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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 1280x720, otaku culture goodposter on the right being pressured into hiding by the jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12133389 No.12133389[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12133392 [DELETED] 

I hope nobody from /jp/ is unironically watching anything this season except Mekaku City Actors and/or No Game No Life

>> No.12133402 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't I? That's silly.

>> No.12133404 [DELETED] 


Out, offie.

>> No.12133412 [DELETED] 

There is a lot of good stuff this season and there isn't really anything that puts Mekaku City Actors and NGNL so high above what else is airing so as to justify that post.

Out, normie.

>> No.12133419 [DELETED] 

please don't fight :(

>> No.12133425

They have lolis in them.

>> No.12133426 [DELETED] 


Mekaku city actors is off on some cloud high above everything else. I don't know why that director isn't just making movies instead of squandering his talent making more shows.

No game no life is the best of the shitty rabble below.

>> No.12133433 [DELETED] 

Shinbo just uses the same few (if that many) tricks over and over. It looks pretty, but it's not particularly interesting.

Your second line is incorrect, as the rest is not „shitty rabble”.

>> No.12133434 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 349x300, jpmeetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12133435 [DELETED] 

gochuumon wa usagi desu ka is the best loli show this season.

No one's watching mushishi s2 rly??

also kawaisou all i watch right now :) lol

>> No.12133437 [DELETED] 
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, asuka licking lip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this frame two weeks ago. It was hiding right next to a keyframe.

I wonder if 4.0 will be shit? There's still a chance they'll 180 on Asuka's progression and take her the way she went in the show.

>> No.12133440 [DELETED] 


I am unironically watching Black Bullet and enjoying the lolis in it.

Also Chaika.

NGNL and Mekaku are an obvious thing.

I am quite enjoying this season

>> No.12133441 [DELETED] 

To hide that frame so well. Anno is a true master.

>> No.12133442 [DELETED] 

They all have breasts, screw that. I don't want lolis with milk jugs.

>> No.12133443 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.23_[2014.04.27_17.10.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12133448 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1400647945952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12133452 [DELETED] 


I wish he didn't go normal

>> No.12133453 [DELETED] 

sweet sweet chino-chan doesn't

>> No.12133456 [DELETED] 


Gochuumon is one of the best things too.
Chino a cute!

>> No.12133457 [DELETED] 

kawaisou is good
dogami and catyama is good
beautiful world is good
brynhildr is good
weekly tomodachi is good
the gainax mahou shoujo one is good
chaika is good
the bunnies are good
the one with the flags is good
the avant one with the pong is good
the one with the overpowered post-hikki is good
the one with the people with weird powers is good
the one with the suffering girls and card games is good

>> No.12133466 [DELETED] 

mushishi s2 for taking easy pretty good on the jay

>> No.12133469 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1000x600, 1349136571853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep downloading currently airing shows but can't bring myself to start any of them wat do

>> No.12133472 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 1440x810, 1400441132227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12133481
File: 320 KB, 730x1095, 1362392712653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12133481,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well there goes the entire board again.

>> No.12133481,2 [INTERNAL] 

Just another day at the jay

>> No.12133481,3 [INTERNAL] 

kigmod steamin hard

>> No.12133481,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12133481,5 [INTERNAL] 

lol he banned the one about loli too

is it possible this mod is even more normal than the jannies

>> No.12133481,6 [INTERNAL] 

A shitposting free board. Thanks janjan

>> No.12133481,7 [INTERNAL] 


is this kigmod's post

holy fuck lollll

>> No.12133481,8 [INTERNAL] 

Does that leave any posters unbanned?

>> No.12133481,9 [INTERNAL] 


just the one linked above you

>> No.12133481,10 [INTERNAL] 

That's my post and I'm banned.

>> No.12133481,11 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12133481,12 [INTERNAL] 

Why are there no posts since this thread?

>> No.12133481,13 [INTERNAL] 

You stopped samefagging?

>> No.12133481,14 [INTERNAL] 

Literally everyone got banned.

>> No.12133481,15 [INTERNAL] 

This is why you don't give a loaded gun to a monkey or /jp/ ban powers to a normie.

>> No.12133481,16 [INTERNAL] 

Threadbans are hilarious and should happen more often.

>> No.12133481,17 [INTERNAL] 

This is what is known as oversteam

He fuckin blew his top

>> No.12133481,18 [INTERNAL] 

I miss the D-Frag! anime

>> No.12133481,19 [INTERNAL] 


hi kigmod

>> No.12133481,20 [INTERNAL] 

why did you leave us


>> No.12133481,21 [INTERNAL] 


I quit posting Asuka because I got bored and wanted to play more video games

>> No.12133481,22 [INTERNAL] 

You owe us more of an explanation than that, if you are really him which I doubt.

You said you would never leave and you abandoned us.

>> No.12133481,23 [INTERNAL] 


I didn't leave, I just quit posting Asuka you retard

>> No.12133481,24 [INTERNAL] 

I don't recall you being so vulgar.

>> No.12133481,25 [INTERNAL] 

He's always been a literal subhuman.

>> No.12133481,26 [INTERNAL] 

You're not him. you're just some W-bro trying to get your kicks. fuck off

>> No.12133481,27 [INTERNAL] 

Answer your charges asuka spammer

you OWE me


>> No.12133481,28 [INTERNAL] 


I just got bored of posting Asuka!!!


Also I need to crawl pixiv again and see if there's any good new asuka images but I'm too lazy, and last time I only got a few dozen out of several thousand

>> No.12133481,29 [INTERNAL] 

You said you would never stop posting her on /jp/.

Does that make you a coward or a liar?

I still doubt you're even him, anyone can rename some files and take a sreenshot. Say something in finnish, thats not google translated. What do you do at night for exercise? What are your opinions on gun control, or on furries? Do you think yuru yuris are cute? What was one of your gimmicks in attacking the kancolle threads? What kind of car would you drive if you had to do so? Why did you delete your threads(when it was possible) whenever 4Pq posted in them? What is your current age?

If you really are him you would know the answers to these questions.

>> No.12133481,30 [INTERNAL] 


I'm not finnish, no idea how that rumor started

>> No.12133481,31 [INTERNAL] 

You're not American though, what is your nationality? I always suspected Swiss or Finnish.

You replied to that specifically but not the other inquiries? Why do you even bother to reply if you have no interest in proving beyond a doubt you're really him?

>> No.12133481,32 [INTERNAL] 


Also, I never said anything about exercise, I forget what I said about gun control but probably was in favor of it, I said furries, 'bronies' etc. should not be talked about/treated poorly as there's really nothing wrong in particular with them, they're just unusual-seeming, not unlike 'otaku'. I think I said yuru yuris aren't cute (but I didn't really mean it, I just disliked the show). My main gimmick in attacking the kancolle thread was calling Kancolle a 'social game', I deleted my threads often as part of my "my threads never get deleted, I delete them for fun" joke/gimmick, and my current age is 18.

I made this webm a couple weeks ago and I like it http://a.pomf.se/ksdnqz.webm

>> No.12133481,33 [INTERNAL] 


Also I don't wanna talk about my nationality. I'm not scandinavian though

Where did you get the idea that I'm Finnish?

>> No.12133481,34 [INTERNAL] 

I suppose your responses where fast enough that it is you, I don't really see any reason someone would impersonate.

I recall you saying you run at night so you don't die of heart attack

You, or someone with your exact filenames, was posting on yiluata or one of its offshoots in a greentext story about normie things like going to prom with a girl or something. You are European though?

>> No.12133481,35 [INTERNAL] 

why would you ever go to ylilauta. it's a terrible place full of shitty memes

>> No.12133481,36 [INTERNAL] 


That wasn't me

I've seen quite a few people (or the same person a lot of times) with my images and their filenames

>> No.12133481,37 [INTERNAL] 

> I don't wanna talk about my nationality

What have you got to hide? You a BR kid?

>> No.12133481,38 [INTERNAL] 


Ew no

>> No.12133481,39 [INTERNAL] 

do you really have a MAL and steam account or was that just the foolz retards trolling as well?

>> No.12133481,40 [INTERNAL] 


I have a steam account

>> No.12133481,41 [INTERNAL] 

Can I please add you.

its important to me.

im sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my questions, i realize they must seem very rude and accusatory, its hard for me to explain.

If you say no I understand.

>> No.12133481,42 [INTERNAL] 

please respond to me

>> No.12133481,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12133481,44 [INTERNAL] 

what do you need help with?

>> No.12133481,45 [INTERNAL] 

i need help being asuka spammer's steamfriend

>> No.12133481,46 [INTERNAL] 

i want to be your steamfriend

>> No.12133481,47 [INTERNAL] 

im sorry but youre not him, i dont think

>> No.12133481,48 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12133481,49 [INTERNAL] 

im not him but i want to be your steamfriend

>> No.12133481,50 [INTERNAL] 

