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12147344 No.12147344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd penetrate her defenses, if you know what I mean.

Previous thread: >>12135790

Elona+ pastebin, courtesy of /vg/'s roguelike general: http://pastebin.com/bAsNMaBk (hasn't been updated since February)

/jp/ music pack from archive (may not work with more recent maps): https://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11312711/

Monster girl spritesheet on the next post.

>> No.12147348


Monster girl sprite sheet for 1.37. rename to character.bmp and overwrite the one in your graphics folder.

>> No.12147351

In case that one guy missed it from the last thread, playing a 'pure' claymore and not using magic is not a good idea.
You really want to start leveling your buff spells that the very least.

>> No.12147361


I caught that, and also the list of spells I should be leveling. Should I aim to have buffs like holy shield up at all times, or only when fighting particularly strong enemies?

Also, someone mentioned something about hotkeying spells. Is that a thing? I thought you could only cast spells from the spell list.

>> No.12147368

Use buffs all the time, offensive debuffs for enemies are situational.

To hotkey, go to the spell page and press [CTRL] + a number. Casting goes the same way. This also works for Special Actions like Shadow Step (which I hope you've learned, it's an essential skill for any melee character).

>> No.12147372


Maaaaan, I wish I had known about hotkeys sooner. Maybe leveling magic wouldn't have felt like such a bother.

>> No.12147377

Yeah, hotkeys make reading stacks of scrolls\books so much better. Too bad there is only 0~9, I find thats not enough for offensive magic.

>> No.12147407

There is also Shift+0-9 as >>12147368 said, use Ctrl+0-9 to assign it to a shift modifier.

>> No.12147437

I've just been leveling them whenever they were above 350% potential and they're plenty strong enough to work on the god type enemies I actually need them for.

>> No.12147438

Somewhat incomfortable, but better than flipping spell list everytime i guess. Would be better if we could assign it to F. With no scumming they are dangerous anyway, I accidentally pressed F2 while buffing myself and lost 5\5 life\mana to penalty.

>> No.12147447

I noticed that the guide says I should identify and sell mostly magical items like rods and potions and spell books, but more often than not identifying them costs more than what I get for selling them. So what should I do?

Oh, and are there any scrolls/potions/etc that I shouldn't sell? Maybe those of vanish curse? I'm not sure if I'll need them later on.

>> No.12147455

>Playing the no savescumming mode
Why? The game isn't completely stable, and you'll take the penalty if it does crash. Why not just have some self-control?

>> No.12147480

Hang on to potions of potential, evolution, upperspeed, and cure corruption. Also hang onto bottles of water(you can drop the bottle of water on a god alter and change it into a bottle of blessed water which you can use to bless things). For scrolls save scrolls of flying, oracle, name, return, and change material. For rods save rods of domination, wishing, and rod of "insert useful spell here". You can also just leave your items in your inventory and random checks against the sense quality skill may eventually identify items automatically.

>> No.12147485

Thank you so much!

>> No.12147488

Selling dungeon junk is pretty questionable way to earn money, but it's good idea to identificate every unknown scroll\potion\wand, sometimes wishing\potential\flying simply lies on floor. Only items I picked up before I had sense quality was jewelry. It's good idea to use up random wands before you have draw\fill charge. Scrolls and potion gathering somewhat situational, I still pickup healing potions for my level and check scrolls for rares.

Yeah, that was stupid idea, I already elosnacked my two life\mana penalties. Didn't thinked about it too much when I made the choice.

>> No.12147501

Are there any custom character sprite packs?

>> No.12147505

Potions: Speed upper, Hermes Blood, Potential, Water, Love.
Rods: Wish, domination
Scrolls: Flying, Faith, Change/Superior material, Growth, Vanish Curse, Gain attribute (don't read those either)
Weapons: Sox (You'll be really glad you saved these later on)

I think that's everything. Of course, if you find anything else particularly useful, keep it.

Despite what >>12147480 says, Potions of Evolution should just be drunk. Cure Corruption isn't particularly rare, so feel free to sell it. Scrolls of name are purely cosmetic in elona+, so feel free to sell, you can get the same effect as a scroll of oracle by reading art.log in your save, even if you don't, they aren't particularly useful.

Oh, and Sense Quality only works on things you can equip, it won't identify anything else.

>> No.12147513

You can CAST return and oracle, so who gives a fuck about saving the scrolls?
Escape is worth keeping a few on hand though, sometimes you don't want to hike back to where you were.

>> No.12147527

Thanks guys.

>> No.12147531

Wait until you have a bottle of blessed water to bless a stack of potions of potential before consuming of course.

>> No.12147532

There's no point whatsoever in using Oracle anyway. Obviously the only worth is in its selling/trade value. It helps a lot early in the game to be able to suddenly gain 20k gold.

>> No.12147545

Starting out I rolled a gunner and didn't know magic and didn't know how awesome it was until much later. Before that scrolls of return were a great boon to me and I would imagine it would be for anyone who hasn't picked up magic yet.

>> No.12147547

The fuck is a tonfa?

>> No.12147553

A claw with a different sprite.

>> No.12147564

A tonfa is a shield, but more focused on damage bonus than protection.

>> No.12147574

They aren't shields, they're claws. They don't give the shield PV bonus.

>> No.12147581


Is using a tonfa preferable to two handing a weapon?

>> No.12147591


You can put it in your ranged slot though.

>> No.12147595

Unless the tonfa has some attributes that are really desirable or you're going the martial arts route for damage dealing stay with two handing a weapon.

>> No.12147596

Just checked that. I didn't realize they had changed that in an update, but you're right.

>> No.12147608

Why do you need to save sox? Is it for a quest line?

>> No.12147611

Wouldn't a tonfa gain the "it's a heavy weapon" attribute after some cursed scrolls of flying? It should technically work as a two handed weapon.

>> No.12147617

That's an interesting thought. The question though is if Two Handed weapon stacks with Martial Arts.

>> No.12147619

They can be traded for scrolls of growth.

>> No.12147621

Yes, there's a guy who will trade you 2 scrolls of growth for each one later.

Tonfa aren't weapons, so no
and no

>> No.12147627


>> No.12147639

I can't get NPCs to take love potion'd food. They call it creepy and refuse it. Wiki says I'm supposed to use love potions this way. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.12147640

Scrolls of oracle and name are useful as trade goods for quests like "i want it" or trading with adventurers, as they are very light, have high value, and are otherwise useless to the player.
Potions of cure corruption have a similar utility, you can trade them to an adventurer for a (difficult to pickpocket) item that you want and then pickpocket the easy potions of cure corruption.

>> No.12147661

Maybe try throwing the potion at them? Worth a shot right heh. "Hey why did you hit m...oh my who is this attractive anon in front of me?"

>> No.12147685

The chat has been surprisingly active recently.

>> No.12147695

It may have to do with the fact that /rlg/ is redirecting all Elona discussion to this thread

>> No.12147715

I meant the online chat in Elona.

>> No.12147716

O-oh, okay...

>> No.12147721

I-I mean, I really enjoy having you here in the tread to talk to! Really!

>> No.12147802

So for some reason when I complete one of the "Before it's too late" quests, my Karma drops from -18 to -37 which makes all the guards attack me.

Why could this possibly be? It's not like I'm failing the quest.

>> No.12147820

Did you use a scroll of return or anything?
Did you fail another quest that you'd forgotten about?

>> No.12147826

That may be it, I often take quests and forget about them. Thanks.

>> No.12147840

Up to this point I've mainly concentrated on just making my character powerful and now want to get into playing around with pets. My questions are...

1) What is the best way to strengthen your pets? I would imagine it's gene engineering them but is there anything else I should know about?

2) How do I keep their stat potentials high? Does giving them blessed potions of potential work or is there another way?

3 Lastly, how do you keep their skill potential up? Do you just give them money and hope they'll go to a trainer or something?

>> No.12147872

Many people usually captured/dominated pets from Panic! quests or the Void, but they recently patched so that you can't do it anymore. Some are suggesting the use of Summon Spirit to level up pets, but that spell is hard to get by normal means.

1) Gene Engineering works best, and make sure they can get AP to get the "Brave" feat from Leold. Then start customizing their Special Actions and spells from there.

2) Herbs and blessed Potions of Potential. Save Scrolls of Growth for yourself.

3) I personally refine gems with the Pot of Fusion into high quality ones, then give them to my pets for them to sell. They make crazy amounts and keep their skill potentials high doing so.

>> No.12147877

Thank you for the tips. Any pets you would personally recommend training and taking along as a capable attack partner?

>> No.12147879

Don't forget to gene engineer the pickpocket skill into your pets.

>> No.12147885

I personally used a god pet and kept it for sentimental reasons; it managed to keep up to other NPCs on its own and I haven't replaced it since.

>> No.12147894


>> No.12148153

Just try not to use all your buff spell stock up early on, since you only gain spell potential when sleeping if you have stock left. Later on, it's hard to run out no matter how hard you try. But it also takes forever to get them to high levels, so practicing while you do other combat stuff might not always be necessary for the enemies, but it's very helpful for leveling it up.

My Windows crashes Elona of any version when I use a number key now. Makes casting and a lot of other stuff suck.

Yeah, like that other reply said, it certainly doesn't work now. You can only use it with pets, although it might work with hired adventurers. Elona has changed a ton from it's start even if you don't count Plus, so it's possible it was just old information.

Depends on what you are looking for. If you want a lot of customization parts, there was an updated version of the "official" expansion pack somewhere. If you just want already-made PCC parts or specific non-animated character sprites, you'd have to be more specific.

>> No.12148156

What can be dominated that gives pickpocketing with gene engineering?

>> No.12148157

Seriously though, now that I've learned about hotkeys, leveling up casting sounds so, so much more doable.

>> No.12148158

Just buy thieves from the slave trader.

>> No.12148163

Chests quality scales with danger level, right?
Do the forts with super bosses actually have a low danger level?
If so, should I just look for level 100+ dungeons or is there somewhere specific I should look for?

>> No.12148166

Is the food cursed?

>> No.12148176

Chest quality used to scale with the dungeon they were opened in, now it's tied to the dungeon that they were found in.
Chaos boss forts used to have a level of about 25 in regards to opening chests.

Just visit the highest level dungeons you can for the best loot.

>> No.12148178

Alright, thanks.

>> No.12148180

Sometimes the info gets updated on the wiki, but only in some of the pages the items are described in. I think the tonfa change was around the time the invokes were added. another thing is that enchants on tonfa (now) and claws goes to damage instead of PV/DV. Pretty sure that's a change from before. You still have to use armor enchant scrolls or the blacksmith armor option to enchant them, though.

Gene engineering pet stats never seems to get written down somewhere. Maybe it needs a wiki page. If you REALLY want to spend a lot of time, it's probably easier to gain AP like the other suggestion says before adding much stats with the gene engineering. The major problem with raising pets is the skills. Even though they go up at 4x the players', it still can't keep pace with newly captured monster skills. The only good way to keep skill potential up is to deposit them at the dojo and give Nazuna money to level it up. It can cost a ton over time, so it's a pretty big investment. Plus, they actually have to be using the actual skills with you to actually take advantage of the potential.

If that is alright, then you can go through the slow process of recruiting monsters as close to 1 level higher than your pet as possible. If you add the monster and it has a stat higher than your pet's, you get a +10 bonus in the stat. However, this seems to be limited to 2 or 3 stats per addition. The hunt for specific NPCs and the domination for them takes forever. You also will add parts you might not want with certain NPCs, so you either have to skip them or max out the parts with Gavela or with lower level pets that will add whatever parts you would rather have. If you don't care, speed rings can offset speed penalties, usually. It's slow, but not as awful as waiting for skills.

I'd recommend playing around with something that has actual unique skills that you can't get any other way, like some god or diary pets.

>> No.12148321

I train magic while cooking.

>> No.12148343

Is this game like runescape?

>> No.12148352

But you get to rape lolis without going to jail.

>> No.12148361

>Had been struggling through level 70/80 dungeons
>Spend like half an hour grinding a few spells
>Suddenly able to do 100/110 dungeons fairly comfortably

Why did I ever doubt you, /jp/.

>> No.12148367

So the thing about a chest's value being tied to the dungeon it appears in, does that count for treasure balls as well? In that case, will they always be crap quality if you get them in Palmia?

>> No.12148392

Nobody in the thread said any of that.

>> No.12148394



>> No.12148401

What do I have to do to make books of Hero available for reservation? I already have the vendor at 133.

>> No.12148414

Raise your rank in the guild.

>> No.12148419


What's the fastest way to find the books?

>> No.12148439

I try to say hello every time i'm playing, and if I see someone dying a lot I try to cheer them on.
I think a lot of people just don't realize you can talk.

>> No.12148440

The vendor in the mages' guild.
Other than that, just buy out magic vendors.

Unless you're talking about ancient books. In that case, good luck.

>> No.12148443


Yeah, I meant the ancient books for raising my rank.

>> No.12148451

turnbased runescape with a lot more ridiculous shit happening.
Books for decoding, right? I find a lot of those in the puppy cave, but they're the easy ones. I dont know where to reliably get the hard ones.

>> No.12148453

It's been interesting. I've never played while talking to other people, but I think that it's been enjoyable to have others on to chat about things. And I can give a few pointers to less experienced players while still learning a few things myself.

>> No.12148498
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Actually, I can reserve it now without having raised my rank guild.

I think the reason it wasn't available before was because I had never read a book of Hero before.

>> No.12148693

What do pets do with pickpocket skill?

>> No.12148696

Thanks for confirming that again. Elona changes unexpectedly sometimes, so I thought something had gone weird again.

More recent versions let pets use it to take some gold from what they kill, which they can use for training when in town. It's useful over a long period of time, but not essential.

>> No.12148765
File: 261 KB, 651x449, sox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weapons: Sox (You'll be really glad you saved these later on)
Recruit a master thieft: receive 2 socks
Steal the pockets of thieves in the thieves guild: get 3 or more socks

wash rinse repeat

>> No.12148769

>Kill NPC
>Cook their remains into a steak
>Wait until they respawn and try to give it to them
"I don't want it. It's too creepy."

>> No.12148771

What use does that have? I may not be paying attention here.

>> No.12148833

Read the thread.


>> No.12148842

Oh. I'm not in the most recent version so I guess I can ignore it.

>> No.12148884

As a general rule which non-equipment items should I bother identifying? Rods? Potions?

>> No.12148890

Which, if any, AP skills are worth saving up for?

>> No.12148892


>> No.12148893

Keep in mind once you identify something ALL further items of that type will give you a vague idea of what they are. Like if you identify a scroll of oracle, all further oracle scrolls will tell you so, just not if they're cursed or blessed.

>> No.12148894

Rods, potions, scrolls, spellbooks need type IDing to make sure you don't sell something really good.
Any potions, scrolls, food you intend to actually use need BUC IDing.

>> No.12148895

Oh, that works with ALL items? I thought it only worked with non-magical items. That's nice.

What's BUC IDing?

>> No.12148896


>> No.12148897

i'm assuming they mean blessed/uncursed/cursed because cursed food is really bad.

>> No.12148898

I see, thanks guys.

>> No.12148901
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I always wanted a body pillow.

>> No.12148909

Not him, but which spellbooks would you classify as "really good"? I mean they're just spells.

>> No.12148922

Wishing. Harvest. Cure of Jua. Domination. 4-Dimensional Pocket. Contingency. Speed.

Just to name a few.

>> No.12148926

Holy shield and feather

>> No.12148927
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>> No.12148934

I see, but can't you learn those spells and cast them without needing spell books? Or am I missing something here. I'm not a huge magic enthusiast.

>> No.12148937

really just Wish and Harvest. everything else can be gotten from a spellbook shop.

>> No.12148938

Not unless you read a shitton of Scrolls of Wonder or sleep like Rip Van Winkle.

>> No.12148942

>just spells
Ohhh, boy.

>> No.12148944
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I love treasure maps.

>> No.12148945

Okay, thanks for the info.

>> No.12148953

>all these questions
Just read the pastebin, play the game then check the wiki for these basic or relative things, fags.

>> No.12148955

nothing wrong with friendly discussion, pal.

>> No.12148958

I mostly mean the ones that cost around 1000-2000 AP a pop, here.

>> No.12148985

most of the questions asked aren't in the pastebin, hence why they're asked

>> No.12149004

Cure Corruption potion farming should be mentioned more prominently in the pastebin. It makes the quest money pale in comparison. Just go to the puppy cave, farm chips, and blow them on the casino for potions. Costs nothing and gets you millions.

>> No.12149127
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Thanks for the incite. Plenty of things to consider when raising a pet which I kinda expected. This is why I didn't even bother using them for a long time. I should be good to raise them now. Money is not an issue for me so using the dojo shouldn't be a problem. I'll probably have to start leveling my dominate monster spell to start gene engineering shenanigans and raising that skill as well. It's probably going to take awhile to get my pets up to the power of where I'm at. I'm looking into training pets to hopefully help me in standing against the gods themselves. One can dream right?

>> No.12149249

Early game Fairy Pianist reporting in.
100k gold at lvl 3 at the moment.
Should I save up for a deed of shop and sell stuff the little girls at the mansion give to me, or is there an even more efficient way of making money? I'm just planning to make tons of money and get an army of bells and little girls do the dirty work of killing people for me - so I guess, we're talking about millions for good artifact equipment here.

>> No.12149261
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Not to mention that you're going to spend millions just to invest in shops to sell decent equips.
Shops will net many fold more gold than just selling it to vendors, but it's probably not going to brake the bank for you. Clearing out high level dungeons really is one of the best ways to get quick cash, but I've heard that training up performance and playing for higher level NPCs can make a lot of gold. Apparently the ensemble ability helps.
The only problem is that you're going to need crazy high performance so you won't get killed.

>> No.12149263

With that much money, it's not hard to level your gene engineering. Gene Engineering XP does not scale anything, as far as I've seen, so you can just buy slaves, combine, repeat.

>> No.12149269

Brave, charm are the two off the top of my head. Charm dims enemies, which helps a lot, and brave lets you deal extra damage to stronger things, which is everything

>> No.12149271

*scale with. And obviously it decreases with level, increases with potential

>> No.12149276

You could start clearing easy dungeons already by having team of yerles machine infantries switching to juere swordsmans afterwards. Anyway, you don't usually buy artifact equipment, It's usually drops from quests or dungeons.

>> No.12149277

Charm gives provoke, and I don't think that can dim.
Insult dims, and can only be learned by pets. Is that what you're thinking of?

>> No.12149280

Your plan seems good enough. Keep on performing for people and supplement with stuff sold at a shop. I'd also say add in selling cargo but I don't know how viable that is as a fairy due to wt limits and all. The real money though is in clearing dungeons with the very high lv dungeons being able to give you 999,999 gold from boss monster drop.

>> No.12149281
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Sorry, didn't know the english name: Beguile (TraitCharm) is what I'm thinking of. Dims opponents who attack you

>> No.12149283

And by Brave I meant Courage (TraitBrave).

>> No.12149285

Does it increase all damage or only melee\ranged?

>> No.12149287

Couldn't tell you - I don't really use magic.

>> No.12149292

I just looked at the wiki, and apparently there are two TraitCharm options, which may be where the confusion came from.
For anyone looking to get Beguile (Which is pretty useful) it's one of the passive traits and it costs 1500AP.
Not to be confused with the special action TraitCharm which gives provoke and only costs 300AP.

By the way, Valus, I forgot to mention that the major drawback of using God Pets is that they always start low level, so you'll have to work on them if you want to use them.

>> No.12149298

Ah I see. Well I'm ok with training low level pets as long as they bring good abilities to the table or are exceedingly cute.

>> No.12149305

Some of the god pets are only really useful for utility, such as the cute fairy which can give you seeds when you feed it or the Goose which can give you platinum coins when you feed it.
It seems that the Black Cat's licking ability doesn't really occur often enough to be useful. I already mentioned Exile and Defender to you yesterday. I haven't used Android, but apparently it has a metal bit so it can take quit a bit of damage. The golden knight can carry a lot of crap, but at your point I imagine that carry weight isn't a problem. I don't know much about the Black Angel.

>> No.12149309

Thinking about working on the defender first. Going to invest heavily into her and get a feel for how this pet training works.

>> No.12149311

It's a he, and he's a great choice. If you want a her, give him the unknown meat

>> No.12149315

Defender can be either gender.

>> No.12149317

Why not Golden knight and The defender?

>> No.12149318

I understand the wiki says it's a he but in my game they're reporting "him" as a "her" so I guess the defender in my case is a reverse trap hehe.

>> No.12149323

My bad. Both of my defenders ended up male, and the wiki said male, so I assumed...

>> No.12149326

Oh and question: Would evolving the defender early on be a terrible idea? It gains absolute protect, so having it fight alongside you while they're low level seems like a bad idea...

>> No.12149327

Servants can (in theory) be generated as either gender, but it seems that they often are one or the other (Defender is male more often than not, goose is often female. This could all just be coincidence)
Golden knight's only really good for the carry weight, and that's kind of obsolete in late game. Plus, personally, I don't like having to take my bed/barbeque set from my pet every time I want to use it.

>> No.12149331

That's probably a good point. If you're planning on making it go through tough dungeons to train, that might end up hurting it, but it might help if you're going through lower level areas (it gets hurt more, trains healing/armour may be)

>> No.12149341

I'm not really sure. All I know is that I will probably have my defender do dungeons that are fit for her level so she can level up her skills. While she's busy attacking things I'll probably be leveling up my buff spells and throwing out heal spells to keep my pet alive. I decided to invest in the defender first mainly because of that revive thing it has and how it affects me and any of my party members. While I can cast contingency on myself my other party members will be screwed if they die but the defender will save them if shit hits the fan.

>> No.12149347

Speaking of which, if you're planning to build up a party to use, it would be good to start leveling Healing Rain. It's not the most powerful healing spell, but casting it a few times on your party really helps them out.

>> No.12149349
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I wouldnt rely too hard on the revive thing, it's only once per rest and only seems to barely keep something alive. It's nice, it's saved me a few uncomfortable brushes with death from starvation and the like, but I wouldn't build a crutch around it.

They work wonders with the jure lance though.

It's worth noting that the golden knight casts regeneration on herself.

>> No.12149350

Cool. I'll be sure to reserve those books at the mage guild

>> No.12149354

I forgot to mention, if you're wondering about healing rain in terms of power, it's just a bit weaker than Cure of Eris. So like I said, not the best, but it's better than Heal Critical and covers an area.
It'll certainly be helpful with lower level pets.

>> No.12149364

I see. Well as long as it can revive something and buy me enough seconds to cast heal on my group I'll still be content. The once a day thing is fine with me too since I'm not too concerned with it saving me persay(like I said I got contingency for that) but will be happy with it in that oh shit moment where my heals and other abilities don't make it in time to save my other pets. I'll probably end up adding the golden knight to my party as well now that you mention it.

>> No.12149380

Noted. Now maybe I should find a character portrait of kiritsugu Emiya for my character since I'm a gunner/caster and eventually the golden knight in tow...

>> No.12149391

*will eventually have

On a side note what enemy causes everyone the most grief? For me it's the five headed god. I now have a living weapon dedicated to destroying the god type monsters so they're not as problematic anymore but vsing them as boss monsters or in the abyss is suffering for me.

>> No.12149393
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>> No.12149394

Thank You

>> No.12149399

Sorry about the ugly background. I thought that it might blend well with the tan character sheet, but it didn't turn out well. I was going to tweek it, but I thought I'd let you change it to your tastes.

>> No.12149411

You better name her Saber, and adjust her .txt file so that she speaks her lines.

>> No.12149415

Fairy pianist again, here. Thanks, everyone. I guess I should grind Performer in the little girl mansion first until I get nearly overweight from the items, then drop things at home, then do some quests to raise karma then whore myself out until karma reaches near-criminal.

It's what I had been doing, all along.

>> No.12149431

Oh, start murdering every bard you come across. There's some precious stuff only they carry that might be useful to you.

>> No.12149433

It's cool anon. Thx for the portrait.

I'll look into it. I haven't ever played with .txt files dealing with what pets say before.

>> No.12149438

You should. There was someone who managed to make a chuunibyou earlier in the threads, and I personally was in the middle of making a Rider one.

>> No.12149446

Oh, to the fairy I told to kill bards, I forgot to mention that you need to check if they have any precious equipment before you kill them, since they respawn with the same instruments. To force them to change, you need to steal whatever they use.

>> No.12149614

So I downloaded custom animated sprite for my character but can't seem to find where to turn off equipment visually ruining the sprite. Is there a way to do this?

>> No.12149617


>> No.12149638

Oh, I totally forgot there is a furniture for this, thanks. Now I can finally play proper fairy.

>> No.12149722


Where can I find custom character sprites?

I remember having a bunch of them in an earlier version, but at some update I didn't migrate them and now they're lost forever.

>> No.12149837
File: 226 KB, 638x329, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may be a genious.

>> No.12149927

The Android god pet seems really under appreciated. I've had it since the start of the game and it tanks damage like no other with it's innate Armor bit. Add some rubynus equips to it and you have a literal mecha on your side. Give it Control Magic and a gun that invokes ball spells, and watch it wreak havoc in dungeons. Or, give it the Winchester Premium and zero shoot, and it can solo bosses in about 15-20 turns as it keeps casting Mist of Silence. Fun times.

I might try another god pet in my next character, probably the exile and making it learn the ball spell. Anyone else have any suggestions?

I really ought to play a mutant build someday, but it just doesn't seem cute for muh roleplay.

>> No.12149941

You're missing out, some Miraculous and Godly equipment sometimes give the line to add an extra melee attack, too.

>> No.12149951
File: 8 KB, 163x169, Am I kawaii Uggu~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you look at this little mutant and not think that it's adorable?

>> No.12149965

I found a bunch at http://vkyo.web.fc2.com/index.html..

>> No.12149997
File: 24 KB, 515x385, up3993_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a pack on the Elona main page that should still work, which has a bunch of normal PCC sprites. They might be oddly resized because of Elona's zooming of the sprites that got changed in Plus, though. The pic here is an example, with sprites similar to what was used before on the top that are enlarged in a terrible way, with the unmodified sprites that look good in Plus at the bottom.

There was an updated version of the pack that someone posted in one of these threads before, although I lost my own download.

I'm more into the completed sprites than individual parts personally, but I don't know think there's a big archive of those other than the mess of random sprites I uploaded to Mega many threads ago.

Black cats are pretty nice. The lick barely ever activates, and you'd probably want to mod their AI with AP so they they stay further away from the front lines, but once you evolve them their Browbeat is pretty useful as a support skill. If you want to use an exile, they get Eclipse on their own once evolved. The dart ability isn't as strong as it seems, since they do reduced damage per hit compared to single darts.

You might want to just use something like a little girl or dog sister and evolve those instead though. God hearts are pretty rare, so you'll probably want to use that on your android instead, even if Fire a Volley doesn't seem to be that useful.

>> No.12150016
File: 98 KB, 640x384, Vkyo_pcc_pixiv_resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PCC downloads there have some of the resizing from normal Elona that I mentioned above so they might look bad in Plus. These might look a little better, although you'd have to cut them off the merged pic here which might be a pain.

>> No.12150038

Yeah, I've already evolved it. Made it use Martial Arts with tonfas and claws, learned Tactical Attack and Shadow Step, and that MA buff and melee ball attack. When it's not blasting something with its gun, it's kicking something's ass so hard it literally explodes.

>> No.12150066
File: 78 KB, 600x562, 1260772417242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good role or build for black cats?
Mine has been dual-wielding melee but I'm starting to realize that's a horrible idea and she keeps getting killed.
I mean she's a thief so I thought it seemed like a good idea at first...

>> No.12150069


Is there a cap after which things like "It increases the chance of an extra melee attack", "It reduces damage you take", "It enhances your spells", etc. don't do anything more?

I believe I read this somewhere but I'm not sure if it's true.

>> No.12150090

I know for a fact spell enhancement both stacks from different sources and caps out.

>> No.12150105

Uh, as much as I use my black cat, I can't tell you how I would make it more useful. The AP gain is pretty slow, so I haven't modded her AI yet. I mostly tried to get her to throw panties at stuff, although her main use is to just use browbeat. I was going to try staying with throwing and make her mid-ranged.

Yeah, although the spell enhancement stacking seems to be new to Plus. It caps out at just below 3 times, although you can use the medium armor special action to bring that higher temporarily. It's nearly impossible to tell if the other ones mentioned stack, since they are so random.

>> No.12150130

Thanks for the resized sprites, only moved to Elona+ recently after few years of not playing so didn't know about this.

Even in paint cutting them properly is pretty fast so it's not much of a problem when you put the whole sprite together so I don't have to cut every body part separately.

>> No.12150217

mr. pineapple mutant!

Did you pet any puppies yet?

>> No.12150228

Thanks, I knew about the spell enhancers stacking but not about the cap. I can't really source dive it because Japan can't into coding, but I will assume they work the same way.

If spells cap at just below 3x enhancement, something like the vital flayer + mag-abyss is all you really need for an enhancer, right?

>> No.12150231

>Japan can't into coding
ha ha ha ha ha such a funny meme ha ha ha ha intentional bad grammar is funny ha ha ha ha

>> No.12150238

Sorry, I'm not that person. I don't think Urritta uses 4chan.

>> No.12150257

Is the Elonaplus music pack available anywhere else other than Dropbox? I'm having difficulty extracting all the files from it without at least 20 of them coming up as "corrupted".

>> No.12150301
File: 43 KB, 616x64, double vopal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It increases chance of an extra melee/ranged attack" and "It gives a chance of absolute piercing attack" don't have a cap. Instead, it rolls for each item with the attribute you have, each time you attack. I'm not sure how this works with multiple attacks or dual wielding, but you could theoretically attack once for each item with that attribute you have. With piercing attacks, this means you can have the effect trigger twice on an attack.

>> No.12150331

For each item, it rolls for each attack. So for instance, I have three hands and three items with 'chance of extra melee attack'.
I usually hit around 5 times each attack, and the most I've seen is nine consecutive attacks in one turn.

>> No.12150349


>> No.12150363

Urritta says:
"I killed puppies, yes."

>> No.12150488


petting too hard!

>> No.12150533
File: 254 KB, 795x595, 1212121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got sick for the first time/

>> No.12150536

If you wear unidentified items, do you still receive their benefits?

>> No.12150541

Yes, but wearing unidentified items is a bad idea.

>> No.12150551

No worries, I savescum.

>> No.12150563

Well, considering that you can cast identify, use rods, or pay what is a very small sum of gold, or even read a scroll, there's just no reason to waste the time with unidentified stuff.

>> No.12150566

Don't respond to that

>> No.12150605

To what?

>> No.12150609

Don't worry about it.

>> No.12150610

If you don't tell me what not to respond to, I'm responding to every single post in this thread.

>> No.12150612

It wasn't about a post in this thread.

>> No.12150615

Go crazy

>> No.12150628

The whole board it is then.

>> No.12150630

It can't be helped.

>> No.12150648

I will, don't think I won't.

>> No.12150652

Have fun. I promise I'll stick around long enough to see your efforts through to the very end.

>> No.12150740

I'm still waiting.
Don't disappoint me, Anon-kun~

>> No.12150845

I'm just too busy studying and playing Elona at the moment. You better tell me which post it was or I will really do it.

>> No.12150862

It's alright. Just focus on your studies. Exam time is probably soon, and I want you to do well.

>> No.12150899

I have like four rings with "Increases chance of a melee attack [#####+] now. Pity I'm almost always a gunner.

>> No.12150913

I'm jealous.

>> No.12150955

That kind of thing is still nice for melee pets, which are usually pretty useful when using range as your primary attack. Having them get a few extra attacks occasionally helps even if it's just for improving their weapon skills.

>> No.12151051
File: 640 KB, 1279x769, Ultima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He killed off my Pro-jet and Android really fast, but overall that wasn't so bad. I should have done it sooner. Zero shoot spam.

>> No.12151055

Also I only just now realized it's spelled 'Utima' and not 'Ultima'

>> No.12151067
File: 353 KB, 700x988, 31314454_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after all this time I still got only 1 slave, that weak stupid defender.
Someone tell me who's the strongest one already/

>> No.12151070

Snails. Snails are actually glitched so they hit max speed if caught with a monster ball, and are the best slaves in the game.

>> No.12151084

You won't trick me again.

>> No.12151135

Defenders aren't useless if you take a ton of time to make them usable, which is the same as all god pets. I haven't heard of anyone making use of Absolute Defense, but it could potentially be pretty useful when accompanied with the once-per-rest resurrection.

If you just want strong pets, you can monster ball or dominate higher level stuff and just throw them out when you get better pets. If you're in 1.37, you are kind of limited at a certain point since Panic quest monsters can't be dominated, but it's not that tough to pick up some pretty good stuff before then.

It all depends on what level you are currently, whether you want to spend a lot of time raising your literacy for domination spells, and whether you have finished the first part of the main quest so that you can get to the monster ball shop.

>> No.12151156

Still calling your pets your slaves, and you aren't even wanting to put effort into them. No wonder Jure hates you and your Defender can't even defend you.

>> No.12151171
File: 736 KB, 796x599, 12122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to play that stupid 1.37 without AP.

What's that monster ball shop? Never heard about it.
And I'm done with that main quest already. 15000 monsters has been slain. Super strong now.

>> No.12151176

I remember back in the original Elona, you could solo Utima at like level 20 because it never attacked with the Railgun in melee.

>> No.12151181

He's just useless I even feed him with some herbs but he's still weak and let everyone beat him. Can't be helped, one day when I'll be hungry I'll cook him.

>> No.12151182

The monster ball shop is in the casino that is down the stairs in Melkawn, South Tyris. The guy that runs it can give you monster balls that can get up to about the level of your investment in the shop. It's nice for when your literacy level is still low and you can't level the domination spell using the spell writer in the mage's guild.

But now that spell stock is consumed a lot more slowly, it's fairly easy to just use domination spells. If you have the monster heart, you should be able to dominate up to your domination spell level times your "enhances spells" modifier. So you could dominate panic quest monsters which go back to their base levels when monster balled.

>> No.12151187

Gene engineering is the way to go with stats, since they go up way too slow just leveling them up normally. There's a small example here: >>12148180

You usually get +10 in some stat each time, which would probably help him out a lot. And you can save the herbs for yourself since the engineering boost doesn't depend on your pet's potential.

>> No.12151295

I see. So I have to dominate something, that's cool.

>> No.12151298

Sadly I haven't seen any domination books yet.

>> No.12151346
File: 323 KB, 797x598, 2122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough monster.
Stupid defender died on the second floor so I'm all alone again.

>> No.12151359
File: 335 KB, 798x600, 2121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat him anyway.

>> No.12151368

He even became my slave, what a joke.

>> No.12151474
File: 5 KB, 256x21, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who just started playing a few days ago here.
I've been wondering what the hell that ribbon like symbol means.
Tried google and the wiki already but haven't really found an answer.

>> No.12151496

I still can't believe you're calling your pets slaves, you must have a superiority complex or something.

>> No.12151497

It's for the artifact fusion system, details should be on the wikia.

>> No.12151515

do the Golden Knights that act as guards in Ol-Dran do the standard guard thing and level up when killed?

What happens when you use an astral light pen on a leveled-up guard, anyway? Do you get the advanced version, or the original version?

>> No.12151530

You get a level 8 Golden Knight.

>> No.12151623
File: 607 KB, 1276x767, Salary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I opened my salary chest, and...

>> No.12151629

But they are just slaves, don't see why I should call them otherwise.

>> No.12151634

The fact that you're still calling them that will never make me ever like you.

>> No.12151791

i got a fluffy tail?

>> No.12151796

Touch it.

>> No.12151886


>> No.12151969
File: 134 KB, 605x242, ether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen the protects you from mutation attribute on anything that isn't a helm?

>> No.12151974


Protects from the Etherwind, on the other hand, is found on Shena's panties, a few other static artifacts, and Vindale cloaks. I'm not sure if it can be randomly generated.

>> No.12152000

The fuck are you not permanently dead yet. Just end your character's misery for lulwy's sake.

>> No.12152003

He said mutation protect, not etherwind. That said, I'm not familiar with any that has them at a guaranteed basis.

>> No.12152006

That's what I meant. I see it regularly while rerolling stuff at the strange scientist.

>> No.12152007

Time for you to try your luck at the tables friend for some cure corruption potions.

>> No.12152038
File: 16 KB, 546x46, Ohmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12152042

Tsun tsun~
Dere dere~

>> No.12152060
File: 647 KB, 1279x767, Arma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually expecting worse.

>> No.12152242

Why is Ensemble an overpowered monry making machine?

>> No.12152243

You haven't seen what cooking high-end fish can do, have you?

>> No.12152249


Doesn't that mean she's hostile to you now? Hope that wasn't in your home.

>> No.12152254
File: 123 KB, 644x291, Fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that means that if I was an NPC I'd be hostile to her. All she does, drunk or not, is blush and turn away if I talk to her.

And yeah, she's in my house.

One bait's worth of fishing.

>> No.12152256

Not yet.
I just love my 'press 2 and get cash and coins and gear' in my party.

>> No.12152282
File: 233 KB, 797x599, 12121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even save the game. Liars everywhere.

>> No.12152285

It must have been changed recently, flying scrolls don't do it anymore either.

>> No.12152307

For some reason the artifact name's always same. That Alien Sun, I keep rolling different gears and in most cases it gives me weight lifting bonus+2-+5 and + 8 or 12 str. Sometimes it's random resist blindness or deal nerve damage etc. Also it never change material type.

>> No.12152312
File: 390 KB, 797x597, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12152327

They probably changed it so that it's predetermined as soon as you pick up the item, to deter savescumming.

>> No.12152340

So you have to carry the item you want to use the hammer on with you to the shop and savescum before you buy the hammer.

>> No.12152380

So I managed to beat Meshera α through her god damn regen, I feel like I'm hitting for pancakes I only managed to kill her in a double time stop proc from my rankis.

>> No.12152386

How much were you hitting for?

>> No.12152397

I generally do anywhere between 300-500 per swing for 5 or 6 swings on average, I feel like I should have been grinding for more damage instead of attempting her though.

>> No.12152723

i sometimes crash when trying to "preach" anyone know why?

>> No.12152726

What is wrong with my speed? It won't stay same always going 1 point up or down.

>> No.12152732

People said it's may crash if you've been interrupted while preaching.

>> No.12152740

Seems to happen when 2 or more npcs convert as a result of your preaching. Try doing it in a less crowded area

>> No.12152805
File: 516 KB, 796x598, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I can rob it?

>> No.12152809

It's option D.
You know how the translations can be.

>> No.12152813

By the time you get strong enough to take them out easily, the stuff you can get from them usually won't be worth it. The karma penalties are pretty huge as well.

>> No.12152822

It's a group of roughly ten level X guards, and the shopkeep. X is equal to the shop rank.

>> No.12152838

Karma loss for those cockroaches on my road to glory? No way.

>> No.12152844

Reminder that I really hate you, Timmy.

>> No.12152848

Don't hate Timmy
Hate the power game

>> No.12152866

If I could harness my rage and convert it into power, I'd be a level 900 Roran cutting people with the <Negative Edge>

>> No.12152927

I dislike you and everything you stand for.

>> No.12152930

I feel very conflicted.
I had my PC sleep with one of his allies, who (in my RP) is his sister.
It didn't really sink in until we awoke the next morning and I found a 'blood of' on the bed we used.

>> No.12152940

Take responsibility, Anon.
Make a gene character with the race mutant and play as your disgusting crossbred daughter.

>> No.12152941

Incest route. Do it.

>> No.12152959

I hate roleplay on the internet so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.12152964

Get to -30 karma so the guards will chase you as everyone tries to stop this horrendous mockery of the sanctity of love. Now run from town to town until you get to Noyel. There you find that you can take refuge in the church as the sister won't give you away to the local soldiers.
Under all this pressure after the entire continent has tried to kill you because of your forbidden love, you confess to your sister that you have such great love for her. Tell her that you would never let anyone stop you from loving her, and that you'll always cast resurrect on her rather than buying her back from the bar. Let her know that even through all this adversity you would never leave her.
As she blushes and looks away, you feel your heart drop, but then can't help but smile as she confesses that she loves you just as well.
Seeing such a pure display of love, the sister tells you that she can perform the ceremony, and that you can get married tonight.
As you say 'I do', you both cannot help but embrace each other with sheer happiness knowing that you may find a place where your and your children will be safe.

>> No.12152999
File: 232 KB, 795x595, 122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play BDSM roleplay with my slave itt in this internet. And he likes it, just like you do.
Jeez, you such tsundere.

>> No.12153039

timmy please kill yourself you reprehensible shitheap.

>> No.12153043

tsun tsun

>> No.12153047

there's no "dere" in my message. I hate you. I think you're disgusting. I think you're also a fucking idiot. Please kill yourself.

>> No.12153049

No, you're really just despicable. Do you call the person shooting you in the kneecap because he fucking hates you 'tsun tsun'?
No, because he fucking hates you and wants to see you suffer. That's kind of how you make me feel, and I'm not even very prone to violence.
It's just the knowledge that taking you out of this world would alleviate the pain of some innocent person that you're abusing.

>> No.12153075
File: 287 KB, 1200x1724, CJ10_W_078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay this level of tsundereness.
Just like in my china cartoon.

>> No.12153115
File: 597 KB, 1280x768, Defender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in an alternate parallel universe defender is is a girl and is getting pampered by me Currently I'm preparing a batch of blessed potions of potentials for her and going to look through my storehouse for gear that has better resists. Took her to the dojo to get all her skill potentials to be in the 200 range and did some gene engineering. Gave her the piledriver static artifact thing that I had laying around. Thanks everyone in this thread for the tips on training pets.

>> No.12153116

you are a good person.

>> No.12153373

Timmy pls get off the Internet before your mother sees pictures of half-naked cartoon girls

>> No.12153393
File: 12 KB, 314x141, 1221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to make me feel like Kuchiki-kun?
Even captcha says I should keep posting.

>> No.12153433

go back to yukkuri thread if you want to suffering

>> No.12153491

What the hell do I need to do to gain access to the cradle of chaos? There's no mention anywhere of requirements outside getting into lost irva but I cant enter, its just telling me to search it.

>> No.12153504

Someone said they got in after talking to someone in the Library of Irva. Either Sophia or Mary, probably. It's a rough part of the game to get into without a real translation, since you can only tell people what you did to get there, rather than what the game told you to do.

>> No.12153508

Yeah, I figured the library was a good place to hit up but it didn't do it for me, guess I'll head back and do another bunch of garbled conversations.

>> No.12153511

It's possible that something changed, since this has only popped up recently, and the japanese wiki makes no mention of going somewhere before you can enter the Cradle. I sort of want to try to dig up an old save now that I've seen it again, to try to figure out where the sticking point is.

>> No.12153526

Well it seems like its either the library and I somehow missed the dialogue for it initially or its at the blimp which seems unlikely but that was my second guess. I'm in now though so thanks for your suggestion, I'd probably have gone around everywhere else and slowly killed myself of frustration.

>> No.12153544

As long as something worked everything's alright. I don't think there's a journal update for it, whatever it is. I sort of wondered if you had to trigger a cutscene that just doesn't appear in english.

>> No.12153570

Jure's body pillow merchandise when?

>> No.12153598

My equipment is a mere 0.1s away from Heavy, do you think it's worth it to use a scroll of inferior material on some random piece just to try and increase it's weight?

>> No.12153630


>> No.12153634


Because I want to train it.

>> No.12153636

Then go nuts. Not like you can't spam inferior material again to revert.

>> No.12153704

how to get infinite Jure pillows:

1. start with a god other than Jure
2. get to Noyel in December for the festival.
3. claim the Jure altar for your god.
4. convert to Jure to get a pillow.
5. pray at the altar and convert back.
6. rinse, repeat. enjoy your infinite pillows.

>> No.12153714

and your ridiculously huge punishment hex.

>> No.12153749

For what reason would you need that many Jure pillows? Isn't it easy enough to amass a harem of imoutos, mongirls or little girls? Or is it really that much to emulate real-life as it is in game by settling for dakimakura harem?

>> No.12153756

Good god, the buffs on invoke for weapons seem pretty damn levelled. I was getting something like 400 turns of hero with a 58 point boost.

>> No.12153836

the punishment hex doesn't stack with itself. you get 10000 turns and that's it.

>> No.12153842

easiest way to get a Godly pillow.

>> No.12153879

But the pillows have pretty low quality anyway, whether you're using them as a bed or as furniture.

>> No.12153917

you people don't have enough love. if you don't get it, you never will.

>> No.12153950

I sure hope you're just this way to troll the people in this thread because if not I feel sorry for your slave. Even if it's just "roleplay", BDSM takes a lot of responsibility and empathy, especially from the Dom/Master/Top/etc. And from the vibes I get from you, you're not nearly responsible enough. But this is more a topic for /d/ than /jp/ or this thread, so take it or leave it, I wont post any more regarding this topic to not derail the thread.

>> No.12153956

That was a joke, I smashed stupid defender because he died again.

>> No.12153988
File: 204 KB, 797x595, 12121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Jure came to save me.

>> No.12153997

Jure as a pet at level 45? Did the Astral Light Pen requirements get even wierder?

>> No.12154002

I wished for her to get my super final items but all she gave me is some weird -500 damage sasumata.

>> No.12154005

Go look at the wiki for once, timmy.

>> No.12154023

But I heard someone was talking about great treasures, you can't trust wiki much that's why I was expecting something else.

>> No.12154049

Yeah, the last god reward can be thrown into the trash, timmy ;)

>> No.12154055

This anorexia is the worst and Its a hassle to cure. I don't starve or anything since I have too many stomafillias from my farm but the stat penalties add up. Is whats written on the wiki the best way to cure it?

>> No.12154086

Eat some meat, go to poppy cave and find hungry demon and eat while he beats your tiny ass.

>> No.12154099

I think if you vomit then it prolongs the condition. The cure, as the wiki claims, is plenty of sleep, with a higher chance of recovery after not vomiting.

>> No.12154111
File: 130 KB, 598x399, Veil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be fun.

>> No.12154175

eating anything solid prolongs it since you throw up. instead, drink potions.

two major ways to get large amounts of potions: Noyel, where you can trade Stamina for snow, and Narnia, where you can buy large stacks of paint (so long as your health is good enough to deal with the poison).

>> No.12154204

That shining wave is HUGE.

>> No.12154237

It's like the new power level. One shot almost everyone even 20 level above me.

>> No.12154243

My Elona just broke. Whenever I get to choose a yes no anwser nothing works anymore and my character is always going diagonal. Has anyone ever had this kind of problem? It really happend out of the blue.

>> No.12154320

Is capslock on?

>> No.12154359


>> No.12154389

There's a bug related to keyboard presses or something like that.

See this:

There's no permanent fix, but there's some ways to at least regain control.

>> No.12154428

Wiki says superior material scrolls may reroll artifacts. What does it mean? Completely reroll it or just some stats?

>> No.12154436

It changes or removes the one or two attributes the fixed artifact may or may not have.

>> No.12154458

I fixed it. I think i pressed the direction I was forced in or num lock.

>> No.12154805
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Walked into a level 8 dungeon and had this happen after taking a step. Should I be scared?

>> No.12154829

>Walked into a level 8 dungeon and had this happen after taking a step. Should I be scared?

It's just some kamikadze yeeks in a room suiciding, they are probably all dead now so it's safe.

>> No.12154834

That's some bomber terrorists, nothing to be scary about.

>> No.12154869

And remember guys, a potion wet bomb can't explode.

>> No.12155077
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>> No.12155111
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Here's the sprite sheet that came from. No pun intended.

>> No.12155228

Where's that place? Never seen it before.

>> No.12155271

it's almost certainly his house

>> No.12155277

Judging by the map name, it's probably a moongate though.

>> No.12155339
File: 535 KB, 792x595, 212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I found that pascal dog don't need that stupid knight anymore.

>> No.12155374
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With that heavy gundam cannon shining wave my power is gorgeous. Super weapon/

>> No.12155392

Is shining wave affected by control magic?

>> No.12155412
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Passes through not stupid defender, because he simply like to be abused.

>> No.12155417

So yes it affected by control magic.

>> No.12155420

The murder knight is pretty useful for some stuff, since he has an innate time stop ability and the armor damage reduction bit. But yeah, if you aren't going to put any time into him he wouldn't be useful. Pascal and Lityou end up being useful for quite a while when doing nothing to them, since they can be used as strong mounts.

>> No.12155438

Yes, it is. Please try not to take anything the local thread fool takes for serious, though.

>> No.12155448

I didn't like his outfit.

>> No.12155456

I don't like you.

>> No.12155461

Stop hating on Timmy already Johnny

>> No.12155473
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>> No.12155480
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>> No.12155548

What's wrong with speed upper potion?
It works kinda weird.

>> No.12155562

It increases your Speed attribute by a point, what's weird about that?

>> No.12155573

It may disappear after sometime or something like that.

>> No.12155574

What may disappear? The potion or the point of speed?

>> No.12155581

the point

>> No.12155585

I've never seen it disappear, but I haven't necessarily been looking.

>> No.12155592

Never noticed that, and I keep a fairly close eye on my stats. Are you sure it wasn't just ability damage? Try visiting a healer or chugging a blessed potion of restore body.

>> No.12155598

Actually it's more like it goes up and down.
Here's example:

>> No.12155601

Ah, I see what happened now. The point of speed realized what a shitty person you were and left. I hope all your other points of speed follow suit soon.

>> No.12155606
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>> No.12155612

Since quite a few of your stats are different between those pictures and because you have buffs up in one, it's impossible to tell if it is indeed the fault of the PoSU. It could very likely be caused by a change in your equips, one of those buffs, something on your end, or the PoSU, as you suspect. Couldn't really tell ya.

>> No.12155649
File: 46 KB, 1146x89, Well well well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lucky me.

>> No.12155734

stupid 4chan spam filter eating my post wtf.

New proposal for endgame mutant build:

2000 base speed + 1000 swimming bonus with constant-wet item + ~400 from ether disease + 300 from Soma + 800 from Speed spell = 4400 speed

in other words, more than twice as fast as the inner gods. to attain this without the speed penalty, get limbs removed in Port Kapul at lvl 9. Use magic as primary offense. get 6x arms, 4x body, and maybe a ring for the Aurora effect.

>> No.12155794

>since he has an innate time stop ability

Not anymore.

>> No.12155824

Hmm, if they removed it from him normally, did they possibly add it as an invoke? The summoned gods and inner gods can use a short time stop as an invoke now rather than use a weapon-based one. They don't usually remove stuff without adding something to replace it.

>> No.12155838
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Or maybe it was never.

>> No.12155842

Uh, special actions wouldn't show up there anyway.

>> No.12155845

Time stop wasn't a special action in that version.

>> No.12155852

Oh, you are saying it would show up as "His equipment stops time"? I think I understand that, but I'm not sure it disproves that he had it though.

>> No.12155853

Can player stats go above 2000?

>> No.12155878

I have a debug char that I recently moved to 2k on most stuff to make it easier, and trying to increase speed above 2k with speed uppers didn't work, at least. That's just the base stat, though. You can go over 2k with buffs and stat increases, like somas or bonuses on weapons.

Honestly though, if you get to 2k on a stat, you need to find something else to do.

>> No.12155930

Not really, it's pretty easy to cap stats. Get a good strong pet that can handle random encounters, and automate walking in circles in the snow. You'll never starve, and when you return to town after leaving it running for a few days traveling will make your stats and skills skyrocket. Restore potential, and repeat.

>> No.12155970

Wouldn't Etherwind take a crap on that idea?

>> No.12155977

You can get an assload of walking done in the time it takes etherwind to kill you. And you're likely to have more PoCC than you know what to do with.

>> No.12155992

>circles in the snow
>never starve

Really? I've never tested this before because always had a shitton of excess food to eat.

>> No.12156017


Speaking about PoCCs, is there any way to win more of those without having to go to the casino? I can't find chips reliably, but maybe that's because I'm just performing at cities instead of raiding dungeons.

>> No.12156030

Yep. Whenever you hit the point on the overworld when you'd automatically eat a cargo, if you have no cargos of food you eat snow.

Invest in magic vendors, clear dungeons, check inventories of every single NPC.

>> No.12156040
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You can't really reliably run into them. They aren't really that rare, though. You can get them from dungeon rewards, higher level shops, and just lying around in places. The casino is just always mentioned because it's really easy and fast.

You can farm chips in the puppy cave if you want, and train detection at the same time by using the gathering spots. Another good way to get them, when you can afford it, is to buy gain material scrolls wherever you are. When you get a big stack, you can bless the whole thing and get a bunch of crafting stuff and gatcha tokens, as well as the chips you might be looking for.

>> No.12156141

>You can farm chips in the puppy cave if you want

I decided to do this and up my relationship with a horse, first potion I see on B2 is a cure corruption. And looks like the Wiki is wrong on something, it didn't heal my most recent ether disease symptoms, it healed the older ones.

>> No.12156143

That's odd, it's always healed my newer ones. How many did you have at the time?

>> No.12156147


I had four, just really wanted to get rid of the -CHA and +10% Wt one, but it healed my Poison Hands and "Clouds of Rain follow you" that were before it.

>> No.12156155

That would not be good if that somehow changed. Like you mentioned, those potions are used to manage the corruption so you can keep the ones you might want, so if it's different that would be bad. I might want to check that myself.

It's probably alright that the poison hands one is gone, though. Those tend to ruin every potion you pick up, turning it into poison, and there are a ton of useful potions.

>> No.12156307

Is there any way to see how many kills you have? I want to try a pacifist character

>> No.12156339
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Is this thing just really common or something? I've found three now.

>> No.12156444

>apparently the arbalest finally spawned in my game

>it was when some bandits attacked me and I wiped them out

>Somehow missed it even though I always scan the maps just on the slim chance it drops

kill me

>> No.12156452
File: 471 KB, 805x603, arbalest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me over 700+ hours to finally find the Arbalest. I feel for you.

>> No.12156676

For a melee character, how important is a weapon's damage versus special properties?

Would I be better off wielding a claymore with 3d21 and no remarkable properties, or one with 2d22 with "It invokes Decapitation" and a ## bonus to my two hand skill?

>> No.12156693

I don't like to rely on invokes, but it all comes to preference. "Constant damage" vs "nuke"(as well resistances). Nether damage is good for it's life steal, besides that the only invoke i would like is some buff or shining wave.

>> No.12156812
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Welp, something made me eat a caramel of termination I picked up in a lvl 106 awakened dungeon. Do the summoned creatures get forced to lvl 106 too?

>> No.12156835

Huh, that was kind of a let down I thought it would be way harder to deal with than just afk spamming swarm until everything died 10 minutes later. Seemed like they were lvl 106 too unless they're supposed to be that durable.

>> No.12156836

Is hexes even useful? Bosses pretty much resists everything I cast.

>> No.12156846

I polluted the holy well in Noyel with Whisky. Dun I fucked up?

>> No.12156850


Still, how heavily does weapon damage weight on your final damage compared to things like stats and skills? How important is it overall?

>> No.12156859

What stats does shining wave need to be available? I forgot if CON or tactics. Or neither.

>> No.12156860

60 tactics gives you shining wave on your level up.

>> No.12156875

Slow is useful for bossfights if you get it up high enough. I think resistances are level-dependent, so if you get a spell up real high you get resisted less.

>> No.12156886

You need grind it up more. All hexes have their uses so yeah they are pretty good.

>> No.12156891

Incredibly useful. Some hexes I like using are nightmare and elemental scar(reduces various resists), mist of frailness(reduces enemy DV and PV), and mist of silence(extremely useful against bosses or enemies that heal up before you can deliver the killing blow). Just make sure to lv your hexes up enough that they don't get resisted.

>> No.12156940
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The Disappearance of Speed Upper's Point case closed.

>> No.12156986

Yes. It's worthless forever now.

>> No.12156989

You sure it isn't because of the swimming skill increasing your speed when you are wet?

>> No.12156992

Timmy, we already told you what was going on over here >>12155601

>> No.12156993

Oh well. What could I have done with it?

>> No.12156997

Waited for it to recharge itself, and either drunk for potential and possible wishes, or bottled it for blessed water. But now it's worthless forever, just a normal well with a fancy sprite.

>> No.12157004
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>> No.12157009

I'm pretty sure you could just burn it down and have it reset.

>> No.12157012

Nope, stored as a global variable. Once it's tainted, it's tainted. You also can't destroy and respawn to get charges back on it, those are stored as a global variable too.

>> No.12157202

Reset the town from the world map maybe?

>> No.12157294

Nope, stored as a global variable.
The absolute only possible method of restoring the well would be to load a save from before it was tainted, or use elosnack to edit the savefile.

>> No.12157310

Only have I now realized the usefulness of blessed potions of restore body/spirit.

>> No.12157399
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The weapon damage is probably more important early on, before you can add more plusses to your damage by using stuff like tonfas and high enchants. There is probably not a huge difference between the two you mentioned, other than decapitation being pretty useful to finish off high life bosses before they run away.

Yeah, and not only for yourself, they help out with pets a lot too. You can increase the amount of speed you can get out of a riding pet, which also helps a lot sometimes. The only problem is that it's tough to know when they get drained, so it's worth it to pick the blessed ones up from magic shops when you see them, then shove them down your pets' throats immediately.

The other guys are taking this too seriously. Unless you go out of your way to go to Noyel, you probably wouldn't even notice. It refills really slow, and usually just gives a potential boost, which is not nearly as useful in Plus.

>> No.12157481

Okay I ate a shoe and got green your speed increases message but don't have any speed increase, instead it's 1 point up while wet status.

>> No.12157500
File: 30 KB, 590x500, 1399810294970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who told you that you get static points from eating enchanted stuff, Timmy?

>> No.12157501

Speed is on a potential system like any other skill, you just can't see the potential level. The extra speed you see from being wet is probably just a coincidence. Your swimming skill probably increased, or you're wearing something that would increase it for some reason.

>> No.12157531

What coincidence you are talking about? I saw a green stat increase message when I ate that stupid shoe but my speed remained same. This is ridiculous.

>> No.12157538

I'll have to agree with you on the ridiculous part...

>> No.12157544

>Starting in 1.22 (beta), if equipment made out of food (rawwork) has one of the "it maintains (stat)" equipment attributes, then eating it will give you 2,000 turn enchantment which gives a +5 to +50 bonus to your potential for that attribute.


>> No.12157571

No, shoes in later versions of Plus have an innate speed boost attached to every shoe. It would give you a "your speed develops" message when eaten. He's probably not talking about the speed training hex.

>> No.12157581

Guess I'll post the next two sentences for you too.

>Furthermore, eating an item that increases an attribute will train that attribute by a small amount (eating an item that decreases an attribute has the opposite effect). Speed can be increased by this - a new character needs to eat about 30 speed to increase speed by 1.

>> No.12157589

Uh, so you're saying you quoted the wrong part? This is not my fault, correct?

>> No.12157606

Sorry for giving Timmy a hint and encouraging him to take a look for himself.

>> No.12157791
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Muskmelon sure expensive.

>> No.12157828

For the love of God, Timmy, you've beaten North Tyris and you haven't even bought a shop yet?

>> No.12157905

Are you trying to say that I should sell this delicious things? Not gonna happen.

>> No.12158383
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Mad sewing skills.

>> No.12158401

Would not buy from your sweatshop.

>> No.12158425

Like I'm selling something to you from my super sweet shop.

>> No.12158487

Should I kill the dojo master to get back my slaves?

>> No.12158504

You might have to kill her multiple times to get your pets back, it's a bit bugged at the moment.

>> No.12158517

You can kill your pets and it'll probably be easier, though you'll take a hit in affection level.
Not that you care.

>> No.12158531
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Won't let some filthy instructor have fun with my slaves.

>> No.12158565
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>> No.12158589

Is there a way to set it to the old way where you automatically eat cargos of traveller's food on the overworld?

>> No.12158603

You still do that, but now rather than eating once you get hungry, it'll wait until you begin to starve.

>> No.12158646

For some reason I feel like Timmy is actually a master at this game who's been playing since it first came out and is acting like this for his own amusement.

>> No.12158683

Isn't that the point? I enjoy the timmy persona though, as "let's play"s go it's not bad.

>> No.12158686

I'd like him a lot more if he weren't so cruel to his pets and disrespectful.

>> No.12158690


>> No.12158693

What you talking about? I'm just great player in general.

>> No.12158695

And his unwarranted sense of superiority just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.12158751

I can beat the Meshera Plant by using a hit and run strategy but holy shit, I'm nowhere near being able to beat the Meshera Alpha, that thing is a bitch.
It hits me way, way too hard (being an evasion melee is suffering), and I can't begin to imagine how I'll make it through the stupid regen.

I feel like crying right now.

>> No.12158759

Time stop + provoke + strongest attacks = winning formula

>> No.12158762

no ur not lol

>> No.12158784

It's rough, but keep in mind that the next part of the main quest isn't totally finished yet, and there's not much to do otherwise in Lost Irva yet.

As far as evasion goes, I don't think that will help against shining wave, so you might just want to temporarily wear some heavier armor. Some good pets for distraction work as well, even if you don't use them normally. You can pick up a couple of nyarlathoteps or Lityou by the end there, and give them shields or other ways to just soak up damage. Afterwards, you can just toss them away or into a discarded ranch if you don't want them anymore.

In addition to the other suggestion, using charge attack along with rampage and provoke can really help at the end part, but you do have to be able to survive up until you get there. The actual attack can be anything, since it works with shadow step and with magic. It can be tricky to make sure you have enough stamina to use the whole combo by the end, though.

>> No.12158890

Crap, I accidentally had my god take over the altar of the god I wanted to convert to in the Truce Ground. Am I screwed for that particular altar? It was Lulwy of Wind, if it matters.

>> No.12158902

I think there is map reloading function, never used it though so I am not quite sure about that.

>> No.12158909

Just worship Lulwy and take over her altar again.

>> No.12158912

On my first visit to the holy well, a red dragon came out of it and incinerated it. Just my luck.

>> No.12158913

It'll respawn, and be fine.

>> No.12159006

Um, I can't think of another one just for Lulwy, but it's no big deal to reset a map for a reason like that. It's not a wizard mode function for a reason. Just hold down backspace, and press enter while standing on the Truce Ground space on the world map.

There are a couple of other altars in the world for particular gods, like the Mani one in the Cyber Dome and one for Ehekatl in Valm for E+. The only way to find altars with gods already on them is randomly in dungeons, and finding a particular one is really rare. If it's going to be a really long time before you'd use Lulwy, you could try to wait and see if one was generated. You'd have to find the altar, then immediately drop your god there, or at least before the dungeon disappears.
