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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 578x619, Neva-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12168379 No.12168379 [Reply] [Original]

She is CRAZY!

>> No.12168379,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is this loli kid so ugly in the last picture but so butt-fuckable in the other ones? They can't be the same loli kid.

>> No.12168379,2 [INTERNAL] 

since when was Nevada-chan insta delete?

>> No.12168379,3 [INTERNAL] 

since team janny changed their minds about it..again

>> No.12168379,4 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that she even exists and can pose for the pictures implies that she's got a butt. This is porn. Just by looking at this picture, you are breaking the law. Enjoy prison nerds.

>> No.12168379,5 [INTERNAL] 

saegrimr would have deleted this shit

captcha says seamen lmao

>> No.12168953
File: 67 KB, 660x413, slender-twins.1401765592483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why this is a big deal?

>> No.12168987
File: 46 KB, 373x400, Nevada-tan_Fanart_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard and instantly thought of nevada-tan

>> No.12169001

>they didn't successfully kill anyone
>they are boku and desu

>> No.12169271
File: 20 KB, 300x300, nevada1331463069703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12169546

not even cute. at least nevadatan was cute.

>> No.12169569
File: 159 KB, 600x368, 07 - 0dbJzIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just dress like a dorks because of bad parenting. The slender twins are still kawaii.

>> No.12169569,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why does she look like a fucking psychopath in the first two pictures? Shit, she's so fuxking cute. Would totally lick her sweaty butt crack.

>> No.12169569,2 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that Nevada-tan has a clit is just mindblowing.

>> No.12169569,3 [INTERNAL] 

maybe because she IS one? *rolls eyes*

>> No.12169569,4 [INTERNAL] 

You can kill someone without being a psychopath. A psycho is someone who can't feel empathy. Your typical politician and most bullies have this illness.

>> No.12169569,5 [INTERNAL] 

Nevada-tan was a cute ratgirl, but still a stupid ratgirl. And she isn't a loli kid anymore, who the hell cares if she gets out or not?

>> No.12169569,6 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.12169569,7 [INTERNAL] 

The Nevada-tan manga is such a fucking piece of shit. What a waste.

>> No.12169569,8 [INTERNAL] 

She looks just like Mana-chan. They both have a bully face.

>> No.12170525
File: 98 KB, 600x685, nevada003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevada a cute!

>> No.12170544


Crazily cute! Would you help her bury the body. /jp/?

>> No.12170545
File: 651 KB, 675x850, koishi a cute!1400088100017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12170546

I'd shoot her

>> No.12170551


>> No.12170546,1 [INTERNAL] 

more like steam janny lol

>> No.12170555
File: 47 KB, 640x480, nevada-tan!4cdd87c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12170557

That's not how she rolls. One slash, one kill, no fingerprints, alibi.

>> No.12170559

Then why she prison?

>> No.12170569

I gotta throw it out there, for all y'all
These are no contact, like baseball
They wouldn't do nothing, even if I enticed ya
Cause these bullets'll slice ya
Up, like a knife
Ten seconds later (later), you lost your life

>> No.12170570

She was 11. She cracked when questioned.

>> No.12170574

so cute!

>> No.12170582
File: 77 KB, 400x580, Nevadatanschooluniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12170592


Thats sorta cute and extremely scary at the same time.

Also google image search shows it as 勘違い ブス www

>> No.12170596

/jp/ a cute!

>> No.12170611

why scary?

>> No.12170621 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 901x1598, 1401934077254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off tranny

>> No.12170652
File: 18 KB, 242x320, nevada1331462891414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12170652,1 [INTERNAL] 

>After being taken into custody, she was reported as confessing to the crime, saying "I am sorry, I am sorry" to police.[10] She spent the night at the police station, often crying at times, and refused to eat anything. She was offered snacks, but refused to eat them. Eventually, she ate bread and drank juice.

>> No.12170652,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12170725


Killer look aside thats the face of someone who would absolutely dominate the partner in a relationship ;_;

>> No.12170736

It's not even her, you doofus. Cartoons have made you unable to read faces.

>> No.12170745

I want to pinch her cheeks

>> No.12170745,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is /jp/ scared of killler rorees? You can easily overpower them.

>> No.12170745,2 [INTERNAL] 

id overpower her with my dick

>> No.12170745,3 [INTERNAL] 

You want to lay naked with a keed? EWWWWWWW.

>> No.12170884 [DELETED] 

CRAZY wwwwwwwww

>> No.12170884,1 [INTERNAL] 

kids are hot

>> No.12170884,2 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that loli Nevada no longer exists is just mindblowing. You will NEVER see her loli butt.

>> No.12170927


I know but the impression remains the same.

>> No.12170927,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is everyone obsessed with loli sweat, of all things?

>> No.12170939
File: 25 KB, 478x359, marybell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win a knife fight between Nevada-tan and Mary Flora Bell?

>> No.12170940



>> No.12170940,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can Nevada be forgiven just for being a loli even though her victim was also a loli? Her crime is unforgivable.

>> No.12170949
File: 73 KB, 268x400, nevada tan1331418474569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevada tanb
yes very obligitory

>> No.12170957

I recognized one of the kanji in the intro.

Soon I will be able to read it! Soon!

>> No.12170961 [DELETED] 

where's the tinychat?

>> No.12171011

I wish I could live in bongland where it's perfectly legal to be a serial killer.

>> No.12171024
File: 629 KB, 1440x1296, cracky-nevada-train-duel.1199921574785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad. Facebook bought Occulus Rift.

>> No.12171024,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12171117

>Facebook bought Occulus Rift.

>> No.12171130

So you can't live your life in a cool fictional place. Only on facebook.

>> No.12171132

Sony and Miscrosoft are also researching virtual reality. Or are you so retarded that you thought Facebook would have a monopoly on the technology?

>> No.12171137


[citation needed]

>> No.12171139

You're also so retarded that you can't look things up on the Internet?

>> No.12171139,1 [INTERNAL] 

>You have been banned from all boards for posting >>>/jp/12170961, a violation of Global Rule 9:

>Ban evasion.

>Your ban was filed on June 5th, 2014 and expires on July 5th, 2014 at 01:10 ET, which is 29 days and 23 hours from now.

>> No.12171153
File: 18 KB, 350x500, G20140528008248780_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the crazy saw welding idol slasher?

>> No.12171157
File: 42 KB, 365x398, slender-boku.1401884768489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their tech is going to be a DRM infested, closed source developer's nightmare. OR was the only platform that losers like us could hope to program prurient VR applications for to suit our tastes, and facebook is gonna fuck it up. It sucks balls.

>> No.12171172

I'm glad. VR is for morons with no imagination.

>> No.12171186

Here's one of those fuckin' liar ass homos who likes to pretend he can imagine things so vividly it's the same as reality.

>> No.12171199


How do I know either of you are real?

>> No.12171206

You're not real. I might be, but I don't think I was yesterday, and I might not be tomorrow.

>> No.12171248

[citation needed]

>> No.12171300

I will never understand all the crazy people idolizing her like some sort of goddess just because she's a child, no, just because she's cute.
She murdered someone for fuck's sake!

>> No.12171300,1 [INTERNAL] 

All loli kids deserve love. No exceptions.

>> No.12171330

who gives a fuck dude. hitler killed 6 quadrillion jews and people joke about him all the time. there's maybe 10 people in the world who were deeply affected by this girl's death and no amount of people taking it super seriously is going to bring her back

>> No.12171330,1 [INTERNAL] 

If loli Nevada was too young to consent, she was also too young to understand why killing someone is a retarded idea.

I don't understand why she was thrown in jail. If I was the victim's pedo cousin I would obviously want revenge, but It's still wrong to punish Nevada-tan.

>> No.12171361

Murder is smalltime, child or not. there's kids in Africa and the middle east killing with guns and being killed daily.

>> No.12171370

What in the fuck is that thing

>> No.12171385



>> No.12171401

>6 quadrillion

that number is increasing every year

>> No.12171401,1 [INTERNAL] 

They look like they have no idea what's going on.

>> No.12171401,2 [INTERNAL] 

Same with James Holmes.


>> No.12171401,3 [INTERNAL] 

Obviously drugged for whatever reason. I wonder what that guard was smiling and communicating about.

>> No.12171523 [DELETED] 


Another sign that the "Jewish extermination by the Nazi" was nothing more than a myth created by Jews to gain sympathy and justify the existence of Israel.

>> No.12171555

Yeah but we are talking about murdering humans.

>> No.12171555,1 [INTERNAL] 

I know you're saying that ironically but it's actually the truth.

>> No.12171555,2 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, I always thought James Holmes was that guy with the huge dick
Now I feel like an idiot

>> No.12171994

It was a manly crime.

>> No.12172024
File: 197 KB, 1792x1200, 1348736690614-Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high res

>> No.12172033

Killing people who called you fat on the internet is more like a high-school teen drama got out of hand than a "manly crime"

>> No.12172213

She was in elementary.

Very mature for her age!

>> No.12172233

It's a quote from a politician commenting on her trial. It caused quite a stir.

>> No.12172254

Now that I think about it are Japs really that hypersensitive about their weight?

I mean kids aren't supposed to be physically self-conscious at that age

>> No.12172394


>> No.12172395
File: 86 KB, 640x478, forever-alone-themed-pics-part5-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevada-tan was released in 2013 at the age of 20, is there a website I can go to and ask kindly, so that Nevada-tan will come in the night and end it all.

>> No.12172397


>> No.12172401

I can't differentiate. most under your label of 'human' are as guilty as any killer, whether they did the deed personally or not.

>> No.12172403

i was self-conscious as fuck my whole damn school life, kindegarten onward. What the fuck you talking about.

>> No.12172567

You misunderstood his post. He's saying he doesn't consider those people to be humans. It's called racism.

>> No.12172666

a western woman

>> No.12172849

You don't remember being a child?

>> No.12172849,1 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?

>> No.12172849,2 [INTERNAL] 

bls respond

>> No.12172849,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hopefully non-existent, god damn freak that boy is.

>> No.12172849,4 [INTERNAL] 

sparky is a girl!

>> No.12173169

A cute!

Would be nice a anime about her killing perverts and corrupt politicians

>> No.12173169,1 [INTERNAL] 

bls resbong

>> No.12173261

a cute indeed!

Tsuji Natsumi is her name! ^^

>> No.12173269

Did I say you could explain my post, darkie?

>> No.12173327

>this little girl who killed a little girl is epic!
>kill le evil perverts and politicians!
Quoting you, gurl.

>> No.12173327,1 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?

>> No.12173371

Bully got what was coming to her. Talk shit get hit.

>> No.12173371,1 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?


>> No.12173417
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1331786131460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a movie.

>> No.12173417,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is that Crimson Chin?

>> No.12173417,2 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?


>> No.12173520

That's because most kids, even ones that grow up to be fatties, are skinny at that age. That's the age where you already lost your baby fat and are still filled with enough youthful energy to run around for fun.

>> No.12173642

Being killed is quite the hit. Kids are kids, they can and do change a lot. Some bullies go on to be great people, some victims go on to be awful people. Bullying versus killing, the bully was obviously the better kid. I think Nevada deserves another chance though, she was just a kid after all.

And a little girl seducing people and then killing them is literally nothing but murder. There's no "justice" in that. I assume that's what you had in mind with your normie fantasy of "killing perverts". If they were trying to molest her, it would be a different story.

>> No.12173642,1 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?


>> No.12173675

>mfw that's where I live


>> No.12173687

>Bullying versus killing, the bully was obviously the better kid.
Eh, that's debatable. Nothing is so black and white, otherwise a self defense killing wouldn't be any different than a cold blooded killing.

And I didn't make that killing perverts post, I was only replying to your shitpost. Besides, who cares about "justice" in a case like that, it would be fucking fiction.

>> No.12173698

"I have done a thousand dreadful things
As willingly as one would kill a fly;
And nothing grieves me heartily indeed
But that I cannot do ten thousand more."

Nevada-chan (now -san) on her way to the death row

>> No.12173703


Holy shit, are they serious? How fucking autistic has the world become?

>> No.12173777

I care a little that normals actually believe something like that would be justice. It's something that they would like to happen for real. The common fantasies of violence and murder mixed with the extreme hatred for any unusual sexual fantasies is always funny.

>> No.12173777,1 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?


>> No.12173934

autistic enough for /jp/ to fit right in

>> No.12173968

Have you ever been to Nevada?

>> No.12173985

She isn't actually from Nevada, the name owes to the jersey she wore in a class photo.

>> No.12173999

We're all autists, anon. I'm just an autist who can see the vaccines.

>> No.12173999,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Some bullies go on to be great people
Only elementary school bullies. Teenagers that enjoy that stuff will always be fucking psychopaths.

>Bullying versus killing, the bully was obviously the better kid.
>If they were trying to molest her, it would be a different story

Are you implying that molestation is somehow worse than bullying? If the victim had been 14, killing her wouldn't have been wrong. Molestation can be annoying or disgusting, but the "trauma" is entirely society's fault. No pervert deserves to die.

>> No.12173999,2 [INTERNAL] 

What so you like the most about Nevada-tan?

>> No.12173999,3 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?

>> No.12173999,4 [INTERNAL] 

I want to rape Nevada-tan as soon as she gets out of prison, any tips?

>> No.12173999,5 [INTERNAL] 

first u will have to leave ur house lol

>> No.12173999,6 [INTERNAL] 

I really hate to say this, but when I was younger I used to enjoy torturing animals. Specifically, cats. I want to say that I'm sure that I didn't kill any, but I'm not so sure. My mother would get stray cats and make them able to be adopted, so I had lots of access to cats. I would squeeze the kittens and when they would fight back I would get mad and flick them and slap them until they stopped. There was also one cat who I'm pretty sure bled to death from internal bleeding caused by me. When I went after that cat, it would shit itself and cry loudly. I feel horrible for all the things I did, and for how terrified those cats were of me. I did kill some birds, specifically baby birds. I still remember how I seperated a baby Quail from its mother and threw it against the wall. I mutilated crawdads as well, but with the lack of a spinal cord they don't feel pain, right? I also nearly constantly beat up a younger relative of mine. It got to the point where he would piss his pants and cry for his mom when I went after him. My mother knew of all of this, yet did nothing. As for me, I was bullied nearly constantly my entire school life. My mother did nothing. I was also beaten by my step-father and stuffed with antidepressants as a consequence. My mother did nothing.

God, I hate thinking about my childhood. I feel horrible for all the things I did. I The very few things I can remember from my youth are the bad things. I can remember nothing good happening when I was younger. It was just torture, abuse, death, and depression. God, typing this out and being reminded of all this stuff just makes me want to cry.

Today I try to be the best person that I can be from here in my own little world. I don't go out much. If ever I do and there's someone or something that needs help and I'm around, I will help. That makes me feel just a bit better about myself. As cliche as it sounds, the few horrible memories that I have of my childhood will never disappear no matter how much of a good person I try to be.

>> No.12174118

Have you ever been to Nevada?

>> No.12174190

wow she is cute

>> No.12174206

I lived in Nevada when I was a kid.

>> No.12174445

Im friend of her. She is not in prison nowadays.

>> No.12174450

I live in the near. You can visit the school. It is scary feeling!!
She live not in Sasebo anymore

>> No.12174551

/jp/ a cute!

>> No.12174562

how is she?
Can I date her?

>> No.12174562,1 [INTERNAL] 

where is sparky's stream?

>> No.12174562,2 [INTERNAL] 

thx op i cut dick off and threw my dick like cum grenade 10/10

>> No.12174562,3 [INTERNAL] 

/ghost/ - Psychopaths & Murderers/General

>> No.12174562,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12174562,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12174562,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12174562,7 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12174562,8 [INTERNAL] 

this is surreal

>> No.12174562,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12174562,10 [INTERNAL] 

literal autism

>> No.12174562,11 [INTERNAL] 

id call him but im out of minutes

>> No.12174562,12 [INTERNAL] 

i wonder what she's like now

>> No.12174562,13 [INTERNAL] 

She's not a cute loli kid anymore ;_;

>> No.12174562,14 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, I just realized why anime lolis tend to have a cute fang while older characters never do. I can't believe it took me so many years to figure it out. The adult fang is supposed to stand out because it's bigger than her milk teeth.

>> No.12174562,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12174562,16 [INTERNAL] 

saegrimr's boyfriend is ugly

>> No.12174562,17 [INTERNAL] 

fuck i cried reading this.

someone pls make a /jp/ eroge where one of the heroines is this person in animu girl form.

>> No.12174562,18 [INTERNAL] 

> Bullying versus killing, the bully was obviously the better kid.
Seriously? Killing is obviously worse than bullying, but you can be a murderer (especially if you are a kid) without being a bad person. A bully is always an overconfident asshole who enjoys hurting weak kids and scarring them for life. Bullying is everything that feminists think rape is. Nevada-tan's victim was a terrible person and objectively deserved to be killed. I would save her if I could, because she was a loli and I'm biased as fuck, but she really was a waste of oxygen.

>> No.12174562,19 [INTERNAL] 

anyone have source on this

>> No.12174562,20 [INTERNAL] 

god damn this kid has a low IQ

>> No.12174562,21 [INTERNAL] 

le crazy tranny faggot face.
