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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 478 KB, 859x606, Tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12118887 No.12118887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm moving to Japan next week. It was kind of an impulsive decision. I don't know any Japanese or have any idea how they operate culturally. What should I bring with and what do I need to know about the culture so I can assimilate without humiliating myself or hurting people's feelings?

>> No.12118890


>> No.12118891

Bring as many body-pillows as you can fit in your luggage. They are used as currency in Nippon.

>> No.12118892


>> No.12118893

I wanted to provide people who I thought would appreciate it, the opportunity to plan out a moving trip to Japan. Not sure how many japan experts there are on /tvr/


care to explain?

>> No.12118900
File: 427 KB, 1280x800, tokyo-at-night-4275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with photos that have something to do with japan until I feel satisfied with the responses.

>> No.12118905
File: 268 KB, 1616x1512, gundam_odaiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118908

>I'm moving to Japan next week.

How'd you accomplish that OP?
You need a job, to be able to live there.
And the only job a foreigner can get there is teaching English, which I'm simply not interested in at all.

>> No.12118909
File: 122 KB, 659x439, BN-AM988_jcool2_H_20131122052900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118911
File: 25 KB, 400x533, asimo-1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a ridiculous amount of money and that's as far as I'm going to go into that.

>> No.12118915
File: 115 KB, 659x439, BN-AM989_jcool3_H_20131122052904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118916

All these threads are just /jp/sies trying to rassle my frassle, right?

>> No.12118918
File: 150 KB, 736x490, 36467-Panda-Sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you can choose to believe what you want. It doesn't change the fact that I'll be in Japan next week. And can anyone perhaps, I don't know, provide actual advice.

>> No.12118920

I wish someone would rassle my frassle.

>> No.12118922


Japs never accept foreigners as their own. They'll be friends with you, they'll treat you like a human being, but you'll forever be known as "gaijin" (foreigner). Even if your children are born there to a Japanese women or man, they're considered foreigners. You'll always stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.12118925

learn japanese

>> No.12118926

I give this guy a week tops before he fucks up and ends up in a political prison.

Hope you like seppuku, biatch.

>> No.12118931

OK, good to know. Anything else?

OK, any good schools to learn in Japan?

Seppuku? That's ceremonial disembowelment right? I don't know too much about that. Also, I highly doubt I'll end up in prison.

>> No.12118934
File: 42 KB, 933x700, keep-calm-and-visit-japan-5-feature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12118938


Yeah, don't go to Japan without knowing Japanese and knowing every single possible thing that can offend them. Its no walk in the park even if you know all that.

>> No.12118942
File: 60 KB, 448x470, stock-vector-heart-shape-with-japan-icons-112120067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understood. I'm still going next week though, so how about some helpful advice on what I should and maybe some of the things that may be offensive that I don't even think about?

>> No.12118945

Knowing Japanese and offending japs is the single most great thing in Japan. They can't do shit or even get mad because of their cultural code.

>> No.12118948

So it's possible that I can say destructive things and they wouldn't even show signs of being mad?

>> No.12118952

Why're you moving in the first place?
What can you get in Japan you can't get anywhere else?

>> No.12118955

Make sure to mention every 2hu you have 1cc'd. Nips love to talk about their favorite animus.

>> No.12118955,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol just look at this dude

>> No.12118965

I don't know where to start to be honest. Learn the language, even if only the basics to start with (Japanese people are generally terrible at English). Japan is a society that's very different to the west socially, so maybe it would be good to look up blogs run by foreign people living in Japan, and read abut their day-to-day experiences to prepare for the type of situations you may run into.

I think it may be hard to feel at home without some sort of specific reason to want to go there and stay there. You don't seem have a reason now, but maybe you could find one? Do you have any interests? Try and see if there's something particular about Japan, Japanese culture or just anything really, to focus on and learn about. That way it might be easier to approach other things you may need to learn (socially structure, language), especially if you find it hard with the motivation. If not, try and make Japanese friends, perhaps, get emotionally invested that way.

As for things to take with you, I can only think of your favorite locals foods to start with (or find a way to import them at decent prices). When I was studying in Japan the food was a problem for me, not because it wasn't tasty, because Japanese restaurants are generally very good, but my body wasn't accustomed to eating such a different diet.

>> No.12118966


Don't walk on rushmats with shoes because you'll ruin them. Clean your bathroom weekly because mold will take it over otherwise. The cookers are different, so don't burn the house down. Get used to recycling. Bring your food to your mouth when eating, even if it means raising your bowl to your face, people think you look like a dog when you lower your head to eat your meal. Don't use a mobile phone on public transport. Always have your chop sticks facing a certain way, I forget which. People will think you're weird if you eat the skin on fruits. If a food comes in a wrapper, hold it by the wrapper. Don't put soy sauce on plain rice. There's billions of these little rules, I can't list them all.


In Tokyo maybe, an old lady won't think twice about slapping you over the head or berating you if you go to the countryside.

>> No.12118970
File: 13 KB, 240x320, 2568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you should read every article on this site to get a somehwat deeper understanding of Japan.

>> No.12118981

What part of Japan are you moving to? If you're going to be around Kobe I could help out.

>> No.12118982

I can't answer that.
Learn the language, it sounds like that's important so I will. I'm not too worried about getting involved with anyone socially but I'll think about the "getting Japanese friends part". Food isn't an issue, I have an adaptable palate.
Those rules don't seem too hard to remember.
Will do.

Anything else?

>> No.12118986

What's a good part to move to? Price isn't an issue/

>> No.12118990

>crying about no 24 hour pharmacy
>giving a shit what some slant eyed nip thinks of your clothes

Some of that advice is totally wank.

>> No.12118991

I'm a city boy myself, so I love the bustling places around Tokyo. Lots of interesting stuff there, including places like Akihabara. If you'd rather prefer a more quiet lifestyle then anywhere away from the big cities. Just give it some research on google.

I currently live in the Hyogo region in a semi-rural town (not by choice).

>> No.12118997


Why won't you share more details about your money or your life? What's the big secret?

>> No.12118998

I don't mind the city but I heard the accommodations are small. Are home construction restrictions similar to the US?

>> No.12119002

I would rather my identity not be revealed on here. If I state my occupation it and that I'm moving to Japan, it would be too easy for it to be known.

>> No.12119007


Sounds like you're a crazed fantasist

>> No.12119010

Running away from your problems isn't going to make them disappear, moot. Shinji tried it. It doesn't work.

>> No.12119011

US homes are much more spacious.
Japanese homes are designed to be more space-efficient, so it's not exactly tiny or makes you feel constricted but it probably won't be as big as its US counterpart. Of course, I'm just speaking in general, and if you have the money you can always go for a big fancy house.

I live in an apartment made for 1 person but I live with someone else and we have more than enough space without feeling squished at all.

>> No.12119012

If you're talking about that animated stuff or something I don't really have an interest. I admit, I do sound kinda crazy in that post but I really don't want who I am to be known, I'm not a celebrity either.

>> No.12119017

Hehe, not moot but there are a few things or rather people I'm trying to get away from.

>> No.12119020

The yakuza LIVE in Japan. You're going in the wrong direction.

>> No.12119023

I'm a heavy smoker, with preference for a particular brand, American Spirits. Those are available over there right, if not I'll bring my own.

I don't think the mob will have any interest in me.

>> No.12119024
File: 107 KB, 618x494, DSC_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about... I'm just involved in the music industry is all. You may have heard of my hot new signing, "Nullsleep". I'm moving to Japan to help him make it big, but keep that a secret ;)

>> No.12119025

Alright you just lost. I'm on the phone with INTERPOL and I'm idling in the modchannel to get your IP. You're won't escape.

>> No.12119032

It's nothing illegal, I'd just rather 4chan not know.

Is anyone going to be actually helpful?

>> No.12119036

I wish I could go to Japan.

>> No.12119037


What's in it for us richboy?? You want free advice on moving to nippon?? How about you start coughing up the goods and throw your jaybros a bone

>> No.12119037,1 [INTERNAL] 

stupid weeaboo

>> No.12119042

Most people here know nothing at all about Japan.

>> No.12119043

It's already amazing that anybody remotely approximated helpful, considering /jp/ usually just tells people trying to visit Japan to fuck off x100.

>> No.12119044

Why don't you look it up yourself? All the information you could possible ask for is already accessible through Google. You're not even going to tell people anything about yourself but you're expecting them to spoon feed you. Moving to a foreign country in itself is a huge change, especially if you don't even speak the language and it's someone like you who seeks for answers from random strangers on 4chan before doing any research at all.

Delete this thread already because I know you're not serious about what you say.

>> No.12119048

No, don't delete.
I think it's fun.

>> No.12119051

Why Japan OP?
You don't sound like a weeaboo.

>> No.12119054

Save money, plan ahead, I'm sure you can.
Nice try.
I'm learning that more and more.

Fine you caught me. I'm doing this mostly to see your responses. I can and will get the information, regardless of your cooperation.
I am being serious though.
It won't be.
I wasn't under the impression that the only people that could move there were obsessed freaks.

>> No.12119055

>I'm doing this mostly to see your responses.
Are you writing a book on imageboard culture?

>> No.12119057

>Fine you caught me. I'm doing this mostly to see your responses. I can and will get the information, regardless of your cooperation.

What a waste of time. I have a hard time imagining anybody cares about the Otaku Culture board's responses enough to do this sort of thing. Next I imagine you'll inform us you were just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.12119060

More like general boredom. Besides >>12119051 seems to be enjoying the thread. Why don't we actually discuss what would be required to make an easy transition. I am going next week. I am living there. These facts won't change.

What's wasteful in communicating with people. Maybe you can actually be helpful instead of hateful.

So, even though the answer is one google search away, can I get my American Spirits over there?

>> No.12119065

You still didn't anwer the question.
Why Japan of all places?

>> No.12119067

>I am going next week. I am living there. These facts won't change.
The two actual issues here are:

1. You sound like you're full of shit, and on the off chance that you're not;
2. Almost nobody cares about helping you adjust to your new life.

>> No.12119068

I'm not being hateful, I'm just not impressed when people claim to be doing things as a "social experiment" or whatever when really they just want attention. Be honest about it.

If I didn't find the thread interesting I wouldn't have it open. But if you're not going to tell us your story, and instead ask for facts that most of us don't know, there's not much point sticking around.

>> No.12119069

>These facts won't change.

Unless the people you're trying to get away from shoot down the plane.

>> No.12119072

>It was kind of an impulsive decision. I don't know any Japanese or have any idea how they operate culturally.
I have the feeling that OP is a troll. A bad troll.

>> No.12119077

Keyword being almost. Some people on here have been helpful.
I'm not asking for attention. Truthfully I didn't expect the board to suddenly become invested if figuring out why I'm going? How I'm going? What am doing there? Why did I make this thread? I don't understand how any of that is relevant to my questions.
It's not like that.
It's impossible to prove otherwise but I said that when I believed I didn't need to provide my social security number to get some answers.

>> No.12119078

I recommend that he bring a flare launcher with him. If the radar picks up incoming missiles he can fire a couple out the rear aircraft door.

No shit.

>> No.12119086
File: 55 KB, 267x384, 29175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get them in Japan.

>> No.12119091

The only reason to go to japan is to fuck anime babes. Unless you plan to get your dick wet on some of that wild pussy, I'm not offering you any assistance bro.

>> No.12119092

Well this was interesting. Maybe I'll update where exactly I'm living in a few weeks and how the transition's going. Thanks a lot guys.

>> No.12119094

Well I don't think I can fuck animated characters but if you mean with some local women, then yes, if I find someone that grabs my interest.

>> No.12119096

Why don't you start a blog while you're at it?

>> No.12119097

>animated characters
>local women
Uh, same fucking thing???

>> No.12119099

It's not something I'd want to keep up with. I'd probably be pretty busy.

I don't get this one.

>> No.12119100


But drugs are illegal in Japan, OP.

>> No.12119102

Now that you bring it up and since I'm not revealing who I am, how hard is it going to be to get acid/dmt/weed over there?

>> No.12119103

are you that interested in hearing someone not-talk-about-himself

let this piece of shit die already

>> No.12119103,1 [INTERNAL] 

Loool the guys is owning those /jp/ retards so hard.

>> No.12119105

>I'd probably be pretty busy

With all that wild asian pussy?

>> No.12119109

You guys are the one's obsessed with getting to know who I am for some reason.
Sure anon.

>> No.12119109,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is this not being deleted?

>> No.12119109,2 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/- Travel Advisor

>> No.12119117

Only as hard as you are bro, only as hard as you are. You feel me? Hahaha.

>> No.12119122

What's the drug of choice of there anyway?

>> No.12119126


>> No.12119126,1 [INTERNAL] 

i'm too marveling at just how astoundingly shitty both /jp/ and OP are to report it

>> No.12119126,2 [INTERNAL] 

Who fucking knows anymore
I'm starting to think the janny counts to a number of a certain kind of threads and then decides to turn a blind eye to that one before deleting it and restarting the countdown.

Who the fuck knows what goes through the mind of an autistic child.

>> No.12119140
File: 196 KB, 595x414, japanese-sake-chilled-2809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best sake?

>> No.12119143

>People will think you're weird if you eat the skin on fruits.

Really? What about things like apples and peaches?

>> No.12119140,1 [INTERNAL] 

He thinks /jp/ should be 5-15% (extra) shitty and works very hard to make sure that the ratio of shit threads never varies from that baseband.

>> No.12119143,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is the best thread on the jay right now. Very ironic.

>> No.12119143,2 [INTERNAL] 

it's absolutely the worst thread, it's shit but it's not even a fun kind of a shit, just cringeworthy

>> No.12119153

It's no use /jp/ decided I made a bad thread.

>> No.12119153,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's one thing that makes jpsies like you mad as fuck, so the thread is great. Plus I got some nostalgia out of it.

>> No.12119153,2 [INTERNAL] 

le epic tumblr meme

>> No.12119158

Not OP, but since these kind of discussions are usually hard to come by on /jp/ I'll ask some questions.

As a western chef myself, would it be pretty difficult to get a job relating to food in Japan? I love Japanese food myself and have made it countless times at home, while trying to dine at the most authentic restaurants when I can. This has peaked my interest recently since I read a book about a jewish man who moved to Japan, and built his own Ramen empire. He even sells an instant variety of his own, I guess because he was a gaijin it worked to his advantage.

>> No.12119158,1 [INTERNAL] 

Theme for this thread:


>> No.12119159

Fuck off

>> No.12119161
File: 438 KB, 661x600, 1371200084276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry dude.

>> No.12119164

Even the ramen?
I swear those fucking Jews control everything.

>> No.12119167

>What should I bring with and what do I need to know about the culture so I can assimilate without humiliating myself or hurting people's feelings?

Just get ready to die.

>> No.12119168

OP here. I'm not Jewish. If that's any conciliation.

>> No.12119169

>I don't know any Japanese

Why the fuck would you move to any country without speaking the national language you dumbass?

>> No.12119172


read the thread.

>> No.12119173

the op is not actually going to japan

>> No.12119175

And you reached this conclusion how?

>> No.12119177

Yeah man, he mentioned the first thing he wanted to do was expand his business, he also adds Jewish twists to the ingredients like rye noodles. Though if I made ramen for a living, I wouldn't invest in the instant variety.
The Japanese have been trying to perfect instant, storable food for years but it never seems to come close to the real thing, and I doubt it ever will. That goes for instant ramen, instant onigiri, ect.

>> No.12119181

op has given no proof he/she/it is really to japan next week

>> No.12119184

/jp/ usually has better self-control than this. Why is this thread almost at 100 replies?

>> No.12119188

I'm living in Japan for 5 months. Ask me anything.

>> No.12119191

have you met your gay lover yet

>> No.12119193

Becuse it's the only thread with some actual disussion going on.
Instead of Touhou image dump #19856 or shitty idol circle jerking.

>> No.12119196

absence of evidence is proof of the counter
you're literally retarded.

>> No.12119200

I got a jap gf, we dated for 6 weeks but 2 days ago she said that she leaves me because she wants a serious relationship. Now searching for a new one.

>> No.12119205

How's the anime?

>> No.12119206

I want a /jp/ NEET gf.

>> No.12119207

next time, be serious.

>> No.12119208

are neet's really a problem over there? if so, they should just open up immigration, obviously their own offspring aren't working might as well bring some hardworking gaijin in.

>> No.12119209

Can't blame a man for wanting to fuck around.

>> No.12119210

I don't like anime much. Only thing I'm watching right now is Love Live 2.
I'm going to leave Japan in less than 2 years and she wanted me to always stay there with marriage and shit. I'm not ready for this.

>> No.12119215

If they did, I'd go there and become a NEET.
Becoming a Japanese NEET is my life's dream.

>> No.12119217

I would work for my NEET wife. Not every day, but enough to pay the bills and have enough time to do otaku things with her.

>> No.12119220

>Love Live 2

Holy fuck.
Sorry I asked.

>> No.12119222

you're an idiot.
you're an idiot.
then don't be serious

>> No.12119227

>then don't be serious
That's my intention, but it's very hard to pick up a girl in Japan. Girls here like to go outside in all-female groups and it's impossible to separate one for some flirting. Internet is actually the best option for dating here. Already have a meeting with another girl this weekends.

>> No.12119228


I wanna move there one of these days... but first you must have a full 4-year college degree.

I'm thinking about getting into Accounting or Finance (or both...) and when I graduate get a job at a public accounting firm to get more experience and then see if I can transfer to Japan (I'm sure big name accounting or finance firms have overseas presence)

>> No.12119231


Do you really have to stay up from 23:00 to 27:00 just to watch otaku anime? Do you have a DVR machine?

>> No.12119236

well hope things work out. don't be aspie, talk to them when they're in groups, and then isolate the one you're feeling, they'll like the confidence probably a refreshing change from the men over there.

>> No.12119237

"i'm going to japan next but can't prove it" you're right that is absence of evidence

>> No.12119238


What are some popular deai-kai sites are you using right now?

>> No.12119243

this is new /jp/, neo /jp/ if you will

>> No.12119248

Japan cupid
I just download from nyaa.
It's possible to get their LINE very easily, but many just don't respond or want English lessons.

>> No.12119249

why the HELL would you move to japan without at least knowing some japanese

>> No.12119250

then give 'em "lessons" use your dick as the pointer
just calm the fuck down

>> No.12119252

I'd love to move and live there as well but
>full 4-year college degree
>get a job at a public accounting firm
yeah no, fuck that shit.
Sounds like way too much work.
I'd be faster to just kill yourself and hope you get reborn as a Japanese.

>> No.12119258

why do you want to live there?

>> No.12119259

Please do not swear, there are children here!

>> No.12119261

/jp/ is not fucking Japan General

>> No.12119264

stop crying

>> No.12119265

Because it's the easiest way of getting your hands on all the otaku merch you ever wanted.

>> No.12119267

steamed as a bun

>> No.12119268

You don't like the good old days?

>> No.12119269

stop breaking the rules

>> No.12119270

you've been here a day. don't act like you know shit.

>> No.12119272

Who cares about the what it used to be? /b/ used to be 2D/random and now look at that shit.

>> No.12119276

the valuable lesson we can learn from this is that all change is bad

>> No.12119281

Projected Robotics Timeline:

2015-2020 - every South Korean and many European households will have a robot
2018 - robots will routinely carry out surgery
2022 - intelligent robots that sense their environment, make decisions, and learn are used in 30% of households and organizations
2030 - robots capable of performing at human level at most manual jobs
2034 - robots (home automation systems) performing most household tasks
2050 - robot "brains" based on computers that execute 100 trillion instructions per second will start rivaling human intelligence

Military robots :

2015 - one third of US fighting strength will be composed of robots
2035 - first completely autonomous robot soldiers in operation

2013-2014 — agricultural robots
2013-2017 — robots that care for the elderly
2017 — medical robots performing low-invasive surgery
2017-2019 — household robots with full use.
2019-2021 — Nanorobots

>> No.12119287

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.12119288

So you're saying we should've kept living in caves?

>> No.12119291

So, any other Jpsies in Tokyo? How about we arrange a meeting? There were some meet-ups before.

>> No.12119292


all the sources are there

>> No.12119297

Yeah... that's great and all... but when am I gonna get to fuck one?

>> No.12119300

you're an idiot if you can't do research

probably within the next 10 years or so

>> No.12119302

2030 'cause i'd assume prostitution is a menial job

>> No.12119307
File: 23 KB, 500x559, honda-asimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously? kill yourself. do some websurfing and im sure you'll find all your facts.

>> No.12119312

Fucking robots is gay dude.
I wanna fuck all my glorious 2D waifus in VR.

>> No.12119315

You just missed the Reitaisai meetup. If you're still around in August there will probably be a C86 as well.

>> No.12119318

You can't feel VR, dude.

>> No.12119321

Yeah, gonna be here until 2016.

>> No.12119323

You guys are dumb, that was a Deus Ex reference.

>> No.12119325

Nice /a/ vocabulary you got there

>> No.12119328

>Deus Ex
you're even more stupid

>> No.12119332

Not yet, but they will eventually find a way to connect your brain to VR and let you expereince everything with your body.
Or at least trick your brain into thinking that you are.
And that's what I'm waiting for.

>> No.12119333

Your face is stupid, stupid.

>> No.12119335

I was being ironic on purpose dude.

>> No.12119339

Hell dude I'm waiting for that too but it's unlikely the digital experience will be as good as the analog for a long time know what I'm saying?

>> No.12119345

Why don't you try getting a job?

>> No.12119350

NEET 5 lyfe

>> No.12119354


>your city will never look as futuristic as this

I would actually leave me house if Canadian architecture looked that cool

>> No.12119364

im rich

>> No.12119368

and stupid

>> No.12119374

Yeah most of jap cities are boring square apartments. You'd have to endure 1 hour of a crowded train to go where the shiny buildings are.

>> No.12119383

Wow they put a bunch of colored lights on the buildings! So futuristic.

many color
much future
so shiny

>> No.12119387

Yeah, Hong Kong is better.

>> No.12119396

Chinks selling you overpriced shit in a small group of tall buildings are no better.

>> No.12119399

i would rather live tall than live wide

>> No.12119401


>reddit memes

you're a joke

>> No.12119409

Overpriced tall.

>> No.12119410

Right, because it's not like /jp/ wasn't infatuated with that stupid meme for quite a while.

Also, I was being ironic.

>> No.12119419
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 1400120968316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.12119450

I've been semi-frequently going on /jp/ for 2 years now and I dont think I've ever seen that shitty meme being accepted or popular here

>> No.12119461
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>> No.12119473

Like, Zoinks!

>> No.12119499

Then you must be blind or you're rarely on /jp/.

>> No.12119583


Japan, Like America, prefers their prospective __LEGAL__ immigrants to possess a full, marketable 4-year college degree.

And I was thinking I should get Accounting or Finance because an American who graduates with one of these degrees can go anywhere around the world and work.

>> No.12119891

You mean

>white people

The vast majority don't even fucking try

>> No.12119900

The most straightforward ways to get jobs in Japan:

1) Be a professional in a field where there is a skills shortage and preferably have decent Japanese ability.
2) Get an undergraduate or masters degree in Japan, be fluent or near fluent in the language and get a job like every other Japanese person.

>I'm thinking about getting into Accounting or Finance (or both...) and when I graduate get a job at a public accounting firm to get more experience and then see if I can transfer to Japan (I'm sure big name accounting or finance firms have overseas presence)

The probability of that opportunity arising is slim. You have to be more aggressive.

>> No.12119903

>And I was thinking I should get Accounting or Finance because an American who graduates with one of these degrees can go anywhere around the world and work.


If only life were that convenient.

>> No.12119908
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>> No.12119915

Here's the catch: There are all these little things that offend the Japanese, but only when the Japanese do them. If you're white you can damn near ALWAYS play the "gaijin" card in your defense, especially if you're being dropped in the middle of Tokyo with no prior knowledge of Japanese culture.

If I were you I'd try and contact the American consulate, hook up with some ex-pats, and try and learn from them. They can communicate in English, for starters. That'll help you out.

Aside from that, you said you've got money, so honestly you should be perfectly fine. My Japanese teacher was a white guy who flew to Tokyo in the 90's to start over, didn't speak a lick of Japanese, survived by eating the ends of bread. (called 'heels', most bakeries cut them off throw them out so you can get literal garbage bags of them for free) I think you have much better resources than he did.

>> No.12119921

I should also add that trying to fit in with them is one thing, but trying to BE Japanese is basically a no-no. If you accept that you're a foreigner and accept your role as "visitor" in their country (even if you mean for your stay to be permanent) they'll love you. That's not to say that trying to follow their customs and rules isn't appreciated by them.

>> No.12119924

How does one try to be Japanese?

>> No.12119925

Molest some girls on crowded trains is a good start.

>> No.12119928

Yamasa Institute is a good school if you want to learn the language.

Rent is very cheap compared to other areas. But it is in Okazaki city which is not pathetically convenient location if you want to do fun things.

But because of that its great if you want to just study.

>> No.12119931

Be a weeb.

>> No.12119933

Do you have a visa too? Cause you know... those are even more important than any job.

>> No.12119935

Make sure you wear shirts with your waifu on them as well.
Japanese will respect your ability to publicly express such deep thoughts.

>> No.12119940

Weeaboos don't generally act like Japanese people at all...

>> No.12119975

I was talking about "trying".

>> No.12119995
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CS Masters Student here. Does anyone know what grad school in Japan is like and how hard the application process is? My dream is to get a Phd degree at University of Tokyo.

>> No.12120028

How good is your written Japanese?

>> No.12120049

>ctr+f visa
>2 results, only one of which is questioning this shitposter on how he actually expects to be allowed to just 'move to japan'

>> No.12120050

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships

>> No.12120054

Not very good. Took 2 years of japanese classes in undergrad and thats it. Do I need to pass N1 to be able to go?

>> No.12120078

I needed N1 for my university-recommended MEXT scholarship.

>> No.12120082


You don't put that much stock on business degrees?

Btw my university also offers Biz Japanese... beyond 300-level

>> No.12120112

>You don't put that much stock on business degrees?

Get a general STEM degree like physics, CS or mathematics from as good a university as possible, study finance, Japanese (beyond N1) and programming yourself, then get a job at a financial institution or whatever.

Humanities students aren't really in much demand.

>> No.12120115 [DELETED] 

>Get a general STEM degree like physics, CS or mathematics from as good a university as possible

The reason for this is that finance companies are looking for candidates with overall strong analytic skills, not people with specialist knowledge.

Anyone can pick of specialist knowledge on the job.

>> No.12120120



>> No.12120130

You can just stay in Japan for 2 years if you join a Japanese language school, get a cute jap gf, marry her and find a job without rushing or NEET it up.

>> No.12120157

>marry her

B-but I already have a waifu.
And I'm only interested in 2D.

>> No.12120176

underage b&

>> No.12120176,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12120176,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because I deleted it.

>> No.12120176,3 [INTERNAL] 

>aspie makes a bold faced lie no one but the most gullible idiot would believe
>500 replies before thread deleted

heh. good old days

>> No.12120176,4 [INTERNAL] 


goddamnit /mu/

>> No.12120176,5 [INTERNAL] 

1/3 of the posts here are all mine.

>> No.12120176,6 [INTERNAL] 

Prove it.

>> No.12120176,7 [INTERNAL] 

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