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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12188324 No.12188324 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys still playing? Anyone up for netplay(europe here)? Can someone explain sokuroll to me? What's your favourite character? Why? Most hated matchup?

Let's discuss TH12.3!

>> No.12188346 [DELETED] 

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>> No.12188845

I remember reading a couple months ago on /vg/ that there's still a lot of players. here is pretty dead, like melty

>> No.12188851

Soku threads moved to /v/.
There's a new thread every night.

>> No.12188867

thanks, gotta check that out
it's pretty sad though

>> No.12188871

why not playing TH13.5, it's basically the same shit and the newest version with better characters

>> No.12188872
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>> No.12189034

Soku have better control than HM

>> No.12189051

well they both have an age. what really saddened me was the quick extinction on HM pratically everywhere. the game was sincerely disappointing, like a step back from hisouten, and the rooster was seriously made in mongoloid, with some of the least popular 2hus ever known to man and japanese
tasofro were probably completely shitfaced during the whole game development (three weeks or so)

>> No.12189078

I'm not the guy you replied to btw.
personally, i don't have any problem with the rooster (EXCEPT Nitori), what I don't like are the gameplay, control, and character sprites (I mean, they're a bit lewd, just look at Byakuren boob, Reimu & Futo's legs).
Yeah, HM seems rushed

>> No.12189101

What the fuck am I reading?
Isn't Koishi third place in the popularity rankings thanks to that game? And she's the one character who probably DOESN'T belong.
Taos aren't particularly popular but I credit that to them being somewhat new. Buddhists, especially Byakuren, are definitely popular.
They make sense for the game because they fit the plot.

Would you have liked them to put in practically the entire SDM staff again like they did in the previous fighting games? Geez.

>> No.12189228
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>the entire SDM staff
chair when STILL no playable Flandre

>> No.12189234

Flandre is the most evident cristallization that Zun doesn't give a fuck about which characters the fandom likes or not.

>> No.12189247

Cirno is the most evident cristallization that Zun does give a fuck about which characters the fandom likes or not.

>> No.12189248

But he actually likes Cirno.

>> No.12189249


Maybe Hopeless Masquerade wouldn't have died out so quickly if it wasn't such complete shit in every possible way.

>> No.12189254

>Would you have liked them to put in practically the entire SDM staff again like they did in the previous fighting games? Geez.

...Yes? Yes, I would have wanted them to put all the most popular touhous in the game. That is just common sense. One of HM's many, many serious flaws is that its cast is composed almost entirely of characters almost nobody gave a shit about.

There is a certain noble sentiment in trying to give unpopular characters some time in the limelight, but you can't fill an entire game with unpopular characters, if you do that nobody has a reason to care about the game. Put in a handful and fill the rest with ones people like.

>> No.12189255

>every possible way
The sprites are much better than the older games.

>> No.12189279
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I think the old sprites are cute, personally. The new ones look good but they're a little too lewd

>> No.12189285
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I completely hated Futo being in the rooster instead of some of the better characters in Hisou.

>> No.12189287

There are exactly two playable characters in HM you could possibly accuse of being unpopular - Mamizou and Ichirin. Out of which one is ZUN's favorite and the other has an iconic physical attack mode.

>> No.12189304

Suika running is best sprite
then again Suika is best 2hu

>> No.12192275

Then again ZUN doesn't care about what people like. He make games just to satisfy his fetish for Japanese mythology and stories in form of little girls.

He probably likes Miko and Mamizou more than Flandre and Utsuho.

>> No.12195713

Hisoutensoku - Corner Assault 4:
twitch tv/tessiro

get in here /jp/sies
