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12134745 No.12134745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12124967

All Japanese 48/46 and related sub-groups are welcome.

Details for this years election have been announced. Voluntary nomination like last year. Current members from AKB, SKE, NMB, HKT and former AKB members in overseas groups are allowed to run. Deadline has been reached for candidacy application.
Number of rankings has increased to 80 girls (65-80 is upcoming girls).
Voting period is May 20th 10:00 to June 6 15:00

Prelim ranking has been announced
video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI_kTWVQz1U

Results will be revealed June 7th.

Katayama Haruka, Kikuchi Ayaka, Kaneko Shiori, Goto Risako, Nakanishi Yuka, Kato Tomoko, Takatsuka Natsuki, Mizuno Honoka, Iguchi Shiori, Kato Rumi, Sora Miyuka, Akazawa Hono, Kinoshita Momoka, Chikano Rina not entering election.

Details of the Pennant Race have been announced, in which teams and groups will compete to earn points through sales.

Iriyama Anna starring in a film adaptation of indie horror gamer Ao Oni.

Uchida Mayumi announced she is opening a yakiniku restaurant "'Yakiniku IWA".

Sashihara Rino will participate in Uchida Yuya's new single "Shakin up Baby". Release 6/11
Yuko graduation concert day after election at Ajinomoto stadium.

AKB's 36th single, "Labrador Retriever", is coming out on 5/21 with Mayuyu as center. Voting ticket will be included with this single. Full senbatsu:

New stages are starting,

Appeal videos for the election are up.

If you're new, please read the FAQ.

>> No.12134767

134 again?

>> No.12134775

No, the previous one was 133

>> No.12134785
File: 119 KB, 980x720, whowilltakeyukosplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Who will take Yuko's spot" now that she has graduated

7. Yamamoto Sayaka 14,798
3. Matsui Jurina 23,012
2. Watanabe Mayu 25,283
1. Sashihara Rino 37,582

front headline of newspapers today

>> No.12134838


Fuck 134.

>> No.12134860
File: 657 KB, 200x284, 71864066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bugs Bunny Oshima in OP picture

Well alright, I guess.

>> No.12135019

yeah they idea is "yuko has been gone for awhile who will take her place" then see the top picks as the news reports who could be the replacements even though nmbusu isnt a serious choice

>> No.12135029


Other non-134 thread was started nearly 20 minutes earlier, please go there and leave our dear friend here to rot.

>> No.12135030

Here is the top 16 from the Prelims

16. Miyazawa Sae 8,273
15. Kitahara Rie 8,584
14. Futamura Haruka 8,755
13. Takahashi Minami 9,005
12. Yokoyama Yui 9,505
11. Moriyasu Madoka 9,562
10. Kodama Haruka 9,879
9. Matsumura Kaori 12,890
8. Shibata Aya 12,340
7. Yamamoto Sayaka 14,798
6. Matsui Rena 14,897
5. Shimazaki Haruka 15,514
4. Kashiwagi Yuki 17,266
3. Matsui Jurina 23,012
2. Watanabe Mayu 25,283
1. Sashihara Rino 37,582

other top members are at the following rankings

17. Kojima Haruna 8,177
41. Minegishi Minami 4,504
60. Miyazaki Miho 3,372
64. Takajo Aki 3,315
66. Kuramochi Asuka 3,194

>> No.12135330

Really surprised at lack of Asuka
and Miho is 20 ranks out of place.

New gen might make a starting leap but wont last for long

>> No.12135376

That other thread >>12134822
is a mess, thanks OP for making a real thread!

>> No.12135389

Did you notice that other thread has "embed" twice !!!
a clear ripoff of your thread OP!
Not sure why we have 3 threads currently they'll 404 soon enough

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI_kTWVQz1U [Embed]

>> No.12135393

Apologies /jp/,
This thread is the work of one lonely inbred halfwit.
Please feel free to report it in the hope that it is deleted.

>> No.12135402

Hey, that's not nice! We don't do that here! What if your oshi found out?

>> No.12135469

My oshi wouldn't care she just wants to love and be loved.

>> No.12135604

She sounds like a nice oshi anon. Mine tells bad jokes and has been seen as the new Takamina. She will grow into it eventually.

>> No.12135796

You guys reading >>12134822 ? Glad to get away from their drama, thanks OP for giving us a correct thread

>> No.12135806 [DELETED] 

akb a shit! owned.

>> No.12135817

whats the matter friend? Come on in and tell us what is bothering you, Surely one of the members will make you feel better

>> No.12135849

The fact that you seem angry i would pair you with Sasshihara Rino. She is dumb, quick tongued, always at fault, sleeps with kami knows how many men and women, and she has an army of clones called HKT which are way worse than her because they are younger.

>> No.12135894

> sleeps with kami knows how many men
look at this jealous virgin

>> No.12136589

that rino sleeps with everyone/thing? its the quality not the quantity

>> No.12136613

Yeah, no reason for anyone to be jealous of Sasshi she hasn't proven herself in any area.

>> No.12136644

Anyone watching the SailorZombie series? I thought about it but saw the first episode looks dumb so I stopped.

>> No.12136744

I might watch it from time to time when I need something to watch

>> No.12136902

simple fact, that someone not naming who forgot to count correctly

>> No.12136906

Old thread died before i could make new thread just naming thread after what it should have been.

>> No.12137010

At least they were able to make the thread correctly we all know you stole this thread's content you messed up with the youtube video it shouldnt say embed twice

>> No.12137143
File: 23 KB, 421x600, tumblr_n5z869XWqq1ry1l90o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JuriCenter in a month! I heard suda cried when she heard her rank shes kind of cool she deserves some respect

Juri shocked at how top she was everyday i hope she cheers MORE MORE HIGHER TO THE TOP FUUU~

>> No.12137234
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All hands on deck! Captain is coming aboard

>> No.12137246
File: 716 KB, 1600x2121, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Yuihan did a shoot for EX magazine. Just heard about it today.

i ripped out the milky photos if anyone wants them should be in the trash still.

>> No.12137623
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Oh wow Yuihan is looking good

>> No.12137788
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I'd let her lead me anywhere

>> No.12137819
File: 54 KB, 346x615, tumblr_inline_n44p4f8kNd1re4ybn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jurisan can lead me to anywhere private and soft so she can get some rest

>> No.12137903

Anyone else having issues updating AKB Rhythem game? It's asking me to update then restart the game.

>> No.12137909

Guys, where are the Takane no Ringo PVs for all the songs? I can't seem to find them on H!O.

>> No.12137918

have you checked nyaa or youtube? sure one of them have it

>> No.12137920
File: 132 KB, 900x801, TacoTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TacoTime is best you all think your girl is the best but you only wish you were tacotier. Your girls are all ketchup sandwiches compared to TT literally just ketchup on two slices of bread, no, scratch that, ONE slice of bread, no, scratch that, half a slice of bread folded in half. Get your shit together.

>> No.12137937
File: 105 KB, 680x650, 1393707423467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh Takamina? yeah shes pretty legend, she ranked pretty well for the prelims

she usually finishes in the top 10 would suck if the young gen pushed her out of the top 10, if it happens she might graduate

>> No.12137946

So legend she laughs in the face of dairy products.

>> No.12137959

she went from hating plums to loving plums not sure if scripted or not but she laughs even when no one else is

>> No.12138092

do you have more Takamina?

>> No.12138100

The web has more than I do, the photo is from AKB Hawaii photoshoot they did not long ago

>> No.12138113

Most of the scared things are scripted, the best one being Yuko being really really scared of ballons on AKBINGO but on another show she puts a pin in one and it pops in her face and she doesn't even blink.

>> No.12138123

not sure if its all scripted but im sure theres a chance she could have gotten over her fear of balloons but also possible its fake its hard to cry that hard over a real fear she may have

>> No.12138126 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck are there two akb threads on the front page? Condense your threads, dipshits.

>> No.12138129

Well the >>12134822 thread is a ripoff of this one you can tell from all the errors but this is the right thread.

If they want to condense they might as well close the badly made one.

>> No.12138176

I just left the other one so I'll be staying in here then

>> No.12138238

Mariko is going to be so proud of her baby when she wins now that shes been hanging out with Maeda and Takamina on a regular basis

>> No.12138244
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>> No.12138253

They look cute anon! She will make her proud win or lose!

>> No.12138469
File: 194 KB, 401x750, tumblr_inline_n50bkthuro1rzqjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes about to become Center of AKB in a few weeks i hope her first official duty is to kick rino out

>> No.12138730

He's not the OP. The OP could reply to post. Its probably the shit spammer trying very hard to samefag.

>> No.12138809

Yuihan is one of those girls that will look good until she's 40+. unless she gets fat

>> No.12139061
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Yuihan looks great all the time

>> No.12139090
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>> No.12139100
File: 580 KB, 1063x1600, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it back, Yuihan will look great after 40+

>> No.12139123
File: 810 KB, 1124x1600, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder where this photo was taken looks like a clean town

>> No.12139157

most places in japan look like that

>> No.12139169

it doesn't really look like Tokyo and too city to be Kyoto

>> No.12139272

Looks like a province of outside Tokyo you can tell from the school in the back.

>> No.12139428
File: 84 KB, 600x397, tumblr_n4a3gy1u6u1ry1l90o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We will aim to the top together"

top 3 is good enough for me

>> No.12139520

I don't think Sae will get a top 10 spot, 16 maybe but that would be pushing her too far. Just coming back from SHN48 to big hitters like SKE48 is a big task wouldn't be surprised if she doesnt make it

>> No.12139531

i think Sae might make top 10, she is liked member going to shn48 probably hurt her a bit but now that shes back and can go back to handshake events restored her fanbase

yukos old fans might vote for her to keep the new gen's out plenty of time for rankings to change

>> No.12139536
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>> No.12139556

Paruru looks adorable , its fun when she has fun sometimes feels like she forces things that they make her do.

>> No.12139568

That's because she is forced to do things she doesn't want. She's boring and grumpy as hell.

>> No.12139573

not necessarily, her idea of idol and what they make her do are totally different.

she's still young and wants to enjoy her youth she sees "work" as boring and rather have fun just hasnt understood that when its work she has to think differently

>> No.12139712

Now that you bring Paruru up, if she was in a race with Yukirin and Rena who would win?

my moneys on Yukirin

>> No.12139786

Rena would definitely be the slowest and Yuki might have let Paruru win but between the two of them it would be a very tight race

>> No.12139821
File: 97 KB, 480x720, 1399677389765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't matter, Juricenter would outrun them all while drinking her tropical drink and finish it by the time they finished

>> No.12139953
File: 1.44 MB, 3450x4256, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YuiParu is the new MayuJuri

>> No.12139970

Oh god no.

>> No.12139980
File: 1.48 MB, 3510x4083, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean oh kami yes

>> No.12139990
File: 48 KB, 480x800, jphip57304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a problem with Yui and who's she's paired up with. I think she's beautiful. Just as long as it's not with Pururururu.

>> No.12139998

no way, paruyui is the new mayujuri

>> No.12140062
File: 1.54 MB, 3330x4253, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui and Paru are the new WMatsui
always paired together
so close together in the rankings

its just the way they will be

>> No.12140262

What would the pair of "Sasshi and Milky" be?


>> No.12140297
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>> No.12140309
File: 1.79 MB, 3504x4299, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nice, Yuihan looking good in black its that opposite thing where she is such a good person when she wears dark colors it makes her pop

>> No.12140598

Actually, that AKBINGO episode happened after that other show (I think it was Shukan AKB)

>> No.12140616

yeah shukan you were right

>> No.12140672

god damn. who's that on the left?

>> No.12140686

no idea, never seen the other two girls before maybe extras for a taping?

>> No.12140707

>no idea, never seen the other two girls before
>no idea
no idea

>> No.12140723

never seen the other two girls before dont know who they are

>> No.12140726

Mariyagi, Yui, Rie

goddammit /jp/

>> No.12140730

Kitahara Rie?
cant be she has a rounder face
looks nothing like her

literally means nothing to me

>> No.12140733

Then it's hopeless. You gotta at least lurk stage48 more.

>> No.12140735

>no idea

>> No.12140737

it is now at the "top my list of things to do"

>> No.12140817
File: 878 KB, 2269x1600, 06-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui and Mayu maybe i would recognize but mariyagi never

>> No.12140854

top 8 rank
they will make a duo of TeamSalt

where they just act mean and cold but sweet and innocent on the inside to satisfy their fans lust for yanki'ism

>> No.12140858
File: 102 KB, 400x601, tumblr_n4hjl38ne21ry1l90o6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the last time these two will hangout til they do a group meetup

>> No.12140865
File: 65 KB, 382x540, tumblr_n5mae5XqxT1qgexrvo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many crocodile tears has Rena shed since being in nogood46? any reports of her being dehydrated?

>> No.12141018

akb on music fair


>> No.12141534
File: 94 KB, 629x901, 24+-+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12141584

wonder how many songs theyll be preforming

>> No.12141627
File: 1.84 MB, 250x138, 1384747763334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juricenter giving the

Rino's done

>> No.12141641
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 1398118956416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki-P made this as proof of his Juripush all these big hitters with the new center.

>> No.12141653


>> No.12141655

lets aim sasshi for 3rd and go from there yeah?

>> No.12141670

She just gave her biggest anti the ultimate FUCK YOU and he got burned big time.

>> No.12141671

You want to die?

>> No.12141676
File: 69 KB, 422x750, tumblr_inline_n50bll3CuM1rzqjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about with Myao?
on twitter?

her yankiscandal ways wont let her take top she had it once and ruined it, aki-p is taking the top from her and if he doesnt the group will be ruined

>> No.12141774
File: 28 KB, 1024x576, BoLeeWAIYAA1lQA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HKT48 Team K4 !!


>> No.12141775
File: 2.99 MB, 400x226, 1378275776398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should hold these concerts twice a year because fun. A summer and winter concert themed songs. Prefer 2 events instead of 1 long event

>> No.12141777

shes on teamrino now, fits her personality well should see her bimyo skit when shes a baby it was the birth of hentaikt

>> No.12141785
File: 39 KB, 346x494, 81mp6BGf5YL__AA1500_-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HKT48 Team K4 !!


>> No.12141798
File: 26 KB, 331x441, 28 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HKT48 Team K4 !!


>> No.12142171

aita oota yes love-tan we know who she is thanks

>> No.12142192

You're welcome chinrina spammer kun~

>> No.12142203
File: 2.93 MB, 311x400, 1388783910937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, have some Center ichiban

>> No.12142227

Rabutan pics appreciated.
Same old Jawrina ones again...yea, not so much.

>> No.12142233
File: 270 KB, 1024x1024, AKB48 Mayu Watanabe Christmas 2012 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you not appreciate some happiness daily with some Juricenter?

>> No.12142259
File: 72 KB, 800x1118, tumblr_n4gupzsOr11ry1l90o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet that ichigo improved in taste after she kissed it

>> No.12142387
File: 2.93 MB, 500x282, 1399052355110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takamina, the longest member ever in AKB or will she leave when the time is right?

>> No.12142470

she has a good role lined up for when she leaves as a sort of personal assistant/organizer/mother figure

also possible to do some jdramas as well

>> No.12142494

New thread

>> No.12142570

why is there 3 threads?

>> No.12142574

This thread was made by a spammer. Don't ask me why this thread hasn't been deleted.

>> No.12142592

last thread hasn't 404'd yet or reached bump limit.

>> No.12142626
File: 63 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_n55y46E0ML1rzqjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
