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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12104418 No.12104418 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12096807

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Zharay/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/Zharay/logbook

Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, Re, Wo, Hime and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12104429

Got Yukikaze and Shimakaze in a single day.
What're the odds?

>> No.12104431
File: 409 KB, 1000x1000, 1395058013162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep emoticons, greentext, Re, Wo, Hime and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.
Good job.

>> No.12104433


>> No.12104438

I think I got 4 of them in a day when I tried to craft a Hachi.

>> No.12104442


>> No.12104445

>90 results
We are more numerous that I though.

>> No.12104451

But I play with flash projector + API.

>> No.12104460


>> No.12104471

What's the advantage of using an API link over the cookie method?

>> No.12104475

Isn't that exclusive to KCV?

>> No.12104477


I don't really like KCV.

>> No.12104481

You can use the cookie method and play directly from the site

>> No.12104490

How is/was your day going, admirals?

As for me, today was a good day. I wasted 70+ devmats and several thousands of resources due to "why don't you try some LSC?", wasted some buckets on absolutely retarded World 5 sorties, didn't grind enough and mindlessly sent battleships on World 2 daily sorties. But 250/30/200/30 gave me Hachi, so it's okay, today was perfectly fine.

>> No.12104491
File: 50 KB, 800x400, screencap0647jst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you too Hime.First you cockblock me at the boss node and now this shit.

>> No.12104492

5 sorties and 5 daily boss kills. You know what, I'm not going to play the game today. I exhausted my luck already.

>> No.12104495

My computer can't open KCV, so no way to set that cookie as far as I know.

>> No.12104496

so event is going to end today, shame because i really like the BGMs, hope they add them to some future extra map, like 2-5, 3-5 and 4-5.

>> No.12104500

I had to scrap one more Hachi since I'm only keeping 3 of her, it felt really bad.

>> No.12104504

KCV not needed http://pastebin.com/wF2V748S

>> No.12104505

You can keep refreshing PVP results.

>> No.12104506

I tried doing some expeditions today, so I did about 8 but I forgot to activate the quest after 3-expedition daily quest so I missed everything

Being a high level admiral is so mentally straining, seriously

>> No.12104512

Kind anon uploaded some music you might like: http://www.mediafire.com/download/94a16x62ou4mptm/艦これ+戦闘BGMまとめ【2014.4.23】.rar

>> No.12104513

E2 will make a perfect 2-5, just replace some shit with more BBs at boss node.

>> No.12104515

Huh, interesting. Thanks.

>> No.12104523

I gave up clearing 5-5 and wasted 50k resources and more than 100 buckets just for nothing. I thank Re for raping my ships hard.

>> No.12104539

Someone was asking for the japanese IJN curry recipe in the last thread.

>> No.12104544

I don't want general recipe. I want specific recipe used on Kaga. They are not the same thing.

>> No.12104545

First 5-5 run
Yamato, Nagato, Mutsu, all with 46cm 46cm AP ammo Recon
Taihou, Kaga, Chitose with enough AA to get superiority at boss

Nobody takes more than scratch until pre-boss where Taihou eats Re's dive bombing damage (24) and eats a critical Re torpedo right after and goes to red
Green T.
Yamato murdered the hell out of Elite Re but with Taihou in red I had to retreat. So annoying.

I'll take this easy and don't waste buckets for scratch damage, I got 20 days to sink Wo 5 times

>> No.12104554

Do 3 subs. Took me less than 10 sorties this month and the previous month.

>> No.12104556

Did they even have a proper recipe? Was it not just what the chef felt like making?

>> No.12104572

In a broad sense, it belongs in Browser + API category.

>> No.12104579

Do we expect anything else from tomorrow's maintenance, apart from the event's end?

When I made that poll, I was mostly interested in the % of people using the cookie method.

>> No.12104583

>get 2nd tanikaze while farming for iku/hachi
hate me, I know I do

>> No.12104588

It's probably better if it's a multiple question poll
- Browser
flash projector


- Data viewer
log book

>> No.12104595

Given that in Yokosuka restaurants they serve IJN curry, JMSDF curry, Yamato curry, Nagato curry and more, there are proper recipes.
New lines for Myoukous.

>> No.12104610


This poor guy just failed a kill run. 27 hp remaining.
Back to the wall, with only 3:45 left.

Godspeed to him

>> No.12104638

I'm probably the same as him.
Just didn't have enough of everything so after E-4 i dedicated myself to get Kongo and Kirishima to lv75. Also, got 6 46cms from crafting and 6 green shells. Also, 6 reppu.
I've been tanking the map with everything i have and i've killed half of the boss bar.

Anyway...my attempt will fall short because i'm running out of Fuel.
Changed to 4BB 2CV just now. Maybe i'll have better luck that way.

>> No.12104661

What's the software name of what's used to voice the comment ?

>> No.12104672
File: 756 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140509-07332537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha holy shit at the last moment.

>> No.12104673

If you're talking about the animal crossing voices, I think it's just one of the comment options in NND.

>> No.12104674

Well... hating money is an option. Not really appealing, I admit that.
No idea really.

>> No.12104679

Congrats. Are you one of the TTKs that's been bitching in every thread about not getting her?

If so, pass your good luck onto the rest of us.

>> No.12104682

Is that animal crossing ? Maybe I have way too much alcohol in my blood now but it sounds really fluid for a virtual voice.

>> No.12104683

I have given up attempting to get her, I have no buckets remaining, seriously why the fuck does she have a silver background when I've gotten multiple holo's attempting to get her?

>> No.12104687

Only in the last thread, I was the TTK who has only gotten a mikuma and kinugasa, both whom I already have in return for 100k resources and 800 buckets, I have been staying away from these threads to keep depression away until today.

>> No.12104700

Well, congrats again. Took me a long time to find her as well, though I feel for all the TTKs that still don't have her.

>> No.12104704

I just ate my 2nd tanikaze.

>> No.12104707

OMG. I can't believe this stream fucker.

>> No.12104709

Worst luck ever.

>> No.12104710

Not the tripfag, but talk about your fleet for 5-5.Levels, equip, and support.

>> No.12104711


>> No.12104718

3 chances. 3!

>> No.12104727

This guy has a hell of a bad luck.
I mean, 3 chances wasted, with only the seiki alive.

Damn boss only had 240hp, anyone would have finished her. RNG is just a bitch

and he has to hate money again now ;_;

>> No.12104729

My bad. I had the sound off and just assumed he was using the same voices as another stream I was watching.

Yeah, those voices are pretty good. Those nips and their vocaloid tech.

>> No.12104736

thanks for sharing, gonna listen to this tomorrow morning

>> No.12104737

Friendly reminder that if you haven't finished E-5, E-6, or whatever map you're on, you had best start praying hard cause there's only 3 hours remaining.

>> No.12104742

I'm already directing my prayers toward Pokehamu.

>> No.12104750

Flagship Kongou 2 46s 1radar/sanshiki 1searchlight (Replace AA with 46 for the final form)
Musashi+Yamato 2 46s 2radar/sanshiki (pick your placebo, doesn't really matter)
3 subs cut-in setup. Pick highest luck ones. Put goya as the last sub with the German torp.

Sparkle everything or at least your subs. I found no difference between 85 morale or high 50s morale. It's mostly about what enemy formation you get.

Support 2 BB 2CVL 2 DD
Sparkle all the route support. Sparkle flagship of boss support. Put best equips on the route support.

All married, but most nico vids I saw didn't need married subs.
Yamato+Musashi will help you a lot but it's also doable without.

>> No.12104754

This fucker. I hope he makes it, but it seems like RNG sama wants to play around with him a bit more.

He'll probably clear it, but at the last possible moment only to see error musume due to maintenance.

>> No.12104759

How much money did he hate so far?

>> No.12104766

a bit less than 10,000JPY so far from what I gathered

>> No.12104767

He spent already 10.000 yens.
He really deserve to screw this bitch, especially he did have 40K resources before engaging it.

I mean, this dude is on that map for 16 hours straight, and it has been 8 hours the gauge is empty. EIGHT FUCKING HOURS.

>> No.12104770

Holy sweet jesus.
That's an expensive E-5.

>> No.12104772

Re oneshots subs into red, how the hell do you avoid retreating?

>> No.12104781

And like I said it's matter of enemy formation. Only the 1st node Ring formation Re is problematic.

>> No.12104787

Damn it Akagi, don't eat a crit now!

>> No.12104788

Stopped reading there.

Its great that your fleet is hueg, but I don't have those.

>> No.12104790

Wait. I thought since now we have recon mechanics, 5-5 is easier than before. Make sure you get air superiority and double attack that Re bastard.

>> No.12104795

You can't get superiority in 5-5

>> No.12104797

But you can

>> No.12104800

Was thinking the same but people insist on the 3 subs approach but I can't see that working reliably

Sure I can
I had air-superiority in all nodes and would have had it at boss too if Taihou didn't go red from Re

>> No.12104804

The problem is, the torpedo attack will easily get your non-hotal girls from full health to red.

>> No.12104805

hahaha, no.

after clearing E-5 last week i went straight to 5-5 for my monthly kill, thinking to kill it easy without support fleet and stuff, since my BB got a huge damage boost thanks to day double attack and stuff, welp, pre-boss node Re still rapes the shit out of all my ships with her opening airstrike + torpedo + random crit to red in day battle, had to retreat 4 times at pre-boss before i could even see boss node without ship in red. The big issue of that node is that it's in line ahead, if it was diamond formation it would have been a ton easier since torpedo miss often, and you only had to deal with the opening airstrike, since you can't get her lonely plane down even with 400+ AS.

>> No.12104811

But being in red has makes no difference in air superiority calculation

>> No.12104812

I want to blow resources on LSC attempts for Musashi already. Hurry up devs. ;_;

>> No.12104818

Yeah, but being in red means I will retreat which means I obviously can't get superiority at a node I don't go to

>> No.12104821


>> No.12104823

Not yet. I'm still rolling for a Yamato.
I don't need another LSC ship to screw up my odds even more.

>> No.12104825


I just want to blow my resources on Musashi.

>> No.12104833

From latest Comptiq
>Youngest sister of a certain sister ships is going to have a K2 soon

Since Kirishima is the youngest of the Kongou class, we can exclude Haruna from the K2 pool. Speculations?

>> No.12104835

You go and sink your Taihou then, kuso ttk

I have my Taihou sit in the bath and a dedicated team not only to repair her but also skin-care, hair-care, nail-care, massage, dinner that is high in nutrition but delicious cooked by a 5 star chef and some classy music to listen to played by a live orchestra.

That is how much I care for my Taihou

>> No.12104836

Screw you plebs, next LSC ship needs to be Shinano.

>> No.12104845

Aoba-class maybe? (Who's the youngest Sendai again?)

>> No.12104848

Man, you sure love your Taihou a little... too much, almost.

>> No.12104849

Not Sendai

>> No.12104850

I won't sink my Taihou because I don't need to. I've already completed 5-5 for the month, and she was never taken to red during the operation.

It might have helped that she was level 97 at the time.

>> No.12104852

If it's Sakawa I can already taste the tears.

>> No.12104855

>Youngest sister
too vague, too many younger sisters.

>> No.12104857

I hope so if that comes with better art.

>> No.12104859

>Kirishima is the youngest of the Kongou class
Kirishima was launched earlier than Haruna. That means Haruna is the youngest.

>> No.12104860

I think it'd be either Choukai or Haguro, since both of them are also drawn by Bob.

>> No.12104861

Better art? Kai 2 by Konishi means adding monkey ears.

>> No.12104863

Abukuma? Akigumo?

>> No.12104864

Choukai and Maya are drawn by Parsley, same artist of Hamakaze and Tanikaze, but yes Myouko class CA are drawn by bob

>> No.12104867
File: 305 KB, 800x478, E5WIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done with E5. Just wondering, are there people still doing E5 here?

>> No.12104868
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As he should. Who wouldn't love this little cutie?

>> No.12104870

Here's my take on both methods.
1st node
Subs can get raped against ring formation
CVL can get raped against line ahead.
This slightly favors 3CV

2nd node.
If you unlucky and your support doesn't show, it's very likely you will retreat here with subs.
Mostly straight forward, but unlucky crits can send you back.
I'd say around the same for both.

3rd node.
CVs are a real liability here and you have 3 of them to screw you up. Re almost guarantee to attack 4 times all of which can send you home.
For the 3 subs fleet, you only need to worry about opening torp and air raid, which will hit BBs (yamato or not), they are most likely to survive. Re's attacks are spread out better against targets which means less chance to go to red. The formations here are quite weak against subs as well.
Sub route has a clear advantage at this node.

The most important part is the compass.
3 subs guarantee the boss.
3 CV have around 60-70% compass to boss rate

Boss node.
Sub route, the opening air raid will rape you. At best you'll have 2 BBs to participate in night battle.
3CVs. CVL is useless here, and 2 CVs can't attack at night.
Sub route is probably slightly better here.

>> No.12104871


>> No.12104875

I would but she hates me.

>> No.12104877

I'm gonna go and root for this guy now

>> No.12104879

If you have air superiority at the boss, which is possible with 2CV1CVL (and still allow all of them to attack) then your BBs will have double attack (or cut-ins, if you use AP ammo) and that will simply wreck havoc. The opening air-raid will not do much, your CV might even get to take out some trash and it's entirely possible you'll even sink Wo at day.

>> No.12104881

We all should. 17 hours a row. Gauge is empty for 9hours so far.

>> No.12104882

He's gonna make it

>> No.12104883
File: 472 KB, 1476x1039, 1388269107247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenryuu will get Kai2? Damn neat.

>> No.12104884

That is probably true. But relying on day battle is subject to T dis, and I'll still take the 100% compass.

>> No.12104885

His engrish is awesome.

>> No.12104886

WTF! That second attack, 17 only?
The fuck hiei!

>> No.12104887
File: 47 KB, 675x283, give up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up.
Just say that I donate my resources for poor shipgirls who needs them.

>> No.12104888

Kongou and Nagato were the real fuckups there.

>> No.12104889

Why is he using line ahead on non-boss node?

>> No.12104890

Nagato should be swapped with Mutsu.

>> No.12104891
File: 372 KB, 516x516, 1398633206536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanikaze is for _____

>> No.12104892

As far as I understood, he want 2 expeditions for resources, so no map support.
Because he doesn't have any 46cm, he want to capitalize damage on ta class and ru class BB around, as he is rekt by the hime regardless of the formation.

>> No.12104894

Because you will get wrecked by the BBs if you get parallel engagement or adv T.

>> No.12104896

Didn't even get E4 done, ran out of resources on E3 already and didn't have enough left to bruteforce my way through the freaking subs.

>> No.12104900

So many kuso ttk who believed the "50k is enough" and "I cleared this using 40k all top kek" bullshit

Seeing kuso ttk fail is much better than suceeding yourself.

>> No.12104901
File: 1.14 MB, 592x2242, 43344968_big_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12104909


This guy need THE MUSIC to beat E-5.

>> No.12104913

But I did clear this with 40k top kek, I just had good help with muh hotels

>> No.12104916

I cleared with 30k.

>> No.12104918

But it was enough and one can produce another 20k resources during the event.

Also, completing event with barely-enough resources and time is more satisfying than completing with 200k resources.

>> No.12104919

I did with 45k

>> No.12104920


>> No.12104926

Gundam Unicorn is definitely KanColle related, anon.

>> No.12104928

You must be really messed up in the head if that is more satisfying.

>> No.12104929

Sounds like someone's a little jealous.

>> No.12104931
File: 87 KB, 697x338, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night TTKs, see you later after maintenance, hope they really add something with today's patch rather than just remove the event.

>> No.12104934

More pressure = more sense of accomplishment.

>> No.12104935

Jealous of what exactly?
I have every ship in the game except Musashi and some Kai 2
I have roughly 300k all
I have plenty of holo equipment

I wish there was something to be jealous of so I could work towards that

That's not how it works for me.

>> No.12104938

>Bad luck streak for 11 hours
>Watches another guy's stream
>Z3 first try
>Closes stream

How sad is he right now?

>> No.12104943

It's on.

>> No.12104944

Just send him your luck, lift your arms and send it all!

>> No.12104946

No, that's actually his own recording.

>> No.12104949

How could he didn't have 46cm even though he's at level 102?

I like how you call people "messed up in the head" just because they like harder challenge.

>> No.12104950

He's gonna do it this time, I'm sure!!!

>> No.12104951

When regenerating boss gauge is taken out, you have to raise the difficulty so that it's as memorable as Fall event.

>> No.12104954

yosh yosh

>> No.12104955

He has very bad luck. He has like 12 reppu and 10 ryuusei kai, but he has absolutely 0 46cm. He has no idea how come he is so unlucky with 46cm.

>> No.12104956

Let's spam YASEN UC BGM if it looks like it's going well at day battle

>> No.12104958
File: 270 KB, 1000x750, 43391768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't you finish E5 in time?
You were so close!

>> No.12104961

I have three digit fuel and half the bar left to go.

It's over.

>> No.12104962


>> No.12104964

I love the way he says Samidare chan.

>> No.12104966

More like your friend is too cheap to craft 46cm recipes

>> No.12104968

My Sakawa is already remodeled, joke's on you.

>> No.12104969

holy fuck 4th time

>> No.12104970


>> No.12104971

So close and yet so far.

>> No.12104972

I feel bad for him.

>> No.12104973


>> No.12104974

Worst luck ever. This is why you need the UC BGM.

>> No.12104976


>> No.12104979

Dammit Kongou you had one job.

>> No.12104981

My prayers go out to this poor man.

>> No.12104984

no, his luck sucks big time. He got Nagamon on May 1st for instance.
I don't think someone who has so many reppu and ryuusei kai would be stingy for 46cm.

>> No.12104986

i still haven't gotten my nagamon and i have 6 46cm...

>> No.12104988

>2426 yen left

>> No.12104989

How many time til the maintenance?

>> No.12104991

He spent around 8000y, he is not cheap.

>> No.12104993

This guy is gonna go to bed, cry himself to sleep, wake up and start being an alcoholic

>> No.12104994

Yosh. So this is how they make money.

>> No.12104995

How do you say "Use the UC Music for great victory!" in Japanese?

We need to help show this guy the way.

>> No.12104998

Being an alcoholic with 2000 yen left?

>> No.12104999

1h36 left

>> No.12105000

hour and a half

>> No.12105002

Just dropped tanikaze after 7 days of nothing but E-4, still need a zuikaku and hamakaze though, is it worth staying at E-4 or just doing 2-2 and 5-2 for those girls?

>> No.12105003

As much as I like Sakawa, she is not worth 10,000yen.

>> No.12105004

extremely cheap liquor
he'll get drunk on REGRET

>> No.12105005

just spam UC BGM

>> No.12105006

He should play more and talk less. Not much time left.

People already mentioned it to him I think.

>> No.12105008

I agree, but I don't think he's thinking rationally anymore.

He's pretty much lost all sense of reason.

>> No.12105012

The biggest hurdle for him now is that he really think sparkles are necessery. That just eat more time than his pointless chatting

>> No.12105014

He is already drunk on despair and regret

>> No.12105019

he may as well sparkle. he doesn't have the resources to keep spamming attempt after attempt unless he wants to drain his wallet even more

>> No.12105020

Time isn't the constraint, he doesn't have the resources to keep doing E-5 runs.

>> No.12105021

But sparkles are necessary!

He also has no 46cms. That is probably why he's stuck like this.

>> No.12105024

No kidding. With this sparkling BS, he's got time for maybe one more run after this next one.

And with his luck, he needs like 50 more runs before he finishes.

>> No.12105025

Please spare his wallet.

>> No.12105028

To the anon who wanted to know about his voicing device, he seems to be using Voiceroid.

>> No.12105031

I predict Hime killing him

>> No.12105032


>> No.12105033


>> No.12105034

Oh wow he survived wall.
Now he gets killed by subs I bet

>> No.12105035


>> No.12105038

>orange damage is fine

>> No.12105039


>> No.12105040

who the hell was that

>> No.12105042

Here we go again.

>> No.12105043

Why are there wiki retards posting on the stream

>> No.12105044


>> No.12105046


>> No.12105047

Worst luck in the world.

>> No.12105048


>> No.12105049

Nobody shot the boss
If there ever was a top fucking kek then this is it

>> No.12105050

This guy. This guy.

>> No.12105053

Not the first time that it happened

>> No.12105054

that crap happened 6 times already.
2 other times, a double attack was short of 20-40 damage.

This guy has a hell of a curse.

>> No.12105055

This guy is hopeless. He said he only killed the boss once.

>> No.12105056

What if his curse spreads to everyone watching his stream?

>> No.12105059

It already did. I can't finish world 2 boss daily.
Seriously, my pain is nothing compared to his.

>> No.12105060

He's pretty good spirited despite how rotten his luck is.

>> No.12105061

>hello teitoku, this is teitoku from america new york.
>america is watching. ganbatte
Which one of you is this?

>> No.12105063

>America is watching
Why do you do this USA.

>> No.12105064

Germany is watching too
I phoned two of my fellow german TTK out of bed for this stream
It's almost 3 AM here

>> No.12105066

Sakawa is American, you know. I bet she can sing The Star Spangled Banner pretty well.

>> No.12105067

Tell him the whole world is supporting him.
Axis and Allies.

>> No.12105069

Fellow german reporting in. I don't care how little sleep I get, this guy's fate is way too exciting to not keep watching.

>> No.12105071

>Sakawa is American
What do you base this on? The fact that no one likes her and she's a giant waster of resources?

>> No.12105072

I know there are someone did the E-5 with KTKM flagship because torpedo attack in nightbattle never target wake chan and CLT's cutin can easily one shot BB hime.

>> No.12105073

the fact that she was given to America as a war prize, I'd imagine.

>> No.12105074

SEAfag here, I've been awake for as long as he is

>> No.12105076

i agree with that sentiment. doing the world 2 boss daily and trying to farm e-3 for a nagato but i can't find it in me to be upset at my petty troubles while watching his stream.

>> No.12105077

not really. KTKM cut-in deal 200-300 at most on the seiki. The bitch has 400hp, so unless she was pummeled day time, she won't sink that easely.

>> No.12105079

the fuck that quoting. I obviously meant to quote
>CLT's cutin can easily one shot BB hime.

>> No.12105084

It's the curse of pokehamu

>> No.12105091

Dear god, this guy had less than an hour and he's still sparkling?

>> No.12105093

what if he clears it literally last second, then error cat because of maintenance?

>> No.12105094

Resources are in critical state.

>> No.12105095

It's things like this why i hope there will be a feature where admiral can send resources to its fellow admiral.

>> No.12105099


>> No.12105102

meanwhile, another guy is still at it, but has a bar left, which looks even grimmer than pokehamu.


>> No.12105104

Yosh Yoooosh.

>> No.12105105

Yosh Yosh Yooooooooooosh

>> No.12105107
File: 89 KB, 700x485, Imnotok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll make it.

>> No.12105108

>Those resources
Nah, better give up.

>> No.12105109

I know everyone is focusing on that poor soul, but my Yuudachi just nailed Darwin for 52 in day battle. I haven't taken a math class in years, but I'm pretty sure that shouldn't happen.

>> No.12105110

I think someone's already suggested the same.
It would be awful.

>> No.12105112

I can't believe how many times his ships dodged seiki's attack on LINE AHEAD.

>> No.12105113

not gonna lie. This guy has great luck with the hime node.

>> No.12105114

I would wish that on every wikifag though

>> No.12105117

He's using up all his luck right now

>> No.12105118

It's just RNG's way of fucking with him.

>> No.12105119

H'e's good at avoiding, but damn bad at aiming. High AGI, low DEX

>> No.12105120


>> No.12105123


>> No.12105124

It's fucking over
And this is why 3CV is superior

>> No.12105125

That F5 formation.

>> No.12105126

>But I thought F5 meant Formation 5!

>> No.12105128

RNG is just evil.

She let's those kuso ttk get away with bullshit, some of whom then turn around and scrap their new ships like a retard. But for this poor dude, she just fucks him over and over and over.

>> No.12105131

I still don't know if that guy was being legit or not.
I just can't believe someone could be that retarded.

>> No.12105134

F5 could be short for Formation 5 but only if you're literally retarded

>> No.12105135

The truth is stranger than fiction, I believe it.

>> No.12105136

Are :
>yosh yoooooosh yoshyoshyosh yoooooosh
>Pokehamu's Curse

our new epic memes ?

>> No.12105140


>> No.12105142


>> No.12105143

don't ruin a good thing

>> No.12105145

No F5 formation is.

>> No.12105149

I'm amazed at the amount of bad drops he gets.

>> No.12105152

I really hope pokehamu clears this.

I don't want things getting all dark on us if he doesn't.

>> No.12105155

This is it. He's got it this time for sure.
RNG is mean, but she's not THAT mean, right?

>> No.12105160

Since when does Mamiya's food give sparkles?

>> No.12105162

RNG is a fucking relentless bitch. She's a demon worse than any endboss because we can't even turn our guns against her.
We're nothing but playthings in her wretched and evil plans. This guy will experience the worst letdown in his entire life, and it will be through a fucking random number generator in a stupid, meaningless flash webgame.
And there's nothing he can do about it.

>> No.12105163

There aren't any new comments on the channel, but it keeps popping up in the video. What gives?

>> No.12105167

Since always.

>> No.12105172

>yon-chan hontou?!

>> No.12105174

Welp, this is it.

>> No.12105175
File: 441 KB, 800x480, Lvl70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At long last and a nice way to end this event.

>> No.12105178


>> No.12105180

Is chat not working for anyone else

>> No.12105182

working fine here.
Also his engrish is a gift from heaven.

>> No.12105184

This is it
The end or THE END
either way he is done

>> No.12105185



>> No.12105186

The comments I see appearing on his stream are not showing up on my list, and the ones showing up on the list are not shown on the stream

>> No.12105191

It's over...

>> No.12105192

Fuck no premium. Someone tells me what happens.

>> No.12105195


>> No.12105196


>> No.12105197

He did it.

>> No.12105198


>> No.12105199


>> No.12105200


>> No.12105202


>> No.12105203


>> No.12105205


>> No.12105206


>> No.12105207


>> No.12105208

Fucking yes, he deserved this victory so much.

>> No.12105209


>> No.12105211

Oh wow. He did it!!

>> No.12105213

My god.

>> No.12105215


>> No.12105216

Looks like those 10k yen paid off after all

>> No.12105217

Why did he try so hard for Sakawa though?

>> No.12105220

Not p2w they said.

>> No.12105221

That was amazing, good for him.

>> No.12105222

That fucking based Kongou.

>> No.12105223

What did nicostream dude do?
Beat E5 15mins before maintenance with noob ships?

>> No.12105226

that's not how p2w works, idiot

>> No.12105223,1 [INTERNAL] 

Let's shit on their parade.

>> No.12105231

I Have Spent 10 Thousands Yen And All I Got Was This Lousy Light Cruiser

>> No.12105232

Not noob ships. More like RNG finally stopped trolling him.

>> No.12105235

And incredible memories.

>> No.12105236

I think I was more hype for his E-5 clear than I was for my own.

>> No.12105239

He LSC now?

>> No.12105240

He's finally broken

>> No.12105242

I'm happy streams like this exist so I don't have to go through that nightmare myself and can relax clearing it with 300k all and the best ships/equipment

>> No.12105243
File: 41 KB, 472x472, BgaqXy8CAAALZKm.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12105245

You realize your sentence makes no sense and it's obvious it's a bragging attempt right ?

>> No.12105247

I have a confession to make guys, when I was doing my E-5, I always tabbed out in the hime node.

>> No.12105249

It's always the same person

He still hasn't realized that he's a pathetic waste of life trying to validate himself with a browser game.

>> No.12105253

Been following the stream for about 6 hours, so many times he failed by a small margin. I almost gave up on him on this last try.

Glad I stayed until the very end.

>> No.12105254

last E-4 run, will I get hamakaze?

>> No.12105255

So much emotions.

>> No.12105257

Too late, son.

>> No.12105258

No rapedkaze for me... Wasted all those buckets and damecon...

>> No.12105260

likewise dude. I was wondering if he was already broken to the point of no return after that "27hp left!!" attempt.

>> No.12105261

I'm on the wo node

>> No.12105262

How did he manage to keep his energy up for so long?

>> No.12105263
File: 578 KB, 652x394, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12105264

I did some LSC to celebrate, got a 2nd akitsu maru, a 5th maruyu 2 kongous, 1 mutsu, and another nagato class, I'm down to 50 dev mats, so I guess it's time to go back above 100 dev mats before trying again.

>> No.12105267

Cat strike in 3,2,1...

>> No.12105269

The Legend of Pokehamu.
A Japanese classic.

>> No.12105272

19 hours overall. Took him 8h for the gauge, 11 for the kill.
The guy diluted his alcohol juice with water and ice cubes.

8000 yen spent.

Never gave up.

A true TTK

>> No.12105273

Akitsumaru recipe ;-; ?

>> No.12105274

I can't believe he knows 4ch

>> No.12105275
File: 60 KB, 795x465, lastchancebossend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cockblock Hime completed her last cockblock. It's over.

>> No.12105279


Yamato one.

>> No.12105280

I finished it, 2nd noshiro, no hamakaze, no errorcat either.

>> No.12105283

This guy is not gonna make it

>> No.12105288

Same here but I gave up halfway this week.
Just going to wait it out for her to be implemented in 1-6.

>> No.12105293

700 fuel remaining
7 buckets remaining
3 damecons expended
E5 bar bashed down to half
didn't farm event

personal status: utterly buttdevastated

>> No.12105294


>> No.12105296

I went to sleep early last night. Now I realize that I missed the best time of this event.
What a pity.

>> No.12105299

Goddammit. I was just sending out seaplanes to find Darwin. Hatsukaze doesn't really exist right?

>> No.12105302

Event is officially over.

>> No.12105303
File: 950 KB, 1600x479, fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


( `ー´)八(`ー´ ) HI5 /jp/

>> No.12105311
File: 719 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140508-14092631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe in a billion E1 runs.

>> No.12105313


>> No.12105314

Looks like you worked hard this event, gj ttk

>> No.12105315


>> No.12105317

Took me 80 runs.

I'm pretty sure the drop rate is 1%

>> No.12105318

I did about 80 then switched to E-3 the last hour.


>> No.12105319

He chose to go with a themed fleet he probably expected it.

>> No.12105320

You better hope she drops next event

>> No.12105321
File: 416 KB, 683x366, Notable drops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My farming went reasonably well, no tanikaze though.

E4 seemed to drop me subs more than anything else

>> No.12105322

Just my main fleet

I spent the last few days just leveling the new botes I obtained because my level spread is so shit

>> No.12105324

Where is Sakawa?

>> No.12105326

e5 a shit

>> No.12105327

Now he's in full denial mode

>> No.12105331

Raping Tanikaze

>> No.12105332
File: 166 KB, 720x800, 41027473_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was unpleasant.

>> No.12105333

He died the way he lived, in shame and glory.

>> No.12105334

his weird drink (some fruit liquor I guess) which he diluted many times so it could last just a bit longer.
What remained in the Sprite bottle which was sitting next to him.

And probably whatever was left of his sanity. We could hear him break down so many times because he was THAT close of clearing it (27hp / 3 BBs focusing on the Hime at night / etc).

Stream went from 800 watchers at peak down to < 100 before rising to 1500+ in the last hour. Not sure how he managed to survive through this but this was a heartwarming story in the sea of kuso ttk tales.

>> No.12105337

Well I'm not really disappointed. I got Tanikaze, two Mikuma, and four Maruyu.

>> No.12105343
File: 86 KB, 1110x800, hatsukaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got hatsukaze on my fourth run of E1. I feel sorry for you friend :(

My event DD collecting started with Uzuki and ended with Tanikaze

>> No.12105344

He used Nishimura fleet? Who was the sixth ship?

>> No.12105347



>> No.12105348


>> No.12105353

I'll forever remember this event as the Spring of Pokehamu

>> No.12105357

How far did he get the bar down? I missed this.

>> No.12105359
File: 167 KB, 1688x1028, my haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My haul starting with ID 656

>> No.12105364

Only need the final kill

>> No.12105367

You lucky bastard.
I wish my IDs in the hundreds looked like that.

>> No.12105373

Having those rare ships with IDs in the hundreds. New teitokus have it nice.

>> No.12105375

The poor sonofabitch. I wish I had been watching, but I was desperately trying to farm E-4 in the final hour.

They have 時空のたもと playing now. Be brave, commander.

>> No.12105384


Go away.

>> No.12105386

Funny you should say, I got my Hatsukaze on my first 3-4 clear.

>> No.12105394

You cleared out your resource values but failed to realize that I can still see it from the remodel page.

>> No.12105400

idk why people erase their resources and level from their screenshots

name i can understand

>> No.12105404

Now that I'm done raging at RNG for not giving me the drops I wanted... Going back to figuring stuff out...

Can someone who actually keeps up with math help me out? My Yuudachi ended up nailing Darwin for 52 in day battle, which I don't believe should be possible following the forumula. From what I ended up with, the maximum possible damage Yuudachi could do with 78FP is incredibly low, like 8 damage low. I am confused.

>> No.12105406

He is scared about /jp/ laughing at his pathetic 10k resources. Your typical anon with a huge inferiority complex and confidence issues.

>> No.12105416

I calculate she can do a 50 damage crit, but that assumes 50%+ ammo.

>> No.12105420

Also, if you give her 80 FP she can do 54.

>> No.12105421

I thought scratch damage is 10% hp? A scratch damage crit should be around 50.

>> No.12105422

I ended this event with resources in the 100s.
Why are people so ashamed of revealing such silly information.

Blanking out your name to keep your anonymity makes sense, but anything else is just stupid.

>> No.12105423

Ok I probably was doing something wrong. Pretty sure she was at 40%, don't think it's possible to reach Darwin with over 50%. My mind remains boggled.

I had a sonar on her in hopes she would knock down both subs to orange in the first node, worked more often than not, so only +5FP.

I wasn't aware scratch damage could crit. It would be 52.5 damage in that case, damn rounding down.

>> No.12105424

The most important is to put censor bars over your shipgirls eyes in order to protect their privacy.

>> No.12105425

Hey, which ships did the IJN use to bomb Pearl Harbor?

I'm trying to make a themed team and want to go with something classy.

>> No.12105429

>I wasn't aware scratch damage could crit.
That's my only explanation for when I see DD crit event himes for massive damage. Or when enemy scrubs crit my BB for 10 something damage.

>> No.12105430
File: 755 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140503-14200662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like that?

>> No.12105433

Nice. Which carrier is that?

>> No.12105434

How long have you been on the internet? Are you 12?

>> No.12105435

Who's that seaman demon?

>> No.12105436

oh u need a carrier? I don't have a screenshot of a carrier.. too bad

>> No.12105437

Shioi is a carrier!

>> No.12105440

12 years. Yes.

>> No.12105444

She is supposed to carry Seirans to bomb burgerland.
She is definitely a carrier.

>> No.12105462


I am going to partake of a celebratory fapping now that this event is over.

I ask you, good sirs, which ship would best provide my nether regions with the proper visual stimulation for the activity I am engaging in?

>> No.12105463
File: 554 KB, 800x600, 1398552892379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12105464


Just who is that mysterious ship girl?

>> No.12105465

Name that Kanmusu!

>> No.12105468

Her name is love!! and sorry, she's mine

>> No.12105481
File: 33 KB, 500x880, gottagofast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard modo

>> No.12105496

I can't believe I lost Pokehamu's stream.

>> No.12105498

Haruna Kai Ni when?
Pls let her art be daijoubu compared to her sisters

>> No.12105514

Today's maint.
believe lol

>> No.12105524

Wait, wait, I got this.

This one is that new ship Amatsukaze.

The clue lies in the renshouhou.

>> No.12105527

No way, that's definitely Kitakami. You can tell from the torpedo mounts.

>> No.12105529

I belive they call her "speedslut" or something

>> No.12105531

How to make one of those tables?

>> No.12105540


>> No.12105544

Akagi, Kaga, Sōryū, Hiryū, Shōkaku, and Zuikaku

>> No.12105598


>> No.12105599

This would've been better with the futon laid down on the floor, if you know what I mean.

>> No.12105604

I will only lay the futon down if shimakaze is my flagship.. so yea, I can't cheat on her like that

>> No.12105609

After maintenance, what will be your objective? Get your waifu to level 150? Aiming for all LSC ships? Or just do nothing?

>> No.12105612

Lazy grind people in 3-2. After finals get off my lazy ass and finally unlock world 5 after several months of not clearing any maps. Eventually grind waifu so she can actually be my waifu.

>> No.12105614

I'm going to try and get Bismark. After that, I'll probably stop playing for a while.

>> No.12105615

LSC for Yahagi, then I guess go back to stockpiling.

>> No.12105625

Grind ships, craft more holo equip and stockpile.
Still can't believe I don't have to worry about LSC anymore after so many months, I just dumped my left over resources into LSC and it turned out better than expected.

>> No.12105629

I hope a new ship is introduced this update.

I need something to do other than soulless stockpiling for the next event.

>> No.12105635

Daily/weekly quests, stockpile, some minor leveling here and there.

>> No.12105636


I wish they give Sendai her Kai 2 already. She needs to be with her sisters with their Kai 2.

>> No.12105638

Will she cost a blueprint though?

>> No.12105642


I really doubt everything in the future requires a blueprint just because a few ships now use them, unless they start pumping out more extra operations.

>> No.12105647

They should really consider which ships recieve blueprint as a requirement. I mean, Haruna Kai2 will probably have around the same stats as her sisters even if they add some special equipment , so I hope she doesn't need blueprints. Maybe for future Yamato upgrade for sure we'll need them.

>> No.12105649

So, how much did you spend on the event and how far have you made it?

>> No.12105655

20k Fuel/Ammo/Steel
6k Bauxite
200 Buckets
0 Damecon

>> No.12105656

Probably 70k of each resource except bauxite and 300 buckets to complete the event. I regret not farming for Hatsukaze and the other E2 drops.

>> No.12105658

Cleared E-5
Spent ~60k total resources

>> No.12105661

And about 200 buckets

>> No.12105662
File: 5 KB, 139x82, spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E1- E5, Tanikaze farm included. Probably about 400-500 buckets.

>> No.12105665

This event make me realised that my ships are underlevelled. My HQ level is 99 and I was forced to sortie ships on the leve 60+ range. Definitely going to need to grind some ships to at least 70.

>> No.12105667

I just had a terrifying thought: LSC with Blueprints.

>> No.12105669

Pls delete your post in case devs monitor this site

>> No.12105673
File: 9 KB, 145x41, wheresmyresources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50k fuel/ammo/steel
10k bauxite
300 buckets
5 damecon
cleared e-5 2 days ago with this much resources left

>> No.12105674

LSC with medals. 1 medal for 10% bigger chance!

>> No.12105679

73k/36k/87k/8k 800~ buckets
Cleared E-5, Also counts Tanikaze farm which I still didn't get.

>> No.12105680

10% bigger chance of what? Failure?

>> No.12105682


>> No.12105683


Holy shit, you can't get anymore better than this.

I cleared E-5, total expenditure should be around 35k and <200 buckets. I'm going to stockpile until I reach the cap for LSC.

>> No.12105687

All those misses, is this the power of marriage?

>> No.12105691

Operation Ten-go event when?

>> No.12105693

Pretty nice, but that's what I expect of a mostly harem fleet.

Now Pokehamu. That was some crazy hype shit.

>> No.12105695

Kongou is the best.

Was he the one that started with a full boss bar at midnight?

>> No.12105697

Not shown: RJ drop I bet.

>> No.12105706

I don't think so.

Pokehamu's the one that spent 18+ hours taking down E-5. The first 11 hours took the gauge to zero, and the last, excruciating 7+ hours to get one last, solid kill.

>> No.12105712

They're probably going to release Shinano as a BB and then modernize her into a CV with a blueprint

>> No.12105727

I want to thank the nips for their placebo/miracle BGM the Gundam UC.

It made me do the final kill this morning at E-5.

Might as well try it when doing LSC next time.

>> No.12105737

exp taihou and some other carrier to level 95+, most are around level 80.
exp ships for the kantaidex.
attempt 5-5.
craft yahagi and Bismarck, only two ships left other than Musashi.
stockpile for midway, but this will be easy since my resources and buckets didn't get a huge hit with the event.

E-6 clear + Hatsukaze get
spent around 60k everything except baux, around 300 buckets used.

>> No.12105741

I don't get it. Why Gundam UC BGM? Can someone explain it to me?

>> No.12105744

>stockpile for midway,
Surely you mean the anime event

>> No.12105746

Because it is epic.
Did you not watch gundumb when unicorn first launch? It gives you the feeling of "oh yah he is going to rekt some zakus".

>> No.12105749

Going back to LSC, clearing 5-5, levelling carriers to 90+ in PVP.

>> No.12105758

>anime event starts in July, two weeks after anime airs
>pretty much a freebies event were rare ships featured in the anime drop like candles to get new TTKs hooked on the game
>mfw everyone and your mom will have Nagato, Shimakaze, Yukikaze and the Shibafu carriers as starters

>> No.12105760

I hope so, I have a Hotel and Taihou and all of the crane sisters and no fucking Nagato.

>> No.12105761

I mean candies

>> No.12105763

>Nagato, Shimakaze, Yukikaze and the Shibafu carriers as starters
That's not good

>> No.12105770

I know your struggle, got Nagato one week before event started in 4-4 while clearing the weekly kill quest, and i started in October.

>> No.12105780


>> No.12105783

Please let it be Haruna Kai Ni.

>> No.12105785

Suddenly maintenance extends until 24:00

I want Haruna Kai Ni too, but i'm not getting my hopes up. I don't want to sit again in a corner mumbling sad words and DAIJOUBU.

>> No.12105790

>rare ships featured in the anime
That started two weeks ago? Will the event last 10-22 more weeks?

>> No.12105791

It's not like anyone doesn't have them at this point, can't see what are you complaining about.

>> No.12105796

I don't have them.

>> No.12105800

I started in Fall and I only got Nagato yesterday.

>> No.12105802
File: 921 KB, 1060x637, praisethelord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did it /jp/. i finally got a taihou.
what planes should i put on her?

>> No.12105803

So you weren't even trying to get her, what are you complaining about?

>> No.12105809

Here come the update notes

>> No.12105815

whatever the map you're going on requires, you can't put stuff on a carrier and sortie, you've to calculate stuff like air superiority, if there are enemy carriers, and equip planes accordingly, but if you're going to exp her in 3-2 put 3 Ryuusei Kai and 1 Suisei 12A.

>> No.12105816

akagi is already a starter

>> No.12105817

100k all (bauxite aside), E-1~6 done.

And now I'm back to LSC sadness.

>> No.12105823

thanks anon

>> No.12105827


More Taneda Risa is always a good thing.

>> No.12105828

No E5, hamakaze, Maruyu, Hatsukaze,Tanikaze,2nd Akagi,3rd Kaga.
Barely spent shit for the event, but I blow it all in LSC.No hotel, just a zunboat.Rest went to travel expenses, I sortied senselessly with my ace fleet to the places.

>> No.12105830

Here's something to think about,
If you care that much about new TTKs getting the same toys you got in less time, it means you weren't happy with the time you spent getting them, otherwise you wouldn't care at all in the first place.

This means you never enjoyed the game in the first place, so you can just stop playing now and become a dirty secondary because you obviously don't have the will to play the game.

>> No.12105833


Kuma & Tama

>> No.12105834

I used about 30k on E1-E4, and an unknown amount on E5 (it was too depressing to count when I realized that I easily wasted 1k of each resource per sortie).

>> No.12105842


>> No.12105846

I don't even remember which those are.

>> No.12105849
File: 67 KB, 850x850, kuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New kuma lines

>> No.12105852

Kuma is 3rd best CL in game. Tama is not a cat.

>> No.12105853

> it means you weren't happy with the time you spent getting them
No fucking shit Sherlock, I dread returning to LSC and 3-4.
>This means you never enjoyed the game in the first place
What? If you enjoy grinding that much, you should go play a Korean MMO instead and not assume everyone is as autistic as you.

>> No.12105856

New voice lines for Myoukou class, Myoukou herself is getting hourlies.

>> No.12105857

I think it's stupid to let someone accomplish in a month what some of us spent a year on. Maybe someone gets insanely lucky and rolls a Taihou on their first try while others spent 50+ with nothing to show, and that's fine because it's the nature of the game. But making it trivial for a new player to unlock every single ship is just bad game design. The people who want it are just lazy and want to take what little sense of accomplishment there is out of the game.

>> No.12105860

04▼【家具】ラインナップ更新 1/2
・てるてる坊主の窓 ※要家具職人
・金剛の紅茶セット ※要家具職人


>> No.12105864

And so did Kongou's tea set.

>> No.12105866

Devs really like Bob.

>> No.12105867


>> No.12105871

Kinda, but it's mainly because they share seiyuu with Akashi.

>> No.12105872

It really did just so happen that 50% of the ships bob did were voiced by her.

>> No.12105873

05▼【家具】ラインナップ更新 2/2
・壁掛け図上演習セット ※要家具職人
・「一周年記念」掛け軸 (家具屋さんにて全提督にお贈りします)

3 new furniture, one of them is free anniversary scroll

>> No.12105877

I wish Shouhou got some love too.

>> No.12105879

>壁掛け図上演習セット ※要家具職人
Aaaaaand that's where my furniture fairy is going.

>> No.12105881

Shouhou Kai Ni?

>> No.12105891

・【アイテム購入】において「確認画面」に アイテムのサムネイル画像が表示されない症状を修正します。

Some UI fixes

>> No.12105893
File: 536 KB, 892x1146, samidare and suzukaze (kantai collection) drawn by taneda yuuta - Danbooru 439d4e52bd2e2a85e59f719f7812986b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the two cutest destroyers got more love too.

>> No.12105896

That's not Akigumo and Ayanami

>> No.12105897


Uzuki month is over

>> No.12105899

I doubt she'll get a k2 since the only notable thing Shouhou was her incredible endurance for a ship that size (it took 13 1 ton bombs and 7 torpedoes to finally sink her). Hourlines or new kai art would be nice.

>> No.12105901

and 2-2 never gave me a single copy of her...

>> No.12105903

They're not overdoing this update, that's for sure

>> No.12105905

I really hope they get a Kai Ni at some point, Samidare got just as much action as Yuudachi did at Gudalcanal.

It's too bad I haven't actually seen that artist do anything else Kancolle-related since those two destroyers.

>> No.12105906

they need hourly line too

>> No.12105914

New Ashigara lines whar. She's the only one of that class I keep...

>> No.12105919

She got her line last update, she talks about curry.

>> No.12105924

Ah you're right, she did. I guess I missed it since it was folded into a more general anniversary update tweet.

>> No.12105925
File: 39 KB, 144x190, spring event resource usage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something wrong with my resource usage.

>> No.12105930

And that's all. By the way, maintenance will end sooner. Anyone can enter now?

>> No.12105932
File: 103 KB, 1090x603, FINALLY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSC'd a week before the event so I ran out of steel.
Stockpiled with 25k/27k/35k/22k

Finished up to E-4 under 3 days with 14k/15k/27k/18k left
used around 100+ buckets and 1 damecon

Never bothered E-5, so I resumed LSC...
Finally got Taihou. It was all worth it.

>> No.12105936

45k/49k/32k/5k/200 buckets.
Finished everything with Mikuma, Hatsukaze and Tanikaze included (got 2 of her)

>> No.12105942

Still no Haruna kai ni.

>> No.12105944

I hope they fixed image loading.

>> No.12105948

That's just your internet being slow anon.

>> No.12105949

Are they fixing the error when crafting with Akashi as flagship?

>> No.12105950

tawitawi up

>> No.12105951
File: 1.46 MB, 4062x880, 72_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about new voice lines or hourlies, just make him fix the goddamn height issue.

>> No.12105952

brunei, server up.

>> No.12105953

They fixed that a while back.

>> No.12105955

That Tone.

>> No.12105956
File: 1.87 MB, 2200x2781, KanColle_Ships.to.keep(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys decide on which ship girl to keep?

>> No.12105957

I guess I know why all the kai2 are better.
They are no longer mud niggers.

>> No.12105959

I keep all ships with a Kai Ni, all rare ships (except Kinu and Abukuma) and all CVs.

>> No.12105960

The game is pure RNG, stats are just placebo.

>> No.12105961

I keep what I like. I'm still keeping 10+ of level 1 ships while scrapping ships like Naganami, Yuugumo, and tons of sub drops.

>> No.12105963

I'm at the point where usefulness beats cuteness. Didn't even try for Hamakaze or Tanikaze because I already have more than enough destroyers. If she's rare I keep her, but if all she's got going is cute then what's the point if I'll never use her? I'll just make an image folder or something.

>> No.12105964

Aw the furniture fairy spring window is gone, I was pondering to buy it.

>> No.12105965

1 of everything.

>> No.12105969

One of everything. Extra subs.

>> No.12105972

Pretty much this, who cares about the "gameplay", who wants to use girls they absolutely hate.

>> No.12105974

Shit update.

>> No.12105975

There's someone out there who hates some shipgirls? Indifferent I understand, but hate?

>> No.12105978

I absolutely hate the kusou class, myoukou and fubushit class.

>> No.12105980

I hate Haguro.

>> No.12105981

I hate Haruna and to a certain extent Kaga

>> No.12105982


>> No.12105983

I absolutely hate girls with offensively retarded voices like Abakuma.

>> No.12105985

Fubuki still good to use, problem is that Hatsuyuki.

>> No.12105986

What's wrong with hating annoying personality/voice or shit art?

>> No.12105987

I can't stand the art for most of the Ayanami class girls

>> No.12105988

No word about Moosashi is LSC. Fuck

>> No.12105989

Taihou won't come to me. Does that mean she hates me?

>> No.12105991

Reserved for Midway update.

>> No.12105993

its because you touch yourself while wanting her. stop that, save it till you get her.

>> No.12105994

Huh, I couldn't get in at all until I cleared my cache. Looks like the ability to keep playing event maps after the event ends is over.

>> No.12105997
File: 1.30 MB, 799x936, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a little tip, don't spend faries on the new window, it's complete garbage.

Good. Let the newbies be jelly.

>> No.12105999

who made those teru teru doll?

>> No.12106000

The furniture is kind of disappointing.

>> No.12106005

Girls with high pitched, feminine, if somewhat stupid voices are my favorite.
Nenohi is the flagship of my heart, but Abukuma is my top cruiser.

>> No.12106006

Not a single new remodel or ship this patch?
What were the devs doing?

>> No.12106007
File: 170 KB, 827x497, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this turned out.

>> No.12106009
File: 599 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140509-16285850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might look good with a typical jap style room.

>> No.12106018
File: 104 KB, 794x473, 19856144549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have bought that window, shit.

>> No.12106020

The one pictured or what?

>> No.12106023


>> No.12106024
File: 7 KB, 193x83, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to open this.

>> No.12106031
File: 83 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140509-17435497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to remodel her now?

>> No.12106032

You still get nothing.

>> No.12106037

we went over this yesterday, it's not a bug, she was handed to the USN as war prize, that's why she has no equipment.

>> No.12106041

Palau still down? got error-ko even after clearing cache

>> No.12106044

What do medals do? It appears I can use them.

>> No.12106045

Then why does Nagato kai has equipment when she too was handed over to the U.S as war prize?

>> No.12106046

Playing fine here

>> No.12106049

Fine here but it feels slow.

>> No.12106053

Palau works on JST, no cache clear. Strangely I got error-ko when I just advanced by a day.

>> No.12106058

Nagato wasn't used as repatriation transport.

>> No.12106061

Is Brunei up?

>> No.12106062


>> No.12106067

had to get a new API code, now works.

>> No.12106069

I forgot that one thanks for reminding me. Though for the case of Hibiki, whose K2 doesn't have any equipment, I wonder why she didn't have any, considering she was rearmed with Soviet weapons when she was handed over to the Soviet Navy. Or the devs are thought it was too much work to look up on those weapons so they just left her as is.

>> No.12106073

Can't use those filthy slav equipment

>> No.12106074

Devs most likely were too lazy to create new equipment just for a single shipgirl.

>> No.12106076

they probably didn't think about adding foreign equipment at the time, so left Bep without. Well, they have time to add them, Bep changed name a second time under Russian navy, inb4 lv85 remodel.

>> No.12106079
File: 682 KB, 800x480, nagato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, my Nagato set is complete.

>> No.12106080

Still lack a bomb or two

>> No.12106081

Where's the fastest place to grind a Destroyer from 1-20?

>> No.12106082
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 123124532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're getting Ooyodo soon I think?

>> No.12106084

Pvp or you can just solo anywhere on your highest map.

>> No.12106085


>> No.12106089

does extra operation still give medal or have they changed the reward?

>> No.12106090


>> No.12106091

Why the fuck would they change the reward?

>> No.12106099

What about Mamiya something?

>> No.12106101

Is that an improved Haguro?

>> No.12106102

Why am I crying?

>> No.12106103

no that is sendai k2

>> No.12106105

I mean to the left.

>> No.12106106

Open your quest page.

>> No.12106110

That Midway part. ;_;

>> No.12106111

Apparently it's Myouko getting improved.

>> No.12106112

Look above the kanji, retard.

>> No.12106115

She got new lines this patch, Myoukou.

>> No.12106116

We know that.

>> No.12106117
File: 141 KB, 800x480, af449353-ab18-45f0-9eb3-600a2b28d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something is still missing but i like this room setup

>> No.12106118

For E1 - E4 probably used around 12.5k at most, except bauxite.
Around 70 buckets and 3 damacons for E-4.

I failed E-5 because I started late to trying it, and used 60k of resources, except bauxite and 250 buckets.

>> No.12106125

woah everyone buying the map planner?

>> No.12106127

it has 10% boss node bonus.

>> No.12106129

I like the map but I feel like it would force me to use an admiral desk to go with the theme which I don't like as much.

It's mostly just that the left wall items are pretty shitty in general.

>> No.12106130
File: 607 KB, 800x480, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only missing a Tanikaze here.

>> No.12106133

Really now? At least that's something to get, since I haven't bought any furniture recently.

>> No.12106135

this makes me want to get her crit red.

>> No.12106136

Stop believing everything you read here.

>> No.12106137

jokes aside, I did get 5/5 boss node for the daily quest after getting this map.

>> No.12106138

Best fairy furniture that I have spent.
I also heard that the bath gives a 10% boost to repair time.

>> No.12106139

maruyu would fit in there.

>> No.12106149

Is keeping duplicates of your ship girls a good idea?

>> No.12106152

Blew all my 120k resources into LSC, joined the taihou and bismarck club

>> No.12106155

If you plan on sinking them, yeah sure

>> No.12106161
File: 1.20 MB, 1066x818, 1398421111603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12106164

some keep multiple subs, remodelled for hard maps, unremodelled for sub cheesing in 2-3, but dunno about other ships, I scrapped all duplicates i got till now, unless their remodel yielded rare equip, i.e. i'm keeping all mikuma, akitsumaru and -gumo destroyers for the rare equip at remodel, but will probably scrap or use them as modernization fodder when done.

>> No.12106174

Chito/Chiyo A are truly the terror of 1-1. Sparkling them is not a chore.
Now I know what Re feels at 5-5.

>> No.12106178

It's up to you, personally I didn't keep more than one copy, except 2 Kitakami and 2 of each sub, one remodeled and one not (except Shioi).

I don't even keep a copy rare ships if I got them (and the chance I got them is also rare sadly)

>> No.12106189

What are those tits doing on them little boys.

>> No.12106190

Fuck off.

>> No.12106191
File: 476 KB, 900x1273, 1394916311068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12106201

I don't know, I might get rid of my 2nd subs because of too many new ships coming out, and the devs seem to be aware of sub cheesing when making new maps.

>> No.12106204

Took them long enough

>> No.12106224

It's haguro kai2
it's myoukou outfit but none of them currently matches the pose, so it's a kai2 ver, and the hint youngest sister of a certain sister line is getting a new upgrade would imply it's haguro

>> No.12106226

Haruna is also the youngest, and she's long overdue.

>> No.12106228

haruna isn't in >>12106082 though

>> No.12106230

also why would they give a hint about haruna when everyone already knows her kai2 is confirmed

>> No.12106236

How many months until next event?

>> No.12106237

Why should I? Unlike you I'm not the stupid one still playing a game he hates. You should just quit.

and why should it matter to you if other people are lazy? If you truly enjoyed the game, you wouldn't feel the need to compare the time you spent on it with how much other people spent.

>> No.12106243

It's gonna be in August

>> No.12106249

what month is the battle of midway happened??

>> No.12106253

4-7 June 1942.

>> No.12106256

So we are 28 years away from Midway event.

>> No.12106257

>why should it matter to you if other people are lazy
Because ultimately this game is about endgame results (ships), not the journey. Yes, it is trilling to spend all you have on the event maps until the very last hour, and it's fun to clear hard maps, but you can't tell me you're enjoying spending 6 hours on dailies, or waiting until an expedition brings just enough resources for another LSC try. When you invest so much time and resources into a game, you want to think that it's justified, so it shouldn't be surprising that old players take newbie pandering as a personal offense.
>playing a game he hates
I'm not a mindless fanboy who's willing to put up with everything devs do, but I don't hate it either.

>> No.12106258

Can I just clear main swf files after every patch, or do I also have to delete all Kancolle files in cache?

>> No.12106259

>looking for justification in a game
How pathetic can you be?

>> No.12106261

You lost me.

>> No.12106263

I'm not talking about self-esteem, you moron, people spend actual money on this shit.

>> No.12106270

Anyone got that issue where ship sprites are not showing in the get screen? How did you fix it?

>> No.12106272

Let it be.

>> No.12106273

We were given more than a month to prepare for this event. They would be announcing Midway by now if a hard event like that was so soon.

>> No.12106276

Neither am I. When the game dies are you going to whine about how much time and money you wasted on it? Did you not realise you spent money on some pixels that will never give you the justification you're looking for?

What exactly are you looking for in this game? because if you wanted some value for your money you would'be bought kancolle merchandise instead. You're just finding excuses to whine because you can't spend your money wisely.

>> No.12106281
File: 116 KB, 934x960, nendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12106284

Get better internet.

>> No.12106288

What are the best furniture token items?

I'm thinking of getting kongou teatable

>> No.12106292

>you can't spend your money wisely
You've got some strange logic here. It is in devs' interests to promote wasteful spending. Newbies who get all ships they want in a week won't care about the franchise enough to invest into it, they'll just move on.

>> No.12106294

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.12106297

glad to know I'm not alone, haruna a shit.

>> No.12106301
File: 136 KB, 700x394, 1399483037528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating best Kongou

>> No.12106309

That's impossible.

>> No.12106311
File: 706 KB, 1828x714, 43216372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss you girls

>> No.12106313
File: 662 KB, 1800x1200, 43319133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll be forgotten soon

>> No.12106316

Best Abyss and best in fashion.

Would penetrate over and over again with my TYPE 3.

>> No.12106321

It has always loaded, only after today's maintenance did the problem appear.

>> No.12106323

Have you cleared you cache?

>> No.12106334

I cleared it right after maintenance using KCV, before logging in.

>> No.12106335

try going to the card library and let them download if you've cleared cache.

>> No.12106340

That's your problem. Everything will load eventually.

>> No.12106393

1-5-A is a fucking piece of shit node.

>> No.12106403

Cleared everything, obtained all the drops, used probably something like 70-80k fuel, just as much ammo, 70k steel and something pathetic like 10k baux at best
I'm already back to 300k all and finished LSC completely

>> No.12106457

Thinking of trying 5-5 with 3BB 3SS - what formation do I use along the way? Line ahead or line abreast? Also, are stage/boss support expeditions necessary?

>> No.12106461

Her sisters are better than her and she's boring as hell anyways

>> No.12106473

line ahead, you've to kill enemies before they kill your subs, also, support fleet with at least 2DD 2CVL with only red guns/planes is a must to reach boss node.

>> No.12106485

Hiei better than anybody else? Ha-ha, no.

>> No.12106490

Not my Hiei. She's the ultimate underdog in every event, doing massive damage in every map but always missing the final kill.

>> No.12106493

Alright, will give that a shot. Don't really like having to stop expeditions for a while for tries but can't be helped I guess. And 3BB 3SS is probably a hell lot cheaper to repair than 3BB 2CV 1CVL

>> No.12106506

How do you grind in 5-2 again?
5 DD/CL + 1 BB, 2 nodes?

>> No.12106530 [DELETED] 

yep, and F5 is sent to east.

>> No.12106534
File: 75 KB, 843x465, 3214434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So someone actually sunk their Tanikaze during the event.

>> No.12106535

You mean 5-1 right?

>> No.12106537

If that picture was due to the collage created, I think someone accidentally make her into modernisation material.

>> No.12106538

There are all kinds of retards, some are more special and some are even a lot more special than the former. Then there are these guys.

>> No.12106542

Don't forget the people that modernized her and Akashi.

>> No.12106544

It's from the same guy who created the first collage. According to the person, it's "just a small list of sunken kanmusu in my group".

>> No.12106546

I still can't believe some idiots managed to sink Taihou and Yamato.
You would expect LSC status being a powerful deterrent for taking any risk with them, and still...?

I hope RNG won't be any merciful with these idiots should they try crafting them.
It is infuriating that some lucky TTK could have them, while other earnest admirals would use them with care but are still stuck with LSC hell.

>> No.12106548

>just a small list
That's one too many. Then again, compared to fall event, it's small indeed.

>in my group
I am morbidly curious about this group.

>> No.12106549

Being in the LSC pool means you can get them again. They are totally expendable. Notice how Moosashit is not in the fatality count.

>> No.12106551

Wikia retards gonna retard.

Fucking pieces of shit, they don't deserve Yamato and Taihou.

>> No.12106552

Well there is this one guy who has a lot of sunken ships under his belt because he "likes to gamble". I dunno but wasn't it speculated/proven that AI tends to target the weakest ship or the ship that has the most damage? If that was the case then advancing in red is a guaranteed death for your ship.

>> No.12106556

people who played long enough to get Musashi wouldn't needlessy risk ships.

LSC status makes a girl more valuable? That's terribly unfair to fine girls you can get as common drops or crafts. Any girl should be too valuable to risk her life.

>> No.12106557

I think anybody who have gotten Muhsushi would know how NOT to sink a ship unless it's deliberate.

>> No.12106563

Stop being jealous about those kuso TTK. Don't you guys feel anything for shipgirls who did their best under their unworthy command? Death of common destroyer is already a tragedy for me, let alone rare ships.

>> No.12106565

That is just speculation, but advancing on red usually would sink the ship because the enemy also attacks many times and any critical hit could do it, even if it comes from a simple CL. Torpedoes have a high critical chance from what I have seen, so if the enemies have a submarine or carriers that's extra dangerous.

>> No.12106570

>Much as I enjoyed getting Akashi, the loss of 4 ships was not a good trade off. Starter Samidare, Lv 12 remodeled Chitose at lv. 39, Yamshiro BBV, and Aoba Kai. I got all back besides Yamashiro so far. Post event training to fill the level gap left after their loss.

That's from one comment from the page where I got the picture from. You tell me.
Well like he said he just likes to gamble. He had over I think 6 ships sunk under him, mostly destroyers and a few cruisers. Not sure if there were any battleships/carriers.

>> No.12106572

Unless these guys are living in a rock and got them on their first try, they should realize that crafting them might not even succed after 80 attemps or so.

E4 tought me that this behaviour is not 100% foolproof, but still extremely recurrent.

My apologies if you thought that way.
I meant that the LSC process would be a deterrent since it is obvious that you might not even get them back any time soon.

But no ship, even Akebono, deserves to sink. Hell, I never advance with anyone in red, even DD, unless there is a damecon. And even with a damecon, I cringe with their sinking line.

>> No.12106574

That's exactly why I'm outraged.
They died in vain, FFS!

>> No.12106581

Too many for an event that's quite easy.
I dunno much about that group but I'd rather not take a peek on one of them. After all, from what I've seen from various places, someone sunk their Amatsukaze. Now I don't know if there are people smart enough to do something dumb like sinking their Sakawa.

>> No.12106583

I used Sakawa as a modernization material since I don't like her and she has no equipment whatsoever after Kai
I'm just in it for the 3 medals

>> No.12106585

You're a horrible monster.

>> No.12106589

Poor Agano, Noshiro and especially Yahagi.
What the hell is wrong with you people.

>> No.12106596

I can't wait for your decision to come back and bite you in the ass when that Agano composition/sortie quest inevitably pops up.

>> No.12106598

I have no Yahagi yet though
I also used Agano and Noshirou as modernization material as well since I'm lacking in shipspace
Both of them I've gotten from the Fall event

>> No.12106604

By that time, I guess Sakawa would've been added on the LSC pool. And there will be players who will get her for a very low cost compared to others who did E-5.

>> No.12106612

>so used Agano and Noshirou as modernization material as well since I'm lacking in shipspace

You disgust me

>> No.12106615

Yeah, that sure is going to be tough missing out on 500 resources and a damecon, such horrible losses.
Shit ships that only take up space, absolutely no reason to keep them.

>> No.12106616

Got Sakawa in E5, and I didn't regret the cost at all.
Fall E5 tought me that you better get ships if they are available in an event instead of waiting for crafting.

I failed my Yahagi runs during fall, and it took me 90 attempts of minimum LSC, way more than my fall E5 AND yahagi runs combined.

And since Agano, Noshiro and Yahagi already share the loot table with Kongou, Nagato, Myoukou and Tone, it is too much of a gamble.

Hell, I only got 5 agano and 3 noshiro with my LSC.

>> No.12106617

>I scrapped Sakawa since she'd be added to the LSC later
nice logic

>> No.12106619

Slow down man I don't even have her and I don't have any plans scrapping her if I got her. I only speculated that if the Agano sisters would be required for some fleet composition quest.

>> No.12106621

Eh, good for you for that medals. Though I'd rather spent E-5 resources for, say, max-ing my waifu level or burning it at LSC. I'm sure more EO maps will come and medal will be farmable at ease.

>> No.12106622

It's all about luck. Some players have bad luck when it comes to enemies' damage rolls but have good luck when it comes to crafts and vice versa.

>> No.12106624

With that logic, that Pokehamu guy should have made Taihou at 1st try after that E-5 clear.

>> No.12106633

Like I said, luck. There will be players that have the opposites and there will be players that are just plain damn lucky/unlucky.

>> No.12106636

I just hope his awful luck doesn't spread to me now that I watched his E-5 run.

>> No.12106640

Ow the edge.

>> No.12106646

Didn't devs say not to remodel her until later once they add some equipment to her kai form?

>> No.12106649

You're either retarded or trolling

>> No.12106654

Can someone please post the latest LSC chart. I will gonna conquer it and obtain my prized Bismarck.

>> No.12106657

Any recipe suggestion for Taihou? After 20+ tries i still don't have her.

>> No.12106660
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>> No.12106664


>> No.12106665
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>> No.12106666

By the way, are there any recordings of his heroic journey? It'd be a bummer if there was nothing but word of mouth to tell his tale.

>> No.12106670

I wonder why 6/5/7/2 is so low in popularity

>> No.12106672

Thank you.

>> No.12106678

He might have saved his E-5 run. If he posts it later, we can all enjoy it a second time.
If nothing else, someone should draft a short summary of events in the style of an heroic epic.

>> No.12106682

He recorded each time he was on his last run. Last dance as he says (hence why he often go back to main screen despite he was about go engage E5 and we always hear a strange bipping sound )

>> No.12106685


>> No.12106691

I would, but I wasn't there the whole time, only for the last 4-5 runs. All I know is that he was fighting the boss for 19 hours straight (7 of which its life gauge was at 0%), living off of nothing but red bull and some weird diluted orange juice-y drink. Also the fact that he spent 8k nip gold on resources and almost killed himself after managing to get the boss down to 27 HP but failing the final shot.

>> No.12106696

8 to drop boss gauge, 11 for the last kill

>> No.12106699

>8k nip gold
I think he spent the 8k on the last couple of runs.
Prior to that, I think he had already sank in 100k in yen to get his resources back for the final kill. This, all despite the fact that he started E-5 with somewhere in the 40k in resources.

>> No.12106700


>> No.12106704

I feel bad for scraping my Myoukou now, I've liked her for a long time.

>> No.12106705

nah, he explained someone spent 150万 on kancolle in general.

He only spent 8K for the event, essentially resources for E5.

>> No.12106707

good thing you weren't there yesterday with that crazy nip using lvl5-8 myoukou in E5.
Hell, he was so much desperate he couldn't even repair his main fleet ships and had to rotate (bringing CLT and even DD in the process)

>> No.12106710

What was he thinking?

>> No.12106712

I was. It is sad, but I understand why he did that, and as long as he regretted it I didn't mind.

>> No.12106715

God damn, Myoukou is onee-san tier.

>> No.12106719

That's 14,750 USD
I'm a little skeptical about this.

>> No.12106721

Are you for real?

>> No.12106724

He was doing it for fun, it has been explained multiple times. He's the guy who did a 2-4 and E1 to E3 clear with 6 LSC ships.

>> No.12106725

Shit, it looks really nice.

>> No.12106726

He admitted he didn't think he could make it in time.
I guess he literally broke and wanted a blast with the event in the end, even if that means he sinks 4-5 myoukou in the process.

The most worrying part is that guy has no resources left, but 2 pages full of red ships, so I bave no idea how long it will take for him to repair them all. I'm not even sure if he has buckets left.

Even pokehamu was skeptical about it, but the niconico profile of the said player displayed "1500K" and it seems he married tons of ships.
Pokehamu even asked viewers how many ships girl marriage and all it would be.

At least, I hope these 1500K were spent over a full year, otherwise it is beyond scary.

>> No.12106728

YOSH yosh yoooooooosh yosh yoosh

>> No.12106730

Spending 14,750 USD on mobage is not unheard of as most of them are gambling trap. But in kancolle where autism trump cash? I too am pretty skeptical.

>> No.12106732

As I know:
1. Someone said that Pokehamu spent 10k for the event.
2. I saw he spent 3k from the whatever paypal like account, leaving 2.3k or something when I was watching the stream.

So he added 10k to that whatever online shopping account, and used 8k in the event, right?

>> No.12106740
File: 8 KB, 178x65, coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the limit is 200k coins, right?

>> No.12106743

Yep, he had 10K on that electronic wallet (hence why he was showing his phone all the time, to tell people what he has left for the game).

His phone account only had approx. 2-3K left.
He also confirmed after the kill that he spent 19 hours, 8000 yen etc etc.

>> No.12106753
File: 76 KB, 796x480, 1388035878041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money do these items equal to? Also, I don't think that 1,5 million yen is spent only for the game, but also merchandises and doujins.

>> No.12106764

LSC attempts for Bismarck
1st- Fusou
2nd- Haruna
3rd- Haruna
Oh well gonna continue next week. Never give up!

>> No.12106768

What's the record? I think the highest comes from iM@S

>> No.12106770
File: 343 KB, 515x520, best CV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also merchandises and doujins
If that's the case, I can believe that. I've only sunk a little bit of yen into the actual game, but at least 8 times as much on figures.

Speaking of, this lovely lady goes on preorder the 15th. I'm super pumped.

>> No.12106774

im@s has always been expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if someone's sunk their entire life savings into that franchise.

>> No.12106780

perhaps. We should ask pokehamu where he found that crazy spending nips.

For this pic, it goes like this:
99 fuel: 9900
99 ammo: 9900
99 steel: 9900
99 bauxite: 9900
99 damecon: 19800
99 goddess: 49500
99 dev kits: 49500
99 flame: 29700
99 buckets: 29700
99 factory set: 69300
99 sortie set: 29700
99 dock key: 99000
99 88 pack: 89100
99 furniture fairy: 29700
99 1000 fuel: 29700
99 anchor: 99000
99 mamiya: 29700
99 carrier baux: 29700

total: 722 700 yen

>> No.12106858

Yes, I wasted 2 big boxes because I forgot that.

>> No.12106860

Fuck, I need to spend about 8k coins but everything in the shop costs a furniture fairy.

>> No.12106862

That's beyond retarded. Why 99 dock key?

>> No.12106880

Because he can.

>> No.12106923
File: 786 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140509-10001518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does my headquarters look, jp?

>> No.12106936

I can't really tell with those ears blocking my view.

>> No.12106938
File: 690 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140509-09450966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent enough, but the map seems out of place and distracting.

>> No.12106940
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>> No.12106942
File: 118 KB, 863x521, selfielol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongou teaset kinda restricts the furniture one can place without making it look out of place.

>> No.12106944

That's too classy looking for rape.

>> No.12106945


>> No.12106951

>green sofa
No sir, I don't like it.

>> No.12106962

So which new girl makes the best new secretary?

>> No.12106970
File: 63 KB, 300x200, 1398786158674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akashi for daijoubu
Tanikaze for rape cage

>> No.12106980

Sakawa. Can't have enough of her squeaking and love quotes.

>> No.12106993
File: 151 KB, 803x480, 1399584351518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a mess..

>> No.12106995


>> No.12107014

I feel right at home looking at it.

>> No.12107056

Large Equipment Crafting.

For 10000-30000 of each resource and one medal, you get ten items of high quality. LEC-only equipment includes Shinden Kai, Reppu Kai, 51cm cannons and top-of-the-class foreign equipment such as 28cm cannons, SG radars and player-side VT fuzes. "Failure" items include 41cm and 46cm cannons, holo planes, radars and boilers.

Would you do it?

>> No.12107057

Maintenance is still going on? The fuck...

>> No.12107058


>> No.12107059

>51cm cannons
What the actual fuck

>> No.12107061

Refresh your api.
Empty your cache.

>> No.12107063

Either you get them from LEC, or you can do Very Large Ship Crafting and use up to 70000 resources for a shot at Super Yamato.

>> No.12107068

I'll take an H-44.

>> No.12107079

Cache clearing is enough.

>> No.12107089

No, I'd pay twice as much and go for Extreme Equipment Development for Vulcan Mega Bolters, Skyspear Missile Launchers and Super Gravity Cannons.

>> No.12107092

>"Failure" items include 41cm and 46cm cannons, holo planes, radars and boilers
Even if they implement LEC, there's no way that's gonna happen.

>> No.12107103

Mystical equipment crafting, 10 medals, 250,000 ammo, 200,000 steel, 120,000 fuel and 50,000 baux plus 500 devmats for a miniature death star planet buster beam
100% chance to fire before formation selection and destroy non-boss node without battle

>> No.12107110

Or 250k resource + 1 blueprint for Iona.

>> No.12107111

Meanwhile Hatsukaze is secretly removed from the 3-4 bossnode and nobody is informed.

>> No.12107113

She'll never be back.

>> No.12107115

Would totally be worth it.

>> No.12107118


>> No.12107123

I was trying to make a joke that with the implementation of all these amazing and fancy resource dumps, I'll still be sitting here with all kinds of great strong and fancy things but still without Hatsukaze

>> No.12107131
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Should have got her from E1

>> No.12107133
File: 376 KB, 1824x1080, teittokuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terribad, nothing matches, just for reference this is my old kongou themed hq

>> No.12107142

too cheap
300k all + 4 blueprints would still be worth it
She's like a yamato-class submarine

>> No.12107147

You would visit the horrors of level 1 Iona PvP on us again?

>> No.12107165

we would get RLDC repeatedly launching depth charges with the same update
3 ASW attacks in a row but it only gives +2 ASW and needs both depth charge and sonar equipped beside it

>> No.12107172

Considering that at the moment subs are shit i don't think Iona is going to make a huge difference in PVP, even with BB tier armour she is going to get ass raped in 2 hits by most sonar+deptcharge equipped CL.

>> No.12107178

Haha, you really weren't here for Iona, right?
Maxed out Iona had so much armor that even Yuubari with DC + 3 sonars rarely did more than 10 damage

>> No.12107183

Ehm, you where? Because you should know that formations at the time didn't make any difference in PVP and subs were raping people, now with line aboob + good equip you can rape any sub 100% > 1% in one hit.

>> No.12107184

time to hate money and get the kongou teaset

>> No.12107190

>formations didn't make any difference
let me correct myself, you couldn't select formation in PVP, it was added only recently, that's why subs where raping ships.

>> No.12107197
File: 624 KB, 600x650, 1398406597525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time. Bonus points if you got some of the missing ships from this event.

>> No.12107198

One Iona in a BB + CV lineup and you can say goodbye to S rank.

>> No.12107199

Stop smoking crack kid. Formation selection for PVP was already available by the time arpeggio was live.


>> No.12107203

Please anon, this shit will fly on the wiki, but not here

>> No.12107204

How is the concept of the center square being a freebie in bingo so foreign to you people?

>> No.12107207

sawaka is a freebie

>> No.12107208
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>> No.12107209

But it is.

>> No.12107211
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Is this easy mode?

>> No.12107212

It's Russian Bingo.

>> No.12107213

only for the non shitters

>> No.12107216
File: 193 KB, 600x650, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get a line in one of these things, eventually.

>> No.12107217

People here probably don't play Bingo.

All ships can be seen as freebies.

>> No.12107218
File: 574 KB, 600x650, Only counts if you have them above Lv20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a better bingo.

>> No.12107220

Everyone but Sushi, too lazy to make a copy

>> No.12107222
File: 590 KB, 600x650, 1399664879887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe i'll do some LSC next week for Yahagi and Bismarck, tenderly waiting for Musashi since my fleet was too shit to kill E-5 boss in November.

>> No.12107223

Jokes on you, I have all DDs Kai'd.

>> No.12107224
File: 380 KB, 600x650, 1399664879887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Nagato and Uzuki from E2 and E5 respectively, but it's still embarrasing.

>> No.12107226
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Fuck Nachi and Kagerou.

>> No.12107230
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I'll never get bingo.

>> No.12107232
File: 522 KB, 600x650, Doing LSC for Yahagi right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12107236

If you do circles like this it becomes hard to see who is behind so please refrain from doing this.

>> No.12107239
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For the first time I can complete it. Feels good man.

>> No.12107240
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Is this enough bingos yet?

>> No.12107243
File: 231 KB, 600x650, No Musashi club member.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Sakawa, Tanikaze, Amatsukaze, Hatsukaze and Akitsumaru during the event's length, I had the rest beforehand.

>> No.12107246

How come Akashi's not on this?

>> No.12107248

Because having Amatsukaze or Sakawa means you have her too.

>> No.12107249
File: 495 KB, 600x650, 1399664879887s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already had them before the event, I only wanted a Tanikaze.

>> No.12107251

E-2 is easy.

>> No.12107252
File: 221 KB, 600x650, 1399665257363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did i win something?

>> No.12107254

You already had Sakawa before the event?

>> No.12107255

You win "I can't read but I must brag" medal. Congratulations!

>> No.12107264
File: 17 KB, 472x472, 1396716656671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely kuso.

>> No.12107307
File: 39 KB, 345x286, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with today's PVP match i say auf wiedersehen to both german shota destroyers, next is Bismarck, but still have to craft her.

>> No.12107308

What's with the current fad of 5-5 nowadays

>> No.12107313

Medals are actually valuable now.

>> No.12107326
File: 109 KB, 800x480, 5-5 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of 5-5.

The pokehamu curse, it's coming!

>> No.12107333

You need 4 medals to buy a blueprint, and since this mechanic was added, we'll most likely need more medals to get some of the second remodels that they're going to introduce later this month.

After seeing Tone-class class change via blueprint because her hull was derived from that of Mogami-class i can totally see Kuma and Tama being converted into CLTs via blueprints since 3 of their sisters were converted, and maybe we'll also see Atago/Takao officially planned conversion to CVL.

>> No.12107338

I am so jelly of that Sushi
Married Hotel, too, since I literally can't afford more rings because I can't even afford to feed myself.

>> No.12107340
File: 591 KB, 600x650, 1399664879887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get every event drop except for Agano. At the cost of a lot of my resources.

>> No.12107342

I still have plenty of time to clear 5-5 right


Why does it feel like this will literally take all month.

>> No.12107345

Tone-class were pretty much build as CAV from the start.

>> No.12107368
File: 218 KB, 600x650, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be back in that shitty map someday with that fleet. Also does your Nagato have a cut-in set-up? It's pretty effective.

>> No.12107399

Yes, Nagato's cut-in can most likely get rid of anything but the Southern hime, and 3 red guns can provide enough FP to reach the 150 break point in the fourth battle.

>> No.12107406

Anon please, ammo modifier is a post cap modifier.

>> No.12107411


new pokehamu

>> No.12107415

Is it possible to cheese through world 2 with using 1 sub?

>> No.12107423
File: 267 KB, 800x480, hachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything is possible.

>> No.12107424

I see then. It appears she will not always target the flagship Wo, too bad.

>> No.12107430

Looking at his logs, that seems pretty normal to me. Definitely not pokehamu level yet.

>> No.12107457

How likely is it to go to the dead-end in 5-5 with 3 slow BB 2 CV 1 CVL?

>> No.12107472

From my experience, pretty close to 50%

>> No.12107479

same as >>12107472 it was pretty much half half for me

>> No.12107480

any formation recommendations? using line ahead everywhere so far and it's working pretty well. Elite Re literally cheesed the retreats out of me by focused fire.


>> No.12107483
File: 794 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140510-06215017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 months

>> No.12107484

I'd doubleline 2nd node, but the ultimate advice would be to use the sub route.

>> No.12107485

first run, elite Re bombs taihou and then torpedos taihou straight into red
second run, dead end
third run, elite Re hits Kaga to orange and then to red in second shelling
fourth run, elite Re bombs Chitose and then torpedos Chitose to red

Fuck you anon

I still don't see how that could possibly be reliable. I'll try a few runs but if I don't get to the boss within like 5 tries, I'm writing it off. I have level 120 subs (all of them) and still don't think they can withstand even a single Re attack

>> No.12107487

Why don't you watch some vids on nico before writing something off.

>> No.12107493

Because what might work for them might not work for me because I have terrible battle RNG. And when I say terrible I mean green T 7 out of 12 times at the E-5 boss and getting royally reckt because of it

>> No.12107502

when you think you have bad luck, think pokehamu

>> No.12107509

There is always someone stronger / with worse luck / etc, but that does not mean anyone but those with the absolute bottom of the barrel are doing completely fine.

>> No.12107510

But at least he won.
Also it's his fault for having no Yamato and no 46cm.

>> No.12107515

I have Yamato and 11 46cm cannons and the RNG still had me lose like 60,000 steel in E-5 alone

>> No.12107521

Someone said that he tried to craft 46cms but had many failed attempts

>> No.12107523

When the guy crafted 10 reppu, 6 suisei 12 and 10 ryuusei kai, I really doubt it is his fault for not having any 46cm

his luck was only on his plane crafting. Hell, he got Nagato on E3. He never got her despite level 102.

>> No.12107529

E-3 is best place to graduate from No-Nagato club

>> No.12107531


>> No.12107532

thank god I wasn't part of the club.
Farmed E3 for tanikaze, and never saw any Nagato after 40 runs.

>> No.12107535

252 runs on christmas E-2 (using Iona, so it was pretty costly in the end) to get Nagato

>> No.12107541
File: 11 KB, 585x40, vzWVfov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I didn't get her from E3 like I did, I never would've finished E5.

>> No.12107583

AP ammo ro Sanshiki for 5-5 sub route?

>> No.12107585

You want to hit hard as you can with 3 ships.

>> No.12107586

AP counts for the day cut-in, I think.

>> No.12107589

Would it be better to have double attack setup for 5-5? At least for the yamato class?

>> No.12107590

I know but day cut-in isn't actually that bad in 5-5 because everything has stupid levels of evasion

>> No.12107591

For night, I hope.
If you have fed enough Maruyu's to your Big7, cut-in.
If not, DA.

Except for the last BB, you put cut-in there no matter what.

>> No.12107592

For yamato class, no need for AP. I'd go with radar.

>> No.12107594

Does the 3 SS approach even work without a support fleet? Honestly, I'd rather not bleed an additional fortune every run

>> No.12107595

I start 3 BB 3 SS, Nagato eats 52 damage from the opening air strike
Is this normal? Because that sure screams "this is bullshit"

>> No.12107596

3SS relies on route support fleet. If they don't show up on the 2nd node, you can pretty much retreat.

Even the 3CV route, it's pretty retarded to not use route support

>> No.12107600

Route support can go fuck itself. They never, not once, showed up when I needed them to in over 30 E-5 runs.
And I am not sparkling all those idiots.

>> No.12107601

>And I am not sparkling all those idiots.
That's why them never show up.

>> No.12107602

You have basically no AA, what are you complaining about?
Sparkling the flagship is enough.

>> No.12107604

>not sparkling support fleet members
>treating them like idiots
You are asking for it, kuso TTK

>> No.12107605

just sparkle the flagship

>> No.12107606

Each time takes 3 fatigue, they last a while (you can even do it every time they run out of fuel to save fuel)

Boss support takes 5. That one is a pain to sparkle the whole fleet.

>> No.12107608

3BB 3SS is complete nonsense as far as I'm concerned
First node dropped an air strike of 52 damage on Nagato, third node dropped an air strike of 81 damage on Mutsu plus the torpedo from Re. No route support would have salvaged that in any way since air strike happens first.

I had Nagato, Mutsu and Shioi in Red (only Nagato was at orange before the elite Re node) after the pre-boss.

How the fuck do people survive the air strikes? I have Yamato, Nagato, Mutsu with two 46cm each, AP ammo and recon and I still eat air bomb damage like I had zero AA.

>> No.12107609

>(you can even do it every time they run out of fuel to save fuel)

>> No.12107610

> two 46cm each, AP ammo and recon
I'm not surprised

You should re-learn the game.

>> No.12107613

What the fuck?
Do you load 80 reppus on your SS on something?

>> No.12107616

>no CV
You are using your BB with 3 equipments. Good grief, you dunce.

>> No.12107617
File: 51 KB, 500x381, facepaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm normally not that thick.

>> No.12107618

Scroll up and read what an anon post about 3SS

>> No.12107621

I can get to the boss node every third time using 3BB 3SS with all SS sparkled, double support, route support sparkled.

>> No.12107624

for those using 3BB 2CV 1CVL for 5-5, any idea how much FP you need for the whole run?
I know that you need 360 and 380 for normal and last runs, but any idea of the extra FP for margin?

>> No.12107627

I calculate with 50 extra which is just about enough and not enough if you hit wo kai in pre-boss

>> No.12107631

I start with 417 and still get air superiority in the boss node even if I encounter ring formation in the first node and BRS Wo in the second node.

>> No.12107632

You don't need to refuel support fleet

>> No.12107633

Jesus, here I hoped that you could have 1 attacking planes and damecon.
I guess either you want additional attacks or peace of mind, but both is not possible...

or did I miss something? Of course, i'm implying a Kaga/Taihou/Chitoda CV group.

>> No.12107635

Use that multirole plane

>> No.12107636

I hate support fleets

Now running: Yamato, Nagato, Mutsu (98~) (46 x2, sanshiki, T14 on Yamato, AP on Naga/Mutsu) + Shioi/Hachi/Goya (125~)

Route support: 3 sparkled DD, 1 sparkled CA, 1 sparkled CV, 1 unsparkled CVL

boss support: 2 DD 4 BB, flag sparkled

If this still gets me massively reckt I give up on this version

>> No.12107641

I calculated that, but even with Kaga, Taihou and Chitose, you barely reach 381 of you go full Reppu, Reppu Kai and type 62.

Either I forego someone's damecon, or I have to make chitose a sitting duck.

I wish we could craft reppu kai or shinden

>> No.12107642

You should emphasize route support not boss support.

>> No.12107645

scratch that, I made a mistake: I only get 364 with:
Kaga: type 62, reppu, reppu kai, damecon
Taihou: reppu reppu, type 62, damecon
chitose: reppu reppu, type 62, damecon

Shit, if only 3 regular CV was fine for that damn route

>> No.12107647

first node, scratch damage, support showed up and did absolutely nothing of value
second node, support showed, killed 2 DD, opening torps killed the other 2 DD, yamato kills CL, Nagato and Mutsu eat the CVL, perfect S
third node, yamato eats 39 bombing damage, Mutsu eats preemptive torp and takes 66 damage, Hachi takes 14 damage from line ahead dd and then 3 damage from re, red

conclusion, 3SS a shit, I'm back to using a non idiotic method
there is no way to have enough AA to not take massive damage from Re's bombing or torpedo with this setup which is why it's shit

>> No.12107648
File: 84 KB, 630x339, 5-5 CV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, using damecon on a non-event map is kind of a waste.

>> No.12107649

Why blue plane?

>> No.12107652

I feel the same, but 5-5 is an exception considering how ludicrous the difficulty can be.

I guess I should simply man up, and hope that they won't be wrecked ;_;

>> No.12107657

back to stockpiling and try 3BB2CV1CVL again tomorrow or something
I'll rather tell 5-5 to go fuck itself for all eternity before I do this with 3 subs. Unless we get triple Ionas, I might do it then.

>> No.12107660

Ryuusei kai can potentially get rid of the enemy DDs in the air strike phase.

>> No.12107661

Interesting approach. Too bad you still have to fight the final compass.

>> No.12107665
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>> No.12107674

>Tried LSC with 6/3/7/6 20

I'll just farm bauxite again.

>> No.12107678

I hope whoever came up with the 300k resource cap idea dies of the worst kind of cancer that is possible, right after losing all his limbs in a horrible accident and getting like 20 different diseases at the same time

>> No.12107680

get rekt scripter

>> No.12107681

Anon pls, that's a good decision.

>> No.12107717

We need the devs to introduce resource scaling to complement level scaling.

>> No.12107720

Someone sank their Yamato during the November event so I doubt that

>> No.12107721

Regen cap?

>> No.12107737
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>> No.12107755

Make it a waste tax where your naval base is so fat that you slowly lose resources down to a set minimum number.

>> No.12107760

No. It meant scaling difficulty based on amount of resources currently owned.

>> No.12107765

Put a tornado node in front of starting node, damage is 1-5% of current resource. There you go, DMM devs.

>> No.12107774

Rather than tax, it's Kaga giving resources to Akagi.

>> No.12107775

They should also introduce damage scaling, so that higher level ships take more damage while low levels are protected from crits.

>> No.12107778

Make the soft cap a hard cap (maybe make the soft cap twice of its current amount), and keep level scaling. Higher T level face harder maps but can start with higher resources.

>> No.12107808

That's a good idea. I'd like to level my ships and stay under the regeneration cap at my leisure instead of worrying whether the next event will require 100k resources.

>> No.12107809

This is dumb. Why do you want to punish people who've actually put time into this game?

>> No.12107835
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Not too bad

>> No.12107855
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>> No.12107926

If you actually put time into the game you won't float a hundred thousand resources like all the scripters that don't actually play.

>> No.12107930

If you actually put time into the game you will float a hundred thousand resources.

>> No.12107931

I was addressing the damage scaling, not the resource scaling.

>> No.12107942


I doubled my resources for the event (from 61k/129k/50k/41k yo 121k/139k/107k/102k), no scripts/macros, a somewhat normal sleep schedule and also going to work from monday to friday.

I spent most of my time in front of a PC, even at work, but I'm too focused doing my stuff that sometimes I forget about my expeditions.

I blew everything on LSC after E-4 and stopped because I'm running low on dev mats, now it's recovery time, and in the meantime I'll unlock exp 37 and 38.

>> No.12107944

>so that higher level ships take more damage while low levels are protected from crits.
It makes people rely more on suicide ships, which is bad.

>> No.12107961

Cry more poorfags, your tears are delicious as I finished the event easily and still sitting with 280k resources.

>> No.12107982

I really hope carriers will get more active role other than providing air support. Like, for each bomber you put on a carrier, that carrier can launch one attack. That means maximum 4 times of bombardment per shelling turn.

>> No.12107988

then everybody will be using 5CV1BB

>> No.12107992

Good. That's how Pacific War should be done.

>> No.12107994

Disgusting poverty retards everywhere in these threads

>> No.12107998

This game is all about the IJN and the IJN loves their battleships too much so no way this game will make carriers the limelight of the game.

>> No.12108004

But this game happens in a world when Pacific War becomes main reference and we're re-enacting it. Obviously to become a victor, you should learn the strategy from it, and being carrier-oriented is one of better strategy than relying on capital BBs.

>> No.12108007

Yes and we're re-enacting it on the IJN's point of view, which means they get to use their favorite Decisive Battle doctrine that will put carriers as more of a support and the battleships as the one who will finish this decisive battle and win.

>> No.12108012

What you're talking abot? Only filthy white pigs used carrier-oriented strategy since they literally had only carriers and subs after pearl harbor. Filthy monkeys continued to believe in their battleships.

>> No.12108019

But Yamamoto was right all along.

>> No.12108023

Yamamoto was kuso TTK who believed Re after Doolittle Raid.

>> No.12108024

If we wanted this game to be historically accurate, super Wos which could one-shot your ships from full health to zero during opening bombing, your ships would randomly die to submarines while on expedition, after you ran out of ships you would have to quit the game, and there would be no way to collect fuel.

>> No.12108025

And the IJN still believed in their Decisive Battle. Yamamoto had already predicted the ascendancy of air power but this was at the time war is already near so they had no time re-organizing their fleets so they just stuck with their current doctrine.
And most of the Japanese at that time were astonishingly inflexible which helped contribute to their downfall in the war.
In this game however, it's the IJN who will get and win their decisive battle.

>> No.12108028

Nah, you should still be allowed to collect fuel in 5-4.

>> No.12108029

Don't forget, radar equipped Rus and Tas hitting your ships most of the time during day battle and absolutely raping your fleet during night battle.

>> No.12108031

> it's the IJN who will get and win their decisive battle.
Don't forget about odds. You're completely at RNG's mercy.

>> No.12108032

And them jamming your own radars to hell so you're forced to rely on optical rangefinders.

>> No.12108033

At least, it will still favor your fleet than the enemy. Had the game been more historically accurate, RNG would lean heavily on the enemies' side, with radar equipped ships hitting your ships more frequently and Wo-planes making short work of your planes.

>> No.12108040

But muh Reppu is on par with Hellcat! And I don't think RNG favours anyone. It's just pseudo-random number generator after all.

>> No.12108043

Never mind IJN's radar, they were shit in the first place so all you had would be their excellent rangefinders, which is superior to the American's. It would only be effective though once the enemy is within spotting range.

>> No.12108048

Had the war dragged longer, the Reppu might've seen production but then again by that time, there would be F7Fs and F8Fs, and even the first jet fighters. Just imagine Wo's planes that have the same capability as that those.

>> No.12108049

Hey, some of their air radars were pretty decent. They were copies of trophy british radar though.

>> No.12108051

What do you guys do when you are done with dailies? Just send expeditions all day and nothing else?

>> No.12108052

Most of them kept malfunctioning so they really couldn't use them at all. And they had this standard operating procedure to turn off their radars if an enemy airstrike is expected since their radars can act as some sort of homing beacon for enemy planes to follow so the IJN never really got much out of their radars.

>> No.12108054

Lazily grind.

>> No.12108059

Grind ships I like to level 90+.
I know, right?

>> No.12108060
File: 13 KB, 38x328, HUGbftZ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always need more levels.

>> No.12108062

Wouldn't that hurt your resources a lot when you are out of regen?

>> No.12108065

I'm never out of regen until event announcement, then I just sparkle my expeditions.

>> No.12108066

Sakawa a qt

>> No.12108067

You won't care about it when you're at 6-digit resources.

>> No.12108068

Not really if you do one node and wait for fatigue.

>> No.12108069

I'm always under cap unless it's before an event. Until I max out my gear and several ship classes, there's always more to invest into rather than squander 1440/1440/1440/480 per day.

>> No.12108071

I see, I guess my girls could do some leveling too and it's not like I have anything better to do all day.

>> No.12108077

For leveling my level 60 Chikuma to 70, I'm using 5-4.
Fast BB,2CV,1CLt,1CAV for drums, and CA as my flagship.
Any suggestions?

>> No.12108086

DO NOT use day battle double attack set up for your BB so Chikuma can get mvp for the bonus exp.

>> No.12108090

How's the bauxite expense for 5-4 clear for grinding? Does the boss node burn a lot of it?

>> No.12108092

But CLt is present.
So does CV's.
How can she take MVP from them?

I stopped caring, when I finished E4 at the 3rd day.

Checked just for you, 150 baux.

>> No.12108095

That's a lot. Currently I'm grinding at 5-2. Also 3 battle nodes, a bit lower experience gain, but rarely touch 100.

>> No.12108097

It costs around 150-200 bauxite if you aim for superiority. The upper end comes from getting unlucky and hitting on the double Armored Carrier Demon fleet.

>> No.12108101

Yosh yosh yosh yosh yosh


>> No.12108103

How much is the exp difference anyway?If its not significant, I might consider grinding there.

>> No.12108114
File: 24 KB, 379x488, Wake-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey! You left something at E-5.

>> No.12108115

Supremacy, of course. You only have to fight flagship Wo at most, or flagship Wo + elite Nu if you go south for 4th node.

From what I see in wiki, base exp is 380 vs 420. MVP chance is a bit lower since 2nd node is sub node, but the enemy fleets are easier in 5-2.

>> No.12108122

Damn it, now i need to go and marry her.. that one night stand become something so much bigger than I expected

>> No.12108124

>enemy fleets are easier in 5-2.
You forget the Ru at the middle north.Thanks for reminding me why I don't go there.

>> No.12108137

Even the flagship Ta rarely harms my fleet.

>> No.12108172
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, 1389143665059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they crit your CLt.
Abyss a bully

>> No.12108180

Except Wo. Wo is harmless and friendly.

>> No.12108186 [SPOILER] 
File: 723 KB, 800x480, 1399703755398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

大和? いえ、知らない子ですね。

I got so bored from doing nothing but sub slavery and PvP and blew most of my resources just for her. I felt like suffocating.

>> No.12108188

B-b-b-b-but I put my sanshiki in only 8 times. That can't be it...

>> No.12108209
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Nice try, I must've banged this old lady 10 times harder than you

>> No.12108236
File: 170 KB, 432x364, qjB4j3z[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15th Level 100 get
Now all I need is a couple more Reppu, a bit more leveling, and my 5-5 composition will be set.

>> No.12108314
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Ohh Mr Bismarck

>> No.12108317
File: 480 KB, 3840x2160, Bf_1943_wake_island_overview-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her fault for spreading her legs like that.

But she's still the abyss girl I'd like to impregnate the most. She looks like she'd make a good mother, but she'll probably need a wetnurse to feed all three hundred of her abyssal plane children.

>> No.12108320
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Are we back to pre-event deadness?

>> No.12108321
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It's holidays for the shipgirls

Work starts again next event

>> No.12108323

Why does Kaga come with such shitty planes

>> No.12108324
File: 544 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140510-17230392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead game
dead thread

Even new TTKs are more active than me nowadays.

>> No.12108325

You're not the only one. I don't even feel motivated to clear the maps.

>> No.12108329

I never felt motivated to clear maps, I still have 3-2 onwards untouched.

Doing PvP and min LSC is much more fun.

>> No.12108331

What's the best map if I just want to level Tone for 63 to 70 the quickest without paying attention to resource cost? Solo 5-5?

>> No.12108333

Akashi won't repair while on an expedition?

>> No.12108336

>without paying attention to resource cost
First node of the latest map you have.

>> No.12108337
File: 165 KB, 850x1133, sample-1e3a12878f10633a3a527d044a9fd121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In this game however, it's the IJN who will get and win their decisive battle.

>it turns out to be a faithful re-enactment
>Midway event is impossible and deadly
>abyssal ships getting more numerous and technologically advanced
>they start going on the offensive
>TTKs have to send out girls and watch them sink no matter what
>abyssals drive them back to Kure naval arsenal and sink the rest in port, while they aren't even on sortie
>boot up the game one more time
>wo is your secretary

>> No.12108340
File: 616 KB, 600x650, bingo 1399664879887 filled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 weeks old TTK here.
>Bonus points if you got some of the missing ships from this event.
Except Zuikaku I got all of them from the event

>> No.12108341
File: 132 KB, 795x480, Onto 5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cleared 3-4 on my second run even though I was told it's harder than 4-4 and the most difficult map so far. Is it easier than I was told or did I just get lucky?

>> No.12108347

3-4 is not that hard. It's just a long map with compass trolling and such.
It's like 2-4 but with stronger enemies.

>> No.12108350

>did I just get lucky?
This is always the obvious answer.
Now enjoy 5-3 with the new retard double attack set up for the Abyss BBs and plane scouting mechanic.

>> No.12108354


>> No.12108355

Oh boy

>> No.12108356
File: 548 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140510-11562369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, this was unexpected
That's post closing salvo

>> No.12108359

I was thinking of sending a full fleet instead but this could work. Just be careful of your win rate.

>> No.12108360

I'm sitting at 96% win rate with approx 10k sorties so I'm safe for the time being.
Now I'll try to stock her with boilers and observe the results

>> No.12108363

Why not just bring your fleet and run 5-4? You can also gain tons of ranking points that way.

>> No.12108365

This is easier on buckets, but you do have a point

>> No.12108366

Because that way you can't guarantee MVP for that ship

>> No.12108367

5-5 D rank flagship+MVP is 945 exp, 5-4 S rank flagship is 756 exp. You can also level other ships and get ranking points while you're on 5-4

>> No.12108450

Isn't ranking point only gained if you defeat boss node?

>> No.12108494

You get ranking points for every sortie, it's just that you get extra for boss nodes (whereas experience is the same throughout the map)

>> No.12108511

when is the next event

i hope its not shit like the last one

>> No.12108513

Babby tier event for anime crowd, enjoy

>> No.12108520

There should be a summer event, somewhere from late July to August if the repeat the same schedule as last year.

>> No.12108524

I can already see it, admirals lower than level 60-80 will get the easiest event ever while admirals level 60-80 and higher will get hellish boss nodes. Both will have the exact same rewards.

>> No.12108526

Low level admirals have 5 maps of which the last map rewards Oyodo. Higher level admirals will unlock a sixth map that rewards Shinano.

>> No.12108527

Is this a bad thing?

>> No.12108528

you dont heff 2 b mad :)

>> No.12108532

It encourages kuso teitokus, scrubs and normies.

>> No.12108537

>scrubs and normies.
Again, is this a bad thing?

>> No.12108539

normies is okay, scrubs and kuso can go away.

>> No.12108538

Not for the devs, of course.

>> No.12108552
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Where is my kongou k3

>> No.12108556

Yes. If the game is too easy, you won't feel the need to use the shop, and you won't be able to invest emotionally into the franchise. It's mainly level 110 teitokus that buy the merchandise, not secondaries who will forget about the game after a month.

>> No.12108559

What I need to change when using KCV's API link?

>> No.12108564

>Yes. If the game is too easy, you won't feel the need to use the shop, and you won't be able to invest emotionally into the franchise.
You could say the same if the game is too hard.

>> No.12108567

This game isn't pay-to-win, no idea what you are going on about.

>> No.12108573

Yes, but it was never too hard, especially not for the japanese with their autism.
I'm talking about the profits KanColle generates. It is a well known fact that it only stays afloat thanks to the merchandise.

>> No.12108574

Secondaries buy the merch all the time. There are tertiaries who only know the franchise as 'some kind of anime with shipgirls' and still buy the merch because it's the popular thing.

>> No.12108580

I know, but they generally don't stick around for long.

>> No.12108585

Feeling the need to use the shop because of the games difficulty, that's the point that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12108590

That interview was early in the game where dock space are plenty and marriage is yet to be implemented. I'm sure they are doing much better now.

>> No.12108595

Just a couple hours ago /jp/ watched the livestream of a guy who spent 8k on resources to clear E5. Obviously, he would not need to suffer that much if he just started stockpiling earlier, but he still felt it was necessary. This is the kind of spending I'm talking about.
If you could clear all the maps and get all ships in a month, do you really think think you would bother levelling your ships to the marriage level?

>> No.12108608

Pokehamu finally uploaded his E5 video.


>> No.12108612

>If you could clear all the maps and get all ships in a month
You can't.

>> No.12108626

>buy the merch because it's the popular thing.
i still don't understand this 'do x because y is popular' logic and why /jp/ are buttmad about it.

>> No.12108627

Yosh yosh yosh yosh YOOOOOSH

>> No.12108633

I'm glad I stockpiled so mad that I reached the cap.

>> No.12108638

Pokehamu is the hero that we need.

Looking forward to his event livestreaming next time.

>> No.12108651

It signals that you're up to date with the trends.

Butthurt stems from the fact that the motivation stems from shallow trend-following and not because you actually like the thing the merch is based on

>> No.12108657

That's highly irrational. Why should we care what superficial people care about? It sounds like more effort than it's worth.

>> No.12108721

In defense of pokehamu, he started E-5 with 40k in resources, he just kept getting trolled by RNG.

I think he spent over 9 hours just trying to get the last kill. Just the last kill. Think about that.

>> No.12108729

I had even less when I started out, but then again I cleared E4 only 6 hours after the event start, so I had a lot of time. I guess that will teach him to not leave the hardest map for the last day.

>> No.12108733

7 for boss gauge, 11 for last kill

>> No.12108734

I noticed some tomfoolery happening on my account. I woke up to two LSC projects open and all my bauxite gone. I went on an exercise with Tanikaze in my fleet, crashed on the result screen, changed my API link, and when I got back in all my resources were gone, Tanikaze was gone, and a Yahagi mysteriously showed up.

What the actual fuck.

>> No.12108737

While I don't disagree, keep in mind he started the day before. I think all total, he spent 20+ straight hours working on E-5 and just getting hammered by RNG.

>> No.12108738

That's what you get for playing with API, son.

>> No.12108739

20 straight hours doesn't mean much when he took forever to do each sortie.

>> No.12108744


That's why you should be very careful when you play with your API, don't use public networks, son.

>> No.12108751

I'm on my private home network wired directly to the modem, so it's not like I'm doing anything egregiously stupid. Whatever happened, at least Amatsukaze and my married boats were kept safe.

>> No.12108756

Did you use some VPN?

>> No.12108761

A breakdown of the ways to play KanColle and their pros/cons.

>no risk
>most expensive
Live in japan and play legit

>practically no risk
>costs a bit
Private VPN

>fairly safe, but you're starting to play with fire
>no cost
Public VPN

>fairly safe, but DMM could block in the future
>no cost
Cookie method

>stupidly unsafe, carries all kinds of risks, but lets you cheat PvP
>no cost
API links

>> No.12108764


I play with API + flash projector, but I have a private VPN, not that anon though.

>> No.12108768

There really isn't a choice here. DMM doesn't allow gaijins to play. I used one from VPN Gate about a month ago to get my previous API link, and I just used another to update my account security.

Short of going to Japan, I can only entrust my account security to others.

>> No.12108769

Besides that the devs can kill the API-method again, what makes it unsafe?

>> No.12108773

Or you can use the cookie method to fetch a new API. http://pastebin.com/wF2V748S

>> No.12108776


It gives insta access to your account, the risky part is how you get the API link, most people use a public VPN to do so, also, if you play on a public network, or some other network (some russian guy's api got hijacked because he played on a cybecafé) you're risking someone get access to your account.

>> No.12108780


>> No.12108784

Is some of that risk mitigated if you log back into DMM and refresh your API using a different VPN or preferably, the cookie method?

That makes you previous API link useless, right?

>> No.12108787

Inb4 a certain someone shilling to get everyone to use cookie method.

>> No.12108788


Yes, everytime you log-in into your DMM account, it "refreshes" your API link, making the previous one useless, if you don't have access to a private VPN, I'd suggest using the cookie method.

>> No.12108789

>Tanikaze was gone
>Yahagi mysteriously showed up
My fucking sides.
This guy. You farm for Tanikaze so much that you mistook Yahagi for her?

You can get API from cookie now, it is 100% safe.

>> No.12108790

Good to know.
I used to use a public VPN to get in the game and grab my API, but I recently started just playing it using the forged cookie and no VPN.

Glad I made the switch. I didn't have to learn the hard way, it seems.

>> No.12108791

Wo pls, you are not fooling anyone again silly hat

>> No.12108794


There's actually nothing wrong with the cookie method, well, besides being a hack to bypass the regional lock, but you could use to grab a new API.

I use logbook with flash projctor, I have a private VPN (I got it when they killed the API) but I only use it to get a new API every now and then, so I might stop paying for my VPN and use the cookie method for that.

10 bucks a month, not that much but I could buy more rings/space.

>> No.12108795

>10 bucks a month
That's a new waifu every month.
Stop paying and build that harem.

>> No.12108797

So what's the issue in using a public VPN to get your API link? (as long as you aren't retarded and post it online and/or play where you shouldn't)

>> No.12108801


It's more paranoia than anything else, some of them are slow or don't let you log into DMM at all.

>> No.12108804

If you play from a location that is just not secure like some cypercafe, your account isn't safe because if they can steal your API, they could also steal your login + password. Unless you get the great idea of posting you API on /a/ or the wiki it's pretty safe.
Getting a new API isn't that unsafe because you just log in on DMM and grab the API, you disconnect the VPN before you actually use the API anyway. It's just as risky as using the public VPN directly for playing.

>> No.12108805

It's possible for other people to mess with your account.

It's still not a dangerous method, since for that to happen, you'll need someone willing to mess with your account.

>> No.12108806

A public VPN carries no guarantee that any of the data that passes through it isn't being monitored by someone.

This means that someone could be watching your data traffic and from that, could grab your API link when you log into DMM.

>> No.12108810

Isn't the DMM login screen https though? I thought the username and password are encrypted before they're sent.

>> No.12108814

I'm gonna try that CV CV CVL BB BB SS s5-5 etup posted earlier but I don't quite get why he used aerial support at the boss and then even packed shiden kai 2 on the carriers. Does that further reduce the enemy plane count and can end up crippling Wo?

>> No.12108815

Your public VPN host can read your API link too so it's better to use safer hosts like Tsukuba.

>> No.12108816

Oh, i know it's practically safe and one less risk factor to deal with.

It's just that cases like >>12108734 are extremely rare and mostly have no evidence to back it up.
Just like the claims about ships getting sunk from full health or ships getting sunk from moderate damage.

>> No.12108824

Yes, the risk is so low it's pretty much non-existent. People who got their API "hijacked" probably just did something retarded

Only if they can get into a https-connection.

>> No.12108827

The API link is not in https.

>> No.12108828

I don't think the link is on https

>> No.12108831

You don't use the API while on VPN

>> No.12108849

I think the point that anon is trying to make is that after you pass the https login page, the actual game page with your API link embedded is not encrypted.

While you're grabbing your API link, I guess someone monitoring your traffic could view the same html that your browser's pulled up and copy that API. I don't know how network traffic monitoring really works, so I'm not sure if that's even something someone could do.

>> No.12108854

How do you grab the link then?
As soon as the osapi link loads it requests a new api_token and that's not encrypted.
When you see the loading screen it's already too late.

>> No.12108865

If I was a traffic snooper, the api link of some Japanese flash game would be the last thing I'd look for. Even the account details of a DMM account don't seem valuable enough to warrant the effort.

>> No.12108868

Well, that would be interesting - I didn't pay too much attention and was just assuming the game page is still on https, how it should be, but if that's not the case what I previously said is wrong. Will pay more attention next time I grab an API.

Also, what were DMM thinking, again? You don't make a https login just to go back to http.

>> No.12108871

It's live now.

>> No.12108878

I lost most of my ships some months ago like that, it happens very rarely but there are 3 cases when it happened here now, it's not valuable to them, it's just fun.

DMM uses https, Kadokawa servers are the unsafe.

>> No.12108885

Were you using a public VPN?

>> No.12108890


>> No.12108896
File: 157 KB, 957x656, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nothing to spend it on!

>> No.12108898

Yes, and a lesser known one since I didn't use it for playing, I just left the game open accidentally, and some hours later it happened.
There is a "ranking" system in VPNGate's client though so you can see which ones are the mostly used, those are probably safe.

>> No.12108905

Was it one of the Tsukuba ones?

>> No.12108909

If they're using something like an API link which is full of holes, do you think they'll care about https?

>> No.12108916

I actually started clapping out loud when he finally got it.

>> No.12108917

No, Tsukuba ones are obviously safe,
I think I connected to a vietnamese and a korean host too besides lesser japanese ones,
I was just collecting the game files.

>> No.12108922

I see.
I'll keep an eye on the "rankings" from now on. I take it that's the Total Score column at the end?

>> No.12108924

Does loading up KCV using the cookie method refresh your API every time?

>> No.12108928


>> No.12108930

Yes, it's sorted by that defaultly, also 'Cumulative Users' can indicate too how often it's used.

>> No.12108931

Training DDs is so slow, do you train them one by one at 4-3 and F5 every time you hit node J?

>> No.12108933

5-4 and buckets.
That's all you need.

>> No.12108935

J isn't really scary, so I don't.

>> No.12108937

Sweet. Thanks.

>> No.12108940

That's too resource inefficient for me.

I almost always get unlucky when I enter that node, but fatigue is annoying too. I wish there would be a nice map full of submarine fleets on echelon/line abreast to train them.

>> No.12108941


Myoukou dude's antics

>> No.12108943


>> No.12108947

That's even worse than 4-3 when it comes to dealing with fatigue though.

>> No.12108955

Taking votes on Summer Event:

>> No.12108991

Is this a vote of what we want or what we think it's going to be?

>> No.12108995

I think it's the latter.

>> No.12109005

>Babby tier anime in the lead
I think Wo's brainwashing campaign has been successful.

>> No.12109016
File: 90 KB, 432x288, wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[X] Ships don't sink at orange
[X] Nayt battol okay
[X] Midway is months away
[X] 50k resources is enough
[X] Levels don't matter

When did Wo ever lie?

>> No.12109018

>[X] Levels don't matter
Right there.

>> No.12109025

Accuracy, LoS and evasion are placebo.

>> No.12109027

A guy completing E1-3 with freshly built LSC ships pretty much confirms this.

>> No.12109028

I haven't seen any level recommendation here since summer event (level 60 at least)
and I cleared this one with level ~60 BBs.
Or you mean TTK level?

>> No.12109030

Did you ever count how many times he failed at it?

>> No.12109031

Surprise Russo-Japanese War event with armored cruiser Tokiwa (remodels to minelayer, each enemy attack has a fixed chance to fail and damage the attacking ship as long as she's in your fleet), battleship Asahi (remodels to repair ship, repair mechanics are changed so that she and Akashi can repair during sorties), battleship Suwo (remodels to coastal defense vessel, turns from a cold, busty Russian onee-san to a cheeky little girl during the remodel), and battleship Mikasa.

A man can dream.

>> No.12109036

It's mostly a compass thing (and not kai/modernizing).

>> No.12109037

Also because he didn't get to bring the best setup for each map

>> No.12109041

Are you mistaking Suwo for a 海防艦?

>> No.12109054

I'm guessing the anime will introduce a few new ships and then have the game run some kind of tie-in with the anime.

>> No.12109057

I hope you had less than 1300 coins.

>> No.12109061

Speaking of KCV, is it better to use KCV or not when you want to get pass the lottery? Or is the method in wiki has a better chance?

>> No.12109074

If you're talking about KCV's cookie method of playing, I don't know if it works for the lottery as well.

Also, you can use a modded cookie outside of KCV to play without a VPN, but again, I don't know if you can clear the lottery with that method. VPN is the only method I know for sure works.

>> No.12109080

I still have no idea what's going on with these things.

I thought they were like monitors, which they evidently aren't, so I then thought that they're obsolete ships that are no longer ocean-worthy, which they only partially are, and the things classified as kaibokan vary from submarine tenders to war prizes to an honest-to-goodness oceanographic survey vessel that somehow found itself to be a warship. The developers call them small ASW specialists, so they probably mean the purpose-built escort ships like Etorofu-class and type-C and type-D escorts.

>> No.12109081

I got to the lottery screen using KCV though? Is that just a bait screen and I can never get pass the lottery?

>> No.12109085

No idea. If you get through, post back here and let us know.

>> No.12109090

Considering my sub will most likely be massively reckt by Res, should I use Shioi for the extra HP and armor in 5-5 instead of Goya? the armor won't do any good against Re but it might be enough to take reduced damage from DDs and CL
Goya will do more cut-ins and has 9 evasion more but she is also much more squishy.

>> No.12109091

That is a big IF, but I will post if I got in using KCV method

>> No.12109102

海防艦 aren't what we in the west called coastal defense ships, even though that's what the direct translation would yield.
US called them escort ships for a reason.

>> No.12109104

Good luck.

Also, what got you interested in the game?

>> No.12109111
File: 699 KB, 797x479, Double Petal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which fairy furniture items do you think are due to expire? Might get the Akagi model and the flight deck carpet...

>> No.12109112

If you want to bring only one of your subs for a hard battle, Goya it is. the armour and hp of Shioi doesn't help that much.

>> No.12109113

love at first sight?! and cuz people keep talking about it that I got really interested in it

>> No.12109114

If only Iona was here.

>> No.12109115

The cookie method should work for the lottery
(It might need different things added to the cookie, but if you see the lottery screen you should be fine)
Most people here just got in the game before that method was discovered, that's why no one tried yet.

>> No.12109132

Since my one SS is just there to tank Re in 5-5, I'll try sticking two +13 evasion turbines on it
on Goya, that'll be 84 evasion then, which is almost as good as a highlevel DD
I don't think she'll be useful for damage especially not with double line on all nodes before boss

>> No.12109133
File: 1.69 MB, 1530x6500, 3990538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12109147

Well, I suppose a Kiso teitoku is preferable to a kuso teitoku.

>> No.12109160

Switch E2 and E3 and this is basically how it happened for me. I probably wasted all my luck back then on that night node.

>> No.12109162
File: 239 KB, 723x836, api.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just find this on a Taiwanese forum.

It seems like that if the address bar of your browser has search function, and you use the same api link over and over and over again, that api link will show up as search result of the whatever search engine(most likely, google).

>> No.12109166
File: 126 KB, 750x1171, BnQrIRHCIAEFH2s.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd really have to spam the thing to make it a top search result.

>> No.12109167

I hope those guys like Kongou.

>> No.12109173


>> No.12109175
File: 67 KB, 490x368, 1399374024002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the anti Kongou disease has spread to /jp/ it seems.

>> No.12109182
File: 456 KB, 801x526, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found a working api link

>> No.12109183
File: 194 KB, 784x475, 1392370394726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He means someone's about to get Abrar'd.

>> No.12109189

Having all equipments is a hundred times harder than having all ships. Just how many people actually have the Shinden Kai from last year's may event?

>> No.12109198

I wish I had it.

>> No.12109199

There was at least 2 /jp/sie with it back in autumn. Dunno what happened to them now.

>> No.12109202

That's true, the developers seem to make sure that every ship is available to newer players in due time, but they have no such concerns for equipment.

I feel sorry for that guy who sunk his Kaga because "he had a spare". His Reppu Kai went down with her, and now he pays for being a shitty admiral. He'll never get one back again, and he damn well shouldn't either.

>> No.12109203

Considering the game was just 1 month old back then, not too many.

>> No.12109208

>I feel sorry for that guy who sunk his Kaga because "he had a spare".
You shouldn't feel sorry for kuso admirals.

>> No.12109210

I'm certain that it's going to be Shinano's stock equipment, just to signify her plane capacity.

>> No.12109216

Yet another reason to stay away from API links.

>> No.12109219


You just need to desactivate it, don't spam it THAT much, or just don't put your fucking API in goddam pastebin, what the fuck that guy was thinking?

>> No.12109223

I don't believe just using urls will get it indexed by browsers.
Shouldn't that be a referrer url thing?

>> No.12109241

This might be different from chrome. Since you specifically sign in to the browser. So I have no idea if google will crawl all your bookmarks, etc.

>> No.12109259
File: 912 KB, 946x567, hotel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure exactly but less than 10 LSC attempts
i used 6/6/7/3/20

>> No.12109271


>> No.12109283

Treat her well!

>> No.12109294

What's the best recipe for 46cm? 100/300/250/10? I keep getting goddamn penguins

>> No.12109301


>> No.12109315

kongou, mutsu, nagato
I change between these 3 when I feel unlucky, which is almost always

>> No.12109348

Do it too /jp/.

>> No.12109349

So which map is the best to farm Uzuki now that she's been removed from 2-2?

Fuck my luck for not getting her during the event.

>> No.12109356

5-4, and that was better than 2-2 anyway.

>> No.12109388

5-5 attempt with BB BB CV CV CVL SS, double support
46 46 T14 recon on Yamato, 46 46 AP recon on Nagato, all CV/CVL 3x reppu + ryuusei kai, Shioi with two +13 turbines

first node, nothing
second node, gold DD on double line hits Shioi for 15 damage that bastard. on red T
third node, Nagato eats 60(FUCK THIS SHIT) bombing damage despite 400+ air superiority, chitose gets reckt to orange, Shioi gets reckt to red


>> No.12109398

It's the curse of pokehamu

>> No.12109404

Make it past elite Re -> dead end
I'm gonna kill pokehamu and sacrifice his soul to the RNG god

>> No.12109406

Yosh Yoooosh.

>> No.12109410

Two times I make it past elite Re, both times I get dead-ended
What is this shit? Fuck yourself RNG

>> No.12109413

This is why 3 subs is superior

>> No.12109417

There is also the issue of my fully sparkled route support going full retard every time it actually counts

>> No.12109423

Go away Re
3 subs is garbage for people without bonkers good battle RNG

>> No.12109432

that makes 3 out of 3 dead-ends

>> No.12109434

Nice blog bro please let me subscribe

This just in: Kancolle is a shit game where the odds are always against you

>> No.12109440

So if I want to play from multiple locations (home and office) and nowhere else, can I consider API-links safe? Or should I go cookie method? I've been using API so far but this discussion made me a bit unsure.

>> No.12109443

fourth run: Wo kai node, green T, everything goes well except a DD with 3 HP left hits shioi straight to red with a single hit that wasn't a crit

>> No.12109458

Home network should be safe unless you're dumb, dunno about your workplace.

>> No.12109462

12 runs later, I haven't seen the 5-5 boss once
RNG keeps fucking me over so hard, I'm rotating in mid-air.
I give up. This map can go fuck itself. I'll come back once we get either more mechanics or other ships so it's no longer this retarded.

>> No.12109468

I have no idea how you can get in so many runs in such a short time.

>> No.12109475

Move to Japan and play it on an authentic Japanese computer.

You must also master authentic Japanese to ensure you can communicate fluently with authentic Japanese DMM support in case you have any issues.

>> No.12109479

Do you even bucket?

>> No.12109482

12 runs is over the last 3 days, not today
X runs later means "after point x"
12 runs since I started 5-5. 3 out of 3 dead-ends where I did get past elite Re and everything else was bullshit crits or RNG trolling resulting in retreats

>> No.12109483

Do you even sparkle?

>> No.12109484

I usually spend half year in Japan and half year back in Europe. But hopefully only for just a few more years then I can move there permanently

>> No.12109490

so far I spend roughly 9000 fuel, 6000 steel, 13000 ammo and some peanut amount of bauxite on 5-5
Tried 3BB2CV1CVL three times, got past elite Re once, dead end
Tried 3BB3SS four times, was a complete fiasco every time
Tried 2BB2CV1CVL1SS five times, got past elite Re twice and got dead-ended twice. Also 2 retreats, twice even before elite Re due to bullshit green T both times.

>> No.12109492

Is that job related?
That sounds like a fun job.

>> No.12109494

see >>12109490
three runs sparkled
three runs sparkled, one unsparkled
three runs sparkled, two unsparkled.

The runs where I didn't sparkle actually went better except I got dead-ended and green T raped

>> No.12109495

It is, international project management and compliance monitoring for a TNC and it's contractors.

>> No.12109497

What the hell is that?

>> No.12109500

You are supposed to use Formation5 when you get sent to a dead end.

>> No.12109504

transnational corporation

>> No.12109506

Not that anon, but I think that "and" should be read as "or"

>> No.12109510

>look at my new epik meme
You turd, the dead-end in 5-5 is a blue node.

>> No.12109513

I never tried 5-5 because it is an unnecessary waste of resources.

>> No.12109519

I have all LSC ships and sit at res cap, what else am I gonna do with the res?

>> No.12109522

Get radars or planes if you lack them, or even akitsuboats.

>> No.12109523

Level 150

>> No.12109529

No real life money to afford rings. No, I cannot skip a fast food or regular meal because my regular means cost about 20 cents a day and that is all I can afford.

I have 3 boats and I will get boats anyway when Musashi is added so I see this as pointless. I have plenty of planes (10 reppu, 10 shiden kai 2, 10 suisei 12a, 15 ryuusei and 7 ryuusei kai) but I suppose I could try for some radars. that doesn't explain what I should do with the excess fuel/ammo that comes from expeditions endlessly

>> No.12109533

Do different expeditions just for buckets and devmats. You can also grind some levels and try to get every entry you can in the KanDex if you haven't already.

>> No.12109553

Do you have all ships?

>> No.12109554

Ihave 2900+ buckets
I have lots and lots of ships at 90+, at which point the 2-9 levels make basically no difference and I have no money to marry them.
I am already farming for devmats with sparkled ex8 non-stop
I run ex5, 21, 37, 38, 6 to varying amounts in the other two slots.
The only library entries I'm missing require levels (Z3) or Medals (Bismarck) or both (Tone, Chikuma)
I wanted to do 5-5 because I wanted the medal but after spending so much on it for literally nothing but petty exp, I am cutting my losses. One medal and ranking points aren't worth spending damecons (would have been my next option) or final event map levels of res.
Maybe I'll try again when I get a Musashi

>> No.12109558

I'm dumb please share your script with me.

>> No.12109559

Since when have you been playing?

>> No.12109568

November 7
I play basically all day, every day though
I failed to do E-5 because I started a week into the event, was a total noob and didn't initially plan to do even E-3, progressed faster than I thought I would and finished E-4 like a day before the event ended, after a 19 hour sitting. I just couldn't handle doing E-5 mentally, despite having the res.

you need to adjust the coordinates for your own screen but you only need to do it once for the template and the details. This is for AHK. After that, just put template into the script file, fill in details as needed, save, done

>> No.12109574

Not the same guy but I'm pretty burned out on playing this game legit after 8 months so thanks for your scripts.

>> No.12109575

Man, I thought DMM was cracking down on scripts and whatnot.

It might be time to start scripting myself. How long ago did you start playing with them?

>> No.12109579

Thanks, I know elementary Java but I don't understand anything other than variable declarations.

>> No.12109582

autohotkey comes with autoscriptwriter. If it doesn't record on the kancolle window, just memorize the position or hold your finger on it, alt-tab to a regular window and click to record the pixel position. I keep the X or Y position usually a constant, X being horizontal and the first value, I keep this the same for expeditions and fleet selection, Y obviously being the vertical one. A smaller value means further to the left (X) or up(Y)

The script comes with an in-build loop that runs basically forever and you can abort the script at any moment instantly by pressing space.

Been using them since my fourth day of playing so roughly from 11 November till now without break. I even scripted right on the webpage when API wasn't working.

this is really just text command execution. It's not even real programming.

>> No.12109584

They can't detect any scripting if you're being clever by putting some random timing or shits.

>> No.12109588

>roughly from 11 November till now without break
>even scripted right on the webpage
Damn, I don't know why I was being so paranoid about trying it out. I thought DMM had already busted some people for doing it or something.

Is it safer to script with an API connection vs doing it straight on the game website? I can't really see how that would affect their ability to detect it.

>> No.12109593

I doubt it makes any difference unless you suddenly get a pop-up from somewhere (which will mess up your script and cause it to go hiwire) and then start wildly switching pages on their website. I use API simply because I started with this and don't want to re-do all my scripts again. Not to mention, I like having kancolle fill a browser window and running logbook with it.

>> No.12109598

>browser window
There are actually people who are using internet browser for API?

>> No.12109599

>not using controlclick
>not using windowspy
>not using loop trigger
>no dialog cancel for popup

top kek script

>> No.12109604

top kek greentext garbage epic meme response.

There are actually people who are able to tolerate KCV?

>> No.12109606

API + Flash projector superior masterrace

>> No.12109608

What's wrong with KCV?
All that information for your viewing pleasure.

>> No.12109612

Logbook does what KCV does and does it without forcing some obnoxious window where the information layout can't be changed.

Anon please.

>> No.12109615

KCV is neat but crashed randomly for me so I stopped using that.

>> No.12109617


>> No.12109618

Bloatware, you don't need those pretty UIs.

>> No.12109633

Anything like Logbook for Mac?
KCV looks nice, but that's windows only.
I've tried KanColleTool, and while that gets the job done, I like the minimalist approach Logbook takes.

>> No.12109634

Greentexting anon still gives legit advice that you should follow though. Your current script is undeniably a pile of crap that is unreliable, unoptimized and breaks even with the smallest interference. You should really spend some time on reading up the help documentation in AHK and you'd be able to write a better script in 30minutes.

>> No.12109637

Anon please
It works for me, and I see no need to change what is working.
If you don't like it, I'm sure you have your own script to share.

>> No.12109638

it seems that when i wasn't looking somebody replaced the users of the /jp/ kancolle thread with a bunch of autistic morons

oh wait

>> No.12109648

Epic post, nice capitalization and punctuation.

>> No.12109649

Fuck you.

>> No.12109650


>> No.12109660

It's true, though. Though I'd sooner call you faggots than morons.

Scripting, really now? You would stoop that low?

>> No.12109661


>> No.12109663

Your petty and misplaced morals are really just that. Petty and misplaced.

>> No.12109665

Scripting is like anal masturbation. It feels good and lots of people do it but most people have the decency not to talk about it in public.

Actually /jp/ has a two hundred post thread about masturbation devices up all the time so I guess that's not the best example.

>> No.12109666

Not to mention posting your script in public.

>> No.12109668

Nah, it's like playing 2hu with CheatEngine

>> No.12109669

If a script that prevents you from using your computer during the duration that it is running counts as "working for you", then sure, enjoy your script.

I have my own script, but I see no reason to share it. I like it better when anons who can't even write their own script come across yours and use it, when sending long expeditions would've had better gains due to the shittiness of it.

>> No.12109670

logbook support Mac, at least the original does.

>> No.12109671

Sometimes /jp/ posts those too. But less often.

>> No.12109673

I script while I sleep. Why in the world would I use my PC during that time?
Furthermore, why would I script when I'm awake and Logbook even tells me when an expedition returns? You're not making any sense whatsoever anon.

>> No.12109674

Logbook does have a mac version.

Last time I saw a script getting posted it's the same one as the above

>> No.12109676

I meant masturbation videos.

It's a wild world out there.

>> No.12109677

If you didn't spend blood, sweat and tears for these resources, you don't deserve to spend them. I'd sooner buy resources than to script for them.

And then you have this breed of faggot, who not only scripts but feels the need to start shit-flinging contests over script efficiency.

>> No.12109679

Feeling proud because you don't cheat at video games is pretty fucking sad but feeling proud because you do cheat at video games is even more retarded.

Verdict: death sentences for everyone.

>> No.12109681

Like I said, petty and misplaced morals.

The elitism morals club is over that way . >>12109677

>> No.12109682

Who are you to judge them? A super elite?

>> No.12109684

>If you didn't spend blood, sweat and tears for these resources, you don't deserve to spend them.
From all his posts, he seem pretty detached from the game (not to mentioned being bad at 5-5). A clear sign of not enough love.

KC is a game of resource management. How to run efficient sorties. How to be in the ranking but still gaining resources. If you cheat you pretty much just playing an RNG simulator.

>> No.12109685

I'm /jp/'s king of kings; look on my posts, ye mighty, and despair.

>> No.12109689



>> No.12109690

Please, your elitism is blinding enough to illuminate an entire state.

I doubt someone who is detached would get so angry over 5-5, not to mention collect all the ships or even play every day for like six months straight.

>> No.12109692

Giving up after 15 sorties when he has maxed resource shows how much he's into the game.

>> No.12109693

You misspelled "yours". It's okay, I forgive you.

Also please watch out for the "Caps Lock" button in the future.

>> No.12109697

Speaking of scripting, have you guys heard of Sikuli? It's like scripting for idiots, aka me.

>> No.12109699

You can't generalize that, imo.
For an event, giving up after 15, or even 50, tries would be disgraceful. But 5-5 resets every month and what are really the odds we'll get so many new Kai 2 ships that at some point people will do the, likely to show up eventially, extra missions for world 2, 3 and 4-
actually, really, forget about this. Giving up on 5-5 because you're being raped by RNG is understandable where I come from. I'm at 120k all and don't really bother to do 5-5 either, because the reward is superfluous and the effort needed stands in no relation to the gain

>> No.12109703

I used to use macros for expeditions, but I stopped after they killed the API links, after that I just did it the old way and I'm quite impressed how many resources I managed to stockpile. It was fun.


I think using macros/scripts for expeditions is ok, but I can't understand why would someone want to do the same with sorties, what's the fucking point of the game then?

>> No.12109705

No, someone who is detached is exactly the kind of person who would get angry over some dozen or so runs at 5-5. This game is about fawning over your girls and their accomplishments, hard maps are good in that beating them counts as exactly the sort of accomplishment you'd be proud of. I'd prefer getting trashed in 5-5 for hours on end and clearing it after a bloody life-and-death struggle instead of having my medals handed to me on a silver platter.

It's the same for sending a submarine at 2-4 until she gets lucky, it breaks the magical moment when you finally push through with your 4BB2CV fleet. That's the kind of shit that sticks you for the entire rest of your Kancolle experience, you remember what your girls did for you before, so you don't get angry at them when the RNG has it out for you.

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that shitposting hell, boundless and bare
The dull and morose posts stretch far away.

>> No.12109710

He has maxed resource and don't have anything else to spend on in the near term. You're right about future extra missions. They will probably release at least 1 new kai ni per month so 2 extra operations won't cut it. I'm also sure blueprints won't be the only thing we can redeem medals for in the future.

>> No.12109712
File: 13 KB, 160x41, Event Aftermath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good sitting with these resources after I completed the event.

Please casuals scum, do cry more it sustains me. :^)

>> No.12109714

Please taech me your ways.

>> No.12109722


I'm glad I don't script anymore, it would drive crazy being so close to the cap and having nothing to spend on.

>> No.12109727

What can you even do at 5-5 beside praying to RNG?

Three BB approach with air superiority you really need to just pray Re doesn't crit you and then fight the compass, both completely RNG
3 SS approach is also RNG because there is the chance that support and / or subs mess up and a sub gets hit to red even before elite Re. And of course, there is elite Re with it's insane air strike that will just destroy you even with 3BBs with sanshiki, 46cm and a T14 somewhere
2BB 1 SS with air superiority approach is just another high risk, high reward approach. If Re doesn't kill your sub, and with that your run, you still have to fight the compass.

Personally I've done about 30 runs with 3SS (Goya, Hachi, Iku) all at level 99 and there is always something messing up my run. Sometimes it's the first node's Re air strike that somehow get's in a crit, sometimes it's the second node because the support and subs leave a gold CL / DD alive and the subs don't dodge, and lastly, elite Re basically always stops me short. I only got past elite Re two times and both times I three BBs in orange due to opening torpedo, closing torpedo and air strike. I use Yamato, Nagato and Mutsu.

That is not how detachment works, anon. Not even remotely. There is a fine line between struggling and just getting your ass handed to you, mind you. Some people just don't deal well with the whole "get raped hard for # tries before you finish" no matter how much they love their girls.

I personally think that's not accurate. If they add 2-5, 3-5 and they are manageable, that will be 3 medals a month and I really don't think we'll need another blueprint every month. The devs cater to new people as well, and just imagine joining the game and needing a total of 40, or even more, medals to get all the blueprints you need. They will also likely give out medals at events again.

After reading over your post again, I realize that's not quite what you meant but I hate re-writing my entire post.

>> No.12109729

6CA vs E-5

>> No.12109730

It must suck having nothing else to do but wait.

>> No.12109733

Out. Just what kind of scum do these threads attract?

The needless attention whoring is just the diarrhea cream on top of the shit cake. At least it'd be acceptable if hitting resource cap was something genuinely difficult.

>> No.12109741

Who else here finished the event including the Tanikaze farming and still have a fucktons of resources whatever?

How to accomplish such feat?

>> No.12109749

>Just what kind of scum do these threads attract?

On any other day I'd complain about you being an attention whoring shit but the thread was already in a bad way, so party on.

>> No.12109751


>> No.12109752

Buggy, but works.
The only problem i have is that Sikuli tends to die for no apparent reason.

>> No.12109757

New people don't level 10 ships to kai ni at the same time. I'm sure the number of extra ops will be more than blueprints so that newer players can catch up. However, older players will have absolutely nothing to do if you go with less than 1 zwei per month. So they will need other ways to use medals.

Thus, my prediction is more than 5-6 extra ops, around 1 blueprint needed per month, and some new rewards (maybe redeem medals for new equips)

>> No.12109759

If they just smoothed out the bugs, I'd be using it for everything.

I'm just impressed someone's managed to create a scripting engine that uses OCR-like technology.

>> No.12109760

So this is German Assassin-chan? Or her other spawns?

>> No.12109765

If, and this is a very, very big if, they do add the full range of extra operations, we are looking at 8 more extra operations before world 6 extra operations. If we assume that only the X-5 version gives a medal and, as I expect, the X-6 gives a rare item (For example, 1-6 could give a type-3 sonar once a month) then that is 4 medals a month without 5-5 and any world 6 hijinks.

I do hope they add more extra operations soon simply because right now there is one laughably easy EO and one laughably difficult EO with no middle-ground whatsoever.

I really don't know what other use they could give medals.

>> No.12109772

German Assassin would be Kuugen, me.
I have a pretty good idea of who that anon is, though.

>> No.12109775

She probably shat that attention whore.

>> No.12109776

4 medals for the armor thing.
6 medals for german torp, reppu kai.

>> No.12109779

The event on average took only about 60k-80k resources, much less if you're one of these cowards who opted out of E5 because "it's not worth it". Tanikaze farming drains your buckets instead of your resources, so even if you were unlucky, you didn't have a big resource hit over people who got her during their clear runs.

Before this, you had about five months to gather as much resources as you wanted, and this event was expected to be much worse than it turned out to be, so most everyone was focused on hoarding as much as they can, by scripting or otherwise. Having a ton of resources left over isn't exceptional, most of the older players probably have a substantial amount still in stock.

It's just that these players aren't so keen on bragging about something that has no relation whatsoever to the actual gameplay, since that's retarded. Might as well brag about your penis size here.

>> No.12109780

>Or her other spawns?

What do you mean? She got cohorts and followers?

>> No.12109782

Older player here, can confirm you're full of shit, I have <10k of each res

>> No.12109784

1 ASW CL 5DD, echelon on pre-nodes, abreast on boss?

>> No.12109787

Please let this not be a thing.
And now that you've said it, I feel like it will become a thing, inevitably.
I hope an Alpaca chews your face off.

>> No.12109792

Well alright, LSC addicts notwithstanding.

>> No.12109794

I don't expect world 2 to 4 extra ops to be easy. 2-4 3-4 4-4 are all pretty hard. 2-4 is relatively easier but still a pain.

>> No.12109801

I expect them to be difficult but not as absurd as 5-5 is, because, let's face the music, 5-5 is absurdly hard. There are probably less than 500 people on each server clearing the map, possibly even less than 300.

And I don't think you can really apply this comparison as is. 1-5 is full of subs while world 1 has no subs. 5-5 is absolutely brutal while 5-1, 5-2 and 5-4 have 100% boss routes and are anything but overly difficult. 5-3 is also only difficult because it is night battles.

I have no idea what to expect from the missing EO, but I know what I don't expect, and that is another 5-5, another plane of hell.

>> No.12109803

5-6 when

>> No.12109804

When 10,000 different people have cleared 5-5, so probably not before 2015.

>> No.12109805

They need their own gimmicks. You can have maps with item requirements now, so they could make an EO where you can't use anything but common equipment. Throw away these 46cms, radars and special ammo, bring in the 35cms, seaplanes and anti-air guns.

I also wouldn't mind a night battle map that is a revisit of Fall E4, except with an extra helping of double attack CAs and BBs to account for the fact that we now know that you can't sink at orange. Or a trade route disruption mission where you can only use submarines, the enemy fleet is full of ASW (introduce enemy escort ships here, maybe?), and the boss is a flagship transport.

>> No.12109807

Historical loadouts only!

>> No.12109809

I agree, I completed until E-4 with maybe 12.5k resources at most and with 70~ buckets, but also with 3 damecons for E-4. E-5 doesn't count.

Unless you're trolled hard by RNG.

>> No.12109810

Oh I forgot to mention scaling. You don't have to worry about the new players, they will get to play baby mode. While most of use will probably face 10 star maps.

Notice how the extra maps has 2 stars more than the the last maps. So expect 8 starts 10 stars and 9 stars respectively.
1-5 is full of subs so that new players can clear it (and get the medals). New players also lack access to subs for the daily so 1-5 is perfect placement.

>> No.12109825

While both maps happen to be 2 stars above the X-4 map, I don't believe that the other 3 will follow the same rule necessarily (or worse, that X-6 will be 4 stars above X-4)
3-5 might be easier than 4-5 for example

>> No.12109829

I expect 3-5 to be a DD map in honor of 3-3. It's probably very hard and annoying.

>> No.12109831

On the topic of 5-5, in your experience /jp/, how often do you retreat at the elite Re node with 3SS? I'm only 22 tries in and made it to the boss twice but I got exceptionally lucky and my support killed all the small fry and Yamato double attacked Re to orange right away. I retreated at the pre-boss 17 times so far, mostly because a BB got damaged too much by the air strike or the opening torpedo.

>> No.12109833

3-2 I mean.

>> No.12109842

For me, the only problem about 5-5 is that pro boss node is not ring formation and re elite deals huge torpedo damage.

Ring formation can still make it relatively "easy". But I've run my CLTs for more than half a year so I guess it is time to take the abyss' revenge.

If there will ever be a Re flagship, or Brs Re, they'd better put her in a ring formation node. Otherwise, fuck this game.

>> No.12109852

Reminder that 5-4 is a 9 star map

>> No.12109853

I rarely because of the BBs. I use musashi+yamato though.

>> No.12109854

I've had more retreats on the first node than the eRe node with Musashi/Yamato

>> No.12109863

So not having Musashi really makes that massive a difference? I have a 99 Yamato/Nagato/Mutsu and eating between 50 and 70 dive bomber damage plus scratch from previous nodes just put them straight into red.
I use 46cm, Type-3 Shell on all three BB, plus a Type-14 on Yamato for AA but it does very little. Could I bother you for your setup?

>> No.12109866

Dive bomber still rapes. But it's a crit or miss for me. The torp mostly scratch though. There's nothing you can do against the bomber due to how RNG for AA works.

>> No.12109873

so should I abandong the Type 14 radar and use AP on Yamato instead?
Do you stick damecons on your subs?

>> No.12109879

You'll still need AA for the boss node. I use no AP.
see >>12104750 for my setup.

It's also highly dependent on the formation you get. Maybe you are struggling because you always get the worst ones. Line ahead eRe are hard especially on 同 engagement.

>> No.12109887

A quick note about subs.
I choose to go with Kongou flashlight + SS cutin.
Most vids I see go with Nagato cutin + turbine subs except Goya
I'm not sure which approach is better.

>> No.12109892

Out of 19 Elite Re nodes, I had 12 Green Ts, 5 Head-on and 2 Parallel.

I've seen the double-line pre-boss formation only twice, and both times I had green T.

Couple of things I don't get about your loadout is the searchlight and the lack of AP ammo. Can you elaborate?

>> No.12109893

The flashlight bonus to cut-in is actually miniscule. It's better at preventing cut-ins from the enemy side.

>> No.12109899

I swear that if the flashlight cutin prevention was that useful, I wouldn't have been stuck on E2 for 30 runs, and that's even with a full 80-90+ fleet.

Every probability equipement like flashlight, turbine etc feel like placebo to me.

>> No.12109901

Yamatos don't need AP ammo at least for this map. Dunno about Nagatos.
40% of my kills are done by SS cutins. Any placebo I can get is good. It's mostly a matter of Kongou or Nagato. I chose Kongou because BURNING LOVE.

>> No.12109909

It worked wonder for me. Other than one time when the only ship who screwed my sortie is that elite DD grunt, it's certainly good for suppressing the enemy cut-in chance for the rest of it.

>> No.12109910

Another thing that flashlight does very well is attracting enemy fire. There's no actual difference for this map in terms of attracting fire since Re will hit your subs, but at least it can help save my repair bill from the sub hitting my Yamatos.

>> No.12109912

Commie scums, probably.

>> No.12109919

>that elite DD grunt
The last one? If so, you aren't alone. I swear, it's the same DD as Fall E4 first node. That thing has it out for me.

>> No.12109920

Last I checked, Kuugen was banned on sight in the commie IRC

>> No.12109924

How many runs do you usually need to clear 5-5 per month? I'd be willing to go up to 50 runs per month but my resources cannot withstand much more than that

>> No.12109926

One last thing that you might want to consider is ship ordering. My kongou is flagship because I want Yamatos to protect them. But since you don't have both, you might want to put goya as flagship boosting cutin and have your other subs protect her.

This map is special in the sense that night battle order does not mean much because Re will hit your subs (this is different for the final form).

>> No.12109936

First month 21 4kongous2CVs
2nd month 5 4kongous2CVs for one kill. Switched to 3SS and finish in less than 10.
3rd month 3SS 9 sorties.

Note the bill for 1st and 2nd month comes out to be around the same (15k ish)
I didn't care enough to log this month.

>> No.12109937

My fleet would be Yamato, Nagato, Mutsu, Iku, Hachi, Goya

I usually run that exact order, top to bottom, because I'd rather my Yamato not get reckt and go first in second shelling so she can dish out punishment like a fallen god.
I don't really believe in searchlight, but that is beside the point if I can't reliably get to the boss at least one in ten tries. The two times I got to the boss, I didn't get to sink her thanks to everyone targeting absolutely everything else.

>> No.12109943

That's why you're retreating so much. The key for the preboss is to have Yamatos tank damage.

>> No.12109944

God, I'm at 22 sorties with 3SS and have zero kills.

And I'm not exactly running lowlevel ships or badly equipped ones. I run double support, too and sparkle main fleet to 85.

>> No.12109951

I only have one Yamato and if she tanks all the damage, I'm going home anyway.
Is this going to work for me without Musashi? I don't have the resources to just run this forever, I still need Bismarck and Yahagi from LSC.

>> No.12109957

Obviously she won't tank all the damage. Most probably she'll take a torp to yellow and stop protecting the flagship.
If you care that much about repairs, you can put goya up top.
Having two non yamatos outside the flagship position is very risky though.

>> No.12109960

Goddammit, why won't they add Musashi to the LSC pool already.
All my 5-5 suffering is because I have no Musashi apparently.

>> No.12109979

Yeah, it's about time she got added. They should give it a month or two more, so that people who already had her and were hoarding in preparation for the event can craft their Yamatos without the risk of getting a duplicate Musashi.

>> No.12109993

Why is leveling ships in this game so goddamned slow.
How do people even level ships to 150 without dying of boredom.

>> No.12109995

You can still do it without any Yamatos
He reached the boss 8 times out of 21 sorties.

>> No.12110000

My inner OCD wants to clear 5-5 for the medal and the achievement but hearing that everyone who clears it uses double Yamatos is extremely disheartening.
I mean, it's clearly possible as >>12109995
points out but still.

>> No.12110005

You don't have enough love. My biggest worry is that the flagship of my heart will eventually hit level 150 and I won't be able to level her more. It was so dull for the two-month period between her hitting 99 and the marriage system being introduced.

They should make it possible to break the level limit again, for another ring I suppose? Or introduce the rebirth system from SMT: IMAGINE, so that you can level 150 your ships repeatedly for stat bonuses.

>> No.12110010

How do you do it? I'm falling asleep doing 3-2-A over and over again

>> No.12110011

PvP. It doesn't get dull since you only do it twice a day, and the experience piles on after a while.

>> No.12110012

That was before the day time double attack mechanic though.
The Re plane also looks different, green instead of blue.
Looks also extremely luck dependent for the boss.
He uses AA guns instead of Sanshiki, I wonder if that makes a decent difference.

>> No.12110018

Doing pvp everyday, still levels too slowly for me even with S ranks.

>> No.12110025

Double attack doesn't change anything for the sub route.
Looks blue to me.
His AA guns are the 2 german AAs and the shitty +6AA gun. He probably doesn't have sanshikis. He doesn't even have any 46cms left to put on Nagato.
He's got out of that because of the 反 engagement. His 同 one results in rape.

>> No.12110034

The final form is extremely luck dependent. You usually need to rely on cutins.
In the vid he got T dis so it looks tougher than usual.

>> No.12110042

Final Form is just gonna take me even longer then that crazy nip who did E-5 last minute

>> No.12110050

I have never believed in the 3 submarine scrubbing.

I mean, okay, I only tried that setup 3 times, all of which failed (yes, stage and boss support and all, with level 97 subs). Mainly because getting to the boss is hard, and the one time I actually did, subs were too weak to finish off the Re-class.

Personally I completed 5-5 with Nagato, Mutsu, married Kongou, and Akagi, Kaga and Chitose as air superiority slaves (they don't carry anything besides Reppu, Reppu and Reppu, oh they had Reppu too). I have had much better luck with this setup than the all-fast-ships-only and three-submarines setup. I reached the boss 4 times out of 7, which is pretty good, I think.

The all-fast-ships style (4 fast battleships and 2 CV) is okay but not as good as I'd like. I have more attacking options but I don't have air superiority consistency at the boss battle because my planes are spent by then, and only managed to kill the boss 1 time out of 4 sorties, NOT counting another 4 sorties that failed / dead-end.

I wasted a lot of resources trying this and that, but I think it was a good investment in finding out what worked for me consistently. My only complaint is that I'm forced to use Nagato and Mutsu, both of whom I have already maxed at level 99 and I don't feel like spending the moolah to merry them yet.

>> No.12110054

I never see people go to the dead-end in 5-5 in the videos on nico, is there something obvious I am overlooking with 3BB2CV1CVL?

>> No.12110055

I have no problem with 2CVCVL or that route in general. The compass is the deal breaker though.

>> No.12110056

That's because they discard videos of failed runs.

>> No.12110060

In my experience 2CV1CVL do go to the dead end, but 3SS never do.

>> No.12110061

What do you guys do with random Maruyu's? I don't exactly plan on spamming min recipe any time soon so I'm also not planning on getting someone high enough for cut-ins. Do you just put them on your waifu?
Also, speaking of waifus, does the luck increase work like maruyu or does it also increase the luck cap? And does marriage save your Maruyu luck like remodeling does?

>> No.12110063

You can look through this series
It includes every attempt I think.

>> No.12110065

3SS is extremely prone to fail

Not only to have to retreat but also to not kill the boss
So in reality, you are trading RNG (compass) for RNG (Can your shit kill the boss)

>> No.12110066

Subs are frail as fuck. One crit and you have to go home.

But it makes for an interesting case, though.
I should try to do 5-5 with sacrificial subs.

>> No.12110067

Compass is around 50% for me. I do kill the boss more often than that.

>> No.12110070

>does marriage save your Maruyu luck like remodeling does
It does. I had 3 extra luck from Maruyus prior to marriage, and they were retained after it (with the addition of 4 more luck from the marriage itself). I am not at luck cap, but I'm also fairly sure that marriage does not increase it.

As for luck allocation, putting them on the girl you married is a given. Besides, she'll usually be your flagship, and the flagship gets a substantial bonus to cut-in chances, so even the unluckier girls can approach very high cut-in chances with enough Maruyus.

>> No.12110080

Crap, I'm scared now of going to 5-3, this female TTK is having a hard time in the first node.


>> No.12110081
File: 115 KB, 800x480, 5-5 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least when I was running 3SS, this never happened to me. I retreat in the first node with 3SS too, but fixing a CV is way more expensive than fixing a SS.

>> No.12110083

You still have to fix the BBs, which eat more damage than normal due to eRe

>> No.12110087

I'd prefer more than 59 luck, but that's still 85% chance as flag and searchlight. Good enough I guess. I'd also like to do the triple gun cut-in, since it does more damage, but DD's only have 3 slots and I can't figure out who else would take the searchlight. Dammit I hate this game, too many desicions.

>> No.12110090

The second node does 0 damage to BBs in 3SS (except the one CVL formation)
The upper route does tons of scratch damage to BBs.

For eRe node, someone will have to take each of the 5 Re's attacks. It's either spread out between BBCV or BBSS.

>> No.12110096

the air strike is eREs worst attack followed by the torpedo
the shelling can be evaded but the first two are basically guaranteed hits

>> No.12110120

That bullshit first node, I can't even get to pass on that.

>> No.12110126

Have you guys not done any night battles before? It's all like that.

Also, her equipment setup seems really random.

>> No.12110143

5-3 night battle node is always hard, but the day time boss fight is even harder because of the hime has fighters and the flagship BB can double attack in day time now.

>> No.12110157

I hope they never add Musashi to the LSC pool. That'll make up for all that bullshit we had to put up with.

>> No.12110158

the biggest problem of 3SS in 5-5 is that I don't have level 100+ subs for 5-5 and enough highlevel subs to do my dailies at the same time

>> No.12110162

What the fuck is she doing? Why she is sparkling at 1-5?

>> No.12110166

Why care about what other admirals get? Successfully tackling the Fall event was a reward in itself, and besides, Hachi was almost as hard as Musashi to get, and she's readily craftable.

If Yamato got in, so should Musashi, it's only fair. But I still think that they need to wait a while before adding her, since there are probably a substantial number of admirals who have Musashi and need to craft for Yamato. I myself couldn't LSC because of event preparations, and didn't get her until after the event.

>> No.12110168

3 nodes instead of 2. It's pretty good actually.

Why do these level 100 teitokus (this girl and pokehamu) have no 46cms? They spent all on LSC or something?

>> No.12110171

She spent all her luck on getting Taihou and Bismarck

>> No.12110172

pokehamu has tried hundreds of times for a 46 without getting one, this girl definitely blew all her resources on LSC judging by the ships she has

>> No.12110173

it's been over five months since the Fall Event ended and people could no longer get Musashi.
It's been long enough already.

>> No.12110175

Wait, female ttks are real? Does that mean Kuugen is actually a girl too?

>> No.12110177

Easy, because I don't want to fight Musashis in pvp.

>> No.12110185
File: 40 KB, 600x847, 1388320900555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need to believe.

I'm a grill btw

>> No.12110192

I never thought someone as fucking crazy as Kuugen could be actually female

>> No.12110194

It all depends on the whim of the RNG. I had 10 46cms and 1 sanshiki for the Fall event, and it was hell to craft three more.

Touche. They should still implement some training ship to counteract the "level 1 in first two slots" and "Yamato-class, Nagato-class, CLTs with ASW" jerks, though. Like say, Katori-class CLs that have mediocre stats, but also come with a special mechanic that gives a 1.5x experience bonus when you fight an admiral with her in PvP.

We're all little girls here.

>> No.12110197
File: 205 KB, 687x372, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In my case, I might be able to finish the job with this fleet, but I'm in a fence of what should I equip to Kongou and Kiri -- all cut-in or double attack with a searchlight. Fuck eRe, fuck her to oblivion.

>> No.12110199

Eh? Every human female was like that, it's normal.

>> No.12110201

Akashi already brought out the uncaring side of fellow admirals on my server, I shudder at the thought of them having Akashi + low level Musashi as their main or just a low level Musashi as their flagship.

There's no helping it except hoping they don't throw Musashi into the mix.

>> No.12110202

No Mutsu? And what the heck is wrong with your Iku? My Married IKu has 22 HP

Please, have you seen Kuugen? That's a special blend of crazy you won't find more than once in a blue moon even in the crazy parts of 4chan.

>> No.12110204

Maybe he didnt kai her and married her without remodeling

>> No.12110205

His Iku was not Kai m8

>> No.12110207

Oh, yeah, silver background and no Kai in the name.
What the fuck? Why would anyone do that? Goya and Hachi are Kai'd.

>> No.12110213


I'll do it tomorrow once I'm done with weeklies.

>> No.12110217

Which maps does Uzuki no longer drop from?
I'm trying to farm for her, but I'm not sure which maps she appears on anymore post-update.

>> No.12110220


I think you're better off getting Uzuki on 5-4, I got her on my clearing runs.

>> No.12110226

Uzuki only drops from 3-4, 4-4, 5-1, and 5-4.
If there are any more I can't recall, they are harder than 3-4 in terms of farming efficiency.
