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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 320x448, Gardener_SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12140399 No.12140399 [Reply] [Original]

"Dark Alice and the Bewildering Wood" event May 15- May 29

Alliance Duel May 24- May 25 (starting in two hours)

FAQ: http://www.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Previous thread >>12125095

>> No.12140403
File: 75 KB, 320x448, Kejoro_R_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archwitch: Bertina

Fantasy Archwitch: Dark Alice

Sacred Treasure: Peter Pan

Eldritch Key and event exclusives: Momotaro and Jodie

Archwitch damagers: Pinocchio and Dorothy

Ranking Reward: Mabel

Alliance Duel rewards: Will-O'-The-Wisp and Kejoro

I wonder if anyone will care about alliance duels this time.

>> No.12140406

Anyone know what time Alliance Duels start?

>> No.12140419

/jp/ meetup has a whopping 4 slots available if anyone is interested in joining.

>> No.12140433


>Alliance Duel May 24- May 25 (starting in two hours)
Hmm... I dunno. Maybe tomorrow?

>> No.12140444

Walpurgis Purge has a few slots open and looking to fill it with active goddess worshipers as we transition from a sender based alliance to a goddess based alliance. If anyone powerful enough to donate doesn't have an alliance already, here's an option.

>> No.12140510

Take note if you join this alliance you will be punted if you kill archwitches faster than Delmesh, or if you send to others who kill faster than Delmesh. This alliance is nothing but drama. Join this alliance, expect drama.

>> No.12140523

Then I guess I have you to thank for proliferating that which you espouse to dislike about it. If there was a problem with sniping, why would I actively be seeking out only powerful people?

>> No.12140526

So you can boot them once alliance duel is over and go back to being a leech.

>> No.12140560
File: 1.61 MB, 480x270, they mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you whine the more you let him know how upset you are about it.

>> No.12140562

I'm looking for an alliance with less autism and less qq and more waifus. Unfortunately you don't meet my requirements, might wanna stop being a autistic idiot and actually be good at the game.

That means you Walpurgis Purge

>> No.12140570

That's not the point. The community needs to know what he does to people. I'm doing the community a favor by letting people know what goes on in his alliance, how he treats his comrades, and how he treats is ally members.

He comes in here flaunting his little autistic dick around as if Valkyrie Crusade is a game of skill. Nope, it's a game of Autism. Congratulations on being metered the highest level of retardation in the community.

>> No.12140580
File: 236 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2014-05-23-23-02-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, look at that enhanced matchmaking taking effect.

>> No.12140596

Walpurgis Purge? Dude I been there, bunch of dudes into shemale hentai. Go fap to something decent like lolis and tentacles instead.

>> No.12140611

Heh, at least I get to see all the teams of retired Reimus.

>> No.12140714

You people need to go back wherever you come from. /jp/ doesn't care. /jp/ wants to just take it easy and enjoy the art and sometimes blog/shitpost about quality of the posts and maybe flirt with other anons. Seriously, you community faggots need to leave.

>> No.12140727

I don't care, and neither does anyone else. Stop shitting these threads by being a whiny cunt.

There are a lot of morons on the internet. There are a lot of morons on /jp/, even. I don't make it my raison d'etre to carry out a personal vendetta against any of them, and neither should you. I am sure this Delmesh guy is at least as annoying a piece of shit as you, but I don't want to hear anymore about it. Besides, you say this guy is a huge attention whore, and proceed by giving him attention. Way to go, champ.

No, I've had it with this. Enough is enough.

>> No.12140761

Judging from Delmesh's seldom comments, what he posts seems exponentially less autistic than what you post. He may be retarded, but I'm fucking sick of all the bullshit you spew every single thread.

>I'm doing the community a favor by letting people know what goes on
>how he treats his comrades, and how he treats is ally members.
No you aren't. From the perspective of a killer/ranker, there's nothing wrong with seeking active senders. Delmesh's method may be off, but this is a game where you can't even communicate with your comrades in-game -- how the fuck do you mistreat a comrade you can't even properly communicate with? If I were an active sender, I'd want an equally active killer to take down my AWs/FAWs; it isn't a friendly relationship, it's a simple give-and-take acquaintance, and I could care less if he deleted me from his comrade's list so long as he's doing his job (i.e. killing).

>> No.12140888

don't know what's going on, but sounds like a lot of samefagging

so does dark alice drop from from bertina or only dark alice? having some trouble finding a second to make her HSR

>> No.12140890

Only from Dark Alice.

And no, that dude is getting called out for a good reason. Now I can't speak much about this since I've been only in two of these threads, but evidently he's been doing this shit in every thread, and people are starting to get fed up with it. It's one of these dickwaving contests where both sides are equally obnoxious, and that shit's gotta stop.

>> No.12140941

Aaaand of course I (and the whole of my opponent and my alliances apparently) sleep through the first match...

What are the chances of getting 100000 points if I skipped the first round? Is the scoring system still the same as the last one (fixed to 1000 per win)?

>> No.12141086

If you win the remaining duels and use the lesser rod gifts, you can pull it off.

If your alliance is populous and can get the higher point bonuses in every match, you won't even need to use the rods.

>> No.12141088

Go bitch to Ema about your personal woes, because I don't give a fuck. As long as Delmesh is here, these kinds of posts will stay.

>> No.12141096

Honestly it's just the same group of people attacking a god damn player in a fucking phone game. Just ignore them altogether.
Yeah, I completely forgot about it. It happened at 8 pm I think for me? Well, now that I'm awake at 3 am I'm actually able to participate in it. Aaaand my enemy alliance has a single level 31 noob with 3 units, one of which being a slime. How boring. Why not find an enemy alliance with equal average level or something?

>> No.12141105

Why complain about having shitty enemies when you're going to get same points anyway?

>> No.12141111

I guess some players do want being challenged during Alliance Battles. The whole "the rewards are sweeter after you've worked for it" deal.
I don't mind that, but I also don't mind if the enemy alliance isn't even moving at all.

Free Rs, SRs and tickets, after all.

>> No.12141116

Weird, the bonus points are suddenly gone even though I never lost. Is it because one of my teammates lost?

>> No.12141117

Same here. Just when I was finally getting a good win streak too.

>> No.12141134

Oh boy, I need to burn rods to get a second Nemesis. And I can't even get a second Somersault Girl for an HR. Oh well, at least I get some tickets.

>> No.12141139

>you're going to get same points anyway
Eh, I guess you're right. I'd just rather see some cards I haven't seen before or something better to look at than a slime and like a sword master card. Alliance battles were better than this, why did they switch to shitty duels.

>> No.12141142

I'm pretty mad because I medal exchanged my first Nemesis thinking I'd never be able to get one again since I assumed it was limited to that first AD only. Fucking Nubee.

>> No.12141146

But the only Nemesis is 70000pts and the first ticket is 125000?

>> No.12141151

First Nemesis was from the first Alliance Duel. I'm assuming the tickets being referred to are from total Alliance victories.

>> No.12141156

Oh, forgot about victory rewards, my bad

>> No.12142136
File: 219 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more ass

>> No.12142141
File: 243 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now with more of everyone's favorite

>> No.12142153

Well darn, what do I have to give to have a Metatron who is actually beside a throne, or a Sandalphon who wears sandals?

I can't argue with the ass, though. That is a splendid ass.

>> No.12142159
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Matrix had a cute ass

>> No.12142588
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, tmp_Screenshot_2014-05-24-20-19-581590017407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it seems they used the first three duels to make the matching for tomorrow duels.

>> No.12142632


How do we know when the alliance duels are?

>> No.12142641

8:00, 12:00, 19:00, 22:00 JST.

You can also access in-game table from the "details" menu, it even adjusts the dates for your timezone.

>> No.12142642

Alliance > Alliance Duel > Details


Help > Alliance Duels > Schedule

>> No.12142708
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>> No.12142710

I believe in your 11%!

>> No.12142716
File: 515 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2014-05-25-03-34-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12142724

She's also a horrible NTR slut, so there's that as well.

>> No.12142740
File: 87 KB, 320x448, 52131512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually happend a loooong time ago my first 11% was a success too! - still loving her

>> No.12142762

I don't think I'll ever use her. I already have SR Wisp, Destroyer and a HSR Dark Alice.

>> No.12142792
File: 2.90 MB, 518x140, emblems.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone's curious about the different emblems and symbols available for alliance logos

>> No.12142794 [DELETED] 
File: 463 KB, 800x480, Infinite arcana and nubee rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was just as dead with these next match ups. We won the first three, but we had about two participants each round, so maybe our point totals were still too low. I guess it doesn't matter that much with the new point system. It would be a bit of fun to see real teams, so they should give people reasons not to sandbag.

Whoa, agape mouth from amazement.

event key log: 2,800 for 4 premium tickets
event summon log: 49 premium summons for Uriel parfait and two Dorothy.

If you're going to give me your useless SRs, at least give me something beautiful like Gardener. Why the heck is Gardener premium summon limited? It's not like a defense buff is going to make a free player takeover.

As it turns out, Dorothy looks a lot getter in HSR. So, it I guess I'll max a fifth card in the past two days and further prove to myself I spend more time managing arcana than playing the game now. Well, 10x Marisa will be funny when I finally have time to use her.

>> No.12142803
File: 463 KB, 800x480, Infinite arcana and nubee rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was just as dead with these next match ups. We won the first three, but we had about two participants each round, so maybe our point totals were still too low. I guess it doesn't matter that much with the new point system. It would be a bit of fun to see real teams, so they should give people reasons not to sandbag.

Whoa, agape mouth from amazement.

event key log: 2,800 for 4 premium tickets
event summon log: 49 premium summons for Uriel, Parfait, and two Dorothy.

If you're going to give me your useless SRs, at least give me something beautiful like Gardener. Why the heck is Gardener premium summon limited? It's not like a defense buff is going to make a free player takeover.

As it turns out, Dorothy looks a lot getter in HSR. So, I guess I'll max a fifth card in the past two days and further prove to myself I spend more time managing arcana than playing the game now. Well, 10x Marisa will be funny when I finally have time to use her.

>> No.12142829
File: 2.92 MB, 640x330, VcDebuffNoSRs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In either the previous thread or the one before it, someone asked about a SR free AWK deck, so I threw this together out of boredom. My numbers are going to be higher than the average person, so just pretend the middle card is a 4* with 3x AW damage rather than a 1* with 2x aw damage and +40% atk/def from elemental buildings.

No atk/def arcana were used, just a bare basic debuff deck with 2 healers, 2 debuffers, and the free R card you can get from the current event. Would take ~4 minutes to kill an AW, but better 4 minutes fighting than waiting 10 minutes if you are having trouble finding rankers willing to kill your AW.


>> No.12142833
File: 75 KB, 960x673, valkrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12142836


This is actually helpful. I like seeing that an Archwitch is totally killable without any SRs. However, it's important to make sure that everyone understands having SRs is generally better.

>> No.12142839

A good screenshot, but that's with a max attack damage card. I was aiming for something a little more approachable for new players.

good point, I should have typed out a few more details.

Might as well throw this link in as well.

>> No.12142844

Oh I might try put something new together then.

>> No.12142918
File: 247 KB, 800x480, SC20140525-050737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should feel sorry but I actually don't...

>> No.12142979

1k Jew-els that I have been saving up for months went down the drain ;_;

>> No.12142995



>> No.12143005

Went up against an alliance full of active level 120s.
4 vs 9 of them, we lost by 10k.

>> No.12143010
File: 494 KB, 800x480, 8b459700-9318-4ea9-8348-0555cafec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't get a Ghost to make a debuff team so I just put together cards I thought would work together to make this. And it works surprisingly well, I can kill/ace AWs in 1bp about 60% of the time.
Now I can't wait to get my first crit card so I can make a my own FAWK team ;_;

>> No.12143011

What was the alliance name?

>> No.12143014

Its in moon. Starts with the character for tall/expensive.
That's all I can decipher.

>> No.12143017


...why would you spend any amount of jewels on alliance battle?

>> No.12143020


Ghost isn't a good card for debuff teams anyway. Nobody runs defense debuffers, just attack debuffers and healers.

>> No.12143027

The other 3 members were doing it and I don't really have use for them anyway as I already have good cards, and the necessary buildings.

We had fun with actual competition.

>> No.12143047


...you had 'fun', which is why you cried about wasting your jewels. You keep telling yourself that.

>> No.12143049

What card is that? So hot.

>> No.12143052

Oh well.

>> No.12143074

Ouch. My alliance is full of 120s, so we've won every duel by a 75k+ margin. I feel terrible for ruining others' chances at an ultimate summon, but I guess this is one of few the perks of not being in a sender-majority alliance.

>> No.12143094

It's not hard to win by 75k margins when you duel nothing but ghost alliances. Congratulations.

>> No.12143106

Its more about how active they were. A few of them came in to the duel with over 40 wins.
In the end, they left with a couple of losses each and used a rod or two hopefully.

>> No.12143111

Autistic Turd has a few slots open, because I kicked the players who kill faster than me, and is looking to fill it with active godess worshipers, who I can leach off of, as we transition from a leecher based alliance to a goddess based allaince. If anyone powerful enough to donate and doesn't have enough autism in their life already, here's an option.

>> No.12143114

Its already been pointed out.
Just stop.

>> No.12143116

Yeah, I do agree the average player wouldn't be playing Valkyrie Crusade 24/7 all weekend long. I commend you on your above-par autism abilities and dedication to playing the game 24/7. You make sure you beat those "lolnoobs" who have much less autism into the ground!

>> No.12143126

I still don't understand why anyone would be bragging about alliance duel. The event is literally 1 hour long 7 times. It's nothing to brag about. Is this another dick stroking event in /jp/ to see who can play the game the most? Is this why autism runs rampant in here?

>> No.12143128

/jp/ has been about elitism since the dawn of time.

If there isn't anything to be elitist about people will find something.

>> No.12143129

AAAAND I just got a Forneus dropped. Too bad she's only single proc so I don't think I'll be using her. She's cute though so it's okay.

Oh well, my previous attempts at a debuff team failed horribly anyway, with Ghost or not.

>> No.12143131

I guess that's why everyone condones autistic behavior in here.

>> No.12143135

He did such an amazing job upsetting you, I just have to applaud him. Every day you come here crying about how butt hurt you are, spreading tears of sadness everywhere. How long ago did this happen? Have you cried yourself to sleep every night or does it come in waves? How did you ever manage to sit in a chair before today with such a sensitive anus that gets bruised so easily?

If you were even half as whiny and bitchy as you are now when you were in his alliance, no wonder he kicked you.

>> No.12143140

Exactly my thoughts. It's about time he stopped posting already.

>> No.12143142

What's funny is that you think it's one person.

You made enemies with way too many people to assume it's one person, Delturd.

I can assure you there are at least five different people in here who posted about your activities.

>> No.12143145

Welcome to /jp/. Enjoy your autism.

>> No.12143146

>playing the game 24/7
Barely played this event and I even missed 2 duels because I couldn't be bothered with inactives. I just wanted to try going against an actual active team for once.

Where did you even get the 'bragging' part from? I thought I would just post about how I wasted my jewels for a good laugh and as a change from the usual shitposting (that seems to be starting again).

You are all taking this way too seriously.

>> No.12143154
File: 556 KB, 1024x768, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not him. And unless every single other person who has it in for him has the same childish way of spamming as you, there's no way its "5 different people"

>> No.12143161

Why do you think that? Because your skype group and alliance are not posting? Unfortunately there is more to /jp/ than your clique and one other person.

>> No.12143167

Also, it's probably best to not blatantly lie to people that you're not following /jp/ and not posting Ema. Should stick to your guns because now you look like a complete fool.

>> No.12143170

Jesus /jp/ is more autistic than ever in these threads with these people, both sides of this shit.

Go talk about your petty bullshit somewhere else for once.

>> No.12143174

Everyone I know uses kik, skype runs like shit and drains your battery. Also I already explained why I think that, because all "5 different people" sound like underaged butthurt faggots.

And again you go around posting random names trying to start crap with people. You are such a drama whore.

>> No.12143178

And you think you're helping the problem responding to it and calling people immature? That's quite hypocritical.

>> No.12143180

And your posting isn't helping either.

>> No.12143224


Not any worse than what you just posted.

>> No.12143228
File: 369 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2014-05-24-23-52-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come back from playing with my 15x touhou, and what do I find? /jp/ is talking about me? Or maybe, it's just both sides being mimicked by the same group, who knows.

You honestly think I have a skype group where I devote time to scheme against you and formulate some sort of plot to take out "sworn enemies", don't you? Astonishingly, people here are simply bored by you. By your own words, you attest to the fact there is a group of you. You evidently talk about me frequently and probably sit around conspiring against me, further exemplifying your obsession.

You can hardly blame the poster just for responding to the people who persistently bring this up. Although, seeing how they have no problem with shitting up the place, I'm sure they'd love to have us both mutually exiled. Their blemished reputation is unsalvageable at this point (even with the anonymity of this place), and I'm sure they would closely hold that as a victory to their hearts. The importance you hold this drama in, is really just pathetic and only keeps highlighting how much you let thinking about me affect your life.

>> No.12143242

The ringleader has arrived!
Welcome to the circus of autism with your very own ringleader! Ema!

Good job Ema! Further feeding into the drama.

By posting here it means you do still regular here or you do have a group of people informing you every time your name is mentioned. And again, your credibility just got flushed even further.

>> No.12143249

Unless Ema and Delmesh have phones running the same version of android with the same resolutions and the same theme, that's Delmesh not Ema. See http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/12125095/#q12129333

>> No.12143250

From the tcgapp thread that got linked, I don't exactly think Ema is rallying on my behalf. And yes, I am feeding into drama here. I'm responding to the posts they constantly bring here. As someone suggested, I'd much prefer to respond to their obsessive comments somewhere else, but they aren't fans of arguing much when our words are definitively tied to our identities.

>> No.12143251

Oh so you keep tabs on resolutions and versions of android each player has? That's quite creepy.

>> No.12143254

It's not hard to crop and resize screenshots.

>> No.12143255

Bro I like shitting up the place as its more relevant then the autism that gets spewed out of your keyboard. Btw why have the waifu pictures stop being posted!?. Down with autism up with waifus!.

>> No.12143257

The post used the same style as Delmesh's other posts and referred to '/jp/ is talking about me.' All I had to do was a quick search in the previous thread for where Delmesh had posted their village. Not everyone is as obsessed with Delmesh as you, it's just a matter of remembering the previous thread and taking 30 seconds to open it and find the image.

>> No.12143268

What are you? Delmesh in training or something? Autism seems to be highly contagious in here. It's like a zombie apocalypse in here and I'm the only survivor.

Your claims and your detective work are a fine example of your autistic deeds. God that's fucking creepy. As if someone would go onto /jp/ and compare screenshots on the wiki to identify posters. That's pretty fucking obsessive.

>> No.12143282

Sirs please without my waifus I can't cure this disgusting autism disease called delmesh. Please without the waifu pictures we can't cure this disease please shit these waifus on this thread so the delmesh disease can be cured.

>> No.12143335

Do you get to pick which card becomes the target of a single-target ability?

>> No.12143347

No. On the one hand, it makes battles go faster, but on the other hand it takes away control.

If you are talking about single target heals, it auto targets the lowest health card.

>> No.12143353

How about single-target buffs and Parfait's ability? Speaking of which, how does Parfait's ability work anyways? Is it a full heal or does it actually bring back a dead card?

>> No.12143362

>how does Parfait's ability work anyways?
A dead card of yours is brought back to life with full health, with all of its buffs intact even if you are fielded. Her ability won't proc at all until a card actually dies. Target is random as far as I'm aware.

>single-target buffs
Totally random unless you are talking about self buffers.

>> No.12143379

That's pretty damn useful. Thanks for the info.

>> No.12143454

Well damn, I'm doing it wrong.

>> No.12143482

PvP in here is so fucked. One proc and the entire match is decided.

>> No.12143497
File: 221 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it. I'm going to bed. It's almost 5 in the damn morning

>> No.12143507

You know, "[Passive] All allied skills target this card" could be a cool ability. It would singlehandedly create a new type of archwitch-killing team, where you'd 19999 that card alone and use single-target buffers to stack buffs on it. A budget version of the Lilim/AoE buff heavy beatdown decks, and it'd be fairly fast to boot, but the fact that single-target 300% buffers are almost as rare as the 200% AoE buffers kind of hampers it.

At least it'd make a better gimmick than poor Lugh's buff clear. It would also be a really fitting ability for Mammon, since buff-hoarding is clearly a form of greed, but since we have her already, maybe it'd work for Barachiel or something. Barachiel also presides over greed and material riches, the only difference is that it's okay to pray to him because he's an angel and Mammon is an idol.

>> No.12143865
File: 277 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ass

>> No.12143871

Well, PvE is fucked as well. If you have team buffers, you can kill FAWs. If not, you can't.

Really great game design. I.e. not.

>> No.12143893

That's only true if you want to 0BP them, and even then, it's not guaranteed (lol first turn ember/shard/darkness). I got nothing but a self-buffer and four skippers and can kill FAWs with 1BP easily.

But yeah, the game's pretty bad, so I don't feel like I'll ever spend money on it.

>> No.12143903

Well, it's not like anyone is playing this for the excellent combat mechanics. As long as it has pretty girls, it's fine.

>> No.12143934


>> No.12143937

That might be true, but if the game did have better mechanics, it might be much better than it currently is. Sure, I like looking at cute cards, but how long will that keep people around? My alliance was full of active people two events ago, and now, I feel like only four or five people remain. Next event, that will be only one or two. That's really sad.

>> No.12143973

It's a mobile game with IAP. They never intended to put any effort into game mechanics, just pump a little money into contracting artists to draw cute girls and watch the flood of otakubucks come flowing in.

If it sounds like I'm being down on the game, I am. There's nothing that makes this better than other shitty mobile IAP games other than the cute girls. Pretty much the sole reason any of us are still playing it.

>> No.12144000



>> No.12144011

Okay, I just tried to get the ticket I earned from AD from my presents box, but it gave me 'unable to get because of full resources' sorta message.

But the ticket was gone from the presents tab.

I don't keep track of the number of tickets I have, so I'm not sure whether it was just the message that was wrong or I just lost a whole ticket through a loophole in Nubee's programming.

At least I now I know I should know better than to just blindly believe in Nubee in everything.

>> No.12144019

You can get that message if you click to receive an item, get it, but your client doesn't realize you got the item and tells the server to give it to you again, at which point the server refuses. I've had it happen to me before for premium tickets, but I did actually get the ticket, so you are probably fine.

>> No.12144025

It also happens with arch witch rewards sometimes. Fucking nubee.

>> No.12144028

Oh, okay. GOD was I worried there for a while, thought I blew a few rods for nothing

>> No.12144255

Well I do find it insanely relaxing.

Click, click, click

>> No.12144361

Anyone know total points for #300?
Close is fine too. After rankings update would help too.

>> No.12144609

>Super slow day, don't get so many points
>expecting to drop a few based on activity around me last few days
>Jump up 13 ranks

I so confused, I don't even know who I'm quoting.

>> No.12144754

Can only see up to rank 310 and they are at 25.8m points now.

>> No.12145147

I have a ton of R cards and around 15 useless SRs cards, I'm saving the cute ones and stuff for amalgamation

I don't have enough space for new N cards anymore, what should I do?
I keep throwing them into goddess sacrifice but this isn't enough

>> No.12145170

Medal the R cards. You'll get lots more of them anyway.

And if you have Jewels, you can buy some more space.

>> No.12145809
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>> No.12145812
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... bitch

>> No.12145851

Can I save premium summon tickets and use them for 10+1?

>> No.12145858

Does succession work with evolution accident too?

>> No.12145864



>> No.12145867


>> No.12145871

Well, time to spend all those tickets I got from AD then.

>> No.12145974

Anny alliances open? Level 41 here.

>> No.12145983


>> No.12145988

Why, it clearly is requesting powerful players.

If you need someone to kill your AWs or something, you can add me though. 5olsi

>> No.12146806
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This is now my 5th Cinderella, I've also gotten 4 Momotaros, 4 Queen of Ices, and 3 Pyromancers

I will never get a Jodie. This is the goddamned worst event of all time

>> No.12146821


Agreed. This key shit is so fucking stupid.

>> No.12146824

Luckily, I got my two Jodies in about 100 keys, but now it takes an eternity to pull even one ticket. Friendship points, five times in a row, is bullshit.

>> No.12146825


man, I've gone through about 800 tickets, still not even one jodie.

>> No.12147019

This event is so dead that I stopped sending FAWs and kill them myself, because I have no interest in waiting for 10min+ only to realize that out of all my (formerly very active) comrades, no one even wants to bother with it, or logs out five seconds after logging in.

>> No.12147047
File: 62 KB, 280x392, Belisama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started two days ago and got pic related on my second premium summon.
Was I extremely lucky?

>> No.12147068

Well, in a way, yes, since pretty much no one ever draws UR from premium summon unless they spend hundreds of hard US dollars.

On the other hand, 20% chance AoE isn't that great an endgame skill, but I guess you can still build your attack unit around her massive damage on proc while waiting for more suitable cards.

>> No.12147176

Cute Patchy

>> No.12147238

Advice needed for a noob.

I started to play this game earlier this month. Now I am lv50, and my Kingdom is becoming quite productive, but I found my attack team quite ineffective, and I think only lots of money or patience can fix the team.

Can anyone give advice on my setup? I have no good buffers and my healers are very easy to be killed. I am using all medals on Bertina's ATK. So far I have:

HSR Bertina
HSR Dark Alice
HSR Dragon Princess
SR Cyborg x3
HR Android
HR Medic
R momotaro x8
R little Turkey
R Kesalan Patharan
R Rusalka
R Farmer x2
R Time Patrol x2
R Cinderella x2
R Little Angel x2
R Brave x2

>> No.12147251

Someone else said he could get by with a self-buffer and a lot of time-skip cards, so if you can amass the medals to max your Bertina's attack, you can fill the remaining four spaces with as many turn skippers as you can. Unfortunately, R turn skippers kind of suck, so I'm not sure how effective that would be overall. But since 300% ATK up should be around 60k to 80k damage per turn, you might be able to actually finish an AW in ten turns if a few of your time skippers proc.

If you want to go for a riskier approach, replace some time skippers with HN Military Band. That's another turn or two you shave off the AW's life when it procs.

>> No.12147304


just remember: it's not that important to kill an AW, just to Ace them. So my advice? Shoot for using your max attack HSR Bertina to get around 500k damage on AWs and wait until you get buffers, turn skippers, and the like. It takes a lot of patience, but you'll get it eventually. You only really need one aoe buffer to become a killer with that set up.

>> No.12147364

> It takes a lot of patience, but you'll get it eventually. You only really need one aoe buffer to become a killer with that set up.

Fucking hell no. I've been playing 30+ hours a week since November and the number of AOE buffers I have is 0

>> No.12147389

Additionally, all you need is one AoE buffer to make a killer out of any team. Don't underestimate self buffers or Bertina, though. They have a better damage potential than crit cards.

>> No.12147409

So 19999 attack HSR Bertina, 2x SR Will-o'-the-Wisp, SR Matcha and an AoE buffer is a solid AWK team? That's good to know, thank you.

Now to get that AoE buffer, that'll be a problem.

>> No.12147418


Don't worry, I was in the same position only I was using double military band for buffers instead. That worked out nicely since I had 2 HSR critters from back to back events where the archwitches were critters, and using that set up I was able to pretty reliably ace an AW. Once you get to the point where you're reliably acing AWs, the SRs come roughly twice as quickly. It also helps to build up more vitality so AW hunting becomes easier. I had to wait until about level 70 or so before I got what I needed, and even then it was just one 200% aoe buffer. I still can't kill FAWs, but AWs are pretty easy.

>> No.12147433

Get some healers/debuffers in there. Rares will do if not SR.
People keep going on about AoE buffers and the like, but they are very difficult to come by. Debuff/Heal teams are the easiest to setup. Once you get more aces, you'll get better drops more frequently.

>> No.12147448
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Oh I can kill arcwitches. I usually stick other cards in I want to level but regardless this is my best team. Everyone is max attack and Oracle and Alp are max def

>> No.12147451
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It's these bitches that are impossible. My friend that has two Omoikane's eats them like candy

>> No.12147484

I have Harariel, HR Millionaire and HR Oneiros too, but I've been told that debuff teams are unbearably slow, and that a turnskip team is almost as good with much shorter kill times.

Besides, I don't have a critical card, so my offense would be severely lacking with a debuff team. Bertina is the best card I have now and she is incompatible with the debuff setup.

>> No.12147492
File: 2.21 MB, 640x330, LowEndBeatdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an extremely low end beatdown deck. The 300% self buffer has 13820+6219 attack (20039) to simulate a player without any elemental buildings or passive deck bonuses and I used an HR healer instead of a 4th SR turn skipper to simulate a player not having all the cards they might want, plus to take away the 15% super rare force deck bonus. I also had the turn skippers at only 6000 health, for players using SR turn skippers instead of HSR.

>> No.12147509

They aren't THAT slow, at least not for normal AW.
Buffers and debuffers aren't incompatible, I used them together before I got an AoE buffer. Only problem is that your debuffs are wiped if the AW fields you.
However, that shouldn't be a problem if you're clever about it and don't blow all 3/6 debuff procs at once before the field.

Turn skippers are very proc dependant. And unless you can kill the AW in time, then you're screwed. Then again, you can also stick a turn skipper in a debuff team without much issue.

>> No.12147511

Much appreciated. Given the lower health and defense of vanilla AWs, this setup seems suitable for my purposes.

I really should get Jodie before the event ends, but the chests haven't been kind to me. 2x Jodie, 2x Wisp and HSR Bertina would get both SR force and light bonus, while Matcha breaks the latter.

>> No.12147515
File: 354 KB, 1280x960, b8a6b0edb73c7344dafb702efeca8488d3d6aa0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-making that team to teach newbies

You sir, deserve a cookie

>> No.12147555

Agreed, posts like that make this place a bit more bearable.

>> No.12147578


Then what are you complaining about? If you can Ace an FAW, you have literally ZERO things to look forward to. You don't have to kill them. Just Ace and send away. It's way more efficient anyway.

>> No.12147674
File: 258 KB, 372x1130, abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, help me

which of these is the best one for AW?

I'm not really good, these are my best cards

>> No.12147700

How many arcana and medals do you have laying around?

I'd suggest you try to get a jodie plus HSR Bertina before the current event ends and just make a beatdown deck like >>12147492

Oracle is a great card but you need an AoE buffer to use her to her maximum potential, so it looks like your cards are more suited to a beatdown deck at the moment.

>> No.12147777
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Well, I was wrong

>> No.12147974
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Newbie here
Is this a good initial draw?
I feel like i just wasted my tickets. They have no synergy at all.
And does the amount of soldiers affect the cards atk/def or are they just hp?

>> No.12147979

scrap that account and start over

>> No.12147982

2 UR cards and one of them is a team buffer? Yeah, it's shit. Do as this guy says: >>12147979

>> No.12148001

read the faq and reroll

>> No.12148242

Empyreal Guard can make a few slots for ya.

If anyone else is interested we have a couple inactives that we could boot to make room for people.

>> No.12148631

Holy fuck I hate you

>> No.12148665

I'm Lv. 76 and I haven't gotten a single UR yet.

>> No.12148672

Level 112 and I only have Oracle Ascendant

She was a gimme though

>> No.12148674

Level 95, 5 URs.

They're all Oracle Ascendants.

>> No.12148680




>> No.12148688

Now I know you're lying. If so, you must not be taking advantage of your tickets with these summon times, at all. With the Hyper summon 3x multiplyer, the chance of summoning an UR has jumped from .09%, to 69%. If you unlocked your summon channeler at level 50 (you should have built this from your town by now, already being at level 76), you can use this to amplify your chances for ever rank you earn past 500. Remember never summon until you fully level up your channeler at 50, and turned your second kingdoms ruins into jewel refineries at 75. Whoa, no UR at 75, imagine actually playing all that time to never be rewarded with a top tier card xD.

>> No.12148694


I'm being serious. After this event is over, Mabel will be my first UR.

>> No.12148695

What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.12148698
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 2014-05-27 04.26.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add a screencap.

>> No.12148701

I admit, I laughed

>> No.12148709

Is it that strange? I am lv 101 and I only have a orcale ascendant too. I have done tons of premium summons and haven't gotten shit.

>> No.12148715


I hope my first is Oracle Ascendant..

>> No.12148740

Well don't, because that's not how a shit should be embraced.

Let's assume you're serious for a minute and just never bothered with information about these OP cards. UR summon rates are widely accepted to be 1% and are not available through AW drops. Previously tickets were available through rank rewards, and are no longer. Even if you did pull UR, you could still get something as lack luster as a 20% AoE damager. These and rank rewards are nothing compared to a 350%/20% element buff. Tezcat is the only rank reward on par with a premium UR critter, and Oracle comes with a 1,600 soldier deficit, as well as reduced proc limit and proc chance. Of course, crits are throw away cards compared to 350%/20% element buffs, and a 250%/15% element buff rank reward is less useful than an SR team buffer from AW drops. Now consider where an Unleasher (available only in premium UR) stands among these cards. It can actually be a turn one FAW liquifier. Yes, it is more likely for you to reach level 120, rank first place five times in a row, and collect every AW drop available before you get a premium UR. And do it a couple times over for good measure if you expect a good one or a reason to complain about it.

>> No.12148742

So I got Miss Lunar New Year on my first day of playing, does that mean I'm lucky? Although all I've gotten in premium and ultimate summon after that are shitty R.

>> No.12148745

Whoa, I'm about to go ballistic!

>> No.12148778
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It's too bad her SR is sexier, still it's nice to finally have her for completion's sake

>> No.12149018

AWs only appear in events right ?

>> No.12149032

For this event yes.

>> No.12149041

So the normal campaign map does not feature its own AWs ? You mean only AWs you can encounter are those that appear during events like Monochrome from last event ?

>> No.12149065

In past events, R AW appeared in the regular map and SR AW appeared on the event map. When there was no event map, both R and SR aw appeared on the regular map and which one you encountered was random.

Since the introduction of FAW though, R AW have disappeared and we've been having only SR AW appear on the event map. The only AW that have appeared on the regular map have been during Witches' Sabbath events, where old SR AW who had previously expired reappear in specific areas for the duration of the event.

>> No.12149128

I see. Not much reason to advance in regular map beside satisfying castle conditions then. Back to event map.

>> No.12149279

>unlocked your summon channeler
>turned your second kingdoms ruins into jewel refineries
Please explain further.

>> No.12149485

Don't read his post, it's all bull.

>> No.12149657

I should make a new account. I miss the times when every new card was a straight upgrade. I haven't switched out a card from my attack unit in months now, and even if a SR card drops, chances are that it will be useless for me.

>> No.12149683

Find a new game to waste your time with. Come back to this in a few months and suddenly it's all fresh and exciting again, and you'll still have all your power cards to farm (F)AWs with. For a couple of weeks at least, until you get bored again.

>> No.12149971

All I do is switch out my attack cards, gotta level, fall in love with, and dump every card man

>> No.12149979
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So Military Band is the best N card, who's the best R card? Cinderella?

>> No.12150039

Super Soldier is arguably the most useful R card. And the most fear-inducing.

>> No.12150112

I'd argue for cards such as Cassandra and Dog Sled girl since there are no SR counterparts to them. For any other R card one lists, it'll eventually just get replaced.

To reliably use self buffers, you need SR turn skippers for the 6 turns of not being AW fielded. Since having 5x SRs gives +15% attack, you'll definitely want to replace Cinderella with one of the easy to get HSR 300% self buffers.


>> No.12150168
File: 2.50 MB, 640x330, HighEndBlitzLilim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 3 main deck types aside from hodgepodge decks: blitz deck, beatdown deck, and debuff deck. The damage numbers and speed I'm posting are estimates, actual results will vary depending upon exactly what cards you are using and your elemental building development.

For webms I'm posting, filenames with “LowEnd” have cards with attack around 13,800 + 6,200 (~20,010 total) to simulate players with no max elemental buildings. Filenames with “HighEnd” have cards with attack in the 19,999 + 8,999 range, for players with 2x max elemental buildings for +40% attack and +5% friendship. It would take too much time to display the stats of every single card I'm demonstrating, so if you have any specific questions just ask.

I'm not going to list every single card, every single play style, ect. This is mostly to get players a basic idea. No I'm not going to list stuff like a debuff deck with a skill unleasher, or a beatdown deck with a 350% UR element specific buffer. This is a guide, not a comprehensive list of every possible card combination. Also people have reasoning skills, they can figure out basic stuff for themselves. When a player sees me talk about 200% AoE buffers, they are capable of figuring out that 300% AoE UR buffers could also work.

There are also lots of hybrid options, such as adding a turn skipper to a blitz deck for slower speed but increased reliability or adding an AoE buffer to a beatdown deck for greatly increased damage.

>> No.12150174
File: 2.63 MB, 640x330, HighEndBlitzAuto.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speed - very important aspect of a deck, as killing an AW in 10 seconds versus 120 seconds can have a huge impact on the amount of return you get from the time you spend playing VC.

Overkill - how much damage over 940,500 you deal to a regular AW. The point of this is to get more points per BP you spend. If you deal only ~950,000 damage to an AW, you'll get ~5,000 points. If you deal ~940,000 plus 999,999 damage to an AW, you'll get ~7,700 points per AW. This used to be a huge issue for ranking as each BP you spent past a certain point cost you swords/time/money, however with 0 bp FAW points per bp spent aren't as important as they used to be.

Obtainability – Roughly 75% of the SR cards you get from AW will be the AW's SR. This makes the current AW card's ability much easier to get, which will often be used to form the backbone of your first AWK deck. Other reliable sources of specific cards are Limited Enemy events (when they are going on, which is like 6 a year), Goddess Worship, amusement area coin exchange, and other special events such as Eldrich keys or Doll exchanges.

Whenever I refer to debuffers in this guide, I'm talking about attack debuffers. Defense debuffers give very little return due to the nature of the damage formula and aren't something I'd recommend.

>> No.12150175
File: 2.93 MB, 640x330, LowEndDebuffNoSrsNoAtkArcanaREventKiller.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cards that are battle start or near defeat are extremely unreliable and not something I personally would recommend. Uriel, for example, is a 30% AoE buffer battle start only which means 30% of the time she is good but 70% of the time she is deadweight. A 15% anytime buffer, on the other hand has a 38.6% chance of proccing in the first 3 turns and a 80.3% chance of proccing in the first 10 turns. Uriel can be put to good use however if you have a skill unleasher or a very specific type of pure speed blitz deck using the 15x event killer and 4x Uriel however this is a very jewel and medal expensive deck as you are buying and maxing the attack of the 15x event killer every 2 weeks.

Ultimately, we are all slaved to the whim of nubee and the random nature of AW chests. If nubee has an event where the AW is a critter, collect crit cards in the hopes of making a blitz deck. If nubee has an event where the AW is a 300% self buffer or a turn skipper, collect cards to make a beatdown deck. If nubee has an AW that's a healer, collect 2 of her, get some HR attack debuffers, and and make a debuff deck. If nubee has a debuffer available from Goddess Worshipping, join an active alliance and make a debuff deck. The decks we make to kill AW will be based on what nubee makes easily available to us (easy being a relative term).

>> No.12150180
File: 2.92 MB, 640x330, LowEndDebuff30Percent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 decent HSR attacker with max attack, 2 or 3 attack debuffers, 1 or 2 healers.

Attacker – Should be a 1* or higher SR/HSR with max attack.
HR 4* 3x event killer: This can take up to 100 turns (or impossible since AW run away after 100 turns) and 4 minutes to kill an AW and is generally not recommended. It can however be made with zero attack arcana. Event cards loose their 2x or 3x AW attack bonus at the end of the event and events generally last for 2 weeks.
20%/350%: They are very easy to get but don't transition well to other deck types, however they still get the job done. At 20,000 attack, can take around 55 turns to kill an AW.
30%/350%: cards are ideal for debuff decks but generally rare. They also work on Blitz decks and alliance battle/alliance duel teams. At 20,000 attack, can take around 45 turns to kill an AW.
20%/350% life drain: They make it easier to go with a 1 healer debuff setup however they don't transition as well to blitz decks when compared to 30%/350% or critters. At 20,000 attack, can take around 55 turns to kill an AW.
2 proc critters: At 20,000 attack, this can take around 70 turns to kill an AW. It does however transition well to a blitz deck.
3 proc or infinite proc critters: At 20,000 attack, a 3 proc critter can take around 55 turns to kill an AW.

Obviously increasing your passive attack bonus with elemental buildings or unit bonuses will shorten the turns needed to kill AW. A high end debuff deck will average 25 turns.

>> No.12150186
File: 2.87 MB, 640x330, HighEndDebuff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healer – You can use HR healers if you don't have any SR healers. AoE healers are better than single target healers. If you need 5+ heals to beat an AW, you'll want infinite proc healers. If you only need 4 heals to beat an AW, a 4 proc max healer is fine.

Debuffer – R debuffers exist and are fairly easy to get from FAW chests. With 5 debuffs, witch wave (the high damage single target aw ability) deals ~9,000 damage and tap for ~400 damage. With 6 debuffs, witch wave will deal ~7,500 damage and tap for ~300. You'll want debuffers such as Penemue, Harariel, The Poor, Oneiros, Ginger, Delphinus, Halfelf, Patrol, or The Poor (evolution accident of Millionaire).

Pros: Very easy to make. Only need to max the attack on a single card. Can use up to 4 HR cards.
Cons: Slow. Low overkill. Has a lot of difficulty with witch brew AWs, as her attack buff can outpace your debuffs. You don't make a debuff deck because it's good (it's not), you make a debuff deck because the cards needed are easy to get compared to getting good SR cards. Can only kill FAW if you have really good cards.

Speed: 23 to 70 turns for AW, 60 to impossible turns for FAW. Your choice of an attacker will have a massive impact on speed.
Overkill: bad
Obtainability: Relatively easy, R cards drop often from FAW and the attacker can just be whatever the current AW damage dealer is.

>> No.12150188
File: 2.79 MB, 640x330, LowEndBeatdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 300% self buffer with max attack, 0 or 1 healers, and 3 or 4 good turn skippers.

300% Self Buffer – You want the card to have at least 9,000 soldiers, so you want 1*s or higher and you'll want to max her attack. Nubee occasionally offers easy to get self buffers as AWs, limited enemies, and AB rewards. You can currently get an HSR Matador from the Amusement coin exchange for 72,000 coins (36,000 coins each). Do not get her until you have enough coins for 2, because in the amount of time it takes you to get 72,000 coins, there's a decent chance nubee will have an easy to obtain self buffer. I do not recommend using HR self buffers as they have less soldiers, nubee hands out 300% self buffers relatively often, and you'll want the +15% attack from the SR Force bonus. The 300% Self Buffer can eventually be transitioned to a blitz team when you get the cards. You can can substitute cards such as UR 250% elemental buffers or 200% AoE buffers, though these types of cards are generally much harder to get.

Turn Skippers – Turn skips stack. Ideally you want skippers who skip 3 turns per proc with 2 procs each, as that gives you 6 turns per card. With 3 such cards, that's 18 turns where the AW can't cast AW Field (which removes buffs), aw wave, or attack. 18 turns is plenty of time for your max attack self buffer to kill the AW, though obviously 24 turns is better. Because you can have up to 24 turns where the AW can't attack, using SR turn skippers is okay.

>> No.12150191
File: 2.77 MB, 640x330, HighEndBeatdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Healer – A good healer can help keep your team at full health while you wait for your turn skippers and self buffer to proc. This card is optional though, as an additional turn skipper works fine too. Using a healer is more about not being able to get a 4th turn skipper than something you actually want to use.

A 200% AoE buffer allows a 300% self buffer to deal high amounts of damage and can even allow you to kill FAW with some success however AoE buffers are rare and hard to come by.

19,999 attacker with +300% buff = ~48,000 damage per tap
19,999 attacker with +300% buff, 200% buff, and 15% sr force bonus = ~180,000 damage per tap
31,998 attack card + 300% buff + 200% buff = ~270,000 damage per tap

Pros – At times, these decks can be easy to make depending upon what nubee has made available. You only need to max the attack of a single card. Fairly reliable. Faster than a debuff deck.
Cons – Can have reliability issues if your self buffer refuses to proc. Can't kill FAW unless you also add a 200% AoE buffer which are rare, and even then the reliability is only in the ~40% range.

Speed: 16 to 30 turns for AW, 20 to 35 turns for FAW but you'll need luck
Overkill: horrible
Obtainability: 300% self buffers are available from nubee fairly often, however GOOD turn skippers aren't as common. Since this deck can use 0* SR turn skippers though, it's not too bad.

>> No.12150194
File: 2.59 MB, 640x330, LowEndBlitzDeckBasic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200% AoE buffers, Lilims (1000% single target buff), Critters, 30% 350% damage, 300% self buffers, 300% Single target buffers are usable but unreliable. No Rs. 2 to 5 buffers, 0 to 3 good damage cards. If you use Lilim or 300% random target buffers, all of the cards need to be max attack. If you are using 200% AoE buffers, just the attack cards need to be max attack. Because Critters are fairly easy to get from crit AWs and work well, 3 critters with 2 200% AoE buffer decks is common, though 2 critters with 3 200% AoE buffers is preferred.

If you use a 300% self buffer or Lilim on your team, you need to be aware that you can only tap with a single card at a time. If you have multiple 300% self buffers and 2 of them proc, the second proc is wasted unless you get fielded. If Lilim buffs a max attack card other than your self buffer, the self buffer proccing is wasted as you'll want to be attacking with your Lilim buffed card. While Lilim is amazing, she doesn't pair well with self buffers as she only has a 1 in 5 chance of targeting your self buffer.

Pros: Kills fast.
Cons: Difficult to make. Can take a lot of medals.

Speed: 1 to 10 turns for AW, 1 to 19 turns for FAW.
Overkill: Easy
Obtainability: Very difficult. While basic critters are fairly easy to obtain from event AWs, 200% AoE buffers and Lilims can be very very rare. It's not uncommon for players to use 0* SRs for their AoE buffers and Lilims early on until they can gather more cards.

>> No.12150197
File: 2.51 MB, 640x330, HighEndBlitz2Buffers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2,137 attack criter + 200% buff = ~510,000 damage per crit
31,998 attack criter + 200% buff = ~740,000 damage per crit
22,095 attack 350% AoE + 200% buff = ~170,000 damage per proc
31,998 attack 350% AoE + 200% buff = ~250,000 damage per proc
22,095 attack 350% AoE + 2x 200% buff = ~545,000 damage per proc
31,998 attack 350% AoE + 2x 200% buff = ~770,000 damage per proc
22,112 attack card + 300% buff + 200% buff = ~190,000 damage per tap
31,998 attack card + 300% buff + 200% buff = ~270,000 damage per tap
22,095 attack card + 2x 200% buffs = ~140,000 damage per tap
31,998 attack card + 2x 200% buffs = ~200,000 damage per tap
22,095 attack card + 3x 200% buffs = ~450,000 damage per tap
31,998 attack card + 3x 200% buffs = ~700,000 damage per tap
31,998 attack card + Lilim buff = ~230,000 damage per tap
22,137 attack card + Lilim buff + 200% buff = ~510,000 damage per tap
31,998 attack card + Lilim buff + 200% buff = ~700,000 damage per tap
22,095 attack 350% AoE + Lilim buff = ~615,000 damage per proc
31,998 attack 350% AoE + Lilim buff = ~880,000 damage per proc

44,998 attack criter + 200% buff = ~970,000 damage per crit
44,998 attack 400% AoE + 200% buff = ~400,000 damage per proc
44,998 attack card + 200% buff = ~89,000 damage per proc

Sources of damage bonuses include elemental buildings (for up to +40% with 2 at level 10), max friendship for +5%, battle potion for +20% for 7 days for 100 jewels, and deck bonuses

>> No.12150204
File: 2.26 MB, 640x330, HighEndHurDemo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't kill FAW with 0 bp, it's not that big of a deal. Just try to deal 51% damage so that you get ace then send the FAW to your alliance and comrades. Sharing is caring.

Attack has a much larger impact on cards than defense. Due to this, it's generally better to max the attack of all of your offensive cards before looking at defense. An exception to this is for 0* SR 200% AoE buffers that are dieing in 1 hit, as 10-20 defense arcana can help them live for an extra round.

Don't be afraid to experiment, this write up is only a rough guide to give players a basic idea of the major deck archetypes that are available.

Alliance battles and alliance duels are ruled by AoE cards as whoever procs first will generally win.

If you can kill an AW with only 4 or fewer cards, throwing a slime or other card you want to level onto your AWK team is a fast way to level them without having to spend gold

“Confirm to receive rewards” cards give you a 100% chance to receive a chest at the end of a map battle if the card procs (they don't work on AW or Limited Enemies, just map battles). This can be helpful for making androids and sages to have extra R cards for donations or for exchanging to medals.

A level 120 player with all of their barracks maxed will have 347 unit cost available. Given the cost of HURs, a player with 3 or more HUR might need to buy the +50 unit cost upgrade for jewels to be able to use all of their HUR at once.


>> No.12150323

Does anyone know for sure how many procs Mai Waifu is?
I'm seeing conflicting comments on the wiki, with some saying 2 and others 3.

>> No.12150372

I've only been able to get 2 procs, but almost all my battles last <25 turns.

>> No.12150392

Oh that's a great point, hadn't thought of it. There are no confirm rewards past Rs

>> No.12150426

In ~77 turns or so before she was killed, 2 procs confirmed. Seems useless to have when I already have an Elisabeth. I'll go with Yuki Onna instead for the next (likely Light) FAW.

Also, does anyone know what #300 is on after the update?

>> No.12150439

While we're on the topic of dark-type critters, what's the appeal of Snow White? Is her ability to infinitely proc really enough to offset the fact that her soldier count is absolute shit?

>> No.12150452

She was the star player on my debuff team, and I'm thinking of switching out one of my stoppers for her on my current team after raising her attack a bit. Basically, she's good if you're in for the long run and can't reach max damage with buffers.

>> No.12150644

If I leave my alliance, will I have to donate more rares for the goddess or does it pass over?

>> No.12150794


I'd like to join too, but I've only just started playing so I don't know if you want me

>> No.12150871

You'll have to donate more rares.

Ideally, you want a critter to have 3 or 4 procs for FAW to get the most use out of them. If you are in a situation where only 1 of your critters is proccing at all when being trolled by the rng, a 2 proc critters such as Elizabeth will only deal ~1.4 million damage and a 3 proc critter will deal ~2.1 million damage. After that point, their chance to proc is zero and they serve no more purpose on your team. Snow white on the other hand, can keep going if she and the rest of your team manage to survive (a very big if) which can help you get to the needed 3.5 million damage to win.

I prefer the high soldier count and attack of HUR critters though.

>> No.12151099
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>tfw i missed my chance to have that ass in my deck

>> No.12151101

Rank 300 is at 31.6m

>> No.12151104

Metatron hasn't appeared in Witch's Sabbath yet, so there's a high chance she'll be in the next one.

>> No.12151203

>Turn Skippers – Turn skips stack
Does that mean I can spam them as soon as they proc?

>> No.12151205


>> No.12151216

That's nice. I used to wait for one to finish then chain the next one which mean I'd missing out on potential proc. This'd certainly help a lot.

>> No.12151223

I just realized I forgot to mention that you shouldn't use buffers with a debuff focused deck, as AW field can wreck you. That was a stupid oversight of me.

>> No.12151270

Who is this? Usually Google can find out right away but this time it just leads me to Valkyrie Crusade's list of SR cards and searching through all those is a nightmare

>> No.12151281

If you scroll down a bit you'll see it's Lofn.

>> No.12151282


>> No.12151334

Dear lord she's pretty

>> No.12151341

Goddess of forbidden marriages

>> No.12151616 [SPOILER] 
File: 233 KB, 288x403, 1401255956973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't judge us, our love is pure.

>> No.12151638

My god I only now realized that her skin is white.

In other words, she's wearing no panties.


>> No.12151649

>Red chest
God bless you man. I didn't pick the wrong one after all

>> No.12151830

Has anyone ventured into the other weeaboo card games on mobile? Some of them are quite bad

>> No.12151862

I started Ayakashi at the same time as VC but didn't even manage for even a day, VC took all my attention. Although they both seem to have similar mechanics and gameplay with summoning, fusion and what not.

>> No.12151878

Thanks dude, this worked really well for me. My current setup is: HSR Bertina (not maxed out yet), UR Miss Lunar New Year, HSR Monochrome, SR Will-o-the-Wisp, HR Angel. Compared to my previous team >>12143010 , I can kill AW reliably now and even ace FAW sometimes if I'm lucky enough with proc.
God bless you man.

>> No.12151910

I'm liking Million Arthur. The story is the usual brain-dead fantasy cliche storm, but at least it's entertaining and some characters say funny things. (I took the female player character from the tech function, dunno about the other stories)

>> No.12151957

I'm looking for a card game that would require you to actually think during a fight, but it seems like most of the Japanese ones are only available in physical form. At least I have PAD, though that one isn't really a card game.

Someone posted this blog in another thread, but I haven't looked that deeply into it yet.

>> No.12151966

Well there's some MTG clone and Ygopro if you are into children's card game.

>> No.12151976

>Well there's some MTG clone
Does it have cute girls in it, or are you talking about MTG itself?

>> No.12151979

Just some game with similar mechanics and artwork with MTG. No cute grill sadly.

>> No.12151991

Note that you can activate Bertina's ability twice thanks to the unleasher, just make sure that you use its own proc before unleashing. The same goes for getting extra procs out of your 2-proc skippers. I wouldn't be surprised if you could kill FAWs by yourself soon.

>> No.12152044

And it's voiced too. The app itself feels oddly janky though, and not the good S.T.A.L.K.E.R kind of jank. Just badly put together kind of jank.

>> No.12152174

>Note that you can activate Bertina's ability twice thanks to the unleasher, just make sure that you use its own proc before unleashing
That's what I've always been doing, double proc on Bertina is almost a crit buff. And the nice thing is that unleashing also means guaranteed 6 turns for Bertina to hit freely from the turnskippers.
>I wouldn't be surprised if you could kill FAWs by yourself soon.
Yup just got 1, and aced 4 before that.

>> No.12152183

Is bertina worth maxing attack?

>> No.12152188

. . .


>> No.12152303

Thread has ended peacefully.

>> No.12152616

How did people get Master Alchemist? The wiki just says amalgamation but no list of the cards that used to make her

>> No.12152633

I'm pretty sure it was an event-only card

>> No.12152708

Yeah but, what cards were they? I don't like the wiki to be incomplete

>> No.12152787
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Apparently, it was something like this

>> No.12152908

Complex, probably why it's not in the wiki

>> No.12152992
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Still needs more ass

>> No.12153388
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>> No.12153390
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There's not room enough for the two of us.

>> No.12153592
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I recently got back into this after a break and found my alliance pretty much dead. Are there any free spots in a /jp/ alliance right now? I can 1 bp fantasy archwitches and contribute regularly. 530fi

>> No.12153609


>> No.12153613

Hey, I just saw you online and was surprised. Welcome back. (Almost everyone else is ded though. I only log in to collect my resources these days)

>> No.12153897

Is there any way to feed more than one Arcana cards per upgrade? This is pretty fucking autism when having to feed 60 cards one by one.

>> No.12153900

You can feed an attack arcana and defense arcana at the same time, but defense is a low priority.

Wait until you get a HUR and have to feed ~300 arcana.

>> No.12154062

Oh man... here's hoping for some sick skills on these new AWs and FAWs. Also talking about amalgamating some shit, so we'll see how that goes. Maybe even limited enemies?

>> No.12154070

I think it just means that your progress point reward HR is going to get triple damage against AWs rather than the double damage of Rs, so no difference from the rest of events.

This event turned out pretty well for me: first maxed card, first full HSR team, first FAW ace... Frankly speaking, I'm not sure which skill I'd like to have that I still don't, other than the AoE buff, but they won't give us that in a million years. My only problem is the endless stream of N cards that I have no one to feed to, but that's a good problem to have.

>> No.12154082

>My only problem is the endless stream of N cards that I have no one to feed to
You have slimes, arcana upgrade, goddess worship, and failing that just sell them out. Personally I found myself constantly in lack of N cards.

>> No.12154083
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At least N cards you can sell to get rid of quickly. I probably have over 400 light swords at this point.

>> No.12154093

Well, I already have about 10 slimes at 27 with no one to feed them to, I quickly spend them on worship every day, and all my workshops are already busy with building stuff, so I don't need that much gold. So yeah, I'm currently feeding some attack arcanas to my zero-star SW with no intention of maxing her.

God, spending even 40 BP a day feels like a chore to me, I can't imagine how bad that is.

>> No.12154267

Just setting up my team for the next event, and I'm wondering between the following 2 setups:

First is an all dark team of UR Therapy, Elisabeth, Yuki Onna, Lilim and a 0* Lilim.
My temples aren't highly leveled yet so Lilims + 10% unit bonus are very valuable to me for that extra tap damage and potentially immense burst. And with this setup, there's a 80% chance that Lilim(s) will buff the right card.

The other alternative is to replace both Lilims with 2x maxed 200% buffers. This would give some extra reliability I suppose, with a little less burst.

Any comments/opinions?

>> No.12154297

I'd run Elisabeth, Yuki, Lilim, Buffer, Buffer.

0* Lilim is extremely squishy and you are better off having a team where all 5 cards are at max attack.

Lilim doesn't work well with just 1 buffer. The true potential for Lilim comes when you have a max attack card hit by Lilim and a 200% or 250% buff at the same time, as you'll be hitting for 600k-800k damage per tap. The problem is, aside from Therapy you don't have any other AoE dark buffers, so if Lilim buffs your 200% buffer, for example, that's a non dark card that therapy can't hit, and having only a single AoE buffer isn't enough given the cards you are working with.

>> No.12154333

I have considered dropping Therapy altogether because of lack of synergy, but UR damage is absolutely brutal. Your suggestion is pretty good though, I'll give it a try and see how it works.

>aside from Therapy you don't have any other AoE dark buffers
One of the more annoying things about dark decks. Unless you shell out lots of money and/or get super lucky of course.

>> No.12154438
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Here's a challenge
Kill your fantasy archwitch, from full health within 5 turns

>> No.12154440
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>> No.12154454

It is fun when everything procs on turns 1/2. You should try get a critter in there. With procs/critters going off early, people can kill it in 2-3 turns.
I've killed one in 2 turns before, and a few in 3. And I've seen some full HP ones I've sent out sniped in <10 seconds by power killers.

>> No.12154469

The problem with that is the dark critter's that I have only proc once or twice

>> No.12154486

I assume you have an Elisabeth or 2.
Single proc critters aside, 2 proc critters should be more than enough. That 650k damage you did there would be max damage with a critter.
1 critter = 2mil damage, 2 critters = 4mil, which is enough to kill FAW. Plus, you'll also have some extra tap damage and perhaps one of the AoE procs going off.

>> No.12154552

Thanks for the advice!
My AoE hitters do max damage when they are at full health too.

>> No.12154664

I remember Rikka posting a screenshot of him dealing as much damage as possible on turn one.

>> No.12154689

Critters can still do it on low HP. I've had Oracles max damaging on 200HP.

He has a Fairy Princess doesn't he?
Wish I had an unleasher too ;_;

>> No.12154724

Do you have it?

>> No.12154726

Yeah, it was cool he did 4,999,995 damage to a four million health FAW.

>> No.12154730

He quit the game. And if someone like he can, you, and everyone else in this thread, better do as well. For the sake of your life and your wallet.

>> No.12154796

I got chills.

>> No.12154819

What are the chances that circus themed firls will be any good?
My predictions are: a clown girl and a tamer girl. They are not cute at all and are not worth your public collection. AW skill: 25% attack reduction, FAW skill: 300% single targer buff, ranking reward skill: unleash.

>> No.12154836

>ranking reward skill: unleash.
Haha, no. Given the difficulty getting Necronomicon, I don't think they're about to hand out their most coveted card this easily.

Personally hoping for a Light critter.

>> No.12154841

Also, highly unlikely but still given the name, this could possibly be Accordion.


>> No.12154952

Dammit, another AoE card? We've already had Nuisance and Linus in the past 2 months.

>> No.12154990

>Added: December 19, 2013
She's there for half a year. If nubee didn't add her until now they probably won't add her in the next event as well.

>> No.12155512

I killed like 15 FAWs in the last 2 hours but still no Dark Alice dropped. Seems like my dream team of 5 HSR Dark Alices for the next Alliance Duel will never come true ;_;

>> No.12155626
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Last one, after about 300 keys will I finally get Jodie?

>> No.12155627
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Well that's no surprise. Hopefully they never do something like this again

>> No.12155662

Throughout the event, I picked up 3,400 keys to use at the stone gate which give me five premium tickets. This was much more generous than I expected. After summoning 60 times with the 3x rates, still no UR.

Dark Alice is a beauty and Jodie a cutie, so it was a success. Nemesis is good too. She looks like she was originally planned to be part of Cybercity .

>> No.12155692


Man, I used like 2000 keys and not even ONE jodie. I was gonna farm premium tickets after I got my HSR, but it never fucking happened.

>> No.12155705

RNG is regretfully cruel. Sorry to flaunt it, but it only took me about 130 keys to get HSR Jodie.

>> No.12155729
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Accordion a cute!

>> No.12155737

needs more thigh highs

>> No.12155747

A goddess-oriented alliance sounds like a good idea to me. Do you guys still focus on archwitches somewhat, though?

>> No.12155754
File: 29 KB, 402x326, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping for more premium summon tickets, but it couldn't be helped.

>> No.12155770

How did you not get any Bertinas? I got 4 or 5 of them from keys, no Jodies though

>> No.12155781
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4 premium tickets and 1 ultimate, guess I at least got an Idler. I can try again for Super Soldier

>> No.12155931

Ice shard turn 1 should be illegal.

>> No.12155999

Yeah, we're pretty packed with rankers, but I think most people still trade off their witches. I'm sending all FAW I encounter, at least. We don't have many inactives but there is one spot I'm willing to clear. Somebody keeps posting links to my posts for me as well, but it's probably with good intentions.

>> No.12156019

The game's already easy enough, dumblord.

>> No.12156041

Another self-buffer. I'm so pissed I couldn't get a single 3 turn skipper from the last 2 events. I could be killing FAWs now ;_;

>> No.12156044

Oh look, another EXCITING event with all those AWESOME archwitch rewards. And look at the box summon, it's a light buffer. Wow, talk about UNEXPECTED!

No, you couldn't.

>> No.12156065

I'm hopelessly trapped here. Please, I'm open to recommendations for a remedy.

>> No.12156111

How many proc does Lina have?

>> No.12156125

Wiki is claiming 4 but that seems high for a full healer

>> No.12156127

Why can't he? I've just started since Cybercity and I'm killing/acing FAWs left and right thanks to Monochrome and Will-'o-the-wisp. Having turnskippers really helps.

>> No.12156212

I use a turn skipper, but only because my team buffers are 0* leaving them to die in one to two hits. So it really helps actually, and prevents field for 3-6 turns.

>> No.12156214

What did that notification just say? "There's a request of investigation!! Have all girls..."

>> No.12156221

No idea what you are talking about, turn skippers can work to kill FAW. It's not the fastest setup available but not everyone has 3 AoE buffers or a Lilim. See >>12150191

>> No.12156386

The most exciting part of this event is the return of Cockroach.

That just says that the new event is live.

>> No.12156425

Perhaps it's a few people who actually have rare summons that should be investigated. Every advantage and still forced to resort to dirty tricks, seriously pathetic. Oh well, it might be fun to go out as a "hacker" with my all AW drop team.

>> No.12156428

>Perhaps it's a few people who actually have rare summons that should be investigated
What? Everyone and their mom get that notification.

>> No.12156453

Stop linking your own posts again and again, it's truly disgusting.

>> No.12156456

It's faster to link my own posts than to type out the same damn thing a second time. Whoever typed that turn skippers can't let someone kill FAW clearly didn't see it the first time, or they're an idiot.

>> No.12156471

So I'm at level 50-ish, should I make Shrine of Light (since my team consists of mostly Light cards) or just keep focusing on expanding my town?

>> No.12156479

Depends on your team. If you think your current team will be your end game team due to incredible luck or buying card packs, shrine of light will help you kill aw faster and more consistently. Chances are though that your primary element may change between now and the future, and maxing all of your elemental buildings is a very large investment. If you instead focus on maxing your resource buildings, vitality, barracks, and other things that you use, you'll be able to level up faster by keeping stuff building all the time.

>> No.12156484

It gets REALLY expensive and time consuming to level up elemental buildings. The last 3 levels take 800k of each resource each time. I'd wait on it and get your other more important things leveled up first.

>> No.12156507

>Chances are though that your primary element may change between now and the future
Guess I'll just focus on my town first then. Now if only that level 8 castle get itself finished instantly...

>> No.12156661

So Delmesh is my comrade now, will I be getting witches from him?

>> No.12156684

Ahh, I see you now. I'll send to you when I'm not getting too many sends. In the past, I was comrades with Noire and never knew he was /jp/ until recently and after I removed him. Feel free to not send to me until I do first. I've already used at least 15+ light swords this event to send. Good to know though, because I don't have the spreadsheet memorized.

>> No.12156883

Oh alright cool. I'm in school right now, so I won't get the chance to send.

>> No.12156971

-Terrible AW encounter rate destroying my Vit.
-Terrible FAW spawn rate, worst I've ever had. Not ideal on day 1.
-Shitty FAW constantly AoE spamming me in the first few turns.
-Lack of sends because I can't send stuff out myself because on no FAW spawns.
-Awful loot. Constant stream of N cards from the FAW. 100+ AW kills and no drop.

I hate this event already.

>> No.12156995

>In the past, I was comrades with Noire and never knew he was /jp/

I can't recall any Delmeshes ever being on my comrades list. Was this before the Oracle Ascendant event? I assume I was removed after transitioning from an active sender to active killer.

>> No.12157059

Got my 3rd Polaris, what I should be doing with it?
My current team is:
Elisabeth - Polaris - Sophie - Polaris - Ragnarok

Should I try making a new team with this extra polaris or just make an 1* Polaris?

>> No.12157224


why would you make a new team? that's the biggest waste in the world

>> No.12157252

I'll be able to join in a few hours if you could clear a spot.

>> No.12157488

>Now if only that level 8 castle get itself finished instantly...
You could use jewels to make that happen. Just sayin.
I added him two events ago, and he deleted me a couple days after. I'm not on the spreadsheet, so that might've been why.
I'd personally make a 1* Polaris because that way it could take an extra hit. but you should try out with 3 team buffers if you really care. You will get the 3 light card bonus that way.

>> No.12157701

Alright, a spot is open now.

>> No.12158106

How does ranking work?
I'm in the 7k rank and I'm waiting to get Mabels but I haven't got one yet.
I looked it up and someone said that you have to be lucky (?)

>> No.12158144

Unless you are exactly rank 7,000 you don't get a Mabel for being that low. There's a difference between "No. 101~300" all getting a Mabel and "No. 7000" as a single rank getting a Mabel.

>> No.12158173

Ahh. That makes me a bit sad. I really wanted one.
Now I have a team that can reliably kill AWs (unless I get very unlucky)
I probably won't get to 300 though, but maybe I'll at least get something good

>> No.12158465
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Town done

Everything now has a place

>> No.12158469

If you can kill AWs regularly, you should try to get higher ranks. 1001~3000 is where they start giving event SR card, even if you already have her (you probably do) that's 2000 medals in the bag.

>> No.12158473
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Reverse side

>> No.12158554
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Thanks again! That makes 4 tries now. (I swear to god Idler I will find out where you live and destroy all your goddamned games!)

>> No.12158758

I'm in! Thanks for the invite!

>> No.12158792

Thanks, glad you're here to collect all the cute goddesses and cards with!

>> No.12158916
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This thread more than anything just makes me want to give up; especially shit like this post

Every single one of those numbers assumes a group buff, sure MAYBE Chocodevil will proc on Oracle or Ragnarok but she's just as likely to proc on Cacao or herself. 1 time out of 6 I get to Ace a FAW without using bp.

I feel like a laughingstock and everything I've done so far is a joke

>> No.12158926

It's a joke post made by a joke player, what did you expect? I once got two team buffers from one step-up-summon, so if you have money, you can try your luck. Or, you do the sensible thing and quit right away instead of burning out in a few months.

>> No.12158942

Blasting through the longevity of the game by summoning before you have all useful SRs that AWs drop, completely defeats the point of playing the game. If you're going to do that, you obviously never wanted to play in the first place. Well, I guess you've already made that evident with your outlook. Pay $45 dollars to play less? Doesn't sound like a great deal to me.

You have no idea who that player is, so why are you lashing out at someone trying to help people. The only thing good about these threads is discussion of cute cards and enjoying their features with like minded people. If you're not doing that, I have to ask, what are you doing here?

Questions from newbies are only growing in frequency, rehashing repeatedly. It used to be nearly always just swiftly met with a link to a wiki page, and a reminder to look it up yourself. At least this is a definitive explanation to many questions pertaining to different team setups. It's shown in exact detail how it will work. Plus, I like watching his cute teams in action.

Good luck, may your prolonged chase lead to an even more satisfying finish.

>> No.12158957 [DELETED] 

Is there any reason to use notLupin at all in latest chapter when Kanami and Freia is higher leveled?

>> No.12158990

Didn't mean to lash out, I'm pointing out that I suck in comparison to everyone else who plays

>> No.12158999

>I suck in comparison to everyone else who plays

That's everyone until they get a decent deck; you're not alone, so don't think too much about it.

>> No.12159024

It sure is hard to stay positive with posts like this


And this as part of the new player guide
>If you can't kill FAW with 0 bp, it's not that big of a deal. Just try to deal 51% damage so that you get ace then send the FAW to your alliance and comrades

I mean I can't even do that without spending time and bp and it's considered 'basic'

I'm just feeling rotten at the moment like everyone has passed me by and the only other people in my position are complete newbies

>> No.12159031

Why don't the killers in the google docs kill my AW?

They only hit my FAWs...

>> No.12159037

I started a month and a half ago and I still can't reliably kill AWs.

Am I bad? I'm level 71 atm.

>> No.12159045

Just unlucky or not lucky. I started during Cybercity event and can kill AWs neither reliably nor fast. Keyword is perseverence.

>> No.12159054

They might not have enough BPs. Try to add high level players you meet during exploration. This will increase your chance of comrading players in your timezone/play during the same time as you. Most of my killers are non-/jp/

>> No.12159075

Well I started 8 months ago and until 3 weeks ago I didn't realize there were cards that gave 200% and more buffs to the whole group. I thought group buffers were all of the 25% kind.

I have earned after playing 30+ hours a week for 8 months a grand total if 1 and that is the completely worthless 0 star Parvati

I have killed two FAWs on my own with 0 bp. I thought it was because I hadn't leveled up my cards attack enough so I finished doing that just last week and then some guy starts making webms of how to auto play FAWs with group buff teams and my eyes were opened to the way this game is played by the elite.

After this event finished and I rolled my new prizes
Then spent some time reading through the thread. And now I feel like I'm nothing more than a cosmic joke. A player so irredeemable that I have done nothing but waste my time accomplishing nothing.

I was hoping to start using my swords which I have collected now that finals are through to gain a chance at ranking for the first time since I began but wonder now if there is a point in even trying.

Perhaps I need to go back to gathering the girls from the current event and just shut it off till the next time. Find some cute girls and leave, What else am I wasting so much time for?

>> No.12159107

Magic School lvl4 or save some more for first Yggdrasil ? I already built a workshop.

>> No.12159124

I don't know how to cheer someone up.

Can someone respond and cheer this person back up? Thanks

>> No.12159154


Cheer up, at least you're not black.

>> No.12159159

>especially shit like this post
>Every single one of those numbers assumes a group buf
Don't hate the player, hate the game. I'm not the one who designed this game to be built around stacking buffs to maximize damage, that's how nubee designed it.

The only way that I know of to reliably kill a FAW without using high end buffers is with a high end debuff deck, and it takes 60+ turns to do so unless you have a good attack card of the opposite element. So if you happen to get a Nyx, Penemue, or Harariel instead of a Lilim or 200% AoE buffer, you could try that instead.

When all started like that, heck I was using a low end debuff deck until the Volcanus event when I finally got 2 0* AoE buffers.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that 51% was 'easy', only that 51% was a more obtainable goal than 100% and to encourage sharing.

The majority of players in this game can't kill FAW with any regularity, if they could the top rankers wouldn't be able to find so many senders.

>> No.12159230

I'm trying to go for rank this event but my vitality is rather low so I'm not getting enough AW to use up my bp. If you want another killer, just add me 6oh4p.

>> No.12159300

Cybercity was one of the best times to get an AW killing team, I believe (at the very least, I got mine around then). You have a great critter in Ragnarok and an easily farmable turn-skipper in Monochrome, and even after that event ended, you could get another turn-skipper in Jodie and a great self-buffer in Bertina (hell, you can still get one in Accordion). Sure, you need to build some barracks and be of high enough level to comfortably farm Monochromes or even fit all the SRs on your team, but at least that aspect of the game does not depend on luck and will serve you well for the rest of the game.

>> No.12159362 [DELETED] 

I can kill your AW fairly reasonably if I get procs add me : 6smva

>> No.12159428

Gratz, that's a nice looking town.

>> No.12159481

You deserve more praises.

>> No.12159498
File: 2.99 MB, 640x330, HighEndDebuffFAW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only consistent FAW deck idea I have that doesn't involve buffers. Uses other hard to get cards instead.

2 good max attack offensive cards, 1 or 2 good healers, and 1 or 2 good attack debuffers.

Because FAW have much more health than AW, you should use 2 good damage cards. Since the FAW AoE attack deals less damage per target than the FAW single target ability, it's possible to use only a single debuffer. Since you will be either using 1 attack debuffer with 2 healers or 2 healers with 1 attack debuffer, consistency of your healing/debuffing can be a major issue. This consistency issue can be mitigated by maxing the defense of your cards, however this is a very medal expensive proposition.

Attacker – 30%/350% cards, or possibly 20%/400% URs, are your most viable options for this deck. A debuff deck with 2x 22127 attack 30%/350% cards average 48 turns for 1.8 mil damage. A max attack card of the opposite element can help shorten this time however such a card would likely need max defense to help mitigate the extra damage it will be taking.

Debuffer – an HR debuffer will die in 2 or 3 attacks and only has a 10% proc chance, so you really need SR attack debuffers to have any sort of consistency.

Healers – You'll want SR or HSR healers so that you get the +15% attack bonus for having a full team of SR/HSR cards. If you need 5+ heals to beat an AW, you'll want infinite proc healers. If you only need 4 heals to beat an AW, a 4 proc max healer is fine.

>> No.12159502 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 640x330, MidRangeDebuffFAW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damaging the FAW
32998 attack 350% proc = ~74,700
22127 attack 350% proc = ~46,250
32998 attack tap = ~16,150
22127 attack tap = ~9,250

With no debuffs
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~2,700
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~3,750
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~10,800
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = ~14,500

With 1 debuff
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~1,750
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~2,350
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~7,200
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = 9,650

With 2 debuffs
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~1,150
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~1,480
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~4,500
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = ~6,400

With 3 debuffs
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~790
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~980
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~2,930
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = ~3,800

Pros: Viable deck if the game refuses to give you AoE buffers or Lilims
Cons: To improve consistency you'll want to max defense, but this is very medal expensive. Slow. The cards needed can be rare.
Speed: 2x 32998 attack 30%/350% cards average 29 turns for 1.8 mil damage. 2x 22127 attack 30%/350% cards average 48 turns for 1.8 mil damage.
Overkill: bad
Obtainability: Very difficult. Now that Nyx is retired, there are fewer SR attack debuffers than 200% AoE buffers. 30%/350% cards are also rare, unless you were active during the Artemis event.


>> No.12159509
File: 2.99 MB, 640x330, MidRangeDebuffFAW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damaging the FAW
32998 attack 350% proc = ~74,700
22127 attack 350% proc = ~46,250
32998 attack tap = ~16,150
22127 attack tap = ~9,250

With no debuffs
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~2,700
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~3,750
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~10,800
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = ~14,500

With 1 debuff
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~1,750
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~2,350
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~7,200
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = 9,650

With 2 debuffs
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~1,150
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~1,480
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~4,500
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = ~6,400

With 3 debuffs
34,998 defense card vs faw tap = ~790
20,044 defense card vs faw tap = ~980
34,998 defense card vs faw AoE = ~2,930
20,044 defense card vs faw AoE = ~3,800

Pros: Viable deck if the game refuses to give you AoE buffers or Lilims
Cons: To improve consistency you'll want to max defense, but this is very medal expensive. Slow. The cards needed can be rare.
Speed: 2x 32998 attack 30%/350% cards average 29 turns for 1.8 mil damage. 2x 22127 attack 30%/350% cards average 48 turns for 1.8 mil damage.
Overkill: bad
Obtainability: Very difficult. Now that Nyx is retired, there are fewer SR attack debuffers than 200% AoE buffers. 30%/350% cards are also rare, unless you were active during the Artemis event.


>> No.12159518
File: 634 KB, 800x960, 06b7d3ecb50a068f5fd8af6b2009f78ebcbb3ca1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I complained earlier, the game is still fun. You do awesome work friend.

Have another cookie.

>> No.12159529

>1 attack debuffer with 2 healers or 2 healers with 1 attack debuffer
God damnit. 2 attack debuffers with 1 healer or 1 attack debuffer with 2 healers. I suck at proofreading.

Np, this can be a really frustrating game at times. Took me over 20,000 AW before I got my first HSR Lilim.

>> No.12159609

Well I kill an average of 600 AWs and 150 FAWs each event. Which means I've killed about 10,000 AWs and about 1200 FAWs if we've had 8 of them.

>> No.12159809

Woah, half of my "friends" haven't logged for weeks.
Time to re-add random people from the sheet I guess.

>> No.12160212
File: 200 KB, 800x800, 1382737491963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for a new thread
I couldn't seem to get any fucking keys the last event. Glad this one uses progress points.

>> No.12160241

At least farming AWs at the 2 stamina stages got me enough time to progress through the regular campaign.
