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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 60 KB, 640x480, heartbeatssign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1212898 No.1212898 [Reply] [Original]

In a new report to the United Nations, the government outlines the situation of ethnic minorities and foreign residents in Japan, claiming it has made "every conceivable" effort over the past several years to eliminate racial discrimination.

Occasionally sounding on the defensive, the report, released Friday, sidesteps the issue of a comprehensive law prohibiting discrimination between individuals.

Human rights groups and Doudou Diene, the U.N. special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, have called for the passage of a law clearly against racism and xenophobia, as well as the establishment of an independent national human rights monitoring body.

The government has long held that Article 14 of the Constitution, which guarantees equality under the law, makes any antidiscrimination legislation superfluous, a point reiterated in the report.

"Japan has taken every conceivable measure to fight against racial discrimination," the report's introduction says, later adding that apartheid is unknown in Japan.


>> No.1212908

Nice story aniki

>> No.1212920

they called me a gaijin ;_;

>> No.1212935

>"Japan has taken every conceivable measure to fight against racial discrimination," the report's introduction says, later adding that apartheid is unknown in Japan.

Well duh, apartheid is for keeping niggers under control. Japan has a very small black population.

>> No.1212937

How dare they!

>> No.1212943

Japan has the right idea, they'll be the only ones not infested with Islam or niggers for centuries to come.

And here we are, criticizing them while we all crumble. Nice, very nice.

>> No.1212953

lookin' kinda old-/n/ there, /jp/

>> No.1212962

They just don't want to have to talk to people who can't speak Japanese since it's awkward

That sign simply means "Nobody come in if you can't speak Japanese"

Japan isn't racist

>> No.1212966

Oh, you.

Shouldn't you be circulating chain E-mail that Obama is a secret Muslim who is going to enslave all our white women?

>> No.1212970
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>Japan isn't racist.

>> No.1212979
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The right to decide your clients.

>> No.1212988


>> No.1213001

>The right to
strictly speaking it's illegal sofar as the constitution, which means just as illegal as, say, the states

but in Japan nobody enforces it

>> No.1213008
File: 11 KB, 294x194, americans welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let private businesses discriminate, it's their shit, it's their right. Inclusive proprietors will outcompete them. Eventually.

>> No.1213016

They just need to fill their businesses with toxic gas that is harmless to the Japanese, but lethal to everyone else.

Like the Jek'Jek'Tarr in KOTOR 2.

>> No.1213021

Any know how to say "At least I don't need a microscope to see my penis" in japanese. Also "remember nagasaki, and hiroshima. We can do that again so shut the fuck up"

>> No.1213029

No, but they might know back in /b/.

>> No.1213032

Americans as in USA fags or Americans as people from the continent?

>> No.1213038

Japan is racist and you clearly are not, but rather a defender of justice. Next you should go save their women from their mean and evil men.

>> No.1213040

All you have to do is say "I'm from Germany" in Japanese and it'll work 90% of the time. Which is fucking hilarious. LRN2KKK JAPAN, COME ON.

>> No.1213044

What you mean /jp/ can't even speak some Japanese?

>> No.1213051

Generally, when those signs say 'Americans', they mean 'Anyone that isn't Japanese', despite the existence of Eurpoe, Eastern Europe, Australia, etc. Sometimes, though, they might just mean Americans only. You might be able to convince them you're sufficiently Canadian to be permitted inside, or something.

>> No.1213061


>> No.1213062


Now go.

>> No.1213078
File: 12 KB, 298x367, sadr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear sandniggers are fun customers in bars. They don't drink alcohol and you can't kick them out without exposing your ass to a discrimination lawsuit. They stay there all night drinking mineral water and clumsily hitting on white women who start avoiding the place because of sandniggers.

>> No.1213077

But i´m mexican.

>> No.1213091
File: 25 KB, 365x528, realdoll loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Japanese have short penis
>>have short penis
>>short penis

>> No.1213094

>>remember nagasaki, and hiroshima. We can do that again

You keep thinking that, Nigger.

>> No.1213097

They might accept you if you wear a huge sombrero and perform the Mexican hat dance at the drop of a, well, hat.

In other words, just be yourself.

>> No.1213141

say you're from Peru or whatever country that chose Fujimori as their prez

>> No.1213146

did i get banmed

>> No.1213152

If I say I'm from Russia and go to Japan will they hate me even more?

>> No.1213169

as much fun as generalisation are all these xenophobic things are crap. I accept that you may not be accepted like you would if you were a jap but apart from extreme cases (like the no americans etc.) they will treat you cordially even friendly. Its the same everywhere. I am a britfag and although I have a despondancy and sense of embarrasment about my american counterpart if they were to visit my country I would not be rude to them, I would show them every ounce of friendship and be as helpful as possible.

>> No.1213185

go choke on a cricket-ball you tea-slurping queen wanker

>> No.1213186


>> No.1213188

so deska?

это система форумов, где можно общаться быстро и свободно, где любая точка

>> No.1213196
File: 28 KB, 639x464, 1208496668898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wear a sombrero and perfom the mexican hat dance
>Just be yourself

>> No.1213205
File: 75 KB, 640x480, nazichixjapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know all the anti-racism bullshit is only the first step in forcing Western values on Japan. When service in English is guaranteed in every establishment, and token Negroes are standard procedure in J-dramas, next in line is the criminalization of loli, drawn or not.

>> No.1213199

I enjoy cricket, tea and am a monarchist indeed.

>> No.1213203

Racism? Against me, the American white male?

That's the worst thing to ever happen

>> No.1213207


that so mean tokyo. I fucking pwn at Russian.

>> No.1213208

>это система форумов, где можно общаться быстро и свободно, где любая точка

>> No.1213213

...But i'm a native american.

>> No.1213218

Who cares? Loli should be banned.

>> No.1213220

To whoever said denying people business is illegal in the USA, you are wrong. Its frowned upon, but if you really didn't want to serve blacks in your store, you don't have to.

>> No.1213223

its funny how japan supports Nazism when nazis want to purge all non-aryan races. That means Japan too.

>> No.1213226

Hitler said Japanese people were ok since he wanted their help.

>> No.1213229

One of the many things that suck about living in Japan is that you can never escape being an outsider

Buying a game, and being told "this won't play on foreign consoles" and then pointing out that you aren't going anywhere.

Another example is going into a fast food place, and the counter staff flips the menu mat from the Japanese side to the English side. Now, ostensibly this may seem friendly and helpful, but it can come across as pretty rude and presumptuous, particularly if you can speak the language (and even if you can't "chikin sando" in katakana isn't exactly rocket surgery.

On the flipside, if I'm in a supermarket and the checkout staff say "seven hundred yen please" to me, I will smile and complement them on their English diction (In Japanese)

>> No.1213235

They don't support it they just think its chic and trendy. Kinda like how some white children listne to rap and shit. They dont like they just do it to piss off their parents.

>> No.1213243


Japan hasn't changed at all since WW2


No change whatsoever

>> No.1213252

>>Over nine thousand people,[1] from which around 600 every year were provided by the kempeitai,[2] were subjects of the experimentation conducted by Unit 731.


>> No.1213254

>rocket surgery
Maybe you do need that English menu.

At least Japan will keep out all the Muslims and the niggers. Also, they're surrounded by a motherfuckin' ocean with a killer immigration setup.

Good going, Japan. You've got balls.

>> No.1213257

the article it cites predates /b/

>> No.1213258

Detective obvious on the fucking job.

>> No.1213264

>Maybe you do need that English menu.

>> No.1213272

Another closet racist piece of shit. Go choke on a dick, No one thinks your cool. Also, it's funny that Japan's going to the shitter if they don't get more immigrants soon. It's pretty much do or die thing for them, so suck it. Fag.

>> No.1213275

>katakana isn't exactly rocket surgery.
>rocket surgery.
wait what? did you mean rocket science or rockets that actually need surgery?

japan has sandniggers.
apparently japanese women love to marry them, change their names and wear them headscarf's (cant remember their names).
also, ive seen a LOT of indonesian muslims and middle eastern muslims here, apparently they are all over tokyo.
as as such, as sandniggers do, they infect the disease of a religion whereever they go. a huge fucking mosque near in tokyo is just fucking bullshit.
i came here to see shrines and temples, geisha and miko, not towel heads and mosques.

>> No.1213279
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>> No.1213284

>wait what? did you mean rocket science or rockets that actually need surgery?
it's a small joke, jesus christ

Rocket science? Brain surgery?

Yea, I mixed them up for comedic effect, a'la pope shits in the woods.

everyone's laughing HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I hate having to explain shit...

>> No.1213285

That's the Japanese government's problem. And you're an idiot if you expect temples in fucking Tokyo.

>> No.1213291

are you honestly taking the time to complain on the internet that there's a mosque in tokyo?

but the 40,000 McDonalds don't bother you?

some people are reeeeeeeeaaaaally hung up on 9/11

>> No.1213297



This is the new world. Everything's going to get more and more mixed up. If you want to live in a totally homogeneous society, lock yourself in your house.

>> No.1213298

I went to Japan for three months and I didn't see a single headdress.

Don't make up bullshit to fulfill your fantasies, anonymous.

>> No.1213303
File: 113 KB, 816x616, nazidog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1213223 its funny how japan supports Nazism when nazis want to purge all non-aryan races. That means Japan too.

Jewtrix has you. Nazis wanted to annihilate only the nationless parasite races ie Jews and gypsies. All other races were inferior, but not in need of termination as long as they did as the master race ordered.

>> No.1213307

They are really two kinds of sandniggers. One is the type who escape overseas to escape their religion and live a secular life, since really in Islamic countries the consequence of apostasy is death (or imprisonment). Yeah so much for Islam the religion of peace.

But the second type, the majority of sandniggers are those who move to other countries and yet still want to act like they are living in their own country. They refuse to adapt, refuse to respect the culture of one's host country and yet demand the host country to respect and allow whatever they fucking want to do.

The second types are the cancer that needs to be purged with fire.

>> No.1213311

i dont give a shit about 9/11, infact as a non amerikkkunt, im glad it happened.

but you gotta understand, i just fucking hate muslims and islam. fuckers should just stay in their desert shanties if they hate the western world so goddamn much.

>> No.1213318

I think Japan and the Nazis are allied because they face a common enemy, not because they share a common ideology.

Don't forget that the Muslims are also allied with the Nazis in the past, due to the fact that both of them wanted Jews to be dead.

>> No.1213325

Lol. Japan is not West. Way to fail, faggot.

>> No.1213332

>BAWWW hot arab girl rejected me

>> No.1213345
File: 34 KB, 282x450, saddamtorrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ evidence of one existing

>> No.1213338


Way to go, dumbass.

>> No.1213341

Christ, some of you people don't understand a damned thing. Well, I don't come here for these discussions anyway.

>> No.1213342

Is there such a thing as a hot arab girl? Apart from those who are sensible enough to ditch the fugly burka that is.

>> No.1213346

Japanese think they are western, though.

>> No.1213348


Depends on what country they're from.

>> No.1213355

Fuck off, moralfag

>> No.1213359

diaf you sick pedophile monster

I hope your family finds out what turns you on

>> No.1213361

Muslim girls may be or may not be hot, but I do know that they are unusually horny in bed.

I am in Malaysia so I know this.

>> No.1213368

Come on, no one was stupid enough to bite that obvious and stupidly forced troll bait.

Way to go, idiot. Proof that only retards abuse *fag nouns.

>> No.1213372
File: 81 KB, 600x455, nazime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't respond to trolls

>> No.1213374

>diaf you sick pedophile monster
I don't think you should browse /jp/
You'll be happier some place else

>> No.1213375

whatever you say, doesnt change the fact that i still hate them.

back to OP subject, a bunch of my then-NOVA friends and us were in the next city drinking and having a pisser of a time, but when we left the bar somewhat drunk, the cops stopped us all and demanded we emptied our pockets and show our ID. now, there was about 1o of us and 3 of them, but thing was, when the police stopped us, 3 of the NOVA guys just bolted. its pretty safe to assume those that ran from the police had something to hide, but the cops didnt even bother to chase them and just stuck with us.
they demanded our ID and an inspection of our personal belongs. that was fucked.
they didnt even bother to speak to us in english (me and some of my co-workers just got to japan a few weeks prior) so our friend told us what to do, and after it was all over, they just walked off without a 'thank you' or even 'everythings in check, on your way then'.
that was pretty fucked and we werent sure if they were legally allowed to do that.

>> No.1213380
File: 16 KB, 250x195, pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's Backbeard. Haven't seen you in a while.

>> No.1213382

While sorta in the right board, this kind of post shouldn't be put on 4chan except for lulz, trolling, or randomness.

Intelligent responses to this are quite out-of-place here.

>> No.1213383

I think it's because foreigners tend to cause more troubles in their place?

Well, if I am a bartender and I see most of the people who cause fights in my bar are niggers, I would surely put a sign on the front door saying "no niggers allowed".

>> No.1213385

I'm not American, but I don't understand why the fuck can't the US just nuke the shit out of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc. Seriously, we'll even let you keep all the oil.

They're uneducated pigs who can't do anything other than causing wars and burn things for the sake of "religion" or stone their women to death because they were raped. Just nuke the whole thing and start over.

>> No.1213389

>we werent sure if they were legally allowed to do that.
they're not

>> No.1213391
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>> No.1213399
File: 82 KB, 300x368, muslimmagic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

radioactive Holy Land would just cause more refugees to the Western world

>> No.1213398

Saudi Arabia is America's ally.

>> No.1213404

Muslims are more at war with each other than with the West. Sooner or later they will nuke their own Mecca. Just you wait.

>> No.1213405

Nukes are worthless. You should know this by now.
Otherwise everyone would use it to get stuff done.

>> No.1213410

For fuck's sake, I feel like I'm on /b/, what with the entirely retarded political debate. Shut up.

>> No.1213420


>> No.1213422

As far as I see, the thread isn't going anywhere. If you hate it so much, post promotions so that the mods come and delete this thread.

>> No.1213431


Eh, that would just get my posts deleted. And political debates on /b/ don't go anywhere either, at least from what I remember.

>> No.1213456

I for one am glad we have /jp/ and these threads. It comforts me to know that I will never reach such heights of utter fail as 99% of the people posting in this thread

>> No.1213460

You just joined the 99% by posting here, dimwit.

>> No.1213469

This picture was taken in South Korea.

>> No.1213472
File: 367 KB, 320x240, nigalarm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1213479

Screw your shit, Eleven. When we say you did it, you fucking did it. Understand?

>> No.1213481

This is shit.

>> No.1213492

ur shit.

>> No.1213496

I don't think Japanese people would come here and defend their country. Japanese people only come to 4chan to leech our touhou pictures and steal our memes.

>> No.1213501


I say there are great strides towards equality

>> No.1213529
File: 554 KB, 440x623, stfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is getting too many trolls.

See image for good advice.

>> No.1213537
File: 75 KB, 453x600, Ilya-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't consider myself a racist, but it's kind of nice to know that some societies hold on to their traditional cultures. For the most part, America only has a modern culture (unless you count the Indians, but why would we do that now?) so I've always been interested in countries like England, France, and Japan, who always seemed to have very distinct ways of doing things. But after looking beyond stereotypes, I've found that these cultures are dead and gone. The United Kingdom is almost as mixed and mundane as the States, and it is much more heavily Islamicized. France is going down the same path. Within the next generation, all of Western Europe will become a "melting pot" and all of the things that made each nation so cool to me as an outsider will be brushed aside in favor of the all-inclusive politics that we already suffer from over here.

It seems like xenophobic Japan is still interested in remaining Japanese. Even if it means that a whitey like me would have a harder time getting around over there, I find it noble in a way. I'd hate to see Japan go the way of America or Europe, simply because that would make the world boring.

>> No.1213552

There's still Finland for you.

>> No.1213556


>> No.1213559

It would indeed.

I applauded Japan's government when they made the long-term visa harder to get with more language requirements.

>> No.1213563
File: 211 KB, 1600x1280, 1150545033366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I was under the impression that Northern Europe was suffering from the Islam rush more than anywhere else in the world. Or is it just Sweden that is having problems with them?

>> No.1213591

Ever occured to you that restricting the movement of people is a losing battle because most people WANT to mix in with other cultures?

Not everyone wants everything preserved in its pristine state.

Nuke the pandas, pave the rainforests, turn pompeii into a motherfucking paintball range.

Change happens. Cry more.

Also, Japan will be in serious trouble if it doesn't relax its immigration policies, since Japanese people are (not)breeding themselves into extinction, with too many old people not contributing (Japs are too polite to use them for meat)

>> No.1213609

Don't worry, they'll figure something out.

They've seen what bringing in all the Muslims has done to other countries. They will never sacrifice their internal integrity and allow religious ghettos to be created.

Don't get your hopes up about an "open" Japan. It will never happen.

>> No.1213625

It's only Sweden.

>> No.1213626

The people who want to mix cultures are those on the losing end of the game of life: the filthy, dirty, and poor foreigners who have no qualms with leaving their native land to leech off of the welfare system of a more-developed nation. Of course, "mixing cultures" is a bit of a misnomer, since they simply set up enclaves within their new country, refusing to take on cultural aspects of the mother nation that has so generously accepted them. If you can still beat your daughter for not wearing a headress and at the same time live in a better country full of nervous relativists who will make excuses for you, then why not? I'm sure you'd jump at the chance to "mix cultures."

As for the natives who have to endure this onslaught, well, let's just say that the Japanese view on "mixing cultures" is starting to make more sense.

>> No.1213642

I rather have a few hardworking and respectful immigrants and have hordes of lazy, nogood welfare-sucking barbaric sandniggers in my country.

>> No.1213645

>leech off of the welfare system

people really that desperate for $80/month?

>> No.1213651

Funny thing is, America doesn't have anywhere near the problem with muslims refusing to integrate into society that European nations have.

>> No.1213656

"Progressive" Europe gives you a lot more than 80 bucks a month.

>> No.1213654

From what I read, the more children you have the more welfare you get.

Sandniggers in the UK not only get a surplus for being baby factories, they also get to buy big houses thanks to the fucked up welfare system.

>> No.1213665

Thanks to 9/11, we have a good excuse to keep them out. I'm surprised European countries don't do the same kind of thing, actually. Amerika isn't the only one to have terror attacks, after all.

>> No.1213667
File: 4 KB, 159x159, 1219974557765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see non-multicultured society go to any Islamic country.

Also Sweden is hit by sandniggerism harder than it's neighbours because for the simple fact that they take everyone in. IIRC ever since 2003 most Iraqis fleeing to Europe have went to Sweden. Sweden is a 7mil people country. I wonder how long until the natives are a minority...

>> No.1213669

Strangely enough, muslim immigrants to America are typically very productive people, often doctors; we have almost no problem with them refusing to integrate into our society peacefully. The problem that European countries have is that it is mostly impoverished muslims with little education that come to their countries. This isn't a religious or racial issue; this is an economic issue.

>> No.1213670

$80 a month? Damn. Were do I sign up?

>> No.1213675

Fucking Americans crossing our borders and taxing our healthcare system!

>> No.1213683

1.) Geography: North Africans and Arabs just have to float across a sea. Hell, they could even drive over if they wanted too. It's the same reason why Europe doesn't have a Mexican problem like we do.

2.) Social welfare: Europe will pay you lots of money to do nothing. American welfare is more of a little boost until you can find a job.

Both of these things mean that America only gets Muslims who want to be there. My neighbors are very tolerant and tolerable Pakistanis and Egyptians. They came here to make something of themselves, and it's paid off for them. I'm cool with that.

>> No.1213686

I think because to get to America requires a flight (from Islamic-run countries) and flights aren't cheap! Therefore the rich educated ones seem to make it here more.

>> No.1213693

Because it's harder for sandniggers to get welfare in the US?

>> No.1213700

>This is a religious, racial, and economic issue.

>> No.1213704

America: 1
Europe: 0

>> No.1213706

No, it's because Americans have the right to bear arms. They are more aggressive than the 'tolerant' Europeans. Push the Americans too much and they'll pop a bullet in your head.

>> No.1213714

Because that's sure done a lot to deter the Mexicans, hasn't it?

>> No.1213718

Mexicans don't slam planes to buildings, so I'm okay with them.

>> No.1213720

UK != Europe

most of Europe have guns, some countries with more lenient laws than America

they are just not as belligerent as Americans

they are also not shit-scared of their neighbours like Americans either

>> No.1213724

And you would know how?

>> No.1213732

We need to put up a razor wire fence along the boarder and a mile wide mine field just past it. Leave the bodies in the field and on the fence.

Actually, we have a lower violent crime rate per capita than most countries with out strict gun laws.

>> No.1213733

Cultures can't die from this. Cultural differences are not created by the people, but by ages of geographical, historic, linguistic, religious,... changes. Deep down, we're all the same human beings, and mixing ourselves is encouraged on the genetic viewpoint.
Cultures die from the lack of new blood, the lack of changes. Look at the Japanese demography right now...

The problems with islam is different. They always occured in ghettos, with people not assimilated with the rest of the society. This people are stigmatized by the rest of the society and live in their own little world with their own culture.
Spain was once muslim, but it ended pretty well after all. As for myself, I don't give a shit about which god they worship.

>> No.1213738

that should say "with strict gun laws"

>> No.1213745

Less muslims in America might be because they fucking hate your country. You know, "the Great Satan" and so on.

>> No.1213754 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 360x254, 1219975755307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1213733 Spain was once muslim, but it ended pretty well after all.
For a while, at least.

>> No.1213757

Err... UK isn't an exception.
The only kinds of people bearing arms in Western Europe are hunters, policemen, and criminals.
And there's less and less hunters.

>> No.1213765

Why do these discussions always go to shit?

>> No.1213768

>Cultural differences are not created by the people
>Cultures die from the lack of changes

This confirms it. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.1213773

>Buying a game, and being told "this won't play on foreign consoles" and then pointing out that you aren't going anywhere
That's why you reply with "I have swap disc, I can play Japanese games or I have a Japanese PS2 at home, HURR"


>> No.1213778

I was expecting that :(

>> No.1213781
File: 25 KB, 448x294, 1219976053854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know about my Swiss Army.

>> No.1213791

You make it sound as if ALL immigrants are segregated leeches.

Is that a fucking RtCW poster?

>> No.1213797


Go back to gaia

>> No.1213839

>>1213040 All you have to do is say "I'm from Germany" in Japanese
Ore wa doitsu!

>> No.1213861

America is tsundere for illegal Mexicans.

We hate that they get free health care, but we love that they provide cheap labor.

>> No.1213898

Some of us just hate them.

>> No.1213958

Yeah, but you're a racist. No one cares what you think.

>> No.1213976

I laughed.

>> No.1214063

>You disagree with me therefore you are a troll

>> No.1214351

I wish more people came to 4chan. Then they would learn the truth about the effects of immigration instead of big media lies.

>> No.1214361

It would be racism if I hated all mexicans. I just hate the illegals.

>> No.1214475

I hate everyone equally.

>> No.1214748


"I'm Germany"?



>> No.1214898

and america totally isnt racist



>> No.1214903


>> No.1214910

You probably look at every Mexican as an illegal without confirming it though.

>> No.1214926

God damnit cut the trolling already, we're all fucking racists here.

>> No.1215209

Looks like we needs some niggerkillan here.

>> No.1215223

Stop fucking bumping the thread.

>> No.1215239

STFU negro.

>> No.1215998

sage goes in every field

>> No.1216009

Bump in every field.

>> No.1216010

It's "age" you newfag, now crawl back to your forums where you "bump" threads.

>> No.1216018

Age motherfucker! Do you know it?

>> No.1216021

The fuck is a NOVA guy?

>> No.1216025

What are these kids still doing up?

>> No.1216030


>> No.1216040

Age motherfucker! Do you know it?

>> No.1216043


>> No.1216046


>> No.1216048


>> No.1216049


>> No.1216051


>> No.1216052


>> No.1216054


>> No.1216055


>> No.1216056

Works for Dutch too. :)

>> No.1216059


>> No.1216061


>> No.1216063


>> No.1216066


>> No.1216067


>> No.1216068


>> No.1216070


>> No.1216072


>> No.1216074


>> No.1216076


>> No.1216080


>> No.1216081


>> No.1216082


>> No.1216083


>> No.1216084


>> No.1216086


>> No.1216087


>> No.1216088


>> No.1216089


>> No.1216090


>> No.1216091


>> No.1216093


>> No.1216094


>> No.1216095


>> No.1216096


>> No.1216100

Thank you, anon.

>> No.1216162
File: 301 KB, 433x600, nazieila.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, welcome our goose-stepping overlords!

>> No.1217020

this is a good thread

>> No.1217045

I don't understand why black africans want to be seen as anything BUT african.... I mean, don't they understand other people have rights too?

>> No.1217051

>"remember nagasaki, and hiroshima. We can do that again so shut the fuck up"

Keep your mouth shut coon. THIS is why nobody respects niggers. Japanese can do whatever the fuck they want in their own country and they don't need approval from a bunch of kike 'anti-racist' bureaucrats in washington.

>> No.1217076


>> No.1217115

crazy woman....

>> No.1217118

Rule violation. This thread is now being secured by the Police.

>> No.1217132
File: 29 KB, 455x453, 1220033260855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1217153
File: 11 KB, 350x169, 1220033642001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they keep the slavs out I'm happy.

>> No.1217156


>> No.1217165

im a proud slav, shut up.

>> No.1217187


>> No.1217206


>> No.1217217


>> No.1217234

Do you know the best way to stop racism in Japan?


>> No.1217254

because this thread is interesting.
and get a decent job.

>> No.1217266


>> No.1217276

same person.

>> No.1217315


>> No.1218171

Don't be an english teacher like 90% of the foreign failures living in Japan at the moment...

>> No.1218698

What's the other 10% of foreign failures?

>> No.1218748

there are many black people in shibuya at night.

If you're a gaijin then they'll want to lure you into their club "hey, I can get you cute japanese girls !".

Quite annoying =/

>> No.1218758

you're quite annoying

>> No.1218781

which makes me wonder how the fuck those niggers could get a workers visa, considering that Japan only accepts skilled workers and that the gaijin card system has made illegal immigration nigh impossible.

>> No.1218782


>> No.1218786

This thread is awesome.

Also if I was japanese I'd want to keep the weeaboo faggots out too. They probably get drunk and barf all over the fucking place while "teaching" english.

>> No.1218809

One post closer to autosage.
