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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12169438 No.12169438 [Reply] [Original]

Are you forgetting something?

>> No.12169441
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But I don't wanna!

>> No.12169456

Why use anki when you can do the exact same with pen and paper.
If anything pen and paper is better as you learn how to actually write them in real life and what order to do strokes in.

>> No.12169471
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The purpose of Anki isn't to write.
Most people here won't ever have to handwrite any Japanese in their lives aside from maybe their name which would be in katakana.

>> No.12169578
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>not doing both your anki reps and writing it down

>> No.12169583

'You don't need it' is a shitty excuse to avoid actually learning a language completely

>> No.12169591



>> No.12169635

I don't even....

>> No.12169651

I like to read VNs on my computer, not write them on a piece of parchment.

>> No.12169664

..but the main means of looking up kanji is stroke number and order...

>> No.12169669

Alternatively, get a text hooker and send it to Anki via Rikaisama if you are feeling extra productive.

>> No.12169680

We live in a digital age, the main means of looking up a kanji is searching by its components.

>> No.12169693

That's because you accidently clicked on /jp/ instead of /a/.

>> No.12169809

It's not like there's any difference as long as people like you are around.

>> No.12169845

You don't know a single thing about me.
On the other side, you are obviously someone who was never in these threads before, didn't bother lurking and tries to argue about learning-methods without even knowing Japanese (no, knowing 300 Kanji doesn't count as knowing Japanese).
Kindly fuck off.

>> No.12169924

Your posts speak for themselves, and give a sufficient picture of your awful personality.

>> No.12169940
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Thanks for reminding me OP. It's not like I was trying to avoid it or anything... but now I'm glad it's over.

>> No.12169946

Can you actually post something relevant, dickhead? Like actually at least trying to claim that you know what you're talking about or was I spot on? Sorry that my language is too offensive for you to actually make a point yourself.

>> No.12170106


>> No.12170126

lmao that took you 60 minutes? epic proof of skill /a/ro

Also, I pity you for wasting time with your ``pen and paper''

>> No.12170168


>> No.12170183

Nope, it's too ingrained in my daily routine and I actually find going through my Kanji, vocab, and sentence decks to be pretty relaxing after I get home from work.

>> No.12170341
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Day 45. About half of primary school kanji done with Anki. Finished first part of core2k a couple of days ago. Studying some grammar from a book before starting the next part.

I write down vocab consisting of multiple kanji into a notebook, ten pages now. During normal reps I trace the shape of each kanji with my finger against the table or something. Helps me recall them better.

>> No.12170343

You missed 話すながら, bro.

>> No.12170382

I feel that writing words out while doing my Anki reviews helps in recognizing words when I come across them in the wild. No reason you can't do both like I do.

>by its components
I find it easier to use handwriting/mouse recognition than hunting through a sea of radicals.

>> No.12170385

I use Jparser when I read eroge. I don't need to grind kanji.

>> No.12170395

It must suck reading at such an excruciatingly slow pace.

>> No.12170397
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>> No.12170400

Yeah, well, I'm reading SubaHibi and Baldr Sky right now while you spend months looking at flash cards. It's a fair trade.

>> No.12170408

After you read a few moege your speed boosts up much more. Also do you really think core deck will teach you vocabulary you'll encounter in VNs?

>> No.12170414

I'm doing the same while simultaneously actually learning the language and speeding up my reading. So no, it's not a fair trade.

It won't. But to suggest that you don't need to learn kanji is pretty idiotic.

>> No.12170433

Well, I learned pretty much 1800 kanji before starting to read stuff, and yeah I think it speeds up things much more. I still can see some people handling kanji via vocab pretty fine, though. Kanji may be debatable, but I seriously don't think it's a good idea to memorize things without context, and learn a bunch of words you may not even use in the material you want to consume. Making your own custom deck with words you encounter in VNs seems to be the best idea for me, but I'm lazy so at one point I dropped mine.

>> No.12170444

I can see how learning individual kanji may help with handwriting, but simply learning vocabulary will unconsciously work kanji into your mind that have something in common with certain words.

Like the other anon, I'm slowly working my way through a VN as well and enjoying it. You pick up words and common phrases in relation to the setting/plot that you don't get to see that often or early in the 10k deck.

>> No.12170459

My reps are the first thing I do after I boot me PC.

>> No.12170461

>But to suggest that you don't need to learn kanji is pretty idiotic.
I never said that. I said that I don't need to grind them on Anki. I find it more motivating and more enjoyable to improve my knowledge through reading eroge. Yeah, my reading speed is shit (like 400-500 lines per hour) but it's still enough to make progress.

People who just grind kanji for six months straight are going to be in for a world of pain once they fire up their first eroge and encounter all the casual speech, slang, passive tense grammar and extremely complex compound words that the textbooks never touch upon.

>> No.12170483

>Making your own custom deck with words you encounter in VNs seems to be the best idea for me, but I'm lazy so at one point I dropped mine.
I don't like the idea of custom decks, at least for beginners, for exactly that reason. When you're first starting out you'll be adding basically every word to your deck, which is a huge waste of time that you could be using to study or read. Just start with a decent pre-made one and build up a solid vocabulary, then you can think about making your own deck later once you've got the basics down.

The other problem is that when you're first learning, you have no concept of how common a given word is, so you'll either add words too slowly or end up with a lot of extraneous words in your deck that you won't see all that often. At that point it's no better than a pre-made deck.

>> No.12170933
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>> No.12171270

Well, shit.

Either way, point demonstrated. (And people on slower boards really don't spend their entire lives pressing F5, but of course you wouldn't know...)

>> No.12171816

Every self-conscious being should realize that the concepts underlying Anki are broken. The idea of building up a massive vocabulary "before starting out" is even more ill-conceived. Being bombarded by facts does not accommodate your language learning at all. First and foremost, you need natural exposure to the language and a grasp of key ideas. If you're starting out from scratch, get yourself an ordinary textbook (e.g. Genki) and some graded readers, then gradually switch over to native materials. In fact, you should use native materials from day 0. It won't be enjoyable for quite some time (and neither is Anki), but you'll be guaranteed to learn the language.

I don't mean to discourage anyone, but the thought of people putting all their efforts into Anki makes me both sad and upset. I think Anki will cause you harm overall, because it skews your perception and expectation of actual progress. Progress in Anki does not translate well to reality, although your invested time is very real and this might make you believe what that particular girl keeps saying.

>> No.12171828

>but of course you wouldn't know
What are you implying?
Also, you didn't demonstrate anything, in fact, everything I said in >>12169845 turned out to be true.

>> No.12171842

It turned out being true about you.

>> No.12171848

What about be a faithful rendering of "/jp/ a shit" in Japanese?

Pleas respond.

>> No.12171851

1. You don't know what I meant with >>>/college/ and you're trying to discuss something that was already discussed to death.
2. Your Japanese is shit.

>> No.12171862

So I just got Anki, but uh, where do I go from here?

Are there any shared decks I should pick out? Or should I just make my own?

I'm still pretty fresh, but I think it'd just be /jp/くそだ

>> No.12171879

>Your Japanese is shit

You didn't know until other people told you. QED

>> No.12171885

Not true and doesn't matter, it wouldn't make your Japanese any better.

>> No.12171919

I just finished Heisigs 2000 kanji a few days ago. It took me exactly 3 weeks but then again I already knew most of them and how to read them but now I can also write them and it helped me to not mix up similar shaped characters.

>> No.12171926

Go start reading as soon as possible, don't waste your time with shitty core decks.

>> No.12171936

I already did half of the core 6th before I did Heisig but dropped it. But I'm reading real stuff too since my local library has a pretty good variety of Japanese literature.

>> No.12171953


>> No.12171963


>> No.12171967
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>> No.12171972


>> No.12171986


>> No.12172181

>The idea of building up a massive vocabulary "before starting out"

>> No.12172295

>The other problem is that when you're first learning, you have no concept of how common a given word is, so you'll either add words too slowly or end up with a lot of extraneous words in your deck that you won't see all that often.
But commonness is related to what person likes to read. Premade decks have very much useless words for a person who wants to read LN and VN.

The strength of Anki is that you are able to learn uncommon words, rendaku and irregular and rare readings which could be hard to learn because they don't appear often. Words which appear often will be learned automatically by reading.

>> No.12172316



>> No.12172324

>Words which appear often will be learned automatically by reading.

I still find it faster and more productive to force them through my thick skull by enough repetition and just know them the next time I see them. Reps are faster than constantly pausing your reading to check something you forgot.

>> No.12172381


>> No.12172541


>> No.12172750
File: 68 KB, 514x689, 1363723225328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a bad idea to first go through a lot of vocab cards using furigana on the front of the card and then redo them later on once the cards have matured but take the furigana off this time?

I can easily remember words if I do the reps with the furigana and go through about 300 a day with decent retention, maybe even 400 words, but without furigana then using the same effort and the same amount of time I can barely get through 100 new words and retention of these words is awful.

>> No.12174970

But often you have already memorized the word before it shows up as a new card, right?

>> No.12174984

I hate anki. Anki almost made me quit learning. It is everything that's wrong with language learning. Keeping a vocabulary list book is much more enjoyable, and you don't have to spend hours of grinding daily for your electronic language points, you just review your lists and move on with the rest of your studies.

>> No.12175232

Different guy, but, nope. Almost never. It isn't until I see it in anki that I recognize it while reading.

>> No.12175852

Hit a wall with Anki and Heisigs.... doing 20 a day for 110 days to get all 2200, using the 6th edition book. Recently my reviews in Anki have had a miss rate around 20 per day, so I'm netting zero learned things per day. Still have about a week to go until I'm done with all 2200 though.

This deck is pretty great though - https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1064504798

>> No.12175997

I personally have taken to remembering the Kanji by them into my flesh. When I run out of room that is all that I will need to remember.

>> No.12178581

That's normal. Anki is supposed to give you ~90% retention rate. Of course you actually want 100%, but you'll never get it from reps alone. Simply put, it's time for you to start a vocab deck and reading practice.

I never keep new cards in a backlog, so no.

Well I memorize things like names through consistent use alone, so it's not like it's impossible for me. Just less practical, I think.

>> No.12178671

Am I right that 死ね糞やろう is the japanese way to say "die, shit scum"? Is there any non rude interpretation? Is it a common japanese insult or a creative insult?

>> No.12178703
File: 34 KB, 300x303, 12850147287209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /jp/ was supposed to have already mastered the scrying of sunrise hieroglyphs. You mean to tell me you lot are just as hopeless as /a/?

>> No.12179019

Why would people who know the language hang out in language learning threads?

>> No.12180127

I just wish Windows Anki and Android Anki could sync each other. I'm usually reviewing on the go on my smartphone and when at home I do it on laptop.

I dislike pencil and paper approach since it gets messy quickly. I usually do it on my laptop (it has Wacom digitizer) so I just doodle on the screen, when I learn new kanjis I just use Obenkyo installed on Bluestacks on my laptop and take its kanji test by drawing on laptop screen with my digitizer pen.

I really recommend a laptop that has a pen. It's really useful for kanji drill.

>> No.12180133 [DELETED] 

I like to funpost at the people learning.

>> No.12180134

>I just wish Windows Anki and Android Anki could sync each other.
Are you being retarded on purpose or did you eat too many paint chips as a child?

>> No.12180173

I've already done over 200k reviews.. it feels like a waste of time now now I'm fluent.

>> No.12180182

Increase upper limit to 6-8 months.

>> No.12180184

How, by deleting cards?

Or is there an option?

>> No.12180203
File: 40 KB, 481x419, anki_opts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean "maximum interval" here.

>> No.12180257

So, I just fucking realized that the /jp/ theme song lyrics reference Futaba
How did I not catch this fucking years ago when I heard it in the original goddamn thread. What the fuck, I don't know if there's a slowpoke slow enough to express my own slowness.

>> No.12183810

I feel that I'm learning a lot better through Wanikani than I did through Anki. I wanted to do both at the same time, because it takes so long to get to new material in Wanikani, but with these spaced repetition programs it's apparently bad to do additional studying outside of your designated review window. So far I've got 158 items at guru level.

I'm using Tae Kim's guide to learn my grammar. Is there any suggested study plan for learning grammar more effectively? With the stuff I'm reading, it makes sense while I'm studying but I don't find myself remembering it later (except for the te form of verbs, I can never forget that because of the poem that namasensei taught).

>> No.12184018


>> No.12186252

Why bother with Anki when you can just do a moege with JParser and get more or less the same effect?

>> No.12186257

>at the point where I have to read to improve
>barely read each day
>feel like I make no progress because I barely understand sentences
I assume I just have to keep reading but it seems so odd to continue and read things I don't understand that well.

>> No.12186261

Why bother asking a question if you already know the answer?

>> No.12187079

How do I use anki?

>> No.12187153

You don't use Anki, Anki uses you.
Seriously it's pretty self explanatory.

>> No.12188133

>Is there any suggested study plan for learning grammar more effectively?

Assuming that you already have some native-level reading material to practice on and just need the lowdown on grammar rules:

>> No.12188571

>I never keep new cards in a backlog, so no.
How is that even possible? I mean I my voca deck has around 7500 words which 4500 are unseen words and I keep adding 5-20 new words per day.

Is there any better way to review vocabulary?

>> No.12188705

If you had zero unseen cards, you'd review the newly added ones within a day. Even at your present situation, you can simulate that by suspending all the new cards you don't currently need.

>> No.12189834

Anyone know of any or might recommend any kind of easy physical books to pick up for reading practice?

>> No.12190310

So I just started memorizing kanji. It's day 2 and I've memorized 94. I could be studying up to 10 hours a day if I wanted or had motivation. So how many new kanjis should I learn per day? What is the maximum amount you can learn in day without exhausting your memory? I have reached my new card limit long ago and have reviewed the already learned cards like million times already today.

>> No.12190329

>If you had zero unseen cards, you'd review the newly added ones within a day
And I asked, how is that possible? Unless you don't plan to spend all time you are awake on reviewing.

>> No.12190344

I review vocabulary by reading/playing shit.

>> No.12190487

I honestly don't understand what you don't understand.

New cards don't appear magically. If you have 0 in a backlog and add 20, you have 20 to review. Once you do, you have 0 in a backlog again. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.12191429

Anyone know how best to use epwing2anki and where to get additional dictionaries?

>> No.12191700




>> No.12191882

so I get the dictionary and implied definition for
無量大数 but I couldnt find a cultural one. I mean I get that 10^68 is a silly big number, but how the fuck did they decide on that specific number.

is there a j-j dictionary that has cultural stuff included too because im just using goo.ne.jp and its pretty much just the definition

>> No.12191931

What is the maximum new/review cards per day that you can still learn from?

>> No.12192273
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>> No.12192992

To help others presumably

>> No.12193118

It varies from person to person. I like to aim for 80-90% correct. less than 80% and I'm doing too much while more than 90% and I'm doing too little.

>> No.12193123

you can look it up in the japanese wikipedia

>> No.12193622

There's a good chance you'll burn out if you go that fast, but I guess if you have endless free time and a serious drive you'll be okay. Pick a consistent amount to add each day amount to add each day. If you aren't going to able to maintain this schedule in a few months, slow your pace down to something you can maintain when you have less free time, like 10 a day.

>> No.12193626

Woops, this was intended for >>12190310

>> No.12193641

Nearly done the core 2k decks. If I were to take the proficiency test, what level would I be at?

>> No.12194501

Not very high. If all you've done is vocab you'd perform horribly from having no grammar. I believe there's a listening section as well.

>> No.12194509

>Are you forgetting something?

Yes, all the Japanese I have learned.

>> No.12194646

the kanji just mean immeasurable quantity, not sure where that specific number came from

>> No.12194653

Why don't you take the practice tests and find out?

>> No.12194713

I use memrise because it keeps me more motivated by trying to be the top of the charts each week.

>> No.12195058

Because when you start reading you will counter at least 200 new words per day. I don't understand how it is impossible to not keep them in backlog.

>> No.12195061


>> No.12195082

Anki is mostly meant for advanced learners because basic stuff is easily memorized from just consuming the Japanese texts.

Also learning never ends.

>> No.12195267

The other way around. The more you understand, the more you can consume and the easier you learn by immersion. Anki is most effective when you're developing basic skills without which you cannot consume Japanese texts at all.

>> No.12195907

I could probably write several paragraphs about how it was possible to keep no unseen cards in my deck, but I don't want to do that and it's honestly beside the point.

The point is to manage it. Even if you add more than you can process, suspend what you currently need the least and you'll always be able to immediately go through what you need the most. There's no need to let blind chance decide what you study.

>> No.12197816

Just started my custom sentence mining deck. At a loss on what to put on the back of the cards and how much information to include.

>> No.12197841

Put at least an example sentence and word definition, be it jp dictionary or en. I recommend jp though.

>> No.12198008

I see, the only difference there is that you suspend cards you think are least useful. I rather measure usefulness of the word by experience.

>> No.12201157

Anyone has a anki deck with basic vocab?

>> No.12201256

Have you ever been so good at Japanese you forgot how to English?

>> No.12204101

Do any of you all have some good LNs you might recommend?

>> No.12204102

Why a sentence mining deck?

>> No.12204227

Oh shit you're right.

I did forget to put my clothes in the dryer. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.12207112

Do you mean the river? No 洗濯機 only 川

>> No.12209105

Thread is dead.

>> No.12209367

I write it on paper, and then I put it into anki. I don't like premade decks. Anki has no right to tell me what I should learn. I decide for myself.

>> No.12209371

I added things like 幻覚 and 進化 is that okay?

>> No.12209378

People seem to like using premade ones, but I thought it was stupid because when I am learning grammar I am also learning words that I'd like to review but that wouldn't come for another 1000 words in the premade deck so I deleted it and just made my own.

>> No.12209379

Yes. They're very common.

>> No.12209381

Why? You could have stopped after 100 of them and had the same benefit.

>> No.12209407

