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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12188078 No.12188078 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12180861

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Zharay/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases

Please try to keep emoticons, event hype/paranoia/PTSD, greentext, Re, Wo, and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12188099

Chikuma's resupply gives me the impression of her whispering softly into my ears. God damn it devs, don't do this to my dick.

>> No.12188107


>> No.12188120

No, not again.

>> No.12188130

1. Fubuki
2. Akigumo
3. Yuugumo
4. Ikazuchi
5. Maikaze
6. Arashio
7. Hatsuyuki
8. Murasame
9. Inazuma
10. Ushio

>> No.12188137

So delicious.

>> No.12188143

Now if you're finished, scroll down to the last place and see who's the last ship.

If it's Oboro then you have won.

>> No.12188144

What do you have against crabdaughter?

>> No.12188145

It was Hatsuharu,

>> No.12188147

Mr. Crab no offence but your daughter looks ugly.

>> No.12188149

She has a nice personality.

>> No.12188154

I cant hear her due to scrapping hammer.
But might check her next time.

>> No.12188158

When should I start sub slaving?

>> No.12188161

When you have a reliable wolf pack. Solo sub is good and all but it will hurt your win ratio if you do it too much

>> No.12188167

I heard that below 40 it's hard to get subs drops in 1-5 and 80+ they drop like flies. How about 40-79? How common are the subs drop?

>> No.12188169

They should make the result to be postable or copyable

>> No.12188178

>80+ they drop like flies
I'm already at 93 yet none have dropped for me on all of my 1-5 runs. All I kept getting were destroyers.

>> No.12188180

I'm 90+ and I'm the opposite of you.

>> No.12188183

Really? I hear they get Iku drops left and right.

>> No.12188185

Not exactly common, but not exactly rare either.

Imuya and Goya for me. Hachi too if I remember correctly, but that was a boss drop. Iku is a boss drop as well, I think.

>> No.12188187

Do you want Hiryuu?
Do you want to finish your daily?
Do you want to do your weekly?
Do you want Zuihou, Yukikaze and Mutsu?
Do you have unlimited bucket?

>> No.12188190

I want Whale

>> No.12188192


>> No.12188195

You know what drops like flies for me on 1-5?
Sendai. Sen-fucking-dai. During the time I thought Taigei may drop on 1-5 I kept getting her. And during those times I was farming it for I-8, most of my drops were Sendai. It reminds me of, if I remember correctly, Fall event where almost all of my drops were Yura.

>> No.12188196

Oops, didn't mean to quote my own post.

>> No.12188197

Just bust out your DD and CA farm 2-5
It is easy

>> No.12188198
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That elite cruiser was the only thing left at nightfall and took five whole double attacks to kill.

Is it just me or is Ri-chan tougher than she used to be?

>> No.12188202

Seriously, OP?

>> No.12188204

No, he was joking.

>> No.12188205

Iku drops at pre-boss nodes too.

>> No.12188206

I just copypasted from the previous thread didn't even saw that.

>> No.12188207

Do red planes attack subs? Or Blue?

>> No.12188208

Double attacks on the whole seem waaay less effective than before.

>> No.12188209

Well then we should remove it from next thread onwards.

Both do.

>> No.12188211

Yeah, no. Keep your shitty memespouting to yourself.

>> No.12188213

>Both do.
But it doesn't attack before the shelling phase?

>> No.12188216


Nope, they don't attack during aerial phase, but both allow the CVL equipping them to attack subs in shelling phase.

>> No.12188217

Nine months later I guess I can finally put torpedoes back on my destroyers.

You make it, if you care.

>> No.12188218

You didn't even know what the OP was referring to when you called for it to be removed, did you?

>> No.12188219

Yes, I know. It's not like it'll change anything here anyway, and it's completely pointless.

>> No.12188221

Not even him, but that will only perpetuate that one stupidity related to them.

>> No.12188222

>somebody asks a dumb question
>somebody blatantly lies to his face
>wo + re pictures
It's not intelligent but I can't imagine why so many of you give a shit,.

>> No.12188225
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>> No.12188227

Yeah, why not remove the dumb questions part, since it's completely pointless too. Hell, why not remove all the links in the OP, since clearly no one reads the OP anyway?

>> No.12188228

Regarding double attacks, I don't really think they've been nerfed, from my experience.

Next thread, once I get a suitable OP image.

>> No.12188230

Guys just ignore this shit. No one noticed wo and re in previous thread in the OP, and it was calm until now. Just hype for midway.
It's gonna be probably changed in the next thread anyways.

>> No.12188232

From my experience, double attacks do scratch damage incredibly often now. Back in the Fall event, you could count on each ship to take down one enemy. Now it's not uncommon to see three of your ships doing double scratch damage.

I honestly think they did something to double attacks to account for abyss ships getting night double attacks due to loadout changes from the artillery spotting update.

>> No.12188235

Nah, dumb questions are actually a genuine issue here. And we need somewhere to direct people who don't go to the links in the OP to; where better than the OP?

I noticed it for ages already, but it was always only after some time the thread was made.

My ships still consistently oneshot enemies at night. What formation do you use?

>> No.12188237

Echelon, as always.

In the end I just subcheesed 5-3 anyway, that was much less hair-pullingly frustrating.

>> No.12188238

Dumb questions are always an issue but people who ask dumb questions don't read the OP anyway.

>> No.12188240

The point is telling people to keep dumb questions to a minimum is pointless anyway since people who ask dumb questions obviously don't read the OP.

>> No.12188242

One disadvantage that echelon has is that your night attacks are less accurate, as I learned back when I was doing 5-3. It's always been this way; nothing's changed.

It's not that they don't read the OP, it's that they read the OP and the links but don't check the links well enough, so they overlook some detail in the wikis and such that would answer their question. Reminding them not to ask dumb questions would reduce this problem.

>> No.12188244

I find it stupid that the searchlight now does nothing. It totally defeats the purpose of getting a ship to draw enemy fire while reducing cut-in chance for the abyss...

>> No.12188245

Clearly it doesn't since people still ask them despite being told not to in the OP they supposedly read.

>> No.12188249

Then I ask you this: would they be more likely or less likely to ask dumb questions if they read the OP?

>> No.12188250

How often do Iku and Hachi drop from 1-5?
HQ level 40-79.

>> No.12188251

I found double attacks to not be really efficient in PVP when I tried to level some destroyers after spring event. Not sure if it was only the lower level/stats.

>> No.12188252

I didn't have any problems with echelon when I was doing the Fall event.

>> No.12188253

Nobody thinks the questions they ask are dumb.

You asked one just now, but you didn't think it was dumb.

>> No.12188255

The same thing could be said about woposting genius.

>> No.12188259

Reminder that Sakura no Kantai translation has been dropped and the raws are available at https://www.mediafire.com/folder/h28rggoppels1/kancolle
if anyone is interested in continuing the translation, please do.

>> No.12188262

I, for one, welcome my new Wo and Re overlords. And I welcome stupid questions too, for making Wo and Re possible.

>> No.12188265

Then it must have been part of the nerf to double attacks I keep hearing about.

>Nobody thinks the questions they ask are dumb.
Sure, those new to this thread will feel that way. However, if they spend enough time here, they'll know what types of questions are classified as "dumb" and what aren't, so they'll make more of an effort to search for the answer to their question.

>You asked one just now, but you didn't think it was dumb.
Exactly. You know the answer.

Wo/Re is different, because it's a meme of sorts. A meme is not something you can curb with a reminder.

>> No.12188271
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Wo is justice.

>> No.12188308

If ppl didn't ask "dumb" questions (let's see who is really dumb enough to set a "dumbness" standard) this thread wouldn't be halve as fun as it is.

I say, let whoever ask a question be answered one way or another. If you can't contain your autistic rage over someone asking something, then just ignore it. Of course, I'm not advocating for this thread to become a huge meme and image dump thread like /a/'s, but until now, this has never become like that even when new remodels are announced.

Finally, as an anon stated before, there are no dumb questions.

>> No.12188309

>then just ignore it
Oh child.

>> No.12188312

>Re, Wo, and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.
Hasn't this been in the OPs since forever? Why complain now?

>> No.12188315

No, it wasn't.

>> No.12188318

Re was only added after she got into the game, but Wo has been there since last year.

>> No.12188319

That's not what archive tells me.

>> No.12188333

It's exactly what the archive tells, there is no more than 16 threads with that in the OP and the oldest one isn't even 3 months old.

>> No.12188338

That's still 3 months and no one had anything to say about it.

>> No.12188343

I did, and it disappeared for a while before it came back. I presume it came back because of the Spring event.

>> No.12188345

Except people already said to remove it and it was removed a few times in-between those three months.

>> No.12188352

I guess this is proof that no one cares because there was no difference even if it wasn't there.
People will still give ironic answers to easy to answer questions.

>> No.12188358

Some idiot cares enough to keep adding it to the OP even when it only causes more problems than it fixes, the original line didn't include that and it's enough, there is no need to spread more idiocy around and force this "meme" by mentioning it always in the OP. That's like beating a dead horse.

>> No.12188363

But I see very few real Wo posts. That is the post where one posts a Wo image or uses ヲ for the name.
Even without Wo people would still spread misinformation.

>> No.12188365

>Even without Wo people would still spread misinformation.
This. And now that Wo has been shown to be a Cassandra, spreading misinformation without Wo is going to be more frequent.

>> No.12188368

Yeah, and that's why it would have been better not to give it any unneeded attention because very few people read the OP.

>> No.12188370
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Honestly, around 400 buckets would be enough if you don't rush the event. You do get two weeks to get the event over with.

>> No.12188371

Hence why it shouldn't be mentioned in the OP or changed into something like "don't spread misinformation" instead of making it a meme of shorts that will only get people to either ask about it or complain about it.

>> No.12188373 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 720x402, 1402489404226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.

>> No.12188375

>changed into something like "don't spread misinformation
That's like asking for it, If you tell people not to do something they will do it.
But like I said nobody reads the OP so it doesn't matter much.

>> No.12188380

It's technically the same thing as it is, except that wouldn't be perpetuating/forcing a meme.

>> No.12188381

ebin :^)

>> No.12188384
File: 114 KB, 706x1000, 43398878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put in damacon at the last slot of the CVs if you find them too fragile. You should have no issue with the LOS if you are fielding a CV fleet, and that Saiun is a double edged sword at any rate...

>> No.12188388

It still perpetuates threadshitting, so just eliminate the Wo mention in the OP and don't say anything else.

>> No.12188394

I can't believe people still believe that Wo lies. She was right for Midway and everything else. We should be using her to spread truth!

>> No.12188396

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.12188397


Youa re making it worse by mentioing something that hasn't been an issue for the last threads.

>> No.12188399

I believe in Wo!

>> No.12188400

Exactly, that's giving it unneeded attention. I expect a lot of Wo in this thread.

>> No.12188402

Not him but that isn't shitposting, that's true.

>> No.12188405

>levels don't matter
Good luck reaching enough los with 30-something ships (unless you stack them full of recon equipment and significantly decrease their firepower)
>50k is enough
That's the average amount spent on E5 alone.

>> No.12188411

>That's the average amount spent on E5 alone.
You can still get resources along the way so the net loss isn't that bad.

>> No.12188413

Obviously, but there was no mention of net loss.

>> No.12188415

I thought ship LOS didn't matter much?

>> No.12188416

And thus, you could still have some resources left if you start off 50K during the event.

>> No.12188417

>That's the average amount spent on E5 alone.
Only for kuso 提督。
50k is enough until E5, maybe E4 if they have shit luck.

>> No.12188418

Oh god, I want to watch those Nips streaming their last minute E-5 clearing.

>> No.12188419

So? That doesn't change the fact that you'd spend over 50k. Not to mention that in this case you'd have to wait from expedition to expedition to sortie.
>until E5
Can you not read?

>> No.12188420

Why don't you stream yours then?

>> No.12188421

>Good luck reaching enough los with 30-something ships (unless you stack them full of recon equipment and significantly decrease their firepower)
Square rooted base LOS hardly made any difference. Certainly nowhere near enough to need an extra Saiun here or an extra recon plane there.

>That's the average amount spent on E5 alone.
I assure you it's less than that, and you could still get extra resources even during the event itself.

Personally, none of my resources were 50k at the start of the event (steel was highest at 42+k or so) and I got sidetracked by failed 5-5 attempts along the way (remodelling 3 of my Kongous as well), turning steel from my highest stock to my lowest stock in a flash (3 digits), and I still completed E5 and E6 with resources to spare.

You had to be really shitty or really unlucky if you couldn't complete all the events even if you started with 50k resources each, in which case I have only two words for you: Git gud.

>> No.12188422
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You forgot your image silly hat.

>> No.12188428

>Git gud

I want /vg/ to leave.

>> No.12188430

Tell them to stop using it here then, I used it only because I kept seeing the term being thrown around here.

>> No.12188432

You forgot the word scrub.

>> No.12188434

Haven't seen "scrub" being used nearly as often here.

>> No.12188438

>I want /vg/ to leave.
I don't understand why people would want other people out just for saying a word.

>> No.12188440

>hardly made any difference
Those two points could make a difference between ending up in a dead end and reaching the boss in E3/E5.
>an extra Saiun here or an extra recon plane there
This would hurt your chances of getting the boss. Air Superiority requirements were already high enough, and you sure didn't want to get a green T at BB hime node.
>I assure you it's less than that
So you're that lucky guy who cleared it with 20k. What now? Are chances of getting Yamato more than 10% just because some get her within 10 tries?
>you could still get extra resources
That is not the point. The wo posts did not say "start off with 50k and just roll with it, you'll do fine". At the time we didn't know whether the maps would regenerate or not, so it was the general assumption that X amount of resources was enough for you to safely clear the event without pulling an all-nigher or waiting out.
>Git gud.
We're playing an RNG game here, there isn't any skill to boast about.

>> No.12188444

>Ayanami getting Kai Ni
God I hope it's not 75+, DDs are a pain to level in PVP.

>> No.12188445

Because the people using this phrase seem to unironically think that there's actually any skill required to play this game.

>> No.12188449

So how many of you have burnt your Vitas in angry protest after E3 despite the Kancolle game coming out for it? I know I will soon.

>> No.12188451

So, what happened?

>> No.12188452

I don't follow E3 because lol no rig. What happened?

>> No.12188453

Nice trips.
Though here's to hoping the level is somewhere around Yuudachi's Kai Ni, and also that her stats will be on par or even greater then Yuudachi Kai Ni

>> No.12188454

>That's the average amount spent on E5 alone.

>> No.12188455

Yes it was.

>> No.12188459


You don't expect good games on E3 for the Vita on E3. Given the (again) niche direction the platform is taking with titles like Moero Chronicles, Tales, P4, Atelier and Hyperdimensional the really good games will get announced on Tokio Game Show.

So just don't give up on your vita yet anon. Besides, the niche game never get announced on the big events.

>> No.12188460

Humongous shitstorm after SE announced Final Fantasy Type-0 for the Vita as many had hoped for, then clarified that it was in fact only for next-gen consoles.

>> No.12188461

Not for me. I finished the whole event with both fuel and ammo spending under 60k. Didn't do E-6 as I got 2 Tani during my clears. Did E-5 with 3BB 3CV

>> No.12188462

>not for me
Are you everyone, anon? Notice how I said "average".

>> No.12188464

Oh, I don't care then.

>> No.12188465

Holy shit.

>> No.12188468

But where are you pulling this average number from? Seems made up.

>> No.12188469

From the reports in the thread during the event, individual reports hardly ever claimed such amounts, and those were mostly hotel users. Then someone started this 50k average for E-5 then it stuck

>> No.12188471

From the event threads. There were countless people who barely made it in time because they weren't prepared enough (just like there were those who had plenty to spend afterwards).

>> No.12188472

And now I'm off to bad as I can't even type a sensible sentence

>> No.12188473

>Humongous shitstorm

Funny how there's always one or five around this time of the year. Game devs can't handle marketing and PR if their lives depended upon it.

>> No.12188476

>Those two points could make a difference between ending up in a dead end and reaching the boss in E3/E5.
If you knew how to equip your ships, you'd still have leftover slots even after fulfilling LOS requirements just from equipment alone (including exactly 1 Saiun). Even high level fleets put 1 Saiun as insurance because exact LOS requirements weren't well-known.
>This would hurt your chances of getting the boss. Air Superiority requirements were already high enough, and you sure didn't want to get a green T at BB hime node.
BB hime could still crit you to red easily even at red T. You'd only be handicapping yourself if it came to that.
>So you're that lucky guy who cleared it with 20k. What now? Are chances of getting Yamato more than 10% just because some get her within 10 tries?
I'm hardly the only person to do that. And for the record, the amount I used is closer to 30k. People would have spent less resources if they actually knew what to do.
>That is not the point. The wo posts did not say "start off with 50k and just roll with it, you'll do fine". At the time we didn't know whether the maps would regenerate or not, so it was the general assumption that X amount of resources was enough for you to safely clear the event without pulling an all-nigher or waiting out.
We thought we needed to prepare for regenerating maps. Turns out we were mistaken about that. Simple as that.
>We're playing an RNG game here, there isn't any skill to boast about.
Skill is still needed, just not the kind you're probably thinking of.

To be fair, planning skills are needed. I cleared spring E4 with no buckets spent simply because I planned ahead.

Did you take the total sum of resources used and then divided by number of players?

>> No.12188477
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>safely clear the event without pulling an all-nigher or waiting out.
since when does this become a general assumption?

I would believe you if you said 30k, but 50k is just too much whether it’s for Fall or Spring E-5.

>> No.12188479

>planning skills are needed

No they aren't. I've cleared every event with ease since Fall and I've always just sat on my ass for a week then copied whatever everyone was doing.

>> No.12188480

I think 30k or the default regen resource cap will suffice, provided that lady luck is with your side.

I remember someone finished Fall E-4 with low level destroyers and battleships.

>> No.12188484

40 2-3 runs. Not a single Ayanami. Fuck.

>> No.12188485

Shhhh. Don't give out the ultimate planning strategy to all the newbies here.

>> No.12188486
File: 19 KB, 600x600, b8e1d867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up!

>> No.12188488

Well, you could steal other people's planning skills too, but then you knew the right plans to use, which also takes some skill. Many didn't, and washed out.

Personally, I prefer 1-1 or 1-5.

>> No.12188490

Too wasteful and at least I get some resources from 2-3.

>> No.12188491

Holy fuck, development in this game is fucking impossible. How are you supposed to get 2x item of what you want on a 5% success rate for crafting.

This is worse than Pearl Harbor.

>> No.12188492

Do you do sparkling runs for your expedition?

>> No.12188493

Got tired of that long ago.

>> No.12188494

>There were countless people who barely made Oh you mean those people who purposely gimped themselves using kuso ships?
Whole event uses at most 50k for any competent teitoku.

>> No.12188495

>How are you supposed to get 2x item of what you want on a 5% success rate for crafting.
What are you trying to get? Just take it easy.

>> No.12188496

Wait until you get to LSC, onii-chan.

>> No.12188497

1-1 sparkling runs for DDs and 1-5 sub farming (and CL sparkling) runs disagree with you.

>> No.12188498

Understandable, they are annoying as hell but you can get Ayanami easily with it.

>> No.12188499

why you want ugly ship that bad

>> No.12188501

Rumour of Kai2.

>> No.12188502

Possible K2 candidate

>> No.12188503

I don't think you understand what skill means in video games.

The people who figured out the loadouts either threw a bunch of random crap until something stuck or used some api wizardry or whatever, which is outside the scope of the gameplay.

Getting the information simply boils down to autistically browsing threads and/or checking wikis, which take zero skill either way.

>> No.12188504

I hate it when a ship suddenly gets popular because of kai2.

>> No.12188505

Ha. They should give Ooshio Kai2 as well without changing the voice actress.

>> No.12188506

Gotta complete the Kantaidex. Besides unless she's really useful and cute, their popularity won't last.

>> No.12188508


You are confuing popularity with usefullness.


This is exactly why I want the Vita game to be a SRPG a la Super Rbot wars of Valkyrie Chronicles. Would take a good setting and design and add it an equally good gameplay.

>> No.12188510

I think she's going to be useful though like Yuudachi if Ayanami does get the Kai 2. She did fought off a bunch of destroyers, sinking 2 and critically damaging a couple more and also scored hits on a battleship.

>> No.12188512

>I think she's going to be useful
Well, I guess so. It really depends on how desperate you are for an elite DD, we have quite a number of those already.

>> No.12188513

Am I the only one who actually raised his Ayanami before the possible k2 announcement?

>> No.12188519

Kai2s almost always means the girl gets a lot cuter though.

>> No.12188521

That doesn't apply to Shitbafu girls.

>> No.12188522

Nope, I did too. It's finally her time to shine!

>> No.12188523

You mean Konishit.

>> No.12188525

Ability to know when to press what buttons/keys, and the dexterity in pressing said buttons/keys? You're right, KanColle doesn't require that. Autistically browsing threads and/or checking wikis means nothing if you can't separate right from wrong and use the optimal plan based on what you have.

In addition, if you lack the equipment required to follow those tried-and-tested methods, you've got to improvise. And improvisation is certainly a skill.

>> No.12188526


Side and twin tail girls turn me on so I've been raising Ayanami a bit more than usual. She's fully modernized level 30 now. Still, she's lots of levels away from the possible remodel level

>> No.12188530


I didn't keep mine because space issues, and after hating money I just had too many destroyers, but Ayanami and Isonami are my favorites from the bunch.

>> No.12188532


>> No.12188533


>> No.12188535
File: 173 KB, 538x759, 43795829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm HQ level 74 and only have a few ships at 70+, most of them being ~20. Should I sub slave?

I'm putting about 20 of my ships on a harsh training program to prepare for Midway 80+, but actually passing that magical number is kinda scary, since there will be no turning back after that.

>> No.12188536

I only used mine on expeditions, but she's 53 already!

>> No.12188537

When you've learned to be fond of Touhou designs, anything doesn't look so bad.

I actually kind of Like Ryuujou Kai art.

>> No.12188539

Is the only way to get medals from clearing 1-5, 2-5, 3-5, 4-5, and 5-5?

So, 5 a month max? That kind of sucks.

>> No.12188540

You make this game sound so hard when it really isn't. It's like saying Monopoly requires skill.

Whatever difficulty this game has stems entirely from luck.

>> No.12188541


Depends on hw you've been using your resources until now. If you've focused on cclearing maps and modernizing your ships you should be ok. If you've sink a great amount of rresources on crafting, LSC and development, then you shuld be wary of not having a decent and varied fleet.

>> No.12188542

Mine is far from k2 level too but she's a champ, managed to withstand a lot of BB hits during Spring E-4 without going to red.

>> No.12188544

There are spaces for -6 maps you know.
10 medals a month.

>> No.12188545


We only have 1-5, 2-5 and 5-5, so 3 a month.

>> No.12188546

Hopefully the admiral cap is 40/80, then all the new players who are under 80 can give everyone the middle finger.

>> No.12188547

3BB/SS or 4BB2CV for 5-5?

>> No.12188548

Ayanami looks fat. Further, like many of Shitbafu girls, she looks like she has mumps, or giant tumours on the sides of her face.

>> No.12188549

>Implying Midway will have level scaling.
Though would be hilarious if the level 80+ scaling will have regen gauge, and under 80 version won't have any.
Best way to give people a middle finger.

>> No.12188550

by the time 4-5 rolls out we'll have secretary minigames where you can earn points to exchange for medals

>> No.12188553

>secretary minigames
Secretary Clicker?

>> No.12188554

Ah shit just bring back the regenerating gauge. It ticks me off when lower leveled players breeze through a map while the veterans get the worst of it. It's like the game is punishing you for playing, or subslaving for that matter.

>> No.12188555
File: 165 KB, 1000x750, 40846396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not fat. She's just a blob.

>> No.12188556

Why yes, it does.

It's true that they say that beyond a certain level of skill it's up to luck, but there's still skill required nonetheless.

>> No.12188557

I just hope there won't be any level scaling.
Everyone should suffer the same.

>> No.12188558

Nothing so banal I hope. I'd like to play some sports with my secretary sometimes. Would be also nice if ships got their own minigame stats, allowing ships with unappealing combat stats to shine.

>> No.12188559

>or subslaving for that matter.
Pretty much that considering how unfriendly the maps are to submarine. That said, veterans do get the end of the stick, I think their level scaling should be more fine tuned instead of having one criteria.

>> No.12188560

>Ah shit just bring back the regenerating gauge.
I hate level scaling but at least it allows me to fucking sleep.

>> No.12188562

They should use an algorithm that scales based on the rarity of the ships in your fleet along with the levels of your most active ships.

I think T lvl was intended to be a quick way to gauge how long a TTK's been playing, but it's an awful way to tell how strong a player's overall fleet is.

>> No.12188563
File: 129 KB, 798x475, 5-2 leveling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
I didn't know 5-2 is so easy after the mechanic change. First time doing it since last year.
CLT is really obsolete eh

>> No.12188564

What I said about the current status of my harbor should answer that. Only have a single composition available to me with all 70+ ships at the moment. But I'm hard at work fixing that and making steady progress.

>> No.12188566


Not liking puffy cheeks.

On a serious note, I think it is ok to not like an artist work but from that to calling shit the art of him. Consider that artistic perception differs from one person to other and that's why art is so different and varied. I find Shibafu's designs charming an cute in their simplicity, like a torso of a greek sculpture.

>> No.12188568

You win. I give up on this autistic argument.

>> No.12188570
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I prefer one CLT to clean up some subs, she even one shots the Wo sometimes, but yeah, it's much better than 2-5.

>> No.12188572

>CLT is really obsolete eh
Nothing can really beat removing or critically damaging ships even before the battle start. CLT is still useful where air superiority is a problem.

Then you will have a problem with encouraging people to use low level fleet. Combining with HQ level and fleet's level will be solution for that but it will be a bit hard to fine-tune as you are dealing with 2 factors this time.

>> No.12188573


Then yeah, forget about sub slaving and go on a clearing an PvP rampage. adavance maps give a better "exp for ships" - "exp for ttk" ratio plus you'll get better drops for modernizing your ships. Also, dont ever miss a single PvP oportunity.

Hopefully, after you stop on lvl 78-79 you'll be able to hoard enough resources and buckets to do something decent at the event. Unless the event scales even if yoou started at <80 ttk level; then, you are utterly fucked.

>> No.12188580
File: 404 KB, 800x480, wwweeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me your secret.

>> No.12188581

The secret is the power of love, anon

>> No.12188583

Like that shit can revive my sunken I-401.

>> No.12188584

Put your baddest guns and biggest planes and go.

The enemy is using ring formation. They do chip damage at most.

>> No.12188585

F5 if you hit the Ta node.

>> No.12188587

She wouldn't have sunk in the first place if you loved her.

kuso teitoku

>> No.12188588
File: 398 KB, 600x800, 142_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she worthy of spending the time and resources to level her?

I've already got 6 Kai fully modernized CAs, but I love her voice and personality.

>> No.12188591

>but I love her voice and personality.
That's all the reasons you need. Stats are secondary.

>> No.12188592

>love her voice and personality
Do it out of love. She'll also reward you with with a 20.3(3) if you're nice.

>> No.12188595

Her Kai2 has worse stats than most normal CA. But if you love her enough you'll be fine.

>> No.12188597

Yes, she's cute, has a low-level Kai2 and you get a (3gou) too.

>> No.12188598

Yes, mine is 90+.

>> No.12188599

I'm not sure if that's the best way to do it. PvP gives really bad exp if you're leveling up a lot of low level ships, since you won't be able to get S rankings, and it will often cost a lot of bauxite. Mindlessly grinding 3-2-A over and over, however, doesn't seem to give me any HQ exp, and uses very little bauxite.

>> No.12188603

Don't use carriers for anything but air superiority in PvP.
Also,why are you grinding 3-2-A yourself? Do you also do expeditions manually?

>> No.12188605


PvP gives the best ship exp - ttk exp ratio plus it's safer and less resource intensive. If you've got problems with Bauxite, then ditch CVs or fill a Kaga or Akagi with green planes and let the rest of the fleet deal damage.

>> No.12188607

He probably just enjoys not being banned.

>> No.12188615

>since you won't be able to get S rankings, and it will often cost a lot of bauxite
The key thing is to balance between low level ships and high level ones. And also follow >>12188603 advice.

>> No.12188617

Yes, Kinugasa-san is delicious.

>> No.12188618

But I actually want to level up those carriers.

Also, if I start using scripts, all effort I've put into this game will seem meaningless.

>> No.12188623

Just do 5-2
Dont be a pussy

>> No.12188624

Is it tricky to get an auto-sortie script to run in tandem with exp scripts?

>> No.12188625

No worries about the carriers, they snatch MVP easily for 3-2.

>> No.12188635

>Nothing can really beat removing or critically damaging ships even before the battle start
Can't argue with that but sometimes, bringing CLT will more likely put your sortie to clear a map in jeopardy since who knows, she might get hit to red on the way to the boss node. They're good for maps that doesn't have much flagship/elite types running around. It's why I stopped bringing CLTs on later maps or even event maps unless she's proven she can handle them

>> No.12188737

Hm, is there a particular reason people do this in PvP?

All I see now ever since I hit HQ level 40 is
2 level 1 ships as flag+2nd ship, then 4 nearly max level BB's. Either that or 3 BB's then Kaga.

>> No.12188742



>> No.12188746

>2 level 1 ships as flag+2nd ship, then 4 nearly max level BB's
They are trolls, ignore them.

>> No.12188751

They're toughening you up for the real Kancolle, you better thank them.

>> No.12188757

It's called "Assholes". Don't become like them.

>> No.12188765

So what you're telling me is, people keep 2 level 1 subs(It's usually subs, I don't know why) just for the sole purpose of trolling PvP when they idle?

What a bunch of fucking pricks. I thought they were training their ships or something and it didn't update, so I slept and waited until tomorrow for them to change their fleet but it was still like that.

>> No.12188773

Trolls gonna troll.
It's a sad, but unfortunately unavoidable aspect of playing any massively played online game.

>> No.12188779

Pretty much. Some of them are probably grinding 3-2 but the fact that the subs are not leveled means that they are simply trolling. What's your rank by the way? Based on my experience, higher ranks yield better PvP fleet, usually.

>> No.12188781

These are a bunch of irredeemable faggots who derive some sense of accomplishment from denying experience to their fellow man. You shouldn't do the same, unless you genuinely enjoy being a piece of shit or something.

I want a ship type that grants bonus experience when fought in PvP, just to counteract these fuckers.

>> No.12188785

Just leave your wife as flagship when you close the game.

(What kind of fag doesn't want to be greeted by is wife when he comes back anyway)

>> No.12188789

Rank as in Admiral HQ/status?
Rear-Admiral level 44. I usually go against 3 75+ with troll fleets, then 2 people around my level that give great EXP(Ie, they just use their normal fleet so their flagship is really high level).
Yeah. What's even worse than the no-exp is that they're also astounding difficult to beat for players. With no subs or hotel BB's, getting the PvP dailies done is impossible against them.

>> No.12188793

Damn, half a year played and I had no clue it worked like that.

Pretty silly, since I always put my lowest level ships as flagship to help them catch up.

>> No.12188798

Weird, I'm pretty much the same rank as you but my PvP list is pretty good.

>Pretty silly, since I always put my lowest level ships as flagship to help them catch up.
That's normal however it's more courteous to leave two high level ships in your main fleet when you idle.

>> No.12188803

So long as your second ship is decently leveled (somewhere in the 50s or more), having a lvl 1 flagship is acceptable.

It's the assholes that set two lvl 1 ships as their first two ships that need to be shot.

>> No.12188834

I found that you can bring 2 CVs to PVP with little problems, as long as you fill the rest of the slots with CAs and BBs.

>> No.12188837

When is Yuudachi Kai Ni gonna get a voice update that overwrites the rest of her mismatched old lines?

>> No.12188840


If you wanna let your carrier do damage for MVP during pvp, but don't want to waste excess bauxite, you can consider equipping only a bomber plane in their smallest slot and fill the rest with 15.5cm secondaries.

You won't get any air superiority with that of course, but as long as the bombers aren't completely shot down, your carrier will still be able to do good damage even against BBs.

Note that this method does not work well with carriers whose small slot is very small (Hiryuu Kai 2 and RJ Kai 2 being the primary examples), in which case you might have to resort to one of their bigger slots.

>> No.12188842


>> No.12188878

just to confirm. The wikia lists some quotes for bosses like the Armored carrier princess or the armored carrier demon. Till now, I've fought both (4-4 and 5-2) but they've never said anything.

Is it just me or there are no voices for then? or are those voices only for events?

>> No.12188882

Only event bosses

>> No.12188884
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>kept trying for this long just for a Hamakaze
Fuck, you crazy.
Fuck son
Calm down

>> No.12188885

And Haguro's expression represents his own.

>> No.12188903

Doesn't seem to be a nip

>> No.12188922

Is Hamakaze that difficult to get? I got her and Yayoi back to back in 2-2.

I'd imagine you'd get her eventually while doing the "Defeat 5 world 2 bosses" and "defeat 3 transport ships" dailies.

>> No.12188925

Took me a couple of hundred runs myself.

>> No.12188930

I've gotten quite a few Tittykaze from 2-2. I was trying for Uzuki though.

>> No.12188931

Damn, probably has something to do with RNG. I bet there's some hidden formula where if you already have a ship, you have like 2x chance of getting it and it decreases the chance of you getting any other ship. So the more ships you have, the less chance of you getting the ships you don't have yet.

That would be so devious... and hilarious.

>> No.12188932

I got her twice on 2-5 while looking for Urakaze. I want Urakaze not her.

>> No.12188938

I want to get the whale, but I got Ypakaze...

>> No.12188950

>So the more ships you have, the less chance of you getting the ships you don't have yet.
That's exactly how it works, though.

>> No.12188962

That's never been proven though.
I agree that's how it feels the game works, but I've never seen compelling evidence that the game in fact works that way.

>> No.12188977

It's not a game mechanic, it's basic probability.

When you're totally new to the game and only got 10% of the ships in the drop pool for a certain node, then 90% of the droppable ships will be ships you don't have. Later when you've farmed more ships and got 90% of the ships dropping from that node, only 10% of the ships there will be ships you don't have. Clearly in the latter case, you will have a smaller chance of getting a ship you don't have yet. Which can give the false illusion that the RNG is trying to spite you on purpose by only giving you duplicates.

>> No.12188988

Good point.

It's not as if RNG increases the individual odds of getting ships you already have, it's merely that the odds of obtaining one you don't have naturally dwindles as you acquire more.

>> No.12188991

The problem that I have is that the drop list for S rank finish includes everything else that you get from a lower grade finish...

>> No.12188999

scrub ttk looking for advice
currently lvl 46 and want to be ready for midway. should i be leveling my main CVs/BBs, unlocking new worlds, or just running expeditions? my resources are hovering at 4k/7k/11k/5k

>> No.12189000

Considering how people have gotten rare ships from A rank, I assume that S rank further increases the chance of a rare ship.

Of course, even if you have a higher chance of rare ships on S rank, your overall chance of getting a rare ship is always less than the chance of getting a common ship.

>> No.12189002

Stockpile, this event is gonna be hell.

>> No.12189003

Level your BBs and CVs and try crafting Reppu

>> No.12189004

Stockpiling isn't going to help him much if his fleet is shit.

>> No.12189005

No, but it would make things infinitely easier.

>> No.12189007

No, it won't. Shit fleet + shit equipment = shit result.
And we don't even when exactly it will be.

>> No.12189014

You can always bruteforce. Levelling your ships is important, but at this point it will only inflate his HQ level and fuck him over.
>And we don't even when exactly it will be.
Before the end of August, obviously.

>> No.12189017

>only inflate his HQ level and fuck him over
We don't how the scaling will be but he shouldn't be able to get higher than 80 in one month.
>Before the end of August, obviously.
That's vague.

>> No.12189019

- At least 4BB, 4CV and 2 of every other classes remodelled and fully modernized
- - Unlock 3-2 if you haven't yet, grind your ships to around 40-50 level at 3-2-A
- At least 6-8 Reppuu/Shiden K2 combined
- Few 流星改 and 彗星121A (optional)
- Few 41/46cms
- Some CVLs with full firepower remodel and cheap cost BBs for support ex (optional)

>> No.12189024
File: 33 KB, 336x229, still no taigei.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is a trap designed to make you try for Taigei again.

>> No.12189025


Do this numbers work for >80 lvl ttks?

>> No.12189029

For >80 TTKs, I'd bump up the levels of your ships to at least 60 and get more of each of the listed equipment.

>> No.12189031

Get more equipments if you can, maybe some 9-12 greens combined at least. 46cm helps alot. If you run expeditions for at least 12-14 hours per day you can stay under regen cap until they announce the date to have some more resources crafting, if not then just finish the daily craftings and be done with it.

>> No.12189037

>he shouldn't be able to get higher than 80 in one month.
Unless he sorties all day, which is what you're basically telling him to do.
>That's vague.
Usually events start mid-Season (mid-July in this case). This means he has 30-something days to to level a full fleet and stockpile. Since he wants to prepare fairly expensive ships, he cannot do the latter until, say, two weeks before the start. His resources are pretty low on the average, so it means he won't be able to sortie enough to get all of his ships to 60, and even if he does, he will not only still be underprepared, but also have resource constraints (there isn't that much you can gain in 2 weeks, and we don't even know if regen is gone for good).
You do realize stockpiling is opposite to whaling, right?

>> No.12189043
File: 680 KB, 800x411, ryuuhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remodeled mine.

Midway is far away. Keep whale hunting.

>> No.12189048

How is mid-July mid season for a season that goes from July to September?

>> No.12189050

Where's her nose

>> No.12189055

Telling people to be Ahabs right now is idiotic.

>> No.12189056

Unless he runs 3-2A for around 2k times, no he wouldn't reach lv80.

>> No.12189061

>not knowing your seasons
Summer goes from June to September, July is roughly mid-season.

>> No.12189155

Summer's from around June 21 (summer solstice) to around September 22 (autumnal equinox). Mid-July wouldn't be considered "mid-season".

>> No.12189265
File: 302 KB, 1426x1020, 43741083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times are not to be had today.


>> No.12189273



>> No.12189274

Is it worth to try to craft each of said equipment when not doing your dailies? I'm rather low on every resource, but I have 18k steel for some reason.


>> No.12189338

Of course! Why are you hesitating? The event is months away.

>> No.12189350

Yes, July, which they announced for the summer event, is months away
Oh wait.

>> No.12189373

>dilf tag
I refuse

>> No.12189386

How difficult is to get thee Admiral rank at the Iwagawa airfield?

>> No.12189396

What about 115+?

>> No.12189399

It's a stupid tag for a rather touching non-h doujin. I liked it quite a bit; but I think I like the interpretation that the ship girls are manifestations of bravery and courage and the abyssal girls are embodiments of fear and despair of those that died in the Pacific Theatre better.

>> No.12189408

Making things up, are we?

>> No.12189416

Eh, I read it in a doujin and I liked it. Did they ever explain where the kanmasu and abyssal girls came from, or is that left to reader interpretation?

It makes sense that they're manifestations if they simply showed up out of nowhere with memories of what happened in WW2 in present-day. Then again, I think I recall canon saying the abyssal ships are aliens from space and such.

It also doesn't help that every official manga has different viewpoints and one is set in an alternate universe.

>> No.12189433

What? This doujin makes it rather clear that they're simply weapons designed to counter the Abyss, modeled after the IJN ships in WWII.

If you're talking about the broader and more general fan interpretation, I guess I can agree. There's also that thing about the KanColleVerse being an afterlife of sorts for ships.

>> No.12189438

Dude's a grounchy-looking war vet; that's a good thing. And this is a non-H doujin.

>> No.12189474

Oh, I was talking about another interpretation in another doujin.

That one

>> No.12189488

where do you read translated kancolle doujins?

>> No.12189490


On the internet.

>> No.12189491

Depends on the doujin.

>> No.12189494

Which 'Murrica ship is gonna be the first?

>> No.12189495


non h doujins

>> No.12189497

Exhentai, search for non-H "Kantai, English"
Stalker's imgur
That guy's mediafire account

>> No.12189499

Danbooru has a bunch of non-hard translated 4koma and a lot of doujins as well.

I'd say danbooru would be your best bet if you want a lot of material. Should have mentioned this in the previous post

Google would help you quite a bit as well

>> No.12189537


>> No.12189538

Damn, people are already leveling up Ayanami on my PVP list. I really hope the new Kai2 isn't her.

>> No.12189556

I hope they do a quick patch to make Ayanami 1000x rarer right before officially announcing that she will get Kai Ni.

Then they wait a month and say "never mind", we'll give Ooshio a Kai Ni instead.

>> No.12189563

Oboro Kai Ni

>> No.12189564


Oboro is not that bad, Ooshio's voice is what kills me.

>> No.12189565

Oh, I totally agree. As I typed it, I figured that Oboro Kai Ni might actually be interesting. Ooshio tops my shit list, but at least she has some cute art. I've only ever seen one good image of Oboro, and it's a collage with twenty other destroyers, so she's totaly drowned out.

>> No.12189597

Ooshio's art is hideous.

Ugliest loli I've ever seen.

>> No.12189600

No, not her actual in-game art. Just some stuff I saw on pixiv once.

>> No.12189610
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>> No.12189645

I would say 70. My BBVs and Shoukaku were in their 60s when I send them out in the event. I felt that they weren't making quite an impact.

>> No.12189667

see >>12189031

>> No.12189674
File: 825 KB, 1920x2720, 423171b1ee62e4308fd9760ce0dcb7fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of murrcan ships already.

>> No.12189700

Why do they look so fat and greasy?

>> No.12189706

How many times do I need to do this 30 hour expedition? I want to enjoy my whale.

>> No.12189726

2 or 3 times I think. Or is it 4?

>> No.12189735

Is everybody ready for Midway?

>> No.12189739


>> No.12189767

It's 3

You have to hunt her down, put her out for 90 hours, get 25 levels, and use a blueprint before you can even remodel her once. If she wasn't so pretty I wouldn't have even bothered.

>> No.12189772

Because amerifats

>> No.12189780
File: 110 KB, 728x438, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these guys again.

>> No.12189787

hell no.

>> No.12189788

Yup, but I'm trying to lose some resources before the event hit so I don't have to struggle with the 300k.

>> No.12189792

Have you got Yamato, Taihou and Bismarck yet?

>> No.12189794
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>> No.12189799

Well shit.

You filled your 'dex yet? If not I guess you could try farming furniture boxes at 3-3 or something, grinding some ships while you're at it.

>> No.12189808

I have all three, but no Akitsumaru...

>> No.12189810


>> No.12189813
File: 150 KB, 814x488, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missing Tani and there's nothing I can do about that, I just want to get my baux down and leave Kancolle to remove some kebab in gsg without having my resources humping the hardcap all the time.

>> No.12189816

>If not
If so*

>> No.12189819

What's everyone's preferred formation for surviving night battle nodes?

I'd gladly trade you all of my Akitsumarus just for a single one of the LSC Big Three.

>> No.12189822

Line ahead, kill them before they kill you.

Just a very old September babby who doesn't want to sit down and stare at Kancolle for 20 hours per day.

>> No.12189823

Echelon. Line Ahead when I'm desperate.

>> No.12189825

Line Abreast is a miraculous formation for night battles if you're relying on DDs.

Line ahead is the 'get them before they get you' formation but tends to fail when the top ships target the bottom ships.

>> No.12189828
File: 178 KB, 794x468, kancolle zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super ready.
Hope the event is this month.

>> No.12189831

Kadokawa really needs to do something about those cramped fullwidth latin characters.

>> No.12189832
File: 192 KB, 800x480, kancolle status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret having quit for around 3 months. I started in Sept. I only got Yamato by end of spring event and I ran out of steel by then.

>> No.12189837
File: 11 KB, 139x32, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fleet is ready, but still I have to work on stockpiling first until the last minute. Also resource cap is fucking stupid.

Echelon with a flashlight seems pretty effective against Ri Kai.

>> No.12189842

Echelon with flashlight hasn't gone well at all for me in 2-5 with CAs and CAVs. I am just wondering if it's just me...

>> No.12189844

>night battle
My sides.
Just use the tried and tested cvl, 2dd + 3ca/v

>> No.12189845
File: 372 KB, 1213x729, 2014-06-12 14-59-39.765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. Steel is easy to farm.

>> No.12189848

Why do you idiots think Bismarck won't still be shit during midway?

>> No.12189850

Jeez easy there, they're just showing that they "finished" LSC.

>> No.12189851

It's a dick rubbing session.

>> No.12189852

Because Bismarck is my only BB amirite?

>> No.12189853

We're dickwaving, dumbfuck.

>> No.12189854

Sorry I dont use monkeys in my fleet.
Bismarck is my go to fast ship.

>> No.12189857
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You think your dicks are worth waving too?

>> No.12189858

I am >>12189832. Dickwaving aside, I don't have high hope that BSM would become
übermächtig cause Nippon steel stronk...

She should be Nagato tier really.

>> No.12189859

Worth enough for you to suck on.

>> No.12189860

Sure thing sis. Cause no more LSC means resource stockpiling superhighway.

>> No.12189862

Min 3k bauxite, not sure of other resources.

But only do this if you're already on the verge of breaking 300k.

Craft Reppus, Suisei 12As, Ryuusei Kais, 46cms, type 14/32/33 radars, type 0 observation planes, type 3 sonars, type 3 depth charges, sanshikis, enhanced steam boilers. Also farm quint torps, 20.3cm gous, 12.7cm B Kai 2 guns.

How many of each do you have? I have 16/17/8/15/1/0/2/3/14/10/14/1/3/1/2 respectively, and am trying to get more. End-game I'm hoping to get 47/28/34/50/6/31/10/53/100/88/40/18/66/36/12. Yeah, call me overly ambitious. (I calculated everything in my mind; I'd most likely have forgotten how I got to these numbers by the time I post this.)

If you're trying to get your bauxite down, I suggest crafting planes, sonars and radars.

>> No.12189864
File: 270 KB, 1213x725, 2014-06-12 15-09-59.626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post dem boxes.

>> No.12189865

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.12189868
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>> No.12189870

How the fuck do you have more furniture boxes than buckets?

>> No.12189872

I won't hit that cap for a while. I am a lazy bum so the expeditions aren't really sparkled. I am just letting tokyo express do its thing on auto. Maybe a month and a half till I reach 200k mark... if there's no Midway

>> No.12189873

Probably running expedition 6 like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.12189874

He hasn't bought all the big furniture items

>> No.12189876

Because I use buckets.

>> No.12189879

I've bought everything except for the desk and the fugly tiger wallpaper.

>> No.12189887

Seeing all these veteran screenshots make me really depressed. My A-team are barely in the 60s and I'm always struggling to hit my regen cap. Worse I've been training mostly BBs since I still can't find the cranes and Hiryuu so I'm basically fucked for Midway.

>> No.12189888

11 Reppu, 13 Suisei 12As, 5 Ryuusei Kais, 15 46cm, 3 Type 14, 7 Type 32, 5 Type 33, 0 Type 0 Obs Planes, 16 Type 3 sonar, 9 Type 3 depth charges, 5 Sanshikis, 2 enhanced steam boilers, 9 quint torps, 11 20.3cm gous, 1 12.7cm B Kai 2 guns.

I'm already crafting planes., I just have terrible luck and a shit ton of Ryuusei/Suisei, observation and Taihou plane hasn't dropped for me at all.

>> No.12189890

I knew those Yamato planes would come in handy some day.

Did you scrap all your rocket launchers too?

>> No.12189891

Your lot is not bad.

Yeah, my crafting luck seems to have taken a nosedive after I reached level 100. On the other hand, my drops have been pretty good. First 2-5 clear since patch got me Taigei, saving me hours and hours of whaling. It's déjà vu for me seeing that I got Urakaze the exact same way when 2-5 first came out.

>> No.12189893

I have no luck with the white whale at all. At least I did get Urakaze... been thinking hard about going to 5-2 instead.

>> No.12189894

They're hard to come by so I kept 6 rocker launchers but never used them. I accidentally murdered my only obs plane a long time ago.

I blame Kaga, I think she's trying to get revenge on me since I married someone else.

>> No.12189897

5-2 is not a bad choice since you can farm Mikuma there as well.

Time to hate money for a new ring then. Who did you marry?

>> No.12189904

Mutsu. Got them both around the same time but once Mutsu got her new idle line things just went out of control.

>> No.12189917
File: 17 KB, 600x450, むっちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutsu is love.

>> No.12189927

Right, then.

Going to hate money any time soon?

Unfortunately Mutsu's not my type.

>> No.12189932

Why does Suzuya call other ships disgusting when she's shooting at them? It's kinda understandable against some of those freakish abyss ships, but it's kinda rude in practice battles. Just now she called another admiral's Kiso disgusting.

>> No.12189933

Good taste.

>> No.12189934

because devs were too lazy to add another line for pvp

>> No.12189937

Same reason why ships act as if they're on the verge of sinking when crit to orange or red. Even when it's just practice matches and they're in no danger of dying. And all their HP is restored at the end of each practice match anyway.

>> No.12189960

So a flagship is supposed to be the ship that the fleet's admiral is sailing with and taking command from. How does it work in this game? Do you piggyback ride your flagship into battle?

>> No.12189965

You become the ship.

>> No.12189966

I'd think that the flagship is no more than the squadron flagship in this case...

>> No.12189967

Wait. Aren't we just port admirals without any actual command at sea?

>> No.12189968

Haha, adult sized man riding on the shoulders of a loli. That sounds great.

>> No.12189971


>> No.12189972

Makes me feel kinda bad for those destroyers who managed to win the heart of their teitoku and got the permanent flagship spot.

>> No.12189975
File: 1.31 MB, 1000x1875, 40118703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both? You can be riding on the back of a shipgirl who is standing on her own deck...

>> No.12189978
File: 1.76 MB, 1600x980, 39340710_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly a real comfy ride for a flagship...

>> No.12189979

Fairy-sized admiral,
commanding from the shoulder of the flagship.

>> No.12189980

What's the tag for such pictures? I want more of them.

>> No.12189982

This. We have no real impact on battle anyway, besides calling girls home.

>> No.12189988
File: 1.54 MB, 868x1228, 37844871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Musashi to princess carry me during the battle.

>> No.12189989


>> No.12189990

Am I the only one who always has steel in excess while other resources are a bit lacking? And I run 6/21/37.

>> No.12189991

You may not be the only one, but I actually had to stop running 6 and 37 to opt for 2 and 38...

damn 2-5.

>> No.12189999

No, Tokyo expresses really make it shoot up.

>> No.12190001

So what kind of rewards would you like for Midway? Planes? Carriers?

>> No.12190004

If you don't regularly sortie and go on 46cm crafting sprees I wouldn't be surprised, you don't use steel for anything so it's normal I guess?

>> No.12190005

More destroyers.

>> No.12190006

Shinden Kai, ring.

>> No.12190007

Holo planes, new SS, ship repair facility, Shinano.

>> No.12190008


>> No.12190009

free dock expansion.

>> No.12190011

cute hats

>> No.12190013

Supply boat, blueprints, rings, Shinano, Americlap CVs, loli BB.
A man can dream

>> No.12190015

Suicide submarines.

>> No.12190018

Shinano. Though I won't expect her carrier form to be that outstanding.

>> No.12190020

To retire to the countryside with my wife.

>> No.12190021

kamikaze zeros

>> No.12190022

Not going to happen, ever.

>> No.12190028

I agree, they would need to add another resource: fairies

>> No.12190030

The A6M Model 62 we have in-game was also the version used in kamikaze roles though.

>> No.12190033

Shinano, Ibuki, Unryuu-class, Shinden Kai, rings, some new BB guns maybe.

>> No.12190036

You pack them full of explosives before you use them for Kamikaze

>> No.12190038

I wish they introduced them along with new resorce - fairies. Every time your ship attacks with such weapon equipped, you lose 1 fairy. Fairies could be obtained via expeditions to Elfhelm (takes several years to finish) and natural regen (1/day, capped at 25 fairies).

>> No.12190041

Same here. I'm going to to marry her after Midway, you know. I'm pretty sure she will be happy.

>> No.12190042

You heartless fuckers.

>> No.12190043

I don't know if you'll even call it kamikaze but every time one of my planes get shot down, if the shot down plane sprite is near the enemy it seems to go down near one of the enemy sprites and most of the time, that enemy gets damage too. Or maybe I'm just seeing things.

>> No.12190045

What a unique way to describe the various prefectures in Japan proper. Look, the tough part isn't in fairy manpower, but rather in the training of the said fairies.

I want the choice of having Shinano as BB instead of CVB tbh.

Yorktown class CVs please. They need to give a stars and stripe Holo rarity for the Murricans instead of Sakura pedals.

>> No.12190048

It's a case of 'If i'm going down, i'm taking you with me.'

>> No.12190049

You will, but it'll cost a blueprint or two.

>> No.12190051

She'll probably be in BB form first though before needing a blueprint to be converted into a carrier. But if her carrier stats are mediocre just like her real-life counterpart then it'll probably better to just keep her in BB form, unless you will like her CVB form art.

>> No.12190052

>stars and stripe
This is a nationalist game with the amurifats depicted as alien ships.

>> No.12190053

>They need to give a stars and stripe Holo rarity for the Murricans instead of Sakura pedals.
Fucking genius

>> No.12190054

>They need to give a stars and stripe Holo rarity for the Murricans instead of Sakura pedals.

I laughed more than I should have. Include a faint picture of an eagle on the background.

>> No.12190056

>They need to give a stars and stripe Holo rarity for the Murricans instead of Sakura pedals.
Fucking brilliant.

>> No.12190057

And a military band theme playing as the harbour BGM when you choose one as a flagship.

>> No.12190061

Don't forget that eagle needs to cry

>> No.12190062
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>> No.12190063
File: 246 KB, 1280x1024, f35_variant_cv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spirits of WW3.

>> No.12190065

Where is my "I don't like her and not going to bother with her at all" option?

>> No.12190066

You know we're going to probably face them on Midway

>> No.12190068

There's a similar option.

>> No.12190069

My Ayanami is pretty much relegated to expedition duty. If her Kai2 shows promise, I will bump her up in my training list.

Not just that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximity_fuze

>> No.12190071

>The spirits of WW3
are fucking ugly. Whoever designed F-35 must be a tasteless faggot.

>> No.12190072

It's "I don't even have one".
And I hope you don't regret your decision when she becomes cuter and stronger.

>> No.12190074

I'm hoping her stats would be good considering her performance record.

>> No.12190077
File: 256 KB, 1600x954, shenyanh_j15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, we're buttbuddies with the japs by then.

Here's a potential WW3 enemy though.

>> No.12190078

Now that's what I would equip my carriers with.
Good taste

>> No.12190079

It's hard to imagine her ever becoming cute with how generic she looks right now.

>> No.12190080

I like it. Seeing something pudgy fly as gracefully as it does has its own charm.

>> No.12190081

China cannot unto navy historically speaking. The last time that they did, it ended with'em scrapping their huge ass fleet way back in the 1400s.
Total tonnage of ROCN before WW2 was pitiful. <60k tonnes, less than 2 Kongous, come to think of it.

>> No.12190083

Flankers are hot. God damn it Russa, where is my Nosferatu?

>> No.12190084

But she's already cute.

>> No.12190085

What would you do if Shinano ended up looking like yet another Shigure?

>> No.12190087

China had no reason to go navy historically.

>> No.12190090

Scrap her, unless she's wearing glasses

>> No.12190092

I'd be a little upset because Kujou's sameface problem is as bad as Shibafu's, but it's still infinitely better than her current design.

>> No.12190095

100x times better than the early art.

>> No.12190096

Why do dislike her design so much?
It was pretty cute with freckles and those glasses

>> No.12190099

Too old

>> No.12190100

Is that you, Nagato?

>> No.12190101

I don't like the glasses and the artstyle looks unpleasant and old.

>> No.12190104

She looks ugly to me.

>> No.12190105

>It was pretty cute with freckles and those glasses
Wait, which one are you talking about?

>> No.12190112

The one at the end of an artbook.
Guess I remembered those freckles incorrectly.

>> No.12190115

They overdid the "weak, sickly" trait she is supposed to have and she turned out like some bedridden old hag instead.

>> No.12190117

Too plain.

>> No.12190123

But China is planing to make a super aircraft carrier-island type in one of the islands in the sea of Philippines.

Fucking chinks.

>> No.12190126

The Future Asset one? I disliked it the first time i saw it. I mean, goddamn. That was horrible.

>> No.12190129
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>> No.12190134

While underestimating them is a mistake, we shouldn't forget that it takes generations of experience to build a naval tradition. It'd be stupid to leave China unchecked in this case, but is the right answer really in building more CVs to counter the Chinese buildup? Or would ASW be more important in dealing with the PLAN?

>> No.12190135
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>> No.12190137

They were serious about it, while the dispute in the flip's sea is still there. They are insisting that it's not a behemoth aircraft carrier island despite from its war advantage strategical position in the sea and structure.

I guess they realized the terror of island princesses.

>> No.12190148
File: 107 KB, 650x900, Enterprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need those FREEDOM SHIPS now.

>> No.12190150

New admiral here as of this morning, how do I de-equip a weapon? I'm trying to strip some of my duplicate girls of their guns but I can't find out how to do it for the life of me.

I'm sorry if this is asked a lot.

>> No.12190155

It isn't asked a lot, because there is a wiki

>> No.12190158

what do you think that x is there for?

>> No.12190160

My problem was more finding out how to find my girls that weren't in my active fleets. I somehow missed that tab.

Sorry for the intrusion. I'll do my best to look harder next time, but I was really at my wits' end for a moment there.

>> No.12190169
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Don't worry about intruding - sometimes the wiki simply IS the best place to look for information.

>> No.12190170

It's served me well getting everything set up and running and how to do all the basic stuff. I think I'll be fine from now on, it really was just that one detail I was missing.

>> No.12190183

At looks pretty damn good actually

>> No.12190186

So I haven't played this in months and I'm thinking about playing again. How cute are the new shipgirls they've added?

>> No.12190188

Read the wiki.

>> No.12190189

Bretty cute, but your mileage may vary.

>> No.12190190

You really want to know how cute girls are you can't get for a long time anyway since you missed spring event?

>> No.12190191

The Wiki doesn't offer a biased opinion on the cuteness of a given shipgirl, at least not on what they say on the tin. It's only through comments, which is anecdotal at best.

No, I did not check this because I was out on a vendetta against waifufags.

>> No.12190192

Anyone tried speedhacking the game? Combat takes so goddamn long to finish.

>> No.12190193

Everyone has their own standards, there's no point in asking.

>> No.12190195

I despair at the notion that people would use the wiki as an authoritative source on how cute a kanmusume is...

>> No.12190197


>> No.12190198

They have a gallery on the wiki

>> No.12190199

Didn't he mean to look at them to decide because their image is on the wiki.

>> No.12190203

I noticed they have some polls up. According to them, Kongou is the best wife by a long stretch, and Atago is the best heavy cruiser.

I don't like to talk shit about other people's taste, but these people are truly far gone.

>> No.12190208

That's where you are in the wrong. The stats tallied confirm with what you see on Pixiv and Japanese polls. There's no questioning on the accuracy of the wiki's conclusion.

>> No.12190209

This is implying some people have not been proxyfagging.

>> No.12190221
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>> No.12190227

Theses guys are finally getting some tastes.

>> No.12190230

I guess everyone already has yasen leveled?

>> No.12190229

Or maybe they just want to fill the KanDex.

>> No.12190231


>> No.12190232

69 should be enough

>> No.12190233
File: 482 KB, 980x1200, 41580201_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they've realized that she's the cutest plain ship.

>> No.12190235

It would be retarded not to. I'm leveling all bob ships to 70 just in case devs will make more K2s.

>> No.12190236

> plain
I fucking hate plain ships. All of them have exactly the same pose and body, the only difference is the head. It's so lazy.

>> No.12190237

>leveling ships only in hope they get a kai2
Are you really doing this or do you at least like them a little?

>> No.12190239

No such thing.

>> No.12190243

From unconfirmed ones I really like Shouhou, and kinda like Nachi and Ashigara. Myoukou is the only one I don't like, but since every bob's k2 was good to fucking awesome I might start to like her. And it's not like I have something better to do, sitting at resource cap.

>> No.12190244

Yeah, since Jintsuu got her Kai Ni.
This. I don't hate Shibafu's art, but that really pisses me off.

>> No.12190246

You could capture the packets sending between the browser and the server and see whether you could sppof/emulate how a player plays.

>> No.12190251

Speedhacking is much simpler, I could do it but I'm wondering if anyone else has already done it in case the devs happen to care enough to ban for it.

>> No.12190252

>All of them have exactly the same pose and body, the only difference is the head.
Holy shit, you're right.

>> No.12190253

The combat requires no interaction

>> No.12190257

You can via any program accelerator, and it works, but you'll be sending information at abnormal rate so you'll most likely get banned, with recent purges it's obvious how they notice things.

>> No.12190260
File: 252 KB, 350x1000, condensedmilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha oh wow.

>> No.12190262

The only hacking I know of that's been tried is stuff involving synthetic api calls and macros.

The former will definitely get you banned, as anyone using KCT can attest to. The latter, sometimes, but only if you're an idiot about how you do it.

I'd put any sort of speedhacking in the same easily banned category as messing with api calls. It's too easy for the devs to notice ridiculously quick calls being made back and forth.

>> No.12190264

You've never noticed before?

>> No.12190266

Most of the banned cases involve the use of botting 2-3 sub slaving runs from what I've seen. API calls used for expeditions mostly go unaddressed.

>> No.12190273

Didn't that bot all the Chinese players were using get smacked down hard? I thought that was primarily for exp runs?

>> No.12190282

Those, modified KCV as well as KCB uers that automated xp grinding were the ones affected. I've only seen 1-2 sporadic claims that point to banned from API call automated expedition.

>> No.12190338

>stars and stripes holo rarity.
You sir are a scholar and a genius.

>> No.12190498

Did anyone try fall E4 with 2 Kongous 1 CA 3 subs? With 3 subs at the top, of course.

>> No.12190503

I only had Goya leveled by then so I didn't

>> No.12190511

Well shit, that kind of sucks. Partial subcheesing could have been invented way before its time. At least I'd have expected 2 Kongous 2 CAs 2 subs, with subs at the top.

>> No.12190517

Goya flag helped me quite a bit (reminder, I knew jack shit about the game back then and used to retreat on orange) but that's all I can say

>> No.12190547

>and used to retreat on orange

I still do

>> No.12190552


>> No.12190554

You know that you will lose all those boxes, right? The maximum number of coins you can get is 200k.

>> No.12190557

Dunno I still feel unsafe when sending at orange

>> No.12190559

There's no point spending them anyway, expensive furniture come once in a blue moon and some aren't even good. I collect the boxes for fun since there's not much use for them.

>> No.12190565

How do you clear stuff then?

>> No.12190569

Doing it a fuckton of times?

>> No.12190572

That's autistic. Probably worse than bringing useless destroyers on hard maps.

>> No.12190574

Probably doing the same thing people do who sortie fleets of their hearts instead of most efficient/powerful ones, repeatedly beating the wall with their forehead until they get lucky and break said wall.

>> No.12190582

But people brought destroyers for fall E4.

>> No.12190585

Ok, I meant maps that don't require them.

>> No.12190586

I hope Leyete Gulf will be autumn event. I want Kumano K2.

>> No.12190587

That's spring E4, anon.

>> No.12190591

But you needed them.

>> No.12190592

Destroyers were the most efficient option. They dealt more than enough damage, but killing the boss wasn't the hard part. The hard part was retreating and repairing after every unlucky cut in. A fleet of BBs or CAs would have exhausted most people.

>> No.12190596

Oh, wait I misread that. >>12190582

>> No.12190601

3 subs 2 Kongous 1 CA?

>> No.12190604 [DELETED] 

You would not have been able to hit the boss.

>> No.12190605

All fast was E5.

>> No.12190665
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>> No.12190688
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>> No.12190746
File: 758 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140613-03135030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel cheated to have had to search for her at 2-5 when she drops like candy at 4-2.

>> No.12190868
File: 36 KB, 480x379, I am prepared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your war preparations going?

>> No.12190877

For now there is only the hunt for the whale. Stockpiling can wait. Midway is weeks away.

>> No.12190897

Good luck, my first 2-5 clear for the month got me a whale.

>> No.12190900

Don't be a Ahab, I can bet my kidneys that she will be E6 drop.

>> No.12190902

>All those resources in one week

>> No.12190910

2/6(3 boats)/38 non stop when awake, 11/13/35 when I sleep.

>> No.12190911

Went from 40/50/30/60 600 buckets to 10/10/40/55 500 buckets and finally got into the top 500 today. If I keep going at the pace I'm now I should be able to finish this month around 400 buckets and between 40 and 50k steel and bauxite, the rest will follow easily next month.

>> No.12190912

Good, I need two anyway. I can keep one as a submarine tender and turn the other into a CVL.

>> No.12190914
File: 41 KB, 476x445, Nowhere near ready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12190917

>6 rKai


>> No.12190924

I have 8, no big deal. Though I've observed that Kaga gives a lot of them.

>> No.12190928

I think I'll do that too and see how it goes for me.

I'll replace 35 with something like 9 though.
I find it really annoying and a pain to keep switching around my expedition fleets for comps and stuff.

>> No.12190930

Make sure Akagi is your flagship. Neither Taiho nor Kaga gave me any decent things in ~50 110 bauxite crafts each.

>> No.12190933
File: 28 KB, 323x303, res 12.06.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-5 was not kind to me this month.

>> No.12190947

What's with all the crazy amounts of Ryuusei and Suisei everyone has?

I've been crafting Reppu as much as possible in preparation for Midway (I've got 9 now), but I haven't bothered with the other planes.

>> No.12190950
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>> No.12190953

Byproduct of spamming 20/60/10/110 for planes.

>> No.12190954

The amount of 12A that I have right now is just enough for one support fleet, so you want to keep regular Suiseis. As for Ryuuseis, I only keep them because they're rare.

>> No.12190960

Why would you use 12As, you can easily reach the cap with regular Suisei which you'll have shitloads because of remodels/unlucky crafts.

>> No.12190961

Because I'm a perfectionist mate.

>> No.12190963

Sucks to be you, I guess.

>> No.12190969

To begin with, does the cap apply to support fleets?

>> No.12190971

I didn't choose to craft 18 Suisei, the 18 Suisei chose me. If I could some of them in to Reppu or Ryuukai I would, because I only have 6 of each of those.

>> No.12190976

There is no reason to think it does not.

>> No.12191004
File: 111 KB, 220x1384, Preparations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.
Im still preparing and stocking up.

Going to do more holo plane recipes and maybe go for a couple more 46cms after my resources get around 50k~

>> No.12191014

Except that fleet's total stats can determine the support. Torpedo support requires a set total of torp stats.

Even if a cap applies to support fleets, it's too much to say that it'll definitely be the same as the one in day battle.

Besides, if day battle cap applies, then so can T cross modifiers; 4 Suisei 12As won't clear the cap for head-on engagements for any CVL except for Ryuujou Kai 2.

>> No.12191019

>clear the cap
hit the cap*

>> No.12191025

How the hell do you guys get so many 3-star planes? My recipes always seem to give me failures or 1-2 stars

>> No.12191032

Focusing on training up the ships I think I'll need, because my selection is way too limited. After a few days, I got around 15 ships who used to be 1-20 to level 30-35.

...fuck, that really doesn't sound like a lot of progress. Typing this out actually makes me kinda depressed.

>> No.12191034

These are the results of crafting over a really long period of time.

Just be diligent and keep doing your dailies.

>> No.12191040

What's your HQ lvl? Anything below 40 and you should be fine.

>> No.12191049


Sub slaving, not even once.

>> No.12191051
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>> No.12191055

Dailies are only 4~ a day, though. If Midway is next month, will 120 attempts really be enough?

I really needed some better planes to minimize my bauxite cost, so I tried 20 attempts~ at 20/60/10/100 and I got extremely lucky for the first 5. But the next 15 were all garbage/failures. I've also heard that people would burn like 20k~ steel and not run into a second 46cm or run into a single Reppu over doing dailies for a couple months.

>> No.12191063

> I've also heard that people would burn like 20k~ steel and not run into a second 46cm or run into a single Reppu over doing dailies for a couple months.
I burned ~70k bauxite(leftovers from spring event) just to get a 3rd Type 32 radar to finish set up for 3 BBs. You should be really unlucky to be a part of such horror stories though.

>> No.12191064

If you're about to hit 80 with those levels of ships, at least make sure they're fully modernized.

I'd work on trying to get a few k2 remodels as well.

>> No.12191074 [DELETED] 

First one should be 17, not 16, sorry.

>> No.12191075

Slow as shit on Brunei

Anyone else?

>> No.12191076

First one should be 17, not 16, sorry.

>> No.12191079

k2s are over-rated. While nice, they are not necessary to finish E5+ unless you're using Nishimura fleet alikes.

>> No.12191084

Am I going to have to buy keys so unlock the other two docks here, soon?

I haven't really been pressured to by anything up to this point but man having only two docks is pretty annoying when more than two ships take damage.

>> No.12191085

Of course I'm planning to get them all to a much higher level, as well as fully remodeling and modernizing them. Question is how fast I manage to get it over with so I can start developing and then start stockpiling. At this pace, it feels like Midway will be over before I even start stockpiling.

>> No.12191089


I don't feel like taking screenshots and cropping, so:

Planes: Reppu x9, Shiden Kai 2 x9, Suisei 12A x14, Saiun x4, Ryuusei Kai x4, Ryuusei x12.

Resources: 81k fuel, 59k ammo, 109k steel, 103k bauxite, 1461 buckets.

I'll try to get more reppu and maybe more ryuusei kai, last time I tried to craft more ryuusei kai/reppu I ended up with a lot of type 62 zero fighters.

>> No.12191092

Just hate your money if you love your ship daughters.

>> No.12191104

CAs drop everywhere in post-2 worlds and are excellent modernization fodder. Levels don't matter that much. Just max out stats of the ships you're most likely going to use and call it a day, more levels will not save you from lucky flagRu/line ahead subs/BB Hime crits while more resources somewhat will.

>> No.12191118

The docks are a great investment, or at least, the convenience is definitely worth the price.

>> No.12191120

So, I just got Zuihou through construction.. What's so special about her?

>> No.12191124

Third cutest CVL.

>> No.12191126

Her cute stat is through the roof. Also she's lucky, if that'll ever matter.

>> No.12191128

Who's above her?

>> No.12191136

I guess this is kinda anecdotal, but last event I was completely stuck at E2, making no progress. Then I picked 6 ships and spent the whole first week of the event farming 3-2-A with them until they were all around 70, and I sailed smoothly through E2, E3 and E4 after that.

I really can't imagine that I'd want to send out sub-70 ships for what is supposed to be a much harder event, especially since I actually want to be able to give E5 a try this time.

>> No.12191141

Houshou and Ryuuhou.

>> No.12191146

>Ryuujou and Ryuuhou

>> No.12191147

That's not Hiyou and Ryuujou.

>> No.12191155

I beat 80+ spring E5 with unremodeled Yamato&Nagatos, Kaga, Taiho&Akagi, all bellow level 50 because I was subslaving a little too much. Took me about 40k, which is slightly above average. Everything depends only on your luck.

>> No.12191156

Nagatos were remodeled, of course. The only unremodeled one was Yamato.

>> No.12191157

Jun'you and Ryuujou you mean

>> No.12191160

fuck , another akitsumaru. where my hotel , at this rate i will be fuck up at mid way

>> No.12191161

Neither are they Shouhou and Hiyou.

>> No.12191162

> Jun'you and Ryuujou you mean
That's not how you spell Hiyou and Shouhou, though Junyou is third cutest.

>> No.12191163

>carrier based event
Anon get your priorities straight.

>> No.12191169
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My current equipment, after today's crafts.

I'm already at the point where I'm starting to scrap Ryuuseis. Scrapped 10 so far.

She's a rare drop, much rarer than her sister. When I first got her I didn't even know that.

>> No.12191174

Anon, when an event might be less than a month away, it's time to stop LSCing, no matter what.

I really wanted Taihou, but there's no way she'll be of more use than all the resources I'd have to spend to get her.

>> No.12191178

I'm level 102. Spent the last 3 month hunting for her. 300! 4-2 S-rank boss. 150+ 5-4. No Zuihoe.

>> No.12191186

Calculator tells me you did 4-2 more than 3.06 x 10^614 times. I'm just going to assume 300+ instead.

For me, I got her during Arpeggio event. Haven't got another copy of her since.

>> No.12191193

what , i got her each 10 5-4 run , she not that rare

>> No.12191194

So if the new torp doesn't cut-in, Maruyu just got an amazing toy.

>> No.12191198

I got her from standard carrier recipe twice in ~170 crafts. Never got cranes though, probably because desire sensor picked my readings.

>> No.12191202

After getting Hiryuu to Kai-2 I get two Shoukaku drops in two days but still no Souryuu in sight, I knew I shouldn't have gotten rid of her when last event turned out to not be Midway. I'm even doing the old 300/30/400/300 recipe for the first time in 6+ months and no dice.

I started playing Kancolle specifically for Zuihou, and it ended up taking me 2 months to get her. After a zillion 4-2 runs I finally got her from construction dailies instead (after building 15+ Shouhous before her).

It took so long that I ended up falling for other shipgirls in the meantime; Mutsu, Choukai, my starter Inazuma, and my eventual waifu Mochizuki. Zuihou is still my first choice for the rare occasions when I need a CVL, but that damn desire sensor really ruined things, not letting me get her early enough to still be generally useful.

>> No.12191206 [DELETED] 

330/430/530/430 was the standard miracle recipe for carriers. Of course seeing that I've got every carrier except Taihou now, I don't need to bother with it anymore.

Did you start after Arpeggio event? Rare ships were ridiculously easy to farm for back then.

>> No.12191210

330/430/530/430 was the standard miracle recipe for carriers. Of course seeing that I've got every carrier except Taihou now, I don't need to bother with it anymore.

Did you start after Arpeggio event? Many rare ships were ridiculously easy to farm for back then, Zuihou included.

>> No.12191213

>After getting Hiryuu to Kai-2 I get two Shoukaku drops in two days but still no Souryuu in sight
I swear, the desire sensor not only makes sure you don't get the ships you want, but it also makes sure that other people who don't want it gets it instead so they can tell you about it. I just want a Shoukaku or Hiryuu, but instead I'm getting Souryuus by the dozen.

>> No.12191217

I started last July, so my only options were reaching 4-2 and farming it (without subs) and spamming basic carrier recipe since no LSC. And 300/30/400/300 was (is) the cheapest carrier recipe (with questionable benefit from adding more resources, though there weren't any high-quality statistics to know for sure). I think I did 350/30/400/350 sometimes instead, or randomly tossed in ammo because I had too much anyway.

>> No.12191218

I tried to go for Souryuu in 2-5 and got Taigei, feels like I tricked desire sensor since a whale is fine too.

>> No.12191267

How many Saiun does one need?

I finally got my first after two months of trying to craft one. I'm not sure if I want to go through the pain of trying to craft another.

>> No.12191272


>> No.12191279

Commander, the truth is... I.. had... fun...

>> No.12191297

That's what I figured. I don't recall hearing anyone say they needed more than one for the last event.

Most of their utility comes from the T-cross prevention, right?

>> No.12191298

Which can actually come back and bite you in the ass.

>> No.12191309

Someday T crossing will work as it should, and you'll never leave bade without your Saiun again.


>> No.12191325

I think it's working as designed?

>> No.12191331

But that doesn't mean it's working like it should.

>> No.12191335

What kind of idiotic design would that be?

>> No.12191341

I guess it's because realistic "red T" would be too much rapey? Maybe...

>> No.12191346
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With or without glasses?

>> No.12191348

Pretty sure it's not the glasses that people like about the Moo-sushi.

>> No.12191354


>> No.12191358

I wish they'd add some of those cards

>> No.12191360


>> No.12191366
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It's so annoying that I can't set up a full fleet of megane kanmusu because she's one of three ships I'm missing, and will continue to be missing unless they add her to LSC.

I'd rather have Choukai Kai-2 though.

>> No.12191370

Glasses a shit

>> No.12191371

Are there 6 megane in the game counting Musashi?

Choukai, Mochizuki, Kirishima, Hachi are four others I can think of. Plus her that's five. Is there one I'm forgetting?

>> No.12191374


>> No.12191375
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>> No.12191377
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No glasses. No twintails. Only perfection.

>> No.12191378

That's right. I don't have her yet, so I didn't think of her.

>> No.12191380

I'd want her in my fleet if she looked like this.

>> No.12191386

I like her ear-like twintails

>> No.12191489

Any reason to max AA on carriers? On the wiki, it seems it doesn't do anything for fighters.

Does it help mitigating the incoming enemy air attack or you really need a AA gun for that?

>> No.12191500

Maxing AA capability on carriers is only for their personal use - more AA points the less possibility to get fucked by planes.

>> No.12191503

I thought it only works if the ship has a AA gun, that's why the AA stats seems a bit iffy to me.

>> No.12191507

Isn't carrier based fighter considered as an AA gun?

Or maybe maxing AA points gives better evasion against planes/

>> No.12191526

no, aa equipment have their own modifiers but as long as the ship has any base aa stat, it'll be able to shoot down planes.

>> No.12191616

Sorry that's wrong, it was a misconception brought on by my sperging. Also my uncle works for Kadokawa, he told me.

>> No.12191715

I have a question, when I can see a plane in the enemy's formation circle, what exactly does that mean?

>> No.12191716 [DELETED] 

Artillery spotting.

>> No.12191721

is a retard

It's contact (+bombing damage)

>> No.12191737

ok, thanks.

>> No.12191740

How about this: Green T works as before if no Saiun, but if Saiun is equipped green T works as it's supposed to work.

>> No.12191761

How do I set my Sanaechan logbook to monitor Kancolle?

>> No.12191768

which plane does contact use? the one with the highest accuracy stat? the first one in the fleet? is it a sum? or is it random?

>> No.12191777

They each have fixed chances and it rolls for all of them and picks the best one that worked.

>> No.12191784

By connecting to the game via logbook's proxy (default: localhost:8888).

>> No.12191786

thanks, that was real helpful :^)

>> No.12191820

Holy shit, Shouhou is really happy when she gets MVP.

>> No.12191831


>> No.12191834

All her lines sound very enthusiastic including her resupply line before the patch.

>> No.12191838

So I remember from a long time ago, somebody extracted the ship drop screen and other UI elements from the game. Anyone know where I can find this stuff?

>> No.12191848


>> No.12191885

IE cache. Graphic assets are all in files named SomethingMain[1].swf.

Shipgirls all have their own individual .swf files and they're given a random jumble of letters for names like ihwgeegenykh[1].swf

>> No.12191916

How much bauxite is enough for an event, or specifically, Midway?
I'm sitting on about 50k for the main three, but not much in my bauxite reserves.

>> No.12191943
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Around 40k to 50k bauxite should be enough for Midway E5, 80k if you are paranoid.

>> No.12191947


100k, also don't forget to have a decent amount of holo planes.

>> No.12191954

Back in the interview where they first brought up Midway they said the enemy would have VT fuzes and that you'd be crying about running out of bauxite. And that was a long time ago. I also kinda remember them making a tweet just after the Arpeggio event suggesting that you start hoarding bauxite. So basically, start spamming 6 and don't stop. There is no enough. Especially if they make plane cost scale to rarity like they were planning.

>> No.12191959

>There is no enough.
300k should be enough.

>> No.12191962


>Especially if they make plane cost scale to rarity like they were planning.

Shit, I forgot about this. Time to hoard more bauxite.

>> No.12191965

Thanks, wo. I trust you cause you're cute.

I've got a fair amount of reppu. Trying to craft more reds and blues now.

>they make plane cost scale to rarity
They wouldn't do that right before an event, right? Right?

>> No.12191975

>They wouldn't do that right before an event, right? Right?
Well you know, they tend to introduce some gimmick for every event, so who knows?

>> No.12191983

But a gimmick that suddenly requires you to have more bauxite then you could have anticipated?
They haven't done anything like that before, right?

>> No.12191989



> I also kinda remember them making a tweet just after the Arpeggio event suggesting that you start hoarding bauxite.

They told us to hoard bauxite months ago.

>> No.12191993


>> No.12191997

Directly? Nope. But the scaling bauxite cost based on rarity was already referenced in the interview months ago.

That said, all kinds of gimmick introduced in the event had made people waste some resources to satisfy it.

>> No.12191999

Sanshikidan gimmick is still with us till this day, so I wouldn't be too surprised about bauxite scaling...

>> No.12192050

Who's getting the remodel next week, Sendai or Ayanami?

>> No.12192053

Maybe both?
Did they say they're only doing one?

>> No.12192058

Sounds like it is both.

>> No.12192082

pvp is such a pain in the ass these days.

>> No.12192086

Indeed, everyone seems to be ignoring dailies and whaling instead.

>> No.12192089

Not really on my server though. Almost everyday, two to three persons would put idler fleets and that's before the list are usually reset.

>> No.12192098

I don't mind going all out with 3x BB or more for PVP, since I need to put xp on my BBs. I have to admit that spending about 120 ammo each pvp round can be a little excessive.

>> No.12192105

The XP makes up for it if you ask me.

>> No.12192106

The problem I face are faggot fleets with low levels in first and second slot or high levels using Yamato and/or Musashi which makes S rank very difficult without yasen (which consumes an extra 50% ammo), it's just annoying.

>> No.12192109

If the low levels are in the 30s and above, then I would still go yasen. I even bring out my Yamatos if they roll Yamato, since I don't have much of an excuse to sortie the hotels if otherwise...

>> No.12192114

Low levels as in 1-10, that's worse exp ratio than going to 3-2-A.

>> No.12192117

Those are good for sparkling and not much else... really pisses me off since I'd sparkle my DDs at 1-5 instead.

>> No.12192118

>which consumes an extra 50% ammo
Ammo is the easiest resource to farm so it kinds of balance out. That said, if you're nolife-ing 24/7 the concern is understandable.

>> No.12192210
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I hope they give us Souryuu Kai 2 soon. She's literaly the worst CV now, poor girl.

>> No.12192214

She was the worst CV even before the patch. Hiryuu Kai had higher luck and evasion.

>> No.12192217

They said it'll be this summer, right.

>> No.12192227

What if I told you she's still one of the best CV

>> No.12192229

Probably 1stCarDiv and 2ndCarDiv are going to get their Kai version by Midway.

>> No.12192237

At least their other stats were pretty similar before. People used to group them together in term of usefulness. But Hiryuu with her new kai 2 has left Souryuu far behind.
Of course I'm only talking about stats here.
I kinda like her.

>> No.12192238

She's still in the top 10 as far as CV go.

>> No.12192241

I hope so. I was unprepared when Hiryuu kai2 hit, but now I has all CVs in the lvl80 range. I don't want to see 3-2 for a while though

>> No.12192243

>People used to group them together in term of usefulness.
I guess misery loves company, but being tied for last place isn't much of a consolation. Souryuu's sure to get a stat boost by the time you need carriers for anything, though she might be the worst of the kai 2s. A least the cranes are unlikely to get them.

>> No.12192247

I don't see why the cranes would be less likely to get a Kai-2 than the other carriers.

>> No.12192251

Because they never participated in Midway?

>> No.12192261

And? They survived Midway, unlike the other CV.
And since when was participating in Midway a requirement for a Kai-2? It's not like any of the carriers besides Hiryuu did anything noteworthy at Midway.
If Souryuu gets a Kai-2 they are probably going to buff the weaker carriers cause they need it.

>> No.12192269

>It's not like any of the carriers besides Hiryuu did anything noteworthy at Midway.
The upcoming event is Midway, of course, the devs are going to cast spotlight into carriers that actually take part in it regardless whether they did anything significant. Then again you could be right, it's a plan to boost them up but the tweet did mention about 'consort ships' so it could mean anything at this stage.

>They survived Midway
One does not survive an event if one does not even participate in it.

>> No.12192279

You are funny anon.
We don't even have 10 CVs.

>> No.12192280

Why would she be in top 10 if there's 11 CVs total

>> No.12192281

There is still the time after Midway. Though the next CV will probably be Souryuu, I don't see Kaga getting a Kai-2 before the cranes.

She would be if Hiyou and Junyou would be classified as CV in the game.

>> No.12192283

will kaga k2 have lesbian lines

>> No.12192286

I don't think her lines will change.

>> No.12192287

But Kaga is straight

>> No.12192289

>I don't see Kaga getting a Kai-2 before the cranes.
Why not?

>> No.12192290

> Hiyou and Junyou would be classified as CV in the game.
That's still only 9. Which means Hiyou and Junyou are still top 10 material.

>> No.12192291

Not if you add the 3 Unryuus

Because of her stats

>> No.12192293

She's currently too OP I think.

>> No.12192296

Other than her glorious 48 hole that is. Kai2 will probably walk the way of Bismarck, insignificant boost to stats and maybe some delicious Kaga naval/thigh.

>> No.12192297

Bismarck wasn't OP before her zwei.

>> No.12192299

Wait, cranes refer to CarDiv5? All this time I thought it was Chiyo/Chito, since those rails they launch planes from in their AV forms kinda look like harbor cranes.

>> No.12192301

>Kagai K2 will have 2 more planes, but they reduce her fat slot to evenly spread out all her plane slots.
What do.

>> No.12192304

Shoukaku and Zuikaku both have the kanji for crane in their names, so they're called cranes.

I doubt that'll happen.

>> No.12192305


>> No.12192306

I will still Kai2 her because of the Kantaidex. You can just raise another one if you really want her old form.

>> No.12192310

Crane as in the bird, that's what the kaku (鶴) in their name means.

Hiryuus Kai-2 doesn't do shit like that either.

>> No.12192311

That depends. Her 48 glory hole is one of the best thing about her, game wise. I would look at other stats for comfort. If there is new lines + good art, I wouldn't mind.

Based on my post, it wouldn't make a difference other than the potential loss of blueprint and resources.

>> No.12192315

It's 46, actually.

And I don't think they'd reduce her giant slot. They're more likely to give small boosts to each slot instead.

>> No.12192318

The stats argument is meaningless. Tone were the best CAs and they still got Kai IIs. Kongous were better than Ise and Fusou. There's no precedence for who they give Kai IIs to. It's random as fuck.

Kaga isn't OP anyway. Not while carriers are relegated to being air superiority bots in maps that actually need them. She was by far the biggest liability in Spring E-5 unless you used Zuikaku.

>> No.12192320
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>> No.12192325

No Zuikaku then, I used Shoukaku.

Kaga is liable to get a Kai 2, but she'll most likely need a blueprint. Still, Hiryuu got Kai 2 before 1st CarDiv, so we figure Souryuu will also get Kai 2.

I for one wouldn't really care though; just thinking why they might have done this or that.

For starters, they lose those on becoming CVLs.

>> No.12192330

Likelihood of Haruni kai ni coming in time for Midway.

>> No.12192336

Probably on Midway itself along with Kaga. Both of them need blueprint forcing some admirals to choose.

>> No.12192337
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>> No.12192343

That's not funny, dude.

>> No.12192344

Haruna was announced for July, Midway for summer. That's just asking if Midway will come in July.

Fast BB and BBV aren't even the same class. And Tone didn't get the Kai-2 for the stat-boost.

The dragons probably got the Kai-2 for the stat-boost.

>> No.12192346

There's no way only Haruna will need a blueprint out of the four.

>> No.12192353

Saving the best for last, the devs feed on the players' tears.

>> No.12192355

>Saving the best for last
Calling for high luck on Haruna and Sendai.

>> No.12192356

I doubt she will even need a blueprint for that camo scheme she acquired during the last stages of the war if they're going for that kind of Kai Ni.

>> No.12192357

Haruna already has high luck, and why would Sendai get high luck?

>> No.12192362

I wouldn't mind if Haruna got some monster stats in exchange for a blueprint K2.

>> No.12192363

Next time you will ask who are the dragons?

>> No.12192366

>Haruna already has high luck
Which means even higher luck for her.
>and why would Sendai get high luck?
Yasen purposes.

>> No.12192367

blueprints don't make the stats better.

>> No.12192368

Ryuujou and Ryuuhou, of course.

>> No.12192369

Didn't luck was some sort of gauge as to how long the ships served before being sunk/decommissioned/scrapped? Haruna might get a marginal boost since she nearly made it in the end and as for Sendai, probably just a little. She performed rather poorly in her last battle.

>> No.12192371

It'll be a special case so they will be higher if it actually happens.

>> No.12192372

You forgot Tenryuu.

>> No.12192374

No, by that logic, Houshou would have really high luck.

>> No.12192378

She never really played much part in the war though, mostly being used as training ship. What I meant by luck would be those ships who saw various combat and lived to tell about it.

>> No.12192379

She has 30. There are only a select few ships above 30.

>> No.12192380

Getting docked almost all the time like Nagato counts too?

>> No.12192384

She has high luck. Only six shipgirls have higher luck than her.

>> No.12192385

You can call it lucky since you weren't pressed into much service unlike your comrades. The other ships like Yukikaze and Shigure had high luck because they've seen combat and survived almost all of it without much of a scratch. In Shigure's case though her luck ran out when a submarine manage to torpedo her. So if Midway comes and we get Enterprise Wo, who knows, she may have insane amount of luck due to her combat record.

>> No.12192386

Look at Верный.

>> No.12192390

Good that luck on carriers is irrelevant

>> No.12192394

What if they added a new carrier mechanic for Midway and luck actually becomes a factor?

>> No.12192396

I'd rather think Nagato as unlucky, considering it's her wish to die in a battle (and not as a nuclear bomb target practice).

>> No.12192399

Chance to attack at night.

>> No.12192400 [DELETED] 

I'd say it also applies to Houshou.

And why does Zuihou have so high luck?

>> No.12192403

Enterprise and Saratoga had that capability though when they were upgraded to become specialized at night operations. Combined with the high luck of those two due to their combat records, well it's possible.

>> No.12192404

>You can call it lucky since you weren't pressed into much service unlike your comrades.
I'd say it also applies to Houshou.

And why does Zuihou have so high luck?

>> No.12192409

For surviving till Cape Engano though Chito/Chiyo has lower luck than her when the three were present during the battle. Maybe it's really the difference in their combat record.

>> No.12192413

Plane cut-ins?

>> No.12192415

Meant for >>12192404

>> No.12192419

It would be horrible.
Able to attack at night, but the luck stat decides how much planes survives during night battle. If luck < 10, the ship can lose more than 25% of the aircraft inventory.

>> No.12192420


>> No.12192429

Plane losses would be in recovery and launching, not so much in the engagement part. I don't think that AA is any good during night combat...

>> No.12192434

Torpedo-bombers already risk crashing into the ocean during the day

>> No.12192438

what if high luck = recover some planes lost during air combat?

>> No.12192443

Historically, the Americans used the ring formation to maximize protection for their CVs. At night, it's usually only the escorts who open fire at the enemy while the CV holds its fire since the flash from their guns can give away their position. And at night, if they have night fighters, they usually rely on those though it's difficult for them even with radar to intercept attacking planes. So luck would probably be a factor whether you will manage to engage the enemy and still return to your carrier without getting shot at.

>> No.12192445

Good thing my Taihou already has 17 luck then.

>> No.12192467

>Plane losses would be in recovery and launching
That's my point. It's in the assumption that the existing plane fairies were not experienced in night operation, so plane loss is due to missing while enroute to target area and crashes during landing approaches.

To mitigate this, you need specialized night-operation planes which you need to craft (similar to sanshiki during fall event).

>> No.12192468

what if high luck = less planes shot down?

>> No.12192475

...and that's why you need lots of bauxite. You'll either use them to replenish the heavy plane loss or use them to craft the new specialized planes.

>> No.12192484

They better give us krauts then, they had the best night fighter radars in WWII.

>> No.12192488

The IJN had only two night-fighter planes capable of being deployed on carriers: the Saiun and type 52 so these two may be possible.

>> No.12192492

... neither of which can deal damage.

>> No.12192494

You'll have to take account if the plane can be even deployed to a carrier or if the radar set can fit a carrier-borne plane at all. The J1N Gekko was an IJN night-fighter but was deployed from land bases instead.

>> No.12192497

We have carrier Shinden, devs clearly give zero shit about historical accuracy.

>> No.12192500

It was all they had. Unless of course, they give us "specialized" planes suited for night operations, planes that really didn't have radar but whose pilots were trained for night operations anyway.

>> No.12192503

When will they just give in and introduce the American CVs...

>> No.12192505

After Midway.

>> No.12192506

The main purpose of Axis night fighters was to shoot down big allied bombers which would have no purpose in the game anyway.

>> No.12192510

I think they had the potential to be carrier-borne but since the design wasn't really tested that much the devs probably decided to just go with it. At least Shiden Kai had prototype for carrier operations.

>> No.12192525

How do they decide who's worth to require a blueprint?

>> No.12192528

By class change, I guess. Bismarck is a special case cause she's rare as shit.

>> No.12192529

toss a coin

>> No.12192531

Good question

>> No.12192534

Battleships and those who change class (Taigei, Chikutone, Shinano?)

>> No.12192538

If class change, more likely to receive blueprint.

If OPness, their Kai forms must already be OP to begin with (eg. Yukikaze, Yamatos), then their Kai 2s will need blueprints. Shimakaze is also a likely candidate considering that her Kai 2 will most likely get them rare turbines.

>> No.12192543

You forgot the whole Kongou-class?

>> No.12192544

None of that applied to Bismarck though.

>> No.12192545

Schwalbe was extremely good night fighter(look at all those silly brits it decimated) even with Neptunes. Berlin/Bremen would crank it's effectiveness to 11, but as many other sick toys it's development was hindered by Fuhrer Directive initially and put back on track too late.

Of course, Shwalbe will never be able to take off from carrier without RATO.

>> No.12192547
File: 668 KB, 830x1000, 1399454903741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give her a blueprint if she looks as good as this.

>> No.12192549

I guess Shinano will need it for one.
We've been talking for a godawful long time about Yukikaze getting Tan Yang one day. I'd think that she'd need blueprint to do it as her equipments became American instead of the Japanese equipments

>> No.12192551

Still a big downgrade from the original.

>> No.12192553

Blueprints weren't a thing when Kongou got her k2 so they're just sticking to that.

>> No.12192555

Right, foreign ships that are BBs or CVs will also need them.

ROCN, not USN.

>> No.12192558

Her kai2 will most likely be a downgrade from the original

>> No.12192560
File: 202 KB, 699x348, 13-06-2014 12-23-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman with refined taste

>> No.12192562

pic unrelated.

>> No.12192564

ROCN used American equipments! I am serious. Tan Yang did run with the 10mm guns for a few years, but they retrofitted her with the 5" 38 cal guns on open casemate. Tan Yang lost her torpedo launchers, and got Bofors as well.


>> No.12192566

disgusting pedophile

as expected of one with shit taste

>> No.12192567

So after Tan Yang is Tan Yang Kai?

Not all the equipment was USN equipment right?

>> No.12192576
File: 123 KB, 640x480, 5456293722_51235a7a39_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a pretty thorough switchover. Even her FCS was replaced, so she's a Japanese destroyer with American armaments. Her hull was not altered though.

>> No.12192578

Should I focus on grinding up CV over CVL? My highest is Akagi at 44, but that Ryuujou Kai ni...

>> No.12192579

So I see.

Definitely CV.

>> No.12192581
File: 91 KB, 1024x512, tan yang phase 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tan Yang's first refit happened at around 1948, where she was mounted with the 10cm type 98, although on custom designed turret. The front gun was actually a 12.7cm Type 89, which never had a turret.

>> No.12192601

Just saw some tidbit.
Officially speaking, Yukikaze got the name of of a former capital of a former warring state.

However, the name change to 丹陽 (Dan Yang, Tan Yang) was made partly because the ROCN felt that 雪風 Yukikaze was on the yin side of the yin yang, so they wanted something that's a bit brighter of a name. The other reason was to acknowledge the Hinomaru and the rising sun ensign of the IJN in naming the ship, hence the name Tan Yang (if you take the meaning of 'circle of the sun')

>> No.12192630

Any bets on Sendai and Ayanami kai2 levels?

>> No.12192632

50++, that's for sure.

>> No.12192634

65~75 so you have something to do.

>> No.12192637

Sendai: 60

>> No.12192642
File: 110 KB, 482x99, 13-06-2014 13-39-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to step it up

>> No.12192647
File: 43 KB, 276x263, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fleet
South route
What formation on ru node? double line?

>> No.12192649

Line ahead, all the way.

>> No.12192650

You're dead anyway.

>> No.12192655

My fleet's worse than his and I manage fine half the time. He should be faring better than I am.

>> No.12192656

Unless the ru crits someone hard or in green T, it's more than fine. I still like it more than the ri-roulette but I'm seriously considering shifting the whaling to 5-2

>> No.12192667

Has anyone here gotten banned yet for using KCT?

>> No.12192671

According to people, not for KCT itself, but that auto-updating feature that polled the server for updates

>> No.12192678

The real question is does someone here use KCT?

>> No.12192682


>> No.12192709

Shitoi worst sub.
Please go and stay go.

>> No.12192712
File: 864 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140613-19510343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart skip a beat when the dragon sister drops on 2-3 boss node, too bad it's Souryuu and not her sister.

>> No.12192718

After trying Zuikaku recipes for 3 weeks, I broke my streak of only Ryuujou and Hiyou's and got a Hiryuu. It let me finish one quest, I guess.

>> No.12192724

>Zuikaku recipes
I don't even know such things exist.

>> No.12192728

Every Taihou recipe is a Zuikaku recipe.

>> No.12192729

You mean Junyou recipe.

>> No.12192733

FYI, thread is on page 10.
Might consider starting another thread.

>> No.12192735

Still 2-3 more threads before dead.

>> No.12192742

/jp/ moves pretty slow, so it's alright.

>> No.12192792

>/jp/ moves pretty slow, so it's alright.
Only one more to go. I wonder which shit thread is going to kill it.
