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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 163 KB, 600x800, 9ddb6e0f780e64c26b777465a68706db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12146596 No.12146596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason why lolis have such lewd bodies?

>> No.12146605 [DELETED] 

any tips?

>> No.12146608

Yeah you're a pedophille

>> No.12146610

Is that really the reason? Lolis have lewd bodies simply to attract pedophiles?

>> No.12146631
File: 74 KB, 600x471, lolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because lolis are holy beings

>> No.12146635
File: 254 KB, 600x690, 1399746498187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it comes again.

>> No.12146646


>> No.12146648
File: 109 KB, 600x800, 42dd02fec3f314eb54da073368309e86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, Sayaka-tan is so cute.
I hope to see her again in Ape Escape 4 if they ever make one for the PS4.

>> No.12146659

I want to fuck Sayaka so hard
So fucking hard

>> No.12146681

Thats pathetic.

>> No.12146681,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like to think that there's an exclusive list of hostnames that are ban on sight that I happen to be on. I feel accomplished.

>> No.12146681,2 [INTERNAL] 

how is wanting to fuck a cute loli pathetic

>> No.12146681,3 [INTERNAL] 

My loli gf is next to me right now shes watching youtube videos on laptop

>> No.12146681,4 [INTERNAL] 

>2D sexual

One of my favorite /a/ memes

>> No.12146681,5 [INTERNAL] 

People who like 2D lolis but pretend not to like real lolis are the worst.

>> No.12146681,6 [INTERNAL] 


Real is nice as long as they are properly clothed in cute clothes.People who like 3DCP should be killed.

>> No.12146681,7 [INTERNAL] 


Captcha: and edgedoci

>> No.12146681,8 [INTERNAL] 

Real children are more often disgusting than not and their behaviour and personalities are complete shit unlike my fictional and always cute 2D lolis.

>> No.12146681,9 [INTERNAL] 

They're /a/ subhumans who think pedophilia is morally wrong.

>> No.12146681,10 [INTERNAL] 

Reminder that there are people on the W right now who unironically think that pedophilia is wrong

>> No.12146681,11 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know? Do you just assume? Because that's stupid.

>> No.12146681,12 [INTERNAL] 

Im obviously based on the board's posts themselves silly dude

>> No.12146681,13 [INTERNAL] 

I have the feeling that you think child abuse=pedophilia.

>> No.12146681,14 [INTERNAL] 

It's not child abuse if the girl consents

>> No.12146681,15 [INTERNAL] 

I'm an /a/ subhuman and I'm only interested in 2D personally, but I don't think pedophilia is morally wrong.

>> No.12146681,16 [INTERNAL] 

Children can't really consent because they're fucking stupid and can be easily manipulated.

>> No.12146681,17 [INTERNAL] 

I guess we should ban heterosexual marriage then

>> No.12146681,18 [INTERNAL] 

How is it weird? They look completely different.

>> No.12146681,19 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off /a/

>> No.12146681,20 [INTERNAL] 

Pedo memers at it again.

>> No.12146681,21 [INTERNAL] 

someone make a new loli thread

>> No.12146681,22 [INTERNAL] 

I watched The Hunt the other day and it reminded me of loli threads.

>> No.12146681,23 [INTERNAL] 

I like 2D and 3D but I'm just a masturbator so what do I know. You guys get oddly philosophical with your porn habits

>> No.12146681,24 [INTERNAL] 

seems like normal pedo hysterics to me

>> No.12146681,25 [INTERNAL] 

where my teenbros at

>> No.12146681,26 [INTERNAL] 

i am 13 years old

>> No.12146681,27 [INTERNAL] 

i want to fuck sayaka

>> No.12146681,28 [INTERNAL] 

16 reporting in

>> No.12146681,29 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry, I turned 20 a month ago.

>> No.12146681,30 [INTERNAL] 

I was at a water park the other day and there were so many cute lolis.

Why don't lolis have boundaries regarding the personal space of others? Is it because they don't have a fully developed theory of mind? I was waiting in line for one of the rides and a loli kept bumping up against me. She didn't even seem embarrassed at all, nor did she really even take note of it. I was just like a furniture fixture to be used by this loli for whatever she pleased.

>> No.12146681,31 [INTERNAL] 

>I was just like a furniture fixture to be used by this loli for whatever she pleased.

sound HELLa f*ckin' lewd

>> No.12146681,32 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis aren't self-conscious

>> No.12146681,33 [INTERNAL] 

That's only true for the younger lolis. 4th grade and up, they are more like human beings.

>> No.12146681,34 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off /a/. There's nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.12146681,35 [INTERNAL] 

They are unable to understand any point of view besides their own, their brains aren't fully developed and can only see the world through their own eyes.

This may be why emotionally stunted manchildren want to fuck them so badly, as they are the same way.

>> No.12146681,36 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,37 [INTERNAL] 

yeah it's really sad that these /a/ kids are so brainwashed and normal they actually believe pedophilia is wrong, so they make up imaginary things like 2Dsexual so they can like lolis without feeling bad.

so sad

>> No.12146681,38 [INTERNAL] 

>They are unable to understand any point of view besides their own, their brains aren't fully developed and can only see the world through their own eyes.

Unless they have autism, they should already know about other people's point of views.


>> No.12146681,39 [INTERNAL] 

Have you considered that they might simply not like 3D lolis?

>> No.12146681,40 [INTERNAL] 

Because anime tends to be realistically drawn bodies, it makes no sense. Unless you actually get turned on by the huge alien eyes and not the body.

>> No.12146681,41 [INTERNAL] 

You either like childlike features or you don't. It's just moralistic bullshit so they don't have to feel bad. If they personally don't like 3D lolis, fine, but it doesn't mean they aren't pedophiles.

There's nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.12146681,42 [INTERNAL] 

Especially considering that being turned on by a fully developed woman clutching a teddy bear is considered pedophilia. Anything generally associated with children, too.

>> No.12146681,43 [INTERNAL] 

It does make sense, there are clearly characteristics of anime drawings that make it different from real ones, otherwise there would be no reason for 2D pornography to exist.

>> No.12146681,44 [INTERNAL] 

-artistic expression
-easier than getting a whore to have sex for you on camera
-you don't have to pay for guys either, or camera crew, or anything else but art supplies
-you can do kids without being arrested
-the main reason artists do porn is because people commission it and artists need to eat
-under your logic, nobody would do photo-realistic artwork because you can just buy a camera and that's blatantly wrong

>> No.12146681,45 [INTERNAL] 

You're forgetting the main reason and that is that there's clearly a demand for 2D pornography which wouldn't be there if people didn't care about differences between 2D and 3D porn.

>under your logic, nobody would do photo-realistic artwork because you can just buy a camera and that's blatantly wrong

No, photo-realistic artwork is still different from camera pictures.

>> No.12146681,46 [INTERNAL] 

Anime is just idealized, larger heads, bigger eyes, puffy vulvas. So of course there's a demand.

Doesn't mean it's a different sexuality, dumbfuck /a/ trash.

>> No.12146681,47 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see why it can't be one.

>> No.12146681,48 [INTERNAL] 

>I only like jacking off to the thought of sucking off large muscled 2D men and having them cum down my throat. I'm not gay, I'm 2Dsexual

this is how you sound

>> No.12146681,49 [INTERNAL] 

Well, what's wrong with it?

I could be a gay 2Dsexual.

>> No.12146681,50 [INTERNAL] 

>Well, what's wrong with it?
Gay doesn't imply "3D". You can't be "gay 2Dsexual" because you will never see anyone claiming they are "gay 3Dsexual".

>> No.12146681,51 [INTERNAL] 

So, if you don't see anyone claiming they don't like bestiality, I can't be a bestiality lover?

>> No.12146681,52 [INTERNAL] 

You are missing the point.

>> No.12146681,53 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not. What if I'm gay for male animal? Normally people assume that you're gay for normal persons when they say that they're gay. Nobody claims that they're gay for people, but that doesn't mean that you can't be gay for animals.

>> No.12146681,54 [INTERNAL] 

are these /a/ kids being serious or

>> No.12146681,55 [INTERNAL] 

I am a proud pe2Dosexual :)

>> No.12146681,56 [INTERNAL] 

whats so good about elementary schoolers anyway lol

>> No.12146681,57 [INTERNAL] 

I just googled this and it looks like no one ever said it before. Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.12146681,58 [INTERNAL] 

I always assumed lolis didn't respect personal space because personal space is something that is learned, similar to manners. The fact that lolis always enjoy being close to other people seems to signal that being close to other people is natural, or at least more natural than a concept like personal space.

>> No.12146681,59 [INTERNAL] 

Why did we invent an unnatural concept?

>> No.12146681,60 [INTERNAL] 

Consent is an unnatural concept as well, but we invented it to prevent low status males from acquiring mates and ruining the gene pool.

>> No.12146681,61 [INTERNAL] 

I'm afraid of my loli cousins choking to death. I almost choked to death a few times and now I'm very careful with what I eat. But I can't protect my loli cousins. Any tips? I'm really scared!

>> No.12146681,62 [INTERNAL] 

This sounds like something that happened to my youngest cousin when she was 6. She had seen something on TV about someone choking and thought she could choke too. She started to chew her food so thoroughly that it took her an hour and a half to eat a toasted cheese sandwhich and she lost 10 pounds which, at 6, is huge. Anyway, her mom made an appointment with her pcp who referred her to a child psychologist. They went to the first appointment and never went back. That lady should have been the one seeing a psychologist, lol.

I just ended up talking to my cousin about what she saw on TV and how sometimes your mind can make you think things are going to happen when realistically they probably won't. I talked about how many people there are in the world and how out of ALL those people hardly anyone ever dies because they choked. And we talked about what she should do if she did choke. Of course I kept this on her level. I really feel it was, in her case, a form of OCD. Might that be your case too?

>> No.12146681,63 [INTERNAL] 

People make stupid social stuff all the time. In the US it can be rude to not greet someone properly, or to not hold open the door, or to not make smalltalk with certain people, or to not tip, and of course it can also rude to be in someone's personal space.

Even weirder I think is that in some countries simply looking at someone in their eyes is just about the same as physically touching that person. That's odd.

>> No.12146681,64 [INTERNAL] 

Offer to prew-chew their food for them

>> No.12146681,65 [INTERNAL] 

why are kids so fuckable??

>> No.12146681,66 [INTERNAL] 

you are mentally ill

>> No.12146681,67 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,68 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that lolis depend on their parents to survive and would drown in their own waste if they were left alone for a week is just mindblowing.

Even the most prideful and respected loli in your class would suffer that humiliating fate if her parents decided she's old enough to be left alone for a week. Wouldn't you have loved to know this interesting piece of trivia as a kid and masturbate to the fact that your classmate is not as mature and awesome as everyone thinks she is?

Maybe she wouldn't bathe in an entire week because she doesn't feel like it. And her breath would smell embarrassingly bad because she didn't brush her teeth. And it would be arousing because it would prove that she is in fact human even if she is really, really cute and the idea of her pooping somehow doesn't feel realistic at all.

I mean, think about the cute as fuck loli classmates you were so afraid to interact with. Don't they seem like a bunch of fools now that you look at them from an adult perspective? They do stupid things, they have long conversations about completely retarded shit and do lewd stuff that would appeal to fetishists without realizing it because they don't even imagine that things like fetishes could exist.

It's kind of like you are degrading and therefore humiliating them just by thinking about them with a mature mind. It's like their very existence is embarrassing and pathetic, worthy of a good laugh.

>> No.12146681,69 [INTERNAL] 

For 10 years now I've been living with a secret (or more accurately, a lie) and I've decided this situation cannot continue. I am forced to deny an integral part of myself to friends and family, if it was widely known, I would be unemployable, most women would turn away in disgust at the thought of romance, I would be unable to see many of my relatives and also be perpetually vulnerable to physical assault. I am a girl-lover - what you would call a pedophile. I am sexually attracted to girls from 5 years old (occasionally as young as 3), with the ages of about 8-9 being preferred. For what it's worth, I am attracted to adult women also. I refuse to cope with the secrets and lies that this aspect of my life requires; together with a desire to do some good for those in my situation I have made a plan for ACTION - I have identified a list of people who represent the clearest danger to child-lovers this nation; they are members of the judiciary, individual "vigilantes", particular journalists et cetera. All of the names on this list have caused terrible harm to "my people". They are the targets, I have weapons and the skill and the will to use them. I go forward with this work in the hope that others will follow - may our enemies soon know fear to moderate their hate, I do not hope to survive long once embarking on this path but do not pity me - making this decision has given me hope and purpose that a hidden life would never have provided. Farewell, and when you learn of my fate do not mourn me but rather celebrate what I am about to do.

>> No.12146681,70 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12146681,71 [INTERNAL] 


What the hell is this? A bunch of pastas?

>> No.12146681,72 [INTERNAL] 

Are you fucking serious? Go back to /a/ low-level dweeb.

>> No.12146681,73 [INTERNAL] 

>The fact that lolis depend on their parents to survive and would drown in their own waste if they were left alone for a week is just mindblowing.

They tend to be more resourceful than that.

>> No.12146681,74 [INTERNAL] 

Please elaborate. I want to know more about them.

>> No.12146681,75 [INTERNAL] 

I am disgusted and apalled at the idea of sickos like you writing awful pedo pastas

>> No.12146681,76 [INTERNAL] 

I think the physical appeal of lolis comes from the fragility of their bodies

>> No.12146681,77 [INTERNAL] 

In poorer nations they are tons of abandoned children wondering the streets.

>> No.12146681,78 [INTERNAL] 

They have cute faces and lewd butts. That's all they need to be physically attractive. Most of the appeal comes from their innocence and naughtiness. And they look so clean and pure, as if they don't get dirty and sweaty as easily as adults.

>> No.12146681,79 [INTERNAL] 

Can lolis ride two horses with only one ass? Do lolis ever use this expression? Has anyone ever said this to a loli? Lewd!!

>> No.12146681,80 [INTERNAL] 

What about all the other parts? I find them sexier than just the butt and face.

>> No.12146681,81 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that lolies can get fucked and enjoy it is just mindblowing.
They look so young and innocent, but they enjoy being penetrated by a penis, and they'll even orgasm, squirt and roll their eyes back.
There is probably a loli being fucked somewhere right now! Lewd!

>> No.12146681,82 [INTERNAL] 

What parts? I think the butt is the best part of a girl. Only a full bush can even come close, but lolis obviously don't have access to that.

>> No.12146681,83 [INTERNAL] 

I can't stand to watch a loli get fucked or even do anything remotely lewd. It's like watching a guy drinking himself to death. They are having a good time but their lives will be ruined by cirrhosis/society.

I enjoy it, but I can't help but feel sad.

>> No.12146681,84 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that lolis can understand that expression is just mindblowing. They may not understand what it means by themselves, but they understand what you are saying. They think "I only have one ass, so I obviously can't ride two horses at the same time". They are aware that they have an ass! They talk to themselves like that! They admit to themselves that they have butts, without a trace of shame! Lewd!

>> No.12146681,85 [INTERNAL] 

You are either a genius or a nutjob.

>> No.12146681,86 [INTERNAL] 

Is Mad Men worth watching just to see Kiernan Shipka? Also, did she ever get bullied for having such a ridiculous name?

>> No.12146681,87 [INTERNAL] 

If Lewis Carroll was able to take nude photos of 11 year old girls while keeping it all purely platonic, I think just playing with dolls and having tea parties shouldn't raise any eyebrows. Go for it, /jp/.

>> No.12146681,88 [INTERNAL] 

I feel having a purely platonic relationship with a young girl would be all kinds of awesome.

I often wonder how my life would be if I had a little girl for a best friend. I don't want anything else in life.

>> No.12146681,89 [INTERNAL] 

My best friend is a loli she just turned 9
Its fun

>> No.12146681,90 [INTERNAL] 

Back then they had naked children on greeting cards.

>> No.12146681,91 [INTERNAL] 

Like the lower back, navel, chest, arms, legs, pelvis, etc. All the other parts are sexy in their own way. A little girl being half naked while facing away is incredibly sexy and you can't see either the face or the ass.

>> No.12146681,92 [INTERNAL] 

You are now aware that magazines of naked underage teenager girls were sold in newspaper stands until 30 years ago.

>> No.12146681,93 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that not all of them were scanned is just mindblowing. Some of them are lost forever! It's bad enough to make you wish people dead!

>> No.12146681,94 [INTERNAL] 

They were just teenagers so no big loss.

>> No.12146681,95 [INTERNAL] 

Stop misusing the mindblowing meme!

>> No.12146681,96 [INTERNAL] 

>the lower back
Yeah, that part is great. It's where the back ends and the butt begins. Cute as hell!

>> No.12146681,97 [INTERNAL] 

Laurab's butt!!

Someone make a unteralterbach thread!

>> No.12146681,98 [INTERNAL] 

What do you like the best about loli threads, /jp/?

>> No.12146681,99 [INTERNAL] 

Watch this right NOW! Loli's pussy is itchy!!


>> No.12146681,100 [INTERNAL] 

Who designed lolis? Some kind of god, maybe? Whoever you may be, you are a genius and I can't thank you enough.

We should have a Loli Day to celebrate the fact that they exist!

>> No.12146681,101 [INTERNAL] 

>Who designed lolis?

They're idealized 2D versions of real lolis, just like smoking hot anime babes are better version of real women. There's nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.12146681,102 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, calm down dude. I was just wondering who designed real lolis. I never said anything about 2D ones.

>> No.12146681,103 [INTERNAL] 

Loli kodomo no oshiri!

>> No.12146681,104 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry, I thought you were another "2dsexual" /a/ kid.

>> No.12146681,105 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with being 2dsexual?

>> No.12146681,106 [INTERNAL] 

It's delusional.

>> No.12146681,107 [INTERNAL] 

It's fine

>> No.12146681,108 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a pe2Dosexual.

>> No.12146681,109 [INTERNAL] 

How would anyone celebrate loliday?

>> No.12146681,110 [INTERNAL] 

Youtube just deleted a couple loli videos I really liked. I didn't have the time to save them. Fuck. Whoever did this deserves to be beheaded, I swear.

>> No.12146681,111 [INTERNAL] 

You give your favorite loli a present.

>> No.12146681,112 [INTERNAL] 

When I think of giving something to a loli it can only be sweets. Thinking of making a loli that I have a crush on some cookies makes me feel cute.

Loliday needs to be real!

>> No.12146681,113 [INTERNAL] 

Don't they have that in Japan?

>> No.12146681,114 [INTERNAL] 

Why do cute lolis smell so nice? Does beauty smell good? How does that work?

>> No.12146681,115 [INTERNAL] 

If a loli calls you a creep what would you do?
What is the most heartbreaking thing a loli would do to you?

>> No.12146681,116 [INTERNAL] 

What does this weeb shit mean?

>> No.12146681,117 [INTERNAL] 

I think it says loli fanny.

>> No.12146681,118 [INTERNAL] 

TL note: fanny means vagina

>> No.12146681,119 [INTERNAL] 

It means ass.

>> No.12146681,120 [INTERNAL] 

Fanny just means of or pertaining to fans.

>> No.12146681,121 [INTERNAL] 

Generic things a loli can say from best to worst from my point of view -
Says she loves me
Says she likes me
Says she's happy around me
Says I'm fun
Says she hates me
Says I'm funny
Calls me a pervert
Says I'm cool - A true neutral comment in my opinion. Feelings from comments below begin to turn negative below this -
Calls me a creep
Says I'm creepy
Says I'm boring - This comment is on-par with being called lazy by adults and is not very bothering at all -

All in all there are almost no things a loli can do that would be heartbreaking. Any sort of interaction is enjoyable.

>> No.12146681,122 [INTERNAL] 

>What is the most heartbreaking thing a loli would do to you?

Growing up

>> No.12146681,123 [INTERNAL] 


A fanny is a vagina.

>> No.12146681,124 [INTERNAL] 

Vagina is a waste of time?

>> No.12146681,125 [INTERNAL] 

it very clearly says only in Britain.
(though it means vagina in Australia too)

>> No.12146681,126 [INTERNAL] 

Adult vaginas are

>> No.12146681,127 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny how nobody has ever replied to this pasta.

>> No.12146681,128 [INTERNAL] 

Remember that scene in Billy Elliot where the loli said "If you want, I'll show you may fanny", and the guy was like "nah".

She was obviously talking about her vagina. Kids don't like butt.

>> No.12146681,129 [INTERNAL] 

No, because I don't watch musicals about gay boys.

>> No.12146681,130 [INTERNAL] 

A loli's butt cheeks!

>> No.12146681,131 [INTERNAL] 

dude, all performing arts will have you swimming in whatever sort of pussy you fancy.

>> No.12146681,132 [INTERNAL] 

I really wish I had experiences like this as a child. Not dancing and all that, but sexual experimentation stuff with girls. Instead of having any sort of managed risk or experiences with girls during my childhood my parents constantly kept me in the house. Now I'm nearsighted, I have asthma, I'm weak, and I'm a pedophile.

Thanks mom.

>> No.12146681,133 [INTERNAL] 

There's no way to avoid that.

What's wrong with being weak? Are you planning to fight someone?

>> No.12146681,134 [INTERNAL] 


This is what I miss the most. I wish I could go back to elementary school and go on school trips with lolis.

>> No.12146681,135 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12146681,136 [INTERNAL] 

Even if you weren't constantly kept in your house you wouldn't fare any better than you what are doing now. I bet you weren't even bullied.

>> No.12146681,137 [INTERNAL] 

>school trips with lolis
Literally heaven. I miss them. Fuck. Fuuuuuuck.

>> No.12146681,138 [INTERNAL] 

I was bullied from third grade up until I dropped out. It was mostly verbal but a few times a year someone who didn't like me would beat me up or hurt me, and that was just in school. My step-dad didn't like me very much either.

It's fine if I'm literally just sitting behind a computer every day. I have trouble with things other than that.

>> No.12146681,139 [INTERNAL] 

Holy mother fuck you dropped out, no wonder you're just a literal degenerate. God damn fucking freak, go blog about it on /r9subhuman/.

>> No.12146681,140 [INTERNAL] 


This is literally the best loli manga ever. NEET goes back in time, 5th grade lolis, lots of ecchi. It's pseudo hentai, actually.

>> No.12146681,141 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,142 [INTERNAL] 

If it makes you feel better I got my GED a few years after I dropped out, but I still haven't gotten a job or anything. Compared to what I remember, having to wake up early every single day just so people could be mean to me, living a nice quiet easy life like this is nice. It's really all I can do.

>> No.12146681,143 [INTERNAL] 

>having to wake up early every single day just so people could be mean to me

Hahahahahaha god damn, just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.12146681,144 [INTERNAL] 

creep/creepy is literally the worst thing a girl can say to you, loli included

>> No.12146681,145 [INTERNAL] 

That must such being a pedo freak then, since all girls think you're creepy.

>> No.12146681,146 [INTERNAL] 

>That must such

Are you German?

Maybe for you.

>> No.12146681,147 [INTERNAL] 

that's why you don't let them know

>> No.12146681,148 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sure they know, especially with how much of a subhuman you are.

>> No.12146681,149 [INTERNAL] 

Pedos are generally nicer people than any other demographic. It takes a sensitive soul to truly appreciate innocence.

>> No.12146681,150 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, nah more like violent deranged rapists, I suppose that's why you think they're "nicer people."

>> No.12146681,151 [INTERNAL] 

In the rare occasion that I do speak with girls, the only thing I could converse with them about would be baking and cooking, so either they'll think I'm creepy or not, with no inbetween. I don't bake anymore though.

I remember the last cake I made. It was supposed to be devil's food with fresh whipped cream. I was able to hold the mixer for the batter and got that in the oven alright. The thing was the whipped cream. After holding the mixer and making the whipped cream I put multiple holes in the cake because my hands would twitch. Sometimes my hands would just stop holding the frosting knife too and my palm would drag over the whipped cream.

I haven't baked since.

>> No.12146681,152 [INTERNAL] 

you sound like a nice person, please keep trying to bake for girls.

>> No.12146681,153 [INTERNAL] 

What's the absolute best thing about loli kids? To me, it's the super cute faces and how fun they are to be around.

>> No.12146681,154 [INTERNAL] 

their mental and physical retardedness.

>> No.12146681,155 [INTERNAL] 

Kiss my child butt idiot!!!1

>> No.12146681,156 [INTERNAL] 

children are literally retarded by adult standards, you can't call me an idiot.

>> No.12146681,157 [INTERNAL] 

Yet most aduls (and by most I mean 99%) are fucking stupid and easily brainwashed. Children can be idiots, but they are never THAT close minded.

A world ruled by never aging elementary school girls (in the Peter Pan sense, meaning they keep forgetting shit and never mature) would be so much better than this shithole. It would probably be awful, but still better.

Adults and boys in general are violent and stupid wastes of oxygen.

>> No.12146681,158 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis always understand how they feel?

>> No.12146681,159 [INTERNAL] 


can't stop cumming; send help

>> No.12146681,160 [INTERNAL] 

>Adults and boys in general are violent and stupid wastes of oxygen.

Fuck off Sparky.

>> No.12146681,161 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a cute loli child kiddo kodomo brat? :D

>> No.12146681,162 [INTERNAL] 

They look like aliens.

>> No.12146681,163 [INTERNAL] 

>hes actually fapping to those prepubescent ass brats lolololol are you gay?

>> No.12146681,164 [INTERNAL] 

Old enough to breed = nature doesn't need you anymore, you become old and unhappy

Elementary school is truly the best part of life.

>> No.12146681,165 [INTERNAL] 

>Old enough to breed = nature doesn't need you anymore


>> No.12146681,166 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,167 [INTERNAL] 

I think this is the appeal of lolis. We love them because they are fragile and cute. But that fragility is also sexy. Their cuteness hides a not so cute side, but you know it's there and what exactly it is, so it defeats the point of hiding it in the first place. It's clumsy failures like that one that make them so fucking cute. It gives off a humiliation vibe too, I think.

It's like how humans try to hide their embarrassing faults and nude bodies in order to have some dignity, even though we all know them very well and might as well just go around naked and reveal every embarrassing secret, failure and embarrassment. It just that lolis are particularly bad at it.

>> No.12146681,168 [INTERNAL] 

Face the fact that once you have children you have no life and your life is now entirely devoted to them. And it's not just little children, adult children need support, too.

>> No.12146681,169 [INTERNAL] 

My theory is that pedophiles had some type of lewd experience in the past that made them pedophiles.
How true do you think that is, /jp/?

>> No.12146681,170 [INTERNAL] 

Natural is cruel and doesn't give a shit about old people. Once you have children, you have no real purpose anymore. You pass down your genes and that's it, your death wouldn't affect natural selection.

Lolis are protected by mother nature until they turn 13-14 and nature assumes that they have reproduced already. That's why humans go downhill after that age, they are programmed that way.

Childhood is the only time you can be truly happy and healthy. It's perfectly natural to worship little girls and fantasize about cuddling with them. They are literally holy beings.

>> No.12146681,171 [INTERNAL] 

I was harassed by a pedophile once while taking the bus. He was fat, ugly, smelly and possibly mentally retarded.

>> No.12146681,172 [INTERNAL] 

I've always found lolis very cute, probably since I was like six or seven, but I never got to do anything with them. If only I had a loli friend as a kid...

I'd probably miss her and cry myself to sleep every day, though.

>> No.12146681,173 [INTERNAL] 

Were you a child?

>> No.12146681,174 [INTERNAL] 

I think that people who were sexually molested are more likely to molest others, but it's not the exclusive path to pedophilia. I, for one, was a completely innocent child who never even saw genitalia other than my own and now I'm a total pedo.

>> No.12146681,175 [INTERNAL] 

They usually don't.

>> No.12146681,176 [INTERNAL] 

Can these be new maymays?

>> No.12146681,177 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think that a lack of loli as a child can lead to pedophilia, then? That's what this is starting to sound like.

>> No.12146681,178 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think so as I came into contact with little girls as a child. Just not their genitals.

>> No.12146681,179 [INTERNAL] 

Only if you really like lolis as a kid, which means that you have to be born a pedo in the first place.

Most kids like lolis because they don't know any other girls. Once puberty tricks them into liking breasts, they stop paying attention to lolis.

>> No.12146681,180 [INTERNAL] 

Did you come into contact with lolis shortly after puberty?

>> No.12146681,181 [INTERNAL] 

I had a tenant who had a daughter and she was around the same age as me so we studied together and played together and stuff. This was before puberty.

>> No.12146681,182 [INTERNAL] 

Not true at all. I had no experiences in the past and now I'm a pedophile.

>> No.12146681,183 [INTERNAL] 

It's pretty tough to pinpoint the cause.
Maybe there is no cause and pedophiles are just born pedophiles?
I don't know. I can't make heads or tails of all of this.

>> No.12146681,184 [INTERNAL] 

I used to play with my loli classmates when I was 9-10. I even went to the park with two cuties a couple times.

Watching them say goodbye and go home because it's getting dark was literally the most bittersweet feeling ever. Their faces were slightly red and sweaty after playing and running all day, a sweet scent coming from their clothes. I really, really wanted to go home with one of them, take a bath together and sleep in the same bed. I wanted to smell her room and her toys and know everything about her private life. Just knowing what words she would use to greet her mom would have been enough to make me happy.

>> No.12146681,185 [INTERNAL] 

>he still worships little girls even after interacting with them as an equal
They are fucking annoying dude

>> No.12146681,186 [INTERNAL] 

literally born a stalker LMAO LMAO ROFLMAO

>> No.12146681,187 [INTERNAL] 


Feels bad ;_;

>> No.12146681,188 [INTERNAL] 

Sexuality isn't 100% genetic, but there's a genetic aspect. It's a bit of both. It's not politically correct to acknowledge homosexuality etc has a social aspect but it does.

>> No.12146681,189 [INTERNAL] 

all sexuality is fetishism the genes only control how susceptible you are

>> No.12146681,190 [INTERNAL] 

The better question is why normal people are not attracted to little girls. Are they fucking blind or am I seeing things that are not there? How is it even possible to dislike little girls? What's so bad about them?

>> No.12146681,191 [INTERNAL] 

They are, there was no age of consent in American until feminists pushed for legislation for more "equal" relationships. Women getting the right to vote was a big mistake.

>> No.12146681,192 [INTERNAL] 

What's the normiest word ever? "Apalled", maybe?

>> No.12146681,193 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,194 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,195 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,196 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,197 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,198 [INTERNAL] 


Holy fuck, Trevor is Siztra. Holy FUCK.

>> No.12146681,199 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,200 [INTERNAL] 

This cute loli looks exactly like my childhood friend who looked exactly like Hikari from Digimon.



Do you think she's cute, /jp/? This is now my favorite loli picture ever. But I can't find a better version. Which one should I keep?

>> No.12146681,201 [INTERNAL] 

She's really cute. Any loli cooking anything is always going to be cute. Keep the smaller one, the one on Tumblr.

>> No.12146681,202 [INTERNAL] 

Literally superior to 2D.


>> No.12146681,203 [INTERNAL] 

Does she even know that she has a very lewd armpit?

>> No.12146681,204 [INTERNAL] 

She reminds me of Stephanie in Unteralterbach.

>> No.12146681,205 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,206 [INTERNAL] 

How the hell are loli armpits lewd?

>> No.12146681,207 [INTERNAL] 

Every part of a loli is lewd, dewd

>> No.12146681,208 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe that she actually has a butt.

>> No.12146681,209 [INTERNAL] 

Disgusting 3DPD shit. Get the hell outta here.

>> No.12146681,210 [INTERNAL] 

Do lolis really smell sweet? I find it hard to believe.

>> No.12146681,211 [INTERNAL] 

Like fermented honey!

>> No.12146681,212 [INTERNAL] 

She smells like mead?

>> No.12146681,213 [INTERNAL] 

Mead is fermented honey? Holy FUCK

>> No.12146681,214 [INTERNAL] 

They do

>> No.12146681,215 [INTERNAL] 

Epic /a/ post

>> No.12146681,216 [INTERNAL] 

Would you let your loli use a gun?


>> No.12146681,217 [INTERNAL] 

wow that loli probably has so many cute emotional scars like blue girl from sao. i want to comfort her after a panic attack!

>> No.12146681,218 [INTERNAL] 

Why would she have emotional scars?

>> No.12146681,219 [INTERNAL] 

Hm I wonder

>> No.12146681,220 [INTERNAL] 

Damn that is one ravageable body

>> No.12146681,221 [INTERNAL] 

(the girl's)

>> No.12146681,222 [INTERNAL] 

Now whenever she sees a gun she is going to remember than man she killed.

>> No.12146681,223 [INTERNAL] 

He was an ugly normie that had it coming, more likely than not.

>> No.12146681,224 [INTERNAL] 


"Arizona Last Stop gun range" gives this so I'm guessing that's where it happened. I wonder if she ate a burger or not. Those burgs look pretty good. Anyway, these sorts of tourist shooting ranges always seem like a horrible idea. I'm assuming that one shot was her first ever, so why would you even go full auto immediately after that? The instructor was a dumbass too.

That girl has a nice butt and loli body though. Is 9 the best loli age?

>> No.12146681,225 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis love everyone because they are so kind and thoughtful. I'm sure she would become sad even if she killed an uglie normie.

>> No.12146681,226 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think this is a coincidence that it took place in the same state as the cousin molester.

>> No.12146681,227 [INTERNAL] 

literally kami-sama's revenge

he works in funny ways

>> No.12146681,228 [INTERNAL] 

That place is really far from where I am. It's like 2-3 hours away from where I am but only like a half hour outside of Vegas so what the fuck?

What does this even have to do with me anyway, aside from the loli?

>> No.12146681,229 [INTERNAL] 

You are the instructor and this was tenbatsu. You're now damage controlling from hell

>> No.12146681,230 [INTERNAL] 

I've never even shot a gun or had a job and I definitely would not want to get a job at a gun range teaching people how to shoot guns.

As a matter of fact I was just thinking that being an assistant to a photographer who does school portraits would be kind of nice. I'd be an assistant so I wouldn't be expected to be friendly with anyone or anything like that and I'd get to see lots of cute lolis dressed up for photo day.

>> No.12146681,231 [INTERNAL] 

God you're a fucking creep

>> No.12146681,232 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think one day she'll be ordering pad thai noodles and start seeing the faces of all the Charlies she killed in the wait staff and go on a PTSD fueled rampage? That would be really cute!

>> No.12146681,233 [INTERNAL] 

Which do you think is worse for the loli? Having to live with killing the guy or everyone at school and news places knowing you as Las Vegas Uzi-gun-trainer-murder-loli?

>> No.12146681,234 [INTERNAL] 

Both. The latter will remind her of what she did, the former will weigh on her conscience.

>> No.12146681,235 [INTERNAL] 

Probably the first one. Being known forever as "Uzi-gun-trainer-murder-loli" just ensures that she'll be like a western Nevada-tan and forever have fans on places like /jp/ hoping for any new pictures or bits of information about her.

>> No.12146681,236 [INTERNAL] 

She'll never be a Internet pedophile idol with a name like that.

>> No.12146681,237 [INTERNAL] 


Literally-from-Nevada-tan. Even though it was really Arizona.

>> No.12146681,238 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a child, any tips?

>> No.12146681,239 [INTERNAL] 

We always give you tips, fucking hell, I think you just ask for tips so we'll reveal our secrets and gross undercover pedo cops like you know how to introduce child-fucking countermeasures.

HORSE shit

>> No.12146681,240 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,241 [INTERNAL] 


it this loli music

>> No.12146681,242 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,243 [INTERNAL] 

pay nagi for one of her kids

>> No.12146681,244 [INTERNAL] 

trannies can't have kids

>> No.12146681,245 [INTERNAL] 

They steal them like gypsies and gays.

>> No.12146681,246 [INTERNAL] 

Her normie parents should be killed.

>> No.12146681,247 [INTERNAL] 

Incorrect, it was the instructors fault.

>> No.12146681,248 [INTERNAL] 

What's her name? I hope she has a cute name!

>> No.12146681,249 [INTERNAL] 

They should shoot his body again then.

>> No.12146681,250 [INTERNAL] 

How come we never hear of people being mouth raped?

>> No.12146681,251 [INTERNAL] 

Do they even specify what kind of rape it is when they report on it? They say stuff like "penetrated" or "raped" or "sexually assaulted", that could cover mouth rape. They don't say "raped her vaginally and cummed inside her sweet pussy".

>> No.12146681,252 [INTERNAL] 

Yea that's why I wwant to know.

>> No.12146681,253 [INTERNAL] 


This showed up in my recommended videos... I'm watching now and I want to believe it's a girl but I may be tricked.

>> No.12146681,254 [INTERNAL] 

You don't hear about it because the woman getting mouth raped could easily chew the dick off of the rapist

>> No.12146681,255 [INTERNAL] 

What is Alien?

>> No.12146681,256 [INTERNAL] 

You can't bite a dick off that easily unless it's a really small dick. If your mouth is open very wide it's very hard to bite down with any amount of force.

>> No.12146681,257 [INTERNAL] 

they picked a really boyish loli for this but it is a girl

all rapers have a small dick everyone knows this

>> No.12146681,258 [INTERNAL] 

Um, the correct term is "rapist".

>> No.12146681,259 [INTERNAL] 

whatever dude

>> No.12146681,260 [INTERNAL] 

*waves dick like a windmill under his chin*
*strike his chin multiple times with my cummy dig hoel*

>> No.12146681,261 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,262 [INTERNAL] 

It's lewd to think a loli was running around with her sensitive loli nipples showing and nobody knew or cared

>> No.12146681,263 [INTERNAL] 

Why is she so much of a gosh-darned buttchildo?

>> No.12146681,264 [INTERNAL] 

DAE like lolis

>> No.12146681,265 [INTERNAL] 

How is she a buttchildo?

>> No.12146681,266 [INTERNAL] 

-has a butt
-is a child

>> No.12146681,267 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know she has a butt?

>> No.12146681,268 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,269 [INTERNAL] 


-Someone on the verge of becoming a teen. Preteen girls are often described as stupid immature sluts with glitter smeared on their faces and High School Musical fanatics, WHEN IN FACT there are many technically preteen girls who find this extremely annoying and judgemental.

SOME preteen girls are actually mature, know grammar and listen to the Cocteau Twins, so before you go blindly judging, think about the preteens that are actually mature, intelligent and find that kind of shit incredibly patronizing and offensive.

-A noun, who's meaning is that of a child who has yet to hit puberty.

-Annoying little kids who try to act older and hang out with older kids because they think the older kids like them when they really just feel sorry for them. Ages 10-12.

-Pre-teen girl: Sometimes a tramp, or a wannabe, that acts a certain way to get attention from others. They talk about how they think older guys are hott and how the older guys flirt with them because they think they are older than their age. Someone who TyPeS LikE THiS.

Annoying. That's why I hate kids that age these days. Maybe if you went back like 6-4 yrs. ago, than it would be different, but it wouldn't be now.

-A preteen is a person aged around nine to thirteen. We're stereotyped to be ignorant little asshole wannabe teenagers who smear glitter all over our faces, follow trends for the sake of being "popular", faint at the mention of anything Disney related, and LyKeE tYpErSsS lYkE DiZZZZ hahah :]]].
I honestly think it's immature and judgmental to assume that we all share this personality, because there are many sensible and intelligent preteens. Though some of my best friends do act like the definition above. Pretty unfortunate but I still love them. :)

-The ages 9-13.
Not all preteens act like immature retards, their are actually a lot of normal preteens. The definitions on the word "preteen" just disgust me. People are really judgmental!
I'm 10 years old and I dnt talk liek dis. I actually use proper grammar. I only act like a retard and laugh at stupid things when I'm around my BFF's. That's because I'm not afraid to be myself.
I never watch Disney Channel (And that doesn't mean I watch MTV instead), mainly because the shows are just.... corrupting and they teach little kids to act like sluts. Miley Cyrus for example.

My favorite "band" isn't the Jonas Brothers, my favorite band is MUSE, and that's my opinion.

You don't always have to follow a trend. But if you seriously feel like you have to, follow this one:

>> No.12146681,270 [INTERNAL] 

"Intelligent preteens" are almost always FAT PROTO-FEMINISTS. Almost.

>> No.12146681,271 [INTERNAL] 

>-A noun, who's meaning is that of a child who has yet to hit puberty.

>> No.12146681,272 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis don't hit puberty, puberty hits and kills them!

>> No.12146681,273 [INTERNAL] 

are these entries from ubandictionary or something

>> No.12146681,274 [INTERNAL] 

I absolutely love blowing my load to mature anime girls with their cute bushes barely in frame.

>> No.12146681,275 [INTERNAL] 

Preteens can't be fat.

>> No.12146681,276 [INTERNAL] 


Not really a preteen but cute as hell! She loves to talk dirty!!

>> No.12146681,277 [INTERNAL] 

I absolutely love blowing my load to mature anime girls with their cute bushes barely in flame.

>> No.12146681,278 [INTERNAL] 

>-A preteen is a person aged around nine to thirteen. We're stereotyped to be ignorant little asshole wannabe teenagers who smear glitter all over our faces, follow trends for the sake of being "popular", faint at the mention of anything Disney related, and LyKeE tYpErSsS lYkE DiZZZZ hahah :]]].
I honestly think it's immature and judgmental to assume that we all share this personality, because there are many sensible and intelligent preteens. Though some of my best friends do act like the definition above. Pretty unfortunate but I still love them. :)
how old is this cutie?

>> No.12146681,279 [INTERNAL] 

>-A preteen is a person aged around nine to thirteen. We're stereotyped to be ignorant little asshole wannabe teenagers who smear glitter all over our faces, follow trends for the sake of being "popular", faint at the mention of anything Disney related, and LyKeE tYpErSsS lYkE DiZZZZ hahah :]]].
>I honestly think it's immature and judgmental to assume that we all share this personality, because there are many sensible and intelligent preteens. Though some of my best friends do act like the definition above. Pretty unfortunate but I still love them. :)
how old is this cutie?

[[sorry I fixed it]]

>> No.12146681,280 [INTERNAL] 

>My favorite "band" isn't the Jonas Brothers, my favorite band is MUSE, and that's my opinion.
Her favorite band is just her own opinion! Cute!

>> No.12146681,281 [INTERNAL] 

Why do all the definitions for preteen consider girls only? Isn't that sexist?

>> No.12146681,282 [INTERNAL] 

I want to lick her sweaty butt crack and cute as hell pubes!

>> No.12146681,283 [INTERNAL] 

How dare she have an opinion even though she's got a poophole?

>> No.12146681,284 [INTERNAL] 

Why? What if it burns off?

>> No.12146681,285 [INTERNAL] 

Normies hate pubes and would love to see them burn to death!

>> No.12146681,286 [INTERNAL] 

What has that got to do with it? I meant that her favorite band is a fact, not an opinion.

>> No.12146681,287 [INTERNAL] 

What if she's such a silly little preteen loli kodomokid that she's all excited and happy but confused and isn't sure which is her favorite? Maybe it's MUSE, but maybe she actually likes another band more and doesn't realize.

>> No.12146681,288 [INTERNAL] 

It's anime.

>> No.12146681,289 [INTERNAL] 

If a loli anime was sweating and it was dripping from her crack to the bottom would you rush over and lay down to collect the sweat with your tongue?

>> No.12146681,290 [INTERNAL] 

It's both a fact and an opinion.

>> No.12146681,291 [INTERNAL] 

Dignity is incompatible with nudity. She is actually nude under her clothes! So shameful! Why should anything she says matter to anyone?

>> No.12146681,292 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,293 [INTERNAL] 

That it's her favorite band is a fact. If she said it was the best band, it would be her opinion. I didn't think of >>12146681,287
though and that works. This is definitely not what she meant though.

>> No.12146681,294 [INTERNAL] 

If a loli THINKS she likes a band and buys one of their discs, it's abuse! They are too dumb to know what they like! It's child abuse! We should cut MUSE's dicks off!

>> No.12146681,295 [INTERNAL] 

That's both gross and illegal.

>> No.12146681,296 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't MUSE that love live group? Cute.

>> No.12146681,297 [INTERNAL] 

No, that's disgusting. Sweat is only sexy in small quantities and it should never fall off her body!

>silly little preteen loli kodomokid
Best meme.

>> No.12146681,298 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see why you can't have an opinion that is also factual.

>> No.12146681,299 [INTERNAL] 

That's why lolis don't spend money, their parents do and their parents can make an informed purchasing decision.

>> No.12146681,300 [INTERNAL] 

You are LITERALLY underestimating the problem!!! I'd even call it rape!!! RAPE!!! You obviously don't think it's comparable to rape!! I'm seriously considering filling a lawsuit against you.

>> No.12146681,301 [INTERNAL] 

Normies are literal retards and nobody seems to realize it. It's fucking depressing.

>> No.12146681,302 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how many pop stars have preteen groupie sex.

>> No.12146681,303 [INTERNAL] 

It can't be helped. Everyone just pretends they are competent because there is no way to treat stupidity.

>> No.12146681,304 [INTERNAL] 

No, but I would do it for her >>12146681,276

She's fucking cute and has a high enough self esteem to sing a song like that! Can you imagine her masturbating or taking a shit? She does those things pretty much every day! She certainly did it 10 hours before the video or maybe even right before the video! How the hell could anyone find her buttsweat disgusting?

>> No.12146681,305 [INTERNAL] 

Why is it so fun to humiliate the proud?

>> No.12146681,306 [INTERNAL] 

Because you have an inferiority complex and because you cannot rise up you have to bring others down to feel adequate.

>> No.12146681,307 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK roasted

>> No.12146681,308 [INTERNAL] 

That's bullshit and I hate people who believe it. No, I'm not the kind of people you are talking about. I'm not mad because you "said the truth" or anything, don't use that kind of argument against me because it's retarded.

Humiliating a cute girl feels good because it makes your dick hard. It's has nothing to do with all the crap you just said.

Man, I hate these faggots who see freudian excuses everywhere. Life is not that simple. Go die in a pit.

You're looking too far into porn, to most people submission is hot.

Satoko is very proud and never talks about embarrassing things. When you see her naked and humiliated, maybe being raped in the anus by her horrible uncle, you finally see that part of herself that she tried to hide with all her might.

That's why humiliation is erotic, it has nothing to do with "hurr im ugly i want revenge ill make others feel bad durr".

Fuck Freud.

Also, we need a doujin where Mion and co. see Satoko in that situation from the window and she notices and begs them to stop looking while her uncle rubs her pussy.

>> No.12146681,309 [INTERNAL] 

>Humiliating a cute girl feels good because it makes your dick hard. It's has nothing to do with all the crap you just said.
>Man, I hate these faggots who see freudian excuses everywhere
Isn't 90% of Freud "it makes your dick hard?"

>> No.12146681,310 [INTERNAL] 

Freus is all about "X it makes your dick hard because you were Y as a child".

>> No.12146681,311 [INTERNAL] 

This essay just proves me right even more. Thanks.

>> No.12146681,312 [INTERNAL] 

uh... do you think sexuality just comes from nowhere? it's pretty documented that things in your childhood can have a profound effect on your sexuality.

>> No.12146681,313 [INTERNAL] 

Are you really this dumb or are you just being ``ironic''?

>> No.12146681,314 [INTERNAL] 

Dignity is a human construct. Nudists don't care about that shit, that's why they are not ashamed of nudity.

I don't think this kid is a nudist. She would probably lose her dignity if every person in her school got to see her spread open asshole.

>> No.12146681,315 [INTERNAL] 

It comes from Pavlovian conditioning.

>> No.12146681,316 [INTERNAL] 

I cant take it easy with all these tards arguing about nothing

>> No.12146681,317 [INTERNAL] 

Humans are naturally curious, that's why we want to see cute girls naked. Wanting to see them humiliated and degraded has nothing to do with Freud shit. It's just the next step. Psychological nudity. The personality they show to the world is just like the clothes they use to cover their bodies. There's an embarrassing personality hiding under it, and I want to see it in the same way I want to see her ass. I'm an intellectual pervert. You are just a dumb one.

>> No.12146681,318 [INTERNAL] 

Children already have a sexuality.

>> No.12146681,319 [INTERNAL] 

Is that like an intellectual rapist?

>> No.12146681,320 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are too cute for their own good. If they keep getting fucked, future lolis will evolve to be cute enough to be loved by their parents but disgusting enough to be sexually unappealing.

This is assumming that lewd touch is bad for them.

>> No.12146681,321 [INTERNAL] 

Which is asexuality

>> No.12146681,322 [INTERNAL] 

How can so many people say that with a straight face?

>> No.12146681,323 [INTERNAL] 

They weren't weird sex freaks as children.

>> No.12146681,324 [INTERNAL] 

Your parents and society stunted your sexuality. Kids are naturally curious and adults should naturally teach them about sex, instead of avoiding the subject.

You ARE a freak.

>> No.12146681,325 [INTERNAL] 

The hell is a kodomokid?

>> No.12146681,326 [INTERNAL] 

Are preteens LITERALLY the best buttchildos?

>> No.12146681,327 [INTERNAL] 

As opposed to figuratively?

>> No.12146681,328 [INTERNAL] 

It comes out when you get a loli preggo.

>> No.12146681,329 [INTERNAL] 

Who loli kodomokid child otaku here?

>> No.12146681,330 [INTERNAL] 

I have a loli cousin, ask me anything.

>> No.12146681,331 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you want to humiliate the dignity of out her so bad?

>> No.12146681,332 [INTERNAL] 

This is actually a cute as HELL word.

>> No.12146681,333 [INTERNAL] 

It sounds like a young kodomo dragon.

>> No.12146681,334 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are literally KODOMO.

KOMODO dragons are literally KOMODO dragons.

>> No.12146681,335 [INTERNAL] 

Dragons don't exist nerd.

>> No.12146681,336 [INTERNAL] 

I meant komodo dragons.

>> No.12146681,337 [INTERNAL] 

Komodo "dragons" are literally and figuratively real life dodongos.

Only a literal rori kodomokid would believe in dragons and shit.

>> No.12146681,338 [INTERNAL] 

Did you know that your loli daughter in Dragon Quest V can literally turn herself into a dragon for the rest of the battle? It's not a plot point at all, just a random spell only your loli daughter can learn.


>> No.12146681,339 [INTERNAL] 

Why do lolis like stupid normie songs like this?


It's literally fuking retarded.

>> No.12146681,340 [INTERNAL] 

My cousin really liked One Direction and I'd tease her that they were gay.

>> No.12146681,341 [INTERNAL] 

What would a fifth grader think if she read the entire thread? You guys said pretty terrible things!

>> No.12146681,342 [INTERNAL] 

"What the hell is a butt"

>> No.12146681,343 [INTERNAL] 

Fifth grades know what butts are.

>> No.12146681,344 [INTERNAL] 

Probably giggle uncontrollably and say ewww

>> No.12146681,345 [INTERNAL] 

They think you're gross

>> No.12146681,346 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah probably I think I am so idk

>> No.12146681,347 [INTERNAL] 

If she calls me gross I will point of the fact that she has a butt crack in front of all her friends and loved ones. That will ruin her life for sure ;)

>> No.12146681,348 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,349 [INTERNAL] 

"Am I really that pretty? *blushes*"

>> No.12146681,350 [INTERNAL] 

You'd be labeled a sex offender

>> No.12146681,351 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when cute as hell blonde Lambda-looking lolis look at their butts in the mirror and think they are kinda gross
>feelio when they can't see their own beauty
>feelio when lolis are literally blind

>> No.12146681,352 [INTERNAL] 

They don't know sweat can get trapped between their butt cheeks after a particularly tiring PE class.

>> No.12146681,353 [INTERNAL] 

Please, show this video to your loli relatives and record their laughs:


It's literally impossible for a cute loli not to laugh at this.

>> No.12146681,354 [INTERNAL] 

She thought it was creepy and told me not to talk to her...

>> No.12146681,355 [INTERNAL] 

This is a lot cuter, if she's a cat loli:


>> No.12146681,356 [INTERNAL] 

I giggled. A lot. Thanks.

>> No.12146681,357 [INTERNAL] 

How do they fucking fly like that? They jump and literally disappear.

>> No.12146681,358 [INTERNAL] 


why would a loli have such a plump ass if they weren't meant for fucking? science just can't explain these things.

>> No.12146681,359 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you on tv... Are you a literal normie....

>> No.12146681,360 [INTERNAL] 

If her ass wasn't plump and soft as a boiled egg she wouldn't be able to sit comfortably.

>> No.12146681,361 [INTERNAL] 

My ass is lumpy and hard and im ok...

>> No.12146681,362 [INTERNAL] 

You don't deserve a comfortable ass, but lolis are delicate princesses. You can literally kick a loli's ass with your bare feet without hurting your toes.

>> No.12146681,363 [INTERNAL] 


Loli have the best vomit and milk teeth!

>> No.12146681,364 [INTERNAL] 

That version of the doujin looks awful for some reason. Here's the good one:


>> No.12146681,365 [INTERNAL] 

She literally poops from that hole LMAO. What a dumb kid!

>> No.12146681,366 [INTERNAL] 

Laura B's ass is unusually well defined for a loli. Even nowadays her ass is still pretty big.

>> No.12146681,367 [INTERNAL] 

The fact that a loli has an ass like that is just mindblowing.

>> No.12146681,368 [INTERNAL] 

Laura B is my favorite loli

>> No.12146681,369 [INTERNAL] 

There's literally nothing embarrassing about having a butt!

>> No.12146681,370 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't go around kicking little girls' butts and shouting "FUCK the jan".

That's weird.

>> No.12146681,371 [INTERNAL] 

What do you like the most about lolis? What is the best kind of loli? Loli cousin who is still a loli? Loli cousin who was a loli when you were a kid? Loli sister? Loli classmate? Loli neighbor? Loli daughter of one of your mom's friends? Loli niece?

>> No.12146681,372 [INTERNAL] 

You have no right to OUTRAGE THE MODESTY OF A CHILD.

>> No.12146681,373 [INTERNAL] 

What da FUG is a buttchildo, you goddamn peederfiles??

>> No.12146681,374 [INTERNAL] 

A child that has a butt

>> No.12146681,375 [INTERNAL] 

buttchildo is a child with a pronounced butt

Laura B is a buttchildo

>> No.12146681,376 [INTERNAL] 

The best lolis are cousin lolis, then loli family friends, then loli neighbors, then loli sisters, then loli nieces. Classmate lolis are pure shit.

>> No.12146681,377 [INTERNAL] 

Classmate lolis are usually the cutest because there's so many of them. You are bound to meet at least one incredibly cute loli classmate, while your cousins will always be the same girls.

Loli classmates are fucking bitches, but you will remember them fondly in the future. Also, they will never truly die because you are not forced to meet their adult versions if you don't want to.

>> No.12146681,378 [INTERNAL] 


Cute as hell gloryasshole kodomokid!

>> No.12146681,379 [INTERNAL] 

Can you please posts videos of loli kids eating like pigs?

>> No.12146681,380 [INTERNAL] 

What about loli strangers?

>> No.12146681,381 [INTERNAL] 

that's really hot, i wish someone would ravage my butt like that.

>> No.12146681,382 [INTERNAL] 

Are you some kind of homo?

>> No.12146681,383 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell dude? A girl could ravage my butt just as easily as a guy could.

>> No.12146681,384 [INTERNAL] 

Loli strangers are pretty high up there. Probably between neighbors and sisters. Loli strangers will smile at you and wave at you and make you feel really good.

>> No.12146681,385 [INTERNAL] 


My loli imouto is in her anal stage!

>> No.12146681,386 [INTERNAL] 

I like the part where the pedo is anally raped by his father. That'll show you disgusting perverts.

>> No.12146681,387 [INTERNAL] 

Will you ever stop with that mindblowing meme of yours?

>> No.12146681,388 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit this is what I've always wanted, fuck a loli and to be raped in my ass at the same time!

Thanks dude

>> No.12146681,389 [INTERNAL] 

Seeing as how pedophiles are just emotionally stunted adults who never matured past childhood and are thus attracted to their emotional and intellectual equals, other children, it makes sense that this would also lead to feelings on inferiority and the desire to get pounded in the ass by a real man.

>> No.12146681,390 [INTERNAL] 

you shouldn't bully those with the emotional and intellectual capacities of children

>> No.12146681,391 [INTERNAL] 

It's important to remind subhumans of their place lest they forget.

>> No.12146681,392 [INTERNAL] 

Shouldn't you be out screwing whores so there are more little girls for us subhumans to masturbate over?

>> No.12146681,393 [INTERNAL] 

Nah your mom's busy today

>> No.12146681,394 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gay.

>> No.12146681,395 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,396 [INTERNAL] 

Show me your boy butt baby

>> No.12146681,397 [INTERNAL] 

I love Dragon Quest ;_;

>> No.12146681,398 [INTERNAL] 

>emotionally stunted
>intellectual equals
You are fucking stupid.

>> No.12146681,399 [INTERNAL] 

deal with it manchild

>> No.12146681,400 [INTERNAL] 

Does this ever happen IRL? This anal stage thing I mean.

>> No.12146681,401 [INTERNAL] 

no dude freud was literally a crackhead

>> No.12146681,402 [INTERNAL] 

Freud was literally right about everything

>> No.12146681,403 [INTERNAL] 

He was discredited by everyone.

>> No.12146681,404 [INTERNAL] 

Discredited by feminists who hated the concept of penis envy.

>> No.12146681,405 [INTERNAL] 

>dfw had to do a presentation on Freud back in high school and I said penis in front of the entire class

>> No.12146681,406 [INTERNAL] 

I remember being in the fifth grade and masturbating to the thought of fourth graders looking at pictures of genitals in their science books.

I still had the book from last year and it was really lewd. It was probably the first time those lolis would see drawn sexual organs and hear the teacher talk about lewd things. What if the teacher asked a loli to read it for the class? She would feel so embarrassed. I remember lolis complaining about boys looking at the drawn vaginas in the book.

That's why I was so excited when I entered fifth grade. The younger lolis were so innocent, but I knew they would have a brief sex education class at some point. A curious loli would probably skim through the book and see the lewd pictures before she is supposed to. Isn't that really lewd? I bet some lolis would masturbate looking at the pictures. And shy lolis would pretend to be sick that day just to avoid having to read the lewd text and say embarrassing words in front of everyone.

>> No.12146681,407 [INTERNAL] 


>I remember being in the fifth grade and masturbating to the thought of fourth graders looking at pictures of genitals in their science books.

That would be the last thing on a fifth grade boys mind. I am sure you are just remembering a memory and warping it to a sexual tone. Isn't that how all those loli manga artists come up with their scripts? We didn't get sex ed until 7th or 8th grade all that happened was the girls were giggling at the teacher explaining stuff. All the guys kept quiet and were disgusted. Well of course except for Chad, who tried to steal attention away from the teacher.

>> No.12146681,408 [INTERNAL] 

I never said I was a normal fifth grader. I realized that nobody else thought it was mindblowing.

>> No.12146681,409 [INTERNAL] 

>I never said I was a normal fifth grader.
Perhaps that's why you're here...

>> No.12146681,410 [INTERNAL] 

>I realized that nobody else thought it was mindblowing.

Just please die pls.

>> No.12146681,411 [INTERNAL] 

>I am sure you are just remembering a memory and warping it to a sexual tone.
You can't be sure because it's not true. I clearly remember being a "mindblowing" pervert in the fifth grade.

>Isn't that how all those loli manga artists come up with their scripts?

>We didn't get sex ed until 7th or 8th grade all that happened was the girls were giggling at the teacher explaining stuff.
You didn't learn about reproduction in the fourth grade? I find it hard to believe. Open one of your old books and you will find a couple of pages with drawn dicks and vaginas. You probably skipped that day and didn't even study for the test.

>> No.12146681,412 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis are not as perverted as boys and not every boy is a fetishist freak like you.

>> No.12146681,413 [INTERNAL] 


I remember, I think. This is the series of books that covered that stuff. No drawn reproductive stuff here. 1 Teacher can only cover so many subjects.


>> No.12146681,414 [INTERNAL] 


oh and then there is the McGraw-hill books but those were very sciencey about how the Earth worked.

>> No.12146681,415 [INTERNAL] 

Boys are fucking gross, annoying, and useless. I hate that I only have 1 loli cousin and the rest of my younger cousins are all boys.

>> No.12146681,416 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,417 [INTERNAL] 


You know what to do ;-)

>> No.12146681,418 [INTERNAL] 

Play truth or dare!

>> No.12146681,419 [INTERNAL] 

pic and timestamp of lolis playing together

>> No.12146681,420 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when you try to discreetly take a picture but the shutter noise is still on

>> No.12146681,421 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a new meme?

>> No.12146681,422 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when taking pictures of random lolis is illegal
What if the loli is really cute and I will kill myself if I never see her again? What's wrong with taking a picture?

The worst part is how a loli's parents would make her feel "raped" if she consented to be photographed, just so they can have an excuse to throw you in jail for liking little girls.

>> No.12146681,423 [INTERNAL] 

You're fucking crazy dude, god damn warosuko is going to end up closing down the W because you queers turned it into your pedophile circlejerk.

>> No.12146681,424 [INTERNAL] 

That's part of their plan?

Loli memers are the new janny shills.

>> No.12146681,425 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuko has absolutely no standards for warosu whatsoever. You could probably run a child rape ring out of it and nothing would happen.

>> No.12146681,426 [INTERNAL] 

Lurk more newfag.

>> No.12146681,427 [INTERNAL] 

Why do lolis giggle so much?

>> No.12146681,428 [INTERNAL] 

They want dick

>> No.12146681,429 [INTERNAL] 

Lolis hate dicks

>> No.12146681,430 [INTERNAL] 

Really? Your mom loved mine during her tender years

>> No.12146681,431 [INTERNAL] 


All right, which one of you fuckers did this?

>> No.12146681,432 [INTERNAL] 

Is he in jail?

>> No.12146681,433 [INTERNAL] 

Me mum was never a loli you retard pedo

>> No.12146681,434 [INTERNAL] 

Dude if you fucked my mom when she was a loli you must be old as HECK

Of course you didn't though, don't involve my family in your pedoqueer fantasies please

>> No.12146681,435 [INTERNAL] 

hey guys, check out this cp


>> No.12146681,436 [INTERNAL] 

Woah, hot!!

>> No.12146681,437 [INTERNAL] 

don't click fbi

>> No.12146681,438 [INTERNAL] 

So you admit your mom is really a dude.

>> No.12146681,439 [INTERNAL] 

Uhm, same IP. It's a screamer.

>> No.12146681,440 [INTERNAL] 

goddamn you got me on /ota/ and now you got me here again

>> No.12146681,441 [INTERNAL] 

how can a jpg be a screamer

>> No.12146681,442 [INTERNAL] 

Custom 404 page for the domain that's a screamer? (I'm not sure if you can do this with images so any web otaku please help me out)

>> No.12146681,443 [INTERNAL] 

Only one of those is me, gaymo.

>> No.12146681,444 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,445 [INTERNAL] 

thanks noscript

>> No.12146681,446 [INTERNAL] 

Does it bother anyone else that 4chan uses a domain similar to the Facebook domain to store images? Facebook's is fbcdn and 4chan's is 4cdn.

What's the point of a seperate domain to host images? Are the images stored on these servers constantly being reviewed by the government looking for illegal or terrorist activities?

>> No.12146681,447 [INTERNAL] 

It's a content delivery network domain. Many big sites use a similar naming scheme. Facebook wasn't the first.

>> No.12146681,448 [INTERNAL] 


>he Akron mother created a Facebook profile picture showing her 13-year-old daughter, Ava, with a red “X” across her mouth, followed by the words “I do not know how to keep my (mouth shut). I am no longer allowed on Facebook or my phone. Please ask why. My mom says I have to answer everyone that asks.

>> No.12146681,449 [INTERNAL] 

Stupid loli got humiliated

>> No.12146681,450 [INTERNAL] 

Retarded borderline loli got REKT

>> No.12146681,451 [INTERNAL] 

Now everyone knows she has a butt.

>> No.12146681,452 [INTERNAL] 

>well, imo a 13 year old kid dosen't need a fb account. to answer your question, no. you should take care of your business and discipline your children, without everyone all in your business
>myspace used to be for 13 year old girls
>modern myspace is now so ingrained in normie culture that it's something 13 year old girls shouldn't be allowed to have

>> No.12146681,453 [INTERNAL] 

>The Akron mother created a Facebook profile picture showing her 13-year-old daughter, Ava, with a red “X” across her vertical gluteal crease, followed by the words “I do not know how to keep my (asshole shut). I am no longer allowed to wear clothes. Please ask why. My mom says I have to give a buttjob to everyone that asks.

>> No.12146681,454 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12146681,455 [INTERNAL] 

What did she even do to deserve that? She probably embarrassed her slut mother in some way.

>> No.12146681,456 [INTERNAL] 


I have a zipper fetish now. Thank you Sextoko.
