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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 505 KB, 1632x1224, jm1VUdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12232450 No.12232450 [Reply] [Original]

Food in Japan.

>> No.12232458

pizza hut

>> No.12232471
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kawaii baaga

>> No.12232477
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You are in a traditional Japanese restaurant and this guy walks to your table and dips his penis in your wasami bowl. What do you do?
Keep in mind he has a PhD in Weeaboology at the University of Cincinnati.

>> No.12232484


>> No.12232491

Order another bowl.

>> No.12232498

Illegal post detected, report function engaged.

>> No.12232506

What do you have against burgers?

>> No.12232507
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He also dips his dick in there.

>> No.12232513

In that case, cut his dick.

>> No.12232527

You can't, there are only chopsticks in the restaurants.

>> No.12232535

In that case, there is one more way, push a chopstick up his urethra, then punch it real fucking hard.

>> No.12233598

Doens't matter, she doesn't look that great

>> No.12233776
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>> No.12233778
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>> No.12233780
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>> No.12233782

Where the replicas look more delicious than the real thing.

>> No.12233791
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>> No.12233800
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>> No.12233820

every time I see ketchup on eggs I consider killing myself

>> No.12233825

I think ketchup on steak is worse, but both are pretty awful. Also ketchup on plain white bread, the brits like to do that.

>> No.12233826

but ketchup is delicious

is japanese ketchup different at all?

>> No.12233829
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I know for a fact that japanese mayonnaise is different, I've tasted it myself and it's much better than the crap we get here.

I'm pretty sure ketchup is the same worldwide though. Ketchup is good on certain things, large amounts of vinegar generally ruin the taste of certain meals. It just seems gross to put on eggs though, even if they are pretty bland on their own.

>> No.12233831

obesity in a tube. it's the most glorious thing

>> No.12233845

Curry Ketchup is the best ketchup around. Seriously, try it out.

>> No.12233852


omurice is such an art. at home i cant ever get the omelette to completely envelop and seal the fried rice inside.

>> No.12233903

is it true that they allow mutagens in japanese food in japan

>> No.12233915

>obesity in a tube. it's the most glorious thing
Yeah, Japan's really tipping the scales with their ~%3.5 obesity rate.

>> No.12233919

I wonder if someone got a dick drawn on their omelette rice before

>> No.12234134
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>> No.12234150 [DELETED] 

Uh oh, someone offended grorious nippon better get in there weeb master.

>> No.12234154

What kind of homo would want to eat something with a dick on it?

>> No.12234185

Ketchup goes great with eggs. You should also try soy sauce and sweet chili sauce. Perfect for breakfast if you add some toast.

>> No.12234255

I can't eat beef or pork. How hard would it be to find food in japan?

>> No.12234548

Do it.

>> No.12234744


What dishes are those?

>> No.12234752

Not very. If you couldn't eat fish, noodles, or rice then you'd be fucked

>> No.12235018



>> No.12235527
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>> No.12235528
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>> No.12235533
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just fucking eat it you fucking hindu you don't know what you're fucking missing out on

>> No.12235540
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>> No.12235542
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>> No.12235543
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That's all I have

>> No.12235546

Eggs and ketchup is delicious. I goes even better with some sliced potatoes and salt and pepper.

>> No.12235551

Are those grape leaves? That's such a fantastic idea I wonder how I haven't experienced it yet.

>> No.12235552
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is this the food thread

>> No.12235555
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>> No.12235557
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I don't have that many food pictures from my trip saved

>> No.12235562
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These four were the only ones that weren't fastfood like Yoshinoya or such

>> No.12235563
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>not taking pictures of everything you ate

>> No.12235566
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>> No.12235568

I felt stupid for photographing food at all.
Then again, at least I didn't post it on an instagram or whatever hipsters these days do.
One of the friends I made there asked me to come again so we can visit a maid cafe together and eat omurice

>> No.12235573

>I felt stupid
Don't worry. It is.

>> No.12235578

Don't feel stupid, you took some nice pictures. I, personally, would be one of those people taking pictures of fucking everything.

>> No.12235588

I didn't have that much stuff to take photos of - I went there during a university project for 10 days and spent most of it in what I'd kindly describe as bumfuck nowhere. We did spend a day each in Osaka and Kyoto which was nice.
I really to go again on my own or with a friend and check out the other bigger cities.

>> No.12235593

>I really to go again

>> No.12235599

'want to'. I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep.

>> No.12235643

>I didn't get much sleep.
nobody cares

>> No.12235663

Nobody cares that you don't care

>> No.12235704
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I'm not a fan of ketchup, more of a mustard guy; but you should try eggs on your burgers sometime.

It tastes really great.

>> No.12235732

I care that he doesn't care. What is the jay coming to if no one cares?! The audacity!

>> No.12235831



>> No.12236253
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>> No.12236257

That piece of bacon looks like it's going to be disappointing

>> No.12236260

Ah, that's a bad copy of the parmigiana

>> No.12236303
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>> No.12236321
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>> No.12236364
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>> No.12236373

That is absolutely abysmal and I hope you demanded a refund.

>> No.12236378

Oh yeah I did. I was disgusted by it.

>> No.12236470

God, all of their food looks so disgusting.

>> No.12236542

Do you also demand a refund every single time you end up at a fast food joint?

>> No.12236553


>> No.12237261
File: 1.98 MB, 400x225, 5HpdGpn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if you guys could provide names / descriptions of the food pics you're posting.

>> No.12237264 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 960x720, 1389750007762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice if you guys could provide names / descriptions of the food pics you're posting

>> No.12237278


More to the point what on earth is that?

>> No.12237304


They have a bowl dedicated to a single piece of tofu?

And what condiment is on the first tofu? It looks too thick to be soy sauce.

>> No.12237894

Stick a chopstick up his cock then snap it in the middle.

>> No.12237913

It's hiyayakko tofu. The extra plates make sense if you looked into the traditional Japanese meal, which usually consists of miso soup, rice, and side dishes.

The sauce is probably tamari soy sauce, a more traditional soy sauce that is thicker and richer than normal soy sauce.

>> No.12238051


Hoo-hoohoohoohoohoo! You'd like that, wouldnt you?

So naive.

>> No.12238053

My Italian autism is raging so hard

>> No.12238061

How are you supposed to survive with only NEETbux otherwise?

>> No.12238069



>> No.12238174

Is this the No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain thread?

>> No.12238190
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>> No.12239033

pretty sure that would happen on ダウンタウン

>> No.12239412

Even that unbridled hedonist turned his nose up at this thread.

>> No.12242748
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>> No.12242751
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>> No.12242759

Looks yummy.

I can recognize some sort of veggie tempura, fried rice with ham, but the rest I'm unsure of. Fried chicken or pork? Tbh seems a bit more chinese to me.

>> No.12242883

Hey /jp/, I was eating some salmon and when I was done eating I noticed a small worm was flopping around on my plate. Will I die?

>> No.12242895
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>> No.12242937

i don't think so, that means the salmon was fresh if the worm was still genki

>> No.12242981

Eat it for more proteins.

>> No.12243028
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>> No.12243060

Fuck, I get so hungry from seeing all this food.

I'm intolerant to gluten and milk, does this mean I can't eat any traditional japanese foods, or is japanese food generally free from these two. Anyone knows?

>> No.12243068

They rarely have milk. And since rice is their staple, if you aren't good with rice then you can only eat their raw food.

I think they use normal flour for most noodles.

>> No.12243077

Yes, I have to stay away from wheat/egg noodles because they contain Gluten (udon aswell). The asia-store in my apartment-complex has plenty of rice-noodles though, so I'll survive.

I was also thinking about the sauces, tempura and other things like that.

>> No.12243117
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>> No.12243121
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At Maidreamin in Akiba

>> No.12243126
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>> No.12243128
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>> No.12243133

Rice noodles are good, but try so-men as well since it is thinner and works well as a replacement for normal noodles.

>> No.12243182

I want to make a typical Japanese bento lunch. What do they usually consist of?

>> No.12244681
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>> No.12245001


One scoop google.
Two picked googles.
Sliced google with thick google sauce.

>> No.12245015


What about vermicelli?

>> No.12245026


What's in the heart shaped dish? Looks like ourice but that sauce?

>> No.12245037


What's Maidreamin like?

>> No.12245247
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>> No.12245279
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>> No.12245286


Why is everything uncooked?

>> No.12245290

>>12243060 here, I eat vermicilli a lot, since they're done fast, and easy to do. I've tried some thinner rice-noodles aswell, that could be cooked, then fried in a pan aswell.

Anyways, vermicilli is awesome

>> No.12245294

What's your guys take on buying a rice-cooker, worth it, not worth it?

>> No.12245296

I have a really cheap one and it's awesome. I can only imagine how good the expensive rice cookers are. I'd say it's worth it if you make rice at least once a week. You can also use it for other things like reheating meals or making pasta.

>> No.12245311

> everything uncooked
Are you crazy or japan-hater?

>> No.12245315
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Is sashimi uncooked?

>> No.12245630
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Homemade umeboshi.

>> No.12245637
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>> No.12245761

You can also use it, but it kind of depends on how you want your noodles.

>> No.12247523

I'll eat those snails if you eat them with me.

>> No.12248800

I don't think those are snails. I think it's some sort of soup put into shellfish shells.

>> No.12248832

Are those kidney stones????

>> No.12252996

Aren't those green in color?

>> No.12252999

Can someone explain me why pizza is so expensive in Japan? Like 50 dollars apiece.

>> No.12253022

No, kidney stones are brown, yellow or green.

>> No.12253463

Exotic luxury item.

Like sushi in America

>> No.12254023

I have always wondered. What do the Japanese do to make the eggs they make sweet? Put sugar in it?

>> No.12254024
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>> No.12254029

They don't have enough materials in Japan
They have to get most of the ingredients from abroad

>> No.12254060


Doesn't that apply to most foods in Japan?

>> No.12254080


Not stuff they can grow locally like rice (hmm)

>> No.12254109

To my knowledge, the US exports rice to Japan.
That's actually what the kanji name for the US is in Japanese, Riceland.

>> No.12254347
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>> No.12254499

Japs don't buy a lot of American rice. And it's spelled as 米国 because of the practice of giving flattering names to certain foreign countries in kanji like 英国 and 仏蘭西.

>> No.12254815
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I felt like throwing up after this.

>> No.12254823


>> No.12254836

isn't that the point of ramen jiro

>> No.12254998
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>> No.12255002
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>> No.12255138

Goddamn that meat is so red and pretty.

>> No.12255530

My problem is I can eat meat, but Japanese meat never looks fully cooked to me

>> No.12255699


>> No.12255703
File: 53 KB, 589x785, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna ask here so I don't shit up /jp/. A Japanese foreign exchange student left this behind when he returned to his home planet. Anyone know what it is?

>> No.12255707
File: 65 KB, 589x785, unnamed (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one more picture, front back of two different flavors of the same thing I guess.

>> No.12255777

Hey /jp/! What can I use bonito flakes for other than dashi stock?

I found a really nice family run Japanese store, the owner greets you in Japanese every time someone comes in. He even gave me some tips on how to cook the perfect rice, what a pal.

>> No.12255780

The thing on the bottom kinda looks like tampons.

>> No.12255793

Clam chowder. Good for your body. Got ornithine in it.
The pink shit is just plum flavored tea. Not the western kind of plum though.

>> No.12256663

Yellow is shijimi miso (しじみ汁) which is miso cooked with clams, the package says it also contains green onion and wakame (seaweed).

Upsi-down is konbucha (こんぶ茶) which is is "kelp tea". You can drink it (add 100mL of boiling water to one packet of powder) but the package also suggests making a shitton of other things with it. Ochazuke (rice with tea or broth poured over), chirashi sushi (bowl of rice with sushi fillings/toppings on top), okayu (congee / rice gruel), onigiri (rice ball). Using it as a broth for udon or soumen noodles. Using it as dressing for pasta or salad. Basically you can season pretty much anything with it. Note that this is NOT the same as the kombucha drink made from actual tea leaves that's been popularized as a health drink.

Pinku has romaji on it, Ume Konbucha -- it's basically the same as above but with freeze-dried pickled plum bits (or artificial pickled plum flavour) added.

>> No.12257278
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>> No.12257527
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Dorayaki: yummy buns

>> No.12257534

Any nice looking gyoza pictures? That's a new favorite of mine.

>> No.12257851

I would imagine it would go great on rice or as a salad topping.

>> No.12257860

Not him, but thank you for the explanation. I have not tried konbucha, but I am not sure I would enjoy it as a broth because it doesn't seem savory enough to my western tastes. I would probably have to add shoyu, but that just goes to say how little I know about it. However, I would be willing to give it a try!

The shijimi miso is something I would love to try. Miso is delicious and I love clams and other seafood so it's right up my alley!

>> No.12257933

Bonito flakes are delicious on okayu. Okayu with katsuobushi and umeboshi (maybe a tiny bit of shoyu if you feel like it) is very clean and simple. You can even eat it when recovering from a gastrointestinal illness like food poisoning. The way the flakes shrivel and curl in the heat fascinated me as a child, so getting to eat okayu with katsuobushi was a silver lining to getting sick.

It is also good for topping chilled cooked spinach, or cold tofu.

>> No.12258693
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Gyoza and beer.

>> No.12258697
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>> No.12258714

Anyone tried this before??


>> No.12258821

How can Japanese people manage to eat so much food in one serving?

A few of these meals would last me a day or two.

>> No.12258908
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>> No.12258917
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>> No.12259611
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>> No.12259965
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>> No.12260050


makes me want mentaiko pasta. so hard to find mentaiko here

>> No.12260116

Some of the packaged mentaiko pasta mixes are still pretty good! Might be easier to find one of those since they last for a while.

>> No.12260123

translate it nerds

>> No.12260135


I swear to God that the next flemish who order fries with curry ketchup in front of me will regret it.

>> No.12260140


Can't you just buy regular egg pasta from italian groceries or even your supermarket ?

>> No.12260146

I think the real nerd is someone who wants others to read him Yamanashi prefecture's nutrition guide from 2006.

>> No.12260236

Wow what is that thing that looks like is the main dish and looks like have ham and cheese inside?

>> No.12261690
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>> No.12261778

Is the stuff that can be found in supermarkets labelled as "Sushi rice" the same as the short grain rice used in Japan? Or do I need to find some in an Asian supermarket?

>> No.12262244
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, melonpan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12262428

It doesn't really matter that much, just get whatever rice is cheap and sticks together, dude.

>> No.12263311

Looks like some kind of wrap.

>> No.12263316
File: 102 KB, 500x711, shana_eating_melonpan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This does not look like the melonpan I know.

>> No.12263463
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 576886911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many kinds of Melonpan in Japan.

>> No.12263537



>> No.12263562


Kindly translate it please.


Whats that?

>> No.12264278

I can't make melonpan turn out the way I want. Do you have any good recipes?

>> No.12264295

Judging by the title, you may need to prepare a dog for this recipe...


Seriously, though: I really like their stuff.

>> No.12264301

Do you have any that aren't on Youtube? I avoid using Google sites.

>> No.12264307

I won't inquire why, but.. I'm afraid not. Here's the ingredients list they put in the description. The video has some very good advice, though.

Ingredients for Melonpan (5 pieces) メロンパンの作り方 字幕表示可
- Bread Dough -
140g Bread Flour (4.94 oz)
25g Sugar (0.882 oz)
1/3 tsp Salt
5g Non-Fat Dry Milk Powder (0.176 oz)
3g Instant Yeast (0.106 oz) - a little less than 1 tsp
1 tbsp Beaten Egg
70ml Warm Water (2.37 fl oz)
15g Butter (0.529 oz)
Bread Flour for dusting

- Cookie Dough -
25g Unsalted Butter (0.882 oz)
35g Sugar (1.23 oz)
25g Beaten Egg (0.882 oz)
80g Cake/Pastry Flour (2.82 oz)
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
Bread Flour for dusting

>> No.12264308

Who the HE*K measures all that stuff in grams?

>> No.12264314

Well, the producers of those cooking videoes are Japanese, so I guess it's them..

We also do it in Scandinavia. And the rest of Europe, I think. Except the UK. They're silly, and stuck in their old UK ways.

>> No.12264317

But why would you measure salt in teaspoons and sugar in grams? How do you even measure all that stuff in grams? Do you have scales for all your drugs anyway or something? Why does one side call for 1tbsp beaten egg and the other for 25g beaten egg?

>> No.12264336

Beats me. It looks like the description is slightly erroneous as the video states "Gradually add the beaten egg [...]" and it looks like a whole egg has been beaten..

>> No.12264369
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>> No.12264372

beef tongue from sendai is amazing

>> No.12264380

that's because melonpan almost never tastes like melon or is filled with anything. it usually tastes like sweet, buttery pastry. it's called melonpan because the cross-hatched dough on the top makes it look like a honeydew.

>> No.12264389

This thread.
I've stopped eating all the food in my house and I won't eat until my parents can bring me some delicious looking Japanese meals like in this thread.

>> No.12264397

RIP anon.

>> No.12264400

at least where I live, you can buy a latino pastry called a "concha" in grocery stores which is almost identical to melonpan except the dough on the top is cut to look like a shell instead of a melon. I've had both and they taste practically identical.

>> No.12264402


>> No.12264410
File: 133 KB, 960x1280, 6ed96184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My melon flavored melonpan.

>> No.12264416

Maybe you should start cooking some yourself, or would that evoke your status as NEET?

I had to shell out for imports to get hold of most of what I wanted to make that awesome food, but US/UK should be fine for it..

>> No.12264417
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Melon flavored melonpan.


>> No.12264423

I know. I know...

How about I embed the video on a page on my webserver and you watch it there? Or am I gonna have to pull the whole video and mirror it?

>> No.12264438
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>> No.12264439
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>> No.12264448

Maybe you should learn what words mean before you use them.

>> No.12264472

*revoke - I didn't proofread for typos.

>> No.12264479
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>> No.12265094 [DELETED] 

I'll just try some of the sketchier recipes I've found.

>> No.12265097

I'll just try some of the sketchier recipes I've found.

Thanks those look pretty promising.

>> No.12265457

Where can I get japanese food?

>> No.12265464


>> No.12265493
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>> No.12265521

Yes, this is what I want.

Better if it use green melon, though.

>> No.12265625

That depends where you are and whether or not you want to cook it yourself.

>> No.12265634

nice double

>> No.12265679

Hey /jp/ is there a name for those rice balls that have a sort of sweet skin on the outside? I got some in a konbini once because I thought it was something else, and they were pretty good.

>> No.12265998


>> No.12266026
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Inari zushi?

>> No.12266029

Yep that looks about right. Thanks

>> No.12266722

order another bowl.

>> No.12268322

Everyone who does baking measures stuff in grams. It's just better for that particular application.

>> No.12268888
File: 42 KB, 550x412, bento-box-lunch-with.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has /jp/ ever made a bento for themselves? I sometimes make one when I'm feeling down, even if I'm not going anywhere.

I usually make a potato salad with kewpie mayo, some fried egg, something with beef or chicken, and some rice. What does /jp/ make? I tried making gyoza, but it was not very good. It was too chewy unlike what I usually get at restaurants.

>> No.12268921

How do I make Japanese food?

>> No.12268941

What do you mean make a bento? It's just a bunch of little things in a box.

>> No.12268949

He carves and stains the box as well, it is good crafts to get your mind off the world

>> No.12268993

I tried to make those octo hotdogs but can never make it kawaii like a Japanese mother's.

>> No.12269148

that's what girlfriends are for, sweet anon

>> No.12269150

Maybe in your dreams.

>> No.12269153

But anon, we are the girlfriends.

>> No.12269216
File: 110 KB, 417x384, j.cuisineart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are some anons here actually serious about Japanese food looking disgusting?

Granted, the ingredients are unorthodox their presentation of it looks a lot better than slop like Indian cuisine.

Pic related. Look at this nice boat platter.

>> No.12270159

What brands of Senbei does /jp/ like?

>> No.12271740


>> No.12272408
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>> No.12272429
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I got this in Tsukiji fish market

>> No.12272443

How much is that sushi?

>> No.12272450

Is that roast beef? Looks like they're trying to dip it in soy sauce and ketchup...

>> No.12272459

I think like 1400 yen

>> No.12272463

it's probably ponzu, and the "ketchup" is cherries painted on the plate

>> No.12272468
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takoyaki from dotonbori

>> No.12273283

I wish the fish markets here did sashimi/sushi, or anything other than selling just the unprepared fish. Sure, there are restaurants down the street, but they are rather upscale and overpriced and not conducive to a single person who just wants to hang out next to the ocean and grab a taste of it after talking with the fish mongers about how the catch is doing this time of year.

You would have to pay at least 3000 JPY for that here in California even though I live 5 minutes from the ocean.

>> No.12273319
File: 156 KB, 1300x1133, XEABjwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating in a restaurant in Japan is actually pretty affordable, compared to the US. Not including certain things like kaiseki. But you can get quality yakitori for ~130 yen a stick, or a big bowl of udon (image related) or curry rice for ~700 which is basically an entire meal even to an American stomach.

>> No.12273356

Which ones are some easy ones for a beginner?

>> No.12273362

I want to try takoyaki so bad, I love octopus. I have no way to get it though here in the US.

>> No.12273397

I've had takoyaki in NYC, I'd imagine you could find it in most major cities.

>> No.12273570

I had some last summer in Osaka. Was quite good.

>> No.12273797

You think you have it tough? I'm a vegetarian. I honestly don't know how vegetarians would survive out there, it's the only reason why I don't live there by now.

I come in these thread for food ideas so I can cooking vegetarian or vegan version of these dishes.

>> No.12273892

>You think you have it tough
>While you cannot eat certain food types due to intolerances from your body meaning you basically can't eat it ever I have it worse by making the CHOICE not to eat meats.
>My life is suffering, truly

Yeah, fuck off fag.

>> No.12273923

>tfw you don't know how to cook anything

>> No.12273956

I can't imagine how you can't think of ten vegetarian dishes to rotate.

>> No.12274614


Whats the in the pic?

>> No.12274686

there is an entire vegetarian branch of japanese cooking called shojin ryori. how not very hard are you looking?

>> No.12274689

beef curry udon. had potatoes in it as well.

>> No.12274770

God dammit, all this food looks so disgusting.
Fucking japs, just as bad as the chinks.

>> No.12274772

what kind of food do you like?

>> No.12274795
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Japanese man making noodles.

>> No.12274821

What is the japanese woman doing?

>> No.12274854

Stuffing noodles up a tied down woman is a custom i Japan.

>> No.12274880

You are hooked on the MSG.

Fun Fact: MSG is also in a lot of other junk food to hide bad quality products. ヽ( ´∀`)ノ It has nothing to do with getting fat, but it does mean that with enough MSG sprinkled on you would literally eat shit.

How kowai, shit eata-san.

>> No.12274922
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>> No.12274927


>> No.12274938
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Flowers in Japan.

>> No.12275129
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>> No.12275203

I think I just gagged

>> No.12275285
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Most of CWD's vids are quite advanced, considering the ingredient composition and all the cookware they use. So getting that authentic cuisine would take some effort but I am sure the results would be worth it. The only time I would attempt one of their recipes is if I were having guests over.

You could, however, make カレーライス (curry rice). They sell the dried curry that you can mix with water. First, you cook some meat in a frying pan then add the veggies when the meat is mostly cooked. When the veggies are tender, you then add the curry and let it simmer for a few minutes. Last, you just put half the plate with rice and the other half with the curry. You now have kure raisu!

You can order some curry mix here:

>> No.12275299
File: 48 KB, 780x502, Bsv9NQqCQAA9v0v.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blind Japanese man making noodles.

>> No.12275535

>You will never taste all flavors of Kit Kat

>> No.12275580

pizzas! hotdogs! hamburgers!

>> No.12275812
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>> No.12276390

I've seen omurice with a sauce like that before, but it might also be tenshinhan.

Here's an omurice video that uses sauce (near the end of the video):

And here's a tenshinhan recipe from Cooking with Dog:

>> No.12277098
File: 38 KB, 452x408, 1404306414552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude but I want something more japanese than curry rice I've made it before.

>> No.12277109
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You're not supposed to be the one making the curry.

>> No.12277158

WTF, who want to eat that... so gross

>> No.12277179

Dunno what to tell you, I just buy stuff at the asian grocer and make food out of it. For example, make a small roux, then cook some dry rice noodles in that roux. It's good, and it uses Japanese ingredients.

>> No.12277258

What a moron. What is he doing! He needs to hurry up and retire and let his son take over the business already.

>> No.12277379
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>> No.12277415


Why is everything raw?

>> No.12277435

the only raw things in that image are the grapes and whatever that yellow fruit is

>> No.12277594
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Shitty Japan-hater again.

>> No.12277775

that's me in the pic

>> No.12278324
File: 376 KB, 3264x1840, 2MLkKZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade omurice.

>> No.12278403

>ketchup and rice with eggs
subhuman animals

>> No.12278447

looks like you don't know how good omelette tastes with light sour stuff (the vinegar-type of "sour"), i usually prefer pickled onions/cucumbers to my omurice

>> No.12278553

looking at these pics all i see is
>white rice
>white bread
there is literally no fiber in the japanese diet or what
how do they shit right?

>> No.12278565

What foods will make you shit right?

>> No.12278593

You speak like everything green in every single picture isn't fiber.

>> No.12278595 [DELETED] 

steel cut oats br/fit/h

>> No.12278596

I don't touch vegetables and never have problems. Fibre is useless.

>> No.12278620
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Pigmhall thread

>> No.12278659
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how do people manage this?
Anytime I eat white rice or white bread w/o some brown rice mixed in and no veggies I spend an hour on the shitter. Do i need to see a doctor?

>> No.12278690

If you aren't exaggerating, yes you should go check a doctor. Your stomach/digestion sounds weak.

>> No.12278698

Go see a doctor. I do not think your stomach bacteria are all that healthy.

>> No.12278709

Are you sure you're not gluten intolerant or some shit like that?

>> No.12279062
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>> No.12279088


Do it anon, I spent 11 years of my life with constant diarreah, and I still can't eat much fiberless food without shitting gehenna. I'm glutenintolerant, but I use a bacteria-flora called Probiozyme that helps the flora in my bowels grow back again after 11 years of constant damaging. I still can't eat food without fiber without getting "next-to-fluid" shit

>> No.12279217

Did someone attempt suicide with that?

>> No.12279814

It's not diarrhea. It's the opposite. straining to get out pebbly little constip-nuggets.

>> No.12279866

name a place where that isn't the case

>> No.12279888

Just noting that no one responded to you but me.

>> No.12281186

I'm afraid of Japanese dishes because raw egg and meat scares me. Though I've heard that illnesses derived from them are really only prominent in the west because of something involving our cleanup methods meddle with something that kills stuff like salmonella. Am I talking nonsense or has anybody else heard something similar?

Even if none of that were an issue, it's a huge texture issue for me. Runny eggs and raw meat/fish kicks up my gag reflex. Nothing to do with flavor. I wish it didn't.

>> No.12281194

I wish one day I could try some Japanese ramen. The only Japanese food I ever had was sushi

>> No.12283343
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Left: the rice made by bad rice cooker.
Right: the rice made by good rice cooker.

>> No.12283365

Both: overcooked

>> No.12283380

They look the same too me.

>> No.12283467

o really huh they arr rook same too you??? racist

>> No.12283475

Eh I'm chinese though

>> No.12283550

What's the key to making perfect rice, sensei? I rinse my rice before cooking, add an equal amount of water, and cook completely with the lid on, but still get rice that seems undercooked. Teach me your ways!

Also, what's the best condiments? I like to use aji nori.

>> No.12283553

add more water then.

>> No.12283564

Time for a new thread guys.

>> No.12285015

Actually i do, i like some japanese (ramen, fried chicken, etc) food but in my country (peru) you eat fried chicken and pure beef meat all the time, and maybe some fish meat.

But when you see that they eat anguilas, fish heads, snails, big fish semen and other stuff; i would be fucking afraid in going to japan and not knowing what im eating.

And im going in september, i love japan but im afraid of their food.
