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File: 397 KB, 1024x640, capture_002_12052014_193807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12117126 No.12117126 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>12101875

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12117136

I know this is Favorite's trademark style, but goddamn would it kill them to use a more subdued color palette?

>> No.12117147
File: 323 KB, 1024x640, capture_001_13052014_225915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the option menu for a while and everything else will look a little more normal.

>> No.12117151

Why would you even want that? The art looks great.

>> No.12117164
File: 25 KB, 309x295, all glory to the hypnotoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing about the art style I have any problems with are the eyes, but I got used to them pretty quickly with their other games, so I don't think they'll be too much of a problem.

>> No.12117173

I guess I've been into Japanese shit for way too long for weird eyes to bother me even slightly at this point.

Anyway, I assume she won't have a route or anything, but I kind of wish she would, purely because I like her hair color.

>> No.12117176

I actually kinda like those glow in the dark eyes.

>> No.12117178

The trial kind of sets her up as a fairly important side character, so she'll probably be showing up quite a bit. Also, she's too gay to get a route.

>> No.12117192

I'm deciding between Umineko and Clannad right now, which should I start next
I have already read Higurashi just as a side note

>> No.12117193

Curing lesbians with the dick is a time honored tradition in eroge. But yeah, I don't expect anything like that from Favorite.

I'm playing through the trial now, and it's really good so far. It's definitely got me hyped.

>> No.12117195

Too much sameface for me.

>> No.12117210

>20-30 minutes
That's a long time between sex scenes for a nukige imo. 15 minutes is about the limit before I start getting mad.

>> No.12117229
File: 108 KB, 1000x638, Ichika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is surprising.. I'm a fan of her. I might pick it up as soon as the full version gets released.

>> No.12117296

Umineko. Skip Chiru though.

>> No.12117336

using the subject field is hard

>> No.12117529

That CG is kinda creepy.

>> No.12117635

It'd be nice if they added some contrast with the coloring. I really like the character designs though, they're cute.

>> No.12117688
File: 780 KB, 1296x759, QQ截图20140514211213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

卯衣 has become my favorite seiyuu

>> No.12117739
File: 326 KB, 820x662, 2014-05-13 21_32_10-アマガミ ちょっとおまけ劇場.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to finish the last batch of Amagami's fandisc. It's been pretty nice for the most part. The Six Santas scenario was pretty funny.

>> No.12117822
File: 1.50 MB, 1220x1050, main_cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Site for daitoshokan's anime just opened.
Considering August's games have only had shitty adaptions, I'm going to bet that this is going to end up shitty as well.


>> No.12117841

Better read Daitoshokan, then, before more cabbages.
Maybe not that bad, but even then, Hoods. They haven't done anything worthwhile before, maybe except for Fantasista Doll.

>> No.12117971
File: 1.54 MB, 1296x758, nekoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god no. About 2/3 through Nekoko's route suddenly her voice is gone. Has this happened to anybody else? Is there a patch?


>> No.12117985

Oh, hey, it's actually not vaporware. But yeah, I'm going to watch it fully expecting it to be terrible.


Pretty sure that it should fix it.

>> No.12117991

Yeah, can't see that turning out well. If anything they should do a Eustia anime, since that could actually potentially work.

>> No.12118109

One always hears about the 90's being a Golden Age for eroge, galge and the like, are there any titles from that time period that impressed you, fellow Anon?
Preferably not the two, three most well known ones. I don't mind Adventure elements or other gameplay focus either.

>> No.12118118
File: 363 KB, 1024x576, capture_014_12052014_222912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently Maou chapter in Muramasa. I'm not exactly digging this brainwashed Kageaki and the general war situation / politics stuff isn't that interesting to me but otherwise it's been a really enjoyable ride so far.

Also really good humor throughout the game.

>> No.12118125


>> No.12118126


>Pretty sure that it should fix it.

Marry me

>> No.12118130

That's why you always check the holyseal of every game you are going to play.

>> No.12118333
File: 2.54 MB, 1181x1662, 90109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The first To Heart and the first Tokimeki Memorial. Tokimemo made me interested in galge in general and TH did the same but for visual novels in particular, an interest that still perdures over 15 years later.

Both were masterpieces back in their prime time, but sadly none of them aged well. Graphics are poor an extremely 90-ish, gameplay is tedious and story is excessively cliched.

That's the problem with all the games from that era, were groundbreaking back when were released but are hard to play with the current VN player mindset.

>> No.12118352

How about tokimemo 2? I hear that's still pretty neat.

>> No.12118387

I dunno about that last bit.
I first read a VN in 2009 or so and going back and playing things like Kakyuusei and Dokyuusei has been nothing but a treat for me.

>> No.12118420

I still consider Yu-No, TokiMemo 2 and Sakura Taisen 2-3 to be masterpieces but otherwise I'm not that big on the 90's.
Though admitelly there are a lot I missed, I'm sure there is a hidden masterpiece among all the PC-98 games

>> No.12118496

How is it? I was interested but wary.

>> No.12118509
File: 132 KB, 480x348, 一文字の告白.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Tokimemo 2 refined much of problems from the first game, and visually is still good looking so is probably an overall better game. I prefer the first one because was the first I played and nostalgia goggles.

That's unusual. You are a connoisseur that is not scared of the age of a game.
Most people don't play older games unless they started with them. Take for example YU-NO (my second favorite VN of all times). Is already translated, and universally regarded as one of the best VN, yet Western people (and Japanese youngsters) that played it is low compared to the number of people that plays the VN flavor of the month. Either the visuals turn them down (and is not by any means the worst offender of dated visuals) or if they play complains about the gameplay (hard to know were to go, what to touch...)

Ah,I forgot about Sakura Taisen. That was great as well.

>> No.12118587

Messenger from Dark Night looks kind of interesting, as far as 90's games go.

>> No.12118589

Interesting point you make about Japanese youngsters. When I first discovered EGS I remember checking out everything all over and I discovered that there were only two, three pre-2000 titles hovering in the 90 region. What surprised me was the comparatively low rankings the Dragon Knight series received, with the release of the third one in America and even Europe, I was under the impression those and other elf RPGs were fan favourites in Japan, but those ratings left me in doubt. I wondered, did the tastes change so much, are the standards higher, were they never very well regarded in the first place, or are the people who played those games in the 90's simply not active in that community? Is going back to older titles perhaps uncommon for followers of this genre? Compared to classic eroge titles, knowledge of, for example, Sierra and Lucasarts adventures, id FPSs, or Infinity Engine RPGs seems to be much more prevalent in their respective communities of today.

>> No.12118863
File: 169 KB, 1275x715, trains and more trains and some milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leche is so cute, so, so cute. Loved how warm and cozy her route was and that there was a point to her japanese history-weeaboism. Also love when the VA sings the ed in-character.

>> No.12118889


God damn. This Juukishi fiasco keeps getting worse and worse.

>> No.12118897

Its easy and his picture says it all (datesim). Most People play vns for the girls and old girls is no way can be popular today. They can be liked only by old players which played when that games where new at the time. Exception is people playing for the plot, emotions, etc., but such people's numbers are negligible small.

>> No.12118903

What is it now?

>> No.12118936


Then later on a guy claiming to be an Akabei employee comes in and essentially paints a sad picture of the state of the company and how it's all Looseboy's fault.

>> No.12118946

Now this is actually getting interesting. For retarded scandals like this I wish there was a proper news site to blow it out of proportion, it's always funny.

>> No.12119009

This girl wears some interesting mutton chops.

>> No.12119046

So from skimming the thread what I've made out is:

- 銃騎士 was released by Effordom despite everyone (including the manager) knowing it was incomplete.
- Akabeisoft (the parent company) went on nico live and stated that Effordom consisted of mostly contractors and the reason the game was incomplete was because the they did not fulfill their side of the contract.
- 三桝 was on the nico live video and he claimed he was the manager. He also apologized for the mess.
- An employee from Akabeisoft is pissed about what's happening and leaks info.
- It turns out the manager for Effordorm was really Looseboy (the writer of G-senjou and Sharin no Kuni) under a pseudonym. 三桝 was covering for him because Looseboy is a popular writer and did not want his name to be tainted.
- The employees of Effordom are mostly all part of Akabei. The thing about contracts not doing their work was a lie.

The leaker also talks about how shitty a company Akabei is to work for. An example he gives is that 3 people got sick and the company just fired them without paying for compensation or anything. Some senior employees have already quit.

And then there's a lot of people posting jokes about how apparently Looseboy has a womanizing problem and how he probably did all this because he needed money to pay for his visits to the キャバクラ.

Someone correct me if I missed something or made a mistake.

>> No.12119050

Slowpoke here. What was wrong with Juukishi Cutie Bullet?

>> No.12119058

Incomplete game with routes released as patches after the sale and really lacking in the CG department.
Basically it was really rushed and incomplete.

>> No.12119062

Might want to add it that, it was delayed 4 months already and it still wasn't complete after that time

>> No.12119063

Not to mention it was full price.

>> No.12119066

Taiyo no ko coming never.

>> No.12119071

Wow, what crappy management. No wonder that Effordom Soft went belly-up and caused so much drama.

>> No.12119074

If it ever was, it's certainly not now.

>> No.12119076

At least its buyers will get a free game, the victims here are the staff, especially the artist.

>> No.12119087

Hopefully Yuuki Hagure gets a new job with another company, his artwork is too good to just disappear over something like this

>> No.12119098

It's like real life was written by Loose-kun himself.

More seriously, though, I never expected the situation to reach this point. It started as an unfinished landmine that should have gone into the bowels of history as a kusoge and nothing more, but now it's a complete trainwreck. Man, all I wanted was some cute girls.

>> No.12119202

He has spreads in magazines basically every month I believe, along with some LNs he's done the art for so he'll be around I'm sure.

>> No.12119211
File: 143 KB, 1024x640, WhiteEternity_trial 2014-05-14 18-03-58-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eyes remind me of soap bubbles. And I'm quite okay with that.

>> No.12119229

Soap bubbles are pretty damn cute.

>> No.12119329

I'm playing eiyuu senki gold (i know)

but is it just me or is hard mode actually hard? I'm fucking stuck as shit because Russian infantry is apparently allowed to have 8000HP when my strongest unit barely has more than 3000

I can't really step foot in the dungeon either because I'm getting raped there too

don't even get me started on macedonia/mongolia (wow let's fight four heroes in the first battle and get 1HKO'd the shit out of)

this is like rock-paper-scissors against missiles-chlorine gas-anthrax

>> No.12119501

Kansai-ben is such a pain in the ass.

>> No.12119660

How could it work, though? VN adaptation hardly even get 2 cour. Can you imagine sticking Tia's route (meaning all six main chapters of the VN) into 12 or 13 episodes?

>> No.12119661

Holy shit. They should make this drama into a VN.

>> No.12119664

>>12119660 With stellar directing they could do a pretty impactful yet faith adaptation, fitting everything into 26 episodes. Otherwise, it's begging for 52 episodes.

>> No.12119669

That's the problem. VN adaptations almost never get even 26 episodes. They make a 12 episode season and then make more only if it sells. So the result is usually rather poor, resulting in it not selling anyway, and a second season never happens. That's why moege are adapted a lot instead of plot centric ones.

>> No.12119719

There's no need to animate all the route, each chapter is pretty standalone. 2 chapters per cour would work.

>> No.12119773

Russia should be one of the last places to invade.

>> No.12119828

I remember once I finally beat Russia the hard way I wrote my stats down for reference. This was the original PC version so I don't know how helpful they'll be, but still.

- Turn 164
- Have invaded EU up to Rome, done all the available events and areas IIRC

- front row top: Bedivere (HP: 5438, Equip: Onimaru, Mikazuki Munechika)
- front row center: Chihaya (HP: 5278, Equip: Gandiva, Book of the Dead)
- front row bottom: Mordred (HP: 6346, Equip: Hihiirokane, Juzumaru)
- back row top: Lu Bu (HP: 2712, Equip: Ruby)
- back row center: Himiko (HP: 5015, Equip: Alexandrite)
- back row bottom: Archimedes (HP: 6495, Equip: Brisingamen, Emerald)

I remember I saved the cannons for last; if you get them to the front line of their field keep advancing forward they'll keep running away and won't attack you.

>> No.12120121


Thanks, and oh damn...


If it's really looseboy the known writer who managed this screw-up, better not expect any good from Taiyo no ko, even when it stops from vapourware.

>> No.12120155

Yes, hard mode is hard. I had to drop it around turn 60 and restart on normal.

>> No.12120168


>> No.12120172

So I guess this is why insider left the company.

>> No.12120185

Wait, insider left AB? Damn, guess that's the end of the Lovely x Cation series. I'm sad.
Dammit Looseboy.

>> No.12120242
File: 113 KB, 594x870, insider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He left last August, that's not news. He's at Frontwing now.

>> No.12120246

I hope he has more luck there.

>> No.12120250

Oh wow I totally missed that. I really liked his scenarios in the Lovely x Cation series so I do hope he gets something in a similar strand there.

>> No.12120259

And he's working on their new work called ふゆ部あまあま物語 already. I've posted about this before but nobody replied anyway.

>> No.12120263
File: 38 KB, 600x450, looseboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12120283

Was he the artist?

Wasn't the artist a freelancer or something since he worked also in h1/1

>> No.12120287

He was the scenario writer. Says it right in the picture.

>> No.12120288

What is under the mosaics?

>> No.12120291

Contact information i'm guessing

>> No.12120322
File: 74 KB, 1278x715, komachi chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite how simple this stuff is, it actually makes for some romantic and couple-y conversations compared to the usual mails.

>> No.12120333

Has there been a lot of improvements since the previous LxC?
I'm thinking about playing it but the character designs are off putting. They're not bad but compared to recently released titles they're not great either.

>> No.12120335

>It turns out the manager for Effordorm was really Looseboy

That's really hilarious.

>The leaker also talks about how shitty a company Akabei is to work for

And I'm pretty sure other companies aren't much better. Seems like a hell made out of too short deadlines and unpaid overtime.

>> No.12120336

Quality-wise, it should be about the same as LC2, maybe a bit worse, in my opinion so far.
The designs don't look bad at all in the CGs aside from the hair at times, I like how small parts like hands are drawn too.
System-wise, it pays more attention to the girl's hobby as a way to raise affection and stuff. You need high japanese culture for Leche, for example, while Komachi goes better with some outdoors.
So if you liked the previous entries you'll probably like this one, if you like the girls as these games are all about the girls.
I really like chain conversations, really good system for any kind of moege and hope they stay for next entries because they are great, especially those stamps.

>> No.12120341

I really liked the system in LxC since it felt more personal so if they improved on it then that's definitely a plus. Now I'll have to at least give it a try. Thanks.

>> No.12120343

Yeah, in LC2 the hobbies were basically decorations, it was kinda disappointing, you just needed to raise the three sex scene stats and call it a day for the most part.

>> No.12120357

Why? If anything he's part of the cause. The game was even delayed for 4 months and he still only has 35 cgs drawn.

>> No.12120361

>All of them are of his usual quality, so its not like slacked off. Obviously amount of CGs was set by project manager, not him.

>> No.12120368

How exactly does a company fuck up this badly even when they got a extra 4 months extended time?

>> No.12120420

By putting Looseboy in charge, evidently.

>> No.12120432

I don't find that believable, unless the manager is a complete retard.
Making the game only have 35 cgs is surefire way to cause a shitstorm especially since people are only buying the game for the art. There's no way he couldn't realize that.

>> No.12120443

>unless the manager is a complete retard.

It's pretty obvious he was at this point. That same guy said they were going to release the extra CGs 1 month later to stop second hand sales

>> No.12120462

Look at how the CGs are numbered if you extract them, using Mayu as an example:

CG numbers 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 16 are missing.
There are CG numbers missing for all characters, looks like they were all supposed to get around 18.
SDs are missing too, the numbering starts at 3.

>> No.12120469

Then i am left wondering how the fuck did it get to that stage. How much stuff did they have to remove and redo for the project to get that strapped for time that they have to release it in that state

>> No.12120500
File: 315 KB, 1024x576, capture_084_15052014_190944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Muramasa. The final route wasn't as full of action as I had hoped and there was some really, really retarded stuff like God's time travel attack, giant crystal Ukyo and the high-school level math problem but the final epilogue and true ending themselves were really satisfying. Definitely a worthwhile read.

>> No.12120878
File: 64 KB, 804x604, Kono.Natsuki.full.108124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Empty x Embryo any good?

Yuzusoft's old projects doesn't seems to have many fans.

>> No.12120949

It's a fairly by the numbers chuuni title as far as I remember and read which was only really Mio's route.
I enjoyed what I read of it, but seeing as it's not a high budget moege it's a departure from the usual recent Yuzusoft faire. Art was kind of rough in places I think too.
I've been meaning to give it a reread now that I'm better versed in Japanese though.

>> No.12120972

So, another try.
Any recommendations for story heavy games without chuuni stuff?

>> No.12120983

The innocent murder mystery series of Cartagra-KnS-Kns2?

>> No.12120986

Asairo, Swan Song, Saihate no IMA, Cartagra.

>> No.12120987

>Saihate no IMA
This one counts as chuuni stuff.

>> No.12120993

Carnival, so fun to read.

>> No.12121015
File: 273 KB, 800x600, capture_004_17092012_001926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? There really isn't powerlevel wank, obscure kanji spam arias, extreme blood pumping battle scenes or anything like that.

>> No.12121017

How do you define chuuni? Eustia has fight scenes, for example, but I wouldn't consider it chuuni.

>> No.12121023

Instead you have people with superpowers involved in fights.

>> No.12121162
File: 105 KB, 600x466, 1400117725218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12121179

Grey eyes are always creepy.

>> No.12121218

They aren't really grey, though, see >>12119211.

>> No.12121226

Gradient eyes that go from yellow to silver/blue are even creepier.

>> No.12121291

Jell-O eyes.

>> No.12122190

Any idea why this thread doesn't show up when I look up VN/visual/novel on the catalog?
It's quite frustrating.

>> No.12122193

OP accidentally put the thread title in the name field instead of subject field.

>> No.12122347


Oh I gee I wonder which one is the tsundere character. Why can't there be a tsundere character without the tsun eyes. I think it would be more interesting if there is a non childhood friend/student/class president character with normal or dere eyes who is tsuntsun against you but is otherwise pretty much normal or genki with everyone else.

>> No.12122911
File: 120 KB, 1024x576, congraturations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the Shinsei Mokushiroku battle trial.

I don't think the game system itself is too bad but the game's speed is just horrible. If the full version doesn't let you speed up the battles in the options or by holding ctrl or whatever it will be just unplayable.

>> No.12123136 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, s2YsB06o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sengoku Koihime.Well i always liked baseson's big harem type games but i think this game has best plot & best mc comparing to others. The only bad point is as everyone knows they forced game too much for leaving something to extended version.I mean until the last chapter everyone was saying "aoi will make a big war against you" "we have to stop something" " she already started gathering soldiers"etc,then suddenly it gone to "well fuck it we killed onis we are cool" and finished game.Its pretty much unfinished.They also skipped some characters like Kagami or Nokizaru,they even told their backstory & personality but since they need some new girls for extended we couldnt see them.Hell even touka said that "seems like you are getting along with kagami,make her your wife too" but they didnt show us even one scene with her.

Also the game isnt a +15 type,more like its censored.The mc starts kissing the heroine, touching her, and when she starts moaning they just jump it.I guess this is also for extended version.

In short i "really" enjoyed the game,it has too many similiar points with lord of the rings series
too (which is a good thing,at least for me) but they should try hiding their extended version project at least,its pretty obvious and feels like more like a trial of a good story.

>> No.12123154 [DELETED] 

Just finished Sengoku Koihime.Well i always liked baseson's big harem type games but i think this game has best plot & best mc comparing to others. The only bad point is as everyone knows they forced game too much for leaving something to extended version.I mean until the last chapter everyone was saying "aoi will make a big war against you" "we have to stop her" " she already started gathering soldiers" etc,then suddenly it gone to "well fuck it we killed onis we are cool" and ended the game.Its pretty much unfinished.They also skipped some characters like Kagami or Nokizaru,they even told their backstory & personality but since they need some new girls for extended we couldnt see them.Hell even touka said that "seems like you are getting along with kagami,make her your wife too" but they didnt show us even one scene with her.

Also the game is not all ages for sure,more like its censored.The mc starts kissing the heroine, touching her, and when she starts moaning they just jump it.I guess this is also for extended version.

In short i "really" enjoyed the game,it has too many similiar points with lord of the rings series too (which is a good thing,at least for me) but they should try hiding their extended version project at least,its pretty obvious and feels like a trial of a good story instead of full game.

>> No.12123159
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, s2YsB06o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Sengoku Koihime.Well i always liked baseson's big harem type games but i think this game has best plot & best mc comparing to others. The only bad point is as everyone knows they forced game too much for leaving something to extended version.I mean until the last chapter everyone was saying "aoi will make a big war against you" "we have to stop her" " she already started gathering soldiers" etc,then suddenly it gone to "well fuck it we killed onis we are cool" and ended the game.Its pretty much unfinished.They also skipped some characters like Kagami or Nokizaru,they even told their backstory & personality but since they need some new girls for extended we couldnt see them.Hell even touka said that "seems like you are getting along with kagami,make her your wife too" but they didnt show us even one scene with her.

Also the game is not all ages for sure,more like its censored.The mc starts kissing the heroine, touching her, and when she starts moaning they just jump it.I guess this is also for extended version.

In short i "really" enjoyed the game,it has too many similiar points with lord of the rings series too (which is a good thing,at least for me) but they should try hiding their extended version project at least,its pretty obvious and feels like a trial of a good story instead of full game.

>> No.12123177

I sure wish whatever that is would be translated. I'd take anything by Favorite after how much I loved Hoshimemo.

>> No.12123190

Just learn the language. The stuff Nakahiro writes is really simple and straightforward, so it would probably take less time to learn enough Japanese to be able to read it than it would to wait for someone to start, stall, and drop a translation for it.

>> No.12123209

Its a slow process, but I have started it this summer. Tired of waiting for translations.

>> No.12123236

Is there even any word on this extended/18+ version? I wanted to read this one but from all accounts it sounds like one big tease. Have they confirmed they're doing one or is it just expected because they left out so much? And by so much I mean the porn.

>> No.12123249 [DELETED] 

they didnt confirmed yet,but baseson always release their games at 12th month and announce them at 8-9. so there is still plenty of time.Also they are still updating the website of sengoku koihime weekly and having a broadcast about the game almost every week with guests and other things,giving new wallpapers and some new infos about the heroines etc.They wouldnt make this much thing after 6 months of the game if they are not going to add something new.+ They even made a sequel for their worst tittle Appare tenka gomen, there is no way they wouldnt make one for this.

>> No.12123260

they didnt confirmed yet,but baseson always release their games at 12th month and announce them at 8-9. so there is still plenty of time.Also they are still updating the website of sengoku koihime weekly and having a broadcast about the game almost every week with guests,giving new wallpapers and some new infos about the heroines etc.They wouldnt go through so much trouble after 6 months of the game's release if they are not going to add something new.+ They even made a sequel for their worst tittle Appare tenka gomen, there is no way they wouldnt make one for this.

>> No.12123268

That's good to hear. I suppose releasing info about the extended version right after the original comes out is pretty bad form.

>> No.12123269

what game OP Im interested just by the designs alone
any kanji?

>> No.12123283

the only thing which confuses me is this; http://baseson.nexton-net.jp/koihime-eiyuutan/ it opened like a month ago. depending what is it (a remake of koihime? or maybe not even a visual novel im not sure and most likely no one knows) it may delay the extended version of sengoku.Well anyway we will see around the september.

>> No.12123288

Playing 天秤のLa DEA. Every minute or so I get an error saying


Of course reinstalling doesn't solve the problem. Clicking "Yes" let's me continue on with the game without any problems but it's kind of annoying.

Anyone else have this problem? Is my download just corrupt? Google doesn't really yield anything.

>> No.12123294

Someone uploaded a file to mediafire to fix it. Search previous threads.

>> No.12123296

Ryoujoku Soukan Zu ~Kyousei Ninshin Seieki Jigoku~

>> No.12123319

You have to install the game in Japanese format, otherwise a certain file won't be created.

>> No.12123320


>> No.12123333

Just finished running LaDea for the first time and finished Rance9. I expected a bit more from the new rance but...it was still enjoyable.

>> No.12123556

Currently playing Monobeno.
Gotta say, the music is pretty soothing and enjoyable.

>> No.12123597
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>> No.12123599

looks like Seitokai no Ichizon

>> No.12123610

You'd almost think it was the same artist or something.

>> No.12123738
File: 1.35 MB, 1366x768, imouto radar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get an 妹レーダー? Seems like it would be useful.

>> No.12123744

What does it find? Onii-chans? Imoutos?

>> No.12123987
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, EV007A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did that work? Ilzave makes Celica grow wings, so that he can fly to floating castle, mana-based companions go there too, since they are inside Celica, but how did everyone else travel there. Revia even has dialogue while in the castle.

Also, why is Abirus allied with Ilzave against Larain when Larain is attampting to finish what Abirus started and Ilzave wants to prevent?

>> No.12124013

I'm a totally newb at VN's (played Kanon one time through) and I just spent a few hours playing Clannad. I was trying to follow the 90 hour guide but was retarded and was looking at the wrong section. I think I may now be locked onto Nagisa's route (although I didn't even pick the perfect options for her) though supposedly that ought to be played last and in a certain order. I'm frustrated as hell and wondering if I should restart and lose all my progress or just give up and choose randomly.

When you guys are playing VN's do you follow the guides? I'm wondering if trying to do it perfectly might be sucking the fun out of what is already a very long game.

>> No.12124026

Some of the flags in Key games are so retarded that I wouldn't even consider playing one without a guide. Also, it's not like the route order matters that much. You can't do After Story until you finish all the character routes anyway.

>> No.12124089

Why is it that they only describe the setting under the story heading?
I could care less how he just so happens to be surrounded by girls. I want to know what the goal is for this game.

>> No.12124096



>> No.12124100

Yeah, I know, but there is usually something that protagonist wants to achieve, like save the school or build something. It could be anything. Every story needs it in my opinion.

>> No.12124121

Who set the tags and character traits for http://vndb.org/v14014? They're a mess.

>> No.12124136

Good question. I can't seem to find it in the edit history.

>> No.12124139

How is that game by the way?

>> No.12124141


http://vndb.org/u42080, did the tags for the characters in that list.

>> No.12124154

In my personal opinion, it was excellent. Many people seem to think it's a nukige, though. It ain't.

It was a rhetorical question.

>> No.12124183

I really like mystery games, so I should probably give it a try.
>Many people seem to think it's a nukige, though. It ain't.
That's probably why I missed it.

>> No.12124250


I like it, for I went in expecting usual animated nukige from Mink and got serious mysteries where people die. I also like you get to look/observe and get some hint of expressions instead of just talk.

IMO they dropped ball for one of the "routes" - it's just weird, am I suppose to feel sorry for her, for her hands in all of this? I didn't come feeling any of that sort. The other two girls are far easier to relate (perhaps rather standard by way of VN)..

>> No.12124264

If you mean Miki, I didn't feel sorry about her either. She was the worst kind of calculating bitch, and I'm almost happy there was no good ending with her.

>> No.12124274

I really want to read those spoilers. I should probably close the thread before I do it.

>> No.12124304

Think of these spoilers as a necessary evil.

>> No.12124440
File: 159 KB, 1277x718, sakura title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with prettyxcation. Sakura was probably my favourite, good dates and felt the most like a girlfriend, also I have a soft spot for proactive kouhais that aren't imouto-bait. Also cinema-handjob, that stuff is gold.
Komachi was pretty good too, thought she'd be the generic teacher heroine and she was more of a working woman who happened to be a teacher instead, was pretty neat in that regard since they don't really appear in moege.

>> No.12124655

I'm wondering why most eroge still religiously keep using high schooler protagonists. The companies' main audience is obviously above that age and at least I've begun to feel a bit uncomfortable constantly reading from that mindset, not to mention try any type of self-inserting. Grinds my gears especially with pure love games that use a blank template protagonist.

>> No.12124665
File: 124 KB, 720x405, 20140430_5ca7c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm gonna give my impression of Racial merge so far even though nobody asked for it because why the fuck not. I'm not even through one route yet, so I can't give any opinions on routes yet.

I quite like it. It has just enough to make it stand out from a regular old moege to satisfy me. Of particular note is the well-done world building, organically introducing the place magic and the country has in the world, in a scenario that isn't done so often, I don't think. It would have been extremely easy to do the usual and dump a bunch of shitty exposition in the opening scene while the main character is in a train or something.

The girls are cute enough, and none of them annoyed me, although I have to admit I'm pretty apathetic about two of them. Can't win them all, I suppose. In the common route alone, more than one character has an actual concrete arc and decently believable character development (and I don't mean CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT). I dislike that there's no actual storyline going in the common route and instead things just happen to characters, but I suppose I can overlook it.

One thing I could see ruining the whole story for some people is the main character. He's basically the polar opposite of someone like the guy from G-senjou: he's completely innocent, kind, believes anything anyone says, helps out anyone in need, etc. as well as being extremely physically strong. Basically, mr perfect.

Pic is my favourite girl so far. Continued -->

>> No.12124667

I can forgive this because for one thing, they give an actual reason for it instead of just going OH, THAT'S JUST HOW HE IS, and for another, it's kind of the whole premise of the VN: this ignorant, innocent farm boy enters a heavily class-based, immobile society and betters it from the inside simply by being himself and unwittingly changing people for the better, like a pass-it-on thing. However, I think some people might not share my point of view, and it'd be wholly understandable.

I haven't noticed any really big flaws so far, but there's some seriously silly, cheesy stuff going on in this VN. I'll just put it like this: the final ingredient to cure a girl's blindness at some point is an 'innocent tear'. There's also a part where the MC sees a heroine he likes get hurt and UNLEASHES HIS TRUE POWER!!, subsequently whipping out two swords to fight with which is pretty damn stupid. Oh, and I guess there's also a trio of 'villains' played for comedy purposes that don't really inspire anything in me other than confusion. They don't really do anything except be mildly annoying and serve as foil, I guess. Oh, and at one point they try to sell off a girl into slavery and this is cast in a comedic light somehow (????) and we're still supposed to not loathe their guts after they do it. I don't get it.

Pretty okay so far. I hope the routes don't ruin it.

>> No.12124676

I've gotten over it. I don't even attempt to self-insert, and anyway, the school life portrayed in eroge might as well be a fantasy setting for all the resemblance it bears to reality.

Don't get me wrong, the rare game that uses college-age or adult characters is cool and I wish there were more of them, but from the perspective of the developers, high school settings are just so much easier to work with while including the components that they rely on to sell copies. For example, you have to get a lot more creative to have a loli-type kouhai when the protag is a salaryman. It can be done, sure, it's just harder.

>> No.12124686

>Oh, and at one point they try to sell off a girl into slavery and this is cast in a comedic light somehow (????) and we're still supposed to not loathe their guts after they do it.
I don't know, this can be pulled off well, although in this case it apparently wasn't (I didn't read Racial Merge). Neverwhere has a villain pair who graphically mutilate almost the entire cast, and are responsible for the deaths of at least two, but they do it with such flair that you can't bring yourself to hate them. You recognize that yes, these guys are professional torturers, and yes, when there's some torture to be done, they're going to do it (and they're going to do it very well), but that doesn't prevent them from having fun and all in all being swell guys when they aren't on the job.

Thank you for the summary, in any case.

>> No.12124696
File: 136 KB, 1272x712, 2014-05-08 000094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last month I finished:

Clover Day's: The one I enjoyed the most, mostly because I like imouto and heartwarming stories, besides the writing and pacing was quite entertaining.
Hello Lady: The MC stole the spotlight. It was quite interesting and the ending tweest was good. But I never quite understood what was the real stance of the characters and the MC on the main issue of leading the people.
恋愛まで選択肢ひとつ: I quite liked the nerdish humor in this one. My favorite was the imouto and her yandere tendencies.
ドコのドナタの感情経路: Kind of mediocre and short but the art and music were great.

I'm taking a break now but I'll probably pick one work before the end of this month, probably Racial Merge. The synopsis also makes it seem like there's a bit of social commentary in it, which I like. Or PrettyxCation.

>> No.12124697

Any DEEP games coming out this month I should know about or are they all shit again?

>> No.12124702
File: 321 KB, 800x600, best heroine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If devs insists on keeping the high school setting then at least more teacher protagonists would be nice.

>> No.12124706

Because otaku tend to be man-children. I know I am at least.

>> No.12124710

I found it amusing that your description makes it sound like the story doesn't take place in a high school

I even raised my eyebrows picturing a fantasy class-warfare small boy big city vn, but I'm thoroughly flaccid now

thanks for sharing though

also I'm not >>12124655; it's coincidental that I'm posting when the subject of schools is being brought up

>> No.12124720

It's probably because that's the oldest you can reasonably stretch those pure childlike feelings most stories are about. That and in fantasy by the time you become an adult your soul searching is supposed to be done.

It's more of a neutral to me since most of the time the school life plays so little into the plot that it honestly doesn't matter other than a gathering place and maybe giving out some cliche hobbies.

>> No.12124721

im not the guy above,but i also really enjoyed the racial merge, i can suggest it too.All of heroines are pretty charming, even though mc is kinda donkan and cant feel any evil intention ( for example the nobles are bullying him at the start,but he just thinks they are trying to teach him etc,i know its sound pretty idiotic but its not that bad)he is one of best AXL protag, They made the setting pretty good and it doesnt have any deep or over dramatic scenes.

In short its an enjoyable moege at medieval age setting (with a little magic). Its not kamige level, but at least worth of recommending for sure.

>> No.12124722

I'm not bothered by it as long as it doesn't actually take place in the school.

>> No.12124727

Speaking of which are there any notable games with man-child protagonists? Something like NHK ni Youkoso but eroge.

>> No.12124730

So basically nothing good this month again?

>> No.12124736
File: 26 KB, 250x300, apd9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best voice actress ever is in two games coming out next month, so I'm gonna read at least those.


>> No.12124869







>> No.12124882


She's going to empty balls and destroy any pent-up urges in you know what.

>> No.12124887

[[tinfoil intensifies]]

>> No.12124909

If you use Gematria to convert these numbers, you get:

Vav - Vav - Vav - Daled - Mem - Holam - Tet
6 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 30 - 50 - 100

So you have 666 right there, plus a 184. RISE also has a value of 184 (80 - 9 - 90 - 5). So clearly this diabolical company implicitly named itself SATAN, RISE and wants to destroy our children by means of its perverted and violent video games.

The "loose" part is a trap to fool other magical organizations.

>> No.12124923


>> No.12124932

What the hell

>> No.12124945

666 is the number of the sun in Kabbalah though, and 616 is supposedly the true number of the Beast.

inb4 "muh Demiurge" and Choronzon fags

>> No.12124972

They've got that covered as well. Depending on which system you use, the letter O has a value of either 50 or 0 (i.e. it's not counted, neither are the other vowels for that matter, due to the way Hebrew is written). So they can fool the gullible by claiming that their company name means SUNRISE, but subtract the letter O from 666 and it turns right back to SATAN, RISE.

>> No.12125208
File: 374 KB, 1280x800, ULJS00315_00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with a PSP who wants to test if the Vs Player works?

>> No.12125416

I have this, but too lazy to connect my PSP to a network, so...

>> No.12125548

Oh well, when you feel like doing it, just let me know..

>> No.12125555


He's probably wants to play with you but too shy so he use lazy as an excuse.

Hey man, just turn on your psp and play with him. You only have this one shot this last opportunity why not take it? it's better then thinking what if...

>> No.12125562

I remember some guy talking about ひこうき雲の向こう側 in this thread before, what's your suggested route order?

>> No.12125576
File: 277 KB, 1296x779, pretty sure that's not how necks work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mina/Aya -> Iroha -> Eiri

I'm still in the middle of Iroha's route, but that's the order that everybody suggests on EGS and it makes sense to me.

Make absolutely sure to install the update patch, and get ready for some QUALITY.

>> No.12125642

Even after the patch there's still a bunch of scripting mistakes (random number like 1234 in the middle of the dialogues) and some typo.

I'm also in the middle of Iroha route. It's been a while since I got so turned on just by reading a kissing scene. I guess Iroha is just エロ萌え.

>> No.12125665
File: 316 KB, 1296x779, speechless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the number of bugs and typos is pretty impressive for a non-doujin game.

And I agree regarding the kissing scenes. I've already had to stop a couple of times to, uh, deal with some things.

>> No.12125701

Anyone read that World End Economica? Is it any good?

>> No.12125703


This looks so bad.

>> No.12125713

It's not like smt or purse owner is any better.

>> No.12125721

I don't think you've actually played either of those and I'm doubtful you actually watched the video.

>> No.12125724

Well, there goes any desire I had to try it out. Unless the scenario is somehow amazing enough to balance it out. Oh well, I still have several gameplay VNs coming up in the next couple months, though those may turn out shitty too.

>> No.12125728

All I see is some shitty models and some clipping, both smt and persona suffer from those as well.

>> No.12125814

Yeah, let's just say that the game is awful just for a fucking trial, you must be a genius.

And don't ever post anything related to that retard of Aroduc.

>> No.12125828

Do you not understand what demos are for?

>> No.12125856

Ignore the autismlord.

>> No.12125873

Yea /b/ros! Lets shit all over!

>> No.12125890

why dont you shit on my face lmfao

>> No.12126109

Do you undertand that demos don't represent the final product?

>> No.12126116


>> No.12126157

The game wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so damn slow and you didn't have to use Drag and Drop for every action, too bad that's everything in the demo.

>> No.12126510

What do you think "demo" means? It's a demonstration.

Of the final product.

>> No.12126518

What's wrong with it? It looks pretty standard for 3D eroge. You can't expect AAA 3D models from small eroge devs.

>> No.12126532

Why do you reccomend hanahira to beginners?
While it's true the kanji used are all very easy the novel is full of onomoatopeic and other weird words and the grammar logic is often broken.

>> No.12126536

Can anyone say how to merge creators' pages into one? I'm pretty sure that these two:
I'm pretty sure these two are the same man. Even if you're open 源造's site you'll get an advertisement for つまびっち!!.

>> No.12126538

Because despite that it's still incredibly easy to read.

>> No.12126542

Twinkle Crusaders gives me the same vibe. The majority of it is elementary-school easy but there's a lot of slang and nonsense words and noises that would throw people who aren't confident for a loop.

>> No.12126543

How can it be easy if most of the words are おにゅゅ and the girls talks in a weird way?
It isn't hard because of what they're saying.

>> No.12126545

>and the girls talks in a weird way?
Because it isn't particularly weird and is still easy to understand, just maybe. Most people aren't retarded and can guess the conveyed meaning pretty decently.
Ad onomatopeias are easy to understand if the person has ever watched anime.

>> No.12126548

Because it has no narration. Sometimes even moege use literary words when it comes to the protagonist narrating the context, but that doesn't happen in Hanahira at all.

>> No.12126551

If I remember correctly, Hanahira had little to no written narrative. It's definitely easier to read than something like Flyable Heart.
And besides, there's no VN we can recommend that all beginners will definitely understand 100%. They're going to have to work a little and not expect to sit there and understand every line after skimming it for a couple of seconds. The important thing is to actually think.

>> No.12126552

>Because it has no narration.
How did it not get deleted from vndb yet?

>> No.12126554

Ask Axanael.

>> No.12126566

I never said guessing the meaning of the sentences is hard since their topics are rather simple still it isn't the best choice for someone who just started studying it and it is still bound to grammar, and finding what おにゅゅ means can be annoying.

>> No.12126571

Hanahira might be literally the easiest VN out there. If you can't understand it you'll probably have 10 times more trouble with Flyable Heart's written narrative.

>> No.12126576

I feel like a complete idiot.
Where do I find the command to summon monsters in a battre in La Dea? The ones like Minotaur and Bardiel, not support partners.

>> No.12126577

Even if finding out the meanings of the onomatopoeia is annoying, it certainly is not difficult to do unlike reading through proper narrative.

>> No.12126578

It's not about narration versus spoken dialogues, it's about weird words and broken grammar.
I believe flyable heart's narration has at least more sense and logic than hanahira's dialogues even if it probably uses harder kanji

>> No.12126579

What's a good japanese site to search for their meaning?

>> No.12126582

Meant to quote >>12126577

>> No.12126584

http://home.alc.co.jp/db/owa/s_kaydic?ctg_in=4&char_in=adictionary if you want a japanese site, http://www.nihongoresources.com/dictionaries/onomatopoeia.html otherwise.

>> No.12126641

Is Hanahira actually any good, though?
I can understand recommending stuff like Hoshimemo, Flyable Heart, Daitoshokan or Eustia since they're actually enjoyable while being easy to read, but Hanahira?

>> No.12126654

Is Eustia actually easy to read? I haven't read it, but it seems like the kind of VN where they chuck a lot of specific fantasy vocab at you.

>> No.12126657

There is some, but not much. The few words that repeat throughout, you can easily look up.

>> No.12126665
File: 96 KB, 800x600, capture_001_02032014_223246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's pretty bad, but it somehow manages to be a thousand times easier than the most easy VNs. It's much easier than FH for example.

>> No.12126704

It's about as easy as scenario-heavy games get. It uses some moderately advanced vocab, but the grammar is dead simple. If you have a text hooker you'll have no problems with it. I know because my Japanese was still pretty shitty when I read Eustia and it was a piece of cake. It also helps that the pacing is good and it's interesting enough to hold the attention of even a really slow reader.

>> No.12126722

Thanks, I guess I'll look into having a go at it at some point then.

>> No.12126797

Am I retarded because I don't see the distinction? Those two sentences seem redundant.

>> No.12126810

Once sentence says that Sakurako is light, the second implies that she feels light for him because she's Sakurako, the girl he loves.
There's a clear distinction in the meaning.

>> No.12126834


worst FH

>> No.12126846

That's lovely and easier to read than hanahira

>> No.12126847

Only if you exclude Yui, Suzuno and Mayuri too, if you're only counting FH (she's good on her own novel).

>> No.12126854

She was my favourite in the novel, so sweet and cute.

>> No.12126861


I seem to only like bitches. Is something wrong with me?

>> No.12126867

No problem, this just means you'll be able to like more girls in the real world.

>> No.12126869

Bet you loved Ayatsuji's route in AMagami.

>> No.12126871


I have no interest for real girls.

>> No.12126877

God don't even remind me of Suzuno. Amane > Sakurako > Mayuri > Kururi > gigantic black hole > Yui > Suzuno

>> No.12126883

She's a bitch?

>> No.12126889
File: 41 KB, 480x272, snap149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A huge bitch. Mistreats the protagonist in lots of ways and even hits him. Fun times if you like girls that treat you like shit.

>> No.12126892

>Mayuri bad
Her route wasn't good but you might be homosexual.

>> No.12126925

If you think the Mayuri of FH is as good as the Mayuri from her own game I suggest you go check your brain.

>> No.12126926

I found out how. The appear in spell list if you donn't have them equipped, which I did with each of them.

>> No.12126927

Would I be able to read Baldr Sky if I've already finished shit like Eustia and Flyable Heart?

>> No.12126948

If you finished Eustia you're good to go. Just remember that Baldr Sky has quite a good amount of specific vocabulary, mainly science-fiction, but also a bit of military shit.

>> No.12126964

Can someone recommend me something where the main character gets thrown into a completely different world/culture/time and one of the major plot points is the main character getting accustomed to that place.

I've already read, tried or aware of Muv Luv, Aselia, Myth, ChuSinGura and Koihime

>> No.12126984

Daitoshokan, FH, hitotsu tobashi renai, parfait, renai zero or lovely x cation 2, which one of these has the less amount of slang or kawaii uguu words like hanahira?

>> No.12126986

LC2 I guess, no comedy or banter per se, just girls being moe and some incredibly little amount of slang you need to learn anyway.

>> No.12126993
File: 933 KB, 1280x952, この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fits YU-NO to a T

>> No.12126996

His first wife was my favourite girl in the novel, shame what happened to her.

>> No.12127006

Is it a pure date sim?
Then what about the others?

>> No.12127012

if you are having hard time at hanahira,dont even bother reading others.

>> No.12127013

It's barely date sim, the stat part is the most barebones of the series and asks you to raise four stats tops.
Parfait is a great novel, easy but the writing is particularly great during some routes.
Hitoren and ren0 rely too much on comedy so if you are slow at catching jokes most of the novels will just bore you to death.
FH and daitosho are really easy too, FH just has some scifi and the later some better-than-average writing.

>> No.12127023
File: 2.23 MB, 1853x3689, visnov 3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated chart.

>> No.12127027

I hate all the random and warped words it uses, I wanted to start with a more average novel to improve my vocab and reinforce my grammar.
I see. If they're so comedy heavy I will skip hitoren and ren0, I'm quite curious about parfait if it's easy yet written well. Does it use advanced grammar rules or strange words?

>> No.12127028

Shitty chart, not enough snark. Also,

>> No.12127029

I'm holding off reading the Leyline games until the 3rd one is near release.

Any news on it, yet?

>> No.12127033

Daitoshokan has mostly natural language, although the vocabulary can be tough. I found it easier than Flyable Heart for some reason.

>> No.12127036

It really doesn't, it's kinda like wa2 or damekoi by the same author, not hard by any means but I'd say they are more enjoyable when you have a better grasp on the language than for your first something.
All of them are really good so keep them in mind anyway.

>> No.12127041


I was included with the other moege in the previous version of the chart, so I just left it.

>> No.12127042

What does unique kanji stand for?
The non-jugyou kanji used?

>> No.12127047

No, the amount of different kanji used.

>> No.12127051

I only tried to look at biman to find out it likes using unique kanji to look more well written, I hope daitoshokan is better.

>> No.12127083

>Clannad and Axanael in moege
you have some work to do, anon

>> No.12127098

Moogy-dono says sharin no kuni is Basically A Pain in the Ass Tier

>> No.12127101

Daitoshokan has 2311 unique kanji by the way.

>> No.12127102

Harumade kurukuru is the one with the less amount of kanji, what about the grammar level?
Is it a bit more difficult than the moege?

>> No.12127105

Something being difficult to translate does not mean that it would be difficult to read.

>> No.12127107

That's for translating it, not for reading.

>> No.12127109

Where did you get that number from? I'd like to add more unique kanji numbers to other games, but I know only of tlwiki.

>> No.12127110


>> No.12127115
File: 42 KB, 786x529, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I extracted the scripts and checked myself.

>> No.12127119

moogy-senpai, why do you like gayronpa so much?

>> No.12127122

Because he has shit taste, isn't that obvious?
Scooby-doo for weeaboos

>> No.12127130

Thanks. Now, where can I get that software? I tried googling but nothing useful came up.

>> No.12127132

Write your own software or use what's linked on tlwiki.

>> No.12127136

I actually don't think Clannad has that much 'actual plot'.

>> No.12127138

It is, till it gets to the infodump, but it's still easy.

Is there something difficult, at all, in any of the two DRs?

>> No.12127144

By saying that is how people complain about the ''completely out of nowhere'' ending, despite the infodumps on its plot and setting in some of the routes.

>> No.12127148

It's not what I would call a moege, though. Way too much drama.

>> No.12127152

It's pretty obviously a nakige, isn't it? I mean every route has at least one major NOW IS THE TIME TO BE CRYING moment.

>> No.12127155 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.12127159

Iyashi-kei, and I agree with it, Clannad had a ton of 'this is a happy scene, you can cry now' moments, more than 'cry, this is some sad shit' anyway.

>> No.12127163

It'd be a lot nicer if they weren't the ones stabbing you before they do the healing. But yeah.

>> No.12127166

And at the same time I can't find a single person who would read it because of "moe" content.

>> No.12127168

What are you supposed to heal if there's no wound?

>> No.12127173

I'll change 'moege' to 'Moege/non-story driven' then.

>> No.12127194

My life.

>> No.12127222
File: 105 KB, 796x593, wlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the way that the text gets on the lower sprite incredibly, incredibly annoying. I'd change it to squared box format, but it just feels so lifeless.
Wish it was properly done.

>> No.12127235

That entire game had a lot of issues that should have been caught in QC. It was still pretty fun though, even if it didn't feel like a lot of the routes were finished.

>> No.12127323 [DELETED] 

Probably this is not the right place to ask,but well since its vn-general i guess i can ask here. Do you guys know where can i download the high resolution pictures of the eroge covers? I really like printing the covers of eroges which i have finished, but its really hard to find something which have more resolution than 300x500. i'd be great if you guys can suggest me some website which updates every month. Im currently searching for 戦国†恋姫 , レーシャル・マージ, つよきす , 恋愛0キロメートル , and Clover Day’s covers so if you guys have some of those it'd be helpful too.

>> No.12127324

Probably this is not the right place to ask,but well since its vn-general i guess i can ask here. Do you guys know where can i download the high resolution pictures of the eroge covers? I really like printing the covers of eroges which i have finished, but its really hard to find something which have more resolution than 300x500. it'd be great if you guys can suggest me some website which updates every month. Im currently searching for 戦国†恋姫 , レーシャル・マージ, つよきす , 恋愛0キロメートル , and Clover Day's covers so if you guys have some of those it'd be helpful too.

>> No.12127327

Ah by the way what i meant by "high resolution" is not something enormous,of course bigger is better but "1000x1600" or something like that would be pretty enough.

>> No.12127369 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 688x1838, daijoubu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that chart sure did come in handy.

>> No.12127384

Fucking four panel was gold.

>> No.12127388

What's the /h code for this

>> No.12127391

Hang on, let me make a chart with /h codes for everything.

>> No.12127399

How difficult to read is Reminiscence?

>> No.12127413

So, who's the anon that said making a chart would stop all the "what's easy to read" related posts?
Because fuck you, all you did was encourage them.

>> No.12127418 [DELETED] 

Harder than hanahira

>> No.12127440

I'm sorry for not being a master at nihongo, you big baby.

>> No.12127445

Hey... I know this is kinda off-topic but I'm trying to find an h-game. It's made in Adobe Flash, you play a boy/young man who starts out in a small village and you're the chosen one trained to save everyone from monster-girls by making them orgasm first in battle. This is so hard to find because it sounds practically identical to MGQ except it's not. It's more RPG-like with overworld exploration and items. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

>> No.12127448

Katawa Shoujo

>> No.12127452

bump i guess.Even some websites which has based on eroge pictures -or at least have some material of eroge characters- would be helpful.

in short at least give me some site where i can find eroge pictures (im not talking about cgs, like wallpapers or fanarts) i only know pixiv and danbooru,which is not helping me at all.

>> No.12127460

No, you should be sorry for being a lazy bastard. If you want to find easy to read games then just go pick something popular on VNDB or something and go play it. Pick a different game if it ends up being too hard.
Or if you don't want to download the game then just go to the game's homepage and read the summary and character descriptions. You can guess the difficulty of the game from that. If you still need more material to judge the difficulty for then download and read the trial.

>> No.12127477

Please help me find this thing I'll suck your dick.

>> No.12127480


Probably not this, but worth a shot I guess. I remember playing this for an amazing 15 minutes and it was more or less what you described. I'm pretty sure it wasn't made in Flash, although I know there's at least one Softhouse-Seal that was, in fact, nothing more than a Flash game.

>> No.12127481 [DELETED] 

Nobody's going to help you if you threaten them like that.

>> No.12127495

Whoa there, you should know better than to expect someone to use common sense.

>> No.12127499

I'm not 100% sure but it didn't look like any of the RPGMaker games. I don't remember exactly how you explore the overworld but I can remember walking up and down a coastline trying to grind these swimsuit-wearing monstergirls that you could randomly encounter there. I think every girl was a variation of a succubus and the title had something like Succubus or Demon or Angel in its name. I remember the intro having you rescue your childhood friend from a succubus who just flies in from the sky.

Also I will do almost anything to find this game.

>> No.12127537

im actually trying to help everyone in this thread as long as they are not EOP but you fucked up almost half of this thread my friend.Even if we find a couple of games for you now, if you come back to this thread every time you have finished them seriously it'll be a bother.

You have to find some alternative way for your language problem,for example try their trials or look summaries at their website,which is same level with game most of time.Also as long as you dont pick some high games like muramasa or hello lady's writer (i forgot his name but his narration was hard if im remembering correctly) you'd be okay anyway,moege's language level doesnt change that much between companies.

>> No.12127658

That must be Erotical Night.

>> No.12127663


>> No.12127912

It's easier to make a chart about which writers beginners should avoid.

>> No.12128353

your best bet is probably google images with advanced search. Set the resolution there.

>> No.12128361

So, liarsoft and Nitro+?

>> No.12128365

Writers, not brands. Especially considering Shimokura's the only one who seems to be doing anything for N+ nowadays.

>> No.12128411

Shimokura's shit is easy to read. Even Sakurai isn't that bad. I'd avoid people like Mareni and Narahara, though.

>> No.12128422

In terms of grammar and sentence structure, Sakurai's adv games are probably some of the easiest to read, but I still wouldn't recommend her stuff to people who are learning the language, because they probably wouldn't be able to appreciate her writing style.

>> No.12128433

What about making a thread for VN suggestion?

>> No.12128481

Masada, Mareni, Shumon, Romeo, Hino, etc. I guess Sakurai fits in too since her writing isn't adequate for beginners.

>> No.12128504
File: 668 KB, 1366x768, gurrll gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Nozomi's route in Pretty x Cation. A bit disappointed that there wasn't that much games, anime and that type of stuff involved despite her being mainly advertised as the 隠れオタ heroine. I think there was actually more scenes about her trying to improve her cooking skills than about otaku hobbies.

Also I'm really missing the earlier artist and adequate DEX skill having the heroines go drooling / half-ahegao during H-scenes.

>> No.12128517

Sakura's route actually has a lot of movies in it, Nozomi's is quite disappointing compared.

>> No.12128893

I've been trying to play Kakyuusei but the file that I suppose works as crack disappears every time I extract it from the rar.
The computer says that it's there when I try to extract it again, but it just doesn't appear. I don't have an antivirus that woulod automatically delete it or something, so does anyone have an idea of what may be causing it?

>> No.12128908

>I don't have an antivirus that woulod automatically delete it or something
In case you have Windows 8, Windows Defender might be deleting it.

>> No.12128909

No, it's still 7. I got rid of avira for the same reason because it auto deleted some cracks.

>> No.12128928

It might be hidden, change your explorer settings to show all files.

>> No.12128942

It's always like that. It's not deleted or anything because the size of a folder increases, it's just not displayed for some reason.

>> No.12128947

Nevermind, I redowloaded it through another download and this one could actually be extracted, thanks anyway for the help, it's bugging the shit out of me.

>> No.12128983

When you play a VN for one heroine, do you play her route first, second or last? (Assuming there's no enforced order.)

>> No.12128989

I play her route first, and if none of the other heroines manage to catch my attention in the common route i simply move on to the next VN in my backlog after finishing that route.

>> No.12128996

I tend to leave her for at least second/third, otherwise I just can't get arsed to start a route after the first one.

>> No.12129000

If there's a true route or some reason why I'd want to complete all the routes, I usually go for second favourite girl first and favourite last. If I'm just reading it for the one girl and no one in common route seems interesting enough, I just drop it and read something else.

>> No.12129012

I play the one or two route from the heroines I'm into and quit, unless all of them are good / have epilogue/true routes

>> No.12129055


Assuming no forced order, I do her route first or second. This can change when there is a reader recommended play order due to overlapping story reveal elements, like back stories explained more fully in other heroines routes, or where you grasp better intention of MC's reactions.

>> No.12129056

I just play her route. I have way too many things on my backlog to waste time 100%ing every little moege.

>> No.12129219
File: 2.38 MB, 1864x4304, visnov 3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for a few plot heavy games to add to the beginner chart?

>> No.12129253

It's been quite a while since I read it but eden* They Were Only Two, On The Planet was short and also not that hard as far as I remember.

>> No.12129285


It's like my nukige stories except the idiot settled for more photos instead of pussy.

>> No.12129292

Thanks for the suggestion, I added it.

I saw it before, but didn't add it because of the kanji/line ratio. Thought there might be a lot of difficult kanji. But I guess it's not so bad?

>> No.12129297

That list looks really neat. But I wonder what level they are on, those who always ask for easy to read games.

I mean, if you can read the bottom games and understand them, you know Japanese and can play whatever you want. And if you don't understand, at least the major parts, you might as well play some random moege instead, and save the good stuff.

>> No.12129317

Well, the plot heavy games on this chart are still relatively low on the kanji when compared to other plot heavy games.

Excluding games like Aiyoku no Eustia that still have high kanji counts but still manage to be readable for beginners somehow.

But you're probably right. If you have to ask, you're probably not ready.

>> No.12129328

Midori no Uni and Caucasus are pretty easy too. Oh, Cartagra wasn't difficult too.

>> No.12129336

And they are baaaaaaaaad.

>> No.12129376

I found Cartagra really enjoyable.
And as for Midori no Umi and Caucasus... well both of them are not great VN's but definitely not bad. Gameplay in Caucasus is pretty tediouce though.

>> No.12129386

Which VPN do you guys use for erogamescape?

>> No.12129392


>> No.12129394
File: 13 KB, 430x479, selfhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you can evaluate your eroge yourself.

I hope you like it. I worked really hard on it.

>> No.12129396

I usually just use http://japanwebproxy.com/ if I don't need to browse for an extended time.

>> No.12129413

>but definitely not bad
I agree with Cartagra, but Caucaus has a bad lot witha terrible gameplay to make it worse and Midori no Umi falls apart during its last two routes horribly hard.

>> No.12129444 [DELETED] 

If no one has any other suggestions, I'll just add Cartraga and Midori no Umi and be done with it.

>> No.12129448

I added Catagra as well. Just need one other suggestion.

Is Sekai de Ichiban Dame na Koi a plot heavy game? It doesn't seem like it on the surface, but I have my doubts. It looks nice anyhow.

>> No.12129454

It's great, but it's a romcom, with drama, rather heavy by the end.

>> No.12129455

>Midori no Umi falls apart during its last two routes horribly hard
Such a shame, I absolutely love mansion type settings and the general "atmosphere" it had going on. If it had been simple SoL iyashi-kei instead of whatever that trainwreck was it'd be my ideal VN.

>> No.12129461

I think Midori no Umi would have been really good if it was actually finished.

>> No.12129462

But no real plot to speak of in comparison with the other games?

>> No.12129475
File: 2.57 MB, 1864x4304, visnov 3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever, I'll just put it in anyway.

Here's the new chart. Rejoice.

>> No.12129480

I guess it fits if kiminozo is there too, kinda similar in the love triangle part.

>> No.12129515

If you're gonna split up Baldr Sky into dive1, might as well put dive2 by it's side. Or just choose one of the covers and put it as a single game.

>> No.12129593

>Here's the new chart. Rejoice.
We really don't care.

>> No.12129630

I care, in that I want him to fuck off and stop making terrible charts that encourage retards to shit up the thread. But I can't really stop him, so whatever.

>> No.12129633

Sorry, I was the one who made the first chart. Though I put so little effort I didn't imagine anyone would start using it at all.

>> No.12129653

I actually didn't mind the first chart so much because the snarky titles made it clear that asking for titles wasn't encouraged but the new chart got rid of that.

>> No.12129772 [SPOILER] 
File: 272 KB, 886x1200, 1400532431203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12129775

I'm a few hours into Rectal Merge, I predict that Banshee-sensei will be my favorite character.
Sadly, characters like her rarely have a route.

>> No.12129779
File: 122 KB, 622x400, 1400515805980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lump of Sugar's new game.

>> No.12129786
File: 1.03 MB, 1100x861, 1400512168256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ブランド:Lump of Sugar

>> No.12129788
File: 1.11 MB, 1100x867, 1400512187610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12129789

Japan pls


>> No.12129798

That's cool. I might check it out.

>> No.12129802

>Damekoi in relatively easy to read
What? How?

>> No.12129804

you fucked up the entire thread,and you are still fucking it.good job.For gods sake go and make a suggestion thread or something.

>> No.12129809

meant to >>12129475

>> No.12130255

Finally finished Baldr Sky. It was fun enough but the dialogue based humour only worked rarely for me and started to drag quite a bit. I don't remember the dives being this static. Once they cut down on the chatter toward the end of Marr route it improved immensely. Presumably something changes once you finish once? I'm not sure I want to run through everything again.

>> No.12130348

2 artists in one game? That's new for Lump of Sugar.

Too bad their games kind of suck past the common route nowadays.

>> No.12130367

anyone have a suggestion on which one i should start with?

>> No.12130374

The one that has the kawaiiest onna no kos.

>> No.12130375

The one that looks the best to you.

>> No.12130377

The transfer student has the same skin color as the japanese students.

Everyone is white besides the protag who had darker skin.

Do they realize this when they're making the game and just go fuck it or by now is it just so ingrained they don't even notice?

>> No.12130383

Just fucking pick one that looks interesting to you and read it. Or do you need me to hold your hand and read it for you as well? Maybe even rub your dick during the h-scenes for you?

>> No.12130385

actually im not into that kinda of stuff prefer the real deal kinda vns if you know what im talking about

>> No.12130393

Then you should start with Dies irae

>> No.12130395

Hey bro can you calm down. I'm not going to waste my time downloading everyone just to see which one I like the most so give me a ranking.

I mean if you're posting recommendation charts in this thread then all gloves are off imo.

>> No.12130398

Here are some other recommendations:

相州戦神館學園 八命陣

>> No.12130401

okay ill be sure to come back and post here if i have any questions about the japanese ty

>> No.12130402

Oh I get it now.

>> No.12130405

Is this actually any good or is the only reason people keep mentioning it because it's supposedly so hard to read?

>> No.12130406

You added an extra comma.

>> No.12130409
File: 291 KB, 800x600, capture_009_15052014_130715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like it. It's actually a really fun read.

>> No.12130857
File: 175 KB, 1298x790, 21454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In conclusion, this game is awesome.

I'm glad AXL managed to redeem themselves after their two previous titles.

>> No.12131351

Discussing VNs belongs in the VN general.

>> No.12131360

Which VN has the best harem ending?

>> No.12131540

fucking entire thread with "this game has uguu i cant read it" "this game has 100 kanji omg so hard give me easy" "i started learning japanese 2 day ago gime vn" doesnt count as discussing visual novels.Take this retarded shit to somewhere else, an another thread or vg i guess.

>> No.12131589

Yeah he's basically the only writer that can carry their games anymore

>> No.12131718

New thread

>> No.12132695


>> No.12133101

you failed

>> No.12133101,1 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone want to transcend reality and become a divine being?

Earthly reality is so pointless...............
