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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 4 KB, 1000x600, 1000px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12221952 No.12221952 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a special connection between Japan & Germany/German language/culture? I've only watched three animes (NGE, Legend of the Galactic Heroes & Brynhildr in the Darkness) and they all have some connection with Germany:

NGE: Asuka is part German/speaks German, German names like Seele,...
LotGH: Galactic Empire is basically the German Empire in Space
BitD: Kazumi is part Austrian/speaks German, German names like Hexenjagd, German writing in the middle of Japan,..

Then there's shit like this:

So what's the deal? Was there some sort pf cultural exchange during WW2 or something (I know anime is pretty big in Germany compared to the rest of Europe), is there another reason, or am I just seeing ghosts here?

>> No.12221955

Do you really want one?

>> No.12221957



>> No.12221959

That's pretty much it. Japan loves Germany because they ran around being unrepentant dicks in WWII.

Also, German sounds cool so they use it when they need fancy foreign-sounding names, kind of like how Latin is used over here.

>> No.12221961

The shows you mention are right-wing oriented so the writer(s) are most probably naziboos. They also think German sounds cool, so same reason why they (try to) use English so much. And remember Japan was part of the axis back in WW2. Other than that, nothing.

>> No.12221967

Germans, and Germany are pretty cool when they're not slaughtering masses by the thousands.

I mean, nobody doubts that the Nazi uniforms are the definition of badass clothing.

In fiction, if you want to imply that a particular doctor/scientist/engineer/soldier is top of his line, you simply need to imply that he's German (ethics and morality notwithstanding).

>> No.12221971

>sort pf
Is OP a joke post?

Oh plus everybody likes classical music and related stuff, which is mostly German. Even people out over in southeast asia.

>> No.12221972

Thanks for the replies guys. Have some more Franzl Lang as a token of my gratitude


>> No.12221973

Brünhilde is from the Niebelungenlieder, an old german tale.
It was made in to an opera by Richard Wagner in the 1800s, who was an anti semite.
I would say they had a love for Germany from reading about WWII.
In Jojos Bizarre Adventure, nazis technically help destroy cars by having built a superior aeroplane, so it is definitely there.

>> No.12221974


No, it was a serious question, and that was a typo

>> No.12221975

Is this the product of our public education system?

>> No.12221976

>The shows you mention are right-wing oriented
No, I am pretty sure they have no particular political opinion that is shown very specifically.
Germany has interesting culture and japanese are interested in that because... well that's how it happened, may be because of WWII.

>> No.12221978

Prussia/ german culture had a lot of influence on japan during the meiji restoration.

If we're talking about pop culture and fashion then france has more of an influence, any thing bishojo or bishonen is heavily influenced by french culture.

>> No.12221979

>which is mostly German

>> No.12221981

Also, most of Disney's films are based on grimm tales.
Bambi is also set in the Black Forest in Schwaben.

>> No.12221987

I can't remember anything specific about the location in Bambi.

>> No.12221989

Close enough, given Germany and all the other European countries got thrown together and Frankenstein-ed out of smaller kingdoms.

>> No.12221992

>Bambi is also set in the Black Forest in Schwaben.
Holy shit, Bambi's dad is fucking Cernunnos.

>> No.12222004
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You can infer the political tendency or stance of a work very easily without them having to spell it out for you if you have any basic knowledge of politics though. In contrast, more liberal or left-wing oriented shows tend to avoid any nationalism or nation glorification at all (ie Utena, Psycho-pass, Sekai Seifuku, etc) or often argues against it (ie Gundam, Gargantia) or even insults it (ie Code Geass, Outbreak Company), and it's not uncommon for them to portrait Nazi-like characters with their obvious German traits as evil (ie Valvrave, KLK).

>> No.12222006

>All the other European countries
Spain, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, England, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Switzerland England, Scotland, Ireland etc.?

>> No.12222015

Evangelion isn't right wing, though.
LoGH is more Rome, by the way,
than the German Empire.
I can see that as the most right wing show,
but most shows just don't have a political stance at all,
and shit like valvrave and KLK is not left wing or liberal, they are just terrible shows with terrible cliched characters.

>> No.12222018

Whatever. This guy >>12221978 sounds right.

>> No.12222027
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It literally is because of WWII and is mainly common amongst older otaku and anime.

These days you usually see half-Americans and all sorts of aspects of American culture in Japanese media with Ameriboo artists.

>> No.12222033

Well there's the whole thing that Germany and Japan were the two "main" axis powers in WW2. They like crazy military shit which is what Germany did often. I'd assume in some way Japan looked up to Germany, starting as a smallish nation and turned into a gigantic superpower during WW2.

Then there's the blond hair blue eyes Aryan thing, and that when it comes to "Big bad" there's just three nations that come to mind. Germany, Russia, and America. All three a different type of "evil" but the most popular would be the the unstoppable empire, which would be Germany's thing, along with that the German language naturally sounds "dominant" or "Imposing".

>> No.12222045

Must be quite a culture shock when geraboos come to visit our country just to see that it's filled with muslims.

Germany isn't the cool badass of europe anymore.
I feel sorry for all these who like this country.

>> No.12222047

True. I get the feeling that this country lost most of it's charm.

>> No.12222049

>Evangelion isn't right wing, though.
That's debatable, but I don't think it's relevant. I guess "conservative" is a better word; you can be conservative or liberal without being explicitly political. I'm using these words as generic terms, not with their American explicit political meaning.

>but most shows just don't have a political stance at all
I'd say iyashi-kei SoLs for example are politics-free shows, but most plot-oriented shows show some world view and with it, at the very least, the political stance of the author. A recent example is Urobuchi who admittedly sympathizes with anarchism and it's visible in his works.

>and shit like valvrave and KLK is not left wing or liberal
Not sure about Valvrave but KLK is most certainly liberal. Their anti-fascist themes are very on your face, they even make a reference to it in the very first seconds of the first episode. I mean, the whole show is about it. They just shitted it up with fanservice and shitty writing and pacing.

>they are just terrible shows with terrible cliched characters.
I agree, but we're not talking about that.

>> No.12222050

Do you not remember World War 2? They are long time friends.

>> No.12222052

Do you not remember World War 1? They are long time enemies

>> No.12222053

I'd say the message in Evangelion is about manning up and dealing with problems rather than giving up and wishing you could live in a magical fantasy land.
Definitely more of a right-wing trait.

>> No.12222056
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Why do japanese love england and always have half japanese half english halfbreeds in their anime?

>> No.12222058

They usually only go to places like Neuschwanstein and Nurnberg,
and those places are just fine.
Germany is still based, in my opinion.

>> No.12222060

Manning up has nothing to do with politics

>> No.12222062

Half japanese are hot, everybody knows that.

>> No.12222063

>>Evangelion isn't right wing, though.
>That's debatable, but I don't think it's relevant. I guess "conservative" is a better word;
You mean Gendo talking about science being above nature in antarctica or some thing? Gendo is not the protagonist, though.

>> No.12222064

I didn't say it did, I mean to say that it is a trait exhibited more in right-wing males rather than the various groups on the left.

>> No.12222067
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If japs love germans so much why don't they make their halfbreeds half german instead of half english?

>> No.12222068

I just don't think it has to do with either right or left wing,
the story doesn't really have a point,
its more just every thing is slowly getting worse,
portrait of a mentally disabled kid or what ever.

>> No.12222069

A right-wing trait would be more like caring about yourself instead of others (individualism), to avoid change (conservatism), glorification of the military (militarism) and nation (nationalism). I'm not talking about Evangelion though as I agree it's apolitical.

>> No.12222072

Well, Düsseldorf has lots of japanese immigrants, a japanese district and a annual "japan day" which is sadly mainly a weaboo meetup, and NRW is muslims all over the place

>> No.12222077

Are you saying that right-wing males are somehow more brave? Sounds like obvious glorification from your part; whether a character is brave or not has nothing to do with his political stance. Look at Lelouch or Makishima Shougo. You can find examples of both brave characters and cowards from both sides.

>> No.12222079

I don't see that trait that much in right-wing males.

>> No.12222081

I haven't checked all threads yet but I'm sure it can't be far off:

Worst thread on /jp/.

>> No.12222085

You missed this one

>> No.12222088


Spain, Italy, England definitely. Scotland and Ireland again pretty much. Don't know enough about the rest but Switzerland basically cheats anyway.

>> No.12222111

Apparently, Hitler named the entire Japanese people "Honorary Aryans", so that might be a factor as well.

>> No.12222116

This anon has it right:
Basically, late 19th century, Prussia started helping Japan to modernize their military, academic system, and other things.
During WW1 they had a little falling out, and in WW2 they allied because of similiar views.

Just fucking wiki it.

>> No.12222117

He called everybody that who he wanted to ally with.

>> No.12222144

It's like taking a look back at the world's lore and trying to push our interpretation onto each other. If we are honest with ourselves we can understand why things are the way they are. Our job is to decide what specific view to take to promote our butthurt or prideful feelings.

Shinji's view and the task he's meant to do are specific to himself. I'm not Japanese, but I think it is hard for a single person to accept the danger of his job. If I was him I'd fuck all bitches and kill all monsters, but that's me.

>> No.12222151

tl;dr - based

>> No.12222170

No, England was just one kingdom since long before the german empire. British empire took Ireland and Scotland, but it is nothing like the German Empire.
>Switzerland basically cheats
I think your theory is just wrong.

>> No.12222181

If Japan really liked Germany they wouldn't have allowed this to happen:


>> No.12222193

You know how weaboos really like japan and then do really emberassing and stupid things?

Yeah, this is the same

>> No.12222210


>> No.12222256

I think a lot of people that didnt pick up on the relation between KLK and politics watched it with subtitles and didnt read any of the kanji puns that showed up. It had a hell of a lot of buddhism in it too.

>> No.12222262

Please do not defend that garbage.

>> No.12222269

The show itself was bad, I'm not going to lie
But to deny it had any political charge to it is just stupid.

>> No.12222275

Unlike the WWII alliance, they had fuck all to do with each other in WWI.

>> No.12222296

It's not even worth talking about.
Misinformed SJW nothings.

>> No.12222338

> It had a hell of a lot of buddhism in it too.
I don't see it. I see it in shit like Madoka though.

>> No.12222352


It was thrown together from a bunch of smaller kingdoms. I don't see how it happening a long time ago makes it any less true.

>> No.12222367

Because the relevance is lost.
Germany used to be part of the Frankish Empire as well, but that was a long time a go as well.
Because you said it was similar to the German Empire I found that ridiculous, as the German Empire was formed in the 1800s.

>> No.12222369

No, you don't.

>> No.12222372

Might want to graduate from high school before you step into the ring with the big jay, adults are talking.

>> No.12222373

Castille, Aragon, Navarra
So fucking much, but to name a few - Papacy, Venice, Tuscany, Romagna, Urbino, Naples
Mercia, Kent, Northumbria, Wales
Not divided in itself, but various clans were divided in power.
Never united, too. Munster, Ulster, Leinster, Galway, Connacht, Dublin, Tyrone.

>> No.12222376

Which german empire are you talking about?
That other Anon probably talks about the HRE

>> No.12222384

not England.

>> No.12222388

No, because we are talking about the empire that influenced Japan during the Meiji Era, which would have been the German Empire that ended with WWI.
Other countries had been unified long before that, although perhaps in spain there was unrest, they were still under spanish rule. Same with Ireland.

>> No.12222390

No, you don't. Clearly you're retarded.

>> No.12222400

It's random shit.
I am pretty sure most people dislike schizophrenic interpretations of bad anime.

>> No.12222486

>everybody that who he wanted to ally with
Everybody is apparently Finland and Japan.

>> No.12222514

>British empire took Ireland and Scotland

It was a Scottish king that inherited the English throne and styled himself "king of Great Britain", England did not conquer Scotland. Ireland was conquered by England, Ireland was considered a part of the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Ireland, to give the former full name), not a part of the empire.

>> No.12222517
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>> No.12222519

Aren't all Scandinavians aryans?
And most British as well?

>> No.12222521

>classical music is mostly German/Austriac
This is only thought to be true because modern musicology and music history is ridden with german scholars, whom all have the tendency to overestimate their own composers with giving little to no credit to any other's participation. Anyone who studies even a little will be able to tell that Germany and Austria have not been as important in the overall development of musical language as most people happen to believe.

>> No.12222531

Wishful thinking aka weea病

>> No.12222536

>Aren't all Scandinavians aryans?
The Finnish are mongols-meme originates from a study made by nazis where they made the logical leap of assuming that the race must originate from the same area as the language. Finnish language comes from the Ural-regions, but the race is Scandinavic. All other Scandinavic languages are Germanic, and sound like a faggy version of English.

Finland and Germany fought "different" wars against Russia on Finnish soil, and Finland proved to be so insanely effective that Hitler announced that Finns were to be honorary aryans, as a possibly mongol traces wouldn't allow them to be actual aryans. Then the Germans were forced to retreat from Finnish soil, and they burned half of the country as they went.

>> No.12222538

Wagner and Beet are my fave.

>> No.12222539

>And most British as well?
No. Even less today.

>> No.12222618

what would obama's favorite anime be

>> No.12222624

Keion, I suppose.

>> No.12222639

I'm german and I approve of his comment. Only thing I would argue is that we're still pretty cool while slaughtering the masses by the thousands.

>> No.12222666

You're just autistic and can't read into shit.

>> No.12223225

As someone already mentioned germany influences on Japan prior to WW2. When japan was rising in power they looked for a country in similar position and the found germany. Then there is that whole WW2 connection.
Other things that help I guess is that german is much easier to pronounce for japs than english for example.
When I was in japan, japanese people were always happy to hear that you are german, since they mostly see foreigners as american. The top 3 things they thought of when thinking about germany is beer, cars and sausages. Which is rather positive, unlike the western world, where it would be naziism, no humor or something. On that note, naziism never was brought up when I was there. I only saw maybe once or twice doujins with 2hus in nazi uniforms, but the japs are interested in the looks and not the politics.
If you look into western films and games, nazis are common and when they point is not to make fun of germans, they are shown as badass enemies. Now if you take away the political aspects or atleast reduce it, you end up with the badassitude you see when japanese portrait nazis. And not only the japanese see germany as an engineering wondercountry of productivity and efficity.
To put it down, japanese don't know much about other cultures, cliche characteristics are seen often as true. Most japanese just don't know it better.

>> No.12223910

People in East-Asia don't care about Nazis just like people in Europe don't care about what the Japanese did in WW2.

>> No.12223924
File: 456 KB, 1024x768, mongolian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongolians can have natural blonde hair and light color eyes. Mongolians and Finns are the transition population between Asians and Europeans.

Finns are related to Mongolians.
There's no denying it.
They started rejecting their roots because of the rising of this new "European Identity" thing.

>> No.12223989

Nazi-hate propaganda is so deeply ingrained in western culture, especially Germans. I'm not defending National Socialism or Hitler, but that guy is basically a modern Satan in our world.

>> No.12224000
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>> No.12224002
File: 30 KB, 295x443, hansishii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guten tag, meine kameraden! My name is Hans Ishii. I'm a 33 year old Japanese teutonophile (German culture fan for you foreigners). I drink beer and yodel in the Japanese Alps, and spend my days practicing the hammered dulcimer and enjoying superior German passtimes (nationalism, working, and beer consumption).

I drink with my German beer stein every day, this superior mug is capable of holding exactly one liter of the finest Bavarian stout. I earned my drinking license two years ago and I have been getting better every day.

I speak German fluently, both Saxonian and Bavarian dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about German history and the Wehrmacht penal code, which I follow 100%.

When I get my German visa, I am moving to Hamburg to attend a prestigious university to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a holocaust scholar for the University of Hamburg!

I own several lederhosen, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Deutschland, so I can fit in easier. I salute my führer and speak German as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Germany!

>> No.12224003

Freaking bavarian scum, not prussian

>> No.12224093

Those pastimes sound more like normal Japanese things to do.

>> No.12226321

imagine a German-Japanese hybrid accent

>> No.12226378

Prussians are shit, no offense, faggot

>> No.12226389
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>people posting my pasta before I even get here

>> No.12226401
File: 54 KB, 615x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-H01758,_Erich_v._Manstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttblasted bavarian scum

Albert Kesselring was bad ass though

>> No.12226404

It's not yours anymore.

>> No.12226440

Enjoy being the first to succumb to the new world order, normie.

>> No.12226473

I believe France, Italy, and the UK are the most recognized of European countries in Japan. They also happen to be the biggest cultural exporters.

You really shouldn't try to gain insight of what Japan is like from anime, because anime, especially ones airing late-night, are just not mainstream.

Of course Germany has a fair degree of recognition, too, with soccer and autos and stuff. Also Nazis.

I think part of the reason writers use German names is because German words sound very foreign and exotic to the Japanese with sharp consonants like 'w' and 'z' everywhere.

>> No.12226572

>Wahnsinn Woher Zeitgeist Zuzug Wäre Zeit
how is this exciting?

>> No.12226595

The native people of Northern Finland are, but that's like saying the Japanese are ainu.

>> No.12227008
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>> No.12227240

Chinese has much more similarity to German than Japanese does.

>> No.12227263

for being one of the baddest of bad forces, they did really look the part

>> No.12227277

Kill yourself OP, you poliomelitic fuck

>> No.12227300

Deutsch is not some pure fossil record of the language of Vikings and Beowulf, that would be Icelandic.
The language has degenerated over the centuries, losing legitmacy/purity (it lost eth and thorn).
An Icelander would have a much easier time understanding Beowulf than a German would.

>> No.12227483

He didn't watch only one.

>> No.12230386

Yeah, Germans have the whole "left-brained" stereotype going for them.

Cunning, calculating, methodical and ruthless. Very results-oriented.

>> No.12230401
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The Germans are just badass as fuck.

There's no need to argue here.

>> No.12230453

The Germans aren't cool and never will be, they're just too uptight for it.

The Anglo is the paragon of whiteness, not the Teuton.

>> No.12230456


Nobody is whiter than the Argentine.

>> No.12230459

So, I was watching the WC and all I saw from SA were Africans.

>> No.12230471
File: 84 KB, 630x860, MESSIMESSIMESSIMESSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

>> No.12230481

I've only watched three movies from USA, they all had Jews, does USA have a secret relation with Jews? Could Hitler be still alive?

>> No.12230516

Japan's special connection with Germany pre-dates WW2, and were in fact enemies in WW1.

Honestly, I would go as far as to say that it had nothing to do with WW2. In WW2, Japan and Germany weren't as close as people here like to think. Not only were they very suspicious of each other and withheld intelligence and technology from each other, but the vast distances between them made contact with each other a real hindrance.

Japan's special connection with Germany really started when they chose the German Empire as the model for their government, and along with it came all sorts of other German learnings.

>> No.12231414


It's Brynhild and its from the "Nibelungenlied". The "Nibelungenlied" is the most important german lyric poetry. Not just a tale.

>> No.12231416

Keep up the good work jenny

>> No.12231552

Wales has historically been a part of England. It is only relatively recently that the sheep fuckers have considered themselves more independent.

I don't see a dragon on the British flag.

>> No.12231637

The Meiji Constitution was heavily influenced by the development of constitutional theory in the 1870s in newly unified Germany. A great many Japanese studied in Germany prior to 1930, so there's always been an exchange of ideas between the two countries.

>> No.12231677

Nice otaku culture thread.

>> No.12231909

Everything's otaku culture now.

>> No.12231927

How is this not otaku culture? Are you being double ironic?

>> No.12233601

As someone with Italian, Japanese, and German ancestors...I'm kind of shocked no one mentioned Hetalia in this

>> No.12233611

Ein, zwei, drei.
Sieg heil, apartheid.

>> No.12235235

Möchten Sie ein Taschentuch haben?

>> No.12235278

Might as well rename /jp/ japan general!!

>> No.12237914

Blue Pill: the post

>> No.12237917


>> No.12237931

And Americans are pretty shit when they're not slaughtering masses by the thousands.

>> No.12237952
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I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12239949

Deutschländer hier.
Okay, i'm not sure if its mentioned but after WW2 i think it was in the 60's ALOT Japanese people come over here to lern how to mine coal near düsseldorf. So they imigrate here and here and we got something like a little tokyo in düsseldorf. I'm from Hamburg but i visit some friends there now and then. They got their little japanese schools, shops and comunitys...and they are the nicest, calmest and best imigrants we can have. .. not like the fucking Kebabs....

And yeah they like how rough our Language sounds. and stuff.

>> No.12239991

>Is there a special connection between Japan & Germany
Both nations are into scat and bsdm.

>> No.12240088

>anime is pretty big in Germany compared to the rest of Europe

I here its massive in France. Manga even more so.

>> No.12240091


uh, whoops

>> No.12240091,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmao you're retarded

>> No.12240091,2 [INTERNAL] 

