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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12131716 No.12131716 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12117126

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12131725
File: 302 KB, 1300x989, bgtop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this game?

>> No.12131744 [DELETED] 


>> No.12131745 [DELETED] 

Well i dont know anything about other Neo sister games,but i got bored of this at the middle of common route and deleted it (its pretty rare for me since i dont drop almost any games,i even finished the popular kusoge Friends or a bunch of 5/10 games like ガーディアンプレイス)

Maybe it gets better at routes,i also would like to ask why the hell is this so popular that they made fucking 10 games for it.

>> No.12131753
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>> No.12131754

Well i dont know anything about other Neo sister games but i dropped this at the middle part of common route ( and i dont drop games often,i even finished popular kusoge like Friends or a lot of 5/10 quality games like ガーディアンプレイス)

But maybe it gets better at routes.I also would like to ask something,why the hell is this neo popular that they even made 10 games for it? the newest game of it wasnt anything special, or more like it was too boring i couldnt even finish one route.

>> No.12131760

But then they'd have to deal with people like you.

>> No.12131762


My only complaint sofar is the MC constantly giving a very descriptive explanation of the women's bodies he keeps looking at, makes it kind of hard to keep focused on the game for more than 1 reason.

Only up to the character alteration part sofar and I'm finding the heroines rather enjoyable even if one or two of them are pretty much just a talking walking archetype (Looking at your Nana and Hazuki)

>> No.12131765


>> No.12131774

I'm still playing 13人の麗しきケダモノ. It's a bit frustrating to see them do stupid things, but that's my only complaint.
I love it so far (25% CG collected). Hopefully the ending is good too.

>> No.12131784 [DELETED] 

>people like you
So you think I'm a shitposter. Why?

They suck up discussion. Go to the previous general and try to count the number of potential threads that could've been made.

>> No.12131786

But then I'd have to browse the rest of /jp/. I'm comfortable in here.

>> No.12131789

Nobody besides you wants thirty threads with two or three posts each.

If a thread really has to be made, do it yourself.

>> No.12131791

How is a greater number of threads with few posts each a good thing?

>> No.12131812

Holy shit, a song with vocals as H-scene music in P/A.
"All I wanna do is give you some loooovin' yeaah".

>> No.12131840

I actally agree with you principally, there's no way however that the current situation will change on this board. If we had a dedicated /vn/ board, we could kill off the generals for good, but we don't.

>> No.12131850

If we had one, there'd hardly be any posts in it. Even this thread is almost dead most of the time as it is.

>> No.12131852

>If we had a dedicated /vn/ board

I can already see the EOPs and you guys arguing over stupid shit

>> No.12131855
File: 121 KB, 680x384, jerrblywoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all know of any way to get rid of this tiled-square-thing? I'm fixing to just put tape on my monitor...

>> No.12131860

I imagine threads solely dedicated to praise moogy or point out Ixrec's mistakes.

>> No.12131868

Sure thing m8, let's have a seperate thread for each VN. Sounds like a kakkoii monogatari.

>> No.12131869

All made by moogy, no one else is desperate enough.

>> No.12131874

We don't take kindly to your kind around here, buddy

>> No.12131881
File: 102 KB, 795x594, snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fuckin piece of shit game
>I'm goin to run the installer and install everything normally so by the time you've deleted the iso you can notice I didn't install the fucking voice folder, sucks to be you
I wouldn't be as mad if it didn't mean redownloading 20 parts through ddl services. but seriously, fuck it. What kind of game skips folders to install when using the full installation?

>> No.12131882

>deleting ISOs

>> No.12131885

Wait, you don't back up your ISO's?

>> No.12131891

im not >>12131881 but im a motherfucking poor person who cant buy even a hdd,and my current one (500 gb) doesnt have enough space for ISO's since i have more than 100 games in my backlog.

>> No.12131893

Seriously, do that after you've completed it.

>> No.12131896

Having to actually deleting things you download sounds horrible. I need to collect no matter the cost.

>> No.12131901

Man, y'know the hard drive runs better with some empty space on it, right?

>> No.12131903

Das only for them old ones.

>> No.12131907

Oh. Well, don't I feel dumb.

Still anon, a backlog of 100 games? I'm sure at least 1 of them is shit. Get rid of it n' you'll have room.

>> No.12131908

well i know it,but also cant really give up any of my backlog.Also deleting games just because i finished them pretty hurts.Being poor is really hard.

>> No.12131922

>i have more than 100 games in my backlog.

Sounds like a nightmare, i have 54 on my backlog and I'm trying as hard as i can to get it back below 40

>> No.12131928

Since my standards are pretty low ( and i likes moeges),almost every month im getting 3-4 new ones to that list,which is the reason why i cant finish it.

>> No.12131929

Feels good having a 4 TB drive dedicated exclusively to eroge and a few random PC games. If it dies I'm fucked though, since I have no way to back it up.

>> No.12131934

No, it doesn't.

>> No.12131939

How do you guys "finish" a VN anyway? I have over 2000 games in my backlog because I can't even get a route done.

>> No.12131944

I normally grab 5-6 a month and i never manage to finish off all of them (normally get 5 done a month) due to either time constraints on my side or spending too much time on 4chan.

>> No.12131945

By having less ADD than you, clearly.

>> No.12131946

A route. If I read all the routes then I would most likely die of old age before finishing my backlog. I make exceptions for when you need to finish all routes to unlock the true one

>> No.12131947

But there's just so many VNs I want to play at the same time.

>> No.12131949

Is that a typo? I couldn't name 2000 games, let alone keep track of that many.

>> No.12131957

im pretty fast until i run into a H-scene. Or more like im reading the common route at the same day i downloaded the game most of time.Then for some reason im leaving game at there, and start another one.Of course i have intention of finishing them,but not sure when.

I guess this is the reason why i like Baseson's big harem games, since the entire game is something like common route.

>> No.12131958

I know how that feels, actually. It can be pretty hard to resist the urge to start something else before I've finished the game I'm on. I try to resist, though, because I used to try to play 4-5 games at once and I could never get through anything in a reasonable timeframe.

>> No.12131961

And I thought I had it bad with ~500.
For now, I'm just focusing on the ones a lot of people would consider "must-plays", like WA2/Muramasa/etc. Or at least that's what I tell myself. I also have a horrible habit of getting halfway through the last route then taking a break but never coming back to it. I have no idea why I do that. And like >>12131947. I wish I could just read one at a time.

>> No.12131967

I restrict myself to just 2 games maximum at a time. One story focused and one nukige

>> No.12131968
File: 2 KB, 305x74, helpmeplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm roughly rounding off the top of my head. Looks like I was quite off but it will reach 2000 soon. If I look at my folders I have 2 major folders over 2 hdd drives, one has 776 folders another has 661 folders but it grows every day let alone and of course every month. Since each folder has a VN in them counting folders is a better estimate then counting files. Though there are just rars sitting in that folder that don't have a folder.

I need to organize both folders really bad.

>> No.12131970

Yeah, I do the same.

Although I don't make much progress on the nukige one, normally. Then again, the purpose of reading that isn't to finish it.

>> No.12131976

Man, there's only 365 days in a year. What's the minimum time to play a VN that's worth a shit? 5 hours for just best girl's route? Even if you played two a day, it'd take two years to get through all that. And would that even be satisfying? Cut out the worst 80%, for your own sanity.

>> No.12131979

Same, the only problem I'm starting to run into is now over 70% of my backlog is now just nukiges.

>> No.12131982

But I honestly enjoy moeges and nukiges.

At least I have something to do until I die.

>> No.12131983

Just use sadpanda for fapping and only read plot-driven eroge. That's what I do.

>> No.12131995

Only problem is when there isn't enough new content on Sadpanda that corresponds with your fetishes, or when that new content is mixing fetishes you hate and like together.

VN nukiges fill that game rather well for me

>> No.12131997

Jesus christ you're a eroge makers worst nightmare.

Kill yourself before you kill the industry.

>> No.12131999
File: 47 KB, 377x488, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, any time I see something that sounds like it might be interesting, I just download it right then. That saves me the headache of dealing with broken links and no seeds when and if I decide to play it later. Sure it wastes space, but I've got plenty of that, so why not?

>> No.12132000

>VN nukiges fill that game rather well for me

Nukiges fill that gap rather well for me **

>> No.12132002

There are three generals concerning this topic on this board and more than five on /vg/, not to mention the related discussion on /a/ et al. This is more than enough for one board. Are you people so ADD-ridden that you need new posts every minute? I remember actively browsing foreign imageboards counting less than a million total posts half a decade ago and I had a perfectly fine time. There's no need to spend all your day on such a board, ideally people would only post when they have something of worth to say, which is naturally more likely to be the case in a smaller community.

Or to pose the question differently, do you people like it that roughly 20% of every thread of this general is wasted on recommendations, learning Japanese and a combination of the two? That kind of discussion will never be avoided, unless the format is changed.

>> No.12132004

meh, I don't care.

>> No.12132009

With the ratio of EOP to moonspeakers, all that would happen is that we move from here to some untranslated general on the VN board.

It might be good for EOPs, but I don't really see it helping us.

>> No.12132011

Now try convincing moot. Write him a mail about it or something.

>> No.12132019

It would be infested with English-only newfriends and I would run away immediately. I stopped using /vg/ because I'm sick of seeing people talk about F/SN, Saya no Uta, and Ever17 for the 192893th time.

>> No.12132027

Why would you go there at all? It's always been a cesspool.

>> No.12132030 [DELETED] 

Kill the general. Recommendation threads will probably be shat on by autism control and warosu, while learning japanese threads will be forced to condense into one thread or go to /a/.

>> No.12132034

not >>12132019, but it's not like there's anywhere better on the internet to talk vidya

>> No.12132036

A VN board would mean the Katawa Shoujo general gets moved over there.

No thank you.

>> No.12132040

Well when you say things like F/SN, Saya no Uta, and Ever17 I'm assuming he's talking about /vn/ which I am too.

I don't really care about the rest of the generals but from what I've seen the jrpg and vita one are terrible as well as singular communities like persona and katawa.

But this is actually getting very off topic now.

>> No.12132043

>recommendations, learning Japanese and a combination of the two

Still better than meta.

>> No.12132044

As opposed to this board infested by Touhou friends and other assorted autists. The board format divides topics into distinctive threads, so I wager it would be difficult to hear about Ever17 in a thread dedicated to Dual Tail or whatever.

One major advantage I forgot to mention is the possibility of the board being NSFW, as you know all discussion dealing with eroge is for some reason condensed to boards that aren't.

>> No.12132047

see you say /jrpgg/ is terrible, but believe me, no matter how terrible it might be, there is no better place

>> No.12132053

At the end of the day it's just my opinion. I personally don't think a general filled with tripfags blogging about their games is good discussion.

double standard but it's my opinion so it's ok

>> No.12132058

Oh god that is cute. I went through the imouto and princess route. Guess I quit too early.

>> No.12132069
File: 255 KB, 1296x729, BlK7MYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orietta da best but Fuuka and Tokine are great too

>> No.12132075

That's an epic surprise box, did the elders of the internet teach you how to make it?

>> No.12132077

Ok guys time to reveal the true nature of this thread.

Do you guys refuse to play a certain VN once it's been translated.

>> No.12132081

No, I won't read the translation though.

>> No.12132082

No, doesn't matter if it is translated i still read it in it's proper form; But i won't discuss it here because that's just asking for trouble

>> No.12132083

By the time that ever happens, people must've played it to hell and back already.

>> No.12132084

No, because I would have played it before it even got a translation project.

>> No.12132085

Why would I? I just finished Hoshizora no memoria the other day and I thought it was pretty good for a moege. I've been meaning to read Cross Channel one of these days as well, and I think it would be silly to not read it just because it is translated to English. I don't really keep track of translations either, and I don't really want to either.

>> No.12132087

Seeing as I'm still shit at moon and can only read the easiest stuff, no.

But I feel bad seeing SubaHibi translated and knowing how the English-only peasants will be too stupid to understand its themes.

>> No.12132091

I stopped tracking the translation scene a few years ago and i don't even know if which games have translations or not, excluding when they get mentioned in this thread

>> No.12132094

Whenever I post about something that's been translated, I try to accompany it with a screencap that shows I read it in Japanese. It seems to help.

>> No.12132095
File: 50 KB, 500x357, Momoyo,_Yukie_and_Christiane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finishd Majikoi last week, too bad the Majikoi S translation will never be finished, I'm probably gonna have to wait 1 or 2 years to play that shit, because that will be when I'll be speaking some Japanese, anyway. Fun game, had lots of fun and laughter, Momoyo's route was really amusing, I'm looking forward on finishing Yukie's route someday, all the girls are really cute and funny in their own ways, loved it, 10/10, It's gonna be fun when I get ready for Majikoi S

>> No.12132099

Depends, I read Eroge! in English because it doesn't have much to be lost in translation, but I certainly wouldn't read the translated version (if it existed) of something like Zero Infinity. It had its hard parts, but I don't regret it.

>> No.12132107

No, but I won't post about it here.
That's a thing that bothers me about this thread, it seems to be frowned upon to mention any VN that has a translation regardless of the language you read it in.

>> No.12132116

Is capturing the lesbian really as hard as this game keeps implying?

>> No.12132118

nah you just have to press a few buttons like usual. You can't really lose t visual novels

>> No.12132122

No. If it's a good novel doesn't matter if it was translated nor does lose its prestige because it was translated.

But it seems there are some people who refuse to discuss them or even think they cease to be good novels once translated, in this case, I can't help but think it looks like they are reading them for some sort of status rather than finding enjoyment, which is stupid.

>> No.12132144

I started reading SubaHibi today. I could read and follow the story just fine until I got to the train on the rooftop part (由岐 non lesbian route).

I still reached the 由岐編 end but I had to look up a whole lot of words in the process and it barely made any sense.

Should I even bother going forward or would too much things go over my head?

>> No.12132158

Just use Jparser. SubaHibi isn't that hard outside of a few scenes.

>> No.12132160

I actually had to read that part a couple of times for it to make sense to me. Basically, the hardest parts of Subahibi are the ones where it quotes from other literature. Most of it is pretty straightforward, but there are a few sections where your comprehension skills had better be up to snuff or you're going to struggle.

>> No.12132167

>Orietta da best

Damn straight son!

>> No.12132170

That part is a huge quote from the novel "Night on the Galactic Railroad". It doesn't reflect Sca-ji's style of writing, so don't worry. It's as >>12132160 says, honestly you don't need to understand Jabberwocky's japanese version for example. Reading the original will suffice, most of the times.

>> No.12132179

Alright, thanks.

>> No.12132221


People weren't ever stupidly against playing visual novels that have been translated, what many /jp/ers WERE against was the influx of casuals and the feeling of desecration that a translation project necessarily must bring to a VN that once held a special place in many people's hearts.

>> No.12132235

Pretty much the opposite for me and presumably for many others too.

If I happen to hear about game that I have even a slightest interest is getting a translation or receiving an adaptation of some sort I usually make sure to read it quick because some people seem to think it's absolutely hilarious to spoil stuff for others. F.ex. unmarked Dangan Ronpa spoilers started flying around in gaming and otaku hobby related boards right after the first one's translation was finished and I'd be pretty mad now if I hadn't plowed through both games beforehand.

>> No.12132245

I've got the same thoughts as you.

Unforunately I've gotten hit by the Dangan Ronpa spoilers before playing it, and not sure if I'll bother now.

>> No.12132248

I went through the 2 DR games when the 1st was translated too, fortunately I was able to avoid spoilers entirely.

>> No.12132315

I want you guys to list 3 good genre shift games.

>> No.12132321

go find the genre shift tag on vndb and look at the ones with high ratings, nerd

>> No.12132326

Nope, don't doge the question, I'm asking YOU not the nerds on vndb.

>> No.12132328

First define what you consider genre shift then.

>> No.12132329

Harumade, Kururu was quite nice.

>> No.12132335

It's the best.

>> No.12132336

That's up to YOU anon, if you think daitosho was a vn with a amazing genre shift then list it, I'm asking YOU.

>> No.12132337


>> No.12132352

Okay, then itsusora, saihate no ima and hello world, I guess.

>> No.12132366

Translated, so it's shit by default.

>> No.12132375

Princess Witches was pretty cool as well.

>> No.12132475

But we just talked about this.

>> No.12132637

Im not sure if there is still some people who cares about this,But seems like someone from anime-sharing has uploaded Family Project Remake. https://mega.co.nz/#F!AZpzkKiC!LK8Vw30eOab-H-nzpf5UvQ Here is the link, im currently downloading it.It wıll be a fun nostalgia i guess.

>> No.12132662

I had been waiting for it, thanks. I'll probably only do Jun and Kei, but it's still worth it and will look less bad than the psp version anyway.

>> No.12132663

Where Nick or Steve or whatever when you need him. This might be a FBI honeypot trap or full of dolphin porn.

>> No.12132667

You shouldn't doubt everything on the internet. Sometimes people just want to help you

>> No.12132678

Yea the FBI just wants to "help me", sure. Just like Hollywood is "helping" with net neutrality right?

>> No.12132686

Well of course there is a chance of being fake,but the uploader guy was saying he will buy it since 1-2 month ago and he seems like a good guy. Well im already downloading it so we will see it in a hour anyway.

>> No.12132737

Thanks man it's all clear no virus [:

>> No.12132760

That was my first post since the last thread, nerd.

>> No.12132763
File: 288 KB, 1093x638, ss (2014-05-21 at 02.16.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just downloaded,and it works as you guys can see

>> No.12132782

How many years of moon learning did it take you to read an average VN?

>> No.12132785


>> No.12132792

Whoa, you're fast. I've been at it for over ninety years and I can barely read moege.

>> No.12132819

Well to be fair I also ate a Japanese person. It speeds up the process

>> No.12132838

I should have known better than to ask this in the VN general.

>> No.12132844

Smart answers to smart questions.
/jp/'s seal of quality.

>> No.12132868
File: 95 KB, 500x500, c748123charab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the original for Sakura (Can't say no to Isshiki Hikaru voicing a milf), thought it was pretty solid as I liked the bootup's previous games. They also do solid lengthy ero scenes.

Then I played the sequel/remake (Neo+), which basically one ups the original's ero scenes, and character routes. They also added in Misonoo Mei as one of my favorite types of characters so it became 12/10 regardless of story quality.

There's no point playing the original over Neo+ as I believe they simply built upon the original and added significantly more ero scenes, extended the original routes and added more routes for other characters.

>> No.12132891

Yeah, grab Neo+. A few scenes with the sisters where removed to give space to other characters during the common route, but the routes themselves are basically the same.

The game is nice, but it's harder to handle during replays. H-scenes are written in a similar manner for all heroines and there's a noticeable amount of repetition, so you should pick one or two favorites right away before you burn out.

And I hope you like 中出し.

>> No.12132899

>I hope you like 中出し.

What kind of heretic doesn't?

>> No.12132904

Always the best unless the girl wears stockings, those rip and tear scenes are always wonderful.

>> No.12132935

Two months.

>> No.12132942

Why did it take you so long?

>> No.12132985


Newbie otaku seeking a sensei(s?). Currently playing F/SN to get the prerequisite out of the way. I am committed to completing at least the Saber route, but I find the dialogue is childish and the H scenes aren't doing it for me. (Broke up with my 3D just today.)

I began at age 11 with Season of Sakura for the ero- huge gap where I had an extroverted breakthrough- then began again with Steins;Gate at age 26, last week. Now I am fated to return to the fold from the bottom rung.

Steins;Gate was extraordinary for me, though I could do without the Faris route.

What comes next, I beg you? This thread was on this board exactly when I needed it.

>> No.12132994


>> No.12132995
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>> No.12133002
File: 7 KB, 397x79, Always nakadashi mk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I hope you like 中出し.

Now and forever.

>> No.12133018

>getting off to ruining a young woman's life, preventing her from going to college and destroying all career choices besides that of being an OL under a dirty old man who takes advantage of her sexually.

>> No.12133021
File: 2.83 MB, 1852x2738, jp recommendation chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12133025

Yeah that does sound pretty hot, but I think he was just talking about cumming inside of the girl when they have sex.

>> No.12133036

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12133041
File: 553 KB, 1024x768, Seine7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never get impregnated unless it's part of the plot.

>> No.12133043

ur mum

>> No.12133045 [SPOILER] 
File: 617 KB, 568x2059, 1400635487523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of what happens to this girl. Difference being she gets to be a house wife with mega benefits. Now she never has to work a day in her life. While she gets all the benefits from her man whenever she wants. I'd call that living the dream for a woman.

>> No.12133051

you say that like that's a good thing

>> No.12133063

Personally if they give the choice to cum inside or not they'd better have pregnancy after all those cum inside options. Especially if the girl mentions, "I'll get pregnant!" when she never fucking does.

>> No.12133078

The best thing is when they leglock and tell the MC to impregnate them.

>> No.12133081
File: 377 KB, 600x869, e734b2e5c7dcb3e646b50ee8c07f92aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I finishd Majikoi last week
>I'm looking forward on finishing Yukie's route someday


>> No.12133083

That reminds me, I remember there being a few recommended things to read before Subahibi so you understand it better, are there any others beside those two?

>> No.12133087

Tractatus, Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking-glass, and Cyrano de Bergerac are probably the main ones.

>> No.12133092

Not that guy but should you read them in Japanese or whatever?

>> No.12133096

Tractatus doesn't really have a good English translation, so you should probably either read it in German, or get your hands on the Japanese translation scaji read.

>> No.12133125

Read them in their original languages, you pleb.

>> No.12133145

btw 銀河鉄道の夜 is like my favorite anime movie, so there's that too.

>> No.12133268

When does Eushully usually announce stuff like appends?

>> No.12133350
File: 169 KB, 810x629, dedicated pupil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing Kanishino lately, and I was wondering if there's some sort of recommended order for the 分校系 routes, or if it would be ok to just go straight for Misaki's route right from the get go?

>> No.12133567

Doing Demonion 2 3rd playthrough. While story is still shit, there's plenty of cool h-scenes later in the game, they really worked on broadening fetishes included compared to first game.
Morte, Jessica and Sofi have some crazy stuff.

>> No.12133631

Is there anything I can do to make a VN not stop playing sound when I select a diferent window?
Most games already do that but a few don't, for example Natsuiro drops.

I like to multitask while its reading on auto.

>> No.12133637

Well, its possible, but you wouldn't ask if you would be capable of using IDA and since noone is going to do it for you, short answer is "no".

>> No.12133644

Putting Yuuna last especially is pretty important

>> No.12133669

Pretty much what >>12133644 said, though AFAIK you can't even access Yuuna's route unless both Sumika and Misaki are completed beforehand.

But yeah, make sure to read Sumika before Misaki since the latter's route solves a lot of former's drama very early and makes Sumika's route feel very redundant to read afterwards.

>> No.12133675
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Samurai Flamenco - 18 [09BE7B4F].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2014.04.06_14.44.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Samurai Flamenco of VNs?

>> No.12133690

I don't think there's something that does what samflam does.

>> No.12133703

Any noteworthy titles that are coming out later this year?

>> No.12133706


Would love to read something like Samflam of VN - start weak, becomes awesome, then a rollercoaster, trainwreck and finally multitrack drifting where you don't know what the hell is it going anymore.

>> No.12133709

Needs to be gay though, doesn't work without rampant homoerotic tension.

>> No.12133713

That one made by the original creator of SMT

>> No.12133715

Sakura no Yuta, Reminiscense 2, Death March

>> No.12133751
File: 119 KB, 640x500, fraternite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12133770

Just tried the trial for 新世黙示録 ~Death March~ - why is it mouse command only? This thing is asking for a game pad support...

Plays a little dumb, that's my very short impression of it.

>> No.12133804

What's it called?

>> No.12133821

Well, at least It can't be worst than Rance

>> No.12133823

just finished playing prettyxcation. was okay but LxC2 is 10x better. Leche is best girl in my opinion.

>> No.12133827

What are some games where you can give the lesbian the D?

>> No.12133875

Tried Nijuuei. Turned out I had to burn the second CD and put it into the physical drive, it wouldn't run using a disc image in a virtual drive.

>> No.12133913


>> No.12134024

Does she ever stop doing that gaijin accent?

>> No.12134028

I meant a not boring one.

>> No.12134056


>> No.12134068

Time to uninstall then.

>> No.12134076

Are there really people out there who voluntarily subject themselves to gamepads on their computers?

>> No.12134086

There are game genres that actually work best with gamepads, like fighting and driving.

>> No.12134107

>genres that actually work best with gamepads

>> No.12134109

It's all about preference. Not everyone can use sticks.

>> No.12134116

I can use my stick if you know what I mean

>> No.12134125


>> No.12134140

Gamepads are best for driving games? Are you for real? Never post again on this matter.

>> No.12134145

I use my PS3 controller for my emulators but I doubt anybody cares about my opinion.

>> No.12134158

I think most sane people do that.

>> No.12134159


>> No.12134170


>> No.12134185


>> No.12134187
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>> No.12134189

No please not another trapshit one

>> No.12134286


They really want to run this one like what they did with Shuffle, do they?

>> No.12134344

Your pain is my pleasure.

>> No.12134467
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, capture_003_06112013_174956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of personal tastes, it's pretty bad they keep on the series like they did with Shuffle, guess no new worth games from them for at least five or six years.

>> No.12134479

For real? Gotta praise her VA for enduring it all.

Good thing you can completely ignore her.

>> No.12134480

No, extending the series is not a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing when all they care about is making money and the quality of the writing drops. But considering how OtomeRiron ended up ranking even higher than TsuriOtsu did in various rankings I'd say that it's not a problem yet.

Also you say no new games from them for a while but you have to remember that they have more than 1 writer. Just last month they released a new game under their Navel Honeybell brand.

>> No.12134496

I got World End Economica, should I be excited for it?

>> No.12134601


>> No.12134798

I played MLA after it was translated.

>> No.12134803


Are you serious?

>> No.12134930

I recall someone here playing 美少女万華鏡 ―呪われし伝説の少女―. I wanted to give it a whirl but I'm not sure about my moon. Does it get complicated or I should be fine with a text hooker and a dictionary?

>> No.12134939

Fuck off.

>> No.12134944

Why so mad Anon? Take it easy.

>> No.12134946

In my opinion the second game was better because they cut the "filler routes" and got the biggest character, aside Luna, there. Of course they can go Circus and milk the franchise that the loyal fans will still buy it for a while, yet I don't think they can keep the quality from drop, though I'm not really a fan of Yuusei/Asahi and that may cloud my judgment.

>> No.12134955

The only real downside of the games for me was Yuusei, so if they change the MC it could actually get better.

>> No.12134960

I had the game dropped for some months after reading the first chapter, getting hyped, and then reading the subsequent chapters and seeing how the main character was done. Also no voice for a trap protagonist? Common.

>> No.12134963

i just finished it a week ago, but i will not help you since this will fuck the entire thread more.Fuck off to vg or something retard.

>> No.12134968

Yeah, it's really easy. You should be fine.

>> No.12134970

Fuck off.

>> No.12134974

we all started somewhere.

>> No.12134975

Yes, and most of us were smart and didn't start in this thread.

>> No.12134976

And now we're the senseis. Fuck off

>> No.12134977

In our mother wombs to be more precise, but most of us didn't come bitching him for machine translation, you might find better luck on hong fire and what not.

>> No.12134979

Just make your own research and give the titles you're interested in a try instead of asking here. Or watch some 実況 or look at random screenshots.

>> No.12134980
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, rectangular fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes it seems like there's a lot of people reading this thread, often when a troll appears, other times barely no one talks, good to know we have our priorities straight.

>> No.12134983

The trap protag is voiced if you apply the patch that comes with the 2nd game.

To be clear, the 2nd game comes with a patch for the 1st game that adds afterstory for all the main heroines and also adds voice to the protag.

>> No.12134988

Only for the after histories, it doesn't add voice for the main storyline, neither for the sequel.

>> No.12134989

What's the point of a trap if I can't even fuck his tight little boypussy

>> No.12134991

No, it actually does add voice to the main storyline. You're right about no voice for the sequel though.

>> No.12134994

I know, right?

>> No.12134996

This fucking game. The only nukige which use obnoxious and obscure kanji

>> No.12134997
File: 214 KB, 850x1056, 4eff538a08a92e6d2df36cfaefd1d95c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-insert. Though it'd be great to see him in action.

>> No.12134998

Well, Luna fucked his little boypussy.

>> No.12134999

I see, thanks.
Since when "text hooker" is equivalent to "machine translation"?
I have other stuff on my list but I wanted to try this since it looks really nice and I didn't want to start this one only to stop halfway because it got too complicated

>> No.12135000

Yeah, the flowery dialogue is a bit annoying.

>> No.12135001

Never played TsukiOtsu, but it seems pretty stupid to me if the protag is a trap surrounded by cute girls.
Traps aren't supposed to fuck, they're supposed to be the ones getting fucked.

>> No.12135002

Is there a recommended route order for Owaru Sekai to Birthday?

>> No.12135003 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1400707477291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can watch Luna fuck his boypussy though.

>> No.12135005

Yet another one? Did the previous ones sell really well or are they completely out of ideas? Don't get me wrong I liked the first one and I thought the sequel was okay, but I really don't know if I want to read another VN about fashion and making clothes.

>> No.12135006
File: 479 KB, 1280x720, Berry's0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never fucked Asahi voice by Sora?

>> No.12135008

I'd say read the common route till the end till you hit Naruko's first end and then in order by branching point, then I AM HERO and then the second half of Naruko's route and the true end.

>> No.12135009

Nice. I guess I can just pretend that's a dick.
I know, that's also my preference.

>> No.12135010

It's just not the same, man.

>> No.12135011

I AM LEGEND, sorry.
Also there's one or two additional scenarios unlocked after the true end.

>> No.12135061
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0299lou_e01_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing 中の人などいない and having fun so far.Its pretty laughable, Except Saori all of heroines are pretty charming, and the ichaicha scenes are really well made. May i ask why doesnt most of people like this? i know the story is messed up but its a moege and even game itself doesnt take the fight against heroes thing seriously. Of course if you play this for story you will be disappointed,but for a moege i think this at least deserves 80/100.

>> No.12135072

I have it in the backlog, I just loved the retarded premise and will probably will what I play after the game I started, it looks funny.
It's a shame more moege don't go for the stupid premise and instead just do highschool clubs.

>> No.12135075

>Except Saori all of heroines are pretty charming
What? She was my favorite. I love lewd and teasing deredere.

>> No.12135085
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 36878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

%100 agreed. Some people criticizing it for having a retarded theme but i think this is definitely better than standard club or classic things. And as i said its not like game is take itself serious about this fight thing like Koiken Otome which sucks too much,its just a tool for connecting heroines to main character who has a scary face.

Plus Nekonyan is cute as fuck.

>> No.12135091

Yeah, stupid games that are aware of its stupidity and can actually use it for comedy beat those 'look at this incredibly QUEEEERKY premise that's totally not going to disappear the moment you enter a route, along with the comedy' that you usually see.

>> No.12135105
File: 116 KB, 1024x576, OwaruSekai_21052014_192210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imoutos are really the best, specially ones that wake you up. She also gets bonus moe points for being disabled.

>> No.12135111

>bonus moe points for being disabled.

Y-y-you monster!

I agree with using some skinship waking up though.

>> No.12135155

Have any promising trials for scenarioge been released lately?

>> No.12135168

Is 群青の空を越えてan accurate representation of army life, or is it cute girls doing cute army things?

>> No.12135191

I have not played it myself (although I've been meaning to) but I heard it's more on the serious side.

>> No.12135197
File: 105 KB, 576x576, 1397541939226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-y-you monster!

>> No.12135211


>> No.12135213

What is the association between weeaboo and stutter typing?

>> No.12135223
File: 25 KB, 250x300, c761816chara3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear if I have to hear that fucking word one more fucking time out of this character's mouth...

>> No.12135227
File: 542 KB, 1280x720, Noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was /vg/ for a while.

>> No.12135232

She cried a bit too much during sex for me

>> No.12135238

Oh yea she was a massive crybaby too. But holy hell it's like her vocabulary consists of only >>12135211

>> No.12135335


Thanks for the upload. I read about the image on left having a gruesome reverse side on Clockup's twitter during a distribution, but nobody had a picture online. Thank you.

>> No.12135502

Is 'hello, lady' any good?

>> No.12135510

Why don't you read it and find out?

>> No.12135512

If you don't mind the protagonist carrying the entire story instead of the heroines.

>> No.12135534

Is he cute?

>> No.12135566


>> No.12135572
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>> No.12135579
File: 608 KB, 1280x720, master stop, you're embassing me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's voiced

>> No.12135582

Jumped to number one on my backlog.

>> No.12135602

>brown maid
Picked the fuck up.

>> No.12135758

Best game of year so far for me. Pretty much perfect except that friggin loli.
She doesn't have route or h-scenes.

>> No.12135768
File: 19 KB, 171x179, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't have route or h-scenes.
I fucking hate you. I fucking hate everything.

>> No.12135778

Yeah, I was quite disappointed about it myself, but there's plenty of space for fandisk, since protag's and maid's past wasn't explored, and there's only very few hints about how they did come together. Lets pray for it.

>> No.12135833

Megumu from RuiTomo.

>> No.12135835

Is 'hello, lady' easy to read?

>> No.12135840

Why don't you read it and find out?

>> No.12135841

Please stop shitting up the thread, this is not "japanese help general".

>> No.12135845

Far from easy.

>> No.12135855

If you can read Dies Irae then you can read it

>> No.12135868

Is Dies Irae easy to read?

>> No.12135871

If you can read KKK you can read Dies Irae.

>> No.12135878

Is KKK easy to read?

>> No.12135881

If you can read 信天翁航海録

>> No.12135882

In all seriousness though, railsoft games really aren't all that hard to read.

>> No.12135937

Is there actually a point to reading Owaru Sekai to Birthday close to/on your own birthday, or is it just for fun?

>> No.12135939

Where can I find the ITH/AGTH code for daitoshokan? I've looked at the usual places and couldn't find it.

>> No.12135940

You input your birthday at the start. If you finish on your birthday you get an extra scene at the end.

I would say it is worth doing, but if your birthday is a while away and you want to read it now then it is up to you.

>> No.12135941

I really should get around to playing them at some point. Which one is the best to start with?

>> No.12135945

Alright, thanks.

>> No.12135947

You should probably start with kagerou touryuuki, since the text is probably the most approachable in that, and then play them in order of release.

>> No.12135952

Closer to the former, though you don't get too much of the army life thing. It's more about politics and beliefs and interactions. It also has its share of slice of life.

>> No.12135959

Can't you just change the date on your computer?

>> No.12135964

Well, you can put any date you want in. It is just that I would say it gives more impact to see it on your birthday.

>> No.12135977

They look pretty damn hard. Mainly because the screenshots seem full of giant run on sentences where you've lost the main idea by the time you're halfway through.

>> No.12135983

Baldr Sky Zero seems pretty damn mediocre compared to Sky.

Most of the heroines aren't that interesting, and at least so far it seems like a stereotypical psychiatric therapy for cute girls plot as compared to Sky where the protagonist actually had goals.

>> No.12135985

> you've lost the main idea by the time you're halfway through
Yes, ADHD and Mareni don't work well together. Maybe you should try reading it on ritalin.

>> No.12135989

Overly long sentences are pretty generally accepted as bad writing, and for good reason.

>> No.12135991

Didn't used to be, at least in English. Read some 19th century novels and they're full of obscenely long run-on sentences.

>> No.12135998

Fortunately, good writing was invented sometime in the early 20th century.

>> No.12136007

Yes, thats why everyone starts with studying Homer works instead your 20th century shit.

>> No.12136013

You don't need one. Get ITH 3.0 and that will grab the text automatically.

>> No.12136018
File: 160 KB, 1041x619, daito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only gets bits of it. Though it still gets all the kanji so I can use it like this. With all the other games I used it with it hooked all the text though.

>> No.12136021

You shouldn't read that masterpiece with a hooker

>> No.12136024

You're either using an old ITH version or not selecting the proper texthook out of the automatically listed ones.

>> No.12136026

What version number of 3.0?

>> No.12136028

I'm not using auto translation. I do look up some words though.

It's the most recent one (just ran the updater again) and the other listed option only gives jibberish.

>> No.12136029

>Interactive Text Hooker 3.0 (23.04.2014)

That one?

>> No.12136033
File: 9 KB, 433x336, daito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I check the version?

>> No.12136036

Well, "refuse" is a bit too strong word, but I'm certainly uncomfortable with translated games. Like, I'm interested in Comyuu since I love Hino works, but it was ixwrexed already, and I just keep postponing reading it.
Even worse with Majikoi and Dracuriot, titles are popular enough in Japan, so I'm interested to check them, but at same time EOP fans are so fucking retarded and obnoxious that I'm having nightmares about being associated with them.

At same time, I don't have problems reading MG nukiges in English, language doesn't affect fap quality.

>> No.12136037
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>> No.12136041

Oh shit it says 2012. I'll find the new one, sorry for wasting your time.

>> No.12136043


>> No.12136045
File: 714 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game engine is one that ITH 3.0 recognizes. It should give you a few hooks named BGI. One of those will properly have the text.

>> No.12136048
File: 91 KB, 1043x464, daito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much.

>> No.12136073

I mostly stay away from the EOP threads for this reason.

Dracu-riot! is a pretty fun moege, I'd recommend it. I wasn't a huge fan of Majikoi but it has its redeeming points. If you like strong independent women and FRIENDSHIP you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.12136095

I see, thanks. That's more or less what I was looking for. (It does get a bit SoL in peacetime, either way.)

>> No.12136256

Why do you hate moege?

>> No.12136276

Goddamn it's like Hongfire in here. I don't mind people using text hookers to look up words more efficiently but we're not your tech support.

>> No.12136281

You aren't?

>> No.12136282

how hard is fate/stay night to read?

>> No.12136285

It has a translation so it can't be that bad

>> No.12136286

How hard is it to read the Iliad?

>> No.12136287

The translation is a abomination.

>> No.12136288

*an abomination.

>> No.12136291

I like how they made Shirou out to be some sort of sexist.

>> No.12136294


>> No.12136302

How hard is it to read キモメンでも巨根なら人の妻を自分のモノにできる! ~美人妻達を受精アクメさせまくれ! 目指せ!ハーレムマンション♪~?

>> No.12136305

Easier than Big Black Cock & Big Black Butt & My Sweet Wife.

>> No.12136316

Thanks to retard who made recommend chart the entire thread became full of shit.I hope he and everyone who helped him would die in a fucking fire.

>> No.12136320

Dear shitposter, your samefagging went totally unnoticed, yeah.

>> No.12136325

This is my first post since family project's screenshot dumbass.I know the "how hard" thing is samefag,but it doesnt change that retard chart fucked the entire thread.

>> No.12136328

Take it easy man, it's nothing to get worked up about. It'll pass eventually, every once in while some people get the urge to shitpost.
Wait until the monthly releases come out and we'll have new things to discuss.

>> No.12136346

You are right i guess.Most likely when the Majokoi, Sakigake Generation or Happiness remake come out they will start discussing those instead of how hard shitposting. lets wait until then.

>> No.12136347
File: 84 KB, 800x600, 8646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liar Soft's vns like Masked Shanghai and Shogun 8.

>> No.12136348

I doubt people will discuss the happiness remake, even if you are going to read it.

>> No.12136353

what are the main differences between the translation of fate/stay night and the original work?

>> No.12136359

Well i didnt read the original one so i dont know the quality of game,but the witch garden's e mote was seriously godlike.If they make same quality e-mote in this game too im pretty sure lots of people will read it.

>> No.12136361

One is in English, the other is in Japanese.

>> No.12136364


One is Japanese the other English.

>> No.12136368

Honestly the only reason I'm picking it up is because of e-mote. Wouldn't have bothered with it otherwise because I don't care for the magic school setting all that much.

>> No.12136374

Actually, they're both in English, but the original is written in katakana.

>> No.12136391

Is katakana the true chuuni?

>> No.12136392


>> No.12136396


>> No.12136502

please i would like to know how and if it was butchered (the original work obv)

>> No.12136503

how hard is higurashi (in nihongo) to read?

>> No.12136505

Easy, but get any of the versions that update artwork and add voice acting.

>> No.12136514

What novel has made your dick the hardest?

>> No.12136515

Jesus christ cut it out already.

>> No.12136518

uh this is the vn general thread you can't stop me from asking pertinent questions about vns.

also how hard is that steins:gate game to play in japanese? ?

>> No.12136520

It's all ages though, which I find questionable. I might still give it a try though.

>> No.12136531

what? no you are wrong, its not all ages.http://windmill.suki.jp/product/hapiemo/graphic.html look at this,there is ero cgs as sample graphic.

>> No.12136545

That's why Mareni calls himself 売文家 on twitter.

>> No.12136548
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, Oshioki_14032014_221601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akuma de Oshioki. Oshioki is my favorite Japanese word.

>> No.12136554


>> No.12136556

I prefer it when they write breast as 乳房 instead of おっぱい. Makes me think of them as cattle ready to be inseminated.

>> No.12136576
File: 160 KB, 822x649, oretsubaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished OreTsuba R
now should I start Reminiscence (I've done all 3 of Akatsuki no Goei) or Root Double?

>> No.12136585

Reminiscence since there's going to be a sequel soon, it's better than all the other akagoei titles (scenario) and still have the awesome signature endings. Also root double is really long.

>> No.12136606

>still have the awesome signature endings

Hahaha, we really don't forgive him for that, do we?

>> No.12136626

I do forgive him, the history of Reminiscence was very good, in my opinion was the best one from the last year, and there's the sequel. The endings are given to be bad, but I really enjoyed the ride.

>> No.12136653

>I really enjoyed the ride.

Me too, endings aside, I quite like how the world-building went; from akatsuki no goei it was more of a bite-sized chunk for the event flow where as with reminiscence it had more focused job-based rapport and built from that (not much on Kaito really doing his bodyguard thing compare to Hidetaka). The scheming dealings were refreshing to read, just wish it had more (well FD solves this).

>> No.12136713

Can't say anything about Reminiscence but Root Double isn't that recommendable. The A route was great but B doesn't have enough action in comparison and the main twist is extremely obvious, C is just a short answer chapter / infodump on A's mysteries and D, the final and longest route is just plain boring.

Out of Nakazawa's sci-fi game that I've played Root Double was easily the weakest.

>> No.12136740

One of the problem of Reminiscence is that the heroines had nothing to do with Hidetaka's job, that was the best part of the game.
At least the FD change that since the 2 heroines he will pursue are actually important in the setting
Too bad for no Maria route

>> No.12136792

She must be corrected through force, too bad Hidetaka can't do that, well she still can receive a bonus h-scene like Madoka.

>> No.12136793

Talking about Oretsuba, anyone tried the new route in the Vita version of the game?

>> No.12136868
File: 169 KB, 1105x670, yxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is something new.

I got テレビの消えた日, but when I ran the installer, my AV blocked it.

So I tested it and here we go. I would ignore it if it was just one or two detections, but this is suspicious.

Anyone played it and had any problems with their PC?

>> No.12136888

The game works fine without installation if you copy the game data folder to your HDD and run it from there, that's what I did.

>> No.12136891

Thanks. I should have thought of that myself.

>> No.12136939

Should I play the original Tsuyokiss games before playing NEXT?

>> No.12136943

no, there is no need

>> No.12137014

Does anybody know a game with good yandere heroine(s)? I have been looking around a bit, but most games look so shitty.

>> No.12137031

Does not exist.

>> No.12137049

My problem with it were the routes in general, out of the five routes it had, I liked one, and it had nothing to do with his job.
They felt so incredibly weak compared to the common route, big let down for me.

>> No.12137050

I wish I could help, but all the games with "yandere" heroines I've played so far were either really shitty or the girl was just possessive and not really yandere.

>> No.12137082

Subaru x Leo is 10/10 best homolust in a non-homo eroge.

>> No.12137148

Okay, I understand. That's what I thought too.

I just wanted to try something different.

>> No.12137160

I know, it's a shame really. I went on a search about a year ago myself and the only thing I could find was the ones where all heroines were yandere.

>> No.12137187

Yeah, then it's more a parody, I think. I've never tried anything yandere-related, so I'm not sure what to expect. Just looking for something new.

>> No.12137285


>> No.12137309

can someone tell me how hard sengoku rance is to read (in japanese ofc)

>> No.12137313

If you can read Muramasa you can read it.

>> No.12137317

No. Get out.

>> No.12137318

I missed that one since I only looked for PC games. Thanks a lot man.

>> No.12137319
File: 304 KB, 1024x576, Muramasa_16022014_040149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thanks.

>> No.12137322

That seems pretty entertaining, too bad I only have a PC.

>> No.12137326
File: 103 KB, 800x600, cQfSi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I decided to read the additions to the psp ports damekoi and konnyaku had.
Damekoi's was pretty damn crappy, for something called 'grand epilogue' it was like 5 minute long and over. Also they changed Himeo's voice for Sakakibara Yui, which just doesn't compare.
On the other hand, te no hira no rakuen had some damn good additions. The new character's route, Chihiro, was pretty fun and better than the weaker routes of the main game and the side stories,that are ported from fossette, particularly Umi's heart-melting epilogue and the prelude to the promised day are essential to the game. The after Rinna's route had some shitting on Akane which was a hanging plot thread from her route, but it's a shame since the poor girl was my second favourite girl.
Overall it was a very good port too, looked really clean and nice and the additions really make it worth read. Also Umi pandering is best pandering, both her and her father get some really great scenes that should have been in the main game.

>> No.12137329

uh can eops trying to blend in not reply to me and only serious guys who know how hard sengoku rance is (in japanese) reply


>> No.12137336

I'm just going to use an emulator.

>> No.12137341

Has the technology already gone far enough for that?

>> No.12137345

I hope so.

>> No.12137346

They are starting to work on one that more or less has output, but give it 7-8 years for it to actually work.
The good part of VNs is how lightweight they are at least when emulating.

>> No.12137350

It hasn't.

>> No.12137359

Really? That sucks. The emulator I was looking at seemed to work.

I need to play this game. I suppose I can just borrow a PS3 from my spoiled cousin.

>> No.12137378

you can just buy a used vita and switch to the jap store and buy the game off the online shop

>> No.12137386

>buy an used vita
>buy the game
Considering how easy is to get it for free with a cracked ps3, little point.

>> No.12137388

I don't have money. But I honestly thank your for the tip. I didn't know I could access the Japanese store from abroad. It might be worth looking into someday when I have some more money.

>> No.12137400

i couldnt remember if ps3s were region locked or some shit but yeah if they arent then buy a cheap used one online and crack it

tho can you play all the psp games on a ps3?

>> No.12137407

There's an emulator built into the Cobra CFW that works pretty damn well. Or you can just use PPSSPP on PC/Android.

>> No.12137420

Does that mean I can pirated PSP-games on an Android tablet?

>> No.12137430
File: 294 KB, 1024x576, capture_015_12052014_222950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which is 邪念編 worth reading?

>> No.12137434

Janen-hen has the movie omake, it's worth for that alone.

>> No.12137437

Android has emulators for fucking everything. Hell, there's a port of Dolphin (it's shit, but it's there).

Doesn't necessarily mean they'll run well, since most ARM SoCs are pretty pathetic compared to a good desktop processor, but for simple VN type games it should be fine.

>> No.12137447

This doesnt count as yandere but tsuyokiss has a very possessive heroine,where she locks mc,or make mc rape her best friend so he would see she is also a lewd girl like her,not an angel.

She is not a gore type but i'd suggest her.

>> No.12137452

Konnyaku is something that stayed in my backlog for far too long.
I guess I'll play the PSP version and get done with it, finally

>> No.12137454

Damn I though it was your average moege, got me more interested now.

>> No.12137462

Rinna and Umi have the best routes, so you may want to leave them for the end or start with one or another. At the very least clear the basic six routes to unlock the promised day even if you skip a route or two. But Umi A BEST.

>> No.12137472

The original tsuyokiss (not nigakki or sangakki or next) is one of best moeges i have played. The comedy is seriously top level, i dont think anyone can play this without laughing. Also routes are pretty good too, and specially the point where it doesnt break the character's personality (except Nagomi).For example Erika is always prideful,she doesnt became mc's dog after they have sex like other princess heroines in other games etc.

Of course it has its own flaws but since it has 2 best sub-male characters in the entire visual novel history (Subaru - Bro type, Samesuga - Comedy type)im overlooking those.

>> No.12137490
File: 131 KB, 800x600, 1658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these sprites look absolutely horrible. They have broad shoulders and no hips. Hell, the one on the left even looks like she has a penis.

>> No.12137495
File: 122 KB, 684x383, 20121111221002349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not good but its not at horrible level,some of sprites are bad while some of them are good. If you mind those that much you shouldnt play anyting which released before 2010

>> No.12137503

I know you are right. I'm a bit autistic when it comes to things like this. Look at her neck. Damn.

>> No.12137506
File: 221 KB, 962x767, 1373406601662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, no hips really make a girl unattractive.

>> No.12137637
File: 114 KB, 1024x576, OwaruSekai_22052014_204507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruko is one of the best heroines I've seen lately, I can't wait for the sex surrounded by beer cans and convenience bento boxes.

Also, the first bad end really surprised me(not in a bad way), I didn't know the game was going to show that much gore.

>> No.12137669

It almost looks like the beer is defying gravity, running upwards.

>> No.12137707

How is she even pouring that?

>> No.12137716

Probably a new bottle. Or magic endless beer.

>> No.12137728
File: 133 KB, 1280x768, 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?

The last monkey advanture from Overdrive. Yeah, I know. I'm bored out of my mind so I have to take what I can until something comes along which really interests me. Besides, some people here said it's pretty okay.

I'm thrilled for the Reminiscence sequel and Clochette's new tittyge.

>> No.12137734

>Clochette's new tittyge
Isn't that a little redundant?

>> No.12137756


You can never overstress the tit-content of Clochette games.

>> No.12137759

Does it have more tits than chichi miko?

>> No.12137831

is there any game with good looking brown girls that isnt like one of those strategy ones?

>> No.12137834
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, Amairo_02032014_235025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amairo Islenauts had a nice one.

>> No.12137852

ah im also a big fan of brown girls, if there is any of them (specially moege) i'd like to play it. Already played amairo and koihime series.

>> No.12137898

There's an interesting one in Zero Infinity, but it's definitely not a moe affair if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.12137926
File: 772 KB, 800x601, 83347670237882123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished up Kozue's route in the fandisc, its easily my 2nd favorite route including yosuga no sora's routes. Taking the role of Kozue for a majority of the route was a fun experience as we see her journey to achieving what she wanted. Akira still never ceases to amaze me how perceptive she is than all the other characters.

Im undecided if I want to try imaimo or koichoco next

>> No.12137949

Just going off the description, wouldn't it make more sense to play Koichoco before Imaimo?

>I wanna say that I'm not your brother right now!

>> No.12138030

well imaimo takes place before koichoco. I'll just do that then, didnt notice it.

>> No.12138064
File: 487 KB, 1917x1200, 5376853746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or do a lot of eroges nowadays have some awesome new('ish?) VAs

>> No.12138143

The heroines in Koichoco are supporting characters in Imaimo, but you don't really miss out on anything if you play Imaimo before Koichoco. Aside from tiny references to the MC of Koichoco, I don't think someone playing Imaimo without knowing about it was related to Koichoco would notice anything off.

>> No.12138174

Give me the honest truth /jp/, can I fuck her or am I fucked?

>> No.12138747

Just wondering is Prelude and After Story included in R?

>> No.12138750


>> No.12138916
File: 721 KB, 800x600, Lily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started reading Himegari. I think I'm going to really like Lily.

>> No.12138918
File: 203 KB, 963x596, mayu chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed Flyable Candy Heart.
It's mostly just short afterstories with really nice h scenes.

If you liked Mayuri I'd strongly recommend at least playing her route (you unlock it after Sakurako).
You get drunk and she dominates the shit out of you.

>> No.12138920

Tsun-Lily is shit, and Adult Lily is mediocre.

>> No.12138978
File: 225 KB, 1251x710, ss (2014-05-23 at 03.10.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is seriously tooo cute.And i dont know who voiced her but voice fits perfectly to her.If anyone knows the name of seiyuu please share with me.

>> No.12138983

I honestly can't believe so many people like femdom. You bunch of pigs.

>> No.12138989

You could just search it up on EGS

>> No.12139002

Faggot. Both maledom and femdom can be hot if done correctly.

>> No.12139165

Okay he won't let me borrow it. I give up now.

>> No.12139274

Where there many voices that sounded low quality in Clover day's or something?

>> No.12139304

I see what you did there.

>> No.12139411

Fraternite OP:

>> No.12139420

They couldn't made it creepier even if they tried.

>> No.12139429

Can't wait. Though if Euphoria is anything to go by I'll need a really cutesy raburabu moege after, I'm counting on the new Palette and Favorite.

>> No.12139433

that is just magical

>> No.12139435

Favorite's new stuff reeks of drama by the route.

>> No.12139440


Wow, I am impressed. Seems to hint death is more free than whatever dystopia they got stuck in. I hope the writer(s) and VAs can pull it off.

>> No.12139443

Heh, they forgot to censor a nipple at 1:52.

>> No.12139444

It looks like they all tried to commit suicide and were shitty people in general, at least the girls look like the average jap highschool whore.

>> No.12139491

This is going to be great.

>> No.12139517

If there's no bad endings where the "heroines" get the best of the villain/mc and actually kill it I will be mad

>> No.12139626

How can I extract unique kanji and words from a novel?
I'm not talking about ith.

>> No.12139642


Are you looking to pull the entire script out, or what? I don't know what you're asking.

>> No.12139646

Hashtable, I guess.

>> No.12139648

I once saw someone using a program to extract all the unique kanji and words in daitoshokan

>> No.12139656

1. Reverse-engineer package format particular game uses.
2. Exctact packages.
3. Reverse-engineer script format game uses.
4. Extract text from script.
5. Do simple frequency count on individual characters
6. Filter out kanji using unicode char data.

>> No.12139657

This guy got to extract all the unique kanji from daitosho, not the whole script

>> No.12139659

I used a modified version of what's on tlwiki to get the actual text out of the scripts, and then I put that through jwpce. For most things though, you'd probably have to do it yourself.

>> No.12139663

With what?

>> No.12139668

With your brain, if you got one.

>> No.12139673


>> No.12139674

OllyDbg for the reverse-engineering parts. Language and IDE of your choice for everything else.

>> No.12139678

I'm not into programing or such thing, I had to choose between this and moonrunes

>> No.12139683

New thread


>> No.12139684

Does anyone have that August girls sameface gif? I remember someone posting it here but never seen it again.

>> No.12139687

From which game do you want to get kanjis? I think most games already have tools to extract the scripts

>> No.12139692


>> No.12139697

brb fapping to artwork

>> No.12139715

I'd strongly advice learning IDA Pro instead of OllyDbg if you want to reverse something non-trivial, like custom encryption or/and compression.

>> No.12139720

My moon is too shitty. If you can tell me what's the engine I could probably tell you if it's extractable with a small amount of effort or you'd actually have to RE stuff

>> No.12139773

Not him but It's Kirikiri.

>> No.12139787

If >>12139773 is right the Crass should be able to unpack this bullshit. IIRC the files you are looking for have *.ks extension, be sure to open up this in Notepad++ or something that does not shit itself when dealing with SHIFT-JIS encoding

>> No.12139826

It seems to hard for a newb such as myself but thanks anyway

>> No.12140067

Guys why does the companies releasing all of their new games at the end of months? i mean for example the last month,if they released PRETTY×CATION at 5th april,Rance at 15th and Memoria at 25 im pretty sure their sales would increase. I know they are doing this because most of people's salary comes at the end of month,but its not like there is too many people who would buy 10 games at the same time.They are buying 1-2 game at the end of month with looking cover, and buying 1-2 game after it if they have good reputation which drops the rate of sales.Of course its not a big problem for big companies like eushully or alicesoft since they are always have good reputation but little companies get hit too hard when their game is in the same month with big games.

>> No.12140071

People get their neetbux at the end of the month.

>> No.12140085

as i said i can understand that,but in this case little games are being crushed by big ones. Lets say im a japanese who is working,And i got my salary at the end of month.i'd go directly for Memoria - rance and PxC maybe.30.000 yen for visual novels at a month is a pretty big budget and most of people cant spend 40.000 - 50.000 yen per month.

Then how about Racial Merge? Even though its a pretty good game and have interesting story, just because its getting released at the same time with memoria it doesnt get sales which it deserves.But if it were released 10 days ago, i think there would be some more people who would buy this because it seems interesting until memoria comes out.

>> No.12140110

They're not going to buy anything without money. Companies stand their best chance of getting people to spend money when those people have spending money. There's no difference in expenditure buying three games one week and two the following versus buying five at once if you're drawing from the same pool of money. If a developer thinks their game is being threatened by another one being released on the same day their best bet is to delay it a month. Which is what happened last month.

>> No.12140359

whats a good jap site for guides for gameplay vns? noticed that g-seeker doesn't seem to have any

>> No.12140363


>> No.12140365

oh do most games just have random wikis for them?

>> No.12140386

There are bigger sites like seiya-saiga, but a lot of guides are spread around everywhere. Google should give you alternatives right away, so it's faster than searching individual sites.

Just don't search in romaji like an complete idiot.
