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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12098843 No.12098843 [Reply] [Original]

What is the current state of otaku culture? Which is it heading?

>> No.12098846


>> No.12098870

into a ravine

>> No.12098889

lol what a fuking nerd

>> No.12098902

Don't know how to feel about that guy. On one hand he's clearly a lolicon and I respect that, but on the other hand, he's on D-Jew's site.

To answer your question, it's probably going to continue: moe, marketing, light-novel adaptations. You know the deal.

>> No.12098938


Danny has some respectable points, don't hate.

>> No.12098986

>light-novel adaptations
When did these really take off?

>> No.12099005

After Haruhi/Lucky Star. They ruined everything.

>> No.12099019

No, Hauri saved anime.

>> No.12099044

Yes, just like like 2hu, kancolle and Visual Novels saved the japanese videogame market.

Sorry I'm here just for Babymetal, I don't share any other interest with you guys, keep going without me.

>> No.12099045

Like "being an insufferable faggot" and "having a stupid face?" Don't forget "selling a false image of Japan to autistic idiots."

>> No.12099065

>Sorry I'm here just for Babymetal

Can I actually ask you something then?

Look at one of their music videos on youtube, literally any one of them, but specifically look at the comments

How do you feel when people make comments like "OMG I WISH THIS WAS AN ANIME INTRO XD"?

Personally? I want to hold theire face down in a bowl of miso until they stop trying relate and compare everything to anime.

>> No.12099075

Mate your gonna need some therapy.

>> No.12099098
File: 235 KB, 500x358, vocaloid adventures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099107

>What is the current state of otaku culture? Which is it heading?

Kiddy Fiddler Highway.

>> No.12099174

Post more otacool pictures.

>> No.12099185

Down the drain!

>> No.12099196

Personally Otaku Culture is p. problematic next to Gamer Culture. Both just makes me go Uggghhh and roll my eyes. This Persona 4 quote is literally how I feel when I see Otakus or Gamers: "You feel that the bond between your face and palm is strengthening..."

>> No.12099224

>Sorry I'm here just for Babymetal, I don't share any other interest with you guys
Babymetalfags were a bunch of normies, why am I not surprised.

>> No.12099297

>respectable points
>Danny Choo

>sell out
>obnoxious as fuck
>doing "le weird nipponese shit :^) eww japan XD" to gain attention

>> No.12099319

I wish I could be confident enough to go on a Vocaloid adventure in Wall-Mart.

>> No.12099339 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 1280x1175, funny cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

janny hijack
happy birthday janny

>> No.12099373 [DELETED] 

If you're asking us how bad it's been going moot, then it's been going pretty bad. Can't believe the stuff that janny allows. I'm just eternally grateful for the auto hide thread filter.

>> No.12099438

>When did these really take off?
When kids who grew up with 2ch and moontube thought it was cool to be anime fan
No, it just made anime rely on the chara goods industry more. Year over year in the early 2000s anime was selling more, we were getting more anime, and more importantly every season had at least a few things worth watching.

>> No.12099465

He was "Speaker for Otaku Culture" at some sort of Japanese awareness conference in Germany, and I know he did something with some Japanese politician types.

I half-follow his career out of curiosity, but I really don't think he deserves his position. He hasn't earned it, no matter what his "How Discovering Japan Changed My Life" article says.

He came out of nowhere. It's no coincidence that his dad is a wealthy fashion designer, and apparently he tried to hide this fact for a while. If his dad didn't help him out, I have no idea where his weeaboo empire came from. I hadn't heard of the guy a few years ago, now he's hosting conventions and shaking hands with some of the biggest figures in the industry.

Maybe it would be fine if his content was good, but it isn't. His writing is atrocious. He should get someone else to write his articles, or at least proofread them. He gets other people to do everything else, so why not? Which is another thing: all the art, merchandise, animation, none of that is his. He actually published a book that was nothing but other people's cosplays and rooms without paying them, their "reward" was being in a book, like those poetry competition scams.

Last time I visited, his website was a garbled mess of difficult-to-navigate links and Web 2.0 widgets. My computer slowed to a crawl whenever I visit a page. Still, it's better than the previous version. Choo probably hired someone else to code this one.

If there's one thing I can give the guy, he's a savvy businessman and charismatic enough to get away with all this. I think in another life he was a cult leader.

More reading:
New janitors will not be good for /jp/ waning population.

>> No.12099469

this, it is disgusting.

>> No.12099728

If this thread is still up it's in a better direction

>> No.12099742

I don't think it'll change much. It'll probably shrink and become more collaborative.

>> No.12099771

Haven't been on his site in awhile but I do remember him posting anime screencaps all the time saying stuff like "this girl is cute" but never actually watching the shit he posts about

>> No.12099897

Atleast DC is working on that smartdoll shit. As long as it actually happens it will make all his bullshit worth it.

>> No.12099971

It's a hipsterish fad for people who like metal
>metal is so brutal
>But when little girls are the musicians...

>> No.12099987 [DELETED] 

otaku culture is alive and well in the hearts and souls of the trutaku everywhere

>> No.12100064

He really doesn't. Plundering subculture is not respectable. He's doing to otaku culture what whites have done to black culture: distorting it, fetishizing it, and selling it to ignorant whites.

2000's. It's just another avenue of cross-promotion. Not hating it, mind you, because some light-novels have good stories and even the ones with shitty stories are enjoyable (like Nyaruko or something). I would just like to see more anime originals. It's such a powerful medium that goes to waste because adaption turns faster profits.

>> No.12100087

>what whites have done to black culture
You mean Jews right?

>> No.12100094

Yeah. I kinda group them together though, you know? I guess "ignorant white" constitutes non-jews lol.

>> No.12100102

Are you forgetting that the Japanese "plundered" Chinese language, land, social structures and religions?
Anime and Otaku culture is also heavily influenced by American culture (Disney for example) and American capitalism(merchandising, tv. etc.). There is way more than I will go into on this post...

tldr; all cultures take from other cultures they are in contact with. Calling it "plundering" is asinine.

>> No.12100110

Jews consider themselves separate from whites.

>I guess "ignorant white" constitutes non-jews lol.
Whites have a lower average IQ than Jews.

>> No.12100113 [DELETED] 

Serious appropriation is less cringeworthy than joke appropriation.

>> No.12100116

>Are you forgetting that the Japanese "plundered" Chinese language, land, social structures and religions?
>Anime and Otaku culture is also heavily influenced by American culture (Disney for example) and American capitalism(merchandising, tv. etc.).
Completely different game. Despite the influences, Japanese culture evolved into it's own unique culture. You can't say that about what mainstream whites did with hip-hop or what Choo does with otaku culture (unless you think hyperreality through recycling simulacra is "unique culture").

What Choo does is sell a sham of otaku culture proper--diluting it, castrating it, and selling it. Don't confuse cultural adoption for misappropriation. One deals with content, the other, image.

Also, assuming your conflation was appropriate, two wrongs don't make a right.

I honestly don't know enough about Jews to make that distinction. I just know they constitute a disproportionate segment of the upper crust. They all look white to me.

>> No.12100135

>Don't confuse cultural adoption for misappropriation. One deals with content, the other, image.
Culture is composed of both image and content. A culture item might emphasize one or the other but there is no real separating them.

People like Choo (and Eminem I guess) are just a part of how cultures deal with other cultures. Choo might be selling a weakened form of Japanese culture, but it still is a form of Japanese culture.

>two wrongs don't make a right.
Please. People exchanging information (culture in this case) is not wrong.

>> No.12100166

>Culture is composed of both image and content. A culture item might emphasize one or the other but there is no real separating them.
Wrong. Sign and meaning are separated all the time in contemporary culture due to how quickly and efficiently symbols can be communicated. Advertising works on this principle: detach image and meaning, sell the image by attaching it to X product. Danny does this by taking otaku signs (e.g. moe aesthetic, maids, figures, dakimakura) and attaching it to his products (one's that aren't actually products of otaku culture--manufactured by himself).

>Choo might be selling a weakened form of Japanese culture, but it still is a form of Japanese culture.
No. It's simulacra detached from any "real" culture. What he's selling is a simulation of the otaku lifestyle which he has distorted into a self-serving fantasy. The narratives that aren't being communicated in Choo's version of "otaku culture" constitute otaku culture itself! It's more than figures, anime, and moe. It's more than money and industry. It's decades of history. It's collective coping with post-war anxiety and subgroups coping with social isolation. It's alienation, loneliness, and stigma.

It's about as "Japanese" as Gwen Stefani's Harajuku is For Lovers brand, which is to say not Japanese at all. Shit is a fucking brand.

>People exchanging information (culture in this case) is not wrong.
Profiting off a contrived fiction of another culture is hardly right. Or do you think selling FUBU shit to white kids to make them feel "black" and cool and urban while reinforcing stereotypes is something beneficial?

>> No.12100175

>Or do you think selling FUBU shit
Shit, even better, Zoo York is basically one Jew plundering New York's hip-hop subculture without paying it any respect. You think blacks give a fuck about Zoo York? You think Japanese otaku give a fuck about Choo?

>> No.12100228

>manufactured by himself
Do you seriously think that all "real otaku products" are made in Japan? It doesn't matter who manufactures it when the product is the same.

> It's decades of history. It's collective coping with post-war anxiety
Most otaku were not even alive to experience this. But many of them were alive during and benefit from Japan's economic boom.

>subgroups coping with social isolation. It's alienation, loneliness, and stigma.
>Profiting off a contrived fiction of another culture is hardly right.
I think you are ignoring how it works in Japan. Japanese companies are profiting from selling products to otaku and are fulfilling an emotional need. This is just a "real" as any other cultural product from anywhere else,

Because all of culture is just information there is no such thing as "non-real" information. Does a mathematician need to be Greek for something to be "real" mathematics?
The capitalist selling of fake human interaction to socially isolated people is just as detached from any "real" culture as anything else sold anywhere in the world.

>> No.12100254

>Do you seriously think that all "real otaku products" are made in Japan? It doesn't matter who manufactures it when the product is the same.
Oh come on. Obviously they aren't physically made in Japan, but the products themselves stem from the culture itself. Choo is an outsider insinuating himself into it and producing imitations. The difference is like a hip-hop producer selling hand-made tapes and a huge, white-owned label creating and marketing a character rapper. Mirai looks like any other moe character, but she is not attached to any product or narrative of otaku culture--she stands alone as part of Choo's narrative. Cheap imitation.

>Most otaku were not even alive to experience this. But many of them were alive during and benefit from Japan's economic boom.
Do your research. The first and second generations are still alive and well. Anime up to the 2000s still expressed an ambivalence to war, technology, and carry themes of apocalypse, destruction, and rebirth. Anno is still making shit, you know.

>Japanese companies are profiting from selling products to otaku and are fulfilling an emotional need. This is just a "real" as any other cultural product from anywhere else,
Otaku culture was originally produced by otaku and largely still is. The guys directing anime, making games, and drawing manga are fans of anime, games, and manga. It's made for fans.

Choo makes shit for himself. His fans are drawn to hype rather than content. He feeds off of the products of others. Honestly, check it out, though I guess with your dedicated defense you're already familiar with it. It's shallow tripe.

>Because all of culture is just information there is no such thing as "non-real" information
Totally begging the question. Culture is not "just information" but a complex "language" which refers to localized narratives and meanings. What Choo is doing is ignoring certain narratives and insinuating his own, selling the most shallow of products masquerading as culture.

>> No.12100259

>Culture is not "just information" but a complex "language" which refers to localized narratives and meanings
Just in case this isn't clear (which it isn't), "culture" is a localized (i.e. unique) complex of thought, belief, behavior, and communication--symbol and meaning. It's more than raw data or information. A cultural product refers to a reality of the culture. Media refers to sociocultural contexts.

Brands don't follow this trend. They survive by detaching themselves from meanings and contexts which is why they're so flexible. Sure they can be part of a culture, but that's a different point. My point is that Choo is not a producer of otaku culture but rather creator of simulacra through his physical goods and simulation through his goods and site.

If you give a shit about otaku culture, you give your money and time to the people who make it and support it, not the people who misappropriate its symbols for money or attention (e.g., Choo, certain politicians, otacool "buyfags").

I'm going to bed. I'll continue this tomorrow if the thread is still here and you care to continue.

>> No.12100280

>What is the current state of otaku culture

slaves to corps

>> No.12100348

>Plundering subculture is not respectable

>> No.12100362 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 704x396, gallery_3_7_13937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thred needs moer otakoey pictuers

>> No.12100372

This guys room is hella gay, but he actually looks like a cool dude. he has a nice smile.

>> No.12100393

>Otaku culture was originally produced by otaku and largely still is
You mean the Koreans that are animating whatever series are fans of anime?

>> No.12100396

ITT: Anons think anything made by a company to make money can be culture.

That's why I pirate my anime.

>> No.12100422

They're being paid to animate.

>> No.12100431

Which doesn't make them otaku.

>> No.12100437


Koreans do inbetweens for some companies. The key staff and animators are all otaku. Being an animator in Japan has awful pay and working hours, there's no reason to do it if you don't enjoy the work.

>> No.12100442

>The key staff and animators are all otaku
Citation needed.

>> No.12100449

*unzips citation*

>> No.12100450

Do you have one that's not on microfilm?

>> No.12100453

They don't matter, just doing a service for pay.

>> No.12100463

The problem with Choo is that he goes to such great lengths to be so closely associated with all of his content. If he could just be in the background little bit more, maybe he could at least only be as hated as someone like Peter Payne. I don't get how he can fail to realize how much everything he does serves only to make the "legit" side of the international fandom hate him.

>> No.12100485

Not the guy you're replying to, but from someone involved to a degree in the industry:

Nearly every professional artist I've met has been an introverted otaku, although there are exceptions. Writers for projects that require text equivalent to or longer than a short-ish novel also tend to be otaku, although it varies for shorter projects. Every programmer I've met has been an otaku, but that should be obvious. Musicians are a mix, some of them are otaku but some are super normalfags. Seiyuu/vocalists are either normalfags, casual otaku, or rarely hardcore otaku who still possess the social skills needed to pass as normies when need be. People who work at otaku culture companies in jobs unrelated to actual creation vary, depending on the hiring practices of the company in question. Producers/people on top/people providing the money are usually normalfags.

>> No.12100663

A friend saw him talking in some convention, he was saying shit like "I took risk and that's because I did it that I am in this position now!"

How the fuck some asshole with a filthy rich father can take any "risk"...? His father helped him creating his business and he tried to hide it for a while.

>> No.12100694

>an outsider insinuating himself into it and producing imitations
All people born into a culture start as "outsiders" and try to imitate those around them and eventually duplicate the culture. All people within a culture are all produce "Cheap imitation."

>Otaku culture was originally produced by otaku and largely still is.
>He feeds off of the products of others
What I'm talking about is how people become part of a culture. They all start out as outsiders learn more of the social cues and expectations and then become incorporated. Everyone starts imitating the people they want to emulate or are supposed to emulate. This goes for people inside and outside a culture.

>your dedicated defense you're already familiar with it
I'm not actually. I'm just interested in this discussion.

>selling the most shallow of products masquerading as culture.
That's just pop culture in general though. And some more tradition Japanese would probably argue that anime, manga etc. are also "shallow products masquerading as culture."

> "culture" is a localized (i.e. unique) complex of thought, belief, behavior, and communication
ok. But the more communication there is between different cultures, the less local it becomes and the closer they become one culture. And globalization is definitely is destroying purely local meaning, thoughts behavior, etc.

>It's more than raw data or information.
That was me just simplifying. But it is still a type of information that people transmit between each other. My big point is that everyone starts as a foreigner because they are born blank slates. That means culture is not limited to a specific region,nationality or ethnic group and can be incorporated into anyone.

>> No.12100720

>All people born into a culture start as "outsiders" and try to imitate those around them and eventually duplicate the culture.
lol what. Think about children growing up, implicitly picking up languages and codes both spoken and unspoken, and now compare that to some asshole with a blog who flies in and thinks he knows everything about that world. Especially in subculture, a lot of things simply cannot be communicated without an intimate involvement--there was a time before computers and the internet, you know. There used to be a thing as community and real human networks.

>All people within a culture are all produce "Cheap imitation."
A completely baseless assumption that ignores my point. I am arguing that cultural appropriation produces simulacra and I've already laid out the semiotic framework for it.

>Everyone starts imitating the people they want to emulate or are supposed to emulate. This goes for people inside and outside a culture.
You're talking completely different levels of involvement and engagement. I firmly think that anyone physically removed from the environment cannot be otaku. That Choo is physically there yet refuses to discuss the otaku narrative in its entirety is evidence that he's an "otaku" in name only--he's niwaka to a T.

>That's just pop culture in general though. And some more tradition Japanese would probably argue that anime, manga etc. are also "shallow products masquerading as culture."
Pop culture in Japan IS culture. There's very little divide in "high" or "low" culture there. TV anime communicates much more complex themes than television here in the US, or at least, it did. The problem is that Choo's products communicate absolutely nothing, not even what simple moe series would express because they don't even come from a media product. "Moe" can be an extremely interesting and personal theme, look at the denpa phenomenon. Choo's is just cheap imitation of the most shallow of otaku products--chara goods.

>> No.12100733


>And globalization is definitely is destroying purely local meaning, thoughts behavior, etc.
No, rather, greater connection means more localization by dissolving grand/meta narratives since it opens doors of information. This is the same phenomenon that even allows for cultural appropriation of this specificity. It's how a person can buy a Mirai figure and think they're "otaku" (i.e. that the figure communicates affiliation with a foreign culture and supplements an "otaku" persona). It's how you can buy clothes that are "urban" or inspired by ambiguous "native american" patterns and communicate something through that. It's no longer about wholes and "us" but now about merging of self and the cosmos of signs, detached from origin and meaning.

>My big point is that everyone starts as a foreigner because they are born blank slates.
That's a big assumption you're making, and one that has been shown wrong by current research. The existence of genetic predispositions to certain behaviors and traits says you're wrong. Moreover, the way we pick up culture from before we're even born undermines your point. There's a difference between being there and reading about it. There's a difference between being an insider and an outsider.

>That means culture is not limited to a specific region,nationality or ethnic group
You're arguing that culture is not culture. Go brush up on your definitions and come back. There's a difference between information about a culture and the culture itself. It's like reading a book about Japan and actually living there. It's the difference between a tourist and a person who was born there and grew up there. If you think the two are the same, you're simply wrong.

>> No.12100817

I want to answer these, but I have to go. If the thread is still up I'll respond here. If not, maybe you can start a new thread, with your last two posts? If your interested, anyway.

>> No.12100889

Its going to die soon, Ill give it 10 years.

>> No.12100937

>And globalization is definitely is destroying purely local meaning, thoughts behavior, etc.

Yeah, that's why Scotland wants to get independent. They got their "local thoughts" changed and are now open to anyone.

Next time you try, you shouldn't copy half truths you read in some globalist magazine.

>> No.12101035

Global smearing of culture encourages the creation of subcultures which are incorporated by mainstream cultures over time. It's happened to everything. Sad, really.

>> No.12101565

I’m going to do this post a little bit differently. I’ll try my best to explain some of my underlining assumptions (simplified because I am not writing a book), so you have a better idea where I’m coming from and where you disagree. Sorry if it is repetitive of unclear. I’m not really a writer.

1) I reject racial and ethnic essentialism. We are all human. We all come from Africa. Genetic differences between races and ethnic groups are just superficial facial and skin differences.
2) We are born into the world with no ethnic, social, national or religious ideology. Those are all taught. However I acknowledge that things like group formation, social interaction, group conformity and various survival instincts probably developed through evolution.
3) You are born and then other people (parents, elders, teachers, etc.) socialize and indoctrinate you to accept their culture (social information on how to behave, think, decipher meaning, etc). The majority of people internalize this outside culture. (People who do not internalize the dominate culture tended to historically be ostracized.)
4) However if they were born anywhere else they would internalize a different culture. So if you take a kid who was born as an America and raised him as a Saudi in Saudi Arabia then he would be culturally Saudi; and vise versa.
5) This shows how changeable culture is. This information is imposed on children who internalize it (appropriate), but different information could have been internalized (appropriated).
6) People can still learn new cultures (information). Even if their “original” culture is heavily internalized they can still adapt to new cultures.
7) So, Culture is not magic. It is information. Information can combine and change. And most people can learn, understand, internalize, or reject new information, even if they did not grow up into it.


>> No.12101571


>codes both spoken and unspoken
>lot of things simply cannot be communicated without an intimate involvement
These are often made explicit by subtle hints if it is unspoken. But academics can potentially break down a culture into pieces so anyone can know what is or is not expected. Though I agree that it probably is more efficient to directly communicate with people.

>There used to be a thing as community and real human networks.
National and large cultural communities are essentially "Imagined communities" (I’m getting this from Benedict Anderson's book). All communities larger than about 200 people are created and reinforced through mass media.
>I firmly think that anyone physically removed from the environment cannot be otaku.
Imagined communities, such as otaku, are created by mass media so there is no explicit region that is needed. But again, it would probably be more efficient to directly gather information yourself instead of relying on other observers.
> greater connection means more localization by dissolving grand/meta narratives since it opens doors of information. It's how a person can buy …It's how you can buy.
It seems like the meta-narrative didn’t dissolve. It just got incorporated into capitalism.
> It's no longer about wholes and "us" but now about merging of self and the cosmos of signs, detached from origin and meaning
Isn’t this just another meta-narrative?
> That's a big assumption you're making…
See point # 2.
> the way we pick up culture from before we're even born undermines your point
> before we're even born
How is that supposed to happen!?
> There's a difference between being an insider and an outsider.
I agree. People have culturally given standards that they judge others on and that determines if you are an outsider or insider. Of course, if you change the basis on which they judge people, say through controlling mass media…


>> No.12101578 [DELETED] 

DOwn like your mom LMAO

>> No.12101603

> There's a difference between information about a culture and the culture itself.
Culture is information (views, beliefs, thoughts, etc) that is internalized in a person’s mind. This information (culture) can be explicitly written down in a book. See point # 7
> If you think the two are the same
As I said, sometimes social and cultural information can only be internalized through direct socialization.

Anyway, Choo is just part of the process through which American culture is merging with Japanese culture. Personal tastes are subjective. Choo's simulacra of Japanese culture does not ring with you because it is not quite right. But that is because he is only the start of a merging of artistic information. As time goes on their will be better and better simulacra until it is the new real thing.

Thanks for reading this if you do, I understand if you think I went a little overboard.

btw, I don't care for Choo's stuff at all. I just see him as part of a larger process that I ultimately approve of; a new global culture.

>> No.12101609 [DELETED] 

Otaku are currently transitioning from Touhou to Kantai Collection

>> No.12101612

your love of globalism and fixation with a global internation mono-cultured society is disgusting, please terminate yourself.

>> No.12101613

Otaku are currently transitioning from Touhou to Kantai Collection. Now what to do with stacks of Reimu doujinshi

>> No.12101615

Why is it disgusting? Are you afraid?

>> No.12101634

Not afraid, I'm an Eurasianist, a mono-polar globalized society is what I'm fighting against on all levels.
You're worshipping the Leviathan and I the behemoth.

>> No.12101669

I genuinely want to know why you don't want a "mono-polar globalized society."

Rights would be guaranteed. We would still have capitalism/private property.It would eliminate wars, poverty, slavery. Individual crimes would of course still happen, but they would just be caught immediately.

>> No.12101680

Check this for a simple explanation of the concepts of Eurasianism and why we're opposed to you, i don't feel bothered to write a lengthy explanation:

>> No.12101696

>It would eliminate wars, poverty, slavery.
Not that anon, but top lel. Be realistic here... you are forgetting that the most horrible wars ever recorded in human history have been caused by petty disagreements over politics, race, money, etc.

>> No.12101720

Well it would take a few generations, but if nationalism is nothing but a hollow formality, if not gone completely, racism is a distasteful thing from the past and people generally agree with the political,social and economic system...How would wars even happen?

>> No.12101744
File: 4 KB, 336x216, EarthFederationFlag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasn't nationalism or racism in ancient roman times, there were still a lot of wars, especially civil wars...

I still would favour a one world (democratic) government though

>> No.12101799

>and people generally agree with the political,social and economic system...How would wars even happen?
It seems that in your shitty ``perfect society", it would most likely take only one person to get killed for their small opposing opinion, challenging people's morality, eventually sparking a witch hunt, and in turn cause a violent rebellion.

I've think you've taken way too much drugs dude.

>> No.12101802

Hasn't it already been established that the human race has proved too stupid to not continue participating in wars?

>> No.12101903

>I can only half read posts
>So that means you must be taking drugs!
I will point out everything you got wrong.

>``perfect society"
Yet here I say there would still be crime:
>Individual crimes would of course still happen, but they would just be caught immediately.

>challenging people's morality
What moral would be challenged? Who would disagree with these morals except for criminals:
>Rights would be guaranteed. We would still have capitalism/private property. It would eliminate wars, poverty, slavery.
Only psychopathic criminals would even try to start a "violent rebellion" because the government supported Human Rights. Good thing those criminals would be just be arrested.

>> No.12101909

Lack of Marxist critical analysis in here.

>> No.12101921

People go to war because they believe they will benefit in some way, not because they are stupid.

If you have the right carrot and stick set up, then most people will not fight each other and will cooperate. The few who would attempt to organize a war would be found out quickly and arrested.

>> No.12101929

I believe otaku is the new intellectual class since they are non-conformist.

>> No.12101930

>selling it to ignorant whites.

I get the impression that Choo's main audience are nouveau-riche kids and young adults in other parts of Asia like Singapore and China.

I was in University when K-On! was really big, and a bunch of the rich Chinese international students had $100,000 BMWs and Audis with K-On plushies sitting in the back windows.

>> No.12101945

>mono-polar globalized society

Thanks to the internet this is almost inevitable at this point. Otaku stuff found an international audience largely through the internet on its own merits whatever those may be (4chan as well as sites like SA played a huge part in this), people like Choo and Peter Payne are just following the wave.

>> No.12101948

>I will point out everything you got wrong.
I disregarded your post almost entirely the moment you couldn't even quote me properly. You're on /jp/, remember faggot?

Also, define "Human Rights" that doesn't refer to any documents that I have the absolute right to use as toilet paper if I deem it as so.

This thread is getting way off-topic either way.
Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12101959

>Confused about paraphrasing

>> No.12101961

Oh my god this thread reeks of jumbled mind fragments of an undergraduate arts program.

How about we use contemporary physics as a framework to describe Danny's actions and their effects on the surrounding physical medium?

>> No.12101965

Danny Choo's corporate secondary bigotry is appropriating otaku culture and causing further entropy to eliminate the otaku race

Who otaku rights activist here???

>> No.12101967

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12101971

>Very confused about paraphrasing.

>> No.12101972

Is that why they all watch the exact same type of shows?

>> No.12101974

Who doth thy quoth?

>> No.12101976

Yes, and complain about it.

>> No.12101977

And I couldn't give a single fuck. If you can make enough noise and draw in the attention, that's going to be profitable under present economic conditions. Cultural parasites such as Choo are fucking ubiquitous and unless they are degrading or arresting the host culture in some demonstrable way I don't necessarily see the issue. I only know of this individual because of periodic discussions that oddly take place here and without doubt serve to advertise his existence.

All of this shit about "value" and cultural "authenticity" is shit. People seem to recognize semiotic structures can hold a physical existence, but what meaning they hold is contingent on time and the observer - ie, intrinsically meaningless.

>> No.12101979

Is that why there's so much bitching about moeshit and stuff like that?

>> No.12101987

And have rooms that look alike.

>> No.12101996

>How would wars even happen

Scarcity. lrn 2 anth1000

>> No.12102049

>he has a nice smile
You're hella gay

>> No.12102175

Complaining about stuff is not in itself being nonconformist. It's just a reaction to the feeling of being domesticated, which can be dispelled (at least temporarily) by having new wants satisfied.

Being members of a culture, let alone one heavily centered around consumerism, makes one conformist. It's hard not to be in capitalist society.

>> No.12102544

Sorry for the late post.

>We are all human. We all come from Africa. Genetic differences between races and ethnic groups are just superficial facial and skin differences.
Agreed. Almost everything is socially constructed.

>he would be culturally Saudi; and vise versa.
Not that simple. Despite your views, cultures still hold race and ethnicity as important. Simply being white might be cause for separation from dominant culture--look at the marginalization of blacks, homosexuals, etc in white, heterosexual mainstream culture. This is evidence of cultural rigidity. Yes it's fluid to a degree, but only so much that the individuals therein allow. Even then it takes time.

>Even if their “original” culture is heavily internalized they can still adapt to new cultures.
You're ignoring that values held in one culture can conflict with another. The culture you're raised in changes you fundamentally, even to the point of cognitive functioning. For example, Japanese people look at a picture and focus on the background/context rather than foreground objects as is the case of the U.S. Some optical illusions only work in some cultures.

>So, Culture is not magic. It is information. Information can combine and change. And most people can learn, understand, internalize, or reject new information, even if they did not grow up into it.
Of course. But you're not giving enough credit to the power of your environment. It can literally change your gene expression--change you physically. You're talking about consciously incorporating foreign things into an implicit complex of belief, thought, and behavior. Your cultural background influences what you learn, understand, internalize, accept and reject. Culture doesn't magically change. More often than not, you will twist things to affirm your beliefs and the culture at large. You will take familiar over foreign. It becomes reinforced. Change takes a long time.

>> No.12102566


>But academics can potentially break down a culture into pieces so anyone can know what is or is not expected.
That's abstract. You should know that in order to even begin to understand something as complex as a culture, you need to be there. That's why cultural anthropology stresses the need for participation. Even then, you being there affects the observation. An outsider is completely at a disadvantage in getting to the truth.

>All communities larger than about 200 people are created and reinforced through mass media.
Such a load of shit. It's like you've never heard of subculture. The site you're on was once only a few hundred in people, but would you say that's "created through mass media"? It's an organic subculture borne through like-minded individuals. It still operates that way (somewhat) despite having millions of visitors a day. Subcultures of all types operate this way. What about before the invention of mass media? Come on, son.

>Imagined communities, such as otaku, are created by mass media so there is no explicit region that is needed.
What? It started in Japan under a specific group of sociocultural conditions only found in Japan.

Think about how particular and deeply woven language is in culture. It mediates meaning--how we communicate it, process it, and understand it. Now think about how different cultures have different languages. Image culture itself as a larger language.

If you can't speak Japanese--if you can't grasp the symbolic and physical referents found in their cultural products, how could you possibly call yourself one of them? These things are marked by codes that we don't even notice because they're so deeply internalized and systemic. To think any outsider could fit in is pretty silly. At best, you're a tourist--a victim in a game of dominance.

>It just got incorporated into capitalism.
Separate. We can appropriate ideas and human efforts. As long as there's a sign we can borrow it.

>> No.12102607


>Isn’t this just another meta-narrative?
I don't know if mine is Lyotard's, but I don't think metanarratives just "disappear." They simply become another in a sea of local narratives, albeit stronger than the more particular ones due to their common acceptance. The fact of relativism between individuals and collectives undermines any meta-narrative. Yes, relativism could be another meta-narrative, but there are those who don't adhere to it. As a critical view this is messy, but it opens the door to how we can appreciate differences and how they occur. It changes the nature of "self" in a world now inundated with information. You could actually use this to support your argument and I would probably concede to it (no promises).

>See point # 2.
What you admit in your point undermines your point. Local forces (not physical but relational) trump foreign ones. It might be that we're genetically predisposed to prioritizing "us" over "them."

>How is that supposed to happen!?
Perinatal period. Unborn babies respond to their mother's voice and music. Infants pick out their home language. They don't understand these things--it's all implicit. We grow up holding onto these implicit impressions (I would think). It's why culture is so enduring. To change it would mean to change implicitly held notions of morality, belief, practice, etc.

>Of course, if you change the basis on which they judge people, say through controlling mass media…
Now we're talking. But it's not that easy. Who do you think controls mass media? People of the dominant culture.

>But that is because he is only the start of a merging of artistic information.
No he isn't. He doesn't generate or add to the discourse. There is no "merging"--no dialectic. Only a masking of his over Japan's. You know who does something similar that I respect? Takashi Murakami. He has something to say--that's culture. Choo weaves words, but says nothing. Like Mirai, it's sign without meaning. Superficial.

>> No.12102624

>I get the impression that Choo's main audience are nouveau-riche kids and young adults in other parts of Asia like Singapore and China.
I could feel that too, but it seems that online and offline he has a huge U.S./English following. Like English-speakers, at least, but rich Asians speak English too I guess...

At any rate, it's a niwaka-fest and frankly, I'm tired of it. I hate how that clown gets away with that shit.

Like how ignorant do you even have to be to think that otaku is something cool? But simply accepting and normalizing that thought turns otaku culture into yet another social game obsessed with superficiality. I got into otaku culture to escape that, you know? I feel like that fucker Choo is robbing me, but more than that the people who deserve to be heard--otaku.

>> No.12102628

>Cultural parasites such as Choo are fucking ubiquitous and unless they are degrading or arresting the host culture in some demonstrable way I don't necessarily see the issue.
You realize he's getting an anime soon, right? We don't need another shitty show trying to sell even shittier merchandise than usual to perpetuate more false notions of "otaku." And fuck his face.

>> No.12102912
File: 261 KB, 700x700, 194889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danny's hiding some of his more raunchy past, good thing there is a thing called waybackmachine, guehuehuehuehuehue...




Clicking around on his website right now, I again found his beloved creation: Mirai Suenaga
Oh yes, I knew about her, then it suddenly dawned to me "Mirai SUEnaga" => "Mirai SUE" => "MARY SUE"
Oh My...

>> No.12104847

>You realize he's getting an anime soon, right?
Will this be the apex of niwaka shenanigans?

>> No.12104905

Hasn't this project been in development hell for years though?

>> No.12105088

Everyone keeps mentioning his anime but it never happens. He is getting an airline though I think.

>> No.12107458
File: 72 KB, 533x585, merchantnose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only risk he took was earning enough money to get his current 3d wife. 5/10, almost made me rage.

>> No.12109537


>> No.12109544

You're on /jp/

>> No.12109551

and? It's now a crime to love asian milfs?

>> No.12109602

>メロンブックス大阪日本橋店へ入荷された艦これの同人誌、東方に比べておおよそ2倍 http://www.senakablog.com/archives/2014/05/2_203.html

The way without 2hu

>> No.12109610

It is dying, by 2020 otaku culture will be completely squashed out by the invasion of normals forcing their white-washed version of fake otaku culture during the olympics.

>> No.12109625

Well, news outlets keep making it seem like it's just around the corner. I really hope it doesn't come out. The fact that he's working with the Ministry of Culture, though...

>> No.12110180

They target life estimation of age 125 on 2040. At that time, male are more likely end up with their waifu instead of reproducing. Normalfag who survive will become scarce.

>> No.12110340

When nobody is a normalfag, everybody is.

>> No.12110423

get out newfriend. you are not wanted in here or 2ch

>> No.12110755
File: 137 KB, 386x229, noise grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imho, actually, there's more fragmentation on niches instead of a big trend(s)

>> No.12110907
File: 601 KB, 1800x1012, Otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this image speaks for itself on how the media view otaku

>> No.12111042
File: 28 KB, 460x276, if only I could have a stable job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

‘I find women attractive but I’ve learned to live without sex. Emotional entanglements are too complicated" Satoru Kishino, 31.

Photograph by Eric Rechsteiner Panos Pictures

>> No.12111061

Interesting discussion? In my /jp/?
I feel weird.

>> No.12111076
File: 256 KB, 854x936, 1327226481668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date modified : ‎22 ‎January ‎2012
Dammit, had I known depositfile delete everything if I don't login monthly, I wouldn't store everything 4chan-related there.

>> No.12111089
File: 302 KB, 1145x747, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like searching for cold soba tomorrow to symbolyze cold college year.

>> No.12111155


>> No.12111224

>not using mega.co.nz

>> No.12111249

I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for posting.

>> No.12111307

This thread is pure autism


How horrifying, I'm glad I can be a NEET but also have glorious young white male aesthetics and be an automatic 7/10

>> No.12111315

If you're not fat then you're in lower right category

>> No.12111386

Not all metal is "brutal", have you ever listened to Torche? There are definitely a lot of hipsters who are latching onto Babymetal, but they latch onto anything that deviates from the norm. In a few months all of those people will forget about Babymetal, but there will still be fans. Besides the fact that they are young, Babymetal isn't that different from a lot of other Japanese pop metal bands.

>> No.12111444 [DELETED] 


They look fucking inbred.

>> No.12111467

When every otaku becomes a beautiful futa, we will reach nirvana.

>> No.12111571

years of post atomic environment and hard radiation does that.

it makes people look hideous and turns them into otakus.

>> No.12111663


So what's our excuse?

>> No.12111673

>When every otaku becomes a beautiful futa, we will reach nirvana.

Fuck you /jp/, why do I even life?

I'm trying my hardest to become a fuckable trap but I just cut my hair this weekend and now I look like a bleach blonde vanilla douche bag. At least I'm losing a lot of weight and almost look acceptable enough to date.

>> No.12111711

Being pussies.

>> No.12112372
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 2ds gotta stay 2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12112424

>where is otaku culture heading?
Into your parents' basement.

>> No.12114347

Translate if you fucking weebs

>> No.12114404

Top left is totally Matsuko Delux

>> No.12114519

fuck you.jpg

>> No.12116598

>or rarely hardcore otaku who still possess the social skills needed to pass as normies when need be

I was always under the impression Kamiyan was like this for some reason

>> No.12116620

Probably because you need to believe it to fantasize about him not being disgusted by you.

>> No.12116662
File: 40 KB, 500x376, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom left looks like he's from Garage

>> No.12117628 [DELETED] 


>> No.12121688

Having rather long ago mostly lost interest in girls both 2D and 3D and lately decided it's best that I stop self-inserting myself into opposite-sex characters for my own psychological well-being, I don't feel there's much enjoyment to be gained from most /jp/-relevant media anymore.

Glancing at the catalog and the OP of this thread's picture just makes me feel cynical about the whole sector now (in the sense of knowing how dull it seems when you're no longer hooked by the the bishojo/moe aspects).

>> No.12121728

that must suck

>> No.12122853

>almost asked for source but realized i could read the top left logo

>> No.12122855

Might as well kill yourself at this point. I mean, no sex drive? Fuck that noise.

>> No.12122908

Whenever I see someone with such a clean and orderly collection of merchandise and figurines I get the powerful urge to coat it all in my hotglue.

>> No.12123064

time to get interested in higher dimensional characters

>> No.12123245

Otaku culture has been dead for years and was on steady decline for years beforehand. Consumer culture relating to anime/manga/games != Otaku culture

>> No.12123277

Subscribing to otaku "culture".

>> No.12123285

>forgetting the >

>> No.12123295

Isn't this the thing where they take after your face with a ball-peen hammer?

Or wait, never mind, this isn't one of those gorey games with the kids scratching their own necks open. This is some fandom or something.

>> No.12123322
File: 1.23 MB, 2816x1402, Otacool Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'True' otaku culture in its purest form only really existed from the late 70s-Early 90s, by 1995 things began to change...not necessarily for the worst but it was a very different type of 'otaku' emerging, obsessive in different ways. The apex of this was the early 2000s, then in 2004 things went downhill fast, otaku 'culture' became a parody of itself thanks to Akihabara being ruined by Shibuya commuters from the new private rail who saw money to be made from the Densha Otoko phenomena that everyone wanted a piece of.

This of course paved the way for big business and entertainment industries who also saw the potential for money and AKB48 began being marketed heavily, Yodobashi opened right across from the station in 2005 and the small stores were forced shut by the big chains and retail giants. At this point, Akiba lost its character and the type of 'otaku culture' that had emerged in the late 90s-early 2000s was starting to die.

Then when the massacre happened in 2008 and there was no more pedestrian paradise it was the nail in the coffin, Niwakamania hit hard and fast in 2008 thanks to the mid 2000s investors starting to turn over cash and push profit margins and otaku culture became all about buy buy buy, hence why anime is now quick to remind us every season that everyone can be otaku so long as they keep buying things or watch anime.

This is the worst thing about Danny Choo, it is bad enough that he tries to sell a culture but even worse that the vision of the culture he is trying to sell is actually the very thing that struck it dead, but he still insists dancing in Akiba dressed as a stormtrooper while promoting Good Smile, Animate, K-Books, Kotobukiya, Sony, VOLKS, etc.

It hasn't been the same since. I think the niwaka are beginning to drop off but the companies are desperately trying to scramble for cash-ins so they can milk the cow further. It needs to die so it can be reborn. Let it die and come back naturally.

>> No.12123364

This is very interesting, it is rather parallel to how video-games are. In which both hobbies now mostly belong to people who either see it as a method of obtaining quick profit, or people who see it as a hot new trend.

I agree, a death is the best course for them. They will of course return. But when profit and popularity are at a minimum, then the hobby will only be full of the people who are truly passionate.

By the way, I don't really know much about this 'Danny Choo' fellow. But he does sound like a cunt. Do you have any more sources/info-graphics about his endeavors? I would like to know more, but this thread and others still haven't taught me a great deal enough.

>> No.12123382

>But he does sound like a cunt.
Titled "How To Get Yourself Publicly Called a Cunt Online"

>> No.12123406


Abusing quotes.

>> No.12123423

It's because modern anime doesn't accomodate "classic" otaku anymore. People think otaku prefer shows with cute girls, but this is largely a myth created by things like densha otoko and taken up by childish wannabes. Remember otaku who loved things like Chobits and Fruits Basket were obsessed with the workings of persocoms and the zodiac curse respectively.

Otaku you speak of come from the era of cram-style education of the 1980s, when they were taught to cram and remember contextless facts in order to prepare them for exams. For this reason, otaku have always been information junkies seeking out the tiniest pieces of information no matter how irrelevant or contextless it may seem.

Personally I think most anime after the rise of Nico Nico and 2ch, things like Densha Otoko, etc or so only cater to the wannabe otaku who think being otaku is about collecting figures and posters and playing Nitro + eroge, that's why, for example, mecha shows concentrate more on the characters than they do the technical details of the mechs. I have a few old issues of Newtype from when I went to Japan in the early 90s, I'll try to find them. Compared to Newtype issues today, you can see a major change in target audience and content.

>> No.12123426

>I would like to know more, but this thread and others still haven't taught me a great deal enough.
Really? Seems like this thread has pretty much everything you need to know.

>> No.12123439

Who are you blacktexting?

>> No.12123471

Actually I took a look at his source code for his website.

Holy Javascript widgets! Thats one of the reasons why his website is slow as fuck.
Also the CSS's he has are a complete mess.
I feel sorry for whom ever is coding his site.

His so called CMS that he sells/licenses to other sites are slow as fuck too. AmiAmi for example.
Why would you run sites on Ruby on rails?

Also did anyone apply for any of his "job" he was offering last year? Bet no one was hired since he hasn't posted anything.

>> No.12123880
File: 1.84 MB, 185x135, 1338457713306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally I think most anime after the rise of Nico Nico and 2ch, things like Densha Otoko, etc or so only cater to the wannabe otaku who think being otaku is about collecting figures and posters and playing Nitro + eroge, that's why, for example, mecha shows concentrate more on the characters than they do the technical details of the mechs. I have a few old issues of Newtype from when I went to Japan in the early 90s, I'll try to find them. Compared to Newtype issues today, you can see a major change in target audience and content.

Why would you not want to watch Gundam or whatever for the cool pew pew mechas? People actually give a damn about the character or plot in that stuff? It was always filler for me since it was almost always highschool level creative writing bs. That's why I really dislike that Captain Earth show, I just dropped it after 5 eps. Even in less action packed mecha, the characters still have their actions and stuff revolve around the mechs and related activity (repair, strategy, other military stuff), the mecha ARE the main attraction after all. But watching that show makes me feel like it's some sci-fi romance with mecha stapled on at the last five minutes of every ep to try and trick people like me into watching it.

Am I alone or do any of you guys agree with me that there needs to be a better balance as well?

>> No.12123904


This is what I'm most afraid of, but also seems most likely.

>> No.12123920

Of course. It's got to do with the rise of the character goods industry. Everyone wants to be the next Neon Genesis Evangelion or next Macross. But they go way too far and the quality suffers.
> People actually give a damn about the character or plot in that stuff?
Compare the OP of older gundams to one made in the past few years.

>> No.12123933
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, 1365139207046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched and was attracted to Gunbuster (and Diebuster to a lesser extent) for the somewhat hard science fiction, time dilation shenanigans and the Buster Machine(s), but I ended up caring for and loving the protagonists, as well as how their interpersonal relationships blossomed more in the end and I think they focused on that more.
The balance should be there but it's easier to do simple cash-ins than to sit down and think hard about that balance nowadays, I guess.

>> No.12123946

Lots of tie ins with idol culture. More video games and physical media. Generally less content creation than before.

>> No.12123959

Niwaka are dying

>> No.12123966


So if less people are pretending to be otaku, but the merchandising is the same, where are the real otaku coming from?

>> No.12123988


>> No.12124205 [DELETED] 

I'm bored

Ask me about a year of otaku culture and I'll tell you about it

>> No.12124355


Yes, I think in general though it's possible to do a character driven anime without it being terrible. The problem is that the industry is being funded by niwaka or at least has been for the past 7 years. These people don't really know anything about anime, they only have expectations on what anime should be. You can see a lot of this mentality on /a/. The problem is that instead of making something where the characters interact in an original way, everyone is a cliche cookie-cutter copy of what we've seen before.

>> No.12124428


>> No.12124492 [DELETED] 

/a/ is ridiculously casual in their hobby.

>> No.12124502


>> No.12124639

Does your life revolve around pursuing females or characterizations thereof?

I dunno, it seems a bit lame to focus on hobbies revolving around such a fascination.

>> No.12124650

My life revolves around fictional characters and video games.

It's so lame that I already don't think about.

>> No.12124672
File: 164 KB, 640x480, 0ad2d963f3909dc3ef1900408726c1e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, discussion's branched out at some point into using made-up words and the like, >>12123322 et. al. for example.

Abandon ship. (And get the passengers to the life-rafts first before leaving this time.)

>> No.12124740 [DELETED] 

None of those words are "made up". If you don't know what people are talking about, don't contribute.

>> No.12124748

Oh we all have access to public archives of this board. I could look up the first instance of your favorite invented word if I felt like putting a tiny bit of effort into it. But have fun otaku-bashing, pretending to be retarded and actually being retarded, I can't stop you if that's honestly how you want to spend your time.

>> No.12124752 [DELETED] 

Ok anon, which one of those words do you think is made up?

>> No.12124752,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not gonna post it since I think it's sometimes ban-bait, but "niwaka."

>> No.12124768 [DELETED] 

Sankaku channel image and the poster is a crossie not familiar with the /jp/ vernacular. Who could have guessed!

>> No.12124779

Well gelbooru, but yeah.

>> No.12124801


You could try actually contributing something worthwhile too y'know. Instead of being a passive-aggressive wannabee otaku.

>> No.12124804 [DELETED] 

What's your home board? Because the word I think you're referring to as made-up was a somewhat popular meme for a while on /a/ and /v/ and very well known on /jp/ as it actually comes from Japanese netizens. And how old are you? Almost everything he said was more or less correct and it's all incredibly well documented, in fact, I'm sure you would know it if you were interested in /jp/ hobbies for more than 2 or 3 years.

>> No.12124820


>> No.12124820,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a wonderfully articulated well thought-out open forum by the geniuses behind colony drop (:

>> No.12124879



>> No.12124894 [DELETED] 

Look. If you don't know about, say, the effects something like Densha Otoko, or the big Yodobashi across the station, or the 2004 private rail opening had on Akiba and "otaku culture". Or what happened in the mid 90s that transformed Toranoana into a success instead of a failing shop, or how Pedestrian Paradise was stopped following the massacre and when it reopened it was an even more over-commercialized, bastardized version of itself. Or Japan's economic downturn that got worse in 2008-2009 giving us a lot of desperate big publishing companies and a marketing blitz trying to make a lot of quick cash. Then just get the fuck out of /jp/ or keep lurking because this is all basic fucking knowledge every /jp/sie knows. Hell, even faggots from /a/ should know most of that shit as it gets referenced in their anigays every so often.

Look, just read any of the Tamaki Saito's English translated work, or Hiroki Azuma's Database Animals.

>> No.12124897

I was just correcting your atrocious grammar.

>> No.12124904


he's just a crossie troll, don't be bothered about it considering your reply was the only serious and well-thought out explanation.

>> No.12124907

thanks for your valuable contribution to the thread i am truly in awe of your dedication to proper use of the english language

>> No.12124916

You're welcome.

>> No.12124919 [DELETED] 

Actually many regard the combination of the adverb "well" and the past participle "documented" as a compound modifier in the same way as "the red-brown dog". When adverbs that do not end in -ly are used as compound words in front of a noun, we hyphenate.

>> No.12124925 [DELETED] 

If the combination of words are used after the noun you do not hyphenate.

>> No.12124939

I am sorry for my ignorance, but come someone explain to me what "niwaka" is? All I am getting from searching for it is an article about a Japanese satellite.

>> No.12124942 [DELETED] 

But that wasn't even my post.

>> No.12124949 [DELETED] 


>> No.12124949,1 [INTERNAL] 

People like you.

>> No.12125404

Filthy casual stopping by, just took a gander and got sucked in. This is one of the most interesting things I've read on here in an age.

I don't know much about otaku culture, not gonna lie. I first got into anime when 3x3 eyes was broadcast in the UK on channel 4 sometime in the early to mid 90s, and It pretty much blew my mind. I was about 13 and even remember writing a letter to C4 begging them to show more anime. From this point onwards I found myself just kinda getting sucked in by Japanese stuff, albeit asymmetrically. I was never exactly obsessive, I just had a keen, casual interest. My interest level has pretty much remained consistent but admittedly always casual.

I know there's endless debate about 'fake nerdism' everywhere right now. From my perspective, thinking back to my 13 year old self, there were only negative associations with such terminology. No way in hell was I gonna let people at school know about my interests in anime or doing shit like using primitive means to record the intro to Ganbare Goemon off my TV, and then trying to learn the words. Hardly hardcore, but definitely uncool.

With this new kinda 'nerdcool' though, I feel like I can kinda crawl out from under the woodwork about stuff like this and discuss it, even revel in it and socialize with people with similar interests; that's what this whole information age has allowed me to do. Surely this new wave nerdism isn't mostly just comprised of band wagon jumping posers living the hipster dream? That seems kinda reductive and reduces people to one-dimensional stereotypes, rather than multifaceted beings. Sure we all know 'that one guy' but I don't think they're the driving force here.

>> No.12125406

For those discusing the niwaka phenomenon, how would you define 'genuine otaku'?

>> No.12125411

Downhill. The lack of normalfags and kids being into anime/manga/ln/etc due to the medium being increasingly less accessible means that in the next 10-20 years its likely the industry itself will shrink considerably.

>> No.12125460

>Everyone wants to be the next Neon Genesis Evangelion or next Macross.
Now that I think about it, it's not just Eva. But a lot of mecha anime in the 90s followed the pattern of doing shit relevant to the mecha but not directly about it and then busting out the mecha at the tail-end of an episode. Difference is, Eva, The Big O, G Gundam (the early half at least) and Macross still had a focus on the core of elements mecha, though.

Roger would do his investigating shit about whatever Big O would inevitably fuck up, Shinji and pals would talk about Angels or impacts or Eva compatibility, and so on. But the Captain Earth show I mentioned really doesn't do much dwelling into the mecha aspects outside of the actual battles near the end.

What do you expect from people who will only watch an anime that is currently airing and only watch those shows in order to facilitate discussion and grant an excuse for said discussion. Most of the rarely actually have interest in the shows. They just watch em to justify being on /a/ talking about shit.

>> No.12125484
File: 44 KB, 800x686, BmfUVYzCQAAdhWr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you expect from people who will only watch an anime that is currently airing and only watch those shows in order to facilitate discussion and grant an excuse for said discussion. Most of the rarely actually have interest in the shows. They just watch em to justify being on /a/ talking about shit.
I went to /a/ discuss Kill la Kill when it was airing, and while I had two blasts and half with that show (no bully pls), /a/ itself discussing other anime airing last season just felt lifeless to me. I cannot fathom how people can watch over three shows for season, unless they're all top-tier quality.

... But this is coming from a jaded fag who can't stand most modern moe-moe anime and tends to stick to retro[-style] over-the-top shit or 2deep4u anime like Kaiba. Ironic considering I read moe-moe VNs and play 2hu games as well, but /jp/ is my homeboard, it cannot be helped.

>> No.12125496

I like animu and manga. How do I otaku?

>> No.12125497

I can't stand it when people say they can't stand current anime. If all you do is spend time watching old anime because the new stuff sucks, you'd probably be better off with a different hobby.

>> No.12125501


I know right baka oldfarts. New anime have better graphic cards ^__^

>> No.12125505

I rarely watch anime anymore either way. Take it easy dude. That said, I'm definitely not one of those fags who thinks all old anime automatically equals "good". That's just a load of bullshit.

>> No.12125509

why would anyone waste their time watching a show they had no interest in? Obviously they're interested, there is just a social element to it, like people talking about GOT with their work colleagues etc (except with less people calling each other a faggot). it is entirely possible to be genuinely into something whilst enjoying the conversation that comes with it - ie how the majority of people consume media. most people don't want to be a head in a jar.

it just sounds like it's their seeming lack of hardcore that troubles you, why? this whole 'threatened by the notion of falsified fandom' thing is just a facsimile of that goddamn 'fake geek girls' crap.

>> No.12125513

What the hell are you even trying to say?

>> No.12125516

>why would anyone waste their time watching a show they had no interest in?
If you're really asking that, you don't know the first thing about normal people.

>> No.12125521
File: 164 KB, 760x500, 1383558257818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This season summer better than last which better than one before. Why you say?? because better graphic cards made every seconds so next season even better graphic cards for viewing pleasure hahaha you agreed no??

>> No.12125557

Based on all these posts it sounds like nothing has changed except for what normies are interested in, and it turns out that whatever normies are interested in become extremely normalized.
The people with original interests in the subject are completely unaffected. Nothing changes for them.

>> No.12125565 [DELETED] 

>The people with original interests in the subject are completely unaffected. Nothing changes for them.
.Are you blind?

>> No.12125566


are you true otaku? or are you part of this new wave of normies?

>> No.12125581 [DELETED] 

>The people with original interests in the subject are completely unaffected.
Is this some new sort of troll? Pretending to know nothing about an industry or subculture, even when stuff about it is listed within the very thread you're making the post in?

>> No.12125599

really curious about how you have chosen to define normal people.

maybe you just find it easier to make sure you always remain on the fringe, protecting your identity, without ever living up to the fact that it is entirely possible to enjoy something, where said enjoyment dosen't only exist as your self-defined definition of what a genuine expression of enjoyment actually is. In other words, you don't get lay claim to the authenticity of the activities of others.

it's as if you continue to pit yourself against others, it's always 'me' and 'normals', 'us and them'; you stop seeing people and start seeing cardboard cutouts and imaginary interlopers to your carefully constructed world of glossy loneliness.

>> No.12125601

Please type intelligently.

>> No.12125609


Don't tell him how to type on a Japanese board. Are you his WIFE?!@

Janny is back please don't block me from speaking my mind.

>> No.12125622

It's kind of ironic that /jp/-media mostly involves depictions of "normals".

Considering the efforts /jp/ers go to to express their different-ness you'd think they'd be really interesting people with unique lives, but nope. Just the shitty, stuck-up variety of socially awkward males.

>> No.12125632

I'm a normie otaku.

>> No.12125650

It's funny how people say moe is killing anime when there's probably only 2-3 a season at most.

>> No.12125654

I assume he means something akin to watching sports or listening to music, etc, for the social aspect rather than appreciating the actual entertainment itself.

>> No.12126130

Most people in the entertainment industry are universally distracted with social media and the constant influx of the web. Because most of them lack moderation to control their usage, their creativity, concentration, and imagination all decline. They are no longer able to fuction, perse, the same way like they did in 2000 when smartphones and web distractions weren't as accessible as they are right now. Because of the total influx of information overwhelms them, they are unable to cultivate newer ideas except recycle the same with lesser creative characters.

The web and social media, if not used with moderation, can really change the structure of your brain. Our brains weren't meant to process information like the computers or devices in front of us. For our brain to be able to "scan" and process information artifically, it has to reduce some of your brain fuctions while enlarging the visual-cortex part of your brain. While you are able to remember images more, your ability to concentrate for longer periods of time and to think creatively as well as empathize for others all decline. The use of the interwebz reduces our attention spans and makes it harder to think or juggle out all that noise or fear of being "left out" if used intenstively.

Read Nicholas Carr's book, "The Shallows." While it doesn't explain the effects our shallow minds and shortened attention spans does to society, it does make it clear that the chronic reliance on the web is dumbing us down. The ability to locate information rapidly isn't the same as memorizing it.

>> No.12126137

Are they sadists? I like a lot of anime but every time I've overcome with the urge to discuss it I step into /a/ for a few minutes and it goes away.

>you'd think they'd be really interesting people with unique lives
Maybe if you're retarded. There's nothing interesting about someone who sits around and consumes media all day.

>> No.12126152

Why do those threads always end up turning into "anime this, anime that". Like, who the fuck cares anymore? Anime has long been mostly a way to milk more cash from successful games and novels, of course when you concentrate on it, you're going to see commercialism and lack of creativity, but that's simply because the initial creativity goes on elsewhere.

>> No.12126176

>Maybe if you're retarded. There's nothing interesting about someone who sits around and consumes media all day.

Yeah, that was my point.

>> No.12126187

Because anime is currently the focal point of ``otaku culture''. There are video games and manga and other things too, but anime is at the center.

>> No.12126197

I'd call it a fecal point of otaku culture, personally. Like, if you imagine otaku industry as a digestive system, anime would be a large intestine.

>> No.12126209 [DELETED] 

Light Novels -

1980s - Dirty Pair, Vampire Hunter D, Lodoss War, Wind Continent
1989 - Fortune Quest, Captain Tylor
1990-94 - Slayers, Orphen, Saber Marionette
1995-99 - Full Metal Panic, Magical Soldier Louie, Marimite, Kara no Kyoukai, Scrapped Princess
00/01 - Kino's Journey, Read or Die, Trinity Blood, Maburaho
02/03 - Shana, NHK, Haruhi, Zero no Tsukaima, Inukami, Baccano, GOSICK
04/05 - Index, Durarara, Monogatari
2006 - Spice and Wolf, Toradora, Library Wars, Book Girl, Kampfer
2007 - Baka to Test, C3
2008 - Oreimo, Mayoi Neko Overrun, DxD, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, Campione
2009 - SAO, Haganai, Accel World, Kore wa Zombie, Denpa Onna, Infinite Stratos
2010 - Kokoro Connect, Sunday without God, Hentai Ouji
2011 - Biblio Kodosho, Hataraku Maou, Oregairu, Date a Live

>> No.12126219

Light Novels (date of first publication) -

1980s - Dirty Pair, Vampire Hunter D, Lodoss War, Wind Continent, Fortune Quest, Captain Tylor
1990-94 - Slayers, Orphen, Saber Marionette
1995-99 - Full Metal Panic, Magical Soldier Louie, Crest of the Stars, Marimite, Kara no Kyoukai, Scrapped Princess, Boogie Pop
00/01 - Kino's Journey, Read or Die, Trinity Blood, Maburaho
02/03 - Shana, NHK, Haruhi, Inukami, Baccano, GOSICK, Zero no Tsukaima, Dokuro-chan
04/05 - Index, Nogizaka, Durarara, Bakemonogatari, Rental Magica, Asura Cryin'
2006 - Spice and Wolf, Toradora, Library Wars, Book Girl, Kampfer
2007 - Baka to Test, C3, Heaven's Memo Pad
2008 - Oreimo, Mayoi Neko Overrun, DxD, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, Campione
2009 - SAO, Haganai, Accel World, Kore wa Zombie, Denpa Onna, Infinite Stratos, Ro-Kyu-Bu, Papa to Iu,
2010 - Kokoro Connect, Sunday without God, Hentai Ouji, Pet Girl,
2011 - Biblio Kodosho, Hataraku Maou, Oregairu, Date a Live

>> No.12126236

Original Anime (brief selection) -

1974 - Space Battleship Yamato
1979 - Doraemon, Mobile Suit Gundam, Galaxy Express
1982 - Macross
1984 - Nausicca
1986 - Laputa
1988 - Gunbuster
1995 - Evangelion
1996 - Nadesico
1997 - Princess Mononoke
1998 - Lain
2002 - Gundam SEED
2004 - Precure
2005 - Aquarion
2006 - Geass
2007 - TTGL
2011 - Madoka

>> No.12126240

get out of jp

>> No.12127277
File: 59 KB, 500x280, 1397358706197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step into /a/ for a few minutes and it goes away.
Same here. It's like taking a trip back to highschool except somehow everyone is even more annoying and stupid.

How do you feel about Anarcho-Primitivism? A friend of mine was telling me about Una-bomber's manifesto and how he believed that technology was a detriment to mankind. I don't believe it is inherently bad, but like all things that can improve our lives it has an equal capability to harm them as well.

I wonder what he'd think if he could see today's Smart Phones, IPads and army drones. He was flipping shit over computers and telephones, can you even imagine what he'd think about today's technology? The negatives we have today and the capability to negatively impact others is far greater than it ever was.

Do you think there are any ways that could curb these mental damages via social networking? I considered the idea of having limits on internet access for citizens, but I think that is a bit invasive. I think completely resetting the web might not be so bad either, if done properly. I think we could certainly do without rubbish like Google and Facebook, they've become too bloated monopolies and are in bed with the fascists who want to limit citizen rights and control/restrict information. Maybe the real problem are the greedy and corrupt people who want to misuse these wonderful inventions? At least, I think so,

>> No.12128462

While I do legitimately enjoy currently airing shows and have learned to drop, I find /a/ useful pretty much only for the buyfag thread, anime news, and pictures/webms.

>> No.12128469

As one who supports VHEMT, I say let them die. It'll be doing the earth a favor.

>> No.12128493 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 960x720, tumblr_gj3i4opj80odig7jdf87urafaget4agj94klsdv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these thread always end up like this? Should I make another thread for that or is that too meta?

>> No.12128508

At least we'll always have the glorious bastion of eroge. It's too pathetic for normal people and so it will forever remain ours alone.

>> No.12128524

That image is fucking awful.

>> No.12128528

Strike hit home?

>> No.12128532

>liking Naruto
>going to tumblr
>caring about the opinion about tumblrshitters

Who am I quoting?

>> No.12128538

I wouldn't be so optimistic. Urge to fap is much more universal than moe, after all.

>> No.12128623
File: 73 KB, 480x480, Difference between otaku and weeaboo (real).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000 hours in GIMP

>> No.12130597

Isn't the right side both “otaku” and “weeaboo”? The left side is just normie “anime fan”.

>> No.12130751 [DELETED] 

dat Mahoyo shirt though

>> No.12131241


>> No.12131814

What is the point of this?

>> No.12131848

Why is /jp/ so autistic?

>> No.12132140

Because they have otaku spirits, but not the otaku bodies to withstand the power.

>> No.12132854


>> No.12133171

I know a Pakistani guy who has watched maybe three anime series and is a total bro, and yet he only browses 4chan because of /hgg/. Things are changing bruh.

>> No.12133203

Of all the muslims, it's always the Pakistanis that fall victim to shonen and SoL moe moe. They either go full bro or full nerd when they assimilate into western culture.

>> No.12133253

>Of all the muslims, it's always the Pakistanis that fall victim to shonen and SoL moe moe

not Indonesian?

>> No.12133273

Shit, I'm partially Indonesian. I guess I never had a chance.

>> No.12133278

This man is a boss.

>> No.12133284

What does he oversee?

>> No.12133340

Panties. Specifically, them dropping.

>> No.12133417

>People think otaku prefer shows with cute girls
BIshoujo has always been a very prominent theme in otaku media ever since its inception. The problem is that the moe trend has eclipsed pretty much every other theme and genre out there. SF has been long dead. Further, shows are now all about cross-promotion and advertising. Pretty sure that's thanks to Eva.

It's not like anime is awful now (there's always good shows and bad shows). It's just geared toward a different generation. Where it used to be SF, mecha, military shit in the past, today it's all self-referential (i.e. otaku culture talking about itself). Nyaruko is a good example of the new moe-adaptation type work that is just as "otaku" as older works in spirit, perhaps even more so because there's so much history in the subculture now.

>> No.12133446

>... But this is coming from a jaded fag who can't stand most modern moe-moe anime and tends to stick to retro[-style] over-the-top shit or 2deep4u anime like Kaiba. Ironic considering I read moe-moe VNs and play 2hu games as well, but /jp/ is my homeboard, it cannot be helped.
You're nothing but a spinoff of the basic /a/ fuckboy: The pretentious contrarian who tries way too hard. No one gives a shit about what you like (or don't like) and you haven't substantiated your opinions with anything--the essential problem with all "discussion" on /a/, ever.

Great memes, by the way.

>> No.12134169 [DELETED] 

Hey I forgot about this

Anyway in 1997 business was booming in Akiba, remember my friend told me it was the first time he could walk into a store and buy a figure instead of order it through a magazine etc. He's dead now, but at least I have his Misato figure to remember him by.

>> No.12134177 [DELETED] 

You should finish reading the rest of the post

>> No.12134256

What happens when an otaku dies?

>> No.12134342

Ken-sama comes to pick him up and take him to otaku heaven, where he's granted 77 virgins.

>> No.12135013


He's talking about anime catering only to "wannabe otaku." I'm saying we're looking at different generations of a fundamentally similar phenomenon. Modern otaku media is just as removed from context as older media, perhaps even more so with moe extending the chara phenomenon of the 80s. Modern otaku media and culture is as hyperreal as it gets.

Yeah niwaka are a thing but that's only cause otaku culture is easier to get into now (or at least to pretend to be into). To say the new environment only caters to them is being much too hasty. We shouldn't forget the one essential component of the otaku: obsession. We still got that. Real recognize real.

>> No.12135035 [DELETED] 

Trill nigga, trill

>> No.12135594


>> No.12135595
File: 8 KB, 251x215, Aoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12136083

b/a/by don't hurt me

>> No.12136092

I only care if they are 17 year old and below.

>> No.12136249

They are, but they're all guys.

>> No.12136253

If the older ones are traps I'm ok with it.

>> No.12137229

What are you even talking about?

>> No.12137644

Something that don't happen to normalfags.

>> No.12137982

The western fans used to have more creative interests (drawing, cosplay, learning Japanese) and buy printed manga. They forged real bonds in real life with other fans. Now they just buy merchandise and get the raws for free from the internet and gossip on twitter or /a/

>> No.12139026

I guess it really is the internet's fault. I guess that the Patriots might have been.

>> No.12139036

I prefer it the way it is now then, seriously why would I want to meet any of you in real life?

>> No.12139046

Not like people you actually meet irl are any better, so i'd probably choose /the jay/ (if any).

>> No.12139253 [DELETED] 

Janjan went crazy itt.

>> No.12140509

I heard from some old-timers that, way back when, the primary way to see new stuff was attending monthly gatherings. Bootleg VHS recordings would be shown and swapped.

>> No.12140742

Yep. I didn't get into the game until torrents came around, but my cousins used to have some vhs tapes. I actually found a couple old fansubbed Eva tapes at a local goodwill.

I wish I could be part of that. It's a physical community kind of aspect that's missing from the net mediated fandom of today. It's like, to be a fan back then actually meant something.

>> No.12140959


At what point did it change?

>> No.12141034 [DELETED] 

No, you really don't want that

>> No.12141109

Your "physical community" means you need to either circlejerk or pay the for-profit pirates. Likely both.

Thank god for the internet.

>> No.12141221

Pretty sure I do. At the very least it would dissuade these damn newjacks from trying to get into this shit and shitting everything up. It's too easy to "get into" otaku culture now. Insulated communities tend to be better from my experience (e.g. /jp/).

Sure, a lot of it is probably romanticism talking, but I'm attracted to that physicality. I fetishize the otaku no video depictions of fandom. Shit, I might even actually learn Japanese out of necessity.

>> No.12141326 [DELETED] 

No, you don't. Typical way of subbing an episode
- Get a copy mailed from a "friend"
- Do the Japanese club kids a favor to get them to translate it
- Do the av club kids a favor to get them to actually sub it
- Send it back to my "friend"
- It would then take a while to reprint and after a week or two, if your name was on the mailing list you would get a copy for personal use

>> No.12142169

I'm sorry, but how are your points an argument that supports the sentence ``No, you don't.''?

>> No.12143215
File: 49 KB, 189x212, 12345678762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounded like a bully

>> No.12143225

What are YOU even talking about?

>> No.12143253

When I got into anime around 1994/95, I used to get VHS bootlegs through the mail, or 4th/5th generation copies from friends of friends of friends of some guy who went to Japan and recorded something on TV. I feel like most /jp/ers also were into anime at that time, although I guess maybe I'm older than average for this board now.

Those days are nostalgic to think back on, but honestly the internet has made it much easier to acquire and enjoy content, and to talk with others who have the same interests. I think people who say "it was better back then" are probably either just wearing nostalgia goggles, weren't actually into the fandom back then, or are simply stricken by the desire to be into something "underground."

>> No.12143295

What makes a nerd?
Is it their interests (and associate level of interest) or is it their mannerisms?

>> No.12143301

Both. It's quite possible that their niche interests and deep involvement are due to being unable to interact with others. They're typically "weird."

>> No.12143311

I think it's the dedication (obsession) to that which they are ``nerds'' of. Not performing their hobby for social acceptance, but because they truly enjoy it.

Of course, this definition can fall apart pretty easily.

>> No.12145572
File: 897 KB, 1619x1725, 1400181926251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the viewpoint of an autistic extreme purist
I guess I am the closet Otaku
You couldn't tell from my outside appearance that I am one.
I enjoy everything Otaku (in the privacy of my house) from animu to different Japanese foods. I refuse to acknowledge anything about me that might associate me with the Otaku culture because I want my experience with it to be pure; just me and the content. This is especially true about anime and other forms of Japanese media. I want my experience from something I watch or read to be completely for me. If I even see it in real life (cosplay etc) it immediately spoils it to some degree for me.

>> No.12145806

Enjoying Japanese food isn't otaku, it's weeaboo. Sure, you could be a Japanese food otaku, but I doubt that's the case.

>> No.12145850

I know, I was just trying to show that I go the full mile with having the characteristics of weeb and otaku

>> No.12145921

Guise, let it die. I posted here on three different weeks already.

>> No.12145923

Probably their knowledge. Nerds with social manner are rarely become otaku( obsessed).

>> No.12146178

>If I even see it in real life (cosplay etc) it immediately spoils it to some degree for me.
Ah, me too. Really, anytime I see people /trying/ to be "otaku," it bothers me. Shitty, especially needlessly slutified, cosplay makes me furious.

>> No.12147088
File: 65 KB, 400x600, 1397524242384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that you could go as far as saying that anyone that is a self proclaimed Otaku has no clue what they are talking about and just want to pose the part.
I don't want to sound really closed minded and autistic but I've seen so many cases where claims of being this 'Otaku' subculture has turned out to be /v/ 2.0 that has cosplayed once. It kills me inside

>> No.12147328

>I guess that you could go as far as saying that anyone that is a self proclaimed Otaku has no clue what they are talking about and just want to pose the part.
Wow, you don't know how many times I've said that. Anyone outside of Japan has no reason to claim that word. Hell most people in Japan have no business with it. It operates as a slur. Unless you've been through some shit, it's rather offensive to use it, imo.

I just saw some article about an AKB48 stabbing. THAT is otaku. I really can't stand that /v/2.0 otacool nonsense that prioritizes social masturbation above content.

>> No.12148743

I think to be an otaku you have to almost lack any shame. I do everything I can to make sure no one knows how much I enjoy Japanese media and visual culture stuff. I hope one day to spend weeks alone in an apartment, unlimited food and cigarettes while I play VNs, read manga, watch anime, and obsess over too many shitty phone games. Maybe pull on a cute maid dress that fits me nice and clean the place because I'm one to be picky about that. But really, give or take growing some plants with all that and I wouldn't even feel remotely lonely. I would be content knowing no one would bother me. I must admit, I wish doujin was a thing in the US like it is in Japan, at least to a point. Not for the aspect of making porn together to make mad profits on, but to have a little published something you and your friends worked hard on because you had a love for the associated franchise. I guess being a part of something like that would make being called otaku okay with me.

>> No.12148744

None of this reads very well, I'm sorry. It's gotten late here and I've been taking pain medicine all day. I think I'll just go to bed.

>> No.12148747


It makes sense, it's cool. Pretty much the dream. I actually did something like that for several months and it was great.

>> No.12148753

I'm sure there's plenty of people on the internet who'd be glad to make a porn with you.

>> No.12151666


>> No.12151804


Is this niwaka?

>> No.12152119 [DELETED] 

That made me feel sick.

>> No.12152172

Already private.

>> No.12152591

shit, i missed it
someone upload it to mega or something

>> No.12152857 [DELETED] 
File: 384 KB, 476x270, 43bd8de9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I remember.

A man in a hat shows off his otaku room. All of the merchandise is from Eva or popular shows from 1-3 years ago. Like pic related. Room is plastered with those really cheap posters.
A bit later we go to a female "loli otaku"'s room. Same deal, except with some cheap precure figs.
Last room was a female "sewing otaku", she had merch from stuff as old as 7 years(moe-tan) and various knickknacks. I think she looked like she was in her 30s, and she actually sewed some pretty cool stuff.

Rest was walking around and some conversation I didn't pay much attention to.

>> No.12152957 [DELETED] 

Last person sounds like a TRUtaku to me.

>> No.12152957,1 [INTERNAL] 

dip shits
