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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12149541 No.12149541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12139679

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12149568

Did anyone here played majokoi trial? Was it good?

I was wondering if I should play it, otherwise pretty much backlog month for me...

>> No.12149572
File: 178 KB, 800x450, gallery01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for Fraternite, Majokoi, virtual tits and gold digger engagement.
If they manage to make it as funny as Naname was without the idol shit it's a win in my book.

>> No.12149608

I'm still mad there was an entire game dedicated to ojou-samas and none of them had drill hair.

>> No.12149668

Anyone know a good ranged combo for Baldr Sky? I figured I'd try dive2 in very hard but I remember someone commenting here that using ranged weapons made fighting against huge mobs much easier. Issue is that so far I've only focused in melee techniques.

>> No.12149733 [SPOILER] 
File: 521 KB, 1024x576, 1401208492594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidence, I am just reading Muramasa. For me this is slow as hell. I am in fourth chaper and it has taken 52 hours already.

>> No.12149801


Professor and Kageaki going at underwear discussion seriously was highly memorable.

>> No.12149895

Ugh, seriously? Chaos;child is for xbone? It's Steins;gate all over again. Fuck this stupid series. At least put it on Vita or PS4.

>> No.12149908

Welcome to the future anon. Government spying is good for you!

>> No.12149909

Just forget about it, it'll be shit anyway. I'm pretty convinced Steins;Gate being good was just a fluke.

>> No.12149913

Well, S;G at least sold well. After it, it seems like they've been trying to milk the series as hard as possible yet failing to realize why it was succesful.

>> No.12149967

Why was it successful at all?

Even when they ran off to console just to starve people with piracy as excuse it felt bullshit that anyone would care about it that much, we could argue the original launch wasn't exactly in noteworthy platforms for the media?

Did they even figure out a way to sell it at all? Feels like all the success just came flowing from the shitty anime adaptation if anything.

>> No.12149986

Funny how /jp/ was thinking Steins;Gate is great before the anime came out. Now everyone knows it, so it became shit xD

>> No.12149998

I thought the VN was wonderful for the platforms they originally went to.

I just find it hard to believe it became this successful without the anime, and this is counting all the shit they did afterwards.

>> No.12150001

The anime has nothing to do with it being shit. It being translated does.

>> No.12150003

Alia's Carnival is actually Nanawind's second title.
And it's okay. The art is nice, the fact that it actually had choices and flags beyond "Pick which heroine you want to rub your penis to." was a nice change of pace for a moege, and Kiritani Hana voices the main heroine so there's that. The chuuniesque fighting segments are okay I guess, but they're short and spaced fairly far apart so it's not like they drag on too long.

But it selling so well is probably more to due with the fact that it's basically a titge, they've been advertising the shit out of it for months, and most of the store bonuses were pretty nice.

>> No.12150031

Hey, I liked Steins;Gate. Aside from plot holes and the technobabble getting a bit hard to swallow at times, it was an enjoyable read. Nothing else 5pb. has done has been anywhere near it, though, and there's little reason to expect Chaos;Child will be any different.

>> No.12150102

>Where on EGS can I sort by score, popularity,...?
>I've been looking for a few minutes and can't seem to find it.
EGS allows you to input your own SQL SELECT queries. Take a look at the database structure and field names you need, then use the ORDER BY keyword to sort.

>> No.12150184 [DELETED] 


>> No.12150224

Microsoft is trying to survive in japan. That's why.
I mean, 5pb can be that stupid to just release exclusively in a console that is dead in japan before even born...

>> No.12150288

i could understand if its ps4-ps3 or vita but seriously x-box is most retarded choice for releasing a visual novel.Im sure they have some kind of reason for this,but it doesnt change stupidness.

Also seems like no one metioned it but personally i liked totono from nitro. It wasnt muramasa level sure, but i think it still deserves at least 80/100.

>> No.12150294
File: 90 KB, 796x593, 100% DEEP LOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing such a completely classic and by the book example of this archetype is heartwarming as fuck. Also really creepy.

>> No.12150318

Microsoft pay a fuckload of money for 3 VNs from 5pb, this is something they did in 360 too.

Yeah, I enjoyed totono.

>> No.12150340
File: 602 KB, 800x600, Bravo, bravo, the best opera is here..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play a vn where you have a bro and he isn't just a comic relief or some obnoxious guys who despite being the hottest all around always push the chicks to the lousy MC...

I want both hanging them just as friends and he (they) getting laid and what not aside jokes that he might be gay, does this exist?

>> No.12150347

Sumaga? The bro tends to score the girl he likes.

>> No.12150350

One of the best friend characters in KimiIta '11 winds up with a girlfriend by the end of the game.

Granted, his girlfriend in '11 is the dyke from KimiIta '99 that was raping one of the heroines.

>> No.12150359
File: 317 KB, 800x600, godi demu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked my brojaa a lot, but he was used almost always as comedic relief rather than bro that I don't know if he fits my description and I already played;

I remember trying to play it back in 2011 and didn't liked the novel and dropped shortly after some hours, did it get better later?

>> No.12150365

Startrain maybe?
The bro character from konnyaku would be ok but he doesn't have enough screentime.

>> No.12150378

Not him, but sometime ago I was considering playing StarTrain because I looked up he was one of the writers in konosora, but when I asked here some anons said it was just okay

>> No.12150380

Ayakashibito, and I guess Baldr Sky Zero kinda fits too.
It really should happen more often.

>> No.12150381

That's why you try things on your own instead of listening to opinions.

>> No.12150395

Bro characters should try to be their own characters more often, girlfriends are secundary.
That said, I do enjoy the Sunohara-type who's mainly there for comedy but can actually stick for the MC and himself when needed.

>> No.12150414

whats the play order for baldr sky?

>> No.12150421

Baldr Sky Dive1 > Baldr Sky Dive2 > If you feel like it, DiveX (fandisk)
However, if you have interest in playing Force, you'd better play it before Sky because otherwise the gameplay will look pretty rusty.

>> No.12150425

No,thinking for myself is too difficult.

>> No.12150429

I mentioned this last thread too, but Zero Infinity.

>> No.12150445

On the other hand, you can breeze through the whole game after a couple of routes.

>> No.12150481

>did it get better later?
There's a reason why all of age's best known games weren't written by the author of KimiIta despite him having written their first title and being employed at age the entire time.

>> No.12150490
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Fortissimo I guess, though they don't hang out much other than fights to the death.

>> No.12150569
File: 9 KB, 220x165, 10123383707_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really care bro character's girlfriends,but vn companies should just stop making all of sub male characters pervert.I understand that they have to make those unpopular so heroines wouldnt go for them,but why the fuck all of them disgusting level pervert and screaming like OPPAI OMANKO OMANKO OPPAI all time.

Samesuga is exception though,he is best male character i have ever seen.

>> No.12150575

i agree with him.Most likely Fortissimo is the game you are searching for,but they are not "bro" level,at least when the shit get real they became enemies instead of bro.

>> No.12150583
File: 251 KB, 1022x576, 654684612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love perverted friends.

>> No.12150589

Granted I've only played the first game, but as I recall no heroines/females ever went for him.
Also, wasn't he the butt of so many jokes?
He was an awesome character though.

>> No.12150602

What im saying is i dont like perverted friends except samesuga,he is awesome.Not about the above guy's question.

>> No.12150691

Sup veepee. New to this side of 4chan.
Where do you get your novels from? I chose one or two random ones to try out, but the downloading part is eluding me. Am I stuck to only the handful of popular games that I can find?
Is expecting to find one that's years old and probably only received a small, Japan-only release too much? From what I've seen, it's like, 90% of all VNs out there!

>> No.12150692


>> No.12150701

You cant find any old and not popular games at torrent,even finding 2007-2008 games are hard as hell.

Your only choice is relying depositfiles or those kind of sites.It takes time but there is no way except this.Look at henarchive or some sites like this, and if you still cant find those (like games from between 1995-2000) you should give up.

>> No.12150716

You can always try Share/PD for elusive titles that don't have any active torrents.

>> No.12150724

I go for ddls for most old games or new editions of old games that just don't get seeded.
Sites like anime-sharing have devoted uploaders so it isn't that bad in that regard, money-hungry whores are useful.

>> No.12150738

Maybe I've just gotten lucky, but I have yet to actually fail to find anything I was looking for. Sometimes it takes a while, though. Try Share/PD or look for one of those 10 KB/s DDL uploads divided into a thousand parts. There have been times where I'd sit on a torrent with no seeds for a couple of weeks before eventually a seed shows up and I can finish the download. Patience is key when looking for older games.

If all else fails, you can try making a request on Anime-Sharing or something.

>> No.12150757

Guys why the hell every nukige has 2 sentence in their titles? For example "Ore no Imouto wa, Tsundere de Hentai Deshita ~Onii-chan no Mae Dake nan Dakara ne!~" i cant understand why did they added "Onii-chan no Mae Dake nan Dakara ne!",For letting us know that she is not a slut who sleeps with everyone? i just cant reach any meaningful answer.

>> No.12150764

longer title → higher quality

>> No.12150766

Are you stupid or just pretending?

>> No.12150768

Otherwise people who like tsundere imoutos, but only when they end their sentences with "dakara ne", might not buy it.

>> No.12150769

i guess im stupid.But really why did they decided that every nukige title should be long as fuck? I think "Ore no Imouto wa, Tsundere de Hentai Deshita" is pretty enough and summarize the game.

>> No.12150770

Ruseman pls.

>> No.12150771
File: 2.52 MB, 2931x3518, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why LNs are the highest form of literature.

>> No.12150773

Because people want to know exactly what they're getting. Maybe that subtitle of that game appealed to someone out there.

>> No.12150775

That really isn't that long of a title.

>> No.12150777

And then only the NTRfags would buy the game. Unlike normal VNs, I don't think the Japanese would look stuff up before buying fap material, so it helps being descriptive up front.

>> No.12150778

its nothing when you compare it with お隣の黒人夫に抱かれて啼き悶える最愛の妻。 その引き換えに味わう黒人妻の肌。 -Big Black Cock & Big Black Butt & My Sweet Wife-

>> No.12150779
File: 350 KB, 809x1200, kino10_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the longest I had downloaded.

>> No.12150782

Does that mean I should stay away from 螢子?

>> No.12150783

Yeah, you should pretty much only stick to Norn titles.

>> No.12150784

Those two answers were most logical ones, thank you.I guess second sentence explain the fetish type game have in it so people can choose them as their wish.Since im not a nukige person i didnt noticed this.

>> No.12150785

Key confirmed for worst VN company.

>> No.12150786


Ironically, the only Norn title I have is ちびちびフィアンセ.

>> No.12150788

from the irony i guess thats something great,but its the first time i have heard that title.

>> No.12150789

You guys really should have recognized the grammar in that post.

>> No.12150795

We know.

>> No.12150799

as long as he stops being a fag and doesnt ask endings/spoilers he can post here,i dont see any problem with that post.

>> No.12150806

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

>> No.12150809

I have posted 9 times in this thread (well you can understand from my grammar though) and didn't asked anything about endings or that kind. I'm really trying to not be annoying, but you should also stop chasing me.

>> No.12150812


Spoilers: it's not just one person.

>> No.12150819

Please use the spoiler tag for spoilers!

>> No.12150822

Well i don't know how many person is there,but even though i stopped, saying same thing against every post i have made is makes thread shittier. At least do it when i ask something about spoiler.

>> No.12150829

Can you do something about your English? I frankly feel your verbose-yet-nigh-incomprehensible writing is doing more to disrupt the thread than the actual content of your posts.

>> No.12150830

Come on, even murderers get a second chance, as long as the guy doesn't go back to being annoying what's the problem?

>> No.12150839

Ah sorry, i will be careful about that.Writing long sentences is a habit of mine,but i guess that doesnt go well with my english.As i said i will do my best about fixing those english and content problems, Please just stop bullying.

>> No.12150843

The pronoun "I" is always capitalized, and you have to use spaces after a comma or period.

>> No.12150848

Got it.

>> No.12150849

The problem is really about your writing style being too conspicuous for an anonymous board, resulting in posts that are instantly recognizable and attributable to you. Just try better to blend in with the crowd if you want to avoid being singled out. You can start by paying attention to punctuation and capitalization, for instance.

>> No.12150850

I'd ask if you're done trolling each other and if we could go back to discussing VNs, but in my experience that only worsens the situation. So I won't.

Oh wait.

>> No.12150868

I will be careful about punctuation and capitalization as you said, but I think it will take time until I can blend in with the crowd and most likely people will recognize me for a while. I guess I will have to bear those bullying until then. Thank you anyway.

>> No.12150961

Not in Momiji's route.

>> No.12151054
File: 2.09 MB, 1366x768, dokidoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're already doing better, if you keep it up you'll be indistinguishable from the next poster before you know it.

Well done, /jp/. Another soul saved.

>> No.12151063

But in Momiji's route you have Momiji. Why would you need anyone else?

>> No.12151080 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1401240674388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he meant that Reiji and Ryuuichi don't fight in Momiji's route because the later is dead before they need to. I don't remember it too well, so I'm not sure though.

>> No.12151109

I don't even remember either, to be honest. Momiji in the main route was better than she was in her own route, too. Which was weird. Guess when you're the heroine du jour you don't get to do fun stuff like kill Reiji's imouto.

>> No.12151210
File: 126 KB, 300x310, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, some people have standards.

>> No.12151227
File: 216 KB, 1238x689, 無題.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played through the finished Origami and Kotori in the Date A Live game. It was ok I guess. I kind of want that PS3 White Album 1. They never released it for PC did they?

>> No.12151260

They did.

>> No.12151316

Really? Is it up for download any where? I didn't see it on nyaa.

>> No.12151325

It's not on sukebei but on the normal nyaa.

>> No.12151327


>> No.12151335

Ah I see thanks. I was worried I might have to actually buy it.

>> No.12151389

Crisis averted.

>> No.12151392

Typing the VN name in Japanese is horribly weeaboo and you should all stop. Type it in English or go to 2ch.

>> No.12151412

So, have any of you actually played "Beloved wife being fucked by the neighbor's black husband and moaning, in exchange tasting a black wife's body. -Big Black Cock & Big Black Butt & My Sweet Wife-" ?

>> No.12151434

>Typing the VN name in Japanese is horribly weeaboo
But I am a weeaboo, so I don't really care.

>> No.12151452


Anyone heard anything about this game?

Are they working on it,or did it get cancelled?

>> No.12151487

Well they released Sisters, so they're probably still working on it.

It probably has more chance of being released than Otome Function. ;_;

>> No.12151566
File: 327 KB, 1288x747, realistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like in real life.

>> No.12151576

I feel like I should give them some credit for making the painting on the wall be anime-esque instead of weirdly clashing 3D paintings of 3D people in 2D land.

On the other hand it looks tacky as all hell.

>> No.12151589

I think reading VNs in the original Japanese script is pretty weeaboo enough already, anon. You can't really compensate just by writing titles in English.

>> No.12151748

That painting serves a purpose in the plot so for it to be 3D would be rather jarring

>> No.12151756

>It probably has more chance of being released than Otome Function. ;_;
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.12151992

I wonder if Chaos;Child will ever get a PC release.

>> No.12151995

Based on popularity most likely. If many people buy and like your game on a console, you aren't losing money by making a crappy port.

>> No.12152010

>I got into the habit of looking first, then jumping in after my incident with Pink Socks Forever, an old PC98 game.
>It has nothing to do with socks and a lot to do with rectal prolapse and what comes with it.
Sounds interesting. Where can I find it?

>> No.12152021

If it's anything like Robotics;Notes then probably not.

>> No.12152036

R;N is pretty suck though, and I never liked 3D sprites anyway.

>> No.12152040
File: 358 KB, 1920x1080, 1280140703440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before going all fox and the grapes here, I believe that C;C has potential to fix the mistakes done by C;H. Didn't the developers say that there's going to be more suspense and mystery this time around? That was the best part of C;H before it went full chuuni sword battles. Yeah, the swords are still there, but we can at least hope that they won't get all the attention.

At least we can hope for the PC port, since there's no 3D graphics that are too much for the Japanese PCs to handle. It's not like they said it's going to be XBone-exclusive, either.

>> No.12152056

My point was merely that Robotics;Notes sold quite well and never got a PC port.

>> No.12152058

>and never got a PC port.
Did you see the general opinion for the game?
Or the anime sales?

>> No.12152081

General opinion...? Is that supposed to be 2ch or Amazon reviews or something? The point is the game sold quite well. They're even going through the trouble of making an improved port for the Vita. The reason there isn't a PC port isn't because of "general opinion" or anime sales, come on now.

>> No.12152095

>hey're even going through the trouble of making an improved port for the Vita
You do understand the only reason someone would go through the trouble of making an enhanced port is because people didn't like the original version, right?
If your game sells well but people don't like it, at all, like it was with robotic;notes, it's normal nothing comes from it and have been just using the way more popular and well received steins gate for all their new material.

>> No.12152108

So basically, both popular and unpopular games can get enhanced ports, so popularity isn't even taken into account when making them.

>> No.12152131
File: 233 KB, 800x600, fujoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn fujoshi.

>> No.12152146

Wait. So you're saying the reason they are porting an enhanced version of the game to one platform (the Vita) is because it was poorly received? But at the same time you are also claiming the reason they didn't port it to the PC is because it was poorly received? How does that make sense?

>> No.12152168

It doesn't. He's talking out of his ass.

>> No.12152177
File: 90 KB, 795x598, konoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great route, probably my favourite of them all, good for a finisher. Sunao, Erika and Kani were particularly good as heroines even though I liked them all, especially the princess, her personality is too good and fun.

>> No.12152209 [DELETED] 

What were they thinking releasing a 800x600 game in 2011? Fucking backwards Japs, next year we'll have 4k monitors and they'll still be making 1280x1024 titles at best.

>> No.12152213

What were they thinking releasing a 800x600 game in 2011? Fucking backwards Japs, next year we'll have 4k monitors and they'll still be making 1280x720 titles at best.

>> No.12152217

Because laptops are a great market to pander to.

>> No.12152218

Did you see the euphoria "HD" remake? Funny how Nips consider 1024x768 to be HD.

Then again I can't really complain as I only have a 1650x1050 monitor.

>> No.12152220

>1024x768 to be HD.
It's the logical step from 800x600 without remaking all the art.

>> No.12152283
File: 433 KB, 800x599, chaos;head_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the only reason someone would go through the trouble of making an enhanced port is because people didn't like the original version
Not if the original version was on PC. Almost every otaku has a PC, and VNs aren't really heavy, so if a game is released on PC, most otaku will be able to read it. Thus they need to add something for the console version to make people buy it again.
> there's going to be more suspense and mystery this time around? That was the best part of C;H before it went full chuuni sword battles.
That would be awesome. I don't understand all the neglect Chaos;Head gets, because for the most part I really enjoyed it for the creepy atmosphere of mystery and paranoia. Maybe it's because most people have only watched the anime that completely ruined most of that atmosphere.
But, as you described, the enjoyment dropped significantly during the last couple of chapters or so.
> At least we can hope for the PC port, since there's no 3D graphics that are too much for the Japanese PCs to handle.
Even in the worst-case scenario we'll still have a chance of getting at least an Android port in a couple of years, like they did with Noah.

>> No.12152324

What are roman letters doing in my Japanese powerpoint?

>> No.12152333
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1388544785525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea anon, No idea

>> No.12152337
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, kiss my hips, porky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12152342

Don't remind me how much of a brat that kid was

>> No.12152353

It's going to at least get ported to a Sony system eventually, so I'm not worried about not being able to play it. I'm just mad I can't experience it the moment it's released. It's the same mad I felt with Steins;Gate. It's really been getting to me since the announcement though, and I'm starting to consider buying an Xbone. I'd even be able to buy it locally since it's not region locked.

>> No.12152368

next three N+/5pb games are gonna be Xbone exclusive. Is this weird to anyone else? I know steins;gate was, but I thought it did bad.

>> No.12152373

Where did you take that Steins;Gate did bad? It got a ps3, iOS, and vita ports, plus an anime adaptation, and a movie. Why would they invest in a game that had bad sales?

>> No.12152377

I meant specifically the Xbox version. I assume the PS3 and PC versions did good since they actually have a base in Japan and I was under the impression the Xbox version never came to the west.

>> No.12152382


>> No.12152387

PC, PSP, iOS, PS3, Vita and Android ports, to be exact.
Also, several manga series(5 or so), drama CDs, a couple of spin-off games, and probably some other stuff I don't know about

>> No.12152393

>Reinhard, hands-down. After the final epilogue of Rea's route there's no way I can choose anyone else; in a sense, he's kind of designed for the audience to relate to, but that doesn't make the idea behind his character any less powerful for the kind of person playing this sort of game.
I've sort of hazy memories about DI, what is he talking about?

>> No.12152414


When i was going through that scene, i couldn't help but to wonder: are they aware of what they're doing? Is it just some kind of big joke? Or are they seriously that deficient in English?

>> No.12152416


I think he's referring to the epilogue where he's dancing with Rea and Mercurius with Mary, why am I supposed to related with him still a mystery to me.

And anyway doesn't matter since the true ending is Lottus and Anna

>> No.12152542

>Or are they seriously that deficient in English?

Yes. Is that really a surprise for you, after all these years of bad English in visual novels?

>> No.12152550


But if they're bad and they know it, can't they just find an english speaker for 3 sentences?

>> No.12152555


For whom? It's not like they have an international audience.

>> No.12152556

>and they know it
I'm not convinced this is true. But the biggest reason is that they simply don't give a fuck because they're not expecting Westerners to play their games. Some are actively against it, in fact.

>> No.12152558

Why would they? It's meant to be a joke (look at how wacky and hilarious the English language is (笑)) in the first place.

>> No.12152559

>Some are actively against it, in fact.
Do you know any examples?

>> No.12152562

That one guy from minori. He exploded once he found out foreigners were pirating his company's games.

>> No.12152563


>> No.12152565

Just try and navigate to any Akabeisoft umbrella brand from an IP that's not Japanese, for example. This is not news ever since the Rapelay thing.

>> No.12152566

This was actually bamboo from Overdrive, if I recall correctly.

>> No.12152567


Quite funny considering that the vast majority of pirates of visual novels are Japanese. Which is pretty logical if you think about it.

>> No.12152569

Isn't Minori starting to work with Mangagamer considering the ef games?

>> No.12152570


Ah yes, his infamous racist rant. Did he ever apologize for it?

>> No.12152575

The translators bullied them into it.

>> No.12152584

The translators were stubborner than them, in the end they gave up and said at least we will get a little money from it.

>> No.12152592

No, he later "clarified" what he "truly meant" in a second post. I don't remember if the original posts are up. Let's see...


>> No.12152598

This fucking guy.

>> No.12152605

Are Canadians the primary offenders or something?

>> No.12152608


In this case, yes. Bamboo was an idiot though. Of course he would get a snotty answer if he threatens a non-American with American law.

>> No.12152610

He just hates them

>> No.12152612


Chances are he wasn't even European.

>> No.12152614

I already disliked Overdrive, but damn if that doesn't make me hate it.

>> No.12152618

He seems pretty certain it's from Canada?

>> No.12152619

Yes, Bokuten's lousy sales are entirely because of foreign pirates (who can't buy the game regardless). It couldn't possibly be that no one liked it.

>> No.12152626


He probably is. But I don't know what you trying to say with your post. 毛唐 is an insult for people of European descent, Canada has lots of Asian immigrants. It could have been a Chinese immigrant for all we know.

>> No.12152635

The true fans who bought three copies most certainly liked it.

>> No.12152638

Those fans would probably buy literal shit and think it's great.

>> No.12152641


Ironically enough, the game will probably make profit after MangaGamer got it in its hands. All thanks to those hairy foreign pirates.

>> No.12152804


To play devil's advocate for a bit:
His point of view could be interpreted along the lines of "Westerners are hosting my company's game along many others in their western-hosted sites like Nyaa and Anime-Sharing. Japanese pirates are also grabbing stuff from their sites and it's difficult for me to make the westerners stop since they are not under Japanese jurisdiction. Thus it makes it more difficult to gain sales from my original target audience. It drives me nuts!"

I can't say I agree, but I can understand where he might (read: might, but probably not) be coming from. Share / PD is already quite monitored by Japanese authorities and its userbase is mostly Japanese so they can apply local laws easier.

I actually like this bamboo chap-- he dared to extend his company for overseas sales in such a niche market and that takes some balls, which usually Japanese companies in general do not have. And he's got some sweet connections with the rest that don't dare, as well as the musicians. But he really goofed up with that entry, especially since he is the one trying to project internationally.

The "uploader sites" he talks about are stuff like Anime-Sharing and Nyaa, US and EU hosted respectively. It's been a while since this debacle so I don't remember who he actually mailed but it was the webmaster of one of them.

>> No.12152880

I want this guy to write all my eroge.

>> No.12152990

So I'm playing PxC and looking at the walkthrough. Do those two choices near the beginning impact which route you get heavily? They seem to be the only choices in the game pretty much aside from the map movement so I'm wondering if the have a huge impact or little to none.

>> No.12152995

If you don't give the notebook back to to gaijinspeak girl you won't be able get on her route whatsoever.
I assume it's the same for Komachi and the choice in the Library.

>> No.12153006

I'm not particularity aiming for komachi but I feel like shit when I choose to slack off. I just wanted to know if it's going to force me into her route because of my shitty conscious regarding 2d characters.

>> No.12153009

>PD is already quite monitored by Japanese authorities


>> No.12153010

Let me clarify my question. Do you have definitive proof, that they are able to track an uploader. Or downloader.

>> No.12153012

They won't force you onto a given route, I'm fairly sure.

>> No.12153014

You just need to see how they recently caught one of the most notorious eroge uploaders? And it's not the first time it's happened. Uploaders are the ones they're after, anyways. The end-user is not as important.

>> No.12153015


Not him, but the fact that a lot of anime uploaders got arrested is proof enough for me.

>> No.12153016

Alright, thanks for the info. It was just strange seeing as those as the only two choices in the game aside from (probably) meaningless H choices.

>> No.12153017

You're not forced to any specific route with the common route dialogue choices, so no, you don't have to be an asshole to the Russian weaboo and Komachi. Just visit the girl whose route you want to get into during map movement phases.

>> No.12153119 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 0811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously this is the only good scene at Go until now. They should have worked a little more at this, it gets crushed between other two route. Also Kazuto doesn't do any fucking thing at this route, he was useless in other routes too but this time he is super useless. Fucking girls just because he appeared from nowhere is too unreasonable.

>> No.12153138
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 0811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously this was the only good scene at Go until now. They should have worked a little more on this, it gets crushed between other two routes. Also Kazuto is just too useless in this route, he was useless at other routes too but this time he duplicates it. Fucking girls just because he appeared from nowhere is too unreasonable.

>> No.12153156

Isn't the way they do these things, that they trace the ip addresses of these uploaders, when they make posts on regular forums or blogs?

Also, I don't follow teh_scene, so I don't have the foggiest clue who OFAAFO is and if he/they indeed did use Perfect Dark.

Reading that eulogy to me it seems like they are ddl and torrent groups.

Again, I ask for proof.

>> No.12153169

no one gives a shit bro

but lol if you havent noticed how much longer its taking for releases to get uploaded

>> No.12153173

>Isn't the way they do these things, that they trace the ip addresses of these uploaders, when they make posts on regular forums or blogs?

I seriously doubt Japanese uploaders declare their crimes on blogs and forums.

>Again, I ask for proof.

A quick google search gives you lots of results for the subject.

>> No.12153175
File: 692 KB, 800x600, e_sion_002a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gi's route is easily the best out of the 4, while Shoku is pretty much a upgraded version of the original game. Go has the best ending however, seriously fuck Gi's ending.

>> No.12153199

I have read Gi and Shoku but 4th? Isn't there only Go - Gi - Shoku? or an harem route or something like that unlocks when i finish all of them? Well Shoku's ending was pretty much harem though, while Gi was just forced drama.

>> No.12153200

>I seriously doubt Japanese uploaders declare their crimes on blogs and forums.
But that is the very think that they have been doing. 2ch has regular download threads, where they list releases.
Also, I don't know about you, but http://orenogalgame.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2992.htm looks like a blog to me.

>A quick google search gives you lots of results for the subject.
Please give me a single link, which proofes that authorities are able to confirm the ip-address of the original uploader on the PD-network.

>> No.12153205

And to comlicate matters further, PD is still under active development: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Dark_%28P2P%29

It stands to reason, that if there were security leaks, that they have been fixed.

>> No.12153206
File: 256 KB, 820x636, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4th focuses on the journey of the other male characters in the world, you know the medicine guy and the 2 muscle guys. The harem route is Moeshouden and it continues off the Shoku route ending

>> No.12153210
File: 256 KB, 815x638, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 3 idiots

>> No.12153211

From what I've heard, the S;G PC port was buggy and didn't do terribly well, and supposedly that's part of the reason why there haven't been any SciADV PC titles since.

>> No.12153214

Just fixing one thing, Moeshouden is not continue of Shoku. In moeshouden Reifa is the King of Go (her hair is short and in her forehead there is symbol of Go's King while sheleren doesn't have it), so its just a mix of 3 routes with reviving everyone except 華雄 because fuck her.

>> No.12153218 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 800x600, image001o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough then, i just made that judgement based of how everybody was back alive in start of the game. Also 華雄 is alive if you look at the picture i posted

>> No.12153222

Oh great, I thought they deleted chosen from the game. Is that a joke route or does it explain that why kazuto had to leave in gi or some questions like that? Since we have to finish 3 other routes for it I dont think its a joke route but characters doesn't seems like anything except that. Anyway have to finish Go asap so i can play Moeshouden which seems like the best.

>> No.12153223 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 800x600, 1401327457892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough then i just made that judgement based of how everybody was back alive in start of the game. Also 華雄 is alive if you look at the picture i posted

>> No.12153227

She doesn't have any scene except this and still the only girl which is not fuckable though. Its pretty same with being death.

>> No.12153235
File: 659 KB, 800x600, e_sion_001a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc Kazuto doesn't even exist in that route, and it's just a adventure around china and it ends with something about a dragon. The games normal plot happens in the background of their adventure too and they interact with it, honestly i found it boring and ctrl past the last half of it.

Moeshouden is "ok" but considering the Large cast some of the characters don't have scenes specifically for them (Looking at you Aisha) or don't have any sex scenes (Looking at you Ren). It's still better than the Go route and better than the original game so you should enjoy it. There is some more closure on what happens after the ending in Sengoku Koihime according to what i read in the threads back when it came out.

She also gets a passing mention in Moeshouden once but fair enough, just wanted to point out that she was indeed alive despite her almost non-existence in the game.

>> No.12153239

>Anyway have to finish Go asap so i can play Moeshouden which seems like the best.

Sousou's route is the best part in the entire series despite that forced drama you mentioned. Moeshouden is more of a "fun" type of game rather then being "good"

>> No.12153248

In sengoku koihime MC says that (he is kazuto's sister's son) Kazuto had 50+ wives and one guy who says himself as a girl (Chosen) in his house, so it means kazuto took his harem to his original world. But there wasn't any communication between kazuto and chosen in shin koihime, its something like plot hole I guess. Other than his he just remember his onee-chans (kazuto's wives) like "i learned those from shuri and hiyori nee-chan" or "this girl seems pretty similiar to sheleren-neechan" like this. There is also a couple of lines between kazuto and shin koihime's heroines at the start of game about kensuke, its all.

>> No.12153255

Better than it never getting mentioned again and minor references like that are always nice. I heard they were working on a new game instead of doing a +18 version of Sengoku Koihime which was rather disappointing. Said game below


>> No.12153268

Well I'm not even sure if this is a visual novel yet. The website doesn't have "gallery" buton which is pretty strange and summary doesn't explain anything. Maybe a new card game, maybe a visual novel which haves only those heroines or maybe a new koihime musou remake, we will see.

Also as i said before I'm pretty sure they will make something about sengoku koihime. They are still updating the website weekly with wallpapers and other things even though it has been more than 6 months since release, and their broadcast is always about the sengoku koihime. Probably they'll announce it around 8-9. months since saying they will make a remake right after the original game would make buyers mad.

>> No.12153274 [DELETED] 

It seems pretty unneeded but as a being %100 finish fag I'll read that too. Also Aisha and ren was my 2 favorite heroines, but since they got more scenes than everyone at first game I guess I can bear with it.

Well i love ichaicha scenes and most likely its full of it,so I think I'll enjoy it.

>> No.12153279 [DELETED] 

It seems pretty unneeded but as a being %100 finish fag I'll read that too. Also Aisha and Ren were my 2 favorite heroines, but since they got more scenes than everyone at first game I guess I can bear with it.

Well I love ichaicha scenes and most likely its full of it,so I think I'll enjoy it.

>> No.12153281

It seems pretty unneeded but as a full-complete fag I'll read that too. Also Aisha and Ren were my 2 favorite heroines, but since they got more scenes than everyone at first game I guess I can bear with it.

Well I love ichaicha scenes and most likely its full of it,so I think I'll enjoy it.

>> No.12153282


It's ok anon, we got what you meant on the first try

>> No.12153286

jesus fuck that autism

you think he's going to make another fucking reply about a game no one cares about

>> No.12153298

VNs belong in the VN thread.

>> No.12153304

I think there were at least 4 different person who were talking about it but I guess its too few for counting as "caring".

>> No.12153336
File: 308 KB, 1298x790, 5619678416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there were more VNs that aim to just make you laugh. Enough of the moe and little sister fads.

Pic kind of related.

>> No.12153346

Only that part and one or two others made me laugh in RM.

>> No.12153376

Hey /jp/, I've played a route of Kara no Shoujo, the first one. I don't like it, but I like the girls, so I want to quickly fap to some scenes. Downloaded the config.dat from Sagaoz, it says I should extract it into the save folder, but it just doesn't work. Googled for about half an hour; no results, it's like no one tried this before for odd reasons.

Anyone care to help?

>> No.12153389

>who OFAAFO is and if he/they indeed did use Perfect Dark
OFAAFO is beginning of hash of uploader, its not even nickname.
Also, its hash from Share, not PD.

>> No.12153397

>Wjndows版『マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ トータル・イクリプス』発売日を2014/7/31(木)に変更させていただきます。お詫び申し上げますとともに何卒ご理解を賜りますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。 #agesoft #muvluv #TE_game
Yes, this is more in line with my expectations.

>> No.12153423

I for one, am eager for the TE Dark Ages to finally be coming to an end.

>> No.12153446
File: 497 KB, 768x1024, 5090994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist for TsuriOtsu2 is Luna and Asahi's son. I did not expect this.

>> No.12153459

Do you have the full scan? I'm interested in his personality. I hope he gets more from Luna than Yuusei.

>> No.12153472

He's a maid already, of course he didn't pulled much Luna

>> No.12153473

You sound like eop and considering that I'm pretty sure eng version of kns is fucked up to the point where the game is not compatible with jap saves. And for eng saves >>/vg/

>> No.12153474

At least let me hope a little, a trap with Luna's personality would be great.

>> No.12153477
File: 193 KB, 800x600, OojgNgH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The images are from the 2ch thread.

>桜小路才華(小倉朝陽) : 主人公、男性。両親はアパレルメーカーの経営者。ニューヨーク育ち。父と関係が良くない
>エスト・ギャラッハ・アーノッツ : 鈴原キャラ。才華の主人。アイランドの子爵家出身
>八日堂朔莉 : 表紙の西又キャラ。女優。初日に朝陽に告白して撃沈。自称両性愛者
>銀条春心 : 西又キャラ。一般受験で入ったデザイナー科の1年。サブカルチャーに詳しい
>大蔵ルミネ : 鈴原キャラ。日懃が90超えて得た娘。才華は「ルミねえ」と呼ぶ。女装潜入計画の協力者。りそなとかなり似てる



>> No.12153485
File: 595 KB, 768x1024, 5091017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12153501


First trap character who has Electra Complex in eroge history?
Also does this mean that Asahi and Luna are canon now? I feel sorry for Risona.

Ion's daughter? Looks like incest runs in the family.

>> No.12153520

The games from MangaGamer are mostly ported to a different engine altogether, I think it was Ethornell's Buriko General Interpreter from what I remember tinkering about their engines. Maybe they made something else for KnS though since it had the notebook thing.

So yeah it's no surprise if he is EOP that the Sagaoz saves won't work with it because the original is in Innocent Grey's ADV game system that was suited for the game.

>> No.12153532
File: 829 KB, 1296x759, QQ截图20130809124238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12153542

Even EOPs can't possibly be stupid enough to try using Japanese saves on an English version of the game.

Did you install KnS in your Program Files directory? If so, and you're running the game without administrator privileges, you have to place the save file in VirtualStore.

>> No.12153948

>ラブリーコール追加パッチ ダウンロード版用
Now I'm curious what more lovely calls added, shame I finished it already with all the patches.

>> No.12153990
File: 444 KB, 576x1024, Pmp6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12154028

Oh come on. At least I'll have an excuse to read it.

>> No.12154054

The 1st game is absolutely cheap money grab, they should've release just as one game with the sequel together. In this case the game would be a lot better, as of know they are only okay.

>> No.12154080
File: 567 KB, 1280x720, capture_001_20062013_022730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Yes! Yes! The hype train has no brakes!

>> No.12154091
File: 546 KB, 1280x720, CD_29052014_101552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five~Seven girls, all of them unconditionally love the MC from, what it seems, first sight and also hate bro on the first sight, for no reason at all besides やっぱり優しい;

>> No.12154097

Yeah, it's pretty much supposed to be your standard pure love eroge with above average production values.

Although I admit sometimes it does get to me. She could've "fallen in love" with any other guy because やっぱり優しい. She could've fucked half the nation because やっぱり優しい.

>> No.12154105
File: 509 KB, 1280x720, CD_29052014_092958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the game, also one of the few roles that Soyogi actually try... but I dislike those type of heroines (childhood friend), which in this case is the whole cast, that at the start of the history already have max affection with the mc because when they were children they played together.

>> No.12154107

In that case, don't play it, because it's the whole cast. At least all of them but Hekiru/Hikaru have an excuse since they grew up together.

>> No.12154113

Started playing ずっとすきして たくさんすきして. It's really straight to the point. The very first choice was which girl do you want to date. Also that opening and closing letter at the bottom right mildly annoys me.

>> No.12154134

your face when OFAAFO = One For All, All For One

>> No.12154136

I don't know what kind of retarded delusions you was indulging in, but as I said, its just hash string.

>> No.12154146

I played this only one for the art and the vas

>> No.12154163

OFAAFO - name
V90kBdXtDl - hash


>> No.12154187

I just finished Mana's route in White Album, and I have to say, it was pretty disappointing. From the start of White Album to the very end the entire thing was probably 10 hours, and a good chunk of that was filler.
There was no great drama like I was expecting either, in fact, there was pretty much no drama at all, which is ridiculous given they perfectly set it up for it.
It also just ends with no resolution, you don't even end up with the girl in her route...

>> No.12154199 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, 1401375042368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene here has left me scratching my head. From how I see it, if you're being raped, your two options are to either actively resist or passively endure. Now why would she grab those two dicks? She clearly didn't try to injure them or anything there. Did she plan to give them a handjob or what? Was it not rape?

>> No.12154207

You forgot the third choice, doing what your rapist asks of you and hope it's over fast.

>> No.12154270

Isn't hoping for it to get over fast just the same as enduring?

>> No.12154280

They kept that scene in? Is it still unavoidable?

>> No.12154282

Is there a recommended route order for Akatsuki no Goei?

>> No.12154348

It's proactive rather than passive.

>> No.12154371

You just do it, start with Reika and end with Moe/Kaoru I guess, but every route has a similar way to end in a horribly unfulfilling way.

>> No.12154378

Yeah, I had heard about that. Thanks.

>> No.12154383

If you don't like it from the get go, I suggest you to drop it, because as he said >>12154371 the author is infamous for his endings.

>> No.12154387

It's avoidable, but avoiding it locks you out of a later H-scene with her (the only remotely romantic in the whole game) and messes with the story a bit, so I would recommend seeing it on a first playthrough.

>> No.12154392

I'm liking it quite a bit, specially the MC.

>> No.12154393

You'd think he'd have fixed his habit with akagoei's fandisk, or the sequel, or reminiscence, but nope, it's almost 30 terrible endings overall.
At least conboku's are good in general.

>> No.12154500

If you actively tried to get the rape over with by cooperating and doing what you're told, which is most likely pleasing the rapists, would it even be rape anymore?

>> No.12154520

You mean women don't really start enjoying it once they're being raped? Have eroge been lying to me all this time??

>> No.12154536

No, eroge have never lied to you. Never.

>> No.12154550


>> No.12154650
File: 139 KB, 1020x571, lizardman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the rest of the novel is as brute as crude as the beginning with its humor, because I find it hilarious.

>> No.12154688

A follow-up on the C;C announcement.

>> No.12154704
File: 218 KB, 1040x615, 3465735645754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The humor stays great.

>> No.12154706

Man, I'd actually give a shit if I could play it, but
They picked the worst possible medium to release it.

>> No.12154742

Oh right, I forgot to laugh at MAGES for that shit. It must be something to have a game company so well funded you can afford to have an irrational preference for the worst possible release platform.

I remember how disappointed that guy sounded that they had to release games on PS3 rather than 360.

>> No.12154797

Chaos,Head was kind of disappointing through. Far too many hours with nothing concrete coming out of it.

>> No.12154814

The 360 was "dead" in japan and they still released a lot of VN ports there, the only explanation to stick exclusively on xbone (that I can imagine) is because Microsoft is paying a lot of money to 5pb. And probably that retard of Shimokura likes the Xbox brand.

>> No.12154826
File: 2.45 MB, 1600x900, ......png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just your everyday Keyfag meeting the status quo. It was different, but sadly I only came close to losing it for Kotori arc.

>> No.12154830
File: 484 KB, 2364x1404, best key key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kotori's arc was probably my favorite out of the main girls' routes. Akane's came close though.

Moon was by far the best route though

>> No.12154844

Akane won me over for common. My favorite overall route was probably Lucia. Moon was amazing, but... it pissed me off that the end of it was insignificant to the true end. KEY always does that in general but this time Moon's end ruined Tera's end for me.

>> No.12154859


>that spoiler

I think you may have misunderstood some pretty important stuff. Please elaborate.

>> No.12154876

I feel like a good chunk of the Western VN fanbase is trying too hard to be the super elite VN experts expecting and demanding each title to be totally innovative and genre changing when they themselves aren't even a market to publishers to begin with.

Not like I won't like a Muramasa or Subahibi every now and then, but I won't blow off my lid or go full pessimist if most of the releases are like >>12154091 It's something I expect and I learn to live with it.

>> No.12154879

Tera ended in tragedy with everyone getting obliterated by the power of Kashima Sakura just after they found a good possibility. After that whole 'edge of despair' thing, Kotarou was sent off, presumably to proceed with Tera. Tera was fun up until the very end, then the final scene where the whole high school cast is back where they were in the middle of Moon, seemingly nullifying the harsh end to Moon. I can't quite put my finger on it, but when it comes to Moon + Tera as a whole, some scenes felt unnecessary and still don't completely feel as connected as it did with Clannad/LB.

>> No.12154884

Honestly all I ask is the bare minimum of, if you try to do something, at least do it decently no matter the premise or kind of game.

>> No.12154890

This. I don't care if most releases are generic harem #8439248 but at least try to execute it well.

>> No.12154904

I wish generic harems were at least funny or had some kind of proper gimmick to distract you from 'our girls are moe, that's about it'. Basically the reason why I dropped witch's garden, that shit was dry, just girls being cute for 95% of the common route.

>> No.12154909


What? No.

The entire purpose of Moon was that Kagari was searching for the ONE path that would let the Earth continue living. Terra is that path, and they just barely succeeded in allowing Kagari to implement that plan. Kashima Sakura tried to stop that from happening to finish humanity off forever, but she ultimately LOST. Kotarou was sent off to Earth to carry out the events of Terra and give the earth that possibility. Salvation still happened, but Kotarou managed to stop it before it could be completed. There was no return to the Moon storyline, the final scene where they summon Kotarou as a familiar takes place after a timeskip on the Terra storyline. I'm not sure where you got that idea.

You might want to consider rereading Moon+Terra after some time. You got a lot of things completely backwards.

>> No.12154910

One day, ask the masses what are must-plays and believe in the heart of the cards. The only reason to pick randomly and hope for the best is because you're not picky.

>> No.12154916

I'm not particularly picky, I just rule out yuri-only games and super dry moege of the month stuff that maybe has good art and little else, but I give it a pass if it's a new company.
Why every company does the same mistakes every other eroge does like out of nowhere drama is beyond me.

>> No.12154927

Seems like you're in the wrong medium if you aren't totally into feelings of endearment towards cute girls. Or anything else, just stick to scenario-ge.

>> No.12154932

I do get thrown off easily under certain circumstances. There could have simple things done to make the ending a little clearer. It'll be hard for me to be convinced that the end result was the absolute best approach. I liked the atmosphere for both end routes, but I wouldn't be surprised if possible anime adaptations took steps to change the ending segments up a little.

>> No.12154937

I can feel endearment towards cute girls without
>my dad doesn't love me!
>I need to move in a really melodramatic way!
>I have a friend who hates me!
>my class is bullying me for a completely retarded reason!
and such. Especially when a route introduces a character simply for the sake of creating drama, that shit is completely retarded because the character doesn't even exist outside of it.

>> No.12154955

Given the characters' are high school students, it's reasonable enough for them to be angsting what you're complaining about. You have trouble putting yourself in their shoes because you're trying to apply your own sense of logic and values thus thinking it's "retarded" to you. A classic case of values dissonance. It's a chronic problem with /a/spies too that I also see in these threads.

>> No.12154976
File: 817 KB, 665x768, minorchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im playing monobeno right now and have finished sumi and alices route but i just installed the happy end version.
what i can see from a quick look is that there are a lot of minor changes in it.
would it be worth it to replay it or just continue natsuhas route.

>> No.12155084


I don't know for sure since I read -happy end- originally.

I've heard that -happy end- changes little parts of the original routes, but that the majority of the new content is in the after stories and the h-scenes it adds. I'm not sure that it would be worth investing all of that time into reading the common route and the girl's routes over again for the few changes there would be.

Regardless of what you do I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, Monobeno is one of my favorites. Don't forget to grab -More Smile- for Natsuha when you finish off her route as well.

>> No.12155101

That game was forgettable for me, I had to confirm whether I had played it or not.

In fact, so it's forgettable I checked the main site and I still can't remember the personality+plot of any heroine.

>> No.12155185
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, oh no, she's dating a plebeian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why every company does the same mistakes every other eroge does like out of nowhere drama is beyond me.
I feel the same way. F.ex. Girls be Ambitious! had a not too shabby common route with passable humor and characters but 3 out of 4 heroine routes pretty much throw all that into the trash in place of really flimsy Romeo and Juliet drama that continues up to the ending.

I don't particularly dislike drama, but many pure love eroge just tend to execute it very badly with the usual lighthearted common route > lighthearted heroine route start > tacky drama for the majority of the route > situation gets conveniently solved and a happy ending.

>Especially when a route introduces a character simply for the sake of creating drama
Reminded me about that one spriteless bald teacher in 遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの. All of his characterization in the game is him being a bitter old man for no real reason whatsoever and he causes some retardedly convenient drama in few of the heroine routes. Especially Shino's rape attempts had me banging my head against the keyboard for a while.

>> No.12155207

>Why every company does the same mistakes every other eroge does like out of nowhere drama is beyond me.
For the same reason 90% of animu and VNs take place in a school setting: japs don't possess an ounce of creativity.

>> No.12155217

Ah, generalizations and bigotry: a time tested 4chan trait.

>> No.12155225

I think the high school setting is creativity-efficient, you don't need to think up normal daily life clothes and they feel more important when you first see them.
Also easiest way for people with wildly different personalities and interests to get in contact as uni/workplace has at least somewhat likeminded people.
Aside from that, yeah, creatively bankrupt.

>> No.12155226



AT WHERE 새로운 게임?

Lorsque le nouveau JEUX SUR?

Где новый ИГРЫ НА?

I'm sorry

>> No.12155230

And that's why you save some trials for release day, makes the wait easier.

>> No.12155236

Yeah, I'd much rather take a simple SoL/School setting over some poorly thought out sci-fi or medieval fantasy setting.

>> No.12155244

It's not like you have to be that extreme. Workplaces or residences a la maison ikkoku can be really cool, I'd like more stuff like that, like damekoi.

>> No.12155248

When you get some good sci-fi/medieval settings, though...

>> No.12155266

There's hardly any "innocence" or "naivete" over the examples you've given which I speculate is what the Japanese otaku prefer. I mean, it's a medium of escapism. All those sounds like they'd rather not look into for fear of hitting too close to home.

>> No.12155267

I'm sure all those mediocre games would have been much better if they had just moved them to a workplace setting. If they added some milfs they'd be masterpieces.

>> No.12155279

Don't tell me some of those
>random club X
eroge wouldn't have at least been more interesting if the characters were adults who worked in said field. Like the difference between a photography club and a group of photographers from some magazine.
Bad is bad, but there's bland bad and interesting bad.

>> No.12155280

And some fat old men with a lot of power in said workplace.

>> No.12155282

Autist, pls go.

>> No.12155292

I can stomach school hijinks better than officeplace tomfoolery. The intended market most likely don't want the rat race portrayed in their powerpoint porn either.

>> No.12155293

There's far too many capital letters in that post for it to be him.

>> No.12155337
File: 112 KB, 800x600, Akatsuki_Goei_29052014_202946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ojousama game definitely needs one with drills and ohohos, found my favorite girl.

>> No.12155361

the 360 was much easier to port to from pc/arcade games than the ps3 so a lot of the smaller devs went in on it

for the current gen its def microsoft paying out well

>> No.12155366

I have a hard time believing Microshit is paying Chiyomaru to be a huge faggot. Everything 5pb/MAGES. publishes is extremely niche; it's not going to be nearly enough for the Xbone to gain a foothold in Japan.

>> No.12155372

That was true then, but when you've got Majikoi, White Album and MLA get PS3 ports, the 360 lost its hold as the VN console. Shmups on the other hand still thrive on that platform.

>> No.12155375

Although they released a ton of ports, 5pb was developing stuff on 360 first as well and some of it never got a PC port. Not that it wasn't easier to program for but it's not as if anything they have ever made is pushing the hardware either.

Even that 3D version of Ever17 is still only available on 360.

What makes it sillier is the more recent releases like the Kaiho Shoujo VN and the Muv-Luv sidestory compilations were PS3 only because the 360 is legit deader than fuck in Japan at this point.

>> No.12155377

im feeling theyre going to try to have as many otaku games as they get for the launch and then stop giving a shit when they see that the console market in japan is even worse for the bone than the 360 and just throw out ports of western games that se publishes

>> No.12155401

>Everything 5pb/MAGES. publishes is extremely niche; it's not going to be nearly enough for the Xbone to gain a foothold in Japan

That's probably the point, Micro knows that in the high profile market they will lose in sales against PS4. Better go full niche and try to build up from there. Otherwise, they will be retiring the Xbone pretty soon from Japan

>> No.12155450

It didn't work last time and there's no reason it would work this time. More like smaller companies are the only people they can get without blowing all the money they will ever make back in Japan.

One of the amusing examples is how Microsoft probably paid for most of the Japanese marketing (and therefore, overall marketing) of the last Armored Core even though it sold several times better on PS3.

>> No.12155490

People've got Majokoinikki already. Hopefully torrent is out soon too.

>> No.12155491

Wouldn't be the first time. There are tons of stories about Microsoft paying for timed-exclusivity on 360, only to have those same funds later invested towards an enhanced port on PS3.

>> No.12155499

Why do they even try? I suppose they can just pander to the Westaboo crowd there and just focus on Western games. It's an emerging market there anyways.

>> No.12155614
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, CG000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some amazing dungeon design right there. Bravo, Eushully.

>> No.12155637

Reminds me of the tower where you first meet the horse and fallen angel majins.

>> No.12155651

At least that one had a short puzzle, a hidden side route, that one decision with the knight, that jump and the highest level you only access on a second visit. But that up there is an absolute disaster in game design, Combine a high encounter rate with insanely long corridors and you get the recipe for maximising playing time with a minimum of investment on the developer's part. I get sick just thinking I'll have to go another round at this game to see Roka's ending, it's probably just another shitty alternate mini epilogue. If-route my ass.

>> No.12155667

Just turn off random encounters then.

>> No.12155678

I have them off, but they're always on in that dungeon. Besides, it changes nothing about the extremely tiring walking distances in the regular game.

>> No.12155725

During the 360 era, they just wanted to steamroll Sony and never planed it thoroughly, because of that they never thought that after the end of the exclusivity, companies will release a better version of the same game only for ps3...or that paying the marketing will benefit the enemy. So yeah, we can agree that Micro is not very smart and willing to do the same mistake

>> No.12155761

> I get sick just thinking I'll have to go another round at this game to see Roka's ending
Umm, there's no need to do ex-dungeon twice for next ending. All skills you get carry over to next game if you set them to, and there's nothing else there.

>> No.12155828
File: 87 KB, 800x600, Akatsuki_Goei_30052014_010638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first route was a lot shorter than I thought, but then again it could be because the game managed to keep me interested the whole way through. Also, Reika being an M was a nice bonus.
I think I'll go from the least to most interesting heroines now.

Which route connects to the sequel?

>> No.12155876

Moe route Kaoru end

>> No.12155883

Alright, thanks.

>> No.12156274

Sakigake already up

Can't stop the tits

>> No.12156303

Thanks for the heads up.

Best time of the month is finally here.

>> No.12156310

The more important question is when will someone upload the CG set.

>> No.12156320
File: 387 KB, 990x654, tsuki2nd_visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12156330

>no Nishimata
It's like, an almost summer miracle. And damn I want to fuck the sluttier one. Shame Lumine is not Aeon's daughter.

>> No.12156354

>Golden Marriage and Sakigake are already up

That's a nice start for the month

>> No.12156473
File: 214 KB, 974x700, tumblr_n6bsqxB5dZ1trfk66o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When Nitroplus said on a livestream that they had already set up an official Necromancer account on some SNS and no one was able to find it I certainly didn't expect it would be that.

>> No.12156489

All those gun designs remind me of the Nitroplus games of old, about time they broke the Shimokura/Tsuji Santa mold.

>> No.12156492

Maybe it'll come out before 2015, but I guess not.

>> No.12156574
File: 763 KB, 800x600, 23542135345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like exactly the type of game I like from Nitoplus.

>> No.12156585

Speaking of Nitro+, what happened to Dogura Q? Did they give up or what?

>> No.12156613
File: 200 KB, 1293x787, reminiscence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12156619
File: 51 KB, 306x341, 34563425324634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12156665

The last mention of it in anything was in like 2010 if not earlier than that I'm fairly sure.

>> No.12156685
File: 961 KB, 1542x2338, N 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the last mention was in the Nitroplus Complete, published in 2009. At least that's the last time I've seen anything about it.

>> No.12156696


The amount of violence against women in this game is astonishing.

>> No.12156697
File: 932 KB, 1561x2338, N 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12156725


Why on Tumblr of all places? Does not compute.

Anyway, holy necro... I thought this thing became vapourware after they shown a few drawings few years ago. Looking at the duality of the weapons, I guess plenty of gunsword fights.

>> No.12156742

>a few drawings few years ago
The first proper Necromancer drawings were shown this year, unless you think it's the same project as Dogura Q (which it isn't).

>> No.12156752
File: 85 KB, 800x600, Akatsuki_Goei_30052014_103212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a really long time since I've laughed this much, this old man is incredible.

>> No.12156865
File: 1.94 MB, 2850x1310, huroku_33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot another one.

BTW I wonder what phase are they under now (considering that the 4th began in 2008 with Sumaga/Chaos;Head/DoguraQ(lol)/Togainu/Blassreiter)

>> No.12156887

Perhaps one or two more considering their partial shifts to Sonico marketing and anime.

>> No.12156894

The S;G movie also had Shimokura finger or it was all from the writer of 5pb?

>> No.12157233

Anyone read Fukami's LNs? I looked at some of his works but I don't really know what to expect, aside of action and military stuff.

>> No.12157456

This ended up one of the 5 Tumblr blogs I follow, and they actually subscribed back. Is it normal to do that even though they most probably don't intend to read anything?

>> No.12157504

It needs to become a standard for hscenes to have a progress bar.
No worse feeling than finishing and seeing that they're going for another round.

This was especially bad in majikoi games where the guy went for 5 fucking rounds.

>> No.12157522

Yeah, fucking terrible, I remember 'playing' kxkxk and one of Mafuyu's scenes has like 4-5 rounds in the same pose and always forgot how many they were, finishing too late feels so empty.

>> No.12157557

Some games, like Manko Hunter, have a different "lines until ejaculation" timer for the final one. I remember in MH it was orange for the first few, and red for the last one.

>> No.12157583

That counter didn't work sometimes after selecting a ejaculation option, was rather annoying

>> No.12157607

euphoria had a similar one with grey and red timers. Had me chuckling a bit in Rika's second Bonus Game with her innocently enjoying the meal and you know what's going to happen when the timer pops up.

Always bet on CLOCKUP.

>> No.12157637
File: 180 KB, 1275x715, piracy is bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really pleasant to read, I like it.

>> No.12157785

What is this game about?

Is it a good first VN?

>> No.12157790

What does this (略) mean?

>> No.12157792

In this case, omitted I guess because she just downloads movies to her pc.

>> No.12157794

etc. etc. etc.

>> No.12157798

And the whole sentence?
I only understand something like "Only when I like a film in my room"? My Japanese is too bad

>> No.12157804

This isn't a Japanese help thread. Go ask /a/ or something.

>> No.12157823

Not him but then it's omitted to parody the illegality of pirating stuff?

>> No.12157829

Can't grasp the intended meaning without the full context. It's unclear what or whose room she's talking about, making the omitted part even harder to infer.

>> No.12158206


when someone makes the new vn list pic can they rank the vns from easy to hard


>> No.12158256

i forgot, can they also give me a handjob, because i'm too lazy to do it myself

>> No.12158269

Sure. As an added bonus I'll also press enter as you're reading.

>> No.12158287
File: 691 KB, 3508x1632, VN list 3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go.

>> No.12158299

Just noticed all cool games have title with 6 kanji and 0 kana. Is it some kind of secret conspiracy or Masada is just Mareni's fan?

>> No.12158315

Speaking of which, what do you guys usually press to get to the next line? Autoplay always seems to switch too soon or take too long for me. I've got used to scrolling the mouse wheel down lately, seems to be the most 省エネ way to play.

>> No.12158322

I'm using mouse's left click, but the most 省エネ way is pressing enter I guess.

>> No.12158326

Pressing enter, obviously. The one beside the numpad.

>> No.12158330

I usually use the mouse as well, that way it's easier to scroll through the backlog if I need to reread something.
But lately I've gotten in the habit of using enter. It's frustrating in some games where you can't move through the backlog using the arrow keys.

>> No.12158332

I vary between numpad enter, mouse wheel down, and gamepad depending on which is most comfortable for how I'm sitting at the time.

I never use left click, though. I don't like the constant clicking noises.

>> No.12158334

My mouse has a number pad on it's side so I just press number 5.

>> No.12158335

I do this one, since I usually play VNs on the notebook without a mouse, and that's the rightmost key.

>> No.12158344

Autoplay for h-scenes, numpad enter for the rest.

>> No.12158367

I decided to start houkago no futekikakusha and read till the op started. That was some depressing shit and Yuugao feels like the main heroine going by the op movie despite the obvious circumstances. I kinda hope it doesn't turn into an emotionally sadistic utsuge because I really don't want to see the MC killing every single of his classmates before the game ends.

>> No.12158380

I always use the mouse wheel too, although when the summer gets too hot my hand starts to get uncomfortable.

>> No.12158406 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1200x675, CHIP6.arc_000242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cg in the game I guess, he just doesn't give any fuck to her boob or something,he has to work bitch.

>> No.12158413

I use Ctrl, obviously.

>> No.12158416

Can you guys suggest me a couple of games from パープルソフトウェア? I never played anything from them but seems like they are pretty famous. Just their 1-2 best title would be enough.

>> No.12158418

Hapymaher is kinda decent if you get past the mind-numblingly boring writing and just do the more essential routes.

>> No.12158421

I've only played Hapymaher. Your enjoyment will heavily depend on how much the writing style pisses you off. If it doesn't bother you too much, it's a decent read. Maia alone makes it worth it IMO.

>> No.12158431

So they are not that good? I was expecting something like Yuzusoft at least. I guess I'll play Hapymaher and 未来ノスタルジア (seems like this is their best title) and if I enjoy those I'll look their other titles too, Thank you.

>> No.12158439

Also, I'd like to point out that the ero in Hapymaher is very good for a scenario oriented game, and is probably the best thing about it.

>> No.12158448

That too. Lewdwidge-senpai's torpedo tits are a wonderful thing. The character designs are pretty nice in general.

>> No.12158486

Z or Enter, depending on how my hands feel and how I'm sitting.

>> No.12158489
File: 90 KB, 405x412, 1340816620757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scenario oriented game

>> No.12158729

Nobody uses spacebar? Might have to do with the fact that I have a trackpad right next to it for backlog mode.
When I absolutely must not use autoread. I spend at least 20 minutes tweaking it before actually reading.

>> No.12158738

Many VNs use spacebar as a default "hide message window" key, so it's typically not used much.

>> No.12158748

Anybody know where I can find a torrent for ひまわり?

It's not on Sukebei or any of the usual places I check.

>> No.12158750

I think I got it from the /jp/ ftp.

>> No.12158752

Just buy it off of dlsite. It's like $15.

>> No.12158754

My parents don't give me an allowance.

>> No.12158806

It's free for android.

>> No.12158810

Only the first part is free.

>> No.12158811

Well that's weird then, because I'm already on the second part and haven't paid a cent.

>> No.12158821

But it IS in there, just searched.
Unless you're talking about a different Himawari.

>> No.12158835

Isn't that dead now?

>> No.12158844

Last I checked, yeah.

>> No.12158877
File: 169 KB, 1296x759, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played World End Economica?

I just finished the first episode that was released on steam, and it was really damn good. The ending was especially amazing.

>> No.12158885

sekai project pls

>> No.12158886

Does this board look like /en/ to you? Get your eyes checked or something.

Although I guess I'll say that ep3 > ep2 > ep1. But overall plot is pretty ridiculous, full of holes and retarded shit. I've kept reading only because ojousama there is of pretty rare "cool leader" type, and there's some nice chemistry between her and protag. On downside, its all-ages and linear, so there wasn't satisfying end to romance as well.

>> No.12158932

Why does ABS2 keep creating new subbrands?
放課後の不適格者 looks like stuff they'd usually release as ABS3.

>> No.12158946

It's all part of an elaborate tax-evasion scheme.

>> No.12159013

I'm tempted to download Sakigake but I know I'll get bored by the time I even enter a route.

>> No.12159106

You didn't check well enough.

>> No.12159143

Look in the archive of these threads. Someone uploaded it for me to mega a few weeks ago.

>> No.12159161

Give it a try, it's fun.

>> No.12159213

Looks like the newest Silky game is out. The art is good like always, but the writer was the same guy that wrote Jokei 3, which frankly isn't very encouraging.

>> No.12159249

Well Dies Irae has zero kanji in its name.

>> No.12159331
File: 265 KB, 1296x778, JustHomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I prefer the more involved and capable friend, can't say I don't like this fun type at all, who you can bounce jokes off.

>> No.12159582

Has anyone played Your Diary? The kantoku art is tempting, but otherwise it appears very mediocre.

>> No.12159639

Koirizo is way too cute.

>> No.12159649

It was okay.

>> No.12159671

So many people are done with Majokoi already but none of them wants to share the game.

>> No.12159675

Just play tits, or gold diggers, or classmate is kill meanwhile.

>> No.12159740

classmate is kill? The one from akabe?

>> No.12159748

Suppose I'll archive it for a rainy month then. Thanks.

>> No.12159771

I'm only playing Majokoi this month.

>> No.12159778

Just started downloading through Amazon (only link I could find), this is awesome. Aqua After on there is paid.

Any other good VNs that are available on Android?
Also, PSP recommendations are also welcome too. PSP ones I can emulate with PPSSPP.

Got a bunch of spare time at work to go through these!

>> No.12159779
File: 267 KB, 1296x778, Flatland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is too nice.

>> No.12159788

That backlog hurts my eyes, it's not completely unintelligible but damn.

>> No.12159811

It just looks like shit.

>> No.12159827


Sorry, my font render is screwy, probably something I messed up with the .ini file.

On a side note - this guy is only gunning for sex with very weak coercision, and on multiple occasions confesses he doesn't care about what happens to family internal relation but wants to avoid any fracture. IMO the writing isn't that strong if you are looking for something a little more serious/wretched like ningen debris.

>> No.12159831

Sweet aliasing, bro.

>> No.12159917

New thread:

>> No.12160156

Just finished it. Pretty nice.
