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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 388 KB, 1280x720, ordering coffee in japan involves a lot of katakana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12236234 No.12236234 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12228207

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12236317

Who is your favorite eroge voice actor?

Mine is Kiritani Hana

>> No.12236328

Generally Hazuki Sakura, except her 'deeper' roles.
Haruka Sora as of late too and I've always liked Imai Asami.

>> No.12236330

Hazuki Sakura.
Which "deeper" roles?

>> No.12236333

大波こなみ, followed by 桃也みなみ.

>> No.12236339

Kazusa from WA2, I liked the voicework but didn't like the voice itself. I guess the lower I can go is Wakoto from LC2/Rea from DI.
I really like Kawashima Rino's depeer roles on the other hand.

>> No.12236358

1. Tanaka Ryouko
2. Mizusawa Kei
3. Mizuhashi Kaori

>> No.12236363

Kiritani Hana and Kawashima Rino are two of the few I like enough to bother remembering their names.

>> No.12236376
File: 189 KB, 1024x576, Marlene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of my favorite characters, both VN and animu, are voiced by Mizuhashi Kaori. Pic related.

>> No.12236379

Poor Marlene, her route was NTR'd by a boy.

>> No.12236394

Only the fighting part, and it couldn't be helped. I'd rather not see her fight physically, anyway, she's suffered enough.

>> No.12236395

Misono Mei is pretty consistently pleasant.

>> No.12236399

I lika kana hanazawa

>> No.12236401

神村ひな needs more roles.

>> No.12236408
File: 378 KB, 1280x720, ev018a00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bothersome Bunny Black 3 rpg part is? After I masturbated furiously for some hours straight after finding her and grey-haired girl with horns CGs I kinda want to play it now, but I'm no good at grinding.

>> No.12236412

She really does.

>> No.12236432

It's tedious in the beginning, but if you know how to build your team you will eventually just start spamming the auto-button even on bosses.

>> No.12236449

I really like her yayayaya~ in Clover Day's.
By the way the one who voiced Shin in Karumaruka is a new seiyuu right? Can't find her other roles.

>> No.12236453

Well, any advice on building my team?

>> No.12236455

I could swear it was Mikasa Okamura/Ai Shimizu.

>> No.12236465

Will ask again since there was no responce last thread. Is there anything significantly new that's been added in the PS Vita version of Senshinkan?
There's a PC port of that coming in September, and I dunno whether I should wait for that or start now.

Hazuki Sakura
Kiritani Hana
Isshiki Hikaru (her Seinarukana voice is awesome)
Hokuto Minami

The latter two don't really do many roles nowadays ;_;

>> No.12236471

No, probably because people complained that Dies and KKK were "Complete Edition" marketing.
They're making a sequel instead.

>> No.12236483

Always make sure to have a healer in the party, keep the mages and ranged units on the back row to make them take less damage.

In bunny black 2 the protagonist could be upgraded with an ability that basically ended a fight in 1 turn and hit the entire field, not sure if it still applies in 3.

>> No.12236491

I'm 100% positive it's not Shimizu Ai.

>> No.12236512

Good to know, will get started on it soon then. Thanks.

>> No.12236639


>> No.12236643


>> No.12236645

Why did they release it? Did someone upload it to Share or something?

>> No.12236649

Perfect Dark, oddly enough.

>> No.12236650

erection at 110%

Good art, good voice cast, and hopefully a decent story.

Good choices. I love seiyuu to the extent that I base most of the heroines I like on how much I like their voice.

>> No.12236661

Kiritani Hana (She got a main role in zankyaku terror, maybe she will stop being vns soon ;_;)
Asakawa Yuu

I like Tanaka Ryouko, but to a lesser degree, though her Neon is the best voice acting I've heard on a vn.

>> No.12236662
File: 866 KB, 800x600, CG000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, the delivery of this line.

fuck yes shota mage, you are the best anatagonist ever.

>> No.12236671

Does he get h-scenes?

And was this on purpose?

>> No.12236675

Quite a few, yeah.

And it wasn't on purpose, guess it makes for a bit of a funny typo in these regions.

>> No.12236805
File: 79 KB, 947x592, capture_040_01072014_223616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys use the PLUS+MOSAIC patch in Eden*? And if so, did you find it to be worthy at all? From what I can get, it only adds h-scenes, but I haven't read any Minori title before so I don't know if their H stuff is good or not.

>> No.12236838

I don't think it's worth for eden, considering the history and you can probably finish in one sitting, the h-scenes will hinder the pacing. That said, they are good.

>> No.12236841

I remember hearing that the scenes have different voice actors from the main game for some heroines so I didn't install it myself. Though without it there's one scene of a girl is swimming in the lake with a bikini on and she acts all flustered when the protagonist sees him, which was a bit weird. I suppose that scene and possibly some others get turned into nude versions. I don't know if the H-scenes are accessed apart from the main game or if the protagonist canonically fucks all the girls.

The H-scenes in ef were good though.

>> No.12236843
File: 874 KB, 1024x597, maya2, where are you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone here got to read the trial of the new toneworks? I've tried by the time they released it and yesterday but couldn't get pass the block. It was interesting?

>> No.12236854 [DELETED] 


>> No.12236860

Er... are you okay? Why do you say that?

>> No.12236867 [DELETED] 

Look at the yuri shit on the cover, why do they have to ruin my games?

I fucking loved hatuukoi 1/1 and now they pull this shit, I'm fucking mad.

>> No.12236870
File: 542 KB, 1280x720, Noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... so, you are judging it by the cover? Okay.

>> No.12236871 [DELETED] 

You can clearly see the yuri, locked heroines everywhere.

>> No.12236872

>the new toneworks
Why do people do this? The new toneworks, the new giga, the new empress. VNs aren't 4channers, they have names.

>> No.12236875

When VN is unknown to people it is better to name the company that makes it due to brand recognition. <random title here> is far less attention getting than the new liar-soft for example.

>> No.12236878

That would apply to /vg/, perhaps.

>> No.12236880

It's still yuri shit.

>> No.12236885

That's a pointless discussion, and you're wrong. Even if I had come here and said 星に願いを。キミとsずっといられますように, or whatever the abbreviation is, I doubt the same amount of people would get as new tone works.

>> No.12236886

But a picture of it was posted too. We're not bakas. And if you are asking people if they read the trial, surely the people that read it would know the name.

>> No.12236891



It's still yurishit, who cares, dump it in the trash and move on

>> No.12236892

You guys can bicker about the most unimportant stuff.

>> No.12236894
File: 48 KB, 200x200, rtr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it no one played or they just wanted an excuse to argue ;_;

>> No.12236895

>That's a pointless discussion, and you're wrong.
Noice argument, m八. If the game is from a known company, it's known, otherwise the company isn't, you know, known. Even if someone is out of the loop, a quick search can help. You're just being silly, and being obstinate about being silly.

I don't even care, yo. I'm not the one you were arguing with.

>> No.12236897

Considering one of them is using an /a/ meme of unreasonably hating on yuri, probably.

>> No.12236900


I don't know what the other guy is going on about, but there's zero yuri in this game.
I played the trial and enjoyed it a lot. All the girls are extremely cute in their own ways. This is coming from someone who can't stand moege.

Going from left to right:

Touko - Hmm... personality is hard describe. Sort of whimsical like Maya from Hatsukoi 1/1 but doesn't make fun of the MC relentlessly.

Rikka - Quiet girl. Plays the piano. Acts distant but warms up pretty quickly. Kinda like Kazusa from WA2 but a lot less tsun.

Natsuki - Genki girl. Pokes fun at MC a lot. Cross between Maya and Pizza Girl from Hatsukoi 1/1.

Sora - Doesn't speak much. Likes looking at stars. Reminds me of Yuki from Haruhi but way less robotic.

Marika - Childhood friend like the childhood friend from Hatsukoi 1/1. Pretty obvious from the start she wants MC's dickings.

Misa - Yasashii senpai. Oujousama. Future oceanography major. But that's okay I guess since she's rich.

>> No.12236902

That's not the name of the game. I imagine the real reason you said Toneworks instead of the title is because you don't know what the title is.
It's not yuri.

>> No.12236903

They actually look pretty fun. Maybe I'll give it a try later on.

>> No.12236911

Thanks anon. It's the only game I'm looking forward next month, aside nukigeishs Change and Fraternite. Too bad the worst character design have the best personality though.

>> No.12236912

It's not a meme, it's how I feel. Don't invalidate my opinion just because you don't agree with it.

Touko - Lesbian
Rikka - Lesbian
Natsuki - Lesbian
Sora - Lesbian
Marika - Lesbian
Misa - Lesbian

It looks like fucking yuri to me.

>> No.12236917

I don't care what it looks like to you. You can go to the website and see there is a male protag and H scenes with him. Quit shitposting.

>> No.12236927

That might be so but that doesn't mean all of them aren't lesbians.

>> No.12236937

I forgot to mention the h scenes were also hot as hell. Definitely a must play for me next month.

>> No.12236950
File: 122 KB, 960x540, hoshiori_aftercg03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell they posted after cgs at website's gallery? for making sure that all of them have good ending to customers? Also why the hell while other heroine's after cgs about getting married or having child this one seems like slut?

>> No.12236953

Obviously it was to assure everyone that they weren't lesbians.

>> No.12236999

I haven't played the trial as I don't read trials due to personal preference, but I've been closely following it since its announcement, and it's probably my most anticipated title for this year, assuming they deliver on even half of the stuff they've said about it, and very high budget moege are always nice.

>> No.12237063

Yup, my taste is predictable.

>> No.12237069

I almost forgot to mention Misato Fukuen, goddamn.

>> No.12237094

1. Touno Soyogi
2. Kazane
3. Kaibara Erena

>> No.12237111

Aoyama Yukari as always loyal

and Tono Soyogi >> voice with breath?

Play hapymea you can have both, Maia and Saki

>> No.12237128

Can anyone tell me where I can get a decent torrent for Asairo.
Only one I found (http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=259537)) is pretty shit.

>> No.12237131

Kevin Spicy.

>> No.12237135
File: 188 KB, 816x659, Asairo 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copy and search the torrent name in google then add those tracker from different site (especially chinese torrent)

>> No.12237149

Just finished Koiiro Marriage. Damn, there's a ton of sex in it. Moege these days are turning into sex fests, borderline nukige.

I guess sex sells?

>> No.12237155

Moenukige are all the rage these days. Personally I'm fine with it as long as they don't skimp on the moe.

>> No.12237180
File: 57 KB, 819x614, 1c62c869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is JOKER as bad as it looks? I'm almost tempted to read it just for laughing at the writing.

>> No.12237220

Thanks for the advice but I still can't get any seeds. Might just leave it for afew days and see if any appear.
I didn't think Asairo would be difficult to get, seems pretty popular.

>> No.12237263

Lovesick puppies also has lots of h IIRC. I don't mind really, more fap material is always welcome ass long they keep the story in line.

>> No.12237277

I only care when it eats up the amount of "normal" CGs. Sadly, this seems to be the trend recently.

>> No.12237290
File: 1.44 MB, 1279x727, daito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it always like that? Even moege with 3-4 H-scenes sometimes has more H-cg than the normal one.

>> No.12237326

That depends, really. If they make a h-scene with 2 cg I'm okay with it, but having motherfucking 8 h-scene per heroine is too absurd, they're skipping entire ichaicha or story, just "today we are having sex,and tomorrow we will have sex again,and ofc we will just have sex the day after too" boring for me. I mean I cant even fap all of them and if I'm not fapping h-scenes became tortune for me.

>> No.12237438

Considering how bad Reminiscence was overall, Kaito side of the story was surprisingly good.
Now time to read Remi 2.

>> No.12237457

Someone has a torrent that works for Eiyuu Senki?

>> No.12237466

There are torrents with plenty of seeds on nyaa my friend.

>> No.12237474

Do you even google?
http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=127808, 10 seeders should work.

By the way i got nothing better to do and made vndb account. Anyone care to rate my taste?

>> No.12237476

I only see one with 10 (and I doubt his credibility) and the other are from GOLD.

>> No.12237487

Why would a torrent with 10 seeds not work? And what do you mean their credibility, it's girlcelly.
And if you can't find a torrent on nyaa where else do you think there would be a torrent with more seeds?

>> No.12237488

>Anyone care to rate my taste?
Extra shit taste.
Only one good game within 9-10, moege with 10/10 scores and overall too many moeges and english-translated titles.
Go read someone actually good like Shumon, Jackson or Hino.

>> No.12237505

>Anyone care to rate my taste?

I rather not, whatever floats your boat.

Starting Semiramis, will be reading in parallel of Reminiscence Re:Collect - I want to see if the writing lives upto the description of MC getting corrupted and hopefully despair. I can hope, right?

>> No.12237514

Ye gods... I don't normally say people have shit taste just because their opinions differ from my own, but your taste simply baffles me.

>> No.12237516

Girlcelly is credible.

But... what's wrong giving moege 10/10. Hino? His works is boring shit,i dropped comyu after played the brown haired girl route. Chuuni isn't for me.

>> No.12237518

>Hino? His works is boring shit,i dropped comyu after played the brown haired girl route
Why do I have this strong belief you played ixwrecked version?..

>> No.12237519

Not him, but If a VN is boring, no amount of prose can help. I haven't read Comyu myself, though.

>> No.12237520

Sure Comyuu isn't as fun as Hello Lady or Ruitomo, but its definitely less "boring" than Clover Days and other utterly generic stuff he rated 10/10.

>> No.12237524

Is it okay to play Kaito side in Remi2 before main story?

>> No.12237525

Just started reading Semiramis. I'm not very far in but it seems well made, so I think it has some promise of being good.

>Anyone care to rate my taste?
I don't want to say it is bad, but, well I don't really understand it. Why are games like Clover Day's and Islenauts a 10 and a 9? Why is Little Busters a 9 while Clannad is a 4?

>> No.12237527
File: 231 KB, 336x460, Jiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll pay for that remark anon.
Not him, but if someone not into superpower shit they will find Hino works boring.

>> No.12237530
File: 342 KB, 1600x1200, This is madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second ruitomo is better than comyu, the first one isn't. Also, while HL had the best MC by a huge margin Akihito wasn't bad too, on the other side Kagome and Gasai are better heroine/antagonists by a huge margin compared to their counterparts in HL.

>> No.12237531

>but if someone not into superpower shit

Why read them in the first place if you know you arn't going to enjoy it?

>> No.12237532

I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.12237535

Nevermind me then.

>> No.12237538

Late reply, but iirc the extra patch scenarios are seperated from the main game. No H in main scenario.

>> No.12237545

Well just say it's shit like others. I dropped Clannad because the pace feels slow and it's boring. Yeah i dropped boring shit because vn should be something i enjoy, not a chores.

I won't say much about why i rated Clover 10. To put it simple, i enjoyed all of the route and i loved all of the heroines.
Because i was curious.

>> No.12237553

There is no Kaito side.
He only appears in the After story of Ren.
I'm rather buttmad about it because the opening made it seem as if there would be two protagonists.

>> No.12237555

Rin story = Kaito side. Can't really call it "afterstory" since there was no "before", only short omake.

>> No.12237594

People who like Ruitomo and Hino in general should go read Ruitomo Plus, it's great

>> No.12237596

Hino's work won't be boring if you like good writing in general

>> No.12237660

I'm kinda new to VNs but that looks like a middle schooler wrote it.

>> No.12237685

It doesn't look too different from the average vapid moege to me.

>> No.12237690
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But isn't it supposed to be "scenario"-ge? That makes it even worse.

>> No.12237693

Actually, I'd say it's pretty unique, for better or for worse.


>> No.12237698

Is this for real? Did the writer hate the project he was assigned to and wrote like this for laughs?

>> No.12237700 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a traumatic experience.

>> No.12237705

Sounds like a traumatic experience.

>> No.12237727


What the fuck.

>> No.12237736

You guys just aren't cultured enough to appreciate the masterful writing that JOKER delivers.

>> No.12237739


>> No.12237745


Can't you read the content of the picture? Or is that normal for you?

>> No.12237747

Looks like typical case of graphomania. There's plenty of english authors who write like that and even manage to get published.

>> No.12237748

What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.12237751

EOP, pls.

>> No.12237753
File: 243 KB, 1298x765, WA__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Kanon
Currently playing WHITE ALBUM Tsudzurareru Furu no Omoide and Reminiscence Re:Collect

>> No.12237757
File: 683 KB, 1280x720, capture_047_12062014_162107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Anon, you were just quoting the filename so it's no wonder that other people would get confused and think you somehow found something funny with name of the picture, not the actual content.

>> No.12237759

I thought you were trying to say something about the filename, somehow relating it to the picture instead of the content of the picture itself. Brain problems I guess.

>> No.12237797

Didn't see this posted yet:

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2014年07月版)

Quite a few heavy hitters this month

>> No.12237806
File: 190 KB, 789x741, 1371386103025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard that Elf has broke up. Why did staff leave company, any details on what happened?

>> No.12237813

Busy month for me. Astralair, fraternite, qualia, yumemirai and maybe the new parasol and escalayer remake.
Also change as long as it's not yuri-only.

>> No.12237817

>Elf has broke up
B-but muh netorare

>> No.12237818

They looked back to their portfolio and saw that one day they made yu-no, ashiyuki2 and then they looked to their most recent titles and saw that those games just got worst and worst with the time, especially the last one, so they decided to let it die because they were just shitting on their own (producers) image.

>> No.12237832


>> No.12237837

He looks just like Celica in the past.

>> No.12237845
File: 19 KB, 568x479, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, no Elf All Stars Datsui-Jan 4 then.

>> No.12237846

How is the magic element in Semiramis? I'm in the mood for some decent drama, so I want to avoid magic chuuni battles for the moment.

>> No.12237925

daizenji has a pretty evilish face, but she's so moe

>> No.12237932
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, b4887b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think it looks even worse.

>> No.12237943 [SPOILER] 
File: 512 KB, 1280x720, 1404314991614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12237944

It has a couple of insane girls. So if you in it give at least a little shot.

>> No.12237948

I'm still going through her route but that may be the best thing Kinugasa has ever written

>> No.12237977

I hate insane girls.

>> No.12237983

I'll try it at one point, then. It's scary how they had the courage to sell this for 9.000, though.

>> No.12237989

Seriously, it's kind of long and building up to something great.
Even Kazuha's route managed to escape somewhat the staple ending, despite the placement of the ed song. I was surprised.

>> No.12238066

Anyone knows the secret code for セミラミスの天秤?

>> No.12238074

I want lots of magic chuuni battles what should I play?

>> No.12238079


>> No.12238089

I mean serious battles not joking lel fake battles.

>> No.12238094

I have one Sedulitatem-uralis-vitiosus-subvertit-evangelizare or a different last one.
Got it from just trying, I don't know if there are more.

>> No.12238101

Wait what codes? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12238102

Doesn't work for me.

>> No.12238104

Contrarie-epilepsiam-sitiosus-subvertit-hostis works too.

The hollow of enkidu thing, enter codes and it seems there are changes to the routes, I don't know what.

>> No.12238107

Your loss

>> No.12238110

Change the evagelizare for hostis.

>> No.12238113

This doesn't work for me either, I guess it's different per user.

>> No.12238115

Honestly, if you keep trying you are bound to find one in less than 10 minutes.

>> No.12238125

Only if you're lucky.
What does it do anyway?

>> No.12238131
File: 141 KB, 1276x718, semiramis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't particularly informative. That said, the code changes randomly within a group, so there are probably 4-5+ correct codes per game.

>> No.12238359

>I don't want to say it is bad, but, well I don't really understand it.

Wow, says the guy who gave Rou-Kyuu-Bu PSP a 10.

>> No.12238377

What's the problem? Delicious lolis

>> No.12238380

I didn't realize Semiramis no Tenbin has been uploaded. Downloading at the moment, I hope it isn't too hard and I'll be able to understand at least most of it. By the way, the file seems rather small. Is it just developed properly and not bloated with useless shit or something? I'm used to 7+ GB moege releases, a little bit more than 2 GB is quite refreshing.

>> No.12238384

Extracted it's about 3.80gbs, good compression saves lives.

>> No.12238540
File: 145 KB, 1276x718, suzuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the main route of re:collect. It was pretty great, the plot was good, it had a proper resolution and Suzuka was moe as hell and properly felt like an empress, which many games fail to do and just make them moeblobs.
Definitely enjoyed, even if I expected things to get a lot worse, left me wanting to see a proper war between cities or a civil war in Yamato. Nonetheless it was good.
Only plan to read Ren after this who seems to have a proper route and done.

>> No.12238590
File: 1.12 MB, 1264x672, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still pretty much at the beginning, but until now all my high expectations are met. Seems like Kinugasa even learned to write proper endings from what I can see ITT.

I just hope Kazuha doesn't turn into a blushing moeblob once she gets dere.

>> No.12238610

Kazuha has no dere, at least one she shows normally, she's incredibly kuu the whole time and moves to tsun instead of dere unless it's a sex scene.
About the endings, could be better, but at least they main route wasn't like the original all over again.

>> No.12238620 [DELETED] 

I love her look so so much. I'll have to get starting on the AnG trilogy first though.

>> No.12238626

I love her look so so much. I'll have to get started on the AnG trilogy before reading this + the prequel, though.

>> No.12238680

could it mean something??

>> No.12238795


>> No.12238805

When is it used?

>> No.12238834

Are there any VNs where you don`t actually have a name and they just call you `you` or whatever, I mean different then games where you name the protag. Like you actually have no name.

>> No.12238837

I think you can do that in To Heart.

>> No.12238840


The protag of 娘姉妹 was unnamed, I think.

>> No.12238843


>> No.12238934

That one is obviously not a serious vote.

>> No.12238997
File: 342 KB, 1296x752, 8oVuXkv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Orietta love?

>> No.12238998

Why would you give Katawa Shoujo 3? It's a masterpiece.

>> No.12239008

We know you and OP are the same person anon.

>> No.12239012

I actually lost internet over the weekend and just got it back last night, so no, it's not me.

>> No.12239014

I don't know who this bitch is but retards spamming her sure is getting annoying.

>> No.12239017

>3 posts

>> No.12239018
File: 368 KB, 1296x752, 5hUTucR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty rude to address a princess that way.

>> No.12239019

I have to admit, as much as the incest route gave me moegasms Orietta was best girl.

>> No.12239023
File: 297 KB, 512x288, 1400776867254.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been posted in at least every thread since the game's release, summer-kun.

>> No.12239024

Fucking saved.

>> No.12239027
File: 240 KB, 356x451, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know whether they are the same person or not. Judging from the file name apparently it's not the same person.

>> No.12239029

>at least every thread
She wasn't posted last thread, nor the one before that.

>> No.12239030

That's why I said retards and not retard, retard.

>> No.12239041
File: 276 KB, 1296x752, oriettaumida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magicha's been out for a while. Orietta's only gotten a recent surge of posts because apparently everyone decided to read her route and/or play the game at the same time.

They're imgur filenames, since my own filename system is bland. Usually it's some form of "character name+whatever word in the dialogue sticks out the most".

>> No.12239045
File: 106 KB, 554x439, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, sorry about that. Still, i wouldn't call it spamming. I think you're just being oversensitive like the bitch you are. I see nothing wrong someone posting their favorite character.

>> No.12239048

Nope, OP was me and the only reason I used that picture is because the last thread was minutes from dying and I had nothing better that I hadn't already used.

If the rest of you were more on the ball you wouldn't have to deal with my shitty OP pics.

>> No.12239056

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12239125
File: 112 KB, 804x891, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play or not?

>> No.12239141

Yurishit, avoid at all costs.

>> No.12239147
File: 89 KB, 800x600, swsng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the meaning of the quiz show sound cues near the end of Swan Song? Is the game being sarcastic over the obvious choices?

>> No.12239153


>> No.12239218

Are succubi even allowed to be lesbians?

>> No.12239249

what would you recommend for a HARCORE MUSIC FAN ?

>> No.12239250

It's probably shit. But it's yuri so I'm playing it now.

>> No.12239254

Seems like july will be one of best months of 2014. We have Favorite's new game, Tone work's new game, Qualia, Fraternite and most importantly Märtopia. There is also some normal moeges from Marmalade,Parasol, Whilpool and a new company named as de@r as well. Since I'll look Gigai no Alruna too, I'll have at least 6-7 game for play this month.

>> No.12239261


>> No.12239263

I doubt anything of that will be even comparable to Senshinkan or Hello Lady. Maybe Qualia, but being cheap-ass doujin game, it will definitely lose in terms of presentation.

>> No.12239269

Well I'm also pretty sure there wont be a game at that level, But even if there isn't any 9/10 game, having a couple of 8/10 is a good thing. As a someone who can enjoy moeges it will be a pretty fun month for me.

>> No.12239273

I want to believe

>> No.12239288

Why are you hyped for Märtopia? Did I miss any news about the staff working on it?

>> No.12239297

Yeah, I'm wondering too. All trial reviews on EGS are very negative, esp regarding gameplay elements.

>> No.12239299
File: 491 KB, 800x450, cg03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly for Art, Also I really like those games which have characters from fairy tales as heroines, like hansel - gretel - alibaba etc + the gameplay seems fun. Those three reasons are enough for me I guess.

>> No.12239303

Well shit, I was really looking forward to it.

>> No.12239304

Can't disagree with that. Actually now that I think about it Orietta is few of the rare cases where I personally liked the main heroine the most.

>> No.12239457

Why is it so hard to find vns with good comedy? Some moeges have good heroines, va, art, but it just feel so boring

>> No.12239459

Because comedy is subjective, and Japanese humor is kind of weird.

>> No.12239539

Have you tried Fureraba and Loverable? They are hilarious for me and the characters are moe as hell.
Marmalade and Alcot titles also hilarious for me.

Well, comedy is subjective but i find above games hilarious. Give it a try if you haven't tried it yet.

>> No.12239697

Was there a way to play the trial of hoshiori? No region loader doesn't work.

>> No.12239700
File: 194 KB, 525x743, L2ufJOmTn3Mudbt8yxQjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the trial of Fraternite. There are going to be some spoilers(or is it even considered to be a spoiler if it's all present in demo version), so you are warned.

In short: ended up with a bad impression about it.
The writing is nothing special, literally generic. It's as if clockup picked up the first guy they met and gave him a task to write eroge. Till the end of the trial nothing really happens. I know that it's just an introduction to the characters, but introduction does not necessarily should be this boring. Oh, and about characters. I have not seen such retarted MC in a while. All he does is praise his generic life, everytime there are his thoughts on screen it's always about how it's great to live a normal life. "Wow I'm going with my oneechans shopping it's so fun I hope this days last forever", "Yey I can read manga and talk about it with my friends this generic life is saikou" and so on. This type of characters just asks to get NTR'd, it's like being that nigger in a movie who always dies first, but here it's a guy who always gets NTR'd. I have nothing against hetare characters, but this one is beyond me, I can't call this fucktard human.
Next. Sister of the retard. At first you can sympathize her problem, yeah she is depressed and she wants to die and I guess for a girl of her age she has a pretty solid reason. Yeah, she asks for salvation at some site and here this is understandable too. But when she gets herself a good friend, she start to go out of her room and lead a normal life she still looks for salvation? Why? Salvation from what? Do you even know what you want yourself? Your parents gave you everything and are breaking their backs at work just for you to run around looking for some fucking salvation? This is just ridiculous. And when this bitch went to some shady club the meaning of which her friend can't even express with words I thought I would just punch her through my monitor for her stupidity. This one can't be saved too.

>> No.12239703

Other characters don't get that much screen time so I can't say much about them though I'm pretty excited for what's going to happen between MC and his friend from student council.
In the end I think this one won't turn up anything better than what I have already read from clockup(Eroge, Please Rape Me) and it's my fault for believing the hype of some cool writer doing new work.
Writer is not even on a "fine" level and if he thinks he can pull through with a few crazy twists - well, he is wrong, it never helped Shimokura and I don't think it will work out for him.
It's boring, it's stupid enough to get you raged, it's just another clockup nukige pretending to be story dtiven work. If somebody tries to tell you it's a nice novel - don't believe his lies.
still gonna read it for porn, clockup at least won't fuck up this one

>> No.12239704

>literally generic

>> No.12239709

So you decided to use the spoiler tags for the only part of your post that could never be considered a spoiler?


>> No.12239718

english is not my native so I'm sure there are a lot of badly written parts

>> No.12239726

Filthy EOP here. I used to lurk threads on /jp/ and /vg/ few months ago. /jp/ didn't change that much, /vg/ started discussing untranslated games out of fucking nowhere. Where am I supposed to go now? I used to read some easy and short titles with ITH -> TA -> JParser, but in a long run it's an ordeal so I gave up on that. I wish I had as much time as few years ago, I'd actually try to learn moon. Sorry for blogshit/offtopic, but I'm confused.

Please don't tell me to fuck off to fuwanovel. Even people like me can't stand this amount of cancer.

>> No.12239731

>but in a long run it's an ordeal so I gave up on that.
That's how I learned Japanese mainly, so I'd say if you're interested in VNs, it's something you should consider again.

>> No.12239733

Surely you've run out of decent translated VNs by now, so why do you need a place to go?

>> No.12239742

If you have time to be browsing 4chan, you have time to be learning moon. Don't think that you have to be spending 4 hours every day to get anywhere.

>> No.12239748

Why are there so few games with teacher heroines?

>> No.12239751

>Teacher Heroine (645)
There aren't.

>> No.12239752

There's probably like at least 20 games a year with a teacher heroine.

>> No.12239763

There's like one each month discounting nukiges, I was hoping there would be more.

>> No.12239768

>discounting nukiges
You don't get to be picky when you're looking for something specific.

>> No.12239772
File: 86 KB, 1279x719, fucking pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, alpharom worked. but who the fuck thinks 26ºC is hot?

>> No.12239775

There's greedy, and then there's this.

>> No.12239778

I wouldn't criticize one short trial so much.
I though the writing of story was okay. I hope the writing of sex scenes won't be like euphoria, where narrative tediously explains every detail of everything happening and then characters speak it out too...
>clockup at least won't fuck up this one
Oh well.
Also, nothing to say about visuals or music?

>> No.12239779
File: 952 KB, 1025x576, text_help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Kamidori after two years of putting it off and I installed everything in order. When I get into game the starting text looks fine, but the in-game is scrunched up and there are u's and v's where quotes go. Any advice on what I should do?

>> No.12239781

I wish I had one non-nukige a month with the kind of heroine I want.

>> No.12239783

A barrel roll.

>> No.12239786
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 1350763507024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any advice on what I should do?
I think you know what to do.

>> No.12239803

Actually it turned out to be not as short as I thought it would be.
Visuals are great, this realistic touch feels nice and adds to atmosphere in my opinion. Though we are talking about novels and that's why visuals are just a flavor to what there is to read.
Music, well, BGM's are generic, the most generic you can imagine. Music is present, that's all I can say about it.

>> No.12239804

What do you want?

>> No.12239808

> Any advice on what I should do?
Yes. Go to friggin Kamidori thread in >>>/vg/ and read friggin OP-post there. This is not appropriate place for english VNs.

>> No.12239822

Middle school heroine (preferably with adult protagonist).

Also I want more love triangles or whatever where the other girls get extremely jealous and would destroy friendships with the to get the protagonist. But most of the time it is just you choose a girl and then the other girls give up/disappear/don't confess their love till you enter their route any way..

>> No.12239862

>Middle school heroine (preferably with adult protagonist).
Basically, you want a pedophile?

>> No.12239880

It's not pedophilia if they are in Middle School anon. An example of the kind of heroine/setting I want, is a game like Dame Koi. Unfortunately there are almost no games like that though.

>> No.12239886

Man, even Natsuno Koori thought that relationship was criminal.

>> No.12239927

Pretty much everyone thought that.

>> No.12239952

I think it's been long enough since I first played this that I've forgotten enough so I can play it again.

>> No.12239954

I found it endearing, it was like Suzu's route in chocolat down to the faggot trying to get her, except good.

>> No.12239969
File: 13 KB, 280x300, temp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239971

I gte what you're going for, but pilots announce the landing location temperature itself, not the one around the plane.

>> No.12240048
File: 1.24 MB, 1366x768, totono19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. Where is blood end in Totono that have been promised. WHY AM I GET STUCK WITH STUPID KANPEKI MIYUKI IN HER STUPID ROUT. FUCK.

>> No.12240051

Seriously, the humidity here is so high that any degree past 20℃ is like a 150% hotter than it should be.

>> No.12240054

Your first mistake was reading totono

>> No.12240057

And second what I'm answering to you? Anyway, it's OK experience for newbies.

>> No.12240058

Downloading it would be the first mistake

>> No.12240061

You shouldn't ever touch Totono w/out walkthrough. Now you will have to reinstall it.

>> No.12240079

Oh yeah, I remember how I got stuck in a loop and the only solution I found was on some 2ch thread - to reinstall the game. After somehow finishing it I wrote here some raging review about that shitty piece of a game and my experience with it. There are really only 3 good scenes in a whole game and one of them is even on youtube and it was translated for EOPs, so even if it's your first vn in jp you have no excuse to read that garbage. Watch this and drop it like it's hot

>> No.12240098
File: 105 KB, 297x265, literally worst than the plotholes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop reading what I don't like
>shimokuma is worst than hitler
>it's translated, now those faggets can into my secret club, therefore it's shit

>> No.12240099

Gb2/vg/, pleb.

>> No.12240105

Next level banter.

>> No.12240107

It's really shitty tho

>> No.12240110

>it's translated, now those faggets can into my secret club, therefore it's shit
This was not even implied, I meant that the best scene you can get out of this shit is even in english so anybody can enjoy it and never touch the vn since it's really bad.
If we are on topic about Shimokura then Axanael is at least fun to read though still written like shit.
Still have not finished his Carnevale but this one already feels like it's the best he could make.

>> No.12240134

Remi 2 plot is amazingly retarded.
One week would be more than enough to create shitton of drones with napalm-like armaments and burn down whole Yamato in mere hours. Or, even easier, any kind of neurotoxic gas would do the trick. No matter what weapon they have hidden, preemptive strike with WMD would crush them with almost 100% probability.

>> No.12240138

Suzune's cuteness is too much for my heart. I wish there was h-scenes with her. Oh god, she's so fucking hot.

>> No.12240144

>Still have not finished his Carnevale but this one already feels like it's the best he could make.
It was supervised by 鋼屋ジン and directed by なまにくATK (and kt2 also worked on this) - maybe that's why.
Totono on the other hand was planned and directed by Shimokura himself.

>> No.12240145

>stop reading what I don't like
Isn't this thread made to exchange opinions? It's an opinion, therefore you can agree or disagree, nobody actually gives a fuck.
>it's translated, now those faggets can into my secret club, therefore it's shit
Don't be so butthurt, EOP is mostly a joke right now. Even EOPs describe themselves as EOPs (see: >>12239726), it's not that pejorative.

>> No.12240147

I was watching a TV series and, as always, the 3D romance really made me realize how much better VNs are. What's the purest love story you've seen on a VN?

>> No.12240155

By this logic I can take, let's say, the three way battle in Dies Irae, Ayane vs Kageaki or whatever other scene that you think it's the highest point of an novel you like, translate that and those people who will watch the scene on youtube will have the same experience compared to the people who have read the novel. See? That's your point, just think a little about it.

"Yeah, but those x or y novels are good and have meaningful moments to the whole z hours I've spent reading." Okay, I'm not trying to say that it is a masterpiece or better than x or y, that's not the point, just that isn't as arse shit as you're claiming, I enjoyed it.

Sumaga is his best work.

>> No.12240170

I'll try to steer clear of the connotations of emotional immaturity that "pure" usually carries, and say the chaos route of Gears of Dragoon. Especially the end.

>> No.12240177

Been more than a hundred year since they had to make weapons, they lived in a world free of war for that long

>> No.12240190

They have explosives (explicitly confirmed in Ren route), they know about poisons and toxins, and they have full-fledged AI including battle-oriented instances. Thats more than enough for making kamikaze drones.

>> No.12240213

Using heavy explosives in a geofront in bound for disaster.
The AI are bound by protocol and using them to harm humans would requite a lot of shit to go through.
And you think poison is viable as a pre-emptive attack? Yeah let's gaz a dozen thousand of people

I'm not saying they didn't have way to counter-attack but it's easy to understand why they would be taken aback again the first real enemy they face in more than a hundred year, especially since most people in both Hope or Dream aren't trained at all for this, compared to Yamato.
More than a technological difference, it's the difference in term of determination and intent to fuck shit up that is showcased there, one case you have a group of people who is used to argue and argue and argue to make one decision, in the other side you have Yamato.
That's the biggest difference.

>> No.12240231

> Using heavy explosives in a geofront in bound for disaster.
Thats why its utterly retarded to wait for enemy to move. If you fight on his territory, in worst case, only his geofront will collapse.

Also, Hope representative killed people in past for much lesser reason, Dream representative tortures and kills people without flinching, pharmaceutics guy used explosives to kill people and doesn't care how many people will die at all, kuroyashiki shachou doesn't particularly mind killing as well. This sudden pacifism doesn't fit their characters at all.

>> No.12240235

>What's the purest love story you've seen on a VN?
I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at with such abstract wording but I personally love stuff like Hibiki's Cation games. No bullshit drama or overly long common routes to get in the way, just complete focus on getting to know and having a lovey dovey time with the heroines. Great way to unwind after a story heavy game.

>> No.12240248

>Thats why its utterly retarded to wait for enemy to move
You don't understand they are full kamikaze mode.
They know the risk, they just don't care

Also killing people =/= going to war.
It's not a question of just a few individual, the difference between Hope/Dream and Yamato is that Yamato in its entirety is ready to fuck shit up.
The people living in Hope and Dream in their very great majority are used to living in peace.

This is why they aren't ready to move that easily

>> No.12240270


Isn't Sumaga pretty shit for the first two routes and two of the main girls are annoying and one-dimensional?

>> No.12240284

The sheer suffering of reading this whole thing for a few scenes, do you still think my point is not very clear? I doubt it. Yes, there are a few highest points in totono which I honestly think worth seeing, but they aren't worth reading the whole thing. That's what I said in other words.
Of course if you think the novel wasn't really bad all in all then you won't be able to understand what I'm trying to say here.

>> No.12240310

What's your top 5 VN?

>> No.12240325

nah man, maybe some other time, I have graduated from eng language barely a year ago and have not really read anything that great in jap to brag about it, so my top 5 stays in eng translated things and there is really nothing I can impress you with.

>> No.12240336

That was pretty much what I wanted. I loved LxC2, I'll play the first now.

>> No.12240357

>1.お隣の黒人夫に抱かれて啼き悶える最愛の妻。 その引き換えに味わう黒人妻の肌。 -Big Black Cock & Big Black Butt & My Sweet Wife-
3.Katawa Shoujo

>> No.12240394

>still gonna read it for porn, clockup at least won't fuck up this one

That's a given. The artist is very talented.

>> No.12240408

whats a vn with a really good husky voice actress?

>> No.12240419


>> No.12240423

Would someone mind seeding つくとり for a couple of minutes? My download has been at 99.9% for the past few days and hasn't budged.

>> No.12240425

I might have told you, had you been less of a retard about it. Now I guess you'll never know.

>> No.12240431

also what ever happened to the staff/voice actress thing for vndb? i remember reading a thread for people trying to make some kind of standard but did it never go anywhere?

>> No.12240432

It probably won't happen.

>> No.12240433

Be damned for all eternity, malefactor.

>> No.12240437

Tbh if you can't guess how to yourself, then you probably wouldn't have the knowledge to actually do it yourself either.

>> No.12240451

I don't like the writing either.

>praise his generic life

A generic life it may be but he was relieved considering what happened to Mio. Shopping with them wasn't something he could have done with her a couple of months ago. With a fresh new start it's expected that he'd treasure them. And what the hell was he supposed to do, he knew nothing about Yuka or the reason behind Mio wanting to move; could you blame him for thinking she just wanted a fresh start?

And what the hell was he supposed to do anyway, follow Mio around that first day? It was perfectly normal of him to have grown suspicious when he did.

>she still looks for salvation

Just because her life stabilized somewhat doesn't mean that she's accepted what happened to her, what the fuck man.

>> No.12240459

Are you the one who asked in ask.fm?
I have the game and I can seed it but my version isn't the one on nyaa.
Well I'll see what I can do

>> No.12240467
File: 350 KB, 1907x963, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BITE ME, SUCKERS. Oh god. So blindingly smart it's almost sickening. I'm a god.

>> No.12240472

I want to fuck Celica.

>> No.12240474

Well you figured it out, thus you had the ability to pull it off.

No genius was required - it was more simply a question of whether you had the necessary common sense.

>> No.12240483

[x] checked

>> No.12240484

Good job. I'm very proud of you.

>> No.12240489

Ty, guys <3
No thanks to you.

>> No.12240490

I got mine from bitsnoop, but a lot of torrents of it floating around have the same filename.

If it's where you got yours, I'd appreciate it a lot man (even if it's only for a minute or two). Thank you.

>> No.12240491

We all do

>> No.12240492

D-do you guys buy eroge? I've been opting to play the ports on Vita since I can just get them from PSN, but I've been wanting to build a physical collection for a while now.

>> No.12240493

>D-do you guys buy eroge?

I only buy a hard copy if it's a game i really enjoyed

>> No.12240495

I only own one actual eroge/visual novel. The others are VN/game hybrids on DS or Vita.

>> No.12240499

The file I'm currently seeding, and that works just fine, is also stuck at 99%
Try unraring what you have, it should work

>> No.12240502

I've bought three eroges, but they're all recent, and more of spin-offs. I do plan on buying hard copies of titles I really enjoyed though, it's just a shame they tend to be rather expensive. Having to use proxies doesn't help either.

>> No.12240505

Not really. The only one I own is a translated copy of Saya no Uta I picked up on a whim at a convention.

I've been feeling kind of bad about it lately, so I'm thinking of buying AstralAir. Slightly concerned about what customs would think of the decidedly lewd Yukiyuki tapestry preorder bonus even though I know I probably shouldn't be.

>> No.12240515

Only a couple a year and I have someone I know in Japan send them to me. I tried importing a couple through the usual channels but even single one got opened and wrecked by customs.

>> No.12240520

Do you mean the package got opened, or the actual boxed and sealed game? I'd be so mad if it was the latter.

>> No.12240523

Well that also depends on the country. I've imported dozens of products from japan and all of them got through the toll booth.

>> No.12240530

The actual game was opened. I went 3/3 and gave up since I was mostly ordering for collector reasons.

I've only had the problem with VNs. Console games or bds pass through fine.

>> No.12240533

He was too annoying even considering the reasons he had and he mentioned how much he likes his ordinary life even outside of sister context, him being that much of a peace walker normalfag has nothing to do with sister. The fact that he got suspicious of the overfriendly Yuka and when he followed them really made me respect this fag a bit more, that was kinda unexpected coming from him.
About the salvation I'm not sure she even understands herself what she wants. Even when she is happily preparing a dinner humming something she still is not salvated? Please, stop, she got over it the moment she befriended Yuka and got out of her room and after moving to a new house she started her new life from scratch. There really was no need to continue blabbering this salvation shit. Also going to some shady club meaning of which even her best friend can't explain is totally retarted. She even herself agreed that she doesn't understand what the club is about BUT I BELIEVE IN YUKA. You know, it's completely retarded nukige level crap, there is always a chance your friend might become a hooker or drug addict and he needs to pull you into some kind of problems. I'm still sticking to opinion that Mio is totally braindead, but whatever, it's all opinions. I'm glad somebody could enjoy this, really. For me it's going to be just porn with pretentious story I guess.

>> No.12240538

>The actual game was opened. I went 3/3 and gave up since I was mostly ordering for collector reasons.

This just makes me curious about what game it was and what country you live in,

>> No.12240545

No point at all to buy eroge unless it's special/collectors editions.

>> No.12240565

Tried what you suggested and it works flawlessly, even with the 99.9%. Funny that.

Thanks for the assistance, I'm really looking forward to it.

>> No.12240589

>The actual game was opened.
Wait I kind of don't understand how it works in your country.
Did they just open the package, open the game and send it further to you? Or they tell you that 'your package contained some disturbing sexual exhibition of questionable nature and we will be confiscating it.' ?

>> No.12240605

That was US / California customs, so all you get is the dreaded sticker/tape. From what I've heard they aren't even close to the worst either when it comes to damaging stuff.

>> No.12240693

Just based on the title alone, I am 100% sure Koinaka is game of the year.

>> No.12240751

26°C isn't 涼しい either.

>> No.12240800

As a Baseson fan, I'm only buying their games for support. I have Shin koihime, Moeshouden, Appare and Sengoku koihime. Appare was so suck even a fan like me so I didn't bought the FD.

I'm buying their art books too, gotta keep alive.

>> No.12240813

>Appare was so suck even a fan like me so I didn't bought the FD.

It had a couple of good heroines Echigoya, Mitsuki, Yuka, Hajime and Eimi. It was lackluster overall sadly

>> No.12240814

and Jubei of course. Shame about her not having a route despite it making sense in context

>> No.12240841

I completely agree with it, They made really great heroines, but they couldn't mix the event select thing with common route. At event select part heroine is being ichaicha with mc, even ask him to become her boyfriend, then suddenly it returns to common route and she goes like who the fuck are you kiddo.If it wasn't a baseson game I'm pretty sure I'd drop that instant.

Well at least they fixed this on Sengoku koihime so I'm good.

>> No.12240844

Shit nigga, me too!

>> No.12241059
File: 423 KB, 1678x524, ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to. Most of them were landmines of some sort though.

>> No.12241066

I understand what you're trying to say, but you don't get it, do you? You can't simple take the best scene of any novel, translate it and put on youtube and claim the "worthiness", the point or whatever you want to call it, it will be equal to someone who read the whole novel. No matter which novel is it. No matter how good the novel is. The whole core of your argument is stupid.

And yes, the novel isn't nowhere as bad as you're claiming.

Says who? I personally disliked the president character and kinda agree on the second route (first loop), but the first route and the beginning of the novel is pretty good. Spica, the girl from the first route, is also one of the more popular characters from the series. You probably read an biased comment and took it as truth.

>> No.12241070

When I really like a given title/developer and happen to have the money to do so I do.

>> No.12241097
File: 52 KB, 909x561, tags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to just colour-code the tags. It makes them a lot easier to skim through.

>> No.12241105


I simply ignore them since they're way too arbitrary. I'd prefer they'd add writers/seiyuu instead, but sadly the staff is too pleb for that.

>> No.12241117

Not everything is tagged and not everything is tagged properly, the tag system is kind of useless for the most part.

>> No.12241123

The tagging is just fine if you are a EOP

>> No.12241154

I wish there was a way to PM people on vndb.

>> No.12241166

Still more useful than the tag/POV system at EGS.

>> No.12241175

That doesn't make it any less shitty.
For example let's say I just finished Eien no Aselia, and I want to find more VNs with a princess heroine. So I search that tag. However a lot of the results I get are going to be titles like this http://vndb.org/v4810 It's not tagged as nukige, or really anything, so how am I supposed to filter them in my results?

Or let's say I'm trying to find more games with a fantasy type setting so I search that tag. http://vndb.org/v13265 this game would never come up because nobody has tagged it as fantasy, or medieval, or anything like that for some reason. The heroines too are barely tagged. Tactician heroine, and fighting heroine. That's it. What if I'm searching knight heroine or royal heroine or tsundere heroine or something like that? Again this game would never come up.

So the tag system is essentially useless, if all my searches are going to get me is the most popular games that every one already knows.

>> No.12241180

I prefer the POV system at EGS because people can comment on the POV for the game.

For example, seeing the "comedy" tag in VNDB doesn't really help because I have no idea what type of comedy it means, or how much comedy there is, or how well it is written into the main plot, etc.. The only thing I know is that there is comedy in it. I know the tag has that rating beside it too but it's too ambiguous to be of any help.

For EGS I can just look at the POV comments. It's way more helpful than looking at a number rating that doesn't mean anything to me.

>> No.12241190

One would think you would have learned after TT3.

>> No.12241194

Yeah, I like that you can comment on the tags, but the actual selection of tags available is really bad and most games are tagged about as thoroughly as VNDB, which is to say not very. I dunno, they're both shit in their own ways. I tend to check both plus Getchu when I'm trying to get an idea of what to expect from a game.

>> No.12241369

Any word on the last instalment of the LeyLine trilogy? It's been over a year and I haven't heard any news about it.

>> No.12241409
File: 444 KB, 576x1024, 1401366419876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got posted a while ago. Get hyped for winter.

>> No.12242271

Got bored of Semiramis so now I am playing AngelGuard. I wouldn't call it a good game, but it's refreshing having a different kind of high school setting.

>> No.12242381


I've imported two Swaneye games ( http://vndb.org/v1616 and http://vndb.org/v2748 so you can get an idea of the boxart) but didn't have that problem. Michigan here, though, so maybe it's a california thing?

>> No.12242593

Do you guys know about any games where there's more to a relationship than just love. It's kind of hard to describe, but something like Ekria at the start of verita, Amane in Grisaia,Shizuru after the climax in Noble Works, or Eris in Eustia.

>> No.12242600

Like devotion? Willingness to follow a person forever?

>> No.12242601

I guess something between that and dependency.

>> No.12242604

I find dependency kinda creepy at times. Try Asairo? Maybe gakhtun too? The relationship in that resembles a bit how Ekria develops throughout verita with Celica.

>> No.12242606


>> No.12242608

Official japanese name.

>> No.12242609

Ekuria looks weird and Eclair sounds like dessert.

>> No.12242620

Eclair is an actual name though.

>> No.12242626

It's also how it's not written in japan.

>> No.12242635

I don't care.

>> No.12242648

I just played rewrite, but I am unable to get the oppai ending, and awkwardly it was something I've been looking forward to.

There must be some bug I can't fix. I'm missing a bad end or something, so I can't complete the quest of all bad endings seen. I have read every possible walktrough, but even after completing all mentioned bad ends, the quest isn't completed

If someone has even read rewrite, please help me kind anons, I'm desperate


>> No.12242683

If you aren't feeling like a completionist when it comes to the quests and stuff, then I think that the oppai route has a playthrough on youtube that you could watch instead.

>> No.12242918

Feels like cheating though

>> No.12243059

Just like Macl.

>> No.12243066

Is there something wrong with macl?
It's a fantasy land and it can be pronounced just fine, I fail to see your point.

>> No.12243278

If someone else doesn't make a new thread you're going to end up with another Tsujidou picture.

>> No.12243279

Who cares?

>> No.12243288

>another Tsujidou picture.

Go ahead, unless you want one from 悪の女幹部 フルムーンナイト

>> No.12243313

New thread

>> No.12243325

I was promised a 悪の女幹部 picture

>> No.12243535

I didn't make the thread
