was worth seeing if it would work. Although I don't have any other ideas for a solution. Maybe a system restart?

>> No.12281865


Found your problem.

>> No.12281867

>hurr amd

>> No.12281871

It's true.

Try updating your driver and see if it works.

>> No.12281875

VRAM autodetection has been known to be broken on certain AMD cards, but mostly older piece of shit, and mostly with GL. I doubt that's the issue, honestly. But still worth a try.
Can you input a manual VRAM amount, or force it to use integrated instead?

>> No.12282070

How do you guys feel about the following? :

>Third, pick your strategy. If you choose high-difficulty games from the very beginning, you will improve your skills that much faster. However, in exchange, you probably won't get everything on your first playthrough. For action/fantasy VNs this actually makes it fun to come back later and enjoy the game a second time. Also, if you pick a high difficulty game early on and switch to an easier one after, you'll find that the comparatively easy language makes your playthroughs that much more smooth. If you pick a low-difficulty game, you'll probably be able to muddle your way through it with crappy Japanese skills, but at the same time, your skills won't improve that much playing them, if that is one of your goals.

>As an example of first choices, I picked Jingai Makyou and Dies Irae for my first two games, simply because they were in my favorite genre. While I already had a good grasp of Japanese, these were two enormously difficult games to play. When I picked Draculius and Tayutama for my next two games, the difference in the linguistic levels made for an easy playthrough. I plowed through better than a dozen high-level games in the months after that, and I eventually got to the point where I could play most VNs with a speed approaching two thirds of that of my English reading speed.

Is there anyone here who would seriously recommend picking Dies Irae as your first visual novel in Japanese to 'improve your skills'?

From http://clephasstomach.blogspot.nl/2013/09/vn-choice-advice-for-those-new-to.html

>> No.12282077

Sometimes you just like the genre too much even if it's beyond your skill level. He's not particularly recommending it since he said it was difficult.

>> No.12282116

Just finished Fureraba. Fuck, this is what you called god-tier charage ,Rina is too much for my heart. Can't wait for the coming FD.

So what is your favorite charage /jp/ ?

>> No.12282121

Is that guy will become our new eroge public figure?

>> No.12282124

He can't be, he goes to Fuwanovel.

>> No.12282129

Into the trash he goes

>> No.12282136

>Also, if you pick a high difficulty game early on and switch to an easier one after, you'll find that the comparatively easy language makes your playthroughs that much more smooth
While this may be true and it's certainly a big breather to read easy to understand moege after a long chuunifest I could never recommend a complete beginner to try out something like that. At worst it'll end up completely demoralizing them from learning and condition into using the likes of JParser as a complete crutch instead of actually trying to memorize new stuff as they read.

More importantly you'll end up ruining your first experience of the game due to how slow you're going. I also had a long list of "I really want to play these ASAP" games when starting out and it's quite hard to keep motivated with just secondary moege and other easy stuff that doesn't interest you as much. I actually ended up jumping between lot of easier games, never finishing anything due to losing interest before finally picking up something slightly harder that was in my "top wanted" list.

Someone could perhaps recommend games like SubaHibi, Grisaia series, Cartagra or HaruUru to relative beginners who are feeling adventurous, though I strongly suggest steering away from the likes of Masada, Mareni, Romeo or Narahara's stuff before having a much firmer grasp on the language.

tl;dr It's a horrible idea and you should use some common sense

>> No.12282138

This is the guy who even after 400 eroge still needs to use JParser, so I couldn't care any less.

>> No.12282147

What's wrong with Fuwa? It seems most people on 4chan hate them. I only heard their download link is shit.

How do you know about that anon-kun?

>> No.12282150

The most stupid people in the visual novel fandom go there. They are ignorant idiots who don't know how to use Google and can't use a computer.

>> No.12282153

This isn't an RPG. You aren't going to gain more XP by reading something beyond what you are capable of. My advice is just choose a VN you want to read, if it's too hard, then come back to it later and choose something else.
Don't read some moege you have no interest in, simply because it is easy. And don't read something where you have to look up every word, yet still can't figure out what the sentence means, just because you think it will 'level' you up faster.
Enjoyment will be what leads you to improve the fastest, and I can't imagine their being much enjoyment in struggling through a difficult VN.

>> No.12282158

It's like the Hongfire of VNs.

>> No.12282161

I want him to replace Moogy-sama as eroge king.

>> No.12282162

You do know there's a reason why that guy spams that list of VNs like Albatross, Dies Irae, Asairo, Muramasa and the like for people who ask for easy VNs, right? It's because it's not a good idea to start out with them. At all.

>> No.12282165

Hongfire of VNs is hongfire itself.

>> No.12282167

I wasn't actually asking for advice, but thanks. I just wanted to know your opinions on the matter.

>> No.12282173

Actually, i have some doubt with this guy. I mean he said that finish KoiSaku , Harvest overray, Remi 2 and Semirami in less than a week. Give me a break i haven't even finish a single route of Koisaku. Even he's a total neet that's ridiculous a speed ecept he skimmed most part of the story.

>> No.12282182

I was going to call bullshit on him finishing 4 VNs in less than a week but then i looked at how many days it took me to finish all of the 巨乳ファンタジー games 2 weeks ago.

I guess if you focus hard enough on a series and skip sleeping it's possible

>> No.12282203
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I dont think the "read simple moeges" is working for me. My level is currently that I can understand voiced dialog, need JParser to tell me the readings half of the time because theres still a lot of kanji i dont know I also need to look up quite a few vocabs then.

The good news is, that I then actually understand what I am reading. But I feel its still very tiring and reading moeges dont deliver suspense or drama to keep me interested so its more of a pain to read them.

>> No.12282214

Just go read something a bit harder but at the same time with plot, then. There's always Baldr Sky, Eustia, or VNs that other anon mentioned a bit ago for you to try.

>> No.12282217

Then go grind kanji and vocab until you don't need a text hooker to read simple moege.

>> No.12282221

Try nakiges? Stuff like kanon for example have simple enough writing and have assured drama.

>> No.12282310

Just read more. I started learning Japanese last August, the hardest thing I've read is the IM series but I've been able to read any normal moege without help for some time.

>> No.12282493

Exactly, he always takes all fame for himself, never mentioning unsung Japanese heroes who risk they lives uploading games for everyone.

>> No.12282662
File: 297 KB, 1920x1080, 9ab6b197-7417-481c-849f-25ca6259f313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Tsujidou. The game has a lot of similarities with majikoi, which is a good thing in my case. It doesn't manage to be as good though, because of the MC, who is pretty much a dumb M seigi no mikata Yamato, including the ass fetish(which I enjoy). Also, his face in H-scenes is extremely gay.
The game does manage to be enjoyable though. Minatosoft knows how to do character interactions well, all no character faded out even after going into the individual routes.
The humor was pretty good, and there was no overuse of manzai.
Not to mention the setting, yankee's had been a small fetish of mine after reading the yandere manga.

I'd just recommend doing Renna and Maki's routes(specially the latter) before Ai's.

>> No.12282755

Filthy chinks who want you to pay to pirate deserve nothing.

>> No.12282759

Thanks, that was interesting to read. I'm looking forward to reading soon.

>> No.12283102
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, chiisai chinpo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Suzuka's route in Re:Collect. It really feels more like a FD than a proper sequel despite the 'proper endings'. It was also a bit disappointing that the plot didn't really elaborate the whole poisoning case. Not a real conclusion imo. Looks a bit like Kinugasa had yet again not enough time.

The pacing wasn't great, mainly because the romances felt more like a poor fanservice excuse with tacked on ero, especially in Suzuka's case. That all sounds pretty negative, but I enjoyed it. The character interactions were still fun as always and the new characters entertaining. Too bad there probably won't be any more sequels since a lot of questions remain unsolved.

>> No.12283205

I wouldn't skip sleeping entirely. That's just hell for memory and energy purposes.
If you really need/want more waking time that badly, then cut some shit out and take a small nap later instead.
Not saying go full polyphasic because that's crazy, but still. You need sleep.

>> No.12283215

>I wouldn't skip sleeping entirely.

Obviously not, you aren't going to process what your reading if you skip too much sleep.

>> No.12283514

I actually liked it more than Majikoi. Probably because of Renna.

>> No.12283534

>The game has a lot of similarities with majikoi
I don't really agree. I don't think Majikoi was a very good VN, yet I loved Tsujidou.

>> No.12283538

I liked it more than Majikoi because the writing didn't piss me off quite as much.

>> No.12283541

Can someone please point me in the right direction for a Baldr Sky Dive 2 NoDVD patch? I've been through 4 different torrents with the same corrupt .rar file and a shitload of dead jp DDL links to no avail.

>> No.12283549

Dive1 patch will work for both.

>> No.12283603

how did majikoi piss you off? I thought it was merely mediocre and am still surprised that the series get so much hype.

>> No.12283627

The writer seemed like he had ADD or something, the way it was constantly jumping around and had like no narration. I dunno, I found it irritating for some reason. Other than that, yeah, it was just kind of a mediocre charage with bad art.

Tsujidou has bad art too, but Sakaki seems to be a better writer than Takahiro despite the cooking scenes. Hikoukigumo was cool as well, so I'll be keeping an eye on him.

>> No.12283766


I did not know there was a general.

>> No.12283780
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>> No.12283786

No, you was right, this thread is not appropriate for english-translated shit. There's general at >>>/vg/ for that.

>> No.12283789

lol the world leading expert on this magic shit is called william shakespeare

oh japan

>> No.12283796

Are...are you implying I should learn Japanese?

>> No.12283799

I think he is literally saying you should go to /vg/ for English VN discussion.

>> No.12283805

Or just make a new thread in /jp/ like he already did. Still, though, does anyone really still want to talk about Higurashi in 2014?

>> No.12283808

Others have posted English translated VN's in this thread and have not gotten that vitriol.

I'll keep posting here, thank you.

>> No.12283822

>Others have posted English translated VN's in this thread
Apparently you are not only retarded, but also fucking blind and cannot tell between english and japanese.

>> No.12283849

Is that supposed to be one of the loli heroine? Doesn't look like a loli to me.

>> No.12283915

Please do.

There is no rule that this thread is Japanese-language only, and fuck the passive-aggressive elitists with their /vg/ redirects.

>> No.12283917

There is nothing passive about my aggressiveness, peasant.

>> No.12283923

Gives me Rukina vibes and is prety cute, shame we didn't get anymore scans. Shouldn't be more than day for the site to open now.

>> No.12283930

Why don't we add "English stuff goes in VNTS or VG General" into OP so these retards would finally stop coming here?

>> No.12283958

I'm a moonspeaker. And there are plenty of other redirectors who pretend that they link to /vg/ not because they're elitist assholes but because they're looking out for the poster and it would really be in the poster's best interest to post in /vg/ because no one here could possibly want to talk about anything that isn't flavor of the month moege or chuuni.

>> No.12283962

Yeah, sure, pleb.

>> No.12283985

Entire post disregarded.

>> No.12284003

As i understand it, these threads exist because most untranslated VNs aren't going to generate enough discussion to justify having a whole thread dedicated to it. If someone wants to talk about a great translated VN that they just played, and is against going to /vg/, then the best thing they can do is make a new thread on /jp/ for it, if one doesn't already exist. You will get more and better discussion that way. If, after being informed of this, the person insists on staying and shit posting, then they deserve any "vitriol" they get. Unless you really enjoy seeing people talk about VNs that you can't read, there is no reason for an EOP to stay here, aside from childish stubbornness.

>> No.12284006 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 450x608, 1310396318300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK now i'm really mad... just shut up and take this assholes!!!

>> No.12284008

Why would you post 3DPD in VN thread?

>> No.12284009

You are just a EOP, dont lie.

>> No.12284046 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 469x193, 1405933125902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to watch some good old Survivor China
>at the beginning the contestants are supposed to play at a Buddhist temple
>some woman is all bothered by all it, since she's besties with Jesus and also Bible says she can't have another God

Why are American Christians this dumb?

>> No.12284091

Now this is someone who doesn't know his audience.

>> No.12284112

I'm at the level that there is not a slightest will to click that pic.

You're a peasant so get out and back to your Fuwanovel.

>> No.12284147

That's kawaii enough for me.
Though I'm not sure who's the character designer.
T minus 5 hours

>> No.12284428


My guess is that they had to bring in backup because of time issues. They sounded pretty frantic on twitter lately.

>> No.12284436

New thread

