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File: 144 KB, 567x800, 477303 - Daikokuten Elona Lulwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12135790 No.12135790 [Reply] [Original]

"I play it for the plot."

Previous thread: >>12119864

Elona+ pastebin, courtesy of /vg/'s roguelike general: http://pastebin.com/bAsNMaBk (hasn't been updated since February)

/jp/ music pack from archive (may not work with more recent maps): https://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11312711/

>> No.12135811
File: 654 KB, 826x1049, 30919456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I play it for the little sisters.

>> No.12135958


Monster girl sprite sheet for 1.37. rename to character.bmp and overwrite the one in your graphics folder.

>> No.12135972
File: 579 KB, 1280x768, jackpot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop sexualizing the Black Angel.

>> No.12135992


>> No.12135994

Someone go to a moongate. The first option should be a broken-text with the word (test) in it; are they actually fixing the gates now? I've never seen it before and the NPC interaction is different from other maps.

>> No.12136019

I don't see it.

>> No.12136020
File: 172 KB, 384x364, welcometodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three five head gods in one room
>All buffed by Fury
It is times like there where i am so happy I carry around a change creature rod because wow

fuck handling this normally

>> No.12136031
File: 173 KB, 1281x769, NOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some days you just know you don't want to go into any dungeons.

>> No.12136032

What's that "147/147"?

>> No.12136042

My stamina.

>> No.12136061
File: 390 KB, 805x603, yerlesowned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally took down Yerleswood, though I feel more like my pet's pet rather than the PC.

>> No.12136085

I've been training myself up without my pets along, as soon as I take them they start butchering everything since one's got the cMetal bit and the other has the cArmor bit and uses boost.

>> No.12136090

I originally went in with my Element Dragon and Android, but the former got minced as soon as she took one step near him.

>> No.12136100

I've got a pro-jet and android with me currently, though I happened to have a level 104 monster ball and -almost- killed a bell of termination... so that should be fun.

>> No.12136101

He pretty much ignores defense, so the only luck I had tanking him before was with a genetically modified bell of termination with a bunch of PV equipment. That was a while ago, though.

>> No.12136105

Believe it or not, DV helped me tons in this battle. He only hit me about 1/10 times, which reduced my health to about 200/5000. Between that, I just healed and acted as a support for my android.

I've never used the pro-jet personally. How is she? A more durable bell?

>> No.12136111
File: 2 KB, 128x192, up3106_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seem to remember someone trying before, but by the time you get her she's really low level, and doesn't really come with anything unique that would justify using her. God pets have the advantage of having some unique support stuff that helps out even if their skills are much lower than what you can dominate.

>> No.12136125

She's basically a melee bell (You need to give her hands) that uses Shadow Step a fair amount. Not a bad pet, but it really depends on how quickly you get her since she's only level 15.

If you can get a bell of termination there's no point to using her. Unless you want to have a tiny maid-shaped bell without just changing the sprite, that is.

>> No.12136172
File: 10 KB, 391x31, Wishtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. Picked it up in some level 120 dungeon just now.

>> No.12136191
File: 5 KB, 49x58, custavergederyshqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play it for fap to the sprites. can't be helped.

I started a new character intending to use the minimum of scumming, I found my first living weapon and so enter into a dilemma. Savescum in living weapons or not?

Living weapons can have like 5% of usefulness without savescumming, that takes away 95% of the utility of these weapons due their addition of enchantment completely random. I started this new character because I savescummed living weapons in the previous character, now I don't know if I should leave them (the weapons) aside because of the unlikely usefulness, or break my initial rule only for this case. wat do

>> No.12136192
File: 160 KB, 637x423, Machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends on what you want to become.

>> No.12136194

I just want to play the game as honest as possible.

>> No.12136199

The game isn't honest. Neither should you

>> No.12136201

Mani should be proud.

>> No.12136203
File: 221 KB, 600x415, Ores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you expressed your devotion to Jure today?

>> No.12136211

B-but i want to be a pure and honest supreme manly God! I bet that whorelord Mani did not use cheating in their progress to become a god.

>> No.12136215
File: 167 KB, 667x455, Stardust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying, I'm not going to be honest in the least whenever I get around to levelling this thing.

I may not cast all that much, but think of the added magic reaction damage.

>> No.12136375

pretty worthless, actually.

think about it: the average enemy is going to have roughly as much MP as HP. your single source of MP damage is going to be barely a scratch.

>> No.12136384

Not the same guy, but isn't MP absorb a very brutal enchantment? Here's what the wiki says about the Blood Moon.
>Note that draining an enemy's MP past 0 will cause magic reactions and potentially deal incredible damage. (Tested on sandbagged NPC's, damage constantly increased per hit. Reached 5k damage per hit, still increasing. Unlikely to occur unless against extremely tough opponents during very long fights.)

>> No.12136387

>Unlikely to occur unless against extremely tough opponents during very long fights.

Note also that the testing was done using a sandbag. In a real fight you'd blow through the HP way before MP drain becomes an issue.

>> No.12136400
File: 149 KB, 595x418, Scar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn. Oh well, it was still a fun thought.

How's this thing? Picked it up in a level 130some dungeon last night.

>> No.12136415
File: 409 KB, 806x724, zeorekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i was too spoilered to lose.

>> No.12136437
File: 960 KB, 1350x395, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty great, though you (most likely) won't be able to do artifact fusion with it for more HP or Speed or what have you.
With those resistances, it might still be your best choice.

Also, late-game melee warrior here. Does anyone have any suggestions for boosting my damage to measurable levels, that doesn't rely on just getting pets to do my fighting for me?

>> No.12136452

Also my defense. Really, I just want to know how everyone else can consistently do lv 400+ dungeons in Lost Irva while I can only get through ~200

>> No.12136454


>Sometimes the only thing between an enemy sword and your neck.

Does this mean anything gameplay-wise?

>> No.12136478
File: 38 KB, 1113x32, blessed-oracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12136481


Would you trust a cursed fortune cookie?

>> No.12136488

Maybe. I'll read one of those the next lucky day before I open my new batch of chests in a dungeon.

>> No.12136499

cursed cookies are always false, blessed are always true, regular are a mix of the two.

>> No.12136500

Does critical chance bonus / damage bonus on melee weapons affect ranged ones too? Or does it only apply to melee attacks?

>> No.12136519

Stupid question, is the game online or offline?

>> No.12136521

I don't know about critical bonus, but melee damage bonuses (e.g. ”It deals Chaos Damage") definitely don't affect your ranged bonus.

There's some online components, like death messages and moongate areas, but you play the game by yourself.

>> No.12136524

there's a chat function too, but nobody ever uses it.

>> No.12136528

So I can just play it offline? This summer I won't have a connection for a long period so I need somthing to keep my autism under control.

>> No.12136532

Yes, I used to play it on the train to work. Your autism will have the greatest of workouts on this game.

>> No.12136533

You can, but it will be hard figuring things out by yourself. The wiki is really helpful, especially for a new player.

>> No.12136537

Nah I mean innate damage/hit bonuses, not ones like "It deals X damage", but ones like "It modifies hit bonus by X and damage bonus by x"

>> No.12136539


I have some internet connection but it will be really slow since it's an internet key, I think I can open the wiki from time to time.

>> No.12136540

Oh. Well, I just checked by unequipping my melee weapons, and my range Hit% didn't change at all. It's affected by gloves for sure, though.

>> No.12136544

I should add: I'm using Mournblade (Hit bonus 8, Dmg bonus 5) and Lucky Dagger (Hit bonus 13, Dmg bonus 18). The visible reduction from removing gloves (165%->130%) was caused by its hit bonus of 40. Trying to equip a ranged weapon in my melee weapon slots did nothing for the hit % either.

>> No.12136546

I saw someone typing hi the other day

>> No.12136555

Those are some pretty good stats. What equipment are you using?

>> No.12136562

How much do I need to invest on a magic vendor to start seeing potions of potential?

>> No.12136579
File: 337 KB, 1063x387, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find a material kit

>> No.12136690

Once I found it at rank 65 shop.

>> No.12136761

Generally you want to get above rank 150.

>> No.12136811

Is there a way to change living weapon type? Wiki says about rerolling with superior material scroll but will i get a living weapon out of that or just random miracle equipment? Bronze shortbow is a pain to even level up as a stat stick, any combat use is totally impossible.

>> No.12136844

You have to use material kits. And for the bow, I'd suggest just slapping it in your main hand and your actual weapon in your offhand. It'll slowly get kills, and you can get it to a reasonable level with not too much effort.

>> No.12136850

What exactly does the "the enemy dies" attribute again?

>> No.12136852

I'd like to get into Elona again but I don't really have the time to grind. Is Overdose mode fun and balanced or is the game clearly superior in normal mode?

>> No.12136878

Ah I just used it in Palmia. -100 Karma.

>> No.12136893

So material kit can change shortbow into something better, like a sword? I guess i can try using it as a melee weapon on my pets to level it up, but wouldn't it be useless if bow in main hand will just scratch while weapon in offhand kill?

>> No.12136896

Oh, no, nevermind. Misread your question. It's gonna be a shortbow forever, sorry.

It'll be pretty shitty, but it will get kills slowly and will gain XP. The other option is to dualwield tonfas for +dam and +acc and go clear out dungeons by plinking things to death.

>> No.12136908

Damn, well i guess it will make alright reading\perfoming stick, thanks for answers.

>> No.12136931

btw what is tonfas now? Is it a shield or a weapon?

>> No.12136956

It's a "shield" that counts as being unarmed. You can't shieldbash(?) with it but for the purposes of dual wielding and casting the game considers your arm empty

>> No.12136966
File: 313 KB, 679x407, equips2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overdose is basically a jump-start to your early game, since you skip about 75-100 hours of grinding. However, you pretty much hit the same cap as everyone else late game due to the potential cap. I'd recommend regular mode for the original experience, but it's up to you.

I occasionally check and use chat to see if anyone still uses that feature.

Primary hand is a living weapon. I'm trying to find a replacement for my Zantetsu right now, since it's the only lightweight long sword I can find right now. Can't even find a Moonlight, sadly. Also stacking up on Tokens of Friendship to hopefully get gifted a Five Horned Helmet.

>> No.12136993

How's Garok's Hammer? Not sure buy it or not.

>> No.12137003

Backup your save game, buy it, try it.

>> No.12137035

When save/load isn't enough.

>> No.12137042

Guess I'm not the only one who does this

>> No.12137089

If you save scum the short bow, you can use it to stack something like tactics, two hand, or dual wield to increase the damage you do in your hand slots. It's also useful to put other skills like literacy on them, so you don't have to worry as much about having to use a big pile of equipment with those enchants on every time you need to do something challenging with the skill.

Enchants on tonfa and claws also seem to be added to damage now, rather than going to DV/PV.

>> No.12137226

Can I change my character's appearance after creation?

>> No.12137237

Yea, press c then p.

>> No.12137238



>> No.12137279
File: 678 KB, 1280x768, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speed is king, right?

>> No.12137455

You see 7 mana you raf hard.

>> No.12137461
File: 333 KB, 480x780, 27178009_p1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like bullying Jure with junk stones.

Trying to figure out what the heck you are trying to accomplish there. Is it health equipment on a golem?Is there a reason why none of it is enchanted?

>> No.12137471

I started a new character and was wondering which thing I should pick first out of the heir trunk.

>> No.12137483
File: 305 KB, 700x945, ae3c85a0575c86d8b0bcfda4f785beda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More like bullying Jure with junk stones.
There's no human value in the god's land. Silly human think he can bully his own lord.

>> No.12137485

Yeah, probably the 7L boots for the +10 speed boost then. After that, probably weapon then armor.

>> No.12137500
File: 155 KB, 640x640, a095157d13ca3de4c2c023ea14de5a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're strong enough to slay the gods, you've earned the right to bully them.

>> No.12137706
File: 198 KB, 800x598, 12122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should take it home.

>> No.12137708

You just a bully.

>> No.12137724
File: 422 KB, 693x1300, 27939502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not as bad as backing up your file, dropping stuff on the floor, and then pasting your inventory back into the save.

Also, all this Jure bullying. So mean.

>> No.12137804
File: 592 KB, 600x561, 32049511_m_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a little late, but I'm mostly a melee fighter as well. It'd probably be helpful if you picked up another hand or two from Gavela, which would allow you to dual wield and use extra shields or tonfa when necessary. If you use the Otogiri on your 3rd hand or higher and use weapons on the other hands with light equipment weight, it removes the dual wield casting penalty entirely. Abusing buffs with magic enhancement items really helps too. Putting the Vital slayer in your shoot spot can really improve your Cure of Jua healing, which is almost necessary later on.

More Jure bullying.

Probably should have mentioned that starting as a golem, it's almost better to ignore your personal speed for a while and pick up riding as soon as possible. Even with the boots and speed rings, it'd be rough to finish North Tyris so you can make it to the AP shop.

I'm wondering about AP gain in 1.37, though. I haven't tried a new character, and apparently they changed how AP is gained to have something to do with the new INI value.

Food makers and processors are alright, but apparently barbecue sets are better for cooking according to the quality list. No idea why this is. They are decent furniture, even if they're slightly worse for cooking.

>> No.12137812

> Does anyone have any suggestions for boosting my damage to measurable levels, that doesn't rely on just getting pets to do my fighting for me?

Get more arms,regularly try to eat herbed food,hog as MUCH of the "It increases your chance of extra melee attack" #####+ equipment as possible,spam the hell out of Hero and/or consider using things with Pierce

Doing 2 or 3 of those things will probably get you doing decently against generics sans maybe some of the crazier ones like a Nyarthlatep but bosses are a lost hope without putting in a hundred hours.

I wanna be an asshole for a bit though and say that the melee game is something you really should let your pets handle. It's a long painful road and in Elona+ your PC is clearly meant to just hang back and simply let one of his 400-500 speed pets whack away while you occasionally heal them and maybe piss off the enemy a bit while standing behind your pets.

>> No.12137816


>> No.12137820

What about if I like shooting things?

>> No.12137824

Is there a disadvantage to having heavy armor over medium or light? The wiki doesn't really go into detail on the armor skill pages. I have enough strength to become a walking tank, but I'm not sure if there's a hidden penalty to running around in plate mail with kite shields.

>> No.12137827

That font looks really nice. Can I ask what it is and how did you changed it?

>> No.12137832

Casting success takes a 20% penalty in heavy armor, and a shield adds to it even more. If you don't want to cast 24/7, only drawback is burden.

>> No.12137836

Rubynus gloves are your friend for accuracy bonuses. Pick whatever gun you like, and make sure to have a tank.

>> No.12137867
File: 69 KB, 453x236, Tonfa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd been ignoring the workshop thanks to inherited gear, but then I went and took a look at the Tonfa they had in stock, and...

>> No.12137876

Why such cut damage? My tonfa doesn't have it.

>> No.12137880

I've been rolling for that attribute or the magic damage reflection for a while at the dome, lucky.

>> No.12137881

Randomly generated bonus attribute.
Kinda like how cloaks/wings can be generated with 'deals magic damage to the magic attacker' or body pieces can be generated with 'deals cut damage', etc.

>> No.12137887
File: 143 KB, 700x800, 1260773885661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just updated to Elona+ but now my custom sprites aren't working any more and most of my characters are invisible. I just extracted Elona+ 1.37 into my normal Elona folder, with backup of course.

Anyone know why? I still have things labeled pcc_body_3 and such.

Please respond

>> No.12137895

What did you edit/mod before moving into 1.37?

>> No.12137922

I don't quite remember, I haven't played Elona in a long time. But nothing too serious, I just remember adding in extra sprites and NPCs

I remember for custom multi-direction sprites, you just go in elona/graphic and post it to the pcc_[part]_[next#], this doesn't seem to work anymore though

Also my shape change command comes up with Failed to get WINDOW ID

>> No.12137928

If you're doing ranged stuff only, using tonfas, claws, and whatever else that increases your ranged damage can be pretty fun. You can save scum marksman onto something and get some nice improvements, since at level 10 you get about +46 on one wep.

There's a new folder that the pcc sprites are contained in, since they've split up the old sprites from the new versions. New sprites go in the PCCs folder inside the graphics folder. The old sprites were designed to be viewed with a reduced size, and that's probably why they're sometimes resized badly. Sprites can be set to be viewed as "Full-size" in the in-game graphics settings.

This problem might be cause by the "use Windows dialog box" thing, not something to do with your sprites.

The line in config text that does that reads like:

msg_box. "0" 0=windows message box 1=original message box

If it's set to 1, you might get an error. Try that first.

>> No.12137930

But It's precious item. I would never bought mine if I knew that it can be so different.

>> No.12137931

Umm, excuse me, but we didn't give you permission to use our pasta. Please remove it from your threads as soon as possible.

>> No.12137934

Drop the old one, buy the new one, pick up the old one and watch as it transforms into something else.

>> No.12137940


>> No.12137953

>watch it transforms into useless garbage

>> No.12137957

Well what else are you gonna do with it?

Yeah, that's not happening. Who is "we" anyways?

>> No.12137960

Is it imposiburu to adjust volume?

>> No.12137963

>courtesy of /vg/'s roguelike general

>> No.12137965

Please don't fall for the bait.

>> No.12137981

ZANTETSU. It's perfect! Same absolute pierce as the Pile Driver but as a long sword. Thank you very much! I'm going to lose my double-stamina drain powered Prayer of Jure, but it's been getting weaker as I've levelled, and I'm using Cure of Jure recently.
Also I still haven't come across the Twin Edge during my 315+ hour game... I'll have to check the Dome to see if i accidentally lost it or something.

I already regularly eat herbed food, have a somewhat leveled Hero spell, and will soon be using Zantetsu. I'm fine with everything sans Lv 400+ dungeon bosses, awakened dungeons past level 200, and seven headed gods.
I'm stronger than all of my pets (though I need to ride Lityou/Mra for the speed boost), I just don't want to Astral Light Pen a void monster or Lost Irva Tour Planner.

>> No.12137989
File: 346 KB, 1425x1050, 1280677578209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This helped and I fixed the sprites
Thanks dude

>> No.12137991

That's good, but did the shape change work too? Or was the problem just the dialog box?

>> No.12138012
File: 503 KB, 710x500, 23992046_p5_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no ingame way, which is a real problem with custom music sometimes, since you actually have to modify the files if they're too quiet and re-encode them. The game at least needs a way to change the volume of the sound effects and music individually. This will probably never be done unless the java port is finished in a decade or so.

I actually can't remember if it was possible before, but nothing in the void works with the Astral Pen now. Awakened dungeon enemies and stuff in the Cradle don't work either. It also doesn't seem to work on anything that is normally able to be dominated now. Couple this with the version 1.37 Panic quest change that won't let you dominate the monsters, and your high level choices get extremely limited.

>> No.12138023
File: 188 KB, 600x800, 1280436689043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I changed it to 0 and it's working now too

And do you know how one can toggle if your equipment is visible or not? I know it's possible but I forget how.

>> No.12138038

You have to go someplace with a dresser. Use it and you can either dress yourself up nice, or show your equips.

Someone mentioned last thread one of the last reliable ways to get a high level pet dominated, was to level up your summon spirit spell.

>> No.12138046

What's this about being able to change your class feat by changing your class name?

>> No.12138049
File: 180 KB, 600x800, 1280435766773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again

>> No.12138053

Mistyped my captcha and left it, so someone answered first, but if you're looking for a dresser, there's one in the king's bedroom in Palmia. You can find of buy them occasionally wherever you can get furniture.

The problem with this is that the level that you need to get the spell to for this to work is next to impossible to get, since you can only get the spell from wonder scrolls or dreams.

They aren't real feats, and are attached to the actual class name. So you can change the name with a business card and get the feat attached to that name. The name has to be in lowercase to work. This also means that you might lose whatever feat you had if you change it to another custom name, but haven't tried it myself.

>> No.12138066

It has to be lowercase? The default class names granted by the game have a capital at the beginning.

>> No.12138081

As far as I know, yes. But it capitalizes them on your charsheet when you look at it after changing it. Business cards aren't that tough to get, so it'd be easy to double-check.

>> No.12138091

Ah, I see. I've been torn between the Gunner/Predator/Thief bonuses, myself.

>> No.12138095

Most people seem to like warmage, since it helps a lot if you're trying to keep medium armor for the magic boost special action and stop your casting from failing too often. 92% seems like a lot, but damn it seems to fail half the time. Failure can be a huge problem if you're dealing with stuff that can almost 1 hit you each time, and you need to get a cure spell off.

>> No.12138149

I have a few questions:
1) Is money useful in the long run?
1.1) If it is, should I bother picking up most of the pickupable stuff and selling it?
2) Which is the best mode to play? I've been playing Natural as that seems to be the most natural (he he) for a roguelike.
3) I like making my characters very specialized, is it possible to make one of my characters great at two handed hammers for example and mediocre at everything else?


>> No.12138152

Yes, it is. Stock it up as much as you can.

Yes, because you could find a rare item that looks no different from a regular one.

Natural is fine.

Yes, though they will level up proficiency in other weapons, albeit very slowly.

>> No.12138162

Thanks. By proficiency do you mean potential? And also, are there certain item types that I shouldn't sell? I'm not sure if smithing is a thing, but I've been saving the ores I find in case it is.

>> No.12138186

Yeah, potential is what I meant.

As for the ores, you should stockpile them for either giving them to Jure/Opatos later on, or refining them for better value for pets or you to sell.

>> No.12138241
File: 573 KB, 951x813, 42188048_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's almost better to ignore your personal speed for a while and pick up riding as soon as possible.
Nah. I don't like to be dependent on allies for such basic things like speed. I'll grind myself retarded if I have to.

Check the config.txt in your Elona folder and look for (font). There is one for japanese and one for english. I'm using Palatino Linotype.

>> No.12138961
File: 348 KB, 806x724, zem points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ensemble seems to be damn crazy for tickets.

>> No.12138972

I'm thinking on transforming my pure warrior into a mage, i can't get through lv200 dungeons. Anyone have tips?

>> No.12139012
File: 534 KB, 1280x768, Valus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late game player reporting in. Been playing off and on over the years. When I began playing I decided to go with a ranged character but later picked up magic. Here are my observations for late game.

- Magic is absolutely essential and I wished I picked it up earlier. While you can use magic to deal damage the main reason why you need it is for the buffs, healing, and utility it brings to the table. Teleport has saved my ass so many times when fighting dungeon bosses. Just teleport away and heal up(Spell/Rest). Create Wall is useful for creating a hallway to fight powerful creatures one at a time. 4-d pocket I use to store all the stuff I don't want to carry with the added perk that food stored in the 4-d pocket doesn't ever spoil. Hero and Holy Shield are nice buffs and holy light is absolutely essential because it removes hexes. Seriously, I can't imagine how anyone can do any of the 200+ lv dungeons without magic...

- Best way to get gold I found is just doing high level dungeons. Eventually they'll give you almost a million gold each time you clear a high enough level dungeon. Also, dungeon clearing is great for getting gold medals which I use primarily to buy those hermes potions for speed. Sometimes you may find potions of upperspeed in them too.

- Best source of exp later on imo are panic quests. The monsters in them are pretty much boss levels meaning that when you complete one you should be well on your way to your next level if you picked a panic quest that is sufficiently hard but still doable.

- Herbs are one way to keep your stat potentials up but for the most part I just rely on potions of potential. I just stack potions of potential I find from dungeons or on vendors and bless the stack. Consuming 3-4 of them usually puts all my stat potentials to superb because because a blessed potion of potential actually affects all your stats instead of just one.

- Completing quests is how I farm platinum coins with some panic quests giving me 10 on finish.

>> No.12139030
File: 110 KB, 572x337, Steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone up there likes me.
Thank you, based cloth material kit.

>> No.12139112

Does not give ability to see the invisible 2/10

>> No.12139138

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.12139424

Just realized that any ranged weapons in hand weapon slots will train blunt weapon proficiency.

Now I remember having realized this before, don't seems to be something normal, though.

Also, I did some tests and it seems that getting AP now has an essential relation with the level of the opponent, the power factor (status) is no longer uniqe dominant, the difference between the levels is a simple feature that will prevent you from getting AP even if the attributes of the opponent is sufficiently larger than yours. With my "tests" I realized that difference of levels should be 15 between you and the adversary, even with all the conditions for you to earn AP, if the creature has less than 15 levels of difference compared to your PC, you will not get AP at all. Having 15 levels of difference seems does not ensure you get AP too. With a level 15 character defeating an enemy level 43/46 with higher general stats and INI, for some reason did not provide me any AP. I tried to understand some determinant variable for this to happen, but there seems no. Even monsters with a level and stats many similiar, almost identical, sometimes one them gives you AP and the other don't for some reason that don't seem to be obvious.

This INI system seems to sucks and fucked up gain AP.

>> No.12139446

The Elona+ wiki has information on how AP is gained. For the most part it feels correct. I'm not gaining as much AP anymore due to how much speed I have and can only get AP from very high level monsters of certain types such as bells and red caps.


>> No.12139456
File: 352 KB, 806x632, Gargling Semen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That it trains blunt weapon proficiency should be expected I suppose, but does it still use the relevant ranged skill for the melee attack? So would hitting something with a shotgun still use the firearm skill for deciding the attack's accuracy/damage modifiers, or does it use blunt weapon skill for that?

>> No.12139636

I dunno, but it seems that no skill in particular influences the damage. So it does not seem a good idea to use them exclusively, but it is a good way to train blunt since the damage depends entirely on the weapon used.

Oh, yes, the wiki covers much about the AP. Just doing tests because the gain of AP looks very nerfed in current updates. 30 hours on a new character in level 17 with only 3 AP. Can't effectively accumulate them, even in dungeons with 2 times my level and speed.

>> No.12139671

Wait, not only blunt, dual and two hand can also be trained more easily in this way.

>> No.12139686

The AP gains changes in 1.37, and it doesn't seem that the wiki has been updated since no one that has figured it out has written it down yet. He's talking about the new INI stat that's up at the top of your character sheet, which influences whether you get AP from your target or not.

Pretty sure it still treats damage and to-hit modifiers as blunt, and uses tactics instead of marksman. Same thing with using a hand slot item in your shoot slot, which uses throwing instead. The range damage/to-hit modifiers are different for a melee wep compared to a normal throwing wep like a stone or panties, though.

>> No.12139881
File: 214 KB, 798x600, 12121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New member of elite lewd kunoichi brigade.

>> No.12139943
File: 14 KB, 336x96, Ojou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolve that young lady as soon as possible. Greater potion throwing is really nice compared to her normal stuff. The other diary girl evos are kind of weak, although the dog sister's charge attack can be useful. You can get a King heart in South Tyris fairly easily, which will get your catsister an extra +50 life stat as well.

If you don't have a little girl for your group, you might want to consider wishing for ally once you get near 50. The little girl evolution uses cheer, which is nice since it will work on your character. You also get the choice between an that uses the Punishment hex that you get hit with when you change gods, or the Rain of Sanity special action, which is invaluable against a large group of Yith. Unfortunately, they don't start with the casting skill, so even a wished for little girl that's higher level will start with casting at 1 after being engineered.

>> No.12139996

Actually, not sure that they get punishment anymore. When the evos were first added, they acted a bit weird. I did use a magic heart little girl for in later versions after I saw this, but I don't remember her using it again. Not sure about the valkyrie, but it doesn't mention any other SAs on the jp wiki besides cheer.

>> No.12140121

> Some easy starts are [...] Elea Wizard

Is this guide fucking with me?

>> No.12140173

Just spam your magic dart easy.

>> No.12140192
File: 165 KB, 600x850, 1280435810724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to do during "Sleep Sharing?"

help I don't know how to sex

>> No.12140246
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Also this ugly satan keep healing himself. Is he gona run out of mana?

>> No.12140256
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Nothing can help him anyway.

>> No.12140267

Don't forget to kill the kid and take his sword.

>> No.12140280
File: 399 KB, 799x600, 12121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, he was kinda annoying.

>> No.12140285

Where's all the treasures?

>> No.12140290
File: 344 KB, 801x601, wasn't even at full health beforehand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elea are great.

>> No.12140296

What was your MP at?

>> No.12140301

You mean neither of them dropped equips?

>> No.12140303

It was at -380 or so, I'd been training heal spells and magic capacity.

I was just reading easy spellbooks while it regenerated, so didn't think I had anything to worry about, but tried to read domination by accident. My magic capacity is 37.

>> No.12140308
File: 378 KB, 578x833, 253b23f75c7e5dc06fd9b5018b25de7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not enough/

>> No.12140314

Oh, that's pretty good then.
I generally find the casting chance bonus from warmage useful, but such a great safety net for overcasting seems nice. It's better then having to grind up Magic Capacity.

Quit complaining, Timmy. Both the precious weapons they dropped should serve you pretty well if you fight melee. Unless you don't use sword/scythe. Oh well.

>> No.12140328

It also makes magic capacity (and will) significantly easier to grind, since the experience is based on how far into negative MP you are, and you can get a lot further into negative MP as an Elea.

>> No.12140355

What you talking about? I was going such long road to this stupid and there's not even a single treasure chest, ridiculous.

>> No.12140369

Oh, just get a Chain long bow (great), 2203 gold, a Spellbook of Chaos eye, and a a raw ore of mika and rubynus, and pretend they were from the chest or something.

>> No.12140370

If tearing open the body of a grown man to find a little kid appear, and then cracking open the kid's skull to find a neat sword inside DON'T excite you like treasure, then I don't know what I can do to help.

>> No.12140394

>potential cap.

Potential what now? When does this happen?

>> No.12140409

He means that you have to find a way to keep your potential high just like the normal game. In overdrive mode or whatever you blitz your potentials to 1% because skills/stats increase so fast and they just stay there until you can consistently find potions of potential or herbs, just like the normal game.

>> No.12140488

>neat sword
Swords are for kids though
Real men use their fistsbacked up by Tonfas

>> No.12140601
File: 78 KB, 600x562, 1260772417242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using Squeeze on a pet at Soul Mate or above while on a bed causes them to have sex with you
>Wake up with a Blood of (Pet) on the bed

>> No.12140651
File: 2 KB, 48x48, chara_211_05_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if anyone was interested in this the last time I posted it up, but here's a few custom graphics sheets that can mostly be dumped in the Graphics folder. The ones that can't are the Gimp .xcf originals that are included. So if you hate some of the effects or sprite used on the big sheets, the .xcf are layered so you can disable individual items. There are some alternates too, but it's not an easy task to go through the whole tree to find stuff. The character sheet in particular has a lot of alternates, and I never finished separating it into individual sprites for stuff I only had one alternate for. It's actually easier to keep track of alternates that way than by using the chara_ or new item_ user folder replacements.


Once you get enough MP and HP, grinding magic capacity gets a lot easier. I had one pope robe with some bonus capacity, and I've gone to over 100 in the skill just casting stuff until I'm out of MP, then cure of jua until I get near dead. I've gotten as low as -23k MP so far.

If you could use martial arts to attack as many times as you had hands, it would be better. Dual wielding stuff usually has an advantage otherwise.

Tentacles on the black cat seems to be a theme.

>> No.12140663

Oh, forgot to mention it was actually updated with the stuff I use now, so it's not just all old garbage. Mostly imported sprites on the item sheet and effect animations.

>> No.12140670

I like everything, but the new item sprites really are hard to get used to.

>> No.12140675
File: 304 KB, 798x598, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary place.

>> No.12140676

Yeah, most of the reason that I replaced everything I could was because of that. Once you play for a really long time, you get so tired of looking at the same stuff. I've seen sprites I picked out and got excited for a second when I didn't know what the item was yet. Sounds kind of silly, but it breathes new life into the game just having something different.

>> No.12140679
File: 427 KB, 600x600, 1340068545870_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little girls evolved with an another heart and then magic heart really help in maps like the Test Site and other Yith dominated maps because of their Rain of Sanity spam. It'd be nice if there was something else that used it, but I can't think of anything that does.

>> No.12140710

Is prostituition the best/quickest way to improve charisma? Because whoring myself out seems to be pretty lucrative.

>> No.12140717
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Jure will save me if things will get worse anyway.

miracle/10 BGM level.

>> No.12140734
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>> No.12140763
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10 change creature charges wasted.

>> No.12140849

My helmet has that.
My other ring also has ranged [#####+]
Feels good.
I know, as if the ring wasn't already good enough by itself.

>> No.12140859

How can I change my god? I'm trying to press Enter, O or P on an altar but it just says "You don't believe in God".
Do I need higher faith?

>> No.12140864

Capital O or P? You should be able to worship a god at any level.

>> No.12140867
File: 91 KB, 410x410, 33758905_p13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it an Altar of <God Name> or just a blank altar? If you're not aligned with a god you can't use unclaimed altars.

>> No.12140868

are you at the truce ground?
try "i"nterracting or using one of the altars there.

>> No.12140870


I've been trying both of them. Capital P actually doesn't stand for anything now that I tried it out.


Yeah, it's probably unclaimed. I tried to use the one in Noyel and Palmia.

>> No.12140871

Yeah, go to Truce Ground for a claimed altar, and pray there.

>> No.12140874 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 48x96, 1400913896685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yeah. To the best of my knowledge those two altars are unclaimed.
Though there's a Jure altar in Noyel in the 12th month. You can convert from another god with no penalty and also get a Jure body pillow.

>> No.12140883

I seen It somewhere that only highest chance of additional attack+class feat stacks.

>> No.12140887

Hmm. Is that for sure?

>> No.12140889

I've seen loong time ago, in basic elona discussion so things could have changed of course.

>> No.12140893

This calls for some sandbagging.

>> No.12140900
File: 479 KB, 806x724, economics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be some real fucking curry and godly parfait to cost more than a rod of domination.

>> No.12140903

Not true. Those additional attacks stack individual from each other.

>> No.12140904

I think I sold a plate of fish for like 15k or something near that.

>> No.12140913

I very often sell muskmelon grand parfaits for like 15k or more. I get about three or four of them at a time, it's nice.

>> No.12140914

You guys are selling these inside a shop, not a shopkeeper, right?

>> No.12140917

I really should update to the newer versions of Elona+
I've been hanging out on 1.15 because I enjoy messing around with Living Weapons too much.

>> No.12140922

Shopkeeper, until recently. I only got my shop up and running as of like, yesterday, because I didn't feel like tracking down a decent pet for it. I just used to sell them to the magic vendor in my home, and buy potions of potential and wonder scrolls when she'd run out of money, rinse and repeat.

My gardening and cooking skills are through the roof.

>> No.12140952

I tried to use a sox, and the special damage, to my disappointment, doesn't work. Well, we have the response message from the effect, but doesn't cause the status effect really. sad

I think I'll do the classic way and catch a sweet pantie of some noble for my comfort.

>> No.12140964

Hope you didn't throw that sox away, or you'll be crying a whole lot a while later.

>> No.12140990

Is there any easy way to get an instrument?

>> No.12140995

You can find a horn in the graveyard in front of Lumiest.

>> No.12141002

I just woke up and last night I dreamed I was inside the world of Elona.
I was a guy with a large party. (about 9 people) I can't remember all the party members, but I think there were 3 Elea (all male and they looked like the dark elves in Morrowind), 1 crow, 1 duck, 1 goose, and a few humans (some male, some female)

Most of the time we were in front of Vernis somewhere in the Wilderness, we did not fight any monsters though.
One thing that stood out was that I was unsure which one of my party members I should use as a mount. My speed was exactly 32. I tried riding several members to see if my speed went up by a considerable amount, but I was pretty much out of luck.
I also drank a potion which shrunk the size of my body so I was able to ride the crow, the goose and the duck. The best part of the dream was when I tried riding the crow, because I was able to fly up in the sky pretty high. (like 50 meters) Also great was that everything was in first person view and I now have a better feeling for what Tyris what would like in real life. It was pretty and pretty realistic, there were a lot of trees almost everywhere, with a lot of non-hostile wildlife and large mountains in the background.
I also just remembered that while I was flying the crow at one point I saw my body from a thrid person perspective. My character wore glasses, and a black robe. I looked almost like harry potter, but I had a crossbow strapped to my back.

>> No.12141008


Thank you

>> No.12141011

If you start the game as a pianist you'll start off with a piano. Off the top of my head other ways to get instruments include:

Killing bards that will sometimes drop a random instrument.Hope he drops a Stradivarious.

General shops sometimes carry instruments.Try investing in those shops or checking their wares every now and then.

Dungeons sometimes have them laying on the ground as well.

Lastly, quest rewards may give you an instrument.

>> No.12141037

It's probably investing, I usually get at least 1 point of charisma whenever I invest x50 in a new shopkeeper.

>> No.12141067
File: 281 KB, 800x800, 25983735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/24(18) : God Perfection タフオオケォスヨ goes wild with joy, "full plate mail!!" 4 handfuls of salt appear.

>> No.12141123
File: 429 KB, 806x724, pascal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pascal is fucking ridiculous, I got it with no effort and it's provides me with almost 400 speed for free.

>> No.12141165

>The Gentleman Scott Ahern says, "*GIVES BROCCOLI TO DOG*..... DO NOT WANT!!!!!!"
Yeah. One of the reasons I never use the chat feature.

>> No.12141166

He's been being retarded all night long.
5/24(17) : The Gentleman Scott Ahern says, "FAT BITCH YOUR MOM WAS KILLED BY AN AUDIENCE IN YOUR STREET "
5/24(17) : The Gentleman Scott Ahern says, "'YOUR MOMMA SO FAT IT MAKES YOUR SANITY RISE WHEN YOU LOOK AT HER!'"

>> No.12141207
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Thats just unfair.

>> No.12141219


>> No.12141264
File: 69 KB, 415x595, 36657218_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played a Fairy till now and I'm tired of grinding the rare scrolls of flying to get some decent PV out of armor, I want the hidden medium armor feat, which increases the casting chance by 5 percent and I picked some pretty stupid feats over time. I tried a warrior approach, but I can't wrap my head around this playstyle. Magic just seems too powerful and convenient. So I want to roll a new mage.

Should I pick Lich or Elea? The Eleas unique feats sound pretty good, but the Lichs resistances and more mana aren't too shabby either. Is there some good way to raise resistances? I know you can eat corpses and get some, but is it actually possible to pump up all of your resistances this way? I can't decide. What do you lategame players think?

>> No.12141291

Pascal is great for a long time, then you get Lityou and he's even better. Nice mounts are going to be limited now that Panic monsters aren't able to be somined in new versions.

>> No.12141292

Jeez, dunno how that typo happened. The word was supposed to be dominated.

>> No.12141295

Cold and dark res are common as shit on armor.
I'd rather take the ether res,since it's something you cant really get outside of a vindale cloak. The extra overcast can save your bacon too.

>> No.12141296
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Corpses can get you to 'normal' resist or something like that before they stop working. Vesda's corpse is an exception to this, for fire resist only.
Then there's mutations and feats, too.
Oh, and gear resistances.

>> No.12141307

Both Lich and Elea are good choices for a pure mage however I'm more biased towards Elea than Lich. Elea has racial feats that are unique and can't be gotten or compensated for later in the game whereas the resistances of the Lich can.

Having said that though rolling a pure mage at start leads to a harder start. Magic is awesome to be sure and everyone should pick it up as soon as possible but there are two things to keep in mind. 1) magic is a gold sink due to having to reserve and buy books. This can sting while starting out but luckily later on getting gold is trivial. Sure you can farm spellbooks in the puppy caves but no guarantee you'll get the spells you want/need 2) magic spells that do damage do not scale nearly as fast as the damage done by melee(swords, claws, etc) and ranged (bows, guns, etc). It's true though that you can make spells do as much damage as melee and ranged weapons but that requires twice as much time. The utility and healing spells are why you really should pick up magic.

So with that in mind another option is to roll a hybrid such as a Eulderna and some melee/ranged class or roll an Elea and some melee/ranged class. Warmage should be on the table too. Take advantage of fists, swords, guns, or bows for your damage source to begin with and supplement it with spells as you begin to earn gold.

>> No.12141314

Is there a limit to how many positive mutations you can get? the last five or six evolution potions i've chugged have done nothing.

>> No.12141323
File: 101 KB, 640x640, 36657218_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should go with Elea then? I almost never had to worry about resistances as a fairy, but know after I played a warrior for some time, it's really something to think about.
I know. Some guy in the previous thread said
>Playing a Fairy *used* to be one of the really great choices, but that was before Elona+ I think. Possibly before the Void even? The resists used to be massively useful since in vanilla they were a lot harder to get.
Getting resistances up to normal doesn't sound so great and finding good equipment with the right resistances and some nice enchantments ain't easy. The wiki page states that's also not possible to get resistances for all damage types. Looks like the wiki page about the Fairy is correct.
>You'll be hard-pressed to get equipment with enough resistances to cover all the resistances fairies can get.

I know about the rough start. I can remember the countless hours I hid behind my little girl while searching for ancient and magic dart books in the Puppy cave over and over and over again. And I did some half-assed hybrid play with my Fairy. There too many big scary monsters I'd rather not go to and make friends with. I played a pure caster who sometimes smacked the enemies with her two sticks in close combat and I probably go with that again.

I may be indecisive about this, but I really don't wan't to get my shit stomped in after I invest time in a new mage. So, Elea and Wizard class it is then?

>> No.12141328

I usually go with Elea gunner if I want to play a caster. You'll start with all the skills required for magic, as well as some decent ones for dungeon-crawling, and it's also easier when you have some capacity for hybrid play.

>> No.12141342

The ether resistance isn't a big deal, cure corruption is very common, and etherwind is predictable anyway.

The overcast resistance, on the other hand, is definitely nice, but it's not game changing, since you could just train magic capacity, or use rods and scrolls of mana.

Just pick the race that you like the sound of the most.

>> No.12141344

It's possible to get 3/4 of your resistances as superb and maybe one or two at just strong without being a fairy. Just get the static artifacts dropped by certain bosses/npcs. Also, there's a spell buff that boosts your resistances as well and if you get really lucky and find a living weapon you can just stack resistances as you level it up to cover your weak spots.

>> No.12141359

This, although even just Superb is somewhat lacking. Playing a Fairy, even stuff that's just Superb## or so as opposed to the max it'll show (Superb#####+?) hurts a lot more.
Though I think my usual priority is magic resist, since it seems to be a little harder to get and is used for hex resist I believe. I'm only sitting at about 98 Life with equipment though, so the lower HP at my level is part of that.

>> No.12141364
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It's entirely possible, just very difficult.
I'm a golem, for example.

>> No.12141379
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Sounds good, but I'd rather have the unique Wizard or Warmage feat. I know you can change it back later with the Bussinescard, but I've yet to see one even with my Fairy Wizard.

Yeah, the Etherwind never really bugged me out, but it's still nice to have such a unique feat. I have to disagree with the overcast though. It was a pain in the butt to grind as a Fairy thanks to low HP and how goddamn slow it levels. I often wished I could go further into the red with my mana.

I'm sure I find a way to get around. Of course it would be great to find one or even two living staffs and give it the enchantments I need.

Took you probably a while, but that answers my question.

Is it possible to inherit already decoded ancient books? I would probably go around and collect some before I start off from a gene.

>> No.12141381

Mm, it did, but it's delicious, especially with that starting 150 base life, plus some cheese on top of that.

Not to mention the immunity to dim. That in and of itself is a godsend, since no other race can get that in any form.

>> No.12141386

There's a new addition to the resistance page on the wiki if you're looking to add to resistances. And the guy mentioning static artifacts here >>12141344 is right. The equipment that gives resistance is easy to get as long as you progress enough in the main plot. Using race with extra life helps when you get far enough for Gavela to add a couple extra slots, since it takes about 10% of your life stat for each limb. Then you can use those slots to equip stuff that adds certain resistance as you need it. Plus also changed the resistance spell to add stuff besides fire/ice/lightning, so that also helps your resistances out a lot.

Although they have low base mana. dim resistance is pretty useful for a mage. That limits the dangerous situations for casters a bit. If only there was a race with some kind of conditional insanity immunity...

>> No.12141400
File: 63 KB, 559x559, 36657218_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it is. As I already said, I played and still do from time to time a golem warrior. I even took the three ascetic feats for fun in character creation. The massive Life pool makes some damn fun tank gameplay.

I probably won't do that. I don't like having a multi armed monster. Call me names or whatever. It's one of my roleplay aspects.

>> No.12141413

You don't just have to add hands. You can add rings, neck or arm slots or whatever. You also get the speed penalty of 5%per limb, but that's a small trade-off for all the extra skills and resistances you can add.Hands just have the most utility, since you can add tonfas or shields even if you don't dual wield.

>> No.12141415

For bussiness card you can bet 20 chips on lucky day you will need 7 or so wins. You can even get them with 1 chip but it's somewhat unreliable because you have to win 15+ times.

>> No.12141417
File: 674 KB, 799x596, 121212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid crab ate my chocolate.
Wasn't really paying attention at res.

>> No.12141425
File: 193 KB, 806x724, useless rods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luck useless, they said, pick cheese, they said.

>> No.12141426

Dominate it, marry it, then sell it off to Raphael. That'll show him.

>> No.12141429

You right!

>> No.12141433
File: 80 KB, 600x700, 1260947309039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a catsister from Miral and Garok's Workshop.
They're great for shopkeepers.

>> No.12141436
File: 211 KB, 799x598, 1223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stubborn brat, I even have my monster heart with me today.

>> No.12141444

They start at too low a level to do that with them. It's usually better to use some throwaway recruit as a shopkeeper rather than something you might care about.

Also, it's a bad idea to buy diaries from the dwarves. You can find those lying around in dungeons fairly easily.

>> No.12141457
File: 120 KB, 720x635, 1260805046260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the main quest
I'm fine making mad gold at performer quests with my Ensemble of cute girls.

>> No.12141471

Finishing the first part of the main quest lets you get to a place where you can buy a full mansion full of maids, of female and male variety, if that's your thing. They are all dressed like maids, though. You can also unlock the secret character wishes, although they kind of suck and are a pain to wish for in the english version.

>> No.12141494

I kidnapped a qt thieves guild lady and stacked her with cha and neg gear, actually.
I prefer to spend my medals on scrolls of growth anyhoo.

>> No.12141506
File: 643 KB, 700x950, 1280435632955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mansion full of maids is indeed relevant to my interests.

What's the best way to train my band of cute girls collected from across the land? They're all very squishy and die easily, except for my cute golem.

>> No.12141507
File: 331 KB, 801x600, rorans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything I can do with these?

>> No.12141516

Just eat it.

>> No.12141679

turn the little sisters in for apples and meats and cheeses.

>> No.12141818

I bet it's younger sisters which are useless.

>> No.12141936


>> No.12141995

Suicide bomber rooms are actually really easy to deal with. Pop speed, ping one of them to get it to *CLICK* and teleport out. Then laugh as you hear all the explosions.

>> No.12142003

Yeah, once you get either one or zero mutations from a potion of evolution you've gotten them all and it's time to stop.

>> No.12142013

They are easy when they don't shadow draw you in. I opened the door, and suddenly found myself in a middle of this shit.

>> No.12142016

Teleport, anon. It's your perfect "FUCK THIS PLACE" button. Just tele out and never go back.

>> No.12142023

Well, they were lucky enough to get both shadow draw and explosion in the same turn, thats why i said it's unfair.

>> No.12142025

>I usually get at least 1 point of charisma whenever I invest x50 in a new shopkeeper.

Yeah, I just need a way to get all that money.
Until then, I'll whore myself out.

>> No.12142028

Then you're just too slow and need to crank up your speed.

>> No.12142035

Well, 252 it pretty high speed for my level, It's just there was a hand or other shadowdraw fag, they drove me and then bombs exploded, got fucked by rng basically(or maybe I just didn't pressed my buttons too hard made too many turns while opening the door).

>> No.12142037

You're forgetting that RNG can screw you over and teleport you one space right next to where you were formerly standing.

>> No.12142046

Yeah, but it usually doesn't. If you see BOMBS, teleport, and RNG fucks you over well then RNG fucked you over. But it happens way less often than not.

Also, people really need to learn how to properly handle doors to possible monster closets. NEVER open head on. ALWAYS open from an angle, or better yet let a pet open it while you're out of the way. Or better yet, breach the room via digging from a corner.

>> No.12142054

Well. yeah being careful solves it, but when you run many relatively low level dungeons where nothing but cluster bombs can one shot you It's hard to not ger careless.

>> No.12142062

It takes literally ZERO effort to open from a diagonal. Hell, it often takes an extra turn to open head-on. If you know the only thing that can kill you is being stupid about a room full of bomb rocks, why the hell aren't you careful about bomb rock rooms?

>> No.12142065
File: 310 KB, 798x602, 121211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught new slave. Not sure sell it or not.
Was trying to dominate giraffe but long bastard resisted.

>> No.12142068

I will never respect you or your posts as long as you refer to your team as slaves.

>> No.12142069

I just had sex with my little girl, only dropped a little girl blood, we aren't married.
Apparently you have to make the pet horny by gently hugging, gently stroking and whispering until they give in when you get the <Sleep Sharing> event.

>> No.12142070

>Or better yet, breach the room via digging from a corner.
Loled so hard.

>> No.12142073

Well, my netbook has no numbad so i only use four directions and fame\money\medals grinding sometimes put me to sleep, almost.

>> No.12142079
File: 49 KB, 703x463, 1399577484892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, too tactical for you? If you do it right, you can expose the room a tile at a time.

>> No.12142080

Ima just pressing two button at a time, try it.

>> No.12142081

Nope. I can get 9+ attacks in one turn thanks to all my 'gives chance of additional attack' items.
(That's not even counting bonus elemental damage)

>> No.12142087

That's just too kitty cat for me.
Not afraid to open a door super human itt.

>> No.12142094

Hope you like bomb rocks.

>> No.12142095

well, cats are cute

>> No.12142105

Just a heads up, the mansion requires a down payment of 2 000 000 gold.
Sounds like that shouldn't be any problem for you, though.

>> No.12142160
File: 40 KB, 260x755, 1280437374872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, money isn't too big of a deal for me.
I started as a warrior, but grinded my performer and money making skills far more than my level. I'm only like 25 but already have millions and a 1st rank castle and an almost there shop. And all sorts of ranches and invested shops, etc.

I greatly enjoy the non-combat and money-making parts of Elona. And building a cute band harem. But recently I thought about adventuring and finishing the main quest more. So I need to train up my pets. And getting potions of descent is harder too now.

>> No.12142280

Is there any way of preventing my pets from killing themselves on the town's fountain? Or I should just drink it all up before they do?

>> No.12142285

Give them wings. Or red bull.

Seriously, equip them with something that makes them float.

>> No.12142290

So I'm starting to think Converge Breath is broken. This is the third time this floor a Five Head God has used it on me and I've taken zero damage.

>> No.12142294

I wouldn't be complaining.

>> No.12142303

Hm, when an npc drops a heart, like Heart of Slime, does it do anything? Or it's just a random junk drop like the skins?

>> No.12142305

I sure as hell ain't. It IS really annoying to have a FHG infighting offscreen though, every step I take I have to wait three quarters of a second for FWOOSHFWOOSHFWOOSHFWOOSH.

>> No.12142307

You can sell it for money. Just make sure you identify them first.

>> No.12142308

I believe you need a heart for the Coffin of Necromancy recipe in the pot of fusion.

>> No.12142319

>two five head gods on floor one
>two on floor two
>now three on floor three IN ONE ROOM
Is this the breath weapon convention or something?

>> No.12142354
File: 50 KB, 600x450, 1341210875608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I have so much HP that I can laugh off cluster bomb rocks
Tfw I run into a giga bomb rock instead

>> No.12142361

Let them drink, they can trigger a wish for you.
Sell it if you really need money, but as for me Ima just ignoring it. Not worse time you spend for picking it up.

>> No.12142364

england too hard

>> No.12142383
File: 671 KB, 816x1276, recette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met Recette!
She's a middle aged dude!

>> No.12142394
File: 12 KB, 644x24, Oral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This name generator I swear.

>> No.12142442
File: 58 KB, 600x400, f367159------.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the dungeon boss is Hard Gay
>tfw he has enough HP to survive his own explosion
>tfw he comes at you exploding again and again

>> No.12142443

I remember once I got the 'howling miracle <sex machine> ring'
I always wore it when I made a gene.

>> No.12142448

epic greentext

>> No.12142451

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12142455

Contrary to popular belief, greentext is NOT only limited to quoting. Who would have thought it?

>> No.12142456 [DELETED] 

It's limited to quoting for people who aren't trying to look like FAGGOTS

>> No.12142457


Who is the target of this shreking?

>> No.12142459

And here we go again...

>> No.12142462

He's right, could we just nip this in the bud and stop here, please?

>> No.12142469

Go back to your own board, idiot.

>> No.12142472


Yeah, let's stop.
Can cooked meals become rotten? Is the NPC's food considered "cooked"? Because it says "it's made of raw, it would taste better cooked".

>> No.12142474

yes it goes bad after a while but it takes longer than with raw food.

>> No.12142476

Cooking food sort of multiplies the time a certain food can stay fresh, like say something that might stay fresh two days can stay fresh a week after cooked, along with the other many benefits.
The item itself reveals if something is cooked or not, like the difference between a strawberry and strawberry parfait, so an NPC's food might be cooked or not cooked. Though keep in mind that most NPC's food will be rotten.

>> No.12142550

Fuck preaching, goddamn it.
Just when I get a 2000 turn boost to Will it refuses to work. Any surefire ways for it not crash my game?

>> No.12142560

Don't preach, I guarantee the action won't crash your game if you don't.

>> No.12142562
File: 39 KB, 512x384, [Mazui] Touhou - Little Reimu [22810AC6].mkv_snapshot_00.16.25_[2014.05.24_20.14.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12142564

The game may crash when too many people change gods at once. Don't stand in the middle of them. Work your way through the group from one side to another. Worked for me when preaching killed my game.

>> No.12142573


Yup, that seems to be working. "Too many" is apparently more than one, as I'm testing it.

>> No.12142583

What is preaching anyway?

>> No.12142584

Open wide little timmy.

>> No.12142597

It's like those people whos coming to your house and asking you to join some whatever church. They shouldn't fix it. Don't annoy others with your stupid donations.

>> No.12142611

Talking about Preaching, and how similar it is to plain Performing, please learn "Sense Quality" and pick up all unidentified items you can, so you can raise Will/Charisma and Dexterity at the same time.

>> No.12142622

Sense quality is perception.

>> No.12142684

whip them with the tamers whip and prevent them from eating off the ground, it'll stop them from drinking too.

>> No.12142690

dont preach if you're going to take damage or get interrupted- even the snowballs in noyel will interrupt your preach and may cause you to crash. hitting the starving! status will, as well as taking any sort of damage.

>> No.12142753
File: 438 KB, 801x601, kinda limited blade works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you collect a lot of swords but only end using one of them.
I'm not exactly complaining that my Zantetsu's great, it just feels bad to have all these other ones and never use them.

>> No.12142800

Do evolutions keep all the abilities of the evolutions behind it? For example, if I evolved my white lady into a miss vampire, would she still have the potion throwing the previous had?

>> No.12142808

They do.

>> No.12142813

oh goodie.

>> No.12142841

Some son of a bitch burned my cool horn. Now that I have to look for a new one, no general shops are stocking it.
This is true suffering.

>> No.12142845
File: 48 KB, 847x90, ss (2014-05-24 at 08.53.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12142848


>> No.12142902
File: 8 KB, 619x15, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you won't be able to keep that godly figure anymore.

>> No.12143179
File: 602 KB, 840x525, 33758905_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But her ass is the best, not her stomach.
Also, kill it with fire before it spreads.

>> No.12143193

"May I join the Fighter's Guild?"
"Sure, kill 3 trolls first."
"B-but I already defeated Xeren-"
"No, kill some fucking trolls first."

>> No.12143199

I had to kill five goblins.
I was vaguely tempted to just butcher the guard and walk right in, but I wanted that half price blacksmith perk for joining.

>> No.12143238

Does that trick not work anymore? Also, if it doesn't what version?

>> No.12143528
File: 595 KB, 1279x769, Wishrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thank you, treasure map.

>> No.12143559

Was the drop rate for Wish Rods massively increased last update, or is everyone just getting really lucky?

>> No.12143600

I haven't seen any, and I didn't hear anything like that in the update notice. It might just be a coincidence.

>> No.12143637

Who cares about money. It's the only effective way to grind the Faith skill besides sleeping.

>> No.12143645
File: 257 KB, 1285x663, Goddamnharpies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right.
That's why I hated items that cause cut damage to the attacker.

>> No.12143650

Just hit em with a ball spell.
Even if you don't have magic trained, you should be able to take them out with a few Swarm!s.

>> No.12143669

If ONE of them starts bleeding they split into near room-filling insanity within a turn or two.
Besides, red ninjas do it too and they're much worse.

Time to find another material kit.

>> No.12143684

Yeah, I remember how much of a pain that can be. It's all the more satisfying once you are on the level of being able to take out a dozen of them in one turn.

>> No.12143730
File: 10 KB, 602x26, Skel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, but it was a good night for treasure maps for me. I picked this up as well.

>> No.12143767
File: 274 KB, 799x695, Door-To-Nowhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the weird door generating in dungeons in this recent update? I've seen countless floors where there's just a line of doors that don't connect to anything at all.

>> No.12143970

1.37 is much fail

>> No.12144236

I've only only made ranged and magic characters so far, how does the melee meta game work?

I know dual wielding with multiple arms is good, but how is two handing? And can a melee character reach the levels that a magician can?

>> No.12144253

EXCEPT at high levels where

And if you're willing to grind for it, any character archetype can handle anything. Issue is mainly that pets will obsolete you because the player's strength is their carefully chosen gear, and the NPCs compensate with higher raw stats to stay challenging. But NPC with good gear has equipment AND high raw stats so wins everything forever.

>> No.12144258

for multiwielding you put a tonfa in the 4th arm to avoid the penalty right? so would you be leveling the dual wield skill in that case?

>> No.12144333

>EXCEPT at high levels where

>> No.12144377

Because martial arts increases the damage dice size for unarmed combat.

>> No.12144396

So a multiwielding tonfa/claw character would deal the highest melee damage?

>> No.12144440

>martialarts>anything else

Granted, martial arts can be powerful when maxed, but it's far from the best. While you've got high base damage, you've only got 3 multipliers for it - strength, tactics, and martial arts skill, whereas with any other weapon, you've got strength, tactics, dual wield/two hand, and the appropriate weapon skill, which will also have a higher multiplier than that of martial arts. I did some testing with elosnack, weapons beat martial arts by a fairly significant amount, both in damage and accuracy, at ultra-endgame levels. That's not mentioning all the attributes that weapons can have, like time stop, absolute pierce, elemental damage, invokes, and much more.

>> No.12144466


Hell. Time to find myself a claymore.

>> No.12144482
File: 216 KB, 815x638, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I wish for, /jp/?
I'm pretty well mutated already, but now that the prompt came up I can't remember which ones I have.
Do I go for potion of evolution or a ranch?

>> No.12144502

Why the fuck would you wish for stuff you can simply buy with money later?

>> No.12144508

Happy bed

>> No.12144518


I'm level 13, only got 60k after a long period of performing and traveling.


Got it. Heavy, but on the other side of the scale compared to my sleeping bag.

>> No.12144531

at "ultra-endgame" how good is two-handing compared to multiwielding?

>> No.12144546

>Natty King Scooby
I didn't knew /fit/ plays elona+

>> No.12144558 [DELETED] 

I seriously hope you had your seven league boots already.

I thinks solved crashes with Preaching by changing locale to japanese, preached to my horses at ranch and tons of converts which usually crach the game.

>> No.12144877

Does it matter what kind of food you are using for a herb brew?

>> No.12144967

You should probably not try to carry the happy bed with you, at least early on, unless you have a golden knight or something that you can actually get to carry furniture for you. Eastern beds work well for a portable bed, since they are very light and much higher quality than the sleeping bags.

Also, as far as wishes go, one thing you might want to consider later for is a secret experience of Kumiromi. The drops on those are ridiculously rare, and you stop getting feats around 50 or 60. There's always something interesting to pick up.

For portable wishes with rods, saving those in case you're nowhere near November can be useful if you want to pick up the special god rewards by summoning one. You can't use the Fetter of Earth for AP farming now in 1.37, but they are sometimes useful for training the stats that they give massive penalties to.

>> No.12144974

How much faith do you need for final reward?

>> No.12144991
File: 195 KB, 728x528, ss (2014-05-25 at 04.22.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really lazy. I should have done this sometime last year probably, it was easy peasy.

>> No.12145004


Yeah, it's being a pain to carry it around, guess I'll go back to my cool bed. I think I'll get some extra mutations in the future.


40 faith, 4025 favor/piety

>> No.12145011

You need 41, but you can make do with 40 and a big offering. Just look out for items with "It makes you pious", like the unknown shell, and it shouldn't take too long to reach it.

>> No.12145028

You really lose a lot by not being able to use your extra hand (or hands), and you lose your accuracy advantage when you're riding. You can potentially get decent speed, but having the extra chance for damage to go to the mount helps a lot sometimes too. Most recent late game players go to non-elemental magic, so the slots don't go to weapons because of their damage potential anyway. It's be kind of interesting to see if there was a build that added certain other equipment slots that could help with two-handing.

It doesn't seem to matter much, although it's probably better to use the best food item you can in order to get the best additional stat bonuses. I usually use curaria when I can since they are usually plentiful, but since I am pretty sure that herbed food can't rot, it makes it so you can get around to eating higher tier cooking before it loses it's benefits.

>> No.12145040

I personally use the pot for fusion stat potential+ foods.

>> No.12145045

Is there a maximum level? How about maximum stats?

>> No.12145048

No known max level, stats cap out at 2000.

>> No.12145052

The thing to think about is: you have to make sure that you talk to the god before you end up praying, since that reduces your favor a bit. This isn't a big problem using a wish, but using the November truce ground prayer could potentially be a pain. Either way, it's not a big deal as long as you summon them in a place that they won't disappear from when it resets. Or somewhere that won't disappear itself, like somewhere that they are summoned to beat a boss for you, like the Forest of Doggod or the Void, or even a high level random dungeon.

>> No.12145062
File: 409 KB, 796x601, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've killed only 15 000. You Hitler/
> I am pretty sure that herbed food can't rot

>> No.12145070

As far as monster levels go, though, they seem to be maxing out at 6666 in places where the levels scale up with the dungeon. That may or may not be temporary, since it seems like even most long term games will end well before that point.

>> No.12145154

How long would it take to reach the maximum in one stat?

>> No.12145178

Less than a minute with Elosnack.

>> No.12145192

And without?

>> No.12145200

More than a minute.

>> No.12145211

How much more?

>> No.12145217

Lots and lots of minutes.

>> No.12145221

How many minutes exactly?

>> No.12145223


lim t->+ inf

>> No.12145236

Probably about 4-6.

If you're using wizard mode.

>> No.12145243

And without?

>> No.12145253


>> No.12145259

And how long would it exactly take without Elosnack, wizard mode or any kind of cheat?

>> No.12145266

Please find out for me.

>> No.12145278

I've seen a character with 750+ hours on it that had two stats at 1k (and those were his highest)

This doesn't necessarily mean he spent his whole time dedicated to raising those stats but it's quite time investment regardless

>> No.12145288


>> No.12145329

Weird, I was able to get chocolate form my little girl not on 14/2, but 22/2. Did they change it recently or is the wiki just wrong?

>> No.12145380

I'm at 350 hours and have 150 as my highest, so probably a very very long time.

>> No.12145390

It;s throughout the entire month of feb.

>> No.12145476

Is playing without savescumming even viable?

>> No.12145485

What is that? I've never seen that on food before...

>> No.12145499


Go to a blacksmith and ask him to refine your armor/weapons, or use a scroll of enchant _____.

>> No.12145505

That's because I'm a greatest cooker of all time.

>> No.12145512

Go to blacksmith ask him enchant your food.

>> No.12145525

Neither of those target food.
Do they only show up after identifying the food, or something?
Not an option for me, on Elona 1.37

>> No.12145553

If you wish for Kumiromi while on your farm, any plants picked while he is present will gain a +1 to +5 food modifier. That's the only way I know to get food to have a modifier.

>> No.12145561

Cooked foods will have bonuses depending on your cooking skill.

>> No.12145567

What level does that start at? My cooking's at level 40, no modifiers in sight...

I feel you're pulling my leg...

>> No.12145574

Read the Elona+ Changes and Additions section of http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Food, and ignore the people trying to troll you.

>> No.12145576

It was fun while it lasted, but farm-grown food sometimes gets the +x modifiers. I think having higher gardening skill and using fertilizer makes it more likely. It carries over when you cook it.

>> No.12145613

>This page needs content. You can help by adding a sentence or a photo.

>> No.12145614

+ depends on gardening not cooking.

>> No.12145625

Considering starting stats don't really matter, wouldn't the race and class with the highest Learning be the best starting choice?

>> No.12145634

Races have feats and classes have hidden feats that matter more than stats

>> No.12145642

you're right.

>> No.12145725

Considering that starting learning doesn't matter, wouldn't the race and class with the best intrinsic feats be the best starting choice?

>> No.12145734

How the fuck do I complete the Before it's too late quests? All of my escorts die before I can even get to the town.

>> No.12145741

>best intrinsic feats
Depends what you're looking for, same goes for class. Even then, the only really game-changing ones are fairy and mutant. As for the class feat, you can change that with a business card.

Seven league boots.

>> No.12145818

Sometimes it's almost imposiburu, just don't take quests if you don't have enough time.

>> No.12145889

How's wizards vs bosses? You just run out of mana and damage is kinda not so great in comparison with warriors.

>> No.12145897

Yeah, wizards have a very finite cap on the amount of HP damage they can deal to a boss without MP restoration items or skills. You basically HAVE to either worship Izpalt, burn loads of scrolls/rods, or wield a MP steal weapon that you're good with.

>> No.12145906

>In addition, both food grown on your farm and NPC corpses killed on your ranch can now have a bonus when harvested. This bonus is displayed as a plus, and can be from 1 to 15. This increases the effectiveness of the food when eaten.

>Corpse quality can be increased if the rubbing special action is used a few times before the NPC is killed. Crop quality can be increased by creating organic fertilizer using perishable items placed on the compost spots added to your farm. The fertilizer can only be used on half-grown plants.

I couldn't find the part about crops on the japanese wiki though.

>> No.12145922

Well I just did all of Chaos Forts in North Tyrus in single mana bar with my magic dart(124) and generally have need to melee\recover mana only in 80+ level random dungeons, it's not that bad really, just buy all the mana rods you find and recharge them a lot. Mana scrolls are also pretty easy to make, I can make some 200+ of them but I just don't need to.

>> No.12146064
File: 87 KB, 1113x101, Herbsherbsherbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I herb herbs.
Now if only I could herb herbed herbs, too.

>> No.12146069

What's this about November?

>> No.12146081

Does it increase potential at all or only train the stat (with the resultant decrease in potential)?

>> No.12146096

It's on both the english and japanese wikis.

>> No.12146106

It has the usual herb effect combined with the (herb) effect too.

>> No.12146263

Alright I've followed your advice and I've spent hours doing quests and getting money and pp. I have now like 100k and a bunch of fancy items such as sun crystal and whatnot.

What do I waste it on though? I'm still level 1.

>> No.12146274


How the heck did you manage to get 100k without getting enough exp to go to lvl 2?

>> No.12146285

I just did item delivery and escort quests. Those Before it's too late quests give a lot of money. Not sure what for though, I'm just saving it up. Where do I get a kitty bank by the way?

>> No.12146292

You can buy some passable equipment from blacksmith, low level book for easy buffs, enchant said equipment to +1\2, after that you will probably be ready to start trying easy dungeons.

>> No.12146302


>> No.12146332

So how do you guys train your pets? Having played solo for the most part I'm at a loss for training them up to aid me, I realise I could capture new pets but I'd still be stuck with training them eventually, I also kinda want to raise some of the cuter pets that start low level.

>> No.12146380

first off, I take them through level two or three dungeons with the cheer ability and let them get all nice and happy. Then I do any evolutions neccessary, then I make a fuckton of those gemstones with the pot of fusion, and after that it's herbed food and perserverance.

Really good equipment helps too.

For really really low levels, you can gene engineer higher level stuff onto them to give them skills and stats and any body parts they may be missing (cherubim and orc come to mind..) and it will also level them up.

>> No.12146509
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>> No.12146690

>It prevents you from teleporting
That could be a pain, depending on your playstyle. Though it doesn't block shadow step, surprisingly.

>> No.12146706

I -have- the teleporting feat, but I think I've used it like twice so far. I always carry change creature rods with me, and my pets are either metal or have the cArmor bit.

>> No.12146802

What advantage is there in purposefully trying to keep your level low? I hear about people using potions of decent to downlevel and equipment with 'it disturbs your growth' to make sure they don't level up, but is there any benefit to this and is it really better than the HP/MP bonus?

>> No.12146803
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You poor dumb bastard.

>> No.12146813

If you pray at the Truce Grounds in November in version 1.37, you can summon the god you are worshiping. I'm pretty sure you need the 4025 favor that you usually need for your 3rd reward, since I think I've managed it at the same time as that. It also only seems to work once a year, so you can't hurry up and do it again before the month is over.

Additionally, if your house is rank 1, you can invite them to your home. Don't know what the point of that is, since it has the potential to be fairly dangerous. You can invite the gods when speaking to them, and it doesn't matter if you worship the god or not.

>> No.12146879

Is it at all possible to just keep going as a pure melee fighter with no pets?
I always read about how magic and pets are a must in late-game, but every time I try to grind my magic or get some pets it's always such a huge bother.
But now I'm starting to feel like I'm plateauing at around level 80 dungeons. There are some enemies that just kill me too easily or are too hard to kill.
Are there any things I might be missing to improve my melee style, or will I have to give in?
Is there any way to significantly boost my stamina? I feel like if I could throw shining waves around more liberally I'd have a much easier time.

>> No.12146900

Regeneration spell boosts stamina regeneration and so does kumi worship. You don't need grind much for basic buffing spells like hero\feather\holy shield. Being pure melee is probably possible but It will be certainly even more grindy then branching a bit into additional options.Don't you even use ranged? I can't imagine pure melee, without ways to cornershoot danger rooms must be hell.

>> No.12146948

I remember people saying it's best to keep your level low too. They mostly kept their levels low so they could avoid paying taxes and stat penalties when they died. I wouldn't recommend keeping your level low though. You will not be able to see most of the game if you stay low level and earning lots of money later on is easy. The stat loss isn't too much of a big deal later on as you'll be dying less and getting back any stat you lost.

>> No.12146963

I guess an alternative to magic is using rods, scrolls, and potions to heal and buff yourself but imo the earlier you pick up magic the better. At the very least use magic and train the buffs, heals, and teleport.

>> No.12147114
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This is like that one day when the same guy got a wish six times in one day and he kept screwing up his wish.

>> No.12147186

Is it just me, or does DV get less and less useful as you progress through the game?
Do Claymores even have anything going for them for the late-game?

>> No.12147194

They have the Absolute Piercing Attack chance. That's pretty something.

>> No.12147259


What about the dv thing? Should I just start looking into heavy armor?

>> No.12147263

I don't know about you, but I have tons of DV and can dodge most high level monster about 4/5 times. Seems to me a lot better than tanking and healing constantly.

>> No.12147268


I can dodge most attacks too, but the problem is sometimes I've taken hits that have hurt me for pretty much half of my health. All it takes is a quick moment of bad luck with dodges and bam.

>> No.12147272

If you're at less than healthy HP, you really should just teleport away. Are you leveling Feather and Holy Shield? Those should compensate a lot for if you're lacking in PV or DV.

>> No.12147286


No, I'm not leveling spells at all, I've been playing a "pure" Claymore so far.

>> No.12147288

Very bad idea. Start doing it as soon as possible.

>> No.12147291

Then play a "pure" Claymore that suddenly learned how to use magic.

>> No.12147296


So if I level some buff spells I can get away with a dv-centric character?

>> No.12147302

Yes, that's what I'm doing right now.

>> No.12147312


Alright, I'll start doing that then. Which spells are most important?

>> No.12147322

Speed, hero, attribution shield, holy shield, feather, holy light, regeneration, slow, mist of silence, mist of frailness, element scar, contingency. Add nightmare if you use those damage types. Add divine wisdom if you intent to use healing magic (you should) or attack magic. Suggested healing spell is cure of jua, or healing rain if you intend to have an assload of pets.

>> No.12147323

Holy Shield, Feather, Attribution Shield, Hero.

Contingency and Regeneration are nice secondary buffs.

Divine Wisdom you'll level subconsciously, since you'll need it when you're reading high level books. Cast it before you do.

Also, make sure to hotkey and use healing spells, for when you run out of potions or whatever means you use to heal.
