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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12257183 No.12257183 [Reply] [Original]

If you're bored and want to pick up a new, deep domain of knowlege, look into Touhou Project. It's a doujin bishoujo bullet hell shooter with a ton of cute girl characters from various varieties of supernatural beings. Its doujinshi manga and fanart continues to crowd events like Comiket. Now, it looks like a downloadable English version is in the works.


>> No.12257310

Erio, please do something.

>> No.12257316
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Oh gosh, why.

>> No.12257323

I... I don't know what to say about this, given the location this is being posted and the fact that we knew all this about 12 years ago.

>> No.12257344
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zun used to be a gaijin hater right? what happened?

>> No.12257384

Maybe he realized that the overseas market can be really profitable.

>> No.12257441

Pecunia non olet.

>> No.12257444

Sorry, I'm not into nerd shit like video games.

>> No.12257572

Had sprog, needs more spondoolicks.

>> No.12257703


>> No.12257788

What episode is this face from

>> No.12257801

> deep domain of knowledge
Trolls aren't even trying anymore

>> No.12257806

We already had a thread for this.

>> No.12261293
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>> No.12261295

He never was, heck he even introduced stuff like Marisa changing her style to that of a western witch and then there is all of the scarlet devil mansion

>> No.12261303

Eh, could be worse.
At least he isn't advertising it as some kind of epic anime game with lots of porn like 90% of articles I read about touhou

>> No.12261314

It won't be so bad.
Too many people in the West only know Touhou because of the porn. ZUN himself even said awhile ago that the one thing he wants for the international community is to not know Touhou for the porn and that's why he's sketchy about 18+ material leaving Japan.
Lo and behold, that's exactly what most Westerners know Touhou from.

At least this way more people will be familiar with the games and canon content.
And I doubt they will flood /jp/, there will be touhou generals on /vg/ and /v/ that will keep them out. /jp/ will always be too autistic for the average person.

>> No.12261326

>/jp/ will always be too autistic for the average person

Then why is /jp/ so shitty?
It's too late

>> No.12261327

There are more otaku in South America than in all of Anglosphere + Japan combined

>> No.12261397

ZUN is really dedicated to "preserving doujin culture", and basically only ever shuts stuff down for being un-doujin.

He didn't really realise how big the overseas fanbase was until recently, and was horrified at how much people had to pay to get their hands on the games. "Sold at a low price" is a central part of Touhou's *identity* for him.

>> No.12261401

>horrified at how much people had to pay to get their hands on the games

You can't get cheaper than free.

>> No.12261455


touhou is all i know, please don't disrespect it

>> No.12261457 [DELETED] 

>At least he isn't advertising it as some kind of epic anime game with lots of porn like 90% of articles I read about touhou
But that's exactly what it is.

>> No.12261520

How is porn epic?

>> No.12261633

touhou is so goddamn predictable. Otacool culture is predictable.

>> No.12263696

It either means that /jp/ will be flooded by new people or that talking about 2hu moves to the boards you named and becoming bannable in /jp/.
Either way, I have a bad feeling about this.

>> No.12265709 [DELETED] 

Both of these things have been happening for the past four years.

>> No.12265717

I find out about this as I'm preparing to go to Japan. I was planning to buy Touhou games and stuff while there.
Out of curiosity, where would be a good place to pick up the Touhou games while I'm in Tokyo? Lets say around Akihabara?

>> No.12265894


>> No.12265941

White Canvas in Akihabara is full of Touhou shit.

>> No.12266058

Yes but touhou hasn't moved to other boards. That would be more critical than the other topics wandering off.

>> No.12267376

Yes it has, there are daily Soku threads on /v/ and plenty of people that have /jp/-esque conversations about Touhou characters ("Marisa a cute!!!"). Oh, and don't forget LE HONK CAT.

>> No.12267390

But all the shitposters moving on to /v/ is a good thing

>> No.12267398

/jp/ has pretty much kicked all of its own topics out of /jp/. There was a time when if you told /jp/ one day it wouldn't be the board for TYPE-MOON and Rance everyone would have called you a retard.

>> No.12267424

If all the shitposters left /jp/ there would be no-one left.

>> No.12267435
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Delete this shitty thread already, holy hell.

>> No.12267441
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>> No.12267445

They're the only one keeping the lights on, seeing as how everyone else already left.

>> No.12267478

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.12267762

Why is otaku culture news worth deleting?

>> No.12270204

Still relevant.

>> No.12270840

cute pic dude

>> No.12270893

If Touhou ever gets a Steam release, /jp/ probably will be gone for good.

>> No.12273149 [DELETED] 

Not to mention people from those threads have bleed over into /jp/.

>> No.12273151

Not to mention people from those threads have bled over into /jp/.

>> No.12273155

Man, I really wanted to fuck that blue haired autist. Or at least take a big wiff out of her butt.

>> No.12273270

Why? She looks gross.

>> No.12273449

Don't talk shit about my waifu you cis scum

>> No.12273469

Episode 2.

>> No.12273744

Agreed. It would probably migrate to /v/ and /vg/, where it will prosper in a condensed form, just like T-M does on /a/.
Without anything left, /jp/ will finally die. It's about time.
