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12123962 No.12123962 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe it's been 8 years since this visual novel came out. I feel kind of old.

Aeka route > Mizuki = Nekoko

>> No.12123968

>I feel kind of old.
I'm so tired of twenty-year-olds saying this all the fucking time.

>> No.12123974

Tell me again about the 8-bit era again, Grandpa!

>> No.12123981

It's all, like, relative man.

>> No.12123983

I can't believe I still haven't played that visual novel.

I remember I was going to years ago when it was first translated and everyone here was crazy about it, but I just never got around to it.

>> No.12123989

It's really good.

>> No.12124004

I've noticed that a lot of people who played Mizuki's route couldn't recall what her issues were.

Aeka = Bullying
Nekoko = Drugs
Mizuki = Interpersonal, drugs, apathy?

With Aeka and Nekoko's plot you knew exactly what their issues were and you also knew where the plot was going.

>> No.12124017
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i believe it was labeled "Interpersonal" in the opening, when you can get anything you want you don't want anything you get
it's very "first world problems" but i liked her best
while drugs and bullying were more imminently dangerous, i would consider them external conflicts and the approach to overcoming them seemed obvious
i could just be rationalizing my attraction to them titties though

>> No.12124054

Why do you think Aeka route was the best. It literally shoved it's dick in your face at every point in the game and if you turned it down it made you feel like a garbage human being. I just wanted to go have a drug crazed fantasy with a faerie but instead I got guilt tripped into doing a mediocre route with an alright girl. Worst route in my opinion.

>> No.12124060


>> No.12124075

Does it contain H-Scenes?
Is there a version without H-Scenes?

>> No.12124098


Actually, the type of self-destructive behavior and inability to 'see' or care about the future is present in even the lowest of socio-economic groups. In fact, it's more prevalent in poorer communities than it is wealthy ones.

>> No.12124290

Fuck you OP, now I have the feels and I want to cry.

Nekoko's route made me cry the most. I played this for the first time a couple years ago, on a lonely summer night, right until sunrise.

The scenes with Nekoko at the park. my heart can't take it. Granted at the time it was my first VN...nothing else after put me through such an emotional rollercoaster than this one.

>> No.12124294

Finally I can blog about this.

I quit halfway through, the dialogue is written so bad I wanted to puke. I didn't go for any particular girl, instead I chose the options that I felt I would choose in real life (This is how I play all VNs). I ended up having sex with the bully girl like 20 minutes into playing. Twenty minutes and I'm already having sex, seriously? What REALLY set me over, was how the guy treated his sister. Stopped playing right there, uninstalled and deleted on the spot.

>> No.12124319
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It's not worth playing. It was released in a time where there were practically no other VNs to read, giving it a Katawa Shoujo-like effect where the novelty of it all makes it seem like a far better game than it actually is. A lot of people here still have the nostalgia goggles on so they don't see it as mediocre. It does have its moments, but it's nowhere near the kamige some people seem to see it as.

There is no version without sex scenes, and that would be hardly possible with YMK. The protagonist is basically having sex every single time he's alone with the route girl, and sometimes even when they're not alone. They threw as many H-scenes into it as possible, regardless of whether they would make sense in context or not.

>> No.12124321
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>> No.12124328

>I didn't go for any particular girl, instead I chose the options that I felt I would choose in real life (This is how I play all VNs).
Sounds like you're new to VNs. I don't think you'll be able to keep that up for all VNs; many VNs screw you over for being indecisive, and more recent VNs (and some older ones) have protagonists with a strong personality which would lead to a contrast between you and the protagonist, meaning either you make a lot of bad end choices or you're constantly forced to pick a choice you disagree with. The age of self-insertion in VNs is mostly over.

>> No.12124332

>Aeka route > Mizuki = Nekoko
Aeka is one of the worst heroines ever.

>> No.12124344

I remember when /jp/ called this "Baby's First VN"

>> No.12124352

You can't really do that now since you have KS around. Also since Narcissu is available on Steam it might as well soon be the Babby's first VN.

>> No.12124404
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>It's not worth playing. It was released in a time where there were practically no other VNs to read
it's easy enough without too many choices for those new to the medium, though some choices have unforeseeable effects on the ending
and english VNs have been available for around a decade before yume miru kusuri, back in the days when windows carried MS-DOS

>> No.12124468

I was talking about VNs that weren't complete shit. JAST flooded the market with cheap crap because there were no alternatives. At the time YMK was released, the amount of now-notable VNs could be counted on one hand.

>> No.12124504

dem titties doe

>> No.12124567
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Wasn't it Apathy? That she didn't give two shits about anything?

Also that danger music was hot.

>> No.12124580

There's a lot of nuance involved with YMK. Each route is both great and flawed. Each route has a little something for everyone. Every ending is fantastic.

Aeka felt very 1-dimensional at times right up until the last 5 minutes of the game. With Aeka you slowly learn that she has a darker side. Unlike the other two girl's routes, you're never at a loss for where the writer is going with the plot. People who like shy and vulnerable characters will love this route.

Nekoko's character design and antics felt unrealistic, and her route became kind of repetitive at times. As Nekoko's plot develops you learn how complex she is as a character. As others have pointed out, it's a vintage Nakige type plot. Lolicons and druggies will love this character.

Mizuki was less 1-dimensional as a character but her route wasn't as compelling as the others due to the fact that she suffered from common 1st world problems. (Interpersonal issues are nothing compared to drug and bullying.) Mizuki's route from the get-go has character development. People who like oppai/senpai stuff will enjoy her.

>> No.12124587

Also, Mizuki's issues were internal. Bullying and drugs is kind of an external issue. Even the main character's issues were kind of external. The fact that he was adopted and didn't want to be something that would burden his foster parents.

>> No.12124597

I've known people who had problems like that in the real world and it's not half as interesting as YMK made it out to be.

>> No.12124602

Well of course real life isn't as interesting as a drama.

She wasn't straight apathy though (like blankly staring into a wall for hours), she mixed in a touch of manipulative bitch to keep things exciting. MC was more or less at the whim of a girl who didn't give two shits about anything and would use whoever she could to satisfy whatever whim she had at the time (a very typical rich-girl personality).

>> No.12124613

>Well of course real life isn't as interesting as a drama.
I've found that life can be stranger than fiction. I've known girls who threatened suicide to keep a relationship going. Girls who cut themselves for being bullied/social outcast. I've also experienced issues with drugs that would make Nekoko's route look like a kid's fairy tale.

I consider myself a recluse, so the fact that a person like me has witnessed these things means that there are more extreme cases out there. I think almost every event in YMK could have taken place in real life at one point.

>> No.12124631

I barely even remember YMK, but what I do remember is finding it really average, with a couple of entertaining scenes and the rest not really being worth it. And that was back when I was an EOP. These days I would never even bother picking it up, I have way too many better things to read.

>> No.12124771

Same shit.

>> No.12124810

>I've found that life can be stranger than fiction. I've known girls who threatened suicide to keep a relationship going. Girls who cut themselves for being bullied/social outcast. I've also experienced issues with drugs that would make Nekoko's route look like a kid's fairy tale.
Nothing about any of that is strange.

>> No.12124815

>now I have the feels

>> No.12124817

>I've known girls who threatened suicide to keep a relationship going
it's called borderline personality disorder, the real life yandere

>> No.12126141

This is only the second VN I've played. I hope it gets better from here on out~

>> No.12126850

YMK spoiled a lot of newcomers because it had a great art style, full voice acting, and decent music. Newcomers are surprised when they play other VNs only to find out that they lack the aforementioned things.

The term "baby's first VN" gets thrown around a lot in YMK threads, but I don't think that's fair. Sure there's better written VNs out there but that doesn't make YMK bad. That's like saying all those nostalgia anime from your childhood are bad just because there are more options these days.

>> No.12126860

If it was possible to modify YMK's data, would anyone be interested in creating a safe for work version of YMK? Something like this would require a lot of editing. We could make it safe enough that our imouto could play it.

>> No.12126868

I still remember how mad i was after finding out that there's no sister route. 8 years and I'm still mad

>> No.12126872

Well, I don't hate it and I still think it's babby's first VN mainly because it's one of the first titles people play. In fact I thought it was pretty cool.

>> No.12126873

Why would you want to do this?

>> No.12126880

It would make it possible to share a VN I like with friends/family. I could never recommend YMK to family members due to its NSFW content, so modifying it would change that. I'm just curious if anyone else would be interested in making a SFW edition.

>> No.12126882

Are you gay?

>> No.12126886

It would be very time consuming to make Nekoko and Mizuki's routes safe for work.

>> No.12126887


YMK, like konosora, isn't a good VN to castrate.

Do Fate or something similar, where the ero's completely pointless and not tied into character development.

>> No.12126891

I think it should be praised for being a gateway drug. As mentioned before, a lot of VNs lack voice acting and music, so YMK is a perfect modern VN for attracting western audiences to the medium.

>> No.12126902

>a lot of VNs lack voice acting and music
what english translated VN doesnt have music?

>> No.12126921 [DELETED] 

>translated VNs

>> No.12126935
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>I played this for the first time a couple years ago, on a lonely summer night, right until sunrise.

Oh anon, I lived similar once, a whole summer alone in an apartment, sitting down with energy drinks and YMK and playing hours into the night ... until eventually I crashed into bed and the summer breeze came (not lewd) through the window to calm my spirit....
was it really years ago, now? Suddenly, my soul is full as HELL of nostalgic feelios............

>> No.12127421
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"Baby's first VN" doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. Fate/stay night and Umineko are also frequently considered "baby's first VN". It just means that they're played a lot by newcomers, and a lot of fans of those VNs haven't played many other VNs.

Worksafe YMK simply wouldn't work. It's too full of porn, and it's not 100% detached from the plot.

Konosora's ero is almost entirely irrelevant. Only in Ageha's route does it have some relevance, but even there it's only the fact that they're having sex that is relevant, not the ero itself. That's like saying Ever17 needs to be ero because Tsugumi and Takeshi having sex is relevant to the plot.

Fate/stay night, on the other hand, is an example of a VN where you can't just cut out the ero, as all of the ero (except for I think one scene, the second one with Saber) is plot-relevant. The first Saber scene was the plot hax required to recharge Saber, the Rin scene was required for Shiro to have Magic powers, the nightmare scene was to imply Shiro was being drained, and Sakura's ero is simply part of her character. You can't cut it out without rewriting entire parts of it (which is what hollow ataraxia did). Please read the VNs themselves before spouting nonsense. Nasu's ero is bad, but in f/sn it's all part of the plot.

A bunch of older doujin VNs (the only things we had at the time aside from Tsukihime, Ever17, a handful of other less notable games and a slew of JAST garbage) don't have music.

>> No.12127429

>hollow ataraxia
Sorry, meant 'realta nua'.

>> No.12127434

I might give this a whirl soon. How good is JAST's translation compared to the original text?

>> No.12127485 [DELETED] 

It's shit, but that doesn't mean the original is very good.

>> No.12127919


The last time I played it was in 2011. I opened it up again and played through my favourite route, Nekoko. The way she uses drugs to escape her problem of being transparent just hits me right at home. While I have never tried drugs, I have been addicted to MMORPGs for almost 10 years now... and looking back it has taken a lot out of my life. It's just that MMOs aren't stimulating enough.. I want to feel the joy and happiness that Nekoko feels when she's playing the role as a fairy. The scene with her in the Principal's office, hanging her head low, and when the MC grabs her hand and her eyes light up, just makes me all fuzzy inside.

As i'm listening to the opening now I'm seriously considering actually doing a drug, but I probably won't because I have no idea what i'm getting into or where to get any of that stuff.

>> No.12127933

>JAST flooded the market with cheap crap
some contrast to jast now that's put out like 4 games in the last 6 years

>> No.12127970

I've experimented with 3 different illegal substances and I can safely say that the themes they were trying to convey in Nekoko's route were true; although I disagree with their conclusions about drugs. They make is sound as if you're destined for failure if you use drugs. All the cool kids in college smoke pot which is just a fact of life. And I know of at least 4 middle class guys who snork coke. I also know of people who try crack cocaine every once in a while and still show up to work in the morning. That's not to say that all drugs are safe.

You never really hear about illegal drug usage in Japan. Well, at least I haven't. I'd be interested to learn more about what type of drugs they do over there. The drugs used in Mizuki's route was most likely cocaine and Nekoko was most likely doing shrooms/dmt.

>> No.12127982

Are there any other VNs that have girls that do drugs?

>> No.12127996


Thanks anon. I really appreciate it... maybe i'll find some of that in the future, then I can do it with Nekoko

>> No.12128002

Just start with alcohol. It's cheap, easy to get, and effective. You can experiment with other stuff later if you want. Weed is a pretty safe bet, too.

Near as I can tell, it's mostly weed in Japan, but it's really expensive. Meth and LSD seem to be somewhat popular as well. That's all secondhand info, though, I've never been there. On the whole there is far, far less illegal drug use in Japan than in the West, and the penalties for getting caught are ridiculously severe. They drink a lot, though. Like, really a lot.

>> No.12128009

>As i'm listening to the opening now I'm seriously considering actually doing a drug
I wouldn't recommend since you seem to have an addictive personality. But if you decide to ignore this warning, then stay clear of opiates. Physically addictive drugs are much more dangerous than mentally addictive drugs. Food, sex, and even video games can be mentally addictive. If you have the correct mind then you can avoid becoming mentally addicted to a lot of drugs. The only catch is that there's no real way of telling if you have the correct mentality to avoid mental addiction. I experimented with hard drugs back in my younger days, but I always felt like I could stop at any time. But don't take that the wrong way, for any drug that I tried, I've known people who got addicted to them. Even the less dangerous ones like coke and pot.

>> No.12128018


I hear Oretsuba has drugs, but I haven't read that yet.

>> No.12128028

They've done like 22. I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.12128032
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It's kind of interesting how Nekoko's route unintentionally highlights one of the most dangerous things about illegal drug usage. Unprotected intercourse. If you ever do drugs, make sure you don't do it at a party. Waking up the next day worrying about HIV is a terrifying experience. I'm a drug advocate, but one thing I can't deny is that when you're under the influence, you will make bad decisions. HIV is not really a problem in Japan so I guess YMK's author never thought to mention that.

>> No.12128255

>If you ever do drugs, make sure you don't do it at a party.
This is victim blaming. It's not women's responsibility to protect themselves. It's better to teach men not to rape.

>> No.12128259

That's not even what he was getting at.

>> No.12128265

Uh, a man can't _not_ rape. Any physical contact a man has with a woman is rape, even if she consents.

>> No.12128272

stims wont make you do anything youll regret besides be a little more aggressive

>> No.12128330


They're both at fault. Fuck them, all of them.

>> No.12128337

What's wrong with victim blaming? If someone spends ten minutes on tech support asking where the any key is then you'd call them a fucking retard. If somebody does something fucking retarded then they should get over it.

>> No.12128573
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>> No.12128589 [DELETED] 

On a more serious note regarding victim blaming, I find the concept as it's being applied nowadays rather harmful. It reinforces the false belief that when somebody is a victim, that person is by default also innocent. In practice, reality is rarely so black-and-white; most conflicts arise because neither party did enough to avoid it. Maybe one is 'more guilty' than the other, but that does relieve the victim of all responsibility for preventing the conflict.

>> No.12128593

On a more serious note regarding victim blaming, I find the concept as it's being applied nowadays rather harmful. It reinforces the false belief that when somebody is a victim, that person is by default also innocent. In practice, reality is rarely so black-and-white; most conflicts arise because neither party did enough to avoid it. Maybe one is 'more guilty' than the other, but that does not relieve the victim of all responsibility for preventing the conflict.

>> No.12128619

I liked the Mizuki route because she wanted to fuck a lot

Also the whole jumping off a balcony while fucking thing was something I really related to

>> No.12128938

>stims wont make you do anything youll regret besides be a little more aggressive
That depends on the stimulant. If you're talking about prescription stimulants then yeah, they're not gonna make you do anything you regret. Coke on the other hand will. Being horny + out of your mind high, can lead to bad decisions. J. R. R. Tolkien was most likely experimenting with drugs when he created the Gollum character. Because that's very similar to how someone feels when they're trying to get their next high.


>> No.12128995

IRL Rance.

>> No.12129061

All of that "training" goes out the window with a rail of coke and a couple of forties in your system. Also, rape is /jp/ heritage, please understand this.

>> No.12129068

YMK gives me nasty memories. I remember one time I made the mistake of going outside the house, I had ordered a cigarette of marijuana from the deep web PirateMan network. But it was a new seller and I wanted to keep my damage deposit so I smoked it in a bathroom. Turns out that I had gotten the wrong shipment and I accidentally smoked an entire cigarette of cocaine.

When I stumbled back out into the mosh pit of the punk club I was squatting in, I saw a gaggle of pretty fairies loitering by the bar. They were all dressed up slutty-like, just like that one dojin series where everyone turns into a slut and fucks like crazy. Star Sexual turned to me and said "ew, stop looking at me creep." Needless to say that my cocaine brain knew that I had to follow her home and live out my fantasies. I fucked a screaming, 220 pound goth Star Sapphire in the bushes along the highway that night...

>> No.12129075
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>220 pound

>> No.12129081

Cocaine...never again.....

>> No.12129086
File: 97 KB, 725x904, NotEvenOnce-14322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocaine doesn't do that to you. It must have been meth.

>> No.12129109

Cocaine is relatively weak. Crack on the other hand is much more intense but it only last a few seconds. The only analogy I can think of to explain crack is that it's like having 3 to 4 miniature orgasms every time you inhale.

Cocaine isn't strong enough to induce the type of feelings you described. Crack withdrawal might be close to that state, but not cocaine withdrawal. They must have laced it with a harder substance.

>> No.12129173

That's it? Then why don't people just masturbate a lot then? Seems cheaper and safer.

>> No.12129194

There's a few other things crack does. It also makes you feel extremely confident. Like so confident that you can confess your deep feelings to a complete stranger. But yeah, you make a good point. I didn't even mention all of its downsides. Just thinking about said downsides makes me feel depressed so I won't talk about them.

>> No.12129196

The first time you use it, you're pretty much fucked for the rest of your life.

>> No.12129210
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I wish I could afford all those funny-ass drugs.

>> No.12129212

Who told you that? I'm doing quite well actually. I think there are certain illegal substances out there that will ruin your life if you try it once, but crack isn't one of them. Also, it varies from person to person. Some people get addicted to weed, sex, food and alcohol. Addiction is really weird. I've tried quite a few drugs yet the only thing I've ever been addicted to was sex. Which is a bad addiction considering the fact that I'm a non-attractive introvert.

>> No.12129214

Prescription drugs are more expensive than street drugs.

>> No.12129235


>> No.12129238

Meant to quote >>12129212

>> No.12129267

I can find similar horror stories for legal drugs. There's sadly a lot of misinformation being spread because of our war on drugs. When you're under the influence of crack it is king. If you have $1,500 in your checkings account, it will be $0 by the time you've went to sleep. The difference between crack and heroin, is that when you wake up the next day you won't be thinking about crack. Whereas with heroin and meth you'll have a strong urge to do it again. Crack addiction is very real, so those horror stories you linked to are most likely true. But all humans aren't created the same. I've probably spent over $14,000 on illegal substances, yet I never got to that point.

Weed is a gateway drug because people try it and think to themselves: "they lied to me about this drug, maybe they're lying about other drugs", next thing you know the poor guy is hooked on opiates. Any person with half a brain should do extensive research on a substance they're thinking of putting in their body. My first experience with drugs was with executives in a company I worked in. I thought to myself, if these successful guys are doing it, it can't be too bad. So I went and did some research on it and tried it myself.

>> No.12129372


Sometimes I'm kind of dissapointed that I never developed a drug habit outside of marijuana. I was around hard drugs for a time but never tried any.

Cocaine or Ecstasy might have been really nice...

>> No.12129384

Weed, marijuana, cocaine, crack and ectasy are all dramatically different experiences. I've only tried pot a few times and it kind of just made me feel dumber. It's not a feel good drug like coke.

>> No.12129385

coke is basically instant sense of accomplishment. MDMA is more broad-spectrum

>> No.12129407

>Weed, marijuana

>> No.12129459

Drugs are illegal... so is murder. What does that say about drugs?

>> No.12129470

weed IS a feel good drug.
Coke is not a feel good drug-- it's a feel GREAT drug.

>> No.12129476

...that they both have laws concerning them on the books?

>> No.12129478
File: 468 KB, 800x600, 2009-03-04-147531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just replayed all 3 endings. I love Mizuki but I can objectively say that Nekoko and Aeka's endings are more powerful. Mizuki's bad end I think invokes more emotions than her good end. Overall, I like Mizuki as a character. Nekoko's facial expression in the picture is probably the most powerful image in the entire VN. She looks nervous, sad and happy all at the same time.

You're being a silly bitch. Don't be a silly bitch sir.

Thanks for the correction. Have this daily dose in return: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo5l-1r8OMo

>> No.12130619


>Not only do I agree with the point the post was making, but I have gone so far as to provide an example of the very concept the post was about (castrating VNs doesn't work e.g. the character development tied to Mizuki's), but only as an attempt to call the poster an idiot and somehow 'wrong'.

Stay classic /jp/

>> No.12130812


I haven't played through Mizuki and Aeka in 3 years, but I remember hating Mizuki and Aeka hit me pretty hard, but not as hard as Nekoko.

I'm just a dirty lolicon though, maybe that's why. I wish this game wasn't so shitty at times though. Come on, that scene where Aeka waits for Kouhei to go buy condoms is complete bullshit, no couple would do that in the moment. Same with her getting her clothes torn off on the roof.

>> No.12130819
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>> No.12130983

>Drugs are illegal... so is murder. What does that say about drugs?
...that it's as bad as jaywalking?

>> No.12131068
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While YMK might not have been that groundbreaking in retrospect, it's the game that got me properly into eroge and through those ultimately into learning Japanese. Looking few years back on that lonely Valentine's Day I'd never have imagined that I'd be reading stuff like Muramasa or Senshinkan by now.

Also Aeka was objectively the best heroine.

>> No.12132287

>Come on, that scene where Aeka waits for Kouhei to go buy condoms is complete bullshit
True, most new couples would just handle business then worry about it after. Running to the store to get protection would kill the mood. It was very unrealistic.

>> No.12133712

>Same with her getting her clothes torn off on the roof
No, bullying is actually like this in East Asia. It's fucking brutal.

>> No.12133745

Actually it goes:
Nekoko >>>>> Aeka > Mizuki

you dummybutt.

>> No.12135429

If you're talking about endings then maybe, but Nekoko's route had too much shenanigans.

>> No.12135583


the scene where you find out her identity and run off with her makes up for it all

>> No.12135870

>no couple would do that in the moment
have you ever had live sex? heterosexually?

The only thing that weirded me about it was that the sort of girl who demands you go find a condom first is probably going to keep being hung up about it later instead of going 'oh well, this is too much trouble after all'. Girls who are shit-scared of pregnancy and AIDS exist, especially in places where the pill is hard to come by, and I do remember late-night drugstore runs to get condoms RIGHT NOW. And bumping into other people there who were shopping in just as much hurry.

The unrealistic part for me was Mizuki's route. I kept expecting that whole trip sequence to turn out to be a drug trip, because it was so over-the-top... it was hard to take her problems seriously when I was still going 'How is this even possible?'

>> No.12135873


>have you ever had live sex? heterosexually?

you got me there (´・ω・`)

>> No.12138259 [SPOILER] 
File: 503 KB, 800x600, 1400825807591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this for the first time a week ago and the only route worth a shit is Aeka route
it's Romeo so the writing isn't bad but it's like... entry-level shit directed at an experienced audience? I don't really get the point of it

attached best scene in the game

>> No.12138268

>it's Romeo
No it isn't. And anyway, how can you possibly judge the writing quality when you're reading it in English?

>> No.12138349

still one of my fav VNs though. the characters were really well developed in so far as their personalities and manners of speech. Muv Luv had good plot development but didnt do as great character wise.

>> No.12138380
File: 188 KB, 480x640, 1391758688678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good

>> No.12138385
File: 581 KB, 800x598, 1347291794274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you retards like this edgy piece of crap

>> No.12138488


>> No.12138792

It's not only Romeo, but he was part of it.

>> No.12138805
File: 4 KB, 838x32, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12139387

Romeo was involved in the planning, but as far as anyone knows he didn't write a single line of text for it.

>> No.12140789

> I think there are certain illegal substances out there that will ruin your life if you try it once
[Citation needed].
