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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12217923 No.12217923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12217930


>> No.12217934
File: 16 KB, 306x248, miko9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12217962
File: 42 KB, 500x375, mikufire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her Vice President is an ordinary, uninteresting high schooler


>> No.12217980

>American politics
Why not Asian politics? It's a more interesting continent.

>> No.12217992


>> No.12218012

Would work better as strategy game where we play as Miko

>> No.12218087

Are you that desperate for attention that you put ads here, on 4chan?


>> No.12218091


>> No.12218108

Maybe the creators aren't disgusting weebs.

>> No.12218113

America-centrist isn't better.

>> No.12218117

get out you filthy europoor

>> No.12218122

I'm south american, nigger.

>> No.12218125

that's even worse
beyond filthy

>> No.12218132

What, are you racist, on top of being stupid?

>> No.12218225

Holy shit
This is my first time actually going to a shrinemaiden thread and all I can say is:
I have never been so compelled to kill myself.
I only looked through the first four posts, including things like the signatures, avatars, and the little shit around those. I did not realize the community was that shitty.

I'm embarrassed to be of the same species.
I thought you'd all like to know.

>> No.12218273

I've seen worse.

>> No.12218278

So, you're saying you went to a forum and were surprised to see avatars and signatures?

You might be stupid.

>> No.12218652

There are worse.
"Alternative theories" forums are worse than that, with people pulling quotes out of their ass to make it sound like they're actually smart for not believing the "official theory".
Hanging around on such a forum usually causes me to enter in a berzerk rage where I try to kill things with a pickaxe.

>> No.12218660
File: 52 KB, 316x217, miko furby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not kind of Miko VN I wish to play.

>> No.12218667

If you can write the VN, I'll code it and make it come true.

>> No.12218703
File: 353 KB, 846x759, 763dabb462327c9f0ccb57035ec9dc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have the concept in mind.
I'm not ready to write anything yet. I have to read more VNs and books, and have enough motivation, of course.

Also, it'll be great if I also can draw myself.

>> No.12218714
File: 1.10 MB, 1294x1638, 8c7f18d6e0d126550b7a2e8d5774d4e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is an owl

>> No.12218756
File: 602 KB, 1535x1085, 6afa0b40-f85b-4e00-96a7-75c677629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fluffiest

>> No.12218792

Man who gives a fuck. How's this game? It seems that it's going to be hilarious

>> No.12218795

You got Miko as the president
Futo as the trigger happy Minister of Defence
And Mamizou as the head of CIA

You tell me.

>> No.12218809

Sounds great. Futo's cute, but she's kind of a shit for what she did to Tojiko.

Anyway, no viruses? My google chrome tends to label RPG maker games as viruses. Well, it labels any program with an executable file as malicious.

>> No.12218850

My Chrome label it as a Malware and i ignore his warning and play it. Nothing goes wrong.

>> No.12218856
File: 86 KB, 803x601, JujsSqF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can she check people's privilege?

>> No.12218873

>RPG maker games
That's Ren"py.

>> No.12218887


I'm trying to make a normal VN after working on fetish VNs, but since I can't write it myself, I'm stuck until I find a writefag.

>> No.12219362

I think this is heavily related.

>> No.12219378

Remind me of "My Girlfriend is the President".
I found it pretty cool, if a little empty.

>> No.12219445

>a normal VN

>> No.12219472

People who write self-insert fanfiction are the worst.

>> No.12219507
File: 86 KB, 246x272, 1391631557162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, geeze, and I was actually kind of interested until I read that.

>> No.12219549

Never visit touhou-project, it's filled with self-inserts.

>> No.12219552

"Normal VN" as opposed to "disgusting perv stuff filled with spanking".

Harem is pretty much vanilla VN, to be honest.

>> No.12220775
File: 82 KB, 850x679, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None fluffier.

>> No.12221342

>Her Vice President is an ordinary, uninteresting high schooler
How the bloody hell am I supposed to identify myself with a boring loser?

>> No.12221351

Just be yourself.

>> No.12221352

But you are a boring loser, it should be really easy!

>> No.12221365

Kind of cute. But if it had gone on any longer I would have stopped. Pretty kuso for the creator to use the HM sprites though.

>> No.12221462

Except I'm not a loser. I'm boring, yeah, if you're not interested in clockwork or psychology.

And why would the Crown Prince have a nobody has her vice-president anyway?

>> No.12221464

>I'm not a loser
Sounds like something a loser would say.

>> No.12221478

No, the real lose would claim that someone else is a loser. Just like drunkard are often claiming "I don't have any problem with alcohol, but see that guy? That's his third drink today."

>> No.12221480


>> No.12221483

You sound like you know a lot about what drunkards would say. It it because of all the drinking your father used to do?

>> No.12221485

Nah. That's because of a work I did. Social stuff. Meeting trash and talking with it to make it feel human again.
Not interesting, and off-topic.

>> No.12221486

Dealing with your father must have been tough.

>> No.12221509

If I was the father of such a loser, I'd probably drink too.

>> No.12221545

Dealing with yours was worse. Gay drunkards are the worst.

>> No.12221549

I'm sure you figured out how to 'help' him. He always did like younger boys.

>> No.12221556

Speaking from experience?
I'm not surprised, abused kids tend to abuse others. I hope you're not married.

>> No.12221563

I already used that one dude. He wasn't into girls though. I supposed I shouldn't have expected a loser to recognize when he's talking to a girl.

>> No.12221618


>> No.12221657

Only losers would call someone a loser to the point of making accusations to make themselves feel better or deny the fact that there's non-loser around them.

>> No.12221663

Show me your baby spouter bitch

>> No.12221684

We're all losers. That's why we're here.

>> No.12224617

tits of gtfo

>> No.12226698

Go away bitch

>> No.12226703
File: 382 KB, 1213x1048, 49b53211ac57130f0566e674a579c276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to bully miko owl!

>> No.12226732

>responding to Heart Man



>> No.12226815

>bullying a small, cute, vulnerable animal
You are a mate

>> No.12230760
File: 1.22 MB, 882x1254, d81841347a02ba2e8a44b7e0497d0880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is fluffy.

>> No.12231263

>Increase of cancerous femanons from Tumblr
And people say summer isn't a thing.

>> No.12231280

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12226815,1 [INTERNAL] 


So is this where most of the neojays come from?

>> No.12226815,2 [INTERNAL] 

I will LITERALLY kill myself if milk doesn't become my gf this instant

>> No.12226815,3 [INTERNAL] 

do you not know shrinemaider

do you not know poosh

>> No.12231341
File: 108 KB, 465x524, 1403968749564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell would want to play a voiceless VN that looks like it's from the Windows 95 era when there are already more, infinitely better VNs than you couldn't play through in a lifetime?

>> No.12231386

I would.

Mostly because I hate voices in VN.

>> No.12231411

>Mostly because I hate voices in VN.

How the hell can you hate the biggest feature of VNs? 90% of a modern VN's size and budget goes into the voices.

I only tolerate voiceless VNs if they were made several years ago.

>> No.12231674

For several reasons :
- since I don't speak Japanese, everything sounds like "tching tchang tchong do gozaimasu",
- most girly voices have a high voice pitch, making it unbearable to listen to them,
- when someone read the text aloud, I take as an insult of the "you can't read that so I'm reading it for you becuz you're a moron LOL"
- I prefer reading over listening
- Tony Jay does not sub VN, therefore they're shit.

>> No.12231681


>> No.12231684


>> No.12231685

I don't like voiced VNs either.
But maybe I just grew used to them as most of my first VNs had no voices. And I enjoy playing low-budget doujin VNs.

I usually just read the dialogue and don't wait for the voices to finish.

>> No.12231705

Personally, I turn the voices off.
I read VN like I read books. I don't want to have an anime read to me.

>> No.12226815,4 [INTERNAL] 

How would you feel if brigs served as a substitute

>> No.12231903

Why don't you just read a book then, you fucking faggot?

>> No.12226815,5 [INTERNAL] 

dude... he's dead

>> No.12226815,6 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck is happening to the W

>> No.12233035

Because you explained it yourself, 90% of the money goes in the voice instead of being dedicated to the writing.
Maybe you like harem VN #15,315, but I personally have better tastes.

>> No.12233043

I enjoy both voiced and voiceless VNs so no comment here.

>> No.12233605

>no comment here
And yet you're still posting.

>> No.12233629

>you can get the same experience from VNs as you can from books

>> No.12233644

>implying a book is the same than a VN
Since you want voices, why don't you watch anime then, you fucking faggot?

>> No.12234151

More money goes into the art than does the writing in a good number of cases. For all you care about writing, I bet you're still reading translations.

>> No.12234190

I can't really do otherwise.
And to be honest, some translations are decent enough so that I can forget it's translated by a bunch of kiddies.

>> No.12234209

Just letting you niggas that the "enjoy both" kind exist.

This is pretty non-issue to be honest.

>> No.12234215

I'm not the one attempting to make the medium into something it's not by removing things the developers intentionally included.

>> No.12234223

why does this thread still exist

>> No.12234227

I get your point. The "no comment" part just bothered me, because that's usually what condescending assholes say.

Well excuuuuuuuuuse me for not enjoying presentable outer garment. I personally prefer the inner part rather than the beautiful outside.
I guess you're the kind of guy enjoying bloom in video games?

>> No.12234228

None of the newbies know how to sage.

>> No.12234231

>just letting you niggas know*

>> No.12234232

No, I enjoy the entire package, the way it was intended.

>> No.12234236

How would you know if the translations were "decent"? Why would decent even be good enough for someone who only seems to care about the writing?

>> No.12234238

Tell me the next time Goosebumps makes CYOA books and I'll stop reading VNs

>> No.12234248

Ever played a game with a bad translation? Trust me, you notice it fairly quickly.
Here a couple of example I met :
- names are never the same,
- typos (such as "your right"),
- overly complicated descriptions.

These are revealing of a bad translation.

purefag gonna pure

>> No.12234253

>because that's usually what condescending assholes say.
No comment doesn't sound condescending to me.

>> No.12234261

I guess you met less condescending asshole than I did, then.
Fucking dumbass comes in the thread, posts a picture supposely "proving" his point, and says "no comment" with what I can only imagine as a giant shiteating smug smile over his dumb face.

>> No.12234269
File: 388 KB, 1599x1197, 1403575334648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's always that easy to detect.

>> No.12234271

Eh, well, at least I'm not trying to prove anything here, this is literally a matter of opinion.

I personally enjoy both kinds.

>> No.12234281
File: 687 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2013-01-12-00h10m44s40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that screen supposed to prove?
Out of context, you know...

>> No.12234283

>purefag gonna pure
Wow, you sure showed me. Why don't you just extract the text from the script files and print it out? That way you won't have to deal with any of that "unnecessary fluff".

>> No.12234289

Is it a bad translation? You should notice fairly quickly, after all.

>> No.12234292

>being this butthurt

Ever heard of a thing called context?

>> No.12234298

What context do you want?

>> No.12234302
File: 591 KB, 1280x536, vlcsnap-2013-11-18-02h26m17s90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, just tell me the name of the VN. It'll spare time and you won't have to explain anything.

>> No.12234322
File: 23 KB, 500x333, pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have thought the translation quality would have been apparent to an expert such as yourself, even without context.

Koi iro Chu! Lips.

>> No.12234323

Never said I was an expert. Just said a bad translation is obvious.
I find it funny how you interpretated my post.

>> No.12234337

I have a suspicion this post is poorly translated.

>> No.12234587

I dunno, though. There's not enough context to tell.

>> No.12235261

go be an attention whore somewhere else

>> No.12235272

Great bump man.

>> No.12235381

Thanks nigger.

>> No.12235460

I'm still waiting for your opinion on the translation quality. Do not underestimate my autism.

>> No.12235941

Don't call yourself autist. You're as bad as these self-proclaimed aspergers.

>> No.12236060
File: 133 KB, 636x341, adios-espana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12237560

In mycosis we trust game when?
