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File: 1007 KB, 1536x2048, 1401518856297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12160958 No.12160958 [Reply] [Original]

is the author of WAHH redrawing all the chapters? That fang

>> No.12160986

Almost every mangaka does.

>> No.12161351

Some of the chapters looked really rushed. I'm glad Azuma is redoing them.

>> No.12161467

I love the miko!

>> No.12161472
File: 302 KB, 810x520, 2508c661db4a5cda0abeb3d50d5e1542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure evil

>> No.12161485
File: 392 KB, 1200x1600, twig arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this won't be fixed.

>> No.12161493

I wish someone would redraw the shitty early manga. Have Yusuke Murata redraw SSIB and it might actually stop being shit, at least in the art sector.

>> No.12161497

Frogs have really thin limbs compared to their body.

>> No.12161515

I want Moe Harukawa to redraw SSiB

>> No.12161519
File: 84 KB, 381x286, Bombina_bombina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, they also have elongated limb bones, extra joints, don't wear clothes and look in no way human.

>> No.12161753

i dont like the new redrawn miko... looks more... lewd

>> No.12161754

where the fuck are the chapters 21 and 22 scans and translations

>> No.12161758

you should feel bad about reading these moeblob manga

>> No.12161833


>> No.12161851

slutwako of course it won't be redone

>> No.12161858

Which one is supposed to be the good version? The both have good and bad parts equally.

>> No.12161864

The bottom one is from the magazine.

I'm guessing Miko looked too cute.

>> No.12161925
File: 44 KB, 500x739, 3753395886_a590c5578c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?

>> No.12162155

my goodness what was ZUN thinking when he hired this guy, he draws like some mediocre shit from pixiv.

>> No.12162161

The same thing when he hired anyone besides Harukawa.

>> No.12162167

Makoto draws pretty good too, not to mention consistently, he makes everyone chubby which plases me.

>> No.12162232

You kidding?
Makoto was the worst. The worst kind of generic.

Everyone else, however flawed they may be, have a lot of personal touch, have a unique feeling to them.

>> No.12162246

I know I'm replying to a troll, but whatever. Show me all those people who draw like Hirasaka.

>> No.12162249

you dont seem to know what generic is like faggot

>> No.12162259

everytime i see this pic, to me the newer miko seems like she is asking for your cock and the older just being curious

>> No.12162260

I am not going to waste my time digging up the names of people that draw in such a boring style.

"Generic" style by the way doesn't mean he draws like exactly like everyone else, it means he lacks character and doesn't have anything that makes his drawings different from the 08/15 manga art style.
Plump faces with big eyes and small noses, extreme samefacing, bad expressions with no variation whatsoever.

Just face it. He isn't good. He is mediocre at best. And being good at mediocrity isn't something you should defend.

>> No.12162269

>unique feeling

Almost everytime someone describes something with this, it is because it's so shitty that there are no actual arguments against it's high level of shit. I'm sure you love the art in SSIB because it's so shitty that no one else wants to draw this bad. Very unique indeed. 10/10 art.

>> No.12162277

azuma aya and moe are girls actually

>> No.12162278
File: 49 KB, 300x300, futo cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what a Prince would do, please stop

>> No.12162281


>> No.12162286

I liked the art in SSiB.

>> No.12162289

Some people also drink piss or eat shit so i'm not surprised.

>> No.12162291

"Unique feeling" for me just means that it is actually a style the artist developed that makes him recognizable.

And no. I didn't love SSiB art. I liked it, yeah.. But it was way better than everything Makoto Hirasawa ever did.

The only official 2hu manga that has a genuinely good art style is FS. I like WaHH too, but that too has a lot of flaws.

You people have to get your shit together and accept generic art for what it is. You can still like it, but it's still not "pretty good".

>> No.12162300
File: 164 KB, 990x640, 3d3a5f09727d5500d6669a834944fd17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consensual sex with the crown prince!

>> No.12162317

If it's Tojiko it's okay.
They're couple

>> No.12162335

>consensual sex
Women can't sex with eachother.

>> No.12162340

>I am not going to waste my time digging up the names of people that draw in such a boring style.

Of course you won't, you surely must realize the futility of the effort.

>weasel words, weasel words

Padding your post doesn't make it smarter.


Nigga, you blind? He consistently draws all his characters with distinctive facial features.
Well, you being blind would explain a lot, now that I think of it.

>no variation

He's capable of depicting every emotion, it's literally impossible to have more variation than that.

>> No.12162388

It really doesn't matter how much you try to defend it. It's generic, because of that it's bad.
He's good at what he does, but that doesn't make what he does good.
Variationless samefacing without the ability to convey emotions of different kinds.

Accept it. Just embrace that fact, it'll be easier.

>> No.12162419

Well, I got you to the point where you have nothing meaningful to reply with. I'm aware that's the most I can do.

>> No.12162433
File: 207 KB, 500x500, mikoquestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you replied to but what the hell are you doing? Why are you complaining about sameface in the 2nd fairy manga if just about every artist who worked on Touhou does that? Even Alphes and Harukawa can only draw like 3 faces for girls. Why would that manga be so special if SSIB and Nemu's fairy manga are just as bad. In fact, Nemu might actually be the worst case of that outside of ZUN himself.

>> No.12162456

Manga are really dense as a medium. Maybe if i were 8 again i would enjoy these kind of things. ZUN should really abandon these manga and stick to things like the power-level books. But ZUN is probably too lazy for these kind of things and also bad as an author.

>> No.12162467

Powerlevel book is easier to make than writing manga, though.

If you want another Aya's interview wait until the end of the current arc.

>> No.12162474

Probably not easier for ZUN because he has to do all the work. With the manga he can just give some cheap artist one page of script and tell him to pad it out and fill in the blanks himself. No more work to be done.

>> No.12162475

Touhou manga are enjoyable to read though.
I have the print works, since I wanted to learn the language, but their much more of a hassle to read.

>> No.12162480

Okay, then I'll keep going.

>He consistently draws all his characters with distinctive facial features.

Drawing eyes and eyebrows of different shape doesn't mean there is no samefacing. There are also factors like different shapes of the head and/or chin, different kinds of noses and different placement of said parts in the face.
No matter the age or height of a character, he would always place the facial deatures in the exact same spot.

>He's capable of depicting every emotion

He's not. Different characters should still have different mimic, but he always draws every character with the exact same expression, with only minor differences at times. And that's not even only concerning the three fairies (Who arguably are very similar to each other), even Marisa, Reimu and Komachi are drawn in that manner;
For instance, when they're curious or thinking about something or when they laugh, a neutral expression is drawn they same for almost every character as well.
People don't react the same way and convey the same emotion through different mimics and gestures.

Well first of all, it's because most of the other artists, even though many of them have a lot of problems too, still have a distinctive style, the 2nd and 3rd fairy manga doesn't have that. It's pretty much the epitome of mediocrity, like I explained in >>12162260
Arguably, that's just my taste, and it's also true that many artists base their own style off of other artists or just hit the artistic Zeitgeist of some era or another.
Aki Eda for example reminds me of the KyoAni style in some aspects, but there is still a lot of "Aki Eda" in it.
Fairy mangas are just filled with generic stuff in all aspects, through art that can be replaced with any games CG, really.
I admit it may just be my taste that makes it worse than the others, but still, that doesn't make it good.

>> No.12162487

Also, I am not saying the other artist are flawless, I am really not. Many of them have their problem and Aya Azuma for example draws worse if the deciding matter would be anatomy, for example. There is still more variation to it. And there are also very good artist among them, though not all of them drawing a manga. Genji Asai did a very good job so far for example, and as already said, I think FS has the best and most stable art so far, speaking of the manga.

>> No.12162488
File: 220 KB, 800x533, 800px-ThGK_Bunbunmaru11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way why didn't he just let the one who drew Post-Mysticism to do the manga?

His art is really good.

>> No.12162495

Because he probably wants to actually get paid. Can't have that, better hire someone who has no name and would do anything for free as long as it means that people will notice him.

>> No.12162499
File: 652 KB, 1280x720, 京アニ風に霊夢を描くとこうなる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu anime when

>> No.12162500

I don't think his art is good for a manga, too 3D like.

>> No.12162502

Some artists who can draw normal pictures quite nicely have no talent when it comes to manga. Maybe that person is one of them and did not offer his service in that field.

>> No.12162527
File: 534 KB, 887x1425, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga would be like Claymore.

Yeah, that's understandable.

>> No.12162554
File: 785 KB, 1024x765, ZUN making fairy thread on /jp/.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Touhou manga art ranking made by ZUN and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe:

1. 403 Forbidden Scrollery
2. Wild and Horny Hermit later chapters
3. Fat Fairies
4. Wild and Horny Hermit early chapters
5. Tewi's a bitch: The 4koma
6. Silent Shitter in Blue
7. Thin fairies

>> No.12162578
File: 477 KB, 436x424, zun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand how ZUN picks his artists. What makes someone decide that Nemu Matsukura would be the perfect choice for their manga? How do you even find out about some artist like that? Are there yellow pages for manga artists so that you can pick the closest and cheapest one?

>> No.12162586

What do you mean with thin fairies. Fairies are fat.

>> No.12162593

He probably met the artist in a bar while drinking beer, that's how he picks all the people he works or live with.

>> No.12162595

They are plump, not fat

>> No.12162622
File: 285 KB, 1105x1600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could have been Unfinished Fairies or Fairy Sketches because the art looks like it's not even close to being done. Someone (probably) got payed for drawing this.

>> No.12162637

>There are also factors like different shapes of the head and/or chin, different kinds of noses and different placement of said parts in the face.

Granted, but you like Harukawa, your point is invalid.

>Different characters should still have different mimic, but he always draws every character with the exact same expression

That's a straight out lie. Different characters not only have different expressions for the same emotion, but also react differently to the same external stimuli. And more importantly, you can always discern what their mental state is. This is an extremely rare skill. (Harukawa has it too, but she achieves it by breaking into caricature, which results in most of her expressive faces being interchangeable between characters - i.e. actual "sameface").

>a distinctive style

Now, this is where you get really delusional. There's only one person among Touhou artists ever associated with a distinctive style, and it's Hirasaka. Others are described as good or bad, praised and complained about, but he's the only one who's associated with what, rather than how, he did. You can't put it down to "muh taste", you're basically ignoring a demonstrable reaction of the entire fanbase.

>> No.12162648
File: 38 KB, 240x400, 1370186814503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actually pretty thin, they just never had an opportunity to show their slender figures because you can't do that it Christian manga.

>> No.12162667

>Granted, but you like Harukawa, your point is invalid.
You're not really putting yourself in a favorable position with something like this, just saying.

>And more importantly, you can always discern what their mental state is. This is an extremely rare skill.

Except it's not a skill if it's always drawn the same way. There is no skill in that.

>Harukawa has it too
As I already said, I do not intend to defend her like you do it with Hirasaka, since I am aware of her faults and flaws, but that doesn't make Hirasaka any better.
>most of her expressive faces being interchangeable between characters
Hirasaka does this. There is little to no difference in all of the expressions he draws.

Also, I don't care about a "demonstrable reaction of the entire fanbase" because it is not the entire fanbase and most of the fanbase consists of idiots, still.

>> No.12162745

at least he isnt pissing all over the original plot the way certain mangakas do

>> No.12162746

>always drawn the same way

It's not. Most recurring characters have distinctive expression sets, depending on their personality and facial features. You're not going to mistake Marisa's smile for Reimu's, Reimu's for Sunny's, Sunny's for Cirno's, etc. They also react differently - you will hardly ever see the fairies sharing the same reaction in the first place because of how different they behave. Hardly anyone ever bothers with this much detail, so you probably didn't even realize there is something to pay attention to. But it's there.

But whatever, you're probably complaining about their eyes and mouths being in the same place on their faces or something silly like that.

>most of the fanbase consists of idiots

You're not really putting yourself in a favorable position with something like this, just saying.
In fact, you're putting me in a position to say "no,it's just you".

>> No.12162802

How could someone messed up the plot?

Did ZUN ever let that happen?

>> No.12162809

>>You're not really putting yourself in a favorable position with something like this, just saying.
>In fact, you're putting me in a position to say "no,it's just you".
You really think that Touhou fans are all geniuses?

>> No.12162822
File: 84 KB, 500x132, fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki Eda just wrote random shit at some points because ZUN didn't explain shit, but that's the only one i know that fits somewhat, with ZUN just playing it for laughs anyway because he doesn't care. The other manga don't even have a plot so how could anyone mess it up?

>> No.12162840

>you're probably complaining about their eyes and mouths being in the same place on their faces
Yeah, I do. Because that is an important factor.
Of course I am not going to mistake Marisa for Reimu because there a still a lot of things left that let me distinct from one another, but that doesn't change the fact that there is a severe case of samefacing going on there and that basically everyones smile is or pout or whatever else is build the very same way.

I also didn't say they react the very same way, I just said that the same reaction looks the same.

And please refrain from mindlessly copying phrases if you don't know what they are about.

>> No.12162907

>mistake Marisa for Reimu

Only that's not what I said. I said you're not going to mistake Marisa's smile for Reimu's. (Actually, let me take that back, you probably would.) Please refrain from mindlessly copying phrases if you don't know what they are about.

>I also didn't say they react the very same way. I just said that the same reaction looks the same.

I'd like to know how can you say that when, for the most part, they don't even have the same reactions.

>> No.12163020
File: 130 KB, 728x1040, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you please tell me why you are such plain embarassing ways to try and insult me when I did not even give you a reason to do so?

Also, let me just pick one picture for example.
You can just read through the manga again, you will find countless examples of what I said.

>> No.12163135

I like the top one more.

>> No.12163374

Does he have a pixiv or a blog?

>> No.12163376

I want to penetrate this fairy

>> No.12163699

I'm not insulting you, I'm patronizing you, and I'm only returning what you started. Literally returning, as it is.

Also, what is that page supposed to prove? They're having different expressions showing slightly different emotions (depending on their distinct personalities and facial features). Are you complaining that the general shape of their body parts is similar? You should be blaming human evolution, not Hirasaka.

>> No.12163860

No. This is the real Official art rankings.

ZUN tier: ZUN
God Tier: Moe Harukawa, TOKIAME, Genji Asai
High Tier: Azuma Aya, Makoto Hirasaka
Mid Tier: Toshihira Arata, Alphes
Low Tier: Aki Eda, Nemu Matsukura

>> No.12163866

which one of those is the one that drew this >>12162488

>> No.12163884

I don't think you realize how much detail ZUN puts into the manga.

they do get paid

>> No.12164003
File: 463 KB, 800x1200, futoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alphes is the only guy who actually got worse over time. I don't know how he did it. Even the parodies of his new art look better than the actual one.

>> No.12164055
File: 233 KB, 819x800, fbf95756e3d37a759fce29a365e61f54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His style seems pretty easy to copy, judging from the alphes_(style) tag. Also most of the portraits are fine, it's just the Futo that is terrible. Did Alphes do the sprite work in HM because that was also good.

>> No.12164061
File: 198 KB, 733x1100, yuuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them are worse than before. This sums up all the problems quite well.

>> No.12164117

You are trying to point out some of my argumentation as pointless when most of the time all you come up with is stuff like this
>Granted, but you like Harukawa, your point is invalid.
>complaining about something silly like that.
>Actually, let me take that back, you probably would.

Basically, all you do when I say "Hirasaka is generic" is "No you are just blind" while trying to criticize the other artists to get your personal preferences across, which is pointless because I am aware that those are not any better technically.

You won't bring me to like his style, he would have to change it.
You also won't convince me of the shortcomings I see to not be there.

Hirasakas art is polished, I recognize that. But it is still boring samefacing.

>> No.12164187

>all you do when I say "Hirasaka is generic" is "No you are just blind"

Actually, when you said Hirasaka is generic, I simply pointed out how everyone (but you) recognizes it as distinctive.
Your response? "People are idiots". I'll let that speak for itself.

The stuff about you being blind, on the other hand, was a response to you not seeing the distinctive details in his characters' faces and expressions. Sure, I can't convince you that something you don't see is there. But you should still consider the possibility that others do see it.

>criticize the other artists

I have never criticized other artists (except in the neutral, "examine and evaluate" sense), and as far as Touhou artists goes, I don't ever intend to, as I like and respect all of them. What I did is point out the inconsistency in your position when you berated Hirasaka for something that's pretty much an ubiquitous trait for mangaka, including those you yourself have praised.

>> No.12164273
File: 115 KB, 728x1095, csabnd_09_p002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pretty much a fact that most people are idiots.
I don't say everyone who likes Hirasakas art is an idiot, because that is a matter of taste, but most people of every group are idiots. If 90 % of a fandom say something, it is still not representative, I say.
There are also many people among those reading manga that don't know shit about art. I thought that's a well-known fact.

I see and also think I know what you mean by "distincitve details", I just don't think they are distinctive. I've read through the fairy mangas multiple times, I think that goes for everyone in this thread, and I see the art every time and pay a lot of attention to it, but still - The faces look the same on just too many occasions.
They lack variety.

>> No.12164274

>It is pretty much a fact that most people are idiots.
*tips fedora*

>> No.12164351

I like Hirasaka's art, but I always notice how bad he is at motion. But I also like how solid the characters feel, and maybe that's a part of it.
