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File: 3 KB, 125x116, 1399069235820s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12099269 No.12099269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so fucking hard to find an answer if loli doujinshi are illegal in ma country.

>> No.12099271

They probably aren't legal but you also probably won't get caught if you import them.

>> No.12099274

Unless the customs officer opens them to check the contents of the package. Which is highly likely

>> No.12099276

>legal advice from 4chan

I'm memetexting and no one is going to stop me.

>> No.12099284

Guess Im never gonna be able to scan those Log Horizon doujins then.

Why even live.

>> No.12099292

Why would it be highly likely? Customs are busy, they're not going to open every package marked as "books" from Japan.

>> No.12099311

Why even take that kind of risk? If they are illegal, the sentence would likely be several years of jailtime.

>> No.12099314

Because the powers that be love legal gray areas so they can do selective enforcement and keep citizens afraid and submissive.

>> No.12099347

I've imported shit tons of Loli into the UK, where it's illegal. I've never had any packages opened in years of figure and merchandise collecting either. Just fucking charged 25%+£15 import tax by the Jew cunts.

>> No.12099357

It's not at all likely that they'll check a package. Look at how many people ship drugs successfully across borders, and that's much more an important task for postal workers to stop. Plus if you do get it seized just say that someone else ordered it and shipped it to your address.

>> No.12099360
File: 225 KB, 979x695, doujinshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're illegal where I live, people have beem trialed and sentenced for it, but that didn't stop me from gettimg them.
>marked as "books"
But they weren't marked as books dude, that's the thing.

>> No.12099370


>> No.12099371

>>But they weren't marked as books dude, that's the thing.
What were they marked as? I've ordered doujinshi from a variety of stores and they've always been declared as books.

>> No.12099420

Seeing as you have to proxy them over anyway you can get them to mark it as whatever the hell you want because the proxy service isn't the retailer. I always have my stuff marked as books and gifts myself as I don't see why you wouldn't want them to be.

>> No.12099453

According to wiki, loli hentai is legal in the Netherlands, aslong as it is clear that the drawings do not depic real humans.

I'm assuming it is then also legal in my country, Belgium. Much rejoicing to be had.

>> No.12099459

It doesn't really matter, it's such a grey area unless you have actual CP or admitted you were guilty you wouldn't get arrested or anything.

>> No.12099462

It does matter. I'd rather NOT have coppers at my door just because I imported some smut about an anime i like.

>> No.12099486

Who cares, download it.

>> No.12099512 [DELETED] 

That's stealing!

which happens to be illegal

>> No.12099514

I'm pretty sure if it's illegal in your country then officers will be trained and instructed to pay more attention towards shipments from Japan.

Better not risk it

>> No.12099745

Because when the custom dude sees "books" from "japan" he might want check them because of instructions or something along the lines of what >>12099514 said.

>> No.12099860

I've heard of some stores that actually put a "sample" comic for officers to read. It is some ultra more stuff that they wouldn't suspect.
I can't remember who did that though.

>> No.12099901

Most parody goods in Japan would be trademark violations everywhere else. There's your "illegal," otherwise people would be free to draw as much gay batman porn as they wanted and sell it as their own dojin work.

Just because you can pay for something doesn't mean it isn't stolen.

>> No.12099917

>Most parody goods in Japan would be trademark violations everywhere else
Maybe in common law countries, but not "everywhere else", they'd be legal here as parodies.

>> No.12099932


>> No.12099948

Specific legislation in your country isn't the same thing as the general legal theory your country operates under. Grow a brain.

You know what, never mind, you're dumb enough you'll get yourself in trouble for some damn thing eventually, go right ahead. And if you're in one of these countries where they round up everybody in the same university and find them all guilty of treason or whatever for being in the wrong place, being in trouble for something somebody from overseas attempted to send you is maybe the least of your concerns then.

>> No.12100026

Quit being so paranoid, even if lolicon is illegal in law, there have been no cases for people being arrested only for drawn pictures.

>> No.12100036

Have them write on the description that the books are in there stir-fried with peppers and multiple other foreign agricultural products. Customs will be sure to check the package then.

>> No.12100049

Pretty much this, I've never had a package opened even stuff listed as adult goods and books or anything and I'm from the UK. You'd have to have it listed as something that requires them to open it like food produce or someshit.

>> No.12100202

Why just loli? Any doujins for that matter. If the police believes the girls are below 18 and it's illegal you're fucked. I find it funny people are scared just for loli when people almost got arrested for high school girls stuffs.

>> No.12100204

``take it easy'' with your nerdrage ........ nerd....

>> No.12100216

In Australia they're has been.

>> No.12100341

Yeah, but Australia and New Zealand have a reputation for being white knight assholes when it comes to loli. Most other countries don't have legal precedence for arresting you for loli.

>> No.12100451

Oh, Aussies ban some depictions of drug use and ban all kinds of stuff. There's no first amendment in the rest of "the west." There's some countries that get credit for being free countries, where you would never be allowed to author/publish a lot of the VN's that have been commercial successes in Japan.

And Canada has a problem with this stuff too, and a few people here in the U.S., who don't have the critical thinking skills to keep up with the legal situation they're giving opinions on, don't like it either. Which is why I suggested bringing it in "under the radar" so to speak, via the internet. People seem to be able to ignore everybody else's taste in cartoons when it's all kept online.

>> No.12100457

Some people prefer physical copies.

>> No.12100466

Some people prefer cp instead of fucking 13 year olds they'll never see again. Some people are morons.

>> No.12100471

Yeah this dude's right

>> No.12100722

Because they arent scanned yet, the doujins in question are very limited in production, and are highly unlikely to be scanned, ever.

>> No.12100770
File: 652 KB, 1200x900, flan best toho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga

>> No.12101314

Her cock sure looks tasty

>> No.12101451

Only ordered Doujins once, and the fucking customs officer opened it.

Maybe it was because the it was marked as books, but they were packaged in a carboard envelope that was too thin to contain books.
Maybe they would have ignored it if they were marked as comics.

>> No.12101519

Alright, so I want to buy a ryona doujin. No lolis or anything, just women getting the shit kicked out of them.

Would this be illegal in the USA if there's no lolis or underaged in it

>> No.12101526

yes because it's obscene.

>> No.12101535
File: 1.01 MB, 300x300, 1398731248561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but anon, wouldn't films like Human Centipede or books like American Psycho also be illegal because they are obscene?

>> No.12101544

Make your own doujin you lazy fucks. It's the only way to make sure nobody else finds it, and therefore don't risk going to jail. It might not be quite as high quality as the Japanese stuff but there is a lot of fun to making it.

>> No.12101547

but they're not for disgusting subhuman filth like pedosexuals

>> No.12101548

About New Zealand;
I believe about 2 years ago, a doctor was found to be in possession of actual CP. He was sentenced to some large fine, a 6-month internet ban and further 6-month internet monitoring, and something preventing him from working with children for 12 months.

However, I don't believe New Zealand cares about loli; that is, I don't believe there is specific legislation to the effect of that in Canada or Australia.

>> No.12101552

Anon you're breaking my heart...

>> No.12101735

Pretty sure it is legal, considering you have real abuse porn being made in burgerland.

>> No.12101741

Which one?
I ordered 3 ryona doujinshi yesterday.

>> No.12101757

I have no scanner, best I could do is take photos of each page with a shitty old smartphone.
And it's not futa but tentacle.

>> No.12101767

So when are you going to scan kaerubics 2 and 3?

>> No.12101776

Where can I buy some of this loli doujin?

>> No.12101781

Whats the tag for these doujins in the middle row, the ones where the girls are encased in plastic?
I remember searching it on exhentai before, but it didn,t bring up many results.
If they are coloured I'd gladly have you post them with some cam

>> No.12101796

bodysuit, latex


>> No.12101847

Dont scan them, it ruins the doujin. all the scans you see on sadpanda are made by destroying the doujin's bindings.

>> No.12101854

That's why you buy 2 copies, silly.

>> No.12101869

Mandarake is the best place to buy internationally.

Believe it or not, it's actually quite possible to rebind doujins after scanning, if you're very careful when debinding. You can just re-melt the glue with a hairdryer and press the spine together with binder clips. If there's not enough residual glue, you can add some of your own if you have a hot glue gun. ... I mean a REAL hot glue gun. Usually you can tell it's been debound, but it's still perfectly readable and stays together just fine.

>> No.12101888

>Whats the tag for these doujins in the middle row
Try using the title that takes 1/3rd of the cover?

>if they are coloured I'd gladly have you post them with some cam
They are full colour.
Enjoy your shitty photos:
kaerubics2: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/a5e2b593
kaerubics3: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/9c5ffd42

I know that, I don't have a scanner to begin with anyway so there's no point in debinding it.

you mena 3 copies.

>> No.12101946
File: 553 KB, 3000x748, recent arrivals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but that didn't stop me from getting them.

Mah nigga.

>> No.12102355

No, your lame doujinshi is not illegal, and no, nobody will give a shit if you buy some. Stop asking the same question over and over.

If doing illegal things makes you feel good (i know how you think), downloading cp/ buying drugs/guns off the deepweb would be a good start for you.

>> No.12102372

Maybe I'll get drunk enough after my paycheck and just buy them without being nervous. I'm just scared, know what I mean? Don't want my whole life to be ruined just because I bought some manga porn.


>> No.12102420

That book on the right, NIKOPONDO's Sonohigurashi?
Wonder if you're the one behind http://exhentai.org/g/403559/69018cf00b/

If you live on the west coast you should have absolutely no problem. Even then, if you're somewhere else in the US, I doubt you'll have an issue.

>> No.12102508

Why west coast specifically? It's not on the coast, but I do live in Nevada.

>> No.12102575


Has this been scanned yet? I can't find it on exhentai.

>> No.12102626
File: 214 KB, 1200x1600, 2014-03-06 12.40.40 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've imported a lot of loli stuff, mostly monobeno related. I live in California though and they really don't give a shit.

Best state to be a degenerate I must say.

>> No.12102639

Where are you getting that shit? Mandarake?

Like my body is reacting to your picture in ways I didn't even know was possible.

>> No.12102666

You preorder it using a proxy service.


>> No.12102685

Ugh. Fuck it. I don't like messing around with proxy services.

>> No.12102695
File: 62 KB, 640x480, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've missed the chance for this particular one though, shit was released in Denkigai 2013 Summer.
Maybe you can still get it from Amazon JP / Yahoo auctions.

But using proxys is easy mode, you just have to click on things. Not any harder than buying shit directly.

>> No.12102706

>But using proxys is easy mode, you just have to click on things. Not any harder than buying shit directly.
It's the price that's the issue. I just never find anything through proxy worth it after proxy prices are factored in unless I REALLY want it.

I haven't played any monobeno games. I've read some doujinshi/eromanga drawn by him I think, so I'm not all that attached. But you know, I guess if it pops up on second-hand sometime I would definitely cop.

>> No.12102712

Proxy fees are an issue? How poor are you lol.

If you get it after it's release date its gonna be much, much more expensive.

Perorder price: 4,500 yen
Second-hand price: up to 20,000 yen.

>> No.12102715


>> No.12102719


>> No.12102726

Been screwed over by one before so I'm a little wary. Other times it was just meh. Impulse buying might have something to do with it. If you got recs for proxy services I'll take em though.

Also, 2nd-hand doesn't seem to be all that expensive for some of the goods. 600 for the shikishi for instance. I didn't really check the pricing on preorder but most of the stuff seems fair. I think.

>> No.12102730

Second hand eroge goods are almost always more expensive. Shikishi is just a piece of paper.

I saw an auction for a natsuha daki for 50000 yen! I got it for just 10000 by pre-ordering.

>> No.12102748

>recs for proxy services

>> No.12102751

seconding goody-japan, they've always done me right when it comes to ordering women with peepees comics

>> No.12102753
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, m4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the rare moments when it feels good living in the third world. Nobody gives a fuck for this kind of stuff,

>> No.12102757

They got some on Mandarake for 12000-15000. Not much of a bump. Wait, 10000 with proxy or before proxy fee? Shipping?

Anyway, I've found limited edition eroge goods for pretty cheap. 1500 for a Seiken no Fairies bedsheet. Haven't played the game, but fuck do I love Ashito's character designs.

Aight thanks, I saved it. 750 is fair and they do auctions and everything so that's a plus. I've seen 500 or something without auction but whatever.

>> No.12102765

>Why is it so fucking hard to find an answer if loli doujinshi are illegal in ma country.

I'd guess that depends where you live.

>> No.12102778

>Most parody goods in Japan would be trademark violations everywhere else.

Guess what: they're illegal in Japan too. Japanese copyright laws are every bit as strict, if not more so, than those of U.S. The media companies just have an unspoken agreement to ignore doujins because 80% of manga artists and illustrators started with doujins and they realize it's a necessity.

>> No.12102907

Yup, that's me. You've got some eagle eyes man!

Those photos look worse than I remembered.

>> No.12103030

Btw, since it's related I might as well ask here.

Does melon books ships doujinshi without the plastic cover thing or did the proxy have a peak before forwarding them?

I'm sure all of the ones from toranoana came in their plastic bag/covers but most of the mellon books ones didn't; this was shortly after the comiket if that matters.

>> No.12103086

I ordered from melonbooks and toranoana, and some of mine did not have a plastic sleeve. I can't remember who did what, though. But it was probably the shop and not your proxy.

>> No.12103110

Looks good. The ones I ordered are all 2hu related.

>> No.12103466

I went ahead and ordered them. Fuck the popo.
If shit hits the fan I'll just say I didnt order them and someone ordered them in my name as a prank.

>> No.12103515
File: 820 KB, 1436x896, 1374436611447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did well. Congrats man!

>> No.12103552

Checked the site, they are no longer listed. So my suspicion that they were extremely limited was right.

>> No.12103566

What did you order?

>> No.12103588
File: 431 KB, 1125x1500, recent arrivals 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Has this been scanned yet?


Not sure if I'll scan my copy or not.

Nice. Post pics when your goods arrive.

>> No.12103622


That one log horizon doujin has been scanned.

I ordered 2 Log horizon doujins, a naruto one by karakishi. For some reason, i like his art,even though it should be considered shit by all standards.

And one danganronpa doujin featuring celeste and that fat guy.

>> No.12103629

I wanna fuck Celestia

>> No.12103637

afaik you can depict fictional minors (and they must be readily identified as fake) sexually in works as long as there is artistic worth... that is roughly all i remember, i once read the laws out of curiosity for the US, but some out-dated portions seem to contradict others.

it seems like it the law simultaneously forbids and allows it, depending on what you read

anyone know for sure? i might try finding out again if not

>> No.12103640

I've always used Yokatta. http://yokattaweb.jp/

I've never had a problem with them and their tax rates are very good.

>> No.12103641
File: 124 KB, 440x600, 040030204300-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is this one

>> No.12103647

Where did you order it from?

>> No.12103649

>attendance number
I wanted to order these before they were uploaded to ex, this artist is so great; I thought that i'd never see them.

>> No.12103657

Dang, that looks hot as HELL

>> No.12103664
File: 217 KB, 1000x691, unscn_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one log horizon doujin has been scanned.

I know, and I liked it. That's why I picked up a copy.

Good luck on your buy.

That cover looks pretty good.

>> No.12103699 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 440x600, 1399571517486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it does. I generally only like a doujin if the artist can replicate the style of the works the doujin is based on. Which is why i find it weird that i like karakishi's doujins.

I only bought doujins once before, because I liked the art (and they werent gonna get scanned otherwise) they were the gambler club fairy tail doujin and another naruto one by karakishi.

>> No.12103724

log horizon by studio tar?
Motherfucker, you'd better be scanning that shit, or take pics of it

>> No.12103729
File: 644 KB, 900x722, 62fc643543bc18df7077e7de1caf43d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So delicious... That's it, time to place a new order on Toranoana.

>> No.12103777
File: 126 KB, 600x600, 040030202107-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised there isn't more porn of this emo turboslut

>> No.12103805

>but officer, she's over five hundred years old.
>i swear!

>> No.12104025
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-04-25 11.39.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger.
I have the one on the right, pic related and I'm looking for the one on the left on your pic.
Great taste by the way

>> No.12104094
File: 2.76 MB, 2500x1738, lewd shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freakin' loli vampires, man

>> No.12104097

Man, that's one hell of collection. I'm so jelly right now.

>> No.12104108
File: 242 KB, 488x650, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12104116

Most right side, the 2nd row from the bottom. I need these 2 Flandre doujins for...stuff...

>> No.12104126

Has all this stuff been scanned?

>> No.12104127
File: 323 KB, 500x700, 9a1dfc7ab234f0ff035e5f0ac24de945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Did you think of that joke all on your own?

>> No.12104136

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to crack some joke, I'm just uncomfortable with asking someone blatantly to give me masturbation material.

>> No.12104165

The Kupaa one is like 300 pages, this might kill my cheap scanner.
I will probably scan the one on the right later though.

>> No.12106147

The white haired girl on the right is cute as HECK

>> No.12106162
File: 1.19 MB, 2304x1728, DSCN2182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all you wanted were some scans, I'm sure some people (I know I would) would get it and scan it for the price of the doujinshi, so that you don't have to pay for outrageous proxy or shipping fees.

Of course owning physical copies is a lot of fun. Figured I'd snap a picture of my collection while I'm at it, each stack is about 30 doujinshi high. I should take them out and take a better picture one day.

>> No.12107036

About how much did all of that cost you?

>> No.12107038

Do you live in japan?

Where I come from, that stuff would get stopped forever at the customs service, and then they'd promptly send the cops to my house later.

>> No.12107039

The artstyle of that Remlia and Flandre doujin looks so familiar but I just can't figure out where I have seen it before....

>> No.12107060

Look at that wallsocket. That aint fucking Japan.

>> No.12107062

Is there something about owning physical copies and lolis? It seems like 90% of owners/potential owners just want to buy loli stuff.

>> No.12107069

*is Japan.
Or murica. They have almost identical electrical outlets.

>> No.12107085
File: 75 KB, 580x646, outlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan actually uses those types of wallsockets with two straight lines, they don't have ground.

>> No.12107087

I know. tablet autocorrected it to "aint"
ungrounded sockets. Japan sure loves safety hazards.

>> No.12107097
File: 26 KB, 389x287, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and you'll find a lot of their power cords don't have pin protectors, meaning you can pretty much stick your finger in between the two connectors when its still pugged into the wall.
Other countries long ago either did the convex design hat you see on a lot of euro sockets or made it regulation that powercords must have pin protectors as seen in picture.
>/jp/ - Wallsockets and Electricity

>> No.12107109

nice greentext

>> No.12107124

Only anglo shitholes have retarded cp laws.
Anglos should be genocided for their crimes against loli.

>> No.12107137


>> No.12107160

>ungrounded sockets
The fact they haven't changed that yet is shocking

>> No.12107188
File: 1.69 MB, 958x1384, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When special appliances such as air conditioners, large heaters and sometimes fridges, washing machines and dish washers, other domestic appliances etc are installed they actually have to get special grounding installed for those.

Its actually quite funny how some of their old buildings have the old legacy NEMA-5 connector which is used in US, canada, mexico etc(>>12107085
second bottom left). They pretty much downgraded their sockets.

>> No.12107289

That looks like a fucking fire hazard.

Shocking indeed. Literally.

>> No.12107473

Most stuff comes from Comiket where it's around 500 yen a piece (1,000 for full color usually). Then a decent part comes from second hand shops like Mandarake or Rashinban, where prices like 200-400 yen are very common. The 5 dakis cost a lot though, 10-12k a piece.
My very first Comiket cost me 150,000 yen. I didn't keep track after that but I suppose around 200-250,000 total. I live in Japan, obviously. I don't know what I'll do when I need to leave the country, probably donate it or sell it back for 50 yen a piece.

Yup! I'll be picking up his new release tomorrow too. I really like that particular style.

And yeah, sockets just plain suck here.

>> No.12107475

Also, that's a good question. I don't really know if there's a link but it seems to be common. However, maybe half of my collection is not pure loli, I just put a loli one on top of every stack for fun.

>> No.12107528

Are you a whitu piggu, or a jap? And do people frown upon buying this smut in japan, and at those comikets etc?

>> No.12107675

I think I might be winning a bid against /m/ rider sometime later today.

>> No.12107684

You know Japanese, don't you?
It would probably be worth it to sell them on Y!J instead of trying to dump the lot at Mandarake.

>> No.12107704

Its actually the opposite. The ground doesn't have any current running through it unless something has gone horribly wrong with whatever is hooked up to it. And then it probably helps the device not zap you to death.

>> No.12107707

what kind of monster would sell their beloved doujinshi

>> No.12107726

So why haven't we decided on one superior electric outlet throughout the world yet?

I think that this is the more important question rather than "Is loli legal in my country?".

Don't get started on costs, just do it. And while we're at it, get rid of everything but the metric system.

>> No.12107731
File: 281 KB, 1000x1333, new arrivals 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like bro. Some of my most sought after doujinshi were second hand (and they were in damn fine quality to boot), so I can't knock it.

Some anon posted a zip with camrips a while ago, but I don't have the link anymore. You can probably find it on the /a/ archive.

As for scanning, maybe.

>> No.12107866
File: 415 KB, 938x927, ippip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're illegal where I live
that's enough evidence, i've already called the cyber police. enjoy your time in jail, you lawbreaker. consequences will never be the same.

>> No.12108057
File: 768 KB, 1200x1800, flanflan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flan books, what appears to be Sonohigurashi in the corner
Yeaaaaaaaaah, I knew that you had to be the guy!
Thanks for the photos, I had always wondered what was in that book.

Which, while on the subject of wondering what's in books that I'll most likely never be able to obtain:
How much regret should I be feeling about not picking up that Kupaa book while I had the chance?
Just how much Flan did I miss out on?

>> No.12108259

I need the scans of that futanari Patchouli doujinshi.
Even photos would be better than nothing. Please, I beg of you.

>> No.12108261

>And it's not futa but tentacle.
Even then I beg. The artist is one of my favorite artist so...

>> No.12108274

Well, in his case, someone moving out of Japan.

I'd like to do a for sale thread and sell some of mine sometime. I buy doujins to scan, I much prefer digital to physical.

>> No.12108456
File: 110 KB, 1000x821, Flan kyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much Flan! What an amazing collection

>Just how much Flan did I miss out on?
Not that much really. There is only three short stories featuring Flandre, and they're not that great.

>> No.12108544

I'm a white guy. They don't care as far as can tell. My Japanese is really good though, so if anything I get "日本語上手ですね!" all the time when buying stuff.

And no way I'm selling hundreds of stuff one by one on Yahoo auctions. I'll either give everything away or sell everything at once.

>> No.12108601

The one case I can recall the guy just had the doujins confiscated and wasn't actually convicted with anything. After seeking legal help from the Australian Sex Party he was able to reclaim some of the doujins that were not banned.
He later brought the exact same doujins into the country without a problem and when the ASP publicized this (to support their claim that the system by which pornography is banned is very flawed) he was not punished at all.

>> No.12108694

Wait, so when you're charged customs, they don't even fucking open the package?!

>> No.12108697

In the UK there has been. Although someone found it on the guys computer and called the cops

>> No.12108698

Were they loli? What happened?

>> No.12108704

Where can I read translated doujin online then?

>> No.12108730

>They don't care as far as can tell.
They do if you buy from internets. Many shops totally refuse intertional shipping. I think only once I have gotten "no international shipping" shop to send me stuff and it was very small shop. It's not because of some (most Japanese can't even believe such things exist) laws in far-away countries or in most cases even racism, but usually more mundane reasons like hassle of managing and sending international shipments.

Ofcourse in Japan itself (buying from stores etc.) no-one cares if you behave well and can speak atleast basics. Infact most of them actually love gaijins who get the language and culture. Racism is more related to behaving badly (includes not knowing local customs) or long-term living there.

>> No.12108951

Yeha thanks, I'll just plow though literally thousands of threads in the hopes of finding it.

>> No.12108953

This is why i fucking hate this board sometimes. I dont know who I'm talking to.

Are you the same guy that owns that Studio Tar Log Horizon book? If you're going to sell that one, I'll gladly take it off your hands.

>> No.12108957

Yes. They dont always open packages, but if your package comes from an area where there is no VAT, you'll be charged VAT as import tax

>> No.12108958

They werent loli. And nothing happened.
THey resealed the cardboard envelope with "Brussels Customs branded tape. All that pissed me off was the delay.

>> No.12108968

its shit like this that makes me think that its stupid and couter productive to punish people by sending them to gaol. cant there be another way?

>> No.12109622
File: 294 KB, 500x666, BiWyHHUCIAATN74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys sneak R-18 doujins into your house without the prudish parental unit noticing? I'm not stupid enough to open the package right in the living room, but rather I'm more concerned about the aforementioned curious people asking questions about what's inside of it.

>> No.12109630

Say its a hobbyists tool, like some twine for macramé, a chisel for stone carving, a dremel for wood working, or a hobbyist magazine like chrome n' flamen, home and garden, or mens digest.

>> No.12109636


>> No.12109696

Move out.

>> No.12110015

How do you move out without working?

>> No.12110023

Start sucking dicks

>> No.12110031

Do you people instruct them to put a fake value when they ship? like how much?

>> No.12110032

That's basically working!

>> No.12110046

there's not much to it

>> No.12110073 [DELETED] 

Woah epic feel guy image dude! Saved!

>> No.12110111

rent a PO box

>> No.12111458

Just say its a book.

>> No.12113886

Damn, Jap postal service works fucking fast. They only shipped it today at noon, and the package was already en route 1 hour later.

>> No.12114304

And The package has left the Holy Land of Japan.
Damn, they are fuckin fast. At this rate it will take more time to get through my country's customs than it took to travel across the fucking world.

>> No.12114319

It's easier to send than to recieve.

>> No.12117824
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1391707641888s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Package is now at customs in ma country.
Also, what is the fucking point in tracking your parcel when there is a fucking 4 hour delay in status updates. By the time the tracker updates, the postman will have rang ma door already, and I'll have missed it.

>> No.12118820

>>12108259 >>12108261
In case you didn't abandon the thread, sorry for the late reply. I was away for a few days. I'll get on it tomorrow but rest comes first.

>> No.12120206

When was the last time someone was jailed for obscenity laws in US? 1999?
Half the shit on this website is illegal under obscenity laws anyway.

>> No.12120268

Why don't people scan xration stuff anymore?

>> No.12120289

>you mena 3 copies.
one for reading, one for scanning and one for fapping all over?
